Easy Grape Cure
Easy Grape Cure
Easy Grape Cure
Grape Cure
Nicola Quinn
Disclaimer: This paper is freely available for information purposes only. I make no
claims that this is a cancer cure or indeed a cure for any disease. If you think you have
cancer or a serious illness you must seek medical attention from your physician.
Please Note: This programme is NOT suitable for diabetics or anyone with a blood
sugar problem.
Johanna Brandt’s Cure
Dr. Johanna Brandt wrote the classic book The Grape Cure in 1926 describing
in detail how she cured herself of a particularly aggressive form of stomach
cancer. Johanna tells how years of fasting had had no effect on the cancer and
the book sets out the full protocol of the diet based purely on grapes that
finally cured her in only six weeks. She lived another 40 years, well into her
eighties, completely cancer free. The book also goes on to describe how five
terminally ill patients in a New York hospital were all cured along with many
other case histories.
Science has since backed up the extraordinary medicinal effects of grapes with
several discoveries of particular substances which have been shown to have
far reaching health effects on the body. These are easily researched and many
extracts are now available as supplements but I am a firm believer in obtaining
as natural a source as possible, from the original fruit, herb or vegetable
because the synergistic value of the combined properties of the whole far
outweighs isolated extracts as far as integration and absorption are concerned.
Personal Proof
I myself know of the power of grapes and their curative value. My grandfather
was in his early forties when he was given only a short time to live due to a
diseased liver but was saved by a naturopath, Harry Clements, who put him on
a six week strict diet of grapes and grape juice only. My grandfather went on
to live until he was 86 years old, occasionally returning to the diet for three
weeks if he felt unwell at any time. He was convinced that the grapes saved
his life and we have Harry Clements to thank for him being with us for almost
double his life expectancy according to the doctors!
Fred had developed inoperable cancer of the bowel and on reading Brandt’s
book found the remedy to be rather involved and so he reduced it to its
essentials, took the ‘cure’ and was completely cancer free within a month.
Wortman also lived another 40 years and died cancer free in his eighties.
• Increased mobility and relief from swelling and pain in cases of arthritis
and rheumatoid arthritis
• Increased energy
• Effortless weightloss
• Increased libido
• Thickening of hair
• Haemorrhoid relief
Step One
Eat a normal diet from 12 noon until 8pm and then do not eat ANYTHING
until 7 am the next day and only drink water.
Step Two
From 7am until 10am slowly sip 24 fl oz (0.72 litres) of unsweetened grape
juice. For a small person or child 12oz is sufficient. Take NOTHING ELSE
during this time other than water.
The timetable may be varied but there must be at least an 11 hour gap between
the last meal of the day and the start of drinking the grape juice to ensure a
• The juice can be varied by eating an equal weight of well washed whole
grapes, skin and all or substituting half and half, 12 oz of grapes and 12
fl oz of grape juice.
• For a change you can eat either red or white grapes and drink red or
white grape juice.
• The sterilising of the grape juice sold by supermarkets does not reduce
the effect of the juice.
• Although Wortman states eating your normal diet between the hours of
midday and 8pm it seems sensible to me to make a special effort to eat
healthily. Avoiding fried, fatty and processed foods and eating those
rich in enzymes, plenty of salads and vegetables with a moderate
amount of lean meat and dairy products is just common sense but you
should in no way restrict the quantity you eat, your body needs extra
resources while fighting any illness and even though I lost weight it was
not achieved through reducing calories.
First of all the stomach must be in a condition to digest the juice, so it can go
straight into the blood stream to reach the cancer. If the stomach is already
inflamed, ulcerated or weak and passes the juice straight through there will be
no beneficial results. It must be digested. The stomach can be strengthened by
starting with a small amount of juice, about 6oz and diluted with the same
amount of water, then sipped, slowly.
If that digests and does not pass straight through, all is well. Repeat that for
several days and then very gradually increase. Little by little the stomach will
grow stronger and be able to take the juice straight.
Following this method for six weeks usually eliminates internal cancer.
Prostate and bone cancers require more time. Total treatments should
preferably carry on for eight weeks or more. Wortman warns that this
treatment may not be successful with a person who has already had surgery.
For detoxification purposes only I recommend following the diet for two
weeks at a time. It can easily and safely be prolonged if you feel you are
making progress but are not quite ‘there’ yet.
In Conclusion
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