Lotus 190-610 Notes Domino 6/6.5 Application Development Foundation Skills

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Lotus 190-610

Notes Domino 6/6.5 Application Development Foundation Skills

Version 1.0

Derek has created a view in the products.nsf database. Derek wants the Markup column in the view to
display the selling price of the item minus the cost. He wants this value to display in currency. Which one
of the following should Derek do?

A. Select currency on the Numbers tab in the Column Properties box.

B. Select currency on the Numbers tab in the Field Properties box of the cost field.
C. Select currency on the Numbers tab in the View Properties box.
D. Use the @function @Currency in the column formula in the view.

Answer: A

Jayne has asked her Domino server administrator to enable document locking on the server. Which one
of the following must she do to enable it for her application?

A. Create a view column for the locked document view icon.

B. Enable the "Allow document locking" database property.
C. Enable document locking at the view level for each view in the database.
D. Add a profile document to the database to manage the locked documents.

Answer: B


Cindy wants to set up third-party tools so she can access them via the Designer. Which one of the
following should Cindy do?

A. Tools>Import
B. File>Import
C. Tools>Add Tool
D. Shared Resources>Third Party Tool

Answer: C

John has created a database library. Librarians are responsible for adding new information to the
database library. Which one of the following is the minimum level of access he can grant the librarians
of the database library?

A. Designer
B. Reader
C. Author
D. Manager

Answer: C


Tony would like to make it easier for users of the Video application to enter new documents using the
"Video" form. He'd like users to be able to create new "Video" documents from within the view. Which
one of the following should Tony do to build this interface?

A. Create a database action that has the following formula: @Command([Compose]; "Video").
B. Create a view action that has the following formula: @Command([Compose]; "Video").
C. Create a form action that has the following formula: @Command([Compose]; "Video").
D. Create a view action that has the following formula: @Command([Create]; "Video").

Answer: B

Jackie wants to remove an action hotspot but leave the image on his Video form. In which one of the
following ways can he do this?

A. Select the hotspot and choose the Hotspot>Remove Hotspot menu command.
B. Delete the image and reinsert it into the form.
C. Highlight the hotspot and choose the Design> Hotspot>Remove menu command.
D. Select the hotspot and choose the Design>Hotspot>Remove Hotspot menu command.

Answer: A

The Video application ACL supports 3 types of users:
1. Users who can only view information in the application.

2. Users who can view, enter, and edit the information they have entered in the application.
3. Users who can view and modify any document in the application.

Cyd created groups in the Directory to hold the names of the different user types:
1. Video Viewers
2. Video Creators
3. Video Modifiers

Which one of the following should Cyd do to prevent the access by users who are not members in the
groups listed above?

A. Enable the "Group Access Only" setting on the database ACL.

B. Add an entry "No Access" to the database ACL and assign it "No Access".
C. Enable the "Database Group Access Only" field in the Server document.
D. Set the "-Default-" entry to "No Access" in the and make it unspecified type.

Answer: D

Furio is designing some graphic images to use on Hotspot actions in the Video application forms. The
Hotspots will be used in all of the forms in the application. Which one of the following lists the types of
graphic images Furio can create and use as image resources?

A. .BMP and .JPG only

B. .BMP, .GIF, .JPG and .TIFF only
C. .GIF and .JPG only

D. .BMP, .GIF and .JPG only

Answer: D

Ted is in a group that has Author access in the Review application's ACL. However, he cannot edit a
review he created. Which one of the following is the most likely reason?

A. He must have Editor or higher access to modify documents.

B. The developer neglected to include an Authors field to the Review form.
C. The developer neglected to select the "modify documents" option in the ACL.
D. Authors can only create documents.

Answer: B

Erica is writing a formula to determine the number of elements in a list. She wants to ensure that a value
is returned, even if the value her @Function is evaluating turns out to be a null string. Which one of the
following can she do to accomplish this?

A. Use the @Count function instead of @Elements

B. Use @Elements and add 1 to the total
C. Use @TextToTime to ensure that all strings are converted to date-time values
D. Use a default formula of 1

Answer: A

Kristin is creating a page in the Videos application. Which one of the following statements about pages is
NOT true?

A. Pages can be referenced by outlines or frames.

B. Pages can be full-text indexed.
C. Pages are design elements.
D. Pages can include text, graphics, applets, and links.

Answer: B

Joe wants to display a company logo throughout his sales application. In which one of the following
places can Joe display the graphic?

A. In an action bar background

B. In a view background
C. In a layer background
D. All of the above

Answer: D

The Video form has a graphic Hotspot that opens the IMDB Web page. Which one of the following did
Hillary do to create the hotspot?

A. Highlighted the graphic, chose Create>Hotspot>Link, and created an action link and used a formula to
open the URL of the IMDB
Web page.
B. Highlighted the graphic, chose Create>Hotspot->Link Hotspot, and created a URL link.
C. Highlighted the graphic, chose Create>Hotspot>Web Link, and entered a URL into the dialog box.
D. Highlighted the graphic, chose Create>Hotspot>URL Link, and created a link to the IMDB application.

Answer: B

Which one of the following can be printed from the Domino Designer IDE?

A. Only LotusScript language

B. Alternative language
C. Other objects Alternative language
D. Current selection

Answer: D

Eduardo chose Native OS style (Use native control) when he created an editable text field on a form. In
which one of the following ways will the field appear to Notes users?

A. Fixed-size outlined rectangle.

B. Blank space marked off by red brackets.
C. Blank space marked off by black brackets.
D. The field will not appear to Notes users. It will only be visible to Web users.

Answer: A

To capture the date a document is created, Maria uses @Today in a formula. However, when she edits a
document and saves it again, the date changes from the creation date to the current date. Which one of
the following causes the date to change?

A. The document was edited by another user.

B. The formula was placed in a Computed field.
C. The formula was placed in a Computed when Composed field.
D. She does not have the appropriate ACL access.

Answer: B


Ted, a user of the Videos application, is unable to create a video description. Kristin, the application
administrator, surveys the ACL and discovers that Ted is a member of two groups in the ACL. Which one
of the following describes the effective rights Ted has to the application?

A. Default access
B. No access (overlapping groups are not permitted)
C. The lower of the two groups
D. The higher of the two groups

Answer: D

Ariel is designing an application and would like to create response documents with a copy of the original
document in a collapsible section. Which one of the following @Commands, provided with the correct
parameters, will allow her to do this?

A. @Command([ComposeWithReference])
B. @Command([ComposeWithSection])
C. @Command([ComposeWithCopy])
D. @Command([ComposeWithReferenceSection])

Answer: A


Lee wants to create an agent that only processes documents where the field named "Type" has the
value "Action." Which one of the following statements should Lee include in his agent?

A. SELECT Type = "Action";

B. @If (Type = "Action";@Success;@Failure);
C. FIELD Type := "Action";
D. AgentType := "Action"

Answer: A

Karen has posted a template, "newvideo.ntf", for the Video application on the development server.
Denise wants to create a new Video application using the new template. Which one of the following
does Denise need to do?

A. Find the "newvideo.nsf" template on the development server and make a new copy of it.
B. Select File>Database>New, choose the development server as the template server, and choose the
"newvideo.ntf" template.
C. Find the "newvideo.nsf" template on the development server and make a replica copy of it.
D. Select File>Database>New Copy, choose the development server as the template server, and choose
the "newvideo.nsf"

Answer: B

AJ wants to create a new application on his laptop that does not have any design elements in it. Which
one of the following should he do to begin this process?

A. Select File>Database>New, choose local as the server, and choose the default.ntf template.
B. Select File>Database>New and give it a filename of "blank.nsf".
C. Select File>Database>New, choose local as the server, and chose the blank template.
D. Select File>Database>New, give it a filename of "blank.nsf", and chose the blank template.

Answer: C

The Video application ACL supports 3 types of users:

1. Users who can only view information in the application.

2. Users who can view, enter, and edit the information they have entered in the application.
3. Users who can view and modify any document in the application.

Cyd created groups in the Directory to hold the names of the different user types:
1. Video Viewers
2. Video Creators
3. Video Modifiers

Which one of the following should Cyd do to prevent the access by users who are not members in the
groups listed above?

A. Enable the "Group Access Only" setting on the database ACL.

B. Enable the "Database Group Access Only" field in the Server document.
C. Add an entry "No Access" to the database ACL and assign it "No Access".
D. Set the "-Default-" entry to "No Access" in the and make it unspecified type.

Answer: D

Cheng wants to write a view selection statement to include documents created with the Review form
and any responses. Which one of the following statements should Cheng write?

A. SELECT Form = "Review" | @AllDescendants

B. SELECT Form = "Review" & @AllDescendants
C. SELECT Documents = "Review";
D. SELECT Form = "Review";

Answer: A

Danielle wants to capture everything from a Notes hierarchical name except for the common name.
Which one of the following formulas will accomplish this?

A. @Name([ExcludeCommon];User_Name), where User_Name is a field that contains the name value

B. Danielle cannot use the formulas above. She must parse the pieces of the name that she wants by
using @Name and then
concatenating them together.
C. @ExcludeCommonName(User_Name), where User_Name is a field that contains the name value
D. @Name([HierarchyOnly];User_Name), where User_Name is a field that contains the name value

Answer: D

Which one of the following best decribes the use of hidden column formulas?

A. Views can be hidden based on a formula.

B. View columns can be displayed or hidden based on a formula.
C. Table colums can be hidden based on a formula.
D. Hidden columns are not a supported feature.

Answer: B

Yuri created a formula for a button. The code is supposed to set the value of an existing field called Title.
He used the following formula: Title:= @Propercase(Title); "" After the formula runs, the Title field is
null. Which one of the following is the reason?

A. When setting the value of a field, the formula must be in the field's Input Validation event.

B. The formula does not specify that Title is an existing field. Thus it is interpreted as a temporary
C. The text string in the formula is set to null. Thus Notes cannot validate the formula.
D. The value of one field cannot be set from the value in another field.

Answer: B

John has created a database library. Librarians are responsible for adding new information to the
database library. Which one of the following is the minimum level of access he can grant the librarians
of the database library?

A. Designer
B. Manager
C. Reader
D. Author

Answer: D

Which one of the following formulas would find the first word (all characters before the first space) in a
string field called Name?

A. @Left(" ";Name)
B. @Left(Name)

C. @Left(Name;" ")
D. @Left(Name;1)

Answer: C

Justice created an agent that only a few users should be able to use. Which one of the following should
he do to prevent unauthorized users from using the agent?

A. Select "All Readers and above" on the "Default access for viewing and running this agent" and select
users, groups or roles into
the Agent Access field
B. Deselect "All Readers and above" on the "Default access for viewing and running this agent" and
select users, groups or roles
from the ACL to grant access
C. Deselect "All Readers and above" on the "Default access for viewing and running this agent" and
enter users, groups or roles into
the Agent Access field
D. Select "All Readers and above" on the "Default access for viewing and running this agent" and enter
users, groups or roles into
the Agent Access field

Answer: B


Carmine has created a new design for her Video application. Carmine would like to post the design to
the server and make it available so other databases can automatically inherit the design changes when
the DESIGN server tasks runs. Which one of the following should Carmine to do make the new design
available on the development server?

A. Copy the database to the development server, name it "newvideo.ntf", select "Database file is a
master template", and give it a
template name in the database Design properties.
B. Copy the database to the server, name it "newvideo.ntf", select "Inherit design from master
template", and give it a template name
in the database Design properties.
C. Copy the database to the development server, and name it "newvideo.nsf".
D. Copy the database to the development server, and name it "newvideo.ntf".

Answer: A

Bill has an author names field named AllEditors that calculates a list of possible editors of the document
based on values users have entered into another field. The list only contains users' First and Last names,
and only should be displayed to users who can edit the document. Which one of the following HideWhen formulas should Bill use to control the display of the field?

A. @IsNotMember(AllEditors; @Name([CN]; @Username))

B. @If(@IsNotMember(AllEditors; @Name([CN]; @Username); @True; @False))
C. @IsNotMember(AllEditors; @Username)
D. @IsNotMember(@Name([CN]; @Username))

Answer: A

Which one of the following database elements is NOT updated when the DESIGN task is run?

A. Agents
B. Views
C. Roles
D. Forms

Answer: C

Which one of the following should Cathy use to sort a list?

A. @Sort
B. @ListOrder
C. @DataSort
D. @Sortlist

Answer: A


Yuri created a formula for a button. The code is supposed to set the value of an existing field called Title.
He used the following formula: Title:= @Propercase(Title); "" After the formula runs, the Title field is
null. Which one of the following is the reason?

A. The value of one field cannot be set from the value in another field.
B. When setting the value of a field, the formula must be in the field's Input Validation event.
C. The formula does not specify that Title is an existing field. Thus it is interpreted as a temporary
D. The text string in the formula is set to null. Thus Notes cannot validate the formula.

Answer: C

Maria coded "Alpha, Beta, Gamma" as a list in a Notes formula. Which one of the following indicates the
syntax entered?

A. "Alpha"; "Beta"; "Gamma"

B. "Alpha", "Beta", "Gamma"
C. "Alpha"& "Beta"& "Gamma"
D. "Alpha": "Beta": "Gamma"

Answer: D


Robert does not want Authors in the Video database's ACL to be able to edit certain fields in documents
they created. Which one of the following can he do to accomplish this?

A. Create a standard section on the form and put the restricted fields in the section.
B. Use an Authors field on the form to prevent access to existing documents.
C. Use a Readers field on the form to prevent access to existing documents.
D. Set field security options to: Must have at least Editor access to use.

Answer: D

Maria coded "Alpha, Beta, Gamma" as a list in a Notes formula. Which one of the following indicates the
syntax entered?

A. "Alpha"& "Beta"& "Gamma"

B. "Alpha"; "Beta"; "Gamma"
C. "Alpha": "Beta": "Gamma"
D. "Alpha", "Beta", "Gamma"

Answer: C

Jim, a Domino programmer, wants to determine the number of working days in a year. Which one of the
following @functions should he use?

A. @WorkedDays
B. @Holidays
C. @BusinessDays
D. @Days

Answer: C

Which one of the following accurately describes field names?

A. They can only be used once in a view.

B. They must be unique in a database.
C. They must include text and a number.
D. They can only be used once on each form.

Answer: D

James needs to store a list of values in FieldA, and when the form is saved, he wants to sort the list
before it is saved. Which one of the following input translation formulas would accomplish this?

A. @Sort("Ascending";"FieldA")
B. @Sort
C. @SortAscending(FieldA)

D. @Sort(@ThisValue)

Answer: D

Which one of the following is an @Function that Lonnie can use to return the value from a specified

A. @GetItemValue
B. @GetField
C. @Value
D. @GetFieldValue

Answer: B

Jim created a field hint for the Address field. Users tell him this text disappears when they click in the
Address field. Which one of the following is the most likely reason?

A. Jim should have used a text popup.

B. The Address field is computed.
C. Jim stored the field hint in the database.
D. Field hints only display when the user has not clicked in the field.

Answer: D

Kristin wants to create an action in the Titles view. The code in the action is: Field Type:= "Action"; Field
Director:= "Richard Clarke"; "" When the user clicks the action, which one of the following will be

A. All documents in the database

B. The Video form
C. Documents defined by the selection formula in the view
D. All selected documents

Answer: D

Mary would like to display a collapsed section on her Video Catalog form. She has created a section but
when she displays the form in the Notes client the section always opens expanded. Which one of the
following should Mary do to collapse the section?

A. Modify the section Opened for Reading property to auto-collapse.

B. Modify the form properties to display all sections collapsed.
C. Modify the section default properties to collapsed.
D. Nothing; sections always open expanded.

Answer: A

Furio is designing some graphic images to use on Hotspot actions in the Video application forms. The
Hotspots will be used in all of the forms in the application. Which one of the following lists the types of
graphic images Furio can create and use as image resources?

A. .BMP, .GIF, .JPG and .TIFF only

B. .BMP, .GIF and .JPG only
C. .GIF and .JPG only
D. .BMP and .JPG only

Answer: B

Christopher is making a new database using the "NewVideo" Design Template that he plans to
customize. He wants to make sure that his new application will not get future modifications to the
"NewVideo" Design Template. Which one of the following should Christopher do to accomplish this?

A. Create the new database from the "NewVideo" Design Template and then open the database Design
properties and select
"Database file is a master template."
B. Create a blank database and refresh the design of the new database using the "NewVideo" Design
C. Create the new database from the "NewVideo" Design Template and then open the database Design
properties and select
"Database is a master template."

D. Create the new database from the "NewVideo" Design Template and deselect "Inherit future design
changes" in the New
Database dialog box.

Answer: D

Bill wants to create a frameset in which the upper left frame only shows his company logo and has no
other elements such as fields or hotspots. He has created an image resource for the logo in the
database. Which one of the following is the best way Bill can place the image resource into the frame?

A. On a Form and put the Form in the frame contents

B. On a Page and put the Page in the frame contents
C. On a Layout region and put the Layout region in the frame contents
D. Directly in the frame contents

Answer: B

Which one of the following statements about an Authors field is true?

A. It must be computed using @Author as the default formula.

B. Users listed in the field are allowed to compose documents using that form.
C. It can only contain one name.
D. Users listed in the field can also read the document.

Answer: D

The Video application ACL supports 3 types of users:
1. Users who can only view information in the application.
2. Users who can view, enter, and edit the information they have entered in the application.
. Users who can view and modify any document in the application.

Cyd created groups in the Directory to hold the names of the different user types:
1. Video Viewers
2. Video Creators
3. Video Modifiers

Cyd adds the three groups and wants to control the access of different users. In which one of the
following ways should he assign access levels?

A. 1. Video Viewers = Reader

2. Video Creators = Editor
3. Video Modifiers = Manager
B. 1. Video Viewers = Readers
2. Video Creators = Depositor
3. Video Modifiers = Designer
C. 1. Video Viewers = Reader
2. Video Creators = Editor

3. Video Modifiers = Editor

D. 1. Video Viewers = Reader
2. Video Creators = Author
3. Video Modifiers = Editor

Answer: D

Nadia would like to position overlapping blocks of content on a form in the Video application. She wants
the flexibility to control the placement, size, and content of the information. Which one of the following
should Nadia use when creating her form?

A. Subforms
B. Style Sheets
C. Layers
D. Framesets

Answer: C

Which one of the following should Maria do to display the release date in a text column?

A. Use the @Text function to convert time and number data to text in text columns.
B. Use the number and time format options.

C. Use the @DateToText function to convert time to text.

D. Concatenate the data types using mathematical operators.

Answer: A

When Eduardo tried to open a document in the Coming Attractions view, he got the following error
message: Incorrect data type for operator or @Function: Text Expected. Which one of the following did
he most likely do to cause this to happen?

A. He neglected to place a formula in a validation event.

B. He entered text in a number field.
C. He neglected to place a formula in a translation event.
D. He combined a text field and a time field in a formula.

Answer: D

Ken would like to allow remote salespeople to replicate information from the videoinfo.nsf database to
their laptops, so that the replications are fast and the database on each laptop isn't too big. Each
salesperson should only replicate the information from their territory. Which one of the following does
Ken need to do to configure this?

A. Give the salespeople Reader access to the database.

B. Use a selective replication formula.

C. Give the SalesPeople group the [TerritoryOnly] role.

D. Use AuthorName fields to limit access to information.

Answer: B

Tony wants to create a duplicate of the the Video application. He wants to keep a version of the data on
the same server as the production application but does not want any new documents or document
modifications to be replicated into his new database once he creates it. Which one of the following
should Tony do to create his archive?

A. Create a new copy of the database.

B. Use the Windows explorer to create a copy of the database file.
C. Create a replica copy of the database.
D. Create a replica copy of the database and disable replication on the database properties

Answer: A

Several @Functions can execute multiple statements. Which one of the following initializes a variable
and can increment it during the operation?

A. @Do
B. @While
C. @For

D. @DoWhile

Answer: C

Norma has a form action that will allow users to create comments to the existing document. When
Norma views the form in her Web Browser, she sees the action, but when she opens the form in her
Notes client she cannot see the action. Which one of the following should she do to correct the

A. Make sure the comments form is available for Notes Client use.
B. Check the action Hide-when settings to make sure the action is available for "Notes 4.6 or later".
C. Delete the old action and create a new one on the form.
D. Make the action a shared action and disable the Hide-when settings for "Web Browsers".

Answer: B

Ken would like to allow remote salespeople to replicate information from the videoinfo.nsf database to
their laptops, so that the replications are fast and the database on each laptop isn't too big. Each
salesperson should only replicate the information from their territory. Which one of the following does
Ken need to do to configure this?

A. Use a selective replication formula.

B. Use AuthorName fields to limit access to information.
C. Give the salespeople Reader access to the database.

D. Give the SalesPeople group the [TerritoryOnly] role.

Answer: A

When a user clicks a link in the left frame of the Review application, the linked data displays in the frame
on the right. Which one of the following did Kristin do to allow this to happen?

A. Entered the name of the target frame in Frameset properties

B. Entered the position of the target frame in Hotspot properties
C. Entered the position of the target frame in Frame properties
D. Entered the name of the target frame in Hotspot properties

Answer: D

Kristin wants to build an action which exits the Video form. Which one of the following will accomplish

A. @Command([GoToView])
B. @Command([FileCloseWindow])
C. @Command([Back])
D. @Command([FileExit])

Answer: B

Which one of the following best describes the places where a layer can be used?

A. Form
B. Page
C. Subform
D. Alll of the above

Answer: D

Derek has created a view in the sales.nsf database. Derek wants the Sales Value column in the view to
be punctuated to display two decimal places. Which one of the following should Derek do?

A. Select decimal on the Numbers tab in the Column Properties box.

B. Use the @function @Decimal in the column formula in the view.
C. Use the @function @Decimal to format the value in the field on the form that will be displaying in the
D. Select decimal on the Numbers tab in the View Properties box.

Answer: A

Eduardo chose Native OS style (Use native control) when he created an editable text field on a form. In
which one of the following ways will the field appear to Notes users?

A. The field will not appear to Notes users. It will only be visible to Web users.
B. Blank space marked off by red brackets.
C. Fixed-size outlined rectangle.
D. Blank space marked off by black brackets.

Answer: C

Ted, a user of the Videos application, is unable to create a video description. Kristin, the application
administrator, surveys the ACL and discovers that Ted is a member of two groups in the ACL. Which one
of the following describes the effective rights Ted has to the application?

A. Default access
B. The higher of the two groups
C. No access (overlapping groups are not permitted)
D. The lower of the two groups

Answer: B


Olga wants to have one action on the Video form that will give the options to Print, Save, and Exit the
document when it is clicked. In which one of the following ways can she accomplish this?

A. Use a cascaded action.

B. Use action buttons within an Outline control in a hidden frame to present "twisties."
C. Use Hide/when formulas along with a database profile field setting to display "toolbars" of icons.
D. Layer the actions in the Action menu.

Answer: A

A Response document created by Hans appears as "Not Categorized" in a database view. It was intended
to appear in the view as a response to a review document. Which one of the following could have
caused the problem?

A. Form Type is set to Document.

B. View Selection formula is set to: SELECT Form = "Review" | @AllDescendants.
C. View Selection formula is set to: SELECT Form = "Review" & @Isresponsedoc.
D. Form Type is set to Response to Response.

Answer: A


Helga is working with a multi-value field that has numeric values in a list. She would like to apply a
formula to each item in the list, returning a new list. Which one of the following @Functions can she use
to accomplish this with one line of code?

A. @ProcessList
B. @Transform
C. @ListEvaluate
D. @ListProcess

Answer: B

Which one of the following agents would change the contents of the Type field to "Sci-Fi" in all
documents that have "Richard Clarke" in the Director field?

A. @If(Director = "Richard Clarke";Type = "Sci-Fi";"")

B. @If(Director = "Richard Clarke";@NewField(Type;"Sci-Fi");"")
C. SELECT Director = "Richard Clarke";FIELD Type := "Sci-Fi"
D. SELECT Director = "Richard Clarke";Type = "Sci-Fi"

Answer: C

Which one of the following @Functions refers to all "response" and "response to response" documents
of parent documents?

A. @AllChildren
B. @AllResponses
C. @AllDescendants
D. @Responses

Answer: C

Shirin plans to change the forms and views of a production database. She will make the changes locally
and then update the application's design template with the changes. Which one of the following server
tasks does the administrator run in order for the changes to take effect?


Answer: B

Kristin wants to create an action in the Titles view. The code in the action is: Field Type:= "Action"; Field
Director:= "Richard Clarke"; "" When the user clicks the action, which one of the following will be

A. All documents in the database

B. All selected documents
C. The Video form
D. Documents defined by the selection formula in the view

Answer: B

Which one of the following formulas does Cheng use to change the value of the ReleaseDate field to
today's date?

A. TEMP ReleaseDate := @Today

B. ReleaseDate := @Today
C. @ChangeField(ReleaseDate;@Today)
D. FIELD ReleaseDate := @Today

Answer: D

Tony wants to create a duplicate of the the Video application. He wants to keep a version of the data on
the same server as the production application but does not want any new documents or document
modifications to be replicated into his new database once he creates it. Which one of the following
should Tony do to create his archive?

A. Create a new copy of the database.

B. Use the Windows explorer to create a copy of the database file.

C. Create a replica copy of the database.
D. Create a replica copy of the database and disable replication on the database properties

Answer: A

Shirin plans to change the forms and views of a production database. She will make the changes locally
and then update the application's design template with the changes. Which one of the following server
tasks does the administrator run in order for the changes to take effect?


Answer: A

Hans is designing the Reviews application. The application will include two forms: Review and Response.
In the view, the Response documents do not appear under the Review documents from which they were
created. Which one of the following could cause this to happen?

A. Shared field values were enabled on both forms.

B. Inheritance in the Review form was disabled.

C. Show Response documents in a hierarchy was not enabled.

D. Shared field values and field definitions were enabled.

Answer: C

Silvio wants to allow Jackie to create and modify documents in his Video application, but he doesn't
want Jackie to make a local replica or copy of the database. Which one of the following should Silvio do
to accomplish this?

A. Give Jackie Editor access and deselect "Replicate or copy documents" in the database ACL.
B. Give Jackie Editor access on the database ACL and assign him to the a role that prevents him from
replicating or copying
C. Give Jackie Author access on the database ACL.
D. There is no way for Silvio to do this.

Answer: A

Review the formula below, assuming that the Author field contains the following: Richard
Clarke/Meadowlands/ACME @Left(@Name([CN]; Author);" ") Which one of the following will the
formula produce?

A. Richard Clarke

B. Clarke
C. Meadowlands
D. Richard

Answer: D

Nancy used a Rich Text field on a form to capture data. She would like to display the data in a view.
Which one of the following should she do?

A. Use @TextToRichText
B. Nothing. Rich Text displays in views.
C. Use a RichText lite field
D. Use @Text (fieldname) in the column formula

Answer: D

Which one of the following statements about Readers fields is true?

A. A Readers field may be computed or editable.

B. A user listed in an Authors field must also be listed in a field with the Readers data type in order to
read a document.
C. Readers fields only affect those people who have reader access.

D. A form may contain several Readers fields, each of which affects who can read different sections of a

Answer: A

Mitchell would like to create a replica of a database from ServerA to ServerB, but only wants the
documents that use FormA. Which one of the following will allow him to accomplish this?

A. Create a selective replication formula

B. Schedule an agent on ServerB that deletes all documents created with other forms
C. Create a replica stub, then run an agent to set security on the documents
D. Schedule an agent on ServerA that copies all documents created with other forms to another
database, then deletes them

Answer: A

Management has asked Bob to post an introductory Welcome page when Notes users first open the
Video application. In which one of the following places should Bob put the Welcome message?

A. In the first Page in the database design

B. In the database About document
C. In the database Using document
D. In a document named Welcome

Answer: B

Carmine has created a new design for her Video application. Carmine would like to post the design to
the server and make it available so other databases can automatically inherit the design changes when
the DESIGN server tasks runs. Which one of the following should Carmine to do make the new design
available on the development server?

A. Copy the database to the development server, and name it "newvideo.ntf".

B. Copy the database to the development server, and name it "newvideo.nsf".
C. Copy the database to the development server, name it "newvideo.ntf", select "Database file is a
master template", and give it a
template name in the database Design properties.
D. Copy the database to the server, name it "newvideo.ntf", select "Inherit design from master
template", and give it a template name
in the database Design properties.

Answer: C

When Robert created a Response form, he set the "Formulas inherit values from selected document"
option on the form properties. The field name on the Review form is the same as the field name on the
inheriting form. However, the form does not inherit any data. Which one of the following most likely
caused this problem?

A. He specified the same field names on both forms.

B. The inheriting form is not a Response form.

C. He failed to provide inheritance formulas for each field.
D. He failed to specify the form type.

Answer: C

Which one of the following formulas does Cheng use to change the value of the ReleaseDate field to
today's date?

A. FIELD ReleaseDate := @Today

B. TEMP ReleaseDate := @Today
C. @ChangeField(ReleaseDate;@Today)
D. ReleaseDate := @Today

Answer: A

Robert does not want Authors in the Video database's ACL to be able to edit certain fields in documents
they created. Which one of the following can he do to accomplish this?

A. Set field security options to: Must have at least Editor access to use.
B. Use a Readers field on the form to prevent access to existing documents.
C. Use an Authors field on the form to prevent access to existing documents.

D. Create a standard section on the form and put the restricted fields in the section.

Answer: A

A Response document created by Hans appears as "Not Categorized" in a database view. It was intended
to appear in the view as a response to a review document. Which one of the following could have
caused the problem?

A. View Selection formula is set to: SELECT Form = "Review" | @AllDescendants.

B. Form Type is set to Document.
C. View Selection formula is set to: SELECT Form = "Review" & @Isresponsedoc.
D. Form Type is set to Response to Response.

Answer: B

In the Video form, the OrderDate field (which shows when the video can be ordered) is calculated based
on the Date field (which displays the release date). The order date is 30 days prior to the release date.
Which one of the following formulas will calculate the OrderDate value?

A. @Adjust(Date;0;0;-30;0;0;0)
B. @Adjust(Date;0;0;30;0;0;0)
C. @Number(Date) - 30
D. @If(Date != "";Date - 30;@Failure("There is no current release date"))

Answer: A

Which one of the following types of actions can be used on unopened documents?

A. Hotspot action
B. Form action
C. Database action
D. View action

Answer: D

Which one of the following describes who will be able to see an existing document that contains a
Readers field?

A. Only those people listed in the access list

B. Anyone listed as a Reader or above in the ACL
C. Anyone listed as a Reader or above in the ACL who is also listed in the Readers field
D. Only those people listed in the Readers field

Answer: C

Tommy has created a Sales view in his sales.nsf database. Tommy wants negative numbers in the Sales
Number column in the view to be in parenthesis. Which one of the following should Tommy do?

A. Select the Parenthesis when negative value in the View Properties box.
B. Use a formula to format the value in the field on the form that will be displaying in the view.
C. Select the Parenthesis when negative value in the Column Properties box.
D. Use the @function @Negative to set this in the column formula in the view.

Answer: C

Cindy has created a private agent. She wants her colleagues to be able to use it. Which one of the
following should she do?

A. Copy the agent to a Domino 6 server.

B. Change the agent property to Shared Code.
C. Delete the agent. She must create it again as a shared agent.
D. Change the agent property to shared.

Answer: D

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