Handout4 Personality PDF
Handout4 Personality PDF
Handout4 Personality PDF
psychological individuals.
identified in the family; rebels if they are not getting equal treatment
with that of the first born; very expressive and creative.
Middle Child Independent but good-natured; does not seek the
spotlight; feels forgotten but can deal with it; middle-child
syndrome develops; very good social skills.
Last Born Spoiled; never dethroned; what they want, they get;
irresponsible; rule breakers; very charming and adventurous.
Physiological Needs
These are biological needs. They consist of needs for
oxygen, food, water, and a relatively constant body
temperature. They are the strongest needs because if a
person were deprived of all needs, the physiological ones
would come first in the person's search for satisfaction.
Safety Needs
These are security needs. Adults have little awareness of
their security needs except in times of emergency or periods
of disorganization in the social structure (such as widespread
1. Extreme Personalism
a. Filipinos have a personalitic world view. It means that
there is no separation between and objective task
and emotional involvement. As such, they are
incapable of dealing with impersonal activities, such
as rules and regulations and standard operating
b. Kamag-anak, friends, compadre, and other
connections are given more emphasis on the delivery
of the work or service.
c. Nepotism, lagayan, cronyism, graft and corruption
2. Extreme Family Centeredness
a. We are excessively loyal to our families, forming
political dynasties or family factions, all against the
concern of the greater community.
3. Passivity and Lack of Initiative
a. We wait to be told what has to be done. We show
great reliance on the government or other leaders to
do things for us.
4. Colonial Mentality
a. Lack of patriotism or support and love of the
b. Actual preference for things that are foreign
5. Kanya-kanya syndrome
a. Selfishness and other self-serving attitudes
generating envy and jealousy over those who have
and do more
b. Crab mentality: pulls one man down via tsismis,
intrigue, and destructive criticism.