Placement Papers

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The documents provide information about candidates' experiences with aptitude tests and interview processes at various companies including Amdocs and Capgemini. The tests cover topics like logical reasoning, coding, SQL, and UNIX.

The aptitude test conducted by Amdocs for the Gurgaon location consists of sections on aptitude, coding (C/C++/Java), English comprehension, and SQL. It has around 95 questions to be completed in 115 minutes.

The UNIX questions in the Amdocs exam cover basic UNIX commands and how to use them. Having actual experience working with UNIX would help in clearing these questions.


AMDOCS : Candidates Experiences at Amdocs' Office-Gurgaon - 24 July 2011

The exam of Amdocs is taken by Merittrac. The exam consists of Aptitude, Language test (C,C++ or Java), English Comprehension, UNIX and SQL. It was of 115 mins and consists of 95 questions.

1) Aptitude questions were easy. Some questions were like evaluate the value of equation (if '+' is '*', '-' is '/' etc.) 2) C questions were logical. They were like finding the output of the code given. They were of average difficult. Amdocs gives you the of language, so you can choose because I heard that C questions are easier than the other languages. 3) English comprehension questions were very easy. One can easily do them. 4) Unix questions were difficult for me. They can be cleared if you have actually done work on Unix. Learn about the Unix commands and how to actually use. 5) SQL questions were of average difficulty. You can clear them just have the knowledge of basic SQL commands.

In the end, questions were of average difficulty and time given is ample to solve. Just concentrate on technical section otherwise the questions are easy to solve.

AMDOCS : Candidate Experiences at MAGARPATTA CITY PUNE - 4 June 2011

The recruitment process consists of the following rounds for SME-TESTING POST:

1) Aptitude test (General + Technical) 2) Technical Interview 3) HR Interview


The duration of the test was approximately 150 min. There were 95 questions.

I am not aware of what criteria they were using, like whether they used negative marking or not....but be sure before filling the bubble.

The aptitude test comprises mainly of two sections: 1) General Aptitude Test-contains 3 subsection-PASSAGE-10QUES, QUANTITATIVE-20QUES, Third one(Attention on the details)-20QUES 2) Technical Test-contains 3 subsection-TESTING-15, UNIX-15, SQL-15 TOTAL 95Q IN 150MIN. It was meritrac paper According to me meritrac doesnt use negative marking.

General Aptitude test The general aptitude test consisted of the following sub-sections: 1) QUANTITATIVE 20 QUES-You should be very fast in this section. *****qno.12 to 15 was a ques set on cube which was coloured yellow and blue...bla bla was four colours. questions were on if you cut the cube then........ *****qno.16 to 20 was a set on cube which had some signs like star, square, circle....on its faces....questions were on like circle is opposite to is adjacent to traingle -----if you do both questions with cube diagram with concentration you may crack above questions.questions were not so much difficult. *****one q was on permutation combination *****qno.1 to 4 was on vein dia... *****qno.7 to 10 was 2 sets. like if A is 15th in his class rank from top ................... *****qno.6 was on like eg. if M is 7 from right and N is 16 th from left if they replaced there place now M is 9 from many persons are there in a queue

=20ques 2)Third one(Attention on the details)*****3ques were on if / is -, if + is * , if * is /, if - is + find the output of following equation *****1 ques were on if / is -, if + is * , if * is /, if - is + find which equation is correct *****4 ques were on pattern matching like erf7th2qw92g . we have to check which option matches from the ques *****3 set of 12 ques were on conditions ques was like if students want to join a seminar there are 6 conditions....if any condition is true student of same institute or other institute or working guy may join the seminar =20ques 3)PASSAGE 10 QUES-A passage was on pipeling like 2 stage pipeling, 4stage the passage and ans those ques.....

Technical Test

SOFTWARE TESTING CONCEPTS-15ques *****ALL QUES WERE ON YOUR BASIC KNOWLEDGE NO CALCULATIVE QUES ON EP AND BVA LIKE....JUST THEORITICAL QUES. YOU HAVE TO JUST READ OUT N TICK THE ANS SORRY TO SAY I DONT HAVE REMEMBER Q *****1q wasWhich of the following items would not come under Configuration Management? a) operating systems b) test documentation c) live data d) user requirement documents *****1 ques was on testing principle go through the ISTQB material ques from the softwaretestinggenius will work

UNIX-15ques *2 questions on function of tee *2 ques based on grep cmd * 2 ques on $$, $#, $*.....questions *2questions on softlink *and one on hard link...hard link q was on how to link the file *how would you list the directory ONLY....option were like ls -d or bla bla bla =10ques

SQL-15ques *What does not come in DML-option---i)dropii)insert..... *7 to 8 questions were on some questions we have to just check the query statement but this was the toughest took time...ques were very lengthy

Adobe Placement Paper : Whole Testpaper at New Delhi-21 Oct 2010

ADOBE Written Test:

Section -1:

1) Wap to reverse a linked list and sort the same.

2) Given two integers A & B. Determine how many bits required to convert A to B.

Write a function int BitSwapReqd(int A, int B);

3) Write an algorithm to insert a node into sorted linked list.After inserting,

the list must be sorted.

4) Without using /,% and * operators. write a function to divide a number by 3.

iota() function is available.

5) Wap to swap two integer pointers.

6)Write a function int round(float x) to round off a floating point num to int.

7) write an ALP to find sum of First n natural numbers using the following

Instructions LDA num ; load Accumulator with num

DCR R ; decrement Register R INR R ; increment Register R MOV x,y ; move the contents of register y into register x JZ label ; jump to label if A=0 DJNZ label; Decrement & Jump if A <> 0 you can use B & C registers in addition to A register Cool prove that a tree is

8) BST.what is height of a tree?

9) Given A,B & C Boolean polynomials.Prove That (A+BC)=(A+B)(A+C)

Section - 2:

There Were four section: 1. Aptitude: They had fairly simple arithmetic question, questions on geometry and questions like whether information can be deduced from the comments given. It was fairly easy and just u need to have basic clear. 2. Analytical: Questions like pattern matching, odd one out were there. Be careful while attempting these two sections that u wont be having much time. Before u know the time is over. 3. Computers: This paper is mostly from the topics u cover in B.Tech. there was one question on finite automate,Bit manipulation(flipping the bits), drawing the tree given pre-order and in order traversal, finding the formula for N-ary tree to fine number of external nodes. 4. C/Java: Here u had to write C programs(Mind u no multiple questions)there was one question to write program to search a string from bigger string, write a algorithm to compute X^n which is of complexity log n, implement atoi function.(U cannot use any standard function in these.)

Questions: 1. what percentage of total mass does liver has Ans 2.4%

2.What is the ratio of bones to total mass All the questions are simple .. 3. 45 min Testing concept test: 20 objective multiple choice questions like binary form of numbers, virtual memory, loss compression, while loop, if-then-else, error codes. a. loss compression b. loss less Compression c.text d image

2. output of 11000100 minus 2

3. Memory leakage is because of a. variable not declared b. variable not free.. like this 4 options were given

4. Virtual memory concept is related to a. memory leakage {mospagebreak}

5.Regression testing is defined as a. testing the whole application

b.testing the different modules in the application 6. If the time is very limited for the testing then what would u test in the application. a. run all the tests b.look for the most used features in the application c.go to the test plan and run the test based on the priority

I would suggest to go thru all the definition like what is regression testing .what is unit smoke.etc. 1 Test Case Writing questions: 10 test cases for entering 3 values representing

sides of a triangle and the program giving output as scalene, isosceles or

Equilateral(10 Marks)

1 Output of a calculator and finding the error in the output, write the defect log

for the bug (5 Marks)

1 Ques on weather Dev should do the testing or not. Give 3 reason on favor and 2

against it. (5 Marks)

1 Question diff between priority of a bug and severity of a bug. Give example of

one case where priority is high but severity is low and one case where severity is

high bur priority is low.

1 Question on a program that calculates P=R/I where R, I are integer inputs and P

a floating point output. Write 10 test cases for this - 5 Marks.


1. Software test: One hour Software test. U will be placed on a system with an

application opened that is containing bugs in it. A reference doc will be provided

where u will find the description of six modules of the application. U have to

find maximum number of bugs in those six modules given in the reference doc in one

hour. Each module contains at least one bug. U will have to keep writing the bug

in a paper provided to u as u keep finding it with the time when u found it.

2. 5 rounds of Interviews each of approximately 1 hour.

1st will be by a Senior Team member level guy, focusing on everything from simple

codes to find errors in them, writing simple algos, giving very simple puzzles,

test cases for a marker, ur projects, about urself, etc. The guy will keep giving

hints and help u to solve the problem.

2nd will be by a Manager level guy, based on ur technical skills, puzzles to be

solved on the whiteboard in front of him, algo to reverse a string using array,

questions on ur projects, test cases of a duster, the projects u have mentioned in

Ur CV. More of a question-answer based approach, not very interactive.

3rd will be by a senior HR on why Adobe, what keeps u going, where r u placed in

ur organization, all HR questions and about ur projects and Organizational levels.

4th will be by a Senior Team member level guy, focusing only on puzzles, lots of

puzzles and scenario based test cases, like how to test an imaging application

that removes the red eye affect from an image, test cases of an VOIP phone. The

guy will keep giving hints and help u to solve the problem.

5th will be by a Senior Team member level guy, focusing on problem solving

approach, scenario based error investigation, like an attachment is not opening in

outlook on a particular system, what all can be the reasons. The guy will sort of

discuss with u the problem and will try to find out the solution at the same time

assessing ur problem solving skill. Then he will play a logical game, then some

general questions, test cases for a radio, something about Adobe etc.

Birlasoft cap

Hi friends.......

This is Swati Mahapatra ...pursuing my 3rd year at EASTERN ACADEMY OF SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY,BHUBANESWAR, ORISSA.

I would like to share my experience . A total of 2100 students appeared from 22 colleges of orissa.

It was an off-campus recruitment drive. 200 were selected in the written round.

It was followed a GD in which 38 students were able to clear.

The next round was a technical cum PI round in which finally 16 were selected and I was among the luckiest 16.

I secured the highest no. of marks in the written round scoring 43 out of 50.

So my name was declared first.

The selection procedure comprised 3 rounds..........

Lets start with the first round. It was a written round.

There were a total of 50 questions of multiple choice type. There was a cut off of 32 marks. Each question carried 1 mark. There was no negative marking. The paper included questions from BOOLEAN ALGEBRA, Technical questions from RDBMS like Renormalization..., JAVA, C and OOPS.

The English section included antonyms, synonyms, sentences with nearly the same meaning which required identification of the correct sentence, and aptitude questions similar to that of the questions from R.S.AGARWALL. There was no Sectional cut off.

The second round was a GD round.

As per my observation the facilitator laid stress on the COMMUNICATION SKILL and ORGANIZATION AND SELECTION OF GOOD POINTS in favour of the topic. My topic was CASTE BASED POLITICS.

I was the initiator and the concluder. To qualify the GD one needs to speak valid points for nearly 2-3 minutes and give others a chance to speak.

What matters is how much patient you are and give opportunity to others. Do not get excited and do not make it a fishmarket.

ON the 4th of June we had only these two rounds. The very next day i.e the 5th of June we were told to report at 9'o clock in the morning.

It was followed by the TECHNICAL CUM PI round.

All the 38 qualifiers of the GD were divided into 3 groups. Three different HRs took charge of three different groups. My name was called up first.

While entering I requested "May I come in Sir?". After entering I placed my resume on the table. I was given a paper by the HR where I had to fill my details.

The questions he asked were as follows;

Q: So Swati what are the subjects taught in your 3rd year? A: Sir, we have all Computer Science subjects like Artificial Intelligence, Microprocessor and Micro controller, Computer Networking, Computer Architecture and Organization, Automate Theory, Design and Analysis of Algorithms, Operating System and we have two Mathematics papers as Discrete Mathematics Structure and Optimization Engineering.

Q: So you have done a project in Digital Image Processing. Can you give me a detail of it? A: I explained him about my project and my role in it.

Q: So you have done a course in Advanced C. What is the difference between C and Advanced C. What extra features are there in Advanced C? A: In Advanced C we have the Graphics concept and the use of Files.

Q: Can you details about the Hardware and networking training that you did? A: I explained him.

Similarly he asked me questions like;

1. What is the difference between C and C++?

2. What is the difference between Top Down Approach and Bottom Up Approach?

3. What is Friend Function and where and when is it used?

4. Can we use 'main' anywhere in the program?

5. What is Function Overloading and Function Overriding?

6. What is Exception handling in JAVA and how can we overcome it?

These were most of the Technical questions.

The HR questions were as follows.

1. Tell me about yourself?

2. So you are a good motivator. Cite an example in your real life how you motivated someone to do a work?

3. You have written that you were the Head Girl of your School. So what responsibilities did you handle during that period?

4. What all social activities do you do in your community?

5. You are an NCC certificate holder. What all activities did you do during that period?

6. Do you want to ask any questions?

I asked him to tell me about the company. He gave me the website and the details about the company.

He asked me, "Any more questions?"

I asked him "Sir, Will everyone cooperate with me in the company?". He answered me, "That you cannot say. You have to cooperate with everyone and work according to the environment."

Atlast he told me, "Congratulations and Thank you Swati." and shaked hands with me. I said, "Thank you Sir."

Our result was declared at 3 p.m. Finally I was selected and we were given a Birlasoft cap.

Our package was declared to be 2 lakhs during our Training sessions and it would be extended to 3 lakhs after that.

So guys I hope my experience will help you in presenting yourself in a competitive manner and may enhance your confidence before appearing the campus interview.

Best of Luck to all of you. See you in BIRLA SOFT.

Birlasoft Placement Paper : General - Interview at Chandigarh Group Of Colleges-19 Jan 2011

Hi Friends,

The Birlasoft was taken by merittrac services (there were 1-2 question repeated from Accenture paper which was also conducted by meritrrac service) and paper includes 1. Verbal 2. Quantitative 3. Reasoning 4. Technical (C++) 5. General (includes simple questions of sql, s/w engineering) Technical was the most toughest as it consists of programs having large loops. You have to reach to some short formulas Eg. Which of the following will generate output as prime factors of a no. No. of prime nos from to and in options 2 programs would be given you have to find the correct one. 5. Section was quiet simple. 1,2,3, section was also as usual There was sectional cut-off and we were provided with only one section's paper (eg.verbal) at a time and had taken back after that section 's time was over (eg. 15 minutes), before providing the next section's(eg.quant) paper. So that was little frustrating as there was very less time for quantitative and about 30 minutes was for general section which was lot easier as to that of quantitative.

Capgemini Paper on 24 February 2011 @ VNRVJIET, Hyderabad

Hello friends,

Capgemini conducted off campus for only selected colleges (around 15), but the news spread over to all and all other college students also came for the test and they allowed first selected colleges students and later remaining.

The selection procedure is

1)written test 2)GD 3)technical+HR

Coming to written test,it was conducted by "merit track" and the paper was little bit hard and also diff sets of papers.

Paper was divided into 3 sections

1) verbal section 20Q-20 min (1 passage+all are tense and word fillings,blanks filling) 2) Reasoning 20Q-15 min (general reasoning,RS agarwal is enough) 3) Quantitative 15Q-20min (it's little bit tricky and more problems on ven diagrams ) totally 55 qus and 55 min.

There is session cut off and also total marks cut off(totally we have to score more than 30marks) Around 1100 members attended the test and totally 300 are shortlisted for next round.

Next round is GD.

Each bath is going to contain 15 members and they given topics for GD like

* China is greater than India or not? * How u can remove poverty in India?

And some more topics. They selected 4-9 candidates a/c to performance. Form each batch totally 140+ students got selected for next round.

Next round is technical round.

Before going to technical they verified certificate, and technical was very easy and we need basic knowledge on programming like C,OOPS and also project related topics like SEngg, UML. (mostly for MCA students)

HR questions are.

Why you choosen capgemini? Are you willing to work on shifts?

And some more general and easy don't get tensed be cool.

After completion of all Tech+HR ,we all were waited for results and totally 54 got selected for capgemini. I'm also one of them.

All the best! CAPGEMINI Paper on 23 February 2011 @ ITER, Bhubaneswar

Hi friends,

It is a privilege for me to write about my experience at Capgemini campus interview. At the outset I want to mention the details of the eligibility criteria:

Consistent 60 % academic background from 10th onwards No standing arrears Should pass B.E./ B.Tech in (AE & Instrumental, ECE, CSE, EEE, IT, Mechanical and Civil etc) and MCA Passing year should be 2009 and 2010

Total 20 no. of colleges of Orissa have taken participation. The testing authorization was given to Merittrac, Kolkata. First they have checked our ID cards of college and permit us to give the written exam. The duration of test was 60 minutes. The no. of sections are: 1. Verbal Ability of 20 questions (1 passage of 5 multiple questions, fill in the blanks with adequate tense/preposition/phrasal verb/article etc)

2. Quantitative ability of 20 questions (2 visual reasoning, easy questions from time,speed, distance/ SI/Compound interest/Alegation)

3. Reasoning of 15 questions containg assertion and reason type, 5 questions of logical reasoning and some moderate questions

My dear friends, it is not plausible for you to attend all 55 questions in 1 hour duration as the questions were tricky and not so easy. But we have managed to attend utmost questions we could attend. One positive thing was there was no negative marking.

After 3-4 hours, Capgemini people have given their presentation regarding their company's financial result, exposure in global market and products, service and after 1 hour the result came and 243 out of 700 students have cleared the exam. Then suddenly group discussion was started.

The group was made up of 16 members. Surprisingly VP of Capgemini Esteemed Sir Mr. Hota sir have conducted our GD. The topic was : "Few parties should take participation in National level election, local parties should take part of local governance." I have given 4-5 points. My friends in GD they see five things: Confidence, Communication, Clarity, Attitude and listening. As it was just like a fish market not worthing of team work, I felt that it would be good to be silent and listen to others after giving 3-4 points of the discussion. Finally we 2-3 people summarized the discussion and surprisingly 14 out of 15 group members were selected for the next round.

Total 186 out of 243 were selected for PI round. The personal interview started in time. My interview was just like:

Me: May I come in Sir HR: Yes

Me: Good afternoon sir HR: Good afternoon..take your seat

Me: Thanks HR: Tell me about yourself

Me: told about.....all HR: Why u have gaps after 12th?

Me: preparing for IIT HR: Tell me about your project?

Me: told about all HR: what are the front end and back end and connectivity?

Me: told HR: What database u have used?

Me: sql server HR: what type of database is that?

Me: Relational HR: what is RDBMS?

Me: told HR: what are the other types of databses?

Me: told HR: how many no of tables are there in your project?

Me: told HR: how you have connected all?

Me: through referential integrity HR: What is that?

Me: told HR: (impressed) how many no of keys are there?

Me: told confidently HR: what is RAID

Me: told HR: are u comfortable to relocate anywhere?

Me: yes sir i can HR: why u have left your job?

Me: told HR: you are SCJP certified?

Me: yes sir HR: okay... thank you

Me: thank you sir

Next day final result came. Total 83 students have cleared the PI. I was the one of the luckiest guy among them....Welcome to Capgemini...Bon voyage

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