Robozou Walkthrough
Robozou Walkthrough
Robozou Walkthrough
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Guide By Mudplugger
V 1.2
The forbidden play of the boy who gained the power to make people Dolls starts n
Everything started on a night when a falling star landed...
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Spoiler Alert.....................(ROB01)
How This Guide Works..............(ROB02)
Handling Save Files...............(ROB03)
The Characters....................(ROB04)
Getting Girls.....................(ROB05)
Time & Time Periods...............(ROB06)
Gaining Experiance................(ROB07)
The Endings.......................(ROB08)
The Walkthrough...................(ROB09)
The Map...........................(ROB10)
The Hidden Scenes.................(ROB11)
Thanks To.........................(ROB12)
Version History...................(ROB14)
Spoiler Alert:
This walkthrough contains significant spoilers to the game so you should avoid i
t if you
do not want to know them.
How This Guide Works:
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------The guide is divided into several sections, each one is flagged for easy locatio
n. The
flags are listed in the Contents section and you can use the Search or Find tool
in your
text file reader to navigate the sections.
Throughout the Walkthrough different locations are referred to and these are det
ailed in
a map in one of the later sections. The Map has a Key and each time a Map locat
ion is
referred to in the text the key will follow in brackets, e.g. Your Bedroom(1).
This game has several endings which occur at different points along its timeline
. The
ending you get is determined by your actions in the game. It is anticipated tha
t you
will play through the game several times to uncover the various endings and ther
e is a
'Memory' section accessable from the title screen that allows you to review the
possible endings. The main text in the walkthrouhg will lead you to the ultimat
e sucessful
ending. But when your are ready to uncover the alternatives this guide can help
that too. Take a look at the Endings section(ROB08) of this guide, don't worry
it doesn't
give the endings away, and notice that each ending has a Tag associated with it.
As you
play the game and follow the walkthrough you will see that each 'Day/Period Head
er' in the
walkthrough text shows when Actions for an alternative ending are contained with
in that
Day/Period section. When this occurs you should ingnore the main text and follo
w the
actions indicated with the Tag appropriate to the ending you are trying to achei
ve. If
there are no Alternative Action Tags you should follow the main text as usual.
There is only one save slot in the game so each time you save your previous save
is overwritten. You may want to be able to retain copies of save files as you g
o along
to make it easier to replay from a set point especially when trying to uncover t
alternative endings.
On the right hand side of the main game screen the lowest of the buttons is a Sy
Menu button clicking this opens an on screen Menu allowing you the chance to sav
e the
game. Once the game reports that the game data has been saved you should take t
oppertunity to make a copy of the Robo.sol file for future use. It is important
note that even though the in game message says that the game data has been saved
Robo.sol file itself does not get updated until the Player is closed. So after
your game, return to the Title Screen and close the player. Now locate the Robo
file (see below), take a copy of it and put the copy somewhere safe. Rename the
with Day and Period information so that you can easily identify it. Relaunch th
e game
and click the Load button to return to where you were.
To restore a previous save game, select
nd copy
it. Find the Robo.sol file (see below)
folder as Robo.sol. Make sure that the
Robo.sol file and rename your save game
the Load button to enter the game using
stated otherwise this information relates specifically to Swiff Player and may n
ot be
exactly the same as for other players that you might use to run the game but in
it should apply.***
The Characters:
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Name - Jinguugi Hayato
Relationship - Protagonist
Age - 12
Height - 149cm
Name - Jinguuji Kyouko
Relationship - Mother
Age - Early 30s
Height - 165cm
Vagina - Fairly Tight
Anus - Very Tight
Hint - None
Name - Jinguuji Ruriko
Relationship - Younger Sister
Age - 10
Height - 128cm
Vagina - Very Tight
Anus - Very Tight
Hint - Examin the Time when Robozou worries.
Name - Kumano Ryuuko
Relationship - Teacher
Age - Early 20s
Height - 158cm
Vagina - Tight
Anus - Very Tight
Hint - The key word is Vacuum Cleaner.
Name - Hoshino Karenn
Relationship - Transfer Student
Age - 12
Height - 150cm
Vagina - Tight
Anus - Very Tight
Hint - Available only at a high player level, but she is needed to capture anoth
er girl.
Name - Dr. Doris Schultz
Relationship - Doctor
Age - 10
Height - 132cm
Vagina - Very Tight
Anus - Very Tight
Hint - Look out for the key word which includes a Time, although the Time depend
s on 4
minutes' movement.
Getting Girls:
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------In order to unlock all 5 girls and be able to have sex with all 5 you have to pe
certain actions. Sometimes this means repeating a particular action the required
of times and sometimes it means performing an action at a certain time of day.
Gaining Experience:
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------In order to make the women bow to your wishes you must train them to obey you, t
he level
of training each women has is tracked with experience points. These are gained
completing tasks, some tasks are worth more points than others and each women mu
st achieve
a certain level before she will perform a particular action. You want to accuma
late as
many experience points as possible as quickly as possible in order to be able to
have as
much sex as possible later in the game. The higher the points total for each gi
rl the more
things you can do to her or make her do. One of the easiest ways to accumulate
ponts early
in the game is repeatedly walking through doors. When you start you will not be
able to
perform many tasks and the tasks you can perform will not take up the 2 hours ea
ch period
lasts for. Therefore you can maximise each women's experience points by enterin
g and
exiting the room where the task is to take place as many times as possible in th
e 2 hour
period ensuring that you leave enough time to complete the task.
The Endings:
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------There are Five possible Official endings, one of which has an optional bonus if
you do
the right things on the right days and are lucky. These five endings can be vie
wed at
anytime after they have been unlocked via the Memory Screen. I am listing these
as Official endings as there are only Five Endings slots on the memory screen an
d the
optional bonus is a variation on one of the endings. It does not actually alter
ending itself, just the state of the girls. There is a sixth unoffical ending w
despite not being included on the memory screen is a valid ending and caused by
in game actions. The list below gives the names of the endings and indicates wh
ich Tags
you should follow in the walkthrough (If you are unsure how this works see the H
ow This
Guide Works section above). The first Five are the official ones and the last o
ne is
the unofficial one.
New World Ending (With or Without optional bonus):
To acheive this ending follow the main instructions in the days ahead.
Disappearance Ending:
To acheive this ending follow the instructions marked [DE] in the days ahead.
Reincarnation Stalker Ending:
To acheive this ending follow the instructions marked [RSE] in the days ahead.
Death Ending:
To acheive this ending follow the instructions marked [XE] in the days ahead.
Life of Attonement Ending:
To acheive this ending follow the instructions marked [LOAE] in the days ahead.
Broken Dick Ending:
To acheive this ending follow the instructions marked [BDE] in the days ahead.
Finally, in this section, there are some Advanced Player steps that you can take
to, basically, get extra sex. These require that you raise the experience of th
relevant girl to a higher level than would be required under normal gameplay. In
the walkthrough these Advance Player Actions will be marked with [AP].
The Walkthrough:
will serve you the way she has begin serving Robozou. You decide to keep the Ra
dio Device
for the time being but you don't know why (Yeah, right.)
Day 01:
-------As soon as you have control select the Radio Device option in the top left of th
e screen
to enter Control Mode. You will be given the chice of which girl to control and
at this
point in the game only you Mother is available. Click on her and you will see a
scene where you take control of her using the Radio Device.
Once you see the 3D Map View you will have control over Mother's actions. The c
suggested that you should bring Mother to you but you don't want to do that yet
as you
can't do anything with her yet. Instead you need to make her vacuum your room.
You will
begin your control of Mother with her in her Bedroom(5) and you need her to find
the Vacuum
cleaner. It may be in her room with her already or you may have to walk her to
your Sister's Bedroom(3) or the Store Room (2). Whichever option it is DO NOT u
se the
vacuum yet. Instead walk her in and out of the room as many times as possible un
til you
have about 15 to 18 minutes left on the clock. Now get back into the room if you
are not
already inside and use the vacuum by walking over to it.
Your Mother will get 10 experience points for using the vacuum and you should ha
ve been
able to walk her through the door abpout 20 times giving her an experience total
of about
30 for the first period of day 01.
After School:
------------Click through the commentary until you reach the after school time period and th
en click
the Radio control icon again and select Mother, to take control. Once again you
will see
the scene of the device taking control of your mother, click through until you r
each the
3D Map View again.
This time she will be in the Hallway of the house near the Main Door, the game i
expecting/suggesting that you want to get your Mother to your location at the sc
hool, but
again, you do not want to do that. Make your way back to whichever room the Vac
uum cleaner
was in during the Morning period and enter and exit that room until you have aro
und 15
minutes left on the clock, then go over to the vacuum and use it, just as you di
d before.
Once again Mother gets 10 for vacuuming
getting Mother's total around 60 at the
you have will differ slightly depending
irl, but it
should be around the level I specify in
nimum ammount
to perform a taks I will mention it).
-------Now we are in the evening period, as soon as you can click the Radio Device icon
and select
She talks about taking a bath which is worth more than vacuuming and this is th
first time you can get her out of her clothes. However, becuase we are working
to unlock
another girl at this point we will skip the Bath, you can always try it later if
you want
Click through the commentary and when you get to the 3D Map View Mother will be
outside the Bathroom(4). Take her back to whichever room has the vacuum cleaner,
as many times as possible and then use the cleaner, all exactly the same as peri
ods 1 & 2.
Once agian 10 for vacuuming and 20 for entering/exiting making a total at the en
d of the
Evening period of about 90.
Night Time:
----------As soon as you can click the Radio Device icon and select Mother. The phone rin
gs, you
see the device take control and you get the 3D Map View. This time Mother is in
Bedroom(5) and it is possible that the Vacuum cleaner has moved. If you are luc
ky the
Vacuum will be in Mother's Bedroom(5) and you will only have to enter/exit that
room and
then use the cleaner. If not you will have to go looking for it, but it will ei
ther be
in your Sister's Bedroom(3) or in the Store Room(1).
Again, Mother gets 10 for vacuuming and around 20 for entering/exiting. The imp
thing at this stage is that Mother's experience total should be at least 100 at
the end
of this period, if not you will have to make up the difference in the morning pe
riod of
Day 02 by entering/exiting a room.
If you have followed the guide this far Mother's total should be around 120, so
more than
enough for Day 02's morning task.
Day 02:
-----------------------As soon as you gain control, click the Radio Device icon and select your mother.
This is
where the commentary starts to repeat, it is the morning period so Mother is tal
king about
Spring. When you have control of her you see the 3D Map View. Mother is in her
and you need to get her to you in your Bedroom (1). You don't need to worry abo
ut the
entering/exiting stragegy for this period as you are going to try to get two tas
ks done in
one period so time is of the essence. When you have Mother in your bedroom walk
her over to
you and try to get her onto the same square that you are on. This will revert y
ou back to
the game screen and Mother will ask what she should do.
Time to make all the vacuuming and entering/exiting pay off. You will given two
"Walk Around (Mission)" and "Play Around (Make Love)". Select "Play Around", M
other want's to
know why she is here, click through the commentary until the camera zooms out, n
ow click on
Mother's waist, a pop-Up tip shows "Take it Off" when you hover in the correct a
rea. She
objects to your suggestion, but you use the Radio Device again and she removes a
lmost all of
her clothes. Click through the commentary and then click the "Back" button that
appears in
the lower right hand corner, this takes you back to the two choices. This time
"Walk Around" to get back to the 3D Map View and go hunting for that vacuum clea
ner again. As
with Day 01 it will either be in your Sister's Bedroom(3), the Store Room(2) or
your Mother's
Bedroom(5). You are now really up against the clock. Check the two closest rooms
first and
then head to Mother's Bedroom(5) if you don't find it. Once you have found whic
h room the
vacuum is in enter/exit a couple of times (if you have time) to boost Mother's X
P and then
use the cleaner. This time you should notice that the commentary changes and Mo
ther is
concerned that the Vacuum cleaner may not be as powerful as it once was. You ca
n also use
the + & - buttons (Top Right) to change the camera angle for another look at Mot
her in her
undressed state.
Mother gets another 10 XP for vacuuming plus a few more for entering/exiting. De
pendig on
how quick you are in moving around and entering/exiting rooms. Your Mother's XP
should be
anywhere between 110 & 160 by now, obviously the higher it is, the better.
After School:
------------You should be finished with the vacuum now, so you can move onto a new task. As
soon as
you can click the Radio Device icon and select Mother. She will be talking abou
t getting
supper ready but she will still be topless (I wonder what she has been doing all
day?). Click
through the commentary until you get to the 3D Map view. Mother will be close t
he the Main
Door of the house and you are going to take her for a walk. Head to the Door tha
t you can see
and out into the street. Walk Forward, turn right, and then right again at the
next junction.
Walk forward to the end of the street and turn left. Walk forward again until yo
u see a door
on your right. This is the door to the Sex Shop(S). If you look at the map you
will see there
is a more direct route to the Sex Shop(S) but if you use that route you will run
into a Policeman(P)
before you reach the Sex Shop(S) and get sent home without gaining any XP. You a
re going to use
this door for your entering/exiting process to boost Mother's XP, ent r the Shop
. Providing Mother's
Xp is over 130 there should be a small Vibrator in the Sex Shop(S) so head to it
. When you walk over
it you are asked if you want to use it, select "Yes" and Mother inserts the vibr
ator. Vaginas and
Anuses have varying degrees of tightness for each girl and in order to have sex
with each girl or
to get them to use other toys later in the game an amount of stretching is requi
Exit the Sex shop and then continue with then enter/exit strategy until the time
is about 16:30.
From outside the Sex Shop, walk forward until you can't go any further. A scene
will begin showing
Mother Exposing(e) herself to other shoppers. Again you can use the + & - button
s to zoom the camera
and you will notice Mother's panties are moving.
Exposing herself earns Mother 30 XP plus whatever you got for entering/exiting t
he Sex Shop.
Alternative Actions:[AP]
Mother is still topless and thinking about taking a Bath. You have other ideas
and are going
to take her shopping again. Select the Radio Device icon and choose Mother. Cli
ck through the
commentary and when you get to the 3D Map View Mother will be outside the Bathro
om(4). Head
to the Main Door of the House and then out into the street. Head to the Sex Shop
(S) using the
same route described in the last period and use the Sex Shop(s) Door for enterin
There is no Small Vibrator this time as it is still in Mother's pussy. Continue
Entering/Exiting until about 19:30 and then leave the shop and walk forward unti
l Mother is
Exposed(e) again.
Once again 30 XP for Exposing herself plus entering/exiting points.
[AP] - If you have managed to get Mother's experience over 200 by the begining o
f this
period you can get her to pleasure you earlier than expected. If her XP is arou
nd the
180 mark you will have to use the door to get her XP to 200. Take control of you
r Mother
and bring her to your Bedroom(1). Select the "Play Around (Make Love)" option fr
om the
choices and click on her wrists to make her dress again. Click through the comm
and once she is dressed click her Mouth. Usually Mother's XP has to be over 350
to get
her to blow you, but as you got her to 200 so fast you get a reward.
30 XP for the Blow Job plus entering/exiting points.
Night Time:
Alternative Actions:[AP]
----------Mother still hasn't thought to put any clothes on which makes life easier as you
don't have
to get her to undress before making her expose herself. As with the previous tw
o periods
leave the House by the Main Door and head to the Sex Shop(s). Enter/Exit the Se
x Shop(s)
door until about 22:30 and then leave the Sex Shop and walk forward until she is
Another 30 XP plus entering/exiting bonus should get Mother to around 300.
[AP] - If you were able to follow the Advance Player ACtions in the Evening Peri
od then
you can build on that sucess in this period. Once agian take control of your Mo
ther and
bring her to your Bedroom(1). Use the door to your room to boost her XP until a
bout 22:45
and then walk her to you. You get the two choices again, so select "Play Around
" and
click her Mouth once again.
Another 30 XP for the Blow Job plus entering/exiting points should put her aroun
d 330.
Day 03:
Alternative Actions:[AP]
-------You want to have Mother at around 350 XP by the end of this day and you will do
by repeating the enter/exit strategy along with making Mother expose herself in
She will start the day dressed so you will have to get her to undress before the
time you make her walk down the street.
As soon as you can, select the Radio Device icon, pick Mother and click through
commentary as before until you get the 3D Map View. Mother will be in her Bedroo
so walk her to your Bedroom(1) and bring her to your square. You will given two
"Walk Around (Mission)"
and "Play Around (Make Love)". Select "Play Around", Mother
want's to know why she is here.
click through the commentary until the camera zooms
out, now click on Mother's waist or breasts,
a pop-Up tip shows "Take it Off" when
you hover in the correct area. She objects to your suggestion,
but you use the Radio
Device again and she strips again. The Small Vibrator is
still doing its thing in her
panties, has it been there all night? Click through the commentary and then clic
k the
"Back" button that appears in the lower right hand corner, this takes you
back to the
two choices. This time click "Walk Around" to get back to the 3D Map View and h
for the Main Door, the Sex Shop(s) and finally the location where she gets spott
by the other shoppers.
[AP] - Take control of your Mother and bring her to your Bedroom(1). Use the do
or to
the room to boost her XP until about 07:45 and then bring her to you. Select th
"Play Around" option and click her Mouth once again.
Another 30 XP plus entering/exiting points.
After School:
Alternative Actions:[A]
------------Once again take control of Mother, leave the house, head to the Sex Shop(s) for
bonus XP and then get her to Expose(e) herself at the end of the period.
[AP] - Take control of Mother and bring her to school. You don't need to worry
the Policeman(P) in the school yard as she is still fully clothed. Enter the Sch
and go past your Classroom(c1) and head for the Nipple Piercing(p1). Wlak her o
the object and select "Yes" to make her use it. Now return her to your Classroo
use the door for bonus XP, if you have time, and the walk her to you. Choose th
"Play Around" option and click her Mouth for your 4th Blow Job in 2 days.
Another 30 xp plus entering/exiting points.
Alternative Actions:[AP]
-------Your Mother's XP should be over 350 by now if it is not you will have to get her
expose herself again to increase her score. Assuming she is already over 350 yo
u can
go for your first sexual experience with your Mother. Select the Radio Device an
d take
control of Mother, click through the commentary until you reach the 3D Map View.
Expecting to take her evening bath she starts off outside the Bathroom(4) walk h
er to
your Bedroom(1) and over to your square. Click through the commentary to the tw
o choices
and select "Play Around". Click on her Wrists to get her to dress the pop-up ti
p shows
"Put On Clothes"; you can't do the next bit when she is topless. Once she is clo
and you are passed the commentary, click on her mouth the pop-up
tip shows "I Use It"
when you are in the right place. Click through the commentary, the Screen change
s to
show the words "Sexual Intercourse" and Mother drops to her knees. Click throug
commentary and then on the
"Put it in her Mouth" button. Take as long as you like
clicking through the commentary for your
first Blow Job, you can remove the Comment
box by clicking the "X" in the top right hand corner of the box for an unobscure
d view.
When you are ready you will get an "Ejaculate Inside" button to click.
Along with your first load, Mother gets another 30 XP, she should be well on her
way to
obeying your every command now.
[AP] - Take control of Mother and walk her to the Store Room(2) and make her use
the Anal
vibe. Now bring her back to your Bedroom(1) use the door to boost XP and the wal
k her to
you. Choose the "Play Around" option and click ther waist to make her strip, ch
eck out
the Nipple Piercing. Now click her panties to get her naked and finally click h
er pussy.
You won't be able to have her ass yet as she will be too tight but select "Vagin
al Opening"
and she is yours.
30 XP for your first fuck and Mother should be well on her way to 500.
Night Time:
Alternative Actions:[AP]
----------If Mother's XP is over 400 by now you should be able to try out her pussy, if no
t you should
repeat the public exposure stragey to get her points up. Assuming she is alread
y over 400
take control of her and bring her to your Bedroom(1) (you should know how to do
this by now).
Click through the commentary and select the "Play Around" option. Click on her W
aist or
Breasts to get her to strip and once she is down to her panties (That vibrator i
s still
going) click on them to get her to take them off. The vibrator
is sliding in and out of
her wet pussy, the Blue pubes are a nice touch. Click her pussy the pop-up tip s
"I Use It", the screen changes to show the words "Sexual Intercourse" and Mother
herself to you. If you choose to fuck her pussy she will loose the small vibrat
or and
you will have to send her back
to the Sex Shop for another, but her Anus is too tight
to fit you at the moment so it will have to be the pussy. Click her pussy to tak
e her.
Click through the commentary and hide the comment box as you did before
if you want to.
When you are ready to cum the "Ejaculate Inside her Vagina" button will appear a
nd you
can empty your load into your Mother.
Once again Mother gets 30 XP along with your cum, she is yours now.
[AP] - Take control of Mother, bring her to your Bedroom(1) if her XP is less th
an 470
use the door to boost and then walk her to you. She is already naked so you won
't need
to strip her so click that pussy again and go to town.
30 xp for the fuck and Mother should be maxed out at 500 now.
Early Hours:
-----------This day has an extra period providing your Mother's XP is high enough. It is 0
1:45 in
the morning and you are unable to sleep. Click through and you will be given tw
o choices,
"Masturbate" and "Try to Sleep Anyway".
will Blow you and her XP will
go up by 30 but you will not get to have the Teacher later.
Day 05:
-------Yesturday was so nice, staying home in bed instead of going to school, you shoul
d try
that again. Click the Sleep button again. Here comes Mother again, but you kno
w how
to deal with her now. Select the first option again and go back to bed.
Day 06:
Morning: - Getting the Teacher.
Alternative ACtions:[DE]
------------------------------Just one more day skipping school, what can it hurt, besides that Teacher is a r
eal bitch.
Click the Sleep button. Uh-Oh, now you could be in real trouble, the Teacher h
as come to
your house to see for herself why you have not been in school. You are given two
"Ask Robozou for Help" and "Go to School Obediently". Select the first choice an
d see if
Robozou can't sort this bitch out once and for all.
It turns out that all that vacuuming has damaged the cleaner. Mother has asked R
obozou to
fix the vacuum but he has another idea. You have two choices "Yes, You Can Use H
er" and
"W, Well, That Would Be a Bit...", she is a real bitch, pick option 1. Robozou
does his
thing and now you have another women to serve you.
[DE] - Instead of selecting the "Ask Robozu for Help" option select "Go To Schoo
l Obediently"
this will get the Teacher off your back for a couple of days.
you have another choice to make "Ask Robozou For Help" or "Go Straight to a Doct
or", select
option 1. Robozou patches up your sister and now she will serve you too.
[DE] - Don't wait for the clock, just click the "Home" Button
Alternative Actions:[DE]
-----------------------If you are quick you can try for two tasks with two different girls. You can't d
o much with
the Teacher yet besides which her XP can be increased very quickly over the next
few days.
You need to concentrait on getting your sister's XP up as this is a little more
plus you haven't had your Mother in every way possible yet. Start by taking cont
rol of your
Mother and walk her from her own Bedroom(5) to the Store Room(2), there should b
e an Anal
Vibrator here now. Walk to the Anal Vibrator and get Mother to use it and begin
to stretch
her Anus ready for you later.
Now click the "Power Off" button on the Radio Device which
will bring you back to the main Game Screen, click the Radio Device Icon again a
nd take
control of your Sister. Walk her from her Bedroom(3) to the Bathroom(4) bring he
r one step
down the screen to make her strip and take a Bath. If you are really quick here
you can get
some enter/exit bonus XP for your Sister, but
remember to keep watchin the clock.
Sister's XP increases by 15.
[DE] - Click the "Sleep" Button. You will sleep through the Night Time Period s
o skip ahead
to Day 7.
main screen and then try again, repeat until you talk to your sister. You will s
ee your Sister
and she will explain that she is very tired and wants to go to sleep. You have o
ther ideas
though, click through the conversation and you will get two options, "Sleep with
Ruriko before
Sleeping" and "Return to your Room", select option 1. There is no way you can h
ave her ass yet
so pick pussy to take her virginity. Click to "Ejaculate Inside".
Sister's XP increases by 30 but you don't get any enter/exit bonus so depending
on what is most
important to you, you might want to maximise her XP by using the alternative str
agey below.
Night Time (Opt 2):
------------------Take control of your Sister again and walk her to the Bathroom(4). Enter/Exit th
e Bathroom door
as many times as you can until about 22:40 and then get her to take another Bath
Sister's XP increases by 15 plus whatever enter/exit bonus you managed.
Day 07:
------Sunday, just take it easy today.
Day 08:
Alternative Actions:[DE]
-----------------------As soon as you get control, click on the "Info" icon on the right hand side of t
he screen.
Use the Back & Next buttons to find the data for you Mother. Her XP should be ma
by now
at 500, but notice how her Anus has gone from Very Tight to Tight, that Anal
Vibrator is obviously working. Click the Close Button and take control of your S
Walk her to the Bathroom(4), Enter/Exit as many times as you can until about 07:
40 and
then make her strip and take a bath.
Sister's XP increases by 15 plus Enter/Exit Bonus. If you are doing well she sho
uld be
90 by now.
[DE] - Click the "Sleep" button. Once again Mother comes to check on you, select
"Do Whatever you Please" option to sleep through the rest of the day and skip ah
to Day 09.
Before Class:
------------When you get to School the Teacher instoduces everyone to the new Transfer Stude
After School:
Alternative Acions:[RSE]
-----------------------Click the "Talk" icon on the right hand side to speak with the Transfer Student.
Click through the conversation until you get back to the Classroom, click the "T
icon again to begin another conversation. You are trying to have a conversation
your Teacher, but if the Transfer Student appears again click through and keep t
until you get the Teacher. Click through the conversation with the Teacher unti
l you
are given a choice "Try the Vacuum Option"
or "Return Home Obediently", pick option 1
to test Robozou's alterations. Shame there is no image for this but it counts as
of Teacher's "Times Cum Inside Mouth".
Teacher's XP increases by 100.
[RSE] - Click the "Talk" icon on the right hand side to speak with the Transfer
Click through the conversation until you get back to the Classroom, click the "T
alk" icon
again to begin another conversation. You are trying to have a conversation with
your Teacher,
but if the Transfer Student appears again click through and keep trying until yo
u get the
Teacher. Click through the conversation with the Teacher until you are given a c
hoice "Try
the Vacuum Option" or "Return Home Obediently", pick option 2.
-------Take control of your Sister, walk her to the Bathroom(4), enter/exit and then St
rip and Bath.
Sister's XP increases by 15 plus Enter/Exit Bonus.
Night Time:
----------Repeat the bath strategy with your Sister to get her XP as high as possible. You
should be
aiming for 150 by the end of this day.
Day 09:
Alternative Actions:[DE]
-----------------------Now you need to focus on increasing your Sister's XP, she should be over 150 by
now which
will give you a new task and allow you to increase her XP at a faster rate. Take
of your Sister and leave the house by the main door. Take the short route to th
e Sex Shop(s),
as she is fully clothed there is no risk from the Policeman(p). Enter the Sex Sh
op(s) and use
the Small Vibrator. Exit the Sex Shop(s) and walk forward to the end of the stre
et, turn left
and walk forward to find an Enema(x2). I'm not sure what the Japanese obsession
is with
these but it's worth 50 XP despite being repugnent. Use the Enema which will be
here from now
on for all girls.
Sister's XP increases by 50.
[DE] - Sleep the day away again and skip ahead to Day 10.
After School:
Alternative ACtions:[RSE]
------------------------Use the "Talk" icon to speak with the Transfer Student again and repeat until yo
u speak with
the Teacher. When you are given the choice, select "Try the Vacuum Option".
Teacher's XP increases by 100
[RSE] - Use the "Talk" icon to speak with the Transfer Student again and repeat
until you speak
with the Teacher. When you are given the choice, select "Go Home Obediently".
-------Take control of your Sister, leave the house and head for the Sex Shop(s). Use t
he Sex Shop(s)
door for entering/exiting bonus XP and then go to the Enema(x2) and us it again.
Make sure you
leave enough time to get to and use the Enema(x2), you will need a few more minu
tes than you
did when making your Mother expose herself.
Sister XP increases by 50 plus Enter/Exit bonus.
Night Time:
----------Take control of your Sister, leave the House, Head to the Sex Shop(s), Enter/Exi
t and finally
go to and use the Enema(x2).
Sister XP increases by 50 plus Enter/Exit Bonus. Your Sister should be over 300
by now.
Day 10:
Alternative Actions:[DE]
-----------------------Click the "Info" icon and go to your Mother's page. Her Anus should have gone f
rom "Tight" to
"Fairly Tight" so this could be your chance. Click the "close" button and then t
ake control of
Mother. Walk her to your Bedroom(1) and and select "Play Around". Make her rem
ove her clothes,
click her Panites to remove them and then click her Pussy to get her to offer he
rself to you.
The Anal Vibrator is still in place and has done its job, she is now ready for y
ou. Click on
her Ass and your Mother drops to her hands and knees.
You can extend this scene by choosing to "Put the Anal Vibe in Her Mouth" its up
to you, but
eventually you will "Ejaculate Inside".
Mother's XP increases by 30 (even though she is already at the maximum of 500) a
nd she declares
herself as your woman.
[DE] - Click the "Sleep" button but the Teacher comes to check for herself. As b
efore Click the
"Go To School Obediantly" button. You will be introduced to the Transfer Studen
t before school
starts but you won't be getting to know her.
After School:
Alternative Actions:[DE],[RSE]
-----------------------------Select the "Talk" icon to speak with the Transfer Student and repeat until you s
peak with the
Teacher. When you are given the choice, select "Try the Vacuum Option"
Teacher XP increases by 100.
[DE] - Click the Home Button.
[RSE] - Select the "Talk" icon so speal with the Transfer Student and repeat unt
il you speak
with the Teacher. When you are given the choice, select "Go Home Obediently"
Alternative Actions:[DE],[RSE]
-----------------------------Take control of your Sister, head to the Sex Shop(s), Enter/Exit and then Enema(
Sister's XP increases by 50, plus Enter/Exit Bonus.
[DE] - Finally you can sleep and skip to Day 11.
[RSE] - Click the "Sleep" button and skip to Day 11.
Night Time:
Alternative Actions:[BDE]
------------------------Take control of Sister and repeat Enema(x2) strategy.
[BDE] - This is going to require some quick action to get both of these tasks ac
in one period. Click the Radio icon and take control of the Teacher who will be
in the
Kitchen(6) walk her to the Store Room(2) and make her insert the Anal Vibe. Now
click the
power off button, click the Radio Icon again, take your sister and repeat the En
ema(x2) Strategy.
Sister's XP increases by 50, plus enter/exit bonus.
Day 11:
Alternative Actions:[DE],[RSE]
-----------------------------Take control of Mother and leave the house and head to the Sex Shop. Notice that
, despite your
Sister having a Small Vibrator in her pussy, there is another Small Vibrator her
e along with a
Large Vibraror. Mother's pussy is still too tight for the Large Vibrator, but t
he Small one
will help with that and the larger items that come later. Use the Small Vibrator
. Click the
"Power Off" button on the Radio Device and either click the "School" button or w
ait for the end
of the Period.
[DE] - Sleep the day away and skip to Day 12.
[RSE] - Click the "School" button.
After School:
Alternative Actions:[RSE]
------------------------Use the "Talk" icon, although this time you will skip the Transfer Student and g
o straight to
speaking with the Teacher. Select the "Try the Vacuum Option" choice again.
Alternative Acions:[RSE]
-----------------------Take control of your Sister and head to the Sex shop(s), notice that the Large V
ibrator is
still here but if Mother can't fit it in there is no way Sister will be able to.
the Sex Shop(s) for bonus XP and the go to and use the Enema(x2) again.
Sister XP increases by 50 plus Enter/Exit Bonus. Your Sister's XP should be maxi
mised at 500
now, if it is not you will have to repeat the strageies from Day 11 during Day 1
2 rather than
following this walkthrough.
[RSE] - Go to Sleep and Skip to Day 12.
Night Time:
----------Robozou said that he would program the Teacher so that she acted normal during t
he day
but would return to your house at night. If that's true and you have all the gir
ls XPs
as high as possible then you should be able to get the Teacher to do something o
than the "Vacuum Option". Use the Radio Device to take control of the Teacher a
nd, as
pormised, she is waiting
in the Kitchen (6). Walk her to your Bedroom(1) and click her
breasts to make her strip. She is reluctant at first but a quick blast from the
Device resolves that. Click her panties to get her to remove them and then click
Pussy. The screen changes to show the words "Sexual Intercourse" and your Teache
offers herself to you. Time to get some payback for all the wacking with the rul
her Ass is too tight so click her pussy. You can go directly for "Ejaculate Insi
or you can extend the scene with "Increase Sensitivity". You choose how to proce
and how many
times to "Increase Sensitivity" but eventually the inevitable happens.
Teacher XP increases by 30.
Day 12:
Alternative ACtions:[DE],[RSE]
-----------------------------At this point Mother's XP should be 500, Sister's should be 500 and Teacher shou
be between 400 & 500. If not you should repeat the appropriate strategy from pre
days to bring each woman's XP level up instead of following these strategies.
Finally your Sister's XP should be high enough for you to take advantage of her.
you took her virginity earlier then this will be your second experience of her,
not then take her virginity
now. Take control of your Sister and walk her into your
Bedroom(1). Select "Play Around" and click her chest to make her strip. She comp
of harrassment and threatens you but the Radio Device puts those thoughts from h
mind. Click her panties to remove them, she appears to be nice and wet from the
Small Vibrator. Click her pussy and she offers herself to you. You have no chanc
at getting into her Anus so click her Pussy. Click to "Ejaculate Inside".
Sister's XP increases by 30
[DE] - Sleep the day away and skip ahead to Day 13.
[RSE] - Go straight to School.
After School:
Alternative ACtions:[RSE]
------------------------Time to maximise the Teacher's XP, click the "Talk" icon and follow through as y
have done before.
Teacher's XP increases by 100, she is now maximised at 500.
[RSE] - Talk to the Teacher once again and select the "Go home Obediently" optio
Alternative Acions:[RSE]
-----------------------For this period you can choose who you have sex with and how. However there is
preparation you can do here for a couple of alternatives later on. Leave Mother
for the time being to let the little vibe she has in really stretch her out. Tak
control of the Teacher, she will be in the Shop(b), walk her to your house and h
stright for the Storage Room(2) (If you are following the [BDE] flags skip the S
Room and straight to your Bedroom). Get her to use the Anal Vibrator and then wa
lk her
to your bedroom(1). Strip her and have her pussy again.
[RSE] - Go to Sleep and skip to Day 13.
Night Time:
----------Again, you can choose any girl but it is advisable to concentrate on having each
pussy at least 3 times over the coming days. Avoid Mother again and choose betwe
en the
Teacher and your Sister who appears to have lost her panties.
Day 13:
Alternative Actions:[DE],[RSE]
-----------------------------Your Choice. Remember though if you want Anal Sex with anyone you will have to m
ake them
use the Anal Vibrator in the Store Room(2) to stretch them so that you can fit,
of course you have already made the Teacher use it in which case you should leav
e it in
her and avoid anal
with her until later. You still want to make sure that you don't disturb
Mother's vibrator so go for either the Teacher or your Sister, but try to keep t
he "Times
come inside vagina" close to equal.
[DE] - Sleep. That bloody Teacher is here again. Looks like you'll have to go to
after all.
[RSE] - Go straight to School.
Robozou's instruction the Transfer Student reveals directions to the secret hide
('SDay' = a day beggining with 'S', '10000:10011' = Bianary for '16:35', 'Gate'
= the Mall
has a Gate/Banner, 'Movable Wall' = a secret wall near the Mall?).
[DE] - Click the "Home" button.
[RSE] - Click the "Home" button to leave school and you will run into the Transf
er Student.
She explains that she has been chasing a Robot. Click through this conversation
only to run
into her again. This time she says that she has been waiting for you a long tim
e. She
explains that she has been watching you and your robot. Continue through the con
and agree to "Cooperate with Karen".
[XE] - Click the "Home" button to leave school and you will run into the Transfe
r Student.
She explains that she has been chasing a Robot. Click through this conversation
only to run
into her again. This time she says that she has been waiting for you a long tim
e. She
explains that she has been watching you and your robot. Continue through the co
but decides that "I can't betray Robozou".
[Reincarnation Stalker Ending]
If you have followed the [RSE] flags your game will end here. Both Robozu and K
aren have
disappeared and the next day at school there are signs of a struggle, but no-one
knows who
won the fight. It appears that, despite having the oppertunity to have any women
you wanted
perform any act you could desire, your failure to use the radio device enough ha
s resulted
in robozou
not having enough power to defeat Karen. Daily life returns to normal and Mothe
comes to wake you for school. She notices that you are aroused and offers to ser
vice you
providing you are quick. Robozou has left you the controller and its effects on
your Mother
appear to be perminent and she continually asks for instructions. Even after all
that has
happened you cannot escape the feeling that you will see robozou again.
[Death Ending]
If you have followed the [XE] flags your game will end here. The sound of Gunfir
e rings out.
Karen has shot you for refusing to cooperate. She explains that there is a chanc
e that in the
afterlife your soul could be free of Robozou and she asks to be friends in the a
Alternative ACtions:[DE]
Night Time:
----------There is no Night Time period in Day 13.
Day 14:
Alternative Actions [DE]
-----------------------Sunday - a Day for relaxing.
[Disappearance Ending]
If you have followed the [DE] flags your game will end here. Because you are so
lazy and
seem not to want free sex with any women, you wake to find that Robozou has disa
ppeared. He
has taken his Radio device with him so it looks like you are back to pleasuring
yourself, not
that you care about that. Arriving at School on Monday Morning reveals evidence
of fight but
who was involved?
Day 15:
-------Today you need to focus on getting the Transfer Student's XP up and the quickest
way to do
this is with the Enema. Take control of the Transfer Student, leave the House, h
ead to the
Sex Shop(s). Use the Enter/Exit strategy on the Sex Shop door and then go to and
use the
Transfer Student XP increases by 50 plus Enter/Exit Bonus.
After School:
------------Take control of the Transfer Student. She begins at the School in the same Class
room(C1) as
you walk her out of the Classroom(C1), out of the School along the street and t
owards the
Shopping Mall, you will have another oppertunity to walk this route on Day 16 so
make sure
you are familiar with it as you will need to use this route again on Day 17 and
you will
have time pressures on that day. As you approach the Shopping Mall notice the Ba
nner over
the street,
you will also need to be aware of this on Day 17. Head to the Sex Shop(s),
-------Take control of the Transfer Student and repeat the Sex Shop/Enema strategy.
Transfer Student XP increases by 50 plus Enter/Exit Bonus.
Night Time:
----------Take control of the Transfer Student and repeat the Sex Shop/Enema strategy.
Transfer Student XP increases by 50 plus Enter/Exit Bonus, she should be around
270 by
now depending on how many Enter/Exits you were able to do.
Day 16:
-------Take control of the Transfer Student and repeat the Sex Shop/Enema strategy. Th
should be a Small Vibrator in the Sex Shop(s) now too, so use that to get the Tr
Student ready for you later.
Transfer Student XP increases by 50 plus Enter/Exit Bonus.
After School:
------------Take control of the Transfer Student and repeat the Sex Shop/Enema strategy. Thi
s is
your last non time critical chance to memorise the Transfer Student's route from
Classroom(C1) to Mall.
Transfer Student XP increases by 50 plus Enter/Exit Bonus.
Alternative Actions:[AP]
-------Take control of the Transfer Student and repeat the Sex Shop/Enema strategy.
Transfer Student XP increases by 50 plus Enter/Exit Bonus.
[AP] If you have been fast and got the Transfer Student's XP above 450 then you
have sex with her in this period other wise you'll have to wait for the next one
Night Time:
----------The Transfer Student's XP should be high enough now that you can maximise it by
sex with her. As long as she is over 450, you can use the Enter/Exit strategy to
get her
closer to 470 and then bring her back to your Bedroom(1) and have her for the re
maing 30
XP. If she is not this high then you will have to repeat the Sex Shop/Enema stra
Day 17:
-------If you did not have sex with the Transfer Student last night you can do that now
you can do the following:
Click on the "Info" button on the right and find the entry for your Mother. Ass
that you haven't had sex with her since Day 11 you should notice that her Vagina
now gone from
"Fairly Tight" to "Normal" having that Small Vibrator in her pussy for
6 days appears to have
stretched her out a bit. Take control of Mother and walk her
to the Sex Shop(s). She should now be able to fit the Large Vibrator into her pu
If you were quick at getting to the Sex Shop(s) you can click the "Power Off" bu
and then take control of one of the other girls for a before school quickie.
This is the 'Movable Wall' that the Transfer Student revealed just after Robozou
her. Robozou now alters the Doctor and places her in the Store Room(2) in your h
now you have the fifth and final playmate.
[LOAE] - To achieve this ending you can either pick any girl to have sex with ho
you please or you can pick one of the progress buttons; School, Home, Bath or Sl
depedant on period. The ammount of sex you have does not affect this ending but
progress buttons will get you there quickest.
Alternative Actions: [LOAE]
--------------------------There is no evening period in Day 17 for the main walkthrough.
[LOAE] - Select the "Bath" to find your Mother in the Bath. Use the Radio to "Ma
ke Kyoko
Get Out" and she will stand by Naked while you take your bath.
Night Time:
Alternative Actions: [LOAE]
--------------------------There is no Night period in Day 17 for the main walkthrough.
[LOAE] - Select the "Sleep" button to skip to Day 18 or pick a girl for sex. Do
n't forget
some will need to be loosened up with toys.
Day 18:
Alternative Actions: [LOAE]
--------------------------You need to focus on getting Doctor Doris' XP up today and the quickest way is w
ith the
Sex Shop/Enema strategy.
[LOAE] - Select the "Sleep" button to skip to Day 19 or pick a girl for sex.
After School:
Alternative Actions: [LOAE]
--------------------------Doctor Doris, Sex Shop/Enema Strategy.
[LOAE] - "Home" or Sex.
Night Time:
Alternative Actions: [LOAE]
--------------------------Doctor Doris, Sex Shop/Enema Strategy. Before you leave the Store Room(2), if yo
u have
got Doctor Doris' XP high enough the Anal Vibrator will appear so you can make h
er use
that, although it will come out when she uses the Enema. Also when you get the
the Sex
Shop(s) the Small Vibrator may be there (again depending on XP) so you can make
her use
that too.
Doctor Doris' XP should be about 275
[LOAE] - "Sleep" or Sex.
Day 19:
Alternative Actions: [LOAE]
--------------------------Continue to focus on Doctor Doris.
[LOAE] - "Sleep" and skip to Day 20 or Sex.
After School:
Alternative Actions: [LOAE]
--------------------------Continue with Doctor Doris.
[LOAE] - "Home" or Sex.
Alternative Actions: [LOAE]
--------------------------Continue with Doctor Doris.
[LOAE] - "Bath" or Sex.
Night Time:
Alternative Actions: [LOAE]
--------------------------Doctor Doris' XP should be about 470 by now so you can finish her off with sex i
f you
want to.
At this point you should have all 5 women unlocked and all should have Experienc
Points of 500.
[LOAE] - "Sleep" or Sex.
Day 20:
All Periods:
Alternative Actions: [LOAE]
--------------------------Ultimately Your choice, but, check the Info pages of each woman to see how many
you have had each one. Ideally you want to keep them all about the same and if
have followed this walkthrough so far, the four periods during this day should b
enough to raise each girls stats to "Times come inside vagina = 3".
[LOAE] - Repeat Day 19.
Day 21:
------Sunday - Just relax
Day 22:
Morning: - Doctor Doris' Special Day
Alternative Actions: [LOAE],[BDE]
-----------------------------------Today you must have vagianal sex with Doctor Doris as many times as possible. S
take control of Doctor Doris, Walk her to your Bedroom(1) and have her.
[LOAE] - "Sleep" and skip to Day 23 or Sex.
[BDE] - Today is the day to fuck Teachers Ass. Check the Info page for her and
long as you haven't had her ass up until now and providing the Anal Vibe is stil
there since Day 10 your Teacher's ass should be Very Loose. Take control of her
and bring her to your Bedroom, strip her and choose to have her Ass. After a fe
thrusts you get the chance to "Increase Sensitivity" using the Radio Device, do
and keep going. A few thrusts later you get to "Increase Sensitivity" again...
[Broken Dick Ending]
If you have followed the [BDE] flags your game ends here. As your Teacher becam
more and more excited she shook her waist too hard and pulled you out. As she cr
back down onto your still hard cock with all her weight your cock got crushed be
the two of you. It is unclear if this is punishment for your toying with other w
(Note:- This ending does not appear on the "Memory" screen which is accessable o
the game is finished and is therefore
the unofficial 6th ending referred to in the
Endings Section of this guide.)
After School:
Alternative Actions: [LOAE]
--------------------------Vaginal Sex with Dr. Doris, but be careful walking her through the school courty
ard as
she is naked and the Policeman(p) will arrest her. Notice that the courtyard is
3 squares
wide where everywhere else is only 1 square wide, enter the courtyard and click
to move
to one side go around the centre square where the Policeman(p) is and proceed in
to the
school. Now you can have her in the Classroom(C1).
[LOAE] - "Home" or Sex.
Alternative Actions: [LOAE]
--------------------------Vaginal Sex with Doctor Doris.
[LOAE] - "Bath" or Sex.
Night Time:
Alternative Actions: [LOAE]
--------------------------Vaginal Sex with Doctor Doris.
[LOAE] - "Sleep" or Sex.
Day 23:
All Periods:
Alternative Actions: [LOAE]
--------------------------Your Choice. But a good day to get the girls pierced(P1) or to try the Radish(g
) in your
mother's pussy, providing it's Loose of course
[LOAE] = Repeat Day 22.
Day 24:
Morning: - Teacher's Special Day
After School:
------------Vaginal Sex with your Teacher. Your Teacher will be in the School Depot(C2) and
you will
need to bring her to your Classroom(C1) to have her.
-------Vaginal Sex with your Teacher. Your Teacher will be in the Shop(b) and you will
need to
bring her to your Bedroom(1) to have her.
Night Time:
----------Vaginal Sex with your Teacher. She should still be naked from before, so no need
to strip
her, just fuck her.
Day 25:
Morning: - Sister's Special Day
Alternative Actions: [LOAE]
------------------------------Today it is the turn of your Sister, vaginal sex for all 4 periods. As with Doc
tor Doris
and your Teacher, make your Sister come to your Bedroom(1), strip and fuck.
Despite being ready for her school day your Sister appears to have forgotten to
put her
panties on, again!
[LOAE] = "Sleep" and skip to Day 26 or Sex.
After School:
------------Vaginal Sex with your Sister. She will be in her Classroom(C3) and you will need
to get
to your Classroom(C1), strip and so on. Looks like she has spent her day at sch
without her panties, I wonder if any of her classmates noticed.
-------Vaginal Sex with your Sister. She's still naked, God knows how she got home from
like that, but it saves you a job.
Night Time:
----------Vaginal Sex with your Sister. Still Naked!
Day 26:
Morning: - Mother's Special Day
Alternative Actions: [LOAE]
------------------------------Today is Mother's turn, you have the idea by now.
She obviously can't get her panties on with that Radish in her pussy, oh well sh
doesn't appear to be complaining.
[LOAE] - "Sleep" and skip to Day 27 or Sex.
After School:
------------Vaginal Sex with Mother. She's still naked from your before school fun, so be
careful getting her to school. Make sure you walk around the policeman(p) in
the courtyard as you did with Doctor Doris.
-------Vaginal Sex with Mother.
She's still naked, obviously the two sessions she's had today aren't enough, but
she got this one and another one to come so perhaps that will wear her out.
Night Time:
----------Vaginal Sex with Mother.
Day 27:
All Periods:
Alternative Actions: [LOAE]
--------------------------Your Choice, but you should avoid Anal with your Teacher, just in case. Final
chance to get those girls pierced(p1).
[LOAE] - "Sleep" and skip to Day 28 or Sex.
Day 28:
------Sunday - Just Relax
Day 29:
Morning: - Transfer Student's Special Day
Alternative Actions: [LOAE]
----------------------------------------Today is the turn of the Transfer Student. Vaginal sex as many times as possible
. Karen
is the easiest to have in all 4 periods, as she has been programmed to be your a
servant she will be in whichever room you are in. So no wandering around the str
naked or avoiding pesky policemen.
[LOAE] = "Sleep" and Skip to End or Sex.
After School:
------------Vaginal Sex with Transfer Student.
It looks like you Mother and Sister are starting a trend, Karen has also come to
without her panties.
-------Vaginal Sex with Transfer Student. She's already naked, looks like she decided t
o walk
home from school without the bother of getting dressed.
Night Time:
----------Vaginal Sex with Transfer Student.
OK, final sex scene for the game, Karen is still naked so no problems there. Isn
't it
strange how you still have to strip her to fuck her and yet when the sex scene s
she's fully clothed again ?!?!?
Day 30:
Game Endings
-----------Now relax and watch whichever ending you have been working towards.
[New World Ending]
Several months have passed since the spring when you firt met Robozou, it is now
but the Radio Device continues to work and your new routine has become the norm.
Girl will now have a comment for you and by clicking the "-" button in the top r
ight hand
corner, you can see how sucessful you were during the "Special Days". If everyth
ing has
gone to plan each girl should now be several months pregnant.
Kyoko complains about how busy the end of the year is and how cold it is getting
because she's still naked). She appollogises for cleaning your room without per
mission and
suggests that if you are displeased you should use her Ass, but either way she w
ants your
cock. You explain that you are not displeased but she still begs for attention.
Ryuuko complains that she feels sick to her stomach but you are not surprised es
as she is still performing the task of vacuum cleaner.
Ruriko enquires what might be wrong and asks if you think her boobs have grown a
ny over
the summer. You suggest that they may have grown a little which upsets her, so
promises to tease you a lot during that night.
Karen wishes you a good morning and offers herself to you again.
Dr. Doris explains that she has been mostly forgotten recently, but has still be
en unable
to leave. She begs you to visit her occasionally.
When Robozou arrives he explains about his ultimate goal, to plant electronics i
nto the
heads of all of the town inhabitants making them Soldiers for Hayato and that by
following year Robozou will have created a new workd for Hayato, a dream Utopia.
begin to have doubts about Robozou and wonder why he has chosen Earth for his pl
an. You
wonder if it shouldn't be a world of corruption and immorality.
_2 .
3_!_!_ .
!_! !_!1.
. _4 _6! ! .
.!_!_!_!! ! .Your house
.!______ ! .
. !_! ! !_ . _
. 5 !_ ! .!_!b
! ! .! !
..........!_!..! !
_______! !__! !
g!_!p ________ !
! !
! !
! _________x! .
! !________! !
! !_ !_!
! ________ !
! !_! C3
......!_!..... ! !____! ._____! ! C2
_! !
. !______! p !_____ !
. s!_! !
! !_
! !
! !_!C1
! !
! !
! !
! !
. ___!e!___ .
! !_____P1
. !_________!.
. !_!
Your house:
1- Your Bedroom (Transfer student spawn)
2- Store Room (Vacuum / Anal Vibe/ Doc spawn)
3- Sister's Bedroom (Vacuum)
4- Bathroom
5- Mother's Bedroom (vacuum)
6- Kitchen (Health potion / Teacher spawn)
b = Shop. (Teacher spawn / Health potion)
g = Groceries (Radish / Health potion)
p = Police. (If your girl's naked, avoid them)
Shopping MALL:
S = Sex Shop (Normal Vibe / Large Vibe)
E = Exposure point (Naked girls will be spotted by other shoppers here)
X1 = Movable Wall (Only available with transfer student)
X2 = Enema (Appears after Sister's XP > 50)
C1 = Your classroom (You will be here after class)
C2 = School Depot (Teacher spawns here after school)
C3 = Sister Classroom (Sister Spawns here)
B1 = Woman s bathroom (Health potion)
B2 = Men's Bathroom (Health potion)
P1 = Hallway (Piercing for Nipples, different for each girl)
P2 = Hallway (Health potion)
Hexen - for finding the frame numbers for the hidden scenes.
And to anyone who may have posted some information about this game in one of the
forum discussion topics from whom I may have taken information but not mentioned
specifically (and there are probably loads) I thank you all too.
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------This may *not* be reproduced under any circumstances except for personal,
private use. It may *not* be placed on any web site or otherwise distributed
publicly without advance written permission. Use of this guide on any other web
site or as a part of any public display is strictly prohibited, and a violation
of copyright. Do *not* copy or alter information slightly from this guide, and
do not present it as your own. The creation of this Guide took a lot of time,
please respect that. Below is a list of sites that are allowed to host this
document. The latest update of this file can always be found at www.sharks-lago
Allowed sites:
Version History:
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------06/11/2008 v0.9 - Main Walkthrough with New World Ending Complete.
- Using English Translated version.
30/04/2009 v1.0 - All Endings detailed and added the extra sections.
- Using Robozou_English_Latest_Edited_v1.01.swf by Chromomaster.
17/05/2009 v1.1 - Correct some text formatting errors in the walkthrough section
07/10/2009 v1.2 - Add Advanced Player Actions as provided by Loup Garou.