Scaredy Squirrel Craft Table
Scaredy Squirrel Craft Table
Scaredy Squirrel Craft Table
Craft Move Conversation Skeleton with Student Scaredy Scaredy Squirrel Scaredy
Squirrel Text at Night Text Squirrel
Example Example Makes a
Friend Text
Ellipses Writers use points of ellipses, which are three Day after day he But when he turns on And he
followed by dots that look like three periods in a row, watches, until the spotlight… realizes… It’s a
exclamation( when they want to show that the character is one day… Hungry intruders dog! This was
s) thinking or when they wish to create Thursday 9:37 appear! This was NOT part of the
a.m. NOT part of the plan! plan!
suspense. I noticed Watt used ellipses to
A killer bee
create suspense in all three of the Scaredy appears!
Squirrel Books we’ve been looking at Scaredy Squirrel
together. In fact, she not only uses the jumps in panic,
ellipses to create suspense, but something knocking his
BIG happens after each of the suspenseful emergency kit
ellipses. (Show the examples in each of the out of the tree.
books.) When you want to create some This was NOT
suspense before having something big part of the plan.
happen, you can use ellipses to make your
reader think about what’s going to happen
next just like Watt used those three little dots
in the Scaredy Squirrel books.
Post Script Professional writers work tirelessly on the endings P.S. As for the P.S. As for the fire P.S. As for the
of their books. Endings are important to writers emergency kit, extinguisher, well, a wet doggy
since the last page of a book is the last thing a Scaredy Squirrel squirrel can never be smell, it’s been
reader gets out of the story. If a reader has is in no hurry to too careful. taken care of.
become involved in the world of the story, then pick it up just
s/he wants a satisfying ending. (Talk with the yet.
student about some satisfying endings they’ve
encountered in books and why they’ve liked those
particular endings.) Today I want to show you a
very different kind of ending I noticed in Watt’s
books. She wraps up each of the Scaredy Squirrel
Books very neatly, but I’ve noticed that all of her
books always include a “P.S.” at the end of her
books, which is something we often see in friendly
letters, not in books. “P.S.” stands for post-script,
which means “after writing.” A P.S. is usually a
Material from Scaredy Squirrel, Scaredy Squirrel at Night and Scaredy Squirrel Makes a Friend is used by permission of Kids Can
Press. © Mélanie Watt
Created by Stacey Shubitz – Two Writing Teachers January 14, 2010
Material from Scaredy Squirrel, Scaredy Squirrel at Night and Scaredy Squirrel Makes a Friend is used by permission of Kids Can
Press. © Mélanie Watt
Created by Stacey Shubitz – Two Writing Teachers January 14, 2010
Material from Scaredy Squirrel, Scaredy Squirrel at Night and Scaredy Squirrel Makes a Friend is used by permission of Kids Can
Press. © Mélanie Watt
Created by Stacey Shubitz – Two Writing Teachers January 14, 2010
This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 3.0 License. To view a copy
of this license, visit or send a letter to Creative Commons, 171 Second Street,
Suite 300, San Francisco, California, 94105, USA.
Material from Scaredy Squirrel, Scaredy Squirrel at Night and Scaredy Squirrel Makes a Friend is used by permission of Kids Can
Press. © Mélanie Watt