Crystals & Gemstones
Crystals & Gemstones
Crystals & Gemstones
Welcome to
The Secrets of Crystals and Gemstones
Best viewed whilst connected to the internet
A-Z of the most popular Crystals & Gems
Ancient & modern properties
Healing properties of Crystals & Gems
How to choose your Crystals & Gems
How to care for your Crystals & Gems
Chakra Crystals & Gems
Astrological & Zodiac Crystals & Gems
The secret life of Crystals
And much, much, more!
(Please feel free to share this ebook with your friends or to re-sell for a
Before we get in to the Crystals and Gemstones there's something else I'd
like to mention.
Because you're reading this then I assume that you probably already have a
belief in the metaphysical powers of the Universe so I'd like to introduce
you to something amazing.
What if I told you that there's a way that you can achieve anything you
desire-- by using the power of your computer for just 10 minutes a day?
Follow this link and I will introduce you to an advanced technology that
enables you to manifest everything you desire through the results-
amplifying use of computerization. This information is not available
anywhere else on the Web -- or the world, for that matter. So I urge you to
read every word in the article because the secret that can single-handedly
turn your desires into reality is hidden in the web page -- and I don't want
you to miss it.
Once you see your desired reality manifesting before your very eyes, you'll
never want to go back to letting life JUST happen. Allowing life to control
you is a powerless scenario that you wouldn't want for yourself, would you?
So instead of just letting yourself get tossed by the uncertainty of
circumstances, take control of your life and your destiny.
"Science is finally entering the Spiritual Age. You can design and create the
life you have always wanted." -- Dr. Donald Schnell, Leading Authority of
Spiritual disciplines, and Author of The Initiation.
Please use the Buy Now Buttons in this ebook, visit My eBay
Store or use the Fantastic Links and Recommended Reading to
purchase additional Astrology, Crystal & Gemstone Products.
You have to wait 12 years before anyone will
be giving you a gemstone as an anniversary
Year 12 - Agate
Year 13 - Moonstone
Year 14 - Moss Agate
Year 15 - Rock Crystal
Year 16 - Topaz
Year 17 - Amethyst
Year 18 - Garnet
Year 23 - Sapphire
Year 26 - Star Sapphire
Year 30 - Pearl
Year 35 - Coral
Year 39 - Tiger's Eye
Year 40 - Ruby
Year 45 - Alexandrite
Year 52 - Star Ruby
Year 55 -Emerald
Year 60 - Yellow Diamond
Year 65 - Sapphire
Year 67 - Sapphire
Year 75 - White Diamond
CROWN (Sahasrara) White Consciousness
THIRD EYE (Ajna) Pure Mind
THROAT (Visuddi) Ether
HEART (Anahata) Air
SOLAR PLEXUS (Manipura) Fire
SACRAL (Svadisthana) Water
ROOT (Muladhara) Earth
The Chakras - meaning wheels in Sanskrit - each relate to
different points & are associated with different colours,
crystals & gemstones. There are seven primary Chakras, as
shown in the above diagram. Place the relevant crystal or
gemstone at the Chakra and meditate on that particular point
of the body so as to restore or enhance the attributes related
to that particular area.
You may then wish to recharge your stone and this involves
using the power of the earth, sun & moon. I rinse my stones
under running tap water then bury them in some earth, (a
plant pot will do) for at least a day, so that they may receive
earth energies. I then soak them overnight in tap water with a
sprinkle of sea salt followed by placing them outside in
sunlight so that they may get re-charged or re-energised by
the sun. EVERY full moon I place my stones outside so that
they may also receive energy from the moon. Obviously, if I've
acquired a new stone & the next full moon is a long way off,
they don't get placed outside for moon energies immediately.
There are numerous ways to use your stones - You can place
them under your pillow or on a bedside cabinet so you can
absorb their influences whilst you sleep. If you have an ailing
plant place some crystals around it or soak a stone in water
overnight and use it to water the plant the following day. Talk
to your stones, carry them with you, get to know them and feel
their energies working for you and then use them however you
feel is most appropriate.
8 = Power
Crystals are an integral part of the Earth & the Earth and its
inhabitants are crying out for love & attention. I believe the
heart Chakra of the Earth is now opening and it is time to
listen with our hearts rather than our heads. A time to trust
and understand our feelings and intuition rather than logic.
Crystals can help us reach this new point of balance. They are
here to wake us up & remind us of whom we really are.
Arguments - Labradorite
PMT - Moonstone
Travel - Jade
Since the beginning of time, crystals, gemstones, rocks &
mountains have played a vital role. Many have been found in
ancient ruins & Pharaoh Tombs & it is said that the lost city of
Atlantis used crystal power the same way we use electricity
today. Hindu Puranas describe Krishna as living in a city
furnished with rubies, emeralds, sapphires & diamonds. Many
cultures believed that stones had a life giving force & this
eventually led to them being used for healing.
We often use the names of gemstones to describe certain
attributes such as pearly teeth, ruby lips, clear as crystal, etc.
Greed has often led man to risk everything for the sake of a
The most ancient jewellery was found in Queen Pu-Abi's tomb
at Ur in Sumeria and dates from the third millenium BC.
In the middle ages a ruby ring worn on the left hand was
thought to protect its owner from seduction.
From the composer of 'Reiki Gold', comes the long awaited album from one of the best loved
producers of angel music.Crystal Angels is deeply relaxing celestial music and perfect for
many other therapies including reiki, crystal healing, massage, aromatherapy, meditation, and
Working closely with 'The Angel Lady' Jacky Newcomb, Llewellyn takes us on a musical journey
with the Archangel Michael, Archangel Gabriel, Archangel Ariel and Archangel Raphael.
Includes detailed sleeve notes by Jacky Newcomb on how to work with specific healing crystals
to help you blend with the energy of each of the four Archangels.
Angel Star Pewter Brooch/Pin - 65h x 45w
This complete pack has everything you need to use crystals as a practical means of self-
healing and a key to opening your higher awareness. The pack includes a paperback book and
12 specially selected, high quality polished crystals. Seven of the crystals are attuned to the
seven chakras, the body's energy centers. These stones are used for cleansing, energizing,
and activating the chakras. The other five are 'master healer' stones that can be used singly or
in combination to relieve stress, promote relaxation, balance the emotions, clear negative
energies in your environment, and heal and invigorate your body, mind, and spirit.
The paperback book includes complete instructions for using crystals as healing aids and a
comprehensive directory covering the properties of the crystals in the pack and their specific
The book is illustrated with colour photographs and useful charts, diagrams, and grids.
A stunning new range of exclusive wall-hanging clocks. I know clocks aren't exactly to do with
crystals but all clocks are fitted with genuine Quartz movements and they are so stunning and
beautiful I just had to include them.
Each clock has a pine colour wood frame with gold numerals and hands. Each is presented in
it's own box with a clear acetate lid for easy display.
All artwork & content, copyright Jessica Galbreth of Enchanted Art, L.L.C.
No unauthorized usage
Turquoise Seas
Wolf Maiden
[ Top 10 Best Selling Crystal Star Products ]
I personally use all of the Subliminal Software, the Hypnosis downloads and The Absolute
Secret. There's also links for free downloads including the Sedona Method DVD.
Whether you purchased this book, found it, or it was given to you as a gift, I'm sure it's found
its way to you now because you actually need the information.
I hope you'll use it as a reference when deciding to purchase stones or use them for healing.
The information here is by no means exhaustive & may even vary from other information that
you've read & that's simply because crystal & gemstone uses & properties are very unique &
personal. If you find something different, to what is written here, and it works better for you
then use it - there are no rules.
Please share this ebook with your friends and resell it or give it
away to as many people as possible - Let's tell the world about
Crystals and Gemstones.
Warmest Wishes and Brightest Blessings
The contents of this document are
believed to be correct at the time of
Remember -- If you are ill then get a
professional medical opinion as
Crystals & Gemstones work as a
Complimentary Therapy.
© 2006 All Rights Reserved.
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