Design and Analysis of Magnetorheological Gripper
Design and Analysis of Magnetorheological Gripper
Design and Analysis of Magnetorheological Gripper
2011 - TECHNICALJOURNALS, Peer Reviewed International Journals-IJCEA, IJESR, RJCSE, PAPER, ERL, IRJMWC, IRJSP,
Indexing in Process - EMBASE, EmCARE, Electronics & Communication Abstracts, SCIRUS, SPARC, GOOGLE Database, EBSCO, NewJour, Worldcat,
DOAJ, and other major databases etc.,
Vol 03, Issue 02; May-June 2012
pick up unfamiliar objects of widely varying shape and surface properties remains, however challenging. Most
current designs are based on the multifingered hand, but in our concept Gripper with the Magneto rheological
fluid pouch attachment with two jaws is introduced.
Grip strength is the force applied by the hand to pull on or suspend from objects and is a specific part of hand
strength. Optimum-sized objects permit the hand to wrap around a cylindrical shape with a diameter from one
to three inches. Stair rails are an example of where shape and diameter are critical for proper grip in case of a
fall. Other grip strengths that have been studied are the hammer and other hand tools.
Table1 EMU Specification
Field Intensity
Pole Pieces
50mm diameter
Energizing Coils
Power Requirement
The type of gripper jaws which is used generally has a major role in determining the force which is required in
the functioning of a gripper. The gripper jaws are generally of 2 types or are found in two styles:i)Friction grip
ii)Encompassing grip.
While the encompassing style is generally preferred over the friction grip because it provides more strength
and is stable, the dimension that the jaw encompasses the gripper part should be deducted from the gripping
stroke. The geometric attributes (features) which may be used to construct the grasp model in terms of object
recognition resultant, such as position and orientation of the object.
Gripper types: The Four different types of Gripper are the Clapper, Two-Pincher Gripper, Flexible Finger
Grippers and Wrist Rotation. The Clapper Can be built using Metal, Plastic or Wood. Two-pinch Gripper has
two movable fingers. Flexible Finger Gripper has the capacity to contour the grasp to match the object, we can
approximate the compliant grip by making articulated fingers for robot. Most arm designs just want to rotate
the gripper at the Wrist Rotation is usually preformed by a motor attached at the end of the arm or at the base.
One should differentiate between grasping (prehension) and holding (retention) forces. This is important as
these are the most used type of gripper in industry. The grasping force is applied at the initial point of
prehension (during the grasping process), while the holding force maintains the grip thereafter (until object
release). In general, the retention force may be weaker than the prehension force. This is because the grasping
force is determined by the energy required from the mechanical motion. Robot grippers may be categorized in
broadest manner. Also gripper classified into three types which is mechanical finger, vacuum and magnetic,
and universal grippers.
Design of Magnetorheological gripper
Design of magnetorheological gripper attached with electromagnets is shown in Figure1.
Vol 03, Issue 02; May-June 2012
varying the magnetic field intensity. The fluid's ability to transmit force can be controlled with an
electromagnet with electromagnetic coil and soft iron pole pieces. Gripping force of the object can be
calculated by pulling force of an object. To calculate the pulling force a setup is made such that the object is
pulled when certain force applied by adding weights. The object has been pulled and checked before start of the
setup. The magnetorheological fluid pouch is attached as like the size of the gripper in the first figure, coming
to the next case horizontal packs of MRF pockets are present. The efficiency of both the models can be
determined by the experimental verification. It includes the study of grippers, electromagnet and the physical
parameters associated with them. Parameters such as the maximum distance between the two jaws of the
Gripper, thickness of the material, its physical movement and other things are taken care of.
The gripper was tested in lab condition which includes gripping different materials with the friction grip
and the encompassing grip. It is achieved by the Electromagnetic coil setup. The Gripping Force is tested by
the pulling force, also the force exerted by the MRF pouch due to the iron particles present inside and the
action of electromagnetic field generated by the electromagnet.
2011 - TECHNICALJOURNALS, Peer Reviewed International Journals-IJCEA, IJESR, RJCSE, PAPER, ERL, IRJMWC, IRJSP,
Indexing in Process - EMBASE, EmCARE, Electronics & Communication Abstracts, SCIRUS, SPARC, GOOGLE Database, EBSCO, NewJour, Worldcat,
DOAJ, and other major databases etc.,
Vol 03, Issue 02; May-June 2012
2011 - TECHNICALJOURNALS, Peer Reviewed International Journals-IJCEA, IJESR, RJCSE, PAPER, ERL, IRJMWC, IRJSP,
Indexing in Process - EMBASE, EmCARE, Electronics & Communication Abstracts, SCIRUS, SPARC, GOOGLE Database, EBSCO, NewJour, Worldcat,
DOAJ, and other major databases etc.,
Vol 03, Issue 02; May-June 2012
in terms of Current in Ampere. The Magnetic flux density in Gauss can be converted into Testla using the
formula by diving 10,000. For example the value of 580G = 0.059T.F
Table2 shows the Current, the converted value of current into source current, which is then converted into the
current Density(MA/m^2). Also Simulated Magnetic flux density is shown along with the Experimental
magnetic Flux density. This correlates the simulated result with the experimental result.
Gripper having MR Fluid pouch with high viscous fluid produces required force around the product according
to its shape and size. Due to this the safety handling of variety of products can achieved. It provides the
2011 - TECHNICALJOURNALS, Peer Reviewed International Journals-IJCEA, IJESR, RJCSE, PAPER, ERL, IRJMWC, IRJSP,
Indexing in Process - EMBASE, EmCARE, Electronics & Communication Abstracts, SCIRUS, SPARC, GOOGLE Database, EBSCO, NewJour, Worldcat,
DOAJ, and other major databases etc.,
Vol 03, Issue 02; May-June 2012
effective Gripping design method to reduce cost. The Gripper access works with low cost. It reduces the
number of Gripper design for each product and also provides respective Gripping Forces. It is easy to handle
Fragile objects like thin sheets, vegetables and other low dimension materials which require intelligent
MR-Pouches of different weights like 17gram,24gram can be used to get the different Gripping Force. From
this it also concluded that increase in size of MR-Pouch increases the gripping force.
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2011 - TECHNICALJOURNALS, Peer Reviewed International Journals-IJCEA, IJESR, RJCSE, PAPER, ERL, IRJMWC, IRJSP,
Indexing in Process - EMBASE, EmCARE, Electronics & Communication Abstracts, SCIRUS, SPARC, GOOGLE Database, EBSCO, NewJour, Worldcat,
DOAJ, and other major databases etc.,