A Novel Acknowledgement Based Intrusion Detection System For Manets
A Novel Acknowledgement Based Intrusion Detection System For Manets
A Novel Acknowledgement Based Intrusion Detection System For Manets
Mobile Adhoc Networks (MANETs) is collection of wireless mobile nodes that are free to move in any
directions at any speed. Mobile hosts are equipped with the wireless transmitter and a receiver that
communicate directly with each other or forward message through other nodes. One of the major advantages of
the mobile networks is to allow different nodes for data communications and still maintain their mobility.
However, this communication is limited to the range of different transmitters. It means that two hosts cannot
communicate with each other when the distance between the two hosts is beyond the communication range of
their own. MANET solves this problem by allowing intermediate hosts to relay data transmissions. This is
achieved by dividing MANET into two types of networks such as single-hop and multihop[1]. In a single-hop
network, all the nodes within the same radio range communicate directly with each other. But in a multihop
network, the nodes rely on other intermediate nodes to transmit if the end point node is out of their radio
communication range [2].
MANET is a collection of wireless mobile nodes forming a network without the need of existing
infrastructure. There are various challenges that are faced in the MANET environment. These are mostly due
to the lack of the resources of these networks. They are usually set up in situations of emergency, for temporary
operations or in a case if there are no resources to set up elaborate networks. The solutions for traditional
networks are usually not sufficient to provide efficient Ad-hoc operations. The wireless nature of network
communication and lack of any security infrastructure raise several security problems. This paper focuses on
the acknowledgment based IDS for MANETs. The proposed method provides higher malicious- behaviordetection rates in certain circumstances while does not greatly affect the network performances.
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