Manual Therapy
Manual Therapy
Manual Therapy
Manual Therapy
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Original article
Department of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, Cochin Hospital (AP-HP), Paris Descartes University, Paris, France
Department of Rheumatology, Hotel-Dieu de France Hospital, Saint-Joseph University, Beirut, Lebanon
ISIR (Institute of Intelligent Systems and Robotics), CNRS UMR 7222, Paris, France
Sorbonne Universit
es, UPMC University Paris 06, Paris, France
ISIR-AGATHE, INSERM U 1150, Paris, France
Institut F
eratif de Recherche sur le Handicap, INSERM, Paris, France
a r t i c l e i n f o
a b s t r a c t
Article history:
Received 2 September 2013
Received in revised form
18 June 2014
Accepted 24 June 2014
The participation of scapula motion in arm movement is clinically well known and recent three
dimensional (3D) analyses using kinematic techniques have conrmed its importance. Scapular motion
relative to the thorax has a theoretical maximum of 6 degrees of freedom (DoF), resulting from rotations
at both clavicular joints (3 rotational DoF each). However, most recent kinematic studies have only
analysed the 3D rotations of the scapula relative to the thorax. In the present study, the 3D translations of
the barycentre of the scapula were considered in order to complete the description of movement at the
shoulder complex. Eight healthy subjects performed arm elevation in the sagittal and frontal planes,
simulated activities of daily living (hair combing and back washing) and maximum voluntary scapula
movement (forward and backward rolling). Measurements were recorded using a 6 DoF electromagnetic
device and the acromial method of analysis was used. The results showed that 3D scapular rotations and
translation of its barycentre were functionally consistent for all tasks. A principal component analysis
(PCA) yielded three factors, explaining 97.6% of the variance. The rst two factors (protraction and shrug,
according to clinical descriptions) combined rotations and translations, consistent with the hypothesis
that the scapula rolls over the curved thoracic surface. The third factor related to lateral-medial rotation,
thus representing rotation in the plane tangential to the thorax. The PCA suggested that scapular motion
can be described using these 3 DoF. This should be studied in a larger group of individuals, including
patients with pathological conditions.
2014 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Scapula rotation
1. Introduction
A sound understanding of the kinematics of the shoulder
complex is important for the clinical evaluation and treatment of
many pathological conditions (Sahrmann, 2001). It has long been
observed clinically that the scapula over the thorax is nely coordinated with the rotations which occur at the glenohumeral joint
(scapulo-humeral rhythm) (Codman, 1934). During scapulothoracic motion, there are simultaneous rotations of the clavicle
* Corresponding author. ISIR, Institute of Intelligent Systems and Robotics, University Pierre et Marie Curie, CNRS UMR 7222, 4 place Jussieu, 75005 Paris, France.
Tel.: 33 1 44 27 62 15; fax: 33 1 44 27 51 45.
E-mail address: [email protected] (A. Roby-Brami).
1356-689X/ 2014 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
the thorax. This technique yields 6 DoF, thus providing a direct and
complete measurement of the kinematics of the shoulder complex,
including the clavicle.
The second problem with the ISB protocol relates to the inconsistent use of clinical and biomechanical terminology. In anatomical
and clinical descriptions, scapula motion is reported to consist of
three rotations and two translations (Peat, 1986; Culham and Peat,
1993; Sahrmann, 2001; Tytherleigh-Strong, 2008). The rotation of
the scapula in its main plane is often called upward/downward
rotation (sometimes lateral and medial rotation), the other rotations involve winging around the vertical axis: internal and
external rotation (sometimes named protraction/retraction) and
tilting around a horizontal axis (anterior/posterior tilt or tilting or,
less frequently, tipping). The translations are reported as elevation/
depression (sometimes named upward/downward translation) and
abduction-adduction (toward/away from the vertebral spine). According to some authors, protraction is not a pure rotation but a
combination of rotation and translation involving both scapular
and clavicular motion. It is dened as a forward movement of the
scapula around the thoracic wall [which] combines linear translation
away from the vertebral column, rotation of the scapula around the
end of the clavicle (winging) and anterior movement of the lateral end
of the clavicle (Culham and Peat, 1993) see also (Solem-Bertoft
et al., 1993). Clinical observations thus incite the inclusion of
translations in the kinematic description of global scapula motion.
The last problem of the ISB protocol relates to the dimensions
(i.e. the minimum number of DoF) needed to describe scapular
motion relative to the trunk. Theoretically, the motion of a solid in
space is dened by 6 parameters: 3 for position and 3 for orientation. The ISB model using 6 DoF within an open kinematic chain
thus provides a sufcient description of scapula motion relative to
the trunk (Bao and Willems, 1999). However, the shoulder complex
is a closed chain due to the contact between the scapula and the
thorax. The anatomy of the bony and musculo-ligamentous structures is likely to constrain the motion of the scapula in space and to
create couplings, limiting the effective dimensions of scapulothoracic motion. Several mechanical models of these constraints
have been proposed. However, there is no agreement on the minimum number of independent DoF needed for the description of
scapulothoracic motion; 4 according to van der Helm (1994) and
Seth et al. (2010, 2012); 5 according to Bao and Willems (1999) and
6 according to Lenarcic and Stanisic (2003). To our knowledge, this
question has not been investigated experimentally using kinematic
The present study had a double purpose. The rst aim was to
completely describe and quantify the motion of the scapula relative
to the trunk, including both scapular rotations and translations
(linear displacements of the centre of the scapula (CS)).
The second aim was to specify the functional dimension of
scapular motion during a large variety of motor tasks in healthy
subjects. For this, movements involving analytical arm elevation in
the sagittal and frontal planes, simulations of activities of daily
living (hair combing (HC) and back washing (BW)) and the
maximum voluntary scapula-thoracic movement in different directions (forward and backward shoulder rolling: F-Roll and B-Roll)
were recorded and analysed. The hypothesis was that 6 DoF might
not be necessary for the description of scapulothoracic motion, due
to functional coupling between rotations and translations.
2. Method
2.1. Population
A convenience sample of eight healthy volunteers (age
31.14 9.30 years, range 24e50; height 1.72 0.82 m, range
Fig. 1. Schema of the body segments and corresponding reference frames for the
thorax and scapula. Bony landmarks on the scapula: acromial angle (AA: angulus
acromialis), root of the spine (TS: trigonum spinae scapulae) and inferior angle (AI:
angulus inferior). CS is the barycentre of the scapula and CT the barycentre of the
trunk. The arrows show the rotations as Euler angles in the following order: 1: Internal/External rotation, 2: Medial/Lateral/rotation, 3: Antero-Posterior Tilt. HTE :
humero-thoracic elevation.
Fig. 2. Time normalized averages of arm elevation relative to the thorax during the different tasks (between t0 and tf). Each trace represents the average of the two successive trials
in the group of subjects, right and left sides are averaged: Flexion: maximum elevation in the sagittal plane, Abduction: maximum elevation in the frontal plane HC: simulated hair
combing: BW: simulated back washing; F-Roll: forward rolling; B-Roll backward rolling. Thick lines indicate the means and thin lines one standard error of the mean (sem). The
arrows indicate the time points analysed: t1 to t3.
3. Results
The 6 DoF describing the initial posture of the scapula relative to
the thorax were analysed using a two factors ANOVA (side and task)
with participants as repeated measures. For scapula internal rotation, there was a signicant effect of task (F72, 5 5.2, p < 0.001),
but not side (F72,1 0.8). Post-Hoc analysis showed that the
scapula was less internally rotated at the beginning of the B-Roll
than for the other tasks (4.6 0.5 , non signicant, ns). For the
other DoF, there was no effect of task (F72,1 < 1.6, ns) or side
(F72,1 < 0.9, ns). In addition, there were no signicant differences
between sides, for movement at t1 and t2, whatever the task
(Student's t test). Thus data from the two sides were averaged and
this average was used for the rest of the analysis.
Fig. 3. Examples of scapular kinematics during the six tasks in a representative subject. The (blue) polygon on the side view represents the initial posture of the thorax. Each
triangle represents the scapula at a given time (from t0 to t3 for Flexion, Abduction, HC, BW and from t0 to t4 for F-Roll and B-Roll). CS is represented by a (red) cross. The thick
triangle indicates the initial posture. For the sake of clarity, only every third sample has been represented (~0.1 s). (For interpretation of the references to colour in this gure legend,
the reader is referred to the web version of this article.)
angles during the different tasks are illustrated in Figs. 4e6. The
amount of rotation between the initial posture and t1-t3 are
summarized in Tables 1 and 2.
During Abduction (Fig. 4, black lines), there was a large increase
in scapular lateral rotation (29.64 1.60 ), accompanied by a small
amount of external rotation (4.06 1.07 ) and posterior tilting
(9.57 0.79 ). The small translation of the CS (10.0 1.1 mm in 3D)
was mainly medial (4.2 1.2 mm). During Flexion (Fig. 4, grey
lines), there was also a large amount of lateral rotation
(27.06 1.24 ) accompanied by internal rotation (16.86 0.78 )
and posterior tilting (5.02 1.36 ). The CS moved laterally and
forward (24.5 1.8 mm, 16.1 2.1 mm, respectively), corresponding to a total 3D amplitude of 31.8 1.2 mm.
The results obtained for simulated activities of daily living are
illustrated in Fig. 5. During simulated hair combing (Fig. 5, HC, grey
lines), the movement consisted mainly of a large amount of lateral
rotation (32.03 1.05 ) and posterior tilt (6.36 0.81 ). The CS
moved mainly laterally (12.6 1.8 mm). During the initial elevation,
the scapula rotated medially (6.11 0.47 ) and anterior tilt
increased (8.06 0.74 ). The translation of CS was medial
(8.7 1.2 mm) and mainly upward (27.6 1.9 mm).
Shoulder rolling involved maximal voluntary movements of the
scapula in three successive phases (Fig. 6 and Table 2). During F-Roll
(Fig. 6, grey lines), the rst phase was characterized at t1 by scapular internal rotation (22.36 1.68 ) and scapular lateral rotation
(21.34 1.49 ), and was accompanied by a large translation of the
CS in all directions (77.8 6.8 mm in 3D). The second phase was
characterized at t2 by a further increase in lateral rotation
Fig. 4. Time normalized averages of the coordinates of the centre of the scapula (CS) and scapular rotations during Flexion (grey lines) and Abduction (black lines). Same legend as
Fig. 2.
Fig. 5. Time normalized averages of the coordinates of the centre of the scapula (CS) and scapular rotations during simulated hair combing (HC, grey lines) and back washing (BW,
black lines). Same legend as Fig. 2.
The current study used an acromial method with electromagnetic sensors. Karduna et al. (2001) found that errors due to skin
artefacts were relatively small for arm elevation up to 120 .
Moreover, reliability studies of scapular motion during analytical
arm elevation have shown fair to excellent repeatability in healthy
subjects (McQuade and Smidt, 1998; Tsai et al., 2003; Fayad et al.,
2006; Roren et al., 2013). Most of the variables analysed in the
present study were recorded below 120 of elevation, except for
maximum elevation during Flexion and Abduction (time t2).
However, the good correlations obtained with the PCA showed that
the scapular kinematics obeyed similar coupling laws whatever the
task. The greatest scapular translations and rotations occurred
during the shoulder rolling tasks, as specied by the instruction. It
must be emphasised that these tasks were performed well below
the level of arm elevation which might create skin artefacts.
The current study conrms the empirical descriptions of well
coordinated scapular rotations and translations (Culham and Peat,
1993) and quanties the remarkable range of motion and exibility of the shoulder complex. The combined movements of the
scapula result from the mobility of the clavicle which is linked to
the scapula via the SC and AC joints (Inman and Saunders, 1946;
Teece et al., 2008; Ludewig et al., 2009). However, the relationship between motion of the clavicle (at the AC and SC joints) and
motion of the scapula relative to the thorax is not simple, particularly because of the crank-shape of the clavicle. Axial rotation
around the SC joint may cause signicant displacement of the position of the AC joint and thus of the scapula as a whole (rotation
and translation of CS). For the rst time, the present method affords
Fig. 6. Time normalized averages of the coordinates of the centre of the scapula (CS) and scapular rotations during forward (F-Roll, grey lines) and backward rolling (B-Roll, black
lines). Same legend as Fig. 2.
a compact expression of 6D scapulothoracic kinematics: the measurement of the linear translation of the CS, in addition to 3D
scapular rotations. It also provides an indirect, non invasive and
global assessment of clavicular motion. This computation can be
easily implemented in any biomechanical method which provides
the 3D position of the scapular landmarks according to the ISB
The fact that CS translations occurred during all the tasks suggests that clavicle motion occurs extremely frequently in daily life,
possibly leading to local constraints at the AC and SC joints. The
prevalence of AC and SC arthritis in asymptomatic subjects is high
(Kier et al., 1986; Needell et al., 1996; Stein et al., 2001). This
prevalence seems to be explained by the high and repetitive loads
Table 1
Amount of scapula rotation and displacement of its barycentre (CS) for planar arm elevation and simulated activities.
Arm motion task
Scapular rotations ( )
Internal/External rotation
4.06 1.07
Medial/Lateral rotation
29.64 1.6
Anterior/posterior tilt
9.57 0.79
Translations of the barycentre CS (mm)
4.2 1.2
3D Amplitude
10.0 1.1
41.50 1.9
14.87 0.98
16.86 0.78
27.06 1.24
5.02 1.36
17.23 0.83
39.68 1.33
8.59 1.68
4.92 1
32.03 1.05
6.36 0.81
28.34 3.64
7.80 1.21
2.8 0.52
6.11 0.47
8.06 0.74
4.58 0.76
6.6 1.07
13.1 1.6
24.5 1.8
16.1 2.1
31.8 11.2
16.8 2.0
14.0 2.3
25.2 1.8
12.6 1.8
30.2 1.8
7.5 1.7
5.9 1.2
20.3 2.2
18.1 2.4
12.6 1.6
Values are mean differences sem of scapular rotation (in degrees) and displacement of its barycentre (CS) (in millimeters) measured between the initial posture (at t0) and
times t1 and t2 during the following tasks : Abduction, Flexion, simulated back washing (BW) and hair combing (HC). The time-point t1 corresponds to the rst part of
movement (elevation 90 ) for Abduction, Flexion and HC and to the rst local elevation maxima for BW. The time-point t2 to the time of target posture (maximal arm
elevation for Abduction, Flexion and HC or to the middle plateau for BW). Bold characters indicate p < .001, non-bold indicate p < .05. ns: non signicant difference. Italics
indicate values obtained for arm elevation >120 .
Table 2
Amount of scapula rotation and displacement of its barycentre (CS) for forward and backward rolling.
Arm motion task
21.10 2.72
39.67 1.76
25.62 1.92
43.51 1.18
15.59 1.06
3.73 0.67
36.91 1.74
11.03 1.23
5 0.39
8.27 3.01
40.99 1.04
17.19 2.08
39.36 2.59
25.91 1.88
19.48 1.79
Scapular rotations ( )
Internal/External rotation
22.36 1.68
Medial/Lateral rotation
21.34 1.49
Anterior/posterior tilt
7.02 1.69
Translations of the barycentre CS (mm)
11.1 1.9
58.7 4.7
49.2 5.1
3D Amplitude
77.8 6.8
Values are mean differences sem of scapular rotation (in degrees) and translation of its barycentre (CS) (in millimeters) measured between the initial posture (at t0) and
time-points t1, t2 and t3 during forward rolling (F-Roll) and backward rolling (B-Roll). The time-points t1 to t3 indicate the three main phases of the rolling movement. Bold
characters indicate p < .001, non-bold indicate p < .05.
5. Limitations
6. Conclusion
The functional decomposition of DoF evidenced by the PCA
provides an innovative model of scapular motion. It showed that
scapular motion involves simultaneous translations and rotations,
constrained by the curved surface of the thorax and likely also by
muscles and ligaments: the rst two PCs summarized motion on
this surface and the third PC related to rotation tangential to this
surface. This mechanical hypothesis is consistent with the model
proposed by Seth et al. (2010, 2012) who used 4 DoF to simulate
scapular movement over the thorax, represented by an ellipsoid,
and ts the data by Ludewig et al. (2009). The present study suggests that 3 DoF may be sufcient in order to fully describe scapular
motion in healthy subjects. Further studies with precise mechanical
models are needed to better understand the contribution of the
different elements of the shoulder complex to the kinematics of the
Agnes Roby-Brami is supported by INSERM and Institut
ratif de Recherche sur le Handicap. This work was supported
by the French National Agency for Research (ANR, Brahma project,
This work was supported by the French National Agency for
Research (Agence Nationale de la Recherche, Brahma project,
ratif de Recherche sur le
PSIROB-ROBO-003) and by the Institut Fe
Handicap (National Institute of Health and Medical Research). The
authors thank Johanna Robertson for editing of the text.
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