Benchmarking Open Data Automatically

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Executive summary

As open data becomes more widespread and useful, so does the need for effective ways
to analyse it.
Benchmarking open data means evaluating and ranking countries, organisations and
projects, based on how well they use open data in different ways. The process can
improve accountability and emphasise best practices among open data projects. It
also allows us to understand and communicate how best to use open data for solving
problems. Future research and benchmarking exercises will need to happen on a larger
scale, at higher frequency and less cost to match the rising demands for evidence.
This paper explores individual dimensions of open data research, and assesses how
feasible it would be to conduct automated assessments of them. The four dimensions
examined are: open datas context/environment, data, use, and impact. They are
taken from the Common Assessment Methods for Open Data (CAF), a standardised
methodology for rigorous open data analysis. The paper proposes a comprehensive set
of ideal constructs and metrics that could be measured for benchmarking open data:
from the existence of laws and licensing as a measure of context, to access to education
as a measure of impact.
Recognising that not all of these suggestions are feasible, the paper goes on to make
practical recommendations for researchers, developers and policy-makers about how
to put automated assessment of open data into practice:
1. Introduce automated assessments of open data quality, e.g. on timeliness, where data
and metadata are available.
2. Integrate the automated use of global performance indicators, e.g. internet freedoms,
to understand open datas context and environment.
3. When planning open data projects, consider how their design may allow for automated
assessments from the outset.
Improving automatic assessment methods for open data may increase its quality and
reach, and therefore help to enhance its social, environmental and economic value
around the world. For example, putting an emphasis on metadata may ensure that data
publishers spend enough time on preparing the data before their release. This paper will
help organisations apply benchmarking methods at larger scale, with lower cost and
higher frequency.

Benchmarking open data automatically | Open Data Institute 2015

This paper is part of a series produced by the Open Data Institute, as part of the Partnership for
Open Data (POD), funded by the World Bank.
What is open data?
Open data is data that is made available by governments, businesses and individuals for anyone
to access, use and share.
What is the Open Data Institute?
The Open Data Institute (ODI) is an independent, non-profit and non-partisan company based in
London, UK. The ODI convenes world-class experts from industry, government and academia
to collaborate, incubate, nurture and explore new ideas to promote innovation with open data.
It was founded by Sir Tim Berners-Lee and Professor Sir Nigel Shadbolt and offers training,
membership, research and strategic advice for organisations looking to explore the possibilities
of open data.
In its first two years, the ODI has helped to unlock over US$55m in value through the application
of open data. With 24 nodes around the world, the ODI has trained more than 500 people from
over 25 countries. In 2014, the ODI trained officials from countries including Botswana, Burkina
Faso, Chile, Malaysia, Mexico, Moldova, Kyrgyzstan and the UK on the publication and use of
open data.
What is the Partnership for Open Data?
The Open Data Institute has joined Open Knowledge and the World Bank in the Partnership
for Open Data (POD), a programme designed to help policy-makers and citizens in developing
countries to understand and exploit the benefits of open data. The partnership aims to: support
developing countries to plan, execute and run open data initiatives; increase reuse of open
data in developing countries; and grow the base of evidence on the impact of open data for
development. The initial funding comes from The World Banks Development Grant Facility (WB
DGF). Under POD, the ODI has carried out open data readiness assessments, strategic advice,
training and technical assistance for low- and middle-income countries across four continents.
In 2015, POD will merge with the Open Data for Development (OD4D) network. As part of this
new, larger network, the ODI will continue to take a lead in supporting the worlds government
leaders in implementing open data, and in doing so will continue to publish practical guides
and learning materials, such as this series of reports.

Benchmarking open data automatically | Open Data Institute 2015

Table of contents

1. Introduction to benchmarking open data

2. Adopting the Common Assessment Framework for open data

3. How feasible are automated metrics for the Common Assessment


4. The ideal approach for benchmarking open data


4.1. Context/Environment: measuring the effect of context and

environment on open data
4.2 Data: measuring the nature and quality of open data
4.3 Use: measuring how and why open data is being used
4.4 Impact: measuring the benefits of open data
5. Towards a pragmatic, automated approach to benchmarking open


5.1 Measuring context/environment: the scope for automation

5.2 Measuring data quality: the scope for automation
5.3 Measuring data use: the scope for automation
5.4 Measuring data impact: the scope for automation

6. Recommendations for benchmarking organisations






Benchmarking open data automatically | Open Data Institute 2014

1. Introduction to benchmarking open data

There is a global shift towards governments and organisations publishing more open data that
is, data made available for anyone to access, use and share. For example,,
a meta-list of data portals, counts 390 catalogues across the world. The Open Government
Partnership has grown from eight participating countries to 65. In its latest iteration, the Open
Data Barometer, a regular survey of government open data readiness, implementation and
impact run by the Web Foundation and the Open Data Institute in 2013, targets more than 80
Policy-makers, civil society groups and businesses demand quantitative evidence for the
promised benefits of open data. Many benchmarking efforts are trying to meet these demands.
Benchmarking open data means evaluating and ranking countries, organisations and projects
based on how well they use open data. The process of benchmarking can improve accountability
and emphasise best practices among existing open data projects. Table 1 lists several examples
of leading open data benchmarking studies.
Table 1. Examples of open data benchmarking studies



E-Gov Survey/

Nations Public

UN E-Gov Survey analyses e-government and

e-participation in member states including looking at
the publishing of open government data and open data

Global Open
Data index

Open Data

Open Data Census explores the openness of a specific

set of key government datasets for countries around
the world and its Global Open Data Index provides an
annual global score comparison between them.

Open Data

& Open Data

Open Data Barometer measures the distribution and

impact of open government data policies and practices
around the world, using multidimensional analysis
to score countries overall progress in realising the
potential benefits of open data.

Open Data

European Union
(inc. Open Data

Open Data Monitor assesses trends in the data being

published openly by national and regional governments
in Europe, through automated analysis of metadata in
data catalogues.

Benchmarking open data automatically | Open Data Institute 2015

Isolated research efforts, however, may lead to duplication, reduce comparability and stifle
innovative research. Even case studies that are, by design, unique, benefit from using an
overarching framework that embeds their results into the wider context of open data research.
The growing importance of open data means that future research and benchmarking exercises
will need to happen on a larger scale, with higher frequency and less cost. Only a quantitative
and scalable solution can meet these requirements while factoring in subjective indicators and
case study research. This study explores the feasibility of conducting automated assessment
of open data, based on the Common Assessment Framework.

2. Adopting the Common Assessment Framework for open data

The Common Assessment Framework (CAF) provides a standardised methodology for a
rigorous analysis of the supply, use and impact of open data. The first draft of the framework
was developed by the World Wide Web Foundation, the Governance Lab at NYU, the ODI, and
other organisations in a workshop held in June, 2014. It aims to loosely coordinate the efforts
of researchers and organisations in designing comparable and complementary research. The
CAF builds on many of the existing open data benchmarking tools and processes.
The full framework, available in the appendix, consists of four conceptual dimensions:
1. Context/Environment: the context within which open data is being provided. This might
be national, in the case of central governments open data, or more specific, in a particular
sector such as health, education or transport.
2. Data: the nature and quality of open datasets, i.e. their legal, technical and social openness,
relevance and quality. The framework also looks to identify core categories of data that might
be evaluated in assessments.
3. Use: the types of users accessing data, the purposes for which the data is used and the
activities being undertaken to use it.
4. Impact: the benefits gained from using specific open datasets, or from open data initiatives
in general. Benefits can be studied according to social, environmental, political/governance,
and economic/commercial dimensions.
Within each of these dimensions are a number of subcomponents. For example, impact

Benchmarking open data automatically | Open Data Institute 2015

is split by social, environment, political/governance and economic/commercial categories.

Subcomponents are, furthermore, expanded by core questions which aim to direct researchers
toward specific aspects to be addressed. For instance, within the social subcomponent of
impact, comes the question How can open data be used to increase equality, target resources
to citizens, and improve public services? The framework also lists both examples of potential
indicators and existing benchmarking projects.

3. How feasible are automated metrics for the Common Assessment

The four high level dimensions of the CAF vary widely in their potential for automation. Figure 3.1
provides a conceptual overview of which dimensions are easy to quantify, given the availability
of data. They are presented as a hierarchy, based on their potential for automation, but this
may simplify the implementation for some scenarios.
Figure 3.1. Feasibility and comparability of the four dimensions, under ideal circumstances

Feasibility refers to potential application of an automated assessment given ideal availability

of data, metadata or corpus such as up-to-date available legislative records or high update
frequency of a dataset in a machine-readable format.
Comparability refers to the idiosyncratic nature of the dimension, namely how readily the
automated assessment may be generalised across other countries, times or domains. User
statistics for Transport for Londons open data, for example, may be applicable to other large
urban agglomerations but limited in other respects. Licences for datasets, especially based
on Creative Commons, ought to be globally comparable.

Benchmarking open data automatically | Open Data Institute 2015

Table 3.1 provides a brief introduction to each of the dimensions, an overview of the
current approaches in each and their potential for automation. This concise analysis
allows us to moderate our expectations of the potential for automation in each of the

The context within which
open data is being
provided. This might be
the national context in
the case of central Open
Government Data, or
might be the context in
a particular sector such
as health, education or

When publishers release digital information to a high

standard, automated assessments of it are more likely to
work well. Careful consideration should go into validating
how meaningful the chosen metrics and applicable
metrics are for open data.
Current approaches: Existing benchmarking organisations
provide a range of different measures around the context/
environment of open data. The majority of these are qualitative
statements collected through surveys and interviews.
However, a few do draw upon quantitative metrics associated
with some global performance indicators.
Potential for automation: There is plenty of scope to develop
solid quantitative metrics, especially those based or derived
from global performance indices and national government
indicators. Automation is highly feasible for a given technical
level, for example legislation published on the web. Some
methodological questions persist, such as determining the
causal impact of open data beyond mere correlations.

The nature and qualities of
open datasets. Including
the legal, technical
and social openness of
data, and issues of data
relevance and quality. The
framework also looks to
identify core categories
of data that might be
evaluated in assessments.

Automated analyses of datasets themselves are already

a developed aspect of open data benchmarking, but they
depend on high-quality metadata.
Current approaches: Quantitative metrics such as download
statistics are in theory available to open data benchmarking
organisations, but are not necessarily consistent or
implemented. Automated assessment implementations are
being researched through projects like OpenDataMonitor.
Potential for automation: Given the quantitative nature
of data portals and metadata, data benchmarking is the
dimension with the highest potential. It is, however, subject
to the existence of high-quality metadata in a consistent,
standardised and complete format. An additional requirement
may be that datasets are organised in international, national
or local data portals.

Benchmarking open data automatically | Open Data Institute 2015

How is data being used
and with what possible
outcomes? The framework
looks at the category of
users accessing data, the
purposes for which the
data will be used, and the
activities being undertaken.
This part of the framework
addresses the who, what
and why of open data in

Assessing how open data is used is feasible for specific

cases or applications, but assessing less straightforward
use, like secondary reuse of data, poses many challenges.

The benefits gained
from using specific
open datasets, or from
open data initiatives in
general. Benefits can
be studied according
to social, environmental,
political/governance, and

Assessing the impact of open data with automated metrics

is difficult, both conceptually and practically. Justifying
the causal link between open data and its impact is, while
not impossible, a challenging methodological task.

Current approaches: Use of open data is, at least in the

first instance, quantifiable through the collection of access
statistics of applications, portals and datasets. Many
benchmarking organisations actively track the details of use
through surveys, interviews and/or case studies.
Potential for automation: Automation is highly applicable
to the primary use of data, subject again to metadata and
implementation. The scope for the automated assessment
of the purpose of use and reuse throughout the open data
ecosystem, however, may be limited. Well-designed systems
may be able to quantify uptake (who) and outcomes (what)
in certain domains. Why people use open data is difficult
to observe through behaviours and therefore may not be
measurable through automated assessments.

Current approaches: To the best of our knowledge, there

are hardly any automated metrics that measure the wider
economic, social or environmental impacts of open data. Some
benchmarking organisations, e.g. the Open Data Barometer,
attempt to quantify impact through proxy measures, yet they
are typically a comprehensive and costly study. If anywhere,
the most promising candidates for measuring impact through
automated metrics are found in highly specific use cases.
Potential for automation: Economic, and to a lesser extent
social, political/governance and environmental, impact are
in principle quantifiable with an ideal provision of open data.
In practice, any automated metrics face the question of how
much change can be attributed to open data initiatives. The
key here is to establish a credible link between metrics and
putative impact.

3.2 Barriers to introducing automated metrics

Beyond the specific limitations set out above, there are universal barriers to introducing automated
metrics. These barriers, laid out in Table 3.2, apply to many scenarios because they represent
more general issues that people experience when working with data. They provide a conceptual
overview that should inform the scope and potential of any specific open data project.


Benchmarking open data automatically | Open Data Institute 2015

Table 3.2. Barriers to automated metrics


Does the data exist?

Quantitative methods rely on the existence of relevant and valid
data. The most basic barrier of automated assessment is the lack
of data. For example, if no download statistics are available, use
is hard to track retrospectively.
Researchers should consider automated methods during early
stages of project design. For example, implement tools or site
analytics that capture usage data.

Data quality

Is the data good enough?

Data quality spans a range of issues. It may refer to machinereadable properties, completeness, timeliness, and so forth.
For example, assessing how up-to-date open data is requires
the metadata to include dates and update frequencies that are
Researchers, developers and policy-makers should adhere to
common data standards as much as possible. For example, data
publishers may refer to the Open Data Certificate.

Validity of quantitative

Is the data meaningful?

Numbers on a dashboard may not necessarily reflect its intended
purpose. It is crucial to keep in mind that quantitative metrics are
never neutral and carry the implicit decisions by the researcher.
For example, tracking the number of datasets in a national
catalogue may tell us about the maturity of the country, but often
is not a useful proxy for the completeness of open data because
even a large amount may miss strategic datasets.
Choosing meaningful metrics requires thinking of the context in
which they appear. Researchers should be open to a pragmatic
approach, but remain critical of it and carry out revisions if


Benchmarking open data automatically | Open Data Institute 2015

4. The ideal approach for benchmarking open data

This section proposes a comprehensive, yet non-exhaustive, set of idealised constructs and
metrics. While some of them might not be practical, they are intended to help guide future
benchmarking efforts. They do not sketch out an ideal automated benchmarking or policy
tool. This could be achieved by weighting and aggregating them into an index, but is beyond
the scope of this work. Each of the dimensions is represented by a section (Sections 4.1-4.4)
where a table (Tables 4.1-4.4) lists the proposed constructs for each subcomponent with a
number of illustrative metrics.

4.1 Context/Environment: measuring the effect of context and environment on

open data
Measuring the effect of context and environment on open data requires a broad examination of
the legal, technical and organisational context and the environment in which open data is used.
Table 4.1. List of proposed constructs to assess data context and environment
CAF subcomponent
Legal and

Constructs and idealised metrics

Open data licensing provision
Existence of open licensing framework and policy
Textual analysis of licences
List of compatible licences
Functioning right-to-information (RTI) framework
Existence of RTI laws
Ratio of requests made to information granted
Mean time taken for request to be granted
Functioning public sector information (PSI) reuse policy
Existence of law and policy on PSI reuse
Statistics on the ease of reuse
Extent of adoption of open data legal and regulatory
Internet freedoms, privacy and restriction laws
Existence of internet privacy/restriction law and policy
Textual analysis of privacy/digital communication laws
Score of internet freedoms


Benchmarking open data automatically | Open Data Institute 2015

CAF subcomponent

Constructs and idealised metrics

Type/structure of organisations involved
Full lists of businesses, government bodies and civil
society actors using open data
Number of city/regional open data initiatives
Count of open data startup incubators
Existence/count/size of open data portals
Number/size of intermediary open data organisations
Roles of organisations involved
Network analysis of open data actors
Maturity of the existing open data ecosystem
Count of open data actors
Number of people or platforms reached by open data
Number of organisations involved by date they started
using open data
Continuity of open data usage
Rate of uptake in the use/publishing of open data per year
Measure of continual usage of open data

Political will/

Commitment to transparency
Government transparency index
Measure of centrality of openness in policy
Government data/technology context
Measure of the centrality of technology/data to government
Level of government online service provision
Percentage of government documents that are digitised
Existence and strength of information management policy
Count of government data roles/positions (high level and
Engagement of government with other actors around open
Existence of information/data consultations
Measure of responsiveness of policy to consultation
Level of engagement between agencies and developers
Government promotion of open data goals
Textual analysis of government communications
(speeches/press releases/publications) for key words
Count/percentage of government departments/agencies
releasing open data
Extent/strength of promotion of PSI reuse


Benchmarking open data automatically | Open Data Institute 2015

CAF subcomponent

Constructs and idealised metrics

Skills and resources
Number of data/computer science graduates
Level of data literacy in civil service/government
Training and education
Number of education courses around data/technical skills
Number of educational modules mentioning data
management or computer science skills
Textual analysis of school curricula for data training
Technical infrastructure
Extent of technology uptake, for example:
access to internet
access to fibre optic
number of mobile phone users
number of smartphone users
Cost of technology relative to basic goods
Level of government and private sector investment in
data/technology infrastructure


Wider social context

Media freedom score
Media plurality/diversity
Analysis of social media surrounding open data
Civil liberties/political freedoms
Engagement of civil society
Number/size of civil society/community/grassroots
organisations using and/or promoting open data
Level of data literacy amongst population
Will and leadership within civil society
Strength/size of academic output in the field of open data,
e.g. number of papers/citations
Existence of infomediaries
Clout of civil society open data champions


Benchmarking open data automatically | Open Data Institute 2015

CAF subcomponent

Constructs and idealised metrics

Wider economic context
Level of investment in technological innovation from
government and private sector
Percentage contribution of technology industry to GDP
Early stage funding for startups
Capacity and support
Demand/supply for data science/technical positions
Level of funding for open data initiatives
Firm-level technology absorption
Count/size of hackathon/hackday events
Count/size of open data marketplaces
Will and leadership within the private sector
Count of private sector open data champions
Count of private sector data roles/positions (high level
and overall)
Number of businesses using/seeking/demanding data

4.2 Data: measuring the nature and quality of open data

In 2007, a group of open government advocates drafted a set of eight principles of open
government data (OGD). For practical reasons, not all of these principles may be assessed
in an automated fashion. The list in Table 4.2 goes into more detail. More information about
technical aspects of the automated assessment of data catalogues can be found in the reports
of the OpenDataMonitor project.
Table 4.2. List of proposed constructs for data
CAF subcomponent
Definitions and

Constructs and idealised metrics

Primary relates to the source of the data. What level of aggregation
is appropriate, how to define the original source or how to assess the
rawness of data are difficult questions beyond automatic metrics.
Total number of data catalogues (more is not necessarily
better, depending on context)
Proportion of dataset distributions in each catalogue that are
not listed in any other catalogues
Accessibility can be automated for many technical aspects. For
example, the distribution of data formats or the number of languages
in a catalogue are usually easy to measure. Other, perhaps social
aspects, are more difficult to quantify.
Frequency of dataset distributions with previews
Frequency of different languages


Benchmarking open data automatically | Open Data Institute 2015

CAF subcomponent

Constructs and idealised metrics

Non-discriminatory: Measuring if data is available to anyone, with
no requirement of registration may be trivial if each data catalogue
follows a standard policy. If not, it may still be possible to measure
the extent to which open data is available without discrimination via
other metadata.
Proportion of datasets available only via an API
Proportion of datasets available in a human-readable file
Machine-readable: It is fairly straightforward to assess all individual
datasets on the extent to which they are machine-readable. However,
many details may require manual input and/or only emerge as
problematic in an actual application. For example, metadata may
be machine-readable on a basic level but not include a meaningful
Frequency of dataset distributions that are machine-readable
Frequency of error and warnings generated by, for example,
CSVlint (, for CSV files)
Non-proprietary: Measuring the range of data formats is usually
feasible in an automated fashion. The openness of different formats
has been measured, for example, with Tim Berners-Lees 5 stars of
open data.
Frequency of catalogues using specific software platforms
Frequency of dataset distributions by file format
Licence-free: If each dataset includes an appropriate piece of
information regarding its licence, and the number of licences is
limited, it may be possible to measure the extent data is available
with an open licence.
Frequency of dataset distributions with an explicitly set license
Frequency of datasets distributions with an open license

Classification /
Sectors of datasets

Sectors of datasets
Comparison of published datasets in a sector against list
of key sector datasets, for example, based on the Global
Open Data Index
Cluster analysis of datasets released by sector

High value datasets

Company/business register
Crime and justice
Crime statistics/safety


Benchmarking open data automatically | Open Data Institute 2015

CAF subcomponent

Constructs and idealised metrics

Earth observation
Meteorology/weather, agriculture, forestry, fishing, and
List of schools, performance of schools, digital skills
Energy and environment
Pollution levels and energy consumption
Finance and contracts
Transaction spend, contracts let, call for tender, future
tenders, local budget, national budget (planned and
Topography, postcodes, national maps, local maps
Global development
Aid, food security, extractives, land
Government accountability and democracy
Government contact points, election results, legislation
and statutes, salaries (pay scales), hospitality/gifts
Prescription data, performance data
Science and research
Genome data, research
experiment results




National Statistics, Census, infrastructure, wealth, skills
Social mobility and welfare
Housing, health insurance and unemployment benefits
Transport and infrastructure
Public transport timetables, access points broadband


Benchmarking open data automatically | Open Data Institute 2015

CAF subcomponent

Constructs and idealised metrics

Completeness may be measured automatically, however, any
metric has to be reviewed over time. The set of open data evolves
as more is understood about its impact and usefulness. It may be
possible to compare completeness against a pre-defined universe
of open data (see above).
Frequency of catalogued datasets
Size of datasets and catalogues
Frequency of catalogues by sector of publishing organisation
Timeliness: Up-to-date catalogues and timely data can be
measured automatically, provided the metadata is standardised.
Median days since latest dataset update
Proportion of datasets with stated update frequency
Metadata: i.e. data completeness, standardisation and relevance.
Adherence to a standard such as the Dublin Core Metadata
Initiative (DCMI)
Proportion of data file links that are broken
Number of fields in the metadata record that are populated
Open Data Certificate level of the dataset

4.3 Use: measuring how and why open data is being used
Measuring how open data is used requires an examination of:

who the users of open data are,

what data they are using,
why they are using it, and
how they are using it to inform their projects.

Table 4.3. List of proposed constructs for use

CAF subcomponent


Constructs and idealised metrics

Current users
Number of users/download statistics for each catalogue
Number of users/download statistics for each dataset
Analysis of user demographics/sectors

Benchmarking open data automatically | Open Data Institute 2015

CAF subcomponent

Constructs and idealised metrics

Potential users
Profile of existing users across demographics/sectors
Number of users using closed government data
Measure of size/scope of proprietary data usage
Value/size/scope of proprietary data market
Affordability of data services/infrastructure for various sized
of businesses
Number of actors who have stopped releasing/using open


Perceived motives
Percentage using open data in current field versus percentage
trying to enter a new field
Observed behaviour: increased value, lowered cost, improved
experience, disrupted or enhanced existing activities
Type of project: business/social/environmental
Ambition and goals
Scale of outputs: local, national, international
Percentage of those who publish/report results
Percentage of revenue types (premium, freemium etc)


Count/size of secondary open data
Analysis of applications and related tools
Type of project outputs: report, data, software etc.
Sector/type of datasets most published
Sector/type of datasets most used
Sector/type of actors most involved
Sector/type of outputs most produced (apps, reports, etc)

4.4 Impact: measuring the benefits of open data

Measuring the impact of open data is perhaps the most important and most difficult task in
benchmarking open data. Demonstrating social, environmental, political and economic impact
in specific settings is of most use if it is possible to show how the impact may be generalised.
Demonstrating impact for a wider scope depends on establishing a credible causal link between
the open data initiative and its putative impact. The list of challenges that open data may
support spans all areas, hence the list of proposed constructs below remains high-level.


Benchmarking open data automatically | Open Data Institute 2015

Table 4.4. List of proposed constructs for impact

CAF subcomponent

High-level constructs
Access to education
Quality of education
Lifelong learning and development opportunities
Combating disease and increasing life expectancy
Promotion of healthy lives and well-being
Development of the healthcare system and healthcare delivery
Human settlements
Sustainable land use, building and infrastructure planning
Ability to house citizens
Ability to manage urbanisation
Access to transportation
Increased efficiency of transportation
Transport infrastructure
Social development
Gender equality and empowerment of women
Protection of vulnerable society members
Social inequality
Personal financial management
Social and economic security


Environment and natural resources management

Preservation of the environment and habitats
Resilience to natural disasters and climate change
Food and water
Access to affordable and healthy food
Access to clean water
Sustainable agriculture
Sanitation and waste management
Access to proper sanitation
Waste management capability
Renewable energy
Efficiency in the delivery of energy
Reliability of energy in homes


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CAF subcomponent

High-level constructs
Governmental efficiency
Public services
Reduced crime and violence
Governmental accountability
Reduced government corruption
Attitudinal changes toward government agencies
Civic engagement
Political freedom
Political participation


Economic prosperity
Innovation and entrepreneurship
Wealth and inequality
Employment and unemployment statistics
Job creation
Trade and investment
Growth in the open data landscape
Total number of open data businesses
Size/profit of open data businesses
Number of new jobs created in the (open) data sector
Size of tax revenue generated from open data companies


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5. Towards a pragmatic, automated approach to benchmarking

open data
The automation of many metrics listed above is currently not feasible. This is in part due to
the barriers to automation discussed in this study. It is unlikely that in the foreseeable future
there will be reasonable proxy measures for some constructs. There are also many broader
practical limitations, for example, incomplete or substandard metadata, that are common in
many datasets. It is therefore important to manage expectations surrounding what is possible
with regards to automation.
In order to operationalise these metrics, it is necessary to identify sources of data, and, so far,
they fall primarily into three categories:
1. Global Performance Indices (GPI): GPIs are useful sources of data for automated metrics,
given that they are often comprehensive in country coverage, published online, reliable and
available on a wide range of topics (at least 150 indices exist). Examples of other sources
include the World Bank Data, UNdata and OECD data platforms.
2.Government data: In many cases metrics rely on (open) government data for a wide range
of information regarding its own makeup, practices and legislation. UK examples of sources
for such data include, government announcements and
3. Portal metadata: Portal metadata is essential for analysis of the data dimension of the
CAF. Portals might be local, regional, national or international in scale with appropriate
granularity or aggregation. Portals for France, for example, include the City of Paris open
data, Rgion le-de-France open data, and EU open data.
Note: For sources 2 and 3, government data and portal metadata, there are a number of caveats to automation:
a. Tools will need to be pointed toward the relevant sources by researchers requiring an initial investment in resources.
b. In general, automation assumes a collaboration between the data providers and excludes other forms of collection
such as scraping.
c. To be useful, the data must be relevant and of sufficient quality.

The next section demonstrates how new or existing benchmarking organisations can create
automated assessment methods measuring metrics within CAFs four dimensions. These
metrics should be able to supplement and streamline existing processes in a viable and
useful way.


Benchmarking open data automatically | Open Data Institute 2015

5.1 Measuring context/environment: the scope for automation

To measure the context and environment of open data, we can often rely on existing Global
Performance Indices. GPIs are in many cases available for all, or nearly all, countries and
produced yearly, which supports their automated integration. Table 5.1 lists a few examples
used in the Open Data Barometer.
Table 5.1. Examples of existing metrics using GPIs mapped to CAF constructs

Example metric


Government data/
technology context

Importance of ICT to
government vision
(Variable 8.01)

World Economic Forum

global information
technology reports

Technical infrastructure

Internet users per 100

people (IT.NET.USER.P2 )

World Bank Data

Wider social context

Civil liberties rating

Freedom House Political

Freedoms and Civil
Liberties Index

Capacity and support

Firm-level technology
absorption (Variable 9.02)

World Economic Forum

Global Competitiveness


Table 5.2 shows examples of data sources that are based on government open data portals.

Table 5.2. Examples of potential sources for CAF constructs for different countries
Legal and


Textual analysis
of laws

Example countries

Benchmarking open data automatically | Open Data Institute 2015


Laws of Kenya database

Laws and regulations of



Example countries


RTI laws

Measure of


Access to information
Freedom of information

promotion of
open data goals

Textual analysis
of government

South Africa

Government media
Department of

5.2 Measuring data quality: the scope for automation

Pragmatic automated metrics exist for metadata that stems from data portals such as CKAN,
Socrata, OpenDataSoft or DataPress. A detailed implementation is the monitoring platform
being developed by the OpenDataMonitor project, using analysis and visualisation techniques
to give insights into open data deployment across Europe. The platform harvests metadata
from local, regional and national open data hubs, and includes an extensive list of automated

5.3 Measuring data use: the scope for automation

Primary use of open data is fairly easy to quantify if the data is linked to widespread digital
analytics tools, and example being the site analytics of the UK data portal Metadata
from portals ought to provide a simple way to monitor download and user statistics with a
high granularity, for example. However, it is much more difficult to automatically assess the
use of open data in secondary instances such as reuse of data. In some cases, the open data
value chain can be extensive.

5.4 Measuring data impact: the scope for automation

As has been discussed in detail, measuring impact with an automated approach is inherently
difficult. Most likely, researchers will have to rely on proxy indicators because high-level
constructs such as reduced corruption are hard to quantify. There will be several elements in
an open data impact evaluation that require the analytical reasoning of a researcher. In fact,


Benchmarking open data automatically | Open Data Institute 2015

the literature on impact evaluation is vast and open data initiatives may be able to adapt many
of the leading practices.
This is not to say that in some cases an automated assessment is not attainable. However,
it is the researchers or organisations responsibility to justify why such metrics are a valid
representation of the open data impact.

6. Recommendations for benchmarking organisations

Given the varied scope and nature of benchmarking organisations, our recommendations
can only be generalised. The lists provided in the previous sections serve as guidelines, with
some more concrete suggestions. Based on this analysis and previous work, more automated
assessments should be possible in the future. Moreover, automated metrics can offer an
opportunity for larger scale, more frequent and less expensive assessments.

The following recommendations are for new and existing benchmarking organisations:
1. Introduce automated assessments of open data quality, where data and metadata
are available
The analysis of datas nature and quality has the highest feasibility for automation. Data
are typically quantitative, in some form, and are associated with metadata, i.e. data about
data. This means that if data is provided in, for example, a hosting solution such as CKAN,
Socrata, DataPress or OpenDataSoft, researchers can build automated assessments on
top of these standardised platforms. The OpenDataMonitor project offers examples of
how this works.
2. Integrate the automated use of Global Performance Indicators (GPIs)
In the last decade, the availability of GPIs has risen dramatically. While many may be
unrelated to open data, there are several that may help to understand the context and
environment of open data initiatives. The advantages are that these indicators are usually
available for free, with regular updates, for many or all countries and based on deliberate
methodologies. On its own, a GPI may not be sufficient for a benchmarking approach,
but, as part of a wider scope, there is potential for automation.
3. Adopt an approach that considers the automated assessment of open data early
on in their planning


Benchmarking open data automatically | Open Data Institute 2015

In many cases, automation fails for the most basic of requirements: the availability of
data. Without relevant and valid data sources, there will not be automated methods. It is
therefore crucial for researchers, developers and policy-makers to consider automation at
the design phase of their projects. Small changes such as the collection of key metadata
can make the difference whether an automated assessment is feasible later on. In general,
these considerations have wider benefits, for example, putting an emphasis on metadata
may ensure that data publishers spend enough time on preparing the data before its

We invite researchers to share their approaches to data analysis and automation. As the open
data landscape evolves, established methods will improve, proposed methods will become
more feasible and new methods will emerge. Research in open data, similar to open data
itself, should therefore lead by example and stimulate the network effect of sharing leading
practices with the community.


Benchmarking open data automatically | Open Data Institute 2015


Methodology box 1. What is a construct?

The term construct in social research is commonly used to denote an underlying
theme, concept or subject that cannot be measured directly. For example, a
construct was identified for the legal context/environment open data licensing
provisions, which may be operationalised by a list of compatible licences or a
textual analysis of licences. Simple constructs may be measured with one or a few
metrics, while more complex ones such as internet freedoms may require a whole
battery of indicators.
The quality of a metric or indicator is reflected in its construct validity. For example,
how well does the number of data/computer science higher level graduates reflect
the availability of technical skills related to open data? Validity is typically represented
as accuracy or the degree to which an indicator measures what it purports it does. It
refers to how far inferences can be justified from the chosen indicators. Sometimes
it is called a labelling issue or how well your operationalisation reflects what you
are trying to measure.
You can find more information and background on constructs and validity in:
Alasuutari, P., Bickman, L., & Brannen, J. (Eds.). (2008). The SAGE handbook of
social research methods. Sage.


Benchmarking open data automatically | Open Data Institute 2015

The first draft of the framework was developed by the World Wide Web Foundation, the Governance Lab at NYU,
the ODI, and other organisations in a workshop held in June 2014.

Data Catalogs,, accessed on 2014-11-10.


Open Government Partnership,, accessed on 2014-12-18.

Open Data Research Network, Research Project: Open Data Barometer,
project/2013/odb, accessed on 2014-12-18.
United Nations Public Administration Network (2014). UN e-Government Surveys. Available at http://www.unpan.
org/egovkb/global_reports/08report.htm, accessed on 2014-12-18.

Open Knowledge, Open Data Census,, accessed on 2014-12-18.

Open Data Research Network (2013). Open Data Barometer. Available at
barometer, accessed on 2014-12-18.

OpenDataMonitor,, accessed on 2014-12-18.

World Wide Web Foundation & GovLab. (2014). Towards common methods for assessing open data: workshop
report & draft framework. Available at, accessed
on 2014-12-18.

OpenDataMonitor,, accessed on 2014-12-18.


ODI, Open Data Certificate,, accessed on 2014-12-18.


See methodology box 1 in the glossary for more information.

Some general indicator examples can be found here:, , accessed on 2014-12-18.
E.g. Freedom House, 2013 Global Scores,
accessed on 2014-12-18.
E.g. Transparency International, 2014 Corruptions Perception Index,
results, accessed on 2014-12-18.
E.g. Reporters Without Borders, World Press Freedom Index 2014,,
accessed on 2014-12-18

The Annotated 8 Principles of Open Government Data,, accessed on 2014-12-18.


OpenDataMonitor,, accessed on 2014-12-18.


Open Knowledge, Open Data Census,, accessed on 2014-12-18.

Taken from the G8 open data charter, available at, accessed on 2014-12-18.

ODI, Open Data Certificate,, accessed on 2014-12-18.

A full list of indices is awaiting publication: figure drawn from Kelley, J. G., & Simmons, B. A. (2014). The Power
of Performance Indicators: Rankings, Ratings and Reactivity in International Relations (SSRN Scholarly Paper No.
ID 2451319). Rochester, NY: Social Science Research Network. Retrieved 2014-12-18 from


World Bank, Data,, accessed on 2014-12-18.

Benchmarking open data automatically | Open Data Institute 2015


UNdata,, accessed on 2014-12-18.


OECD, Data,, accessed on 2014-12-18.

26.,, accessed on 2014-12-18.

27., Announcements,, accessed on 2014-12-18.

28.,, accessed on 2014-12-18.


ParisData,, accessed on 2014-12-18.

30.,, accessed on 2014-12-18.

31.,, accessed on 2014-12-18.


European Union Open Data Portal,, accessed on 2014-12-18.

World Economic Forum (2012). The Global Information Technology Report 2013 Data Platform. Available at http://, accessed on 2014-12-18.
World Bank, Internet users (per 100 people),, accessed on

World Bank, Data,, accessed on 2014-12-18.

Freedom House, Freedom in the World,, accessed on
World Economic Forum (2014). The Global Competitiveness Report 2014-2015. Available at http://reports., accessed on 2014-12-18.

Kenya Law, The Laws of Kenya,, accessed on 2014-12-

39.,, accessed on 2014-12-18.

40.,, accessed on 2014-12-18.

41.,, accessed on 2014-12-18.

42., Government Media Releases,, accessed on 2014-12-18
Department of Communications SA, Subscriptions,,
accessed on 2014-12-18.

OpenDataMonitor,, accessed on 2014-12-18.

Atz, U., Heath, T., Heil, M., Hardinges, J., & Fawcett, J. (2014) Best practice visualisation, dashboard and key
figures report. OpenDataMonitor. Open Data Institute, London, UK. Available at
wp-content/uploads/deliverable/OpenDataMonitor_611988_D2.3-Best-practice-visualisation,-dashboard-and-key-figuresreport.pdf, accessed on 2014-12-18.
46., Site Usage,, accessed on 2014-12-18.


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Benchmarking open data automatically | Open Data Institute 2015

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