IEE Ptrones de Seguridad

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2011 IEEE

Ninth Ninth
IEEE International Conference on Dependable, Autonomic and Secure Computing

A Natural Classification Scheme for Software Security Patterns

Aleem Khalid Alvi

Mohammad Zulkernine

School of Computing
Queens University
Kingston, Canada
[email protected]

School of Computing
Queens University
Kingston, Canada
[email protected]

In this paper, a classification scheme for software

security patterns is proposed. The classification scheme of
security patterns is divided according to software lifecycle
phases. Security flaws are incorporated in the classification
of software security patterns with security objectives in the
requirement phase, security properties in the design phase,
and attack patterns in the implementation phase. These
parameters are naturally associated with the software
lifecycle phases. The selection of these parameters is adopted
by considering the security concepts and their relationships
in light of security violation steps [15]. Existing
classifications of software security patterns and their
corresponding templates are analyzed and a security pattern
template is introduced for the classification. A security
pattern template stores the information of a software security
pattern with the relevant classification parameters for helping
in the classification process. The proposed classification
associates software flaws to security patterns with the help of
security objectives, security properties, and attack patterns.
The main objective of this classification is to prevent
security flaws from the very beginning of the development
process. Our classification approach is unique as it uses
security flaws as a classification parameter, which is the
origin of any vulnerability exploitations in software
applications. The classification will help identify appropriate
software security patterns corresponding to security flaws.
Therefore, security loopholes caused by security flaws can
be prevented easily by using security patterns.
The rest of the paper is organized as follows. In Section
II, we describe the related work. Section III depicts the
concept, classification parameters, and the proposed
classification structure of security patterns. Section IV
proposes the security pattern template for storing security
pattern information. In Section V, we describe the use of the
security pattern classification. This section explains the
classification of software security patterns in software
lifecycle phases. Finally, in Section VI, we summarize our
work and discuss open issues for future research.

AbstractSoftware security patterns are a proven solution for

recurring security problems. Security pattern catalogs are
increasing rapidly. This creates difficulty in selecting
appropriate software security patterns for a particular
recurring security problem. There are several classification
schemes to organize software security patterns. Every
classification scheme has unique selection criteria for choosing
a security pattern. However, no classification scheme considers
security flaws, which is the root cause of software security
vulnerabilities. In this paper, we provide a natural
classification scheme for software security patterns. Our
classification scheme is associated with software lifecycle
phases. Security flaws are incorporated in the classification of
software security patterns with security objectives in the
requirement phase, security properties in the design phase, and
attack patterns in the implementation phase. Furthermore, we
enhance the existing security pattern template with
classification parameters.
Keywords: design patterns, software security patterns, pattern
classification, secure system development.



Design pattern is one of the artifacts, which provide easy

and fast implementation of software features. They capture
expert knowledge and provide domain independence with
reusability. In the area of software security, the subset of
design patterns that support security requirements are
recognized as software security patterns. Security patterns
are used to achieve desired security objectives. They
provide ease of use to software developers, who may not
have deep understanding of security.
Many security pattern catalogs are introduced for
helping developers to use the security patterns in software
development [17, 18, 22, 26, 45]. The increase in the
number of software security patterns invites a problem in
the selection process. The selection of appropriate security
patterns for fulfilling a security loophole is a complex
problem. Researchers develop the classification of software
security patterns based on a number of different
perspectives, such as applicability, enterprise architectural
spaces, desirable properties, security objectives, threat
modeling, software lifecycle phases, text classification, and
attack patterns [4-14]. However, none of them uses security
flaws to classify security patterns. A security flaw may
cause harmful effect on any activity of a software system.
Therefore, an application will be vulnerable, if it possesses
one or more security flaws.
978-0-7695-4612-4/11 $26.00 2011 IEEE
DOI 10.1109/DASC.2011.42



A number of different software security patterns are

presented in the literature. Yoder and Barcalow [18], Kenzle
and Elder [16], Romanosky [17], and Schumacher et al. [2]
propose 7, 29, 8, and 46 security patterns, respectively.
Heyman et al. [19] report that 10 and 35 percent of the 220
reported security patterns in the literature are process
activities and guidelines, respectively, and 55 percent of the

220 security patterns can be regarded as core patterns (i.e.,

they fulfill authors definition of a pattern) [19].
Cheng et al. [20] provide a comparison of 8 patterns
based on Viega and McGraws [21] design guidelines.
Halkidis et al. [5] compare 13 most common software
security patterns from the most comprehensive guide
developed by Blakley et al. [9] to examine the evolution of
software security patterns. Laverdiere et al. [6] compare 12
software security patterns where most patterns are the same
as in the Cheng and Halkidiss comparisons based on the
desirable and undesirable properties of patterns.
Kienzle et al. [16, 22] classify all security patterns into
two broad classes: structural and procedural. Cheng et al.
[20] describe the classification based on the access types of
security patterns and categories into creational, structural,
and behavioral patterns. It is called classification by
approach. Further, security patterns are defined in terms of
application-level, host-level, and network-level. It is called
classification by abstraction. Blakley et al. [9] describe
broader classification for security patterns by categorizing
the security patterns into two classes based on applicability:
available and protected system patterns. Halkidis et al. [5]
use the work done by Blakley et al. [9] for the classification
of security patterns based on applicability.
Trowbridge et al. [11] introduce a tabular classification
scheme for patterns. The table is used for organizing security
patterns built on four pillars: the Zachman Framework for
Enterprise Architecture [23], the Architectural Standards
Description from IEEE 1471-2000 [15], the Enterprise
Architecture Framework [24], and the Principles of TestDriven Development [25]. Laverdiere et al. [6] use six-sigma
approach for the classification of security patterns using the
desirable and undesirable properties. Hafiz et al. [8] propose
the classification scheme of software security patterns using
the CIA (confidentiality, integrity, and availability) model,
application context, security wheel, McCumber cube, threat
modeling, and hierarchical classification. Further, Hafiz et
al. [14] classify software security patterns according to
attacks through STRIDE1 threat model.
Yskout and Heyman et al. [26] investigate the role
played by security patterns in the construction of secure
software both from a technical and a methodological
perspective. They classify based on two perspectives:
development phases and security objectives. Steel et al. [27]
describe the classification of security patterns based on a tier
approach. They classify their patterns according to logical
architecture tiers, namely web tier, business tier, web service
tier, and identity tier. Yoshioka et al. [4] describe security
pattern classification based on software lifecycle phases.
Sarmah et al. [28] use linguistic metaphors and formal
concept analysis for a categorization of software security
patterns. Fernandez et al. [7] use software architecture
classification approach to classify architectural patterns
addressing the type of concerns. VanHilst et al. [29] propose
six primary dimensions to classify security patterns

independently: lifecycle stage, component source, security

response type, architecture layer, constraint level, and
domain. Washizaki et al. [30] use the work of VanHilst et al.
[29] and improve it by using dimension and pattern graphs.
Hasheminejad et al. [13] propose the text classification of
software security patterns and learning techniques. They
automate the process for identifying security patterns. Chad
et al. [46] describe the categorization of secure design
patterns using the three classes based on the level of
abstraction as follows: the architectural-level patterns, the
design-level patterns, and the implementation-level patterns.
Wiesauer et al. [10] define security pattern taxonomy based
on the description of attack patterns, and as a first step, it
uses security pattern classification according to attacks
through the STRIDE model [14].


Software vulnerability is a security flaw or weakness in

system security process, design, or implementation that can
be exploited to cause a security violation of the systems
security policy [31]. Its existence is a threat for an
application, and its exploitation is an attack. It is the primary
or natural cause of an attack on software systems.
We use software lifecycle phases for security pattern
classification similar to the classification of Yoshioka et al.
[4] and further classify each phase using software flaws.
The schematic diagram of our classification is shown in Fig.
1. According to this classification, security patterns can be
divided based on software lifecycle (SLC) phases into the
following major areas: (1) security patterns for the
requirement phase, (2) security patterns for the design
phase, and (3) security patterns for the implementation
phase. We use two classification parameters in every
software lifecycle phase as shown in Fig. 1. However, we
consider security flaws as the main classification parameter
since it is the root cause of all software vulnerability.
Security flaws exist in every phase of software lifecycle. For
example, in the requirement phase, a security flaw may
occur because of the missing requirements. In the design
phase, it may occur; for example, insufficient buffer size
and incomplete or incorrect initialization. In the
implementation phase, exceptions may occur because of the
programmer mistakes. For example, module interfaces may
not be correctly defined or a security module may be missed
or incorrectly implemented.
Attacks or security violations are indicators of the
presence of security flaws. A group of security control
services or countermeasures are deployed to protect a
software system against some security violations. These
groups of security control services are provided by software
security patterns. We consider CIAA (confidentiality,
integrity, availability, and accountability) as primary
security objectives or properties and the authentication,
authorization, non-repudiation, and auditability as secondary
security objectives or properties. The relationships between
software security patterns and security objectives or
properties may be one to one, one to many or many to one.
The classification parameters are used as pattern elements in
a security pattern template describe in Section IV.

STRIDE is an acronym of six threat categories, i.e., Spoofing identity,

Tampering with data, Repudiation, Information disclosure, Denial of
service, and Elevation of privilege.


Security Pattern

Security Pattern Name (M)

Security Patterns
for Requirement

Security Patterns
for Design

Security Patterns
for Implementation

Using Security
Flaws and Security

Using Security
Flaws and Security

Using Security
Flaws and Attack



Figure 1. Classification Structure of Software Security Patterns




A security pattern template is a document that stores

information of a security pattern in a specific format. The
first template was introduced by Christopher Alexander et al.
[3], and was adopted by the Gang of Four in software
engineering as design pattern template [39]. A security
pattern template is the modification of the design pattern
template to fulfill security constraints and requirements. This
document is used to find the characteristics of a security
pattern to best fit as a solution for the corresponding
recurring security problem. We analyze many security
pattern templates based on pattern elements and their other
details as shown in Table I, and the result of the analysis is
used for generating an appropriate security pattern template
for the proposed classification by including more pattern
elements. Three symbols (a, , b) are used to show the
level of details (from higher to lower level, respectively) of
the pattern elements information that are available in the
corresponding references of Table I. The absence of a pattern
element in the corresponding reference is shown by an empty
In the proposed security pattern template (see Fig. 2),
three pattern elements are incorporated to the existing
templates [20, 26, 27]: Security Objectives and Properties,
Related Security Flaws, and Related Attack Patterns.
These fields help developers locate a security pattern
corresponding to a security flaw. In the template, pattern
elements and its sub-elements (e.g., Solution) are selected
more precisely. The security pattern template is used for
describing the security pattern classification presented in
Section V. Here, we only define the three pattern elements
of the proposed template as follows. The definition of the
remaining elements can be obtained from the existing
literature as listed in Table I.
Security Objectives and Properties (M): It stores
information of the main security objectives and properties of
the security pattern. Security patterns solve problems by
considering these security objectives and properties.
Related Security Flaws (M): It provides the list of related
security flaws.

Also known as (O)

Intent (O)
Context and Applicability (M)
Security Objectives and Properties (M)
Example (O)
Problem (M)
b. Forces
Solution (M)
Static Structure
b. Dynamics Structure
d. Collaborations
Implementation (O)
Risk and Reality Check (O)
Consequences (M)
Related Security Flaws (M)
Related Attack Patterns (M)
Related Design and Security Patterns (M)
Known Uses (O)
Resulting Context (O)
References (O)

Figure 2. Security Pattern Template (M: Mandatory, O: Optional)

Related Attack Patterns (M): It identifies and describes

the related attacks and attack patterns.



We explain the proposed classification of software

security patterns in detail based on the software
development phases in Sections A, B, and C. The pattern
elements described in the security pattern template are the
parameters of the proposed classification. We use the
software flaw taxonomy [42], where the list of possible
sources of software flaws is classified based on software
lifecycle phases.
We use the software flaws database called Common
Weakness Enumeration (CWE)2. This is a public database
of software weaknesses contributed by many research
organizations. The CWE uses a template that has a field
called Time of Introduction. This field provides the
information on the possible occurrence of a software flaw or
weakness in software lifecycle phases.
A. Security Patterns for the Requirement Phase
In the requirement phase, we consider the potential
software flaws from software flaw taxonomy or common
weakness enumeration. These software flaws map to the
software security patterns using security objectives. A
software flaw may be introduced in the requirement phase
because of many reasons. For example, software
requirements may be ambiguous, inadequate, and obsolete.
























Another name



Resulting Context
Example Resolved
Known Uses
Feasibility and Risk


Detail parts of solution




Very Detail
Intermediate Detail
Less Detail
Pattern Elements
Research Papers

Related Patterns and Principles

Categorization and References
Alexandrian Pattern Template
Design Pattern Template
Security Pattern Template


security patterns. We associate software flaws to security

objectives based on security hunch. Besides, the security
flaws and security objectives are used to find the
corresponding security patterns through security pattern
documentations manually. Every security pattern document
stores the information of the related software flaws in the
pattern element called Related Security Flaws and
corresponding affected security objectives in the pattern
element called Security Objectives and Properties, where a
security pattern itself is the solution.
Using the classification criteria, three examples for the
selection of analysis process security patterns are shown in
Table II. Every software flaw violates the corresponding
security requirements and its objectives. In the third column,
a security flaw and the corresponding security objectives
from the first and second columns are used to find the
security pattern by using security pattern documentations.
Security pattern documentation uses security pattern
template to write a security pattern with specific information.
There are many types of software security patterns that
use different software modeling languages for example,
UMLsec, Tropos or Problem Frame in the requirement phase
[36]. The patterns using these models are under the category
of model-based security patterns.

In other words, customer requirements are captured and

changed inappropriately or incorrectly mapped to software
requirements. Software security patterns are used to prevent
these flaws from occurring in the requirement phase.
We use the security objectives to find software security
patterns for the protection against software flaws. The
common weakness enumeration uses a template that has a
field called Common Consequences. This field provides a
list of security objectives. These security objectives are
affected because of the occurrence of software flaws or
weaknesses. This information is helpful to find the
connection between software flaws and security objectives.
The classification uses a template that has a field called
Security Objectives and Properties. In this field, every
security pattern stores the supported security objectives and
properties information. This field is helpful to connect the
security flaws to software security patterns.
In the requirement phase, we consider security patterns
based on the analysis and process activities called analysis
process security patterns and model-based security
patterns for the categorization of security patterns in the
requirement phase [4]. The examples of the analysis process
security patterns and the model-based security patterns
are shown in Tables II and III, respectively. We show the
relationships between security flaws, security objectives, and



Security Flaws

patterns. In the first column, we use security flaws from the

sources of the security flaw taxonomy and the common
weakness enumeration. We show the association of the
security flaws and security properties to the required
security patterns for fulfilling the security requirements in
the design phase using security pattern documentation.
Pattern researchers provide the relationships of security
properties to software security patterns. For example, Yoder
and Barcalow [18] introduce seven conceptual architectural
software security patterns for an application security at the
system level using a natural language.
Christopher et al. [27] develop 23 enterprise security
patterns that are pointing architectural use of security
patterns for the J2EE enterprise application. The authors
map some security patterns to security properties using the
pattern element called Consequences.

Analysis Process Security Patterns

Security Objectives
Security Patterns

(Using software flaw

taxonomy [42])

Important missing
and inaccurate
Improper privacy
requirements or
privacy related
software flaws.
Any software flaw
violating security

Availability, and
Integrity, and

Availability, and

Build scenario pattern [47].

Privacy process patterns [35]:

Authentication, Authorization,
Identification, Data Protection,
Anonymity, and Pseudonymity
Enterprise security and risk
management patterns [2]:
Security needs identification for
assets, Asset valuation, Threat
assessment, Vulnerability
assessment, Risk determination,
and Enterprise security
approaches patterns.


Model based Security Patterns
Security Flaws
Security Patterns
(Using CWE)
CWE-326: Inadequate
Confidentiality. Cryptography pattern using
encryption strength, CWEUMLsec [1].
261: Weak cryptography
for passwords.
CWE-807: Reliance on
Confidentiality, Monitoring pattern using
untrusted inputs in a
Integrity, and
Secure Tropos for improving
security decision, CWEAvailability.
delegation and trust [46].
296: Improper following of
chain of trust for certificate
CWE-287: Improper
Confidentiality, Security patterns for securing
Integrity, and
agent systems using Tropos
methodology: Agency guard,
Agent authenticator,
Sandbox, and Access
controller patterns [37].

Using our classification criteria, three examples for the

selection of model-based security patterns are shown in
Table III. Every software flaw shown in the first column is
taken from the common weakness enumeration. In the
second column, the security requirements and its objectives
are violated by the corresponding software flaws. In the third
column, the security flaws and the corresponding security
objectives are used to find the security pattern as a security
solution manually.
B. Security Patterns for the Design Phase
In the design phase, security patterns are classified using
security flaws and properties. The selection of a security
pattern is a decision based on the design concepts and the
detail architecture of the system.
Software security patterns are used for security
implementation in the design phase. The list of possible
sources for software design flaws indicates the design
weaknesses that may invite vulnerabilities in the
implementation and operation phases. It is possible that the
sources of security problems may occur and develop
because of various software design flaws such as unsafe
exception handling, wrong algorithmic approach, incorrect
data conversion, and inappropriate use of arithmetic and
logic decisions [42].
The process of mapping sources of software design
flaws from the taxonomy or specific software design flaws
from the CWE are selected and associated to security
properties based on security hunch. The security design
flaws and security properties are used to find the
corresponding security patterns through security pattern
documentations manually. A proposed security pattern
template supports easy searching because of pattern
elements: Security Objectives and Properties and Related
Security Flaws. In Table IV, we show the results of a
process for finding security patterns corresponding to
software flaws. This shows the relationship between
security flaws, security properties, and software security


Security Flaws

Security Properties

Security Patterns

(Using security flaw taxonomy [42]

and the CWE)

Unsafe exception.

Confidentiality and User defined exception

pattern [28].
Back door access.
Access verification. Single access point
pattern [18].
Multiple places for user
Authentication and Check point pattern [18].
Broken authentication and Authentication and Assertion builder pattern
Broken access control.
Access control.
Session theft.
Authentication and Single sign-on delegator
pattern [27].
CWE-266: Incorrect
Access control.
Roles pattern [18].
privilege assignment.
CWE-613: Insufficient
Session pattern [18].
session expiration.

Schumacher et al. [2, 43] describe 25 out of 46

architectural and design software security patterns for
addressing the security properties in the design phase. For
example, integrity property is obtained by using the digital
signature pattern or signed authenticated call pattern for


the voice over IP networks [43]. The availability property is

ensured by using firewall patterns and the accountability
security property is satisfied by using accounting patterns
[2]. The above discussed mappings show that security
patterns are used to achieve the required security properties.
The proposed security pattern template provides help for
pattern miner to easily find the association of related
security flaws to security properties and then software
security patterns.

common weakness enumeration to find the attack patterns

shown in the software weakness description. The attack
patterns are available in the attack pattern database. The
database provides the pattern schema description [44]. The
schema description provides the attack pattern template
element (i.e., Relevant Security Patterns) that stores the
information for the corresponding security pattern.
However, we find that the pattern element Relevant
Security Patterns is rarely used in the attack pattern
database. This problem can be solved by adopting our
security pattern template. Therefore, we search
corresponding security patterns manually using the software
security patterns documentation and the relevant literature.
A sufficient condition for maintaining security is the
prevention of implementation attack (e.g., the buffer
overflow attack).We may protect from implementation level
software flaws using the security patterns shown in Table V.
The SQL injection and cross-site scripting
vulnerabilities are found in many software applications as
many software flaws cause the SQL injection and crosssite scripting attacks. The intercepting validator pattern
is used for the protection of software applications from these
attacks (see Table V). The software flaws corresponding to
the information disclosure, elevation of privilege, and
spoofing identity vulnerabilities are shown in the third,
fourth and fifth rows of Table V. The secure proxy, login
tunnel variant, and container managed security patterns
provide protection from these vulnerabilities and the
corresponding attacks.

C. Security Patterns for the Implementation Phase

For the implementation phase, many researchers develop
guidelines for preventing potential security risks [48, 49].
Nevertheless, only guidelines are not adequate to reuse. The
patterns consist of semi-structured documents and standard
vocabularies are used for encouraging programmers to adopt
secure coding techniques during programming [4]. The
protection from software flaws may be achieved in the
implementation phase by using the implementation-level
software security patterns. Software security patterns are
used in software system implementations successfully to
ensure security.
Security patterns in the implementation phase are
classified by using security flaws with the help of attack
patterns. Human errors during programming can easily
introduce bugs that can be caused vulnerability in the
software system. Software flaws may be inherited from the
previous software lifecycle phases. Software flaws in many
cases occur in more than one phase.
The Common Attack Pattern Enumeration and
Classification (CAPEC)3 is the attack pattern database. The
CWE and CAPEC are well connected to each other. Both
database schemas use pattern elements to map information
from security flaws to attack pattern and vice versa.
Similarly, the CAPEC maps the software security patterns
to the corresponding attack patterns by using the attack
pattern element called Relevant Security Patterns [48].
Therefore, common weakness and attack pattern databases
are helpful for the classification of software security
patterns using security flaws and attack patterns.
We use the list of sources of potential security flaws
from [42] and the common weakness enumeration in the
implementation phase. In the implementation phase, many
expected sources of software flaws are possible. Some
examples are legacy code developed for different
environment and interfaces, syntax flaws, wrong declaration
of data, incomplete link to libraries, and use of untested
software. These sources of software flaws may cause
security vulnerabilities in software applications. There are
many software security patterns available to protect
software applications from security vulnerabilities in the
implementation phase. In Table V, we show the mapping of
the security flaws to attack patterns and use attack pattern
database to find the security patterns. First, we use the list of
possible sources of software flaws from the taxonomy and
the common weakness enumeration. Second, we use the



We present a classification scheme for software security

patterns based on the natural cause of security breaching in
software applications. The prevention of the cause of a
security flaw has not been addressed so far by using security
patterns. This develops the need of security pattern
classification by using security flaws. Therefore, we classify
the software security patterns based on security flaws along
with other parameters to provide easy use of software
security patterns for preventing the root causes of security
We propose the security pattern template based on the
analysis of available pattern templates and introduce some
classification parameters. We classify software security
patterns using software lifecycle phases and each phase is
further classified based on security flaws with the help of
security objectives in the requirement, security properties in
the design, and attack patterns in the implementation phase.
In future, we will include more security objectives to
achieve finer levels for software security patterns in the


Security Flaws

Attack patterns

Security Patterns

(Using software flaw taxonomy [42] and the CWE)

Incorrectly filtered escape characters, incorrect type handling, blind SQL

injection, parameterized statements, and escaping software flaws, and CWE89: Improper neutralization of special elements used in an SQL command.
Input invalid or untrusted data, declaration of the data or data structure, and
CWE-79: Improper neutralization of input during web page generation.

SQL injection attack:

CAPEC-108, CAPEC-109, CAPEC-110,
Cross-site scripting attacks: CAPEC-106,
CAPEC-198, CAPEC-199, CAPEC-209,
CAPEC-243, CAPEC-244, CAPEC-245.
Dictionary attacks, CAPEC-16:
Dictionary-based password attack, and
CAPEC-114: Authentication abuse.
Dictionary attack and CAPEC-22:
Exploiting trust in client.

Intercepting validator pattern [27].

Intercepting validator pattern [27].

Secure proxy, Login tunnel variant

patterns [38], and Container
managed security patterns [27].
Weak or guessable security token (may be password) of the high privilege
Secure proxy, Login tunnel variant
user, CWE-521: Weak password requirements, and CAPEC-49: Password
patterns [38], and Container
brute forcing.
managed security patterns [27].
Fudging data and allowing the unprivileged code to use other person identity CAPEC-151: Identity spoofing, CAPEC- Secure proxy, Login tunnel variant
and CWE-693: Protection mechanism failure.
195: Principal spoofing, and CAPEC-94: patterns [38], and Container
Man in the middle attack.
managed security patterns [27].
Bypass authentication, CWE-287: Improper authentication, and
CWE-263: Password aging with long expiration.


[11] D. Trowbridge, W. Cunningham, M. Evans, L. Brader, and P.

This work is partially supported by the Natural Sciences

and Engineering Research Council of Canada (NSERC).
The authors would like to thank Dr. Munawar Hafiz of the
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, USA for his
thoughtful comments on an intial draft of this paper.












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