DR Schulze Blogovisk
DR Schulze Blogovisk
DR Schulze Blogovisk
Index by diseases
DISCLAIMER: This BLOG's purpose is to promote the sharing of information about healthy living and
dietary supplements. The views and opinions of Dr.Schulze and those of his companies and BLOG
administrators are offered for your information and are not intended to constitute medical advice. If you
are sick, injured or pregnant, consult a licensed medical professional.
Introduction ...................................................................................................................................................7
Can you give me a second opinion? ............................................................................................................7
Abscess ............................................................................................................................................................8
Gum Abscess Treatment ..............................................................................................................................8
WHY and HOW this WORKS ................................................................................................................8
ADDITIONAL REMEDIES ...................................................................................................................9
Acid Reflux ...................................................................................................................................................10
Acid Reflux, Bile Reflux & Gastritis ........................................................................................................10
About Dr. Schulze .................................................................................................................................10
About Amanda .......................................................................................................................................10
Your Diseases ........................................................................................................................................10
What Causes Your Diseases? ................................................................................................................10
Undigestable Foods ...............................................................................................................................11
Rochester Diet .......................................................................................................................................11
Herbal Medicine ....................................................................................................................................12
A Hospital Nightmare: Why Do You Vomit? ...........................................................................................14
First, just a Recap... ...............................................................................................................................15
Natural Healing Rule #1: Dont eat Barbequed Chicken! .....................................................................15
Natural Healing Rule #2: Why do you Vomit? .....................................................................................16
Natural Healing Rule #3: .......................................................................................................................17
Natural Healing Treatments for Vomiting.............................................................................................17
Allergies ........................................................................................................................................................19
Gluten, Superfood and Celiac Disease ......................................................................................................19
ALL of the SuperFood Plus Products ....................................................................................................20
Hostility Amplified, But Allergies Simplified! .........................................................................................24
I am Allergic to Garlic ...............................................................................................................................28
Reversing early onset of dementia .............................................................................................................30
Anemia ..........................................................................................................................................................33
How to Stop Anemia and Build Iron Rich Blood ......................................................................................33
Bleeding Gums .............................................................................................................................................35
Keeping your teeth healthy and strong ......................................................................................................35
Burns .............................................................................................................................................................36
Cancer ...........................................................................................................................................................37
Lung Cancer Gone! Thyroid Question? ....................................................................................................37
Healed My Cancer, Now What? ................................................................................................................39
Colon Cancer ALL CLEAR Breast Cancer GONE ..............................................................................46
Pancreatic Cancer, Chemo & Carrot Juice ................................................................................................49
Can you give me a second opinion?
Dear Dr. Schulze,
I recently visited my Naturopath MD for consultation on two issues for which I was sent to a radiologist
and had x-rays done. My ND is currently on vacation and Im waiting for his return to discuss the x-rays
with me. I have a one-page report from the radiologist, which is hard to understand, and what I find on the
Internet is scary. If I send you the report can you give me a second opinion regarding (1) my left knee pain
and (2) my right hand calcification lump on my palm? I use several of your products and find them to be
the best! I share your website with anyone who will listen! Thanks!
M. H.
Dear M.,
If you know any of my history regarding legalities, I definitely cannot give you a personal consultation,
nor read any reports, but here is what I can tell you.
Never read or listen to scary reports, or any doctor for that matter that says what you have is hard to, or
virtually impossible to heal, or any doctor that says you need aggressive surgical or any type of dangerous
therapy, as long as you are willing to do lots of work and Create Powerful Health.
I have had thousands of patients that were told lots of scary things by their medical doctors. REMEMBER,
a medical doctor is just telling you what usually happens with your problem, to the average person. As
long as you are not the average person, and also begin some aggressive Natural Therapy to replace the
aggressive medical therapy suggested, you can and will heal yourself of anything, regardless if they say it
is not possible. Trust me, I know, not only from my thousands of patients, but from my own health and
disease history, and my own healing. If I had listened to medical doctors, I would have no skin on my
hand, I wouldnt be able to walk, and oh yeah, and I should have been dead about 40 years ago.
So drop the fear, tell me some specifics and Heal Yourself. YES, and THANKS for sharing about my
products and me with friends.
Dr. Schulze
Gum Abscess Treatment
Dear Dr. Schulze,
My dad is fairly healthy, and BTW he thanks you for his SuperFood Tablets and Protect Formula. He does
have problems with his gums though, and occasionally gets a gum infection. The dentist is suggesting to
pull all of his teeth out and to do implants, but he would love to keep his teeth, and save the $20,000. Is
there anything that I can do for him? Thanks in advance.
Dorothy G. in Yorba Linda, CA, .
Dear Dorothy,
YES! I have treated hundreds of patients with tooth problems and gum abscesses, and my treatment has
always worked, so here it is
In a small bowl, put about 1 rounded tablespoon of my Intestinal Formula #2 powder. If you use the
capsules, then just open up and empty the capsules until you have this same amount of powder.
Next, add to this powder, 2 droppersful of Tooth & Gum Tonic, 2 droppersful of Echinacea Plus and 1
dropperful of my Anti-I Formula.
You do not want to make this into a wet paste, it should still be dry and crumbly, like dry cookie dough,
and it should seem like you have not used enough liquid to the amount of powder.
Then using a fork, mix this crumbly powder well and then, using a small spoon, just shovel this moist
powder right into your mouth, all over and around the abscess.
(Caution: Hold your breath, and make sure NOT to breathe in when shoveling this dry powder into your
mouth. Since it is very dry, you do not want to breathe this powder into your lungs.)
Then, using your finger, pack this powder all around the teeth and gums, and leave it there. As more saliva
mixes with this powder, it will pack better over the abscess. Use a lot to cover the entire abscess and the
surrounding area.
Your saliva will naturally add whatever additional moisture to make this dry powder into a poultice, but we
want it dry because we want it to draw.
Let it remain there for at least two hours. I like to put it there during the evening, and then go to sleep and
leave it there all night long. Dont worry, it will stay there, and it wont hurt to swallow some of it.
You will probably find that one treatment is all that is needed to eliminate the infection, but I always
suggest doing this two nights in a row, just to be sure.
Intestinal Formula #2 is primarily designed to be a powerful drawing agent, to draw out and remove old
fecal matter, pus and poisons from your intestines, but it will do this anywhere. I had a student who used it
on his arm to draw out the poisonous venom of a copperhead snakebite, and it worked! It is a powerful
drawing poultice. So on the gum, it sucks the infection right out of the abscess. It also reduces
inflammation and absorbs any toxic material, the same as it does inside your colon.
The Tooth & Gum Tonic, the Echinacea Plus and the Anti-I Formula do exactly what you think they
would, destroy the bacteria and the infection on contact.
So this combination in the poultice, well, the abscess does not stand a chance. Remember, you can repeat
this routine for a few days if you need to.
A Gum Abscess is an infection in your mouth, so start using more garlic right away. Chew at least three
cloves of raw garlic every day for a week, if not 12 cloves a day for 10 days, YES! This will kill the
Additionally, start taking 3 droppersful of my Echinacea Plus five times a day, until you use the entire
bottle, this will really boost up your immune system. Swish each dose right over the abscess, or where it
was, and this will not only numb the pain, but it will also kill that bacteria. And then, when you swallow it,
this will start boosting your immune system right away. If necessary, you can even soak a cotton swab with
the Echinacea Plus and then scrub it into the abscess or infected area.
Also, remember that an abscess is usually a sign of tooth decay and gum disease, so get working on those
teeth and gums with a water pick and my Tooth & Gum Tonic, and get them healthy. Floss, then brush
your teeth and then use a water pick with about 8 droppersful of my Tooth & Gum Tonic in the water. Do
this daily for a few weeks to heal the teeth and gums.
Lets get your Dads mouth healed, and save his teeth!
Dr. Schulze
Acid Reflux
Acid Reflux, Bile Reflux & Gastritis
February 15, 2012, ANSWER by DR. RICHARD SCHULZE
Dear Dr. Schulze,
Hello there, I heard of you in a health board blog and someone recommended your detox program, so I
looked you up, it does seem to have a lot of info, but I'm not sure what to do. I had an endoscopy and I
have a combination of acid reflux and bile reflux and gastritis most likely from bile in my stomach, and the
esophagus was irritated and sore. I was told to take Prilosec for a couple of months and if pain continues
take it again, but I don't want to live on a meds every day if there is a natural cure for this problem. So I
was wondering if you could recommend some herbs or program and I'm also afraid to detox and lose more
weight since I'm only 126lbs. Any information you could give me would be greatly appreciated.
Thank you,
Amanda K. in Rochester, NY, United States
Dear Amanda,
About Amanda
I dont mean to oversimplify your problem, but SIMPLE is ALWAYS the best place to start.
Your Diseases
Since you are only 126 pounds, I dont think overweight is the cause. So my first thought with any patient
with ANY digestive problem is ALWAYS
What the heck are you EATING!!!
It only makes common sense, that if after you eat, your stomach is overflowing and burning with acid, to
the point where your stomach and esophageal lining is being irritated and burnt, and you have burning and
pain in your stomach, that you are eating food that you cannot digest!
When you eat food that is difficult to digest, or a combination of food that is difficult to digest, your
stomach keeps producing more and more digestive acid, trying to digest this food. In the same way your
gallbladder keeps releasing more and more bile, again attempting to digest the food you ate. Then, you
have all of this food you cannot digest, sitting and going nowhere in your stomach, and all this digestive
acid, bile, and this undigested food mess starts digesting you, and burning your stomach liningGastritis.
Then you lie down or exert yourself, and all of this mess splashes up your esophagus, and now you have
Acid and Bile Reflux. Eventually this mess will burn holes in your stomach and esophagus lining. Lets
take it a step further Eventually this may also cause colitis or burning, inflammation and damage to your
Undigestable Foods
The densest and hardest foods for you to digest are animal foods. Animal flesh is almost always the cause
of the diseases you have and is the ultimate hard to digest food, along with animal byproducts like cheese
(liquid meat) and any foods made from animal fat, milk and eggs.
If you eat smaller amounts of food, and also eat food that is much easier to digest, consequently, you will
excrete a lot less digestive fluids from the stomach and gallbladder, and this food will digest easier, and
much quicker, and leave your stomach quicker. Therefore, you should not have any stomach irritation,
burning, reflux illness, or burning or irritation in your esophagus.
I was told to take Prilosec for a couple of months and if pain continues take it again, but I don't want to
live on a meds every day if there is a natural cure for this problem.
You are right to decline taking drugs to cure this problem. Drugs like these simply slow down and stop
your body from producing digestive acids. This is not getting to the cause of the problem, which is what is
on the end of your fork and spoon. I also had many patients who took drugs like this that slows down or
stops their bodys ability to produce and release digestive fluids, and many of them ended up having
problems digesting their food for a decade.
So I was wondering if you could recommend some herbs or program.
I will do both; but what do you eat?
Amanda, since you did not mention what you eat in your letter, I will have to go there first. Look, I was
born and raised in Rochester, and at the age of 15, along with heart disease, I had gastritis and a bleeding
ulcer. So I know all too well the typical Rochester Diet.
Rochester Diet
Dr Schulzes Blog 2008-2012 by diseases 30/10/12
Again, you never stated what you eat, so I will assume you are a typical, average, Rochestarian. Even if
you think you eat good, or anyone else reading this thinks they eat healthy, WHATEVER you are eating, if
you have Acid Refluxit is NOT RIGHT FOR YOU!
My German family ate blood for breakfast, lunch, dinner and dessert. We ate animal everything and had
meat, meat byproducts, dairy and or eggs at EVERY meal. My dad would buy a whole cow, have it
butchered and then freeze it. For lunch as a kid in school, I vividly remember all the other kids eating
peanut butter and jelly as I brought liverwurst in my brown bag. I grew up thinking hot dogs were white,
(Rochester white hot dogs porkers) and as a young teenager I ate at cheap greasy spoons like Gitsis on
Monroe Avenue. I am well aware of Rochesters German, Italian, Irish, Eastern European, Jewish, Greek
and even Soul Food cuisine that has kept local gastroenterologists in business for the last few centuries.
Look, Rochesters most famous restaurant, Nick Tahous, is famous for their garbage plate! There is
even a Wikipedia site to it!
And, when a restaurants own website is www.garbageplate.comI have to worry.
Look, I am not saying that you eat at these establishments, or even eat a lot of animal food, which is
extremely hard and slow to digest. But what I do know is that
You are probably eating TOO MUCH food at one sitting
So start eating smaller meals during the day.
You eat food that YOU CANNOT DIGEST
I highly suggest you start off with a simple vegetarian food program, like my Health Building Food
Program. For more information on this program, see page 76 of my book "20 Powerful Steps to a Healthier
Life". (Just click on the book cover in the right column of this BLOG and read it for FREE!) Even on this
program, eat slowly, chew thoroughly and eat small amounts at one sitting.
And if you are like most of my patients with reflux disease and Gastritis, you probably are stressed out
(stress produces increased gastric juices) and maybe chew gum, drink carbonated beverages, drink coffee,
tea, alcohol, sodas, and/or carbonated water, ALL of which adds to the problem. You need to take a good
look at EVERYTHING that goes past your lips! And create a more relaxed lifestyle, especially before,
during and after your meals.
Are there any exceptions? NO! ALL digestive diseases (including yours) are caused by consuming liquids
and foods that your body cannot digest, assimilate or eliminateALL DIGESTIVE DISEASES. Again, I
will say that even if you eat better than most people you know, it is still not good enough for YOU, so lets
clean up your food program.
I know that when your digestive system is irritated, burnt and splashing back acid that sometimes
even drinking water can feel like it is burning your stomach, so let me start off with some herbal
medicines that will make a HUGE difference.
Herbal Medicine
Digestive Tonic
I would start by taking 2 to 3 droppersful of my Digestive Tonic, in a few ounces of water, at least four
times a day. You can take it right before a meal, or right after a meal, or both. You can double this dose as
needed. You can also take a dose of 3 to 8 droppersful in a little water just before bed, to STOP the Acid or
Bile Reflux.
Dr Schulzes Blog 2008-2012 by diseases 30/10/12
Digestive SHOT
After a meal, if you want an even more powerful digestive aid, use my Digestive SHOT. This herbal
formula contains my Digestive Tonic along with other digestive herbs, plus Papaya and Pineapple
concentrates that break down and pre-digest food for you.
5-Day BOWEL Detox
As soon as you have your digestive system a little more under control, but no later than two weeks from
now, I want you to begin my 5-Day BOWEL Detox. This detox will flush, tone and clean out your entire
gastrointestinal tract. After doing this Bowel Detox, I suggest that you take my HerbalMucil Plus
indefinitely to ensure you are getting enough fiber in your food program.
5-Day LIVER Detox
No more than a month later, I want you to do my 5-Day LIVER Detox. This will stimulate, flush out and
tone your liver and gallbladder, and get these organs back in shape.
I'm also afraid to detox and lose more weight since I'm only 126lbs. Any information you could give me
would be greatly appreciated.
Doing a detox, especially like my 5-Day Detox Programs, well, the only weight you will lose will be the
waste and sludge in your digestive tract.
Amanda, I had hundreds and hundreds of patients with every digestive disease known, and many had
reflux problems and gastritis just like you, and they were ALL able to free themselves from this illness and
recover. Beyond this, I know personally from having it myself, that life can seem miserable when you have
Acid and Bile Reflux, and Gastritis, but since I have not felt that pain in 45 years, I suggest you follow my
Dr. Schulze
DISCLAIMER: This BLOG's purpose is to promote the sharing of information about healthy living and
dietary supplements. The views and opinions of Dr.Schulze and those of his companies and BLOG
administrators are offered for your information and are not intended to constitute medical advice. If you
are sick, injured or pregnant, consult a licensed medical professional.
Dear G.T.,
I LOVE your summary, I couldnt have said it better myself. If I ever need a ghostwriter I will call you.
Scott is very lucky to have you as a family friend. I will give you many explanations and Natural Healing
and Herbal Medicine solutions below.
Hospital Treatment
Hospital Diagnosed with Hernia
CT Scan
Return to Hospital
Hospital diagnosed with Diverticulitis
Surgery, partial colon removal, drain installed
Return to Hospital
Surgery "leaked", causing infection, and second surgery performed
Return to Hospital
Third Surgery Illeostomy (complete bypass of the entire colon)
Return to Hospital
Diagnosed with Pancreatitis instead / whoops?
More pain, six months later
Vomiting continues
Now Living in Hospital
Unfortunately, I get stories just like this emailed to me EVERY DAY! And people wonder why I have
such a dim view of medical doctors, drugs and hospitals, and the vast majority of modern medicine.
Lets look at this very, very simply, with a big dose of COMMON SENSE...
that he had ignored for months, actually years, all sorts of digestive warnings. Illness like this, and
this severe, rarely happens overnight.
An example of this would be that, contrary to popular belief, appendixes just dont all of a sudden burst.
Acute appendicitis is the "end result" of a chronic impaction of fecal matter into the entrance of the
appendix, "blockage", causing infection, inflammation and then acute appendicitis. This idea of bursting is
a scare story generated by hospitals to sell immediate surgery.
My point is, it takes years of dedication to an unhealthy lifestyle and years of ignoring warning signs to
make yourself as sick as Scott was at this young of an age. But having said that, eating barbequed road kill
is about as bad of a food choice as it gets.
Or with Scott...
As you can see, all of these ten-dollar words simply mean inflammation of the particular digestive organ.
When your stomach, duodenum, intestines, colon, liver or pancreas are infected, irritated, inflamed,
swollen or worse, blocked, you will vomit for sure.
By the way, remember I said that Scott had already ignored years of illness? If Scott did actually already
have diverticulitis, which means he had inflammation of the herniations in his colon, my question is why
did he have herniations in his colon? And my answer is that these sacular herniations are caused by years
of a sluggish bowel, fecal matter impaction, constipation and the resulting stretching and herniation of the
walls of the large intestine. This is why earlier I said that Scott had years of disease before this vomiting
incident that he had ignored.
Please, lets DO blame the medical doctors for most of this insanity and trauma, but Scott is not
innocent here either. And, no one forced him to submit to all of this medical torture either. He
volunteered for ALL of this pain, torture and surgery, and paid for it too. He could have read my BLOG
six months ago!
By the way #2... Drugs like Aspirin and Acetaminophen along with alcohol, soda and coffee are the #1
causes of stomach lining erosion and digestive tract inflammation. Aspirin causes your stomach to bleed
and Ibuprofen, along with most other non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) cause your liver to
After you are done vomiting, take 8 to 12 droppersful of my Digestive Tonic in a few ounces of water, or
take an entire Digestive "SHOT".
Treatment #3
Since I always say that BLOCKAGE is the root cause of ALL disease, a great natural treatment after
vomitingespecially if any blockage is suspectedis to flush out the suspected organ. For the stomach,
intestines or colon, use my Bowel Flush "SHOT", or with the liver, gallbladder or pancreas, use my
Bowel Flush "SHOT" and then do my entire 5-Day LIVER Detox program immediately afterwards.
If you suspect that you have had food poisoning, and are having pain in your lower abdomen, or
already having diarrhea, use a large dose of my Intestinal Formula #2. This will absorb and neutralize
the intestinal poisons. The Bentonite clay will absorb up to 40 times its weight in poison and the Activated
Willow Charcoal will absorb over 3,000 known poisons.
Please remember, although it is easy to blame medical doctors, hospitals and drugs, Scott is
RESPONSIBLE for all of this. Look, no one thinks that most medical doctors are a bunch of greedy,
and/or ignorant butchers more than me. And no one loves bitching about the practice of modern medicine,
and all of the physical, emotional, spiritual and financial pain, suffering and torture they do, more than me.
But having said all of that...
Scott should not have volunteered for all of this torture, so he is responsible, even if it is for his ignorance
and for trusting the doctors and hospitals.
I suggest you send him this answer, or print it out for him, plant the seeds in his mind. Who knows how far
he will have to torture himself before he gets it. Most Americans let the medical doctors carve them up
until there is not enough left to fight back or even walk out of the hospital. I hope Scott gets out of there
while he can still walk, and that he takes RESPONSIBILITY and begins a new life and new lifestyle where
he Creates Powerful Health.
In a few years from now, he might thank God for the blessing of the barbequed chicken that led him to
create his new life.
Dr. Schulze
PS: Please dont let Scott show this BLOG to the medical doctors or ask them what they think of my
answer. I am sure he is just the type, as most people are, to ask his medical doctors what they think of Dr.
Schulzes ideas. I DO NOT need any more heat or attention on me and my work. Additionally, they DO
serve barbequed chicken in prison, and they do not have vegetarian entrees and fresh juice, so PLEASE tell
Scott to leave me out of his decision. Thanks.
Gluten, Superfood and Celiac Disease
February 01, 2012, ANSWER by DR. RICHARD SCHULZE
Dear Dr. Schulze,
I can't tell you how impressed I am with every aspect of your approach to healing. You are clearly a huge
success story and I am a big fan. I have a specific question and then a couple of comments.
I have been trying to heal myself for years (with the help of naturopaths, chiropractors, integrative
medicine specialists, etc.) and have been working with your products for two years. I have been a loyal
patron of your Marina del Rey, California Pharmacy.
The recent emphasis with my health challenge is focusing on among other things a "diagnosis" of
"celiac/gluten intolerance" and the chiropractor I am working with (who is a big fan of yours) is advising
me to stay away from the SuperFood Plus powder I have been taking for some time because "we are just
not sure this product is gluten free". I called the pharmacy to ask them and while they said it is
definitely gluten free, they were not sure as to why this has not been put on the label like on the SuperFood
So my question to you is, "Is the SuperFood Plus powder gluten free and if so, why is it not labeled
as such?"
With everything I have heard you say and the writings you have penned that I have seen, part of me is
thinking that you do not buy into the "importance" of gluten free eating. I'm just speculating of course. I
think I read somewhere that you said if one follows your recommendations their body will heal from
everything and food allergies and all their attendant symptoms will go away. I have not seen you discuss
autoimmune challenges much either. Is there a reason for this? What are your thoughts on reversing all
these "autoimmune manifestations"? Have you done a leaky gut syndrome blog?
I understand you have to tell us you are not a doctor and get the disclaimer out. And I know you are not
God and cannot be "certain" someone can reverse their challenge. To me, you are among the most
intelligent healers in history and it is nice to see you help so many people and give credit to all those who
assisted you. I would like to be able to get your SuperFood Plus powder 100% gluten free as I try to heal
from leaky gut. Maybe it is a possible cross contamination issue with some of the ingredients that prevents
the label from saying this? If this is the reason it does not say it on the label, we consumers would have to
decide how to proceed. I'm working with a variety of physical symptoms that have been challenging to say
the least, with gut, nervous system, and skin (alleged auto-immune manifestations, fungal infections), and I
want to reverse all of them.
I'm 51 so I realize it may take some time. I have been at this for 18 years and just have not found the
solution yet. Emotional stress was the precipitating factor it seems. It's really hard to know, you hear the
gut has new cells every 7 days so it should be able to "heal" relatively quickly. What about healing the
nervous system, neuropathies, dizziness, etc.? Maybe that takes longer? I have tried a ton of
protocols/eating approaches and have always been very motivated to give my body what it needs.
Thank you for answering my questions.
Dan B.. in Corona Del Mar, CA, United States
Dear Dan,
First, I am glad that you asked this question, as I have had HUNDREDS of questions asking me if there is
any Gluten in the SuperFood Products, especially over the last few months.
Poor Gluten
I have been totally involved in Natural Healing and Herbal Medicine since the late 1960s. Way back then,
and well into the 1970s, the fashionable disease that most doctors (both medical and alternative) blamed
for almost everything and every symptom was Hypoglycemia or Low Blood Sugar.
There is always what I call a fashionable disease. What I mean by this is the art of diagnosis is very, very
difficult. It is estimated that the average medical doctor is less than 20% correct with their diagnosis. Most
alternative doctors are even less correct. Where does that put pediatricians and veterinarians whose patients
cannot speak? The bottom line is that the diagnosis of disease is a very difficult art, almost impossible. So
all types of doctors (both medical and alternative), when they dont know what is wrong with a patient, and
when they have no idea why a patient is having a group of symptoms or is ill or dis-eased, INSTEAD of
YOU, well, they instead simply LIE! Thats right, whether it is their FRAGILE EGO or their
INSECURITY or whatever, again, instead of simply telling you that Diagnosis of disease is a very difficult
task and often is wrong anyway, they give you a CATCH ALL DISEASE, and diagnose you with it, which
often has hundreds of various symptoms.
As patients and doctors alike got bored with hypoglycemia, in the 1980s, the new catch-all disease to be
diagnosed was Candida albicans, a fungus that is naturally present in EVERYONE, EVERY HUMAN, in
our digestive tract. When an unhealthy lifestyle, a poor food program, constipation and a weakened
immune system are all present, this natural fungus of our body can overgrow and cause a thousand
different symptoms from indigestion and constipation to a lack of energy, funky toenails and depression.
So in the 1980s and even into the 1990s, if a doctor had no idea what was really wrong with you, well, you
guessed it, you would be diagnosed with Candida, or more correct, an overgrowth or Candida albicans
fungus in your body.
So all during the 1960s, 1970s and 1980s and even into the 1990s, I had to convince tens of thousands of
my patients that they DID NOT have Hypoglycemia nor Candida albicans, and that they were simply ill
from living a lifestyle that was not healthy enough to keep them healthy, and that their particular group of
symptoms (or their dis-ease) was simply caused by their genetics reacting with their lifestyle, and that the
only sure way to heal themselves, was to improve their lifestyle. And furthermore, if they improved their
lifestyle, their dis-ease would simply go away.
Remember my friends, what I am constantly trying to teach you, that in Natural Medicine, our FOCUS is
NOT your dis-ease, but instead our focus is Creating Powerful Health. Instead of wasting time trying
to discover what may be wrong with you, or trying to add up all of your different symptoms and then
naming you with some disease, we focus on creating a healthy lifestyle. We focus on getting really, really
healthy, and the very next thing you will notice, often long before most doctors come up with a name for
your disease, you are well and the disease is gone. This is the beauty and simplicity of Natural Healing.
Focusing on the GOOD to eliminate the Bad. Focusing on Creating Powerful Health and the dis-ease
simply disappears.
Naming Diseases
So in the 1990s, both patients and doctors got bored with Hypoglycemia and Candida, so they flirted with
Lyme Disease, Peanuts and Strawberries, Legionnaires disease and a number of others until they could
find something, anything, that they could blame all the unknown symptoms and ill health on, and they
finally got oneGLUTEN! Thats right, good old wheat! Something that we have been eating for
hundreds, actually thousands of years, yeah, thats it, lets blame EVERYTHING on wheat.
Now, before the few of you out there who really have Celiac disease freak out and get pissed off at me and
say they really have a wheat sensitivityI KNOW YOU DO.
What I am saying is that MOST people, the VAST MAJORITY OF PEOPLE DO NOT.
Is wheat a great healthy food, or a super nutritious grain? Absolutely NOT. Why? Well, mainly because it
has been mutated, genetically altered, de-branned, bleached and turned into something so alien it is more
like wallpaper paste (actually, this is exactly what wallpaper paste used to be). Then, after all of this, we
cook it. Most products made from wheat todaybread, pasta, cakes, cookies, etcare very low in
nutrition, help your body build fat, are horribly constipating and are not healthy food at all. Many people
believe that baked and cooked wheat flour is carcinogenic. Furthermore, just Google this and you will find
hundreds of articles claiming that heated wheat is carcinogenic.
But having said all of this, I do not believe that wheat or GLUTEN is the new curse of America causing
millions of people to be sick. Again, it is many, many negative factors, all together. Lets just call this a
disease-causing degenerative lifestyle.
Thats right, this is not as sexy as blaming one disease for the ills of Americans, and doesnt make
the patient feel as warm and fuzzy all over, but this is the reality of the millions of un-diagnosable
diseases in America. It is simply a degenerative lifestyle that is not able to sustain health.
This degenerative and disease-causing lifestyle is the sum total of many, many factors, from low
quality and garbage food, to the malnutrition and the sluggish metabolism and constipation that
consuming this type of food creates, along with a lack of good elimination, exercise and movement
and a negative attitude and spirit, to a hundred more things, hence my book, 20 Powerful Steps to a
Healthier Life.
Dr Schulzes Blog 2008-2012 by diseases 30/10/12
Detox or my Incurables Program, you also need to do some serious Physical and Emotional
Trashing. I would highly suggest to get rid of a lot of what you ownif not everythingand START
OVER. I am sure that your home has a lot of old shit in it, probably reminders of a life past, so lets get rid
of all of that.
Forget a Dan makeover, its time for a Dan DO-OVER, because Dan has created 18 years of hell, not
Gluten, BUT DAN!
Its time to create an entirely NEW LIFE.
If you have been sick for 18 years, I would CHANGE EVERY ASPECT OF YOUR LIFE,
EVERYTHING, down to the littlest detail! I would even change your name. Like someone who is put into
the witness protection program, you must CHANGE EVERYTHING!
You can do this, brother. How exciting! You get to be a completely new person for the next 50 years.
WOW, I wonder where this Natural Healing adventure will lead you? All I know is when you start feeling
better, you will know you are on the right path.
ENJOY the journey!
Dr. Schulze
probably 30,000. Not to mention the numerous patients I dealt with in my students clinics. So adding it all
up, I have a Natural Healing and Herbal Medicine Program based on the experience of about 150,000
patients vs. your single personal experience.
George, thats about 150,000 to ONE, and I like my odds better than yours.
I am DEAD wrong you say? Strong words, but lets look at this. You say I should focus on allergies. I
have a very simple and common sense approach to allergies. I dont pay much attention to them, AT
ALL. Allergists make millions and millions of dollars every year, subjecting you to small doses of toxic
substances to attempt to discover what you are allergic to, and then mixing up voodoo cocktails to save
you. It is a total scam.
The reason I dont pay any attention to allergies is quite simple. Most allergies are just a symptom telling
us that your body is not healthy, and when you get healthy, I have always found that the allergies, like most
all disease, just disappears. Natural Healing is all about creating a healthy lifestyle, one so healthy that
after a period of time, your body heals itself. This has led me to create the following statements
You can heal yourself of ANYTHING, ANY Disease (YES, including allergies George). Just STOP
doing what has made you sick, and START doing what will Create Powerful Health!
In other words, Focus on the GOOD to eliminate the BAD.
This is why I always say that you do not need any training in anatomy, physiology, chemistry,
biochemistry, immunology or anything to be well, you just need to know the basics of how to create a
healthy lifestyle, which will in turn, Create Powerful Health.
many healthy foods and herbs made me rally sick and almost killed me.until i studied and started taking
nettle leaf reshi mushroom and eating raw honey in the honey comb with the wax bee pollen bee
propelis royal jelly in it in is natural form.
I wonder what these so-called healthy foods were that you ate that made you sick and almost killed you?
What most people call healthy food is often what I call food merchandise that they bought in a health food
store. And, I wonder what herbs made you sick and almost killed you? Whose herbs, whose formula, from
where, what dosages? Maybe it wasnt the herbs that made you sick; maybe it was what was sprayed on
them, or what they were contaminated with when they were shipped in from Pakistan or East Jerk-a-stan.
Nettle is a great herb and all mushrooms are stimulating to your immune system, just like Echinacea. Raw
honey, propolis, royal jelly, well, I prefer to have patients stay vegan and not consume animal or insect
food while on my programs, and also on low sugar food programs when they are healing themselves so I
stay away from bee vomit.
please tell people and sell an anti allergic reaction detox kit its thee first step in getting well these herbs
can get rid of peanut strawberry blueberry allergies.
George, I dont think I will do this. I found that ALL of my patients would no longer be allergic to peanuts,
strawberries, blueberries or ANY food that was natural, after they followed my programs for three or four
get rid of your allergies before they get rid of you or your customers.
It sounds like you are preaching the allergy apocalypse now. George, you are sounding a bit paranoid and
you should also carry tinctured pre diluted wild oregano oil its thee most powerful antibacterial in
nature through your anti infection tincture in the trash!
You have been reading some great advertising literature published by the people who sell Oregano oil.
Dont get me wrong, its a good herb, and has uses, but it is NOT the most powerful antibacterial in nature,
and far from it. It does contain some essential phytochemicals that are antibacterial, but these exact same
chemicals are found in many common herbs, like Thyme, which I use in my Daily Oral Therapy.
Also, the reason you make an herbal formula (instead of using just one single herb) is to get the benefit of
multiple herbs.
Let me tell you a little bit about the 11 different herbs in my Anti-I Formula and you will quickly see why
Oregano oil cant even compare to the effectiveness of my formula, and maybe I can steer you away from
using one single mediocre herb:
Garlic Bulb
Natures most powerful broad-spectrum antibiotic (killing both gram positive and gram negative bacteria),
anti-viral and antifungal.
For more information about Garlic, I suggest you read page 117 of my Cold & Flu Manual (click to open)
Echinacea Angustifolia Root & Echinacea Purpurea Seed
An extremely potent and powerful immune system stimulant
Goldenseal Root & Usnea Herb
Two more of natures powerful antibacterial, anti-viral and anti-fungal herbs
Myrrh Resin & Pine Resin
Antibacterial and wound closing
Tea Tree Oil
A powerful antifungal, anti-viral and anti-bacterial herb
Kelp Leaf, Dulse Leaf & Black Walnut Hull
All contain natural organic iodine
Bayberry Root Bark
An astringent to help close wounds
Habanero Pepper
Stops the bleeding
The bottom line is that the Anti-I Formula contains numerous herbs that destroy all harmful bacteria,
virus and fungus. It is rich in natural organic iodine, its powerful astringency and resins close wounds and
it stops bleeding.
Dr Schulzes Blog 2008-2012 by diseases 30/10/12
So, at the risk of making you even angrier, your oil of Oregano cannot even come close to the power of my
Anti-I Formula, so unless you are advocating Oregano because you sell it or promote some multi-level
sales of it, I would make the switch to my Anti-I Formula.
George, my brother, you need to calm down before you blow a fuse. Smile, laugh, learn 1,000 jokes, have
more sex, do my 5-Day LIVER Detox, and maybe a few more bowel herbs. Its the holidays, lighten up a
bit and celebrate that you have found some things that have helped you, and that you are feeling better.
Your healing is NOT something finite that youve finally figured out or finished. Its a path, a journeyan
adventure! And, I am on the path too, like you, so enjoy the ride, and get some laughs in.
Dr. Schulze
I am Allergic to Garlic
Dear Dr. Schulze,
I am allergic to garlic and have not taken any of the Echinacea Plus because of that. Do you think if I just
take a little and build it up I will eventually be able to tolerate it?
Tammy B.
Dear Dr. Schulze,
I have a garlic allergy. I am wondering if the garlic in your products is roasted, since roasted garlic does
not seem to have as much of an effect on my gut. If I eat garlic, I get very bloated to the point of having
chest pain, and I have pain in my gut that is very severe... it can take 5 to 7 days to calm down completely.
I am told that it is similar to when a cow eats the wrong grass and gets bloat. Looking forward to your
Jan C.
Dear Tammy,
Garlic is a potent detoxifier and healer to the body. Because it is such a potent detoxifier, it can sometimes
make you feel a little ill, queasy, nauseas, and many other symptoms. This is NOT an allergy; this is a side
effect of detoxification. So your idea is correct, start with a small amount and work your way up to my
suggested dosages, this will only take you 2 to 4 weeks at the most.
Dear Jan,
The above answer I gave Tammy is for you too, plus the garlic in my products is not roasted, it is very
raw, very organic and very potent. The reason you can tolerate the aged or roasted garlic is simply because
it has very little potency, or none at all.
One of the most potent phytochemicals in garlic is allicin. Allicin is made when garlic is cut or crushed, by
the chemical action of the fibrous cells mixing with the oil cell, an enzyme reaction. You could almost say
that garlic doesnt contain allicin, but it is made chemically when garlic is crushed.
Anyway, this potent phytochemical is also bound with garlics odor, so when anyone claims to have potent
and active or medicinal odorless garlic, this is bullshit, not possible. Good, potent garlic is smelly garlic.
As far as your allergy, it is actually a sensitivity and a blessing. Garlic is a very special plant for you for
your cleansing and detoxification.
So Jan, here is what I suggest. First, since your reaction sounds mainly digestive in nature, I suggest you
start by taking my Intestinal Formula #1, which will really clean up and clean out your entire digestive
tract. This formula also contains a mild amount of garlic, which you should tolerate just fine. A few weeks
after starting this formula, I would then do my 5-Day BOWEL Detox. The next month, I would do my 5Day LIVER Detox which also contains garlic, with the Liver and Gall Bladder Flush drink which also
contains garlic. You may just have to slightly lower the amount of garlic that you put into your Liver Flush
Drink, but maybe not. You may be fine by this time, lets see what happens.
Remember, we are ALL allergic to toxic manmade substances like petrol chemicals and insecticides, but
when a natural herb or food causes you some type of reaction, it is a cleanse, and your body, for whatever
reason is more sensitive to this cleansing herb, and you have now just found something that is of particular
use to you in your detoxification.
Start with a little, and take your time to work up to normal dosages, there is no hurry. Keep me informed.
Dr. Schulze
Reversing early onset of dementia
February 08, 2012, ANSWER by DR. RICHARD SCHULZE
Dear Dr. Schulze,
I'm an 81-year-old woman, former nurse, who has recently been diagnosed with early onset dementia. I
still drive, cook, socialize and dress well. My concern is my diminishing short-term memory. I fail to recall
friends names and I forget some appointments. My G.P. prescribed Aricept but the side effects (vomiting
and diarrhea) were terrible. He then put me on the Exelon Patch but the results were similar but not as bad.
I have ceased using the patch.
My question to you is: What would you recommend for my memory loss and to prevent further memory
Dottie Y. in Silverdale, WA, United States
Dear Dottie,
YES, I have a number of suggestions for you to not just prevent further memory loss, but to also
REVERSE the memory loss and GET YOUR MEMORY BACK. But before I tell you about this, I need to
tell you a few things.
First, your diagnosis is completely wrong! Early Onset Dementia simply means that a person younger than
60 (or at the latest 65 years old) is beginning to show signs of dementia, hence the name Early Onset
Dementia. YOU ARE 81 YEARS YOUNG! Thats about 20 years past the cutoff age for early onset
ANYTHING! You might be showing the early signs of a disease, but you do NOT have Early Onset
So my first suggestion, and as a nurse I am sure you will agree, is to STOP GOING TO MEDICAL
DOCTORS TO BE DIAGNOSED WITH DISEASES. You are an 81-year-young lady, so this is a
dangerous age to be going to medical doctors as they are comparing you to the perfect metabolic model in
Greys Anatomy and guess whatyou are not perfect, baby.
I knew a man younger than you who went in for a checkup and was told he had Macular Degeneration and
was going blind. I tried to convince him that life is a limited time offer and that we are all going blind as
we age, but instead he decided to get depressed and a year later he bought a pistol and blew his brains out.
My point being, we are all aging, we are all dying and if we start focusing on what is wrong with us, we
will get ourselves in a lot of physical, emotional and spiritual trouble.
As I was just writing this, I couldnt remember the name Macular Degeneration, it took me about 1 minute
to remember that name. Does this mean I have premature senility, or Early Onset Dementia (as I am only
59), or even the beginning stages of Alzheimers Disease? Who knows and who cares! Personally, I love
the aging process, as I dont care enough about disease names anymore to be worried about forgetting a
few of them.
Hard Drive Almost Full
I heard recently that the amount of stimulus, mental input and information we get on a daily basis, from
talking, radio, television, movies, newspapers, magazines, telephone, the internet, and so on, is more input
in one day that the average American got in their ENTIRE LIFETIME 100 YEARS AGO!
CAPACITY IS FULL. So my question is: Do you have Early Onset Dementia, or is your brain just saying
enough is enough, and simply filled up with too much stuff?
I am so happy that the drugs the medical doctor gave you made you puke and poop your brains out, so you
stopped taking them. I hope you learned your lesson. If not, read this BLOG I wrote to a woman last year,
who asked me about her 84-year-old father using pharmaceutical drugs. In my answer, I discuss in detail
about seniors using drugs, covering many aspects, and even when I suggest using them.
So Dottie, lets just say that your computer hard drive is so full, and that you are bombarded with so much
input, that you cannot hold all of this information anymore, or at least cannot immediately recall
everything at a moments notice. You know that the more data that you store on a computer hard drive, the
longer it takes the computer to sort through it and find the particular file, so why would it be any different
in your brain? You are older, you have a huge library up there, so it takes you a little more time to find the
books, and then the particular page. This sounds perfectly normal to me.
each side. This will slant your bed slightly so if you were to put a ball at the foot of your bed it would roll
towards the head of the bed. By doing this, you will assist your body in getting more blood to your head
ALL NIGHT LONG. YOGA inversion poses are awesome, like shoulder stands, SLANT BOARDS, and
even BACK SWINGS and other similar devices that you strap yourself into and go into a slant or even an
upside down position and even gravity boots for the most extreme inversion. Be careful, and always start
HERBALLY, you can also drive a lot more blood to your brain, and two of the greatest herbs to do this are
Cayenne and Ginkgo biloba, two of the main ingredients in my Brain Tonic. My Brain Tonic will drive
more blood, oxygen and whatever is in the blood like nutrition, into the brain. It DRAMATICALLY
increases blood circulation to the brain. I suggest 2 droppersful four times a day, indefinitely, mixed with
an ounce or two of juice.
Better Blood to the Brain
Now that we are getting a lot more blood to your brain, with inversion, slanting and my Brain Tonic, lets
make sure that your blood is rich with nutrition. After all, driving blood filled with sugar and chemicals is
not going to help your brain function. We need to make sure that your blood is supercharged with nutrition
and the best way to do that is to eat a food program that is loaded with organic fresh foods, and also to start
taking my SuperFood Plus, either making breakfast blender drinks with the powder or taking 5 tablets
three times a day. This will give your brain the nutrition it needs to function at peak performance. For
maximum results, try a double dose of SuperFood Plus by taking it in the morning and afternoon.
More Waste Out of the Brain
During autopsies, I have seen the brains of people with dementia, senility, Alzheimers disease and
numerous other brain diseases. I have also read numerous autopsy pathology reports. In both instances,
there is often mucous (thick off-white and yellow viscous waste fluids) or we can simply call it gunk, glue
or toxic waste. Whatever you want to call it, it is an obvious sign that either the blood getting to the brain is
contaminated with junk, or the metabolic waste of the brain cells is not getting out of the brain. Yes, the
brain, as it functions, makes metabolic waste that must be removed frequently. And what moves all of this
waste out is great blood circulation, so back to inversion, slanting, and my Brain Tonic.
We must also make sure that the waste we are removing from the brain has a place to go and your body is
able to eliminate and get rid of it. I always suggest starting with my 5-Day BOWEL Detox Program and
then a month or two later, do my 5-Day LIVER Detox. This will assure you that any brain waste that is
being flushed out will get out of your body ASAP!
Exercise is another awesome way to stimulate blood flow in and out of the brain, so lets start walking an
hour a day, and looking at all the ways you can increase your exercise during the day. You know, if you
rest you rust, but if your lifestyle is too sedentary, you will also build-up waste in your brain. So at 81,
exercise is no longer a suggestionit is a life-extending MUST!
Dottie, PLEASE dont pay any attention to this stupid diagnosis of Early Onset Dementia. NOTHING
POSITIVE will ever come from being told you have this, nor you thinking about this. It is NEGATIVE
garbage, so please LET THIS GO.
INSTEAD, lets focus on getting healthier, creating a really healthy lifestyle, and building up your body
and brain for the next 81 years.
Think about all the things that you DO remember!
Now get slanting, start taking my Brain Tonic and SuperFood Plus, and get outside for some power
walks, and wander into a yoga class now and then, and have FUN with all of this!
How to Stop Anemia and Build Iron Rich Blood
Dear Dr. Schulze,
Our daughter had melanoma about 5 years ago. She would not do the chemo, she had the melanoma
removed and I think only one or two lymph glands. Her problem now is that she cannot keep her iron up,
(iron deficiency anemia). Therefore, she has to have iron infusions every so often. If you were in her shoes
what would you do?
Carolyn C.
Dear Carolyn C.,
This is easy. You need to get her to use some nontoxic and easy to assimilate iron supplementation and the
two best ways are SuperFood Plus and fresh Vegetable and Fruit Juice.
She needs to take my SuperFood Plus two times a day, either the powder or the tablets, or both, that is
what I do.
She should also drink 16-ounces a day of the following juice combination. She should make it fresh and it
needs to be organic produce.
12 ounces of Carrot juice
2 ounces of Beet Root juice
2 ounces of Beet Greens juice
(Just buy your beets with the greens attached, but dont throw the greens away, because beet greens often
have 3 to 4 times the iron content of the beets themselves.)
Another great juice blend would be any red or purple berries or fruit, like Grapes, Cherries, Blueberries,
Pomegranates, Plums; she can juice these or just eat them everyday.
If she takes my SuperFood Plus as suggested, and drinks my vegetable juice blood-building drink, and also
consumes the suggested fruits, her iron-poor blood will be gone in 2 to 3 days, her Anemia will be over
and she will not need any more iron infusions.
For the long run, to build lasting health and iron-rich blood, she needs to stop consuming any junk food
and get on a great healthy food program. And get on a great exercise program at the same time. Then I
suggest all of my 5-Day Detox Programs, if not my 30-Day Detox. Lets get her real healthy. Look, we
know she is a cancer type, so lets make sure it never comes back.
Dr. Schulze
Bleeding Gums
Keeping your teeth healthy and strong
October 17, 2008, ANSWER by DR. RICHARD SCHULZE
Dear Dr. Schulze,
How do I use your Tooth & Gum Formula? Also, any other suggestions to keep my teeth?
Tom B.
Well, let me tell you, because I just did it this morning. The best way to use the Tooth & Gum is to get a
water pick. Get yourself a water pick and fill it with distilled water, put in about 8 dropperfuls of the Tooth
& Gum, and then turn it on and work it deeply in between your teeth and deep under your gums. Turn on
that water pick as strong as you can handle it. If it makes your teeth bleed, stop there and use this formula
and it will stop the gum infection, it'll stop your gums from bleeding, and eventually tighten up your gums
and stop them from any receding. So put the formula in a water pick. That's the best way to use it.
Or, if you don't have a water pick, after brushing and flossing just swish and gargle with 1 dropperful of
Tooth & Gum Formula, 1 dropperful of my Digestive Tonic and 1/2 ounce of distilled water. Put these
ingredients into a shot glass, swish, strain it through your teeth, gargle and spit it out. Using these two
formulae will destroy the bacteria that cause cavities, bad breath and many diseases.
Dr. Schulze
See video 20 min
September 19, 2008, VIDEO by DR. RICHARD SCHULZE
OK, here is a blast from the past, I think you will really enjoy this video clip, and the next one I am going
to post in a few weeks. They are both the very beginning of a seminar I taught here in America many,
many years ago. This is classic Dr. Schulze footage. I say this because this clip is my story. And for many
of my new friends who have found me on the internet, and new customers, and anyone who hasn't seen me
live, well this is basically the story of how I got into this line of work, from my personal "death
sentence", to my healing journeys and adventures, to "Creating My Own Healing Miracles"!
This is an awesome video clip for anyone to watch who doesn't know the main reason I always say that I
am not a "virgin sex counselor". This is the story of the health challenges that I faced personally, and how I
refused medical treatment and put my own ass on the line in a life or death situation when I was only 16
years old (including some rare pictures of my injuries). Most important, this is what I discovered to heal
my diseases and injuries, and keep me off of the operating table on three different occasions.
If you can just get past some of my bad jokes, and my very loud gold vest, you will see the essence of my
message today, the classic fundamental and basic principles of Natural Healing, and some of the most
important keys, tools and affirmations to healing yourself of anything, and any disease, NATURALLY!
So sit back and enjoy this antique footage where I will truly explain how I discovered Natural Healing 40
YEARS AGO. This is where it all started, when I proved way before my clinic, and way before my
thousands and thousands of patients, why, if you are willing to STOP doing what has created your
disease, and START doing what will Create Powerful Health, you can truly Heal Yourself of any
Disease or Injury, NATURALLY!
Dr. Schulze
Video Length: 20:48
Click to View
Lung Cancer Gone! Thyroid Question?
Dear Dr. Schulze,
In 1999 my husband was diagnosed with lung cancer, he had a tumor the size of a grape in his upper
right lobe. The doctors urged him to go the medical route with all their chemical medicines. We refused
and they said he would be dead in 9 months. I already had an appreciation of what herbal medicine can
do, so right away I started herbs, found your book, "There Are No Incurable Diseases" and followed it
religiously. Vegetarian raw foods, carrot juice, enemas, cold sheet treatment... I worked all day to help
him. The results... In 9 months his cancer was gone. After a cold sheet treatment one day he coughed the
thing up. It was like a grape opened up with roots, and bloody where it turned loose. We continued the
treatment for any cancer cells left, and he broke out in little sores on his chest and his back where the
cancer had been located. We refused CAT scan, but did have an x-ray to show that it was gone.
He lived 13 years CANCER FREE, because we stayed on your diet, and did your cleanses.
Two weeks ago my husband had his second major heart attack and passed away May 23rd. We both credit
the knowledge you shared for his cancer recovery. We thank you so very much for sharing.
Question: Now I have a question for me. In 1980, because of a goiter, before I had any herbal knowledge,
my thyroid was removed. Since then I have taken Armour thyroid medicine 120 mg. I refuse to take
chemicals, and insist on the pigs glands. Is there something natural I can take that will help me balance
my thyroid? I don't take any chemical medicine because I am allergic to it. I don't even take pain medicine
because of its adverse effect. I have been diagnosed with environmental disease.
Thank you in advance for any information you can share.
Shirley C. in Andalusia, AL, USA
Dear Shirley,
I am sorry for your recent loss, but I celebrate your husbands ADDITIONAL 13 YEARS!
I know what it takes to hold someones hand, and help them, and keep their spirits high, and guide them
through my Incurables Program, especially after a medical doctor tells you that they will be dead in a few
months. But you believed, and you won, 13 MORE YEARS!
Your husband was a lucky man. You were a GREAT wife, and you are a great woman.
I am ALWAYS preaching the fact that my Natural Healing Programs, Lifestyle Changes and Herbal
Medicine, will not only greatly increase the Quality of your life, but also INCREASE THE QUANTITY!
You just proved that again!
I also constantly preach that you can heal yourself of ANYTHING, ANY Disease, ANY Illness, if you are
just willing to STOP doing what made you sick in the first place, and START Creating a Healthy
Lifestyle. You just proved that again too!
Your beautiful testimony about your husband and him healing his cancer, and living 12 YEARS
AND 3 MONTHS PAST HIS MEDICAL DEATH SENTENCE, proves both of these messages. So I
thank you for your wonderful testimony!
Now, regarding your thyroid question, Is there something natural I can take that will help me balance my
Shirley, I dont mean to state the obvious but you cannot balance an organ that YOU DONT HAVE, and
that the medical doctors removed.
But dont give up hope, YOU CAN BALANCE YOUR BODY!
One thing that science has discovered is that your body has the amazing ability to adapt, especially if you
create a super healthy lifestyle. Just like your husbands body when he got really healthy, it expelled his
lung cancer, from the inside, eventually releasing and coughing out the tumor, and from the outside by it
being expelled out through his skin on his chest and back. In this same way, your body can and will figure
out exactly what you need and heal you too.
Your husband built up his body, and immune system, until it reversed the degeneration, killed the
cancer, and kicked it out of his body! In the same way, your body, if given the opportunity (by creating
powerful health), will figure out how to do EXACTLY what you need.
There have even been numerous cases where endocrine hormones, like your thyroid hormones, were
manufactured by other endocrine organs when the needed endocrine organ was missing, like with your
missing thyroid. There have even been cases reported where needed endocrine chemicals and hormones
were manufactured by non-endocrine organs, like the stomach and intestines. So the bottom line is that
ANYTHING is possible when it comes to the human body!
The program I would suggest is to start getting really healthy, and follow ALL of my lifestyle guidelines.
Normally, I wean people off thyroid medication very fast, in a month, when they have a thyroid. For you
on the other hand, since your thyroid was removed, if you want to do this, I would take an entire year
and do a very slow and very gradual wean off program of your thyroid medication. This will give
your body a chance to adapt, balance, wake up and create whatever chemicals it may need to make up for
your missing thyroid.
I would also take 2 droppersful of my Female Formula, three times a day, during this entire year. The
herbs in this formula will hypersensitize your hypothalamus organ in your brain, which releases all of the
chemicals that tell your individual endocrine organs what to do. This organ will know what you need, and
by releasing chemicals, it will ask your body to do what it needs to do.
You will also need plenty of available nutrition, for your body to manufacture these hormones and natural
metabolic chemicals. I suggest eating an awesome nutritious vegan food program and beyond this, getting
additional supplemental nutrition by taking a double dosage of my SuperFood Plus two times a day, in the
morning and late afternoon. This way you will have plenty of the nutritional building blocks that you need
to create ANYTHING!
I would also make sure you are nice and clean, by doing all three of my 5-Day Detox Programs during
the year.
Finally, make sure you read my "20 Steps to a Healthier Life" Book (just click on the second book in the
right column and read it here for FREE!) and add any steps that you may not be doing, and increase your
participation in any steps that you already do. And dont forget your movement and exercise. By the way,
did you know that Hatha Yoga is scientifically known to compress, massage and stimulate all of your
endocrine organs?
And remember, there is no limit to only one miracle per family! You have created a big one with your
husband; one that our entire scientific and medical community still says is impossible.
The Hippocrates Institute seems to have a good record of achievement in healing all manner of diseases
just as you do.
Is it a matter of just deciding which camp to follow or am I missing something here?
Thank you,
Mike C. in Eastleigh, United Kingdom,
Dear Mike,
Well first off, CONGRATULATIONS!
You said that you watched your neighbor go through a GRUESOME death from Prostate Cancer, who
decided to follow conventional medical treatment for his Prostate Cancer and he was dead in just 18
On the contrary you have Prostate Cancer confirmed by two biopsies, have had NO TREATMENT
WHATSOEVER, and have followed my programs, and are healthier than you have been in decades,
feel great and it has been THREE YEARS! Again, congratulations!
You also said that your PSA numbers have gone steadily down over the past three years, and that you have
also LOST 60 POUNDS, and your cholesterol levels are now NORMAL. Another big YES from me!
You also say that the medical doctors response has been hostile and negative. Sounds typical. You would
think instead, that they would be asking you to teach at medical school, since you are getting better
results than they are!
And PLEASE, STOP subjecting yourself to biopsies and MRIs, both of which are not only counter
productive to what you are doing, but can cause disease, so your decision is correct.
To sum up what you have done Its like I always say, you have focused on the good and eliminated
the bad. You have focused on Creating a Healthy Lifestyle and Creating Powerful Health. In fact,
you have Created Powerful Health, and your dis-ease has gone away!
Think about it, Mike, this is NOT rocket science. If you make dramatic changes in your lifestyle (which
you have) your body gets really super-healthy. And, when it does this, it reverses the process of
degeneration and disease, and instead it heals disease and builds HEALTH! In your case, your body healed
your cancer in response to your lifestyle changes. This is why I also always say that
You can Heal Yourself of ANYTHING, ANY DISEASE, by just STOPPING what you were doing
that made you sick, and START doing what will Create Powerful Health, and you did just that.
The beauty is that you did not have to really know what was wrong with you, you dont have to have a
medical degree, be an oncologist nor understand Anatomy, Physiology, Chemistry or Biology, and you
dont have to know how to heal yourself at all. This is because YOUR BODY KNOWS EXACTLY HOW
TO HEAL ITSELF! All you had to do was to set up the proper environment, the proper lifestyle, the
proper circumstances, and your body will do the rest. This is the essence of Natural Healing and also the
difference in the philosophy and angle of approach between Medical Intervention and the Natural
Healing of disease.
I once graduated a student from a school I taught at in England, who failed every final exam. But she was
a wonderful lady; she had a beautiful loving heart and spirit. She knew my programs well, and I knew she
would help many people to heal themselves. So I passed her in spite of many protests from my colleagues
and the university. She then went out and opened a small clinic out of her home in London, and since then,
she has helped thousands of people heal their diseases, even cancer. How? Its simply because you
dont have to know anything about disease, to heal disease. You just have to know how to live well.
In fact, I think because her mind was purer and less cluttered than some of my other students, this made it
much easier for her to see through, and even past, all the medical hysteria and chaos, and get on to the
Now, to answer some of your questions
First, you should know that Ann Wigmore, who was the founder of the Hippocrates Health Institute, was a
huge proponent of wheat grass juice and raw live food for detoxifying the body and healing disease. She
was a colleague of mine, and Ann sent people directly to my clinic, as I sent many people to her
facility to study her methods and programs. And Brian Clement, the new director of the Hippocrates
Health Institute, also referred people to my clinic before it was closed, and I referred many people to
Hippocrates under his direction. We both have the utmost respect for each others work, and we are
both very successful in our approaches, and we both used almost exactly the same programs.
Now, having said that, if someone were to ask me the difference between their program and mine, well I
really dont even know. I think mine may be a more intensive and aggressive herbal therapy program, as I
am not sure which herbal medicines they use outside of their nutritional herbal medicine. But lets STOP
this; I wouldnt get too crazy on the few details we may disagree on. See, we are all Natural Healing
pioneers and explorers. You know me; I would not hesitate for a second to blast anyone elses program if I
thought it was bullshit, and especially if I thought it was based on some hypothesis or theory instead of
clinical results. But Hippocrates Institute, and Ann Wigmore, Vik Kulvinskas and what HHI is doing,
along with a very few others like Gerson and Hoxey, have all had great success with their programs
healing degenerative diseases, the same as I have, so BRAVO. Again, ALL of these programs help Create
Powerful Health where you body in turn, heals any and all disease.
So below I will give you a few comments on your specific questions.
SUGAR - I understand sugar feeds cancer so I have tried to avoid all food containing added sugar, Maple
syrup, honey etc and have only used infrequently Stevia as a sweetener. Hippocrates agrees with this but
includes all natural sugars as well INCLUDING ALL FRUIT.
On the contrary, in my days as a student and my decades in my clinic, I have seen people heal their cancer
using fruit and fruit juice fasts, so I do not believe at all that fruit either feeds or causes cancer. Fruit and
fruit juice is very alkalinizing to the body, especially citrus juices, and causes powerful detoxification and
The Macrobiotics also hate fruit, but lets make this really simple. The only fruit you should be eating, in
fact, the only FOOD you should be eating, is local organic produce that is in season. To tell someone
not to eat the fruit that is falling off the trees in their own backyard is ludicrous. I watched Paavo Airola
and Bernard Jensen heal cancer with fruit, so lets not get dogmatic on this one. Remember, you live in
England, which is almost the North Pole to this Floridian. So you should not be eating a tropical fruitbased food program, like me, who has coconuts, mangos and papaya almost killing me by dropping out of
the trees onto my head.
Anyway, remember to eat your apples and all the AWESOME fruit you have locally, and get it organic and
in season, and you will be just fine. But kiwis from the other side of the planet, and the other
HEMISPHERE? Forget about them!
Also, remember that fruit is not going to cause you any cancer, but worrying about it will definitely
depress your immune system, so you can lighten up on this issue. Its the other 99% of the program that
Hippocrates and I agree on that matters. Yes, I would avoid honey, maple syrup and all the rest as a part of
your food program.
OILS We have been cooking with coconut oil and rapeseed oils only, and have eaten out at Asian
restaurants from their Veggie/Vegan options (accepting we would not be eating organic), where they have
cooked with vegetable oils.
Hippocrates advice is that Palm oil is the only safe cooking oil.
I wouldnt cook with oil, period. If you cook at all, just use water. OK, once in a blue moon cooking, who
cares, but generally, cooking sucks! If you eat out at a restaurant, and have been on your program three
years, and your cancer is probably gone, dont freak out or get overly concerned. Just try to pick clean
restaurants where the food is not greasy and it is healthy and vegan. And, I do not promote eating nonorganic, but dont stress on this point either. And I do promote eating LIVE and RAW so seek out places
that offer this type of food if you are eating out, and make Live Raw food at home.
After three years on my very clean program, having a meal out once or twice a month, can do more to
boost your positive mental state, which will dramatically boost your immune system and your immune
cells and chemicals, much more than any damage a little oil might do. Dont give a teaspoon of oil so
much power!
To be even more specific, I live in Italy part time, and also with my extensive clinical research over
decades, if you use a little oil, Olive Oil is the best.
Stay away from any polyunsaturated oils; they are all rancid and therefore ALL carcinogenic. And the
saturated oils like coconut and palm, will clog your arteries and give you a heart attackthey are artery
blockers. ANY oil that solidifies at room temperature is an artery blocker, whether animal or vegetable,
whether it is lard or coconut or palm. So I do not advise any rapeseed, coconut, palm, or anything except
organic, pure, extra virgin, unfiltered, cold pressed olive oil.
Large consumption of any oil is not good, it will clog your body and make you have a fat ass and find
the 60 pounds that you lost, so stay away from oil, limit oils, even olive. But having said all of that, when
eating out, who cares? You will do it so rarely, and I am much more interested in you having fun, laughing,
and keeping your spirits high, than the damage a teaspoon of oil will do. You are eating out to take a break
and have a little fun, so HAVE FUN. Again, Dont give a teaspoon of oil so much power!
BREAD because of yeast and sugar added and produced in the baking is not recommended.
Bread is also not a good food, and in the future, cooking and baking grains into bread will be seen as a big
cause of the diseases in modern civilizations. Eat unleavened bread, or even better, make raw crackers in
your food dehydrator (see my recipe at this Commentarys end). They always satisfy my occasional
desire for a little bread. So investigate raw, dehydrated breads and crackers. You can find them on the
Internet, too.
You should also be focusing on my Purifying Raw Food Program and my Juice Flushing Program, and
NOT my Health Building Food Program. The first two are the ones that will get your body so healthy
that the cancer will literally leap out of your body.
POTATOES are again not recommended because of sugar and other bad health effects.
Potatoes are a high-calorie food, and create a steep rise in your blood sugar if you eat too many of them.
They are not poison, but should not be a staple of your food program, and should be added to a dish
sparingly and in small amounts, and not be the base of a dish.
The Hippocrates route is virtually an all-raw diet which coupled with the 4 items listed above is a major
change to our current lifestyle, ruling out most eating out and becoming somewhat isolated from our
remaining sympathetic friends.
Our dilemma is that we have now been on our change of lifestyle for nearly 3 years, feel better than we
have for years, and I do want to rid myself of the small amount of cancer I have, so I can spread the word
as someone whose body has healed itself.
The Hippocrates Institute seems to have a good record of achievement in healing all manner of diseases
just as you do.
Is it a matter of just deciding which camp to follow or am I missing something here?
AGAIN, my food programs for cancer are also ALL raw, as I said, my Raw Purifying Food Program and
my Juice Flushing Program, these are both RAW. My cooked food or my vegan Health Building Food
Program, which allows you to eat cooked food, is for use ONLY after your body has eaten up and
disposed of the cancer, which I am sure it has already done. Then, you can eat cooked foods, while
returning to my raw food programs on occasion, or maybe even most of the time. You will have to be the
judge of how good you are feeling. Then you will know what to do.
You are missing a little bit here
In my life I have been blessed to study with the greatest Natural Healers, Master Herbalists and Natural
Doctors. Paavo Airola was a great teacher, I interned with the incredible healer Dr. Bernard Jensen, at his
Hidden Valley Health Ranch in Southern California. I apprenticed with Dr. John Ray Christopher in Utah
and studied with many others including Ann Wigmore. Then, on top of all of this, I ran my own Natural
Healing and Herbal Medicine clinic that spanned three decades and in the last decade I mostly dealt with
degenerative diseases like cancer. I watched as some of my sickest patients, with the absolute worst cases
of cancer I have ever seen or heard of, turn it around and heal themselves. Many are still alive and cancerfree to this day, 20 and 30 years later. But so did the doctors I mentioned above, help their patients heal
themselves of cancer, and there are slight variables and even disagreements in ALL of our programs.
Dr. Jensen used to suggest a vegetarian program for anyone with cancer, with the exception of his veal
joint broth, that he loved using and prescribing. One day in class, when he said this, I made a ugh noise
in disgust, and he looked right at me, pointed his finger right at me, and said, I want to see you after
After class, he smiled and he said to me, Look, I am tired and fed up with the noises you make, every time
I mention something that isnt vegan, like my veal joint broth or my yogurt. He said, I have been helping
patients heal degenerative diseases like cancer since before you were born, for 50 YEARS, and I am giving
you my absolute best knowledge, the absolute best I know in Natural Healing, so give me some damn
respect and shut the hell up in my classroom. AND STOP MAKING NOISES! He also said, You are an
Aries, just like me, so I know well your kind, he said, You remind me of of ME!
From that day on I never made another noise. It was a valuable lesson.
It sounds like you know me well, and therefore you know that there are only a handful of doctors and
institutions in the world that I have respect for, and the rest are hogwash. Hippocrates Institute is a great
institution and is a great program, and I have the utmost respect for them, as they do for me. I dont focus
on our differences; I focus on the 99% of our similarities.
Now, this is where your two lessons come in
When Hippocrates Institute and the great Dr. Schulze are not in alignment, (although I am still not sure we
are not), you have to discover your OWN truth, and stop looking to either of us for the answer, as the
answer is inside YOU.
One of the things that I used to do with ALL of my patients was empower them to be their own doctor.
You have done well grasshopper, VERY WELL, and I know that you have healed yourself of Cancer. It is
GONE! But also never forget that your body knows how to make it again if you stray too far off the path of
enlightened living, and enlightened eating. So be good, brother.
There is a time to get INTENSE, eliminate all of the bad in your lifestyle, get extremely dedicated and
pure, and heal your cancer and save your life, and I believe you have done this and done a great job.
I am not worried about your ability to heal your cancer anymore, but I am slightly concerned that you have
become a Natural Healing Gestapo like Dr. Adolph Schulze. This is OK, in fact it is GREAT, and this is
also why you are alive three years later and why your neighbor is dead. What you have done, using your
healed your cancer. But dont forget a few of my other 20 Steps, like
It may be the time to learn 1,000 new jokes, and work on smiling, laughing, and taking a break here and
there and having more sex with your new 60 pound smaller body, you stud, and your new slimmer sexy
There is a difference between the cancer curing, mucus and acid-purging, detoxification and cleansing food
programs and the healthy lifestyle food programs that promotes health and life. In other words there is a
time to get real serious, and get squeaky clean, and put the focus on detoxification and healing, and there is
a time to relax a little bit, and not focus on what you do on Saturday night, and you have to be the judge of
what the balance is here, and when you can allow yourself to play a little. I think you have earned a little
I had many patients, that got sooooo focused on saving their life, as I did myself, that they forgot about
living their life, so remember its quantity AND QUALITY.
We are all going to die my friendyou, me, all of us. But your time is not now. In fact, if you keep on this
program, it is going to be decades from now.
So in between the sprouts and the sunflower seeds, remember to have some good laughs, great fun
times, smiles, sex, love, and all the great things that make life worth living.
Stay Calm, Carry On!
Dr. Schulze
P.S. Heres My RAW Cracker Recipe!
When the crackers are almost dry (after three or four hours) gently peel the parchment paper off the drying
crackers and continue to dehydrate the crackers without the parchment paper to achieve the desired
Store in a sealed container in the refrigerator as this is still live food!
And please remember that ALL recipes are just to prime the pump and to spark your imagination. Make
this FUN!!!
The medical prognosis for your husband is extremely bad.
(Diagnosis is the guessing of what disease your husband has and Prognosis is the guessing of what will
happen, telling the future, fortune telling.)
So the prognosis, what the medical profession says will happen with their treatment, is that your husband
will most likely be dead in less than six months, if not three months. Even if he survives their treatment,
his long-term prognosis, chances of survival for five years is less than 5%. The lowest of almost any
cancer. Of the 30,000 people medical doctors treat with this disease every year, over 29,500 die. And I
didnt even include his liver cancer. These are quite bad odds. If you have any doubts about these statistics,
just ask your husbands oncologist.
If you do ask the oncologist, the medical doctor will look very uncomfortable when you ask, and may even
totally avoid the question and never give you a real answer. They may also make statements like, Well,
you know we make breakthroughs in treatment all the time, or we are getting better at targeting the
cancer or they may even lie. But, if you persist to get the truththe real facts, the real statistics, their real
life expectancy and oddsthey will be the exact same as I mentioned above.
Worse, with the chemotherapy that his medical doctor is suggesting, you should know that the
results are pathetic. The clinical trials for Gemcitabine and other chemotherapy chemicals for
advanced pancreatic cancer, and all of their horrific side effects and financial costs have only been
reported to have an average of a five-week increase in lifespan. Even if this is true, this is ridiculous.
Personally, my experience is that chemotherapy shortens lifespan.
This is where I will mention my famous Faulty Mathematics of Medicine, which is
The medical odds for your husband are based on this equation:
Your Husbands Pancreatic & Liver Cancer
the chemotherapy, radiation and surgery. AGAIN: They are NOT dying from the cancerthey are
being killed by the medical doctors and their medical treatment!
An AIDS Analogy
I first discovered this in the 1980s during the first outbreaks of AIDS. I noticed that when people in
America died from AIDS, their symptoms and their actual cause of death were very different than those
people that died from AIDS who lived outside the United States, and had different medical treatment or no
medical treatment at all.
I soon realized that the symptoms of AIDS and the physical circumstances surrounding their death and
their actual cause of death, were actually the symptoms of the side effects of the chemotherapy drugs
and NOT the actual symptoms of the disease. So in the United States, patients with AIDS were actually
dying from the treatment of AIDS, not from the disease itself.
Worse yet, I also did an extensive longevity study and discovered that the people who were dying from
AIDS the fastest were Americans who were subjected to the medical treatment. And, the people who were
living the longest were those that denied any medical treatment, or had none available to them, and just
DID NOTHING. They lived longer just wasting away from the disease, and actually had a better
quality of life than those who underwent the chemotherapy onslaught.
Then, there were my patients who had AIDS who simply ignored the fact that they had AIDS, focused on
Creating Powerful Health, and they ended up living the longestlonger than the two other groups!
In fact, I had patients who completely recovered from the worst stages of the disease, who also had the
AIDS-associated diseases of Kaposis Sarcoma Cancer and Pneumocystis Lung Fibrotic disease and had
scarred lungs, and they survived. Most of my AIDS patients are still alive today, over two decades later.
Some dont even test positive for AIDS anymore!
Furthermore, the main reason that death from AIDS is actually in decline in America today is simply
because the medical establishment realized they strongly overreacted with their treatment, and have now
decreased their treatment protocols and are using much less aggressive chemotherapy.
The third group, who lived the longest, and many of them actually healed their cancers, were my
patients. Instead of doing any medical treatment, instead of just ignoring that they had cancer, instead (are
you ready, this is a very extreme and radical approach to cancer) instead these patients got really, really
Think about this, it makes so much common sense! And its so SIMPLE!
Instead of filling your body with very poisonous chemicals in an attempt to KILL the cancer, instead of
using radiation to KILL the cancer, instead of doing torturous and disfiguring surgeries to KILL the cancer,
and instead of doing nothing
How about instead we get EXTREMELY HEALTHY and:
FLOOD the body with more nutrition than it can possibly use, so it has all the building blocks to build
more immune cells and more immune chemicals to build and repair organs.
STOP consuming any food or liquids that we know are carcinogenic.
BUILD the body back up by creating a new food program that includes lots of food that we know is loaded
with nutrition and life and that we know heals cancer.
FLUSH the bodys own elimination organs and channels, to rid the body of any accumulated poisons,
toxins and waste, and then DETOXIFY, STIMULATE and TONE these elimination organs to work more
efficiently in the future, to eliminate poison faster so it does not build up in the cells and organs again.
FREE THE BLOCKAGE by stimulating the circulation, to get more blood, oxygen, nutrition, immune
cells and immune chemicals throughout the body, especially to any blocked or cancerous areas.
CHANGE the focus of your therapy from KILLING CANCER to Creating Powerful Health!
This follows the old Chinese philosophy that I have always liked:
Focus on the GOOD, to Eliminate the BAD.
This is also the fundamental philosophy of Natural Healing. Which is the recognition that we are not smart
enough to know what cancer really is, or where it all is in your body, nor how to heal it. So instead of
trying to kill cancer, simply get extremely healthy and let our own bodies do the healing.
I had my patients STOP doing anything that we know makes us sick, and especially that we know causes
cancer, and START doing EVERTHING we can that we know will Create Powerful Health, and just hope
and pray that when we get really healthy, that our own body will know how to heal the cancer. And it does.
I saw this hundreds of times, probably thousands.
eliminate. So, it gets overloaded, our health declines and we create disease. These toxins and poisons are
physical, emotional and spiritual.
So my research for many years, and my clinical results with all of my patients that healed their cancers, has
shown me the following:
If you want to survive longer than with aggressive medical treatment, DO NOTHING AT ALL.
If you have been diagnosed with cancer, and you want to live the longest, run away from the medical
doctors and hospitals and GET REALLY, REALLY HEALTHY!
And, if you want to die the quickest, undergo aggressive medical cancer therapy including Chemotherapy,
Radiation and Radical Surgery. This will also guarantee you the worst pain, greatest disfigurement, largest
amount of physical and emotional torture and the hugest financial stress and financial burden, if not
FACT: Well over 50% of American bankruptcies are caused by hospital and medical bills! Yes, the
hospital will take your home away from you if necessary to get their money, and even if you die, you still
need to pay, and they will take EVERYTHING from your spouse and children.
I had numerous patients whose spouse underwent major medical treatment for cancer, and many
experimental treatments, like bone marrow transplants, that were not covered by their insurance. Regular
treatment or experimental, these patients racked up huge medical bills, beyond what their insurance would
cover, and once their nest egg and life savings was gone, the bills kept piling up. Eventually the patient
could not take the torture anymore and died. But when the patient died, the hospital and medical bills
remained. You would think that if you die, that you would get a refund, or at least a pardon from the
remainder of the bill, but this is not how the medical system works. I had many patients, who not only lost
their husband, but also ended up having the house taken away from them by the bill collectors and courts
from their unpaid medical bills.
These are two radically different approaches so obviously one does not work with the other. You cannot
inject powerful chemical poisons into the body while attempting to cleanse and detoxify the body of
Having said that, in your letter you stated:
He feels the chemo is giving him peace of mind along with your program and the other natural things he
is doing in conjunction with his treatment, i.e., prayer, essential oils
The most important part of your husbands treatment will be his feelings, his attitude, his positive outlook,
and his positive affirmations. Look, you now know I do not advise the medical treatment simply because it
is deadly, IT DOES NOT WORK, and furthermore I believe it will kill him long before the cancer would.
But your husbands belief is the most important. So, I would simply send him my answer, by sending
him this BLOG, and keep planting lots of seeds in his mind, and keep putting lots of fresh wheatgrass juice
around the house, and lots of tools from great raw food to fresh juices and positive affirmation books.
Make this FUN!
Over the years I have learnedin my personal healing, my clinical experience and my life experience
that the most powerful healing tool for cancer, and for any disease, far more powerful than wheatgrass
juice, my Detox Tonic, my Detox Programs, or even my Incurables Program, far more powerful than
anything is LOVE!
So I would give him a HUGE dose of LOVE first, every minute of every day, and then help him to create a
powerfully healthy lifestyle.
Life is a limited time offer. We are all going to die, but I found my sick patients were obsessed with the
thought of dying. No medical doctor, no natural doctor, no psychic or priest, and not even the great Dr.
Schulze knows whether we have a decade or two left to live, or only one day. So stop focusing on cancer,
stop focusing on death, and start focusing on LIVING, living HEALTHY, LOVING your husband and
Attitude is EVERYTHING!
Finally, I know this answer was more than you asked for, and long. But I get many letters and thousands of
questions each week from people who have all types of cancer. And this year I will be answering many of
them and explaining many details of my clinical programs for cancer. So, this answer was not just for you
Laura, but for EVERYONE out there in cyberspace, all around the world, who has cancer or any
degenerative or supposedly incurable disease, and is looking for answers, and is going to heal themselves,
naturally. My thoughts, positive affirmations, prayers and love, are with all of you!
Dr. Schulze
rid of so much trash in my life (stuff and unhealthy people), my head and my bowels. I am a positive,
happy person, help others and have a strong faith that I practice and not just talk about. I work in the
medical field and have seen all the sickness you mention in your info. I have tried HARD to avoid being
one of these patients. My family has thought I was nuts at times and I don't even have to tell you how my
coworkers feel about my lifestyle choices.
I have seen the breast surgeon, plastic surgeon, radiation oncologist and naturopath. My lymph nodes are
clear and my options are 1) lumpectomy w/ radiation 2) mastectomy w/ reconstruction and to take
Tamoxifen for 5 years!!!!! The naturopath even advised me to go through w/ option one. I have been
encouraged to do something soon as to not have it spread to my lymph nodes and have a worse diagnosis. I
don't know what to do. I did grow cancer even after all that I am doing! I'm afraid if I don't at least do the
lumpectomy (the lump is quarter size) it will spread. I mean it is there after all SOME HOW!
Do I need to check myself into some holistic center so I can get all these alternative therapies? All this
stuff takes a lot of time as you know and I am willing to do it, but I only have 2 hands and 24 hours!!! I
have drank so much juice, taken formula 1& 2 until my plumbing is on fire! I will keep doing it but I need
some direction here. Even my holistic veggie, raw, organic, hippy chick friends can't believe this.
I have gotten over the initial freaking out and crying and I need to get busy. I need more ammo, a plan. So
please will you give me some specific guidance, heck why don't you come to Montana and help me!! You
know, kick my cancer's butt! I watched your old video on the cold sheet treatment. Should I do that, how
often? I don't care how you answer me, but will you just please answer me? Thank you sooooooooo much
Dr Schulze.
Rhonda N. in Kalispell, MT, United States
Dear Rhonda,
I will answer your questions in two partsfirst, Why You and second, What To Do
Why You?
Your first question is how is this possible, that you developed breast cancer after living an extremely
healthy lifestyle?
Well, you gave me a few possible clues in your letter. One was that you used to weigh about 200 pounds
just a few years back. I must tell you that everyone from your average oncologist to the American Cancer
Society agrees that there is a direct relationship between being obese and developing cancer, especially
breast cancer. And if you were 58 and weighed about 200 pounds, (lost 50 pounds and are now 143
pounds) yikes, I wouldnt have dated you, YOU WERE FAT OBESE, BABY! Granted you have changed,
YES!!! So this may just be a case of too little too late. This cancer may have been sub-clinical and not
detectable but still growing for years. Also, you mentioned that you had your gallbladder removed showing
me a past history of liver and gallbladder congestion. When anyone has cancer, I know they had a sick
liver and a depressed immune system long before they developed cancer.
But all of this Why stuff is wasted energy and it isnt going to help you dissolve your cancer and
heal you. I just wanted to point out to you a few possible reasons, and to let you know that you are not
perfect, only Dr. Schulze is perfect! Seriously, we are all just on the path of healthy living, and I need to
nudge you onto an even healthier path.
I must tell you that you have done an amazing job at turning your life around, and getting really,
really healthy. You might laugh and say, But I have breast cancer and this is not healthy. OK then, lets
say that 95% of you is really healthy and you just have a little congestion and sickness in one of your
breasts, but lets not blow this breast cancer thing way out of proportion here. You are not sick all over. In
fact, the vast majority of you is healthy and working GREAT. I think all you need is to stimulate your
immune system and to break up a little congestion in your breast. Lets not panic and make this a bigger
deal that it is, OK?
Regardless, dont you really hate people who are really healthy and look great, at least on the outside, but
live on doughnuts, candy bars, burgers and chocolate? OK, that was a test! You have to give this one up
too. Hate doesnt get anyone well. As John Lennon said, LOVE is the answer.
Look on the Positive Side
Imagine in my clinic, how hard it was to get a 52-year-old person (who had never done anything healthy in
their life) to follow the lifestyle program you are already on and already used to? It took months and a lot
of brain washing and a lot of education and a lot of drama and traumaand plenty of failure. BUT YOU
ARE ALREADY THERE! So any changes that I will suggest later will be easy, and even FUN!
If I know anything at all, it is that What Ifs, judgment, and drawing any conclusions from it, is TOTAL
BULLSHIT and will not get you well.
Nobody has any idea what Gods plan is for you, or what the universes plan or future is for you. Maybe
this breast cancer is your greatest blessing. Maybe a higher power than us knows that you can handle this
just fine, and you needed a small nudge to get you to your next higher level. Maybe all the work you have
done so far earned you this gift of breast cancer. Maybe there is some divine plan that once you get
through this, you will work with people who have cancer, and come up with a program yourself, maybe
this cancer is just an added credential to your life. I dont know, nobody knows, so NO JUDGING!
Just imagine where I would be and what I would be doing if my parents had not died when I was just a kid,
and if I had not inherited heart disease and a deformed heart, and the medical doctors didnt tell me that I
would be dead by 20, and all the other gifts that I have received in my life, had not happened? Where
would I be now? A drug addict? Dead? Maybe worse, a medical doctor?!! (OK, only joking kind of.)
Did you watch the old Jimmy Stewart movie Its a Wonderful Life over the holidays? This is what I am
talking about!
So for any one of a 1,000 reasons that you or anyone can come up with that you developing breast cancer
is a bad thing, I can come up with A MILLION positive reasons that your breast cancer is an AWESOME
thing, from a gift of an amazing learning experience, to a health nut ego removal equal to 40 years in a Zen
Buddhist monastery, to finally getting your doctorate in Natural healing and Herbal Medicine. Nothing
qualifies me as a great doctor better than creating a program that saved my life and survived my own
medical death sentence, 40 years ago.
ALL of my patients that had life-threatening diseases, or were given death sentences, and then learned how
to heal themselvesand DID HEAL THEMSELVESall of them eventually saw their disease as a huge
blessing a gift from God. Their disease became a gift that nudged them onto a different path in life.
Look, I know this can be a bit scary, and can make you feel a bit insecure at times. I know what it feels like
when a medical doctor tells you that you could die, and now you do too. Welcome to the club. Transform
this fear energy into a powerful positive tool to motivate you into your next level of healing and living.
As you can see, I could go on for ten thousand pages on why your cancer is a gift, but I know that when
one of my Gurus in India told me to Celebrate Everything, he did not mean celebrate everything except
heart disease, or in your case Celebrate Everything except breast cancer, he meant CELEBRATE
EVERYTHING. Celebrate Breast Cancer!
Having said this, I know what you are feeling, and I know it may take a few days to digest this, and to
shine a positive light on this, but I know you will.
OK, one final tidbit. I KNOW from my life and clinical experience, that NOTHING POSITIVE will ever
come out of being negative, EVER. So there is NO UPSIDE to being negative, NONE! But, there are
plenty of upsides to being positive, from just being happier, to your immune system working much better
and being much stronger, so GET POSITIVE.
There will always be plenty of people out there who will want to back up their own bullshit and unhealthy
lifestyle by looking at you and saying, see what happened to her. She wasted all this time and money on
being so healthy and she still got cancer. The same way there are plenty of people out there who think that
I am a total quack. Who cares? There are plenty of people out there who will be helped by your healing.
They are the ones you will seek outactually they will find you!
I have suggested to many people over the years to get into a live-in situation, like the Hippocrates Health
Institute, or the Max Gerson Clinic in Mexico, or the Optimum Health Institute in the San Diego area.
But personally, I do not think that you need to do this. I know that you have plenty of knowledge and
brains to figure this out on your own. So I would only suggest this as further training, but not necessary at
all to heal yourself of breast cancer. On the other hand, for people who do not have a clue what a healthy
lifestyle is, I always suggest the extra support of getting into a live-in program such as these, at least to
#4: Detox Formula, Fresh Wheatgrass Juice & Garlic
These are all part of my Incurables Program, but I wanted to give them special mention here.
Detox Formula. Just read what it says in my herbal products catalog. Since ALL of my great teachers
went to prison at one time or another for their variations of this formula, I will not comment on it here.
Again, read what it says in my catalog.
Wheatgrass Juice. I have seen more people heal their cancer with wheatgrass juice, than maybe any other
food. It is a foundational part of the Hippocrates Program, and the Optimum Health Institute, and almost
all natural cancer treatment programs worldwide. I have personally met hundreds of people, maybe
thousands, besides my patients, that healed their cancer by drinking wheatgrass juice. So, just start growing
it, cutting it, juicing it and then drinking it every day.
EVERY SINGLE DAY for lunch I have an ounce of fresh, organic Wheatgrass Juice in a little fresh carrot
and beet juice, and my 17-year-old son, Arthur, has a shot of it every morning when his Mom makes it.
Garlic. It should be your friend. Garlic KILLS cancer cells, it is that simple. So start having raw garlic
EVERY DAYa minimum of 3 cloves! I had one patient who healed his supposedly terminal cancer by
eating 50 cloves of raw garlic a day for three months, amongst other things. You will also need to use my
Fresh Breath Plus and also my Daily Oral Therapy when you start using this much garlic, so you dont
lose your job and your friends.
#5: Toxins
One thing we do know for sure is that cells mutate and turn cancerous, again, by Genetics reacting to
Lifestyle. Even the prestigious medical oncologists from the huge cancer research center at the City of
Hope say that first you have to have the genetic predisposition, and then these cells that are genetically
predisposed to mutating and developing cancer have to run head-on into some irritant or catalyst, which
stimulates these genetically predisposed cells to begin to mutate and then become cancer. The ONLY
reason I mention this here is that it is important for you to look at any possible exposure to toxic chemicals.
Having said that, I almost laugh, because modern living in America, even in the middle of nowhere in
Montana, is still a toxic nightmare. We are bombarded with poisons in our home, car, workplace
EVERYWHERE! Now I dont want you to get paranoid here, or become obsessed with this or to make
toxins become your focus in life. I simply want you to take a look at your level of exposure, and simply see
if you can reduce it. There are many tips in my 20 Powerful Steps book about this too, which you can
read right on this BLOG! Just check the right-hand side of this page and click on the book cover.
#6: Medical Intervention
Because you have such a vast experience in a healthy lifestyle, and my work, and also because your cancer
is at such a beginning stage with no lymph node involvement, I have every reason to believe that you
should be able to heal your cancer in three months or less, if not 30 days, if you start on an extremely
aggressive natural treatment program, like my Incurables Program.
In my clinic, I would NOT have suggested that you undergo ANY medical treatment, neither surgery,
radiation or chemotherapy.
To be honest, I never suggested ANY medical intervention for anyone, no matter what their disease, no
matter how far advanced it was, no matter how lethal their prognosis.
Ill repeat my first paragraph
Because you have such a vast experience in a healthy lifestyle, and my work, and also because your
cancer is at such a beginning stage with no lymph node involvement, I have every reason to believe that
you should be able to heal your cancer in three months or less, if not 30 days, if you start on an
extremely aggressive natural treatment program, like my Incurables Program.
Rhonda, I have no doubt that you will heal yourself of this cancer and live a very healthy and very long
life. Have fun with this new project.
Remember, Focus on the GOOD to eliminate the BAD. Your focus needs to be on the NEW Lifestyle
that will Create Powerful Health, not the cancer.
Dr. Schulze
R.M., MD
(name and city/town withheld at medical doctors request)
was causing the fluctuation. As my mom comes from the generation of, "Doctor knows best," this was very
difficult for her, but in her heart she knew the operation was wrong and might lead to her demise. She
declined the operation.
I'm happy to report that my mom's GBR is now 25 (a kidney function INCREASED to over 27%, from 6%)
which puts her in only stage 4 kidney disease and not stage 5 anymore. (A reversal of kidney disease
medical doctors know absolutely nothing about!) She has not eaten any fast food or frozen dinners since
her diagnosis. She now eats raw organic food and adjusts some foods tailored to a kidney disease diet.
I thank God she chose healing over doctoring, and, most of all, I thank God you made that possible. There
is always hope!
If you would pass the above info on to Regina in Lakeside, I'd be appreciative.
Elizabeth C. in Santa Maria, CA
Salt is necessary to help your body retain its fluid balance. But, all the salt that you need is already
naturally present in food; you do not need additional salt except in extreme circumstances and extremely
hot climates.
Now, if someone already has kidney disease, and their body is already retaining fluids because their
kidneys are not healthy and not functioning well, they are retaining fluid anyway. Then you add in salt,
which causes them to retain even more fluid. This causes the blood pressure to skyrocket, which in turn
damages the sensitive filtering cells of the kidneys even further. This is a deadly killer cycle for your
kidneys and one that millions and millions of Americans have fallen into, taking diuretics and antihypertensive drugs, and eating salt-laden junk food. When you cut out the salt and junk food, you dont
need the diuretic and blood pressure drugs anymore and your kidneys will heal themselves as Elizabeth
experienced with her mother.
Junk food, prepared frozen foods, and even restaurant food usually has between 20 and 50 times
more salt added to it than is naturally present in the food, or that you would add at home!
Dr. Schulze
hospitals and pharmaceutical companies must love you. You are paying for their yachts.
OK, lets begin.
The program for you to start IMMEDIATELY is my Incurables Program. But besides this, I will tell you
and the other readers some of the absolute most important steps that anyone must follow to literally save
their life when their kidneys are failing.
You must stop eating all solid food.
At this point you need to begin a liquid diet, but because your kidneys are failing, we need to keep the
liquids to a minimum. We must also make sure that all liquids you consume are cleansing, detoxifying and
flushing to your kidneys meaning that they are diuretic.
I would start with
1 quart of Distilled Water daily
The water must be distilled, as this is the most cleansing water you can drink for your kidneys. It will
dissolve any sludge or sediment in your urinary tract. Squeeze the juice of one lemon and one lime into this
1 quart of Organic Raw Juice daily
The reason I stress RAW is because I dont want you drinking any cooked or pasteurized juices. So I want
you to get a juicer and start making your own fresh, organic juice every day. In fact, I want you to not only
get a juicer, but I want you to get a wheatgrass juicer, too. If you have a Champion juicer, you can simply
get the attachment that allows you to also make your own fresh wheatgrass juice. If you must buy your
juice in a store, buy it from a health food store where they will make it fresh for you while you wait. Below
I will give you a few juice recipes.
Vegetable Juice Combination
All produce must be organic, of course.
8 ounces of Fresh Apple juice
8 ounces of Fresh Carrot juice
8 ounces of Fresh Beet root juice
4 ounces of Fresh Celery juice
2 ounces of Wheatgrass juice
adding through the juicer
3 cloves of raw Garlic
6 pieces of Asparagus
Dr Schulzes Blog 2008-2012 by diseases 30/10/12
Spirit: Get as many self-help positive attitude and healing affirmation books that you can find. You can
start with going right up to the top navigation bar on this BLOG site and click on my Quotes and Healing
Affirmations, and read and re-read everything I say in both of these files every day. Remember,
Tomorrow is what you Believe and Do TODAY!
A few closing thoughts
As far as weaning off of all the chemical poison drugs that you are taking, this is something that you will
have to figure out on your own. But generally speaking, I would wean your body off of them over the next
couple of months, as you get stronger and healthier, and your kidneys start working better.
The big question that you have to ask yourself, is how did you get here? How did you get yourself into this
mess, this desperate life-threatening situation? This will be the true healing for you. You need to
discover why you have done this to yourself, and STOP doing this. Remember I always say that you can
heal yourself of anything, any disease, and all you have to do is STOP doing what you did that made you
sick in the first place and START doing what will Create Powerful Health.
In America, I often see people waddling around that weigh 250, 300, 400 pounds or more. I mean really
obese half-human/half-cow looking things, that havent seen their own genitals in years. And I often
wonder to myself at what point do these people not realize that they were negatively spinning out of
control, self-destructing, killing themselves and ruining their lives? Like when they couldnt tie their own
shoes anymore, or wipe their own butt, or breathe or walk normally?
It takes a huge amount of unconscious living to get yourself into the position that you, and many, many
Americans are inas the average American senior over 65 is also taking a combination of 10
pharmaceutical drugs, just like you.
According to the American Medical Association themselves, properly prescribed medications like you are
taking kill over 150,000 Americans every year. Personally, I think the real number is 1,000,000 dead!
So it is high time for you to WAKE UP! To realize that you are only steps away from deaths door, and
that you must pull out all the stops, remove all your excuses, and put 110% into SAVING YOUR LIFE.
Remember, I had thousands of patients that were in much worse shape than you, and they were able to turn
it all around, Create Powerful Health, and live a long, healthy, and happy life.
Do It Now!
Dr. Schulze
DISCLAIMER: This BLOG's purpose is to promote the sharing of information about healthy living and
dietary supplements. The views and opinions of Dr.Schulze and those of his companies and BLOG
administrators are offered for your information and are not intended to constitute medical advice. If you
are sick, injured or pregnant, consult a licensed medical professional.
I Had A Friend
I had a friend who just died. So I wanted to share a few truths with you, about life, dis-ease, healing, and
death. For those of you that only have two minutes, I Put The Most Important Points In Bold.
This friend was diagnosed many years ago with the deadliest of diseases, a rare form of cancer. The
medical doctors said he only had a few months to live.
He was a man of some faith, so I reminded him that only God knows when a person will live or die,
not medical doctors. And from my experience, the medical doctors are dead wrong, pun intended, far
more often than not.
In fact, if I had a hundred dollars for every patient of mine that was told they would be dead in a few
months, only to live decades after their medical death sentence, well, I would be a far richer man
than I am today.
Anyway, this man decided to give my Incurables Program a try. He wasnt a great patient; he didnt even
meet my minimum requirements. Sure, he drank some of the drinks, took some of the herbal medicines,
and went through some of the motions of some of the programs, but generally, he had that medical mindset
that some of my patients had been brainwashed into: In the back of his mind somewhere, he believed the
medical doctors, he believed their diagnosis, their prognosis, and I think he felt that they were very
smart people, and therefore they must be at least partly correct. To me this is kind of like believing
that the President, or the Queen, or the Pope is the smartest person in the world, or is psychic. I
think he felt that somehow surgery, at some point, was going to help him. This can be a deadly
mistake, much more deadly than any disease.
I think he expected me, or my herbal formulas, to almost magically heal his cancer. He said if it did,
he would tell the masses, at which point I told him I didnt need this kind of attention. He never
saw the healing process as him healing himself and creating powerful health. I know if he would
have just believed, he could have healed himself of anything.
His worst failure, was that he absolutely refused to take what I consider enough time off, to heal himself
at least three or four months, if not sixbut again to be fair he did some of the program. So I fired him as a
patient, after three days, and then again after five days, but we kept in touch.
By the way, in case anyone is wondering, I am not Jesus, nor a prophet of God. I have never healed
anyone. I cannot heal anyone. All I can do is Illuminate the Healing Path, for a person to walk on,
guide them on their Healing Adventure with my wisdom, and supply them with some of the Healing
Tools that they will need along their Journey.
OK, so he got very lucky and had his healing miracle, his minimum involvement was enough, he created
his own healing miracle, and his disease went into remission, and as my patients often experienced in my
clinic, the disease was eaten up by his own immune system. Often when this happens, when the cancer is
literally destroyed by your own immune cells, then just the fiber or skeleton of the cancer remains. He
even had the medical doctors perform a biopsy, and they said, we dont even know what this is
anymore it is NOT cancer, it is just some dead cells. I said, Wonderful, we have had another healing
miracle. But the medical doctors, nor him, were satisfied with this. They could not leave miracles alone,
so they all decided to go in and clean things up, which I always feel is a drastic mistake, for a few
First, surgery in itself causes a drastic reduction in our life energy, our chi, ki, prana, pilot light, or
energy level, whatever you want to call it. I always say unless a surgery is absolutely necessary, and
you will be dead in hours unless you have it, then DO NOT have it!
His cancer had been devoured by his immune system, it was gone as far as I was concerned, and to go in
with invasive surgery, just to clean out already dead cancer, is simply a waste of time, money and a HUGE
waste of your internal energy. Your body will do this eventually anyway. This was NOT a good idea,
especially when you have just healed yourself from a supposedly very lethal disease. I have faith in our
bodys ability to completely heal itself of any diseasehe did not. So he just couldnt help himself, he did
it, he had the clean up surgery and it was a huge energetic blow to him, like getting hit by a car no, a
Another reason to avoid surgery whenever possible, but especially when you are healing yourself of
cancer, is that I believe the surgical procedure itself can cause the cancer to spread. Actually, it is more
than just a belief I have seen this happen time and time again.
Some of you might wonder why he got sick in the first place. Well, many reasons that I could see.
To give you the best of my decades of clinical practice, ALL diseases are caused by a combination of
things, and cancer is no different.
ALL disease is caused by:
Inherited genetic predispositions
Diseases that are activated or created by physical, emotional and spiritual poisons
Most often, it is a combination of both.
Physically, he could have been poisoned by a number of carcinogenic chemicals that are present in almost
all of our lives. He worked at a very large manufacturing company, and this company uses chemicals in
manufacturing that are known carcinogens. So he could have been exposed to many manufacturing toxins,
or just environmental toxins that are commonly present on most work environments.
Emotional Trauma
Emotionally, there were many obvious poisons. He had a huge emotional trauma during his career, and
when he explained it to me, he said it was like getting struck right in the guts, at which time he
unknowingly pointed to exactly where the cancer lied underneath. He also said that he had physical pain
there for a few years after, and even a twinge now and then ever since.
Many diseases (especially cancer) are often caused, at least in part, by powerful emotional upsets
that we never resolve, or forgive and forget. And this man had a huge one. He wasnt big on
forgivenesshe was big on getting even.
Spiritual Trauma
This man had also made some business decisions that he was not proud of making, to put it mildly. A few
of them were very big decisions that made the company a lot of money, but they were decisions that he did
Dr Schulzes Blog 2008-2012 by diseases 30/10/12
not feel good about making at all. He had severe guilt and severe shame about this one decision that he was
just in the process of making.
I suggested a solution, which was to simply NOT DO IT. But my simple and very healing solution, well,
it was just overwhelming to him. He couldnt even imagine admitting his mistake, let alone stopping this
project that was just about to launch. It would have cost the company millions of dollars and blah, blah,
blah. I believe this guilt, shame and spiritual trauma was a big part of why his immune system was
shutting down, and why he developed cancer.
A great Guru once told me, You cant get what you want out of life, by doing what you dont want to do.
WOW, how simple is that? This man was simply doing what he did not want to do, and it was killing
him. What is this IT? This IT was him, so a better more accurate statement would have been I am
killing myself if I do this thing. Well, he did it, and he did! We are all extremely successful, powerfully
successful, and get exactly what we want. If we are not getting the results we want, then we simply need to
change our program.
You cannot be healthy and disease-free carrying a huge amount of guilt, shame and remorse around.
We are humanwe ALL screw up! Be honest with yourself. Fix any mistakes you have made the
best way you can, the best way you know how, and then MOVE ON!
I have a very smart CPA and many, many years ago I was considering an investment that was so complex,
neither of us even understood it. He simply said to me, no matter how much money you make on this deal,
if you lose sleep over it, its not worth it. He then went on to explain to me that he judges all deals based on
their sleep factor. He said that if any investment or any business deal keeps you awake at night,
worrying, it is not worth doing it. So I did NOT do this deal, and I have slept like a baby following this
important advice, ever since.
The bottom line is that carrying around guilt and shame will make you sick and kill you, as
effectively as any disease. Actually, it is part of the disease!
OK, so now my friend is dead. So what is my point here? Well, I have a few
First, I only share this story with you so we can ALL avoid these same mistakes and pitfalls in our own
lives. He would have liked this.
If you are seriously ill, with any one of the thousands of life-threatening diseases, and you want to
heal your dis-ease naturally, well, you simply need to take enough time off to heal yourself. In my
clinical experience, the minimum is three months on the programs, but with getting started and
recuperation, plan on six months. If you will not take the time off, well, this is what medical doctors,
drugs and surgery are for.
Medical doctors are NOT Natural Healers. If you are going to embark on a Natural Healing
Adventure, STOP listening to them. In fact, STOP asking them questions. In fact, STOP going to
them. By the way, they DO NOT know when you are going to die!
Dr. Schulze is NOT Jesus, Buddha, Moses, Mohammed, Lao Tzu, Confucius or any other prophet of
God or spiritual leader. He has never healed anyone, except himself. ALL of his patients healed
ALL diseases have physical, emotional and spiritual components. It is very important when healing
yourself to identify as many of these disease-causing factors as possible, and eliminate them. They
can be toxic food, toxic emotions and toxic spiritual poisons. Guilt and shame can kill just as fast as
French fries and trans-fatty acidsactually faster.
Surgery in itself causes a drastic reduction in our life energyour chi, ki, prana, pilot light, energy
levelwhatever you want to call it. Only consider it if you will be dead in hours without it.
Otherwise, postpone it as long as possible.
With ALL of your decisions in life, remember consider the sleep factor.
OK, Ill see you next week!
Dr. Schulze
You sound like an amazing woman to me, a great wife and if I were looking for a woman, or a nurse, I
would give you a call immediately. And, I totally applaud your husband for making all of the changes that
you have told me he has done, although I am sure you are the one who has made this all happen.
Look Brenda, I really appreciate your faith in me, my Natural Healing Programs, my Herbal Medicine and
all of the work that you, and your husband, have done. I am not being hard on your husband, and I do
congratulate him for all the good work he has done, but I take Cancer VERY SERIOUSLY and I want
more than anything for him to HEAL HIMSELF and I KNOW, in order to do this and give him his
best shot he has to get MORE INVOLVED!
And, you writing to me is very typical of my clinic. There is no accident that 90% of my patients were
female. I would like to think that it is simply because I am a handsome hunk, but the reality is probably
closer to the fact that women are more open and flexible when it comes to new things than most men.
Maybe this is one of the wonderful differences between estrogen and testosterone. We know that
testosterone makes things harder, stiffer, and less flexible, ALL puns intended. This is one of the reasons
you love him, but also these same reasons make men less open and receptive.
Anyway, just make sure that you are not dragging your husband through this Natural Healing adventure.
And, make sure that he has more energy with healing his prostate than you do. I know Brenda, if you
could, you would have his prostate transplanted into your body and you would heal it yourself, and then
give it back to him, but you cannot do this.
Again, I applaud you for all you have done, and him for what he has done so far, but his healing will take
an immediate and amazing change if he leads the charge, gets into his programs and gives me 110%,
and gets his prostate healed and gets his body to heal itself of cancer.
Let me tell you, if he doesnt take this more seriously, the cancer will!
NOTE: Psychologists now say there is a third personality type, the type C personality (verses the type
A and type B). They say that the type C personality is common with people who have Cancer and
they describe it as people who dont speak for themselves when they have the diseases, which is what is
happening here. So, we need to get your husband to be the one who is Creating his own Powerful
And, I understand that he has an extremely busy life, but if he loves life and wants decades more, he has to
give me a season here, and take a break from work, give me 110% and we will get this cancer out of his
body and he will heal himself.
The best thing you can do right now for me is two things
#1: Love your husband for who he is, not for his level of healing participation.
We are all going to die someday, and ALL of us could have lived a little longer if we would have taken
better care of ourselves and lived healthier. But, at the same time, we have to balance quality with quantity.
So dont be too hard on him if he also doesnt want to do any of my programs as intensely as you do, or if
he isn't as disciplined as you in creating a Natural Healing lifestyle. You fell in love with him for a reason
and it was not his ability to drink carrot juice.
#2: Send this BLOG to him!
Mr. Brenda, I have had people with prostate cancer in far worse shape than you, totally heal themselves.
You can do this. And, you are lucky to have your wife on your team. I have NO DOUBT that with your
determination, kick ass intensity, my programs and with your secret weapon of your wife, the prostate
cancer doesnt stand a chance.
Finally, answering your initial question, the foods you mention do not feed cancer. What feeds cancer is
toxins and poisons that we get exposed to in our food, water and air. And, what feeds prostate cancer are
all animal foods and they are probably what caused your husbands prostate cancer in the first place. So I
congratulate him for making the change to his vegan lifestyle. Dried fruit, like some prunes and raisins are
very concentrated and high in sugar, so I suggest eating only fresh fruits.
Finally, finally... make sure your husband is using my PROSTATE Formula, 3 droppersful, four or five
times a day, every day, until he can urinate with no problems at all. I've had a thousand men who could
barely pee because of their swollen prostate, be able to urinate with a strong stream again just by using this
formula, so make sure he takes it every day.
God Bless You Both and Your Efforts,
Dr. Schulze
byproducts. Look, I am not preaching some moral vegetarian standpoint here or some save the whales
philosophy. I am solely interested in stopping the flow of growth hormones and steroids into your
husbands body, which caused the prostate cancer in the first place.
When we begin our teenage years, we all have a spike in our own growth hormones and steroids. The
reason for this is simpleto make us grow! This is what causes everything from teenage growth spurts to
our maturing as male and female sexual beings, along with the growth and maturing of our sexual and
reproductive organs. During our late twenties and early thirties it is natural for our body to start producing
less growth hormones and steroids. This is simply because, WE DON'T NEED TO GROW ANYMORE!
So our bodies slowly and naturally begin to reduce the manufacturer of growth hormones and steroids to
where sometime in our late forties, fifties or sixties, both men and women experience female and male
menopause, which is a time when our growth hormones and steroids reduce to a very minimal level. This
is all part of the natural growth and sexual reproductive cycles of humans.
The problem of creating sexual and reproductive cancers begins when we interfere with our bodys
own natural reduction of growth hormones and steroids, by introducing additional powerful growth
hormones and steroids into our body, bloodstream and reproductive organs, through our diet.
There is now an overwhelming amount of scientific evidence that shows that all animal flesh, milk, eggs
and byproducts contain high levels of growth hormones and steroids.
First, they contain the growth hormones and steroids that are naturally present in the animal. What I mean
by this is that a cow or a pig naturally contains growth hormones that tell their body to grow hundredsif
not thousandsof pounds very quickly. These powerful growth hormones (along with our animal-based
American diet) are one of the main reasons behind the huge problem with obesity in America. These
powerful growth hormones also send grossly improper messages to our sexual and reproductive organs, to
grow and often this growth is tumors.
Just imagine, the milk of a cow is genetically engineered to tell the baby cow to grow fast, and to rapidly
grow thousands of pounds, and we are consuming this alien milk into our bodies. Just imagine what
message this alien milk is telling our prostate, testicles, breasts, uterus and ovaries to do? I can tell you. TO
GROW! Now, I have not even begun to talk about the millions of gallons of growth hormones and steroids
that are pumped into all animals to produce more meat, more milk, more eggs, more animal byproducts,
more animal food. Naturally, when you put animal growth hormones plus additional man-made growth
hormones into your body, well, you now have a very serious hormone double-whammy! When you
combine these two facts, with the gross increase in the consumption of animal food in the American diet, it
is no wonder that sexual and reproductive cancers have skyrocketed to an all-time high.
So the first thing we need to do for your husband is to get him to read what I wrote above!
Now, beyond his food program, lets get him healthy. If he is up to reading a book, I highly suggest my 20
Steps Book. If he is not up to reading it, I suggest you read it, and start including ALL of these 20 Steps
into your family lifestyle. You can even read it right now for FREE by clicking on the 20 Powerful Steps
book cover at the top of this BLOG.
I also suggest that you get him to take my SuperFood Plus, and if he wont drink green drink or swallow
15 tablets, well, I just really wonder how much he desires his penis to get hard.
Additionally, after he gets on his new food program that won't create cancer and his body, and gets a
nutritional blast from my SuperFood, and beyond the detox programs that I always suggest, yes he would
greatly benefit from my Male Formula, my Super Ginseng Formula and my Male SHOT.
I would suggest that he starts on the Male Formula at 2 droppersful three times a day, on the Super
Ginseng Formula at 1 droppersful three times a day, and to take a Male SHOT a few hours before he
plans on having a sexual experience.
In closing, I would rather have him alive than sexually active, although I do prefer both. So lets get him
on a food program and lifestyle program that wont cause his cancer to return and cause him to be just
another American cancer statistic.
Youre a good wife!
Dr. Schulze
cancer. On the other hand, if you live in a similar way as your parents did, or even a lower quality or lower
health lifestyle, well you can expect a similar outcome, possibly creating Reproductive Cancer.
For all of us, the best way to PREVENT genetic weaknesses (family diseases) from developing in our
bodies, and the best way to pass on stronger genetic coding to our children, is to live a healthy life. I dont
want to sound like a German geneticist or Dr. Adolph Schulze here, but this is a very basic law of
Nature. The weak become diseased and die out and the strong survive, and I want to make sure that you are
strong, healthy, live long, and that we will all create stronger and healthier future generations.
OK, so good so far.
Then you say:
Someone in the health field told me I shouldnt take the womens formulas because some of the herbs
may have an estrogenic effect and since my mother had estrogen driven cancer, I should stop. Well, that
scared me and I stopped about a year ago
They were wrong!
This is where I have a problemSomeone in the health field. Just like medical doctors, there are so many
people in the health field that mean well, but dont really know what they are talking about and pass on a
lot of misinformation, even real stupid suggestions and even more ridiculous treatment ideas. This is the
vast MAJORITY of both medical doctors and natural health professionals.
To make things worse, the vast MAJORITY of health practitioners and even natural doctors, still
THINK like medical doctors, using standard medical algorithms or thought patterns with treatments,
meaning they think and treat just like medical doctors, and this is where the problem lies. Let me explain
Herbs are just one of the many tools of Natural Healing. They are to be used along with healthy food
programs, flexibility, movement and exercise programs, cleansing and detoxification routines, emotional
and spiritual programs and hundreds of other positive lifestyle changes.
Herbal Medicines, when used correctly, are never used like a drug. Herbs do not act like drugs, and should
not be prescribed like drugs. Many herbalists around the world, if you have a headache, would prescribe
herbs for reducing painI definitely would not. Unfortunately most people, who practice natural
medicine, do so with an allopathic or standard medical doctors mindset.
If you have a headache, I want to know WHY, not, I repeat NOT, just kill the pain. You can have a
headache for 1,000 different reasons from tight neck muscles and stress, to constipation, toxicity, eyestrain
or even a brain tumor. Pain is the way the body communicates and lets us know that something is out of
balance. To tell it to shut up, and use drugs or even herbs, to make it go away without knowing why it
exists is a very ignorant form of medicine that is practiced by most doctors, both Orthodox and Alternative.
The herbs in any of my Female Formulas do not contain estrogen, nor would these herbs promote any
cancer in your body, nor would they promote your body to develop any cancer, in fact they will do just the
The herbs do contain nutrients that your body can use to build hormones, but only if you need them.
Mostly what these herbs do, is sensitize or assist your body to be more sensitive in detecting the amount of
hormones that you have created that are present in your bloodstream and then suppressing or stimulating
the manufacture of them, as needed.
For instance, many of the female herbs in my Female Formulas have been found to work by increasing the
sensitivity of the hypothalamus organ in your brain. Its the hypothalamus that constantly checks your
blood for hormone levels every minute of every day. If it detects that you are low in any endocrine
chemical (like a hormone such as estrogen) it will release chemicals that tell your ovaries to produce more
estrogen. If the hypothalamus detects that you have enough estrogen, it will release other chemicals that
slow down or even stop your ovaries from producing estrogen. So you can see that these herbs do not
contain estrogen, but instead sensitize your own endocrine system to produce exactly the amount of
hormones, or estrogen, that your body decides that you need, not what I (or any doctor) thinks you need.
Since I dont use herbs that actually contain estrogen, you have nothing to worry about.
Now, having said that, all animal foods, because of the huge amount of growth hormones and steroids that
are used in all meat, milk and egg production, are loaded with residual growth hormones and steroids. So,
when you consume animals and their byproducts, you consume large amounts of these growth hormones
and steroids. The residual hormones and steroids in animal food and animal byproducts have been directly
linked to the increase in reproductive cancers, including breast, uterine and ovarian in women, and prostate
and testicular in men. So if you read my books and follow my work, then you already know that
especially for you with a family history of cancerthat I highly recommend a vegan food program. Even
the American Cancer Society says that this will reduce your risk of cancer. So this is the FIRST place this
health practitioner should have gone, stopping you from consuming any animal food, and left the herbal
medicine advice to the herbal doctors.
Now my symptoms are crampiness and spotting almost every day. I tried going back on the formula, but I
started to get slight hot flashes, so I stopped again. When I started taking it, was I just not taking enough?
Now, I dont know what to do. Im thinking I should be taking it to balance my hormones, but dont want
hot flashes. I would love to hear your thoughts.
Debbie M. in Boyertown, PA
OK, let me give you a few of my thoughts here
First, relax; this is not such a big deal. I know this is very important to you, and your health, but I do not
feel that you are in any serious danger, just a little bit out of balance. So it is important that you keep this in
#1: At the beginning of your letter you state that you have been making my formulas for yearsI hope
this is a typo and you meant taking my formula for years. If it is not, and you are actually making my
herbal formula, this may be the beginning of your problem. As you know, I do promote people to make
their own herbal medicine if they want to. But, my concern here is that any herbal medicine that you make,
can only be as powerful as the herbs you begin with. I am a fanatic; in fact, fanatic is not even close to a
powerful enough word to describe how insane I am about herbal quality and my manufacturing techniques
for my herbal medicine. Please, read the beginning of my catalog under why my herbal formulas are the
very best. I am not tooting my own horn here, or pumping up my ego, but it is one thing to make your own
herbal medicine for general use, and another thing to make it to save your life. I suggest you start using my
Female Formula, at least for a while, as I know exactly how I make it. This is the exact formula that
created the extremely positive results with my patients in my clinic.
#2: I definitely suggest getting some of my Female Formula and start using 2 droppersful three times a
day. With an additional dose of 2 droppersful anytime you need it. And, if you are having a powerful
negative symptom of menopauselike extreme hot flashes, night sweats or any other symptomI suggest
using my Female SHOT immediately. Then, after a period of time when you feel that your hormones
are back in balance and that you are healthy again, you can feel free to start making your own herbal
medicine if that is what you want to do. But at least for now, please, use my herbal medicine, until we get
you healthy, strong and out of any danger.
#3: You are not your mother and you are not your father. Sure, you have inherited many of their genetic
strengths and weaknesses. But remember, you do not have to live out any of their genetic weaknesses, and
the best way to make absolutely sure that you do not manifest any of their, or your, genetic weaknesses is
to live a much healthier lifestylephysically, emotionally and spirituallythen your parents did. I am sure
that your parents did a lot of great things; all Im asking of you is an UPGRADE. I want you to take a good
look at what your parents taught you. And then I want you to eliminate the bad, keep the good, and create a
new, more healthier lifestyle for yourself then your parents did for themselves.
So stop worrying, get healthier, have fun and lets get going on Creating Powerful Health.
Dr. Schulze
All of my knowledge, all of my knowing, all of my understanding, comes from my clinical experience. It is
important that you know this, and that the following is NOT just my opinion, or that I am trying to just
prove some Natural Healing or herbal medicine point. Instead, this is my ACTUAL EXPERIENCE, time
and time again, with tens of thousands of patients. Additionally, it is also the ACTUAL EXPERIENCE of
my great teachers, from their clinics, with tens of thousands of their patients. The reason I emphasize this
is very important. You are putting your trust and your LIFE in my hands, and I take this VERY
So, I am not going to do any guessing here, or any preaching about Natural Healing and herbal medicine,
or give you any of my opinions, theories and hypotheses, and I have many of these. I am simply going to
tell you the absolute truth, what I witnessed firsthand in my clinic for decades using Natural Healing
routines and my herbal medicine to treat disease, PERIOD!
in their lifestyle. But, there is the dirty wordCHANGEand back to the beginning, most people are lazy
and do not want to change.
There is HOPE!
Thankfully nowadays, more and more people are losing faith in modern medicine. Television is loaded
with ads and between the ads for drugs are other ads from lawyers asking you if you want to sue your
doctor or the drug company for giving you drugs that harmed you or killed your relatives. Almost every
supposed wonder drug, in only a few short years, is discovered to have serious, harmful side effects and
has maimed or killed people. Additionally, almost ALL medical treatments, especially for degenerative
diseases, have been proven to NOT be effective. Worse, they have proven to be detrimental, even lethal.
Today, many authorities say that you will live just as longif not longerif you do NOTHING AT ALL,
instead of undergoing aggressive medical treatment.
FACT: In America, we spend more money per person on medical care than any other country in the
world, but we dont even make it into the top 15 countries when it comes to longevity.
So in this new millennium, modern medicine, doctors, drugs and hospitals are no longer looked at as they
were in the 1950s. Trying to poison people into health just doesnt work very well. They have grossly
over-promised and under-delivered when it comes to healing disease and are now viewed with more
skepticism than ever. Modern medicine has done a terrific job at shooting itself in the foot so I wont say
The bottom line is that very few people today think doctors, drugs and hospitals are safe, and are looking
for alternative ways to cure disease and regain their health.
But back to my main point In my clinic, 100% of my patients were able to get off of ALL of their
drugs, if they were willing to make the necessary positive changes in their lifestyle, and simply STOP
making themselves sick.
nine Bowel Digestive and Elimination Herbal Medicines, and three 5-Day Detox Programs. If you are
serious about getting off of drugs, try them all.
There is nothing wrong with this. I always said, everyone thinks they would like to drive an expensive car,
but when they see what the payments and cost will be, well, the rusty old junker isnt so bad after all. I do
not judge. I am simply here to tell you what is possible and offer you a new chance at life free of disease
and free of drugs.
Dont be stupid and dont die trying to prove that Natural Healing and herbal medicine works. I
already know it does, so save your ass first, we can always do a liver flush later.
We are ALL going to eventually die. No matter how clean you live, no matter how powerful of health that
you create, no matter how perfect your lifestyle is and no matter how positive you are, eventually you will
Eventually your body will start to fail, your genetic weaknesses will surface and your body will start to
breakdown, fall apart and become diseased. With most Americans this will be cardiovascular or heart
disease, or cancer.
When this happens, modern medicine, hospitals and pharmaceutical drugs may be able to give you a few
more years, and if this is what you want, WHY NOT!
What is IMPORTANT is to also maintain your quality of life while you are going for the most quantity
and longevity. Most of my patients did not want to be lying almost paralyzed, in pain, vomiting, in a
diaper, doped up on morphine, and paying $5,000 a day just to squeeze out a few more months of life. You
get the picture. At this point, it is time to move on to the next adventure and celebrate a life well lived.
Dont give away your family nest egg and throw away what little money you have saved after bills and
taxes, and give it all to the hospitals just to have anyone lie in a hospital bed feeling like hell, living in hell,
this is silly too. Use your common sense!
BUT, if a few drugs can keep you maintaining a great quality of life, and hold off disease and death a few
more years, why the heck not? I have never seen anything wrong with this.
FIRST, done ALL of my Natural Healing programs, using ALL of your herbal medicine, and made ALL of
my suggested lifestyle changes, done ALL of my 20 Steps, and have done 110% at creating the best,
healthiest and most positive life possible. 99% of the time when my patients, or their relatives, thought that
they had done this, I was able to see 100 more healthy changes that the person could make, and I had them
do this for a few months, and their disease completely went away and their health came back, WITHOUT
DRUGS. So it is important to stay off of any drugs as long as possible.
And, if you have done it ALL and you are still dying..., and you can get a few more years with drugs, bring
on the drugs.
If your father is like most of my patients that were in their eighties, he has not done what I just stated
above. So, if he wants to and he is willing to step-up his health programs, his herbal medicine and his
healthy lifestyle a few notches, he will probably be able to stay off the drugs for a few more years. Who
knows, maybe even for the next decade? Now you can reserve the use of drugs, if you need them at all,
until you cannot keep him stable with lifestyle and herbal medicine alone.
Doctor Patty, you are a GREAT mom and a GREAT daughter. Just keep learning and growing and
celebrate it ALL!
Dr. Schulze
This is a very special video. If you are into Dr. Schulze, and hearing some great stories about his early
clinic, and some of his patients healing miracles, and also hearing some unknown stories about the birth of
his nutritional blender drinks and his SuperFood formula in the clinic, then you will love 30-minute upclose and personal moment with him. Great Natural Healing Principles and Evangelism!
Click to View
So, what I would do is what I often refer to as a complete lifestyle makeover. You have to change
EVERYTHING! Again, everything is genetic, we are basically 50% our Mom and 50% our Dad, and
whatever they had, we are prone to get. YOUR level of health (or level of disease) is a simple combination
of your genetics REACTING to your lifestyle and environment. It is a REFLECTION of this collision
between your family genetics, and how you live your life.
YOU may be predisposed to develop cancergenetically predisposedbut that DOES NOT mean that
you will have it. That does not mean that there is nothing that you can do about it. Obviously, your
relatives lived a life that caused this genetic disposition to mutate their cells. The way for you to stay
cancer-free is to live a DIFFERENT life than your parents, a different lifestyle than your parents.
And I know this was a long-winded answer, my evangelism on genetics and Natural Healing, but to finally
answer you
A Juicer and the Incurables Programs AWESOME! That is a great start!
I have seen thousands of patients that have had all types of cancersyou name it. And, I have seen them
heal themselves by making radical changes in their lifestyle. So again, great, get started, do a complete
lifestyle makeover and enjoy the journey, enjoy the adventure. Get my 20 Steps Book and look at each of
these 20 steps and try to do them all at once. I have been working on this myself, to master these 20 steps
for over 40 years now.
And, for balancing your thyroid hormones I suggest the Female Formula and SuperFood Plus. The
Female Formula works to balance ALL of your endocrine organs, so not just the ovaries, but the thyroid
also. And, the SuperFood Plus gives your body the nutrition it needs to build these thyroid chemicals.
Roberta, remember fun is FUNdamental on all of my programs, and please enjoy your new lifestyle, and
your new life!
Dr. Schulze
#2 To protect from INTERNAL Contamination, Watch what you Breathe, Eat and Drink.
Internal contamination comes from breathing air, and ingesting food and drink that has been contaminated
with this radioactive dust.
As far as breathing in radioactive dust, you must protect yourself by breathing through a dust mask or
dust filtration mask, or at least a scarf.
As far as food, one thing we have learned from past nuclear incidents, is that the number one food that has
always been accountable for 98% of radiation dust consumption, is milk and dairy products. So DO NOT
consume any milk or dairy products. Only about 2% of radioactive dust ingestion has come from all
other sources of food. This is because milk and dairy products have proven to have the highest
concentrations of radioactive contamination after fallout has occurred.
Having said that, it is extremely important to wash all of your fruits and vegetables, even organically
grown, because any food can be exposed to this radioactive dust. So washing all food with soap, water
and a scrub brush is extremely important. This will remove the radioactive dust.
Finally, make sure that any water that you consume is bottled, (before the fallout occurred) or
purified. Having a great water filter around is perfect for this type of emergency.
Should I take Potassium Iodide (KI)?
Unless high-level exposure is imminent, assumed or confirmed, I would NOT flood my body with
Since your thyroid assimilates iodine as food in order to function, and manufacture your thyroid hormones,
and since this radioactive fallout is partially iodine131, your thyroid will gobble up this radioactive iodine.
This is a very bad thing to happen.
The idea is that if you flood your body with non-radioactive iodine, and your thyroid is full, it wont take
in any more iodine, including the radioactive iodine from the fallout, and it will hopefully pass through
your body harmlessly and be eliminated. And one of the ways to flood your body with iodine is by using
Potassium Iodide (KI), as taking high levels of iodine is NOT advised and can be poisonous, even lethal.
All your questions about this can be answered at http://emergency.cdc.gov/radiation/ki.asp which is the
Center for Disease Control website, which includes dosages and just about everything you would want to
know about this treatment.
Again, I would NOT consume this unless high-level exposure is imminent, assumed or confirmed.
Are there Natural ways to do this instead of Potassium Iodide?
Many herbs are rich sources of iodine, especially seaweeds. Although most people think that Kelp is the
highest food and plant source of iodine, actually Dulse has twice as much iodine as Kelp, along with every
mineral known, as it grows in the ocean. This is why I use Purple Dulse as one of my ingredients in
SuperFood Plus. And although a normal serving of these foods contains extremely high amounts of iodine,
it is still about 300 times less than the massive dose of potassium iodide that is used to flood and saturate
your thyroid with iodine.
So while some researchers think that using the natural source seaweeds, because of the much lower amount
of iodine, would not be effective, other researchers feel that the iodine in the sea vegetables is much more
bio-available and will assimilate easier, therefore it will be more effective, so a lower dose may be
effective to block the absorption of radioactive iodine.
Also I must state that there has been no substantial testing that I have ever seen using lower doses of herbal
and organic natural food source iodine such as Dulse, instead of taking the potassium iodide, for the
prevention of the toxic absorption of radioactive iodine131.
Now while some non-herbal people might be scoffing at the idea of loading your body up with SuperFood
Plus, or running to the health food store and loading up on Dulse and Kelp, and thinking that this lower
dose may not be effective, listen up.
During the Chernobyl nuclear power plant meltdown, I had students that didnt have any potassium iodide
available in their clinics, so instead they painted parts of their patients bodys with iodine tincture, some
even with my black walnut and dulse tinctures that are high in iodine. And low and behold, their bodies
assimilated the iodine through the skin, and their thyroid was protected. In fact these people ended up
having the exact same low levels of radioactive uptake into their thyroid as the group that took potassium
iodide. In fact after this incident, I have seen other studies that prove that painting iodine tincture onto a
small areas of your body, like the hand or kneecap, (some even as small as a silver dollar) was equal to
taking potassium iodide, in blocking radioactive dust uptake by your thyroid.
So now people are not laughing at the SuperFood, Dulse and Kelp idea anymore, and certainly all of these
are better than doing nothing.
What other Natural Preventative Measures should you Consider?
After the bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki in World War II, it was determined that there was a direct
correlation between A) the amount of radioactive fallout poisoning exposure, and B) the frequency that the
person had a bowel movement, and C) the degree of radiation sickness that a person developed. The reason
for this is simple. When you consume food that has radioactive fallout contamination, and this food sits in
your body and bowel for days, or a week, well this gives you much greater exposure time to the radioactive
fallout, and therefore the radiation does significantly more damage. On the contrary, if your bowel is
eliminating 2 or 3 times a day, this gives you much less exposure time to the radioactive fallout. So this is
simply why keeping your bowels active, keeps flushing out the radioactive dust and does not let it build up
inside your body.
Secondly, after the Chernobyl power plant nuclear meltdown, apple pectin was used extensively to extract
radiation from peoples bodies and their bowels, as it is proven to remove heavy metals including
radioactive fallout and particles, even Strontium 90. This action proved to significantly prevent damage
and disease that would have been caused by the radiation exposure and contamination.
So on the first assumption that you may have eaten contaminated food, and have consumed radioactive
fallout, I would immediately use my Bowel Flush SHOT, and then consider doing my complete 5-Day
Bowel Detox Program, that has Intestinal Formula #1, which would continue to stimulate the bowels to
make sure that no radioactive dust had time to stay inside your bowel to cause any poisoning or damage.
This Detox program also contains the Intestinal Formula #2 which contains apple pectin, that draws out
the radioactive dust, and also the bentonite clay that will physically pull out the radioactive dust.
For all of these reasons, a good bowel Detox is the antidote for internal consumption of contaminated
radioactive food.
My 10 Step Prevention / Protection Program
Can a person with Candida take Superfood Plus
October 10, 2008, ANSWER by DR. RICHARD SCHULZE
Dear Dr. Schulze,
Can a person with Candida still take the SuperFood? I know I need the vitamins, but I am concerned
because I saw there was yeast in it? Also, what else can I do to get rid of this? Thanks for all you do.
Marti P.
Dear Marti,
First, for anyone not familiar, Candida Albicans is a fungus that occurs naturally inside the human body,
especially in your intestines, but when your immune system isn't working well it can overgrow and cause
you a lot of physical problems, even emotional ones. But let me tell you a little bit about Candida to start
In the 1970's, every patient that came to me said they had parasites. A few of them did, but at that time all
the doctors were telling people they had parasites. In the 1980's, the fad disease was hypoglycemia. And
although I saw a few patients with hypoglycemia, or low blood sugar, it certainly wasn't every patient who
walked in my door. But doctors told everybody, with all the problems and symptoms that they had; it was
because they were hypoglycemic. And they really weren't.
Well, if there was a fad disease of the '90's, it certainly was Candida Albicans overgrowth within the body.
I can tell you that I saw thousands of patients that were wrongly diagnosed by their doctors, whether it was
a medical doctor or a natural doctor, and told that all their problems were because they had Candida. And
let me tell you, I found very few actual patients that really had a Candida overgrowth. So I just wanted to
say that up front.
But the question is, if you have Candida can you take SuperFood Plus, and the answer is ABSOLUTELY
YES! The yeast that is in SuperFood Plus is not alive or active. The yeast is in there because yeast
(especially the Saccharomyces cervisiae that I use) is the highest natural source of B vitamins that you can
find. It's the highest natural source of B vitamins that you can digest and get into your bloodstream without
even digesting them in your intestines. Right from your mouth you will get a B vitamin blast, and
everybody needs more energy, and therefore, needs more B vitamins. But the yeast is heated up high
enough after it grows the B vitamins, to kill off any activity, but not high enough to destroy any of the B
vitamin content.
So the answer is YES, for anybody that happens to actually have a Candida overgrowth in their body, it is
absolutely safe for them to take the SuperFood Plus, because the yeast in SuperFood Plus, the
Saccharomyces Cervisiae B vitamin blast in SuperFood Plus, has been heated just enough to make it
totally, 100% inactive.
Dr. Schulze
Dear Dr. Schulze,
How safe is Senna to take on a daily basis? I have an issue with sluggish bowels. If I don't take #1, I don't
eliminate. I may go for days without a bowel movement. But Senna is a laxative, albeit a natural one. I am
afraid I am creating a dependency. Not to mention, I am not always able to take it at dinnertime with food
due to my work schedule. If I don't take it at the right time at night, it hits me in the morning at an
inconvenient time. Will your herbal mucilage work better for me?
Jamie H. in Cardiff, CA, .
Dear Jamie,
I have a whole bunch of great answers for you.
First, you are not the first person to ask this question and you will not be the last. I get over 20 questions a
day that are very similar (if not identical) to your question so this brings up a great point.
Many people just look for the answer on my BLOG for their particular question, not realizing that I have
already answered their question in the past to another person. This is all the more reason to really use this
BLOG site as I built this for you Jamie, and all my customers, crusaders and anyone who needs any
healing, health or herbal answers.
For my great answer to your question, go over to the left side of your computer screen, on what I call my
left-side navigation bar. Now scroll down the page a bit to the main Blue Heading that says BLOG
ARCHIVES. Now go down to the very first sub category, which is SEARCH by Disease or Illness and
click on this and a jillion sub-categories will open up.
Now, scroll down to Constipation and click on that, and a whole bunch of videos, articles and customer
answers will pop up on your screen all about the bowel and Constipation. Scroll down to the eighth entry,
which is a letter I answered for a customer, Sarah C. on September 9th, 2008 entitled To Poop or Not to
Poop, that is the Question. In my answer you will find the answer to your question and probably much
You also have a question on HerbalMucil Plus and also the herbs in Intestinal Formula #1. In this very
same section, the second entry as you scroll down is a 14-minute video on HerbalMucil Plus (Dr.
Schulze Introduces his NEW HerbalMucil Plus). This video is ONE OF MY ABSOLUTE
FAVORITES. My brother Larry filmed this with my handheld video camera and it starts off with me on
the toilet and ends up in the kitchenits really FUN! It may sound like it is all about HerbalMucil, but in
actuality it is almost all about the bowel with some amazing statistics and some of my best Natural Healing
Evangelism. This video should be shown in every school across America.
Also, in this same section are many videos including a 40-minute video on Intestinal Formula #1 and
other videos on ALL of my Intestinal Formulas. Also, check out the Classic Video at the bottom of this
The point I am making here for you, Jamieand EVERYONE reading this answeris that I spent two
years and over a hundred thousand dollars to get this BLOG site up and running to answer all of your
questions, so PLEASE USE ME UP! Seriously, I have put sooooo much work into this BLOG site, and my
entire life into the answers, videos and audios. You can even READ ALL OF MY BOOKS and
WATCH ALL OF MY DVDs FREE right on this site! Just click on them and check out my really cool
book-reading program. And, you dont have to buy anything YAHOO!!!!!!
This BLOG is my dream come true for my Natural Healing Crusade to EDUCATE the world about natural
health, healing and herbal medicine.
So I invite all of you to take the time to really go over this BLOG site and see all that is on it.
Now Jamie, to give you a little personal attention, I answer your questions in the areas I mentioned on the
BLOG in detail. I think you will be very satisfied. I am just giving you a little homework. And, if you still
have questions, well, use this BLOG to ask more.
You are on the right path my friend, get your bowel working well and a new life awaits you! You will be
absolutely amazed at the physical, emotional and spiritual changes that you will notice in your life when
you have a clean and healthy bowel. It is a whole life makeover!
Dr. Schulze
Cardiovascular diseases
Lower your Cholesterol Naturally
What is Cholesterol?
The word literally translated from the Greek means solid bile. It is a waxy-like fat that circulates in our
blood. It comes from two sources:
Source #1 is that we manufacture cholesterol, in our liver and then it is turned into bile, which we need
to digest food, like fats, and also fat-soluble vitamins like vitamins A, D and E. Cholesterol is also
important for our body to manufacture hormones, even estrogen, progesterone and testosterone. It is an
important fat for the human body and circulates in our blood, and excess cholesterol is stored in our
Source #2, the other source of cholesterol is dietary, it is in the food that we eat. Cholesterol is found in
ALL animal foods, their flesh, eggs, milk, and all animal by-products including fish and seafood. There is
absolutely NO CHOLESTEROL in any fruit, vegetable, grain, seed, nut or sprout. Cholesterol is only
found in animal food.
Triglycerides are fats that exist in your blood, very similar to cholesterol and they exist with cholesterol in
your blood plasma. They come from fat in the food that you eat, and like cholesterol, are also
manufactured in your body.
When you consume food, and eat more calories than you need, triglycerides are stored with fat cells to be
used later when you need energy. Unfortunately, because most people eat too much fat and carbohydrates,
and do not get enough exercise, they store too many triglycerides.
High triglyceride levels in your blood (again, like cholesterol) is linked to cardiovascular and coronary
artery disease.
Similar to cholesterol numbers, high and potentially dangerous are triglyceride levels above 200 and below
150 is considered normal. Personally I prefer triglyceride levels to be even lower.
HDLs, LDLs and VLDLs
Your total cholesterol level is a combination of all of your lipoproteins (HDLs + LDLs + VLDLs + a few
more fatty substances). As the name suggests, lipoproteins are a combination of lipo (fat) and protein.
Lipoproteins have a very important function in your body, as they transport fats around in your blood. All
the cells in your body need fats, cholesterol and triglycerides as food to build their cell membranes, the
structure of the cell. It is the lipoproteins that transport cholesterol and fat from your liver, through your
blood to all of your bodys cells, and then back to your liver.
Since fat and water dont mix (like olive oil and water) and since your blood is more like water, the
lipoproteins encase fats and transport them through your blood.
HDLs are High density Lipoproteins, and they basically pick up cholesterol from your body, blood
vessels and blood and bring it back to your liver, where it can be eliminated via your gallbladder and
bowel. HDLs are often called the Good Cholesterol as they can literally lower your cholesterol level by
removing it from your body.
A level of HDLs in your blood greater than 60mg/dL is considered optimal and healthy, while a level
below 40mg/dL is considered dangerous increasing your risk of arterial plaque and heart and circulatory
Recent studies over the past few decades have even shown that high levels of HDLs can literally scrub and
clean cholesterol and plaque off the walls of arteries that are already blocked. YES, your body will heal
and repair itself if you give it a fighting chance!
LDLs are Low Density Lipoproteins, and they do the exact opposite of HDLs. They collect cholesterol
from your liver and take it out through your blood to all the cells of your body. Although they are very
necessary, too many LDLs transport too much fat through blood vessels and the body, which is not healthy
and therefore they are often referred to as Bad Cholesterol.
Medical authorities suggest that a safe level of LDLs is less than 100 mg/dL, and this is considered healthy
and optimal for LDL cholesterol. Personally, I would like to see my patients below 70mg/dL.
VLDLs are Very Low Density Lipoproteins, and they transport triglycerides through the blood to cells
and fat in the body. These are also considered Bad Cholesterol as they transport cholesterol into your
body and cells.
The bottom line is that all of these lipoproteins are necessary to be healthy, but the balance or ratio of them
in your blood is what is important.
How can I raise my levels of HDLs and lower my LDLs and VLDLs?
I knew you would ask this question, which takes me right to
Whether you are trying to lower your cholesterol levels, or heal yourself of any disease, ANY disease,
stopping eating ALL animals and their byproducts is a fundamental principal of Natural Healing. Once you
have normal cholesterol levels and/or are disease-free, then I wont watch what you put in your mouth on a
Saturday night, but until then, stick to the program.
Another tip, if you are concerned about getting enough nutrition, please read Chapters 2, 3, and 4 of my
20 Powerful Steps book, which is also available to read FREE, right on this BLOG. You might also
consider taking my SuperFood Plus every day too, and it contains a lot of nutrition, and ZERO
Cholesterol is also manufactured in your intestines, but regardless, my first detox is always my 5-Day
BOWEL Detox. You must make sure that your bowel is clean and functioning well before you consider
doing any other detoxification. This is simply because all solid waste, even old bile and gallstones
(cholesterol) from your liver and gallbladder are eventually emptied into your intestines and bowel for
elimination. If your bowel is sluggish, congested or constipated, you cannot effectively clean out your
body. So get the bowel clean, toned and healthy FIRST!
Then, it is time to do my 5-Day LIVER Detox, which includes my Liver and Gallbladder Flush. This
detox is basically a laxative for the liver and gallbladder, cleaning it out and purging it of its contents,
including cholesterol. And, it also tones and strengthens your liver and gallbladder and gets them healthier.
The herbs are also powerful liver protectors, and protect your liver cells from the constant chemical
bombardment we call living the American Dream.
Once your liver and gallbladder are clean, you may also consider my PROTECT Formula for the rest of
your life, to keep that liver protected. You can read up about that formula on my Herbal Medicine website
by clicking here: http://www.herbdoc.com
Garlic is famous for its ability to reduce cholesterol levels, so much so it is used medically for this purpose
in many countries around the world. I would have my patients consume three cloves a day, (one clove,
three times a day) raw or chopped. Have it either swallowed or mixed into cooked food, but dont cook the
garlic, just mix it in your food. And forget about garlic pillsjust eat it RAW!
Exercise / Movement
A regular exercise program, even an hour of brisk walking a day, kept up daily for a month or two, has
been proven to reduce your cholesterol level by up to 30%, so lets get moving.
Remember, especially with moving, fun is FUNdamental. If you do not make moving fun, you will quit
moving, so make it FUN! I highly suggest you go to my Links page in the upper Navigation Bar of this
BLOG, and the third link down is my movement Guru, ZenKahuna. Check out many of his fun ways to get
moving more, while having lots of fun doing it. He breaks all the rules.
Stress makes you sick, and can even raise cholesterol levels and make it harder for you to get rid of it, so
lets start to melt the stress away. Slow down a bit, time is a man-made nightmare. Move more, breathe
deeper, and see how you can eliminate things from your life that take up your time and cause stress. A
month ago, I realized I had been run over by the information highway, and the safest thing I could do was
get off the road. So, I stopped emailing and closed my email account. This immediately gave me more time
to get healthy and lowered my stress.
My patients who followed this program for three months, ALL dropped their cholesterol levels to
absolutely normal, their triglycerides too, and lowered their LDLs and VLDLs and raised their HDLs. And,
I had patients with some of the highest cholesterol levels that medical doctors have ever heard of.
While on this program, most of my patients had normal cholesterol levels in only one month, and great
HDL / LDL ratios, but why stop the fun after only one month?
If my Arteries are Already Blocked with Cholesterol and Fat, can I Remove
this Blockage Naturally?
YES! Dr. Dean Ornish, one of the nations leading vegetarian cardiologists, has done numerous studies
proving that you can stop, and even reverse coronary artery plaque and cholesterol build-up, and remove it
by living a healthy lifestyle. My Clinical Cholesterol Reduction Program is a few steps beyond what Dr.
Ornish did to achieve these results. Remember
Your body can and will heal itself of ANYTHING, ANY DISEASE. Just STOP doing what you did that
made you sick And START doing what will Create Powerful Health! And dis-ease will disappear!
See my description of this action above under HDLs.
Dr Schulzes Blog 2008-2012 by diseases 30/10/12
My Medical Doctor says my arteries are blocked with calcium plaque, not
This is a misconception. FIRST, excess cholesterol was deposited and got stuck onto the walls of your
arteries. Then, white blood cells attached to it causing inflammation. Finally, it was covered with calcium
plaque and became a type of scar tissue on the inside of your arteries, causing a reduction in blood flow. If
this is in your coronary or cerebral arteries it can cause a heart attack or stroke. So, this top layer or crust
of this plaque may indeed be calcium, but underneath it is cholesterol and was caused by high cholesterol
levels or what is referred to as hypercholesterolemia.
Regardless of what your arteries are blocked with, your new, healthy lifestyle will remove it and clear your
My Medical Doctor says my Cholesterol level is too low and that I should eat
more meat. What do you think?
Your MD is an IDIOT! I have heard many patients over the years tell me this exact same thing. That they
went in for a regular check-up, and their medical doctor said their blood cholesterol was 130 mg/dL or 120
mg/dL and that is dangerously low. What utter bull! I have had many patients that were told by their MD
to eat more red meat and cheese to raise their cholesterol. The stupidity of some doctors never ceases to
amaze me.
I have NEVER read, or heard of ANYONE (and I have researched this) who was ill because their
cholesterol level was too low. On the other hand, millions are dying because their cholesterol levels are too
high! So, unless these MDs were trying to make their patients sick, give them high blood pressure or a
heart attack or stroke, I go back to my original statement that they are simply being ignorant idiots.
Keeping your teeth and gums healthy and strong
October 17, 2008, ANSWER by DR. RICHARD SCHULZE
Dear Dr. Schulze,
How do I use your Tooth & Gum Formula? Also, any other suggestions to keep my teeth?
Tom B.
Well, let me tell you, because I just did it this morning. The best way to use the Tooth & Gum is to get a
water pick. Get yourself a water pick and fill it with distilled water, put in about 8 dropperfuls of the Tooth
& Gum, and then turn it on and work it deeply in between your teeth and deep under your gums. Turn on
that water pick as strong as you can handle it. If it makes your teeth bleed, stop there and use this formula
and it will stop the gum infection, it'll stop your gums from bleeding, and eventually tighten up your gums
and stop them from any receding. So put the formula in a water pick. That's the best way to use it.
Or, if you don't have a water pick, after brushing and flossing just swish and gargle with 1 dropperful of
Tooth & Gum Formula, 1 dropperful of my Digestive Tonic and 1/2 ounce of distilled water. Put these
ingredients into a shot glass, swish, strain it through your teeth, gargle and spit it out. Using these two
formulae will destroy the bacteria that cause cavities, bad breath and many diseases.
Dr. Schulze
Along with all of the herbal medicines and routines listed above, and then including my herbal snuff
formula, I have seen the worst chronic Sinusitis healed.
One Final Thing, Vegan, NOT Vegetarian for Sinusitis:
I want to congratulate you for becoming a Vegetarian, but because you have chronic Sinusitus, I need you
to take it one step further and become a Vegan. Here's why;
If I could pick the biggest food source offender for causing and contributing to Sinusitis it would be dairy
products. Milk, milk products, dairy products, cheese, all of these things that I call liquid meat, are the
worst at congesting and infecting the sinus. I dont care if it is organic and chemical free, I dont care if it
is from sheep instead of cows, or from goats, or even from monkeys or pigs, which many scientists say are
more similar to humans. The only milk that was ever designed for human consumption is human milk,
period. Never anywhere on this planet would you ever see any animal sucking off the tit of a different
animal; this doesn't exist.
Cows milk has all the fats, proteins, hormones, genetic material and DNA coding to create and build a
beautiful baby COW! NOT a human. (just one of the reasons obesity is plaguing America) The same goes
for sheep, goats, or any animal. WE ARE ALL LACTOSE INTOLLERANT when it comes to the milk or
milk products of another species of animal, other than a human. And consumption of this alien milk
directly causes the production of excess mucous in the lungs and sinus, and leads to lung and sinus
irritation, inflammation, congestion, and then blockage and infection. I saw this a thousand times in my
clinic - I would get a patient to stop consuming ALL dairy products from all types of animals, and the
sinus infections would disappear.
So becoming a VEGAN, not just a Vegetarian, is the natural FOOD CURE for chronic Sinusitis.
You can easily heal your chronic Sinusitis with just a little directed attention. So Its Time for the BLITZ!
Dr. Schulze
10 natural & common sense ways to prevent any cold & flu
November 02, 2009, VIDEO by DR. RICHARD SCHULZE
The Best Defense is a Strong Offense. If you follow these 10 Natural and Common Sense PROACTIVE
health tips, then the odds are way in your favor, and chances are you won't get infected this winter.
Video Length: 16:56
Click to View
Why not increase your odds even more? Build a strong defense by supercharging your immune system
with these 8 powerful herbal formulae.
Video Length: 20:16
Click to View
These are the same 7 steps Dr. Schulze used in his clinic to knock out the worst cold and flu cases and get
his patients back on their feet FAST!
Video Length: 5:11
Click to View
This is my latest video. It is short and to the point. Dont let your guard down now, as cold and flu season
isnt over yet.
In this video I tell you about my Cold & Flu Herbal SHOT
How It Works
What It Does
Whats In It
Still Alive ! Colitis and Pregnancy
Dear Dr. Schulze,
First of all I want to thank you for what you do, your products have improved my life significantly. About
5 years ago I was admitted to the hospital for rectal bleeding. As it turned out I was diagnosed with
ischemic colitis.
The doctors recommend removing my sigmoid colon and said if I didn't get the surgery I would be
dead in 3 weeks to a year.
Being only 30 years old at that time I thought there had to be another way.
After a year of seeking out and trying many different types of alternative medicines, I was introduced to
your products. I did your Vitality Program and felt the best I had felt in years. From there I
continued on with your Bowel Detoxes and I'm still alive!
Fast forward to now, 5 YEARS LATER! I've been using your Intestinal Formula #1 and your
HerbalMucil ever since to stay regular. I eat well, I'm sure you would say I could do better ;-). However,
I'm now pregnant with my first child and wondering if its safe to keep taking your Intestinal Formula #1?
I'm having some constipation. I've been using the HerbalMucil but it doesn't seem to be enough. I would
love any advice you can offer. Much thanks and appreciation!
Jennifer S. in Westminster, CA,
Dear Jennifer,
For being alive 4 years AFTER the medical doctor said you would be dead!
Welcome to the club, I am now 40 years past when the medical doctors said I would be dead. Actually this
club has hundreds of thousands of members, all over the world. I like this club, as it is far better than the
club of being cut, burnt and poisoned. It is far better than the club of having to glue a bag on your belly
daily to store your feces in. Healing disease by Creating a Healthy Life and Lifestyle. Its a lot more fun
than surgery, doctors, hospitals and chemical drugs, and a lot cheaper! And it just makes COMMON
Colitis Simplified
Colitis, well, lets just start with itis. Itis is a suffix (something that is added to the end of any word) that
when added to any word simply adds inflammation to that word. Like Appendicitis meaning inflammation
of the Appendix, Tonsillitis, inflammation of the Tonsils, Hepatitis meaning liver inflammation, and in
your case Colitis, inflammation of the Colon.
Colitis = Colon Inflammation
Ischemia is a combination of two Greek words, Isch which means to restrict, and Haema meaning blood,
so Ischemia added to any word means the restriction of blood, such as Ischemic Heart Disease which is
heart disease caused by the restricted blood flow through the coronary arteries to the heart muscle itself.
Ischemia can be caused by arterial restriction, blood clots, tumors, tight clothes, and it is usually a disease
of the elderly.
So, Ischemic Colitis simply means that your colon, or a portion of your colon, is inflamed due to restricted
blood flow. By the way, I must add that Ischemic Colitis is usually a disease of the elderly, NOT 25-yearolds, so this is something that you probably genetically inherited.
Dont Worry
The bottom line is I wouldnt worry at all anymore since it has been 5 years since your diagnosis and I will
assume that you no longer have rectal bleeding, ischemic colitis or any symptoms at all except a lazy
Many Americans have sluggish bowels due to our American food program and lifestyle. And since you
added a ;-) on your letter after your comment on your food program, I know that you can do better too.
Just remember that my HerbalMucil Plus that you are taking is to make up for the fiber that you are not
getting enough of in your food program, so I appreciate your patronage, but please try to remove any
fiberless food from your diet, like any animal foods, and at the same time increase the fiber rich foods like
fruits, veggies, grains, legumes, nuts, seeds etc. BTW, I take my HerbalMucil EVERY DAY even though I
eat Vegan and Raw for breakfast, with my SuperFood of course, and a Vegan Raw Lunch everyday, so I
get tons of fiber. But I grew up having only 1 BM a week, and inherited a sluggish bowel, so I LOVE the
HerbalMucil Plus too, even if its my own product.
weight during pregnancy develop Preclampsia, and put themselves and the baby at risk, and also risk a
premature or sick baby, SO KEEP YOU WEIGHT NORMAL!
Tip #2
You are building another human being, WHAT AN AMAZING MIRACLE! So you need double the
nutrition during pregnancy, and during lactation. So start taking your SuperFood Plus twice a day,
morning and afternoon or early evening. And continue this while you are breast feeding also. You can start
the morning with your SuperFood Plus nutritional blender drink. If you have any morning sickness during
your first trimester, then use the SuperFood Plus tablets instead. In the afternoon have a SuperFood Bar.
Getting this boost of extra nutrition will not only ensure you have a healthy and strong baby, but will
enrich your own milk to make incredibly nutritious baby food.
Great job in healing yourself naturally, avoiding life-robbing surgery and proving the medical doctors and
their DEATH SENTENCE, VERY WRONG! Great Job in discovering the alternative and natural healthy
path, and healing yourself naturally.
You may always need a little natural herbal bowel medicine during your life to keep your elimination
regular. But having said that, after 12 years on Intestinal Formula #1 myself, and all the while improving
my eating, moving and thinking, and making my lifestyle healthier, well I did not need to take Intestinal
Formula #1 anymore.
Way To Go, MOM!
Dr. Schulze
inflammation and healing burnt, ulcerated and inflamed tissue. If you dont have a great colonic therapist
nearby, you can simply do cool high enemas with purified water at home with a common enema bag.
Immediately following the enema, implant 4 to 16 ounces of this oil and gel mix using a rectal syringe that
you can buy at any pharmacy. After the implant, it would be helpful if your husband would relax on his
back and even tilt his lower torso or pelvis area upwards a bit so this implant liquid can go into his colon
and reach the inflamed area. He will find that this enema and implant treatment really puts the fire out.
Enjoy your healing adventure, and remember to always smile and laugh when giving or getting an enema.
Learn some jokes and make it a party.
Get Well,
Dr. Schulze
March 26, 2009, VIDEO by DR. RICHARD SCHULZE
This video is 40 minutes of pure Bowel Evangelism. In this video Dr. Schulze explains his famous
Intestinal Formula #1, how and when to use it, what you should expect when using it and he also reads and
answers numerous questions from customers about this formula and gives his recommended dosages.
Video Length: 40:14
Click to View
Celiac Disease
Check Allergies
Colon Disease
The WINNER! FINALLY #1 Video Award
August 30, 2011, VIDEO by DR. RICHARD SCHULZE
Healthier Life book and look into each and every one of my 20 steps and see if there is anything that you
have missed. You can find this book on the right side of this blog, too. Click to read it right nowFREE!
Remember, the Natural Healing of disease is the process of changing our lifestyle and our life for the
betterphysically, emotionally and spirituallyuntil our body heals ITSELF and our disease
simply goes away. So be patient.
I would also try some of my other bowel formulas, like the HerbalMucil Plus, which will add more fiber
than a raw food program, and this may be your answer. I would also try my Intestinal Formula #1
Maximum Strength and my Bowel Flush SHOT. These formulas may offer your body a break from
the Intestinal Formula #1, and also they will work differently for you, so try them too.
If raw foods are too much of a push for you, I totally understand. Natural Healing dictates that you can heal
yourself of ANYTHINGANY DISEASEand that all you have to do is STOP doing what makes you
sick and START doing what will Create Powerful Health. Well, that can be easier said than done. Most of
us have our limits of what we are willing to do. This is where the herbal medicine help comes in.
So in the mean time, while you are becoming a health fanatic, we have herbs to literally assist your body to
work perfectly, even though your current lifestyle improvements have not been enough to offset your
genetic weakness, but KEEP GOING!
This is the beauty of herbal medicine. It will keep you clean inside, make your bowel work well and keep
you safe from colon disease while you are figuring out how to live.
Please, congratulate yourself for all that you have done so far. Give yourself lots of appreciation and hugs
and kisses, and then take the next steps to a healthier life! Who knows? You might be one day away, or
one week on raw foods away from your healing of a lifetime!
Celebrate whatever it is, keep smiling, keep laughing and have FUN with the journey and adventure!
They called me a few days later and said they felt real stupid. Hey, we all do stupid things, I just hope she
isnt one of the over 50,000 that will get cancer this year because of an unnecessary CT scan.
So I will REPEAT:
In 2007, the most recent medical data on this subject, it is estimated that 29,000 Americans will develop
Cancer because they got a CT scan, and that more than 15,000 will die from Cancer due to CT
This means that CT scans are now one of the leading causes of cancer and DEATH! Doesnt anyone
but me think this is insane?!
I happened to see these three articles on CNN within a short time of each other. I hope you can see the
humor and insanity in them as I did.
Look, I don't care what anyone wants to eat, Cows or Sprouts, it doesn't really matter to me, it's your
business, but . . . . .
I am in the business of helping people Heal Diseases naturally, and also to Create Powerful Health
naturally, and you are NOT going to achieve either of these stuffing dead animals or their eggs or milk into
your body.
For one, no dead animal, or any animal egg or milk contains one drop of fiber, NONE. This simply means
that once it gets into you, it is very hard to get it back out of you, so it is very, very clogging, congesting
and constipating to everything from your arteries to your colon. In fact animal flesh mixed with your
digestive fluids has been linked to causing colon cancer and many other colon diseases and other cancers,
the #2 cause of death in America.
Additionally, it is rich in cholesterol and fat, in fact animal flesh and animal byproducts are the ONLY
source of dietary cholesterol, PERIOD. There is NO cholesterol in any Grain, Vegetable, Fruit, Legume,
Seed, Nut, Sprout, NONE. Animals and their by products have been linked to coronary artery and carotid
artery disease, the #1 cause of heart attacks, and strokes AND DEATH in America.
Also, they are loaded with antibiotics, hormones, steroids and a 100 other pharmaceutical drugs, so if you
think you don't take pharmaceutical drugs, but you eat animals, think again. In fact animal flesh and animal
byproducts are loaded with drug residues. Over 50% of the antibiotics manufactured are not used on
people, but on animals for slaughter because of the filthy infected conditions they live in. And even if you
eat meat that is hormone and drug free, and the animals are treated humanely and killed humanely (is that
an oxymoron?), they still contain their own natural hormones that are very alien to your body, like a cows
that help it grow from 200 to 2000 pounds in a few years, do you really need hormones like that in your
And if you think chicken, or fish is a good healthy alternative, think again. Chicken has just as much fat
and cholesterol as fatty hamburger meat and even the freshest fish is still loaded with parasites, mercury,
it's scary.
And finally read my latest Summer Catalog 2008 report, page 17 on the right side, my article called
"Hamburger Pollution" which shows you how the animal business in America is contributing to global
warming much more than all car, bus, truck, airplane and all means of transportation and the burning of
fossil fuels combined.
So look, this is not some save the whales plea, or some be kind to animal thing. If I were starving to death,
and there was no food in sight, like a desert island, I would probably kill the person next to me and eat
them if I needed to, especially if they were irritating me, but, I am far from starving and I am not stranded
on a desert island.
The bottom line is that if you are trying to heal yourself of any disease or illness, and/or you are trying to
Create Powerful Health, take a break from eating animals and their byproducts. You don't need the
bacteria, fat, cholesterol, drugs, antibiotics, parasites, mercury or whatever in your body when you are
healing and building health.
Like me, you will probably find that when you stop eating it, you will feel a lot better, lighter, less heavy
and bloated, have more energy and will end up just dropping eating the garbage all together. I did, about 40
years ago.
Be Well
Dr. Schulze
Video Length: 13:51
Click to View
Re-RUN This Video!
August 29, 2012, VIDEO by DR. RICHARD SCHULZE
I meet people EVERY WEEK that only have one bowel movement a week, if not one bowel
movement a month!
So, I have asked my Web Department to RERUN this classic Dr. Schulze video that was taped in my
California Pharmacy YEARS AGO, when I was introduced to a wonderful woman who was very
constipated all of her life.
(Notice my longer hair and fatter face, compared to the new slimmer and trimmer Dr. Schulze!!!)
Anyway, constipation is such a common problem in America I should probably rerun this video every
If any of you are constipated, PLEASE start on my Intestinal Formula #1 right away. And, if you know
someone that is constipated, or only has a bowel movement once a week, or even less often SEND
It is not just a matter of being regular; it is a matter of PREVENTING DISEASE and BEING
Free the BLOCKAGE!
Dr. Schulze
Click to View
On the other side of the coin, just because its not such a big deal to do it, never underestimate its POWER
and EFFECTIVENESS. I used this 5-Day Kidney Detox in my clinic and it assisted my patients in healing
the most stubborn and raging kidney and bladder infections, on patients whose immune systems were shot.
As far as its success rate, 100%!
As far as dissolving a Bladder Tumor, all I can say is NEVER underestimate the power of herbs at
cleansing and healing the body, and NEVER underestimate the healing power of the human body, when
its happy.
I may have said this before
Your body can heal itself of ANYTHING, ANY ILLNESS, ANY DISEASE. All you have to do is
STOP doing what made you sick, and START doing what will Create Powerful Health!
OK, now on to her constipation
Make sure her food program is animal-free, as ALL animal food contains NO FIBER! Worse, it is sticky,
glueish and constipating. To increase her FIBER intake, add a spoon of my HerbalMucil Plus to her
morning blender fruit smoothie and SuperFood Plus drink.
Drinking plenty of water and liquids, just like you did, wonderful! This will inhibit further kidney or
bladder infections and also relieve any constipation, which is often caused by simple dehydration. The
large intestines job is to extract liquid from our fecal matter, and if youre not consuming enough liquid,
and the fecal matter is not liquid enough to begin with, well, it will become too dehydrated and dry in our
intestines, which makes it very difficult to eliminate.
YES, with children always start with my Intestinal Formula #3. This is the good tasting childrens herbal
bowel cleanser. If that does not work, after increasing the dosage for about a week, then move onto my
Intestinal Formula #1, like you did, increasing the dosage every day until you get results, like you did.
You will eventually get results!
FORGET castor oil, mineral oil or any oil, and FORGET suppositories!
Enemas rule!
Enemas are almost taboo in our post 1950s society. But they are a simple, easy and quick solution to
constipation. A simple rectal enema will flush out the contents of the rectum, and often stimulate the entire
colon into action, emptying the entire colon. If not, a high enema is also simple to do, and EVERYONE
should know how to do one, especially EVERY PARENT!
Again, Enemas rule!
NOTE: Some kids eat a lot less than we do, especially picky or finicky eaters, so their poop may not be
substantial. Dont look for the toilet bowl to be filled with feces; it may just be a few small pieces. This
does not mean she is constipated.
Dr Schulzes Blog 2008-2012 by diseases 30/10/12
Once she is going, at least once per day, I would go back to the Intestinal Formula #3, unless she is
taking two or more of the Intestinal Formula #1.
As far as loss of appetite, I wouldnt worry. When children, or anyone, are not feeling good, especially
with constipation, it is a natural process for your body to suppress hunger
As far as fever, I will assume that this is just a coincidence. But in extreme constipation, a fever and
abdominal pain can be a sign of appendicitis or some intestinal infection. If her pain is mainly in the
appendix area (draw a line between her navel and her hip, and the middle of this line is over where
appendix pain often is), then it wouldnt hurt to start her on my appendicitis routine. Read this on page 97
through page 100 of my book, Detoxification Volume Two.
You can read these pages, or the entire book, right on this BLOG. Just go over to the books on the
right margin, and scroll down to Detoxification Volume Two, (currently the 4th book down with the
blue cover) and then click on this book. The book will load up and you can read it right here,
RIGHT NOW, online, FREE!
I am so happy that with a few herbs and your good common sense you were able to help your daughter
heal herself naturally, dissolve her tumor and most important, avoid bladder surgery. GREAT HEALING!
Dr. Schulze
years, internationally. Cascara Sagrada bark, Senna leaves and pods and Aloe all contain emodin. Emodin
is a cathartic anthraquinone that stimulates the muscular contractions (peristalsis) of the colon,
which promotes more frequent and more complete bowel movements, relieving constipation. The
FDA has recognized it as being effective for this purpose, but there have been some FDA disagreements
over Cascara Sagrada in 2002 (in ridiculously high dosages, that would almost be impossible to ingest),
but regardless, it is still very legal to use as an herbal supplement. All of my herbal products meet FDA
guidelines to manufacture and sell, and my facility is also an FDA inspected and approved ORGANIC
herbal manufacturing facility.
It seems to me that you are looking for evidence to NOT get your bowel working, to NOT get healthy and
to NOT use Natural Healing and Herbal Medicine. Because this is exactly what you found!
Most people when researching herbs they want to use, just read the articles about how using the herb will
improve their life, and maybe even save it. So the Big Question I have here is why are you doing this?
Whom are you trying to convincewhat is your point?
My patients that were always looking for reasons to not use herbs and not get healthy, well, they
usually found their reasons and achieved these goals. I strongly suggest that you get your head
screwed on straight, focus on what you WANT, and want to achieve, and Just Do It! What you are
doing now will cause illness and disease, and its NOT FUN!
Your Focus Determines Your Future!
Tomorrow is what you DO and BELIVE Today!
Dr. Schulze
11 and Constipated
February 22, 2012, ANSWER by DR. RICHARD SCHULZE
Dear Dr. Schulze,
My son has suffered with chronic constipation and partial rectal prolapse since he was four. He is now 11
and still having the same issues. Ive been to many doctors/specialists and nothing seems to help. He has
been allergy tested and it came up positive for several foods including all nuts, seeds, soy, and pretty much
everything outside. He does not have a reaction that I can see when he eats these foods. He is also an
extremely picky eater, which gets worse as he gets older. Ive tried everything to try and get him to eat
fruit and vegetables but he refuses and gags on everything. I did just order your Intestinal Formula #1.
How much do you think I should give him daily? He is 11 and 60 pounds. Any other recommendations?
Mindy M. in Salt Lake City, Utah,
Dear Mindy,
Please forget the allergy testing, and keep your son away from these medical idiots! If they dont know that
a few simple herbs and foods will dramatically help your son, and cure his disease, then they are worse
than idiots, they are dangerous ignorant medical doctors that will fumble around with your son until one
day he will be seriously diseased and then they cut his colon out!
Yes! I have herbs that will work a miracle with your son, and end his constipation, and probably save him
from a gastrointestinal nightmare like a life of digestive diseases, cancer and even a colostomy bag, but I
must get you to meet me halfway by changing his food program too, which is the cause of his constipation.
As I talk about all the time, our level of health is a PERFECT REFLECTION of our GENETICS mixed
with our LIFESTYLE. So not to blame it all on your cooking or your sons eating, but for whatever reason
he has also inherited a sluggish bowel. Well, as I always say, thats water under the bridge and there is
nothing we can do about genetics that were created 12 years ago. But, just because your son may be
genetically prone to constipation, this does NOT mean that he has to live with it.
What we can do is change his food program so that it contains enough fiber, mucilage, roughage and other
material so he has normal bowel movements. Then, we can also give him some herbs that will guarantee he
has normal bowel movements, even if he eats cement.
Also with kids, you have to start out a bit slow, because if you teach your son the laws of jet propulsion by
giving him an overdose right out the gate, well, he may not forgive you and never take the herbs again.
So I would start him on about a capsule (since his history of constipation) and increase this dosage by a
capsule daily until you reach the desired dosage, that causes him to have daily bowel movements. If you
need to, keep him out of school for a few weeks until you get him regulated. (OK, for the constipated
and/or mathematically challenged out there, just pull open the capsule and pour half of the contents into a
container. Save these herbs. Buy some empty capsules at your local health food store and you can
encapsulate and use this leftover herbal powder later. )
Another great formula that I made especially for children is my Intestinal Formula #3, which is a good
tasting liquid version of my Intestinal Formula #1. Follow the same dosage rule with this formula also.
This might be a better way for your son, try them both.
Again, our bowel movement goal to start is a minimum of one bowel movement per day. EVERY DAY!
Required Reading
Mom, you MUST read Chapter 4, or my Detoxification: Volume Two book! It is only four pages long
(pages 4346) about constipated children and about a constipated 11-year-old boy. In fact, you MUST read
my entire Bowel Detox section of this Detoxification book, from page 17120. You can either call 1-800HERBDOC (437-2362) and ask for a FREE copy (just tell them I said you could have one from this BLOG
posting) or just go over to the right margin of this BLOG right now (that has pictures of all of my books)
and go down to what is currently the fourth book down, Detoxification: Volume Two, and just click on it.
ALL of my books are FREE to read right on this BLOG! We paid a lot of money for this book reading
software and it is really coolso lets use it.
feeds and builds his body and his mind. You MUST get him to eat fresh fruits, vegetables, whole grains,
nuts, seeds and all the other great nutritious foods. Take him to the health food store with you, let him
browse around, let him take his time and let him buy what he might like. Take him to the local farmers
market with you, and let him taste some of the food and meet the farmers and vendors. My son grew up
going to the local farmers market.
And, start him on my SuperFood-100 immediately, which I made especially to give super nutrition to
finicky kids. Later hopefully, you can introduce my SuperFood Plus into his smoothies.
I would rather see you take your son completely out of public or private school, and home school him the
rest of this year. Get his bowel working normally, and get his food program healthy and nutritious. It will
be best education for his future that you can give him. He would never forget this gift. You will save his
PLEASE, anyone reading this with a constipated child, just read the BLOG question I answered two weeks
ago, 11 and Constipated, if you havent read it yet. In this BLOG I lay out an entire program for
constipated kids with all the natural solutions and natural herbal medicines. Childhood constipation, no
matter how extreme it may be, IS A VERY SIMPLE FIX!
I have even treated babies in my clinic with Hirshsprungs disease, where the medical doctors say there is
no hope because the babies are born without any nerve supply to the colon, and wanted to remove their
bowels. Imagine that, a bowel removal on a babythats criminal!
I have never had a patient that I couldnt get to have normal bowel movements, whether 9 months
old or 99 years old, no matter what their problem or disease, no matter how constipatedherbs
make them have normal bowel movements!
I wont say anymore, Susan, because you said it all. I just want to thank you for being such a great Mom
and keeping your boy as healthy as possible.
Healthier Life book and look into each and every one of my 20 steps and see if there is anything that you
have missed. You can find this book on the right side of this blog, too. Click to read it right nowFREE!
Remember, the Natural Healing of disease is the process of changing our lifestyle and our life for the
betterphysically, emotionally and spirituallyuntil our body heals ITSELF and our disease
simply goes away. So be patient.
I would also try some of my other bowel formulas, like the HerbalMucil Plus, which will add more fiber
than a raw food program, and this may be your answer. I would also try my Intestinal Formula #1
Maximum Strength and my Bowel Flush SHOT. These formulas may offer your body a break from
the Intestinal Formula #1, and also they will work differently for you, so try them too.
If raw foods are too much of a push for you, I totally understand. Natural Healing dictates that you can heal
yourself of ANYTHINGANY DISEASEand that all you have to do is STOP doing what makes you
sick and START doing what will Create Powerful Health. Well, that can be easier said than done. Most of
us have our limits of what we are willing to do. This is where the herbal medicine help comes in.
So in the mean time, while you are becoming a health fanatic, we have herbs to literally assist your body to
work perfectly, even though your current lifestyle improvements have not been enough to offset your
genetic weakness, but KEEP GOING!
This is the beauty of herbal medicine. It will keep you clean inside, make your bowel work well and keep
you safe from colon disease while you are figuring out how to live.
Please, congratulate yourself for all that you have done so far. Give yourself lots of appreciation and hugs
and kisses, and then take the next steps to a healthier life! Who knows? You might be one day away, or
one week on raw foods away from your healing of a lifetime!
Celebrate whatever it is, keep smiling, keep laughing and have FUN with the journey and adventure!
Dr. Schulze
So, for you or anyone that stops pooping during any of my 5-Day Detox Programs, simply have 1 or 2
doses of my HerbalMucil Plus during the day, and you will have complete bowel movements like normal.
This should put a smile on your face.
Stay Healthy,
Dr. Schulze
naturally two to three times a day on its own, and they were completely able to wean off of this herbal
formula entirely. I'm one of those. I took the formula for over ten years before my lifestyle, my exercise
program, my new emotional program and all of the good things I was doing kicked in enough for me to
feel better and have those regular two to three bowel movements a day, where my bowel moved thirty
minutes after each major meal. So it can take some time, especially if you have years of hard living or bad
living habits or, again, have inherited a very weak, sleepy bowel.
Once my patients would start having regular bowel movements without the formula, the only time they
used Intestinal Formula #1 again was during episodes of constipation, usually Thanksgiving, Christmas,
and any time the family gets together and eats, or when they traveled... any time they temporarily
abandoned their healthy lifestyle program and it resulted in constipation. Then you can use Intestinal
Formula #1 on a temporary basis to keep your bowel working, but believe me, my patients didn't get
I always like to use the analogyit's like taking your bowel to the gym. If you go to the gym and do
isolated bicep curls, that workout your biceps muscles, after a while, your biceps muscles get much
stronger, and when they're stronger they work better. When your colon is sluggish and weak, taking my
Intestinal Formula #1 actually stimulates and tones your bowel muscles to move more, and this is what
causes you to have better bowel movements. Over time this muscular movement and toning makes your
bowel muscles stronger, and stronger bowel muscles work better on their own. This is the opposite of
addiction; this is healing.
Finally, back to the bottom line pun intended, it is a matter of having bowel movements or not, and
considering the disease and downsides of constipation, I highly suggest that you get your bowel working
right away. Immediately. TODAY.
Tomorrow is what you Believe and DO Today!
Dr. Schulze
This is a great video clip where I talk with a customer who has suffered with constipation all of her life.
She had started my SuperFood Plus and Intestinal Formula #1 and had an amazing story to tell. I also
explain to her what my Intestinal Formula #2 does, and the importance of doing both formulas (my 5Day BOWEL Detox).
This is a great video that will answer many of your questions regarding Intestinal Formula #1 and
Intestinal Formula #2, and many other questions that people have about constipation and getting your
colon cleaned out and working properly again.
- Dr. Schulze
Video Length: 9:48
Click to View
I happened to see these three articles on CNN within a short time of each other. I hope you can see the
humor and insanity in them as I did.
Look, I don't care what anyone wants to eat, Cows or Sprouts, it doesn't really matter to me, it's your
business, but . . . . .
I am in the business of helping people Heal Diseases naturally, and also to Create Powerful Health
naturally, and you are NOT going to achieve either of these stuffing dead animals or their eggs or milk into
your body.
For one, no dead animal, or any animal egg or milk contains one drop of fiber, NONE. This simply means
that once it gets into you, it is very hard to get it back out of you, so it is very, very clogging, congesting
and constipating to everything from your arteries to your colon. In fact animal flesh mixed with your
digestive fluids has been linked to causing colon cancer and many other colon diseases and other cancers,
the #2 cause of death in America.
Additionally, it is rich in cholesterol and fat, in fact animal flesh and animal byproducts are the ONLY
source of dietary cholesterol, PERIOD. There is NO cholesterol in any Grain, Vegetable, Fruit, Legume,
Seed, Nut, Sprout, NONE. Animals and their by products have been linked to coronary artery and carotid
artery disease, the #1 cause of heart attacks, and strokes AND DEATH in America.
Also, they are loaded with antibiotics, hormones, steroids and a 100 other pharmaceutical drugs, so if you
think you don't take pharmaceutical drugs, but you eat animals, think again. In fact animal flesh and animal
byproducts are loaded with drug residues. Over 50% of the antibiotics manufactured are not used on
people, but on animals for slaughter because of the filthy infected conditions they live in. And even if you
eat meat that is hormone and drug free, and the animals are treated humanely and killed humanely (is that
an oxymoron?), they still contain their own natural hormones that are very alien to your body, like a cows
that help it grow from 200 to 2000 pounds in a few years, do you really need hormones like that in your
And if you think chicken, or fish is a good healthy alternative, think again. Chicken has just as much fat
and cholesterol as fatty hamburger meat and even the freshest fish is still loaded with parasites, mercury,
it's scary.
And finally read my latest Summer Catalog 2008 report, page 17 on the right side, my article called
"Hamburger Pollution" which shows you how the animal business in America is contributing to global
warming much more than all car, bus, truck, airplane and all means of transportation and the burning of
fossil fuels combined.
Dr Schulzes Blog 2008-2012 by diseases 30/10/12
So look, this is not some save the whales plea, or some be kind to animal thing. If I were starving to death,
and there was no food in sight, like a desert island, I would probably kill the person next to me and eat
them if I needed to, especially if they were irritating me, but, I am far from starving and I am not stranded
on a desert island.
The bottom line is that if you are trying to heal yourself of any disease or illness, and/or you are trying to
Create Powerful Health, take a break from eating animals and their byproducts. You don't need the
bacteria, fat, cholesterol, drugs, antibiotics, parasites, mercury or whatever in your body when you are
healing and building health.
Like me, you will probably find that when you stop eating it, you will feel a lot better, lighter, less heavy
and bloated, have more energy and will end up just dropping eating the garbage all together. I did, about 40
years ago.
Be Well
Dr. Schulze
Video Length: 13:51
Click to View
7 Miracles For Depression
November 08, 2011, ANSWER by DR. RICHARD SCHULZE
Dear Dr. Schulze,
I have a real problem with Depression. I am not one of these women who just says this to get attention. I
have been diagnosed with clinical depression by my medical doctors for years, since being a teenager. It
started sporadically, I would be going along feeling great, and then all of a sudden I would just wake up
some days feeling different, like a different person, like my life was all of a sudden all wrong. As a few
years went by, on these bad days I wouldnt even want to get out of bed. It progressively grew worse. I
am now 37 and have been on numerous anti-depressive drugs for 20 years now. I am not even going to tell
you the meds I am on as I know what you will say. I just wondered if there is any chance that I can get off
of these meds. I have been using your Intestinal Formula #1 and Bowel Flush SHOT since a friend
introduced me to your products a few years ago and they are a godsend. As you may know some antidepression drugs are constipating and I suffered with this until I discovered your products. Thanks to you
my bowel works normal now, so I was just wondering if you had any other miracles for me, with my
depression. I look forward to your answer.
Shelly C. in Philadelphia, PA, United States
Dear Shelly,
If you want a Miracle, you came to the right place. Ive got all sorts of Miracles for you.
Lets start at the beginning
HORMONES, Miracle #1
It is a big clue to me that you started noticing your depression as a teenager, and it was sporadic, with a
few weeks feeling fine, only to wake up one day feeling like a different person. What you are describing,
I heard 1,000 times (probably 10,000) from my female patients in my clinicit is called PMS. What you
were feeling is a hormonal crash.
Unfortunately, because Pre-Menstrual Syndrome was not recognized for decades due to the maledominated medical establishment, it was just dismissed as women just being a little sensitive or crazy. Of
course now it is recognized as a serious medical issue that has all sorts of physical and emotional illnesses
and dis-eases associated with it. In my clinic, I noticed that EVERY female patient experienced some level
of monthly imbalance, some hardly noticeable, while others were life, health, family, marriage and career
When depression is cyclic in a female, and you go for a few weeks feeling great, only to wake up
feeling like another person, this is ALWAYS CAUSED by your HORMONE LEVELS dropping
severely before the onset of menstruation, like with PMS. This also happens during menopause, but it is
less cyclic then, as your hormone levels are naturally tapering off.
A medical doctor with more experience, or one who simply had a girlfriend or wife, would have
recognized this cyclic depression as hormonal.
So, the first thing I want you to do is start taking my Female Plus Tonic, as I KNOW that your hormones
are out of balance, AND PROBABLY HAVE BEEN FOR 20 YEARS! Start with 2 droppersful, three
times a day, indefinitely.
I am happy that you found me through my ability to make people poop! Many of my patients used to say
that, I make shit happen, literally! I am glad that you got your bowel working better, but this is just the
beginning. Now I want you to start getting the old waste out by doing my 5-Day BOWEL Detox program
a few times, once right now and again in the New Year.
During my years in the clinic, I had more than one patient with clinical depression snap right out of itand
I mean SNAPjust by doing my 5-Day BOWEL Detox program for a few weeks in a row.
Think about it, your brain can only work as good as the quality of nutrition in the blood it receives, and the
ability of the waste it produces to be eliminated. In almost every brain diseasefrom Alzheimers to
Dementia and Senilityit is ALWAYS observed, post mortem, that the brain was filled with toxic waste
fluid, if not thick waste and even lesions. This is simply the case with any organ where the circulation is
deficient and the nutrition IN and waste OUT cycle is constricted, slowed down, or weakened.
Worse, toxins from built-up bowel waste due to constipation can be reabsorbed back into your blood and
then eventually all of your blood will circulate into your brain. Also your body, and blood, will just be
more toxic because your main elimination organ, your bowel, is not doing its job.
An old, great Natural Healer that I interned with used to do a lot of bowel cleansing with his patients. We
used to comment and discuss how much nicer his patients would become after a good bowel cleanse. One
day when I asked him why this was he simply said, Dont you know, you cant have sweet thoughts on a
sour stomach! Simple, but true!
NUTRITION, Miracle #3
OK, I just mentioned that your brain can only work and function as well as the amount and quality of the
blood it is receiving. NUTRITION is the QUALITY!
The best way I know to raise the quality of your blood, from depression inducing fluid to high-octane
positive thought super fuel, is quality food and quality nutritional supplementation.
For quality food, well, this is simple STOP eating any junk (i.e. coffee, tea, alcohol, soft drinks, sugar,
animal food) or ANY food that we KNOW affects hormones adversely and also doesnt offer you the best
and easiest to assimilate nutrition. Then, START on an organic, mostly raw, high-nutrition, vegetarian
food program.
Secondly, start taking a double dose of my SuperFood Plus, morning and afternoon. I dont care if you
make morning green drinks with the powder, take the tablets or eat my SuperFood Bars, just EAT IT!
You will be amazed how nice your thoughts can be when you start giving your brain all the quality
nutrition it needs to function at its highest ability.
I will repeat the first sentence under nutrition, Your brain can only work and function as well as the
AMOUNT and quality of the blood it is receiving. NUTRITION is the quality!
In nutrition we dealt with the quality of your blood, but in the above sentence, now I stress the word:
Just for a minute imagine yourself in my placein my clinic during the final decadewhere the average
person I saw was already supposed to be dead six months before I saw them. WOW, did that make me a
POSITIVE JUNKY! I had to be able to see the light when all I heard was doom, gloom, disease and death.
I remember I had a woman who had cancer in most of her major organs and body. She had already had
numerous surgeries, many radiation treatments and four rounds of chemotherapy. She was supposed to be
dead about nine months before I saw her, but was still clinging to life by a thread. I had to visit her in her
home as she was sent home to die and could not even move. When I got to the house it was like a horror
movie. She looked worse than dead. Her skin was cracked and bleeding as with most patients who had
been though this type of medical torture, she smelled really bad, had vomit on her clothes, and the room (in
fact, the whole house) smelled really bad. She was lying in her deathbed mostly naked, as they had just
catheterized her.
I yelled at both of them, she and her husband, and I said next time I come over, I want you looking hot, in a
nice dress, no puke, and the house aired out and smelling good. She looked at me and said, But Im dying,
and I have malignant cancer throughout my entire body.
I said, Thats no excuse, we are ALL dying, thats part of life, but until your heart stops beating, I want
you looking like your living, and celebrating whatever you have!
I then told her to stop whining and that she had a better ass than most women I know, and that even though
they didnt have cancer, they will never have as good an ass as her. (I could see it, as she was barely
covered, remember being catheterized.)
She grabbed a bottle of pills from her bed and threw it at me, told me to go F off and get the hell out of
her house and then cried for half an hour, sobbing and even throwing up. All the while I sat there staring at
her. Then she started laughinghysterically laughingand eventually said, All I have left is a great ass.
Its the only place I dont have cancer, and I saw a spark in her spirit. She saw one positive thing!
I had planted a very powerful seed, not the cancer-burning and soul-killing radiation seeds that had been
implanted in her body by the medical doctors, but a positive seeda seed of LIFE.
She still died, but four-and-a-half years later, after regaining her strength, regaining her dignity, and
being able to walk again and travel with her family. She enjoyed four more Christmases and four more
birthdays. Her time wasnt up yet; she and her doctors had just given up.
So, my point here is that positive thoughts may be the most powerful healing tool in my Natural Healing
arsenal, not just for erasing depression, but healing all illness and disease.
So Shelly, this was more than you asked for, I know, but an amazingly beautiful, happy and bliss-filled life
awaits you!
Dr. Schulze
PS: For a good start on your Positive Affirmations, please take your cursor up to the top navigation bar on
this BLOG, to Quotes and Healing Affirmations, and then click on Healing Affirmations.
Two Readers Respond, One A Medical Doctor!
I always get response letters to my BLOG postings. Most of them are Thank You's, a few are Burn in
Hell, Dr. Schulze, and some are great Healing Testimonials of customers who were usually sicker and
worse than the customer who wrote the letter, and then healed their diseases using my programs. As usual,
I got a lot of responses to last weeks BLOGmy answer to Regina M. from Lakeside, CAwhose
kidneys were failing, functioning at only 9%, and on 10 Pharmaceutical Drugs. Here are two AWESOME
Lodix, Lowpston, Macasirool, Mirfat, Nicorol, Odemase, Oedemex, Profemin, Rosemide, Rusyde, Salix,
Trofurit, Uremide and Urex.
Also, click to watch this VIDEO if you want to see this same multi-national trillion dollar
pharmaceutical company and their $$$ focus!
kidney transplants. You are saving your mom lots of sickness and torture, and saving yourself a lot of
money. By the way, I guess the herbs didnt kill her like the medical doctor predicted.
God Bless You!
Dr. Schulze
Apples to Apples
Just to be correct, in the first BLOG answer from last week, Regina M. said her kidneys were only working
at 9%. In the second response this week, Elizabeth C. said her mothers GFR was at 6, which equates to the
kidney function being at about 6% or 7%. For you health geeks I offer the following GFR tech intel
GFR for Health Geeks
GFR or (glomerular filtration rate) is the total filtration rate of both of your kidneys working together. It is
NOT an exact test, but rather a close estimate that your medical doctor can calculate from a blood test by
counting the amount of filtration markers, like creatinine, that are present in your blood sample. This is the
accepted standard estimate for overall kidney function and measured like 100mL/min/1.73 m2 or higher.
Basically a GFR of healthy people with kidneys that are healthy is between 90 and 116, above 90 usually
for people under 60 with the highest ranges being in your twenties. From 60 to 69 years of age it is
considered that 85 is normal and above 70 years of age it is considered that 75 is normal.
Fast Food & Frozen Food = SALT Overdose = Kidney DISEASE!
Elizabeth Cs mother was on almost a pure diet of junk food and frozen food. These two foods are the
highest in salt. Salt is used specifically to enhance the flavor of poor quality food, and food that is
overcooked and old. Salt is also a preservative.
Salt is also the worst food in the world for anyone with kidney disease or kidney impairment.
Salt is necessary to help your body retain its fluid balance. But, all the salt that you need is already
naturally present in food; you do not need additional salt except in extreme circumstances and extremely
hot climates.
Now, if someone already has kidney disease, and their body is already retaining fluids because their
kidneys are not healthy and not functioning well, they are retaining fluid anyway. Then you add in salt,
which causes them to retain even more fluid. This causes the blood pressure to skyrocket, which in turn
damages the sensitive filtering cells of the kidneys even further. This is a deadly killer cycle for your
kidneys and one that millions and millions of Americans have fallen into, taking diuretics and antihypertensive drugs, and eating salt-laden junk food. When you cut out the salt and junk food, you dont
need the diuretic and blood pressure drugs anymore and your kidneys will heal themselves as Elizabeth
experienced with her mother.
Junk food, prepared frozen foods, and even restaurant food usually has between 20 and 50 times
more salt added to it than is naturally present in the food, or that you would add at home!
Should I keep taking the medicines and start the detox, or am I in danger of overdosing? Herbs are natural,
but the doctors told me I would put myself in danger. I really just need some real guidance.
Please help me as I am in my final kidney days and need some Godly advise. I know you dont e-mail, but
I am begging you to make this exception.
Thank You,
Regina M. in Lakeside, CA, United States
Dear Regina,
Sometimes when I get a letter like yours, and the story is so outrageous (like yours), I wonder if its a joke,
and if someone is pulling my leg. Sadly, I know yours is a true story.
You are so far gone, and taking so many chemical drugs, that I dont know of any natural doctor in the
world that would touch you, let alone consider helping you. They wouldnt even answer your email.
Luckily, people like you are my specialty. As you know, I spent the last decade of my clinical life dealing
with people just like you. Patients would wait to come and see me until they had exhausted all other
options, their organs were failing and they were at deaths door. Often I would see them after all their
medical doctors would tell them they would be dead in a few months and that there was nothing more that
they could do, and go home and die. And all of their natural doctors, psychics and religious healers had
given up too and the priests had given them their last rites. So you are pretty healthy compared to them.
Finally, I have to laugh that your doctors warned you about the dangers of using herbal medicine, and that
it may harm you, even though the doctors themselves have put you on 10 EXTREMELY POTENT,
hospitals and pharmaceutical companies must love you. You are paying for their yachts.
OK, lets begin.
The program for you to start IMMEDIATELY is my Incurables Program. But besides this, I will tell you
and the other readers some of the absolute most important steps that anyone must follow to literally save
their life when their kidneys are failing.
You must stop eating all solid food.
At this point you need to begin a liquid diet, but because your kidneys are failing, we need to keep the
liquids to a minimum. We must also make sure that all liquids you consume are cleansing, detoxifying and
flushing to your kidneys meaning that they are diuretic.
I would start with
1 quart of Distilled Water daily
The water must be distilled, as this is the most cleansing water you can drink for your kidneys. It will
dissolve any sludge or sediment in your urinary tract. Squeeze the juice of one lemon and one lime into this
1 quart of Organic Raw Juice daily
The reason I stress RAW is because I dont want you drinking any cooked or pasteurized juices. So I want
you to get a juicer and start making your own fresh, organic juice every day. In fact, I want you to not only
get a juicer, but I want you to get a wheatgrass juicer, too. If you have a Champion juicer, you can simply
get the attachment that allows you to also make your own fresh wheatgrass juice. If you must buy your
juice in a store, buy it from a health food store where they will make it fresh for you while you wait. Below
I will give you a few juice recipes.
Vegetable Juice Combination
All produce must be organic, of course.
Fruit Juice
I would start with my vegetable juice combination above, but a great diuretic fruit juice is watermelon.
You can simply just eat an entire watermelon everyday. I know they are not in season right now, but I
would find one anyway.
Dr Schulzes Blog 2008-2012 by diseases 30/10/12
I would NOT start my 5-Day KIDNEY Detox just yet. This is simply because you cannot tolerate all the
additional liquid.
But you must start on my K-B Formula and my K-B Tea.
Take 4 droppersful of my K-B Formula five times a day. You can just add it to the juices, water, or the tea
that you will be drinking.
Drink as much of my K-B Tea as you can consume with a minimum of 16 ounces a day. Also, you must
make it double-strength, so double my standard recipe using twice as much herbs in the water.
As far as your concerns or worries about any negative interaction between the drugs you are taking and any
natural herbal medicine, forget about it. This is something you shouldve worried about a long time ago
long before you started taking so many dangerous pharmaceutical drugs. The medical doctors, hospitals,
and even the drug companies have absolutely no idea what this lethal chemical cocktail will do to you that
you are taking. Its any wonder you are even alive!
I would also make absolutely sure that your bowel is empty and working efficiently. So I would start
taking one of my nine different bowel tonic formulas immediately, if not all nine of them. A great one to
start with would be my Bowel Flush SHOT, and then work to your daily personal dosage of my
Intestinal Formula #1.
Additionally, I would take a double dose of SuperFood Plus every day. Dont even bother to ask why.
Movement: You must move vigorously one hour in the morning and an additional hour in the afternoon. I
want you sweating and breathing hard.
Circulation: I want you to do my hot and cold shower hydrotherapy routine, multiple times a day, blasting
the hot and cold water over your entire body, and then do it again, blasting the water onto the area of your
Attitude: I dont know what to tell you to get you to run away from the medical doctors, the hospitals and
the drugs, but all I can say is that if I were you, Id run like hell and not look back, and take my chances
with my own natural self-healing lifestyle. You are at the kidney transplant door, so its long overdue for
you to immerse yourself in a total Natural Healing lifestyle. Get your butt into all the health food stores
you can find, and surround yourself with positive people who are behind you leaving the doctors and
beginning this journey to heal yourself.
Spirit: Get as many self-help positive attitude and healing affirmation books that you can find. You can
start with going right up to the top navigation bar on this BLOG site and click on my Quotes and Healing
Affirmations, and read and re-read everything I say in both of these files every day. Remember,
Tomorrow is what you Believe and Do TODAY!
A few closing thoughts
As far as weaning off of all the chemical poison drugs that you are taking, this is something that you will
have to figure out on your own. But generally speaking, I would wean your body off of them over the next
couple of months, as you get stronger and healthier, and your kidneys start working better.
The big question that you have to ask yourself, is how did you get here? How did you get yourself into this
mess, this desperate life-threatening situation? This will be the true healing for you. You need to
discover why you have done this to yourself, and STOP doing this. Remember I always say that you can
heal yourself of anything, any disease, and all you have to do is STOP doing what you did that made you
sick in the first place and START doing what will Create Powerful Health.
In America, I often see people waddling around that weigh 250, 300, 400 pounds or more. I mean really
obese half-human/half-cow looking things, that havent seen their own genitals in years. And I often
wonder to myself at what point do these people not realize that they were negatively spinning out of
control, self-destructing, killing themselves and ruining their lives? Like when they couldnt tie their own
shoes anymore, or wipe their own butt, or breathe or walk normally?
It takes a huge amount of unconscious living to get yourself into the position that you, and many, many
Americans are inas the average American senior over 65 is also taking a combination of 10
pharmaceutical drugs, just like you.
According to the American Medical Association themselves, properly prescribed medications like you are
taking kill over 150,000 Americans every year. Personally, I think the real number is 1,000,000 dead!
So it is high time for you to WAKE UP! To realize that you are only steps away from deaths door, and
that you must pull out all the stops, remove all your excuses, and put 110% into SAVING YOUR LIFE.
Remember, I had thousands of patients that were in much worse shape than you, and they were able to turn
it all around, Create Powerful Health, and live a long, healthy, and happy life.
Do It Now!
Dr. Schulze
Step #2: Optifast vs. your New Dr. Schulze Food Program
The best news here is that we both know it is possible for you to lose weight, YOU CAN DO IT because
you have done it before.
BUT, we are going to STOP looking at the next part of your life as a weight loss program. We are going to
START looking at the ENTIRE REST of your life, as creating a healthy food program for the entire rest of
your life, again our focus is going to be Creating Powerful Health. This is not just semantics; there is a
huge difference here.
I often talk about the old Chinese proverb that states, Focus on the GOOD to Eliminate the Bad. What I
simply mean by this is that, instead of looking at yourself as a dying big fat slob who is torturing yourself
with the medically designed chemical liquid diet to survive obesity, you will instead need to look at life in
a very different way, in which you are excited about creating a new food program and a new way to eat,
with healthy foods that supply your body with powerful life-giving vitality and nutrition. One that will
Create Powerful Health. All of this so you can enjoy life to the fullestlaughing, having fun, having sex
and feeling great! Your life is NOT over unless you decide its over. Again, you are Creating Powerful
Health. Focus on Creating Powerful Health and the fat will just disappear.
Optifast, in my opinion, is a medically designed diet for obese people. It is NOT a health program, it is
NOT about Creating Powerful Health and it is NOT even a food program, and certainly NOT one that
you will stay on for the rest of your life. It is a program of liquid chemotherapy, adding in some chemonutritional bars and fiber, that are so loaded with chemicals and other crap, they wont even list the
ingredients on their website. I am not saying it doesnt work, I am saying it is about chemo-weight loss,
not Creating Powerful Health.
You can achieve the exact same results, using my Juice Flushing Food Program, along with my
Superfood Plus powder, instead of the Optifast chemo-drink, and replacing the Optifast bars and fiber
drink, with my SuperFood Bars and my HerbalMucil Plus. Now you have amazingly powerful and
superior nutritional food programs and supplements to create a powerfully healthy body, mind and spirit,
instead of just a chemo-weight loss program. See the difference?
I would immediately go out and buy a juicer, any juicer, but if you read my articles before you know I
suggest Champion Juicers for their high level of quality and extreme ease of use and especially ease of
I would immediately start on my juice-flushing program using my SuperFood Plus powder, SuperFood
Bar, and HerbalMucil Plus, just like I mentioned above. And, PLEASE keep taking your Cayenne and
your Protect formula.
(NOTE: Click on my 20 Powerful Steps book at the top of this BLOG and read my chapter on Fresh
Juice on pages 65-70. Then, go to page 83 for specific instructions on my Juice Flushing Program.)
By doing this, you would be mimicking the Optifast program that you have done before, and had
successful weight loss results with. You will have the same exact weight loss results with my program, but
your focus will be on building powerful and lasting health. And Creating a NEW LIFE!
Once you have lost 100 pounds, and feel much better again, you can start looking into my Purifying Raw
Food Program, and when you are down 100 pounds more, or at least under 250 pounds, you can
investigate my Health Building Food Program.
You can also consider my SuperSlim Program and products, but I hesitate to put you on any program that
moves your focus into weight loss versus Creating Powerful Health.
Me too! Yes, I know I wrote them, but I too work to master these 20 steps every day of my life. And I will
be thinking of you for awhile as Im working on all twenty.
I need some guidance, Dr. Schulze. I want to reclaim my life and health if it is possible. Thank you for all
that you do.
OK, all of the above is plenty of guidance to begin with. If I address one more thing with you, your fat, and
your life, I would like to say that it would be also very helpful for you to take a look at why you have
sabotaged yourself to such an extreme level, not to participate in life.
Life itself, may be the greatest gift we will ever receive. And as far as I know, its a limited time offer, and
you have made this time even more limited. I really appreciate you reaching out to me, and so if I say one
thing in closing, its to take a look at WHY you decided to cover yourself with almost 300 pounds of
excess fat. I can tell by the way you wrote your letter that youre a nice person. Im not saying that you
have to spend the next 20 years in deep psychotherapy trying to figure out where the hell you went wrong.
I have never seen much good come out of this type of therapy. What I am suggesting is that you need to
seriously rewrite YOUR script for your life. And come up with 10,000 new positive life-affirming
affirmations, to use as tools and to keep your positive mental focus, while you are making a dramatic and
life-changing, positive, healthy transformation.
Dont forget, you really need to start loving yourself!
Dr. Schulze
Is Diabetes Curable?
Dear Dr. Schulze,
I am intrigued by your web site and excited about the possibilities of your "Incurables Program". Having
had Type I Diabetes for over a quarter of a century, I have tried countless different diet and lifestyle
changes in hopes of curing this disease. While I have been able to decrease the amount of insulin I need to
inject each day, a cure has not been my experience. Oftentimes, Type II is curable, but not Type I. Have
you had people who have had success with curing their Type I Diabetes with your "Incurables Program"?
Kathy S. in Windermere, FL, United States
Dear Kathy,
My patients healed themselves of both Type II Diabetes, and Type I.
As you said, Type II Diabetes is curable, and I want you to know that EVERY patient I had with Type II
Diabetes was able to cure it if they were willing to do the following:
Food Programs: A Vegan Vegetarian Low Glycemic Food Program (Try my Low Glycemic, Low Fat,
Low Calorie, High Nutrition, High Fiber and AWESOME TASTING morning drink in the intro of my
July Newsletter.)
All processed foods have a high glycemic index, meaning they raise your blood sugar rapidly. Whole
grains, vegetables, foods in their natural state, and even most fresh fruit have a low glycemic index. So the
more natural and whole the food you eat, the Harder and Slower it is for your body to digest and assimilate
and therefore does not raise your blood sugar rapidly. Managing your food program, and reducing body fat
along with detoxification and regular exercise was powerful enough to totally eliminate Type ll Diabetes
with all of my patients and also most of my patients with Type l Diabetes.
Routine Detoxification: Get your elimination organs cleaned out, toned and healthy!
Daily Exercise and Movement: An hour each day!
Oh yeah, and STOP eating crap: NO sugar and man-made foods!
Anyone can get their blood sugar into the normal range easily in just 30 days on this program. You can
even get it into the normal and great range for anyone, even anyone who doesnt have Type II Diabetes.
Thats right, lets go for the best blood sugar levels of fasting below 110 and after meals below 140
anyone CAN DO IT! Follow ALL the steps in my 20 Steps book. (Just click on the book cover in the
right column, and read it for FREE right here on my BLOG!)
Now, about your Type I Diabetes.
You say that you have done diet and lifestyle changes and you have been able to decrease the
amount of insulin that you inject each day. YES! This is your teaser, the proof, and we just need to take
it a few steps further AND turn up the intensity of the program a little!
Making further diet and lifestyle changes will allow you to decrease your insulin even more, and like many
of my patients, stop using it altogether.
I have had many people with Type I Diabetes recover from this disease, cure themselves, heal their
pancreas and stop using insulin all together, but most of them needed to make more extreme and powerful
changes, and what you were thinking, my Incurables Program is just the place to begin. Follow that and
also every step in my 20 Steps book.
Many of my patients, and now hundreds of my customers with Type I Diabetes have been able to cure their
disease and STOP taking all insulin by making these powerful lifestyle changes.
We have had many write in, but any of you reading this, please write in your healing stories about healing
yourself of Type I and Type II Diabetes and I will publish it right on this BLOG. In fact, any great
HEALING MIRACLE I will publish, so send them in. Put in the title, HEALING MIRACLE, so I will be
able to sort them out easier.
OK Kathy, you can do this. I have had people with Type I Diabetes longer than you, and sicker than you,
totally heal themselves.
So lets get started!
Dr. Schulze
Eye Disorders
Eyebright, Eye Infections, Even Cataracts
August 01, 2012, ANSWER by DR. RICHARD SCHULZE
Dear Dr. Schulze,
This isn't so much a question as it is a great testimony to a wonderful product you make available to us.
I am a model/actress and just got done shooting an infomercial this week. A few days before the shoot, I
had been dealing with some sort of sinus infection. I was taking your tonics, superfood, etc. and also
started using the eyebright in the morning to clear any "eye boogies".
Well, the day of my shoot the director asked if I wore contacts and when I said no, he commented on how
clear and bright blue my eyes were. He said they just shined on camera. When I told him that I had been
using a special herbal eye rinse, he wanted to know what it was and wanted to create an infomercial for it.
From a director's view, he was very interested in the way it brightened my eyes on camera. I don't know if
that is something that would ever be possible but I just thought you should know. It's a wonderful
testimony to eyebright! I've been a believer of all your products for 10 years now.
Thank you for all that you do! Peace & Love!
Tears are a complex solution of chemicals that your body naturally produces, and they disinfect your eyes
for many reasons. First, when your Tear ducts release tears, this constantly bathes and washes the eyes
which in itself keeps the eyes clean of dust, dirt, debris and foreign matter. Tears also contain many natural
antiseptic chemicals, just one of which is an enzyme, called Muramidase also known as Lysozyme. This
natural enzyme, when it comes in contact with bacteria, literally wrinkles, stresses and then breaks down
the cell walls of bacteria, destroying and killing the bacteria.
Air Detox
Just spray it on a cloth and hold it over the nose and breathe deeply. This not only opens the sinus, but it
also disinfects them too. I also spray it on the pillow so you breathe it all night long, and of course spray it
liberally around the house.
Eyebright Tonic
Washing your eyes four or five times a day during any sinus infection or cold will assist in keeping your
tear ducts open, which will naturally prevent eye infections. The herbs in this tonic also help keep the tear
ducts open, disinfect your eyes, and soothe inflamed and irritated conjunctiva.
All three of these formulas fight sinus infections and colds by destroying bacteria and stimulating and
boosting your immune system. SuperTonic, which is also in the Cold & Flu Herbal SHOT, contains
both White Onion and Horseradish that I talked about the healing benefits of earlier.
Cataracts are when the lens of your eye, or the area around your lens, becomes cloudy. This can be caused
by a number of different reasons and a number of different diseases, but the bottom line is the circulation
in and around your eye is not good.
I am just adding this in here because I get hundreds of letters from people asking me if there is any natural
treatment for cataracts. YES THERE IS!
In my clinic I had hundreds of patients who got rid of their cataracts using my Eyebright Formula and
washing their eyes 3 times a day indefinitely. They would start with the lighter dose of 2 or 3 DROPS in an
eyecup filled with distilled or purified water, but worked their way up to the 10 DROPS which is the
highest dosage suggested.
Anytime the body has congestion, including in the lens of the eye, there is NO BETTER HERB than
Cayenne to supercharge and dramatically boost the blood and lymphatic flow, which simply cleans,
flushes and heals the area. And my Eyebright Formula has a healthy dose of Cayenne, and this is why
you will feel the zing from using this formula at the higher dosages.
More BLOOD flow and increased LYMPHATIC circulation will help your body to heal
I would also include any exercise that gets more circulation to your head, from slant boards and Hatha
Yoga to Back Swings and Gravity Boots, but you must be careful and work your way up in intensity,
especially if you are not in good health.
Fasting, Flushing and Detoxification are in order for cataracts, so I would suggest my 30-Day Detox
Program, at a minimum, if not my entire Incurables Program.
Remember, the results you get are ALWAYS A PERFECT REFLECTION of what time and energy
you put into getting healthy!
I had a trash basket full of eyeglasses in my clinic, from patients who brought in their glasses and
threw them away, because their cataracts were GONE, their eyesight was normal, and they didnt
need their glasses anymore!
Eyewash Directions
How exactly do you use your Eyebright Formula? One friend told me to drink it, while another told me to
put it into my eyes. Please explain.
Janice B. in Santa Monica, California, USA
Dear Janice,
I cant legally tell you to or even advise you to put my Eyebright herbal extract into your eyes. It is for
internal consumption only. But the following is how I personally use it and how I do it.
First, I get an eyewash cup. You can find many antique ones for sale on the Internet. These are my favorite
kind for many reasons. For one, they are made from glass where most modern eyewash cups are made
from plastic. Not only do the plastic ones feel uncomfortably sharp on the skin surrounding my eye, but
every day, there are more and more news stories about plastic being very toxic. The glass eyecups are more
aesthetic, feel better, are nontoxic and just plain work better. There are still new ones being made out of
glass and some pharmacies still sell them, but again, check the Internet.
So I get a glass eyecup, some room temperature distilled, reverse osmosis or purified water and my
Eyebright Formula.
Next, I put 1 to 12 drops (only 1 or 2 if this is your first time) of my Eyebright Formula into the eyecup
FIRST, I will explain why first later. Next, I fill the eyecup 95% of the way to the top with some room
temperature distilled, reverse-osmosis or purified water.
Then I hold a dark-colored washcloth under my eye to catch any dripping water, and face down, place my
eye tightly over the eyecup. I tip my head back, facing it straight up, with my eye under the liquid. Now, I
open my eye while it is under this solution. I just put the solution into my eye for a brief moment and stop.
This is just to get my eye used to the solution and the temperature of the water. Now I do this again and
this time, I open my eye for a few seconds under the water and stop again. I repeat this process a third
time, but this time I do some eye exercises under the solution for a minute.
I move my eye in circles clockwise, then counterclockwise, then up and down, then left to right, then make
Xs and any other movements I can think of while my head is tilted back, facing up and my eye is open and
under the solution. Then I stop, throw the solution out and repeat this procedure on the other eye. Even if
only one of my eyes is bothering me, or infected, I always wash both eyes.
Here is a general dosage idea on how much Eyebright Formula to use:
To start, place only 2 drops of the Eyebright Formula in the eyecup. Then fill the eyecup up the rest of the
way with your purified water.
NOTE: It is very important to put the Eyebright Formula in FIRST and then add the water. This way the
tonic mixes well with the water before you do the eyewash. If you do it the opposite way, the Eyebright
Formula could float on the surface of the water and be put directly into your eye undiluted. This wont do
damage to your eye, but it can sting a bit.
Always start with 2 drops. Then when you are used to doing this, and this may only take one time, you can
increase the amount of Eyebright Formula. You may feel:
2 drops a slight tingling sensation
4 drops a mild tingling and warming sensation
6 drops a moderate tingling and warming sensation
8 drops a warming and burning sensation
10 drops a burning sensation for 10 to 20 seconds
12+ drops WOW!! YES!
For eye infections and conjunctivitis, use at least 6 to 8 drops in water, 3 to 6 times a day. For eyesight
problems, work your way up to 10 drops or more 3 times a day.
NOTE: Using the higher dosages may cause you to have some temporary involuntary eye closure. In other
words, after washing your eye, when you open it, it will burn a little bit and you will want to close it for a
few more seconds. This will only last a few seconds to a minute and is not harmful. Just breathe and relax.
You will not believe how much brighter the world will look and how much better you will see almost
The reason for the burning is the cayenne in the tonic. This ingredient simply increases the circulation in
your eye immediately, which promotes healing. It can have a burning sensation and cause a little
temporary redness, but dont worry, it will not hurt you.
My Eyebright Formula also contains Goldenseal root, which is famous for being a mild acting, but highly
effective antibacterial and antiseptic herb. In the clinic I found it extremely useful for destroying infection
around the sensitive areas of the body like the eyes, inside the sinus, and sensitive mucous membrane areas
where garlic could be too strong. It contains the alkaloids hydrastine, berberine and canadine, and volatile
oils and resins. The first two alkaloids are listed medically as antibacterial and antiseptic.
Eyebright herb and Fennel both have a long history of being used for the eyes, soothing inflammation and
reducing irritation, especially for conjunctivitis. Mullein is very soothing and demulcent to the delicate
mucous membranes. Red Raspberry is a mild astringent and Rue an antispasmodic. Again, the law restricts
me from commenting any further.
Just get washing!
Dr. Schulze
Eyewash Drama
Dear Dr. Schulze,
I have been plagued with bouts of Conjunctivitis and Eye Irritations and Infections most of my adult life. I
manage a mill, which is a very dusty and dirty environment. My doctor says its caused by a combination
of this dirty environment plus a deformity in my tear ducts. Anyway, I seem to have an eye infection most
of the time, and have been on medication and drops and creams for years, that dont seem to have done me
any good.
Last year during the holidays my ex-wife gave me a bottle of your Eyebright formula and a few of your
books, and they sat on my shelf for the last few months where they havent done me any good. Finally, last
week my eye infection was so bad, that itched so bad, I thought I was going to damage my eye as I was
rubbing it so hard and so often, because it was itching and burning so bad. So I started taking your
Eyebright and it didnt help me either. I emailed my ex-wife to complain, who told me that I had to put it
into my eyes, not drink it.
I have to say I felt a bit stupid, and also I was afraid to put this stuff into my eyes. Then, when I did all my
fears were realized, it stung like hell, so bad I thought it would permanently blind me. I grabbed the
emergency eye wash bottle off the wall of the shop screaming, and dumped this emergency medicine all
over my face, and poured this stuff into my eyes. The other employees thought I went nuts. Once I
recovered, I immediately emailed my ex and screamed at her, and that is when she told me that I needed
to dilute it with pure water and then wash my eyes with it. Im not too sure she didnt skip that part to
get me back for some old pain I caused her. Anyway, she convinced me to dilute it and do it again, and she
told me how to wash my eyes this time, the eye exercises, etc.
This time I listened, and I followed her specific instructions to the T, did it three times the rest of the day,
and it didnt sting this time, well, maybe it was just a little warming. The very next morning when I woke
up my eye infection was completely gone! The painful itching, the burning, the infection, GONE! This has
never happened to me before with any of the doctors medicines.
I have a complaint and a few questions. First, my complaint is that your directions suck and are not clear at
all on how to use this formula, especially if my ex-wife is correct. My questions are first, is she correct and
second did I do any damage to my eyes or to myself by using it undiluted directly into my eyes, or by
drinking it?
I am so relieved that my eye infection is gone, and hasnt come back in two weeks, which is a record,
but I am also worried that I may have damaged my eye not knowing how to use the medicine correctly.
Please advise.
Brian D. in Helena, MT, USA
Dear Brian,
I apologize for any drama and trauma that was caused by my lack of clarity. I can assure you, that you DID
NOT do any damage to yourself by drinking my Eyebright Formula, nor putting it directly into your
eyes. Well, maybe a little emotional damage, but certainly no physical damage. Again, I apologize for my
directions not being clear.
Unfortunately, I cannot legally advise ANYONE to put my Eyebright herbal tonic into their eyes,
and this is the reason my directions are not clear, nor specific, on this formula at all.
Your wife is right, and has finally instructed you correctly. I agree with you, she may have been unclear at
first just as some kind of payback for past mistreatment, but now you know how to use this formula
I am thrilled to hear that it worked so well, and that your eye infection or conjunctivitis has not returned in
two weeks.
MOST IMPORTANT, to PREVENT any future eye infections, please continue to use this formula a few
times a day for a few more weeks. Then, I would highly suggest a prevention program, where you wash
your eyes at least once a day right when you get home from work, or better yet, in your office before you
leave work.
This will not only keep your tear ducts open, clear and flowing, but will also clean your eyes of any debris
and disinfect them, too.
Again, I apologize for our stupid government that has caved in to pressure from big medicine corporations
to pass laws that gag me (and others) to help you heal yourself naturally using herbs, foods and common
Finally, this link should help you regarding my Eyebright Formula.
Dr. Schulze
Eyewash Directions
Dear Dr. Schulze,
How exactly do you use your Eyebright Formula? One friend told me to drink it, while another told me to
put it into my eyes. Please explain.
Janice B. Santa Monica, California
Dear Janice,
I cant legally tell you to or even advise you to put my Eyebright herbal extract into your eyes. It is for
internal consumption only. But the following is how I personally use it and how I do it.
First, I get an eyewash cup. You can find many antique ones for sale on the Internet. These are my favorite
kind for many reasons. For one, they are made from glass where most modern eyewash cups are made
from plastic. Not only do the plastic ones feel uncomfortably sharp on the skin surrounding my eye, but
every day, there are more and more news stories about plastic being very toxic. The glass eyecups are more
aesthetic, feel better, are nontoxic and just plain work better. There are still new ones being made out of
glass and some pharmacies still sell them, but again, check the Internet.
So I get a glass eyecup, some room temperature distilled, reverse osmosis or purified water and my
Eyebright Formula.
Next, I put 1 to 12 drops (only 1 or 2 if this is your first time) of my Eyebright Formula into the eyecup
FIRST, I will explain why first later. Next, I fill the eyecup 95% of the way to the top with some room
temperature distilled, reverse-osmosis or purified water.
Then I hold a dark-colored washcloth under my eye to catch any dripping water, and face down, place my
eye tightly over the eyecup. I tip my head back, facing it straight up, with my eye under the liquid. Now, I
open my eye while it is under this solution. I just put the solution into my eye for a brief moment and stop.
This is just to get my eye used to the solution and the temperature of the water. Now I do this again and
this time, I open my eye for a few seconds under the water and stop again. I repeat this process a third
time, but this time I do some eye exercises under the solution for a minute.
I move my eye in circles clockwise, then counterclockwise, then up and down, then left to right, then make
Xs and any other movements I can think of while my head is tilted back, facing up and my eye is open and
under the solution. Then I stop, throw the solution out and repeat this procedure on the other eye. Even if
only one of my eyes is bothering me, or infected, I always wash both eyes.
Here is a general dosage idea on how much Eyebright Formula to use:
To start, place only 2 drops of the Eyebright Formula in the eyecup. Then fill the eyecup up the rest of the
way with your purified water.
NOTE: It is very important to put the Eyebright Formula in FIRST and then add the water. This way the
tonic mixes well with the water before you do the eyewash. If you do it the opposite way, the Eyebright
Formula could float on the surface of the water and be put directly into your eye undiluted. This wont do
damage to your eye, but it can sting a bit.
Always start with 2 drops. Then when you are used to doing this, and this may only take one time, you can
increase the amount of Eyebright Formula. You may feel:
2 drops a slight tingling sensation
4 drops a mild tingling and warming sensation
6 drops a moderate tingling and warming sensation
8 drops a warming and burning sensation
10 drops a burning sensation for 10 to 20 seconds
12+ drops WOW!! YES!
For eye infections and conjunctivitis, use at least 6 to 8 drops in water, 3 to 6 times a day. For eyesight
problems, work your way up to 10 drops or more 3 times a day.
NOTE: Using the higher dosages may cause you to have some temporary involuntary eye closure. In other
words, after washing your eye, when you open it, it will burn a little bit and you will want to close it for a
few more seconds. This will only last a few seconds to a minute and is not harmful. Just breathe and relax.
You will not believe how much brighter the world will look and how much better you will see almost
The reason for the burning is the cayenne in the tonic. This ingredient simply increases the circulation in
your eye immediately, which promotes healing. It can have a burning sensation and cause a little
temporary redness, but dont worry, it will not hurt you.
My Eyebright Formula also contains Goldenseal root, which is famous for being a mild acting, but highly
effective antibacterial and antiseptic herb. In the clinic I found it extremely useful for destroying infection
around the sensitive areas of the body like the eyes, inside the sinus, and sensitive mucous membrane areas
where garlic could be too strong. It contains the alkaloids hydrastine, berberine and canadine, and volatile
oils and resins. The first two alkaloids are listed medically as antibacterial and antiseptic.
Eyebright herb and Fennel both have a long history of being used for the eyes, soothing inflammation and
reducing irritation, especially for conjunctivitis. Mullein is very soothing and demulcent to the delicate
mucous membranes. Red Raspberry is a mild astringent and Rue an antispasmodic. Again, the law restricts
me from commenting any further.
Just get washing!
Dr. Schulze
Food Poisoning
What Is JUNK Food?
September 05, 2012, ANSWER by DR. RICHARD SCHULZE
Dear Dr. Schulze,
PLEASE HELP! I am constantly fighting with my husband about what foods are healthy and not healthy
for our children. My parents even side with him cause they spoil the children. My kids love anything that is
sweet, so they gravitate towards my husbands food choices. We are both vegetarian, but that is where the
similarities stop. He eats anything and everything vegetarian, but lives mostly on what you often refer to as
health food store merchandise, not food. Hell eat puffed cereals, breads, crackers, sweet drinks, and
overcooked, way over-processed food like veggie burgers, canned soups and chili (actually canned
everything) all the way to tons of vegan cookies, chocolate, pretzels, doughnuts and chocolate covered
nuts, etc. If they sell it in a health food store, he says it is healthy, and nowadays you can find almost
anything at our local health food store, they even sell steak and eggs now! I would appreciate any clarity
you can give us on this subject. I know he and my parents will listen to you, especially since you saved my
father-in-laws life from heart disease, after a heart attack, but thats another letter. God Bless You!
Regina P. in Des Moines, IA, USA
Dear Regina,
I love health food stores; I grew up in them. I was a founding member of some of the first Health Food CoOps in New York and California. In my clinic, since I had to teach most of my patients a new way to eat,
and what to eat, usually for one of their first five visits, I would have them meet me at the health food store
and I would take them on a walk down every aisle. I would show them what health food was, and steer
them in the right direction, and even give them some tips on how to prepare the food, and even how to set
up their new kitchen with a Champion juicer, a Vita-Mix blender, etc.
Ill say it again, I LOVE HEALTH FOOD STORES, and just about EVERYTHING in them is
healthier, cleaner, better, more nutritious and made with more consciousness than its counterpart
found in a regular grocery store. Now having said that, you can make yourself plenty sick in a health
food store, too.
younger manufacturer of a superfood product to go organic). If you didnt read it, see my BLOG post
Immediate Response On Last Weeks BLOG.
Health has become a multi-multi-billion-dollar business as Americans in general are finally realizing that
you in fact are exactly what you eat. The downside is that people keep pushing the envelope on what
healthy actually is, so now we have healthy beef, pork, chicken, fish, eggs, milk, WINE, candy, even
gluten-free peanut butter filled pretzels and flourless vegan chocolate doughnuts. Oh My God!!!
The solution is simple. We all need to INCREASE our consumption of NUTRIENT DENSE foods and
DECREASE our consumption of NUTRIENT DEFICIENT foods. We need to consume more foods that
give us more nutrient bang for our buck, meaning more foods that have a DENSER CONCENTRATION
of nutrients. Most Americans could eat half to two thirds less food, and get 4 to 10 times MORE
NUTRITION! Doing this, takes a lot of stress off of the body, the digestive system, the liver, the heart and
most other vital organs, while the extra nutrition builds up every organ and every system in your body.
The overeating of food in general, but especially NUTRIENT DEFICIENT food, wears our body down,
causes pre-mature aging and breakdown and causes degeneration and disease.
On the contrary, increasing the amount of NUTRIENT DENSE food, assists our body to run much more
fuel-efficient, run leaner, it slows the aging process, promotes longevity and PREVENTS breakdown and
I will repeat this:
The overeating of food in general, but especially NUTRIENT DEFICIENT food, wears our body
down, causes pre-mature aging and breakdown and causes degeneration and disease.
On the contrary, increasing the amount of NUTRIENT DENSE food, assists our body to run much
more fuel-efficient, run leaner, and
very concentrated, so you dont have to eat much of them to get a blast of nutrition. Many herbs are a great
example of this.
Consuming these foods is how you can keep your consumption of Nutrition very high, but keep your
consumption of Fat, Sugar, Calories, Carbohydrates and Protein very low, which PROMOTES HEALTH
AND LONGEVITY. It all comes down to high nutrient density clean burning fuel, versus dirty, low
nutrient density fuel, which creates sludge and blocks your body, causing breakdown and disease.
So the simple reason I advocate a much higher consumption of nutrient dense foods and a much lower
consumption of nutrient depleted foods all comes down to FEELING GREAT, LONGEVITY, SLOWING
For this simple reason, and this reason alone, I designed my own SuperFood supplement in my
clinic, gave it to all my patients, and watched as NUTRIENT DENSITY created healing miracles.
The sheer awesome healing power of flooding your body with easy to assimilate, concentrated nutrition
which is the building blocks for EVERYTHING that your body needs to doand then removing the
sludge, well, it is amazing to witness and amazing to feel.
It is not more complicated than this: Increase foods with NUTRITION DENSITY, add the highest
nutrient density SUPERFOODS, reduce LOW Nutrition Density Foods, and remove the WASTE
and SLUDGE in our body, and watch the Healing MIRACLES Happen!
Hence the foundation of Dr. Schulzes Program, which is to INCREASE nutrition with my
SuperFood Plus and REMOVE sludge with my 5-Day Detox Programs. I am really quite a simple
Lunch Suggestion
My breakfast is always the samea blender drink. Currently I am still making and drinking my morning
breakfast drink that I gave the recipe for over two years ago, and Ill attach it again at the end of this
BLOG post.
For lunch, I also make a blender drink in my Vita-Mix, but you can use any blender. I toss in handfuls of
organic greens, like kale or collard greens and a handful of spinach, some fresh organic apple juice, maybe
half of a banana (more apple juice and banana for beginners), a little lemon or lime juice, 25% to 50%
water (less water for beginners), and maybe a splash of wheatgrass or ginger juice (but leave that out at
first so it doesnt taste too strong and intense). Of course, I also add two heaping tablespoons of my
SuperFood Plus, and whizz it up! WOW! Now that is a NUTRIENT DENSE LUNCH! If I am hungry
before dinner, I have one of my SuperFood Plus bars later in the afternoon.
Nutrient Density, Baby, THAT IS WHERE ITS AT!
Dr. Schulze
2 Blackberries
4 Raspberries
4 Blueberries
1/3 Banana or 1 Apple, Pear or Peach
2 Raw Walnuts
4 Raw Almonds
2 tsp Raw Sunflower Seeds
1 tsp Flax seeds
1 tsp Chia seeds
2 tbsp SuperFood Plus
1 tsp HerbalMucil Plus
14 ozs Herbal Tea or Water
Mix high-speed in the blender for 30 secondsand use organic produce, of course.
In this fast-paced, but very informative 5-minute video, Dr. Schulze explains WHAT his herbal SHOTS
are, WHY he makes them, WHAT to use them for and HOW to use them.
Video Length: 5:34
Click to View
Healing Physical Trauma: Miracle in a Bottle, Indeed!
October 18, 2011, ANSWER by DR. RICHARD SCHULZE
Dear Dr. Schulze,
I have been a customer of yours for many, many years. I cannot even begin to tell you how much your
advice and herbal medicines have changed my life for the better, not to mention that you have benefitted
my entire family. But I am writing you with a question regarding your Deep Tissue Oil and healing trauma
from accidents, but first let me give you my testimony.
Last year, I hopped off my tractor in the cold weather, and instead of landing on the ground, my left foot
landed on a rock. When I hit the rock, my ankle and knee twisted, bent sideways and I collapsed. I heard
and I felt a huge pop come from both my knee and my ankle. As it turns out, I sprained and even tore the
ligaments in my ankle and my knee really, really bad. I could not walk. My medical doctor sent me to an
orthopedic surgeon, who then told me that I needed to put a cast on my entire leg for at least two months.
He also said that within two months if my leg was not better, that I would need arthroscopic surgery. This
wasnt even an option as harvest season was just beginning. At this point I remembered the story you
wrote about your knee and how the orthopedic surgeon wanted to do the same surgery on you. I was
actually thinking of this as the doctor was telling me the grim news, and I could hear your voice telling me
not to do this, louder than the orthopedic doctor was telling me to do it. So I decided to leave instead and
not to put a cast on my entire leg from my ankle to my thigh for two months. Instead I did nothing and
went home in a wheelchair. The doctor told me that I was crazy and would damage my ankle and knee
even more, and maybe never even walk again. My wife thought I had gone nuts.
As soon as I got home I started as much of your program as I could remember. Of course I doubled my
SuperFood, started juicing immediately, but I often do this anyway if I am feeling bad. I immediately
started your hot and cold water routine on my leg and ankle, then applied your Deep Tissue Oil, and had
my daughter who has had some training in massage rub my ankle and knee as much as possible, but I was
in excruciating pain. You should know that I could not walk at all, nor could I put any weight on this leg.
The next morning, it was about exactly the same. I was in just about as much pain, and I still couldn't walk
at all. My wife again reminded me that I was totally insane, and that I should go back to the orthopedic
surgeon immediately. I have to tell you that I was scared, in a lot of pain, and had my own doubts popping
up, but I made it through that day. During that day and night I kept busy doing the hot and cold treatment
numerous times, and reapplied your Deep Tissue Oil numerous times, along with asking my daughter to
rub it into my leg for as long as she possibly could. She complained about the smell, and the vapor is so
strong she was in tears the whole time she was working on me, and her nose was constantly running, as
was mine. At one time the vapors actually traveled up the leg of my shorts and felt like they were burning
my private parts. This was almost more scary than my injury.
On Day 2, when I woke up, the pain was noticeably less, and I had more movement in my ankle and the
knee than the day before. There was a lot less swelling and I was even able to walk very slightly but I
could only put very little of my weight on the leg. I kept up the same routines all during the day.
On Day 3, I was walking with a limp. I also had a lot less pain, and I was able to move my ankle and knee
quite a bit more.
On Day 4, I was walking even better, still with a limp, and still quite scared to put much weight on this
ankle and knee. I had almost no pain, and could move my ankle and knee me quite a bit. My wife was even
starting to believe that I was onto something.
On Day 5, it was like a miracle. I had no pain at all, I could walk on the leg, I was still scared, and I still
felt a little weak in that leg, but I felt completely healed.
One week later, it was like it never happened. My wife and my daughter were amazed, even though they
were a little sick of smelling your Deep Tissue Oil in every room of the house, and my wife was a little
mad because I stained the bed sheets and a few towels, and everyone complained about the way I
constantly smelled of mint and wintergreen.
Like you, I made a 2nd appointment to see my orthopedic surgeon, and when I walked in the room his jaw
dropped. Like your experience, he said he had never seen anything like this before and said maybe his
diagnosis was wrong, except he had the x-rays that proved how injured I was. They even showed some
slight cracking and fractures in bones both in my ankle and in my knee.
I remember reading many times that your patients call this formula a Miracle in a Bottle. I mainly
wanted to let you know that your Deep Tissue Oil really is a miracle formula, and my whole family
witnessed it, and even my orthopedic surgeon. A week later, I was back on my tractor, like nothing had
ever happened. I don't know where to begin to thank you for my miracle. My finances would have gone
upside down if I wasnt able to get back to work.
OK, I have a few questions
One is, could you describe to me in detail, how you would have done it yourself, and if you would've done
anything differently. As since I couldn't call you I made up much of the program. Secondly could you give
me all the additional programs that you would've done and is there anything I should do for my ankle and
knee now. The accident and injury took place 6 months ago. By the way, I wear a support bandage on my
knee now when I'm out in the field. Is this bad?
Again, thank you! I am now a total believer in miracles too. I am a living, walking, and even dancing
living testimony to the power of your magical herbal remedies.
Scott D. in Salina, Kansas,
Dear Scott,
I love your letter, your healing testimony and your healing miracle, I know exactly what you went through,
how you felt, your pain, your fear and what it feels like when someone tells you that you may never walk
again. I also know what it feels like to create your own personal healing miracle, and how downright
empowering that is for not only you but also your family.
As far as what would I have done, if anything different, I doubt it. And your results speak for themselves, I
don't think anyone could have healed themselves quicker from such a traumatic and devastating injury then
you did. But for you and all the readers, I will briefly outline the steps that I would've taken.
Step #1: ICE
Immediately after an injury such as this, where you feel the muscles, tendons, ligaments, and even bones
have been injured, ICE is the 1st and most important step. You can see how I do this, and how I make a
natural icepack, on my First Aid DVD, which is free for the asking, and even viewable for free on this blog
site. But basically I put a bowl full of ice in a cotton towel, draw the towel together tightly and close it with
rubber bands so the ice doesn't fall out, and then slightly wet it with cold water, which makes it much more
effective, and much colder. Now apply the ice to the injured area for about 8 minutes, then take the ice off
for about 5 minutes, and then reapply the ice again, and do this for as long as you can, but for at least an
Step #2: Deep Tissue Oil (the Miracle in the Bottle)
After you have used the ice, on and off, for the 1st hour, now it is time to apply my Deep Tissue Oil or my
Deep Tissue Ointment. This formula does three main things.
A) It increases circulation. The more I can get blood flowing back to, and in and out of the injured area,
the quicker it will heal. Often after any traumatic injury, the body swells, and circulation is blocked off.
This slows and hinders the healing process. The concentrated Peppermint Oil and the Habanero Pepper and
Ginger Root in the Deep Tissue Oil dramatically increases your blood flow and circulation to the injured
area, and breaks up congestion which dramatically speeds up the healing process.
B) It reduces inflammation. The Wintergreen oil in Deep Tissue Oil has a very powerful effect at
reducing congestion and inflammation in the injured area. This also dramatically speeds up the healing
C) It repairs trauma. The Arnica, St. John's Wort, and Calendula in the Deep Tissue Oil are used
worldwide by traditional doctors to heal everything from bangs, bruises and sprains, to torn and damaged
muscles, tendons and ligaments to even repairing fractured and broken bones. I have had thousands of
patients and now tens of thousands of customers that have had serious trauma to their body, and not only
found themselves healed in only a few days like you did, but never even having any bruising.
Deep Tissue Oil speeds up the healing process and your bodys ability to heal itself. It has turned many a
doctor's dismal prognosis into a healing miracle in just a few days.
Step #3: Alternating HOT & COLD Hydrotherapy Treatment
The most powerful non-herbal way to increase circulation, reduce inflammation and greatly speed up the
healing process is alternating hot and cold hydrotherapy. Hot water draws the blood in your body to the
surface; this is why your skin turns red when anything hot is applied to it. The red you see is simply blood
coming to the surface. Cold water when applied to your body turns your skin white. This is because it is
driving the blood away from the surface and driving it deep into your body. By alternating hot and cold
water on the surface of your body, you are drawing the blood to the surface and then forcing it away from
the surface deep into your body. It is the most powerful way known to move blood in and out of an injured
area. You can do alternating hot and cold hydrotherapy treatments in a number of ways.
The simplest way is just in a shower using a handheld shower wand. Turn the water on in the shower. If
you have a single control for the temperature just turn the water temperature up to the hottest you can stand
it and let the water run over the injured area for about a minute. Then turning the water all the way to cold,
and let the cold water run over the area for about a minute. Repeat this alternating hot and cold treatment
seven times, which will take about 15 minutes. Do this 15-minute treatment at least 4 times a day.
Another way you can do this treatment is simply by using a homemade icepack as I described in Step 1,
and then a very hot, hot water bottle, or even a heating pad.
If the injury is to a hand or foot, you can even fill 2 pails up, one with ice water with plenty of ice in it, and
the other with hot water, as hot as you can stand it. Then you simply place the injured wrist or ankle into
the pail of hot water, keeping it there for 1 minute, and then moving it into the pail of ice water, and
repeating this 7 times, again taking about 15 minutes to complete.
There are many more ways to do this hot and cold alternating hydrotherapy treatment. Just use your
Step #4: Additional Routines
Whenever you are injured or have any illness or disease, it is always best to stop consuming solid food,
and go immediately to juices. Just a few reasons for doing this are you get a lot more nutrition from the
juices. Fresh, raw, organic fruit and vegetable juices are concentrated nutrition, giving you very high
amounts of the vitamins, minerals, enzymes, amino acids and other nutritional substances that you need for
your body to heal itself. So why not give your body all that it needs, even more than it needs. In my clinic I
called juice therapy my natural healing blood transfusion, just to give you an idea of what a powerful
therapy it is. And as you did, I would add a large dose of my SuperFood Plus to every glass of juice to
send the nutritional values way over the top.
Also, you don't need to eat heavy meals and fill your gastrointestinal tract with a lot of food, that will take
a lot of your bodys energy to digest, not to mention eliminate, which brings me to the next step.
I would also immediately take a Bowel Flush SHOT. Whenever you injure yourself almost everyone
becomes constipated. There are a lot of reasons for this, from the pain of the injury to the emotional fear
and shock that usually accompany the injury. Trauma to the body almost always causes constipation, so
let's prevent this before it even happens by getting your bowel working great immediately. Then I would
continue using my Intestinal Formula #1 or whichever one of my many bowel formula you are used to or
have on hand, using it every day until you feel that you are out of the pain and the emotional trauma and
shock and your bowel will work normally on its own.
Managing Pain
For pain management, usually I suggest nothing. A little pain, even moderate pain, is a natural part of the
healing process. It lets your body and you know, that it's not time to resume your normal activities. You
will also find that all the above suggestions will dramatically reduce the pain immediately, especially the
Deep Tissue Oil, and probably you will have no pain within just a day or two. If you are in extreme pain
then I would suggest my Nerve Tonic. I never advise pharmaceutical pain relief. First it masks the pain so
you have a false sense of getting better, not to mention that it will probably also constipate you. My Nerve
Tonic will reduce the pain and help you to sleep, and at the same time will NOT hinder your body in
healing itself and never constipate you.
Now, as far as anything that you could do more now, six months later, I think you are well healed and your
ankle and knee are fine. I would highly suggest not to jump out of tractors anymore, and simply to climb
down them like normal people. I do not think it is necessary to wear a support bandage anymore but if it
makes you feel more confident then go ahead.
Scott, again congratulations for creating your own personal healing miracle. You did an awesome job! And
I also thank you for sharing your healing experience with the rest of us, because everybody at one time or
another in their life will injure their body like this and it is important for them to know that they have an
alternative, right in their own home, a simple alternative, to the pain, torture, hopelessness, financial stress
and lengthy recovery time that is often the case with the medical treatment of trauma. I have seen it 1,000
times in my clinic, a patients physical trauma was actually made much worse by the medical procedures
and medical treatment, not made better. So again Scott, thanks for believing, and thanks for sharing.
DISCLAIMER: This BLOG's purpose is to promote the sharing of information about healthy living and
dietary supplements. The views and opinions of Dr.Schulze and those of his companies and BLOG
administrators are offered for your information and are not intended to constitute medical advice. If you
are sick, injured or pregnant, consult a licensed medical professional.
Dr. Schulzes Essential Herbal Medicines For Your First Aid Kit
Treating Burns
Say Goodbye To Gallstones!
Dear Dr. Schulze,
I have been diagnosed with gallstones for over a year. Two weeks ago I did the liver/gallbladder cleanse
and went to the doctor for an annual ultrasound, which showed that I still had a gallbladder full of stones. I
followed the cleanse exactly as written. What do you suggest I do now, because I really do not want my
gallbladder removed? Thank you!
Robin E. in Las Vegas, NV, .
Dear Robin,
Whenever I think of healing anything, any illness, any dis-ease, or any problem, I think of what should we
STOP and what should we START in order to heal ourselves. I always say, You can heal yourself of
anythingjust STOP doing what youre doing thats making you sick, and START doing what will
Create Powerful Health.
In your case, and with most Americans, what is plugging up your gallbladder and forming into stones is fat
and mainly cholesterol. So the first thing I want you to do is reduce your consumption of fat, by going on
a low-fat food program, and eliminate cholesterol entirely, which is ALL animal fat. Cholesterol only
exists in animalsflesh, fluids, eggs, blood (THERE IS NO CHOLESTEROL in any fruit, vegetable,
grain, bean, nut, legume, sprout, NONE!!!) and so I want you to stop eating all animals, all meat of any
kind including fish, and all eggs, dairy products and any animal by-products. If it came from anything
that had a face, dont eat it. So we call this a vegan-vegetarian food program.
When you stop consuming any cholesterol and go on a low-fat food program, this will ensure that you will
no longer be developing any stones. See, it is possible that you got rid of your original stones but are
producing new stones while you are flushing the old ones out, so I want to make sure that we dont
produce any more stones.
By saying that you followed the cleanse exactly as written, I will assume that you did Dr. Schulzes 5-Day
LIVER Detox. The reason I am being very specific here is not my ego, but simply because there are many
products and programs out there that claim to be my products and programs, BUT ARE NOT my clinical
programs and my herbal medicines. Some of these people mean well, and some of them are just rip-off
jerks, but in any case, make sure you are doing my program using my herbal medicines because they will
give you the results that I am talking about here.
Now, assuming that you are, I suggest that you do my 5-Day LIVER Detox again, this time being on a
vegan-vegetarian food program, specifically using only my Raw Food Program on days 1 and 5 and my
Juice Flushing Food Program on days 2, 3 and 4.
I also suggest that when making your Liver Flush Drink that instead of starting out with 1 clove of garlic
and 1 tablespoon of olive oil on day one, and increasing through day 5, that you start out day one with at
least 3 cloves of garlic and 3 tablespoons of olive oil, if not 5 cloves of garlic and 5 tablespoons of olive
oil. This time, I want you to consume much stronger Liver Flush drinks during ALL 5 days to purge these
stones out of your gallbladder.
NOTE: The herbs in my L-GB Formula create the flushing effect on your liver and gallbladder in many
ways, one being the purging of bile. And, the olive oil in the Liver Flush Drink causes your bile duct to
dilate and your gallbladder to purge itself and empty its contents the stones.
NOTE #2: Just like melting ice, where two pounds of ice cubes will dissolve faster than a two-pound
block of ice, many small gallstones will dissolve faster than two big ones. Also, many small ones can be
quickly and easily flushed right out of the gallbladder with one Liver Flush while a few big stones must be
dissolved before they are removed, simply because they cannot fit through the bile duct tubes. This may
take more time and more than one 5-Day LIVER Detox program.
In my clinic, I rarely had to have anyone repeat my 5-Day LIVER Detox program to remove gallstones, so
again, make sure you are not still manufacturing them with your food program, and two, increase the
intensity of your Liver Flush Drink. This will solve your problem.
Remember, my programs were created from decades in my clinic, with actual patients, not just something I
made up, so I KNOW that they work. If anyone does any of my programs and does not get the results they
expected, this may be because they did not STOP doing what is making them sick. If they did, I suggest
they repeat the program again and this time to turn up the intensity of the program. Like with you, I
suggested a stronger Liver Flush Drink. This will always give you the results you want.
If you are in the mood for a Natural Healing and herbal adventure, you could even try my Emergency
Gallbladder Attack Treatment. To find that routine and treatment just go to the right margin of this BLOG
site and look for my book, Dr. Schulzes 5-Day LIVER Detox.
NOTE #3: A lot of you reading this might not know that all of my books are available for you to read
FREE right here on this BLOG site. Now, I would prefer to SELL you a book, but save the 12 bucks and
right now take a look over on the right margin, find the 5-Day LIVER Detox book, click on it, look at the
page numbers on the bottom of the pages, and go to page 57. There youre going to find my Emergency
Gallbladder Attack Treatment. If youre feeling like you want to, go ahead and try this routine, which is a
much more concentrated treatment where youre consuming a Day 5 version of my Liver Flush Drink
and more of my L-GB Formula and Detox Tea, too. This routine is also on page 179 of my new
Detoxification: Volume Two book that is coming out this month.
Also, note that on page 58, there is a letter I received from a medical doctor, the head hepatic
surgeon at one of the biggest hospitals in the Los Angeles area, who used my 5-Day LIVER Detox
effectively with himself and his patients, to remove gallstones, and avoided removing his patients
Another note Right on this BLOG site, go over to the left margin, under BLOG Archives, click on
SEARCH by Disease or Illness. When all the titles appear, click on Gallstones, and the first entry that will
appear on your screen will be my video How the Liver Flush Actually Works. After a lot of my raging
and rambling, about 3 minutes into the video, I explain in detail how and why the liver flush actually
works. I quote: The most potent stimulus for the release of bile from the gallbladder is the presence
of fat in the duodenum. This stimulates contractions of the gallbladder and the common bile duct
(the tube pathway from the gallbladder to the duodenum) resulting in the release of bile, AND
GALLSTONES. And the Olive Oil in the Liver Flush is PURE FAT!
So Robin, I want to recap
First, make sure that youre not creating new stones by stopping eating all animal foods. Go on a
completely vegan-vegetarian food program. And dont consume any high-fat vegetarian foods either. So
youre going on a vegan, low-fat food program.
Then, do my 5-Day LIVER Detox again, being more aggressive with the Liver Flush.
And, for positive emotional reinforcement, watch my video on this BLOG site, How the Liver Flush
Actually Works.
This will get your gallbladder cleaned out once and for all!
Dr. Schulze
Dear Friends,
In this video clip, I talk about my clinical Liver Flush drink. Dont be confused. I sometimes call this the
Liver Flush, the Gallbladder Flush or the Liver and Gallbladder Flush. Whatever I call it, I am always
talking about the exact same drink, and the exact same program. There is no other Liver or Gallbladder
Flush I use or recommend. It is the Liver and Gallbladder Flush drink used as part of my 5 Day LIVER
Detox Program. In my clinic, I refined this drink and program to be the most effective over 30 years ago, I
then used it with thousands of patients and I continued to use this exact same drink and program for
decades. I never used anything different. This drink and program always worked, even for my most
stubborn patients and their stubborn liver and gallbladder problems. Sometimes my customers, crusaders
and I use different names to describe it because we are so excited and passionate about our Natural Healing
Programs and Adventures. Regardless, it is always the same exact drink.
Whew, now that Ive got that cleared up, this drink, well we could call it an enema for the Gallbladder. The
Gallbladder is kind of like the rectum for the Liver. The Liver, as it does its job cleaning our body and our
blood of impurities, waste, alcohol, drugs, chemicals, poisons and toxins, well it neutralizes and eliminates
this waste and dumps it into the Gallbladder. The Gallbladder is where the waste of the liver, and its
digestive fluids are stored, for elimination. When it gets filled with too much waste, because of an
unhealthy lifestyle, the waste gets thick gooey and this organ can become full of sludge and this sludge can
even eventually turn into stones (gall stones). This means you not only have a constipated sick gallbladder,
but now your Liver gets backed up, sick, congested and constipated too. Considering that your Livers
main job is to detoxify you, and keep your body and blood clean and clear of toxic poisons, this is
dangerous and not good.
I have often said that long before a person has a heart attack or stroke, they had a sick congested Liver that
was not clearing the fat and cholesterol out of their blood that eventually clogged their coronary or cerebral
arteries causing their heart attack or stroke. In the same way, I have always said, that long before anyone
develops cancer or any serious degenerative disease, their sick and constipated Liver stopped filtering all
of the toxic carcinogenic chemicals out of their blood, which ended up causing their cells to mutate, and
caused their cancer or disease. The bottom line, before any major disease begins in your body, your Liver
was sick first. This is why Cleaning and Protecting your Liver is one of the most important disease
prevention programs you can do.
In the following video clip, I talk mainly about the Liver and Gallbladder Flush Drink. I wanted to clear up
some misconceptions about it, and also to let you how easy, wonderful and effective it is.
For more information about the Liver and Gallbladder, where they are, what they are, what they do, how
they work and most important, everything you need to know about doing my 5 Day Liver and Gallbladder
Detox Program including all the directions, with details and pictures, please read my book in my Creating
Powerful Health Series, Dr. Schulzes 5 Day Liver and Gallbladder Detox Program. This book is included
FREE inside my 5 Day Liver and Gallbladder Detox Kit. You can either go to my store now right on this
website and order this program, or if you want a free copy, just call or e-mail my company, and ask for
your FREE copy of this book. Do it now!
Get Healthy, Clean your Liver and Gallbladder, and Stay Healthy
Dr. Schulze
Video Length: 9:16
Click to View
Genetic Weakness
Cancer, Genetics & Lifestyle
January 11, 2012, ANSWER by DR. RICHARD SCHULZE
I have just been diagnosed w/ breast cancer. I just don't know how!!! I am 52 y/o. I am vegan, eat 75%
raw, drink distilled water, never smoked. I use your products and have just finished a bowel cleanse last
weekend. I am working on all the 20 lifestyle principles you suggest. I exercise, lost 50 lbs going from
vegetarian to vegan in the last 3 years. (143 lbs, 5'8"). I have never taken meds. I have been healthy all my
life. I did have my gall bladder removed. I have had counseling and got my head on straight. I have gotten
rid of so much trash in my life (stuff and unhealthy people), my head and my bowels. I am a positive,
happy person, help others and have a strong faith that I practice and not just talk about. I work in the
medical field and have seen all the sickness you mention in your info. I have tried HARD to avoid being
one of these patients. My family has thought I was nuts at times and I don't even have to tell you how my
coworkers feel about my lifestyle choices.
I have seen the breast surgeon, plastic surgeon, radiation oncologist and naturopath. My lymph nodes are
clear and my options are 1) lumpectomy w/ radiation 2) mastectomy w/ reconstruction and to take
Tamoxifen for 5 years!!!!! The naturopath even advised me to go through w/ option one. I have been
encouraged to do something soon as to not have it spread to my lymph nodes and have a worse diagnosis. I
don't know what to do. I did grow cancer even after all that I am doing! I'm afraid if I don't at least do the
lumpectomy (the lump is quarter size) it will spread. I mean it is there after all SOME HOW!
Do I need to check myself into some holistic center so I can get all these alternative therapies? All this
stuff takes a lot of time as you know and I am willing to do it, but I only have 2 hands and 24 hours!!! I
have drank so much juice, taken formula 1& 2 until my plumbing is on fire! I will keep doing it but I need
some direction here. Even my holistic veggie, raw, organic, hippy chick friends can't believe this.
I have gotten over the initial freaking out and crying and I need to get busy. I need more ammo, a plan. So
please will you give me some specific guidance, heck why don't you come to Montana and help me!! You
know, kick my cancer's butt! I watched your old video on the cold sheet treatment. Should I do that, how
often? I don't care how you answer me, but will you just please answer me? Thank you sooooooooo much
Dr Schulze.
Rhonda N. in Kalispell, MT, United States
Dear Rhonda,
I will answer your questions in two partsfirst, Why You and second, What To Do
Why You?
Your first question is how is this possible, that you developed breast cancer after living an extremely
healthy lifestyle?
Well, you gave me a few possible clues in your letter. One was that you used to weigh about 200 pounds
just a few years back. I must tell you that everyone from your average oncologist to the American Cancer
Society agrees that there is a direct relationship between being obese and developing cancer, especially
breast cancer. And if you were 58 and weighed about 200 pounds, (lost 50 pounds and are now 143
pounds) yikes, I wouldnt have dated you, YOU WERE FAT OBESE, BABY! Granted you have changed,
YES!!! So this may just be a case of too little too late. This cancer may have been sub-clinical and not
detectable but still growing for years. Also, you mentioned that you had your gallbladder removed showing
me a past history of liver and gallbladder congestion. When anyone has cancer, I know they had a sick
liver and a depressed immune system long before they developed cancer.
But all of this Why stuff is wasted energy and it isnt going to help you dissolve your cancer and
heal you. I just wanted to point out to you a few possible reasons, and to let you know that you are not
perfect, only Dr. Schulze is perfect! Seriously, we are all just on the path of healthy living, and I need to
nudge you onto an even healthier path.
I must tell you that you have done an amazing job at turning your life around, and getting really,
really healthy. You might laugh and say, But I have breast cancer and this is not healthy. OK then, lets
say that 95% of you is really healthy and you just have a little congestion and sickness in one of your
breasts, but lets not blow this breast cancer thing way out of proportion here. You are not sick all over. In
fact, the vast majority of you is healthy and working GREAT. I think all you need is to stimulate your
immune system and to break up a little congestion in your breast. Lets not panic and make this a bigger
deal that it is, OK?
Dont torture yourself comparing to relatives and friends. There is always that George Burns
relative, friend or co-workerthe person who eats garbage, drinks plenty of alcohol and coffee, smokes
stogies, never exercises and hates lifeand lives to be 100. These are the human exceptions to the rule.
Again, Genetics and Environment. Just imagine how old George Burns may have lived to if he lived your
lifestyle 150? So dont frustrate yourself or make yourself sick looking at all the positive things that you
have done in your life, and then comparing your health, or your dis-ease, to someone with totally different
parents, different Genetics, and a totally different Lifestyle. This is BAD MATH and an improper, stupid
equation and comparison.
People who live a very unhealthy lifestyle and brag about being disease-free, and even put down people
who live a healthy lifestyle, well, they almost always live to eat their words. People like this are like the
man who jumps off the Empire State Building and as he is flying past the second story above the ground,
at terminal velocity, only a few feet from smashing into the sidewalk, he says, I feel great!
Regardless, dont you really hate people who are really healthy and look great, at least on the outside, but
live on doughnuts, candy bars, burgers and chocolate? OK, that was a test! You have to give this one up
too. Hate doesnt get anyone well. As John Lennon said, LOVE is the answer.
Look on the Positive Side
Imagine in my clinic, how hard it was to get a 52-year-old person (who had never done anything healthy in
their life) to follow the lifestyle program you are already on and already used to? It took months and a lot
of brain washing and a lot of education and a lot of drama and traumaand plenty of failure. BUT YOU
ARE ALREADY THERE! So any changes that I will suggest later will be easy, and even FUN!
If I know anything at all, it is that What Ifs, judgment, and drawing any conclusions from it, is TOTAL
BULLSHIT and will not get you well.
Nobody has any idea what Gods plan is for you, or what the universes plan or future is for you. Maybe
this breast cancer is your greatest blessing. Maybe a higher power than us knows that you can handle this
just fine, and you needed a small nudge to get you to your next higher level. Maybe all the work you have
done so far earned you this gift of breast cancer. Maybe there is some divine plan that once you get
through this, you will work with people who have cancer, and come up with a program yourself, maybe
this cancer is just an added credential to your life. I dont know, nobody knows, so NO JUDGING!
Just imagine where I would be and what I would be doing if my parents had not died when I was just a kid,
and if I had not inherited heart disease and a deformed heart, and the medical doctors didnt tell me that I
would be dead by 20, and all the other gifts that I have received in my life, had not happened? Where
would I be now? A drug addict? Dead? Maybe worse, a medical doctor?!! (OK, only joking kind of.)
Did you watch the old Jimmy Stewart movie Its a Wonderful Life over the holidays? This is what I am
talking about!
So for any one of a 1,000 reasons that you or anyone can come up with that you developing breast cancer
is a bad thing, I can come up with A MILLION positive reasons that your breast cancer is an AWESOME
thing, from a gift of an amazing learning experience, to a health nut ego removal equal to 40 years in a Zen
Buddhist monastery, to finally getting your doctorate in Natural healing and Herbal Medicine. Nothing
qualifies me as a great doctor better than creating a program that saved my life and survived my own
medical death sentence, 40 years ago.
ALL of my patients that had life-threatening diseases, or were given death sentences, and then learned how
to heal themselvesand DID HEAL THEMSELVESall of them eventually saw their disease as a huge
blessing a gift from God. Their disease became a gift that nudged them onto a different path in life.
Look, I know this can be a bit scary, and can make you feel a bit insecure at times. I know what it feels like
when a medical doctor tells you that you could die, and now you do too. Welcome to the club. Transform
this fear energy into a powerful positive tool to motivate you into your next level of healing and living.
As you can see, I could go on for ten thousand pages on why your cancer is a gift, but I know that when
one of my Gurus in India told me to Celebrate Everything, he did not mean celebrate everything except
heart disease, or in your case Celebrate Everything except breast cancer, he meant CELEBRATE
EVERYTHING. Celebrate Breast Cancer!
Having said this, I know what you are feeling, and I know it may take a few days to digest this, and to
shine a positive light on this, but I know you will.
OK, one final tidbit. I KNOW from my life and clinical experience, that NOTHING POSITIVE will ever
come out of being negative, EVER. So there is NO UPSIDE to being negative, NONE! But, there are
plenty of upsides to being positive, from just being happier, to your immune system working much better
and being much stronger, so GET POSITIVE.
There will always be plenty of people out there who will want to back up their own bullshit and unhealthy
lifestyle by looking at you and saying, see what happened to her. She wasted all this time and money on
being so healthy and she still got cancer. The same way there are plenty of people out there who think that
I am a total quack. Who cares? There are plenty of people out there who will be helped by your healing.
They are the ones you will seek outactually they will find you!
on the breast, lots of bouncing exercises, lots of inversions like yoga, plus all of the other programs from
Juice Flushing to Bowel Cleansing to Attitude Cleansing. She was doing something every waking hour, it
was a full-time healing job. In FIVE DAYS the tumor had decreased in size by 50%. After 10 DAYS it
was not detectable by the medical doctors anymore. This just goes to show you what is possible.
#3: Alternative Cancer Treatment Centers
I have suggested to many people over the years to get into a live-in situation, like the Hippocrates Health
Institute, or the Max Gerson Clinic in Mexico, or the Optimum Health Institute in the San Diego area.
But personally, I do not think that you need to do this. I know that you have plenty of knowledge and
brains to figure this out on your own. So I would only suggest this as further training, but not necessary at
all to heal yourself of breast cancer. On the other hand, for people who do not have a clue what a healthy
lifestyle is, I always suggest the extra support of getting into a live-in program such as these, at least to
#4: Detox Formula, Fresh Wheatgrass Juice & Garlic
These are all part of my Incurables Program, but I wanted to give them special mention here.
Detox Formula. Just read what it says in my herbal products catalog. Since ALL of my great teachers
went to prison at one time or another for their variations of this formula, I will not comment on it here.
Again, read what it says in my catalog.
Wheatgrass Juice. I have seen more people heal their cancer with wheatgrass juice, than maybe any other
food. It is a foundational part of the Hippocrates Program, and the Optimum Health Institute, and almost
all natural cancer treatment programs worldwide. I have personally met hundreds of people, maybe
thousands, besides my patients, that healed their cancer by drinking wheatgrass juice. So, just start growing
it, cutting it, juicing it and then drinking it every day.
EVERY SINGLE DAY for lunch I have an ounce of fresh, organic Wheatgrass Juice in a little fresh carrot
and beet juice, and my 17-year-old son, Arthur, has a shot of it every morning when his Mom makes it.
Garlic. It should be your friend. Garlic KILLS cancer cells, it is that simple. So start having raw garlic
EVERY DAYa minimum of 3 cloves! I had one patient who healed his supposedly terminal cancer by
eating 50 cloves of raw garlic a day for three months, amongst other things. You will also need to use my
Fresh Breath Plus and also my Daily Oral Therapy when you start using this much garlic, so you dont
lose your job and your friends.
#5: Toxins
One thing we do know for sure is that cells mutate and turn cancerous, again, by Genetics reacting to
Lifestyle. Even the prestigious medical oncologists from the huge cancer research center at the City of
Hope say that first you have to have the genetic predisposition, and then these cells that are genetically
predisposed to mutating and developing cancer have to run head-on into some irritant or catalyst, which
stimulates these genetically predisposed cells to begin to mutate and then become cancer. The ONLY
reason I mention this here is that it is important for you to look at any possible exposure to toxic chemicals.
Having said that, I almost laugh, because modern living in America, even in the middle of nowhere in
Montana, is still a toxic nightmare. We are bombarded with poisons in our home, car, workplace
EVERYWHERE! Now I dont want you to get paranoid here, or become obsessed with this or to make
toxins become your focus in life. I simply want you to take a look at your level of exposure, and simply see
if you can reduce it. There are many tips in my 20 Powerful Steps book about this too, which you can
read right on this BLOG! Just check the right-hand side of this page and click on the book cover.
I Had A Friend
I had a friend who just died. So I wanted to share a few truths with you, about life, dis-ease, healing, and
death. For those of you that only have two minutes, I Put The Most Important Points In Bold.
This friend was diagnosed many years ago with the deadliest of diseases, a rare form of cancer. The
medical doctors said he only had a few months to live.
He was a man of some faith, so I reminded him that only God knows when a person will live or die,
not medical doctors. And from my experience, the medical doctors are dead wrong, pun intended, far
more often than not.
In fact, if I had a hundred dollars for every patient of mine that was told they would be dead in a few
months, only to live decades after their medical death sentence, well, I would be a far richer man
than I am today.
Anyway, this man decided to give my Incurables Program a try. He wasnt a great patient; he didnt even
meet my minimum requirements. Sure, he drank some of the drinks, took some of the herbal medicines,
and went through some of the motions of some of the programs, but generally, he had that medical mindset
that some of my patients had been brainwashed into: In the back of his mind somewhere, he believed the
medical doctors, he believed their diagnosis, their prognosis, and I think he felt that they were very
smart people, and therefore they must be at least partly correct. To me this is kind of like believing
that the President, or the Queen, or the Pope is the smartest person in the world, or is psychic. I
Dr Schulzes Blog 2008-2012 by diseases 30/10/12
think he felt that somehow surgery, at some point, was going to help him. This can be a deadly
mistake, much more deadly than any disease.
I think he expected me, or my herbal formulas, to almost magically heal his cancer. He said if it did,
he would tell the masses, at which point I told him I didnt need this kind of attention. He never
saw the healing process as him healing himself and creating powerful health. I know if he would
have just believed, he could have healed himself of anything.
His worst failure, was that he absolutely refused to take what I consider enough time off, to heal himself
at least three or four months, if not sixbut again to be fair he did some of the program. So I fired him as a
patient, after three days, and then again after five days, but we kept in touch.
By the way, in case anyone is wondering, I am not Jesus, nor a prophet of God. I have never healed
anyone. I cannot heal anyone. All I can do is Illuminate the Healing Path, for a person to walk on,
guide them on their Healing Adventure with my wisdom, and supply them with some of the Healing
Tools that they will need along their Journey.
OK, so he got very lucky and had his healing miracle, his minimum involvement was enough, he created
his own healing miracle, and his disease went into remission, and as my patients often experienced in my
clinic, the disease was eaten up by his own immune system. Often when this happens, when the cancer is
literally destroyed by your own immune cells, then just the fiber or skeleton of the cancer remains. He
even had the medical doctors perform a biopsy, and they said, we dont even know what this is
anymore it is NOT cancer, it is just some dead cells. I said, Wonderful, we have had another healing
miracle. But the medical doctors, nor him, were satisfied with this. They could not leave miracles alone,
so they all decided to go in and clean things up, which I always feel is a drastic mistake, for a few
First, surgery in itself causes a drastic reduction in our life energy, our chi, ki, prana, pilot light, or
energy level, whatever you want to call it. I always say unless a surgery is absolutely necessary, and
you will be dead in hours unless you have it, then DO NOT have it!
His cancer had been devoured by his immune system, it was gone as far as I was concerned, and to go in
with invasive surgery, just to clean out already dead cancer, is simply a waste of time, money and a HUGE
waste of your internal energy. Your body will do this eventually anyway. This was NOT a good idea,
especially when you have just healed yourself from a supposedly very lethal disease. I have faith in our
bodys ability to completely heal itself of any diseasehe did not. So he just couldnt help himself, he did
it, he had the clean up surgery and it was a huge energetic blow to him, like getting hit by a car no, a
Another reason to avoid surgery whenever possible, but especially when you are healing yourself of
cancer, is that I believe the surgical procedure itself can cause the cancer to spread. Actually, it is more
than just a belief I have seen this happen time and time again.
Some of you might wonder why he got sick in the first place. Well, many reasons that I could see.
To give you the best of my decades of clinical practice, ALL diseases are caused by a combination of
things, and cancer is no different.
ALL disease is caused by:
Inherited genetic predispositions
Diseases that are activated or created by physical, emotional and spiritual poisons
Most often, it is a combination of both.
Physically, he could have been poisoned by a number of carcinogenic chemicals that are present in almost
all of our lives. He worked at a very large manufacturing company, and this company uses chemicals in
manufacturing that are known carcinogens. So he could have been exposed to many manufacturing toxins,
or just environmental toxins that are commonly present on most work environments.
Emotional Trauma
Emotionally, there were many obvious poisons. He had a huge emotional trauma during his career, and
when he explained it to me, he said it was like getting struck right in the guts, at which time he
unknowingly pointed to exactly where the cancer lied underneath. He also said that he had physical pain
there for a few years after, and even a twinge now and then ever since.
Many diseases (especially cancer) are often caused, at least in part, by powerful emotional upsets
that we never resolve, or forgive and forget. And this man had a huge one. He wasnt big on
forgivenesshe was big on getting even.
Spiritual Trauma
This man had also made some business decisions that he was not proud of making, to put it mildly. A few
of them were very big decisions that made the company a lot of money, but they were decisions that he did
not feel good about making at all. He had severe guilt and severe shame about this one decision that he was
just in the process of making.
I suggested a solution, which was to simply NOT DO IT. But my simple and very healing solution, well,
it was just overwhelming to him. He couldnt even imagine admitting his mistake, let alone stopping this
project that was just about to launch. It would have cost the company millions of dollars and blah, blah,
blah. I believe this guilt, shame and spiritual trauma was a big part of why his immune system was
shutting down, and why he developed cancer.
A great Guru once told me, You cant get what you want out of life, by doing what you dont want to do.
WOW, how simple is that? This man was simply doing what he did not want to do, and it was killing
him. What is this IT? This IT was him, so a better more accurate statement would have been I am
killing myself if I do this thing. Well, he did it, and he did! We are all extremely successful, powerfully
successful, and get exactly what we want. If we are not getting the results we want, then we simply need to
change our program.
You cannot be healthy and disease-free carrying a huge amount of guilt, shame and remorse around.
We are humanwe ALL screw up! Be honest with yourself. Fix any mistakes you have made the
best way you can, the best way you know how, and then MOVE ON!
I have a very smart CPA and many, many years ago I was considering an investment that was so complex,
neither of us even understood it. He simply said to me, no matter how much money you make on this deal,
if you lose sleep over it, its not worth it. He then went on to explain to me that he judges all deals based on
their sleep factor. He said that if any investment or any business deal keeps you awake at night,
worrying, it is not worth doing it. So I did NOT do this deal, and I have slept like a baby following this
important advice, ever since.
The bottom line is that carrying around guilt and shame will make you sick and kill you, as
effectively as any disease. Actually, it is part of the disease!
OK, so now my friend is dead. So what is my point here? Well, I have a few
First, I only share this story with you so we can ALL avoid these same mistakes and pitfalls in our own
lives. He would have liked this.
If you are seriously ill, with any one of the thousands of life-threatening diseases, and you want to
heal your dis-ease naturally, well, you simply need to take enough time off to heal yourself. In my
clinical experience, the minimum is three months on the programs, but with getting started and
recuperation, plan on six months. If you will not take the time off, well, this is what medical doctors,
drugs and surgery are for.
Medical doctors are NOT Natural Healers. If you are going to embark on a Natural Healing
Adventure, STOP listening to them. In fact, STOP asking them questions. In fact, STOP going to
them. By the way, they DO NOT know when you are going to die!
Dr. Schulze is NOT Jesus, Buddha, Moses, Mohammed, Lao Tzu, Confucius or any other prophet of
God or spiritual leader. He has never healed anyone, except himself. ALL of his patients healed
ALL diseases have physical, emotional and spiritual components. It is very important when healing
yourself to identify as many of these disease-causing factors as possible, and eliminate them. They
can be toxic food, toxic emotions and toxic spiritual poisons. Guilt and shame can kill just as fast as
French fries and trans-fatty acidsactually faster.
Surgery in itself causes a drastic reduction in our life energyour chi, ki, prana, pilot light, energy
levelwhatever you want to call it. Only consider it if you will be dead in hours without it.
Otherwise, postpone it as long as possible.
With ALL of your decisions in life, remember consider the sleep factor.
OK, Ill see you next week!
Dr. Schulze
programs, flexibility, movement and exercise programs, cleansing and detoxification routines, emotional
and spiritual programs and hundreds of other positive lifestyle changes.
Herbal Medicines, when used correctly, are never used like a drug. Herbs do not act like drugs, and should
not be prescribed like drugs. Many herbalists around the world, if you have a headache, would prescribe
herbs for reducing painI definitely would not. Unfortunately most people, who practice natural
medicine, do so with an allopathic or standard medical doctors mindset.
If you have a headache, I want to know WHY, not, I repeat NOT, just kill the pain. You can have a
headache for 1,000 different reasons from tight neck muscles and stress, to constipation, toxicity, eyestrain
or even a brain tumor. Pain is the way the body communicates and lets us know that something is out of
balance. To tell it to shut up, and use drugs or even herbs, to make it go away without knowing why it
exists is a very ignorant form of medicine that is practiced by most doctors, both Orthodox and Alternative.
The herbs in any of my Female Formulas do not contain estrogen, nor would these herbs promote any
cancer in your body, nor would they promote your body to develop any cancer, in fact they will do just the
The herbs do contain nutrients that your body can use to build hormones, but only if you need them.
Mostly what these herbs do, is sensitize or assist your body to be more sensitive in detecting the amount of
hormones that you have created that are present in your bloodstream and then suppressing or stimulating
the manufacture of them, as needed.
For instance, many of the female herbs in my Female Formulas have been found to work by increasing the
sensitivity of the hypothalamus organ in your brain. Its the hypothalamus that constantly checks your
blood for hormone levels every minute of every day. If it detects that you are low in any endocrine
chemical (like a hormone such as estrogen) it will release chemicals that tell your ovaries to produce more
estrogen. If the hypothalamus detects that you have enough estrogen, it will release other chemicals that
slow down or even stop your ovaries from producing estrogen. So you can see that these herbs do not
contain estrogen, but instead sensitize your own endocrine system to produce exactly the amount of
hormones, or estrogen, that your body decides that you need, not what I (or any doctor) thinks you need.
Since I dont use herbs that actually contain estrogen, you have nothing to worry about.
Now, having said that, all animal foods, because of the huge amount of growth hormones and steroids that
are used in all meat, milk and egg production, are loaded with residual growth hormones and steroids. So,
when you consume animals and their byproducts, you consume large amounts of these growth hormones
and steroids. The residual hormones and steroids in animal food and animal byproducts have been directly
linked to the increase in reproductive cancers, including breast, uterine and ovarian in women, and prostate
and testicular in men. So if you read my books and follow my work, then you already know that
especially for you with a family history of cancerthat I highly recommend a vegan food program. Even
the American Cancer Society says that this will reduce your risk of cancer. So this is the FIRST place this
health practitioner should have gone, stopping you from consuming any animal food, and left the herbal
medicine advice to the herbal doctors.
Now my symptoms are crampiness and spotting almost every day. I tried going back on the formula, but I
started to get slight hot flashes, so I stopped again. When I started taking it, was I just not taking enough?
Now, I dont know what to do. Im thinking I should be taking it to balance my hormones, but dont want
hot flashes. I would love to hear your thoughts.
Debbie M. in Boyertown, PA
OK, let me give you a few of my thoughts here
First, relax; this is not such a big deal. I know this is very important to you, and your health, but I do not
feel that you are in any serious danger, just a little bit out of balance. So it is important that you keep this in
#1: At the beginning of your letter you state that you have been making my formulas for yearsI hope
this is a typo and you meant taking my formula for years. If it is not, and you are actually making my
herbal formula, this may be the beginning of your problem. As you know, I do promote people to make
their own herbal medicine if they want to. But, my concern here is that any herbal medicine that you make,
can only be as powerful as the herbs you begin with. I am a fanatic; in fact, fanatic is not even close to a
powerful enough word to describe how insane I am about herbal quality and my manufacturing techniques
for my herbal medicine. Please, read the beginning of my catalog under why my herbal formulas are the
very best. I am not tooting my own horn here, or pumping up my ego, but it is one thing to make your own
herbal medicine for general use, and another thing to make it to save your life. I suggest you start using my
Female Formula, at least for a while, as I know exactly how I make it. This is the exact formula that
created the extremely positive results with my patients in my clinic.
#2: I definitely suggest getting some of my Female Formula and start using 2 droppersful three times a
day. With an additional dose of 2 droppersful anytime you need it. And, if you are having a powerful
negative symptom of menopauselike extreme hot flashes, night sweats or any other symptomI suggest
using my Female SHOT immediately. Then, after a period of time when you feel that your hormones
are back in balance and that you are healthy again, you can feel free to start making your own herbal
medicine if that is what you want to do. But at least for now, please, use my herbal medicine, until we get
you healthy, strong and out of any danger.
#3: You are not your mother and you are not your father. Sure, you have inherited many of their genetic
strengths and weaknesses. But remember, you do not have to live out any of their genetic weaknesses, and
the best way to make absolutely sure that you do not manifest any of their, or your, genetic weaknesses is
to live a much healthier lifestylephysically, emotionally and spirituallythen your parents did. I am sure
that your parents did a lot of great things; all Im asking of you is an UPGRADE. I want you to take a good
look at what your parents taught you. And then I want you to eliminate the bad, keep the good, and create a
new, more healthier lifestyle for yourself then your parents did for themselves.
So stop worrying, get healthier, have fun and lets get going on Creating Powerful Health.
Dr. Schulze
Dear Glenda,
I gave up years ago trying to convince anyone of anything. My Natural Healing message is for those that
want an alternative, or an option to the standard practice of medicine. But this alternative comes with a
hefty price tag. It is called RESPONSIBILITY.
Her current medical doctors' hefty price tag is in dollars, whether she pays it to them, the hospital, the
insurance company or even if the insurance is part of her pay compensation. There are no free lunches
when it comes to medicine. Somebody pays, and pays big, even if it's the taxpayers paying for her
There is also an additional fee in the form of the pain, torture, disfigurement, drugs, side effects and the
new, medically dominated lifestyle that she will have to adjust to, to medically maintain her disease.
So when anyone says they need a medical doctor to approve a natural program, they are simply saying that
they don't want to do the program. This is simply because everyone knows that medical doctors have
absolutely NO TRAINING in Herbal Medicine, Nutrition nor ANYTHING NATURAL and almost always
say NO to anything they don't understand. And also because they make NO MONEY if she heals herself
naturally. For these and many other reasons, I must assume that anyone who uses this very lame excuse
really doesn't want to attempt to heal themselves, outside the box of standard medicine. I therefore
wouldn't waste my breath or time with them.
Asking a medical doctor if one should do an Herbal or Natural Program is like asking your plumber if you
need a new electrical service panel box in your house. THEY SIMPLY DON'T KNOW. Your plumber
would have the brains to say, I don't know, but a medical doctor's response is almost always to say NO to
anything they don't understand.
Having said all of that, I have had many patients, and customers remove themselves from the Liver
Transplant List by doing my 5-Day LIVER Detox program, and also by following my guidelines to create
a very healthy lifestyle. But, I heard you say she won't do this, so I guess the transplant list it is.
Finally, at the beginning of next year, I am releasing a new version of an old formula I used in my clinic. I
am calling it my PROTECT Formula. This formula is designed for all the people we love, that won't do
anything healthy for themselves, in spite of the fact that they are diseased and dying.
This formula is to protect the Heart and Circulatory system, the Liver and the Brain, and therefore, protect
us from some of life's biggest killers-like Heart and Circulatory Disease, Strokes, Cancer, Liver Disease,
Dementia and Brain Disease, etc.
ust one of the herbs in it, Milk Thistle (which is also in my L-GB Formula), is famous for protecting liver
cells. There are volumes of scientific and medical research done on this plant and its powerful
phytochemicals and their powerful ability to protect liver cells and prevent liver disease and death.
I designed this formula for our parents, friends, relatives and loved ones like your sister-in-law, who won't
do anything natural, won't eat right, won't move, won't stop torturing themselves with medical doctors and
won't stop having surgeries. We know where they are headed, and if we can just get them to swallow a few
herbal pills a day, well, it will buy them some time and slow down their self-destructive path and hopefully
keep them around for a few more years.
My PROTECT Formula will be re-released in January and I would highly suggest it for her.
Thanks for your support and stay healthy,
Brought Back From Deaths Door!
Dear Dr. Schulze,
My question is simple.
Why are you not featured on Good Morning America, or 20-20 or 60 minutes? I try to figure it out for
myself, and the only conclusion I can reach is perhaps if the world at large, through mega-media learns
about you, I won't be able to get my SuperFood or anything else you have, because of the flash mob result!
My wife and I have been on your juicing program and SuperFood - SuperFood Plus for over 15 years. I'm
72, my wife is 69, and neither of us has ever been to a hospital. We never visit doctors, not once, have we
had the flu or colds.
I have personally helped three people through your "Incurables Program" with fabulous results. However, I
must tell you about my brother-in-law, Steve K. in Auburn, Ca.
Over the last 25 years or so, Steve had heart problems, and three or four back surgeries, and two or three
knee surgeries. Five years ago, his wife called me to tell me that the doctors sent him home with no hope
for beating MRSA, that he'd contracted in the hospital after a recent knee surgery. They told him he had
received so many anti-biotics over the years, they concluded he was immune to them. He was 150 lbs
overweight, (at least) and stuck in a wheel chair at home with a surgical wound that would not heal on his
knee. He had lost all will to live and was waiting to die.
I talked to his wife at least three more times for over an hour each time, and I finally got them to agree to
try your "Incurables Program". I told them I would fly out to their home from Charleston, S.C., and spend
a week with her teaching her how to complete the remaining three weeks administering the plan after I had
to leave.
At the end of the first week, Steve started to have color in his face again and I managed to get him to do
some upper-body exercising. I secretly, after Day 2 of my first week there, started exponentially increasing
garlic and your Cayenne tincture to all the treatments. On Friday of that first week, two nurses from
hospice came to dress his wound, and were flabbergasted to see actual blood flowing to the knee and the
area around the wound was actually healing.
My sister-in-law continued the next three weeks with the program, and when he went in to see his doctor at
the end of his 30-day incurables program, his blood count went from 54 down to 3! It was the doctor's turn
to be flabbergasted. Steve had all his energy back, had lost 75 lbs, and was obviously on the mend, big
Today, 5 YEARS LATER, he has a straight rod in his leg, and walks around with Canadian Crutches, and
drives his truck from California to Oregon, Kentucky, and wherever else he needs to go. The first day I
walked in to see him when we started the program, he looked like death warmed over. He even had trouble
talking, his energy level was so low.
I'd be happy to document any of this at your request, and give you the name of his doctors and you could
talk to about 12 other couples who have since bought and use juicers, daily, after seeing for themselves
what happened to Steve.
We started the SuperFood with you, because a friend of mine told me about your story, and how you
helped people heal themselves by first cleaning the bowel. My wife, Sharon, had migraines every week,
debilitating migraines, the type that made her go sit in a dark closet on the floor, take out her earrings, and
wait till she had to vomit kind. For 50 years she had them and had tried everything, with no success. She
started juicing and did Formula #1 followed by #1 & #2 and cleansed her bowels. It's been 14 years since
she had a single migraine.
Dr Schulzes Blog 2008-2012 by diseases 30/10/12
My biggest problem with you over the years has been trying to calm people down from being pushed back
over your arrogance. I just had to tell them, "I love his arrogance, he couldn't be that way if he didn't have
the goods!!" Keep it up.
Joe T. in Camden, ME, USA
Dear Joe,
I want you to know how much I appreciate your letter. For me, I never get tired of evangelizing the power
of Natural Healing and Herbal Medicine, and I NEVER get tired of getting letters like yours with miracles
testimonies. I have seen so many miracles in my life, helping people to bring themselves back from deaths
door, but for all the people reading the BLOG every week, I can guarantee you Joe, your letter will
inspire relatives to act and it will save many lives. So I thank you personally, and from my customers,
for taking the time to write this letter.
Why I am not on Good Morning America, 20/20 or 60 Minutes?
Thats a great question; I think I have a few answers for this.
My clinic was closed not because I ever had a patient complain to the authorities, not one. It was closed as
best as I can see because
My patients were an embarrassing living testimony to the great failure of Medical Doctors, Hospitals
and Pharmaceutical Drugs.
This type of healing we call modern medicine can work occasionally. But it is just a temporary quick-fix
because it is your lifestyle changes that will heal you permanently.
The ONLY true healing is the one that your body performs BY ITSELF, ON ITSELF, HEALING
ITSELF, not what medical doctors do. And, since this modern medical show in America alone is a 2
TRILLION DOLLAR businessover 20% of the Gross National Product of the entire United States
well, the medical mafia and the drug cartels not only sponsor these television networks with commercials,
but also they dont take too kindly to cheap, inexpensive, common sense, natural and herbal healing. When
you make statements like I do, and you do, that you can heal killer diseases with a $200 juicer, a few
handfuls of weeds, some garlic and hot peppers, a little detoxification and flushing and a whole lot of
good old common sense, well, that just plain pisses them off.
But dont stress, the world is coming around, one by one. Its hard to find someone these days who isnt a
bit disgusted with his or her medical doctor, and who hasnt heard of common sense Natural Healing, and
who isnt making some kind of healthy lifestyle changes. Or, just turn on the television and you will see
ads by lawyers who want to assist you in suing the drug companies (1-800-BAD DRUG) because you or a
relative were injured or even killed by a pharmaceutical drug. And thanks to you, my friend, we just keep
getting the word out more and more.
As far as being able to make enough SuperFood, or Intestinal Formula #1 to go around, there is no doubt
that the Oprah effect would put a strain on my business. We buy only the finest and most expensive herbs,
we make everything by hand and we make herbal MEDICINE, not herbal products, so we can only grow
so fast. Also, I have to let my organic farmers know a year ahead of time how much herbs I think I will
need for the following year, so I can steadily grow bigger, but I am a word of mouth nich business. I
like growing though, because the beauty of my company growing a lot bigger every year is that the bigger
I get, the more I need from my organic farmers, wild harvesters and their families, the less chemicals being
dumped on American soils, its a win, win, win for everybody.
My Arrogance? Hmmmm
What About THEIR Arrogance?
First off, I should say that the most arrogant people I ever meet on this planet are definitely medical
doctors. My arrogance is mild compared to them.
They are so arrogant and myopic, they only see things their way. They think their form of healing is the
only true or real healing, and warn people to stay away from any other form of healing besides modern
medicine that they do not understand or have any knowledge of, especially natural and herbal healing.
They are so arrogant, they never like being questioned, they just want you to do as they say. After all, you
are too stupid to understand medicine. Beyond this, their worst arrogance is that they will tell you when
you are going to die.
As far as my arrogance, well, there is no denying that here. I am pretty darn arrogant, I agree. But there is a
reason behind this arrogance. (BTW Joe, I know you dont think I am arrogant, but this is for anyone who
thinks I am.)
I watched my Dad die in my arms when I was 11. He was definitely murdered by medical doctors. My
Mom dropped dead just a few years later. The medical doctors had her on a dozen drugs, and the last few
years of her life she was a stoned drug addict. I watched as the medical doctors killed my parents and
destroyed my family. Were my parents responsible? OF COURSE they should have questioned the
doctors, and not lined up like sheep to the slaughter.
Then, at 16, I was told by the medical doctors that I would be dead by 20 without open heart surgery. I
refused and discovered another way to heal my heart.
Later, working, apprenticing and interning in my great teachers clinics, I witnessed thousands of healing
miracles. Thousands!
Then in my clinic, I walked my patients through my programs and herbal medicines just like you taught
your sister-in-law and helped your brother-in-law save his life when he was sent home to die.
I have seen, now thousands of times, that your body can heal itself of ANYTHING, ANY DISEASE,
if you are willing to simply STOP killing yourself and START a new Healthy Lifestyle!
Yep, youre right again, no denying it, Im a pretty loud, pushy, passionate, and ARROGANT Natural
Think about it, though Is it so arrogant to say that if you get really healthy, that disease will simply leave
your body? Even diseases like Arthritis, Alzheimers, Artery Blockage, Nerve Degeneration or Cancer? I
think not. I think its just plain common sense. If it is arrogant, then Im arrogant for sure. Guilty as
Today I get letters, emails and walk-in testimonies at my pharmacy every day, telling me more miracle
My personal crusade is to make damn sure that I get this message to everyone out there like my parents,
who didnt know there was an alternative to Doctors, Drugs and Hospitals.
Yeah, Im Arrogant!
Joe, I think we probably have this in common, my friend.
Dr Schulzes Blog 2008-2012 by diseases 30/10/12
Say goodbye to migraine headaches with Dr. Schulzes simple suggestions. What they are, foods that
trigger them and herbs that stop the spasm and stop the pain, and as usual, a good dose of Dr. Schulze
Natural Healing Evangelism.
Video Length: 5:22
Click to View
In the same exact way, your body is telling you almost every afternoon that something is wrong. And
instead of finding the problem, and solving it, you are just ripping the batteries out of the alarm by taking
drugs. The big danger of doing this is that after awhileif we continue to ignore our bodys feedback and
communicationwell, little ignored problems have a tendency to become very big problems, if not big
diseases. So lets get to the cause of this alarm or your bodys communication before it turns into
something more serious. I think you will find these headaches are a fairly easy problem to solve.
First, the fact that they come in the afternoon is an important sign, and also the fact that they are often
preceded by a knot or pain in your neck or temples. And you mentioned that you are often on the telephone
or computer. So lets eliminate the obvious first.
They are probably stress-related, physical stress and tension from sitting in one position and keeping your
neck, head and eyes stuck in one position all day and also the way you hold your neck while you are on the
telephone, or staring at a computer monitor for hours. Add in the mental job stress and tension, and there
you have it, the perfect breeding ground for a daily headache.
The cure will probably be as simple as about a half hour before you usually get these daily headaches,
TAKE A SHORT BREAK! Take 5 to 10 minutes to just breathe. Find a quite place to be alone, the
lunchroom, locker room or even a broom closet, and turn the lights out.
Before you go to your quiet space, take 2 to 4 droppersful of my Nerve Tonic. It is a powerful antispasmodic and naturally relieves the pain by relaxing tension and tight muscles in your neck and temples
before they spasm, and releases these muscles, and also relaxes your mind and mental state. Put 2 to 4
droppersful into an ounce or two of juice, this will help to disguise the strong flavor, and just drink it
down. It is a potent physical and emotional relaxation tonic.
Next, take along some of my Deep Tissue Ointment or Oil and place a dab on your neck and temples, and
rub it in real well, until it is gone. Close your eyes now as the vapors are strong and will make your eyes
Next, do two minutes of deep breathing. Then after two minutes, keep breathing, and start doing some
neck stretches. Lift your shoulders up high and try to pinch your ears with them, then let them drop, repeat
this. Then some neck rotation, circles to the left, then right, then stretch forward and back. This isnt rocket
science, just move and stretch your neck. You might even begin with a little neck massage. I am always for
finding a friend at work to exchange massages with, but you can also do this yourself. Massage your
trigger points, in other words where the pain usually starts, or where the knot is in your neck, massage both
sides, your temples, face, scalp and neck. Massage yourself HARD, be tough, and continue your neck
stretches. If you are really tight you can always use a heating pad on your neck. I would set up a little minienvironment somewhere at work where you can be alone for 10 minutes every day. If the area is noisy,
then I would also bring a music storage device and some mini-headphones and play some relaxation music,
or positive affirmation meditations with music.
You will find that in only in five minutes, you will feel like a new man, and in 10 minutes, you will feel
like you have had a weekend at the spa. Think of it as an afternoon power nap, breathing, massage, herbal,
relaxation, meditation, physical, emotional and spiritual makeover. Most important you will not get your
usual headache in the afternoon.
And, if you have already have a headache, do the exact same routine I have suggested above and that will
get rid of it.
Also, I would have a SuperFood Bar before you begin this routine. Most people have a physical and
emotional slump in the mid-afternoon. Many people have low blood sugar, or are exhausted from what
they ate for lunch, usually lots of fat, grease and junk with no nutrition. This is why so many people need
coffee to keep them awake in the afternoon. By the way, if you drink coffee in the afternoon, STOP! This
may be a contributing factor as it causes muscles to tighten and does the complete opposite of what you
need to do. So, eating an afternoon SuperFood Bar, or just taking a few bites of one, can make a huge
difference in how you feel.
If the Nerve Tonic doesnt feel like the right solution for you, then you can also try the Brain Tonic. This
tonic drives more blood, oxygen and the nutrition from your SuperFood Bar right up into your brain, it
gets your brain feeling better and your nerves firing better, and will change how you feel all afternoon. Use
2 to 4 droppersful of Brain Tonic as an option to the Nerve Tonic. Or use both of them together!
You know, 10 years ago, this would sound crazy, but today it is easy to find others at work that would
benefit from this session tooan afternoon 10-minute self-healing massage and meditation moment. So,
see if you can find someone at work you can share this experience with, especially somebody with strong
Finally, please remember, you can heal yourself of anything, ANYTHING! So just STOP doing what is
making you sick, and START doing what will Create Powerful Health. Lets stop supporting the drug
companies, and stop drugging and numbing our bodys wonderful communication system! Instead, get to
the cause of the headaches and heal your body, mind and spirit. Its fun, and it feels good!
Dr. Schulze
OK, here is a blast from the past, I think you will really enjoy this video clip, and the next one I am going
to post in a few weeks. They are both the very beginning of a seminar I taught here in America many,
many years ago. This is classic Dr. Schulze footage. I say this because this clip is my story. And for many
of my new friends who have found me on the internet, and new customers, and anyone who hasn't seen me
live, well this is basically the story of how I got into this line of work, from my personal "death
sentence", to my healing journeys and adventures, to "Creating My Own Healing Miracles"!
This is an awesome video clip for anyone to watch who doesn't know the main reason I always say that I
am not a "virgin sex counselor". This is the story of the health challenges that I faced personally, and how I
refused medical treatment and put my own ass on the line in a life or death situation when I was only 16
years old (including some rare pictures of my injuries). Most important, this is what I discovered to heal
my diseases and injuries, and keep me off of the operating table on three different occasions.
If you can just get past some of my bad jokes, and my very loud gold vest, you will see the essence of my
message today, the classic fundamental and basic principles of Natural Healing, and some of the most
important keys, tools and affirmations to healing yourself of anything, and any disease, NATURALLY!
So sit back and enjoy this antique footage where I will truly explain how I discovered Natural Healing 40
YEARS AGO. This is where it all started, when I proved way before my clinic, and way before my
thousands and thousands of patients, why, if you are willing to STOP doing what has created your
disease, and START doing what will Create Powerful Health, you can truly Heal Yourself of any
Disease or Injury, NATURALLY!
Dr. Schulze
Video Length: 20:48
Click to View
Kidney Disease
I Saved My Cats Life!
September 12, 2012, ANSWER by DR. RICHARD SCHULZE
Dear Dr. Schulze,
I SAVED MY CATS LIFE WITH YOUR PROGRAM!!! I wrote to you to get help in January regarding
my cat and a life threatening urinary tract infection. You didn't answer my question; maybe you didn't see
it with all of the questions you get.
Anyway, I took him to the vet, long story short, they wanted to put my cat on antibiotics, and said he
would die if I didn't go that route. (Big surprise) I have been heavy into natural medicine for many years,
and have experienced many miracles on myself in that time, so I did not want to inject my kitty with toxic
chemicals that had no guarantee of working, and could make him, (as well as my wallet) a lot worse if they
I had a huge breakdown, and I believe my spirit spoke to me and said, "what is the point of being into
natural medicine if I cannot take care of me and my family when the shit really hits the fan?" I was still
terrified, but I decided that even if my cat still died, I would have done what I felt was right. Anyway, on to
the miracle!!!
I already had your 5-Day Kidney Detox Program (thank god), so I busted out the Kidney & Bladder book,
and scaled down all of the dosages per your instructions. I added diluted Braggs apple cider vinegar, I
made a strong garlic oil, and added 100% organic non-diluted cranberry juice (I know it is still pasteurized,
but I have found it to still be beneficial to the bladder and urinary tract). I also knew my cat needed to be
well hydrated so I did not wait for him to drink water, I just squirted a few teaspoons down his throat
several times a day. I also added fresh parsley tea.
I began this program on a Thursday. By Thursday evening he had finally passed some urine. On Friday he
was peeing more often, but not enough. I got some advice from a fellow natural healing warrior, and upped
his dosage of your K/B herbal formula from 3 to 4 times a day. That was the turning point, he began to pee
normal volume almost immediately. I kept him on the full program for 10 days.
After the 10 days, he was completely well, and feeling better than he had in years. He started fetching his
toys and bringing them back to me, something he had not done in many years!!! Even now, 7 months
later, as soon as I come in the door, he will not stop meowing at me until I play with him!!
I have sent a picture of me and my little natural health warrior, (notice the SuperFood in the background).
I know you hear these stories all the time, but I have read every blog post you have, and you have no
stories about healing miracles with pets.
Please publish this testimonial, as people need to know they do not have to be dependant upon the
mainstream medical system or vets (even with our pets) if they are willing to take responsibility and do the
Thank you and please to continue to do what you do.
P.S. I have one question. I have heard you say in one of your videos that you have cats. I would absolutely
love to know what you feed them. I have had mine on the best health food store cat food, but I know there
must be a way to do better, as this processed stuff is far from natural.
Peace, Love, and Empowerment,
Brent D. in Davidson, NC, USA
Dear Brent,
Thank you so much for sharing your Cats Miracle Healing with all my readers!
Many Questions
I saw that you wrote me months ago and didnt get an answer, so you were forced to use the Natural
Healing and Herbal Medicine knowledge that you have gained from reading my work and your other
experiences in life. GREAT! I truly wish I could answer everyone, but I cannot. So EVERY week I pick a
question to answer, like yours, that covers an issue that I get MANY similar inquiries about, and then I
answer it in such a BROAD and LONG WINDED way, on purpose, as to EDUCATE an additional
1,000 or 10,000 BLOG readers on the same subject that they have questions about.
This is why it is so important for everyone, interested in Natural Healing or Healing Diseases in a
Natural Way, and Herbal Medicine to READ EVERY BLOG POST!
It will only take you a few minutes a week and this will be your education, so if and when a health
crisis hits you, your family or a loved one, YOU WILL KNOW EXACTLY WHAT TO DO! It wont
be a big deal at all!
So first off, GREAT job for using the Natural Healing WISDOM that you have gained, and putting it to
use, and being a great doctor, and healing your cat!
Killer Diseases
I know that some of you out there think that I should only be dealing with killer diseases on my BLOG
every week, and I do at least every other week. But I also know how much love and healing all of your pets
give you on a daily basis, and how important they are in keeping you happy and healthy. I know that most
of you have pets and send me many questions about them and their health.
Almost everyone has pets, and in my clinic my patients would drag their pets in all the time. They brought
in their dogs, cats, hamsters, guinea pigs, real pigs, miniature pigs I have treated over 1,000 horses and
even goats with the bloat.
The bottom line is we use the same herbal medicines we would use with ourselves, with a few adjustments.
Like you did, you adjusted the dosage you gave your cat of the herbal medicine it desperately needed to
survive based on my weight rule, the weight of the child or pet turned into a fraction by placing the
patients weight over 150. So in your case, a 15-pound cat is 15 over 150 (15/150). Then you simply reduce
that fraction down and you will end up with the fraction of 1/10th. So your cats correct dosage would be
1/10th the usual adult dosage. In the same way a 1500 pound horse would be 1500 over 150 (1500/150) or
(10/1) or 10 times the adult dose.
(By the way, this is how I started giving horses an entire 90-capsule bottle of my Intestinal Formula #1 for
colic, taking it out of the capsules and then mixing the herbal powder ingredients with a gallon of warm
water and tubing it into the horse.)
This is the safest way to discover the dose for any animal, human, alien, whatever. NEVER use age;
weight bases the dosage on the individual metabolism, making the proper adult dose being for a 150-pound
individual. So if you weigh 200 pounds, take a little more!
#2: Common Sense
Brent, you did a great job using your common sense too, and modifying my programs to achieve your
results. The bottom line is doing whatever you need to do to get the herbal medicine into the animal, or the
child. Good work.
Look, I have squirted my Echinacea Plus directly into a cats mouth with feline AIDS and then spent the
next week nursing the bite marks and scratches on my hands and arms. Modifying taste, disguising taste,
adding herbal medicine to food, all these are ways to get the herbal medicines into your patient are
awesome. In my clinic, I would have parents make herbal medicine popsicles or have herbal tea parties
to get their children to take the herbs, I would put the horses herbal medicine into alfalfa and molasses,
whatever it takes.
Finally Food
I do have dogs and cats. Everyone who lives with me has a job to do, including the animals. So beyond
love, my dogs are for security and my cats keep the house free of mice. Over the years I have adjusted their
diets over to raw meat. It only makes sense; this is their diet in the wild. I have also found that my animals
with more sensitive digestion do best on raw meat.
Dried cat food, with all the garbage chemicals added to it, is the leading cause of kidney and bladder
infections, urinary tract inflammation, blockage and cystitis in cats, so get him off of any regular cat food.
The health food store cat food that you mention is a much better choice, as almost everything that you can
buy in a health food store is cleaner than a similar item bought in a regular grocery store. Regardless, I still
advocate raw meat for carnivores like dogs and cats. If you make the shift, just make it over three months
and it wont upset you cats digestion.
I am not the primary caretaker of my pets, so a word from Anisha Jones here, Master Herbalist,
head of quality control for Dr. Schulzes Herbal Medicines, and keeper of the Schulze family
Dear Brent,
Do not feed your cat any dry food or any food with grains or carbohydrates. Cats cannot metabolize the
sugar well, and this causes blood sugar problems for them, and weakens them and causes all types of
diseases. Also, I do not suggest free feeding any carnivore. Feed them only ONCE a day and do not leave
the food out for them. This keeps them leaner, meaner and HEALTHIER. Just like with human animals,
Dr Schulzes Blog 2008-2012 by diseases 30/10/12
You can feed your cat (or dogs) simply raw meat, or make a food with chopped up raw meat and some
binder like eggs or add some fish. Dogs can eat some roughage like some leftover grains.
Look, I am a vegan, so I find this a bit disgusting, but I have found that cats and dogs are not. Sure you
can make any animal a vegan, but I am telling you what I have seen - raw meat is the best and healthiest
food program for them, in Dr. Schulzes Clinic, and in our lives.
I also fast the dogs one day every other week and give them a fresh bone. This day they get only a bone and
no food.
Fasting is as good for carnivores as it is for humans. All bodies need a day of rest once in a while. Again,
most pets are unhealthy and get sick, just like humans, because they are too fat.
Great Healing your cat!
Create Powerful Health!
Dr. Schulze
So First, you must STOP doing what has made you sick, and STOP your body from depositing
sediment, calcium or anything, into your kidneys.
The best way to do this is to get IMMEDIATELY onto a high quality, clean and nutritious food program.
This depositing of waste into your kidneys is a sign of consuming garbage food and drink, causing an
imbalance in your metabolism, caused by the intake of garbage food and drink, causing an imbalance in
your Ph, caused by an intake of garbage food and drink. So you guessed it, a complete overhaul of your
food and drink intake is in order.
I would STOP eating any and all animal food and become a complete vegan, and if this is too much of a
stretch for you, at least become a vegan until your kidneys are clear, then you decide. Animal food throws
off your bodys Ph, and causes it to be very acidic, and the result of this acidic body is calcium, uric acid
and other unwanted substances depositing into your joints, (gout / arthritis) or muscles (fibromyalgia /
chronic fatigue) and kidneys and bladder (stones / calculi). When you get on a good quality vegan food
program, this will alkalinize your Ph and your body, which will totally inhibit any further depositing
of calcium into your Kidneys, and furthermore, your body will start to naturally dissolve the calcium
deposits that are now present in your kidneys, joints and elsewhere in your body.
Also Tony, your calcium stones are not rare at all, the vast majority of kidney stones are made up of
calcium. And whoever told you that they were rare, or worse, that you cant dissolve them, probably a
medical doctor, was an idiot. Calcium stones are easy to dissolve, you just have to know how. I have had
people dissolve them eating fruit, drinking apple cider vinegar, I had one man who dissolved over 30 huge
calcium stones, much bigger than yours, just by going on a lemonade fast. Regardless, I highly suggest
doing my Kidney Stone Dissolving Routine that I had so much success with in my clinic, and Ill tell you
about it later, its safer, but for now, just know calcium stones are easy to dissolve.
So, Tony, Its time to get onto an awesome, healthy, detoxifying and cleansing food program, like my
Juice Flushing Food Program, or my Purifying Food Program.
You can find all my food programs in my book, Detoxification, Volume One, in Chapter 9, on pages 53
through page 73. You can buy this book from me, and I like the money, but you can also read it right on
this BLOG site for FREE. Just go over to the pictures of the books on the right margin, and scroll down
to what is currently the 3rd book down with the orange cover, Detoxification Volume One, and click on
Personally, because of your illness, I suggest you read the entire book over a few times, and the
Detoxification Volume Two book also.
Next, you must START doing what will Create Powerful Health, which is START Cleansing your
I want you to START on my 5-Day Kidney Detox Program. Except I want you to do it for a month,
and not just 5 Days. All of my 5 Day Detox Programs are for the average person, who is not sick, ill or
diseased, and is just looking to do a nice flush out, a preventative clean up, and a tune up and tone up of
their Bowel, Liver & Gallbladder or their Kidneys & Bladder. You are very ill my friend, so you need to
be much more aggressive and get yourself well.
I know you are scared, have had horrible pain passing stones, but you need to have a little faith here. Once
you get on a great and clean food and clean drink program, and then start on my 5-Day Kidney & Bladder
Detox, and my Kidney Stone Dissolving Routine, you will start dissolving your stones and calculi, and
stop ramming them through your body.
Now go to my Detoxification Book, Volume Two, and read the entire section on my 5-Day Kidney
Detox, paying special attention to page 244, reading my Kidney Stone Dissolving Routine.
Use your FEAR as a great Motivational Tool to get you to STOP eating and drinking crap, and START on
a new healthy food and drink program that will not fill your kidneys with rocks, and to begin my 5-Day
Kidney Detox Program to flush out your old rock collection.
Dr. Schulze
On the other side of the coin, just because its not such a big deal to do it, never underestimate its POWER
and EFFECTIVENESS. I used this 5-Day Kidney Detox in my clinic and it assisted my patients in healing
the most stubborn and raging kidney and bladder infections, on patients whose immune systems were shot.
As far as its success rate, 100%!
As far as dissolving a Bladder Tumor, all I can say is NEVER underestimate the power of herbs at
cleansing and healing the body, and NEVER underestimate the healing power of the human body, when
its happy.
I may have said this before
Your body can heal itself of ANYTHING, ANY ILLNESS, ANY DISEASE. All you have to do is
STOP doing what made you sick, and START doing what will Create Powerful Health!
OK, now on to her constipation
Make sure her food program is animal-free, as ALL animal food contains NO FIBER! Worse, it is sticky,
glueish and constipating. To increase her FIBER intake, add a spoon of my HerbalMucil Plus to her
morning blender fruit smoothie and SuperFood Plus drink.
Drinking plenty of water and liquids, just like you did, wonderful! This will inhibit further kidney or
bladder infections and also relieve any constipation, which is often caused by simple dehydration. The
large intestines job is to extract liquid from our fecal matter, and if youre not consuming enough liquid,
and the fecal matter is not liquid enough to begin with, well, it will become too dehydrated and dry in our
intestines, which makes it very difficult to eliminate.
YES, with children always start with my Intestinal Formula #3. This is the good tasting childrens herbal
bowel cleanser. If that does not work, after increasing the dosage for about a week, then move onto my
Intestinal Formula #1, like you did, increasing the dosage every day until you get results, like you did.
You will eventually get results!
FORGET castor oil, mineral oil or any oil, and FORGET suppositories!
Enemas rule!
Enemas are almost taboo in our post 1950s society. But they are a simple, easy and quick solution to
constipation. A simple rectal enema will flush out the contents of the rectum, and often stimulate the entire
colon into action, emptying the entire colon. If not, a high enema is also simple to do, and EVERYONE
should know how to do one, especially EVERY PARENT!
Again, Enemas rule!
NOTE: Some kids eat a lot less than we do, especially picky or finicky eaters, so their poop may not be
substantial. Dont look for the toilet bowl to be filled with feces; it may just be a few small pieces. This
does not mean she is constipated.
Dr Schulzes Blog 2008-2012 by diseases 30/10/12
Once she is going, at least once per day, I would go back to the Intestinal Formula #3, unless she is
taking two or more of the Intestinal Formula #1.
As far as loss of appetite, I wouldnt worry. When children, or anyone, are not feeling good, especially
with constipation, it is a natural process for your body to suppress hunger
As far as fever, I will assume that this is just a coincidence. But in extreme constipation, a fever and
abdominal pain can be a sign of appendicitis or some intestinal infection. If her pain is mainly in the
appendix area (draw a line between her navel and her hip, and the middle of this line is over where
appendix pain often is), then it wouldnt hurt to start her on my appendicitis routine. Read this on page 97
through page 100 of my book, Detoxification Volume Two.
You can read these pages, or the entire book, right on this BLOG. Just go over to the books on the
right margin, and scroll down to Detoxification Volume Two, (currently the 4th book down with the
blue cover) and then click on this book. The book will load up and you can read it right here,
RIGHT NOW, online, FREE!
I am so happy that with a few herbs and your good common sense you were able to help your daughter
heal herself naturally, dissolve her tumor and most important, avoid bladder surgery. GREAT HEALING!
Dr. Schulze
Diapers to Dating
Dear Dr. Schulze,
I need to tell you that I have had almost constant kidney infections over the last 20 years. All my medical
doctors told me that this is just something I had to live with, because of a slight deformity on my urethra. I
also have scarring from all the infections and I have also had many bladder infections too. I have been on
and off of sulfur drugs and synthetic sulfur drugs, antibiotics and dozens of other prescription drugs during
this 20-year period.
Eventually, I began to also have leakage, then occasional total loss of bladder control, so my medical
doctor put me on adult diapers. I was so desperate I even asked him for a kidney transplant, but he refused
because he said that my kidneys were fine, it was just an anatomy problem and any type of surgery would
not correct it.
To say the least, my quality of life degenerated, and I got divorced, so dating was out of the question, when
I was wearing diapers.
In spite of all the medical doctors negativity and telling me this would be a lifelong problem, two years
ago a dear friend introduced me to you and your products. I started with your 5-Day Kidney and Bladder
Detox. I did it three times in a row for three weeks. Then, I used your KB Tincture and KB Tea on and off
for the last two years, along with improving my food program, adding garlic and trying to stay away from
harsh liquids, like you suggest.
Well, you have done what NO medical doctor, no hospital and no drug have ever been able to do! I HAVE
NOTHING! All the bladder leaking and involuntary urine release stopped, and I have not worn adult
diapers in two years. Better yet, I began dating again, and this last February I got married to the most
wonderful man. None of this would have happened without you.
In a few months I will be traveling to Hawaii with my new husband and I will send you a postcard from
there. When I was first dating again, I told my new husband that you were the most important man in my
life, and after hearing my story, he understood why. He has done many of your programs now, too.
Thanking you doesnt seem to be near enough, so every day I add you into my prayers. Thank you so much
Dr. Schulze, you have saved my life. Everything I have is because of you and your herbs.
I am almost embarrassed to ask this one question... I have a friend who has reoccurring bladder infections
whose teeth have turned yellow from taking all the antibiotics. I dont think she will commit to the 5 Day,
but can she just use the tonic and/or tea just by themselves?
Thank you for EVERYTHING!
Carrie J. in Los Angeles, CA, USA
Dear Carrie,
Thank you for sharing your amazing healing adventure. I am very proud of you for not buying into your
negative medical diagnosis and prognosis, and changing your life and creating your personal healing
As far as your friend, the answer is YES! But as usual, I do have a few additional suggestions
This may sound too simple, but one of the most common causes of kidney and bladder infections in
women is from bacteriaeven e. coli bacteriathat gets all over the urethral opening during sex. Then, it
migrates up the urethra into the bladder and even into the kidneys, causing kidney and bladder infections.
A simple solution that will prevent 99% of these infections in the first place is simply going to the toilet
and forcing yourself to pee, as soon as possible, after having sex.
One of your urinary tracts best defense mechanisms against bacterial infection is the physical act of
urinating. This is because 1) urine has a very acid pH which alone will destroy many types of bacteria and
2) just the physical flow of urine, down and out from your kidneys to your bladder, and then out your
urethra tube, will FLUSH any bacteria out of your body. These two thingsthe pH of your urine and also
the flushing action of urinatingare two primary defense mechanisms of your urinary tract that again, will
stop the vast majority of urinary tract infections.
Next, My 5-Day KIDNEY Detox, Kidney Flush Drink, K-B Formula and
K-B Tea
Seriously, a friend that is plagued with reoccurring kidney and bladder infections, and wont do my easiest
and simplest 5-Day Detox? This is ridiculous. Tell her for me that she doesnt deserve to be well if she is
this much of a wimp. As you know, my 5-Day KIDNEY Detox is simple, easy and even tastes good.
Anyone who wont make this minimal investment, I have no pity for.
In my clinic, I used to say that sympathy comes between shit and syphilis in the dictionary, so I dont have
any time for it. I highly suggest you kick your friends ass a bit and tell her to get with the program, or
enjoy her antibiotic-stained yellow teeth.
I must state right here and now that, in my clinic, my 5-Day KIDNEY Detox worked 100% of the time. I
NEVER had a patient that wasnt able to get rid of even the most stubborn, most deep-seated, antibioticresistant urinary tract infection using this herbal detox. Again, it worked 100% of the time! Using just my
K-B Formula and my K-B Tea (separate or together) worked too, but why not give yourself the best
winning chance and add in both the tea and tonic, and also the Kidney Flush Drink and the Detox
Dr. Schulze
What the medical doctors are actually saying is that if you do NOTHING, and continue living, as you have
been, that your outlook is bleak. Your kidney will eventually fail and you will eventually need a transplant.
Statistically, they are probably right!
I highly suggest that if you want to turn this prognosis around you get to work. It is now time for you to
pull out all the stops and create your own personal healing miracle.
What to do?
Take a look at my Three Clinical Food Programs in Chapter 9 of my book Detoxification: Volume One,
starting on page 53. (Just click on the book cover in the right column, and read it for FREE right here on
my BLOG!) If you are more than 10 pounds overweight, and I am sure you are, then STOP EATING and
go right onto my Juice Flushing Food Program for 30 days. Then look at the other two food programs.
This is what you will be eating for the rest of your life.
Move your body for at least an hour a day EVERY DAY. Sweat baby, SWEAT!
Create the new mindset to Create Powerful Health.
Get a copy of my 20 Steps book and follow every step!
Get a copy of my Incurables Book, and follow every step!
You can make the medical doctors prognosis wrong. It is up to you.
Your body CAN and WILL heal itself of ANYTHINGANY DISEASE!
All you have to do is STOP doing what is making you sick and then START doing what will Create
Powerful Health.
Your healing lies somewhere in-between the four herbal formulae that you are taking now and doing
everything that I have said to do in every book I have written, every video I have ever recorded, every
newsletter I have written and on every page of this BLOG!
Save Your Kidney and Save Your Life.
So get to work and enjoy the healing adventure!
The Dr. Schulze Pain Rule
January 18, 2012, ANSWER by DR. RICHARD SCHULZE
Dear Dr. Schulze,
I have been doing your Bowel Detox for a week now. I am up to six pills a day on formula one. This has
produced two bowel movements a day when I am used to having only one every other day. I will take
these six pills through this weekend and then start on formula two on Monday. My question is this: about
four days into this detox I started having lower back pain and yesterday started having pain in my
abdomen. Is it possible that the Intestinal Formula #1 is breaking loose toxins in my colon and causing this
pain? Also I had gallbladder pain this week. I have your 5-Day Liver Detox to do after I do the bowel. So
last night I mixed up some of the Detox Tea and drank two cups. Woke up this morning with no pain.
What can you tell me about the pain I am experiencing in my back and abdomen? FYI - I have been eating
a pretty strict vegetarian diet for the last six months.
Tom K. in Vine Grove, KY, United States
Dear Tom,
The fact that you were having only three to four bowel movements a week tells me a lot about you.
First, it tells me that your bowel habits are those of the Average American.
Being Average at first doesnt sound too bad, until you take a look at the disease statistics of the Average
American. So my job as a doctor was to get all of my patients, and to get you, out of this average category
and into the above average category. Then you can expect levels of health and levels of disease resistance
and levels of longevity to be far above that of the Average American. This is what the Dr. Schulze program
is all about: Quality and Quantity. Having a much better Quality of life (feeling great and having tons of
energy, more than the Average American) and having a much greater Quantity of life (or lifespan) than the
Average American.
70,000 Bowel Movements Short
Second, your past bowel habits tell me that you will be approximately 70,000 bowel movements short in
your lifetime than a person whose bowel is working at a healthy and normal frequency, which is one bowel
movement a day for every major meal that you eat every day.
For a more detailed explanation of this 70,000 number and what normal healthy bowel habits are, click
and watch this SHORT VIDEO CLIP I did on this subject.
OK, so after starting on my Intestinal Formula #1, your bowel movements increased from three or four a
week, to two per day, or up to 14 each week. GREAT!
First, let me say that you have followed my directions well by NOT starting on the Intestinal Formula
#2 until you first got your bowel working more frequently, by increasing to at least two bowel movements
a day. You get a gold star for paying attention to detail here.
I will also assume that because you have been doing my 5-Day BOWEL Detox for a week already, and
you are now taking 6 capsules a day of the Intestinal Formula #1, that you also started with one capsule a
day, and increased this dosage by only one capsule daily until you reached your personal dosage of 6
capsules a day (to achieve two bowel movements a day), which is EXACTLY the correct way to begin my
5-Day BOWEL Detox. Again, GREAT job for paying attention to these two details.
Is This Pain Normal?
So your question is that a few days into doing your bowel detox, you started having some pain in your
lower abdomen and lower back, and even a little gallbladder pain, and you are wondering if this is normal.
Well, it is not normal, but it is also not abnormal and nothing to worry about. I will assume that by the
time I am answering you, the pain is probably gone by now anyway. But I would like to explain what this
pain probably is, for the rest of my readers.
One HUGE Organ
First, you must imagine that your bowel is a HUGE organ. It is actually the LARGEST organ in your
body. It is basically a HUGE muscle. Your complete intestinal tract is as long as two cars parked end-toend, and your colon is the largest organ of this system.
The Intestinal Formula #1 is waking this muscle up and EXERCISING this very large bowel muscle, like
taking it to the gym. It is stimulating this muscle to move more frequently and to move more forcefully to
eliminate more fecal matter, more often and more completely. And since your bowel, this huge muscle, has
been sleeping instead of moving, well, when you start to use any muscle more, it is not abnormal to feel it
more. This is the same as if you started exercising more and going to the gym, you would notice that a few
of the muscles you are using are sore for the first week.
Starting The Old Car
Imagine that you have an old car in your garage and you havent started it in a few years. Then, one day
you go out to the garage and hook a jumper cable up to the battery and start to crank it over. What can you
expect to happen? Well, it will probably sputter, shake, backfire, smoke, rattle and run rough for a few
minutes until it warms up. Then, after a few minutes, the engine will smooth out and it will run normally.
This is not unlike when we start getting an internal organ to work moreyou will notice it working more!
It might sputter, backfire, run rough for a bit, and you may perceive this as slight aching or pain. Again,
this is not normal, especially since you started on the programs gradually, as I suggest, but it is not
abnormal either.
What I hear more often is that chronic back pain and abdominal pain goes away after starting on my
Intestinal Formula #1, but again, having some lower abdominal sensations is perfectly normal. You are
waking up a sleeping giant. So keep going!
On the other hand, if you are doing my 5-Day BOWEL Detox, eating more healthy foods, and using my
Intestinal Formula #1 to overcome constipation and create more frequent bowel movements, and then
you experience some lower abdominal pain, PLEASE KEEP GOING! This is GOOD PAIN.
The pain may feel exactly the same in both instances, so in order to determine if it is good pain or
bad pain you must ask yourself, Have I been doing good things and making healthy changes in my
life, or have I been burning the candle at both ends and partying hard? The answer to this will easily
determine whether this is good pain or bad pain, and whether to STOP or KEEP GOING. I used this rule in
my clinic and it was right 99.9% of the time.
One Additional Note
You say that you have also started a vegetarian food program, which is a high-fiber food program and this
will also help your bowel to eliminate better. Animal foodmeat, eggs, dairy, chicken, fish, ALL
animal food, by-products, milk and eggshave ZERO fiber. NONE! This makes it hard to digest,
slower to digest and very hard to eliminate as fecal matter. The only source of food fiber is vegetarian
foodfruit, vegetables, grains, seeds, nuts, etcare all loaded with fiber, which naturally promotes better
digestion and much better bowel elimination. Even some vegetarians who still eat dairy or inherited a
sluggish bowel need more fiber, hence my HerbalMucil Plus formula.
Finally, the fact that you made up some Detox Tea (a digestive and liver stimulant) and drank two cups,
and the next morning the gallbladder pain was gone, is also a great sign that you were just experiencing the
feeling of getting your engine started after it has been sleeping in the garage for too long. By the way, you
get another gold star for this good self-treatment decision. (Thats three gold stars so far!)
I also noticed that you are planning on doing my 5-Day LIVER Detox after you finish your 5-Day
BOWEL Detox, which sounds like a great idea as I believe your entire digestive tract has been abused,
and also been sleeping for too long.
This is a great reminder to all of us that the way I designed all of my programs is for you to get maximum
results with little or no discomfort or pain, but sometimes it still does happen. Often all it takes is a little
sleep, maybe a hot bath or my favorite, a good old-fashioned hot water bottle, a little Nerve Tonic (a
bowel antispasmodic) or some Digestive Tonic, Detox Tea or a Digestive SHOT, and you are back on
your feet in no time.
Good job, Tom, and keep going! And three Gold Stars! I rarely give out three!
Dr. Schulze
droppersful into an ounce or two of juice, this will help to disguise the strong flavor, and just drink it
down. It is a potent physical and emotional relaxation tonic.
Next, take along some of my Deep Tissue Ointment or Oil and place a dab on your neck and temples, and
rub it in real well, until it is gone. Close your eyes now as the vapors are strong and will make your eyes
Next, do two minutes of deep breathing. Then after two minutes, keep breathing, and start doing some
neck stretches. Lift your shoulders up high and try to pinch your ears with them, then let them drop, repeat
this. Then some neck rotation, circles to the left, then right, then stretch forward and back. This isnt rocket
science, just move and stretch your neck. You might even begin with a little neck massage. I am always for
finding a friend at work to exchange massages with, but you can also do this yourself. Massage your
trigger points, in other words where the pain usually starts, or where the knot is in your neck, massage both
sides, your temples, face, scalp and neck. Massage yourself HARD, be tough, and continue your neck
stretches. If you are really tight you can always use a heating pad on your neck. I would set up a little minienvironment somewhere at work where you can be alone for 10 minutes every day. If the area is noisy,
then I would also bring a music storage device and some mini-headphones and play some relaxation music,
or positive affirmation meditations with music.
You will find that in only in five minutes, you will feel like a new man, and in 10 minutes, you will feel
like you have had a weekend at the spa. Think of it as an afternoon power nap, breathing, massage, herbal,
relaxation, meditation, physical, emotional and spiritual makeover. Most important you will not get your
usual headache in the afternoon.
And, if you have already have a headache, do the exact same routine I have suggested above and that will
get rid of it.
Also, I would have a SuperFood Bar before you begin this routine. Most people have a physical and
emotional slump in the mid-afternoon. Many people have low blood sugar, or are exhausted from what
they ate for lunch, usually lots of fat, grease and junk with no nutrition. This is why so many people need
coffee to keep them awake in the afternoon. By the way, if you drink coffee in the afternoon, STOP! This
may be a contributing factor as it causes muscles to tighten and does the complete opposite of what you
need to do. So, eating an afternoon SuperFood Bar, or just taking a few bites of one, can make a huge
difference in how you feel.
If the Nerve Tonic doesnt feel like the right solution for you, then you can also try the Brain Tonic. This
tonic drives more blood, oxygen and the nutrition from your SuperFood Bar right up into your brain, it
gets your brain feeling better and your nerves firing better, and will change how you feel all afternoon. Use
2 to 4 droppersful of Brain Tonic as an option to the Nerve Tonic. Or use both of them together!
You know, 10 years ago, this would sound crazy, but today it is easy to find others at work that would
benefit from this session tooan afternoon 10-minute self-healing massage and meditation moment. So,
see if you can find someone at work you can share this experience with, especially somebody with strong
Finally, please remember, you can heal yourself of anything, ANYTHING! So just STOP doing what is
making you sick, and START doing what will Create Powerful Health. Lets stop supporting the drug
companies, and stop drugging and numbing our bodys wonderful communication system! Instead, get to
the cause of the headaches and heal your body, mind and spirit. Its fun, and it feels good!
Weight Gain Mystery SOLVED!
October 04, 2011, ANSWER by DR. RICHARD SCHULZE
Dear Dr. Schulze,
I'm 46 years old and am into menopause - I do not eat "totally" clean, but pretty healthy - I rarely eat red
meat, occasional chicken or fish, try to stick with vegetables, nuts (almonds and walnuts), fruit and
recently started juicing as a supplement. I workout at least 6 days a week and jog a mile 3 times a week.
I've recently started swimming laps (although right now, I'm sucking in more water than I care to admit
while I learn to breathe!). Over the past month, I have literally gained 10 pounds! Now, I know that some
of it may be muscle mass, but I also know the difference between fat and muscle - and this is FAT on my
abdomen, thighs and butt! Could this be caused by a hormone imbalance and if so, can your FEM tonics
balance them out?
I am ready to SCREAM!!! I have considered doing a juice flush, but I don't know if that's the answer. I
have tried increasing my metabolism by eating 5-6 times a day and that's when this all started.
I would appreciate any help you can give! Our family nutritionist introduced us to your products 20 years
ago and we have used the Formula 1 "forever" - don't leave home without it! I'm at a loss as I do not
consult medical doctors for anything unless I absolutely have to and refuse to take Estrogen, (horse urine)
as a remedy (SERIOUSLY?? Do people actually take that stuff???)
Thanking you in advance for your response. We so appreciate your knowledge and candid, straightforward way of addressing things!
Continued blessings to you and those who consult you ~
Lori N. in Henderson, NV, United States
Dear Lori,
I have your answer.
I extracted the following sentence out of your letter
I have tried increasing my metabolism by eating 5-6 times a day and that's when this all started.
I believe you!
If you put gas in your car, and a mile down the road your engine quits, you dont start wondering if the
tune-up you had two years ago was faulty, you look at the most recent thing that you did or change that
you madethe new gas! That is almost always what caused the problem.
Also, I always found in my clinic that my patients had the answer, no matter how complicated and
confusing their dis-ease was, or how little their knowledge was of anatomy, physiology or biochemistry,
whateverit didnt matter. Most people KNOW exactly whats happening in their body, what and where
its gone wrong, and my job was just to confirm their belief and instruct them how to Create Powerful
So, lets start with what youre telling me, which is basically in your attempt to increase your metabolism
by eating five or six times a day, well, thats when the 10 pound weight gain happened.
Youre on the right track, and eating five or six times a day (I call it grazing) is not a bad thing to do. You
just have to make sure that you are notI repeat NOTconsuming more food and more calories than you
were in the two or three meals that you were originally eating. In fact, it would be fine to try this new food
program as long as you are consuming LESS calories than in your original two or three meals.
Lori, you are not alone here at all. Many people, when they switch from eating two or three meals a day, to
eating five or six times a day, simply forget that those five or six times should NOT be meals, but more
like grazing snacks. It is really easy when going to five or six meals to overdo it, and overeat. Do not beat
yourself up about this. I am sure that once you get your food consumption and calorie consumption back to
normal, you will lose those 10 pounds, and feel better than ever.
Dont get discouraged!
You are doing a lot of really great things, and introducing a lot of healthy lifestyle changes that will make
you feel terrific and promote a very healthy and very long life. Stay positive, smile, even laugh at yourself
(no screaming) and have fun with it all.
Finally, you know I always push my personal lifestyle, and what created the healing miracles and life
transformations in my clinic with my patients. So I highly suggest that you start your day with my
extremely low-calorieand extremely high-nutritionSuperFood Plus morning blender drink. You can
find the VIDEO and RECIPE right on this BLOG site.
Just scroll down the left-side margin under Blog Archives until you see ALL VIDEOS. Click this and
then scroll down and click on my SIXTH entry on the page that loads up, which is called, I Just Filmed
This, My Summer Breakfast, where I tell youAND SHOW YOU on videoexactly how to make my
low-calorie, low glycemic index, high nutrition and high fiber morning breakfast blender drink.
Also, I would eat one of my SuperFood Bars for at least one, if not two, of your grazing meals. Again,
they are extremely high in nutrition but very low-calorie (only 165 calories in a 60-gram bar), which is
almost unheard of!
So, if your breakfast is my suggested low-calorie SuperFood Plus blender drink, and two of your other
meals are my SuperFood Bars, then you are well under 600 calories for three of your five daily meals.
This means that you have another 600 calories or more for your other two grazing meals.
Keep Positive and Continue your Great Lifestyle Transformations!
Dr. Schulze
Someone in the health field told me I shouldnt take the womens formulas because some of the herbs
may have an estrogenic effect and since my mother had estrogen driven cancer, I should stop. Well, that
scared me and I stopped about a year ago
They were wrong!
This is where I have a problemSomeone in the health field. Just like medical doctors, there are so many
people in the health field that mean well, but dont really know what they are talking about and pass on a
lot of misinformation, even real stupid suggestions and even more ridiculous treatment ideas. This is the
vast MAJORITY of both medical doctors and natural health professionals.
To make things worse, the vast MAJORITY of health practitioners and even natural doctors, still
THINK like medical doctors, using standard medical algorithms or thought patterns with treatments,
meaning they think and treat just like medical doctors, and this is where the problem lies. Let me explain
Herbs are just one of the many tools of Natural Healing. They are to be used along with healthy food
programs, flexibility, movement and exercise programs, cleansing and detoxification routines, emotional
and spiritual programs and hundreds of other positive lifestyle changes.
Herbal Medicines, when used correctly, are never used like a drug. Herbs do not act like drugs, and should
not be prescribed like drugs. Many herbalists around the world, if you have a headache, would prescribe
herbs for reducing painI definitely would not. Unfortunately most people, who practice natural
medicine, do so with an allopathic or standard medical doctors mindset.
If you have a headache, I want to know WHY, not, I repeat NOT, just kill the pain. You can have a
headache for 1,000 different reasons from tight neck muscles and stress, to constipation, toxicity, eyestrain
or even a brain tumor. Pain is the way the body communicates and lets us know that something is out of
balance. To tell it to shut up, and use drugs or even herbs, to make it go away without knowing why it
exists is a very ignorant form of medicine that is practiced by most doctors, both Orthodox and Alternative.
The herbs in any of my Female Formulas do not contain estrogen, nor would these herbs promote any
cancer in your body, nor would they promote your body to develop any cancer, in fact they will do just the
The herbs do contain nutrients that your body can use to build hormones, but only if you need them.
Mostly what these herbs do, is sensitize or assist your body to be more sensitive in detecting the amount of
hormones that you have created that are present in your bloodstream and then suppressing or stimulating
the manufacture of them, as needed.
For instance, many of the female herbs in my Female Formulas have been found to work by increasing the
sensitivity of the hypothalamus organ in your brain. Its the hypothalamus that constantly checks your
blood for hormone levels every minute of every day. If it detects that you are low in any endocrine
chemical (like a hormone such as estrogen) it will release chemicals that tell your ovaries to produce more
estrogen. If the hypothalamus detects that you have enough estrogen, it will release other chemicals that
slow down or even stop your ovaries from producing estrogen. So you can see that these herbs do not
contain estrogen, but instead sensitize your own endocrine system to produce exactly the amount of
hormones, or estrogen, that your body decides that you need, not what I (or any doctor) thinks you need.
Since I dont use herbs that actually contain estrogen, you have nothing to worry about.
Now, having said that, all animal foods, because of the huge amount of growth hormones and steroids that
are used in all meat, milk and egg production, are loaded with residual growth hormones and steroids. So,
when you consume animals and their byproducts, you consume large amounts of these growth hormones
and steroids. The residual hormones and steroids in animal food and animal byproducts have been directly
linked to the increase in reproductive cancers, including breast, uterine and ovarian in women, and prostate
and testicular in men. So if you read my books and follow my work, then you already know that
especially for you with a family history of cancerthat I highly recommend a vegan food program. Even
the American Cancer Society says that this will reduce your risk of cancer. So this is the FIRST place this
health practitioner should have gone, stopping you from consuming any animal food, and left the herbal
medicine advice to the herbal doctors.
Now my symptoms are crampiness and spotting almost every day. I tried going back on the formula, but I
started to get slight hot flashes, so I stopped again. When I started taking it, was I just not taking enough?
Now, I dont know what to do. Im thinking I should be taking it to balance my hormones, but dont want
hot flashes. I would love to hear your thoughts.
Debbie M. in Boyertown, PA
OK, let me give you a few of my thoughts here
First, relax; this is not such a big deal. I know this is very important to you, and your health, but I do not
feel that you are in any serious danger, just a little bit out of balance. So it is important that you keep this in
#1: At the beginning of your letter you state that you have been making my formulas for yearsI hope
this is a typo and you meant taking my formula for years. If it is not, and you are actually making my
herbal formula, this may be the beginning of your problem. As you know, I do promote people to make
their own herbal medicine if they want to. But, my concern here is that any herbal medicine that you make,
can only be as powerful as the herbs you begin with. I am a fanatic; in fact, fanatic is not even close to a
powerful enough word to describe how insane I am about herbal quality and my manufacturing techniques
for my herbal medicine. Please, read the beginning of my catalog under why my herbal formulas are the
very best. I am not tooting my own horn here, or pumping up my ego, but it is one thing to make your own
herbal medicine for general use, and another thing to make it to save your life. I suggest you start using my
Female Formula, at least for a while, as I know exactly how I make it. This is the exact formula that
created the extremely positive results with my patients in my clinic.
#2: I definitely suggest getting some of my Female Formula and start using 2 droppersful three times a
day. With an additional dose of 2 droppersful anytime you need it. And, if you are having a powerful
negative symptom of menopauselike extreme hot flashes, night sweats or any other symptomI suggest
using my Female SHOT immediately. Then, after a period of time when you feel that your hormones
are back in balance and that you are healthy again, you can feel free to start making your own herbal
medicine if that is what you want to do. But at least for now, please, use my herbal medicine, until we get
you healthy, strong and out of any danger.
#3: You are not your mother and you are not your father. Sure, you have inherited many of their genetic
strengths and weaknesses. But remember, you do not have to live out any of their genetic weaknesses, and
the best way to make absolutely sure that you do not manifest any of their, or your, genetic weaknesses is
to live a much healthier lifestylephysically, emotionally and spirituallythen your parents did. I am sure
that your parents did a lot of great things; all Im asking of you is an UPGRADE. I want you to take a good
look at what your parents taught you. And then I want you to eliminate the bad, keep the good, and create a
new, more healthier lifestyle for yourself then your parents did for themselves.
So stop worrying, get healthier, have fun and lets get going on Creating Powerful Health.
Dr. Schulze
A testimonial on Dr. Schulzes Female Formula; how it regulates and balances female hormone levels,
gives you a sense of well-being and control, and eliminates anxiety, depression, panic attacks, bloating,
water retention, mood swings and hot flashes associated with PMS and menopause!
Video Length: 9:31
Click to View
Poison Ivy, Oak & Sumac Information & Treatment
August 22, 2012, ANSWER by DR. RICHARD SCHULZE
Dear Dr. Schulze,
HHHHEEEEELLLLLPPPP! Ive got poison ivy all over my body. OK, I probably should not have been
lying naked in the yard last week but it was soooo hot and amazing, I could not resist. PLEASE HELP ME.
Ive got it almost everywhere, even between my legs near my vagina, and that really SMARTS! Please
help me stop my itching, burning, scratching and crying! Now my kids are scratching and itchy too, but
they werent home the day I was lying out, so I think they got it from my infection?
Please Help!
Debbie C. in Catskill, New York, USA
Dear Debbie,
Poison Ivy
Poison Oak
Poison Sumac
the cold water with mild soap. The key is using LOTS of water to make sure that you get the contaminated
oils dispersed enough, diluted enough and removed enough.
The contaminant from all of these plants is an oil called Urushiol. It is quite sticky and gets on your
skin when you come in contact with the plant, or come in contact with material like blankets, sleeping
bags, towels that have come in contact with the plant recently. I have even got it from petting my dogs
after they run through it. By the way, this is the ONLY TIME you can transfer it to another person, when
this oil is on your skin BEFORE you wash it off.
As far as washing it off, TIME IS OF THE ESSENCE! 50% of the Urushiol Oil is absorbed by your
skin within about 10 minutes, so this is why you have to act immediately after contamination. Once it
penetrates the skin, it is too late, as the soap and water will not remove it.
I use natural soaps like Dr. Bronners and a natural fiber vegetable bristle scrub brush. Make sure you wash
all contaminated clothing or blankets too, with a natural detergent. Many people swear by making a scrub
of Baking Soda and Vinegar or Lemon Juice, to scrub off the oil and lessen the burning. There are many
home remedies. Others swear by Tecnu and other chemical soaps found in camping stores, and many
swear by oatmeal packs to make the itch less. The bottom line, is that once you have been contaminated
with the oil, it is usually too late. But a good scrubbing will dissolve and wash away any residual oil that
has not penetrated your skin, and is still on the surface of your skin, and get rid of it, and keep you from
spreading it all over your body, or worse, contaminating others.
Usually, you will first notice itching and even painful stinging within a few hours of contamination.
Sometimes it only takes a few minutes while other times it takes a day to discover you have it. So the
minute you suspect contamination, get in the shower and SCRUB, SCRUB, SCRUB!
After contamination, most people get a red rash and very itchy, if not burning, red bumps, that in a few
days, form blisters, that often weep, ooze, drain or break, forming crusty scabs. NOTE; The liquid from
the blisters is NOT contaminated and WILL NOT spread the Urushiol nor cause further
contamination nor contaminate others. But breaking the blisters is not advised as it opens the skin and
leaves you more susceptible to bacteria and skin infections. The skin eventually becomes raw, scaly and
even gets thickened. For most people, the whole event will self resolve itself in a few weeks, whether you
do nothing or not, and the skin is usually back to normal in three or four weeks. But many natural
treatments can make you feel a lot better, and I will talk about them in a minute.
And not to gross you out, but it can be severe (although this is rare)
Hysteria, which is all your kids have after seeing your red rashes, blisters and itchy, burning skin. So
please tell them not to worry, but keep them out of that area of the yard.
Remember, Stay Clear of it, Cold Water Wash IMMEDIATELY, Wash ALL contaminated clothing, Deep
Tissue Oil and Jojoba and Tea Tree Oil mixture and Echinacea Plus.
Stop Scratching!
Dr. Schulze
dont even think of calling my clinic and trying to come back until you do EXACTLY what I say! My
interns were shocked and horrified at my very intense behavior.
I explained my actions to them in this manner
I am a good doctor, but what makes me a GREAT doctor is that I am not ashamed to admit that
most of the time I have ABSOLUTELY NO IDEA what is wrong with people, and more than that, I
rarely know how to fix them or heal their diseases.
WHAT I DO KNOW is that if you set up the correct environment, by creating a very healthy
or ANY ILLNESS, and then Create Powerful Health.
My SuperFood Plus comes first, flooding the body with natural nutrition, natural herbal recognizable
highly assimible vitamins and minerals.
The body requires, wait a minute, IT DEMANDS, a rich supply of nutrients in your blood at all times, to
manufacture everything from blood cells, hormones, immune cells, bone cells, brain cells,
EVERYTHING! EVERYTHING it possibly needs. Even body fluids and cells that we dont even know
exist, or that are far beyond our knowledge and comprehension.
So this is why the VERY FIRST THING I did with my patients was correct their food program, by
removing junk food and foods that pollute, irritate, inflame, congest and make them sick, and then add in
foods that will nourish, strengthen and heal. This was my first visit with them. So obviously this is why
EVERY patient left with a jar of my SuperFood Plus on their first visit. Mainly because I didnt know
what was wrong with them yet, but I didnt want to waste time, because I knew their body, with a flood of
TO, and start repairing them and healing them IMMEDIATELY!
This 75-year-old lady had a lot of health problems, and after her third visit to me, she was still not
taking her SuperFood Plus for whatever reason. I am not Jesus; I cannot wave my hand over people and
heal their diseases. They must do the healing, and this lady was NOT following my most basic natural
prescription, so I did not want her to think that she was doing my program, and more than that, I did not
want her to think that she was going to get well.
I fired many patients, threw a lot of them out my clinic door. Most came back. Firing and throwing out
patients was just my way of waking them up, shocking them, and letting them know that they were
not meeting my minimum standards, that I knew they needed to do, to heal themselves and get well.
This is the absolute awesome blessing of Natural Healing, it is Nature Healing, Your Body Healing,
God Healing, and way beyond our comprehension.
This is why I often tell people that in order to heal themselves, they DO NOT need any knowledge of
Anatomy and Physiology. They DO NOT need to take any college courses in Chemistry or Biology, and
Feed your body the best food, get the best nutrition IN, get the old waste OUT, move, have a great attitude
and a great spirit, AND YOU SHALL and WILL BE HEALED!
In my clinic I had tens of thousands of people heal themselves of thousands of different chronic diseases. I
never healed ANYONE!
I just helped them to set up the perfect conditions for INTERNAL HEALING to take place.
Erin, I know this was a long answer and lesson in Natural Healing, but I am sure you will use it.
Dr. Schulze
Sore throat
Take a ride on a ski lift with Dr. Schulze!
February 26, 2009, VIDEO by DR. RICHARD SCHULZE
This is my latest video. It is short and to the point. Dont let your guard down now, as cold and flu season
isnt over yet.
In this video I tell you about my Cold & Flu Herbal SHOT
How It Works
What It Does
Whats In It