Common Side Effects of Chemotherapy
Common Side Effects of Chemotherapy
Common Side Effects of Chemotherapy
Hair loss occurs when hair follicles are damaged by chemotherapy. Hair loss can
include scalp hair, eyelashes, eyebrows, axillary and pubic hair. The loss may be
gradual, or it may happen all at once. Hair loss from chemotherapy is usually
temporary; the hair will return, but it may regrow having different characteristics
such as a change in color or texture.
Mouth and throat sores are caused by the destruction of mucosal cells lining the
mouth and esophagus. They can result in minor to severe pain.
Nausea and vomiting are due to a number of factors related to the effect of
chemotherapy on the gastrointestinal tract and the brain. Currently, several antinausea drugs can be given prior to chemotherapy administration that will help
prevent this symptom.
Diarrhea may occur after chemotherapy because of damage to the intestinal
mucosa and changes in the intestine's ability to reabsorb liquid. Constipation can
result from chemotherapy's effects on the nerves of the intestines, which slows
peristalsis, or the elimination of waste.
Destruction of red blood cells by chemotherapy can lead to anemia. This can
cause excessive tiredness, pale skin color, shortness of breath, irritability,
decreased attention span, headaches and dizziness. These symptoms are primarily
due to the decrease in oxygen going to the brain and other body tissues.
Destruction of the blood platelets can result in bruising and bleeding. Known
as thrombocytopenia, this is caused by a lack of sufficient platelets to form a clot
and stop bleeding.
Destruction of white blood cells can result in infections. White blood cells destroy
bacteria, viruses and other pathogens, and are a major defense against infection.
When white blood cells are low, infections can occur quickly and become very
Chemotherapy drugs may affect organs such as the heart, lungs, kidneys, liver,
and brain, causing temporary or permanent damage. Some drugs may affect
hearing. It will help to discuss each drug with your oncologist, to understand
potential side effects and the probability that they will occur.
Hair loss
Hair loss is called alopecia
Some chemotherapy causes hair loss or thinning of the hair. Radiation can also cause hair
loss in the area being irradiated. This may start 7 to 10 days after the treatment is given.
In some cases, a child may lose all the hair on their head (older children may experience
loss of body hair as well). Unfortunately, there is nothing that can be done to prevent the
hair from falling out. Some children and parents prefer to cut the hair as short as possible
when the hair loss begins. Others prefer to shave the head completely to avoid dealing
with the gradual hair loss.
Some things that may be helpful in coping with the loss of hair include wearing hats or
scarves. Other children prefer to wear a wig. The child's social worker or child life
specialist can provide information regarding obtaining a wig or hair accessory.
Hair grows back when the cancer treatments are complete, or in some cases, when the
treatment becomes less intense. In many cases, the hair may be a slightly different color
or texture (curlier, thicker or thinner) than before the cancer treatment. In a few cases
associated with high doses of radiation, the hair may not grow back. The child's health
team can provide an estimate of when hair regrowth is likely to begin.
Mouth Care
The cells in the mouth can be affected by chemotherapy and by radiation therapy to the
head and neck. Keep the mouth as clean as possible to make the child feel more
comfortable and to help avoid any infections from growing in the mouth.
Ways to improve the condition of the mouth:
Brush teeth after meals and before bed with a soft toothbrush.
Use alcohol-free mouthwashes. Alcohol dries out the mouth.
If your child has a dry mouth, give him or her a choice of hard candies.
If the child has diarrhea, tell your doctor or nurse the color, amount and number of times
it happens in one day. Here are a few ways to help decrease diarrhea:
Call the doctor if the child has any of the signs of dehydration.
If the child has diarrhea, tell your doctor or nurse the color, amount and number of times
it happens in one day. Here are a few ways to help decrease diarrhea:
Call the doctor if the child has any of the signs of dehydration.
Anemia means a low red blood cell count
Red blood cells carry oxygen throughout the body. Oxygen enters the lungs with each
breath, and binds (attaches) with hemoglobin in the red blood cells. Hemoglobin delivers
the oxygen to all the organs and tissues in the body. Two laboratory tests are used to
measure the number and function of red blood cells.
Hemoglobin shows how much oxygen the red blood cells are able to carry. A
normal hemoglobin level is between 12 and 16.
Hematocrit is the percentage of red blood cells in the blood. A normal hematocrit
is between 36 and 50.
Feeling of tiredness
Shortness of breath
Fast heart rate
Paleness of the skin or gums
Thromboctyopenia means a low platelet count
Platelets stop bleeding in the body by forming clots. A normal platelet count is between
150,000 and 300,000. When the platelet count is low, a child is at risk of bleeding.
Mucositis or mouth sores is an important side effect of some chemotherapy and may be a
risk factor for infection as it allows bacteria normally present in the mouth to enter the
In the nutrition domain, we have three foci of activity. First, we are studying agents to
prevent or ameliorate malnutrition in children undergoing chemotherapy. Second, we are
trying to preserve weight by preventing nausea and vomiting which are common side
effects of chemotherapy. Third, obesity has become a common problem in healthy
children. Obese children with cancer have poorer outcomes compared to normal weight
children. The activities of CCLS also include trying to understand why obese children
have poorer outcomes.
CCLS is conducting two studies to try and determine why obese children have worse
outcomes by measuring the amount of drug in the blood in obese, middleweight and
underweight children
One study examines chemotherapy drug levels according to height and weight
(body mass index ) in children with acute lymphoblastic leukemia.
We also are studying drug levels of a common chemotherapy called daunorubicin
in children who have different body mass indices.