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This question is very simple and very difficult at the same time.
To find an answer for this question its necessary to answer for subquestions.
1. What is a purpose of choice CAD System?
Computer technologies slowly but surely conquer more and more fields of human
activities. Ten years ago it was difficult to imagine how it would be working, Nowadays its
more difficult to imagine how we could work with computers.
In the field of projecting and manufacturing clothes its common knowledge that
entertainment couldnt be competitive without computer technologies. The suppliers of CAD
System become more active too.
There are two kinds of CAD System suppliers:
1) Developers of CAD Systems;
2) Distributors of foreign CAD Systems.
Before domestic software engineers couldnt compete with foreign developers of
software because they had more modern equipment, computers, plotters, digitizers, cutting
devices etc. Today its no problem to buy good equipment and Domestic software engineers
take up high position in the world. Domestic software engineers develop program and
alternate technologies taking into account features of native manufacture.
The distributors of foreign CAD Systems focus their activity in advertisement and sale of
programs. Very often the advertisement makes a good imagine of CAD System that very
different from facts.
The direction of garment fabrics that going to buy CAD System have some problems to
examine real advantages and weakness of different CAD Systems.
The direction of garment fabrics that going to buy CAD System have some problems to
examine real advantages and weakness of different CAD Systems.
The right choice of CAD Systems its expensive action that has a big influence on the
future f entertainment.
Another CAD System doesnt solve any task and would form new problems. It would be
spent a lot of time and MONEY .
2. Who must choose CAD System?
Sometimes CAD System is chosen by direction.
Sometimes CAD System is chosen by specialist that would be use it.
Sometimes CAD System is chosen by programmer, system administrator.
All of these cases have very largely subjectivism and voluntarism. To make an objective
right choice all these categories have to take part in selection of CAD System and estimate
effectiveness from its part.
Programmers examine interface, reliability of saving data, data administration, and
system restoring, service help for users.
Specialists examine effectiveness, usability and opportunity of system.
Direction make total estimation of using CAD System, check completeness of
automation automation of all necessary stages from projecting to management of

business processes: Pattern design, Technology of production, Planning of manufacture,

Markers layout, Storing calculation, Management of business processes, Monitoring of
production dynamic and others.
3. How to choose CAD System?
To make a right choice its need to form in details procedure of testing CAD System at
Your fabric. Its necessary to enumerate all processes that must automated, define a rate of
their importance and measure of efficiency. Must be automated both stage of pattern design
and stage of making markers. A bad program of making markers can decrease effectiveness
of projecting clothes. Also must be checked all stages of manufacture.
Testing CAD System must be with participation of specialists of CAD System.
Direction order model to make experiment. Specialist of fabric with help of specialist of
CAD System create pattern of model in base size, make patterns of model in all necessary
sizes and heights, and on individual figure, form technological sequence of production and
the labour-division scheme, layout markers, test automation processes of planning, storing,
management, monitoring of business processes. The estimation must be of done separately
for every stage and for completely automation.
The results of experiment must be estimated jointly by direction and specialists. The
question for thought: Are the interest of direction and interest of specialist coincide?
The most common answers from never to some times.
After organizing experiment of CAD System its not out of place to organize experiment
of another CAD System and compare results. The time that was spent at the testing
different CAD Systems in case of right choice would be generously repaid!
4. What tasks is CAD System must solve?
CAD System must completely automate next tasks:
a) Pattern design

Provide quality of models pieces in all sizes and heights

Reconstruction model for individual body dimensions to execute individual and
corporative orders

Provide quick alternation of models

Alternate model with changing fit addition, shrinkage factor and design idea.

b) Provide production quantity this task is solving with Subsystem of Markers

c) Storing calculation - operative account of primary materials, accessories, finished
goods and executed works
d) Planning

Planning collection, assortment

Order the plan of manufacturing

Define a degree of a models readiness to launching in manufacture

Calculate manufacturing costs, the prime cost and a sale price, need of materials for
executing the order
e) Operation of Business

Operative and exact information about the dynamics of manufacture and realization
of any product for any period

Gerber Technology to Demonstrate CAD and Cut Room Integration at

Texprocess/Techtextil 2014
Wednesday, April 30, 2014/Categories: Apparel/Fashion, Automated Cutting, Automated Spreading, CAD,PLM

TOLLAND, Conn., USA Occupying the largest booth at Texprocess/Techtextil 2014, Gerber

Technology will demonstrate its ability to track work in process from order entry through the
cutting room to help customers minimize human error and uphold brand quality. Integration
occurs between the companys AccuMark 9.0pattern design and marking
software, GERBERspeader XLs and Paragon cutting system.
Steve Park, vice president and general manager of Gerbers sewn goods business unit said,
Through its participation in Texprocess/Techtextil 2014, Gerber is proud to support the sewn
products and technical textiles sectors in its home market. We constantly strive to OFFER our
customers automation solutions that accelerate throughput, uphold product quality and
maximize profitability and our newly integrated suite of software and hardware products
accomplishes this in a meaningful way.
Gerbers integrated products communicate cut plan details via a standard barcode. Users
create and edit cut plans in AccuMark 9.0. Details of the cut plan, including number of plies,
spread length and mode, are passed to the spreader. After spreading, the plan is updated with
actual number of plies spread. This information then travels to the Paragon cutter where the
operator scans a barcode to retrieve the proper cut file.
After cutting the job, the Paragon system generates a report that details the number of parts cut
and number of units cut, data the company refers to as metrics that matter. With this
information, managers are able to compare the details of the job cut with the original cut plan
and track work in progress more accurately. Gerbers cutting systems are also equipped
with GERBERconnect remote diagnostics that enables Gerber Service professionals to
proactively detect and correct system faults, troubleshoot remotely, install software
enhancements and OFFER assistance with system operation. It also enables Gerber
consultants to help customers maximize throughput by analyzing key metrics and identifying
improvement opportunities.

Gerber Technology Introduces AccuNest Multi-Core Automated Nesting

Delivers up to 2 percent better material utilization than standard automated nesting systems
Tuesday, April 15, 2014/Categories: Apparel/Fashion, CAD, Software

TOLLAND, Conn., USA Gerber Technology announces the release of AccuNest Multi-Core (MC)
software for automated marker making. AccuNest MC software employs multiple computer processors to

automatically nest markers that deliver up to 2 percent better material utilization than single-core nesting
systems. It enables more accurate costing, maximizes material utilization and reduces labor costs.

Mary McFadden, director of CAD Product

Management, said, In a field study using more than 60 markers, AccuNest MC software shortened
markers an average of one inch (2.5 cm.) and improved utilization as much as 2 percent over single core
automated nesting solutions. AccuNest MC software also outperformed competitive multi-core nesting
solutions by 1 percent, on average. These types of material savings can translate into tens or even
hundreds of thousands of dollars over the course of a year savings that are easy to realize through a

in software.

AccuNest MC software employs powerful algorithms to analyze multiple nesting solutions and
consistently deliver the marker with the highest material utilization without human intervention. For
example, a user with an eight-core computer can explore eight times the number of nesting strategies as
someone using a single core processor. The software makes markers 24 hours a day even working
unattended overnight, to respond to peak demands without added labor costs.
AccuNest continues to deliver the most efficient markers in the industry, McFadden added. The
software OFFERS

an advantage to businesses of all sizes that are eager to cost markers more

accurately and nest production markers more efficiently.

AccuNest MC may be added to an existing AccuMark software seat or operated as a standalone system
connected to an AccuMark network. The software is compatible with AccuMark 9.0 and higher.

Pattern Design Software

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The complete Pattern Making, Grading & Marker Making Solution

TUKAcad is innovative apparel pattern making software that is perfect for manufactures,
freelancers and designers of any size. Operating under Microsoft Windows, TUKAcad

accurately builds patterns, grade rules and markers for single styles or entire lines. It is the
advanced pattern making, grading and marker making system that will streamline your
production process and reduce operating expenses. Built-in Audio/Video help and loads
of TUKAtips are just some of the advantages of this award winning pattern design software.

Features of TUKAcad's pattern design and marker making software

-Use powerful CAD tools to draft patterns from scratch, or modify existing blocks preloaded
in TUKAcad
-Engineer pattern pieces according to fabric prints, stripes or plaids. Fabric print can be
transferred to Marker Making for perfect matching. TUKAcad even ACCOMMODATES THE
flaws in warp control.
-Build block libraries with MASTER GRADING. Changes made to base pattern are
automatically reflected in entire size range eliminating need to recalculate grade rules.
-In Marker Making, users get a temporary working area to visualize and place pieces more

Why Choose TUKAcad

TUKAcad is the fashion industry's most advanced CAD pattern making software system.
Developed by programmers with experience in the garment industry, TUKAcad is the
worldwide standard in CAD pattern making systems. Tukatech OFFERS extensive training
and unparalleled customer support to ensure that each customer fully utilizes all of
TUKAcad's many time-saving features.

Modaris by lectra
Paris, June 12, 2008 Lectra, the world leader in integrated technology solutions dedicated to the
fashion industry, is pleased to announce that the new version of Modaris 3D Fit, the highest performance
virtual 3D prototyping solution on theMARKET , is now available.
Modaris 3D Fit enables pattern-makers, designers, developers, and sales and MARKETING teams to
simulate and visualize their models in 3D on a virtual mannequin, including the colors, motifs, and fabrics
(taking into account their mechanical behavior) originally created in 2D. With Modaris 3D Fit, the look and
fit of a garment can be verified, and its style and that of entire collections can be validated.
3D virtual prototyping: accelerating product development cycles and reducing costs
As in the automotive and aeronautical industries and other sectors where virtual 3D prototyping has
already proved its worth and become a key element of product development, this technology is
now OFFERING numerous advantages for professionals in the fashion industry as well.

Virtual 3D prototyping ensures the quality of a garment and its look and fit in all graded sizes, reduces the
number of physical prototypes necessary to finalize a model, and makes communication more fluid
among the actors in product development. It thus accelerates the collection development cycle and
enables users to overcome the Fast Fashion-specific challenges of an ever-increasing number of
collections and product variants. Finally, 3D virtual prototyping helps reduce development costs and, as
such, is a real competitive advantage for apparel professionals. Modaris 3D Fit stands out as the most
advanced solution for the universe of fashion.
Compared to the traditional method, Modaris 3D Fit lets us finalize models more quickly, with improved
accuracy in the proportions and fit. Modaris 3D Fit lets us meet specific customer needs more efficiently.
We can guarantee optimal quality and respect their morphological characteristics by using parametric
mannequins which we adapt according to their needs. With Modaris 3D Fit we can OFFER our services
to more companies, handle a wider variety of products, and communicate faster, said Massimo
Trambaioli, Managing Director at Pronto Model, a service bureau working for major Italian brands.
Nowadays, product development costs and delivery times are key elements for all professionals in the
apparel industry. With Modaris 3D Fit, virtual 3D prototyping can yield incommensurable reductions
between 30 and 50% on average, depending on the modelsin product development cycle times,
generating significant cost reductions for our customers, emphasized Daniel Harari, CEO Lectra. In
addition, by optimizing communication and cooperation among all actors in the product development
process, Modaris 3D Fit is also an effective aid to decision-making.
The new version of Modaris 3D Fit: perfectly adapted to the new realities of the apparel MARKET
In the context of a constantly changing global apparel MARKET , the plus size sector is experiencing a
period of growth. In France, one in two women is a size 44 or more. In Spain, 60% of the adult population
buys clothes over size 44. In the USA, recent studies predict a 15% increase in the plus size sector over
the next five years.
Taking account of the realities of the MARKET , Lectra has thus enhanced Modaris 3D Fit by adding two
new parametric mannequins to its previous eight. These new mannequinsa plus size male for
simulating garments sized 58 to 66, and a female for sizes 44 to 52have been designed correspond to
the new market segments.
In addition, Lectra has reinforced Modaris 3D Fits capacities for checking look and fit by adding new
postures for all its parametric mannequins. Modaris 3D Fit V5R2 also features an enriched library of
materialsthe most complete such library on the marketnow with twenty new supplementary materials
bringing the total number to 140. This now make 3D simulation possible for certain knits as well as
technical and/or professional clothing.
Modaris 3D Fit: the choice of todays fashion schools for tomorrows pattern-makers
Aware of the pedagogical interest and potential represented by the mastery of virtual 3D prototyping,
numerous fashion schools around the world have already incorporated Modaris 3D Fit into their patternmaking curricula.
One of the main advantages of Modaris 3D Fit is its capacity to accelerate a companys product
development processes. It is also used as support and as a learning aid for each of our
students, explained Mirko Cecchini, professor at the University of Urbino in Italy.
Modaris 3D Fit: Compatible with Windows Vista
As with all new Lectra solutions, Modaris 3D Fit V5R2 is compatible with Microsofts Windows Vista
operating system.
In line with Lectras strategy of accompanying its customers, Modaris 3D Fit is supported by a range of
high value-added professional services delivered by Lectras TRADE and solutions experts

roduct : Lectra - Modaris - Pattern Design

About the Product :

Modaris, the worldwide leader in pattern design solution, has been developed to perfectly
correspond to productivity requirements and users type of activities and level of expertise.

Product Description :

Modaris' job-dedicated environment uses traditional pattern design tools to make pattern
generation faster: creation from scratch or from existing patterns, grading reproducing
traditional or advanced methods, checking using state-of-the-art techniques;
industrialization and pre-production tasks performed early in the development process for
consequent time saving. In addition, Modaris can calculate fitting and grading and helps to
considerably reduce successive back and forth checking and adjustments. With Modaris,
internal and external communication is simple and easy thanks to its wide conversion
possibilities. Associating 2D patterns (generated by Modaris), fabric information and 3D
virtual models, Modaris 3D Fit which constitutes a major CAD breakthrough enables
simulation and validation of styles, fabrics, motifs and color ranges; it allows pattern
designers to check garment fit in various fabrics and sizes; virtual review of prototypes
between brands and subcontractors, and the presentation and validation of collection
Modules & Options
Modaris Mode V5R2 - Pattern Design
Modaris Mode V5R2 provides all fundamental functionalities for pattern making and
grading in just a few clicks: With Modaris Mode V5R2, pattern designers have access to
wide digitizing, modifying, and checking, industrializing and grading functionalities for full
pattern development capabilities, including Easy Grading, Lectras new patented
automated grading application.
Modaris ModePro V5R2 - Pattern Design
Modaris ModePro V5R2 brings the freedom to create! As such, it is of particular interests for
apparel professionals specialized in pattern creation and permits advanced creation,
control and modification. It includes all Modaris Mode V5R2 functionalities for digitizing,
modifying, checking, industrializing and grading, including Easy Grading, Lectras new
patented automated grading application.
Modaris ExpertPro V5R1 - Pattern Design
Modaris ExpertPro V5R1 boosts productivity with its unique and efficient pattern creation
approach, the All-Size Pattern Design Concept. It allows patternmakers to work with flat
patterns presenting dependencies, a unique and powerful association of functions that
ensures full consistency of pattern pieces of a style and its variations at any moment in the

development process. With Modaris ExpertPro V5R1, tedious checking tasks are avoided,
perfect product quality is ensured and pattern designers can dedicate more time to

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