Thou Shall Bow To The Majesty of The Law
Thou Shall Bow To The Majesty of The Law
Thou Shall Bow To The Majesty of The Law
Wr i t i n g
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In modern societies, the Constitution is considered the Social Contract
which serves as the very basis in constituting a State. It provides the
philosophical and ideological framework, as well as the fundamental
branches, structures and processes, with which a country is to be
organized and governed. It is considered as the paramount law of the
land and provides the blueprint not just of how the government
should look like but including of what is just, equitable, proper, evil
and justiciable.
Like most countries patterned after the American government system,
the Philippine Government system is divided into three (3) great
branches, namely: the Executive which is given the power to carry out
laws, the Legislative which is assigned to enact laws and the Judiciary
which is endowed with the power of judicial review. While the
assignment of powers to these great branches seemed clear-cut and
rigid, the Constitution in fact put in place mechanisms to insure their
interdependence in order to effectively regulate the relationships and
dynamics between them, maintain their being co-equals and prevent
abuse and circumvention by any of the branches. Among these
mechanisms are the principle of separation of powers, the system of
check and balance and judicial independence.
The ongoing controversy on the Disbursement Acceleration Program
(DAP) involving the three branches of our Government with the
Executive and the Legislative apparently, but subtly, conniving against
the Judiciary is a perfect historical juncture to revisit these principles,
mechanisms and systems enshrined by our Constitution.
The Collision: Facts
The issue surrounding the collision of the government branches stems
from the 13-0-1 decision of the Supreme Court last July 1, 2014 ruling
as unconstitutional three (3) Schemes under the DAP, to wit: (1) the
creation of savings prior to the end of the fiscal year and the
withdrawal of these funds for implementing agencies; (2) the crossborder transfers of the savings from one department to another; (3)
and the allotment of funds for projects, activities and programs not
outlined in the General Appropriations Act (GAA) 1.
The High Court primarily based its decision on the letters and spirit of
Section 29 (1) of Article VI of the 1987 Constitution which provides that
[n]o money shall be paid out of the Treasury except in pursuance of
an appropriation made by law. The Court also noted that Section 25(5)
of the Constitution grants the Executive the power to transfer funds as
Wr i t i n g
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National Address of His Excellency Benigno S. Aquino III. On the filing of a Motion for Reconsideration on the
Supreme Courts decision on Disbursement Acceleration Program (DAP), Malacaan Palace, July 14, 2014.
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Wr i t i n g
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Upholding the Rule of Law: The ALS SC Official Statement on the Disbursement Acceleration Program. July 19,
UP, Ateneo Law School Govt hits Aquino on DAP. July 27, 2014.
G.R. No. L-45081
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that would insure its promotion and fulfillment. And to fulfill this noble
task, it assigned the powers to the branches with mechanisms for them
to work with each other.
- In doing this, it proclaimed itself the expression of the sovereign
- The spring cannot rise beyond its source no branch can exceed
the powers given to it by the Constitution, no matter how noble
the intention .
- decision of the Court puts into order the distorted practices. Reminds
the branches of their proper place in the promotion of the common
- it is a reassertion of the Judiciary of its strength the constitutionally
guaranteed judicial independence. No person can be seen to defy the
orders of the judiciary perceived by the people as the guardian of the
constitutional values that binds the nation.
- Common good and public welfare will be in peril, when delianation in
the assignement of powers are blurred or when power is concentrated
to a single branch or Official.
Is public welfare enough reason to subvert the paramount law
and the legal processes? Should good intentions save one from
Are we now in the Historical Epoch where we should allow the
president more power to answer the call of the times? Quo Vadis?
Wr i t i n g
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