A Conceptual Exploration For The Safe Development of Mobile Devices Software Based On OWASP
A Conceptual Exploration For The Safe Development of Mobile Devices Software Based On OWASP
A Conceptual Exploration For The Safe Development of Mobile Devices Software Based On OWASP
© Research India Publications. http://www.ripublication.com
The main objective of this article is to highlight the importance
of guidelines in the development (software methodologies) of
OWASP insurance for mobile applications, where security is
conceived as a desirable property in the assurance of the quality
of a secure mobile software product. Currently, the
overcrowding of devices has allowed security to be recognized
by protections and mitigations of risks at the system level and
its architecture, and implemented during the development of
applications and their operation. Thus, the OWASP safe mobile
development guidelines are considered, which are linked to the
top 10 security vulnerabilities and their implementation
Figure 1. Growth of mobile global traffic (CISCO, 2017).
according to the most affected functionalities such as user
authentication and password management, obfuscation. Of
code, the control of payments and the storage of information In the same way and contributing to what has been indicated
among others. above, new trends that boost the use of mobile devices are also
According to the trends outlined, it is considered to be before highlighted, based on the study carried out by the IBSG
(Internet Business Solutions Group) of CISCO [2]. which
the emergence of what some researchers call security
engineering, as a complement to the safe software engineering, shows the trend towards increasing the use of mobile devices
whose scope includes, among others, safety requirements, the in organizations, this trend known as BYOD (Bring your own
safety model and the development of secure software; whose device) which in Spanish means "Bring your own device",
main objective as a research field is the production of shows that companies expect this behavior to increase with
techniques, methods, processes and tools that integrate the work purposes [2] as indicated in figure 2.
principles of safety engineering and quality, and that allow
software developers to analyze, design, implement, test and
deploy systems of secure software.
Keywords: Information Security, Methodologies, Mobile
Devices, OWASP, Secure Software.
Due to the great boom and growth of mobile applications,
security is conceived as a desirable property for insurance and
is part of the set of attributes to be considered in order to
determine the quality of a software product. Currently, the
overcrowding of devices has allowed security to be recognized
by protections and mitigations of risks at the system level and Figure 2. Projection of companies that expect the increase of
its architecture, and implemented during the development of BYOD in the coming years by country (Corey, 2014).
applications and their operation. Also because mobile devices
are increasingly used in everyday life and consequently this
increase is also reflected in the demand for application Taking into account the above and observing the proliferation
development, to illustrate the above, Figure 1 shows the of the use of these devices, thus, attacks on this type of
increase in mobile data traffic [1]. terminals have increased, for which figure 3 shows the
distribution of threat types [16], being its most representative
item RiskTool, where this malware has the function of hiding
files in the system, ending running processes and hiding
International Journal of Applied Engineering Research ISSN 0973-4562 Volume 13, Number 18 (2018) pp. 13603-13609
© Research India Publications. http://www.ripublication.com
International Journal of Applied Engineering Research ISSN 0973-4562 Volume 13, Number 18 (2018) pp. 13603-13609
© Research India Publications. http://www.ripublication.com
identify threats in the components of a system at the level of the It is important to highlight that each of these steps must be
attacker depending on their categories, allowing the creation of documented and communicated with the interested parties,
attack trees [7], which help identify threats and causes of each indicating how the mitigations are carried out, and the follow-
of these; You can also use the DREAD model (Damage, up to identify the status of each one of them.
Reproducibility, Exploitability, Affected users,
As we have seen above, these steps help to give the application
Discoverability) which helps to weigh the threats identified
not only security at the code level, but also in each of the stages
based on their risk [7], another model to give hierarchy to
of the application's life cycle, this same technique has been
threats and its risks is OCTAVE (Operationally Critical Threat,
applied to identify the vulnerabilities in the mobile devices by
Asset, and Vulnerability Evaluation of its acronym in English)
OWASP which are shown below.
which can be an option when assessing threats and their risks,
since it validates according to availability, confidentiality and
types of active affected (Active: any information or element
related to it) for this case the mobile application developed or OWASP SECURITY VULNERABILITIES
developed [8]. As indicated above, the top 10 of OWASP is a summary of
vulnerabilities found in mobile applications, which are
• Mitigate the threats: after assigning the hierarchy to the
threats, a mitigation map is made where the threat can be illustrated in Table1:
assigned and the action taken to mitigate it.
M2 - Unsafe data This new category is a combination of M2 + M4 from Mobile Top Ten 2014. This covers unsafe storage
storage of data and unwanted data leaks.
This covers poor link protocols, incorrect SSL versions, weak negotiation, unencrypted communication
M3 - Insecure of sensitive data, etc.
This category captures the notions of end-user authentication or incorrect session management.
This may include:
M4 - Unsafe
• Do not identify the user at all when necessary
• Failure to maintain the user's identity when required
• Weakness in handling sessions
The code applies cryptography to a sensitive information asset. However, cryptography is insufficient in
M5 - Insufficient some way. Keep in mind that everything and everything related to TLS or SSL goes on M3. Also, if the
cryptography application does not use cryptography at all when it should, it probably belongs to M2.
This is a category to capture any authorization failure (for example, authorization decisions on the client
M6 - Insecure side, forced navigation, etc.). It is different from authentication problems (for example, device
Authorization registration, user identification, etc.).
This would be the capture of all the implementation problems at the code level in the mobile client. This
is different from server encoding errors.
M7 - Quality of the This would capture things like buffer overflows, format string vulnerabilities and various other code-
customer code level errors where the solution is to rewrite some code that is running on the mobile device.
This category covers binary patches, modification of local resources, method hooks, method swizzling
M8 - Code and dynamic memory modification.
adulteration Once the application is delivered to the mobile device, the code and data resources are resident there. An
attacker can directly modify the code, dynamically change the contents of the memory, change or
International Journal of Applied Engineering Research ISSN 0973-4562 Volume 13, Number 18 (2018) pp. 13603-13609
© Research India Publications. http://www.ripublication.com
Vulnerabilities Description
replace the APIs of the system used by the application or modify the data and resources of the
This category includes the analysis of the final binary kernel to determine its source code, libraries,
algorithms and other assets. Software such as IDA Pro, Hopper, otool, and other binary inspection tools
M9 - Reverse give the attacker a view of the application's internal operation. This can be used to exploit other nascent
Engineering vulnerabilities in the application, as well as to reveal information about back end servers, cryptographic
constants and figures, and intellectual property.
Often, developers include hidden backdoor functionality or other internal security controls that are not
M10 - Strange intended to be put into a production environment. For example, a developer may accidentally include a
Functionality password as a comment in a hybrid application. Another example includes disabling two-factor
authentication during the test.
Within the security vulnerabilities shown in Table 1, the most password policies, although the trends of these types of
relevant vulnerabilities have been taken, where the application authentication are focused on biometric devices [12].
of the OWASP guidelines according to the following items is
3. It is also important to provide users with information on
the strength of passwords during their creation, as this
will indicate to the user the degree of security of their
password [11].
Authentication and password management
4. 4. As a good practice, it is important to perform the
The authentication in the applications is the initial interaction
validation of an additional parameter or to implement a
of the user with the application, where the identity of the user
two-step authentication policy since this will provide
or other functionalities to be authenticated is verified, it may be
greater security when creating users and entering
at first glance a part of the software that does not have much
applications [11].
complexity, but that It gives access to the operation of the
application and relates various components for the management 5. In order to verify the validation functionality of
of it, as is the case of the permissions and privileges that the password strength, the tool indicated in [13] is
authenticated user has as well, such as the provision of recommended. Because it allows you to implement a
functionalities for its use where the most important thing is secure password policy, and in addition to validating the
Protect this characteristics as indicated below [9]: strength, it indicates the execution time for the password
1. Sometimes the application may require the user to
create their password or pattern, against this it is 6. Another important point in the security of the
advisable not to use the pattern due to its restrictions, authentication and management of passwords is to
since its length is not greater than 9 digits, which results validate at all times the data entered by the user by
in a number of low combinations and therefore not very verifying the entered values, since in these fields cases
strong, so it is very easy to validate each of these in a of injection of database scripts can be presented and the
very short time. Another limitation is that each point can rest.
only be used once, in the same way the pattern can’t
omit an intermediate point on a line, just as the finger
can’t leave the touch surface, users usually use these The obfuscation of code
patterns with combinations quite predictable [10] [11],
Another guideline of OWASP is to obfuscate the application
which is why instead it is suggested that a password be
created that follows a secure password policy, i.e. code, since this will prevent reverse engineering of the
alphanumeric combinations with special characters and application, preventing the source code from being obtained
and modifications being made after its publication.
defined length, which will make this functionality of the
application is more robust and secure [11]. The obfuscation of code is the process that transforms the
source code or intermediate code to make it more difficult to
2. Several mobile devices offer the possibility of using a
analyze [14], then indicate the points that are part of this
password PIN, where this type of authentication does
not have a very strong security, although it is based on guideline:
the entry of a 4-digit number resulting in a number of 1. Try to obfuscate the application code whenever
combinations not very strong, which could be possible, through the execution of an automated code
deciphered in a short time [10] [11], in its replacement obfuscation software (commercial or open source),
it is advisable to use or create a password with secure which is available in most development IDEs.
International Journal of Applied Engineering Research ISSN 0973-4562 Volume 13, Number 18 (2018) pp. 13603-13609
© Research India Publications. http://www.ripublication.com
2. Apply anti-purification techniques, this section is quite 1. Store information that is expressly necessary, at no time
simple since in most cases you should avoid that the store data of passwords or sensitive data such as credit
debugger adheres to running processes, where with only card information and others.
a few configuration lines in the manifests of the
2. Classify the sensitive information that the application
application you can mitigate this vulnerability.
will handle, this classification will help you identify
3. One of the most used tools to perform code obfuscation possible data that you must strictly store locally and also
is ProGuard [15], this easy-to-use tool allows what information can be stored remotely.
obfuscation of our code and helps us to eliminate all
3. Set the data deletion time in the application cache, since
unused and variable classes without use, as well as to
sometimes some applications use this temporary data to
modify the names of the variables and methods.
obtain access data and others.
4. Currently in the operating systems of mobile devices is In case the sensitive information should be stored, it
already implemented ASLR "Address Space Layout must be encrypted, and in case this information is
Randomization" which is the random storage system of temporary or temporary be sure to delete it as soon as
execution in memory and fulfills the function of the execution of the application ends.
assigning dynamic routes for the execution of
4. In case of loss or theft of the device it is important to
applications. This technique is widely used by
implement the erasure of the information remotely,
manufacturers of mobile devices such as Apple and
where it will prevent the information from being left in
Android and it is advisable during the design stage to
inappropriate hands.
identify if the application uses shared components,
since this policy must be specified so that the 5. Instead of using sensitive data such as bank accounts
components of these are used by other processes of you can make use of unique identifiers known between
other applications or the operating system. both parties (application and server), the above for
applications with external interaction, which can only
be interpreted by both parties.
Communication security
6. Do not use the device identification number as the
One of the most important factors of security in mobile devices identifier of temporary files, it is advisable to use a
is the security of communications, since it is the means by random number or GUID instead.
which the application interacts with the internet or allows the
execution of external content, in this case the application has a
browser internal to show the content, taking as reference the Payment control
above listed security considerations for this section:
One of the most important roles in mobile applications and that
1. In case the application makes shipments or requests for are repeatedly used as a complement to these, are purchases
information to external services it is advisable to through this medium, this type of transaction varies depending
encrypt the information of the packages sent and on the platform and architecture, since there are several
perform the corresponding decryption on the server side methods for perform this task and for the case of this document
and vice versa in the case of reception of server-side will indicate the controls that must be taken into account to
responses. make this functionality the safest:
2. In cases where the application has the functionality of 1. Warn the user and obtain financial consent and the
web browsing it is advisable to validate the security consequences of using the application.
certificates of the pages shown in order to validate the 2. Validate the location of the connection as this will
integrity of the same, this can be done by validating the allow you to identify if there are drastic changes in this
dates of the certificates of the sites. and thus perform additional validations.
3. Validate that all requests and resources of the pages use
SSL and that their internal elements such as images and
styles apply this same security, since in case of not using Session management
it these elements may contain unsafe information and Within the good practices of development, is the administration
where this information should not be shown. of sessions, which is very important since it allows the use of
data in a global way that can be used at any time, then the
suggestions of good development practices are indicated for
Storage and data protection this section:
The information stored in the device is quite important and 1. It is advisable to validate the session in each action of
must comply with some characteristics since all the data the application, this will validate the state of the same
handled by the application should not be stored in it, because identifying whether the session expired or not and thus,
these are very prone to damage or theft, taking into account the prevent the application is still active and in some cases
above, the following considerations for handling data in mobile the user should be sent to the authentication interface.
International Journal of Applied Engineering Research ISSN 0973-4562 Volume 13, Number 18 (2018) pp. 13603-13609
© Research India Publications. http://www.ripublication.com
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