Art Argument and Advocacy Mastering Parliamentary Debate

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The key takeaways are that parliamentary debate teaches skills in extemporaneous speaking, critical listening, critical thinking, research, and presentation. It discusses both the American and British debate formats and the responsibilities of different speakers in each format. It also provides information on topics, topic interpretation, argument theory, case construction, research, and other debate strategies and skills.

The text discusses the American or 'two team' format and the British or 'four team' format. The American format involves a proposition team and an opposition team, while the British format involves four teams - two proposition teams and two opposition teams.

In the American format, the responsibilities of the first proposition, first opposition, and other speakers are outlined. In the British format, the responsibilities of the four teams and different speakers on each team are described.


by John Meany & Kate Shuster



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and Advocacy



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Art, Argument,
and Advocacy
Mastering Parliamentary Debate

International Debate Education Association

New York Amsterdam Brussels



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Published in 2002 by
The International Debate Education Association
400 West 59th Street
New York, NY 10019
Copyright 2002 by International Debate Education Association
All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced,
stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any
means, without permission of the publisher.

Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publishing Data

Meany, John
Art, argument and advocacy: mastering parliamentary debate /
John Meany & Kate Shuster.
Includes index.
ISBN 0-9702130-7-7
1. Deabates and debating. I. Shuster, Kate, 1974- II.Title
PN4181 .M38 2002
Printed in the United States of America



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Table of Contents
Chapter 1 Parliamentary Debate:
Formats and Speaker Responsibilities
Chapter 2 Topics and Topic Interpretation
Chapter 3 Argument Theory for Debaters
Chapter 4 Case Construction
Chapter 5 Answering the Proposition Case
Chapter 6 Research and Evidence
Chapter 7 Opposition Strategy: Disadvantages
Chapter 8 Opposition Strategy: Counterplans
Chapter 9 Opposition Strategy: Critiquing
Chapter 10 Parliamentary Points
Chapter 11 Skills
Chapter 12 Tournament Administration
and Topic Selection


Appendix 1: Topics
Appendix 2: Resources
Sample American parliamentary
debate ballot
Sample British parliamentary debate ballot 331
Sample tournament calendar
Debate support Websites
Argument support Websites
Reference sites
Appendix 3: Glossary of Terms
Appendix 4: Sample Debate Transcripts




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arliamentary debate is dynamic, entertaining and challenging. The worlds most popular form of academic and contest debating, parliamentary debate is also the fastest
growing debating format. This is because it is uniquely accessible. Parliamentary debate teaches sophisticated skills in extemporaneous speaking, critical listening, critical thinking, research,
and presentation.
Parliamentary debate is different throughout the world. This book provides a comprehensive description of the American, or two team, format
and the British, or World Championship, four team format. Though not
a comprehensive description of all parliamentary debate techniques and
issues, the principles described in the text are relevant to any format.
The text is designed for novice and advanced competitors and
debate coaches, and is suitable for classroom instruction. The parliamentary debate format is appropriate for public, non-competitive
debating. We strongly believe in the value of classroom and public
debates. Issues of controversy and concern for all individuals and communities demand that people be able to express themselves through
voice and argument. The skill development in this text as well as the
format information we provide will assist in staging public events for
classes, community groups, non-profit organizations, government
agencies, corporations, and activist groups on important matters of
local, national, and international politics.
We have included all of the basic elements of public speaking, critical thinking, critical listening, and research skills for new debaters.



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The text also contains sophisticated argument skills for experienced

practitioners that include exercises, sample speeches, excerpts, and
resources, as well as a glossary and more than 1,000 potential debate
topics. All these resources are useful for novice and experienced
debaters as well as debate trainers and coaches. The best way to learn
how to debate is through constant practice. The exercises in each chapter are meant to help you learn how to use the vocabulary and concepts
in parliamentary debate gradually, rather than all at once. Some exercises may be profitably repeated with different topics and in different
groups of debaters.
The text presents some technical jargon associated with debate, but
whenever jargon is used, a common or plain meaning description of the
same concepts is also given. Our goal is to help debaters adapt their
speeches from the information in the text for use before inexperienced
or experienced judges or a diverse array of audiences. Jargon is not
meant to substitute for elegant rhetoric in parliamentary debates. We
have included some jargon associated with other debate formats
including a policy or Lincoln-Douglas debate because many debaters
learn their skills from textbooks or online sites that use those formats
as models. Also, parliamentary debaters frequently participate in multiple formats international or American and others as part of their
debating experience. Policy and Lincoln-Douglas formats are debated
in several countries, so there is substantial overlap between debate
communities. Debaters need to understand the jargon and techniques
of other formats to effectively counter those students with that experience. We keep this information related to policy debate and LincolnDouglas debate to a minimum and always place it in the context of parliamentary debate.
This book is designed to be read and studied over a period of time,
rather than absorbed in a single sitting. While you read the text, you
may encounter vocabulary terms that you do not immediately understand. Take notes on these vocabulary words and closely examine their
accompanying definitions or explanations.
We have included information on debate and argumentation theory and practice to allow practitioners to innovate the thinking, practice,
and craft of parliamentary debate. No community can remain static for



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long. Debate is particularly dynamic. The norms and practices of

debate are continuously reinvented by debaters and coaches alike. We
hope that this book will aid, rather than hinder, this process of growth
and change in the debate community. We encourage readers to use the
text to develop their own exercises, and to adapt its precepts where
The authors wish to thank IDEA and Noel Selegzi for their support of debate and of this textbooks production in particular.
John Meany wishes to thank Robert Branham, the former director of debate at Bates College, an inspirational teacher of debate who
introduced this author to parliamentary debate. Bob was a brilliant
debate theorist with a commitment to debate education. John also
wishes to thanks his son, Jake Meany, for his sacrifices, patience, and
support during the production of this book and current and former
members of the Claremont Colleges Debate Union, who have shared
with him in learning the art and practice of parliamentary debating.
Kate Shuster wishes to thank her mother, Sandra Shuster, for her
unwavering support and love. She has been an inspiration in times of
trouble and prosperity alike; also her brothers, Matthew and Will; and
her father, Don Shuster, who is missed. Kate also wishes to thank her
dear friend Jon Brody, a former University of Texas debater, whose
example and guidance taught her to be innovative and creative in
thought as well as debate.



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Formats and


arliamentary debating formats vary among different countries,

even within countries in different debate leagues or at specialized tournaments. Rules for debating are formally established
and institutionally maintained; this chapter discusses two popular and
distinct parliamentary formatsthe American format and British format. In addition to formal rules (and it is important to note that there
are few official rules of parliamentary debating, which is one of the
more attractive features of the event, regardless of format), there are
informal conventions. These latter guidelines are often understood, or
misunderstood, as rules for contest debating. The rules of debating
primarily address speaking times, number of teams and speakers, order
of speeches, and decision making.



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The American format

A standard American competitive format for a parliamentary debate
includes two debate teams, one on each side of a motion. Each team
has two people. One team supports a motion for debate (the motion
is also known as the topic, proposition or resolution). The team supporting the motion is known as the proposition team. (In the USA
and some other countries, the proposition team is also known as the
government.) The proposition team has the burden to prove that
the motion for debate is more probably true than false. In other
words, the proposition team must convincingly demonstrate that it
has successfully supported the motion.
The other team in the debate is known as the opposition. (They are
not ever known as the anti-government, rebel alliance, revolutionary
front or the oxymoronic Anarchists United.) The opposition team
argues against the propositions support for the motion.
For each debate, a motion is announced and the teams are given a
period of time to prepare the debate. The typical preparation time period is fifteen minutes, although there are variations. The debate begins
after preparation time has ended.
There are six speeches in the debate. The first four speeches,
known as constructive speeches, form the foundation of the debate.
The proposition and opposition constructive speeches establish the
core arguments for each teams side of the motion.
The latter two speeches are rebuttal speeches, with each side getting one speech to summarize. Each rebuttal speaker uses her speech
to identify the salient issues for her team and propose the reasons why
her team has convincingly won the debate.
The debate proceeds as follows:
First proposition constructive speech
First opposition constructive speech
Second proposition constructive speech
Second opposition constructive speech

7 minutes
8 minutes
8 minutes
8 minutes



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Opposition rebuttal
Proposition rebuttal

4 minutes
5 minutes

These speeches are also known by the following titles and

Prime Minister Constructive
Lead Opposition Constructive
Member of Government
Member of Opposition
Lead Opposition Rebuttal
Prime Minister Rebuttal


The speakers for the proposition open and close the debate. The opening speaker for each side presents two speeches in the debate the opening constructive speech and the rebuttal speech. The second person on
each side delivers a single speech the member speech for her team.
There is no preparation time for speakers during the debate. Each speaker, in appropriate turn, immediately follows the previous speaker.
There is a judge for each debate. In many debates, particularly
those directly determining the outcome of a tournament, there are panels of judges, typically three or five judges per panel, with individual
deliberation and a majority decision to decide a contest.
In some cases, there may be a designated Speaker of the House (or
Chair) or presiding parliamentary officer. More commonly, however,
the judge or designated individual on a panel of judges, functions as
Speaker of the House, introducing debaters for their speeches and ruling
on parliamentary points directed to the chair. There is no preparation
time between speeches. After one speech is finished, the Speaker of the
House calls upon the next debater to proceed.
A debate may have a designated timekeeper to track preparation
time and speaking time. In the absence of a timekeeper, the judge usually keeps time. The timekeeper announces the end of preparation
time. Technically, the debate officially begins immediately at the conclusion of the preparation time. The timekeeper signals time to the
speakers during the debate with hand signals or a series of cards indi11



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cating remaining time. For example, if a speaker is delivering a seven

minute speech and has used three minutes of her time, the timekeeper
should signal four, the remaining time for the speech. The timekeeper should never signal elapsed time in a speech. It is sufficiently challenging to deliver a winning debate speech without having to perform
an arithmetic calculation to determine available speaking time. The
person keeping time should signal the remaining time to the speakers
at the passing of each full minute and at the half-minute mark of the
final minute. The timekeeper should also note when the speaker has no
remaining time.
The timekeeper announces available time for points of information
during the constructive speeches. After the first minute and before the
last minute of each constructive speech, the timekeeper will knock;
that is, rap her knuckles on a desk or table, slap a table with a gavel or
palm of her hand, ring a bell, fire a blast of an air horn, squeeze a duck
unexpectedly, or perform some other brief, noisy gesture.
Each round of tournament debating has a different topic; the
motion for debate is announced just before the debate begins. There
are different approaches to the announcement of a motion. They are
listed in the order of their popularity.
A motion may be attached to the ballot presented to each judge to complete regarding the outcome of the debate. (See the chapter on judging
for more on ballots and decision making. A sample parliamentary
debate ballot is included in the resources appendix.) When the two
teams and judge arrive at the assigned location for the debate, the judge
announces the motion to the teams and begins preparation time.
The tournament may have a central gathering place. At that site, a
tournament representative will make a verbal announcement of the
motion for all participants.
A sheet of paper may be attached to the judges ballot. The sheet will
contain three potential motions for debate. The proposition team and
opposition team each strike a debate topic, i.e., each remove a
motion from the list. The remaining topic is the motion for the debate.
The debaters then announce the topic to the judge and preparation
time begins.



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Two motions are attached to the judges ballot or announced at a central gathering place. One motion is "open" and the other is closed.
(Open and closed motions are discussed in the chapter on topic interpretation.) For example, one motion may be open Bury it, and
other closed This House would eliminate the secret policy deliberations of the WTO. The proposition team selects either motion.
A motion is attached to the judges ballot. The motion contains opposing statements. For example, a motion might read This House
would/would not support NATO expansion into Russia. The proposition team then selects either possibility for the debate. In other
words, the proposition team may defend either This House would
support NATO expansion into Russia, or This House would not
support NATO expansion into Russia. In some leagues or tournament competitions, it is appropriate for the proposition team to
declare their selection before preparation time begins. On other occasions, the proposition does not announce the motion for debate until
their opening speech.

The British format

A standard British intervarsity tournament substantially departs from
the American parliamentary format. Each debate involves four teams,
with two teams on each side of the motion. Each team has two people.
As in the American format, the teams supporting the motion are known
as the proposition and the teams opposing them are known as the opposition. This is one of many similarities between the American format
and the British format. The language and argument style of all parliamentary debating is liberally borrowed from the British, Irish and
Canadian formats. This might explain the use of the titles Prime
Minister and Leader of the Opposition in American parliamentary
debating. We believe this is a slightly better explanation for the use of
these anachronistic, somewhat perplexing terms than the other popular
claims regarding their use collective madness for all things Anglo.
Of the two teams on the same side of the motion, one is designated
first proposition and the other as second proposition. The same is the
case for the opposition teams: teams are listed as first or second oppo13



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sition. Each team has a different role described in detail below in the
section on speaker responsibilities. Briefly, the first proposition teams
function in the same way as American debaters do in the constructive
speeches, establishing an argument for the motion and defending and
disputing it. The second proposition team provides an extension of the
original case of the first proposition team, expanding the debate to new
areas of critical examination. The second opposition team refutes this
new argument direction. The final speakers for each team in the debate
are much like rebuttalists in the American format, effectively summarizing the winning points of the debate for their respective side.
The announcement of a motion for debate at a central gathering
site is this formats preferred model. Preparation time is similar to
American format event. The debate commences 15 or 20 minutes after
the announcement of the motion.
There are eight speeches in the debate. Each speaker delivers a single speech. Each speech is the same duration, usually either five or
seven minutes. There is no preparation time for speakers during the
debate. Each speaker, in appropriate turn, immediately follows the previous speaker.
In the British format, a proposition team opens the debate and an
opposition team closes the debate. Although arguments are integrated
during a debate, it is also appropriate to consider and evaluate the
debate format as if it constitutes two parallel debates, administered
First proposition, first speaker
First opposition, first speaker
First proposition, second speaker
First opposition, second speaker
Second proposition, first speaker
Second opposition, first speaker
Second proposition, second speaker
Second opposition, second speaker
Points of information play a particularly important role in this format
and are available after the first minute and before the final minute of



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each of the eight speeches. Because each speaker only has a single
stand on the floor, it is important for each debater to make his or her
presence known at other portions of the debate. For example, the
opening speakers will not be heard for nearly 45 minutes if they do not
successfully make points of information during their opponents
speeches. Likewise, the latter speakers will not play a role in establishing the debates foundational issues if they fail to advance informational points at an early stage of the proceedings.
Managing points of information is a particular challenge in this format. Because of the importance of making points, debaters are more
likely to make them in the British than the American format. In addition, a speaker holding the floor faces four respondents, rather than
two, who are able to make points of information. With less speaking
time to make winning claims, it is extraordinarily challenging to present organized, winning material and at the same time manage the distractions and interruptions from the other side.
There may be one or more than one judge for the debate. In the
American format, each judge deliberates privately and makes a decision
about the outcome of the debate. The judge decides a winner of the
debate in a zero-sum game: The team that does not win the debate loses
the debate. The judge also provides individual marks for each of the four
debaters. Because there is private deliberation and voting by judges, it is
necessary to have an odd number of judges for each debate. (This
requirement is distinguished from the common complaint of debaters,
namely, that there are a number of odd judges at each tournament.)
In the British format, judicial decision making is by consensus.
This means that debates may be evaluated by an odd or even number
of critics. After their deliberation at the conclusion of the debate, the
judge or judging panel issues a single decision. The debate decision
ranks the four teams in the round of debate from first to fourth place.
Each judge also provides individual speaker marks for the participants.
In order to succeed, debate teams must not only defeat the two
teams on the opposing side but must also outperform the debate team
assigned to the same side of the motion. Teams do not coordinate information or otherwise work together during preparation time in these
debates. Each team prepares individually and must show some loyalty



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to the team on its side and simultaneously demonstrate superiority to

that team. Debaters are penalized for failing to support the debate
team on its side of the motion.
There is likely to be a person designated Speaker of the House
(Chair) to announce each speaker in turn. Points of order and personal privilege are not available in the format and the chair is not called
on to issue rulings on these parliamentary matters.
Parliamentary points, such as points of information, points of
order, and points of personal privilege, are discussed at length in a later
chapter. They should not be confused with speaker points, which are
points on a fixed scale assigned by judges to individual competitors in
the debate after the debate has transpired. Parliamentary points are an
integral part of the process of debating, but their accumulation (or lack
thereof) does not directly influence the outcome of a debate. For more
on how debates are decided, please reference the section on judging in
the Skills chapter.

Speaker responsibilities
The American format
Parliamentary debating is extemporaneous argument. Debaters are
presented with a motion for debate and have a scant 15 minutes to prepare. They do not read published material or argument briefs gathered
prior to preparation time during their presentations. Parliamentary
debaters speak from notes theyve made during the preparation time
prior to or during the debate.
Each speaker position in parliamentary debate involves responsibilities for effective presentation, defense, and refutation of motions. In
addition, parliamentary debaters are members of teams and some
responsibilities of speakers involve shared efforts with a colleague.
Many parliamentary debaters, particularly in the USA, have
developed an unfortunate habit of beginning each speech with a series
of thanks to the Speaker of the House, opponents, partner, members
of the audience, furniture, and any other carbon-based life-form or
inorganic matter occupying space in the debating chamber. This affec16



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tation is apparently designed to instruct the assembled judges and

audience that faux civility is back in fashion. The disingenuousness and
mechanistic construction of thanking conventions is almost certain to
bore or rankle any listener with critical thinking skills or even those
with slight ripples of brain wave activity. Does the speaker genuinely
believe that the opponent, a complete stranger, is honorable? Is the
speaker truly happy that the proposition team has presented a powerful case for debate? Can the dermatologically challenged youth performing the role of erstwhile rent-a-partner be accurately described as
either lovely or brilliant?
In a similar manner, speakers end their stand on the floor with a
resoundingly obvious I/We beg to propose or the clever rejoinder,
I/We beg to oppose. Really? The proposition team wants the proposition team to win the debate and the opposition team wants the opposition team to win the debate? What an unexpected development in the
proceedings! Want more advice? Stop begging. It is unseemly; it does
not resonate with persuasive authority.
Debaters, all debaters, should begin and end speeches with proper
introductions and conclusions. (This matter is discussed in the chapter
on performance). This section on speaker responsibilities identifies the
fundamental strategic and tactical roles of speakers. Subsequent chapters offer more complete commentary on preparing and delivering the
full text of each speech in a debate.
Each speaker is known by one or more references to the speech she
will deliver in the debate. The opening speaker for the proposition
team is variously known as Prime Minister, first prop, or PMC.
The latter is a code for the title of the speech itself it literally translates as Prime Minister Constructive, but it has come to be used as a
title for the speaker as much as a reference to the speech. The other
speakers in the debate are known in a similar manner:
First speaker, proposition: Prime Minister, first prop, PMC
First speaker, opposition: Leader of the Opposition, Leader, Leader
Opp, first opp, LOC
Second speaker, proposition: Member of Government, member of
gov, second prop, MG



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Second speaker, opposition: Member of Opposition, member opp,

second prop, MO
Opposition rebuttalist: Lead Opp rebuttal, LOR
Proposition rebuttalist: Prime Minister rebuttal, PMR (for some
debaters, this speaker is also known as that lying, deceitful, manipulative &*%@#, always with a new argument in the final speech of
the debate)
First speaker, proposition (a.k.a., prime minister
constructive). The opening speaker in the debate makes a case
for the motion. To make a case, a speaker offers a logical proof, a
demonstration that the motion is more probably true than false. The
first speaker for the proposition interprets the motion for debate, defining any ambiguous terms or otherwise clarifying the foundation for the
argument. The speaker may establish additional frameworks for the
discussion, including decision making criteria or other evaluative tools
to assist the judge.
The speaker is likely to offer a history of the debates subject matter. Parliamentary debate topics are generated from all academic disciplines and subject fields: economics, philosophy, cultural studies, the
sciences, the law, politics, social studies, womens studies, media studies, immigration, race relations, education, human rights, national
defense and social welfare. It is not likely that judges have precisely the
same knowledge base as opening speakers. A history of the issue in
controversy helps debaters inform the judge in a way that might assist
the judges appreciation of subsequent argument claims from the
proposition team.
After the opening speaker provides a clear foundation for the
debate, she presents a case, that is, a detailed exposition of arguments
in support of her interpretation of the motion. A succinct interpretation
of the motion is also known as a case statement.. The case typically
consists of three or four main arguments with corresponding examples
or other forms of contemporary or historical evidence.
It is the obligation of the opening speaker to prove the motion. As
Raymond Alden explained in his 1900 treatise on The Art of
Debate,there is an obligation resting upon one or other parties to a



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controversy to establish by proofs a given proposition, before being

entitled to receive an answer from the other side. This responsibility
rests, he concluded, upon the side that would be assumed to be
defeated if no progress at all were made in the consideration of the
The case will typically consist of three or four main arguments, with
corresponding examples or other forms of contemporary or historical
evidence. For example, on the motion, This House would abolish
affirmative action, an opening speaker might organize her main arguments in the following manner:
1. Affirmative action has failed to address race and gender issues over time.
2. Affirmative action policies undermine community reform by assimilating the best and brightest of marginalized communities into mainstream culture.
3. Alternatives to affirmative action are more likely to deal with the
root causes of racism and sexism.
The opening speaker would have sufficient reasoning and examples to
make concise, complete, and compelling arguments on each of these
issues. The speaker would offer a summary of her speech to demonstrate the manner in which the arguments met the burden of proof for
her interpretation for the motion.
First speaker, opposition (a.k.a., Leader of the
Opposition). The opposition team provides clash in the debate.
Clash, one of the fundamental principles of any kind of debate, is simply what happens when arguments directly oppose each other. This
idea is examined more in the chapter on argument theory. The opposition team provides clash when they attempt to undermine the logic of
the proposition teams case. The opposition argues that the motion, as
interpreted by the proposition, does not hold.
The first opposition speaker uses tactics of direct and indirect refutation to counter the proposition teams case. The opening speaker for
the opposition may challenge the definition of the motion or the propositions decision framework of the debate. (See the chapter on topic



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interpretation for more on arguing theses issues). The first opposition

speaker may also challenge the main arguments of the propositions case.
Refuting the main points of the case, that is, disputing the argument analysis or factual claims of the opening speaker, is called direct
refutation. The opening speaker for the opposition should critically
evaluate the first proposition speakers arguments, pointing out inconsistencies, trivialities, logic gaps, argument fallacies, improper causal
chains and exaggerated claims. This speaker might also offer counters
to the examples presented in the proposition case.
The opposition could also promote clash with the proposition case
through indirect argumentation. Indirect argumentation involves
issues that are not formally included in the proposition team case (i.e.,
the issues not mentioned in the opening speech by the first proposition
speaker) but are, nonetheless, intimately related to consideration of the
matter. These material arguments, including disadvantages, counterplans and critiques, are discussed in detail in subsequent chapters.
The optimal opposition strategy in the opening speech is to present
some combination of direct and indirect refutation, carefully selecting
from among all available opposition arguments the more salient and
potentially effective ones for presentation in the debate.
The opposition is not obliged to disagree with every argument of
the proposition team's case. It is wearying and ineffectual to engage in
this sort of reactionary gainsaying of each of the propositions main
arguments. It may be, in fact, to the advantage of the opposition to
agree with a proposition argument. Agreement may focus the discussion on those points in genuine controversy or may support a different
and more powerful position for the opposition team.
Opposition debaters, particularly in the opening speech, should at
least account for all the main arguments of the proposition case. The
opening opposition speaker should do this in a forthright and formal
manner, making it apparent to the judge that all major elements of the
proposition case have been addressed. By this, we mean that the first
opposition speaker should say something about each of the major
issues of the case, either by identifying points of agreement and relocating the core issues of the debate to other matters or by directly or
indirectly disputing the proposition claims.



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This approach does not necessarily limit the options of the opposition speaker, nor does it involve a mechanical rejoinder to each of the
proposition teams major issues. It is possible for the opening opposition speaker to identify two or three main lines of argument, for example, one to address the issues of the case (direct refutation) and two
new initiatives that could undermine the proposition position in the
debate but, at the same time, are not ideas articulated in the opening
speech (indirect refutation). The opposition speaker might then let the
judge know that these three issues are of greater import than the other
matters in the opening speech, i.e., the other major arguments for the
proposition team are trivial distractions and not fundamental to a proper evaluation of the motion.
Second speaker, proposition (a.k.a., Member of
Government). The second constructive speech for the proposition team is that teams last opportunity to introduce new arguments
and issues. The only stand on the floor for the proposition, after this
constructive speech, is the final rebuttal speech in the debate. This is a
particularly important speech for the proposition, as it immediately
precedes two consecutive opposition speeches the second opposition
constructive speech (or Member of the Opposition speech) and the
opposition rebuttal speech (or Leader of the Opposition rebuttal.)
The opposition speeches give that side of the debate 12 consecutive
minutes to advance arguments. The second proposition speaker must
convincingly prove her sides case to withstand the serious forthcoming opposition assault.
The second speaker for the proposition refutes all the major objections to the case as offered by the opening speaker for the opposition.
In addition, this speaker reestablishes the principles of the case, initially presented by her colleague in the first proposition speech. In doing
so, she might supplement her colleagues reasoning, offer additional
examples or otherwise amplify the opening presentation.
Second speaker, opposition (a.k.a., Member of
Opposition). This is the final constructive speech in the debate for
the opposition team. No new arguments or issues may be introduced



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after this speech by the side opposing the motion.

The second speaker for the opposition has several options for her
speech. She may continue the objections of the first opposition speaker to the proposition teams case; present new arguments against the
proposition team (these arguments may be either direct or indirect
refutation); defend and expand the opposition's counterplan, disadvantages, critiques and other indirect argumentation if they have been
presented; and evaluate inconsistencies between the arguments of the
first and second proposition speakers.
Although the speech is known as a constructive speech and a
proposition team may make points of information during unprotected speaking time, debaters should be cautious about presenting information as if the second opposition speech was a constructive speech. It
should function as an opposition rebuttal speech.
The second opposition speaker, like any constructive speaker in
the debate, may introduce new arguments, but this is an unwise tactic
because this speaker will be immediately followed by the oppositions
last speech in the debate, its sole rebuttal speech. If the second opposition speaker introduces new arguments into the debate, the opposition
rebuttalist will be able to repeat that information in her speech but will
not be able to expand or amplify the points. There is no foundation to
do so as the proposition team has not yet had an opportunity to dispute
any of the claims from the second opposition constructive speaker.
In fact, the only opportunity for the proposition team to answer
these issues is in their next stand on the floor, the proposition rebuttal,
which also happens to be the last speech in the debate. This means that
any positions advanced by the second speaker of the opposition are,
essentially, naked arguments. The opposition debaters are unable to
explain, defend, or extend the arguments. Virtually any argument in
the proposition rebuttal will defeat these newly entered issues and a
clever proposition speaker might try to capture new arguments or turn
them to her advantage, employing them as winning strategies for the
her side. Paradoxically, new arguments presented in the second opposition speech might be the key to victory for the proposition.
It is vital to expand the arguments from the first opposition speaker. It is equally important to answer or account for the key issues of the



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second proposition speaker. The opposition team, in their second

speech, should be careful about introducing new arguments or unnecessarily expanding arguments in the debate.
If the second opposition speech functions as a rebuttal, then the
opposition offers an integrated front of 12 minutes of argumentation,
an effective tactic to overwhelm a final proposition rebuttalists fiveminute speech. The second opposition speaker should effectively summarize issues, explaining carefully the impact of each argument (i.e.,
the manner in which the argument plays a decisive role in the outcome
of the debate). Opposition speakers should share rebuttal responsibilities, with each speaker managing a section of the debate.
Opposition rebuttalist (a.k.a., leader of the opposition rebuttal). This part of the debate is the summary speech
for the opposition team, the last opportunity this side will have to
explain winning arguments. Rebuttals are an opportunity to contrast
the main lines of argument of the proposition and opposition. The
speaker should select from among the issues of the debate. It is not possible to cover every argument in the debate. There are likely to be too
many argument points from the constructive speeches in the debate,
and, to compound difficulties, the rebuttalist has approximately onehalf the allotted time of the constructive speakers. (The opposition
rebuttalist has four minutes for the speech, in contrast to the proposition constructive speakers who have, respectively, seven- and eightminute speeches.)
The opposition rebuttal speaker should focus attention on the
salient two to four major issues that might tip the debate to the opposition side. The opposition should select more than one issue. Multiple,
independent winning arguments may increase the probability that the
opposition will succeed in the debate.
These arguments must have a foundation in the constructive speeches. New arguments may not be introduced in the opposition rebuttal.
The opposition rebuttalist should carry through important issues from
her opening speech in the debate, as well as her partners constructive
speech. The speaker should be cautious to avoid rote repetition of the
second opposition speech. Too many opposition rebuttalists merely



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repeat the issues from their partners speech Bad idea. Simple repetition
is hardly the most effective explanatory, argumentative or persuasive
presentation. Simple repetition is hardly the most effective explanatory,
argumentative or persuasive presentation. Simple repetition is hardly the
most effective explanatory, argumentative or persuasive presentation.
(That last bit should just about settle the matter.)
Rebuttal repetition does not advance the oppositions agenda in the
debate. It retards it. It suspends it for four minutes. It also provides the
proposition rebuttalist with time to prepare her speech. The proposition speaker has already heard the oppositions potentially winning
arguments in the final opposition constructive speech. There is no reason for her to listen to the issues again. By repeating the arguments in
the opposition rebuttal, the opposition merely sets free the proposition
rebuttalist. There is no reason to pay attention to the opposition rebuttal speaker. She is on to more important tasks. With four minutes to
craft her five-minute speech, the final rebuttalist is almost certain to
offer effective rejoinders to the oppositions claims. Paradoxically, the
conventional opposition rebuttal, a restatement of the issues of the second opposition speaker, works best for the opposing side.
Proposition rebuttalist (a.k.a., prime minister
rebuttal). The proposition has the final speech in the debate. This
speech should effectively summarize the entire debate. The proposition
rebuttalist has similar goals as the final opposition speaker. The final
rebuttalist should extend the arguments from the constructive speeches, taking care to answer the major arguments from the opposition
speakers, particularly the final opposition stand on the floor. The
proposition rebuttalist should offer multiple, independent proofs of the
motion to increase the probability that any single idea will be sufficient
for a victory.
For this speaker, there may be an exception to the no new arguments in the rebuttal rule. The proposition rebuttalist is entitled to
answer new arguments made in the second opposition constructive
speech, because the final rebuttal is the first opportunity in the debate
that the proposition team has to refute these issues. Although the
answers to the new arguments of the second opposition speaker may



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appear to be new, they are not new arguments in the debate. They
have their foundation in a constructive speech.

The British Format

There are subtle and dramatic differences in speaker roles between the
American and British debate formats. Many of the roles, particularly
for speakers opening and closing the debate, are nearly identical to
speaker roles in the American form. As in the American format, after
the opening proposition case, British format debaters advance new
issues and challenge the ideas of their opponents.
First speaker, first proposition. The first speaker in the
British debate format has a nearly identical role to the first speaker for
the proposition in the American format. The speaker interprets the
motion and makes a convincing case for it. The case should provide
opportunities for serious debate and for argument extension. (See the
role of the first speaker, second proposition, above.)
First speaker, first opposition. Same as the first speaker,
opposition, in the American format.
Second speaker, first proposition. This is extraordinarily similar to the second speaker, proposition, in the American format.
This speaker should amplify the arguments of her partner and initiate
at least one new argument in the debate.
Second speaker, first opposition. Same as the second
speaker, opposition, in the American format. This speaker should
amplify the arguments of her partner and initiate at least one new argument in the debate.
First speaker, second proposition. At last, a serious point of
departure between the British and American formats. The second proposition teams first speaker must establish an extension of the case presented by the first proposition teams opening speaker. The case extension



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may not simply repeat the ideas of the opening speaker of the debate, nor
may the speaker offer yet another example for the same argument. While
showing loyalty to the opening proposition team, the first speaker of the
second proposition team must subtly shift the discussion to new area of
investigation or amplify an opening teams symbols, themes or underlying
assumptions. This speaker then follows the form of the opening speaker,
establishing a case for modifying the motion. The case includes three or
four main lines of argument constituting a logical proof for the second
proposition teams interpretation of the motion.
Because the second proposition team shares a side of the motion
with the first proposition team, it is important for the second team to
offer a position that is consistent with the initial argument claims. To
do otherwise, that is, to undermine the arguments of the opening
proposition team, is to figuratively stab colleagues in the back. (At least
the authors hope that it is only figurative knife play.) When this undermining occurs, the second proposition team is said to knife the first
team. Knifing is almost always held against a second proposition
team. It is so disfavored by judges that it is difficult for a team engaging in the practice to receive a rank higher than fourth place. Consider
that parliamentary debates roots lie in governing bodies, which frequently involve coalition governments of more than one party. When
one party rejects the claims of their supposed partner, they are in effect
disbanding the coalition.
First speaker, second opposition. Same as the first speaker, opposition, in the American format. This speaker must rebut the
case presented by the second proposition teams first speaker.
Second speaker, second proposition This speech is very
much like a rebuttal in the American format. The speaker summarizes the
debate, making the necessary points for a winning conclusion for her team.
Second speaker, second opposition. Same as the second
speaker, opposition, in the American format, or second speaker, proposition, in the British format.




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Concluding Thoughts on Formats

Although there are substantial differences between parliamentary debate
formats, the major styles are quite similar in substance. The process of
argumentation and refutation to determine winners and losers of debates
varies little from debate to debate. The proposition team will, invariably,
make a case for the topic. The opposition team will refute or otherwise
undermine the proposition teams case. As the debate progresses, both
teams will develop lines of argument to prove why their side wins the
debate. At the end, both sides have a chance to summarize their arguments and refute the major issues raised by their opponents. Finally, the
judge or judges will render a decision about the debate, assigning either
ranks or a winner and a loser. They will assign speaker points on a fixed
scale to individual debaters. After these decisions are made, the judge
will offer oral and written critiques of the debate.
Regardless of the specific format used for debate, good debate
requires ethical practice. We advise you to consider the seriousness of
the event when you practice debate. Do not, through your behavior or
arguments, make the event a joke. This is a waste of money and time
for your organization and for your opponents and critics.
As a debater, critic, or trainer, you shoulder an obligation to know
and follow the policies of tournaments and leagues in which you participate. At tournaments, the rules often dictate the format and other
procedures, including judge behavior. At the league level, policies usually regulate behavior, including harassing behavior, between debaters
and other tournament participants. In the USA, the National
Parliamentary Debate Association has the following harassment policies in their by-laws (updated July 2001):
Academic debate provides a forum for the expression, criticism,
and discussion (and for the tolerance) of a wide range of opinions.
Participants are encouraged to develop skills in reasoned and supported argument while avoiding the pitfalls of faulty argument.
Academic debate does not provide a license for demeaning actions



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and it does not tolerate sexual harassment. Any participant who

suffers discrimination or harassment as part of the activity is
denied the guarantee of an equal opportunity to work, learn, and
grow in the area of academic debate and may be harmed in mind,
body, and performance.
Sexual harassment is a form of discrimination and consists of
verbal or physical conduct of a sexual nature, imposed on the basis of
sex, that has the effect of denying or limiting ones right to participate
in the activity, or creates a hostile, intimidating, or offensive environment that places the victim in an untenable situation and/or diminishes the victims opportunity to participate fairly. Sexual conduct can
become discriminatory and harassing when the nature of the interaction is unwelcome, or when a pattern of behavior that is offensive to
a reasonable woman (or man, as the case may be) exists. These definitions, which comply with the EEOC and other legal definitions,
rely strongly on the perceptions of the complainant and it is important to recognize that differences in social position between the complainant and the accused can compound the degree of threat or
potential harm perceived in a situation.
It is important that leagues work to develop policies regarding harassment and other exclusionary behaviors that might occur at tournaments or other league events. As you become involved in debate, you
should investigate the relevant policies of your league to ensure that
your behavior is in compliance with the norms of the organizations in
which you participate. Regardless of policies and procedures, however, debaters, trainers, and judges have an obligation to behave in a civil
and respectful manner towards other participants in the activity.
In the interest of pursuing open debate and discussion, all participants must respect each other and create an environment free of intimidation. All debate formats create space for dynamic, engaged, and
informed discussion. One of the only major variables to change from
debate to debate in parliamentary debating is the topic. Teams should
expect to debate a different topic in each debate. In the next chapter,
we discuss the types of topics and explain the process of topic analysis
that debaters should employ.



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arliamentary debates are usually extemporaneous events, with

the announcement of a motion for debate approximately 15
minutes prior to each debate. It is also possible to have set topics for debating. Some debate tournaments announce topics hours or
weeks in advance of a competition. Specialized debate events, for
example, a public debate in a parliamentary format conducted between
two schools or on the Internet, may have its topics announced in
advance, usually to attract an audience.
Most motions begin with the phrase, This House would or
This House believes or This House should The expression
This House refers to the decision makers in a deliberative parliament.
In most cases, the decision maker is the judge or panel of judges for the
debate. Proposition debaters will advance a case that is designed to
convince the decision makers that the motion is more likely to be true
than false. If the decision makers agree with the proposition team, the
motion is affirmed. This agreement demonstrates that the House
supports the ideas expressed by the proposition team. In other circum29



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stances, the House includes the audience, as a substitute for or in

addition to designated judges. It may be the case that the first proposition speaker interprets This House for the purpose of advancing her
arguments in the debate, providing an altogether different understanding of the phrase.
Topics are fact statements, policy or value comparisons or national
or international policy directives. The proposition in a parliamentary
debate is also known as the topic, resolution, or motion. Motions are
categorized by their language, and fall into several loose categories.
In one typology, motions are identified as resolutions of fact, value
and policy. A resolution of fact proposes a factual claim that is subsequently subject to debate:
This House believes that the economy of the USA is recovering from
Jury nullification in drug trials is an increasingly serious problem.
A resolution of value compares value claims or postulates an expression of a good that is subject to debate:
It is appropriate to sacrifice freedom to promote security.
This House prefers the local to the global
A policy resolution calls for an action to be taken.
The United Nations should prosecute international terrorists.
The federal government of the USA should increase regulation of
industries in its borders to substantially reduce their production
and/or emission of environmental pollutants.
Although the topics language might tip participants off as to the type
of motion proposed for debate, the act of correctly categorizing the
motion as a fact, value, or policy motion has little to do with the
debates actual argumentation. After all, debate argumentation
includes elements of fact, value, and policy. Debaters inevitably offer
expressions of the good. (That is the reason debaters are convinced



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that others will listen to them. Debaters advocate sound or favorable

ideas, proper opinions, expressions of the good and legitimate value
claims, and an audience is subsequently willing to engage the speaker.)
Debaters understand value claims in the context of human and institutional behaviors (i.e., policy). It is nearly impossible to intelligently discuss values in the abstract. (As a thought-experiment, try to explore
any value claim life, liberty, equality, justice, privacy, aesthetics without due consideration of government, corporate or personal behavior.)
For example, an advocate for liberty does not necessarily support the
value of liberty in every conceivable context. A speaker defending the
value of liberty is unlikely to support the freedom of individuals to kill or
steal. Few debaters would argue for a liberty interest to sexually exploit
children or marry neighbors pets. Contextual understanding, the appreciation of specific individual or institutional policy choices, is necessary
to give meaning to the concept of liberty.
Of course, debaters use factual material in all their debates. In
other words, fact, value and policy issues are all available to debaters
on each fact, value or policy resolution. It is, in fact, largely impossible
to separate issues of fact, value, and policy. In a debate, you cannot
really discuss values in the abstract. When confronted with a topic
such as This House opposes discrimination against minorities, a
proposition team must do more than merely argue that discrimination
in the abstract is bad. Pragmatically, this argument puts them in a weak
position. To oppose this sort of case for the motion, the opposition team
would merely have to provide some examples of cases in which it is
appropriate to pursue a policy of limited discrimination. The opposition could, for example, argue that discriminatory affirmative action or
the imposition of representative quotas achieves important benefits in
the long-term pursuit of equal representation and opportunity.
It is important to remember that parliamentary debate comes from
roots in the processes of governmental and other decision-making bodies. In parliamentary convocations worldwide, advocates are called on
to do more than simply argue that discrimination (or inflation, or toxic
waste) is bad in the abstract. They are expected to offer a proposal to
deal with existing situations of concern. This does not mean that all
proposition teams are therefore expected to offer a specific plan for



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action. Proposition teams must offer specific examples of the problem

identified in the motion, but may refrain from offering a plan per se.
In addition to resolutions of fact, value and policy, resolutions are
understood as open or closed. A closed motion is sometimes called a
straight resolution. An open motion is also known as a linkable resolution. A closed or straight resolution is meant to be taken literally. For
example, on the motion, This House would send peacekeeping troops
to the Middle East, it is expected that the proposition team would
offer a relatively conservative interpretation of the motion, establishing
reasons for military force intervention in the nations bordering the
eastern Mediterranean Sea.
An open or linkable motion is more abstract. Bury it. There
should be a new song for America. Dont fear the reaper. The proposition team may define the terms of these open or linkable motions in
most any way they choose, generally linking the abstract motion to a
public policy controversy. For example, a defense of the topic Bury it
might have the proposition team call for an end to national missile
defense plans in the USA, burying the plan for the defense program for
reasons of technical and political unfeasibility. The link between the
motion and case can be tenuous, although some leagues and tournaments
insist upon a closer relationship between the two, even for open motions.
There are some motions that can be characterized as relatively
open or relatively closed. These motions provide for a range of proposition cases within a tightly constrained range of options. For example,
on the motion The Supreme Court should overturn the decision, the
proposition team might argue for the overturn of any one of a number
of decisions rendered by the court. A closed motion will normally dictate the subject matter for the debate, if not all of the specifics that
could be part of the proposition teams case. For example, the motion
NATO should admit Russia as a member state is a closed motion.
The proposition team has some leeway to interpret the motion, insofar
as they may suggest a particular plan for admitting Russia (sooner
rather than later, phasing in membership, limiting influence, etc.). A
relatively closed motion, on the other hand, will normally dictate a
range or genre of subject matter for the proposition teams case.
There are other somewhat novel or experimental forms of motions.



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There are motions that propose a general area of investigation, for

example, Africa or Olympic Games. Any reasonable idea generated from this kind of topic area could serve as a constructive interpretation of the motion and a foundation for debate. This form of motion
design provides the proposition team with considerable interpretive
liberty. The opposition might not be able to successfully anticipate
either the issues for the debate or the direction of any suggested
reform. (Will the proposition advocate more engagement with one or
more African nations? Or will they suggest that nations withdraw support for national and sub-national groups engaging in human rights
violations?) This motion form might be used in those circumstances in
which a tournament director has determined that there is a decided
bias for the opposition in the outcomes of debates on more specifically
worded resolutions. The director might then use a focused but more
ambiguous motion to provide an equal opportunity for the proposition
side to participate in fair contests.
Another motion is the scenario. This motion offers an extended,
detailed explanation of a crisis, condition, or bargaining position.
Rather than a motion as a traditional single, simple, declarative sentence, the scenario may use one or several paragraphs to describe,
through a series of chronological events, logical claims, or personal
narratives, events that might constitute the subject for debate. Scenario
construction necessarily limits substantive debating to the specifics
designed by the tournament host. This may be appropriate as an academic exercise, a public event, or conference project, particularly for
presentations to a specialized audience interested in the finely detailed
descriptions of a case study. One example of a case study proposition
is this one, used at a parliamentary tournament in the USA:
Case Scenario: A doctor has just learned that the patient she is
treating will probably not live beyond the next day. The patient
knows he is terminal, but thinks he has at least another few weeks
to live and has hope that there is a slim chance to pull through.
Family members are already near by. The doctor's dilemma is
whether to reveal the truth about patient's anticipated time of
death. The proposition team must support the statement the



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physician must make a full and complete disclosure to the patient

and his family.
This kind of case study or scenario for debate may be an interesting
and relevant exercise for conference debates or other kinds of public
events; however, its use in intervarsity tournament competition can be
problematic. Longer topics can inadvertently advantage the opposition
team by providing more grist for opposition arguments, while binding
the proposition team to a relatively narrower area to defend. In the
example above, the opposition team could persuasively contest the
phrase and his family, arguing that the doctor only has a responsibility to the patient, and that the patient (rather than the physician)
should decide whether and how to inform the family.

The opening speaker of the debate is responsible for interpreting

the motion for debate. The speaker typically defines key terms for the
purpose of clarifying the motion and establishing an understanding of
the controversy for debate. On the motion, This House would establish a system of national health insurance in the USA, the speaker
might define system of national health insurance. There are many
possible systems of national health insurance. Without a clear definition by the proposition team, how would the opposition know which
system to consider? Is the proposition discussing an expansion of the
Medicare system? A requirement that all employers pay for health
insurance for workers? A new, federally administered national health
program? Debate cannot proceed in a meaningful way until these
questions are adequately answered.
There are, however, other methods to analyze a motion. Debaters
should consider the following interpretive models. Examples follow
each of the descriptions of interpretative models of several motions,
with approximately the same amount of time devoted to the issues that
one ought to use in a competitive debate. In addition to the arguments
regarding the motion itself, the speaker should make sure to define any
technical or difficult term in the motion and note that any issues not
understood in the analysis of the proposition will be made clear in the



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case proper. It is inevitable that additional clarifications of the motion

throughout an opening proposition speech will assist an understanding
of the proposition teams motion.

A literal model of interpretation

A literal interpretation is a conventional reading of a motion that presumes (1) a commonly held and exclusive understanding of the motion;
(2) there is no metaphorical understanding of the motion; and (3) it is
possible to understand the motion objectively, that is, the statement is
independent of any interpretation or contextual understanding. (This
is surely an ironic moment a definition of literal meaning. Is there no
literal meaning for literal meaning?)
In the example of the proposition, This House would establish a
system of national health insurance in the USA, a literal interpretation
would presume a single available interpretation. A debater might introduce the interpretation in this way:
We are here to debate the motion, This House would establish a
system of national health insurance in the USA. It is evident that
this resolution is discussing the ongoing controversy of a federal,
single-payer system to provide universal health care coverage for
all citizens and residents in the United States of America. That is
the basis for todays debate.

A parametric model
This method of interpretation presumes that literalism is problematic.
Those debaters employing this interpretive method allege to account
for the difficulties with literalism. They claim to appreciate that there
is no singular and exclusive interpretation for a motion. They admit to
a range or set of possible interpretations for any given motion. The
range of interpretations is always in flux and somewhat arbitrary.
There are no clear parameters on the set, although the interpreting
team will admit to some parameters.
On the motion, This House opposes the death penalty, a team



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using a parametric set or a model might acknowledge a number of reasonable interpretations:

The proposition might call for an end to the administration of capital
punishment, claiming that the death penalty, execution for special circumstances crimes and capital punishment are one and the same.
The proposition might argue for the abolition of factory farms, arguing that modern farming techniques are certainly a death sentence for
any animal unfortunate enough to be bred for slaughter.
The proposition team could advance the idea that animal testing in
research and development for the cosmetics industry, fatal to all tested animals, ought to be eliminated.
The team interpreting the motion might abolish the estate tax, a federally imposed tax on the estate of a deceased person, often described
as a death penalty.
Likewise, on the motion This House would establish a system of
national health insurance in the USA a proposition speaker might
introduce the interpretation in the following way:
The motion before the House is to establish a system of national
health insurance in the USA. There are a number of reasonable
national health insurance proposals that have been offered by government officials and public health experts. The most comprehensive
and effective plan is the call for full expansion of the Medicare program, a position that we will endorse in todays debate.

The extended analogy

In this case, the debater interpreting the motion argues that the motion may
be drawn, by analogy, to correspond to a target statement. The latter statement is the proposition speakers interpretation of the motion for debate.
On the motion, This House would fight the power, an opening speaker
for the proposition might offer a case to stop or resist (fight) the bombing
campaign in Afghanistan (the power). In interpreting by analogy, a proposition team should adhere to the semantic structure, grammar and syntax of



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the original statement when constructing the target interpretation.

On the motion This House would establish a system of national
health insurance in the USA, a proposition speaker might draw the
following analogy:
The motion before the House is to establish a system of national
health insurance in the USA. This motion represents the value of
payments for the environmental or general health needs of citizens. Individuals are in the best position to determine the quality
of their lives. As such, the motion is understood as a call for a
guaranteed annual income for citizens and residents in theUSA.

Metaphors are the basis of much communication in everyday life as well as
in parliamentary debates. Metaphors express a relation in which one thing
stands for another (people as plants, life is a journey, death is a journey). In the interpretation of a motion, the opening speaker for the proposition would present a metaphoric understanding of the motion simply by
having a case statement represent the language of the motion. The limited
restrictions previously noted on extended analogy (consistency with number, semantic structure, etc.) are unlikely to apply.
On the motion Dont fear the reaper, a proposition speaker might
argue for a policy of death education in schools. The speaker would
say that to reject fear, we must institutionalize an educational policy.
The relation with death comes from the speakers connection of death
and a reaper. A reaper is not an objectively accurate understanding of
death. That fact is largely irrelevant to this sort of interpretation.
On the motion This House would establish a system of national
health insurance in the USA a proposition speaker might introduce
the interpretation in the following way: The motion is a metaphor for
lifes caring journey. Consequently, we will argue that society should
better serve the needs of the elderly.




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To be sure, there are problems with each interpretive method since it is

possible to argue the merits of any of them. If one did not know this from
the field of literary interpretation, surely he or she would understand it
from the world of debate. Everything is up for grabs in debate. All ideas
are subject to challenge. It is extraordinarily doubtful that literalism
exists, and, if it does, it would seem to be of limited application. Is it the
case, for example, that debaters share the knowledge base, worldview,
identity and cultural history to have a singular and exclusive understanding of the terms of a motion? Literal understandings are more likely to be
the ego projections of the judge or the opposing side in a debate. It is
nothing other than one or more of those participants advancing their own
knowledge base about a topic, subsequently reaching the conclusion that
their understanding or interpretation of the motion is inevitably intuitive, conservative, or better. (This suggests an insecurity that is better managed with years of intensive petting zoo therapy or Up with
People counseling than participation in debating contests.)
Parametric interpretations are nothing other than samples of literalism parametrics is literalism writ larger and softer (perhaps flabbier is the more accurate description). It is literalism + n, where the
value of n is any non-zero number of interpretations. How any of this
sets parameters in a reasonable, non-arbitrary manner has yet to be
explained by its fans. The hallmark of the model is its capriciousness.
Its advocates claim that it provides a predictable set of issues for
debate. There is little way of knowing, however, in which direction the
parameters are to be set or what they might potentially include or
exclude. It is the three-card monte of interpretations, changing on the
fly, scamming those earnestly playing along.
Extended analogies and metaphorical interpretations might provide too little focus for the debate. They seem to moot the point of having a topic for parliamentary debates. If the proposition only needs to
substitute a target statement, any target statement, for the motion, and
may do so by extended analogy or metaphor, then the topic itself is
largely irrelevant. The proposition team will not need to adhere to any
of the motions language. They are free to abandon the motion and create their own debate resolution.
Proposition teams should take care to select the appropriate inter38



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pretive model in each debate. The language of the topic and the potential proposition case will strongly influence the opening speakers
choice of interpretation.
Opposition teams, particularly in the USA, are likely to argue that
proposition teams have presented a case that is at odds with the motion
for debate. This situation rarely occurs outside of the USA. In British
debating, for example, opposition teams that challenge the proposition
teams interpretation of the topic may be booed or otherwise heckled.
On occasion, it is acceptable for debaters to disagree with the definition or interpretation of a motion, but it happens very infrequently. It
also occurs only in circumstances in which the initial interpretation by
the opening proposition speaker so violates principles of common sense
that others in the debate must correct the interpretation in order to
have a debate. Unless there is an egregious error by an opening proposition speaker, the other teams in the debate are expected to debate the
motion as interpreted by the first proposition team. Deviations will
likely receive a hostile reception from judges.
In those circumstances in which American parliamentary teams
argue that the proposition teams case is at odds with the motion for
debate, they are usually making a rather different claim. They are not
actually suggesting that the propositions case is inconsistent with the
motion for debate. To the contrary, they are quite likely to ignore
entirely the proposition teams interpretation of the motion for debate.
The opposition does not usually argue that the proposition teams
interpretation is wrong or unreasonable, but that is not sufficiently
right. The opposition team typically argues that there is another, and
better, interpretation of the motion. They introduce the other interpretation and explain that it should be the basis for debate. The opposition
might explain that their interpretation is more predictable, intuitive, or
fair to all parties. The opposition team might offer one or more reasons
why their version of the topic ought to serve as the interpretation of the
motion for the debate. The opposition side concludes this topicality
argument (an argument about the viability of the proposition case on
the announced topic) by establishing that when the proposition team
fails to offer a case that successfully matches the opposition interpretation of the topic, and the opposition interpretation is better than that of



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the proposition team, the proposition has not provided a legitimate

interpretation of the topic and should lose the debate.
There are problems with this approach. The opposition merely
offers a different interpretation of the motion. But there are always
many possible interpretations of a given motion. The point of a fair
debate is to permit the proposition team to select the more salient and
defensible interpretations from among the potential ones. Opposition
interpretation of the motion undermines this fundamental principle of
equitable debating. Further, opposition interpretation of the motion is
a way for the opposition team to duck the topic for debating. This is
never a good way for either side to approach the debate. Just as the
proposition team should not attempt to duck the subject matter of the
motion, so too should the opposition team endeavor to confront the
proposition teams case head-on.
One other problem with topicality arguments is the manner in which
they seem to be at odds with lived experience about textual interpretation.
The claims made for the argument include the following: (1) individuals
share an understanding of the language, such that word use is common
and universal; (2) the failure to abide with syntactic construction and
grammar rules inhibits meaning; and (3) words are not understood contextually but have an objective meaning prior to their use. These points
are routinely made or function as the subtext of topicality arguments
without considering that these arguments represent controversial statements in the fields of philosophy of language, semantics, semiology, linguistics and communications. There is also an entire body of literature
that repudiates the claims that language must be commonly and objectively understood and used according to fairly rigid grammatical principles in order to produce meaning. We call it poetry.
The proposition team answers a topicality argument according to the
following guidelines:
They may argue that the opposition team has failed to advance a theoretically sound position in the debate. The claim by the opposition
that the debate ought to be about an other issue than that proposed
by the proposition team seems fit here. Why should the opposition



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select the basis for debate? From where is the authority for an opposition interpretation of the motion? The opposition team does not
have to defend the motion during the debate. The proposition has
that duty. The proposition team has legitimate authority to define the
motion because it has the burden of proof for it. The opposition team
does not. The proposition may investigate the legitimacy of the theory supporting the oppositions topicality argument.
The proposition team might argue against the construction of the
topicality argument itself. In this way, the proposition speakers
would consider the internal consistency of the argument, its relation to other opposition positions in the debate, the analytical or
causal reasoning supporting the argument, or the examples proffered to support the argument. In other words, the proposition
team would debate the issue in the same way they would consider
any other argument in the debate.
The proposition teams speakers might suggest reasons that their
interpretation of the motion is consistent with the arguments offered
by the opposition. These reasons would demonstrate that the interpretations are complementary, rather than contrary. It would show
that the opposition position on the topic for debate is not a reason to
reject the proposition interpretation.
Finally, the proposition might establish some affirmative arguments
(also known as offensive arguments, that is, an argument that
establishes a winning position for its proponent. It does not mean an
insulting or crude argument.). These arguments might include justifications for their particular interpretation of the motion. The proposition team would try to prove that to endorse the interpretation suggested by the opposition team would do violence or commit other
serious harm.
For example, on the motion, This House would have a new song for
America, the proposition team might argue for significantly expanded
affirmative action programs to redress race and gender inequality by
business. The opposition could introduce a topicality argument, offering the claim that affirmative action is not a new song for America,
as affirmative action programs have been in place for many years. The



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proposition team might refute this statement, claiming that this opposition stance expresses the same rhetorical approach traditionally used
to exclude women and people of color from business. In other words,
they call for the suspension of discussion on the needs of socially marginalized people for a different or other agenda, the latter set by those
privileged few (in this case, the opposition team and its differing interpretation of the motion.).
The de facto silencing of the advocates of dramatically expanded
and substantially different affirmative action programs (the proposition team) is the tactic of those favoring business-as-usual approaches
to race, gender and human relations. The opposition team, like those
interested in further marginalizing socially alienated populations,
always have another agenda to discuss, as they are endlessly bored
with the plight of people unlike themselves. The proposition team
might be able to argue that the topicality argument is a reflection of the
very problem they are attempting to both reveal and ameliorate.
According to the proposition team, the topicality argument is, therefore, not an effective reply to their opening speech. To the contrary, it
produces marginalizing behavior that the proposition has proven ought
to be disputed.
In addition, the opposition has an enormous conflict of interest
when it interprets the debate motion. The opposition team opposes the
motion in the debate and has every reason to provide a bankrupt or
easily defeated interpretation. This tactic simply makes the debate easier for them. The debate then becomes a rigged game. The opposition
side sets the agenda for the proposition and gets to argue against it.
This situation would be similar to a state prosecutor autonomously setting the rules of procedure and evidence for a criminal trial and subsequently arguing the case. Of course, if the opposition speaker sets the
agenda for the debate by interpreting the motion is her speech, the
debate technically begins with the first opposition constructive speech.
It is another rigged game. The proposition will have lost a constructive
speech and must now prepare to debate against the first and second
opposition constructive speakers.
If all this were not enough, the underlying assumption of much topicality argument is that the opposition side in the debate requires prepa42



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ration time to effectively engage the proposition teams case. To the opposition, this requirement means they must have an idea about the direction
or substance of the proposition case during the fifteen-minute preparation
time period prior to the debate. Opposition teams seem to suggest that
they are disenfranchised if the proposition presents a case they have not
adequately anticipated during the preparation time period.
Preparation time is primarily for the proposition and it is not necessarily for the opposition team. The proposition team must make a
convincing case for debate. This is a challenging enterprise. It is more
difficult to build than to destroy. The proposition must provide consistent, unifying principles for its case. It is more likely than not that the
proposition team will have to maintain several different arguments to
maintain its logical proof of the case. The opposition team will not need
to endorse unifying or terribly consistent positions to prevail. In fact,
many opposition teams win debates because they are able to identify
and support a single powerful argument against their debate foes.
The proposition team quite clearly and desperately requires preparation before the debate begins. The first speaker for the opposition,
like the second speakers for the proposition and opposition, can make
do without preparation time. If that is the case, there is no reason for
advanced notice or predictability of the proposition teams interpretation of the motion. The opposition should be able to successfully debate
in an extemporaneous manner. They should do so to facilitate meaningful debate on a single, focused topic. The topic is a guideline for
debate. The point of proposition interpretation is not to provide the
best or optimal interpretation of the motion for debate. Their burden is
merely to provide one interpretation of the motion for debate.
Does this mean that there are no occasions for the opposition side
to challenge the interpretation of the motion by the proposition team?
Of course not. It is possible to argue that the proposition team has provided an illegitimate interpretation of the motion. Or, a particularly
clever opposition speaker could argue that the proposition team has
failed to uphold their interpretation of the topic as presented in the
Prime Ministers constructive speech.
To accomplish this, the opposition should first identify the arguments in the opening speech that might constitute an interpretation of



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the motion for debate. There are always arguments in the opening
proposition speech in support of the motion. Sometimes these arguments are highlighted or otherwise noted by the first proposition
speaker. In many cases, the majority of the arguments involving interpretation of the motion are implicitly included in the substantive text
of the opening speech. The fact that these arguments are not explicitly
offered does not mean that they are not present in the speech. Instead
of arguing merely a different or other interpretation of the motion,
the opposition team should argue that the proposition teams case fails
to meet the propositions interpretation of the motion.
On the motion This House would starve a cold and feed a fever, the
proposition might introduce a case to increase the testimony of victims in
criminal sentencing decisions in the USA. The opening speaker would
argue that the criminal justice system should move from the sterility of
formal due process protections exclusively for criminal defendants in
order to embrace the concerns and passions of crime victims.
In this circumstance, however, imagine a case presentation that inadvertently supported due process: an opening speech in which the first
proposition speaker endorsed the legitimacy of established constitutional
protections. The opposition team might then legitimately argue that the
first proposition speaker has every right to interpret the motion but once
an interpretation is offered, the proposition team must show some loyalty
to their argument for the motion. In this case, the proposition speaker has
failed to offer a case consistent with the established interpretation of the
motion, that is, an objection to due process coddling of criminal defendants. This combination of proposition arguments would be a strong reason for the opposition side to prevail on a topicality argument in the
debate. The argument might be presented as follows:
The proposition team has presented a case that is at odds with its
interpretation of the motion. In the definition of the motion, the first
proposition speaker explained his teams ambivalence, even hostility,
to extant due process protections. This is their interpretation of the
phrase starve a cold in the motion. To offer a proof for the motion,
they must proffer a reduction in due process protections: they must
starve the cold.



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But the proposition speaker supports constitutional due process

protections later in her speech. This latter claim is at odds with their
interpretation of the motion. It shows that the case does not reflect
the motion. The proposition team must lose the debate, as they have
presented a case that does not support the motion.
The point of all this argumentation about the definition and interpretation
of the motion for debate is to establish a standard for the opening proposition team. The standard encourages the opening speaker to create a
meaningful case that might be controversial and subject to dispute by
each side. In other words, debate theory on the issue of the interpretation
of the motion is designed to promote argument clash. There are three
additional considerations to note: the matters of specific knowledge, truism and tautology.
Specific knowledge refers to a violation of the principles of fair or
equitable debating. The popular conception of specific knowledge is that
the proposition speakers possess information that is specific (that is,
private). This information may form the basis of a proposition case. If it
does so, it will undermine fair and meaningful debate. This argument
against specific knowledge presumes that debates proceed best when
based on shared information, that is, factual material, opinions and other
data available in the public sphere or generally understood by informed
university students and other parliamentary debate participants.
Specific knowledge claims are appeals to ignorance. They suggest
that debaters should do little more than offer a least common denominator approach to a world of ideas, selecting out the challenging, intriguing,
paradoxical, innovative, complex, and counterintuitive ones and excluding them from debates. It seems odd, indeed, that debaters might be
penalized for knowledge or critical insight that goes beyond obvious, conventional wisdom. If debate is to accomplish anything, at least in a sophisticated way, it ought to both inform its participants and provide serious
critical training. In other circumstances, we call this education and
encourage its development.
Specific knowledge produces a race to the bottom. In other words,
the student with the least information, the intellectual neophyte, may be
better positioned for success in debate competitions. For that student, all



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the argument claims of the opposing side are examples of specific knowledge that ought to be challenged and excluded from debates. Specific
knowledge functions to secure a win for the side that fails to answer the
most arguments the fastest: Brilliant opening speech, Prime Minister. I
have never heard any such ideas before. Really. What a knowledge base!
What an impressive command of the facts! Alas, it new to me. It is, therefore, not possible for me to debate. So, the matter of this debate is now
settled. I win! Thanks, everyone, for attending. On to my next challenging round of debate!
Specific knowledge turns the debate world on its head, providing
a theoretical defense for anti-intellectualism. It suggests that debaters
prepare for their event by dumbing down sophisticated ideas or
creative perspectives. This bankrupt theory only puts a modern spin
on the concession speech, attempting to turn surrender into a winning ploy. That anyone falls for this ploy reveals one of the great cons
of contemporary debate.
The claim of specific knowledge is almost always suspect. It does not
accurately describe the knowledge base of debates participants. Debaters
do not have common understandings of the issues introduced in debate
topics. Students have very different personal knowledge, nationalities,
cultural practices, identities, and histories. They concentrate their studies
in different academic disciplines. (Is it specific knowledge for an economics student to exploit her knowledge against a religious studies student on an economics topic?) These differences actually serve as points of
conflict and tension that ultimately produce debate. In addition, the information that students use in debates is not generated internally. Students
read textbooks, newspapers, academic journals, novels, Websites, electronic newsletters, and magazines. They speak with faculty, friends and
colleagues. They develop considerable life experience at work or during
travel. The information they possess is externally generated. In other
words, it is public information and should be considered in debates.
Many claims of specific knowledge are presented, paradoxically, in
an attempt to censor public discourse that ought to be shared in parliamentary debates, including information regarding science and technology, decision theory, literature, new historicism, anthropology, art criticism, semiotics and postmodern geography. There is no logical reason to



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exclude complex and challenging ideas from contests involving sophisticated college students.
When confronted with the presentation of facts that seem to be specific knowledge, debaters should work with what they are given rather
than react by simply crying specific knowledge. Provided that the
proposition team gives all of the relevant information to support a particular case, the opposition can still win the debate by referring to the information provided by the proposition team. If the proposition team withholds some information only to drop it on the opposition team in the next
speech by saying but what you do not know is the opposition can
respond that this particular piece of evidence was not presented to them
or something to this effect.
The truism, another example of a fairness violation in parliamentary debating, is equally suspect. The truism is an opposition argument explaining that the proposition team has offered an interpretation of the motion that is an objective TRUTH. As such, it cannot be
debated. There are few propositions that can literally be considered
truisms, and few ever appear in debate rounds. You will most likely
not, for example, be asked to debate whether or not the earth
revolves around the sun or whether two plus two equals four. Other
propositions that are considered de facto truisms are propositions
that are almost impossible to debate: Child pornography is bad;
Women should not be excluded from the workplace; The poor
should not be forced to undergo involuntary sterilization.
In actual debate practice, the oppositions claim that the propositions
interpretation characterizes the proposition as a truism is unlikely to get
them anywhere. The proposition teams interpretation of the motion is not
objectively true. It is an argument that may be effectively refuted. Most
opposition claims of truism are nothing other than hubris. The debater
makes the claim that it is not possible to argue against the proposition
teams case. The speaker is not arguing that she alone is incapable of arguing against the case. Rather, the debater is making the extraordinarily
exaggerated claim that the case interpretation of the motion is unfair
because no one could argue against it. Put another way, the debater
seems to suggest that she has scanned infinite thought and reached the
conclusion that no one could answer the proposition teams arguments.



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In debates, you may have the occasion to debate proposition cases

that seem to be truistic or otherwise unable to be debated. This does not
mean that you should throw up your hands and roll over. Often these
cases can be refuted by creative opposition strategies. For ideas, we suggest you learn more about the practice of criticism by reading Chapter
Nine in this book. Remember that there are many ways to negate a case.
One excellent strategy is to debate against the underlying assumptions of
the case rather than the claims of the case itself.
Here is an example. On the topic This House regrets the injustice,
a proposition team argues that the Holocaust should be condemned. How
should you, as an opposition team, debate this case that appears to be a
truism? You actually have many possible lines of argument at your disposal. You might argue that the Holocaust shouldnt be removed from the
category of genocide and condemned in an individual way. You could say
that this creates a special status for the Holocaust, and that the Holocaust
shouldnt necessarily have a special status, even in the confines of World
War II (during which at least 75 million died), nor among other genocides
in history in which tens of millions were killed. The danger here is the
exclusion of other genocides in order to focus on the Holocaust. You
could say that this exclusion risks causing us to ignore the genocides in
our midst we therefore do nothing about Rwanda or BosniaHerzegovina, or we dont do anything in circumstances in which aboriginal people are assimilated into cultures, lose their land, and simply die out
in a passive rather than active way. We may actually generate victims by
condemning the Holocaust or otherwise giving it a special status.
You could also argue that condemnation is an inappropriate and dangerous reaction to the Holocaust. You could say that it is the act of condemnation or isolation and exclusion of the Nazis, portraying the Nazis
as non-human monsters or as symbols of evil, which makes us believe that
its appropriate to direct anger toward them. This portrayal means we fail
to identify the similarities between Nazis and other people in positions of
power today, risking the loss of our critical capacity to democratically
engage people who commit evil acts.
Further, you could say that when we move to condemn the
Holocaust, we bypass identification of our own moral culpability in violence. There are all kinds of privileges that allow people to commit vio48



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lence. You can claim that by presuming to position yourself as a moral

authority able to condemn people for their transgressions, you act as the
Nazis did, condemning the Jews and Gypsies and other minority populations as sub-human and evil, allowing in turn their slaughter. The implication of this argument might be that you shouldnt externalize blame for
the problem; instead you should look inward to your own moral culpability. If you think these arguments are long shots or irrelevant, you
should think again. These are all serious arguments in the academy for
example, these arguments are made in Ward Churchills book, A Little
Matter of Genocide.
If you say theres no way to debate against this case, you effectively
ignore learning all these other issues. Wouldnt you be better off if you
were be able to say that you might be morally culpable in victimizing others and should investigate that, or that condemnation is inappropriate as
is the search for vengeance? These are important arguments to air for
debate, particularly the argument that the Holocaust shouldnt be the
symbol for genocide. Many researchers and advocates argue that genocide may be perpetuated and, paradoxically, encouraged if we focus all
our energies on the Holocaust. Arguing a truism means you lose the ability to learn about all these important issues. Ideally, the process of debate
should force us to create and advance arguments against all positions. As
this example shows, you do not need to argue directly against the claims
of the propositions case to refute it.
One other bit of advice: If the proposition team presents information that is objectively accurate, that is, a claim with which there can
be no disagreement or debate, they will have ascended to divinity. Stop
arguing with them and begin praying to them. In no circumstance
should you argue with the divine or enlightened. (Punishment involves
a smoting of some sort.)
Tautology is the final theoretical issue regarding the interpretation of
any motion. A tautology, also known as circular logic, is an argument fallacy in which a speaker fails to engage ideas logically. The speaker merely repeats a claim again and again, typically confusing repetition of an
idea with analysis. Do not do this. Instead, offer reasoning to support
your interpretation. Tautology is a rare affliction. It is possible to debate
or judge for years and never cross one of these creatures.



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Suggested Exercises
1. The debater selects a motion for interpretation. (There are more than
1,000 sample motions listed in Appendix 1.) She is given two minutes to
imagine and outline an interpretation of the motion. She has one minute to
make a verbal presentation of the motion. This exercise is repeated four or
five times, with criticism from the audience regarding the following:
Is the interpretation convincing for a debate judge and why?
Has the speaker interpreted the motion to successfully restrict argument possibilities for the opposition?
What foundation is there for replies to opposition arguments about
truism and specific knowledge?
In a 15 to 20 minute practice period, a speaker will be able to prepare interpretations for different kinds of motions. With a performance evaluation for
five interpretations, the speaker is likely to make more interpretations and
receive more criticism on motions interpretations than at a full invitational
or intervarsity tournament.
2. Individual debaters are presented with a motion for debate. The
debaters have five minutes to list as many reasonable and different
cases for the motion as they can.
This exercise teaches debaters that language is subject to interpretation and recontextualization. The motion will not mean the same thing
to all the assembled participants for a debate. In addition, the exercise
will assist debaters in brainstorming a motion in order to select the best
possible expression of opinion, the best case, for the motion.




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rguments are the most basic building blocks of debate.

Understanding what makes arguments work distinguishes successful debaters from their less successful colleagues, and creates
advantages for even the most experienced and precocious debaters.
Arguments are like automobiles: If you understand how they work, you
are likely to get more service out of them, understand what went wrong
when they break down, and fix the problem before your next outing.
There is a considerable amount of literature dealing with argument
theory and its minutiae. Most argument, speech, or communication
texts include at least one chapter about argument theory. While this
material goes into great detail about types of arguments and the most
propitious conditions for their analysis and refutation, these theoretical
elaborations are usually ponderous and mostly useless for the average




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debater. Debates proceed orally, at a relatively quick pace. Debaters do

not have enough time to apply the detailed argument analysis techniques in the average debate and argumentation text. Most argument
textbooks assume that students will be using their prescriptions to analyze texts rather than quickly developing oral arguments. Our goal in
presenting the following analysis of argument theory is to make it useful for debaters, whose needs are different from those of academicians.
What matters most about argument theory to the average debater is
simply this: What differentiates a bad argument from a good argument?
This is, in many ways, an unanswerable question. There really is no such
thing as a bad argument per se; rather, arguments must be judged on the
basis of their relative effectiveness. To this end, we say that arguments can
be more or less persuasive, a judgment always made in the complex contexts of audiences, purposes, and settings. Arguments that fail in some
contexts may be very successful in others. If you were to argue in favor
of trade restrictions to protect organized labor interests, you might fail to
persuade the G-7. Does this mean your argument is bad? Not at all. It
means that your argument has not succeeded.
Debaters must learn some basic concepts in argument theory so
that they can make successful arguments and presentations.

A Brief History of Argument

Argument is distinct from debate. An argument is an attempt to influence
someone else in some direction. Usually, this direction is a matter of belief,
adherence, or action. Some arguments are about facts. These arguments deal
with facts or definitions in controversy and attempt to get the listener to
believe in certain facts. Other arguments are about values. These arguments
try to persuade the listener to adhere to particular value systems; alternately,
they may use given value systems to persuade the listener to accept certain
states of affairs as consistent with their values. Finally, some arguments are
about policies. These arguments attempt to influence the listener in matters
of policy or courses of action. In real life as in debate, however, these distinctions are far from clear. For example, questions of policy always involve questions of fact and value, even if these associations are always made implicitly.
Debate is not the same thing as argument. Debate is the infrastructure for



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the presentation of many and various arguments, all of which can and
usually do serve distinct and disparate functions throughout the course of
a debate. Of course, in debate as in life, not all arguments are created
equally. That is, some are more successful than others. The immediately
relevant question for debaters is how to make successful arguments and
how to make these successful arguments work in debates.
Often, arguments are not successful because they are incomplete. It is
important to remember that an argument is different from a simple
claim. A claim is, most simply, an assertion that something is so:
The death penalty is justified.
Hyacinths are better than roses.
Pitt the Elder was the greatest British prime minister.
There is no such thing as reality television.
The USA should eliminate its nuclear arsenal.
Economic growth is more important than environmental protection.
Most propositions that you will debate will be simple claims about the
world. They may take the form of propositions of fact, value, or policy,
or of any combination of these. In everyday situations, many people
mistake simple claims for their more sophisticated cousin, argument.
This error leads to difficult and often unresolvable debates not unlike
those had by children: Is too. Is not. Is too. Is not This
method of argumentation is similar to the method of conflict resolution
used by warring mountain goats, whereby both parties simply lower
their heads and butt horns until someone falls off the cliff and dies.
An argument is more than a claim. While a claim asserts that something is so, an argument attempts to prove why that thing is so. Of
course, as you might imagine, there are many schools of thought about
how this proof is or should be achieved. Aristotle argued that proof
was either created to suit an occasion or already extant and evident. He
called these kinds of proofs, respectively, artistic and non-artistic.
Aristotles great insight that persuasion is an art (rather than a science)
is important for debaters of all stripes to remember. Debate is an art at
least in this way: There is no one correct way to go about its practice
and performance. Our proofs and arguments are artistic in that they



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are creative enterprises that demand constant innovation. In debate,

we rely on artistic proofs that we create to justify our arguments or tear
down those of our opponents. To this end, we will discuss primarily
how artistic proofs, or attempts at persuasion, are created and substantiated in the practice of argumentation.
Aristotles theories of argument are still relevant to contemporary
debaters. Of particular note are his concepts of logos, ethos, and pathos. For
Aristotle, persuasion through logos attempts to show that a thing is so: It
is primarily and classically understood as a logical proof. Proof through
ethos attempts to demonstrate the credibility and good will of a speaker,
since people have a tendency to believe people they trust or respect.
Finally, proof through pathos tries to influence the feelings or emotions of
an audience so that they sympathize with the issue or argument at hand.
After 24 centuries, good debaters still use these three types of persuasion to win debates and influence judges. Contrary to popular
belief, the value and effectiveness of an argument should not be measured solely on its logical content, although logic is important. To be
successful, debaters must have ethos they must appear credible and
confident. Debaters must also use pathos to persuade they must
appeal directly to the assumptions and emotions of their audience.
Debate is not a science. It has only a familial relationship to the practice of formal logic of the type used in classical mathematics or scientific
proof. It is worthwhile to understand this relationship so that you can
understand how persuasion works. The building block of formal logic is a
form of reasoning known as a syllogism. A syllogism looks like this:
All dogs are mortal. (Major premise)
Roswell is a dog. (Minor premise)
Roswell is mortal. (Conclusion)
As you can see, the syllogism begins with a general premise, known as
the major premise in this case, the statement that All dogs are mortal. It then proceeds to the minor, or second premise, usually an argument connecting to the specific case to be examined. In this case, the
minor premise is Roswell is a dog. Finally, the conclusion is reached:
Roswell is mortal.



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In syllogistic reasoning, the assumptions, premises, and conclusions are all explicitly laid out for everyone to see. However, as
Aristotle noticed, this method of proof is neither efficient nor effective
in oral communication. Imagine how totally bored your audience
would be if you spoke like a formal logician, defining all your terms
and spelling out all your premises. They would no doubt be asleep long
before you got to your conclusion. Syllogistic reasoning is also ill-suited for debate because debaters, like all public speakers, deal in probabilities, rather than certainties (as in the case of mathematics or science).
Consider the following formal argument:
All dogs love to chase their own tails.
Roswell is a dog.
Roswell loves to chase her own tail.
Although this argument is structurally sound, its initial premise (All
dogs love to chase their own tails) is somewhat less certain than the
initial premise of the previous argument (All dogs are mortal.). The
major premise is up for debate, because it retains an element of uncertainty, requiring persuasion to make others believe it. In fact, many
dogs doubtless feel it beneath their dignity to entertain themselves or
others with the pointless exercise of chasing their own tails.
The lesson here is that while formal syllogistic proof may work in
math class, it is a poor fit for the uncertain realm of human (and animal see above) affairs with which debaters deal every day. Even if
you believe that mathematical and scientific concepts deal in
irrefutable certainty or universal truths, it is difficult to extend the
same status to statements about human affairs and relationships.
It is important to remember that proof in debate and argumentation is
not like proof in mathematics or formal logic. Arguments that make logical
sense can easily fail to be persuasive. By the same token, many arguments
that are very persuasive may turn out to make little (if any) logical sense. In
communication, we use a form of rhetorical proof known as an enthymeme.
Once again, this critical concept in argument theory originates with
Aristotle. An enthymeme is a kind of rhetorical proof the rhetorical version
of a syllogism. Enthymemes deal with probabilities and uncertainties.



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Enthymemes can also function as a kind of abbreviated, or truncated, syllogism that is, an argument in which one or more premises are unstated. This
technique allows alleviation of the boredom factor usually associated with
formal logic. It also has other, more important benefits. Consider that every
audience has internalized some arguments, usually cultural or social norms
and expectations that vary based on a number of factors, including gender,
ethnicity, class or social standing, political beliefs, and the like. Good speakers and debaters know their audiences. Even Aristotle emphasized the
importance of knowing what kinds of assumptions and ideas your audience
might hold. Because argumentation is fundamentally a process of persuasion,
it is an activity that occurs between or among communicating individuals.
All parties contribute to the process, not just the speaker.
So why leave premises (or even conclusions) unstated? This technique seems to run contrary to our ideas about good argumentation,
but in fact is how everyday arguments function all the time. When you
are trying to convince friends that you should dine together, you do not
phrase your argument like this:
All friends enjoy eating a meal together.
We are friends.
We enjoy eating a meal together.
or this:
We should get a meal together.
Dinner is a meal.
We should get dinner together.
or even this:
We are all hungry.
When we are hungry, we should eat.
We should eat.
You might simply say: Hey, lets go get dinner, leaving unstated all
the premises of such a claim. You do not need, given this audience, to



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elucidate all the parts of your argument. Your audience fills in the rest
of the argument with you, perhaps thinking Well friends do enjoy
eating together, and I am kind of hungry yeah, lets go to dinner! In
fact, if you were to methodically lay out all the premises of your argument, you would probably not be invited along on the grounds that you
were either clearly deranged or a colossal bore neither of which is a
desirable characteristic in a dining partner.
Debaters, however, rarely get to debate such uncontroversial topics (dinner) in front of such sympathetic audiences (friends). They
need to craft persuasive arguments on difficult and often quite controversial topics in front of audiences or judges who may (often unbeknownst to them) be downright hostile to the position they are advancing. This task is much more difficult than trying to convince a group of
hungry people to order a pizza.
What you need to know, then, is how to make rhetorical reasoning
work for you in all kinds of situations. This task requires an understanding of the method of rhetorical reasoning: What is it that makes
arguments work? What makes arguments effective? The British logician Stephen Toulmin made important contributions to argument theory that are useful for this line of inquiry. Toulmin found six components of arguments:
Claim: A statement that something is so.
Data: The backing for the claim.
Warrant: The link between the claim and the grounds.
Backing: Support for the warrant.
Modality: The degree of certainty employed in offering the argument.
Rebuttal: Exceptions to the initial claim.
This is an extremely formal model of argumentation. Few arguments, if any,
display all of these components, particularly at first blush. Nevertheless, the
Toulmin model provides us with useful tools for analyzing the components
of arguments. Of these six characteristics of arguments, three are uniquely
valuable for understanding basic argument theory. In this chapter, we will
use primarily the concepts of claims, warrants, and data.
Simply speaking, all arguments have a claim, which is simply a



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statement that something is so. Arguments also have warrants, which

are reasons why the claim is valid. Warrants are the because part of
an argument. Finally, arguments have data the evidence for the validity of the warrants. All three components are normally hallmarks of
complete (and thus potentially more successful) arguments. A novice
debater might simply offer claims to prove her point:
The death penalty is justified.
A more sophisticated debater knows that her argument will be more
persuasive with an accompanying warrant:
The death penalty is justified because it deters crime.
Better yet is the technique of the advanced debater, who offers proof
to cement the credibility and persuasive power of her argument:
The death penalty is justified because it deters crime.
Longitudinal studies conducted across the nation strongly point to this
deterrent effect.
Referring back to the concept of the enthymeme, we can see how
even this complete argument is itself incomplete:
The death penalty has a deterrent effect.
Warrants: 1. The death penalty deters crime.
2. (Policies that deter crime are justified.)
The death penalty is justified.
If this argument works (is persuasive), it will be in part because it plays
on the audiences assumption that policies that deter crime are good. It may
also be persuasive because the data is credible, or from a credible source.
Of course, there are many other unstated assumptions of this particular
argument. It assumes, for example, that the proposition has the moral
authority to put people to death in the first place, an assumption called into
question by many anti-death penalty advocates. This particular formulation
of the argument, therefore, might not work with an audience whose
assumptions are different from those the speaker assumed they would hold.



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For successful debating, it is critical that you understand and elucidate the assumptions of the opposition. Many people argue by simply
rebutting claims with other claims. This is not a sophisticated or persuasive form of argumentation. Good debaters know that a claim is best
refuted by undermining its supporting assumptions, warrants, and data.

Argument Analysis
The Toulmin model is not just a vocabulary list for argument theorists. It
can also be a kind of checklist for aspiring debaters. In debate, we dont
just make arguments; we also analyze them. Argument analysis is a kind of
interrogation whereby we ask questions of arguments to determine their
viability as well as their potential weak points. Debaters need to learn to
think critically about arguments: There is little place for uncritical acceptance in debate, particularly if you want to have the best arguments or
rejoinders. When we encounter an argument, we should ask ourselves a
series of questions about it. Toulmins model gives us a few pointers about
questions we can ask. For example, you might analyze a particular argument by answering the following questions about it:
Whats the claim being made? In other words, what is the thrust or
gist of the argument? What is it that the speaker ultimately wants you
to believe or agree with?
Does the claim have a warrant? What reasons does the speaker give
to support her claim?
Is the warrant supported by data? What kind of data? What is the
source of the data?
These questions for analysis are more or less purely informational,
because you need to know how an argument works in order to be able to
effectively criticize it. You should also ask more critical questions, such as:
Are there exceptions that could be made to the stated claim? What are
they? How do those exceptions affect the overall validity of the claim?
Is the reasoning for the warrant sound? What kinds of assumptions
are made in its reasoning?



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Is the data credible? Does it come from a credible source? What

kinds of circumstances might the data not take into account?
In this section, you will learn how to analyze specific kinds of arguments with versions of these and other questions. It should be noted
that there are as many types of arguments as there are debaters who do
not want to have to memorize all the different types of arguments. We
will discuss the strengths and potential pitfalls of a few basic types of
One of the most common types of argument is the argument from
example. When we reason with examples, we may proceed from a
specific case to a general theory or conclusion. We may also use a
general theory to predict how specific examples might play themselves out. The first kind of argument from example, where a
speaker reasons from specific examples to a general hypothesis, is
called induction in classical logic. By contrast, deductive reasoning
begins with general theories and uses those theories to deduce the
details of specific examples. The most relevant issue for debaters
when thinking about reasoning by example is always simply this:
What is the relationship between the specific cases and the general theories being presented?
Reasoning by example is a powerful way to prove a point, or make
or negate a case. Proposition teams usually try to prove that there is a
need for their proposed solution by providing examples of people or
things that are harmed in the present system. They may show that their
plan solves the problem by providing an example of a situation it would
alleviate. Advertisers may sell a product using similar tactics. They
may try to show that the average toilet bowl is filthy by showing the
toilet bowl of the Jones family, thus creating a need. Then they may
show that their product works by showing that same toilet, cleaned to
a blinding white, presumably by means of their product. As a debater,
you can use a variety of examples to prove your arguments. You might
provide factual examples, drawn from research or personal experience.
You might also use hypothetical examples to draw the listener into
your story.



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Many people use faulty forms of reasoning by example that an

alert debater might catch and use to her advantage. Thus it is important to carefully analyze these arguments Ask yourself:
Are there enough examples to prove the claim? Too often, debaters
will reason simply from anecdotal evidence.
Are there examples that might directly counter the given examples?
Are the examples typical of the category the speaker wants to generalize about? It is important to have a representative sample if you
wish to reason from example.
Finally, reasoning from example often falls prey to the logical fallacies
known as the fallacy of composition and the fallacy of division. These are
discussed in the next part of this chapter.
Another kind of reasoning is known as reasoning from analogy. When we argue from analogy, we are trying to show that
what was true in one situation will be true in an analogous situation. An analogy is a comparison of people, places, things, events,
or even abstract concepts. Debaters reason from analogy all the
time. In making a case for non-violent resistance to a political
policy, you might argue that since such resistance worked in the
American civil rights movement, it could work in another case as
well. Advertisers reason by analogy. In the case of the Joness
toilet, referenced above, the advertiser clearly wants viewers to
draw an analogy between the Joness toilet and their own toilet:
By God, if it worked for their toilet, its bound to work in mine!
When analyzing analogical arguments, you should ask the following questions:
How strong is the analogy? Are there differences between the two
situations, people, events, etc. that are being compared? What are
those differences?
What are the similarities between the two things being compared?
Do the similarities outweigh the differences? Do the differences outweigh the similarities?
Beware the fallacy of the false analogy. Keep your analogies precise



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and sparing to maximize their effectiveness.

Debaters often try to establish causal relationships, either to prove their
case or to negate the case of the other side. This technique is called reasoning by cause, and it can either be from cause to effect or from effect
to cause. When you reason from cause to effect, you begin with a cause
and attempt to show what its effects might be. You might argue, for
example, that if propositions act to ban human cloning, the effect would
be to drive that research underground into an unregulated black market.
In debate, one of the most common forms of causal reasoning is the disadvantage, whereby the opposition argues that the propositions proposed
policy will cause negative consequences.
When reasoning by cause, you can also look at existing effects
and try to determine their cause(s). Proposition teams use this tactic all the time when they make their case for change. If you were
arguing for gun control, for example, you might start by showing
how many deaths are inflicted by guns every day. You might then
argue that these deaths are the result of (that is, they are caused by)
the existing, permissive gun laws. This process would be an example of reasoning from effect to cause and is the same tactic doctors
often use to make diagnoses: They will note that you have a cough
and a fever, and will reason, based on these symptoms, that you
have the flu. As you might imagine, though, reasoning by cause is
a tricky business. A few questions to keep in mind when analyzing
causal arguments:
Are there other causes that could have prompted the discussed effect?
What other effects does the cause produce? How do these weigh
against the already specified causes?
Causal reasoning is also prone to many logical fallacies, such as
the post hoc fallacy and the fallacy of common cause. It is worth noting
here that there is another type of reasoning, closely related to causal
reasoning, known as argument by sign. A sign, of course, is something that stands for something else. When you see a sign, you often
assume that certain conditions are true based on your knowledge of
what that sign usually represents. For example, when you see a For
Rent sign on an apartment building, you might believe that you



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could rent an apartment in that building if you wanted to. Often we

mistake signs for causes. It does not follow, for example, that the
apartment is for rent because the sign is there. Correlation of events
does not imply causality.
A final kind of argument is called argument from authority, or
reasoning from testimony. Sometimes when we make arguments,
we rely on the opinions or statements of others to help make our
point. Most often, arguments from authority or testimony are
found in the data component of an argument. Debaters routinely
cite various studies or expert opinions to provide the proofs for
their claims. The practice of evidence analysis and comparison is a
critical part of successful debating, and the evaluation of arguments from authority or testimony is a good place to start in your
quest to figure out what constitutes good evidence and what constitutes bad evidence. Here are some preliminary questions to ask
of reasoning from authority:
What are the qualifications of the person(s) cited as a source? Are
they qualified to speak about the subject they are cited in?
Is the source relatively more or less biased about the topic at hand?
Argument from authority is a good way to establish your credibility as a speaker. Audiences are more likely to believe speakers who
appear to have credible, relevant facts and testimony to support
their conclusions than those who appear to use mostly conjecture
and hearsay.

Suggested Exercises:

Find advertisements that represent each of the categories of reasoning listed above (from authority, from cause, from example, from analogy, from sign). Break down the argument made in each ad using the
components of the Toulmin model explained in this section.

2. Examine the editorial page of your local newspaper. Take each edi-




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torial and analyze the argument using the techniques listed above.
What is the primary argument made by the author? What warrants
does she use? What kind of data does she offer as support? Which
of the major kinds of reasoning are used in the editorial?

Logical Fallacies
In logic and the generalized study of reasoning, there are generally
understood to be such things as good reasoning and bad reasoning.
Typically, bad reasoning is characterized by falling into one or more of
the classically compiled logical fallacies. A logical fallacy is simply a
failure of logic. Arguments that are said to be fallacious have gaping
holes or misleading leaps in their structure and reasoning. Debaters
need to familiarize themselves with the logical fallacies: The ability to
point out holes in your opponents reasoning is a very powerful tool in
debates. As we have learned, however, arguments are not necessarily
intrinsically good or bad; rather, they should be evaluated in terms of
their relative effectiveness. In fact, many arguments that are fallacious
or otherwise fatally flawed are widely accepted. The argument type we
call the slippery slope, for example, appears repeatedly in public policy
speeches and analyses. Once you understand more about logical fallacies and learn to identify them, you may be surprised at how often they
turn up in commonly accepted arguments.
Appeal to force. This fallacy occurs when you tell someone
that some kind of misfortune will happen to them if they dont
agree with you, e.g., If you dont believe that our utopia is ideal,
then I guess well have to release the hounds.
Appeal to the crowd. Sometimes called the bandwagon,
or ad populum, this fallacy occurs when the arguer contends you
will be left out of the crowd if you dont agree: All of the cool kids
smoke cigarettes these days.
Appeal to ignorance. When an argument has not been dis64



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proven, it does not therefore follow that it is true. Yet the appeal to
ignorance works a surprisingly large amount of the time, particularly in conspiracy theories and their ilk: No one has yet proven
that aliens have not landed on Earth; therefore, our theory about
ongoing colonization should be taken seriously.
Appeal to emotions. This fallacy is what it sounds like.
Speakers routinely try to play on the emotions of the crowd in
lieu of making real arguments. I know this national missile
defense plan has its detractors, but wont someone please think of
the children?
Appeal to tradition. Often a substitute for actual argument,
the appeal to tradition happens when a speaker tries to justify her
arguments by reference to aggregated habits, e.g., We should continue to discriminate against the poor because thats what weve
always done.
Appeal to authority. While it is often appropriate and even
necessary to cite credible sources to prove a point, the appeal to
authority becomes fallacious when it is a substitute for reasoning
or when the cited authoritys credibility is dubious.
Ad hominem. Sometimes, arguers will attack the person making
the argument rather than the argument itself. This is an ad hominem
(Latin for to the man) attack, e.g., I dont know how my opponent found the time to research this issue, since plainly he doesnt
even have time to bathe.
Begging the question. Begging the question occurs when
the conclusion assumes what it tries to prove: Of course he tried
to fix the boxing match, since he was one of the people who stood
to gain by fixing the boxing match.
Red herring. An old favorite, the red herring happens when
the arguer diverts attention to another issue and draws a conclu65



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sion based on that diversion. The candidate has a weak stand on

education. Just look at what she says about foreign policy.
Hasty generalization. This fallacy occurs when a conclusion is
drawn based on a non-representative sample, e.g., Most Americans
oppose the war. Just ask these three peace demonstrators.
False cause, or post hoc, ergo propter hoc.
This fallacy is just what it sounds like. In the English, at least.
Sometimes, speakers will draw a faulty link between premises and
a conclusion such that the link depends upon a causal connection
that probably does not exist: The sun rises every time I get out of
bed. Therefore, by getting out of bed, I make the sun rise. It is
important to remember that correlation does not imply causality,
and neither does chronology imply causality.
Equivocation. In this fallacy, the meaning of a critical term is
changed through the course of an argument. Lewis Carroll in
Alices Adventures Through the Looking Glass: You couldnt have it if
you did want it, the Queen said. The rule is jam tomorrow and
jam yesterday - but never Jam today It must come sometimes to
Jam today, Alice objected. No, it cant, said the Queen. Its jam
every other day: today isnt every other day, you know.
Slippery slope. One of the more popular logical fallacies,
particularly in political circles, the slippery slope argument contends that an event will set off an uncontrollable chain reaction
when there is no real reason to expect that reaction to occur. If we
start regulating carbon dioxide, the next thing you know the
proposition team will be telling you what to eat for breakfast.
Weak analogy. While argument by analogy is a very strong,
common form of argumentation, the weak analogy fallacy occurs
when an arguments conclusion rests on a nonexistent similarity
between two examples, e.g., Well, if it worked in a college term




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paper, itll work in American foreign policy.

False dichotomy. This fallacy occurs when the premise of an
argument is a disjunctive statement that presents two alternatives
as if they were mutually exclusive, e.g., Its either free school
lunches or nuclear war; Either you let me go to the concert or my
life will be ruined.
Fallacy of composition. This fallacy happens when the
conclusion of an argument depends on the erroneous transference
of a characteristic from the parts to the whole: Jake likes fish. He
also likes chocolate. Therefore, he would like chocolate covered
Fallacy of division. The opposite of the fallacy of composition, the fallacy of division occurs when the conclusion of an argument depends on the faulty attribution of a characteristic from the
whole to its parts: The average American family has 2.3 children.
The Jones family is an average American family. Therefore, the
Jones family has 2.3 children.
Complex question. Used in questioning periods, this fallacy
occurs when a single question is really two or more questions: Do
you still cheat on your tests?; How long have you been smoking
banana leaves?
Scarecrow. Formerly called the straw man fallacy, this kind
of argument is a diversionary tactic whereby an arguer exaggerates
or mischaracterizes his or her opponents position and then proceeds to represent this caricatured. This is a common tactic used in
advertising campaigns: Worried about your family getting critically ill? Better use our disinfectant. In some circles, this fallacy
is known as the fallacy of refutation, though nobody really uses
this terminology anymore.
Scapegoating. This fallacy is similar to the scarecrow fallacy.



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The term scapegoating comes to us from the Judeo-Christian

tradition. In the Old Testament book of Leviticus, Aaron confessed
the sins of his people over a goat and sent the goat away, thereby
absolving the sins of his community. In contemporary rhetorical
theory, we say someone is scapegoating when he or she attributes
a current situation to a group of people who may or may not be
responsible for the problem. Politicians are notorious for scapegoating minority groups for broad social problems. In America, for
example, illegal immigrants are often convenient scapegoats for
budget or social services problems.
Non sequiturs. This is not so much a fallacy, per se, as a failure of reasoning. The Latin phrase non sequitur means does not
follow. Thus, reasoning that is non sequitur is composed of arguments that are irrelevant to the topic. As a debater, you should
insist that your opponents reasoning stick strictly to the topic(s)
at hand.
Common cause. Often, two things will occur together so regularly that you are tempted to assume that they are cause and
effect. However, sometimes those two events are the cause of a
third factor, which must be taken into consideration to make the
reasoning complete. For example, noticing that there are many
dead fish in a river and that the rivers water is undrinkable, you
might conclude that the dead fish caused the undrinkable water.
However, in so doing you might miss that an industrys dumping
into the water caused both pollutants.

Suggested Exercises:
1. Examine a popular magazine. Find advertisements that use one
or more of the above logical fallacies. Explain how each advertisement uses faulty reasoning.
2. Each of the following arguments uses at least one logical fallacy. Identify why each argument is fallacious and explain how it




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could be improved.
a) Every atom in my body is invisible. Therefore, I am invisible.
b) If you want to grow up to be like Wonder Woman, youd better eat those carrots.
c) Friedrich Nietzsches philosophy is bankrupt. Nietzsche was
an immoral man who went mad from syphilis before he died.
d) Where did you hide the cookies you stole?
e) Pianist Ray Charles says Sinclair Paints are the best. So be sure
to use Sinclair Paints when you redecorate your home.
f) Philosophers are highly intelligent individuals, because if
they werent highly intelligent, they wouldnt be philosophers.
g) Ronald Reagan met with space aliens in 1987, and that cannot be disproven.
h) Sodium and chlorine, the atomic components of salt, are
deadly poisons. Therefore, salt is a deadly poison.

Practical Argument Theory

Now that youve learned a good bit about basic argument theory, you
need to know more about how to use these concepts practically in
debates. In this section, we will explore some ways you can do this. We
have emphasized repeatedly in this chapter the idea that there is no
such thing as a bad argument or a good argument per se. Remember
that many arguments that are not structurally or logically sound are
often very functional and persuasive. In communication, validity is not
something that is given, but is a belief that is the product of successful
persuasion. Advertisers know this and use this phenomenon to their
advantage all the time.
Can you think of some examples of ad campaigns that are successful, yet make little (if any) logical sense? Consider how often
advertisers use arguments that we would call logical fallacies. The
appeal to the crowd and the appeal to emotions are very common
advertising techniques. A car manufacturer, for example, might imply



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in their advertisement that their auto will make you more attractive
to women. Does it therefore follow that their auto will, in fact, get
you more dates? Of course not. Does the campaign work regardless?
All too often. Audiences are very susceptible to appeals to emotions.
This is one of the factors that makes these arguments so dangerous
and often ethically suspect.
The appeal to the crowd is also a popular ad technique. A perfume manufacturer might use a bandwagon appeal to get you to
buy their scent, perhaps by showing many attractive, cool young
people with whom you might like to identify, all of whom happen
to be wearing the perfume in question. Does it therefore follow
that if you wear this cologne you will be attractive and cool?
Certainly not. Does the campaign work regardless? Probably so.
Audiences do not necessarily want to feel as if they do not fit in.
We can learn a lot about practical argumentation by studying
advertisements. Consider that a typical advertisement is structured
very much like a typical proposition case: i.e., an advertiser will
establish a need or harm that exists in the present system; they will
then propose a solution (the product being hawked, conveniently
enough); then they will show that the product solves the problem.
Because advertisers, like debaters, use enthymematic reasoning,
they may leave out some of these components. Yet if you examine
most ads, you will find that these components are almost universally inferred, if not directly present.
One of the advantages of learning argument theory is that this
knowledge will help you become a more critical consumer of information and of products and their accompanying advertising claims.
Another advantage, of course, is that it will help you become a better,
more successful debater.
We have already learned about many types of arguments used
in debates and in everyday reasoning. These arguments (by example, from authority, etc.) can be used in many different contexts by
either side in a parliamentary debate. What we need is a way to take
these formal categories of reasoning and make them functional for
debaters. We suggest that in debate, there are really only two broad
categories of arguments, separated by their strategic function: offen70



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sive and defensive arguments. Offensive arguments are arguments for

your side, or case, or position. When you argue offensively, you
establish affirmative reasons for why your side should win the
debate. When the opposition argues disadvantages to the propositions case, they are arguing offensively. When the proposition
argues link or impact turns (a type of argument discussed in the
chapter on disadvantages) to these disadvantages, they are arguing
offensively. When the opposition argues that adoption of their
counterplan would be net beneficial over adoption of the proposition
case, they are arguing offensively. When the proposition team
argues advantages to adoption of their case, they are arguing offensively. Debates are won or lost based on the power and proliferation of offensive arguments. To win debates consistently, you must
establish why you win early and often.
That said, debates are also won or lost based on defensive arguments. As you might imagine, a defensive argument is an argument
that plays defense against the other teams arguments. Defensive
arguments show why you should not lose the debate. When the
opposition argues that there is no need for the propositions proposed solution, they are arguing defensively. When the proposition
argues link take-outs or impact take-outs (also discussed in the disadvantage chapter) to an opposition teams disadvantage, they are
arguing defensively.
The distinctions between offensive and defensive arguments
may seem hard to grasp. If you feel that way, youre not alone. In
fact, the two kinds of arguments blur into each other quite a bit,
but understanding the difference still serves an important functional purpose: To win a debate, you must show both why you win and why
the other teams arguments dont mean that you lose. That is, you must
argue both offensively and defensively to win a debate, particularly in the rebuttal speeches. This concept will be covered more
extensively in the chapter on performance skills.
Another way to understand the concepts of argument offense
and defense is to think of them as arguments of advancement and
refutation. When you advance an argument, you are making a claim,
hopefully (if youre doing it right) with an accompanying warrant



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and some data (if it is available). Remember: Arguments are not

just claims. Arguments explain why something is so. So an argument of advancement is just what it sounds like: the opening salvo
of a debate, whereby a claim and reasoning is advanced for discussion. But debates cant be composed just of arguments of advancement; if they were, they wouldnt be debates, but rather exchanges
of unrelated ideas:
Speaker 1: Bananas are better than apples because they contain more
Speaker 2: Circles are better than squares because their shape is more
pleasing to the eye.
What this discussion is missing is what in debate we call clash. Both
speakers are advancing arguments, but their statements are unrelated
to each other. Clash is one of the fundamental principles of good
debate; in fact, it is fundamental to any debate. Unless arguments
clash, there is no way to compare and adjudicate them. Debate deals
with arguments that are in dispute.
To dispute an argument effectively, you must master the skill of
refutation. Arguments of refutation serve as a rejoinder to arguments
already in play. Refutation is necessary in debates because it promotes
direct clash between arguments. You already know how to advance
arguments; now, you need to learn how to refute arguments.
Just as questions have answers, arguments have answers called
rejoinders and responses. There are many ways to answer an argument
that has been advanced. Of course, some methods are better than others. The first, and unfortunately most common, way of refuting an
argument is simply to provide a counterclaim:
Speaker 1: Bananas are better than oranges because they contain more
Speaker 2: Speaker 1 says that bananas are better than oranges, but I disagree. Oranges are better than bananas.
Speaker 2 has simply provided a claim to counter the claim of the first



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speaker. Who wins this debate? Clearly, Speaker 1 has the edge, since
she is the only debater to have actually provided a warrant for her
claim (because they contain more potassium). Good reasoning
always trumps no reasoning at all.
A more advanced method of refutation is to provide a warrant for
your counter-claim:
Speaker 1: Bananas are better than oranges because they contain
more potassium.
Speaker 2: Speaker 1 says that bananas are better than oranges, but
I disagree. Oranges are better than bananas because they contain more
vitamin C.
What makes this rejoinder better than Speaker 2s previous attempt?
Here, she is providing a warrant for her claim: because they contain
more vitamin C. Imagine that you are asked to adjudicate this debate.
How will you decide who wins? You find that Speaker 1 has proven conclusively that bananas contain more potassium than oranges. You also
find that Speaker 2 has proven that oranges contain more vitamin C than
bananas. Neither debater really has the edge here, do they? Notice that
while there is direct clash between the claim and the counterclaim, there
is no direct clash between the warrants for each. Speaker 2 has not yet
succeeded in completely refuting her opponents argument.
Complete refutation is important to decisively win when arguments
clash against each other in debate. In order to completely refute an argument, you must include what we call a therefore component. The
therefore component of an argument of refutation is where you explain
why your argument trumps the argument of your opponent. Observe:
Speaker 1: Bananas are better than oranges because they contain
more potassium.
Speaker 2: Speaker 1 says that bananas are better than oranges, but
I disagree. Oranges are better than bananas because they contain more
vitamin C. Therefore, you should prefer oranges because while many
foods in an ordinary diet contain potassium, few contain an appreciable
amount of vitamin C. It is more important to eat oranges whenever pos73



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sible than it is to eat bananas.

Speaker 2 wins. She has completed the process of refutation by including a therefore component in her rejoinder. Notice how this last part
of her argument works. She compares her warrant to Speaker 1s warrant to show why her argument is better than that of her opponent.
Almost all refutation can follow the basic four-step method demonstrated above. As you practice your refutation skills, consider starting
with this model:
Step 1: They say. It is important to reference the argument
you are about to refute so that your audience and judges can easily follow your line of thought. Unlike the bananas/oranges example above,
debates contain many different arguments. Unless you directly reference which of these arguments you are dealing with, you risk confusion
on the part of your audience and judge, and confusion is seldom a good
technique for winning debates. Good flowing, or note-taking skills, will
help you track individual arguments and the progression of their refutation. Well discuss how to take notes in the specialized form demanded by debates in the skills chapter.
One important thing to remember here is that when you refer to
your opponents argument, you should do so in shorthand. If you were
to repeat all of your opponents arguments, you wouldnt have any
speech time to advance arguments of your own. So try and rephrase
the argument youre about to refute in just three to seven words to
maximize your speech time: They say that reducing welfare benefits
helps the economy, but; or They say Batman is better than
Superman, but
Step 2: But I disagree. In this part of your refutation,
you state the gist of your counter-argument. This can be, in the case
of the banana/orange controversy, simply the opposite of your
opponents claim. It can also be an attack on the warrant or data
offered for your opponents claim. The important thing is to state
clearly and concisely the counter-argument you want the judge to
endorse. You can elaborate on it later. For now, it is important to



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phrase your argument as concisely as possible. This tactic helps

your judge, audience, and opponents to remember it and get it on
their flows, or notes. Word economy is a very important skill for successful debaters. We will discuss this aspect of debate more in the
chapter on skills.
Step 3: Because .Having advanced your counter-argument, you need to proceed to offer a warrant. Arguments of refutation
need to be complete, just like arguments of advancement. Your warrant can be independent support for your counter-claim, as in the case
above. It can also be a reasoned criticism of the oppositions argument.
Step 4: Therefore. Finally, you need to draw a conclusion
that compares your refutation to your opponents argument and shows
why yours effectively defeats theirs. This conclusion is usually done by
means of comparison, either of warrants or data or both. You need to
develop a variety of strategies for argument comparison and evaluation, as this is a critical skill for success in competitive debate. What
you need to accomplish here is to show that your argument is better
than their argument because.
Its better reasoned. Perhaps their argument makes some kind of
error in logic or reasoning, of the kind discussed earlier in this
Its better evidenced. Maybe your argument makes use of more or
better data. Perhaps your sources are better qualified than theirs,
or your evidence is more recent than theirs.
Its empirical. When we say that an argument is empirically proven,
we mean that it is demonstrated by past examples. Perhaps your
argument relies on empirics, while theirs relies on conjecture or
It takes theirs into account. Sometimes your argument may take
theirs into account and go a step further: Even if theyre right



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about the recreational benefits of crossbows, theyre still too dangerous for elementary school physical education classes.
It has a greater expressed significance. You can state that your
argument has more significance than their argument because (for
example) it matters more to any given individual or applies more
to a larger number of individuals.
Its consistent with experience. Perhaps your argument is
consistent with experience over time, a in different place, or
in different circumstances. This technique is particularly
effective with audiences: Hey, this is something we can all
relate to, right?
These are only some examples of techniques you can use for argument
comparison. In this book and through your debate education, you will
find others.

Suggested Exercises:
1. Play a game of I disagree. Generate a series of claims of various types (fact, value, policy). Then refute each claim using the
four-step method. Try this exercise with a partner. Have one person generate claims while the other person refutes them. After
ten repetitions, switch roles.
2. Analyze the following excerpted arguments using the tools you
have acquired.
What is the main claim each author is advancing? What warrants do they offer to support their claims? What data do
they advance to back up these warrants?
What kinds of reasoning does the author use to advance
their claim?
Construct two different refutations of the argument. Choose
either the authors main claim or one or more of their subclaims or warrants.




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a) The United States of America should end its trade embargo

against Cuba. The embargo violates the International Covenant
andofarguably, the 1994 General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade
(GATT), ). The embargo is a policy of starvation that offends the
moral sensibility of the world. In other situations, the USA claims
to be working against starvation and international isolation.
Why, then, does it persist in its trade embargo toward the people of Cuba? Alfredo Duran of the Cuban Committee for
Democracy, has said that the embargo hasnt worked and
everyone knows it. The starvation in Cuba is what the embargo
has created.

Education is vital for any civilized society. If citizens are not

adequately and properly educated, they cannot be expected
to participate meaningfully in important decisions that affect
their lives. Education also provides long-term economic benefits, both to individuals and to their society at large. This
does not mean that education should be mandatory. In democratic societies, citizens should not be forced to attend
school if they choose not to do so. We do not require our citizens to quit smoking, even though that behavior would be
beneficial. Likewise, we do not require our citizens to work
at a job, although they clearly suffer if they do not do so.
Education should be treated in the same way. If we are truly
a society committed to ensuring choice for our citizens, we
should end mandatory school attendance.

3. Using the four-step refutation model, refute each of the following simple claims:
The government should increase regulation of the mass
The USA should lift its sanctions against the nation of Iraq.
Sunbathing causes cancer.
Drug testing violates individual privacy.
Environmental protection is more important than economic




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Nations should open their borders to immigration.
Military spending is detrimental to society.
You dont need a weatherman to know which way the wind
The debt of the third world should be forgiven.
Silence means consent.
Science is more dangerous than religion.
NATO intervention in Kosovo was misguided.




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n the American and British debate formats, strategic planning and

construction of the proposition case is essential for success. In the
American format, it appears that the proposition team has some
decided advantages because it has the first and last speeches in the
debate. Through interpretation of the motion, this team determines, to
some extent, the subject matter for the debate. The proposition team
establishes the decision making framework for the debate.
There are fewer advantages for proposition teams in the British format. The first proposition team presents a case to open debate on the
motion. The second proposition team offers a case, which is understood
to be an extension of the original proposition position. In this way, the
proposition teams enjoy the same advantages of the first proposition
team in the American format; namely, they initiate debate on the motion
and design the debates framework.
Despite these obvious format advantages, there are substantial advantages for the opposition as well. The opposition may well be in a superior
position in parliamentary debates. All things may not be equal.
In the American parliamentary format, the opposition has a time
advantage during the debate. The opening speaker for the proposition has



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seven minutes for her speech. During this time, the speaker must offer an
entertaining introduction; define the motion; establish a decision making
framework; present a logical, organized case for the motion; and summarize the speech in a convincing conclusion. These duties mean that the
first proposition speaker realistically has approximately five or five and
one-half minutes to make a proof for the motion.
After the initial proposition presentation, the time advantage for
the balance of the debate shifts to the opposition team. The first proposition delivers her speech, with an effective five-minute argument for
the motion. The first speaker for the opposition has eight minutes to
respond to the speech. The opening opposition speaker is able to argue
efficiently, concentrating her arguments to precisely the weakest elements of the case.
The second speaker for the proposition, also known as the Member
of Government, also has an eight-minute speech. This timing might
help right the imbalance of the first two constructive speeches, except
for the following opposition stand on the floor. At the conclusion of the
second proposition speech, the opposition has two consecutive speeches with a total of twelve minutes of speaking time (an eight-minute second opposition constructive speech followed immediately by a fourminute opposition rebuttal speech). These consecutive speeches, occupying as they do a considerable amount of time in the debate, are
known as the opposition block.
The opposition team has more than enough time to manage the
argumentation from the second proposition speaker. And with a
twelve-minute block of time, they can create a considerable amount of
havoc for the final proposition speaker, who has but five minutes to
answer their arguments. In sum, the time advantage clearly favors the
opposition team during the debate. This imbalance, with other factors,
has traditionally led to a small but significant opposition bias in parliamentary debating in the USA. This bias may also occur in parliamentary debating with the American format outside the USA.
The British format gives the opposition a different advantage. The
first proposition team and second proposition team each introduce a
case in the debate. The opening proposition team makes the original
interpretation of the motion. The second proposition team extends the



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interpretation of the motion and advances the issues in the debate. In

each of these cases, however, the opposition has the final word in arguing the case. The second speaker for each of the first and second opposition teams effectively closes argument on the proposition case. In the
latter case, the second speaker for the second opposition team has the
final word in the debate.
This position is a significant advantage for the opposition. It is easier to tear down than to build a case. Opposition arguments might only
need to target a single dysfunctional element of a case for a decisive
victory in a debate. The proposition team must usually defend every
element of a logical proof in order to prove its side of the motion. With
the last word on a case or in a debate, the opposition is in a powerful
position in debates. Because of some important format advantages for
the opposition, the proposition team must take great care in the selection, organization and execution of its case.

Preparation time prior to and

during the debate
Technically, there is one preparation time period in parliamentary
debating the period between the announcement of the motion and the
opening presentation by the first proposition speaker. There are other
opportunities to prepare during the debate and those will be investigated as well.
Typically, debaters receive 15 minutes to prepare for debates after the
revelation of a motion for debating. Usually this will be the full amount of
preparation time available to the debaters. Sometimes, though, debaters
will have little or no knowledge of the motion itself nor the academic discipline, subject field or public policy arena related to the topic. In these
cases, the participants muddle through as best they can, hoping to make
a connection to the language of the proposition.
In the majority of circumstances, the debaters are sufficiently
familiar with the motion and related information to begin preparation
in earnest. How should they prepare? There is no one, uniform guide
to debate preparation. The language of the motion and the manner in
which the motion connects to the knowledge base or academic inter81



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ests of the proposition team will influence preparation plans. There are,
however, some general recommendations for preparation time:
Teams should complete individual work and teamwork during preparation time.
Debate preparation should be comprehensive.
Proper preparation time management involves individual work and
teamwork. Although it may be evident that preparation time should
provide opportunities for a proposition team to organize the opening
case and for the first speaker for the proposition to outline her speechs
major lines of argument, it is less evident how a team may accomplish
these goals efficiently.
To be sure, some very experienced debaters, working with a regular debate partner, have established a collaborative relationship in
which they seem to have a symbiotic connection. Preparation time
brainstorming and organizational matters appear to be effortless. It is
possible to hope for this sort of cooperative interaction with a debate
partner, which brings us to the rest of the debating universe. You need
more than hope. You need an arrangement, an accommodation, with
another person to efficiently share the responsibilities of designing
your case and constructing your argument during preparation time.
Team collaboration should not trump individual analysis of the
motion or case during preparation time. If there is a common error
debaters consistently make, it is sharing time for the full duration of
preparation time. This error limits preparation time (more on debate
mathematics in a moment). It might produce the most dreaded consequence of shared labor with your debate partner: groupthink. Also
known as tunnel vision, groupthink frequently occurs when the two
parties on a debate team share an agenda set by one of the parties.
There is insufficient critical analysis of the issue, with no outside vision
and no one to mirror or function as the opposing side. This error
inevitably narrows the task of generating ideas during preparation time
(you produce fewer arguments) and fails to consider critical logic gaps
in your arguments (you limit your ability to successfully anticipate
arguments). Debaters with tunnel vision are more prone to the pro82



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duction of unseen errors in case design unseen, at least, until the

opposing side gets a chance to listen to the first proposition speaker.
What should the proposition team do during preparation time?
Our recommendation is for the members of the proposition team to
work separately (individually) for a minute or so, carefully analyzing
the motion prior to a team discussion on case design for the forthcoming debate. The speakers then collaborate for a minute or two, sharing
ideas on interpretation of the motion and a successful case. At this
point, the debaters work individually. The first speaker for the proposition should immediately begin preparation of the opening speech,
generating lines of argument and organizing them for a coherent and
entertaining address. At the same time, the second speaker for the
proposition should begin preparation of her speech.
How should the second proposition speaker prepare her stand on
the floor? Is preparation possible without a fair hearing of the first
opposition speech? Of course, the proposition teams second speaker
should anticipate the opposing sides likely strategy for the debate and
prepare her arguments accordingly. This speaker should begin to analyze the forthcoming debate from oppositions perspective. This step
accomplishes the following: (1) Preparation for the second speech. The
second speaker in the debate has little free time to craft an organized
and clever speech once the proceedings are underway. It is, quite obviously, better to begin preparation in a less stressful environment. (2)
Argument anticipation. The second speaker can identify potential
flaws or inconsistencies in the opening speakers argument using argument anticipation techniques described above. This step is not due to
any self-destructive urge on the second speakers part but rather an
acknowledgement that she must adopt an oppositional stance. Instead of
collaborating with her partner, she will be in a strong position to critically investigate the logic of her partners case and have an opportunity to expose problems with the case at the only time available for their
simple and convenient correction, namely, the period of time before the
debate begins. Also, anticipating the oppositions arguments allows the
second speaker to advise her partner about potential changes or additions to the first proposition speech.
After the individual preparation, the speakers need to join togeth83



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er and review ideas for several minutes. Sharing information at this

point is particularly valuable, as the opportunity for some quiet time
and private deliberation on the motion has doubtlessly spurred creativity, so there are plenty of new ideas on the table. The debaters use
the final few minutes of preparation time to complete the case outline
or second speakers replies to opposition points. The second speaker
may have also found one or more clever ways to amplify or extend the
arguments in the opening speech.
Debaters are advised to have and use an inexpensive digital timer
for preparation time management. Although many debaters develop an
effective internal clock, a valuable skill, to be sure, for the proper
organization of a speech with rigidly set time limits, it is easier to look
at the face of a timepiece or listen to its infernal beeping. It is too easy
for debaters to become distracted during preparation time. A digital
clock keeps debaters on task.
A sample 15-minute preparation period might look like the one
Individual assessment of the motion
Shared discussion of the motion
Individual preparation of speeches
Shared discussion of speech preparation
Final speech preparation

1 minute
3 minutes
5 minutes
3 minutes
3 minutes

Debate teams should experiment with different times to accomplish

these tasks. They may be adjusted for different partners, motions or
other circumstances.
There are ancillary benefits to this preparation model. It provides
more than 15 minutes of actual preparation time, with some time
devoted exclusively to the second speakers preparation. In our model,
only six minutes of the 15-minute preparation period involve shared
time. The remaining nine minutes involve individual work, meaning
that the team has essentially doubled its preparation time for nine minutes of the period, bringing total preparation time to 24 minutes for the
team. Of equal importance is that a significant percentage of the nine
individual minutes allocated to the second speaker involve anticipating



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arguments and preparing for her speech. The second speaker may have
as many preparation minutes prior to the debate as her speaking time
during the debate.
When preparing for debate, you should carefully consider the balance of issues on a motion. You ought to anticipate several of the main
lines of argument from the opposing side. Preparation time should
include preparing speech introductions and conclusions, interpreting
the motion, and framing the debate and the elements of the case proper. Time should be devoted to speech structure and humor. In other
words, preparation ought to be comprehensive. Notes on many of
these matters, as well as preliminary information to support the factual material of a case, should be prepared in advance of the tournament
competition. Debaters might then refer to different kinds of information (that is, information on the public policy matter, debate practice,
rejoinders to conventionally introduced arguments, as well as notes on
initiating humor and responding to heckles). Organizing some previously briefed debate materials means that debaters will not have to
reinvent the wheel before each debate. Notes might offer tactical
reminders for sound practice or serve to jog your memory on the facts
of a particular case or opposition argument.
In an ideal model, members of a debate team would brainstorm their
ideas and prepare speeches independently. Preparation would both
increase the number of serious issues and provide depth of reasoning and
evidence to each of the elements of proof. In this model, teams would
have 30 minutes of genuine preparation time, double the amount of officially declared time for preparation, which provides a significant advantage over teams that are less efficient in their preparation period.
Debaters should use the ideal as a standard, attempting to increase their
preparation to 30 minutes. This is ideal, of course, but it is not readily
achieved. Debaters need time to inform partners of ideas, a task rarely
accomplished in nanoseconds. Debaters might not succeed in expanding
preparation to a full 30 minutes, but they might get a lot closer than the
conventional approach of shared time for 15 minutes.




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The Construction of the

Proposition Case
Debates can be complex. The motions normally relate to fairly sophisticated philosophical, economic, social, political and cultural matters.
Debaters introduce as many as a dozen major lines of argument in each
debate, with accompanying examples. There are, in addition, a number
of less significant challenges presented in a round of debate, as well as
back and forth during points of information (and, in the American format, points of personal privilege or points of order). For more on parliamentary points, please refer to the chapter by that name at the end
of this book. There is some discussion of the appropriate guidelines for
framing and deciding a debate; this is the meta-debate discussion (i.e.,
the debate about the debate). Simple and elegant case design is a profound way to address the potential chaotic presentation of many disparate issues on a subject.
A conventional proposition case is based on a direct and appealing
narrative form introduction, body and conclusion. It is a bit more difficult to achieve in practice than in theory. The opening speaker for the
proposition should include the following:
A speech introduction.
An interpretation of the motion.
A framework for the debate.
A case proper that supports the motion.
A speech conclusion.

Introduction to the Speech

It is appropriate to use a speech introduction to establish your credibility
with the judge and audience, create favorable expectations regarding
your performance and offer a powerful introduction to the subject matter
of the case. Many academic parliamentary debaters, however, make a
quite limited effort and provide rather trite introductions in the opening



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proposition speech. All too often, the introduction is a perfunctory exercise, a quick round of thanks to the Speaker of the House, opposing
side, colleague, and audience. At that point the proposition speaker might
suggest that there is a lot of work to do and, thus, it is time to jump into
the case. This is not an interesting speech introduction, let alone one that
can stand to be constantly repeated from debate to debate, tournament to
tournament, region to region.
It is well past time for parliamentary debaters to revise the introduction, providing meaningful presentations prior to a round of
thanks. For example, on the motion, This House would right the
wrongs, a proposition team might argue for institutional legal checks
on the presentation of eyewitness testimony. Although eyewitness testimony holds particular persuasive power over the decisions of jurors
and, therefore, the outcome of criminal trials, it is notoriously unreliable. Thousands of individuals are wrongly convicted each year due to
the prosecutions presentation of eyewitness accounts of crimes.
A first proposition speaker might offer the following introduction
for the case:
There is no greater wrong, no greater injustice, no greater deprivation of liberty than the wrongful conviction of an innocent person. When considering the circumstances leading to a wrongful
conviction, one is likely to imagine gross prosecutorial error or
misconduct. But the fact is that the leading cause of wrongful conviction is the testimony that jurors hear from eyewitnesses.
Ladies and gentlemen, the proposition team has an opportunity to address a disgraceful problem that victimizes thousands of
people annually. We do so with our support of the motion, This
House would right the wrongs. Thank you, Mister/Madame
You could begin with a quick thank you to the Speaker of the House,
a polite reply to her recognition of your speech. It would then be
appropriate to thank others at the conclusion of the preamble of your




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Thank you, Madame/Mister Speaker. There is no greater wrong,

no greater injustice, no greater deprivation of liberty than the
wrongful conviction of an innocent person. When considering the
circumstances leading to a wrongful conviction, one is likely to
imagine gross prosecutorial error or misconduct. But the fact is
that the leading cause of wrongful conviction is the testimony that
jurors hear from eyewitnesses.
Ladies and gentlemen, the proposition team has an opportunity to address a disgraceful problem that victimizes thousands of
people annually. We do so with our support of the motion, This
House would right the wrongs. Thank you to participants and the
assembled audience.
The introduction should be brief. It should not replace the substantive
information in case proper. It should provide striking information to
get the attention of the judge and audience, without undermining the
rhetorical power of the speech. An effective introduction provides a
preview of the case without giving away the more salient issues in the
opening 15 to 30 seconds. If the speech introduction offers too much
information, the opposing side will immediately begin preparing the
refutation for their speeches, allowing the opposition more time for
preparation during the debate. In a typical debate ideas unfold
throughout the proposition teams opening speech, delaying the oppositions preparation of effective refutation strategies.
All speakers in a debate should have a speech introduction. It is
evident that the opening speakers for the proposition and opposition
should establish themselves in the debate before engaging an audience.
Debaters may want to court favor with an audience through the use of
humor in a speech introduction. There is nothing quite as powerful as
meeting the expectations of the assembled audience that they will be
entertained during the round of debate.
Subsequent speakers in the debate should present introductions
that will recall their debate partners speech. Too often, later speakers
introduce their presentations as a reaction to an opposing sides preceding speech. This technique subtly shifts the debates focus to your
opponents issues. The ideas that you want to present in the debate



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might be lost along the way. It is better to establish your foundation for
argument the main lines of proof for your side or the issues neglected by an opponent before issuing a reactionary presentation. (Save
that fiery negation for the Guild Hall, talk radio, pulpit, or Masonic

Interpretation of the Motion

The first speaker for the proposition team interprets the motion to give
meaning to it for the purpose of focused and informed debate. Without
this attention to detail in the opening speech, it is likely that the debate
motion would have a different meaning for different teams in the
debate. Language is abstract. Words meanings are not fixed and
change with the context of their use. (For more on this subject, consult
a dictionary. A dictionary is a history of the use of words and includes
numerous understandings of individual terms over space and time.)
There are many potential interpretations of any given motion.
Some of the possibilities are reasonable and might serve as a foundation for a powerful case on the motion. Other potential interpretations
are incoherent for debate, maniacal, or genocidal. For example, on the
motion, This House would significantly reduce free speech, there are
a number of possibilities for the proposition.
Reasonable interpretations:
Campaign finance reform: The proposition might argue for
restrictions on campaign advertising in the interest of fair
Group libel law: The proposition team would call for the extension
of libel laws for individuals to groups. This extension would
restrict false and malicious speech targeting racial, ethnic, religious
and other groups.
Broadcast regulation: The proposition might advocate that the
government should restrict entertainment and other programming
to increase public service announcements and programming.




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Incoherent interpretation:
Eliminate opposition speeches: The proposition
could demand a restriction on free speech by eliminating the opposition speeches to its case in the debate.
Maniacal interpretation
Muzzle all dogs: The proposition argues that dogs channel demonic messages and, subsequently, their speech
must be curtailed. The opening speaker for the proposition cites, as reference material for the case, the disturbing facts of the Son of Sam murders, as well as books on
the White House by former First Ladies Barbara Bush
and Hilary Rodham Clinton, purporting to comment on
presidential life from a dogs point-of-view.
Genocidal interpretation
Eliminate political liberals: Political liberals support
free speech. The proposition team might argue for an
executive order or other governmental decree authorizing the detention or summary execution of political
liberals with a history of free speech.
The proposition team is responsible for selecting a meaningful interpretation for debate. There are several options here for the proposition
team but many are unsavory or fail to focus the discussion in a coherent fashion. The proposition side of the motion is self-interested about
the interpretation of the motion, to be sure, but they are biased in the
interest of effective argumentation. They will not able to sustain a case
without sophisticated lines of argument offering a proof for the motion.
The opposition team has no such interest. The opposing side is not
concerned, in the same manner as the proposition team, about the successful interpretation of the motion. If the motion is dysfunctional, it is



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a simple matter for the side opposing the motion to win the debate.
This is a primary reason that the interpretation of the motion ought to
remain, with few, if any, reservations, within the exclusive control of
the proposition side. Additional possibilities and limitations on the
interpretation of motions are listed in the chapter on topic interpretation (Chapter 2).

Framing the Debate

Debaters compete to win debates. Framing a debate, a technique of
argument contextualization, is a tool to increase the probability of
proposition victories. With framing, the opening speaker for the proposition team creates a context for the appreciation and resolution of
argumentation. Framing is done for three primary reasons:
It is a gatekeeper matter.
It anticipates argument comparison for the rebuttal and latter speeches
of the debate.
It establishes a context for the judges decision making.
Gatekeeper ideas can be powerful tools in contest debates. A gatekeeper
argument is one that determines if other arguments are permitted to enter
the debate. In this way, the gatekeeper argument allows some ideas in
(presumably, ideas favorable to your side of the motion) and keeps other
arguments out (the challenges from your opponents). For example, the
interpretation of a motion operates as a gatekeeper issue. The proposition
teams interpretation, if sustained, eliminates other, competing interpretations of the motion in a debate. This technique compels the opposition to
debate the issues initiated by the proposition team. On the motion, This
House would restrict the authority of the World Trade Organization in
one or more areas, a proposition team could interpret the motion to discuss new restrictions on WTO authority to improve international environmental regulations. This interpretation opens the gate for a discussion
of free trade and environmentalism and at the same time, closes the gate
on debate on labor law, telecommunications, and other issues that might
conceivably be part of a general discussion on WTO regulatory power.



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The opening speaker for the proposition team should be able to frame
or contextualize the debate to limit the possibilities for argument from the
opposing side. The first speaker accomplishes this task by stating the point
of the controversy for the proposition side of the motion and subtly setting
a refutation argument agenda for the opposition. In other words, the opening speaker claims to establish a proof for the motion in a particular way
and suggests to the judge the argument options available to the opposing
side to dispute the claims of the propositions case. For example, on the
motion, This House would limit military intervention against terrorists,
the proposition might make a case to stop British and American bombing
campaigns in Afghanistan. The opening speaker for the proposition side of
the motion might argue that his team will prove that the bombing campaign has three serious negative consequences: (1) It creates a false sense
of security about anti-terrorist policies, making it less likely that governments will initiate comprehensive anti-terrorist policies in a timely manner;
(2) It produces regional instability and threatens to destabilize Pakistan, a
nuclear nation; and (3) It has led to a humanitarian crisis in Afghanistan,
as the bombing campaign has disrupted the shipment of food and other
relief supplies. The proposition speaker might add the following to frame
the issue as a gatekeeper device: Each of these claims is an independent
proof of the our interpretation of the motion for debate. If we are able to
prove any of these issues, we will have successfully accomplished the goal
of demonstrating a proof for the motion. The opposition team must refute
each of these claims to disprove the case in the debate. This rhetoric
restricts argumentation to any of these three issues in the debate. It
attempts to narrow the options for the opposing side, by insisting that the
opposition team defeat all of the proposition teams arguments to have a
chance of success.
Framing anticipates the comparison of issues at the latter stages of
the contest. Ideas are introduced in the debate with a particular goal in
mind: the effective relative comparison of the arguments merits at the
conclusion of a round of debate. The outcome of a debate necessarily
involves the relative positioning of teams. In the American and other
two-team formats, debates are zero-sum contests and one team is designated a winner and the other team the loser. In British and other formats with more than two teams in a single round of debate, the out92



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standing team is ranked first, with lesser teams in the debate receiving
correspondingly lower rankings. Because teams are evaluated on their
relative achievement (that is, a higher ranking or a win is awarded
based on a comparison to the performances of the other competitors),
it is simply not enough to have an opinion in a debate. You must have
the best possible expression of an opinion and your opinion must
trump the opinions of the other participants in the contest.
Achievement in debates, therefore, requires comparing the stances of
each of the competing teams.
Debaters should anticipate their final stands on the floor and plan
accordingly. It is not enough to know how to begin a debate. We know,
for example, that any and all ideas are subject to disagreement and disputation. We know that it is inevitable that debaters will present opposing viewpoints on the subject matter of a motion. For us, this does not
fully describe debate. Debate does not concern itself exclusively with
disputing facts or informed opinion. Clash on factual issues is a necessary, but not sufficient condition for debate. The art of debate is about
the effective resolution of facts and opinions already in dispute.
Debaters should frame issues for comparison at the conclusion of
debates. As experienced competitors know, what matters is not how
debates begin but how they end. Judges are persuaded by the final
stands on the floor, the manner of resolution of contested issues.
Framing ideas by anticipating the end game, introducing arguments
in a debate to move both you and your opponent to an inevitable conclusion favoring your side of the motion, is a valued skill of the experienced competitor.
Framing might also be used to influence the judges decision making. In some parliamentary formats and leagues, most notably in some
regions within the USA, debaters present formal decision-making criteria to assist the judge. This is hardly done as a favor to judges. The
reason they give assistance to judges is to set the decision-making agenda for the judge, another way to tilt the debate toward ones side for the
Debaters are fond of presenting an exclusive decision-making criterion to a judge for a debate. (Although it is typically a single evaluative instrument, the overwhelming majority of debaters refer to the



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issue by the plural, as criteria. This is somewhat confusing for inexperienced debaters, who are always waiting for the other shoe to drop.
When will the proposition team present a second or third decision
making tool? The use of the term criteria in this context is admittedly vexing for the last three standing Latin scholars in the USA as well.)
The criterion may be a statement of a valued principle: The issues of
the debate should be considered through the lens of Rawls conception
of justice. Privacy interests of the individual are of utmost importance. They are essential to the protection of other political and social
rights. As such, this debate must involve an exclusive assessment of
issues from the position of privacy interests.
The decision-making criterion may involve general guidelines for a
judges consideration of the debates arguments. Debaters often call for
judges to decide debates on the preponderance of the evidence or a
cost-benefit calculus. These proof standards mirror decision making
in civil trials or regulatory agencies.
Decision-making criteria educate inexperienced judges about their
responsibilities as judges. They encourage judges to evaluate the
debate on the issues raised by debaters, rather than on personal prejudices about the motion. They may also subtly support the logic of a
proposition teams case. If the proposition team has a case that suggests
that the government of a country could take a small action that would
produce a large benefit, it is, quite obviously, in the interest of that
team to argue that a judge should evaluate the debate based on the
overall policy advantages (that is, a cost-benefit calculation of some
sort). If a proposition team, on the other hand, has a case that relies on
factual material generally thought to be beyond serious dispute, it is in
the interest of the team to employ a decision making criterion on the
preponderance of the evidence, as it is unlikely that the opposing side
will be able to disprove the factual foundation of the case.
The problem for proposition teams using this framing strategy is
the exclusive use of a single criterion for decision making. Decision
making is complex. Many factors are involved in reaching a conclusive
decision. Even a relatively modest decision, for example, ordering food
in a restaurant, involves a series of important decisions. A person
ordering a meal in a restaurant would not use price alone as a basis for



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making a decision. (The quality and taste of the food do not matter,
just bring me the cheapest item.) Nor would a diner base a decision
exclusively on a foods taste, presentation, nutritional content or another factor. It is the combination of these decision-making elements that
lead to an action.
Debate decisions are even more complex. The issues of a debate
may involve sophisticated discussions of comprehensive public policy
reform. They might involve multiple actors and stakeholders. They
might operate in national and international contexts. A single, exclusive criterion probably does a disservice to the kind of decision that is
required to evaluate a debate.
Additionally, the proposition team would like to achieve victory in
a debate on any issue that might ultimately support its side of the
motion. It probably does not matter to the proposition side if they win
the debate on an issue they have initiated or on a matter that was introduced in the debate by the side opposing the motion. An exclusive criterion (that is, a request that the judge should consider only those arguments that support one perspective on the motion, for example, liberty interests) might too narrowly limit the proposition team in a debate,
reducing their potential for success by taking off the table issues on
which they could win.

Constructing the Case Proper

A case is a set of arguments that supports a logical proof for a motion.
The case proper refers to the substantive matter of the debate directly
providing support for the motion, rather than any preamble to the case
or meta-discussion appropriately framing the material substance of the
The majority of parliamentary cases, in all debating formats, could
generally be described as policy cases. A policy case endorses a specific public policy reform. The opening speaker for the proposition
does this in a two-stage process, a logical construction that both identifies a problem and proposes a solution to the problem. In other
words, the proposition team offers a case that attempts to correct a
serious economic, social or political problem.



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With this case form, the proposition team constructs a comparison between the status quo and a hypothetical future. The opening
speaker for the proposition identifies core problems of the status quo.
The status quo is said to be a description of extant policies and institutional structures. (It is important for debaters to recognize that
there is no status quo. It is a fiction. Policy is not unchanging,
unyielding or static. Institutions can and do change their policies.
New administrative regulations are adopted and rescinded on a regular basis. Political changes [e.g., new presidents, prime ministers
and cabinet or military leaders] will necessarily lead to policy
reforms, even in those circumstances in which the core governmental
institutions do not change.)
The proposition establishes a comparison between dysfunctional
institutions and a hypothetical future, i.e., a plan of action producing
a better world. In the expression of the difference between the world
in which we actually live and the world in which we ought to reside,
the proposition team is able to identify benefits associated with its
advocated position in the debate.
The speaker has certain obligations in order to prove the legitimacy of the case. The speaker must first identify a problem. Debaters are
aware of many of the worlds problems, social crises, and other calamities. But what are the constituent elements of a problem? Youll need
to know these to offer a proof that an intractable problem does indeed
exist. There are two. A condition is said to be a problem if it is (1)
ongoing with (2) serious negative repercussions.
Debate terminology for these conditions includes the concept of
inherency, which involves an examination of the ongoing nature of
problems. If an issue is no longer a contemporary economic, social or
political matter, it is not a problem. Few people today are worried
about the potential of forced conscription to participate in the
Crusades. (We are likely to worry about those few people made nervous about that possibility.) But many individuals are concerned with
increasing cycles of violence and intolerance in the Middle East.
Considering the ongoing nature of the matter, the former is not a problem but the latter most definitely is.
Negative repercussions are often identified as matters of signifi96



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cance. The significance of an issue reveals its qualitative and quantitative dimension. For example, how seriously does the issue profoundly
affect the life of an individual and how many individuals are troubled
by this matter? The more an issue bothers a person and the more lives
are touched by that matter, the greater the problem.
In a debate, you should include an explanation of the ongoing
nature of a problem and the degree of its significance. It is not necessary to include formal debate jargon while undertaking these tasks in a
speech, but it is important that you (and by extension, your audience)
understand the elements of a problem. This knowledge is the only way
to ensure that you will have a comprehensive and logical presentation
of a proof. In addition, the logic of the construction provides some
basic structure to a speech. It assists the speaker to organize her comments for easy understanding by a judge or audience.
After establishing the foundation of a problem, the speaker proposes a solution. The argument involving the solution to a problem is
known as solvency. Once again, it is not necessary to use debate jargon in an actual debate to discuss arguments involving solutions.
Jargon and technical speech are frequently an inelegant form of communication and can also confuse an audience unused to the terminology. It is, however, helpful to be familiar with technical debate speech,
if only to understand an opponent who might use such language.
The solution to a problem should be well defined and technically
feasible. (We know that in your private affairs, you prefer magic, ouija
boards, tarot, palmistry and other psychic arts to accomplish your
tasks. Debate judges tend to be skeptical of these solutions.) A comprehensive solution to a problem should include a plan of action and
sufficient argumentation and information to sustain the claim that the
plan adequately fixes the problem.
The plan is the formal expression of a solution to a problem. It
should be brief but sufficient to provide a meaningful solution to the
identified problem. The plan is generally a summary of model legislation, agency or executive action, a sample court decree, etc., that would
successfully address the problem.
A plan might answer the following questions regarding agency,
scope of regulatory authority and implementation:



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Who will do it?

What are they required to do?
How will they accomplish their goals?
Answers to these questions will satisfactorily address the issues regarding a solution to a problem, at least for the purposes of initiating debate
on the matter. The proposition team should identify one or more of the
parties responsible for an action, describe the scope of their authority,
and discuss the manner of policy implementation. As for the latter
issue, the proposition team ought to demonstrate that like policies, perhaps identical ones, have been previously adopted in other jurisdictions
or in the same political jurisdiction on a different occasion in the past.
On the motion: This House would legalize one or more recreational drugs, a proposition team might argue for the decriminalization of marijuana in the USA. They could identify the responsible parties for decriminalization (federal and state governments), examine the
scope of their authority (rescinding all legislation criminalizing possession of marijuana and substituting a system of civil fines for public possession of the drug or behavior under the influence of the drug and
make available drug rehabilitation programs for those with more than
one civil violation), and discuss successful policy implementation (previous decriminalization efforts and one state, Alaska, has legislation
that might serve as a successful model for the plan).
There may be ancillary advantages to a plan of action. The opening proposition speaker may discuss the scope of a problem, its proposed solution and additional benefits. For example, a proposition
team might argue for a single-payer system of national health insurance
in the USA. The reason for the proposal might be to offer a proof for
the motion that This House would bring them in. A proposition team
might construe this motion to be a reference to those individuals currently without health insurance or underinsured. The case may be
based on principles of equality but might have the additional benefit of
spurring health and medical research, as more stakeholders in the public health care system makes it easier for investors to commit funds to
health research and development, because the addition of tens of mil98



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lions of new health and medical consumers is likely to add to the payoffs of future research and development.
In addition to the policy case, there are other case models used in
parliamentary debates. Some debaters use what might be described as
a fact case. This case offers a proof for a so-called proposition of fact,
a case that is difficult to prove and, if successfully proven, impossible
to dispute. (This is the nature of facts. The problem with facts is that
they are incontrovertible. They are, by definition, not subject to disputation and are therefore anathema to debate.) The other problem is
the prohibition on the use of published material during a parliamentary
debate. Facts cannot be verified in the course of a parliamentary
debate. This situation creates a condition in which the judge, too often,
is called on to insert her judgment for that of arguing debaters, deciding the outcome of the debate on the facts she knew before listening
to the speeches. This judgment vitiates the point of debating. It is better for the authors of motions and proposition teams to avoid the fact
motion or case entirely.
Debaters may also present a value case on a value motion. This
matter has been discussed in some detail in the chapter on topics and
their interpretation. The value case provides a proof for the motion in
support for a particular value. On the motion, Give me liberty or give
me death, the first speaker for the proposition team would identify
reasons and evidence to support the value of liberty, in direct contrast
with the value of life.
There are some problems with most value motions and cases that
purport to support those motions. Each value claim, liberty, for example, is packed with multiple meanings, some of them contradictory.
(We suppose this compression of meanings makes sense for issues that
have been debated for thousands of years.) It is difficult to discuss
these issues in the abstract because of the differing understandings that
accompany the use of value terms. In addition, each value claim incorporates the elements of other value claims. Life includes a liberty interest, as death typically interferes with the appreciation of civil and political liberties. Liberty incorporates life interests, because one is more
likely to face arbitrary death in conditions of tyranny and slavery. It is
nearly impossible to identify the exclusive core of a value claim for



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the purpose of focused debate. In other words, each side of a debate on

the matter of liberty versus life ultimately seems to endorse both liberty and life interests. Of course, many values do not necessarily trade off
with each other. It is possible to advocate two or more values in support of an idea (for a thought experiment, identify at least two values
that are used to support any public policy). Many artificially constructed value motions, intending to produce a clash of values, merely
confound participants who spend an entire debate trying to identify the
Archimedian disputation point to begin serious debating.
Although it is now disfavored in parliamentary debate communities, the time-space case is important to note. This case attempts to
analyze the basis of decision making by moving the debate to another time or place. It involves role playing for the debaters. In the shift of
the debate through imagined time or space, typically a move to the
past, debaters revisit historically influential decisions. On the motion,
This House would ban the bomb, a proposition speaker might make
the following time-space introduction:
It is 1945. The USA and Japan are locked in brutal struggles
throughout the Pacific. This debate will examine the final stages of
the war and the proposition will argue that the USA should not use
atomic bombs on Japanese cities. The judge will evaluate the
debate from the perspective of the decision-maker at the time,
President Harry Truman. The proposition, as noted, will argue
against the use of the atomic bombs. The opposing side should take
the role of Trumans military and political advisers who favored the
use of these devices. No material information revealed after August
1945 should be permitted in the debate.
The primary challenge associated with time-space case is that it is
impossible to discern which knowledge comes from any single historical period and which arguments and ideas might spill over to another
time. Quite often, it is extraordinarily difficult for debaters to fulfill
their roles in a meaningful way. Of course, moving the debate to another time or place reduces the knowledge base of debaters, who
inevitably know more about the world they live in than about any



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potential parallel world that might be discussed.

It may, in fact, be better to have a more contemporaneous discussion. In this example, the speaker calls for the excision of facts after
1945. Wouldnt debates be improved with more, rather than less, information? The atomic bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki are controversial events today but there is new evidence to bolster the case for
either side of a motion on the justification of the attack. The debate can
be fully engaged in the current period, with additional information
after 1945 used to support fresh views on the event.
The time-space case has lost much of its former popularity. It is no
longer a staple of debate teams and you might compete for years and
never personally experience the traditional form of case. There is, however, a time-space element that persists in parliamentary debating. It
pertains to the definition of this House in debates.
In many debates, the interpretation of the phrase This House is
uncontroversial. The House is the debating chamber. The participants in the debate try to persuade the House to vote for or against a
motion on the floor. In tournament competition, there is usually a designated voting representative for the House, namely a single judge or a
panel of judges. In practical terms, the person or persons judging the
debate, formally deliberating on the motion, are the House.
A number of debaters define This House to mean something
other than the debating chamber and its deliberative membership. In
these cases, the first proposition speaker moves the debate from its
location to another place (occasionally, but infrequently, another time).
The proposition speaker might define the House as the United
Nations, European Union, International Criminal Court,
Government of Costa Rica, Saddam Hussein or any other decision
maker. The speaker expects that the debate will proceed in the context
of a decision by that selected actor. For example, if the House is
defined as the U.S. Federal Government, the debate will only consider the motion from the perspective of the jurisdictional authority of
the USA. Although not popularly known as a time-space case, this
approach functions in precisely the same way as the traditional timespace model.




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Suggested Exercise:
Debaters should take a motion and construct a model opening speech
for the proposition side of the motion, including introduction, interpretation of the motion, framing, case proper, and conclusion. This exercise
should be repeated using any of the sample topics from the selection in
the back of this book.

The Speech Conclusion

Like the introduction, debaters should deliver a powerful final comment in support of its side of the motion. A concluding remark of no
more than 10 or 15 seconds ought to summarize the relative positions
of the teams in the debate, identify a consistent and powerful theme
associated with the presentation of the case, or remind the judge and
audience of the serious and salient matters under consideration. This
technique will leave the judge with a final persuasive appeal for the
case, rather than a perfunctory or pro forma conclusion, namely I beg
to propose/oppose. Dont beg. It is unseemly.




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Basic Opposition to the Case

he opposition team is able to challenge the proposition case

with both direct and indirect refutation. We discuss indirect
refutation in the chapters on disadvantages, counterplans, and
critiques. This chapter discusses how to engage in direct oppositional
refutation. Direct refutation involves specific challenges to the arguments in the opening proposition speech. The opposition arguments
that specifically address the major lines of proof of the first proposition
speaker are called case arguments or on-case arguments. They fundamentally challenge the original case position.
There are, however, a number of issues in a debate that might be
relevant to the discussion but do not have a corollary in the proposition
teams opening remarks. After all, the proposition team tries to put on
its best face in the opening speech. The proposition case includes the



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outstanding arguments for a proof of the motion and little else. The
proposition team does not present information that might do harm to
its position. There are, inevitably, many issues excluded, or even selfcensored, by the proposition team. The opposing side may wish to
introduce one or more of these otherwise excluded ideas into the
debate. In addition, the opposition might choose to present major arguments disadvantages, counterplans, and critiques that are premised
on the proposition case but move well beyond the case text. These
ideas are often known as off-case arguments, because they are not
found within the text of the proposition teams case arguments.
The opposition team ought to counter the substantive material of
the proposition teams case. It is not necessary to disagree with each of
the major elements of proof of a case. Strategic agreement, a sound tactic for the opposition, is a method of argument by which the opposing
side concedes one or more of the proposition sides arguments in order
to advance their own interests in the debate.
Agreement might focus the debate on more salient matters. For
example, a speaker might agree to relatively modest claims that serve
as a distraction for them and the judge. If a case supports restrictions
on immigration, the proposition side might argue that closing national
borders could (1) improve security against terrorists who would potentially use weapons of mass destruction and (2) save some administrative costs for government processing of immigrants. The advantages of
this case might fairly be described as a battleship pulling a dinghy. The
former advantage could affect the lives of tens of thousands or millions
of people. The latter one is modest and might save some money, which
politicians would surely waste on improving their salary structure. It is
perhaps a better approach for the opposition team to cut off the proposition teams dinghy, simply ignoring the relatively modest advantage
of unspectacular savings of government administrative expenditures in
order to concentrate their rhetorical resources on the more significant
issues related to terrorism and weapons of mass destruction.
An argument concession might permit the opposition side to present another and more compelling idea in the debate. Disadvantages are
an apt example. Many disadvantages presume that a plan of action is
successfully implemented but that it has grave and (at least for the



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proposition team) unseen consequences. For example, a proposition

team might support the adoption of mandatory helmet laws for motorcyclists. The opposition might concede the proposition teams argument that the law could be successfully enforced (i.e., after the adoption of a mandatory helmet law, the overwhelming majority of motorcyclists would wear helmets). The opposition team might concede that
more motorcyclists would wear helmets so that they could subsequently make a rejoinder that new research on motorcycle helmet laws
demonstrates that mandatory use increases injury and death because
helmeted riders develop a false sense of security and take more risks.
Debaters will inevitably disagree with some elements of the proposition teams case. If the opposition team confronts a policy case (the
majority of parliamentary debate cases), it may want to challenge any
of the case elements describing the extant problem and the proposed
solution. These include the issues of inherency, significance, and solvency, concepts describing the nature of the problem and its solution.
To challenge the proposition teams inherency argument, that is,
the proof that a problem is ongoing, the opposition team will want to
offer an explanation for the failure to implement the proposition teams
proposal. The risks of policy failure associated with the plan might be
one reason that well-intentioned individuals have yet to act in accordance with the proposition teams suggested reform. The opposition
might also argue that more study is required before one should attempt
policy action.
Of course, the opposition might also identify other causes of the problem. The suggestion of another reason for the problem, an alternate causality, undermines the claim that a particular institutional flaw is responsible
for the problem. For example, the proposition team might claim there is an
ongoing crime problem and propose a guaranteed annual income to alleviate the cause of crime that is, poverty. If the opposition is able to identify
other major causes of crime (family violence, intercultural prejudices, drug
abuse and sociopathologies), then they will be able to demonstrate that the
problem is unrelated to the cause identified by the proposition team. The
purpose of this line of argument is to show that the problem is not amenable
to reform by the plan.
The opposition team may choose to refute the significance or



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harms of the case. This text includes some additional tactics for arguing impact assessments and issues of significance in the chapter on
debate skills. Basically, there are three primary strategies for refuting
claims of significance:
The opposition team may attempt to minimize an argument.
The opposition team may turn or capture an argument.
The opposition team may choose to answer an argument.
Arguments have different expressions of qualitative and quantitative
significance. Some issues matter a great deal to an individual. In other
words, they have qualitative dimension. For example, the wrongful
incarceration of a person is a grave matter. The loss of a job due to race
discrimination is a compelling violation of individual liberty. As serious
as these conditions may be for any single person, however, the arbitrary loss of liberty for a single individual may not be a sufficient reason to reform the entire criminal justice system. Some expressions of
significance have qualitative authority but do not have quantitative
dimension. They are serious matters, indeed, but relatively inconsequential to comprehensive reform of a public policy field.
Other expressions of significance might apply to a large number of
people but have relatively little consequence. A modest increase in the
price of a postage stamp or additional waiting time for public transportation may affect the lives of tens of millions of individuals, but the degree
of disruption in peoples lives is so modest that it could not be said to
describe a serious problem. A debater might minimize a significant argument, i.e., an argument describing a harm or benefit, by identifying the
way it fails to prove that it has both qualitative and quantitative scope.
It is possible to compare the qualitative and quantitative measure of an
argument with the qualitative and quantitative measure of another argument. Debaters should evaluate the commensurable outcomes of their
lines of argument. If, for example, a proposition team suggests a public
policy reform that would save 1,000 lives and the opposition team is able
to demonstrate that the same policy will cost 10,000 lives, it is quite obvious that the opposition team should contrast the advantage of the policy
and disadvantage of the policy in like or commensurable terms: number of



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lives saved.) Debaters may also evaluate incommensurable ideas. Please

see the section in Chapter 10 on impact assessment for a comprehensive
description of debating incommensurable values and policies.
In addition to minimization, the opposition team may turn or capture
an opponents argument. An argumentative turn is a technique in which a
debater takes an argument from a team arguing one side of a motion and
makes the claim that the argument is better suited to support the opposing
side (their side) of the motion. This is a highly effective argument strategy
because it does not necessarily resist or refute the material substance of an
opponents argument. In its most effective form, this tactic spins the
opposing sides issue. When you turn an opponents argument, you take
one of their arguments and proceed to use it for your own purposes, usually by showing that it better supports your side of the motion.
There are two types of turns: link turns and impact turns. A link turn
is a claim that a causal connection (or link) for an argument better supports the opposing side of the topic. For example, a proposition team might
argue for a motion to increase the war on drugs, with the expressed purpose to reduce criminal drug use. The opposing side might respond that
the war on drugs paradoxically increases criminal drug use, as it forces
drug users, particularly novice users, to associate with criminal drug dealers to purchase recreational drugs. These new associations would increase
the possibility of new and inexperienced users being recruited as drug sellers or couriers. It also initiates drug users to a world of lawbreakers who
might lead them into other criminal activity. In this case, the opposition
team agrees with the proposition teams premise. Both teams are interested in reducing criminal drug use. The fundamental difference in the teams
position is that the opposition team makes the claim that the war on drugs
is responsible for increasing criminal drug use. The increase in the war on
drugs, therefore, is likely to concomitantly increase criminal drug use,
rather than reduce it. The opposition team, by agreeing with the proposition case, has successfully identified an error in causal reasoning and is
able to turn the argument to theiradvantage.
An impact turn is an argument that reverses the claims associated
with an arguments impact or outcome. For example, a proposition team
might argue about the risks associated with nuclear proliferation. They
might suggest that proliferation is destabilizing and leads to the possibility



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of nuclear conflict. The opposition team might reply that proliferation is

actually a valued public policy rather than a reason for fear. The opposition speaker would claim that the history of effective nuclear deterrence
among major nuclear powers for the 50 years of the Cold War, despite considerable antagonism and high-stakes international conflicts, proves that
nuclear proliferation increases stability and reduces the potential for
nuclear conflict. In addition, the team might argue that nuclear proliferation would also deter the use of chemical, biological, and conventional
weapons, making conflict dramatically less likely with new nuclear
regimes. In this case, the opposition team is able to reverse the standing of
the issue of significance in the debate. That which was bad is now determined to be good. There is additional information on link turns and
impact turns in Chapter 7 on disadvantages.
In the event that your opponent introduces a relevant argument
that has a substantial degree of significance and cannot be turned, it is
then necessary to answer the argument. Many effective debate arguments are supported by examples. The most effective counter is to
directly refute the examples initiated by your opponent.
Examples may be nullified with counterexamples. These counters
should match the original example in scope. In other words, the opposition
team has a duty to provide appropriate counterexamples that consider the
scale of the proposition teams examples and try to either (1) directly match
or exceed the significance of the original example in the same area of
inquiry (e.g., the opposition could use an example of a favorable military
intervention to counter a claim of an unfavorable military adventure) or (2)
make analogies to counterexamples in other fields (e.g., the opposition
might argue about regulatory excess in environmental policies to counter a
proposition team advocating new regulations in consumer product safety).
There are additional challenges to examples: They ought to be representative or typical of the analytical claims made by the proposition team.
They should express significance. They ought to reveal that problems can
be resolved and are not intractable. There should be sufficient examples to
prove the core elements of a motion. It is also possible for the opposition
team to counter the solvency claims of the proposition. Will the proposed
solution resolve the problem? Alternate causality arguments could effectively undermine a proposition teams claim that they have proposed the



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correct solution to a discrete problem. The opposition team might carefully examine the elements of the plan. Have they identified the appropriate
agent, with the necessary legal jurisdiction and resources, to successfully
administer the proposed reform? Does the agent have sufficient legal
authority, expressed in the mandates of action provisions of the plan, to
carry out its mission? Are there difficulties that might occur during program implementation? Are there sufficient constituent groups to sustain
the program in the long term? Would any social groups opposing the plan
or any other party engage in a backlash against new policy initiatives?
These questions might produce a significant number of objections to the
technical implementation and ultimate success of a policy proposal.
On a cautionary note, the opposition team should exercise considerable care when introducing inherency and solvency arguments into
the debate. The proposition teams inherency argument explains that
there is an ongoing problem. That team argues that no agent is effectively moving to adopt the suggested plan. Too frequently, the opposition replies to this position in a reactionary manner, indicating that
there is some movement in the direction of the proposition policy, that
government or private interests endorse or otherwise adopt elements of
the proposition plan. Rather than helping the opposition cause, these
arguments are likely to undermine it.
The best position for the opposition is to argue that the proposition
case is bad. By that, we mean that the proposition makes a case that
is an expression of a good. It is not an effective counter to say that
the case may not be good enough. If the proposition team lowers their
original expectations (that is, they are not good enough) but they are
still superior to the opposition team, who would logically prevail in a
debate? The proposition team. The opposition team should show that
the proposition is counterproductive, dangerous or demonic. On the
occasions that the opposition team defends a position that suggests
movement in the direction of the proposition position in the debate,
they are unable to credibly argue that movement in the direction of the
proposition teams advocated position is a bad idea.
In addition, strong opposition arguments, such as the disadvantage,
may rely on the successful implementation of the proposition teams plan.
The better arguments for the opposition presume that the plan comes into



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fruition but is a bad idea. If the opposition team argues (usually, with solvency arguments) that the plan is not fully implemented, it may limit the
introduction of arguments that presume that the plan is both implemented
and counterproductive. Debaters should be careful to introduce inherency
and solvency arguments that do not contradict the substantive material of
other powerful and effective opposition strategies.

Suggested Exercise:
In Appendix 4, you will find a transcript of the opening speeches for the
proposition and the opposition sides of the motion: This House should return
the goods. Debaters should work as individuals or in small groups on the full
text of a speech or a speech section, analyzing it for (1) the five elements of
a narrative construction of a proposition case, including introduction, interpretation, framing, case proper, and conclusion; (2) effective opposition argumentation, identifying argument typologies; (3) speech structure and argument organization; and (4) argument clash.

Structuring Opposition Arguments

to the Case
Just as it is important to make good arguments against the proposition
teams case, it is also important to structure your opposition arguments
appropriately to maximize their effectiveness. Appropriate structure is particularly important for the arguments made in the constructive speech of
the first opposition speaker, because these arguments frame the rest of the
debate on the proposition teams case. There are at least two faulty and
mutually exclusive strategies employed by the first opposition speaker:
The undifferentiated mass. Sometimes the lead opposition speaker will advance her arguments against the proposition teams
case consecutively and without structure. This kind of presentation
may be pleasing from an oratorical perspective, but its lack of structure
can be ultimately crippling to the opposition team and annoying to the
judge. (This plan is a bad idea, and its not inherent, and it has little
significance, and heres an example of why it wouldnt solve the problem, and the plan makes no sense, and)



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The hyper-structure. Sometimes the lead opposition

speaker will advance her arguments using too much structure, rather
than not enough. This presentation strategy is, in effect, the opposite of
the undifferentiated mass strategy. It meets the organizational needs of
the judge and the other team and then goes too far, cluttering the
debate with needless detail, much to the annoyance of all the participants. (Off of their first observation, in their A subpoint, on their
small two point, sub b)
Each of these strategies has specific disadvantages and advantages.
Neither strategy is optimal. Instead, the first opposition speaker should
seek to differentiate and explain her arguments using a simple structure to facilitate flowing, refutation, and consolidation in the later parts
of the debate.
The problem for the first opposition speaker is how to respond to specific components of the proposition teams case without devoting too much
confusing time and energy referencing the specific (and often highly
detailed) structure of that case. Lets consider an example to see how this
might work in practice. Perhaps the proposition team has presented a case
that contends that the USA should get rid of its nuclear weapons arsenal.
The basic outline of the case might look something like the example that
follows. We do not here go into the full articulation of the arguments that
might be made by a first proposition speaker defending disarmament;
rather, we want to show a potential outline for refutation.
Observation I: There is a pressing need for the nuclear disarmament by the USA.
A. Accidents are likely and dangerous
1. False alarms. Empirically, nuclear powers early warning systems receive false alarms that could cause an automatic launch of nuclear weapons. This has almost happened many times in the past, and reliable sources assure
us that it is only a matter of time before an accidental
nuclear war breaks out for real. (Examples follow.)
2. This situation is particularly true in Russia, where deteriorating command and control systems, as well as an underfunded military and reliance on hair-trigger alert status mean



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that accidental launches could happen at any time.

3. Even one accidental detonation would kill tens of thousands
of people every additional warhead detonation would of
course add to this death toll. There is a serious risk that an accidental nuclear war might break out, killing millions.
B. Proliferation
1. By refusing to commit to nuclear disarmament, the USA
is essentially in the process of spitting in the eye of the
international nonproliferation regime, as codified in the
Non Proliferation Treaty (NPT). In that treaty, the USA
and other nuclear powers agreed to a goal of disarmament;
they just have not yet put that goal into practice.
2. This policy poisons the well of non proliferation. The
USAs hypocrisy on this issue communicates the message
that what the NPT is really about is dividing the world into
two classes: the nuclear haves and have nots. This state
of affairs is perceived as colonialistic, unfair, and unacceptable by the majority of the world. Thus the NPT, the linchpin of the global nonproliferation regime, has largely been
rendered obsolete by the obstinance of the USA.
3. Proliferation is risky business. As more states acquire nuclear
weapons, their use becomes more likely. Because nuclear deterrence is largely a fictive construct with no empirical evidence, it
is really only a matter of time before all kinds of conflicts begin
to escalate to the nuclear level, killing millions.
The Plan: The USA should formally commit to nuclear disarmament, pursued in an expedient manner, while assuring that all relevant safety and security steps are made in the interim. This policy will be pursued in consultation with all relevant actors.
III. Solvency
A. Antiproliferation credibility. The plan will bolster the nonproliferation regime, assuring that international nuclear proliferation can be effectively checked.
B. Norms. The plan will establish an international norm that



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clearly communicates that nuclear weapons are not an acceptable currency or lever in politics and thus will not be tolerated.
C. Other nations will follow. The international community has
repeatedly communicated that if the USA were to pursue
meaningful nuclear disarmament, others would follow its lead.
D. Moral imperative. It is in all nations best interests to work
towards nuclear disarmament. The weapons themselves are so
immensely destructive, both physically and psychologically,
that we must commit to rid the world of them. The plan is a
giant step in this direction.
The first opposition speaker and her partner should generate arguments
against this case as it is being presented. As arguments against the case are
generated, they should be flowed in the column next to the part of the first
proposition speakers case to which they correspond. As a general rule, the
first opposition speaker should use only the most general structure of the
proposition teams case to signpost her arguments. All debaters must signpost their arguments in the refutation and extension process. By this we
mean that you should provide a signpost for the judge that clearly states
which argument or group of arguments you are refuting or extending.
Signposting fulfills the they say step of the four-step refutation process
discussed in Chapter 3. Many first opposition speakers will carry this signposting process too far, resulting in the hyper-structure problem discussed above. Lets say that you wanted to make some arguments against
the accidental launch claims of the proposition case above. You would
phrase your arguments in this way:
Ill begin by answering their first observation, which is their statement
of harms. They give two specific scenarios, which I will answer in order.
On their accidental launch scenario scenario A, I have a few answers:
First, the false-alarm risk is low. This is empirically proven by
decades of nuclear possession by many countries. There has never been
a single accidental nuclear launch, much less an all-out nuclear
exchange, which is what their impact claims assume. This scenario is
nothing but reckless fear-mongering on the part of the proposition team.
Second, safety is high. We have hotlines, diplomacy, con113



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structive engagement, and other weapons mitigation procedures

because of the risk of accidental launch. The accidental launch possibility is why we have all of the existing safety procedures.
Third, a turn: This scenario encourages the nonproliferation
regime and additional safety procedures. The possibility of an accidental launch encourages other countries to think twice about
weapons buildups. By disarming, the proposition case makes it
seem that the threat is ending, paradoxically increasing the risk of
accidental launch by decreasing overall vigilance.
This is excellent technique for structuring and presenting the initial opposition arguments against the proposition case. Notice that the opposition
speaker numbers her arguments consecutively, rather than trying to signpost them off of specific components of the presentation of Scenario 1.
Also notice that the speaker tags, or assigns a concise label to, her arguments before relating the substance of the argument: First, the false-alarm
risk is low; Second, safety is high. This is a good debate habit because
it enables the judge to get a concise summary of each argument onto her
flow. The average judge will only get the first three words of each argument onto her flow, so it is incumbent upon debaters to make sure that
those first three words are the most important.
Notice also that the speaker answers the first scenario as a whole,
without attempting to refute all of its constituent parts. This is good
technique. You can easily refute a specific scenario, or a whole contention, without directly referencing each of its constituent parts. You
should try to group arguments, whenever possible, to simplify the
record of arguments as exemplified by their presence on the flow of the
debate. Grouping arguments is just what it sounds like a tactic that
answers a few similar arguments as a group, rather than individually.
In the example above, the speaker has grouped together all the arguments in the first scenario to answer them more effectively. Yet she has
still answered the scenario effectively.
This speaker, after making the above arguments, should continue
on to answer the second scenario and the solvency contention. She
should group each of those sections rather than answering the substructure of the case specifically. This does not mean that the speaker



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should not answer the specific components of a proposition case contention. You can easily answer specific proposition arguments using
the grouping method. Consider the following potential answers to the
proposition teams solvency contention:
First, norm establishment wont solve the problem. This has been
proven again and again with international treaties the Chemical
Weapons Convention has been ratified, but countries still pursue
chemical weapons. Likewise, the United Nations Declaration of
Human Rights establishes norms, and those arent followed, either.
Theres no reason to believe the plan would induce others to disarm.
Second, nuclear weapons deter conflict. This means that after the
plan, more wars will occur as deterrence evaporates. Also, this means
that existing nuclear weapons states wont have an incentive to get rid
of their nuclear weapons because they believe in deterrence.
Third, the antiproliferation regime is doomed anyway. The
plan cant revitalize the nonproliferation regime because it relies on
outdated supply-side controls that have never worked. Countries
like India, Pakistan, and Israel havent acquired nuclear weapons
because the USA has failed to get rid of its nuclear weapons.
These arguments answer parts of the proposition teams solvency contention
specifically, but without using confusing signposting to refer to overly specific parts of the proposition teams case. The speaker does not say:
They say in their B subpoint of their solvency that the plan will
encourage other countries to give up nuclear weapons and that this
will create some kind of norm, but
The speaker here has not yet made an argument, despite having spoken
for about ten seconds. This preface to an argument commits several common errors. First, obviously, it is too long. Second, it gives too much credit to the proposition teams argument by repeating it at length. Third, the
speaker is trying to respond to each sub-point of solvency individually
rather than responding to the observation as a whole. Finally, the speaker
damages her own credibility by failing to state her argument clearly and



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concisely at the beginning. The speaker could improve her presentation a

bit by saying something like the following:
They say that their plan will create a norm against nuclear
weapons, but this wont work because
This is still a sub-par framing of a response. The speaker is still beginning her argument by reiterating the proposition teams argument
rather than by declaratively making one of her own:
First, norm establishment wont solve the problem. This has been
proven again and again with international treaties
You should practice this technique of phrasing your arguments offensively and concisely rather than defensively and in a verbose manner.
A few final notes about opposition arguments against the proposition
teams case. First, while you should definitely make arguments about the
plan (e.g., its inadequacy, its poor wording, its foolish and nave assumptions
about the world), you should make those arguments where they will impact
the substantive claims of the case. For example, if the plan has no possibility or provisions for enforcement, it is unlikely to solve the designated problem. Make this argument on the solvency contention. Do not confuse the
matter by signposting your argument on the plan. Perhaps the plan does not
account for alternate causalities discussed in the harms contentions. Make
this argument on the relevant harms contentions, rather than on the plan.
This technique points to a more general rule about placing opposition arguments make your arguments against the part of the case that they impact the most.
Second, you should always design your opposition strategies with an
eye toward crystallization in the oppositions final stand (or stands, depending on the format for debate) on the floor. This means you should try to
ensure that your arguments are relatively consistent with each other and
appropriately diversified. Do not put all of your oppositional eggs in one
basket in the first opposition speech. Make several different kinds of arguments, both on the case and off the case, to ensure that you will have a
broad spectrum of arguments to decide among when your subsequent
speeches come around.



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Basic Research Issues

esearch on the debates subject matter improves the quality of

debating. More importantly for debates practitioners,
informed argument may produce more debate success. It will
provide an edge in debates: The informed have a greater range of
issues on which to draw. Additional information also assists debaters in
providing more analytical depth on any given issue. Good debates
require extensive preparation. It is a terrible experience for audiences
and judges to listen to speakers try to debate a subject about which
they are not knowledgeable. You should not even think of debating if
you are not committed to reading and researching current issues.
Research supports argument anticipation, which is the single
most important skill for consistently outstanding debate performances. If a debater is able to make strategic moves in anticipation of
the ideas and tactics of an opponent, she is more likely to triumph
on those issues and in the debate. Subject knowledge puts debaters



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in a position to anticipate and evaluate the merits of issues.

Research for effective parliamentary debating includes issue
preparation a knowledge base of current events and notes from previous debates. A number of issues constitute core value or policy claims
that are regularly repeated in parliamentary debates. Value claims
such as life, liberty, equality, justice, privacy, and aesthetics form the
foundation of many debate motions. Research on these matters would
greatly assist preparation for debates.
But what does it mean to research liberty? This issue has been
investigated for thousands of years. There are millions of pages of texts
on the subject. Liberty interests are relevant to discussions of virtually
every public policy issue. Liberty is hardly a static notion: There are new
understandings of liberty and its application to personal or political
behaviors, reflecting the dynamism of the value. There are hundreds of
thousands of Web pages exploring its elements. How is it possible for
debaters to carefully investigate this issue? (It would take much longer to
research the issue of liberty to prepare for a debate than the available
years of ones lifetime. Its the Tristram Shandy paradox, to be sure.)
It is important to consider the use of research in preparation for a parliamentary debate. Research on a single subject will support argument on
a single issue or small argument set. It will rarely serve as the foundation
for even a full speech because parliamentary debate speeches do not frequently and exclusively discuss a single line of argument. It is in your
interest to present multiple, independent arguments, any one of which
will offer a winning position. Breadth of argumentation increases the likelihood that at least one winning position will obtain at the conclusion of
the debate. The reality is that you are unlikely to devote more than two
or three minutes to a major line of argument. Debaters, therefore, do not
need to master an academic discipline to have a sufficient knowledge
edge. You need only that information that will produce an advantage relative to the information possessed by your opponent.
In addition, there are a limited number of applications for your
knowledge in a debate. On an issue like liberty, you will need to have
sufficient information to discuss differing ideas about liberty. You
should be able to compare the value of liberty interests to other value
claims (e.g., why liberty interests ought to trump equality or privacy



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rights). You will want to describe examples of liberty interests and the
impacts associated with liberty gains and losses. Your information
should be sufficient to anticipate and counter the rejoinders of those
from the opposing side.
Debaters should read at least one newspaper every day. There is no
substitute for the diversity of information available in a daily newspaper.
Because of the nature of parliamentary debate, debaters must have at
their disposal a variety of information on a wide array of topics. If you
read the newspaper every day, you will at least be up to date on current
events and topics of general importance. When you read the newspaper,
read it with an eye towards debate. Try to identify articles that might contain the information necessary to make good cases for future debates.
Take notes. We suggest that you keep a notebook where you store notes
from articles and publications that you read so that you will be able to
access this information when you are writing cases or putting together
information to oppose the cases argued by other teams.
Different debate motions frequently raise similar public policy
issues. Immigration reform, peacekeeping forces, tax reform, gun control, educational reform, affirmative action, terrorism, drug legalization, and other popular topics are often debated on more than one
motion or as a subset of a motion each year. A database file of topics
and issues, that is, an institutional history of debate practice, will direct
research and preparation for competitors. Some of this information is
already collected in parliamentary argument texts, sourcebooks and
Websites. Debaters can examine texts on current events, including
newspapers, Websites and electronic journals, academic and other
periodicals, and government documents. You might review multiple
periodicals in libraries rather than rely on personal subscriptions
(unless you invested in Microsoft early and often). It is possible to subscribe online to wire service digests and newspapers worldwide. As the
majority of debate topics are drawn from current events, these sources
of information are valued sites. They are particularly important sources
of information immediately prior to invitational and inter-varsity tournament competition.
Debate squads can coordinate research. Burden sharing among a
number of debaters, each researching a value claim, can increase the



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production of information without a concomitant increase in work for

any single debater. You should compile notes for each researched topic,
building up the base of research over time. We suggest that each squad,
or group of colleagues on a debate team, divide up responsibilities for
examining different periodicals and publications throughout the year
for maximum efficiency in obtaining information. Come up with a list
of uniquely useful weekly, monthly, or quarterly publications and
assign everyone on the squad to one or more of these resources. That
person should be responsible for reading their assignments and reporting to the rest of the group on the interesting content they found. This
way, a team can maximize the information accessible to all debaters.

Ethics and Evidence

Parliamentary debate is unique among debating formats in that it
accepts the voice of the debater as an authority on the subject being
debated. Other formats, in which debaters read quoted evidence from
outside sources, often diminish or devalue the expertise of the debaters
themselves on the subjects for debate. This feature of parliamentary
debate places a tremendous responsibility on the debater, who thereby
shoulders the ethical responsibility to represent her sources and information fairly and honestly. At times, some unsavory elements in the
parliamentary debate community have disregarded or ignored this
responsibility and invented facts, figures, and case studies to bolster
their arguments in debates. These tactics are to be deplored. It is not
acceptable to make up information in debates. This is not ethical behavior. It is also not polite your opponents deserve your respect and the
opportunity to engage in a fair debate.
Falsification of evidence so breaches the mutually agreed upon
standards for the event that individuals who violate these standards
ought to be excluded from competitive debate leagues and clubs in the
same way that individuals who plagiarize are excluded from academic
circles. Consider that you ought to treat others as you yourself would
want to be treated. When you enter a debate, you expect that your
opponents will behave in an ethical and respectful manner. They will
expect the same of you. We urge you to act accordingly.



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On occasion, you may encounter a debater who, you believe, has

her facts wrong. What should you do in this situation? We advise you
not to assume that the opposition is deliberately distorting the truth in
order to trick you. They may have made a simple factual error. They
may also be simply uninformed in comparison to your superior knowledge on the issue. We encourage you to give your opponents the benefit of the doubt, just as you would want in this situation. You may be
wrong about the facts. Many people are convinced that they know the
facts, but are later proven to be gravely mistaken (e.g., the critics of
Galileo, flat earth theorists, phrenologists, particle physicists all people allegedly operating under the high evidentiary standards of physical science).

Preparing Cases
In addition to general preparation, it is wise to prepare proposition and
opposition argument positions through the development of case ideas
and opposition argumentation. Case development includes the following steps:
Identifying a public policy issue framed in problem-solution language. For example, there is an emerging AIDS crisis in Southeast
Asia. The crisis is magnified by needle sharing among intravenous
drug users and the failure of sex partners to use condoms. A needle
exchange program, with distribution of clean hypodermic needles
and bleach, as well as an educational program for condom use, would
dramatically reduce the incidence of AIDS.
Doing advanced research on the issue. The debater will conduct sufficient research to have a knowledge advantage relative to the
informed opinion of opponents.
Anticipating arguments. The debater will imagine the possible counters by the opposing side in the debate and prepare effective replies.
Practicing. A debate team will engage in one or more debates with
the information on the AIDS crisis. The proposition team will
attempt to apply the case idea in full or as an example on more than
one motion.



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This model of case construction, which follows a logical pattern, provides many direct and ancillary benefits for participants and is a routine matter for experienced debaters. One thing that debaters develop
over years of debate participation is a reservoir of knowledge about
motions and issues. Experienced practitioners are likely to rely on that
information during formal preparation time immediately prior to
debates as well as during the actual contest. For this reason, it is inaccurate to say that parliamentary debaters are exclusively engaged in
extemporaneous argument. In fact, many argument positions are
scripted ideas: The issues have been discussed in previous debates.
Experienced debaters often replay the speeches of a debating career,
exploiting lesser-trained or experienced participants who are yet to
create their institutional memory of debate practice.
The model successfully replicates the stages of argument analysis
on a case, from initial brainstorming to generate an interpretation of
the motion, to establishing a foundation of analytical reasoning and
examples, to execution in speeches. This sample practice set slowly
traces the techniques on display in tournament competition each
round. This patient method of instruction, carefully detailing the basics
of case construction for novice and advanced debaters, is a valuable
instructional tool. It reveals that research, from the personal information of participants, public policy literature, current events information, and notes from previous tournaments, may assist debaters educational and competitive success.
We strongly recommend that debaters and their extended squads
build a library of pre-prepared cases for use in tournament debates.
This exercise fulfills two major purposes: It prepares debaters, through
practice, to construct a variety of cases; in addition, it ensures that
debaters will not be caught wholly unawares and unprepared at tournaments when they are called on to debate on the side of the proposition. Using the guidelines for case construction, debaters should generate a series of prepared cases on a variety of topics they are likely to
encounter in their competitive debate season. Your pre-prepared case
should contain the following components:
A detailed outline for the first proposition speakers speech, including



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an introduction, statement of harms, a plan, a statement of solvency

and advantages, and a conclusion.
A list of potential opposition arguments and appropriate proposition
rejoinders to these arguments.
A list of humorous, issue-specific items that can be used to enliven the
debate and persuasively convey critical arguments.
Keep these pre-prepared cases in a notebook for reference before your
debates. They will help you use your preparation time more productively and efficiently. For more on how to use preparation time, reference the section in the next chapter.
Make sure that your pre-prepared cases span a broad range of
potential topic areas to maximize their potential applications. During
the course of a debate season, you may have to debate issues of environmental policy, constitutional reform, trade policy, labor relations,
military intervention, public health issues, and drug policy. You should
develop at least one pre-prepared case for each of these topic areas.
You should also develop pre-prepared cases that deal with issues of
your particular interest.
Opposition research includes disadvantage, counterplan, and
critique preparation. (Comprehensive information on the theory and
practice of these opposition arguments is contained in subsequent
chapters of this text.) Opposition teams should prepare arguments
on issues that recur in debates, including research on popular cases,
such as gun control, immigration reform, the application of United
Nations peacekeeping forces, and tradeoffs between the economy
and the environment.
The opposition should anticipate and research conventional arguments that are frequently (and sometimes subconsciously or unconsciously) used by proposition teams. For example, a substantial number of proposition teams in the USA routinely include arguments indicating that they ought to defend a framework for the debate by which
the decision is given to the team best upholding utilitarian principles.
Utilitarianism is often described by the first proposition speaker as a
model for debates in which the judge should ultimately rule for or
against debate teams based on principles of net benefits, cost-bene123



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fit analysis, or greater advantages. In these cases, there is almost

never a defense of the core elements of utilitarianism, nor does it seem
to be the case that the proposition team has carefully considered the
implications of strict utilitarianism (although the Nazis figured it out
early on). This is precisely the kind of argument that the opposition
might identify, research, and prepare to answer prior to tournament
competition. Other matters include core value claims (life, liberty,
equality, justice, privacy, order, aesthetics, etc.) and opponents cases.

Finding Evidence
We have already said that you should read a wide variety of magazines,
books, and newspapers in order to be a well-researched debater. Of
course, reading is only one part of the equation you must also work
to comprehend and appropriately process the information contained in
the books and periodicals you read. Reading for debate is similar to
other reading you may do for classes you are taking or have taken in
the past. Since you should expect to read many sources and articles for
preparation in parliamentary debate, you will have to develop good
skimming and reading comprehension techniques to maximize your
Journalists and other authors often (but alas, not always) craft
their writing to make it interesting to their audience. Their care does
not always result in articles that are immediately useful to researching
debaters, who must poke through many articles on the same subject in
order to construct a good case or a solid opposition argument. The best
advice we can give you for critical debate reading and research is this:
Dont collect facts more or less at random, hoping that they will prove
useful at some future point. Every time you collect data, collect it for a
specific purpose.
Since successful debaters must read a wide variety of publications,
they must develop techniques for skimming the sources they evaluate,
gleaning the relevant facts and circumstances as they read. Learn to
use keyword identification as you read: Try to identify causal relationships established by authors, conclusions about policy recommendations, and statements of quantitative and qualitative significance.



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When reading longer articles or books, read the introduction and conclusion of the piece to determine if it will be useful to you. Books, in
particular, should be skimmed: Read the table of contents or other
chapter list, and use the index to identify facts and sections of particular utility to your research project.

Using Evidence
In parliamentary debate, debaters are not permitted to read directly
from researched materials to prove their various points. This rule does
not mean, however, that parliamentary debaters should not make
informed and well-evidenced arguments. Complete arguments include
evidence that substantiates the claims and warrants of the speaker. In
the previous chapter on argument theory, you learned that there are
many kinds of evidence that debaters can use to prove their points. In
many parliamentary debates, as in most public policy discussions, the
primary form of evidence is the example. Good parliamentary debaters
have at their disposal a variety of anecdotes and examples. In the previous chapters on case construction and negation, you have seen how
examples should be deployed to set up or knock down a case for the
proposition. Examples must be accumulated through a process of
research and careful note-taking and memorization. The goal of
research in parliamentary debate is to build a substantial knowledge
basis from which you can draw to support extemporaneous speeches
on a wide variety of topics.
You might, during the course of preparing arguments for various
subjects, accumulate quotations of support from various experts in the
field. We caution you against trying to reproduce these quotations in
parliamentary debates because theres no ability to verify the quotation. Additionally, because there is no accompanying text, this practice
is really nothing more than name-dropping. The substance of the idea
ought to speak for itself, so quotation from others is largely unnecessary. This practice also undermines the credibility of the speaker, as the
speaker is no longer an authority on the issue but functions as a mouthpiece. Finally, quotation of others can serve an intellectually limiting
function, as your agenda is then set by someone who is not inside the



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debate. Instead, you need to be more flexible to the needs of arguments

as they develop in the debate to promote clash.
Consider bringing a selection of texts to a debate tournament to aid
in your preparation. Statistical reference texts and other almanacs are
a great resource, as they will give you relevant and useful information
on a wide variety of topics. You must bring a dictionary to every debate
tournament: It will prove invaluable in the enterprise of defining words
and interpreting motions during preparation time.
One kind of evidence is specialized or technical information. This
information is not technical in a way that excludes people from the
debate; rather, it is technical in a way that assists understanding of a
specialized issue. For example, when discussing the Comprehensive
Test Ban Treaty, you ought to possess information about recent international discussions of the issue, the Non Proliferation Treaty (NPT),
and the Low Level Test Ban Treaty. An uninformed discussion about
the merits of a nuclear test ban treaty will not suffice. Debaters must
have a sense of history and contemporary debates to be able to fully
and appropriately engage an issue. Details are important.
Finally, we encourage debaters to continue to identify news stories
during the course of the tournament. All too often, debate tournaments
seem to occur in a news blackout. However, it can be very persuasive
to refer an audience or opposing team to a story in that mornings
newspaper as support for your argument.
All evidence falls under the categories of data and warrant, as discussed in Chapter 3 on argument theory. A review of that chapter will
suggest several typically underutilized kinds of evidence, including
analogical reasoning and empirical reasoning. Your research will help
you make better, more successful arguments. If you use research
appropriately in conjunction with other debate skills, such as argument
anticipation and refutation, you will experience more success in your
debate performances.




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Introduction to Disadvantages

s we learned in Chapter 4, proposition teams design their

cases largely on a problem-solution model. They identify a
problem, thereby showing that there is a need for the plan.
They then present a solution, or plan, to deal with those needs. Finally,
they demonstrate that their proposal will be an adequate solution to the
problems that require redress. Usually, proposition teams employ a
cost-benefit approach to show that their plan is a good idea. They
argue that their plan has more benefits than costs, or that its benefits
outweigh the potential or actual accrued costs.
In debate, we talk a lot about weighing issues. What does this phrase
mean? In Chapter 3, we talked extensively about comparing and analyzing arguments. We use the metaphor of weighing to visually demonstrate




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how arguments are compared. Debaters and judges are constantly in a

position of trying to decide which arguments are more important than
other arguments, either in terms of significance, probability, soundness of
data or reasoning, or some combination of all these factors. We weigh these
arguments against each other in a comparative analysis to determine
which are the most important. One argument is said to outweigh another
if it is more significant according to the established, agreed-upon criteria
(which in turn are, of course, always up for debate).
The proposition team, then, tries to ensure that the benefits of their
plan outweigh its potential costs. One important strategy the opposition team can take to counter this approach is to show that, in fact, the
costs of their approach outweigh the benefits. We have already learned
some basic techniques for refuting the proposition case. Weve seen
how to frame and debate attacks on significance and solvency. A solvency turn is one example of an opposition argument that tries to show
that the proposition teams plan accrues more costs than benefits.
Another such argument is the disadvantage.
A disadvantage argues that adoption of the plan will cause something bad to happen. In formal debates, opposition teams argue disadvantages when they want to show that adoption of the governments
plan will lead to far greater undesirable consequences than desirable
consequences. Disadvantages are causal arguments, often composed of
several cause-effect relationships, leading to an ultimate impact.
Disadvantages are also, typically, known as off-case arguments. Far from
being irrelevant to the case, an off-case argument does not directly
refute the foundational arguments of the case proper, i.e., the first
proposition constructive arguments. Off-case generally refers to the
oppositions forms of indirect refutation by the opposition, e.g., topicality arguments, counterplans, disadvantages, and critiques.
We have already learned what an impact is. Case advantages have
impacts. Perhaps the proposition team claims that their plan will save lives,
improve the economy, preserve constitutional or human rights, or attain
any number of other benefits. Disadvantages also have impacts. Opposition
teams may argue that adoption of the plan may end lives, hurt the economy, decimate constitutional or human rights, or cause any number of other
harms. Disadvantages are an oppositional version of advantages.



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Opposition teams may, in theory, argue any number of different

disadvantages in a given debate. The purpose of these arguments is relatively unified: to prove, at the end of the debate, that it would be
undesirable to adopt the proposition teams case.

Basic Anatomy of the Disadvantage

Disadvantages are causal arguments that have the same basic structure. Opposition teams arguing a disadvantage try to prove that the
plan causes something bad to happen. It is important to note that disadvantages, like most debate arguments, can be generic or specific. Of
course, we will need to have many kinds of disadvantages prepared in
advance. But you will always have to make these general disadvantages apply specifically to the proposition teams case. In this section, we
will see how disadvantages work. First, well look at some examples to
see what disadvantages look like and how they may be argued. Then,
well offer some vocabulary to use in discussions about disadvantages.

Example #1: Alliance Credibility

Proposition Plan: The USA should withdraw from the USAJapan Mutual Defense Treaty.
Opposition Disadvantage: Withdrawing from the US-Japan
Mutual Defense Treaty would be a disadvantageous and dangerous
policy. If the USA says it will no longer commit to defend its longtime
ally Japan, that otherwise peaceful nation will have no choice but to
arm itself to prepare for its defense. This will no doubt massively destabilize the fragile peaces all over Asia and heighten the risk of war.
Furthermore, such a withdrawal will threaten the credibility of all
other USA treaty obligations, as that country will no longer seem to be
a trustworthy ally. Other alliances will begin to crumble, and many
nations will feel insecure as the shelter of the USAs nuclear umbrella
is removed. This will mean that weapons will be put on a hair-trigger
alert, increasing the risk of accidental conflict.




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Commentary: Here the opposition presents the disadvantage as a

causal chain, explaining each step as she reasons her way through the
argument. The gist of the alliance credibility disadvantage is that once
a nation begins to break treaties, it loses its credibility as an international ally in other areas. The credibility gap is said to spill over into
other areas, causing bad things to happen. In this case, the opposition
team is trying to show that if the USA develops a reputation as an
alliance-breaker, then wars will ensue. Do you think the speaker persuasively makes the case for the disadvantage? How could the speaker make her case in a more persuasive manner?

Example #2: Business Confidence

Proposition Plan: The government should increase taxes on
corporate profits to facilitate the redistribution of wealth.
Opposition Disadvantage: The proposition plan will cause a
near-total collapse in business confidence, destroying the economy as a
result. The economy is teetering on the edge of collapse right now for
a variety of reasons. Although ultimately it will probably pull through,
the proposition plan will doubtless reverse this state of affairs and send
the economy into a tailspin. Corporate profits are low enough as it is,
and we depend on the strength of corporations to pull us out of the current recession. If the proposition plan passes, corporations will not
only lose money in the short term, but they will lose confidence in the
government for the long term. This loss of confidence will cause some
businesses to go bankrupt and others to flee the country in search of
greener pastures. The net result will be the collapse of the economy.
Millions will be out of work and hungry. Inflation will soar as money
is redistributed into the economy. Too bad there wont be anything for
the poor to buy after the proposition plan succeeds in closing down all
our industries and shops. So, when they collapse the economy, they
wont even be able to solve their own advantage.
Commentary: In this example, the opposition is using a three-tiered
strategy to relate their disadvantage to the plan action. Notice how the



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opposition speaker makes three distinct arguments about why the plan
will be bad for business:
Businesses will go bankrupt because they will lose money.
Other businesses will leave the country because they are losing
money here.
Redistribution of wealth will cause inflation, devaluing currency.
This is a sophisticated strategy for arguing a disadvantage. You should
try to relate your disadvantage to the plan in as many ways as possible
to make it more convincing to the judge. Also, note how the speaker
argues that if the economy collapses, the plan will be unable to fulfill
its goals. In essence, the speaker proves that if she wins the disadvantage, the case will be turned because it will cause the opposite of what it
tries to accomplish. Does the speaker make a persuasive case for the
disadvantage? How does her disadvantage compare to the disadvantage in Example 1? Is it more or less persuasive? Why?

Example #3: Protectionism

Proposition Plan: The European Union should ban the
import of food products made with genetically modified organisms
Opposition Disadvantage: The proposition plan is a protectionist
policy that will cause a massive trade war and most likely be struck down
by the World Trade Organization (WTO). The whole reason we have an
international trade regulation regime is to prevent plans like this one. If the
European Union begins to institute these unilateral, non-negotiable trade
barriers, other nations will respond in kind. This action will result in a
trade war as tariffs and taxes spiral out of control. Whole sectors of the
economy could be devastated as other nations target European businesses
for retaliation. In these tense times, a trade war could easily turn into a
shooting war. Meanwhile, the WTO will surely strike down the proposition teams mandates, leaving them with zero solvency and a whole lot of
conflict. Better to stay with the present system, imperfect though it is.



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Commentary: The opposition speaker takes great pains to walk the

judge through all the steps involved in her disadvantage. There are at least
four different internal causal relations involved in this disadvantage:
Other nations will respond in kind with their own trade barriers.
These actions will result in a trade war.
Whole sectors of the economy will be devastated.
A trade war could become a shooting war.
The more you describe the causal chain of the disadvantage, the more
likely the judge is to find it credible. The speaker also argues that the
result of the disadvantage will be that the plan is struck down by the
WTO. This is a useful argument for the opposition. Notice how this
works: Even if they are not able to win that the proposition plan causes
a trade war, the opposition team can still win the debate on this argument because they can prove that the plan will never be implemented;
that it will be rendered void by the WTO. Finally, the speaker sets up
her rebuttal strategy in the last sentence: Better to stay with the present system, imperfect though it is. This is good technique. It is useful
to tell the judge early and often why the disadvantage is a reason to
vote for the opposition. Does the speaker satisfactorily explain the
causal relations in her disadvantage? How could she improve the presentation of these relationships?

Example #4: Court Credibility

Proposition Plan: The U.S. Supreme Court should overturn
Roe v. Wade. The Congress should pass legislation mandating a right
to abortion based on equal opportunity.
Opposition Disadvantage: The proposition plan is terribly
disadvantageous. It will destroy the already fragile credibility of the
Supreme Court, eliminating the Courts ability to serve as a necessary
check on the unconstitutional excesses of the legislative and executive
branches. When the Court overturns Roe v. Wade, it will be in essence
admitting that it was wrong for decades about a popular decision.



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People will have no reason to trust them about future decisions

because the Court will be seen as fickle. When Congress passes legislation, this overturn will add insult to injury. Essentially Congress will
be saying that the Court is totally useless. Unfortunately for the proposition team, this deathblow to the Courts credibility will have lasting
and devastating consequences. The Supreme Court is vital to maintaining our system of checks and balances. If they arent credible, no
one will enforce their decisions. The net effect of the proposition plan
will be unchecked tyranny of the legislative and executive branches.
Might as well use the Constitution to light a cigarette it wont be good
for much else.
Commentary: One of the strong suits of this disadvantage, as presented, is its strong wording. The speaker uses words like fickle,
deathblow, and devastating. In debate, we call this power wording
the idea being that one should use striking words with a lot of force
whenever possible, as such phrasing helps cement your ideas in the
mind of your judge. Notice also that the speaker advances the claim
that the net effect of the plan will be unchecked tyranny. This is a
setup for the rebuttal calculus, when she will have to prove that her
disadvantage outweighs the case impact. The court credibility disadvantage is particularly useful for agent counterplans, which are discussed
in the next chapter. How is this disadvantage different from the previous examples? How does the speakers use of humor at the end of her
presentation affect the overall persuasiveness of the disadvantage?

Example #5: Symbolic Action

Proposition Plan: The United Nations should pass a resolution
stating its support for fair trade instead of free trade.
Opposition Disadvantage: The proposition teams plan is a
purely symbolic action that will only forestall and co-opt real, lasting,
meaningful social change. It is disadvantageous. Right now, a variety
of social movements are mobilizing to promote fair trade and protest



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against the corporatist practices of agencies like the World Trade

Organization. The plans action serves as a Band-Aid solution, i.e., it
is a superficial solution to a deep and abiding wound. Activist movements are on the verge of reaching critical mass to effect lasting
change in the area of fair trade policies. Meanwhile, the proposition
teams plan acts to take the wind out of their sails, quiescing new
social movements just as theyre about to achieve some of their goals.
The question is this: Is it better to have social change from above or
from below? The proposition teams plan dictates change from above,
and so must fail because it doesnt wait for the all-important consciousness-raising period. Plus, it serves as a purely symbolic action,
neutering potentially revolutionary social movements that, left to
themselves, would solve the case harms and so much more. The plan
is therefore, on balance, not beneficial.
Commentary: The symbolic action disadvantage serves a wide
range of interests against a wide range of cases. The gist of this argument is that the proposition teams case is basically a purely symbolic,
fundamentally toothless action. This is bad because such incremental,
cosmetic reform directly de-mobilizes social reform movements that
would otherwise work to solve the problem in question. When you
argue a disadvantage like this, you should emphasize that if they were
left to their own devices, the social movements in question would solve
the problem. Notice how this speaker creates a sense of urgency about
the status of the movements. She says that the fair trade movements are
on the verge of reaching critical mass, thereby communicating to the
judge that now is the key time for these movements. The implication is
that if the plan were implemented at this unique junction in history, it
would have particularly bad consequences. Do you find the presentation of this disadvantage to be persuasive? Why or why not? How does
it differ substantively and structurally from the presentations of the
previous disadvantages?




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Now that weve seen a few examples of disadvantages in action, lets

learn some general vocabulary to use when talking about them. Note
that these vocabulary words are mostly not for use in debate rounds.
Judges and audiences, in general, will not have a working knowledge
of formal debate vocabulary of any kind. Use of excessive debate jargon in your speeches will sound silly and almost certainly lose and confuse the judge. That said, it is also the case that debate, like all other
disciplines or activities, has its own jargon and slang.
There are only a few key terms to keep in mind when thinking
about disadvantages. The first is the concept of a link. In formal
debates, a link is the relationship of ones argument to the opponents
position in the debate and the internal chain of reasoning in a complex
argument. More specifically, links are how disadvantages apply to a
proposition teams case. In the examples above, the links to the proposition teams case occur first in the disadvantage. In example #4 above
(the court credibility disadvantage), the initial disadvantage link is that
an overturn of Roe v. Wade would hurt court credibility.
Disadvantages also have internal links. These are just more links in the
chain of causal reasoning that is a disadvantage. The claim that trade barriers will escalate into a full trade war is one internal link that is used
above. Sometimes disadvantages will have many internal links; at other
times, they will only have a few. One challenge a proposition debater
faces is identifying and responding to the internal links in disadvantages.
Diagram or flowchart a few disadvantages, at least initially, until you
develop a better understanding of how they work. To make disadvantages more persuasive to your judge and audience, keep the number of
internal links to a minimum. Judges and audiences tend to get bored,
annoyed, and skeptical of long and tenuous chains of reasoning.
Internal links lead, ultimately, to the impact of a disadvantage. In
Chapter 5, we introduced the concept of an impact. The impact to an
argument is similar to the therefore step used in the four-step refutation process: It is the ultimate result of your preceding reasoning.
Impacts used above include tyranny, a shooting war, and, in the
case of the symbolic action argument, sweeping fair trade reforms.




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Suggested Exercises:
1. Identify the link arguments used by each of the above disadvantages. How does each argument relate to the specific plan
offered as an example?
2. Identify the impact arguments used by each of the above disadvantages. Be specific. Which disadvantages, if triggered, might
implicate the proposition teams ability to solve their designated
harms? How?
3. Identify the internal links used by each of the above disadvantages.
Using a simple flowchart or other diagram, explain what steps each
disadvantage must go through in order to reach its impact.

Advanced Disadvantage Anatomy

Disadvantages must have a link and an impact. This is the nature of a disadvantage argument. The opposition wants to show that the plan will
cause some bad thing to happen. In order to do so, it needs to show that
this bad thing is not happening now. This is true in everyday argument:
Parent: If you make that face for too long, itll freeze that way.
Child: Too late. Its already frozen that way.
Consider the example of the court credibility disadvantage detailed
above. The opposition team is arguing that the plan will hurt the credibility of the Supreme Court, which would be bad. What if the proposition team responded by saying that the credibility of the Supreme
Court was already terrible, especially given the controversial Bush v.
Gore decision made in 2000? Why would this be a good argument for
the proposition team to make?
Think about it: If the proposition team can win that court credibility is already low, then they have a pretty good shot at disproving the
disadvantage. They can show that their plan cannot make the problem



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any worse, and so the disadvantage is not a reason to vote for the opposition team. This kind of argument is called a uniqueness argument in
formal debates.
Uniqueness is the part of a disadvantage that proves that the proposition plan and only the proposition plan could trigger the impacts.
Affirmative advantages can also have a burden of uniqueness: If their
harm is being solved now, then there is no unique need for the plan.
So when we say that disadvantages must be unique, we are saying
that the opposition team must prove that the causal chain of events will
not be provoked in the status quo (present system). By extension, the
opposition team must show that the plan will uniquely provoke the disadvantageous reaction outlined in the disadvantage argument itself.
Opposition teams generally advance uniqueness arguments in their
first presentation of the disadvantage. What kinds of uniqueness arguments are made in the disadvantage examples 1-5 listed above?
Business Confidence: The speaker makes a uniqueness argument
when she says this: The economy is teetering on the edge of collapse
right now for a variety of reasons. Although ultimately it will probably pull through, the proposition plan will doubtless reverse this state
of affairs and send the economy into a tailspin. This reasoning is a
uniqueness argument because the speaker is trying to demonstrate
that the economy will be fine now, but that the implementation of the
plan will upset that balance.
Symbolic Action: The speaker is trying to establish that movements
are mobilizing now: Right now, a variety of social movements are
mobilizing to promote fair trade and protest against the corporatist
practices of agencies like the World Trade Organization. This statement is a uniqueness argument for the disadvantage because it tries
to show that everything is fine now.
The concept of uniqueness can be one of the most confusing for
beginning debaters. Remember that the opposition wants to prove
that the present system is fine now, and that the proposition plan
will upset this balance.
Other useful concepts in arguing disadvantages include the con137



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cepts of brink, time frame, and threshold. When we say a disadvantage is

on the brink, we mean that it is an immediate possibility. It is on the
edge of occurring. An opposition debater wants to claim that the
proposition plan is enough to push the chain leading up to the impact
over the brink. An example of a brink argument can be found in the
symbolic action disadvantage presented above: Activist movements
are on the verge of reaching critical mass to be able to effect lasting
change in the area of fair trade policies. Some key words here, used to
indicate that a brink is near, are verge and critical mass.
The time frame is the amount of time it takes for a particular condition to occur, usually (in the case of a disadvantage) its impact. It is
usually said that disadvantages with a quick time frame i.e., whose
impacts will happen quickly rather than over the long term are more
persuasive. This is not, however, always true. We will examine the
issue of time frame more completely in the section on impact analysis
and comparison.
Finally, disadvantages often have a threshold. A threshold is the
degree of change necessary to precipitate a particular outcome. In
debates about disadvantages, a threshold is usually the degree of
change of an affirmative plan from current policy that will trigger
undesirable consequences. All links, internal links, and impacts have
thresholds, i.e., they have a trigger point which, when passed, will kick
in the next level of the causal chain. To remember this term, think of
the threshold of a doorway. You can approach a door all you want, but
once you have passed through the threshold, you have unmistakably
walked through the doorway. Some phenomena have higher or lower
thresholds than others. For example, it may take a lot of doing to you
to take out the trash, but very little effort to get you to eat a delicious
gourmet meal. Trash removal, then, has a high threshold. Gourmet
meal consumption, however, has a low threshold.
All of these words may seem complicated, but in fact they are fairly commonsensical and can be easily remembered and applied once
you figure out what makes a disadvantage work. In order to win
debates on disadvantages, youll need to come up with a reliable stable
of arguments to deploy on demand. The examples provided in this
chapter are a good start, but youll need a wider variety in order to suc138



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ceed. How can you come up with good ideas for disadvantages? The
best place is to begin with the proposition teams case. Why isnt the
plan being done now? Odds are that if the plan is, in fact, a good idea,
then someone or something pretty important is keeping it from being
done. Some examples might be:
Vested interests. Sometimes powerful political forces conspire to
keep certain items off the policy agenda because they stand to lose
influence or money. Fossil fuel industries, for example, lobby furiously against legislation to tax carbon emissions. These vested interests are grounds for a disadvantage: Ask yourself what would happen
if these industries were hurt financially or if they felt betrayed by
government action that ran contrary to their perceived interests.
Financial shortages. Some policies arent being done now because
there isnt enough money to do them, or they are too expensive.
Perhaps money is tight and implementing the new policy would
result in a tradeoff with another, more desirable, program.
The idea here is to figure out who or what stands to lose if the plan is

Suggested Exercise:
Below are a few examples of proposition cases. Generate a disadvantage argument for each plan. Try to make your link arguments
and impact arguments as specific as possible.
The government should ban all possession of handguns.
The United Nations should make all decisions with a vote of the
General Assembly, rather than using the Security Council.
The European Union should abandon use of the euro and return to
national currencies.
The USA should recognize Taiwan as an independent state.




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Answering Disadvantages
A proposition debater has to learn how to answer disadvantages in a
comprehensive and persuasive manner. This task can sometimes be a
difficult enterprise, as it is hard to predict what disadvantages the
opposition team will argue. Many proposition debaters have great difficulty answering disadvantages in a constructive way. Often, they will
simply make one response or ignore the disadvantage altogether, no
doubt using the strategy of ignore it and itll go away that works so
well for children. Below is constructive, step-by-step advice to proposition teams about how to debate disadvantages.

Step 1: Analyze the Disadvantage.

This is the most important part of the process. If you misread the disadvantage, you could fail to answer it properly. You might even answer
it entirely backwards, and lose the debate. (Dont laugh! It happens to
everyone sooner or later.) To analyze the disadvantage, you must
answer the following questions:
Whats the link? What is it about your plan, specifically, that supposedly triggers the disadvantage?
What are the internal links? The opposition team is alleging that your
plan causes something, which causes something else, which causes
something bad to happen. Figure out what those internal links are.
They are often the weakest part of any disadvantage.
Whats the impact? What is the bottom-line bad thing that the opposition team says will happen?
How does the impact compare to the impacts of your case advantages? Is it bigger or smaller? Will it happen sooner or later? Is it a
one-time event or a systemic problem?




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Step 2: Generate Answers to the Disadvantage.

Once youve identified the critical components of the disadvantage,
you need to generate answers to it. The best place to do this is on your
flow (your notes for the debate) or even on a separate piece of paper.
Even if you are not planning to number your arguments in your
speech, consider numbering them on the page so you can easily check
for duplication and relevance. We suggest generating more answers
than you will eventually make in your speech and then paring the list
down to the best two or three arguments. A few things to keep in mind:
Answering Links. You almost always need to answer the link when
debating a disadvantage. Generally speaking, disadvantages come in two
kinds: those whose link to the plan is virtually certain, and those whose
link is tenuous. When you assess that the link is very strong, dont waste
valuable speech time attacking it. Instead, focus your energies on other
parts of the disadvantage. When you think the link argument is tenuous
and easily dislodged, concentrate your fire at that level of the disadvantage rather than scattering your answers around.
Link arguments come in two varieties: simple (defensive)no link
arguments and offensive link turn arguments. When you argue that
there is no link to the disadvantage, you are saying that its relationship
to the plan is nonexistent or negligible at best. Phrase your argument
in a simple, declarative fashion:
On the business confidence disadvantage. There is no link to the
plan, because we dont take enough money from corporations to
cause a loss in confidence.
Remember that it is the oppositions responsibility to establish the link to the
plan. As a proposition speaker, you should emphasize this allocation of
burdens to the judge.
You can also make offensive link turn arguments. A turn, also
known as a turnaround, or, historically, as turning the tables, is an



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argument that reverses the position of an opponent. Link turns are

arguments that attempt to reverse a link established by the other team.
For example, if the opposition team argued a disadvantage that said the
plan hurt economic growth, the proposition team might argue a link
turn by saying that their plan actually helped economic growth.
Remember the distinction we drew in the argument chapter
between offensive and defensive arguments? Link turns are offensive,
since they seek to turn the disadvantage into an advantage for the
proposition team. Think about it: What if, by proving that your plan
helped the economy, you could argue that saving the economy was
actually an advantage for your plan rather than a disadvantage? Link
turns are powerful arguments.
Answering Uniqueness. Most disadvantages are vulnerable at
the level of uniqueness. That is, there are many things that could
potentially trigger the impact without the aid or succor of the plan. You
need to think of what those things are and say them, like so:
They say our plan will collapse the economy, but we disagree. If
record unemployment, low consumer confidence, and a burgeoning recession havent collapsed the economy, then our small, fiscally responsible policy will certainly not accomplish this.
Proposition team uniqueness arguments generally come in two kinds:
historical and predictive. Historical uniqueness arguments show that
there are present or historical conditions that should have triggered the
disadvantage. The economy example given just above is a historical
uniqueness argument. It has the added advantage of showing that the
internal link to the disadvantage is empirically denied.
When you make a predictive uniqueness answer, you are saying
that some thing will happen in the future that will cause the disadvantage. In the case of the protectionism disadvantage above, you might
show that the EU will adopt other regulations in the future that will be
equally, if not more controversial. This argument proves that the disadvantage is not a reason to reject the plan, since its consequences will
happen with or without the plan.



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Debating Impacts. It is vital that you debate the impact to disadvantages you hear in debates. Even if, in your judgment, the impact is
inconsequential or negligible, you still need to say so in your speech:
They say that the plan will increase bureaucracy, but we think
thats a small price to pay for lifting millions out of poverty.
Notice how it is not enough merely to say that the impact is small. From
a galactic perspective, the Earth is pretty small. You must always say
that the impact is small compared to something else, in your case, the
impacts to your case advantages.
Just as with links, there are two basic ways to argue against
impacts. You can argue defensively, saying that the impact is not really bad, or that other things will remediate it (for example, coming
adjustments in fiscal policy might stop any adverse economic impact).
You can also argue offensively, turning the impact just as you might
turn the link. An impact turn is an argument that tries to reverse an
established impact. Using the economy example, a proposition team
might argue that economic growth is devastating to the environment,
thereby turning the impact of the disadvantage.
Having Offensive Arguments. It is important to try and have
at least one offensive argument against every opposition disadvantage.
BUT (and this is VERY important), you should never argue link
turns and impact turns against the same disadvantage. This unfortunate occurrence is called a double turn. In answering a disadvantage, a
double turn takes place when a team argues a link turn (We solve that
problem) AND an impact turn (That problem is actually a benefit)
on the same disadvantage. When this happens, the proposition team is
saying that they stop a good thing from happening; in essence, running
a new disadvantage against their own case. Even if you do not choose
to continue arguing your turn in the rebuttals, it is usually a good idea
to have turn arguments in your constructive speeches: Turns make it
more difficult for opposition teams to conclusively win disadvantages.
Brainstorming Answers. It is difficult to answer disadvan143



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tages on the fly, in debates with very little preparation time, but you
can do a lot of planning before the debate begins.
Make a list of common disadvantages for any topic. Use the examples
in this book as a starting point for such a list.
Make a list of disadvantages that apply specifically to your prepared
cases. Ask yourself: What disadvantages would I run if I were the
Then, generate a few generic answers for each of the disadvantages on
your list. Take stock of your pre-prepared cases and figure out what
disadvantages they potentially link to so that you can be ready for prepared opposition teams.
The most important thing to remember when debating disadvantages is to use your case to answer them. As we discussed in the chapter
on case construction, your proposition case should be structured in
such a way as to preemptively address the major opposition arguments.
You can do more than this initial effort, though. You should use your
case to make link turn and uniqueness arguments. In a debate where
the proposition team has advocated providing comprehensive national
health insurance, the opposition has argued that this plan would hurt
the economy. What is the propositions response?
They say that our plan will hurt the economy, but this couldnt be
further from the truth. The existing lack of comprehensive national health insurance is already hurting the economy and will continue to do so. This is true for a couple of reasons: When people dont
have health insurance, they are likely to see a doctor only when
they need acute care. Because these people dont have insurance,
taxpayers end up footing gigantic bills. Preventative medicine is
much cheaper in the long run than the painful lack of a system we
have now. Also, with a single-payer system, the government will be
paying out less in Medicaid/Medicare benefits than it is now. In the
long run, we will massively help the economy.
The proposition speaker is using her case to turn back the disadvan144



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tage. Notice how she makes a coordinated attack on the disadvantage.

She begins by making a uniqueness argument: The existing lack of
comprehensive national health insurance is already hurting the economy and will continue to do so. This argument is designed to show that
the harm to the economy is both ongoing and inevitable. Its ensuing
explanations are also link turns to the disadvantage. The speaker
makes three distinct link arguments: acute care, preventative medicine,
and Medicare/Medicaid payouts.
You should also use your case to address the impacts to the disadvantage. We will discuss this more in the section on impact assessment.
Remember to explicitly compare (hopefully, for your sake, in your
favor) the relative weights and merits of the case impacts vs. the disadvantage impacts.

Step 4: Make your answers

A final question is this: When you answer disadvantages (and we hope
that you will, indeed, answer them rather than merely looking confused at the prospect), how should you phrase your answers? There
are at least two schools of thought on this issue, and how you debate
should always vary based on your audience, judge preferences, and the
habits and norms of the community in which you are competing. You
may find you want to make a few arguments but dont know how to
present them. Dont panic. You have at least two options:
Combining. You can combine your arguments into a cohesive
whole, in essence offering a short speech in response to the disadvantage. The above response defending national health insurance is one
example of this technique.
Separating. You can also offer your arguments individually, phrasing them as discrete entities. For this technique to succeed, we suggest
you number your arguments or use some kind of transitional language
to ensure that everyone involved is able to follow you. This technique
is discussed in greater detail below.
If you are debating in the USA, either technique is certainly



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acceptable, although the majority of parliamentary debaters these days

seem to separate out their arguments for more direct clash and easier
note taking. If you are debating outside of the USA, you may find that
your judges prefer that you combine your arguments into a more cohesive whole. There are certainly exceptions to this generalization. Many
international debaters and international judges prefer the rigorous,
specific refutation enabled by separating out individual arguments.
This concept of separating out your arguments may seem a bit confusing at first, but really its quite simple. When you generate answers
to a disadvantage, youll end up with a few discrete and potentially
unrelated answers. Remember the symbolic action argument from a
few pages back? You might come up with three different answers and,
in lieu of speechifying them, decide to offer them up as a multipronged attack on the disadvantage. You would then end up saying
something like this:
On the symbolic action disadvantage. We have three answers.
1) It doesnt apply to the plan. Our proposal is certainly not a
Band-Aid solution. A United Nations push to pressure for fair
trade would constitute major progress in the fight for environmental and labor protections.
2) Movements are doomed now . Fair trade movements are struggling now. Just look at the present protests. Sure, theyre big,
but they dont achieve any consensus for change. In the present system, movements will surely fail to enact lasting change.
3) The plan saves the fair trade movement. Our plan puts wind into
the sails of the movements by sending a critical signal of support
from the United Nations. The resolution of support is a win for
movements, giving them a success at a critical time when they
must have something to rally around. They will also be able to use
the resolution to build larger, more diverse coalitions.
The proposition speaker has taken three discrete arguments and
offered them separately, yet as a concerted attack. The first argument
is a no link attack. The second is a uniqueness argument. The
speaker concludes with a link turn. Notice that she has not felt com146



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pelled to use debate jargon to talk about her arguments. Avoiding jargon makes her arguments better and more effective.
These arguments are phrased and structured in a very precise manner. Each individual argument begins with a tag line, a summary of the
argument that is to follow, also called the claim. The warrant and the data
follow in the subsequent part of each argument. Why are the arguments
structured this way? There are several reasons. First, when you offer a
quick summary of your argument, you help the judge and audience to
follow your reasoning because they know what to expect. Second, having quick and simple tags for individual arguments facilitates effective
note taking (more on this in the skills chapter). Finally, if you phrase
your arguments in this way, you will find them easier to continue
through to the rebuttals. You will be able to say to the judge:
As to the symbolic action disadvantage. The team from State State
still hasnt addressed our argument that this disadvantage plainly
does not apply to the plan, which is a large-scale action
This way, with only a few words, you and the judge are instantly on the
same page. Pity the team from State State (Go State!). Their debaters
are obviously not taking good notes. If they were, they might have
clashed directly with your argument rather than ignored it.
Why would you separate your arguments out with numbers or other
explicit transitional language? Aside from the reasons given above, many
involved in debate feel that this added bit of structure promotes direct
clash by facilitating comprehensive refutation of individual arguments.
Many debaters, however, have a tendency to get carried away at the
microlevel of the debate and miss the big picture. It is important to balance attention to individual arguments with attention to the bigger concerns, such as: Why, exactly are you (choose one) a) winning the debate;
b) losing the debate; c) wearing that hideous tie?
NOTE: The strategies described above are generally used for answering all kinds of off-case arguments. With disadvantages, counterplans,
critiques, and topicality arguments, you will always have the option of
combining your arguments or separating them out.



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Suggested Exercise:
Using the five example disadvantages listed in the first section
(alliance credibility, protectionism, symbolic action, court credibility,
business confidence), generate four answers for each. Assume you
are defending the sample case offered in each example. Write out
your answers for each disadvantage in both the separated and combined formats given above.




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Introduction to Counterplanning

raditionally, the proposition team is the advocate of change in

a formal debate, while the opposition denies the necessity for
change by defending the status quo. This model is based on legal
argumentation, whereby the prosecution argues for change in the
defendants status (i.e., from free to incarcerated) while the defense
argues for no change (i.e., the defendant should remain free).
The ability to defend the status quo carries certain advantages for the
opposition. The opposition is said to have presumption, so that it becomes
incumbent on the proposition team to shoulder the burden of proof. The
proposition team has the responsibility to prove their case is better than
maintaining the present system. Many opposition teams find the present
system easy to defend, as it is relatively stable and predictable.




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By no means is the oppositions strategic arsenal limited to defense of the

present system. The status quo is only one way to delegitimize the need for,
or viability of, the proposition teams case. Another, very powerful, option is
the counterplan. A counterplan is a proposal offered by the opposition that
provides a reason to reject the proposition teams plan or proposal.
In everyday discussion and argument, we argue counterplans all the
time without even realizing it. If you are discussing dinner plans with
your friends, you do not feel bound to defend the status quo if you disagree, do you? If you did, the discussion would look something like this:
Friend: Gee, Im hungry. Lets go get hamburgers.
You: No, lets just not eat.
Unless you and your friend are on a hunger strike, your statement is
likely to be a foolish and unpopular suggestion. Instead, you might
counter with a plan of your own:
Friend: Gee, Im hungry. Lets go get hamburgers.
You: Lets get Chinese food instead.
You have just proposed a counterplan. Not only that, by using the
word instead, you have argued that your counterplan is a reason to
reject the original plan. We make instead decisions between plans
and counterplans on a daily basis. For example, every morning we
have to decide whether we are going to go to work or stay in bed.
Clearly, if we stay in bed we cannot go to work. Those two options are
competitive. That is, they compete for the same resources and time. A
counterplan is an instead argument for the opposition.
Counterplans are everywhere in practical decision making. How
do counterplans work in debate? Consider again what the basic role
of the opposition team is in any formal debate. Broadly speaking,
opposition teams win debates by showing that the proposition teams
proposal or position is a bad idea. So what a counterplan needs to do
in a debate is show that the judge should not endorse the proposition
teams plan; instead, the judge should endorse the opposition teams
counterplan. How is this accomplished?



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First things first: A counterplan, just like a plan, should have a text
that lays out what exactly the opposition team is advocating as a
response to the proposition teams proposal. If the proposition team
proposes a particular course of policy action, the opposition counterplan should do the same. If the proposition team proposes a particular
stance on values or facts, the oppositions counterproposal should do
the same. For maximum effectiveness, it is important that the counterplan (or counterproposal, or counterposition) mirror the proposition
teams proposal. It is important to have a text so that the proposition
team has a fair chance to debate what exactly it is that the opposition
is proposing. This requirement is reciprocal to the oppositions (eminently fair) demand that the proposition team spell out what exactly it
is that they are proposing.
Once the counterplan text is written, the opposition needs to figure out why the counterplan is an instead option. In formal debate,
we call this competition. We say that a counterplan is competitive with a
plan when it forces a choice between the two proposals. A counterplan
must compete with the proposition teams plan if it is to have a
chance of winning the debate for the opposition team. This is easily
illustrated by extending the above example:
Friend: Gee, Im hungry. Lets go get hamburgers.
You: Lets get Chinese food instead.
Friend: Well, why dont we get hamburgers and Chinese food?
You: Oh. Okay.
Here we see that the Chinese food option hasnt proven to be a
reason to reject hamburgers. Your counterplan has failed to provide
a reason to reject your friends case. What you need to do is to substantiate your claim of instead, which is the claim of counterplan competition. How do you show that a counterplan forces a choice between
the plan and the counterplan?
After you present the text of your counterproposal, you must show
how your counterplan competes with the plan. In formal debate, we
demonstrate counterplan competition using the concept of net benefits.
That is, in order for the counterplan to be a reason to reject the plan, it



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must be on balance the best option for action or advocacy.

Counterplans compete with plans because they are net beneficial. In the
ongoing dispute about what to eat, you need to convince your friend
that Chinese food is the net beneficial lunch option. There are a few
ways you can accomplish this. To establish that the counterplan is net
beneficial in this example, youll have to show that Chinese food is
superior to hamburgers at least in this specific case. There are two
basic kinds of arguments you can make to establish net benefits for
your counterplan in any situation.
First, you can argue that the plan is a bad idea, i.e., you can find
disadvantages to, critiques of, or solvency problems with the proposition teams plan. In this case, you could:
a) Show that eating hamburgers is bad for ones diet (calories, fat,
cholesterol, etc). This argument would be a disadvantage to
the plan in that it claims the plan causes some bad effects.
b) Show that eating hamburgers would not alleviate your hunger.
This argument would be a solvency answer to the plan because
it shows that the plan will not solve the stated harm (hunger).
c) Show that the assumption that hamburgers are an acceptable
food is fundamentally flawed. You could argue (from the perspective, perhaps, of an ethical vegetarian) that consuming
meat is always wrong, and that therefore the plan should not
be endorsed because of the values it rests on.
Second, you can argue that the counterplan is a good idea. That is, you
can find advantages to the counterplan that the proposition teams plan
does not accrue. In this case, you could:
a) Show that Chinese food tends to contain more vegetables,
allowing you to get more vitamins and servings of healthy
b) Show that Chinese food is generally low in fat and cholesterol,
making it a healthy cuisine.
All of these arguments serve more or less the same function: They estab152



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lish that the counterplan is a better option than the plan; it has more net
benefits. The result of net benefits argumentation should always be that
the counterplan ends up being a reason to reject the plan.
Because counterplans must be net beneficial, they function in precisely the same way as a disadvantage. When we argue disadvantages, we are
saying that adoption of the plan will cause some bad result. When you say
a counterplan is competitive, what you are really saying to the judge is:
Dont vote for the plan, because if you do you will forego this superior
policy option. When we argue counterplans, we are saying that adoption
of the plan will cause some bad result. In this case, that bad result is the
loss of the superior option of the counterplan.
At one time, it was believed that to compete, counterplans had to
be mutually exclusive with the proposition teams plan. Mutual exclusivity, simply put, is the idea that the plan and the counterplan literally
cannot coexist with each other. There are perishingly few circumstances in which you can argue that your counterplan is mutually exclusive with the plan:
Friend: Gee, Im hungry. Lets go get hamburgers.
You: Lets get Chinese food instead.
Friend: Well, why dont we get hamburgers and Chinese food?
You: We dont have enough money to get both.
By arguing that both options cannot be done at the same time, you
establish that they are mutually exclusive with each other. But you still
havent proven that your option is superior. Mutual exclusivity is not a
good method for proving counterplan competition. Even if your counterplan is mutually exclusive, it must still be net beneficial.
Another way of thinking about counterplans is as an opportunity cost
of the plan. An opportunity cost is the sacrifice made when selecting
one policy over another. Think of it this way: when you choose a particular course of action, you always forego other opportunities. This
happens in everyday life as well as in public policy decisions. If you
choose to drive to the movie theatre, you have implicitly rejected the
other available means of transportation (bus, dogsled, bicycle, skateboard, rickshaw, etc.). Your choice has cost you those other opportuni153



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ties. Every decision has opportunity costs. There are always other
things you could do with the time and energy you invest in a particular course of action.
Government officials deal with the implications of opportunity
costs all the time. It is the responsibility of public policy makers to evaluate the costs and benefits of policies they implement. Sometimes they
have to make tight decisions based on available resources for example, if there is only a finite amount of resources available to solve a
given problem, legislators may have to choose between several options
because there is simply not enough money to fund everything. Other
decisions are forced because of political pressures, yet have lasting
opportunity costs. One such commitment was the decision in Europe
to use North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) instead of
European defense forces to intervene in Kosovo. The decision to use
NATO had many opportunity costs: Europe lost the benefits associated with European military integration as well as the opportunity to use
the European Defense force as a legitimate institution. Further, NATO
intervention guaranteed the continued involvement of the USA in
European affairs, a move that has been criticized by many.
In the end, whether or not you agree that the decision to use NATO
was correct, there is no denying that it had palpable opportunity costs. In
formal debate, those opportunity costs of a potential policy decision are
the stuff counterplans are made of. As an opposition debater, your job is
to find the most viable opportunity cost of the proposition teams case and
defend it as well as you can. Try to convince the judge or audience that
their policy is ultimately undesirable because it necessitates forsaking
another, more beneficial, course of action.
As you can imagine, counterplans are a powerful strategic option
for the opposition. As a debater, you might quite justifiably be nervous
about debating against counterplans. What is to stop the opposition
team from simply counterplanning with something that is much, much
bigger than your case? Consider this frightening possibility: You begin
the debate advocating that a commission should be established to
investigate the return of pilfered relics. You think youre doing pretty
well, and are pleased with your small case, until the opposition counterplans with a proposal to give massive food aid to starving refugees



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in Africa. On balance, their counterplan probably solves a bigger problem than your case and saves more lives. What do you do?
First, dont panic. This counterplan does not compete with your
proposal. The two policies are cooperative rather than competitive, i.e.,
they do not resist each other and instead can (and probably should)
work in concert with each other. As in the example of the Chinese food
and hamburgers, you can (and probably should) do both policy
options. Remember that it is the burden of the counterplan to provide
a reason to reject the proposition teams plan. A counterplan must be
counter to the plan. If the policies can cooperate; if they do not compete,
then the counterplan is not a reason to vote against the proposition.
The proposition team needs to test the competition of the counterplan so that they can clearly communicate to the judge their argument
that the counterplan does not compete. In formal debate, we call this
kind of argument a permutation. In its simplest sense, to permute means
to combine. When we permute the plan and the counterplan, we experimentally combine them to test how competitive the counterplan is.
Just as a counterplan tests whether the plan provides a compelling
reason to change the present system, so the permutation tests whether
the counterplan provides a compelling reason to reject the plan.
The ability to argue permutations is the first line of proposition team
defense against opposition team counterplans.
When you defend the proposition, you should always attempt to
permute the opposition counterplan. The permutation argument needs
to be advanced at the first opportunity your team has to respond to the
counterplan. Permutations do not need to be complicated; in fact, they
are most effective when they are simply phrased. In the example above,
where your team has argued for relic return and the opposition has
argued for food aid, you can simply phrase your permutation argument
as follows:
Their counterplan is simply not competitive with our plan. It does
not counter our case. In other words, it is another public policy. It
might prove that the opposition team has opinions, but it does not



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mean that their opinions undermine the case as presented. We can

demonstrate this with the following permutation: it would be possible and net beneficial to do both the plan and the counterplan.
You can give back relics and give food aid. Thus, the counterplan
does not provide a reason to reject the plan.
Notice that this argument does more than just advance a permutation. It
also provides a theoretical justification for the permutation, and in doing
so attempts to teach the judge a little something about counterplan competition. Theoretical justification is an important component of the argument. Remember that many or most of your judges and audiences will be
extremely unfamiliar with the formal debate terms we use here. There is,
ultimately, no need to use the word permutation to talk about this critical proposition team argument. However, the vocabulary is useful shorthand for the more developed discussions about counterplan theory and
practice that follow later in this chapter.

Counterplan Topicality
Before we move on to discuss types of counterplans, we should offer a
few thoughts on counterplan topicality. Some people believe that counterplans have to be nontopical. They argue that to effectively challenge
the topic, the opposition team can only defend nontopical action. We
believe that this philosophy is fundamentally bankrupt. The plan is the
focus of the debate. As long as the counterplan is counter to the plan,
it is a legitimate subject for discussion. In a debate, the plan becomes
the embodiment of the resolution it is a living interpretation of the
topic. Once the plan is the interpretation of the topic, any policy thats
not the plan is automatically not the topic. Consider: You would never say
that a disadvantage about the topic is illegitimate because it is about the
topic; yet, folks say this kind of thing all the time about counterplans.
Let us emphasize again: The plan is the focus of the debate. It is said that
topical counterplans are unfair because they force the proposition team
to debate against the topic. This is untrue. Once the case for the topic
has been made using the plan and its advantages, anything that counters that case, topical or not, is intrinsically counter to the topic.



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Suggested Exercises:
1. Pretend that you are defending a proposition case that has the
United Nations pay reparations for its inaction in Rwanda.
Prepare and deliver a permutation argument for each of the following counterplans:
Counterplan: The USA should pay its back dues to the
United Nations.
Counterplan: The Organization of African Unity should
develop an autonomous self-defense force to deter future
Counterplan: The European Union should adopt a policy to
intervene in future African conflicts.
2. Below, find a list of different actions. For each action, think of at
least three opportunity costs you would forsake if you were to
take that action.
Intervene, as the government, to stop a strike by workers in
the airline industry.
Criminally penalize chemical industries for water pollution.
Restrict the transfer of copyrighted music on the Internet.
Support World Trade Organization authority to arbitrate
trade disputes.

Types of Counterplans
Just as there are many types of proposition team cases, there are many
different types of counterplans that you can learn to use strategically
and effectively. Counterplans fall into two basic categories: those that
are generic and those that are specific to the plan you are debating. A
generic counterplan is one that can be argued in a wide variety of
debates against many different types of proposition cases. A specific
counterplan is targeted directly at the case or plan you are debating



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against. This distinction, while important, may be a bit misleading in

this way: Generic counterplans must always be tailored to the specific
proposition plan. Without a strong element of case-specific competition, they will usually fail to persuade your judge because they will not
clash directly with the proposition teams case.
To say that there are many different proposition cases is a gross
understatement. In the third appendix to this book alone, you will find
more than a thousand potential topics for debate. For each of these topics, there are at least dozens of potential different topical cases even
if you were to use the strictest interpretation of each topic. As a parliamentary debater, you will have to be prepared to debate an enormous
variety of specific cases and plans. To be consistently successful on the
opposition, then, you will need some generic strategies that can apply
to types of plans. Generic counterplans are indispensable for this
endeavor. We will discuss several generic counterplans and explain
how they can be used against a variety of cases.

Agent Counterplans
One thing that almost all plans have in common is that they all have an
agent of action. That is, every proposal has an actor who must carry out
the proposition teams recommendation. In the USA, the agent of
action is usually the U.S. Federal Government. Sometimes, proposition teams will specify their agent even further and argue that a specific branch (legislative, judicial, executive) or division (i.e., the
Environmental Protection Agency, Bureau of Indian Affairs,
Department of Justice, etc) of the federal government should implement their proposal. In Europe, it is common for proposition teams to
say that their proposal should be enacted by a national government, or
perhaps by the European Union or the United Nations. This specification in the plan is curious, given that it is rarely mandated by the resolution for debate. Some teams justify their move to specify an agent of
action by defining This House as whatever agent they wish to discuss, but there is good reason to be critical of this practice, as we have
shown in the chapter on propositional interpretation. In any case, no
matter the justification, most propositional teams do specify (and are



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expected to specify) the agent of action for their plan.

This specification gives the opposition more than adequate
grounds to what is called an agent counterplan. An agent counterplan
is a counterplan that argues that the plan the proposition team implements
through one agent of change should instead be implemented through another
agent of change. So, for example, if a proposition team argues that the
USA should provide free malaria medication for children in Central
America, you might propose a counterplan to enact the basic mandates
of the plan through a different agent:
Counterplan: The World Health Agency should provide free malaria medication for children in Central America.
At first glance, it appears that this counterplan does not compete with
the proposition teams plan. After all, it is possible to act both through
the World Health Organization and through the U.S. government.
But would such cooperative action be net beneficial?
To resolve this question, youll have to think back to the comparison between hamburgers and Chinese food we laid out in the previous
section. Remember that there are two basic kinds of net benefits arguments you can make in debates: You can argue that the plan is bad and
you can argue that the counterplan is good. In this case, since the difference between the plan and the counterplan is the agent of implementation, youll want to stick to net benefits arguments having to do
with the respective agents. So youll need to generate a few arguments
attacking their agent of action. You might phrase your attack like this:
There are a few reasons that the USA is a bad actor for this policy. First, the USA has a history of using these kinds of humanitarian campaigns as cover for military or other bad and dangerous
interventions. Just look at how they use food aid as an excuse to
deploy troops and stage covert operations. Second, the USA has a
specifically bad record when it comes to malaria prevention. After
the dangerous pesticide DDT was banned in that country, they
proceeded to export and promote it for malaria control worldwide.
Surely we dont want to risk these kinds of consequences.



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After you argue that their agent of action is bad, youll need to defend
your agent of action. You need to show that your proposed alternative
agent will do a good job of addressing the harms specified by the
proposition team. You might phrase your defense like this:
The World Health Organization would be at least as good as the
USA for the distribution of malaria medication and treatment. The
WHO has extensive experience in organizing and carrying out
broad international health campaigns. They also have extensive
international support and can draw on a wider range of international resources and volunteers. The USA is comparatively limited
in these regards.
When defending this kind of counterplan or any other kind of counterplan, you need to advance both of these kinds of arguments. To win
that your counterplan competes with the proposition teams plan, you
must argue both that the plan is bad and that your counterplan is good.
Once you have made these arguments for your counterplans competition, it is appropriate to offer some kind of summation that explains to
the judge why the counterplan is a reason to vote for the opposition
team. This summation might look something like this:
The bottom line is that the USA is a bad actor for this course of
action. Our counterplan will better solve the problems of malaria
in Central America, while avoiding all of the terrible costs historically associated with the USAs actions. Thus, when weighing your
options in this round, you should prefer our counterplan and
endorse the oppositional stance.
This summation should be made early and often throughout the opposition speeches in the debate round in order to set up the final decision
calculus, or final reason to vote, that you present in your last opposition
When planning what kinds of arguments to make to defend your
counterplan, always anticipate what your response will be to the
proposition teams inevitable permutation of your counterplan. In this



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case, the proposition team will no doubt argue that you can and should
distribute malaria medication using both the USA and the World
Health Organization. While the proposition team is probably right that
you could act through both agents, they are not necessarily right that
you should act through both agents. You are questioning net benefits.
What are some arguments you can make against this permutation? For
the most case, you have already made them. If you can show that there
are affirmative reasons not to prefer the proposition teams agent of
action, then all of those reasons function as disadvantages to the permutation. That is, they are reasons that the permutation (just like the plan)
causes bad things to happen. All the reasons that it is bad to use the
USA as an actor still apply to the permutation, thus the permutation is not
net beneficial. Instead, it is better to prefer the counterplan alone than
the combination of the plan and the counterplan.
Agent counterplans are a very useful tool for opposition teams. The
above example shows how you can argue for agents other than the
USA, but the same basic method applies to all agent counterplans.
When thinking about agent counterplans, you should be creative.
Consider using different agencies within the same government. For
example, if the proposition team advocates using the Federal Bureau of
Investigation, you might recommend that the plan be done by the
Central Intelligence Agency instead. If they say the plan should be
done by the legislature, think of some reasons why the executive
branch or the judicial branch might be a superior actor. One way to
effectively master agent counterplans is to come up with a list of common agents of action. Then generate arguments about why each is a
bad agent in general as well as in some specific areas of public policy.
Finally, generate arguments about why each is a good agent in the
same categories. This way, you will always be prepared to counterplan
with an alternate agent.
No discussion of agent counterplans would be complete without a
section on what we call the states or sub-national governments counterplans. These are a specific subgroup of agent counterplans that try
to delegitimize the need for federal action by showing that sub-federal
action is superior to the proposition teams reliance on the federal government. This counterplan originated in policy debate in the USA as a



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way to test the affirmatives (proposition teams) use of the U.S.

Federal Government as an agent of action. Opposition teams can counterplan with state action, saying that action by the 50 states would be
superior to federal action.
This type of counterplan can be used with great success when discussing other regions of the world. Opposition teams can argue that
provincial, decentralized, or other nonfederal government entities should
enact the plans mandates instead of the federal government. To be net
beneficial, these sub-national counterplans must show that federal action
in the area of the plan is bad. Frequently, opposition teams running this
counterplan will also claim that their policy is better suited to redress the
proposition cases harm area because states or provinces are better positioned (via efficiency, experimentation, enforcement, or whatever) than
the federal government to help those in need.
When you are defending the proposition, you will need to be prepared to defend your agent of action so that you dont lose debates to
agent counterplans. To do so, you will need to have prepared at least
three sets of arguments. (1) You need to be able to argue why your specific agent is the best one for the task at hand. (2) You will also need to have
a variety of arguments against other potential agents. (3) You are wise
to have a developed defense of your permutation argument. One thing
to consider about permutations to agent counterplans is this:
Frequently, it is the case that having two agents work at the same problem will produce a kind of double solvency; i.e., the permutation could
potentially solve the designated problem doubly well. Consider the
example of the USA vs. the WHO in malaria prevention. If both
agents worked at the problem, it might be solved more quickly and
with greater coverage than if either acted alone. The permutation could
save more lives than either the plan or the counterplan alone. If you
could win this argument, you could argue that the counterplan was
therefore not net beneficial.
What would you say, as the opposition team, if the proposition
team advanced this double solvency argument in defense of their permutation? Here, the debate gets more complicated. The important
thing to remember is that you must weigh the issues and their associated
impacts. We will discuss techniques for this process in the chapter on



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rebuttal skills. For this specific argument, you would do well to answer
that the WHO will solve the problem well enough on its own, and that
the potential risks of involvement by the USA in the project outweigh,
or are more important than, the potential benefits of extra solvency.

Suggested Exercise:
Below we have listed a few common agents of action and a corresponding public policy area. For each agent, generate three
arguments for why this agent would be a good actor in the specified area. Then come up with three arguments for why this agent
would be a bad actor in the specified area. Provide as many specific examples as you can.
USA peace negotiations in the Middle East
United Nations peacekeeping operations
Corporations environmental pollution
USA War on Drugs
Britain sanctions on Iraq
European Union immigration
World Trade Organization labor law

Study Counterplans
Often, proposition teams choose to advocate a course of action in an
area where the existing research or available information is substantially unclear as to either the causes of the harms or the correct way we
should proceed to redress these harms. This confusion happens all the
time in complex issues of public policy. In these cases, a good option
for the opposition team is to propose a study counterplan. The study
counterplan is a generic counterplan that says that instead of acting in
the specified area of the proposition or the proposition teams case, we
should instead study the problem some more to find the most desirable
course of action.
This counterplan is a great option for opposition teams, because it



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applies to a wide variety of propositions and specific proposition team

cases. When you argue a study counterplan, you need to establish that
there is great controversy over the area the proposition case deals with.
You need to prove that a study might be the appropriate course of
action to pursue in the harm area elucidated by the proposition team.
Public policy advocates routinely decide to study rather than pursue a more direct course of action. For example, recently in Illinois, the
governor was confronted with the need to make a decision about that
states death penalty. Much new evidence revealed disturbing inconsistencies in the application of the death penalty in that state and others.
In fact, several convictions had been overturned as new evidence came
to light. Many critics argued that because of inconsistent applications
and dubious due process protections, the governor should act to ban
the death penalty in Illinois. Instead of taking this course of action, the
governor decided to declare a moratorium on the death penalty and
study its application to find a way to reform death penalty policies and
procedures. This action is a real-life example of deferring to a study
counterplan. The governor decided that he did not have enough information to make a decision about banning the death penalty, and instead
decided to study the problem to reach the optimal solution.
When should you use study counterplans? There are two basic circumstances in which they are eminently useful tools for the opposition:
solution optimization
inadequate information for decision making
Initially, study counterplans can try and optimize a solution for the
problem area outlined by the proposition team. When the proposition
team confronts a difficult problem with a dubious solution, you should
consider using a study counterplan. Argue that the counterplan is net
beneficial because it will create the information necessary to choose the
best solution for the problem at hand.
Study counterplans are also useful when you can show that the
proposition team is acting on inadequate information. In most societies,
even relatively open democracies, the information necessary to make
an informed decision about a problem is difficult to find and often



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highly classified. All too often, debaters (just like journalists and other
public policy opinion makers) simply do not have all the information
they need to draw an informed conclusion about the topic at hand. If
you can establish that this is the case in your debate, if you can show
that the proposition team may literally not know what they are talking
about, then you may be able to win that a study counterplan is the
superior course of action.
You need to be careful and specific when writing the text of your
study counterplan. In general, it is vital that you have an actor a commission that will do the actual studying. You will also need to have a
designated length for the study usually, anywhere from six to 18
months, although it could be longer or shorter depending on your
assessment of what is needed. Finally, you need to make sure that the
counterplan mandates some sort of action at the studys end. If the
proposition teams plan was to have the U.S. Federal Government
abolish the death penalty, for example, your study counterplan might
look a lot like this:
Counterplan: The U.S. Federal Government should immediately
impose a moratorium on the death penalty. A blue-ribbon commission should be appointed to study how the death penalty is applied,
with special attention paid to inconsistencies in due process and ethnicity-based application. This study will last 18 months, and subsequent policy action will be based on recommendations of that commission. Opposition speeches will clarify intent.
Notice the last sentence, opposition speeches will clarify intent. It is
a useful phrase to include at the end of any counterplan text, because
it creates leeway for the opposition team to interpret their counterplan
in light of any objections or requests for clarification that the proposition team might offer.
As a proposition team debating against a study counterplan, you
have a few options. Initially, you should always defend your course of
action with as much specific and recent information as you can. Try to
show that there is no need for a study that you have enough relevant
information to make the decision now. You should also argue that



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study will take too long and fail to resolve critical harms that are happening right now. Try to show that there is an affirmative reason to
adopt your proposal now, rather than waiting for a potentially inconclusive and tediously boring study to reach a dubious conclusion.
Finally, you should argue that the results of the study will be biased.
Ask the opposition team who will be on the commission. Ask them who
will appoint these members. Argue that their so-called blue-ribbon
commission will most likely reflect the dominant paradigm precisely
the thing your plan tries to combat.
As the opposition team, plan in advance for your answers to these
questions and arguments. On the issue of specification about the commissions content, consider directing the same questions back at the
proposition team. Ask them who will be implementing their plan and
how those people will be chosen. Insist that your counterplan be held
to the same standards of specificity as the plan.

Suggested Exercise:
Imagine that you are debating on the opposition. The proposition
teams plan says that the government should build a large, centralized, underground storage facility for nuclear waste. You think you
can prove that there is a substantial risk that such a facility might
cause lasting environmental damage. You decide to argue that the
government should study these potential consequences before
deciding on a course of action. Write the text for your counterplan,
using the above example as a model.

Delay Counterplans
Public policies do not simply come into being ex nihilo (Latin for out
of nothing), just as they do not spring full-grown from the heads of the
progenitive propositional team. Every public policy has an implementational stage whereby its mandates are actually carried out by the various government or private functionaries whose job it is to implement
public policies. Some implementation works better than other implementation. Consider how many international treaties, for example, are



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inadequately enforced or not enforced at all the United Nations

Declaration on Human Rights is, in theory, a mainstay of international law, yet is almost never enforced in any meaningful way. When the
leader of a nation issues an executive order, many questions still remain
as to how and when its dictates will be actualized.
These implementation considerations are fertile ground for all kinds
of opposition arguments. Many policies, though noble ideas, are more
likely than not simply to remain under-enforced, under-funded, or simply
not implemented for any number of reasons. Perhaps the elite establishment has a vested interest in seeing that their money or power is not redistributed. Perhaps there are latent or well-entrenched biases in a culture
that will ensure that change running counter to those biases will proceed
slowly, if at all. How a policy is implemented is often just as important as
the specific content of that policy itself. There are several types of counterplans that compete not on specifics in the proposition teams plan (i.e.,
in the text of their plan), but on the circumstances under which that plan
might come to be implemented or adopted.
One important consideration for policy adoption is when a policy is
implemented. Sometimes, policies are simply delayed due to exigent
circumstances. Legislators may wait to put some economic policies into
effect while there is a recession. Spending priorities may be frozen or
reoriented in an emergency. Sometimes, policies are delayed due to
external political circumstances. A president may wait to implement a
policy until a critical constituency is developed or until there is enough
popular support to ensure that the policy will be carried through.
Consideration of when is the basis for a type of counterplan known
as the delay counterplan. A delay counterplan suggests that the judge or
audience withhold implementation of the proposition teams plan until
a specific time or condition named by the opposition team. For example, the opposition could argue that a policy to raise taxes should be
delayed until the next fiscal year, so that consumers and businesses
would have time to adjust to the economic transition. A similar policy
of delayed implementation was used to decide when the euro would be
introduced as currency.
Delay counterplans can also condition implementation of the proposition teams plan. That is, they can argue that the plan should not be



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adopted until such time as certain political or social conditions have

been met. These counterplans are very useful. Imagine that a proposition team argued that the global community should lift sanctions
against Iraq. As the opposition, you could counterplan to lift sanctions
against Iraq only when Iraq has agreed to allow United Nations
weapons inspectors in its borders and secure sites. This delay counterplan conditions implementation of the plan on the fulfillment of some
external situation.
You can see that these counterplans are similar to study counterplans in that both institute delays of implementation. The important
difference is that study counterplans do not commit to what specific
course of action will be taken at the end of the period of study, while
delay counterplans simply postpone implementation of a specific plan.
Delay counterplans, as in the above example of conditioning sanctions, compete based on opposition expectations about implementation. In
debate, often we say that the opposition should have a reasonable
expectation that they will be able to clash directly with the proposition
teams case. This theoretical basis for almost every topicality argument
is widely accepted among judges and debaters alike.
This counterplan competition argument can be extended to
questions of plan implementation in a few ways. First, as an opposition debater, you can argue that you should be able to assume that
the proposition teams plan is being advanced unconditionally. If this
is the case, then conditioning or delaying the plan, as the counterplan does, is certainly fair game for the opposition. If the proposition
team, for whatever reason, says that they are in fact advancing the
plan conditionally, you should take advantage of this opening for
humor. Ask them what conditions they are putting on the plan and
when, exactly, they were planning to inform you of these hidden
conditions so that you could debate them. Point out that these same
tactics are often used by used car salespeople, who lure you into the
showroom with promises of low prices only to jack up the prices
later, using previously undisclosed costs. This argument strategy is
known in the business as the bait and switch, as the proposition
team is luring you in to debate one type of policy, only to switch the
target on you once youve committed.



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Second, you can argue that in formal debates, we presume the consideration of the proposition teams plan in real time, meaning that the
question for debate is whether their proposal should be adopted at the
conclusion of the debate. Therefore, it is incumbent upon the proposition team to prove their proposal should be adopted immediately not
whenever they get around to it, or when the stars are in the right
arrangement, or when swallows return to San Juan Capistrano bearing the corpse of Jimmy Hoffa, or when any other number of external
circumstances resolve themselves.
Delay counterplans are certainly controversial among people who
think about formal debate theory. It might surprise or frighten you, for
example, to see the opposition team arguing a counterplan that appears
to contain your whole plan. This kind of reaction is normal. Take solace in the fact that there is by no means a consensus on the legitimacy
of this type of counterplan. Whatever your position on the legitimacy
of the counterplan, however, you will still have to know how to answer
it when you debate it as a proposition team member.
In many ways, you should answer this kind of counterplan in
the same way as a study counterplan. Your first line of defense
should be a set of arguments about why the plan should be done
now rather than waiting. Talk graphically about the lives that will
be lost or the rights that will be violated while the opposition team
would have us sit around, twiddling our thumbs, waiting for the
designated time of implementation.
You should also be prepared to debate counterplans that condition
plan implementation. One of the best ways to answer these counterplans is to argue that the condition set by the opposition will never be
met. In the Iraq example mentioned earlier, you might simply contend
(based amply on past experience) that Iraq will never agree in good
faith to such a condition.Given that fact, you should add, the oppositions counterplan will never actually end up lifting sanctions. Then,
you should reiterate the need to lift sanctions. Explain the horrific
impacts that sanctions have on the people of Iraq. Try and convince the
judge that it is better to go ahead and act to remediate these horrible
consequences than to wait for some far-fetched condition to be met,
given that the condition will most likely never be met in any case.



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Consultation Counterplans
We will discuss one final type of generic counterplan, although there
are many more. Consultation counterplans are a type of implementation
counterplan that mirror the delay counterplan in many ways. A consultation counterplan argues that we should consult another relevant
actor as to whether or not the proposition teams plan should be implemented. That alternate actor is therefore given a kind of veto power
over the adoption of the proposition teams plan. If the alternate actor
says yes, the plan is adopted. If the alternate actor says no, the plan is
not adopted.
Lets say that you are debating a proposition team that advocates
the following plan: NATO should expand its membership to include
the Baltic states. This plan is ripe for a consultation counterplan. When
you try to find grounds for a consultation counterplan, think to yourself: what actors might be angered or otherwise substantially hurt by
adoption of the plan? In this case, the obvious answer is Russia, a
nation that has in the past made threats about what might happen if
NATO were to expand without explicit consultation. As the opposition
team, you might counterplan this way:
Counterplan: NATO will consult with the Russian government on
the issue of expansion to include the Baltic states. Implementation
of expansion plans will be made contingent on Russias explicit
approval. Opposition speeches will clarify intent.
You should argue that the counterplan is net beneficial because it does
not anger Russia. In this situation, it would be appropriate to argue
some sort of NATO-Russia relations disadvantage off the case, claiming that this disadvantage is a net benefit to the counterplan. What do
we mean by this?
Counterplans can often compete on the basis of what we call external net benefits. These net benefits are usually disadvantages to which
the plan links but the counterplan does not. In this case, you could
probably argue convincingly that the plan would anger Russia substantially because, by not consulting them, it would send a message



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that Russia was cut out of the communications loop or was otherwise
not substantively important enough to be consulted on the matter of
NATO expansion. We say that the counterplan solves or avoids the risk
of the disadvantage link because it does engage in active consultation,
as opposed to the plan, which continues to act in a unilateral and (dare
we say it) profoundly headstrong manner. The consultation counterplan thus competes based on external net benefits.
Otherwise, the counterplan competes in much the same way as the
conditional implementation variant on the delay counterplan we discussed
earlier. It simply puts a condition on implementation of the proposition
teams case: If this external actor says yes, then we will implement the
plan. You can defend the counterplan theoretically in many of the ways
listed above. Be creative with your consultation counterplans. Think:
who would be the interested actors in this policy calculation? Consider,
for example, that the World Trade Organization is involved in monitoring all kinds of domestic and multilateral regulations. Perhaps they
should be consulted about the possibility of new regulations to ensure
that those regulations will not be struck down.
You may be skeptical of this kind of counterplan at first. What
permutation jumps immediately to mind? At first blush, it seems
that the proposition team could just argue a permutation whereby
one could consult Russia and then do the plan. As the opposition
team, you should argue that this permutation still links to the disadvantage and potentially links more than the plan action alone.
Consider: If NATO were to consult Russia and go ahead with
expansion regardless, it would be a textbook case of bad faith negotiation. After such a meeting, why would Russia ever trust negotiation with NATO again? Such an incident could poison the well of
good feelings between NATO and Russia, and potentially impede
all future possibilities for constructive and cooperative communication. In this respect, the permutation may accrue the link to the
NATO-Russian relations disadvantage considerably more than just
the plan alone: The plan just does not consult, while the permutation consults in a knowingly fraudulent manner. The permutation is
not real consultation. It is merely notification, and should be treated as such.



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When you argue for the opposition with a consultation counterplan,

you need to remember to establish that the plan does not (and cannot, for
the same reasons discussed above as to why a plan cannot be conditional) itself provide a potential veto power to any other entity.
When you argue for the proposition against consultation counterplans, you need to remember not to let the counterplan steal your
case. Sound like perplexing advice? Consider the way in which this
and other counterplans function. Smart opposition teams will try to
steal as much of your case as possible. This theft is good defensive
strategy. To get the most edge against the proposition team, smart
opposition teams will try to co-opt as much of the proposition
teams plan and advocacy as they think they can reasonably get
away with. Exclusionary counterplans, which we will discuss later, are
the culmination of this drive. The strategic advantage of the consultation counterplan and others of its ilk is that that they co-opt
most (if not all) of the proposition teams case. The counterplan will
probably end up doing the plan, but will wait to do so until the relevant actors have given their consent.
Practically, for the proposition team, this means that the opposition
will be able to argue that all the reasons that the plan is a good idea are
now reasons to endorse the opposition, because: (1) The opposition
counterplan solves the harms and advantages outlined by the proposition team; and (2) The counterplan accounts for the risk of a link to the
disadvantage that the proposition teams plan necessarily accrues.
What to do if you are the proposition team? The wisest course
of action is usually to argue that the counterplan will not be able
to do the plan because the relevant actor will say no in consultation. This strategy may seem dangerous, because you are in effect
conceding the link to the net benefit disadvantage. In the Russia
example, this proposition team strategy would involve conceding
that the plan would anger Russia. It is tempting, as a proposition
speaker, to try and have it both ways in this situation. Dont be a
sucker. Instead, heavily contest the impact to the disadvantage
and then argue that the impacts to the case advantages outweigh
any potential risk of angering Russia. The alternative is far worse.
If you let the opposition get away with a decent possibility that



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their counterplan will implement your plans mandates, theyre

probably going to win. At the end of the debate, the counterplan
will probably solve the case advantages and avoid the disadvantage, while the plan will only solve the case advantages and definitely link to the disadvantage. In order to avoid this high-risk
rebuttal situation, you should instead disarm the opposition by
arguing that Russia will say no and that the counterplan will never
in fact implement the plan mandates. Then, all you need to do to
win the debate is to prove that the impacts to the case outweigh
the impacts to the disadvantage.
Notice that the consultation counterplan applies especially well to
very small proposition team cases whereby the proposition team does
not have very large advantages to weigh against the risk of the oppositions comparatively large external net benefit.

Suggested Exercise:
Below find a list of potential actions. For each action, pick an
actor to consult about that action and explain why they should
be consulted. In effect, you are here writing a consultation counterplan and constructing a disadvantage to non-consultation.
Explain why that actor should be consulted and what might happen if they were not consulted. Be specific.
environmental regulations
setting wage standards
immigration reform
elimination of racial profiling
pulling out of the World Trade Organization




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Plan/Case Specific Counterplans

We have discussed several types of generic counterplans. You may have
figured out by now that even the label generic is misleading for these
counterplans, which must always be substantially adapted to the proposition case they are designed to defeat in any given round. A second type
of counterplan is a plan or case-specific counterplan. These counterplans are
adapted very specifically to respond to the mandates or advantages of the
proposition teams case. These counterplans fall into three basic categories: counterplans that compete based on solvency, counterplans that
neutralize advantages, and exclusionary counterplans.
Initially, opposition teams can argue counterplans that compete
based on substantial, exclusive, solvency differentials. These counterplans usually go in the so-called opposite direction of the proposition
teams plan. For example, if the proposition team argues that more
government regulation is the best solution to environmental pollution, an opposition team might productively argue that a superior
solution would be a deregulation counterplan. There is in fact a substantial debate about the comparative virtues of government-based
as opposed to market-based solutions to environmental problems.
When you debate on the opposition, you should consider arguing
deregulation as a productive solvency-based counterplan as a
response to regulation cases, and vice-versa. The advantage of such
a counterplan is that it goes in the opposite direction of the proposition cases mandates and becomes a competitive alternative. On the
opposition, you can make a good case for why deregulation addresses the given harm better than regulation. The exercises below
encourage you to come up with your own arguments to substantiate
both sides of this debate.
The important thing to remember about this sort of counterplan is
the debate about the permutation. What is the logical proposition team
permutation? It is to both regulate and deregulate to solve the harm.
On the opposition side, you should argue that this permutation is incoherent and infeasible one could not conceivably regulate and dereg174



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ulate the same area at the same time. Argue that the judge must choose
one option, and then try to prove that deregulation is the superior
option using the method already demonstrated earlier:
Show that their plan is bad. In this case, show that regulation is a bad
solution, perhaps because it causes bad external consequences or
simply fails to solve the problem.
Show that your counterplan is good. In this case, prove that deregulation accrues multiple advantages and solves the problem better than
Weigh the potential costs and benefits. In summation, show the judge
that, on balance, deregulation is the superior alternative because it
redresses more significant harms than regulation.
This counterplan is not the only one of its kind. Other examples of
comparisons include: unilateral vs. multilateral action, criminal vs. civil
penalties, or compulsory vs. voluntary incentives.
A second type of case-specific counterplan is designed to neutralize advantages to the case. In formal debate, we call this counterplanning
out advantages. This practice is different from all of the other types of
counterplans mentioned in this way: When you counterplan out advantages,
you are not necessarily trying to make your counterplan compete. What does
this puzzling claim mean? We have just spent several pages trying to
teach you how to make your counterplans competitive.
Sometimes counterplans dont necessarily have to be competitive.
Consider that at the end of the debate, a judge draws up a kind of balance sheet to determine what each side has won or lost. In a debate
where the proposition team won their advantage, and the opposition
team won their disadvantage, that sheet might look something like this:
Proposition Team:

Opposition Team:

What if you could neutralize the proposition teams advantage? In that

case, you would doubtless win because you would succeed in tipping
the balance sheet in your favor. This is why the opposition sometimes



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counterplans out advantages. When they do so, they argue a counterplan that
solves the proposition teams advantage, thereby capturing it for their side.
Imagine that the proposition team argues a case that says that the
government should provide single-payer health insurance for all potential recipients. Their advantage claim is that such a policy would
increase research and development on the part of private industries
because the market would be bigger. On the opposition, you could
counterplan to neutralize this advantage by saying that the government
should fund additional, public, research and development. This counterplan would solve the advantage, ensuring that both sides accrue the
research and development advantage. The important thing to realize
when employing this strategy is to make sure that your counterplan
avoids the link to the disadvantage. In this case, the disadvantage
might be that single-payer health insurance is bad because it hurts the
private insurance market. Your counterplan avoids this disadvantage,
setting up the following judge balance sheet:
Proposition Team:

Opposition Team:

Opposition most likely wins, because they also solve the proposition
teams advantage, yet avoid the insurance industry collapse disadvantage. The interesting thing about counterplans that neutralize advantages is that they dont really have to be competitive in the traditional
sense. The proposition team can certainly permute the counterplan,
but such a move wont really get them anywhere, since both teams will
still accrue the same advantage even after the permutation.
To avoid these counterplans when you argue for the proposition,
you need to make sure that your advantages are germane to your plan.
That is, you need to do your best to ensure that your plan is the only
way such advantages could be achieved.
From an opposition perspective, this kind of counterplan is eminently useful for countering the flood of proposition team advantages
that are often only barely related to the proposed plan. Feel free just to
counterplan them out to neutralize the advantages. Some judges may



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say you cant argue more than one counterplan. In this case, consider
consolidating your counterplans so that you only have one counterplan
with three or four different mandates.

Exclusionary Counterplans
A final type of case-specific counterplan is the exclusionary counterplan.
A fairly advanced type of counterplan, it is an extremely powerful
weapon for the opposition. Sometimes proposition teams will argue
plans with several different mandates or components. You may have
arguments against some, but not all, of their mandates. In this case, you
might want to consider using an exclusionary counterplan. An exclusionary counterplan endorses some, but not all, of the proposition
teams plan. This type of counterplan competes on based on arguments
about why the excluded parts of the plan are bad. Exclusionary counterplans are a way for the opposition to focus the debate back on areas
they might be more familiar with, or areas they feel are more advantageous for them to discuss.
Public policy makers endorse exclusionary counterplans all the
time. For example, when the U.S. Congress was debating new air pollution and emissions regulations for automobiles, they were considering adapting sweeping reforms applying to all vehicles. Then someone
proposed light truck exemptions from that legislation. The legislation
with the exemption was, after some debate, adopted.
As an opposition debater, think of exclusion counterplans as the
plan, except In order to win that your exception is net beneficial,
you have to win a disadvantage related to the specific topic or item that
you exempt from their plan. Lets say that the proposition team argued
the following plan:
The U.S. Federal Government should restrict the export of all pesticides currently banned for use in that country.
You might happen to know that some of these pesticides have uniquely beneficial aspects for the economies of other countries. The Mexican
timber export industry, for example, is extremely reliant on the pesti177



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cide chlordane to kill termites in their lumber stacked for export. Also,
DDT is very useful for malaria eradication. You could exempt one or
both of these pesticides in your counterplan:
The U.S. Federal Government should restrict the export of all pesticides currently banned for use in that country except for chlordane and DDT.
The net benefits to your counterplan would be arguments about why it
would be good to continue limited exports of chlordane and DDT.
As a proposition team, your best defense against exclusionary counterplans is good, careful plan writing. Dont write mandates into your plan that
you arent prepared to defend. In this pesticide example, it might have been
wise not to use the word all, as this word arguably gives the opposition
team plenty of ground to argue their exclusionary counterplan.

Suggested Exercises:
1. Make three arguments that show why government regulation is
the best way to solve environmental problems such as air and
water pollution.
2. Make three arguments that show why deregulation and its subsequent reliance on corporate action is the best way to address environmental problems such as air and water pollution.

Final Notes on Counterplans

This chapter has by no means exhausted the available theory on counterplans and responses to counterplans. As a way of concluding our
examination of counterplans, we wish to address a few other issues
related to their strategic use. First, we will talk a bit more about the
proposition teams practice of permutations. Then, we will address the
issue of counterplan advocacy: Can you have more than one counterplan? What happens if a counterplan is proven to be noncompetitive?



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Recall that permutations test the competition of a counterplan. That is, they test whether the counterplan does, in fact, provide a reason to reject the proposition teams plan. There are a
couple of important things you need to keep in mind about arguing permutations:
They must include the whole plan. It might be tempting
for proposition teams to remove parts of their plan to which the opposition has made compelling arguments. This kind of permutation is
called a severance permutation. A severance permutation contains only
part of (rather than all of) the proposition teams plan. We use the
word severance because this kind of permutation severs, or removes,
part of the proposition teams plan.
Severance permutations are generally thought to be unacceptable
because they do not actually prove that the counterplan is not competitive. The counterplan is a reason to reject the whole plan as initially
presented. Just because you could combine part of the plan with the
counterplan, it does not therefore follow that the counterplan does not
compete with the plan.
Some people also argue that severance permutations are unfair to
the opposition. These people argue that the proposition team should
not have the ability to change their plan in the middle of the debate,
because the opposition team has already predicated their strategy on
the original presentation of the plan.
Permutations do not, however, have to include
the whole counterplan. This is a common mistake made
by debaters. A permutation should include the whole plan and all
or any part of the counterplan. Why is this? Consider the following
You are debating for the proposition, defending a plan to reform
national library acquisition policies. Its a small plan, but an effective
one. The opposition team counterplans to ban reform of national
library acquisition policies and to provide comprehensive national
health insurance.
The counterplan bans the plan and does something else. Uh-oh.



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How can the proposition team win now, given that they cant combine the plan and the counterplan? The answer is simple. The
proposition teams permutation should advocate the whole plan and
part of the counterplan, in this case, provide comprehensive national
health insurance. Otherwise, opposition teams could always just
counterplan to ban the plan and do something else, an unfair advantage for that side, to be sure.
Permutations do not have to be topical. This should
be a common-sense adage, given what you already know about the
function of a permutation. Permutations are a test of the competition of the counterplan, and not necessarily a policy option advocated by the proposition team (although some proposition teams will,
from time to time, reserve the right to advocate their permutations,
usually in response to some perceived or actually egregious advocacy shift by the opposition team). Thus permutations do not have the
same on-face topicality burdens as the proposition teams plan.
Consider also that if permutations had to be topical, all nontopical
counterplans would automatically be competitive, quite a disadvantage for
proposition teams.
There are a few leftover questions to consider when arguing and
planning to argue counterplans on the opposition side.
Can you run more than one counterplan? Of course
you can. There is no logical reason not to. Counterplans test the viability and desirability of the proposition teams case. There is no reason to limit the oppositions ability to contest the proposition teams
case. Some judges may disagree with this, however. In this case, consider consolidating your counterplans into one, multi-pronged, policy initiative. However, be careful of biting off more than you can
chew. Counterplans tend to complicate debates greatly. Multiple
counterplans can do so exponentially. Dont put yourself in a position for the last rebuttal where you are defending multiple, confusing policy options. You probably wont be able to cover all the relevant issues, and the judge will most likely think you are incompetent
for biting off more than you can chew.



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What happens when a counterplan is found to be

noncompetitive? This is an important question. There are two
schools of thought on this issue. One school believes that once a
counterplan has been argued, the opposition team is stuck with it
for good or for ill, much as a proposition team should be stuck with
a bankrupt plan.
We do not necessarily agree with this way of thinking about
counterplans. Recall that the purpose of a counterplan is to test the
desirability and opportunity cost of the proposition teams case. If
the counterplan is found not to be an opportunity cost of the plan,
it can simply go away; that is, the opposition may feel free to
abandon its advocacy of the counterplan. This is said to make the
counterplan conditional. Arguments advanced in debates are often
called conditional; which is to say that they may be dropped at any
time without repercussion to their advocates. Usually this phrase is
used in the context of conditional counterplans, which can be dropped
if undesirable without forfeiture of the debate.
Many people have argued that conditional counterplans are illegitimate and unfair, because they force the proposition team to invest considerable time in responding to the counterplan, at which point the
opposition may simply abandon the counterplan. While this plea for
fairness is understandable, in many ways it misses the point of what it
means to argue a counterplan. A counterplan is always just a test of
the proposition teams plan.
When the proposition team argues against a counterplan, they are
contending that the counterplan is not relevant in the debate because it
does not run counter to the plan. Thus, if the opposition team chooses
to abandon the counterplan, they are essentially admitting their agreement with the proposition teams claim: that the argument is no longer
relevant to the debate. Of course, in debate, any irrelevant argument
can be removed from debate without penalty.
Further, all arguments in debate are conditional in the sense
that they may be dropped or discontinued at any time. If you made
a series of attacks on the proposition teams stated harms initially,
and then decided not to extend those arguments in your rebuttal



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speech, would you then be making those arguments conditionally?

The answer is yes. All arguments are conditional because all arguments are advanced provisionally, accounting for the chance of satisfactory refutation.
As you can see, there are many difficult questions you will have to
face directly related to questions of counterplan theory. Nevertheless,
we believe that it is important for debaters to learn to use and answer
these powerful and relevant opposition team tools.




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Introduction to the
Practice of Critiquing
Through our relentless pursuit of colorful similes, we have already told
you that arguments are like automobiles, dinner invitations, small monkeys, and cans of ham. Arguments are also like houses in that they rest
on foundations. Recall that in the chapter on argumentation we
detailed how arguments are constructed: They have supporting premises, warrants, and data. Complex arguments, like the kind made by
the body of a proposition teams case, are composed of many different,
smaller arguments that (hopefully) unite to make a cohesive whole,
much like the robots that assemble to form Voltron. A proposition
teams case, therefore, rests on a fairly broad foundation composed of
other arguments and the support that those arguments rely on. While
this broad foundation can render a case fairly stable, it can also be the
undoing of a proposition teams case if approached correctly.
You may have had the occasion to play the popular block-stacking



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game Jenga. In Jenga, many small blocks are stacked on each other,
cross-hatched to make an irregular square tower. Participants remove
blocks until someone is unfortunate enough to remove the block that
causes the whole structure to come crashing down. That load-bearing
block is a fundamental, even critical, part of the whole structure of the
tower. Many of the other blocks are essentially trivial, and can be treated as such. They can be added and removed with no cost to overall
structural stability.
As with Jenga, so it is with arguments. All arguments make
assumptions and leaps of reasoning. Some of the assumptions are more
critical than others for the overall stability of the argument. Consider
the following example: You are taking a class on ancient civilizations at
your university. Your final paper assignment is to write a comprehensive report on one of the Earths ancient civilizations. After weeks of
hard work, you turn in your magnum opus a history of Atlantis. The
teacher fails you. Horrified by this turn of events, you go to her and ask
why. She says that there were some things about the paper that
impressed her. For example, she was excited and intrigued by your
detailed and informed discussions of native Atlantean foods, dances,
and cultural practices. She thought that your position on Atlantean
civil-military relations was quite innovative. In fact, it was a spectacular paper. There was just one small problem: There is no such civilization as Atlantis. Oops. You made a fundamental assumption that
turned out to be incorrect. (Jenga!)
Some assumptions, like the Atlantis assumption, are just plain
wrong. Others are both wrong and dangerous. Imagine that you and a
friend arrive in San Francisco for a sightseeing tour. Youve never been
to the city, but you hear that its lovely. After leaving the airport, you
rent a car and take the map offered by the attendant. Since you are a
better driver, you pilot the car while your friend navigates. After a little bit of driving, you notice that the streets you are on dont quite
match up with the streets on the map, but you assume thats just
because you are lost. You are very lost. You are so lost, in fact, that
while trying to get to Berkeley you drive into the Bay. As you are sinking, you realize the problem: The map you were given, that you
assumed was correct, was in fact a map of Chicago. Oops. You made a



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fundamental assumption that turned out to be incorrect and dangerous. (Jenga!)

Debate arguments make assumptions that are incorrect and potentially dangerous all the time. But debate rounds are not (perhaps fortunately) like Jenga. It is very rare that you will be able to identify a
single argument which, when pulled out and examined, will bring
down the entire position of the other side. However, the investigation
and criticism of fundamental assumptions is an invaluable part of
debate for both the proposition and opposition sides. This notion may
seem obvious, given that the gist of this book thus far has been to show
the roots and assumptions of debate arguments and techniques of all
kinds. The goal of this chapter is to show how the practice of critiquing
arguments and their accompanying fact sets can be used as a strategic
argument type for use in debate.
You have already learned that the most effective way to refute an
argument is not by simply providing an assertive counter-claim.
Arguments are most effectively refuted from within their own substance; that is, sophisticated debaters know that arguments are best
unraveled by focusing on the language, reasoning, underlying assumptions,
expert testimony, interpretations, and proofs of the opponent. We answer arguments like this all the time. When you answer a disadvantage, you
attack its reasoning, testimony, expert testimony, and proofs.
Whenever you argue against a proposition teams case, if you are making sophisticated arguments, you are doing much the same thing.
In academia or public policy analysis, the practice of criticism is
almost ubiquitous. One important thing to remember about argument critique is that it is all about where you look, and from what
perspective. You may have heard the old story about the three blind
men who are called to examine an elephant. One feels its side and
determines that it is a piece of luggage. Another feels its foot and
says it is a stool. A third feels its tail and calls it a snake. They are all
wrong, of course, but from their perspective they are correct. Our
point here is not to vitiate radical perspectivism after all, in this
story at least we know there is an elephant and so are not in the least
worried about the possibility of implementing policies based on
these incomplete worldviews. In public policy decisions, however, it



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is not so easy to identify the elephant or even to know that there is

an animal being examined in the first place.
The closest thing to an elephant we have in any formal debate, at
least from the perspective of the opposition, is the presentation of the
first proposition speaker. That presentation is not merely (if it can be
considered to be so at all) a plea for endorsement of a particular proposal. Rather, it is a kind of text to be interpreted and analyzed. Every
component of the proposition teams argument set is potentially up for
debate in any number of ways.
This idea of speeches as texts is important, and one that is critical
to understanding how the practice of critique works in debate. If the
proposition teams case is a kind of text, it is therefore up for interpretation just like any other text. The proposition teams case should not
necessarily be thought of as a set of presumptively true facts. It is, however, usually presented as such. This presentation should pose no great
barrier to a critical opposition team who want to reinterpret the proposition teams presentation in a manner that will be conducive to their
ultimate victory in the debate.
Lets see how critiquing is done in practice. When presented with
a particular fact set, people from different intellectual traditions and
perspectives will almost invariably look at it differently, with different
results. These multiple perspectives can be an informative basis for
engaging arguments with sustained critique. Lets take the example of
the death penalty to see how this works in practice. Heres a description of a state of affairs, one that could very easily be a component of
any number of proposition team cases:
A man is arrested for killing someone. After being given due
process, appropriate prosecution, and trial in front of a jury of his
peers, he is found guilty of murder. Once his appeals have been
rejected, he is executed.
Different critics will have different commentaries to offer in response
to this description of a state of affairs.
A critic who argues from the perspective of the Critical Legal Studies
(CLS) movement might point out that what this description leaves out is



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a critical examination of the part played by class interests in this whole

process. She might point out that the poor or otherwise indigent are more
likely to be arrested and indicted for any number of crimes, including murder. She might also call into question the seemingly neutral description of
due process in this text, given the abundant evidence that suggests that
economic disparities dramatically affect the quality of justice given to
defendants in criminal courts. Among other factors, your net worth directly determines what kind of lawyer will defend you: an overworked public
defender or a specialized private attorney. Finally, she might suggest that
the jury was most likely not a jury of his actual peers. She might say that
this description of the situation is, at best, misleading because in its omissions it inaccurately describes the situation. At worst, this description
might be dangerous because it seeks to paint as neutral a process that is
fundamentally unfair and unjust. Several fundamental components of the
description have been substantively undermined by means of this criticism. The critic has shown that it makes faulty assumptions about the
world (echoing the example of the Atlantis paper) and that its presentation
is dangerously misleading (echoing the example of the map of Chicago). If
she chose, the critic could probably make a convincing case for disregarding or rejecting the description on these grounds.
This exercise is what it is like to practice criticism in debate. When
you focus on the underlying assumptions of your opponents arguments, you are engaged in criticism of their arguments. The practice of
critiquing arguments can have tremendous currency in contemporary
parliamentary debating, and has quickly become a crucial type of
argument for opposition teams. We will discuss how critiquing can be
used by the opposition side in a debate and then conclude with some
general advice about the practice of criticism.
When the proposition team makes their case, they are presenting a
text for analysis and interpretation. This text usually consists of a few
basic components:
a description of the present state of affairs
an explanation of how that state of affairs causes a problem
a proposal (the plan)
an explanation of how the proposal will remediate the given problem



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an explanation of how the proposal will remediate other problems

All of these components, as well as their various combinations, are
potential grounds to be mined for criticism. On the opposition, you can
criticize the propositions text on any number of grounds. Three of
these, though they are by no means exclusive or particularly distinct
from each other, are the grounds of language, values, and thinking.

Initially, you can address the proposition teams case by criticizing its
language. Traditionally, we are given to understand that language is
fundamentally neutral, a kind of container with no particular currency of its own. Many social theorists who argue that the language
that we use does, in fact, create lived reality in many tangible ways
have heavily criticized this perspective on language. Here are some
questions to consider:
Does it matter if you refer to a given nation as part of the Third
World? From a certain perspective on global affairs, it certainly
matters. The language of Third World assumes a hierarchy of civilizations and thereby creates assumptions of inferiority and superiority. It also implies that the nation in question and the rest of the
Third World are fundamentally detachable from the other, numerically designated Worlds (wherever those are).
What happens when you call someone an alleged criminal? All too
often, the power of the word criminal overcomes its modifier
alleged to type the individual in question as a presumed lawbreaker, whether or not that person has, in fact, committed a crime.
What kinds of cultural and historical associations do we have with
the word black? There are a myriad of ways that, at least in the
West, black is a negative modifier think about the black arts,
black magic, or what it means to call someone black-hearted.
How do you talk about a civil disturbance? Do you call it a riot or an
uprising? Is there a difference between the two? When we think about
a riot, we think about directionless, senseless violence and destruction



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of property and lives. When we think about an uprising, we think about

a specifically political event that is targeted to achieve social change or at
least to rise up against some oppressive set of circumstances.
The worldview that holds that language is itself more or less meaningless can and should be called into question by interested opposition
teams. All too often, policy decisions are justified with and framed in
language that may betray some of the more nefarious or at least puzzling aspects of that particular policy action.
One good example of this is the language of development. The
idea of development implies a kind of ends-orientation, or teleology
whereby one is proceeding from a state of affairs to the next logical
state of affairs. Think about how we use the language of development
in biology: Embryos develop organs, wings, legs, and heads according
to their chromosonal design. In biology, the idea of development carries with it a kind of destiny as well as a destination we proceed as
we must, following a developmental plan, towards becoming fullyformed beings. The transplantation of the language of development
from this biological context to the realm of human and (specifically)
international affairs has some troubling implications for policymakers
and those who would critically examine public policies.
Many, many public policies are framed using the language of development. In the USA, a good bit of foreign aid is funneled through the
Agency for International Development (US-AID), a division of government that has the word development in its very name. Money and assistance is given (by the US-AID and by other agencies and other nations)
to countries who are often explicitly referred to as underdeveloped or
as Lesser Developed Countries (LDCs, in the dialect of international
relations). These countries are understood to be in need of development. What is, exactly, to count as development is an interesting question. Development is understood to be exemplified by the so-called
developed countries those countries, including Europe, Japan, and
the USA, which have reached their fully formed status. The implication
is that some countries need development because they are not like a set of
other (industrialized, consumer-based) countries.
There are many who critique the deployment of this language of



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development to describe and attempt amelioration of social problems. It

is said, in the first place, that the language of underdevelopment misunderstands the nature and causes of real harms in specific parts of the
world. What is the cause, for example, of high infant mortality? Is it
because there are not enough well funded medical facilities in a given
nation? Or is it because that nation is not enough like its developed
cousins? These questions matter quite a bit for the business of interpretation and criticism. It could be, for example, that the way the problem is
framed obscures other ways of thinking about it while lending an air of
legitimacy to the proposed solution. The language of development
might be said to betray a fundamental misunderstanding of the present
system and its concomitant harms on the part of the policy advocates,
while at the same time dangerously obscuring other, more trenchant, problems and their causes from further examination. Further, if the harm is
misunderstood, then how can the proposed solution be said to solve it
in any meaningful way? Solve what? you might ask. If we have proven
that you dont have any idea what the problem is, then what possible currency could this appeal to solvency have?
There are also (at best) tautological and (at worst) sinister aspects
to using development to help underdevelopment. Critics of the language of development have argued that the idea of development,
inherited and refined as it is from the legacy and practice of colonialisms and imperialisms, is itself responsible for many of the most
trenchant problems in so-called underdeveloped countries. From this
perspective, it follows that using development aid to alleviate the
problems of underdevelopment might be a bit like using sewer water
to clean an open wound. In practice, development assistance often fails
to achieve its stated goals. It has often been said to perpetuate dependency on donor states, further impeding economic and social self-sufficiency. In this respect, development assistance may achieve the opposite
effect of what its advocates intend not creating development at all, but
rather furthering the supposedly abject state of underdevelopment.
It is probably easy to imagine a proposition team using the language of development to justify their proposal. They might propose
giving food and farming aid to some nations defined as developing.
They might call the aid development assistance. They might even talk



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about the responsibility held by all developed nations to help along

their less-privileged cousin states. The proposition team would have a
harm famine. They would have a plan development aid. They
would try to show that their plan dealt with the problem.
As an opposition team, your work would be cut out for you. You
could argue that the cases implicit and explicit relationship with the
language of development reveals some fundamental flaws in the proposition teams reasoning and presentation. You could argue that:
a) They fundamentally misunderstand the problem, and thus
their statements of harms should be disregarded.
b) This misidentification of the harm undercuts any appeal to solvency that they might make.
c) Their proposal is part of the problem rather than part of the
d) Their proposal will at best be unable to ameliorate the problem. At
worst, their proposal will simply make things worse rather than
better. Thus, there is a net solvency turn for the opposition.
Of course, you would want to flesh these arguments out by giving
much of the analysis and explanation offered above, but the gist of
your argument should still be fundamentally clear. Should you choose
to criticize the proposition teams embrace of a difficult or objectionable type of phrasing, value, or thinking, you will usually try to make
all of these arguments (a-d) as evaluative statements that detail why
your criticism matters.
When you critique the proposition teams case, you will have to
prove at least two things in order to win the debate on your criticism.
You will have to uncover a fundamental assumption of the propositions case, and you will have to use that assumption to win the debate.
How is this done in practice? If you choose to structure your criticism
(using subpoints labeled A, B, and C, for example), there are as many
ways to structure your argument as there are potential criticisms to be
made in a debate round. Generally, you will need to prove at least the
following components of your argument:




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The proposition team makes assumption X.

Assumption X is bankrupt (or dangerous, or patently silly, or shamefully weak) for the following reasons
Because we successfully criticize Assumption X, we win the debate
Notice that the evaluative arguments a-d above would fit nicely (with
appropriate explanation) under the third component, since all are reasons why the criticism functions to undermine and turn back the
proposition teams case.
We are reluctant to advance a specific model for advancing critical
arguments. As you might have gathered by now, they are a bit different from previous kinds of opposition arguments you have encountered. However, one outline you could use to make the critique of
development argument is this:
A. The proposition team frames and advances their policy using
the language of development. They propose giving food and
farming aid to some nations defined as developing. They call
the aid development assistance. They even talk about the
responsibility held by all developed nations to help along
their less-privileged cousin states.
B. The language and concept of development is bankrupt and
C. Because we successfully criticize the language and concepts of
development, we win the debate because:
1) They fundamentally misunderstand the problem, and thus
their statements of harms should be disregarded.
2) This misidentification of the harm undercuts any appeal to
solvency that they might make.
3) Their proposal is part of the problem rather than part of
the solution.



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4) Their proposal will at best be unable to ameliorate the

problem. At worst, their proposal will simply make things
worse rather than better. Thus, there is a net solvency turn
for the opposition.
This is just one suggestion for how this argument could be advanced in
a formal debate. You could certainly flesh it out or cut it down. You
could also de-structure the argument, turning it into a more unified
attack without explicit structure. We show how the argument works as
a structured phenomenon only to show the relationships and flow
between its components.

In addition to criticizing the language of the proposition teams proposal, you can also criticize the assumptions it makes about values. We
have a tendency to think about values as abstract entities without a
direct relationship to policy choices. This tendency is a fairly dangerous way of thinking about values: They are not just disembodied concepts like dignity, freedom, justice, liberty, order, security,
democracy, and safety: They are also the prime movers for our policy and lifestyle decisions. In the chapter on topic interpretation, we
discuss the relationship between values and policy choices. It is, in theory, possible to think about a value in the abstract, but you cant think
about a policy without reference to values.
How can you productively criticize the proposition cases allegiance to
particular value structures? First, you need to pinpoint a fundamental
value that seems to inform the proposition teams case. Then, you need to
criticize that value. Finally, you need to show how your criticism of that
value proceeds to undermine or unravel the proposition teams case. In this
respect, value criticism is very similar to criticism based on the language of
the proposition case. Lets walk through an example to see how this works.
The proposition team opens their speech by detailing a problem
that exists in the present system: There is tremendous violence in the
Middle East, specifically violence between Israelis and Palestinians.



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They then present a specific proposal: The USA should deploy peacekeeping troops to the Gaza Strip and the West Bank to help quell the
violence. Finally, they argue that the presence of these troops will deter
and prevent conflict, thereby keeping the peace.
This presentation is ripe for criticism from the perspective of a philosophy of nonviolence. You could argue that the entirety of the proposition teams proposal relies on an implicit belief in the value of violence, and is thus inconsistent on its own merits and according to its
own value system. Consider that the harms detailed by the proposition
team all have to do with a deploration of existing armed conflict
between Israelis and Palestinians. The understanding here, at least
according to the proposition team, is that violence is something to be
avoided and prevented, or at least stopped. As an opposition debater,
you can concede these fundamental harms and argue that the proposition plan fails to redress them and in fact might make the problem
much worse. The proposal, after all, deploys the military, assuming that
it is right or acceptable or even feasible to use force to make peace, an
assumption that is contested by hundreds of years of thinking about
non-violence and the practice of non-violent resistance.
One critical question to ask of the proposition cases solvency claims is
this: How is it, exactly, that the presence of troops serves to deter conflict?
The answer, of course, is that the troops signify and embody a threat of
further force. This threat, it can be argued, is itself a kind of violence: A
regime that keeps the peace by means of threats is itself an intrinsically violent arrangement, and one that forecloses the possibility of other social
arrangements by constantly threatening that more violence will erupt if
adequate deterrence is not maintained. On the opposition, you can argue
that the proposal is inconsistent within its own stated hierarchy of values.
The fact of this inconsistency alone, however, is not necessarily a sufficient
reason to reject the plan. You must also show how the proposal fails on its
own terms. One way to do this might be to show that the presence of
troops will only escalate the level of conflict rather than ameliorating it
as has been the case in the U.S. intervention in Somalia, Russian intervention in Afghanistan, American intervention in Vietnam, Cuban military
deployments to Angola, and British troop deployments in Northern
Ireland. Foreign military intervention has a nasty habit of upping the ante



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for insurgent forces intent on victory. There is, therefore, a decent possibility that the plan will make the problem worse.
You might also voice a principled objection to the use of force, thus
advancing a kind of value abjection to the proposition teams proposal.
Using an adaptation of the model given above, your argument might be
structured something like this:
A. The proposition teams case relies on the use of violence. They
deploy troops to the Middle East and argue that those troops
will be good because they will deter conflict. Deterrence, however, is just code for threatening behavior.
B. The idea of using violence to stop violence is bankrupt and
C. Because we successfully criticize the proposition teams use of
violence, we win the debate because:
1) The plan double-turns with the harms. If they are right
about violence being bad, then they lose the debate
because their proposal is intrinsically and necessarily violent. Their proposal is part of the problem rather than part
of the solution.
2) Their proposal will at best be unable to ameliorate the
problem. At worst, their proposal will simply make things
worse rather than better. Thus, there is a net solvency turn
for the opposition.
Note that the parts where we have written [explain] are the places in
the argument outline that you will need to fill in to make the argument
complete. This kind of value critique tries to show that the proposition
teams value claims are at odds with their specific proposal.
Another kind of value critique investigates the proposition teams
values for inconsistencies. Our value concepts are often so broad that
proper investigation can reveal troubling internal inconsistencies. Take
the example of liberty, for example. Although just about everyone
supports freedom in its abstract sense, they rarely support it without



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qualification. Few human societies, for example, recognize that there is

a universal freedom to kill (although some reserve this power for the
state exclusively, as in the example of the death penalty). This value
means that freedom is generally only accepted with the qualification
that one has freedom as long as it doesnt interfere with the freedom of
others. This qualification may make sense in the abstract but often
makes little sense in its social application. In a desert society, your freedom to consume fresh water necessarily conflicts with the freedom of
others to consume fresh water. There is thus an inevitable conflict of
rights inherent in the very concept of liberty.
When debating on the opposition, you will frequently encounter
proposition cases that claim to protect liberty or freedom as
abstract values. One way you can counter this kind of case is to argue
that although the case is in favor of liberty, there is no liberty they can
really identify as a value, since the very concept of liberty is itself internally inconsistent and thus fundamentally incoherent. Consider also
that the way we are made out to be volitional, fundamentally free subjects is also the way that our punishment and incarceration is enabled.
It is assumed that if we can take responsibility for committing crimes,
then we can be punished for those crimes. The conditions of our subjectivity are, arguably, also the conditions that allow our subjugation.
A third kind of value criticism shows the conflict between two
incommensurable values. In our discussion of impact comparison, we
talk briefly about the relationship between the values of liberty and
equality. These two values are often in conflict in society. Ask yourself:
Are we free to discriminate in a university or business setting? After
all, these institutions are often privately owned. If we are to support
liberty unconditionally and at all costs, we would have to also support
the right of business owners and university presidents to discriminate
against whomever they chose. This practice of discrimination, however, is seldom tolerated in societies that support equality.
In these circumstances where values are in conflict, you need to construct and defend a value hierarchy in which you argue that one value is
a dependent, diminished, inferior value compared to others. You might
argue that equality is more important than liberty because of the historical exclusion of minority groups and because the failure to provide equal



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treatment amounts to a denial of citizenship to those victims of discrimination. This denial of citizenship could be said to quash the liberty of
those victims of discrimination, thereby justifying your use of a hierarchy
of values to de-justify the proposition teams value-based case.
All of these are ways of arguing against the values that inform and
structure the proposition teams case. It is important to note that when
you argue against the case and its values, you are not arguing against
the values held by the proposition team members themselves. After all,
it is unlikely in the extreme that you even know what values they introduce, let alone which of those values might match up with those present in the arguments they advance. Our point here is to entice you to
think more about how values are applied in a policy context. Liberty
interests can provide us with any number of freedoms in civil society,
but can also allow for child pornography or sex tourism, so they are not
necessarily an unqualified good.
You may have already noticed that the distinctions between language and value criticism are less than well-defined. The examples we
have used make this pretty clear: the criticism of the discourse of development is also, intrinsically, a criticism of the values embraced by the
proposition teams case. Likewise, the criticism from the perspective of
non-violence may employ instances of proposition team language to
substantiate its contention. You might talk about how the language of
deterrence is a code for threatening posturing, as in the case of
nuclear deterrence planning (which brought us such appealing concepts as Mutually Assured Destruction and winnable nuclear war).
You could also criticize the use of the language of peace as assuming
the absence of war, when in fact the deployment of troops and the
maintenance of a system of martial law are hallmarks of a state of war.
Finally (but by no means exhaustively), you might criticize the language of peacekeepers as a kind of paradoxical characterization that
functions as a convenient cover for disguising missions of war. The distinctions between critiques of language and value are less than clear.

A third kind of criticism relies on critiquing the kind of thinking that informs



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and structures the proposition teams presentation of their case for the
motion. This type of criticism can and probably should incorporate elements of value and language critiques in focusing on the systems, patterns,
and assumptive habits of thought that make the proposition teams case
possible in the first place. This is arguably the most sophisticated kind of
criticism one can advance in debate, yet it is also the most loosely defined.
When you critique the thinking of a proposition teams case, you
are essentially saying that the way they are thinking about their problem,
solution, or both is essentially bankrupt or dangerous. This conclusion
might be true for any number of reasons. Perhaps their perspective on
an issue is outdated, biased, or fundamentally incomplete. Maybe their
method for approaching the problem fails to take into account critical
factors that would, if accounted for, radically change their approach
and its results. Perhaps, because of blinders or other learned socio-cultural incapacities, they misidentify the causes of the problem they
attempt to solve. We will walk through a few examples of criticisms of
thinking to show how this might work in practice.
You can productively refute the proposition teams case by criticizing
the way of thinking that makes it possible in the first place. We are taught
in science and social science classes to think of methods of approach as
more or less neutral. We just think about a problem or a fact set, rather
than apply some kind of specific (let alone potentially nefarious) ideology
to it. Methods of thinking, particularly in science, have been traditionally
understood to be fundamentally neutral. But, as we have already established, the perspective of approach does in fact greatly change what it is
that you see when you examine a given fact set or argument. Many theorists have argued that our methods and ways of thinking should be subject to the same kind of criticism as their results.
One public policy issue that pops up often in debates is the problem of
population control. The conventional narrative about the worlds population problem is fairly predictable and standardized, and goes a little something like this: there are simply too many people on the planet and, therefore, there are not enough resources (food, fuel, drinkable water, television, Pokmon cards, etc.) to go around. This problem is getting worse all
the time, as resources (with the help of technology) at best only increase
arithmetically, while population increases geometrically (A maitre ds



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worst nightmare, perhaps: Malthus, party of 2? Malthus, party of 4?

Malthus, party of 16?). Population is the problem, according to this way
of thinking about the issue. If the number of people continues to grow,
then there will not be enough resources to go around and people will
starve, or else they will fight each other for control of valuable resources,
or else they will starve while they fight each other for control of valuable
resources. The proposed solutions therefore attempt to remedy this by
doing something about population, usually by dispersing some combination of family planning techniques. This solution is said to deal with the
problem very neatly: if there are fewer people, then there will be more
even distribution of resources.
Many people have advanced compelling critiques of this way of
thinking about the problems of population control and resource allocation. It is said that this conventional narrative fundamentally misunderstands and thereby grossly mischaracterizes the real causes of resource
shortages. Think about existing global resource distribution patterns. It
is the case that a vanishingly small percentage of the worlds population
uses a gigantic percentage of the worlds available resources. The average European, Japanese, Canadian, or U.S. citizen, for example, uses a
vastly larger amount of resources than the average Guatemalan or
Somali citizen. It may be the case that there are not enough resources to
go around, but it is important to ask why this is so. Perhaps there are not
enough resources to go around because of fundamentally unjust patterns
of allocation and not because of population.
If this is the case, we must ask a follow-up question: Why, then, are
resource shortages blamed on population excesses rather than on the
excessive and unjust consumption patterns practiced by a certain segment
of global society? Critics suggest several motives for this shift in blame. It
all has to do with assumptions that permeate the way the problem is analyzed. For example, it is not necessarily in the interests of thinkers in
industrialized nations to be critical of their own consumption habits. Also,
there is a certain naturalization that occurs whereby we assume that existing patterns of distribution and consumption exist, have existed, and are
therefore more or less inevitable and not necessarily fair game for substantive questioning. This assumption may mean that the proposed solution providing for family planning and fewer people is part of the prob199



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lem insofar as it not only fails to address the real causes of resources shortages but also serves as a rationalization for continuing the practices that
have created the problem in the first place.
By this point, you can probably see how this critical dispute might
play itself out in a debate. The proposition team makes a case for
increasing family planning aid. They say that there is a problem: too
many people, not enough resources. They say there is a solution: family planning and population control. They say that their solution
addresses the problem: It reduces the aggregate number of people.
Given the arguments made above and others you generate yourself,
you could easily construct a critique of the thinking that informs this
case. You might say first that the way the proposition team has described
the problem is fundamentally flawed. You could admit that there are, in
fact, existing and looming resource shortages, but that the proposition
team misidentifies the reasons for these shortages. This misidentification
means that the proposition teams harms contention is functionally void.
You can also argue that as a presentation it is inherently dangerous in
that it leads us to disregard the real problems of discriminatory resource
distribution and rationalized overconsumption by greedy industrialized
nations. Your reinterpretation of the text of this contention shows that it
is dubious at best, and at worst is nothing more than a bit of transparent
propaganda designed to prop up the ruling class.
You could then proceed to criticize the solution proposed by the
proposition team. You might say, as we have said with the development argument, that their misidentification of the harms undercuts
any appeal to solvency they might make: Solve what? How does
family planning solve discriminatory resource maldistribution? You
could also argue that the plan is part of the problem rather than part of
the solution insofar as it is complicit in maintaining the existing state of
affairs that causes the harm in the first place. Finally, you could argue
that the thinking that enables the case is so fundamentally flawed that
their solution could make the state of affairs worse rather than better.
Using the model weve modified for the other critique arguments, you
might frame your initial opposition argument like so:
A. The proposition teams case relies on a particular way of think200



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ing about the population problem that is wrong and dangerous.

B. Because we successfully criticize their thinking about resource
allocation and population control, we win the debate because:
1) They fundamentally misunderstand the problem, and thus
their statements of harms should be disregarded.
2) This misidentification of the harm undercuts any appeal to
solvency that they might make.
3) Their proposal is part of the problem rather than part of
the solution.
4) Their proposal will at best be unable to ameliorate the
problem. At worst, their proposal will simply make things
worse rather than better. Thus, there is a net solvency turn
for the opposition.
Sound familiar? It should. The format were using is more or less the
same all you need to do is fill in the details depending on your particular argument and the specifics of their case argumentation.
Critiques of thinking, done properly, can nullify every aspect of a
proposition teams case.
Your endeavors at criticism need not be so grandiose or far-reaching,
however. You can target criticism to just respond to specific parts of the
propositions case, e.g., you might just criticize the reasoning or thinking
that enables their solvency contention or one of their advantages. The
important thing to remember about critiquing is that it is not an argument
type that is set in stone. Critiquing, in essence, remains the same as our initial explanation: uncover a fundamental assumption of your opponents
argument and use that uncovered assumption to win the debate.

Responding to Critiquing
Disadvantages and counterplans are specific argument types with pre201



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dictable components. Thus we are able to offer fairly predictable and

stable advice to proposition teams regarding a basic method of answering these kinds of arguments. When you are debating against a disadvantage, for example, you will answer the link, the uniqueness, and the
impact. When you debate against counterplans, you will try to show
that they do not compete or are not net beneficial. Critique arguments
are not as stable and predictable as disadvantages and counterplans
they are not an argument type, per se, but are instances of a practice of
criticism. There are, thus, no generic answers that we can offer for critique arguments, and we advise you to be very suspicious of people
who say that they can. (As the old proverb goes: Beware of debate
coaches bearing wrong forum arguments.)
The best advice we can give you is to think. Take the oppositions
argument seriously and try hard to answer it on its own terms while still
using the brunt of your case as leverage against it. Remember: Critique
arguments will usually try to take your case and turn it against you.
When you think about the oppositions critique argument, try to
consider it in policy terms. Identify the way in which it is consistent
with rather than in opposition to the case. Lets say that you make a
case for limiting the governments power in a particular area. The
opposition criticizes your approach because they say that you focus
inappropriately on the state rather than thinking in opposition to a
state-centric view of policy problems and their solutions. In this
instance, you should argue that the oppositions criticism is fully consistent with your case presentation. You should say that there is no way
to eliminate the state other than to have the state eliminate itself.
Many critique arguments are ahistorical. That is, they presume that
theres been no thinking about the issue prior to the debate, when its possible that in fact the proposition team has considered the subject of criticism and has decided to introduce the plan based on that consideration
rather than in spite of it. Lets look at an example. Imagine that you make
a case for the proposition by advocating increased environmental protection. Your advantage claim might be that adoption of the plan would save
many human lives. In response, the negative team might critique your
cases alleged complicity with anthropocentrism. Anthropocentrism is a view
of the world that is centered on humans. Many environmental advocates,



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particularly those affiliated with the so-called deep ecology movement,

criticize a human-centered approach to environmental issues.
Anthropocentrism is said to be detrimental to environmental philosophies
and policies because it promotes the idea that the nonhuman world is only
valuable insofar as it is useful to protect human life, a point of view that is
arguably at the center of the current environmental crisis. The opposition
teams criticism, therefore, is potentially very serious they say that you
are only protecting the environment to save humans and thereby replicating the central error of previous environmental policy.
What should you say? You should say that you have certainly considered the serious issues of anthropocentrism. You could argue that
you do, in fact, favor policies that protect all matter (not just humans,
that is). It is, perhaps, just that the particulars of this case happen to
protect humans. The criticism is therefore ahistorical and has no foundations for its criticism of the ideas associated with the case.
The critique arguments outlined in this chapter are fairly sophisticated. They are also, alas, not necessarily representative of the majority of critique arguments that appear in debates. As a competitive
debater, you will hear many substandard disadvantages, counterplans,
and critique arguments. To this end, we want to offer a few general
things to consider when debating critiques:
It is vital that you figure out, before you answer the opposition
teams critique argument, what the implications of their criticism are
for your case. In other words, if they win their criticism, why does it
therefore follow that they win the debate? After the oppositions presentation of their argument, if you cannot discern why the critique is a
reason to reject your case, you should ask using a point of information.
This way you will be able to debate the implications of the criticism.
Often the most vulnerable part of any opposition critique argument is its implications. Any assumption of any argument can be criticized, but only the most fundamental assumptions of a proposition case
are essential to ensuring the case does not collapse. Remember Jenga?
If the opposition team only criticizes non-essential or non-fundamental
assumptions of the proposition case, the structure will remain intact
and chances are you will still be able to win that your case achieves a
clear and decisive advantage over the present system.



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Some opposition critique arguments may have only a tangential relationship to your case, and you should point this out. Some teams will make
a point of criticizing a broad system of thought i.e., colonialism, statism,
patriarchy, capitalism of which the proposition case (if they are complicit
at all) is only a small part. The opposition team will argue that the case
should be rejected because of its complicity with this larger system of
thought. In these cases, you should certainly maintain that your case is
barely, if at all, related to the overall philosophy being critiqued, and that
even if the opposition is right that capitalism (for example) is always bad, it
does not therefore follow that the plan is bad. Call this error in reasoning
what it is: the fallacy of division. Pressure the opposition team to apply their
argument specifically to the mechanics and contentions of your case.
Instruct the judge not to vote on the argument until the opposition meets at
least this minimal burden of specific proof.
Use your case. We talked about the need to use your case as a
weapon to fend off or turn disadvantages earlier. You should also use
your case to fend off or otherwise respond to critique arguments. Use
your case to demonstrate the comparative advantages that adoption of
the plan would accrue. Challenge the opposition team to show that the
consequences of adopting the plan would be worse than the harms that
would be redressed. Use empirical examples of harms and solvency to
show that the way youre thinking about the world is, in fact, sound
the opposition teams loudest protestations about social theory aside.
Above all, dont panic. Read up on social theory and various perspectives on national and international issues. Be ready to debate about
such things as political realism, feminist international relations theory,
critical race theory, queer theory, anarchism, post-colonialism, socialism, and the critiques of globalization. Be conscious of the perspective
you employ when you design your case and be ready to defend it as
well as its most fundamental assumptions. Just as you design your case
to preemptively answer common disadvantages and counterplans, so
too should you design your case to preemptively answer common critique arguments. Anticipation is one of the hallmarks of successful
debaters on both sides of a proposition and of any experience level.




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arliamentary pointspoints of information, order and privilegedistinguish parliamentary debating from other forms of interscholastic and intercollegiate debating. In parliamentary
debates, a debater may make a point while another person is speaking.
The interruption of a speech by a parliamentary point, delivered
either to the speaker holding the floor or the judge, is unusual in contest debating. In other debating formats, speaking opportunities are
limited, by rule or convention, to presentations that do not interrupt
debaters during the presentation of their speeches.
Parliamentary points provide opportunities for interactive debating. Points of information, which are available in most parliamentary
debate formats throughout the world, create a space for the debaters to
challenge arguments or ask questions of a speaker. Points of order or
privilege, which are used in several parliamentary formats, particularly in North America, allow debaters, in collaboration with a ruling



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from the judge of a debate or the designated speaker of the house, to

establish the rules for the introduction or removal of arguments from
the debate.
Points of personal privilege and points of order are infrequently
introduced in a debate, even in the parliamentary formats authorizing
their use. Points of information are a regular part of most parliamentary debates and are an important strategic tool for competitors.

Points of Information
A point of information (a. k. a., POI, pronounced as P-O-I) is a brief
statement or a question to an argument claim, example or other point
that is being made by a speaker. The point must be concisely madea
debater is typically given 15 seconds to successfully conclude a point.
A point of information, unlike the point of order or personal privilege,
is directed to the person speaking rather than to the judge or designated Speaker of the House.
In the American parliamentary debate format, points of information are permitted in the first four speechesthe constructive speeches
also popularly known as the Prime Minister Constructive, Lead
Opposition Constructive, Member of Government Constructive and
Member of Opposition Constructive. Points of information are not
permitted in either rebuttal speech. In addition, parliamentary points
are not permitted during protected time, the first minute or the last
minute of a speech that gives the speaker an opportunity to introduce
and conclude a speech without distraction or interruption.
The timekeeper, often the same person serving as the judge of the
debate, a designated Speaker of the House or a person selected as timekeeper, should signal that the opening minute of a constructive speech has
been completed, typically using a knock on the table, clap of the hands or
other noisemaking but not attention-getting device at the end of the first
minute and at the beginning of the last minute of each constructive speech.
Points of information are permitted only between these two signals. In the
British parliamentary debate format, points of information are permitted
during any of the speeches, but there is a minute of protected time at the
beginning and conclusion of each speech as in the American format.



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Points of information are requests for the speaker holding the floor
to yield time for a statement or question from the opposing side. For
this reason, the time for a point of information counts against the allotted time for the speaker holding the floor. For example, if a speaker is
delivering a seven-minute speech and a person on the opposing side
requests a point of information at the first opportunity (one minute
after the beginning of the speech or, in other terms, with six minutes of
the speech remaining) and the point is accepted, the time will continue
to run. If the point is made in 15 seconds and the speaker replies to the
point for 15 seconds for a total of 30 seconds committed to the point of
information (but I participate in debate because I thought there would
be no math), the speaker holding the floor will have five minutes and
thirty seconds remaining in her speech.
There are a number of local conventions and subtle differences
regarding the presentation of a point of information. To make a point
of information, in a conventional or generally acceptable form, you rise
and face the person speaking, indicating an intention to speak by signaling with a gesture, typically an extended hand, or by offering a verbal sign, (saying, for example, Point of information, Information,
or On that point.) The person speaking holds the floor during the
time of her or his speech. The speaker may take the point of information or refuse the request for a point. The speaker might quickly
acknowledge and agree to take a point (for example, Ill take the
point, or more simply, Yes.).
If the speaker accepts your point of information, you make your
point and sit down. Additional or follow-on statements or questions by the debater making a point are out of order. After all, the
speaker only recognizes you for a single and brief point of information, not for a sustained commentary, detailed interrogation, or
multi-part question. On the occasions in which a speaker accepts an
informational point, the speaker should carefully listen to the point
and make a decision to answer it or ignore it (more on strategic
replies to points of information below).
A speaker should be patient during the presentation of a point of
information. Although points of information ought to be brief, a 15second point of information may seem like a significant disruption to a



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speaker who has much to say and little officially permitted speaking
time for it. In other words, the recipient of a point of information is
often, unsurprisingly, impatient with an opponents presentation of a
point. To the interrupted speaker, it always seems to be the case that
the amount of time taken to make a point greatly exceeds the 15 seconds allowed by rule or convention for an informational point.
This crisis of temporality reigns in parliamentary debating
contests, despite the fact that it is surely rare for a point of information to last for a full 15 seconds, let alone exceed that time.
Interruptions of a debaters point by the person to whom the point is
addressed are as unwelcome as the prolonged point. (A recommendation: Parliamentary debaters might experiment to better understand the officially or socially approved amount of time for a person
on an opposing team to make a point of information. For example,
you might pinch yourself, or otherwise perform a painful but noninvasive or permanently scarring quasi-medical procedure, for a
timed 15-second period. Or, as a G. Gordon Liddy-like thought
experiment, you might imagine holding your hand over a candle
flame for the same fifteen-second period. It would be difficult to
believe that any debater engaged in such experiments would believe
that fifteen seconds constituted a brief or insignificant time.)
The speaker might also refuse to take a point of information. A speaker might dismiss points of information with a brief phrase (e.g., Not at this
time or No, thank you.) In some locales or parliamentary debating formats, a more curt or brusque dismissal is possible. A speaker might reject
a point of information with a quickly and strongly expressed No or may
not even respond orally, but alternatively gesture with a downward wave
of her or his hand to indicate that a debater rising for a point of information should sit down. If the person speaking declines to accept the point of
information, you must sit down immediately.
Points of information are directed to the opposing team in a debate.
Friendly questions, supportive comments, and other asides or prospective points to ones partner or, in the British format, to another team arguing the same side of a motion, are not permitted. Each speaker in the
debate should both make and accept points of information. If you fail to
make any points, it will seem that you are incapable of challenging the



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legitimacy of the ideas of your opponent. Additionally, in formats with six

or eight competitors, you might fail to engage the majority of the participants or the more salient ideas in the discussion. In other words, you
might not appear to be actively engaged in the debate.
If you decline to accept any points of information it may appear to
the judge and the audience that you fear the opponents or their arguments. On the other hand, if you accept too many points of information, you might appear to lose control of your speech. The distraction
and continuous interruption might undermine the many good arguments you might want and need to present to sustain your teams position in a debate. As the English-Speaking Unions guidebook explains:
Offering points of information, even if they are not accepted, shows
that you are active and interested in the debate. Accepting them when
offered shows that you are confident of your arguments and prepared
to defend them. A team that does neither of these is not debating.

Strategic Uses of
Points of Information
Points of information are a powerful tool for the effective debater.
They direct the judges attention to the more germane issues of the
debate. They provide opportunities for dynamic and direct clash with
opponents. Informational points are opportunities for displays of wit,
humor, and style.

Making Strategic Points of Information

Statements or Questions? Parliamentary points may be
statements or questions. In much of the world, debaters routinely use
statements or questions as points of information, choosing either a
declarative or interrogatory form, as the circumstance requires. In the
USA, the National Parliamentary Debate Association has codified the
use of informational points as statements or questions:
A debater may request a point of informationeither verbally of by
risingat any time after the first minute and before the last minute of



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any constructive speeches. The debater holding the floor has the discretion to accept or refuse a point of information. If accepted, the
debater requesting the point of information has a maximum of 15 seconds to make a statement or ask a question. The speaking time of the
debater with the floor continues during the point of information.
A statement is a preferred form of parliamentary point, if you can use
either a statement or a question to make a point. A declarative claim
reveals command of the facts and argument debate. A question more
likely indicates your lack of knowledge about one or more issues and
appears as a request of the speaker holding the floor for information. A
question, therefore, places the person making a point in an inferior and
unfavorable position relative to the person holding the floor, and exerts
a powerful persuasive influence on judges and audiences alike about
which side is winning.
Too many debaters use a somewhat tortured method of converting
statements to questions for the purpose of making a point of information. For example, a debater might make the following claim:
Speaker: The application of the death penalty is an effective deterrent to capital crimes. Research for decades has consistently shown
that states with capital punishment have lower murder rates.
You might choose to reply with a statement:
Respondent: On that point. [The point of information is accepted
by the speaker holding the floor] That same research indicates that
states that actually use the death penalty have growing rates of
capital crimes and that states with an unused death penalty have
decreasing murder rates.
This point of information challenges the factual claims of the speaker,
entirely undermining the legitimacy of the argument claim that the
death penalty deters crime. In fact, it is a proof of the opposite position,
namely, that the application of the death penalty might actually
increase the safety risk to the public.



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You could also convert the authority of this declarative point of

information and press forward with the following interrogatory:
Respondent: On that point. [The point of information is accepted by the speaker holding the floor] Isnt it true that states that
actually use the death penalty have growing rates of capital
crimes and that states with an unused death penalty have
decreasing murder rates?
The latter question simply does not confront the speakers facts in the
same way as the former point of information. The question here seems
to indicate that the respondent is unsure of the facts and requires information from an opponent. The speaker is called to reiterate or otherwise confirm a portion of her speech. The answer to this question is
tediously obvious to anyone who has observed even a few parliamentary debates. The predictable answer to the respondents question:
Speaker: Of course that isnt true. As I noted, the opposite is the case.
The transformation of powerful statement to weak question has a number of negative consequences for the debater making the point. In this
circumstance, it fails to undermine the legitimacy of the speakers argument claim about the deterrent effect of the death penalty. In fact, it
reinforces the point made by the speaker, that is, that the death penalty deters murder, a fact supported by years of social science research.
The speaker is able to support her own claim in a way that no judge
would ever miss. It is initially noted in her speech and subsequently
supported during a point of information.
In addition, the question increases the difficulty for the opposing
side to effectively refute the argument claim at a later point in the
debate. The respondent has seemingly undermined her own credibilitythe question reveals a lack of knowledge about the deterrence issue.
It appears to indicate that the respondent is not sure whether the death
penalty is an effective deterrent to capital crimes. The question appears
to indicate that the respondent might be searching for a weakness in
the speakers case but has been unable to find one.



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It would be difficult to establish an equally credible argument

regarding your knowledge of the deterrent effect of capital punishment
after asking a question indicating you might not be sure of the requisite facts. In a debate, the credibility of the speaker is essential to an
understanding of the factual material. In this sample, an opposing
teams subsequent argument about the deterrent effect of the death
penalty would have little leverage against not one, but two, authoritative claims by the speaker. And one of those authoritative claims would
have been heard during an interactive portion of the debate one of the
infrequent opportunities for the debaters to square off and confront
each other about the debates facts. In this circumstance, a judge would
be hard-pressed to agree with the respondent.

Applications for Points of Information

There are five primary purposes for points of information. Points may
be used to understand the issues presented by an opposing side, clarify the core issues of the debate, evaluate factual material, advance your
own arguments and undermine your opponents arguments.
Seeking Understanding. A point of information can be used
for understanding. In a debate, it is necessary to appreciate the arguments from the opposing side. It is not possible to make tactical decisions regarding argument selection, speech organization, and refutation without first identifying the key issues of the debate, including the
arguments initiated by opponents. It is not possible to answer arguments with which you are unfamiliar or uncertain. Points of information are available to establish a mutually shared knowledge base for
informed debating.
Informational points may be used to examine a motions interpretation, the scope of a proposition plan or opposition counterplan or
counterposition, the nature of argument and debate theory, agency
operations, the technical details of products, services and policies, and
more. Examples for each of these follow:
The notion for the debate is Bury it. Could you explain how the



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recovery of DNA from exhumed corpses supports the motion?

Your plan establishes that the United Nations ought to use peacekeeping forces to more effectively implement the requirements of the
Universal Declaration of Human Rights. Would you employ military
forces for every violation of human rights, regardless of location,
degree of the problem or the prior intervention of other peacekeeping forces?
Please describe, in a known human language, what it is you mean by
the phrase dispositional intrinsicness counter-permutation?
The World Health Organization is responsible for international
smallpox eradication. What is the WHOs position on eradication of
the smallpox virus at remaining sites and how is it carrying out that
I understand your claim that a suture, as explained from the synchronic gaps in a signifying chain, might lead to narrative dismemberment. What I dont understand is your subsequent claim that the
suture effect on a hypertextual subject in the international binding of
the docuverse might lead to diachronic discourse closure or link function fragmentations. Please explain the latter.
Points of information may additionally clarify or simplify the issues of a
debate. Debates are not occasions for disagreeable people to exchange
unpleasantries for an hour, in order to temporarily protect family, friends,
colleagues and neighbors from their acute social dysfunction, personal
insecurities and pathologies. Debates involve elements of disagreement
but they surely include areas of agreement as well.
Establishing Agreement. The clever debater (you) will want
to successfully identify issues of agreement in a debate. This tactic can
reveal the inadequacies in an opponents argument (the argument may
be based on faux difference, a near-classic argument fallacy). It might
also refocus the salient issues of difference in the respective arguments
of the debating teams, enabling the judge to better understand the
arguments that support the (potentially) winning side. It is in the interest of each participant to mark points of agreement.
In a debate on the motion, This House prefers liberty to equality,



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a generalist claim by the opening proposition speaker might profoundly influence the outcome of the debate if not carefully checked by an
opposing debater with a point of information regarding agreement.
Liberty is hardly a simple concept with a singular understanding.
There are many conceptions of liberty, some at odds with each other.
The opening proposition speaker might not clearly delineate the
various understandings of liberty (as if such a condition could be met
in a seven-minute speech without divine intervention). Although this
might be a fine strategy for the proposition team (providing considerable argument room to maneuver in their speeches, manipulating the
text of the debate for their advantage, as they cleverly adapt their arguments in the later speeches to account for the parries and thrusts of
even a talented opponent), it is clearly against the interests of the opposition team to play the same game.
The opposition team must do something to focus the discussion on
a limited set of ideas that might be successfully refuted in the allotted
time. Agreement established with a point of information may be the
solution. If the opening speaker seems to support a unifying example
of liberty interests throughout her performance (say, for example, the
independence of the individual citizen from state interference), it may
be to your advantage, as a representative of the opposing team in the
debate, to seek agreement with that expressed perspective of liberty
and seal the deal with a convincingly agreeable point of information.
Point of information. [The point of information is accepted by the
speaker holding the floor] Can we agree that liberty, in this debate,
should be exclusively understood as the independence of the individual from control, direction, or manipulation by the state?
Agreement by the parties in the debate is more likely to fix the argument positions of the teams. In other words, it is unlikely that a team
will succeed with a bait-and-switch tactic, i.e., offer an abstract initial position, receive the opposing sides argumentation on the point,
then shift the discussion to a new and strategically modified argument.
This tactic is commonly known as a shift in a debate and, despite the
consternation shifting argumentation causes its victims, it remains a



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common tactic. Agreement establishes a mutually agreed basis for

debating. The clarification with a point of information makes this
agreement apparent to your debate judge.
Such an agreement, confirmed by a point of information, compels
attention to a particular set of issues in the debate, namely those
other arguments that remain in dispute (those ideas about which
there remains disagreement). Since neither side can make effective
claims influencing the outcome of the debate with argument points that
may also be claimed by an opposing team, debaters must inevitably
address the germane issues about which they disagree. Any argument
supported by more than one team fails to create a substantive clash
between the sides of a motion that might give one of the teams a superior position in the debate (see section on uniqueness in disadvantages). Points of information that clarify issues of agreement therefore
remove issues from a judges consideration so that the debaters might
concentrate on more important and decisive matters.
Evaluating Facts. Interesting claims about history, government,
economics, politics and culture are often introduced in parliamentary
There are fifty nations in NATO.
It is not possible to have unemployment and inflation at the same
The most underdeveloped European country is Hawaii.
The United Nations was established in 1850, at the conclusion of the
First World War.
The listed claims are, quite obviously, inaccurate. (If they are not inaccurate to you, perhaps you were the person uttering one of these lines
in a recent debate. You should now know that you were, indeed, factually incorrect.)
There are other, less obvious, factual inaccuracies in many debates.
Many debaters claim to represent the factual world (at least the nonquantum one) with a knowledge base that includes a healthy dose of
misinformation, half-truths, gossip, rumors, innuendo, hearsay, official



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government or corporate propaganda, quasi-royal decrees, slander,

puffery, eyewitness accounts, hyperbolic realities, voodoo simulacra,
carnie wisdom (not to be confused with Carnie Wilson), folk psychology, reporting from the Fox News Corporation, psychic hotline notations, tarot pronouncements or a personal belief system. On some
occasions, there are even false claims in debate topics. (Adonis is the
god of vegetation, not love!)
Points of information are a superb opportunity to examine the
information of a debate. You might question the veracity of opponents fact-sets, reconsider the historical record or analyze the relevance or import of noted examples and exceptions.
Advancing Your Own Argument. A successful debater might
be able to advance her own argument during points of information
with a little bit of help from her friends. Advancement is best accomplished with a cooperative point, i.e., one that avoids the confrontational, strident, skeptical or accusatory tone often accompanying
points of information in the over-heated, electrically charged adversarial crock-pot that is modern parliamentary debate.
As most interrogators are aware, an unfriendly question is easily
anticipated and often resisted by witnesses. Many points of information are decidedly unfriendly:
Point of information. [The point of information is accepted by the
speaker holding the floor] You, madam, are deceiving the good ladies
and gentlemen assembled, not to mention the judging panel. As sure
as I have an active brain wave, there are fifty nations in NATO.
On that point. [The point of information is accepted by the speaker
holding the floor] I knew Jack Kennedy. I worked with Jack
Kennedy. And you, sir, are no Jack Kennedy.
On your reinterpretation of Mein Kampf. [The point of information
is accepted by the speaker holding the floor] Will you continue to
persist in this national socialist vision, or are there other ideas that
you will advance in the debate?
Many other debaters take a contrary and directly opposite stance to



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the argument points presented by a speaker, with little meaningful consequence for the individual advancing the point of information. This
confrontational stance essentially leaves the person making the point in
the same position as before their 15-second utterance. The point does
not matter at all, at least as substantive commentary:
Respondent: Point of information. [The point of information is
accepted by the speaker holding the floor] You claimed that
increased prosecution of drug offenses will reduce drug use. That
is not the case, nor has it ever been true.
Speaker: A new regime of criminal penalties will indeed work.
And here are the reasons as to why
A better strategy might be a leading statement or question, designed
to encourage your opponent to speak at length on an issue, rather than
have your adversary simply resist the point. (You can catch more with
a pinch of sugar than a plague of flies, or something like that. It is in
the Old Testament somewhere, or so it is rumored, gossiped, or told by
carnies and psychics.)
To advance a point of information, which might advance your
argument in the debate, you should appropriately anticipate the issues
that will be presented. Argument anticipation is a key to successful
debating. Anticipation is important in all competitive contests athletics, board games such as chess and backgammon, card games, and
other academic competitions (Model United Nations, academic
decathlon, public speaking contests, etc.).
Your success in competitive contests presumes that you will identify
the potential moves that an opponent might make and effect counters to
those moves. In an athletic contest, for example, one might anticipate a
physical move by an opponent and use a feint or misdirection to avoid her.
In a board game, such as chess, victory is typically predicated on a players ability to anticipate the direction of play eight, nine, ten or more moves
in advance. In debates, consistent success requires anticipation of the
issues that will be argued in the contest. Effective debaters should know,
with some degree of confidence, many of the issues that will be introduced
in a debate before the opening speech.



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How can a debater anticipate opponents issues and, subsequently,

their own replies to those arguments? It is a relatively simple matter.
You should initially consider the arguments that you will introduce in
the debate. Then imagine the manner in which your opponent will
respond to each of your arguments. Ask yourself the following question: What will my opponent say when I make this argument in the
debate? The answers to this question will successfully reveal many of
your opponents arguments.
Once you have identified the likely rejoinders to your arguments in
the debate, it is then necessary to consider the moves you will make to
answer those claims. At this point, ask yourself the following question:
What will I say when they present their answers to my first arguments? This, of course, will provide the appropriate arguments to
address the replies to your initial argument set. It is then possible to
repeat these two relatively modest, yet vitally important questions to
account for all the speeches of a debate.
In this way, a debate can be scripted before it starts. Scripting
does not mean the elimination, or even the serious reduction, of extemporaneous debating. After all, it is extraordinarily rare to anticipate all
of your opponents arguments. Opponents, although too often despised
or feared, are hardly that transparent. A number of unanticipated
issues will surely enter the overwhelming majority of your debates. At
the same time, scripting or argument anticipation abets the debater
who is able to address the concerns of the opponent (and the judge)
before the debate starts.
Advancing an argument through a point of information relies on
argument anticipation. In a debate, you will successfully anticipate
some of your opponents arguments and prepare your answers to them.
You would like to make sure that you are able to introduce your arguments with necessary legitimacy and credibility.
You should craft a point of information, which will enable your
opponent. In other words, your point will appear to be friendly, inviting
your opponent to respond. The point will get your opponent to speak. In
fact, your opponent will not just speak to the point your opponent will
embrace the properly worded friendly point. Like many relationships,
however, there is something funny about the friend.



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The point of information, as an example of advancing your own

argument, bonds the point to the speaker in the speakers own words.
It is a dysfunctional connection, to be sure, but one created and nurtured by your opponent. For the speaker receiving the point, there is
no escape from her newly announced co-dependent relationship and,
like many relationships with a hint of dysfunction, it will not take long
(just until your next speech) to reveal to those assembled that there is
a serious and lurking problem.
In the following example, we will presume that the proposition
team has presented a case advocating that the federal government of
the USA should significantly expand its school breakfast and lunch
program, providing nutrition supplements to needy children:
Respondent: Point of information. [The point of information is
accepted by the speaker holding the floor] But the federal school
breakfast and lunch program doesnt provide a comprehensive
diet. It doesnt even include dairy, does it?
Speaker: Yes, it does include dairy. It provides all the necessary
components of a daily nutritional supplement.
In this example, you, as respondent to a speaker holding the floor, have
introduced a point of information that has encouraged the speaker to
say precisely what is needed to advance your arguments indicating
1. Dairy products exacerbate the incidence of childhood asthma;
2. The inclusion of dairy products reduces immunity to bacterial
infections. As dairy farmers add antibiotics to livestock feed to
protect their herds, the medication is passed, through the consumption of dairy products, to consumers and the addition
both generates antibiotic-resistant strains of germs and
increases the tolerance of the immune system to particular
drugs, reducing antibiotics effectiveness; and
3. Many children, particularly those of African or Asian
descent, are lactose intolerant. A dairied diet is insufficiently culturally sensitive, unhealthy and inedible for many of the



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children for whom the federal school breakfast and lunch

program is designed.
These issues, anticipated before the debate, are secured with a point of
information. The proposition speaker, in reply to the point of information, has established a clear relationship between the plan of action in
the opening speech that endorses a significant increase in the federal
school breakfast and lunch program, and a diet that includes dairy
product. This relationship, or link, is more than enough to serve as a
foundation for the opposition arguments listed here, as well as many
more. The opposition is now in a superior position to advance its own
interests in the debate because a point of information encouraged the
opposing side to speak on an issue, albeit in a predictable way.
Undermining Your Opponents Argument. We will preface this section on applications of points of information in order to note
that this last task, undermining your opponents arguments, is the most
challenging of all. Points of information are different from the Spanish
Inquisition or Salem Witch Trials. For example: no dunking. The
opposing side must have the approval of the speaker holding the floor
to make a point. Only one point may be made there are no opportunities for a series of questions or an open forum. The speaker may
choose to answer the point or might dismiss the issue from the other
side entirely. In addition, speakers are notoriously skeptical of debaters
making points of information and are ready to resist any unexpected
(even well-anticipated) point. In other words, the person making a
point of information is not in a strategic position to elicit a confession,
admission or disclosure from the speaker. It is highly unlikely that a
person making a point will be able to rhetorically disrobe a speaker.
There are, however, some opportunities to effectively counter the
claims of the speaker. These include challenges to the logical construction of arguments, the presentation of counterexamples or the critical
examination of fact sets.
A challenge to the logical construction of an argument (an investigation of causality or the revelation of an argument fallacy, for
example) might undermine the extant argument point by the speak220



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er. In a debate on the need for development assistance in the form of

capital development projects in the Sudan to spur economic growth
and relieve human misery, the opposing side might offer the following point:
Respondent: On the Sudan. [The point of information is accepted
by the speaker holding the floor] The proximate cause of human
misery in the Sudan is a multi-year drought and a civil war
between Christian and Muslim factions. Development assistance,
particularly capital intensive projects, will do nothing to forestall
hunger and disease from lack of potable water. These new projects
will only increase the violence of the civil war, as participants
struggle for the few incoming dollars.
Using points of information to undermine an opponents argument is a
worthy tactic, but a difficult one to accomplish in serious debates.

Avoiding the Rule of Three

This is a misnomer. There is no Rule of Three. Some debate coaches
teach as if such a rule exists. It does not. Let us clarify: In parliamentary debate, there is no Rule of Three. No such rule. Number of
Rules of Three in parliamentary debating zero. For those readers
still uncertain about this issue, we will conclude with the following,
Why, then, is it important to discuss a non-existent rule? Perhaps
in a wistful manner that echoes belief in Oz or Atlantis, some debate
coaches do believe the rule exists. So do a number of judges.
Unfortunately, some debaters perpetuate the myth of its existence. It
is, therefore, important to understand what it is and how one might
avoid it.
Some debaters, coaches, and judges, primarily but not exclusively
in the USA, believe that a speaker holding the floor is obliged to accept
three, but no more than three, points of information. Some of them
extend the faux rule in this way: They believe that a team may attempt
only three points of information during speeches. Neither is accurate.



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Debate teams may attempt any number of points of information

during the non-protected time of opponents speeches (after the first
minute of the speech and before the last minute of the speech). You are
not limited in any way in the number of attempts. No parliamentary
debate community places a restriction on informational attempts
because the speaker holds the floor and must approve any points of
information. The speaker may accept or refuse points in a strategic
manner during her presentation. The speaker controls the introduction
of points of information from opponents and does not need the institutional protection of a formal rule.
In practice, debaters in the USA train their judges and coaches in
the Rule of Three. Debaters are likely to reply to points of information this way:
I will take your first question.
I will take your second question.
I will take your third and final question.
This overly rehearsed and mechanically delivered set of responses
offers poor instruction to inexperienced judges. To begin, the listed
replies presume that points of information are interrogatories. Wrong.
As discussed above, points of information may be either statements or
questions (and clever debaters would, for noted reasons, prefer the
point of information as a statement.)
This approach also makes the error that the speaker holding the
floor controls the number of attempts that might be made by the opposing side. Although the speaker is able to accept or refuse points, he or
she is not authorized to dictate the number of attempts made by another team. The opposing side may, if desired, continue to make attempts.
The fact that a speaker holding the floor might decide to preemptively
refuse later points during her speech does not mean that there will be
no meaningful need for informational points. The speaker might present confusing arguments, inaccurate facts or technical details of a
product or public policy. Any of these circumstances or many additional issues of controversy and concern could prompt an attempt by
an opposing team.



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Too often, points of information are poorly presented. The statements or questions meekly quibble with the argument claims and evidence of a speaker. In these circumstances, it is in the interest of the
speaker to accept more than three points because it reveals her superior argument ability or demonstrates her model debating skills. It does
not make sense to arbitrarily limit the number of points of information
to three, when taking more points will help improve the odds of winning or gaining favor with the judge for higher individual marks.
In parliamentary debating, particularly regarding points of information, three is definitely not a magic number. Debaters should be
free to raise points and accept or refuse them at will. Practice and
debate convention might suggest that taking three points during a
speech is good form but this is in no way an obligation of any debate
institution or format.

Manner during Points of Information

Attitude. Debaters should present information in a clear, relatively
dispassionate manner during points of information. This recommendation applies equally to the person making the point and the speaker holding the floor. Debates are, by nature, adversarial. Competition, particularly at renowned invitational or intervarsity tournaments, including
national or world championships, potentially increases participants anxiety and tension between teams. Points of information, because they constitute an interactive portion of the debate, are an occasion for desperate,
hostile, or confrontational stances that might spill over into open conflict.
Debaters must keep in mind that points of information are not an opportunity to vent frustration on the opposing side. Rather, they are an occasion for further communication with the judge(s).
A debate judge is likely to hold both parties (the person making the
point of information and the speaker holding the floor) responsible for
the breakdown of effective communications during points of information. It is unwise to antagonize the judge with unreasonable, petty,
immature, mean, or small-minded behavior. An appropriate understanding of the role of communication in debate ought to remedy
judges behavior.



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As in any setting, communication in debates is effective when the

message is delivered to the appropriate decision-maker. In the overwhelming majority of debates, the decision-maker is a single judge or a
panel of several judges. There are exceptions, including decisions by a
vote of the full audience assembled in a debating chamber, combination
of experienced or officiallyselected judges or an internet or other broadcast audience. In other circumstances, the audience may be the actual
decision-maker, even if there is a panel of judges with the responsibility
to adjudicate the debate. Debaters should make every effort to provide
information to the decision-makers and should largely ignore the effectiveness of their communication with their opposing side. This is not the
same as the old adage Never argue with an idiot. Your opponents
might be quite respectful, honorable and intelligent. It is simply the case
that the opposing side is not in a position to issue the final verdict on the
merits of your arguments in the debate and you would not want them to
do so even if they could. It will be a conflict of interest.
It will undoubtedly be the case that there is little satisfaction in
speaking with an opposing side in a debate. For one thing, they oppose
you. Your appeals to their rationality, humanity or general decency are
likely to fall on deaf ears. They are extraordinarily unlikely to concede
the debate to you, even in dire circumstances for them. It is inevitably
the case that any communicative appeal to the opposing side will be
less than gratifying.
Of course, direct communication with the opposing side may
unleash the dogs of war. Little good can come of interpersonal conflict
with other debaters. You should be careful to avoid any openings for
this unpleasantness.
Instead you should focus attention on the person or persons actually making a decision on the outcome of the debate the debate judge.
The presentation of a point of information, although directed to a
speaker holding the floor, is an opportunity for supplemental information to the judge. The superior debater should employ points of information that will use (in this case, exploit, besmirch, manipulate or
make dirty) the other side, treating them as foil, patsy, dupe, or pawn
as you make effective efforts to communicate with the judge (examples
follow later in the chapter). The suggested approach information to



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the judge rather than to the speaker holding the floor is more likely
to reduce hostile or impotent communication during attempted points.
Gesticulation. Local conventions will determine the forms for the
presentation of a point of information. These forms include, but are not
limited to, the following. A person attempting a point of order will:
rise and say Point of information.
rise and extend an open hand.
rise and extend an open hand and say Point of information.
rise and extend one open hand, while placing the other hand on her
rise and extend one open hand, while placing the other hand on her
head and say Point of information.
rise and extend one open hand, while placing the other hand on her
head and say Point of information. At the same time, the debater
must position either foot on the shoulder of her partner, strike a
match and touch her belt buckle not once, not twice, but thrice.
Rumor has it that a pony is involved somehow.
Unnecessary, inappropriate or anachronistic gestures can confound an
audience. Several of these forms are at odds with local cultural practice
and history. Several others might fit a particular space, time or zoo facility but are poor intercultural models. (The latter examples constitute
obscene or offensive gestures in some regions the world. Other gestures,
for example, the less and less popular maneuver involving placing a hand
on the hand to hold in place an invisible powdered wig, seem out-of date
and out-of-place. Okay, okay, we get it. You are a little teapot.)
The selection of the form of presentation of a point of information
is an appropriate escalatory tactic for those occasions when you want
or need to make a point and the speaker holding the floor continues to
refuse your attempts. The initial attempt of an informational point
ought to be minimalist the person making the point should rise and
make no other verbal or physical moves. If the point is refused, the
second attempt should be more demonstrative, e.g., the person making



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the point should rise, saying Point of information in a clear, loud but
measured tone. If the second attempt is also refused, the third attempt
might add an extended open hand, a gesture clearly asking, perhaps
imploring, the speaker to recognize you.
These verbal and physical escalations make it apparent to the judge
that the speaker is ignoring your attempts at making a point. The judge
will not think less of your performance if she identifies that the failure
to make a point is at the speakers exercised discretion and not because
your attempts failed. The judge may also hold it against the speaker for
her refusal to engage you.
If your first attempt in the debate throws in every statement and
gesture in the known POI world hands outstretched and on head
with an additional verbal cue that you are delivering a point of information, (the latter comment evidently announced to provide a contrast with the other moments during opponents speeches when you
rise to strike an awkward or eccentric pose) you have eliminated your
ability to engage in escalatory tactics (as fatal in parliamentary debating as it is in high-stakes international negotiations or nuclear deterrence posturing). Save the ballet for those times during opposing side
speeches when a point of information must be made.
Humor and Heckling. Yes, by all means, do it. But be careful.
When required, negotiate the issue with judges before competition or
a round of debate begins. All judges admire wit, cleverness and humor.
Many prefer heckling. Some, however, believe heckling is boorish,
crude and disruptive. Please discuss the issue of heckling during points
of information with judges, area coaches, and fellow debaters if you are
unfamiliar with the local debate conventions or the judges.
There are different heckles that you might successfully employ during points of information. Lets face it. Speakers holding the floor are, at
best, reluctant witnesses. They have decidedly pained or unfavorable
reactions to most points of information. They do not want disruptions
during their all-too-important arguments and they certainly do not want
successful challenges to their analytical reasoning or factual claims.
There is an even more serious problem for the successful competitor. Parliamentary debate is a team event. There are as few as two and



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as many as four teams in the overwhelming majority of the worlds parliamentary debating contests. If your opponents detect that you are a
superior debater to your partner or the members of another opposing
team, and that you display a flair for the incisive and witty remark, it
is likely that you will have few of your attempts at informational points
accepted. More likely that your partner (not a dullard but not as brilliant a competitor as you) or, in the British format, a representative of
the other team on your side of the motion, will make successful
attempts. The other debaters will make an effort to freezeout the talented debater, answering questions or responding to statements from
the weaker participants (debate is about looking good relative to
opponents, after all). Heckling the speaker, not in lieu of but in conjunction with attempts at points of information might be the only
option for you.
Heckling of this type takes the form of a request for a point of
information. Typically, debaters providing a verbal cue for their point
of information will offer one of two popular expressions:
Point of information.
On that point.
It is possible to vary the language of the attempt, subtly including an
argument in a brief statement, that is, three- or four- word verbal
announcement of the point. A classic heckle. You might say the following in an attempt to make a point regarding your criticism of the
factual foundation of an opponents argument:
Point of reality.
Perhaps you are tired of your opponents business-as-usual, conventional restatements of government decrees and pronouncements as the
final word in public policy. It is possible to attempt a point of information with the following:
On that official propaganda.



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Likewise, you might begin a point after listening to an opponent prattle

on about the dangers of unsupervised artists or treacherous journalists:
On your impression of General Pinochet.
In these cases, it does not matter if the speaker holding the floor
accepts or refuses the point. If the speaker accepts your point, you will
make it. If the speaker refuses the point, however, the damage is still
done. You have made an argument about the credibility of the information or the speaker and the judge will take that claim into consideration (perhaps in a subconscious or unconscious way, if not an obvious
one). This tactic allows a debater to make a point even in those circumstances when the point of information is refused.
Another effective strategy for heckling during points is to heckle the
reply from the speaker holding the floor to your point. To briefly review,
the speaker will only recognize you for a single point. No commentary.
No multi part questions. No follow-up questions or cross-examination.
Certainly, no dialogue. How, then, is it possible to have the final word on
the point, avoiding the ever-so-cute replies from speakers as they signal
that they are never troubled by any issue brought to them during a point
of information (I am glad you asked that question. There you go
again. Oh, you could not be more wrong.)?
The short answer: a brief heckle as they conclude their reply to a
point of information. It might be executed in this manner:
On the motion This House would use force to make peace, an
opening speaker for the proposition might argue for military intervention by the United States of America to promote nation-building and
deter military aggression.
Respondent: On that point. [The point of information is accepted
by the speaker holding the floor] The United States of America
should never engage in military intervention. It produces local and
regional violence and undermines stability. The experience in
Vietnam proves it.
Speaker: If there is a clearly stated military mission in collaboration with international support, as well as nation-building and



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humanitarian aid, intervention can work. The Marshall Plan,

which included military forces to provide security and stability in
Western Europe at the conclusion of the Second World War, combined with development and humanitarian assistance, promoted a
progressive and independent Europe.
Respondent: [as she seats herself] Same inputs, different results,
in Somalia.
This tactic may prove to be a particularly effective one. It offers an
effective reply to the point made by the speaker holding the floor. (It
advances clash and an additional example in the debate). But it does so
much more.
In the typical case, the opposing side makes a point of information
and the speaker holding the floor offers a reply. If the speaker is has
the requisite intellectual dexterity of the substantial majority of parliamentary debaters, the point is effectively countered. This is not a neutral position. Due to the linear nature of debating contests (a steady
line of call-and-response to argument points), judges tend to consider
the authority of arguments from the last word on the subject (all other
things being equal, of course. According to a number of participants in
debate communities, judges easy reliance on the authority of opinion
from the most recent utterance of a debate speaker is not related to the
linear construction of debate argumentation but to the absence of midand long-term memory of judges. The authors do not approve of this
sort of criticism of judges. As the authors, as well as debaters everywhere know, many judges also have serious shortcomings regarding
short-term memory.)
What does this tactic mean in the course or outcome of a debate?
The speaker holding the floor has an edge relative to the person making a point of information. A satisfactory reply by a speaker, even a
near-satisfactory reply, is usually enough to win the point for the
speaker in the eye, heart, mind or other fleshy organs of the judge. A
successful heckle from a respondent might, therefore, effectively
counter the tendencies of judges to favor speakers.
In addition, a respondents heckle leaves the speaker with a thorny
problem. If the speaker replies to the opponents commentary, she has



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probably spent much too much time on the point. The point then constitutes a genuine distraction for the speaker, undermining the points
to be made for an effective speech. If the speaker does not respond to
the heckle, an effective reply might win the point for the respondent.

Responding to Points of Information

To be brief, be brief. Points of information should not distract from the
message of the speaker. Even relevant points may not be require much
of an answer. They may not have sufficient import or significance.
They may be relevant to the discussion but irrelevant to the issues of
proof for or against a motion.
Be brief but be clear. Let the judge know that you understand the
objection or question and that you have presented a fully satisfactory
rejoinder. Do not return to your speech if the judge is not convinced of
the replyshe will continue to think of (perhaps obsess over) your
reply, reducing your ability to effectively communicate the next set of
info-bits in your speech (you want the judge to actively think along
with your presentation in real-time, not focus on past content.)
Avoid the rhetorical traps of the maladjusted speaker. Abandon the
Rule of Three. Avoid rejecting points by saying Not at this time. (It
only encourages your opponent to rise moments later. Is this a good
time? Or moments after that. Is this a good time? Not at this time.
Or nanoseconds after that. How about now? Is this a good time?
Not at this time.) It is quite obviously better to say, No. Direct.
Clear. Evident. Dont worry about hurting their feelings. And if they
are that sensitive, they probably needed the push to therapy. So be
proud of your work, you Samaritan.
Take points during argument transitions. This tactic minimizes the
distraction of the point. First, complete your argument. At the conclusion of your argument, pause, just briefly, to create some rhetorical
space for a point of information. (You are, in effect, inviting a point of
information at this time, at your convenience.)
Before the introduction to your next major point, if an opportunity presents itself, take a point.



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Respondent: Point of information.

Speaker: No, thank you. [The speaker holding the floor refuses to
take the point. The respondent sits and the speaker continues with
her presentation.] In conclusion, the risks of chemical and biological
weaponization and proliferation are today greater than the risks associated with the use of more traditional weapons of mass destruction
and terrornuclear weapons. I will now take your point.
This tactic effectively controls the delivery of points of information to
those times in the speech with the least distracting or confusing effect.
It is often the case that the respondent, the person making the point,
has forgotten the informational point by the time she is called to stand
and deliver. Making your opponent seem forgetful and ineffectual is a
real plus:
Respondent: Point of information.
Speaker: No, thank you. [The speaker holding the floor refuses to
take the point. The respondent sits and the speaker continues with
her presentation.] In conclusion, the risks of chemical and biological
weaponization and proliferation are today greater than the risks associated with the use of more traditional weapons of mass destruction
and terrornuclear weapons. I will now take your point.
Respondent: Thats okay. I dont have a point.
Those responding to points of information should prepare retorts to
objectionable, obstructionist and other distractions. As previously noted,
there are circumstances in which the adversarial nature of the format is
confused in the minds (?) of some competitors they become more
aggressive and anxious with points of information as the interactive
opportunity for vengeance. (Old debate proverb: If you come home during a point of information seeking revenge, dig a grave for two.) Humor
is not necessarily the result of these interpersonal confrontations tension and conflict are more likely. Be prepared and judicious. It is easy to
antagonize an opponent, as well as the judge and assembled audience,
with an opportunistic and caustic comment. Any such reply should



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loosely abide by dictates better associated with the history of just war
theory: It should be defensive, reactionary, and proportional.
Please sit down. We would all like to stay awake for a few more
Please sit down. You satisfactorily embarrassed yourself last time.
No, thank you. I am trying to protect your dignity (or credibility).
There are some things that go without saying. Would you mind
being one of them?
Points of information are often the ally of the speaker holding the floor.
It is possible to dismiss the point as an empty gesture from a confused
opponent or to use the point to your strategic advantage (i.e., almost
any direct and effective reply is counted as a victory). You might be
able to consider the point a straight line, using a reply as the punch
line to make light of an opponent or her ideas.
These tactical advantages are available to you because you hold the
floor. The point of information is a valuable but limited tool. Speakers
have the time to respond to even well-expressed points and should be
ready to do so.

Suggested Exercises:
1. Take daily press clippings or an article from a weekly periodical
on a public policy issue or other substantive matter. Make photocopies of the document and distribute to each of participant.
Have each of the participants analyze the story and propose
areas of critical investigation. Can the information be challenged
for its historical, economic, social, cultural, political or other
commentary? Have students explain their criticism of the issue
or press commentary of the issue.
This exercise trains students in critical evaluation of factual
information. An examination of opponents facts is the basis for
the majority of points of information.
2. Present a case study or historical example. Have students ana-




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lyze the example. Have students identify counterexamples or

supporting examples for the case study.
This exercise provides a model for one of the more effective
counters as a point of informationthe disagreeable example.
The opposing side in a debate, using a point of information,
might be able to entirely undermine any abstract claim or cleverly expressed theory with powerful empirical counterexample.
These examples are certainly necessary when your opponent
has his or her own effective examples.
3. Take a passage from a speech or have a debater present a threeor four-minute extemporaneous speech on a narrow motion. All
others assembled will prepare a point of information and make
attempts to enter them during the brief speech.
This exercise provides real-time training in the creation of
points of information. It also teaches floor management for the
speaker, who will inevitably receive a significant number of
points of information but will need to maintain her composure
and effectively deliver one or two substantive arguments.
4. Create two teams of equal numbers of debaters (the exercise
works best with four to six debaters per side). Have a debater
present a seven-minute speech on a narrow motion. The teams
then alternate sides, delivering points of information in turn.
Each debater has to make a point within a set period of time (typically, 15 or 20 seconds). No points may be repeated. If a
debater is repeats or is otherwise unable to make a point, she is
removed from the competition. Debaters are removed for frivolous points as well. At the conclusion of the speech, another
round begins with the remaining competitors. The last side with
participants wins the contest.


Unlike points of information, those parliamentary points directed to
the opposing side in a debate, a point of order or point of privilege
involves a rules or convention violation and is directed to the Speaker



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of the House for an immediate ruling. These points are included in the
rules of American parliamentary debating and some other debating
formats but they are excluded from the British parliamentary format
and many other parliamentary debate forms.
The speaker holding the floor does not have the option to refuse or
accept these points; consequently, these points do not count against his
or her speaking time. The timekeeper stops time during a point of
order or privilege and resumes the time at the conclusion of the ruling
on the point by the Speaker of the House.

Points of Order
A point of order when there is an alleged formal violation of the debates
rules. You may rise on a point of order when a member of the opposing
team violates a rule. As there are few rules in parliamentary debating,
points of order are usually reserved for the presentation of a new argument in rebuttals or when a speaker goes over his or her time limit.
To make a point of order, the person rises from her seat and interrupts the speaker holding the floor, typically saying, Point of order.
The timekeeper stops the clock and the person states the point to the
Speaker of the House, explaining the rules violation. Local convention
primarily guides the administration of these points but one of the following is likely to occur:
A judge listens to the point and issues a ruling on it.
The speaker holding the floor immediately begins to debate the point
and directs this information to the Speaker of House. Nonetheless,
many debaters do not adhere to any stipulation that points of order
are not to be debated. The majority of judges seem to encourage a
reply regarding the point from the speaker holding the floor. After
brief argument from both sides, the judge issues a ruling on the point.
The judge (or designated Speaker of the House) might question the
person making the point, analyzing the information pertaining to the
rules violation. In this circumstance, the judge will not permit commentary on the point from the side receiving the point of information
but may function as proxy for that side or as Grand Inquisitor, care234



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fully considering the merits of the point before issuing a ruling.

At the conclusion of the point of order or subsequent argument on the
point, the judge will issue one of three rulings:
Point well taken.
Point not well taken.
Point taken under consideration.
If the judge rules, Point well taken, the person making the point wins
it, meaning that the opposing side is, in fact, in violation of the rules.
The offending speaker should immediately cease his or her violation. If
the issue involves a new argument in the rebuttal speeches, the speaker should abandon the new argument and move to another reply or a
different point of contention. If the speaker is over their allotted time,
he or she should hastily conclude their speech.
A judge may use successful points during the deliberation of the
outcome and assignment of individual speaking scores. It is rare,
indeed, that a successful point of order will tip the balance of the
debate for a team based solely on the merits of having won a point.
Winning a point of order is unlikely to trump the substantive information from the major speeches in a debate. Success with several points
of order, however, might indicate to a judge that one side is unable to
engage in effective argumentation without introducing a considerable
number of new issues in the rebuttal speeches. This factor may influence the judges final deliberation.
It is more likely that successful points of order will improve the individual speaker points of a person advancing these winning challenges and
may reduce the points of a speaker who violates the debating rules.
Points of order may be instrumental to the outcome of debates in a
different way. These points function as gatekeepers they permit
access for some ideas and exclude others from the discussion. Your
well-taken point could exclude a new argument from a speaker on the
opposing team that might do great damage to a potentially winning
argument for your side. Likewise, a successful point might end a
speech from a debater in need of additional (and illegitimate) time to



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decisively answer your arguments. Points of order can influence the

substantive matter of the debate and the debates outcome.
If a point is not well taken, the person making the point has lost
the issue. The ruling from the judge or designated Speaker of the
House means that the speaker is not violating the standing rules of
debating and may continue with her speech. A judge may hold repeated failures of points of order against the person making them.
The introduction of points not well taken is a serious matter.
Points of order are usually reserved for rebuttal speeches (the single most common violation of the rules is the presentation of new
argumentation in rebuttals). Rebuttal time in the American parliamentary debate format, for example, is approximately one-half of
the allocated time for the constructive speeches. The rebuttal
speakers must review the entire debate in that brief time and
cogently express the final winning points for their side. Any interruption or distraction is disappointing to the speaker and its mere
presence may influence the outcome of the debate.
Points without merit may do as much damage as a well-taken
point, as they sufficiently intrude on a brief but critically important
speech. As a consequence, judges are more likely to have a strong negative reaction to failed points of order and may take appropriate and
hostile actions, such as factor the failed points into their decision making or reduce the individual speaker points.
In more and more contemporary debates, judges issue rulings to
take points under consideration, meaning that a judge will not issue
an immediate ruling on the point. The judge will wait until the conclusion of the debate and evaluate the point at that time. The point will be
one of many factors in the judges deliberation, which, in most debates,
is private. The debaters may never know how the judge dispensed with
the point of order.
The reason that judges take points under consideration is that it
is often a challenging endeavor to make an immediate ruling from
the chair. In some cases, a ruling is evident. If a speaker has eight
minutes to make a speech and has used nine minutes and a person
on the opposing side offers a point of order and states that speaking
overtime is against the rules, it is quite a simple matter for a judge



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to issue a point well-taken ruling. It is a more complex consideration, for example, for a judge to listen to a debate featuring dozens
of arguments and examples for 30 minutes or more, and, with only
a moment for deliberation, issue as decisive and fair ruling regarding the newness of an issue.
New arguments in rebuttals can be vexing issues. Judges often want
to get the decision right. At the very least, they do not want to make a
public pronouncement that is clearly wrong. It is better decision for
many judges to devote some time for deliberation on points of order.
What do you do when a judge announces point taken under consideration? This decision presents challenges for speakers. For example, you are delivering the final rebuttal speech in a debate. You present an argument that you believe is a logical extension of an argument
from your partners earlier speech. A member of the opposing team
rises on a point of order, stating that your position is a new argument.
You are permitted to respond to the point and the judge patiently listens to both the point and your reply and then states: Taken under
consideration. What to do? Should you continue with that portion of
your speech as if you have won the point? The judge has not stopped
your presentation by issuing a different ruling. But what if the judge
ultimately decides in favor of the point of order? In that case, your
argument will be ruled out of consideration. You will have then wasted important time in your final stand discussing an issue that will play
no role in the outcome of the debate.
Should you dispute the point of order itself after a non-committal
taken under consideration ruling is issued by the judge? Is it appropriate to answer the argument of the point of order by trying to establish that your argument was a logical extension of a previously established issue when your speaking time resumes? Will the judge think
you are taking advantage of your opponent, that you are arguing the
point of order after the judge has closed argumentation on the point
with her ruling?
This confusion may be a reason to dispense with the point of
order altogether. Judges or designated Speakers of the House
increasingly decide the issue in private and after the debate has concluded. New arguments, both those marked in a formal way during



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the course of the debate and other new arguments identified by the
judge, are almost always excluded by the judge during deliberation.
Judges do not want to include new rebuttal arguments in their decisions. They do not believe that the presentation of new issues so late
in the contest adds to the quality of the debate nor is it fair to the
participants on the other side (the victims, if you will, of this dastardly tactic or debate malfeasance). Because judges are already predisposed to ignore new arguments, it is evident that debaters do not
genuinely require the protection of this particular parliamentary rule
the point of order.
Of course, debaters do not get much protection anyway, if the
judge issues a point taken under consideration ruling. As previously
described, this ruling only confuses the matter and confounds the
debater, leaving the speaker with unsavory options during a speech
with little time and lots of important work to do. Points that distract
participants from effective summaries of the contests salient issues are
probably not worth keeping.

Points of personal privilege

A point of personal privilege suggests an egregious personal violation
by the opposing team in a debate and may be another case of an unnecessary parliamentary point. It is about bad behavior. It is not a rules
violation per se.
You may rise on a point of personal privilege during an opponents
speech in two circumstances: (1) The speaker holding the floor has
made boorish, crude or insulting remarks directed at you or (2) Your
position has been seriously misstated by the speaker. Like a point of
order, a point of personal privilege is directed to the judge or designated Speaker of the House for a ruling. All other general guidelines
regarding points of order apply, including the administration of the
point of personal privilege. In response to a point of personal privilege,
one of the following will occur:
A judge listens to the point and issues a ruling on it.
The speaker holding the floor will immediately begin to debate the



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point with the person accusing her of a rules violation. After brief
argument from both sides, the judge issues a ruling on the point.
The judge (or designated Speaker of the House) might question the
person making the point, analyzing the information pertaining to the
rules violation.
A point of personal privilege is not available as a parliamentary point
in many debating formats. Even when expressly authorized by the
rules, it is quite infrequently employed. It is almost never used to
counter crude commentary from an opposing speaker. You do have
points of information and speeches to respond to any venting or hostility from your opponent in the debate and we do not recommend a
response in kind to boorishness. It seems a bit extreme to unbosom
yourself to the judge and request the chairs protection, a rhetorical
defense shield, from your opponents.
A point may also be made to avoid a misstatement from the opposing side. Misstatement from the opposing side? This also seems unlikely. Compared to many public speakers, including professional speakers, debaters are articulate, organized, and cogent. Speeches include a
certain amount of redundancy to make a comprehensive argument (if
the analysis of an issue is unclear, the supporting historical or empirical example or other evidence usually is sufficient to sort it out). There
is little likelihood of a misstatement so fundamentally at odds with a
presentation that it needs to be met with a parliamentary point.
Points of personal privilege are sometimes used to produce a tactical advantage. An experienced debater might argue that an opponents
refutation to her argument claim is nothing other than a misstatement
of the issue. She would then seek a ruling on a point of personal privilege to effectively eliminate an argument reply. But debating includes
the manipulation of the rhetoric of an opponent. A misstatement is not
very different from, and may be precisely the same thing as, a powerful rejoinder. Points of personal privilege may exploit the judge to
accomplish that which a debater ought to do on her own, namely, argue
issues effectively with the opposing side.
Points of order and personal privilege are troublesome additions to




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parliamentary debating. Although it is possible to use them judiciously

to address select and important violations of rules or conduct, they are
seldom employed in that manner. Common rulings from the chair (e.g.,
taken under consideration) amplify problems with these points.
Debaters would do well to limit the use of these points to extraordinarily serious breaches of rules or conduct, those rare violations that
could profoundly affect the outcome of a debate.




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Performance and Speaking


arliamentary debaters must be good public speakers. It is not

enough to merely have the right argument at the right time. To
be persuasive, you must present your arguments with authority and credibility. You must win over the good will of your audience.
How can you accomplish this? Public speaking, like argumentation, is
more of an art than a science. Good public speakers have many practices and habits in common; however, they also embrace their own
unique and individual styles. Think of the good public speakers you
may have seen or heard. Barbara Jordan and Winston Churchill were
both powerful, inspirational speakers. They had different ideas and different persuasive techniques. They sounded and gestured differently.
Their speeches were organized in different ways to different effects.
Yet both were able to motivate groups of people to act on their propositions.
Public speaking is an exercise in both content and performance.
You may have the best arguments, the best examples, and the best evi-




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dence to substantiate your side in a debate, but if your performance is

poor, you may still fail to persuade an audience. Just as you should
research and think critically about your arguments, so you should
practice and think critically about your performance.
Initially, you should endeavor to speak clearly and at an appropriate
volume. Speakers who mumble or otherwise mutter incomprehensibly
may puzzle or annoy an audience, but will rarely be able to persuade
them. Just as you should not mumble under your breath while speaking,
so too should you not YELL AT THE JUDGE AT THE TOP OF
YOUR LUNGS. Audiences do not like to be berated or otherwise lambasted by speakers. Try to use an appropriate volume when speaking.
Articulation is also important. If you want to be understood, try not to
run your words together or otherwise fail to pronounce clearly.
A good speaking performance requires good delivery. You will
have to use vocal variety, appropriate gestures, and good word economy to effectively deliver your speeches. By vocal variety we mean
that you should vary the tone, pitch, rate, and volume of your speech
to cultivate and maintain the audiences interest. Few things are more
likely to induce instant sleepiness than a speaker who delivers her presentation in a monotone.
You will also need to use appropriate nonverbal communication.
We do not only communicate with our voices. Our bodies and their
constituent parts are also vital tools for communication. Some debaters
are notorious for using overly expressive gestures they wave their
hands about in a manner more appropriate for guiding airplanes into
their gates or practicing semaphore. If your hands seem to be substantively out of your control or serve to fan or otherwise air-condition the
room, you should rethink your use of gestures. We recommend that
you gesture sparingly, using your hands to emphasize important points
or transitions, and not as a metronome to keep time during your
speech. Be conscious of how you use your hands consider using a
three-part gesturing method whereby you first get ready to gesture,
then you gesture, then you put your gesture away in a graceful manner. Do not hold a pen or other object in your hand while you speak.
It appears to be a security blanket and communicates to the judge that
you are insecure about speaking. Such props are also distracting. Some



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debaters, holding a ballpoint pen during their speech, will unconsciously and repeatedly click the point in and out while they speak. It
is this kind of behavior that drives judges to an early grave, or at least
to civil commitment.
Do not pace, shuffle, watusi, or otherwise move your feet in a distracting manner. Try to plant yourself and remain planted throughout
your speech (although subtle, slight, natural movement is of course
acceptable). Debates are enough like tennis matches without the audience having to constantly follow you with their eyes. Some debaters try
to implement a method of using steps to signal transitions. Do not do
this. It is distracting and appears amateurish. The judge will be left
wondering why you cannot restrict your waltzing to the dance floor.
Our point here is certainly not that dance has no place in debates; but
use it judiciously and not simply as a nervous or otherwise misguided
habit. Our best advice for nonverbal communication is to appear confident at all times. Do not cross your arms or appear to hug yourself.
Remember: You are good enough and smart enough.
Make good eye contact. If you are nervous about your speech or
about public speaking in general, you are not alone. Most people rate
public speaking among their top fears. Do not stare at your notes, the
ceiling, or just over the judges shoulder while you speak. You should
make eye contact with the judge or audience during your speech. If
you have trouble doing this, you should consider practicing in front of
a mirror. By making eye contact with yourself, you can make eye contact with other people. A bit of advice on this front: If you are speaking in front of an audience, particularly a large one, you should try to
make eye contact with individuals at different positions in the crowd
rather than simply scanning the crowd with your eyes. The scanning
strategy can leave a crowd feeling as if you have looked at them but
made eye contact with no one.
Often, debaters will look at their opponents while they are speaking. This is a terrible idea and is generally considered to be an amateur
mistake. You are not trying to convince the other team of your side of
the issue. Even if you are the most gifted debater on the planet, they
are unlikely to agree with you it is, after all, their job to oppose you.
You are trying to convince the judge or audience. Therefore, you



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should look at the judge or audience. Looking at the other team while
you are speaking can also put you at a major disadvantage, because
you seem to invite points of information. If you appear to be insulting
or otherwise criticizing the other team in a direct manner, they will
invariably pop up repeatedly for points of information. Just as you
should not look at the other team while speaking, so you should not
address the other team directly by prefacing your arguments with
You just dont say anything about this disadvantage of ours.
Were crushing you on this argument.
You bring shame on this House.
You are ridiculous, wrong, and absurd. You are abusive. You dont
have a prayer of winning this debate.
If you engage in this kind of chest-pounding, you will most likely get
what you deserve. You should not only avoid addressing the other
team as you; you should also avoid hostility at all costs. Of course,
good-natured jibes and other heckling, as we saw in the last chapter,
are vital parts of parliamentary debate. Debate is adversarial, but
debaters should not be adversarial with each other.
It is particularly important that you are never adversarial or hostile toward your partner. EVER. Even if you are convinced that your
partner is the worst debater in the history of the activity; even if you
are prone to compare yourself to Job for being saddled with such a terrible rock, you should NEVER, EVER talk badly about or behave in
a disrespectful manner towards your partner. Your relationship with
your debate partner is professional. You must conduct it in such a manner. Never discuss conflicts with your partner with anyone except your
partner or your coach, and always in private. Meanness to your partner will make you look like the worst sort of jerk, damage your competitive prospects, and undoubtedly hurt their feelings.
Sometimes debaters conflate hostile behaviors and confident
behaviors. The two could not be more different. Hostile debaters are
mean, rude, irritable, and often so insecure that they must make others
feel badly in order to feel good about themselves or about their per244



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formance. Confident debaters display forthrightness in explaining

ideas. They speak in a convincing way and command attention without
having to demand attention with cruelty or by lambasting their competitors and colleagues. You should always appear confident, calm, and
collected in debates, even if you are losing. Be careful that you do not
inadvertently invite opposition to your arguments by engaging in nervous behaviors like lowering your voice or trailing off at the end of your
In the long run, effective debate and public speaking necessitates
efficient and effective word choice. There are two critical considerations for debaters in this area: word economy and word choice.

Word economy
In a formal debate, you must labor under time constraints. Speech time
is always limited by the rules set by your particular format, so you need
to choose your words carefully. Debaters who exhibit good word economy use the minimum number of words necessary to present their arguments. Economical word choice allows them to present the maximum
number of independent arguments and examples possible in their limited speech time. If you use a lot of filler words, you will not be using
your speech time to its maximum advantage.
Think about how you speak in everyday conversation. You will
find that you use lots of filler words that do not contribute to your
statements. In America, people often use like (And then I was like,
dude, were totally turning your case advantage; Like, are you going
to eat that burrito?) or you know (So, you know, I was wondering
if you, you know, wanted to get some coffee or something? This
movie is completely, you know, terrible.). Interjections, such as um
and er, are also used.
Debaters use these filler words plus all kinds of other, more debatespecific, filler words and phrases. They punctuate their thoughts with
phrases such as:
remember (Used once, its completely suitable, even desirable.



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Used repeatedly, its highly annoying, massively redundant, and a terrific waste of time: it takes a whole second to say, and if you say it 15
times in a speech, you are in effect sacrificing 15 seconds of your
speech time.)
Ladies and gentlemen (Yes, we know sometimes you need to use
this combination honorific to address your audience, but there is no
need to punctuate so many of your sentences with it. Everybody
knows youre just saying it when you dont know what youre going
to say next.)
in fact (This phrase places in doubt the speakers overall grasp of
the facts by the 30th time she has used it. She does, perhaps, protest
too much.)
You most likely use all these verbal fillers and many more. Whats
worse, you may not even realize that you, like just about everyone who
has ever debated, have bad word economy habits. Try to diagnose and
repair these bad habits. We suggest that you tape yourself debating
videotape, if possible, and then pay close attention to how you phrase
your arguments. Once you diagnose a word economy problem, it is relatively easy to solve. If you remain conscious of the word(s) you are
trying to fix, you will try to avoid them normally. Practice speaking
more slowly and deliberately, and focus on the individual words as they
come out of your mouth.

Word choice
Just as you should use an economy of words, so too should you respect
the admonition offered in Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade and choose
wisely. In the section on impact assessment, we will explore more how
important it is to use vivid language to persuade judges and audiences.
In debate, we talk a lot about the concept of power wording. The
words you use will shape the reality that the judge perceives. Do you
describe a decline in the stock market as a correction or a crash?
Do you describe discrimination by the state as inequality or slowmotion genocide? Is a military invasion a police action or a war?
Consider that your words matter, and directly affect how your argu246



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ments will be perceived. Strong wording will always make your arguments seem more credible. There is one caveat to this rule, though: If
you routinely use power wording to frame arguments that are obviously weak, you will lose credibility. For further reference on this subject, see: Wolf, The Boy Who Cried.
There are many other word choice decisions you can make in
debates to improve your effectiveness as a speaker. For example,
consider using selective repetition to emphasize your most critical
arguments. Specifically, quote your opponents when appropriate.
Often you can take their dubious statements and turn them to
your advantage.
The words you use reflect how you and your arguments are perceived in the debate. In order to be a decent human being, avoid prejudiced bias in appeals that target some groups at the expense of others.
In order to be an effective debater, avoid exclusive language. Use
inclusive language instead. Make appeals to sympathy rather than
stereotypes. People think highly of themselves if you can convince
the judge or audience that innocent people are persecuted, that decisions are arbitrary, that there are conspiracies or issues that affect them
of which they have little knowledge, then the judge or audience will
believe that the harm might happen to them.
As a final note, always be considerate of the physical circumstances in which you are performing. If you are speaking from
behind a podium, dont put your hands on the podium and keep
them there. Try to move out from behind the podium at least once
during your speech to dispel the audiences suspicion that you are
some sort of talking head. You will need to learn how to use a microphone, if you dont know already. Dont speak too close to or far
away from the microphone, or you will massively distort your natural speaking voice. Speak into the middle of the microphone so your
ps dont pop. When speaking in front of a camera, keep your gestures inside the frame of your body. Use exaggerated speaking,
including louder and clearer delivery so the sound isnt muddy. You
will also need to glance at the camera rather than stare at it the
audience will also expect you to make more eye contact with your
opponents in a televised debate than in an audience debate.



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Humor and Heckling

Parliamentary debates are engaging and dynamic events. Unlike most
formal speaking engagements and other forms of academic contest
debating, they are designed to encourage speech interruption from the
opposing side of the motion (for example, points of information) and
the assembled participants and audience (with verbal and non-verbal
In all formats, humor and heckling play important roles in parliamentary debates dynamism. Humor has striking persuasive power in
an oral presentation. It motivates the audience to engage in critical listening. The audience, including judges for the contest, wants to be
entertained as well as informed. Debates go on too long for a dull
recitation of facts.
Humor not only connects the speaker with the judge and audience
but it enhances the credibility of other arguments in a presentation.
The use of humor is popularly associated with higher-level critical
thinking skills and intelligence. (This is the case despite the fact that
the field of humor includes forms that are decidedly not funny the
pun and the practical joke are examples. These weak attempts might,
at best, amuse an oaf, or, in the plural, oaves.) This association of
humor and wit with intellectual sophistication reflects favorably on a
speakers other, and frequently rational, lines of argument.
Debaters should prepare to use humor in the same way they might
prepare to express an opinion on historical, political or social events.
Research and practice are keys to the effective use of humor in speeches.
There are hundreds of texts providing reference material for
humor. Dictionaries of humorous quotations are available. Websites
collect the malapropisms of political figures and celebrities Periodicals
such as The Onion ( offer models of humor, including, in its headlines, the elements of surprise, satire, and irony.
SURPRISE: Man Accidentally Ends Business Call with I Love You
SATIRE: Depression Hits Losers Hardest



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IRONY: Sculptor Criticized for Turning Women into Objects

The hardest working people in show business are stand-up comedians,
who toil for many hours to craft minutes of material. Debaters do not
need to devote similar effort, but some preparation is required.
Debaters are not expected to make the same kind of presentation as a
comedian. For this, debaters ought to be thankful. Debate audiences,
starved as they are for any sort of entertainment, are a receptive crowd
for subtle wit and drollery. It is not necessary to be laugh out loud
funny to be a hit in the debate world.
A speaker should use humor at the beginning of her speech, certainly within the first 30 seconds. Early use encourages critical listening on the part of the assembled judges and audience as they eagerly
await the next funny bit. It doesnt have to come until two or three minutes later, at the point of the speech at which they believe you might
have already exhausted your treasure chest of jokes. Some wit or cleverness toward the end of the speech is also appreciated: Merely a few
clever lines, some prepared in advance and some extemporaneous comments rising from the clash in the debate, should suffice for an entertaining speech.
Debaters should consider the circumstances of the format and the
conditions in which they would use humor. Here are examples:
I delivered this speech once before in a prison. I apologize to those
of you who have heard it before.
For every problem, there is a solution that is simple, neat, and
wrong. -H. L. Mencken
I am from the government and am here to help you is only slightly
less trustworthy than Ill respect you in the morning.
I suppose this is their idea of progress: We are going in the same circle, only faster.
That is an argument with few equals only superiors.
On a less serious note, my opponents claimed



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The plural of anecdote is not evidence.

If ignorance is bliss, ladies and gentlemen, I would like to introduce
you Mr./Ms. Happy.
Heckling, the interruption of speeches with verbal commentary or
nonverbal signals from those individuals who are not recognized as the
speaker at the time, is a welcome part of parliamentary debating in
many parts of the world. It is, however, an issue that debaters should
negotiate with the judge or understand from local community norms.
Some perceive heckling as disruptive or rude behavior. You will want
to know if your heckling performance is a welcome addition or likely
to produce calls for security guards.
Heckling can be supportive. It is common practice for debaters to
knock with their knuckles or slap their hand on a table or bench to
cheer particularly well reasoned ideas of colleagues. (They might also
cheer, for that matter, the rhetorical blunders of opponents.) Much
heckling is negatively inspired and directed to the speakers on the
other side of the motion. Debaters are likely to call Shame on an
opponent who misrepresents facts. These heckles can be effective at
getting the judge to focus attention on a clever insight (an argument
turn, for example) or a serious mischaracterization of an opponents
speech (e.g., a cry of Shame when an opponent insists that you failed
to discuss a salient point that you believe you decimated with several
outstanding arguments). You should be judicious about heckles,
because their frequent use undermines their effectiveness. The judge is
aware that you support your partner or the other team on the same side
of a motion. General support for other speakers on your side only identifies your use of heckling as non-strategic, perhaps boorish. Judges
are quite aware that you believe that your opponents are wrong whenever they challenge your ideas. The repeated cry of Shame loses its
authority if it comes to mean that you disagree with the opposing side
of a debate.
Other heckles can be effective. A counterexample or brief expression (no more than two or three words) that makes a complete and
powerful argument may sufficiently disrupt a speakers presentation. If
a speaker, for example, suggests that United Nations peacekeeping



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forces are ineffectual in managing conflicts, a single counter

Cyprus might require a further explanation from the speaker to satisfactorily express her point to a judge.
Heckling is distinguished from barracking, which is general disagreement with the claims of a speaker (No, no, unh-unh, nyet, no,
nein, never, not at this time, no, absolutely not). A heckle should
express a coherent argument in a concise manner without fundamentally disrupting the pace and delivery of a speech. Debaters should
research and prepare for heckling in the same way they would prepare
to use humor. They should also prepare counters to boorish hecklers.
Some examples follow.
I would like to help you out. Which way did you come in?
Yes, I am sure we all remember our first beer.
If I have said anything to offend or insult you, please believe me.
There are some things that go without saying. Would you mind
being one of them?

Debating Impacts
One thing that differentiates successful debaters from their less accomplished colleagues is the ability to assess and explain impacts. In this
section, we will discuss some common criteria for assessing impacts
and then proceed to offer some pearls of wisdom (which is not to
describe you, gentle reader, as swine) about explaining impacts in a
way that makes them seem tangible and realistic.
To debate effectively, you will need to learn how to weigh and
measure impacts using an array of criteria by which you can assess the
relative importance and significance. One of the interesting things
about debate is that the criteria for what is to count as significant are
always up for debate. Do not assume that you, the judge, and the other
debaters agree on what is important for the purpose of evaluating the
debate. Even in a non-confrontational situation, you could most likely
not agree on a flavor of ice cream. Far better to stake out the battle for
what is to count as significant early and often in the debate. Contrary



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to some popular coaching advice, weighing arguments is not and

should not be confined to the last rebuttal (though it is certainly essential to that speech). What follows is a list of some common criteria you
can use to compare and contrast impacts (and also, not coincidentally,
all kinds of other arguments, argument components, food choices, television programs, vacation options, and elective surgeries).

Number of people affected

This is one of the simplest impact yardsticks you can employ. It seems
almost maudlin to say that some things affect more people than others,
yet debaters routinely forget to use this basic calculus. If your case for
the proposition claims to save millions of lives by preventing war, pestilence, famine, plague, or an ABBA reunion tour, then you should probably mention at some point that your plan will save a lot of lives. This
tactic becomes particularly important when the opposition argues a
disadvantage with a substantially smaller impact than that of your truly
gargantuan advantage.

Degree of harm inflicted

The number of people affected is rarely, however, adequate criteria by
itself. You also have to ask yourself what happens to those people.
Otherwise, you would have to say that it would be worth it to summarily execute ten people if it meant that 50 would not have to wait in line for
the bus. You also need to assess the degree of harm inflicted on the potentially hapless victims of the present system and the disadvantage (for
example). The aggregate size of an impact is usually evaluated with reference to both the number of people affected and the degree of harm (or
maiming, polyester, Ricki Lake, etc) they must endure.

Of course, it is not enough simply to assess the size of an impact: All
too often, debaters ignore this basic dictate and fetishize impacts of
great size and magnitude. Probability must figure into any even



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remotely sophisticated impact calculus. It is an integral part of our

everyday decision making, after all. We decide, for example, to cross
the street on a daily basis despite the low-probability, high-impact possibility that we might be run over by a bus. We make this decision
because we think the probability of such a collision is a low risk. Risk is
a very important concept in assessing impact debates. As a debater, a
judge, or both, you will routinely have to assign risk to particular arguments in debates. A convenient formula that some people use to determine the real risk of something is Risk = Probability * Impact.
While we are adverse to the mad proliferation of quasi-mathematical
formulas that purport to describe everything in our society these days
(War = Peace, Social Value = Income * Good Looks), we do find a
particular charm in this equation.
In the case of your potential surprise meeting with a wayward bus,
we could assess the risk using this kind of formula: The probability is
very low, and the impact high, so we see the risk as negligible. We
could tinker with this formula as it suited us. For example, if the street
you needed to cross was routinely rife with runaway traffic, the probability of getting hit would go up and you might have to think seriously about how much you really need to cross that street. You can also
change perceived risk by boosting the impact. Lets say that we could
somehow convince you that there was a very small, but real chance
that if you walked across the street you would set into motion a chain
of events that would lead to human extinction. Here weve got an
almost incalculably large impact combined with a small risk. What do
you do? Do you decide that youll just skip that street altogether? Or
do you write us off as insane and take the risk anyway?
It is important to think about questions like this because you need to
think about how average judges and audience members see and evaluate
risks in their own life. So much of our understanding about risk assessment creeps into debates unannounced; better to assign nametags so no
one stands around looking awkward at the punch table.

Systemic vs. one-time

Impacts, like gelatin desserts and other taste treats from the critical



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hooves group, come in a vast range of types and palatabilities. One

useful way to categorize impacts is as either systemic or one-time. A onetime impact is just that: an impact that will only happen once. If you
argue that the proposition teams case to regulate genetically modified
organisms (GMOs) will cause a trade war or a shooting war, that is a
one-time impact that may or may not outweigh the case advantages
depending on their relative established magnitude.
Systemic impacts, on the other hand, occur continuously, either
throughout time or space or some Star Trek-ish combination of both. Many
environmental impacts are systemic, e.g., the presence of PCBs and dioxins in water can cause cancer, deformities, and death for many generations.
So we can say, for example, that in a particular region there are a hundred
incidents of cancer per year due to contaminated air or water. Over time, this
impact adds up to be a tremendous amount of disease and death. It is critical that when you argue systemic impacts, you impress upon the judge or
audience that the cumulative effect is quite staggering. Its not as if, for example, the Great Lakes will spontaneously clean themselves.
In the final rebuttals, impact debates quite often reduce to a comparison of systemic versus one-time consequences. You need to call
these risks by name and compare them explicitly for the judge:
The opposition team says that our pesticide regulations will cause
a trade war and that this may lead to a shooting war. Even if theyre
right about this dubious claim, we still win this debate because our
case advantages are bigger over time. The continued effects of dangerous pesticides will cause tens of thousands of deaths over time.
This is certainly a larger consequence than a minor fistfight over
sneaker imports.
The debate over continuing sanctions on Iraq is a good example of how
this kind of impact comparison works in public policy forums. The
argument for continuing sanctions is, basically, that the probability and
impact of Iraq developing weapons of mass destruction is very large.
This (more or less) one-time impact is thought by some to trump the
systemic impacts of sanctions, which include mass starvation and the
death of tens of thousands of children every year. Whether or not you



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agree with this calculus is another thing entirely.

Prior consideration
In some debates, impact comparison and assessment will involve a debate
about competing ethical or moral frameworks. One team may argue that
their impacts must be considered before evaluating the opposing teams
impacts. One classic, recurring example of this phenomenon is the life vs.
rights debate. Lets say that the proposition team defends a case that puts
a stop to racial profiling in the USA. They argue that this profiling by race
or ethnicity is a violation of human and constitutional rights and should be
rejected because of its latent racism. The opposition team argues, in
response, that a ban on racial profiling will greatly hamper law enforcement
agencies ability to fight crime and terrorism, leading to loss of life and property. How should we compare these impacts?
A smart proposition team will argue, in essence, that the ends of a
policy do not justify its means of implementation. That is, they will say
that the governments obligation to protect rights is a prior consideration.
In order to win the debate on their terrorism disadvantage, the opposition team will have to show that the debate should be resolved using
a consequentialist calculus. Consequentialism, often conflated with utilitarianism, is a doctrine that the moral rightness of an act or policy
depends entirely on its outcome or consequences.
We do not intend here to rehash the last several thousand years
worth of thinking about political and moral philosophy in order to clarify the difference between consequentialist and non-consequentialist
perspectives on policy making. It will, however, greatly behoove you to
read up on these perspectives so that you can defend both sides of this
debate. Consider preparing a critique of consequentialist reasoning,
which can be very useful, particularly on the proposition side, if many
of your pre-prepared cases have small advantages or impacts.

Independent vs. dependent

Some impacts are said to be dependent on others to achieve their full
force. How would you compare, for example, the relative importance



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of equality and liberty? One way would be to explain that equality is

dependent on liberty. Consider that equality is (generally speaking) the
equitable distribution of freedoms, resources, opportunities, or happiness. In order to ensure equality, you could say, we must first have liberty, resources, opportunity, or happiness. Others say (in a very simplistic manner, to be sure) about weighing loss of life against loss of
rights that rights are useless if you are dead.

Most grievous error

Some impacts are said to be so unbelievably catastrophic (usually nuclear
war or global climate change) that even a negligible risk warrants action
to prevent them. If you look again at the risk equation above, youll see
how this works. If the impact is infinite, then any non-zero probability
multiplied by infinity still adds up to be an infinite risk. See, math class
isnt so tough. If this calculus seems a little odd to you, though, youre not
alone. Even though the consequences of nuclear war or global climate
change are potentially inconceivably horrible, it does not therefore follow
that they are literally infinite. Further, this example clearly demonstrates
the ultimate fallibility of the risk equation. Useful though math formulas
are in debate (which is to say not very much), they are no substitute for
good, well-reasoned argument. If we could just calculate our way through
the dilemmas of human affairs, we would have no need for debate (or perhaps language) at all.

Try or die
A cousin to the most grievous error argument, the try or die argument has become immensely popular in debate in recent years. The
phrase try or die is a kind of slogan that appears with alarming frequency in proposition team rebuttals as an attempt to justify implementation of the plan. Heres how this argument works: The proposition team tries to show that there is a gigantic problem in the status
quo. This is the die part of the equation. The proposition team is trying to establish that were all going to die (not literally all of us, nor will
it necessarily involve our deaths, per se perhaps just a light maiming;



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the idea is to show that a catastrophic impact is inevitable in the status

quo). The try part of the equation is the part where you decide to
endorse the plan, even if you are unsure whether it can actually remediate the detailed harm. Thus the rhetorical trope of try or die: The
proposition team tries to convince the judge that they might as well try
the plan since the consequences of not solving the problem would be so
unbelievably huge. This rebuttal technique, while startlingly effective,
is generally recognized to be the last resort of proposition teams with
poor solvency arguments and dubious plans.

Suggested Exercise:
Below find several pairs of competing impacts. Using the techniques above, compare them. You could, for example, argue that
one is bigger than the other in scope or magnitude. Perhaps one
is systemic while the other is one-time. Pick one of the pair and
show why it is worse than its companion impact. Then show why
the reverse comparison is true.
economic growth vs. environmental degradation
warfare vs. poverty
individual rights vs. social welfare
earthquakes vs. flooding
nuclear proliferation vs. biological weapons proliferation

Explaining Impacts
Do it. Explain your impacts. Do not assume that the judge or other
debaters involved will see them as the tragic, grievous circumstances that
you perceive them to be. Recall that in the chapter on argument theory we
mentioned Aristotles concept of pathos, which is appeal to the emotions of
the audience. To consistently and successfully win debates about impacts,
you must appeal both to the logic and emotions of your judges. All too
often, debaters simply fail to explain their impacts in a way that makes
them tangible to the judge. It is not enough, for example, to say that your
plan is a good idea because it ameliorates poverty, or stops inflation, or



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cleans up the air, or bans bad toupees, or even because nine out of ten dentists endorse it. To make an impact persuasive, you must flesh it out.
Personalize it. Help the judge visualize the potential consequences of not
voting for your side. Judges like to vote for plans that seem realistic and
beneficial. In this way, they are just like average consumers, who want to
purchase products that they are reasonably certain will solve an immediate need. Understanding this aspect of judge psychology will enable you
to adapt your arguments accordingly.
Most debates are, in fact, won or lost on good impact assessment
and explanation. Weve already given you some tools to use in comparing your impacts against those of the other team. But comparison is
no good without a concomitant explanation of exactly what the judge
gets when she votes for your side. For example, you could just say:
The plan is good because it brings people out of poverty. This outweighs their economy disadvantage. Or, you could say:
Hundreds of thousands of people, many of them children, are starving or malnourished in our country right now because of endemic
poverty, and few of these have any hope of surviving to make a meaningful life for themselves. Imagine what its like to live like this no
food, no shelter, no clothing, constantly wracked by disease. Then,
imagine what a tremendous boon the plan would be. Income redistribution would give these families a real chance at life and would, over
time, save millions and millions of lives by lifting a whole segment of
society out of poverty. The opposition team would have you believe
that economic considerations come first, but this is the same economic system that is literally built on the backs of the same people the plan is
trying to help. So corporations lose some money? So what? Thats a
small price to pay to lift up the most indigent among us.
The speaker is making the same basic argument as The plan is good
and outweighs their economy disadvantage, but she uses a variety of
verbal and persuasive techniques to make the argument more tangible
by building on it. When we exhort you to explain your impacts, we
mean just that: Explain your impacts.
If you have trouble with this process, try thinking in terms of



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because. Begin with an impact claim like this one: Ozone depletion
is bad. Then expand on it by using a series of because statements:
Ozone depletion is bad .because. more UV radiation will reach
the surface of the earth, and thats bad .because. many people will
get skin cancer as a result, and thats bad .because. skin cancer is
often fatal, and will become more fatal as UV intensity increases.
Try this process using the suggested exercise below to learn how to
explain impacts. Remember judges like to vote for some tangible risk
or result. If you can convince them that your risks or results are more
tangible, then you will win more debates.

Suggested Exercise:
Explain why each of the following impacts is bad. If you have
trouble generating explanations, use the because method.
global warming
breast cancer
resource wars

forest fires
weapons proliferation
David Hasselhoff
cheese in a can

Tips for Rebuttals

A lot of impact assessment happens (hopefully) in the final rebuttals of
a formal debate, your last chance to impress the judge with your command of the issues at hand. Many debaters, perhaps echoing socially
maladjusted behaviors learned in primary school, will try too hard to
impress the judge (Ooh, please pick me, teacher! Im ever so smart!)



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by trying to win every single argument in the debate. This strategy

ignores one of the most valuable rebuttal techniques you can employ:
the fine art of strategic concession. Good debaters know when to concede arguments to strengthen their overall position. In impact debates,
you can use a version of strategic concession to solidify your winning
position. The key phrases to use are:
Even if we lose this, we still win because..
At worst, theyre just winning that .., but this still doesnt trump
our position because
What these phrases have in common is that they take seriously the possibility that the other team might be winning some of the arguments in the
debate. The even if argument is one of the most powerful phrases you
can use in a rebuttal speech: Even if they win this argument that our plan
increases government spending, were still winning the debate because
we prove that spending is worthwhile; Even if we lose this particular
advantage, we still win the debate based on the cumulative strength of our
other advantages; Even if you think this link turn argument is tenuous,
the fact remains that they havent ever answered it. These are important
phrases to use in rebuttal impact assessment.

Note Taking and Critical Listening

Good listening and note-taking skills are critical elements for consistent
debate performances and successes. Since debate is, in large part, about
refutation and responsive or reactionary argumentation, it probably goes
without saying that in order to debate, youre going to have to learn to listen critically. Critical listening is different from simple listening. Simple listening is the process of hearing information and perhaps (if the speaker is
lucky) storing it in your mind or notes. Hearing is passive. Critical listening is just what it sounds like: listening with an eye towards criticism. It is
an active process of engagement with the speaker. You must be able to
understand and evaluate your opponents arguments in order to respond
adequately and appropriately. Good listening, like good speaking, takes
practice. We learn terrible listening skills in many parts of our lives as tel260



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evision and other media inculcate us into becoming passive receptacles of

information. Work on concentration skills and try to avoid premature
evaluation whereby you rush to judge a speakers intentions and arguments before the arguments are fully articulated.
You must learn to take notes effectively in order to succeed in debates.
There are so many arguments made in the course of a given debate that
even if you have a particularly heroic and encyclopedic memory, your
chance of recalling all of them is effectively zero. You probably have extensive experience in taking notes, but the note-taking process in the classroom
or business arena is very different from the note-taking process in debate.
When you are taking notes during a lecture at your college, for example,
you are trying to write down as much of what the professor says as possible for later use. When you take notes in a debate, you need those notes for
much more than effective recall. You also need your them for effective refutation. To refute an argument effectively, you need to refer to it before you
refute it. This is the they say part of the four-step refutation model.
In a debate, notes track the development of arguments. This is why
we refer to the process of taking notes in a debate as flowing. Arguments
flow (and often ebb) during the course of a debate, and refutations pile
upon each other throughout speeches by both teams. For the American
parliamentary debate format, we recommend that you use paper divided into six columns, like table 1 on the next page.
Notice that weve put the second opposition constructive and the
first opposition rebuttal into the same column. The proposition team
must refute the content of both speeches in the same speech, so its
practical to put them in the same column.
Flowing is one aid that debaters use to help them practice effective
refutation and direct clash. A flowsheet also allows us to track the
arguments of the opposition so that we can answer them specifically
and in order. When you flow, you take notes in the column appropriate to the speech. That way, youll know what you need to refute when
its your turn to speak. When you take notes in a debate, you need to
follow a few basic precepts listed below:
Abbreviate whenever possible. Debates proceed rapidly,
with remarkable density of information and argument. It is not physi261

1st Prop

1st Opp
2nd Prop
2nd Opp
Opp Rebuttal
Prop Rebuttal



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Table 1



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cally possible for you to write everything down that is said in a given
debate. Therefore, you will have to be selective about what you choose
to write down, and abbreviate when you do. Develop a list of abbreviations that works for you. Try using standard abbreviations for debate
terminology CP for counterplan, DA for disadvantage, T
for topicality, etc. Use abbreviations that make sense to you. Your
notes are for your use and not for the ages.
Try to write legibly. Although your notes are primarily for your
own use, your partner may need to refer to them from time to time, so
you should try to write legibly. We have also coached several debaters
who occasionally cannot read their own handwriting. If this happens
to you, take steps to correct the problem.
Dont stop writing if you get lost. Sometimes, debaters
will get confused about what their opponent is saying or what part of
the debate they are addressing. The appropriate response is certainly
not to stop writing, stare into the ether, or hide under the table whimpering. Just keep taking notes, lest you miss some critical argument or
example. Woe betide the debater who loses a debate based on his or
her opponents lack of organizational skills.
Make notations of dropped or unanswered arguments. If an opponent fails to answer your critical arguments, you will
be able to tell at a glance by looking at the flow. Circle arguments that
have gone unanswered so that you will be able to point out that the other
side has effectively agreed with certain contentions you have made.
Practice routinely. You will only learn to flow well if you practice. A lot. Practice flowing your classes, the evening news, radio
broadcasts, or debate meetings. Use abbreviations and try to track
argument references and refutations with arrows.
Use just one color. Although many debaters and coaches
advise flowing in multiple colors, we disagree with this practice. If you
think of something spontaneously, you should be able to jot it in the



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appropriate column rather than waste valuable time switching pens.

Use plenty of paper. Dont try to cram an entire debate onto one
piece of paper. You will not only fail, but will also create a tremendous
mess in the process. Use multiple pieces of paper. Many people use separate pieces of paper or separate sections of their notes to track the development of off-case arguments, such as counterplans or disadvantages.
Space out. Here we are not talking about the time-honored practice of navel-gazing; rather, leave plenty of vertical space between individual arguments that you write down. Space ensures that your flow
will not become cramped and illegible later in the debate.
Use relational symbols to track argument development. If you make an argument in your speech that is subsequently
refuted, you need to visually represent that refutation on your flow with
symbolic notation. We suggest that you use arrows. This relational notation will help you with rebuttal summaries: We said X, to which they
said Y and Z, but Y and Z dont really answer X, and heres why
These techniques will help you take notes in any debate. However, note
taking in four-team debates is a bit of a different enterprise and requires
a different approach, as you might imagine. A judge should create a quadrant and make notes in each of the four sections for both speakers on that
side. These notes should be used in consensus deliberation.
If you are on the opening team on either side, flow in the same
manner recommended above for two-team debating, because you are
primarily concerned with what the other side is going to say in the
opening portion of the debate. If you are on the second team on either
side, flow your debate with the other second team in the same fashion.
However, also have notes about the procession of the first part of the
debate whereby you highlight and condense key arguments from the
first team on each side so that you can reference those arguments. We
suggest assigning numbers to the critical arguments from the first part
of the debate and then referencing the reiteration of those arguments
by numbers on your flow.



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Suggested Exercises:
1. Have someone read aloud each of the five sample speeches
from the chapter on case construction and negation. Practice
flowing these speeches.
2. Practice flowing the nightly television newscast. Work to get
down as much of the delivered information as possible by developing a series of issue-specific abbreviations.

Judging Debates
One of the things that distinguishes debate from simple argument is
that in debate, you are trying to persuade a third party sometimes,
many third parties, in the case of a panel of judges or an extended audience. In parliamentary debates, the judge is the person who is responsible for deciding who wins and loses a debate. Depending on the
arrangements made in any particular debate, the judge may also be the
timekeeper, moderator, or Speaker of the House. They may assign a
range of points and rankings to individual debaters or teams of
debaters. After a debate, judges will offer a reason for their decision.
They will explain their decision on a paper ballot, to be distributed to
the participating teams at the conclusion of the tournament. Judges
may also provide an oral critique after the debate, in which they
explain their thinking as to who won the debate and offer advice and
criticism to the participating debaters.
Of course, not all debates are judged in a formal way. Many
debates are audience-oriented events, where no formal decision is ever
rendered or announced. When you are an audience member for any
debate, you are still, in a sense, a judge. Even if the audience doesnt
make a formal decision, they are still evaluating the participants performance. So whether you end up judging formal, competitive, tournament debates or judging debates as an audience member, you will need
to know some basic skills in judging.
If you are a competitive debater, we highly recommend that you try to
find opportunities to judge debates yourself. You might volunteer to judge
debates for younger students or to referee practice debates between other



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members of your squad. This experience is an invaluable teaching tool for

aspiring debaters. All too often, debaters are known to while away time
that could be productively spent in any number of other ways (waxing the
family pet, designing a marketing campaign for lawn darts, or sweatin to
the oldies) telling story after story about the idiocy and base incompetence
of the judges to which they have been subjected. These stories often run
like an Inquisition narrative, whereby the poor, innocent debater is tortured for hours on the whims of someone who is quite obviously her intellectual inferior. To which we can only say, Hey, try it yourself and see how
difficult it is. Some of the best debaters we have known have turned out
to be some of the very worst judges. Some of the best judges we know
never debated or were not successful in competitions. Regardless of the
humility benefits that judging experience might provide to you, practice in
judging will be a great teaching tool: It will show you what it is like to be
the Person at the Back of the Room.
Helpful advice to debaters: Respect your judges. Not only that, but go
out of your way to be kind and polite to them, even when (or perhaps most
especially) when you disagree with them. Consider that your judges are
volunteering their time or working for little pay to listen to you debate and
provide you with the most reasoned deliberation that they can muster.
Without the involvement of judges, debate tournaments would certainly
not happen. That said, it is inevitable that you will encounter judges with
whom you will disagree. Your best response is to listen carefully to their
decision and try to understand why they voted the way they did. Just as
everyone has different political and cultural opinions, everyone has different opinions about how to decide who wins and loses a debate and why. It
is not uncommon for two judges in the same debate to vote for different
sides, or to vote for the same side, but for different reasons. It is also not
uncommon to be thoroughly convinced that you won a debate, only to find
out afterwards that your judge disagreed with your assessment. Some
debaters treat judges as if they were only a passive receptacle for information or proselytizing, a dim view to take of judges, who should be treated
as an active participant in the debate. Just as you may educate the judge
about certain issues, they may in turn educate you about the practice of
debating. Keep an open mind, and above all, do not behave in a cruel or
otherwise objectionable manner. That judge may judge you again, and will



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almost certainly have some good advice that you can carry on to future
debates. There are very few bad judges. There are, however, many judges
with whom debaters fail to communicate. One of the reasons we learn how
to debate is to communicate with a wide range of people. Learn to communicate with your judges.
The purpose of this section is to provide advice for future and present
debate judges. Debaters should also read this section for insights into the
practice of judging. Before we begin, we should reiterate that there are as
many ways of judging debates as there are ways of debating. Judges
should work to cultivate their own style and method of evaluating debates.
They should work with debaters, rather than in spite of them or around
them, to create a learning community from which all participants benefit.
When you judge a debate, you are normally asked to decide which
team did the better debating and why. This team is said to have won the
debate, usually through a combination of argumentation and presentation.
It is important to remember that the team that wins the debate may not
always be the better debate team instead, they were the better debate
team in the debate that you watched. Even the best world-class debate
teams have critical slip-ups every now and again. You should endeavor to
be fair and judge each debate based on its own merits, rather than on gossip, speculation, performances in past debate rounds, or other environmental factors.
Dont be nervous. It is easy to be intimidated by the enterprise of judging debates. You may feel unprepared or under-experienced, especially
compared to the debaters, who may seem very professional and experienced. In reality, you are (no matter your experience level) perfectly prepared to judge a debate. Even if you have never seen a debate before, you
can still render a thoughtful and informed decision based only on your
engaged participation. Parliamentary debate is meant to be entertaining
and accessible to judges and audiences of all experience levels, so even if
you are a novice judge, you will fit right in. You will also learn to be a better judge as you watch and judge more debates. You have to start somewhere, so dont be intimidated. All you have to do is make the best decision you can make. You do not have to make the right decision in
debate, as in politics or ice cream selection, there is seldom a right decision per se. There are some decisions that are better for some people than



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others. (For example, the authors prefer pistachio or green tea-flavored ice
cream. We recognize that these flavors may not go over well with others,
but dont particularly care one way or the other about that.)
Everyone recognizes, though, that some decisions are better than others. Debaters have a tendency to be opinionated. Judges are also opinionated. In fact, just about everyone who has had even the rudiments of a critical thought (or the remnants of an incendiary talk-radio show) fermenting in their brain is likely to be opinionated about something. Holding
opinions is normal, healthy, and in the interest of building lively communities. There is, however, a substantive difference between having opinions
and forcing them on others at the expense of reasoned debate and discussion. We recommend that when you judge you make an effort to maintain
an open mind about the arguments and examples being evidenced in the
debate. Open-mindedness is not so much an issue of surrendering convictions as it is a matter of respecting the debaters opinions and efforts. It is
important to remember that parliamentary debate is switch-side debating.
That means that, on occasion, you may have the opportunity to watch
debaters defending a side contrary to what they (or you) might otherwise
agree with.
What do we mean when we say that some decisions are better than
others? A good decision is one that relies on a consistent, fair method of
deliberation. A decision is good not based on the outcome we certainly do not mean that the quality of a decision is based on who wins and who
loses a given debate. In order to judge fairly, you need to keep a few things
in mind:
Identify your biases and resist them rather than surrender to them.
Apply reciprocal standards for evaluating arguments. In other words,
dont identify an error made by one team and hold it against them when
the other team or teams make the same error. Make your judging standards relevant and fairly applied to all debate participants.
Presume that the debaters are acting in good faith. Resist the temptation
to read intention into their perceived mistakes. If a debater makes a factual error in the debate, she may not know that she is wrong. Do not
assume, for example, that she is being deceitful or is in some way trying
to put something over on you.



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Be patient. The debaters may, during the course of a given debate, do a

good many things to annoy or otherwise irritate you. They are most likely not doing these things on purpose.
Give debaters the benefit of the doubt about their choices they may not
make the choices you would, but thats okay. Debate isnt about ego projection on the part of the judge. Instead, its an opportunity to create a
rhetorical space where other bright critical thinkers can imagine, analyze, and innovate. If you do not give them the benefit of the doubt, you
could end up stifling their creativity or substituting your sense of creativity for theirs.
Good decisions are reached fairly with appropriate and adequate deliberation on the issues and arguments that are presented in the debate. Good
judges know and follow the rules of the particular format and tournament
they are participating in. As long as you make a concerted effort to be fair
and respectful, you will quickly learn the practice of judging.
How should you conduct yourself in a debate? We have already
admonished debaters that they should not treat the judge as if she were
merely a passive info-receptacle propped up at the back of the room with
a pen and a ballot. Just as the debaters should conduct themselves appropriately towards the judge, so too should you conduct yourself appropriately towards the debaters. The following is a list of Donts for aspiring
and experienced debate judges:
Do not talk during the debate for any reason, particularly to friends
ABOUT how the debate is going. Although you are a participant in the
debate, your role should be primarily nonverbal until after it is finished.
Do not use your debate as a round off. All too often, some critics who
are accustomed to judging policy debate use parliamentary debate as a
respite, with consequent slovenly behavior toward the event, including
failure to flow or painstakingly deliberate the event. This behavior is
extremely disrespectful to the debaters who have carefully worked and
prepared for the debate.
Do not, particularly in international debating, penalize debaters who
speak in accents other than your own. Take into consideration that, for
some debaters, they may not be speaking in their native tongue.



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Do not usurp the role of the judge for personal whim or dictatorial edict
(e.g., you must use the words x, y, z in the course of your speeches; or
Tell an obscene joke and I will give you 30 points). The course and content of the debate is not yours to dictate.
Do not engage in partisan participation during the event (e.g., heckling,
introducing and sustaining arguments during speeches, making points of
information, voting for a side based on ones personal belief about the
topic, etc.).
Do not arbitrarily manufacture rules (e.g., Points of information must
be in the form of a question, Parliamentary debaters are required to
present a single value or criteria (sic), You need to have a plan and say
the word plan, in the Prime Minister Constructive, All procedural
arguments must be made in the first minute [first two minutes, first three
minutes] of the Leader of the Oppositions constructive speech, New
examples are prohibited in the rebuttal speeches.).
Do not write the ballot during the rebuttal speeches. This distasteful
practice conveys a total disregard for the competitors and for the integrity of the process. Wait until after the debate to make your decision and
wait until after the debate to write the ballot.
Do not cut speech time to hasten the process of the debate. The
debaters expect and deserve the full allocation of time.
Do not ignore the rules to suit your own preferences. For example, you
must always stop time for points of order and points of personal privilege.
Do not fail to be serious about the debate. Sometimes judges will demand
simplicity (e.g., too tired to listen to complex argumentation; did not
get involved in parliamentary debate to hear serious argumentation;
just entertain me).
Do not use marginalizing and discriminatory rhetoric or practice (antiSemitic commentary; sexual harassment from compelled speech or judge
behavior; voting against participants for fashion, hairstyle, body piercings, etc.). This rule should go without saying.
This list of Donts may seem long and foreboding, but it all boils down
to a few basic precepts: Be respectful of the debaters and be fair in your
conduct and evaluation of the debate.



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Before the debate begins, the debaters you are about to judge may
want to ask you questions about your judging philosophy or how you
plan to judge the debate. Keep your answers brief, and try to be as instructive as you can to the debaters, who are genuinely inquiring about your
disposition towards arguments that may be advanced in the debate.
Normally, this questioning time is not built into the time schedule for a
tournament, so dont use a lot of time if the debaters want to talk to you
before the debate. Avoid overly generic answers that do not provide meaningful information to the debaters: I vote on the flow. (Yes, everyone says
that about themselves.); Entertain me. (Look, buddy, this isnt Vegas);
Im a policy maker. (Now, if only there were consensus about what that
means); Rebuttals are important. (Well, duh.). If you cant say anything
meaningful, dont say anything at all. In the USA, these pre-debate questioning periods have become increasingly tedious and singularly uninformative. The time would be better used after the debate as an opportunity
to educate the debaters.
When you go to judge a debate, you should always bring paper and
pen. We encourage you to flow the debate, i.e., take notes in the stylized
form described elsewhere in this chapter and adapted specifically to certain formats of parliamentary debate. Even if you do not flow in the traditional sense, you must still take notes. During the course of an average
debate, many complex arguments are exchanged and refuted, and you will
need notes to be able to follow and resolve these arguments for yourself
and later in revealing your decision, either orally or on the ballot, to the
debaters. No matter how reliable your memory, if you dont take notes,
you risk missing some crucial example or answer that might aid in making
the best possible decision. Good note taking will always help you decide
who wins and how to best explain your decision.
Of course, the critical question is this: How do you decide who wins
the debate? If we could offer a pithy answer to this question, we would be
out peddling snake oil and certainly not laboring to produce a debate textbook. The simplest answer is that you should decide the debate based on
the criteria offered by the debaters in the round. Every debate is about different issues, is conducted differently, and thus should be decided on its
own merits. You will have to decide whether or not the proposition team
has made a case for endorsing the motion for debate. The opposition team



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will make arguments about why the proposition teams case is inadequate
or dangerous or otherwise misguided. You will have to evaluate the merits of these arguments and decide whether the proposition teams rejoinders are adequate and satisfactory.
During the course of the debate, debaters may offer different criteria
for your decision. They may even address you directly, saying that you
should or should not vote on a particular argument set or on certain kind
of arguments. They are not trying to order you around; rather, this is common practice. They are trying to assist you and influence you in your decision making process.
After the debate is over, you should use a separate piece of paper to
figure out your decision. Even if you think, at the conclusion of the debate,
that you know conclusively who has won and who has lost, you should still
take some time to check your calculations and assumptions. One technique that may help you is to draw up a kind of balance sheet for the
debate. List the most important arguments in the debate and then go
through your flow to determine which side won those arguments and why.
Then compare the arguments to each other.
Do not decide the debate based simply on the number of arguments
won by each side. You will also need to evaluate the qualitative significance of each argument on the overall outcome of the debate. Take this
common scenario: The proposition wins an advantage conclusively, while
the opposition wins a disadvantage conclusively. Who wins? You cant
decide based on the information we have given you. To answer this question, you need to know the relative significance of the advantage and disadvantage. This relative significance can have both quantitative and qualitative aspects. You may be tempted to decide based simply on the biggest
impact. For example, you may decide to vote for the proposition team
because they claimed to avert a war, while the opposition team was only
able to prove that the government teams proposal would cause the deaths
of thousands of children.
You also need to take into account questions of risk and probability
when deciding who wins in complicated debates. In the above example,
your decision would doubtless change if you decided, based on arguments
advanced and won by the opposition team, that there was a very low probability that the proposition teams plan would be able to avert a war.



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However, this does not mean that you should interject your own risk calculation into the debate at this point. If the debaters have weighed the round
for you, i.e., if they have made the best case as to why their arguments outweigh or are more important than or more instrumental to the decision
than those of the other team, you need to take that into account.
One common mistake that judges make is voting for the opposition
team on the basis of partial solvency arguments. A partial solvency argument is an argument advanced by the opposition team that says the proposition teams case will not solve the problem completely, or that the harm or
existing problem is not quite as bad as the proposition team claims it is.
These are good defensive arguments for the opposition team, but they
should almost never be reasons to vote for the opposition team. The only
thing these arguments prove is that the proposition case is not as good as
it was claimed to be. Big deal. It is rare indeed that arguments advanced
in debates turn out to be just as triumphant as their authors predicted they
would be. The proposition team can still win if their case can be shown to
be comparatively advantageous; that is, if they can show that it is, on balance,
some increment better than the present state of affairs.
Dont vote based on your personal opinion on the topic. Sometimes,
when the topic is announced, you may read it and think that you know
what the debate will be about. Often, the government team will choose a
case that may be different from one you would have chosen. This choice
does not mean that you should then disregard their case or use the oppositions topicality argument as a thinly veiled excuse to vote against the
government teams case. You may also have strong opinions about the subject matter of the topic. Perhaps you are a committed opponent of the
death penalty and have to judge a debate about this subject. You may find
that your personal presumption lies with the team that opposes the death
penalty, but do not hold the other team to a higher burden of proof. The
teams do not have to persuade you personally of the correctness of their
position; the debaters are debating each other and not you.
Track arguments as they proceed and develop through the debate so
you can evaluate the debate in the fairest way possible. Some judges make
the mistake of deciding the debate more or less solely on the quality of the
final rebuttal speech. This is a mistake because the PMR needs to be evaluated both as a response to the opposition blocks arguments and as a sum273



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mation of the proposition teams final position. When deciding the debate,
you need to figure out if the PMR dropped, or failed to answer, any opposition arguments. You then need to decide how to weigh those conceded
arguments in the context of the other arguments in the debate.
Often you will have to consider dropped, or conceded, arguments and
decide what to do about them. Some conceded arguments will not impact
your decision. Others will. If an argument is conceded, it means you must
assign the full weight of that argument to the side that argued it. This concession phenomenon should not mean that if a team concedes some arguments, they should automatically lose the debate. All arguments are not
created equally. Some arguments can be safely ignored.
Other arguments may be introduced in the debate, only to have the
team that introduced them later back down on their original claim. This is
smart debating and is not a reason to look askance at a team. For example,
an opposition team may advance a topicality argument in their first speech
but not mention it again later in the debate. This behavior should be taken
to mean that the opposition team has decided to admit (at least for this
debate) that the proposition teams case is topical and concentrate their fire
on other arguments. You SHOULD NOT then proceed to vote on topicality in this circumstance. If the opposition team has decided to drop this
argument, you should drop it as well. It is common practice for opposition
teams to argue a wider variety of arguments in their first speech than in
their subsequent speeches. This tactic is called argument selection and is
good debate practice. Do not penalize teams for not extending all of their
arguments through the entire debate.
After the debate has concluded, you will have to decide who wins the
debate and why. In American parliamentary debate, you will declare one
side the winner and the other side the loser, usually based on the content
of the arguments advanced in the debate. In international competition, you
will evaluate teams based on the matter (substance) and manner (style) of
their presentations. The norm is to give equal weight to manner and matter, meaning that the style of the presentation may actually trump a winning idea or a reasoned argument. When evaluating matter, judges should
take into consideration the key issues in the debate rather than number of
overall issues. When evaluating manner, judges should consider the effectiveness of delivery associated with the winning arguments as well as use



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of humor, use of and responses to points of information, and organization

of the speech.
In British and international competition, the judge will almost always
function as the Speaker of the House. In this role, you lead off the debate
saying something like the following: I call the House to order to debate
the motion _______. I recognize the As their turns come up, you should
recognize speakers (first speaker for the proposition, second speaker for
the opposition, etc.). At important national and international events, you
will have the option of adding more personal information about the
debaters, such as the name of the speaker and their school. Generally, we
advise you to be a minimalist about your role.
In some international debating, there is consensus deliberation rather
than individual decision. In this consensus process, you should make an
effort to build a genuine consensus you may need to compromise on certain issues, and you will certainly need to make an effort to respect the
opinions of others. The panel of judges issues a single decision, ranking the
four teams 1st through 4th. For the purpose of tabulation, these rankings
lead to point assignments the team ranked first gets 3 points, second gets
2, third gets 1, and fourth gets 0.
In addition to deciding the winners of the debate, you will have to fill
out your ballot and assign points and ranks to individual debaters. Speaker
points are a measure of performance by individual debaters. Most tournaments give speaker awards, which are trophies given to individuals based
on their aggregate point accumulation during the course of a tournament.
Usually, you will be asked to rank the debaters on either a 30-point or 50point scale, although there are other kinds of scales. You may choose to
assign a low-point win. A low-point win is a circumstance where the team
that won did not get the highest points. This circumstance arises occasionally, when judges feel that one team did the better job of speaking but
did not win based on the arguments. We suggest the following guidelines
for using these scales:
For a 30-point scale:
30: Almost no one should get a 30. A perfect score should happen
every few years with a really brilliant speech.
28-29: Brilliant.



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26-27: Strong, well above average.

25: Above average
23-24: Modest success as a debater
Points below 23 should be reserved for people who are both unsuccessful as debaters and are also obnoxious and mean-spirited.
Points should never drop below a 20, even if a debater was particularly bad. Lower points frequently exclude a debate team
from elimination rounds, so if you give points below 20, you are
saying that a debater has no chance of rehabilitation in any
other debates.
For a 50-point scale:
50: See above regarding a 30. Should be reserved for the very best
of the very best.
48-49: Incredibly brilliant.
45-47: Outstanding.
42-44: Well above average.
38-41: Good.
35-37: Good, but with one or more serious flaws.
30-35: Poor performance.
Below 30: Similar to receiving points below 20. See above.
After assigning points and ranking the debaters, you will need to
write your ballot. We recommend that you use the ballot space to
explain the reasons for your decision. Why did you vote the way
you voted? What arguments were most persuasive to you? Why?
Give advice and constructive criticism to the debaters you watched.
What did they do well? How could they improve their performance
or their arguments? Try to use as much of the ballot space as you
can. Debaters and their coaches save ballots, and often refer back
to them as references and resources. Do not use writing the ballot
as an excuse not to deliver an oral critique, however brief, to the
teams that you judge. Whatever interaction you have with the
debaters after the debate will always be more valuable than the
comments you write on the ballot.



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A final issue therefore needs to be discussed: post-debate disclosure. Should you, as a judge, reveal your decision and the reasons for
your decision after the debate? The norms for judge disclosure vary
greatly throughout the world. For example, the first six preliminary
debates at the Worlds Championship are disclosed, while the last three
are not. Until recently, there was no disclosure at the American
National Parliamentary Debate Association championship tournament. We strongly support judge disclosure.
Disclosure encourages accountable and ethical decision making. In
parliamentary debate, disclosure and post-round discussion serve an
educational function. These practices offer the sole opportunity for
new critics to consider the decision-making behaviors of experienced
practitioners. This is a golden opportunity for judge training it is lost
when judges do not disclose. Judges do not have a sufficient chance to
listen to peers critique a debate they have also witnessed. No space is
created for the development of the critics skills. This is akin to a convention that would prohibit new and relatively inexperienced debaters
from observing more experienced participants. As a new judge, you
will find that disclosure will help you learn quickly.
Furthermore, nondisclosure is not really an option: It does not
exist. Judges reveal decisions at tournaments selectively to
friends, regional teams, successful national competitors, in trade
with judges evaluating their own team despite tournament rules
and directors admonitions. It is not disclosure versus nondisclosure. The real issue is whether the community should sustain selective, unequal, and unfair disclosure or support universal disclosure. We encourage you to disclose your decisions and discuss
them with the debaters. The educational opportunity that disclosure affords is unparalleled.
Some object to post-debate disclosure on the grounds that there is
not enough time in tournament schedules for such interaction to occur.
To this argument, we suggest that tournaments have an obligation to
adjust their schedule to accommodate interaction time between
debaters and judges. The educational benefit accrued from five tenminute critiques by judges during the course of a day of five debates is
more than worth the investment of fifty extra minutes by the tourna277



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ment participants. Disclosure benefits judges, who learn and improve

from the process. Debaters also benefit, as they get direct education
and exposure to the thoughts of their judge in ways simply not satisfied
by a written ballot.




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The debate tournament is an organized competition for debate teams
representing academic institutions, debating clubs, language societies,
or regional and national organizations. Each year, many dozens of universities, debate organizations, nonprofit groups, corporations, and
governments sponsor tournaments.
Tournament forms include select invitational tournaments, those
events limiting entry to a particular set of debate teams. Select invitational tournaments include round robin tournaments and qualifying
tournaments. Round robin tournaments are limited entry events at
which each team debates all or most of the other competitors in the
contest. Qualifying tournaments require entering teams to pre-qualify
for participation by demonstrating success at other tournaments,
including local or regional qualifying tournaments. Some national



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championship tournaments require that entering teams qualify to participate in the event.
Debate tournaments may also be instructional seminars. This type
of event is often scheduled by universities for novice participants,
national and international debate organizations in conjunction with
debate and argumentation conferences, or local debating clubs or
leagues at the beginning of a competitive debate season. Normally,
seminars feature debater and adjudicator educational seminars, a
demonstration debate, an open forum on debating art and practice, and
one or two competitive debates.
The most popular tournament form is the open invitational tournament, in which any eligible debate team may enter. The overwhelming
majority of university-sponsored tournaments, as well as national and
international championship events, are open invitational tournaments.
Expect eligibility requirements and other participation restrictions, even at open invitational tournaments. Many national championship tournaments limit participation to debate teams from the
host country. There are academic restrictions at other events some
only permit undergraduate college students, while other events are
open to undergraduate and graduate students. Some tournaments
have language restrictions (debates are in Russian or English, or all
debates are in the national language.) Some invitational tournaments prohibit hybrid team participation, meaning that teams comprised of students from different academic institutions or debating
clubs may not enter. Other events place restrictions on participation
from the host some allow a hosts teams to enter the event; others
allow the hosts teams to enter the event under the conditions that a
team may not compete for awards; still others prohibit the hosts
teams from participating.
Tournaments may sponsor debate divisions for competitors with differing skills and debate experience. Competitive tournaments may sponsor an inter-varsity division for experienced debates, as well as a separate
division for novice debaters. Some international events with debating in
English may support separate elimination round debates or championship debate for participants with English as a foreign language.
Tournament hosts design events to serve competitive and edu280



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cational needs. These goals can conflict. It is important that tournament hosts identify the appropriate goals for their events and
design them accordingly. Tournament hosts should schedule events,
if practicable, in cooperation with debate organizations and colleagues to minimize conflicts and increase debating opportunities
for contestants.

Before the tournament

Debate tournaments may be simple affairs involving 10 to 15 debate
teams and judges. They may also be very complex conferences with
hundreds of competitors and additional hundreds of adjudicators and
guests. Although the scope of arrangements and resources will differ
from event to event, the minimum administrative arrangements are
similar for all tournaments. A tournament directors responsibilities
seldom vary, despite the change in the scope of her enterprise.
The following checklist includes the major elements of tournament
administration and preparation:

Deciding to Host
The decision to host a debate tournament is a major undertaking for an
individual or a small group. The decision should not be made lightly.
Comprehensive planning, including prospective budgeting and tournament administration, ought to be completed before a public announcement inviting debaters and adjudicators to attend an event. It is better
to anticipate problems, bottlenecks, and conflicts prior to a decision to
host than to discover them at the time that guests are arriving at the
airport, eager to participate in your tournament. Directors should, of
course, consider the cost of awards, ballots, staff, guest judges, site
expenses, office supplies, food, entertainment, lodging, and miscellaneous expenses in the prospective budget.
Running a simulation of a debate tournament, including the administration of the debates using tournament tabulation software, is useful
as a staff training opportunity.




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Announcing the Tournament

Acquire contact information
Arrange for a date and site
Draft an invitation
The tournament director should initially acquire contact information
for prospective attendees. Such information can come from mailing
lists from debate organizations, tournament participant lists from
directors in the region, and addresses of debate listservs.
The director will need to arrange for a site and date for the event.
She should coordinate a date for the tournament with local debate
organizations and colleagues in the region. Preliminary contacts
regarding the tournament will reduce the likelihood that other area
debate events will be scheduled on the selected date.
The director should select the tournament site and begin preliminary negotiations for access to this site on the selected tournament
dates. She should anticipate the potential number of participants and
make sure there are sufficient rooms for debates. She should make
arrangements for room access (unlocking doors, etc.) and any additional administrative support that might be required to manage the site.
If required, a tournament representative should contact national debate
organizations for support information and counsel and ensure compliance
with any administrative rules or guidelines for the debate events.
The tournament director should draft a letter of invitation for the
tournament, including relevant details for guests. A sample tournament
invitation letter is included in Appendix 2. The letter should be mailed
to prospective attendees and debate listservs after the director manages
the administrative tasks remaining in the tournament checklist.

Information for tournament guests

Transportation information



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Lodging information
Meal information
Tournament guests require specific information when making a decision to attend a debate tournament and facilitate transportation to and
from the event. Guests need to know the time they should arrive and
depart the tournament. A tournament schedule is necessary for travel
planning and should include the time for the opening ceremonies, first
debate round, and the conclusion of the championship debate.
In our experience, too many debate tournaments are unable to complete events on schedule. The primary reason, it seems, is the tournament
directors failure to set a reasonable schedule. Judges and debaters need
time to move to and from the competition rooms. Some will get lost. If the
tournament uses several buildings for the event, some individuals will get
lost for each of the first two or three rounds of debate.
Judges may provide a philosophy or list of preferences prior to
debates. In select debates, typically those debates for new competitors,
there is a brief instructional or a question-and-answer period before the
opening speech of the contest to familiarize participants with the specific rules for the event. A judge or panel of judges will need time to deliberate, privately or by consensus depending on the rules for the event,
before reaching a decision and ranking the teams or listing a winner. The
judge will take time to accurately complete a ballot for proper tabulation
at the conclusion of the debate and make individual notes for speakers,
offer written constructive criticism for teams, or explain the reason for
the decision on the outcome of the debate on the debate ballot.
What does this mean? It means that more time is required for each
round of debate than permitted in tournament schedules. Hosts should
provide a meaningful schedule to guests and design it so there is time
to adhere to it even if delays occur. Directors would be wise to add 30
to 45 minutes to the schedule, particularly after the first or second
round of debate, to account for such issues as longer-than-anticipated
instructional question-and-answer sessions, difficulties in finding competition rooms, and registration queues.
Tournament schedules and policies should minimize hostage holding. In other words, a debate tournament should be designed to allow



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guests to attend the event and depart as quickly as possible after their
elimination from the competition. Guests may, of course, choose to
remain at a tournament for the duration of the event. Tournaments can
be enjoyable social gatherings. The events conviviality may encourage
participants to continue to stay on. Many participants enjoy witnessing
additional debates, particularly the later elimination debates in which
the top competitors engage in highly skilled exchanges. These debates
can be fine educational demonstrations for less experienced debaters,
as well as sophisticated and enjoyable encounters. The choice to
remain at a tournament site should be the guests rather than that of the
tournament administration. A debate tournament should assist guest
departure in a convenient manner, a courtesy to those who may have
traveled a distance to attend the tournament or may need to leave for
any number of personal, academic, or business reasons.
A sample schedule for a debate tournament, with six preliminary
debates and four elimination rounds, might be as follows:
10:00 AM 11:00 AM
11:00 AM 11:45 AM
12:00 PM 1:30PM
1:45 PM 3:15 PM
3:30 PM 5:00 PM
6:30 PM 8:00 PM
8:30 AM 10:00 AM
10:30 AM 12:00 PM
12:30 PM 12:45 PM

Judge Training and Seminar
Round 1
Round 2
Round 3
Round 4

Round 5
Round 6
Announcements, Awards, and
Elimination Rounds
1:00 PM 2:15 PM
2:30 PM 3:45 PM
4:00 PM 5:15 PM
5:30 PM 7:00 PM
This schedule, designed for a two-team parliamentary debate format,
allows approximately 90 minutes for each round. It would be difficult



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for the tournament to fail to meet this schedule for events. For example, a tournament debate would require 15 to 20 minutes for preparation time and 40 minutes for actual competition. The schedule includes
an additional 30 minutes for judge deliberation, disclosure of the decision, and supplemental constructive commentary, including oral discussion with debaters and the completion of a written ballot. A tournament design for a four-team inter-varsity tournament with nearly 60
minutes of competition time might eliminate a preliminary debate and
one or more elimination debates. The schedule might be:
3:00 PM 4:00 PM
4:00 PM 4:45 PM
5:00 PM 7:00 PM
7:15 PM 9:15 PM

Judge Training and Seminar
Round 1
Round 2

9:00 AM 11:00 AM
11:30 AM 1:30 PM
2:30 PM 4:30 PM
5:00 PM 7:00 PM
7:30 PM 9:30 PM

Round 3
Round 4
Round 5

Some directors host instructional seminars or an educational tournament, which often include some competitive debates. A schedule for
such an event, typically offered in a single day, might be the following:
8:30 AM 9:00 AM
9:30 AM 10:30 AM
10:45 AM 11:30 AM
11:30 AM 1:00 PM
1:00 PM 2:30 PM
2:45 AM 3:30 PM

Demonstration Debate and
Instructional Small Group
Session 1
Round 1
Instructional Small Group



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4:00 PM 5:30 PM
6:00 PM 6:30 PM

Session 2
Round 2
Summation and Awards

In addition to schedule information, travelers will need to have information regarding any arrangements for transportation, lodging, and
meals. Tournament directors need to inform guests of the proximity of
airports, train, and bus stations, as well as the cost and preferred
method of public transportation or taxi service from such locations to
the tournament site. They also must provide walking, driving, and
parking directions for those commuting to the site. If tournament hosts
are able to arrange for discounted travel options (e.g., group airline
discounts), they should include the necessary information, such as an
airline or rail service discount code, in the tournament invitation.
Many debate events negotiate a discounted rate for conference guests
with one or more local hotels. Special lodging offers should be included in
the invitation. Tournament directors should make arrangements for special
rates for dates prior to and after the tournament competition dates for those
who need to stay extra days because of their travel arrangements.
Tournaments may also offer provide crash, or free, housing for guests.
Guests do not expect much when accepting free accommodations it may
be a worthwhile gesture to provide them, much appreciated by those traveling a great distance or otherwise expending significant resources to compete.
Tournament hosts should explain what, if any, food service will be
available at the tournament site. This information is not simply a courtesy, but a necessity for guests with dietary health concerns.
Tournaments that provide meals to participants should consider the
needs of all attendees, making an effort to offer vegan, vegetarian, and
low-sugar options, as well as the standard full buffet for omnivores.

Tournament Operations
Tabulating room staff
Tabulating hardware and software
Tournament office supplies
Guest judging



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The tournament director should identify experienced personnel to support

tournament administrative tasks and debate tabulation. Experienced individuals may be in the hosting institution or organization, but many experienced tournament tabulation staff and administrators are willing to provide
advice or volunteer their time to assist at other sites. It is important to have
sufficient personnel to manage tournament operations, but it is of equal
importance to avoid a bloated tabulating room staff. Few things interfere
with tab room efficiency more than an unwieldy and unnecessary bureaucracy to ensure a responsible job for each staff person. Some tasks are not
better managed by several individuals when a single, capable person will
do. A director should employ the minimum number of experienced or otherwise talented individuals for the tabulating staff.
There is tournament tabulating software for Macintosh and PC
computers for two-team events. There is tabulating software for PC
computers for four-team events. The software is free and available on
the Internet. Tournament directors should acquire the software that is
appropriate for their computer system. The software should be downloaded and tested several weeks before the tournament.
Tournament software needs hardware. The tournament must have
one or more computers and a printer. The tournament should have
access to a photocopier, if this is at all practical. The director will need
to purchase office supplies for tournament operations, including large
envelopes or folders for registration packets and ballots, pens, paper,
tape, and stapler. Depending on the physical layout of the site, the
tournament director may want to rent or purchase walkie-talkies (a
relatively modest, one-time expense) for communication with tournament staff at other buildings at the tournament site. The director and
other designated personnel should have a cellular phone for emergency
communication with guests and site personnel.
Each debate requires one or more judges. The host should anticipate the number of judges required for the event and secure guest
judges, as many attending teams will not have judges accompanying
them to the event. Tournament directors may also choose to limit
entries to those teams with accompanying judges, if it is difficult to
identify a sufficient number of judges for the event.




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Tournament materials
Registration packet
Instructional information
Topic writing and selection
Tournaments work best when guests receive enough information to successfully navigate the physical site and the rules of the event. The tournament director should prepare a registration packet, which is a set of
materials to deliver to participants at the time of team registration. The
registration packet should include a receipt for entry fees and other
tournament costs, copies of the tournament schedule, site and area maps,
lists of interesting things to do in the area (if applicable), and contact
information for the tournament tabulating room and director.
The tournament director should purchase awards for team and
individual performers, if the tournament will present such awards.
(Most events do.) The director should ensure the arrival of awards several days prior to the date of the event and examine them for defects or
missing items.
Debaters expect an accounting of their performances in an oral and
written form. The tournament host should purchase or produce ballots
for each judge for each round of debate. If the tournament has access to
a photocopier, it is more convenient and decidedly less expensive to
design and photocopy a tournament ballot. A sample ballot is included in
Appendix 2. The tournament produces photocopies of the submitted ballot from each judge for each of the participating teams in the debate.
The host may choose to provide documents with competitor and
adjudicator information. This information may include rules for the
competition, guidelines for judging, and recommendations for assisting
in the efficient operation of the tournament.
There are different kinds of debate motions, often categorized as
limited preparation, closed and open. A limited preparation motion is



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announced from several hours to several weeks prior to a tournament

debate on the motion. Debaters are provided with some time to
research materials and prepare arguments on the motion. A closed
motion is most easily understood as a literal statement, one that should
engage debaters in commonly accepted and obvious terms. An open
motion describes a motion with more abstract or indirect language.
Limited preparation motion: This House would limit civil liberties to
promote national security.
Closed motion: This House supports Chinas entry in the WTO.
Open motion: This House would bury it.
It is not readily apparent that a resolution might fit one, and only one,
topic category. Indeed, we believe that the distinctions among these categories are more artificial than real. They are important, nevertheless,
because tournament directors and judges have expectations about proposition team topic interpretations and arguments that are set by these categories. But motions are not so easily limited to a single category. Could
the listed limited preparation topic on restrictions on civil liberties be used
as a closed motion? Yes. Is the closed motion on Chinas entry to the
WTO a metaphor that might also be an example of an open motion? Yes.
A tournament director must decide which sorts of motions to
include in the contest and the manner to position the motions in the
tournament. Should the tournament offer a mix of categories? Should
the tournament offer a single category, e.g., only closed motions?
Should the motions differ from preliminary debates to elimination
round debates? Should motion categories vary from round to round?
In a general sense, tournament directors currently try to encourage
debate on diverse topics, although this may be accomplished without
using more than one category of motions. It is possible, for example, to
promote discussions on a broad range of substantive issues and use
only closed motions for debate.
A tournament host should consider the skills, experiences, and
expectations of participants, as well as the purposes of the event. These
factors will influence the selection of the categories of motions, as well
as the wording of specific topics for debate. A host may decide to offer
a variety of topic categories at the event. The host might, for example,
provide six preliminary rounds of debate, selecting two each of limited



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preparation, closed, and open motions.

The tournament director, in this circumstance, can use the two
motions from the same category in following debates, beginning with
the odd-numbered debate round. This format is not complicated and is
particularly easy to execute in two-team debates. (It is a bit problematic in four-team rounds of debate but by no means impossible.) In
tournament contests with an even number of preliminary debates, each
team ought to debate the same number of proposition and opposition
debates. In a tournament with six preliminary rounds, each debate
team would debate three times as the proposition and three times as the
opposition. In an odd-numbered debate, a team could debate on the
proposition side or the opposition side. For example, in the first round
of debating, half the entering teams would be assigned to the proposition and they would be matched with opposition teams. In the evennumbered rounds, the teams switch sides. The opposition teams debate
on the proposition and the proposition teams debate on the opposition.
This cycle is repeated in each pair of debates in the preliminary
debates, beginning with the odd-numbered round of debate.
If the categories of motions are matched to the debate rounds in which
each debate team will argue both the proposition and opposition sides,
participants are more likely to consider that the contest is fair. Each team,
in the example, would appreciate the opportunity to debate both the
proposition and opposition sides of limited preparation, closed, and open
motions. If the tournament director placed a limited preparation motion in
the first and third debates, rather than the first and second debates, it is
likely that some teams would debate twice on the proposition or the opposition on this sort of motion. If limited preparation time provides an advantage to one side of the debate, it may be the case that the directors placement of categories of motions in debate rounds has given an unfair advantage to the some teams in the tournament.
Some tournament directors might choose a single motion category for
the entire event. A tournament organized at the time of a national election,
for example, might select a series of limited preparation topics on election
reform or the salient issues of candidates or political parties policies.
It may be the case that some tournament hosts might select a certain type of motion for the championship or grand final debate (so



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selected, for example, for a large public or broadcast audience available

to watch the final tournament debate). It may be necessary to promote
the event with an announcement of a specific topic or a topic area. In
this circumstance, the director might use a limited preparation motion
or closed motion. These motions might preview the topic for targeted demographic groups likely to attend or view the debate.
There are, of course, a number of debate tournaments with an odd
number of preliminary debates. If this is the case, the tournament
director should reserve her most equitable or balanced motion for the
last debate, as that will be the debate that will create an imbalance of
argument sides for the contest. This final preliminary debate, in an
odd-numbered round, will mean that teams debate more rounds on
either the proposition or the opposition side.
Are there guides to the creation of effective resolutions for debate?
Yes and no. There are guides that seem commonsensical. The motion
ought to be interesting. It should a matter in controversy (i.e., one
should know that the matter is debatable). Participants should have
some knowledge of the topic or the ideas and arguments suggested by
it. The motion should be clearly worded. In most instances, the topic
should be affirmatively, rather than negatively worded. It is better to
avoid topics that begin This House would not If the tournament
includes participants from more than one country, the director should
select some topics that transcend or encourage debate about boundaries (geographic, cultural, economic, etc.).
These and similar guides, or aspirations, might be satisfying (I want
topics that produce roughly equal arguments for the adversaries, I want
motions that will inspire an audience or cause it to swoon, I want topics that will produce rigorous and challenging debate) but these are
rather abstract and unhelpful critical guides and almost impossible to consistently use as standards for generating and constructing topic ideas. For
example, the more one thinks about the issue of those matters that make
a good resolution, the more one produces standards for constructing
viable motions. The more standards for topic wording are generated, the
more desirable it appears to apply the standards. The more one tries to
apply multiple standards for evaluating a topic, the less likely it becomes
that any topic will pass muster. It is something of a paradox.



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Much of the criticism of debating motions, and much of the admiration

for motions, appears as ex post facto commentary on debate. If a debate
involves sophisticated, challenging argumentation and refutation,
expressed in a clever or entertaining manner, the participants and observers
construct the topic as good. If the debate is shallow and unappealing, the
motion is to blame it is a bad motion. These claims are self-serving and
have little to do with honest assessment of motions. If motions produce
debate or should produce debate (and that is all that we can reasonably
expect of them), we should consider them satisfactory. If they suspend
debate, and a few motions do, they are inappropriate.
We offer a simple guide for writing a motion: Regardless of the category of the motion, keep the wording of the topic simple and direct. There isnt
enough preparation time prior to a debate for participants to figure or imagine the inner workings of the topic authors peculiarities and psychoses.
Debaters should be able to take any motion and immediately (or within the
allotted preparation time) begin to work the idea. In addition, it isnt necessary to force the hand of participants by including complex information
in the actual motion for debate. The debaters will generate complex ideas
from basically worded motions. They need to do so. This is the way they
are more likely to win the debate.
In addition, simply worded motions provide due consideration to those
participants debating in a second or third language. They assist novice or
speech-apprehensive debaters, who are likely to be anxious about public
speaking or the format and do not need to be confounded by the motion.
Crafting a simply worded motion still requires time and care. It
may not be so simple to design the motion with the quality of simplicity. (The simple is not so simple. There you have it. A poorly worded
motion.) It is in the interest of a tournament director or topic designer
to consider, from several perspectives (which may involve speaking to
others about these matters, unless one prefers a schizophrenic or intellectually chaotic approach to idea formation), how debates will occur
on the finished topics. There is a context for producing debate motions.
The purpose of the motion is to promote debate. If experienced practitioners have considerable difficulty understanding the motion or
applying interpretations of it to the context of a debate in a few minutes, the care, simplicity, investment of research and time, and other



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favorable features of the topic design method lose their relevance. The
topic does not work and it should not be considered.
This difficulty is not a reason to permanently discard debate on the
motion. There are extraordinarily worthwhile ideas that ought to be
included in parliamentary debate tournaments that do not fit a ready, onesize-fits-all topic formula. It may be the case that the topic language must
be carefully customized prior to its use in tournament debates. It may
require testing in public or practice debates to begin working out the difficulties in its construction. The motion could then be used in later events.
Here is an important, perhaps urgent, note: Motions should be
designed well in advance of the actual tournament date. Well in
advance. They should be shared with other experienced topic authors
for critical review and editing. In addition, the director should draft
more motions than required by the number of rounds for the event.
The director should, quite obviously, draft at least as many motions as
the number of rounds of debate. There are circumstances in which fastchanging national and world events may moot selected topics. Other
debate tournaments may use some of the topics that you considered.
An announced limited preparation topic for a subsequent tournament
may affect your decision to use the same idea for extemporaneous
argument training. It is sound to have several additional motions in
appropriate categories available as substitutes for the ones that might
be pre-selected for the tournament.
It can be argued, however, that categories of motions, as well as the
wording of the motions themselves, are different from the substance,
core elements, or heart, of the debate. It isnt the case that appreciation of the motion carries the day. Few debates are won or lost when
the motion is announced. Rather, debates are won on reasoning, evidence, and the persuasive skills of participants engaged in sophisticated argument on diverse issues related to the topics interpretation.
After all, any topic interpretation begets a host of argument matters for
a debate. It is these subsequently revealed issues, not the language of
the motion itself, on which the outcome of a debate ultimately rests.
Topic categories and wording choices may influence the outcome of
debates and may set performance expectations for the contestants, but the
matter of which side does the better debating or convincingly wins the



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arguments might still be decisively resolved on other issues. Topic selection, wording, and placement of motions in particular rounds of a debate
contest are important matters. These issues, however, will not inevitably
alter the outcome of the majority of contest debates. The wording of topics is often a source of complaint for participants, but its influence in the
outcome of debates is exaggerated. Of more importance is the ability of
debaters to craft a discrete, convincing, and reasonable interpretation of
a given motion. Interpretive and argument skills matter more than topic
language choices by tournament directors.

Ancillary Information
Last-minute travel information
Harassment and legal information
Videotaping and broadcast preparation
The host should update travelers with weather and travel information,
particularly if transit delays or inclement weather are likely.
The host should provide any organizational legal information
regarding access for differently abled people or harassment policy.
Tournament hosts should provide access to the site and support services for differently abled individuals (for example, individuals with
impaired hearing or in wheelchairs) and, in a number of cases, may be
required by law to provide relevant accommodations. The host should
have available information regarding sexual and other harassment and
should have a policy in place in the event of a harassment report. Once
again, this information may be required by national debate organizations, leagues, or by applicable local or national laws.
The tournament director should consider the legal implications of
tournament management, including applicable ethics codes for academic institutions and national organizations, tax requirements, and
labor policies. For example, some tournament directors accept personal checks, made payable to them as individuals, as payment for registering teams. This may be an acceptable practice if the tournament is a
private profit-making operation by the tournament director, for which



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the tournament director accepts sole liability. If, however, the director
is an employee or representative of an institution, the director may
have a different relationship with the tournament. When the tournament is sponsored by an academic institution, accepting personal
checks may be a violation of university policy. The university hosts and
sponsors the event as a university conference program and expects revenue to be directed to the treasurers office and general fund.
Accepting personal checks made payable to the director may require a
tournament director to declare the payments as income, subject to local
and national taxes. Payments to guest judges and tabulation staff, done
privately (off the books), may violate tax and labor policy. These
issues are important considerations for directors, who may face serious
personal and legal liability for failure to manage what may be the
equivalent of many thousands of dollars in tournament payments.
The tournament host may choose to arrange to videotape debates
or provide live Internet streaming of selected rounds. These plans
should be completed well in advance of the tournament and several
tests of audio/visual equipment or Internet configurations and connections should be completed by the date of the tournament. If appropriate, the tournament should provide appropriate waivers for individuals
appearing on video or in broadcasts.
Prior to the tournament, the director should confirm all arrangements
for the event. Guests should receive confirmation of their successful admission. Tournament service and support room access, dining services, entertainment, etc. should be confirmed. Efficient and timely planning will not
matter much if there is a last minute error or oversight. It is best to check all
the elements of successful tournament operations before guests arrive.

During the tournament

The management of a debate tournament is a surprisingly uncomplicated affair if the host has completed the before the tournament
tasks. Events ought to follow each other according to schedule.
Experienced staff ought to be available to assist with difficulties.
Tournament directors need to prepare for unlikely or untoward events.




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Opening Events
Instructional sessions
The tournament director should prepare an orientation session to
begin the event. This session may consist of documents supplied to participants at tournament registration, a video presentation, or an opening meeting. The orientation should include rules for the event, schedules, maps, and other resources to facilitate participation and avoid
tournament delays. The documents or opening session may also
include instructional information for debaters and judges.
Instructional information may include demonstration debates, seminars, training sessions, and support materials. Some contestants may
have not participated in debates or in the particular debate format prior
to the tournament. A seminar is an opportunity to assist participating
debaters in understanding the intricacies of the rules and conventions of
debate practice. It is also an opportunity to provide judge information,
instruction, and testing. This sort of judge training will both inform
judges of practice standards for the tournament and also set consistent
standards in deliberations and evaluations of debater performances.

Tournament Operations
Services: Meals, lodging, entertainment, awards
The director should select a conveniently located common area for the
public distribution of any announcements. Information that will be
used throughout the tournament, e.g., an event schedule or directions
to debate rooms, should be posted. Contact information for problems,
as well as the location of the tabulating room, should be posted. The
site should serve as a gathering place for tournament participants.
Judges should secure and return ballots to this area.
The director should decide on a manner to announce each motion



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for debate. There are several popular forms, including a single common
announcement, the private announcement by a judge or speaker, and
the selection of the motion by the participants.
Many tournaments have a single public announcement of the
motion for each round of debate. Tournament participants gather in a
common area at an appointed time and the director of the event or a
representative of the tournament-tabulating staff makes an announcement of the motion. Typically, participants have approximately 15 to 20
minutes from the time of the announcement to the start of the debate.
Each tournament sets its own policy regarding preparation time
between the announcement of the topic and the beginning of each
debate. A sensible rule is that each team should have a minimum of 15
minutes to prepare for debates. If it requires five minutes to walk from
the common announcement area to the furthest debating room, the
tournament should provide 20 minutes of preparation time (15 minutes
+ a five-minute walk to the debate site). This time frame provides all
debaters a satisfactory minimum preparation time.
Other tournaments attach a copy of the motion to the debate ballot that judges receive prior to debates. After the teams and judge
arrive at their assigned room, the judge announces the motion and the
teams have 15 minutes to prepare for the debate.
Another form of topic announcement, for two-team debates uses a
similar ballot attachment.. The attachment to the ballot, however, has
three motions for debate. The proposition team is able to strike or
delete one of the motions from consideration and the opposition team
is permitted to strike a second of the three motions. The remaining
motion is the used for the debate. Each team is allowed approximately
one minute to make its choice of a topic strike and preparation time
begins after the second topic is struck from consideration.
The results of debates are collected by the tournament administration and used to tabulate tournament results on a round-by-round
basis. Tabulating software is available to assist this task. There are, in
many regions of the world, persons with experience with tabulating
software. If the tournament director or selected staff is not familiar
with tournament tabulation methods or software, the director should
identify one or more individuals to serve as tabulation directors or con297



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sultants. This procedure should ensure no problems or unnecessary

delays in tournament operations. Quite obviously, accurate recording
of the results of a competition is essential to its purpose and of great
importance to guests, and the director need to pay considerable attention to this element of tournament administration.
After the announcement of the each preliminary debate, a member
of the tournament staff should post the results of the debate tournament to that point. Tabulating software will produce the team records
of each team in the contest. An alphabetical or rank order listing of the
teams should be posted in a common area.
A public posting of the tournament results allows teams to verify
the accuracy of tabulating room results. Debate teams are able to confirm the announced decision at the conclusion of the debate with the
posted version by the tournament staff. Publicly posting results
decreases the likelihood of tabulating room error and may avoid a serious matter, namely, the inadvertent exclusion of a qualifying team from
the elimination round debates. It is also a convenient way to disseminate information to participants. After all, the results of each debate are
hardly the proprietary information for the tournament tabulating staff.
In fact, there is no reason for the tabulating room to have access to this
information, other than to determine the appropriate debate pairings
for following round of debate.
The director must coordinate any receptions, meals, awards presentations, or other gatherings during the tournament. The host should prepare any speeches or announcements for these events well in advance.
The director must have contact information for caterers, organizers, or
other support staff for social events. Tournament staff should be assigned
to manage these events, if necessary, as the tournament director may be
involved with other matters at the time. All preparations for social and
cultural events, awards, guest lodging, etc., should be confirmed with
organizers and vendors prior to the date of the tournament.
The best planning will not necessarily guarantee a problem-free
tournament. Inclement weather, hotel and catering company errors,
locked classrooms or debating chambers, an insufficient number of
judges, computer tabulating hardware and software difficulties, and
more can disrupt an otherwise well-planned event. We have several



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suggestions for tournament directors and staff. These suggestions will

not necessarily prevent problems but might assist in their amelioration.
In addition to posting event and contact information and providing
guests with it in their registration materials, and having cellular telephones for staff communications, as previously suggested, the tournament host should appoint an assistant tournament director, with the
full authority to make decisions regarding tournament operations, in
the event that serious difficulties occur at the same time and the director must attend to one of them.
The tournament should maintain a troubleshooting desk or make
other arrangements for guest services. This part of tournament operations assists participants with legitimate but relatively minor concerns
(i.e., those concerns that do not affect overall operations), including
directions to debating rooms, lost and found items, schedule information, notes on dining options in the area, etc.

After the tournament

Ballots and tabulation results
Tournament Information
Review and evaluation
The tournament host should collect the ballots from each for the preliminary and elimination round debates. Staff should organize and place ballots for each team or academic institution in folders or envelopes and
make them available to guests at the point that guests are eliminated from
the event. The tournament director should ensure that complete tabulation and awards results are included in each folder.
The tournament may choose to post the results of the contest on debate
listservs and Websites. Full information for individual and team results may
be e-mailed to listservs or forwarded to Website administrators. Some
debate leagues or national organizations require that tournament results be
forwarded to their offices for inclusion in national rankings for annual
awards. The tournament director should promptly and completely deliver



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tournament tabulation results or a list of award recipients, as required.

The director should also post the motions used during the tournament to debate listservs and Websites. A topic list is an outstanding
resource for competitors unable to participate in the contest. It provides
a set of topics for practice debating. It familiarizes debaters with the issues
considered controversial and appropriate for academic debates. It prevents the duplication of motions at subsequent tournaments.
One of the important functions of tournament administration is to
establish an institutional history of the event. As a guide for colleagues,
an efficient reference for the administration of future events, and a
means to coordinate event publicity, a comprehensive tournament
evaluation is a valued asset.
The director should prepare a comprehensive review of the tournament, including files of all invitations and announcements, schedules, support documentation, tabulation results, topics, and award recipients. The
director should evaluate the event to anticipate her needs for subsequent
tournaments and to provide a documentary history of tournament administration that will be available to future directors.

Publicity and Conclusion

The tournament staff should promote its successful administration.
Publicity may include press announcements to local and national
media, broadcast of videotaped debates or tournament excerpts on the
Internet, and announcements of future events to debate Websites and
listservs. The tournament director should contact local media prior to
the competition and be ready to provide written promotional materials
or conduct interviews during the tournament.
The director has a final task, namely, to thank those individuals
and institutions providing tournament support. A personal note, reference letter, Internet announcement, or thank-you on a Website should
suffice to graciously commend the efforts of others, many of whom
undoubtedly volunteered considerable time and skill to the endeavor.




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All of the topics included below are actual topics that have been used in tournament
competitions, both nationally and internationally, over the course of several years. In
this list, you will find topics of all kinds. Some topics are better than others, according
to the guidelines we set out in Chapter 12. Some of these motions are closed or relatively closed, while some are open or relatively open. Some topics are metaphorical or
idiomatic, and may thus be difficult for non-native English speakers. Other topics are
specific to the internal affairs of particular nations, but can be easily modified to fit the
needs of your nation or community.
This list can be an effective tool for teaching and practice. Debaters should use
the topics for preparation a good exercise would be to pick a few topics at a time and,
for each topic, generate case ideas and topic interpretations linking the case to the
motion. Teachers, trainers, and coaches should use the list to provide practice topics
for their students. They may also choose to use topics from this list for tournaments or
other kinds of scrimmages among debaters or debate squads. The most important function of this list, however, is that it serves to show the wide range of parliamentary
debate topics.
This House believes that 'the power to tax is the power to destroy. (Justice John




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you start you cant stop.

This House would reject consensus.

This House believes that

peace is undesirable.

This House would put pragmatism before its principles.

This House approves of political inertia.

This House would heal the


This House believes in order

to get it you have to give it

This House would rather be in

than out.
This House would break the
This House supports the
strong state.
Resistance is not futile.
This House would contemplate rather than act.
This House would mind the
business of others.
The messenger should be

This House believes love is


The House would still the fires


This House believes that the

light at the end of the tunnel
is an oncoming train.

This House would develop a

strategy rather than a theory.

This House would stop using


This House prefers cooperation to competition.

This House would expose the


This House would hunt them

down to the ends of the

This House would defend elitism.

This House would milk the

cow dry.

This House would redistribute

the wealth.

This House would catch em


This House should recycle.

This House would be apathetic.

This House believes that good

things come to those who

This House believes that the

buck stops here.

This House believes that life

imitates art.

That radical change is superior

to incremental change.

This House believes you can

judge a book by its cover.

This House would send the

boy home.

This house believes that festivals are superior to competitions.

This House believes that once


How you play the game ought

to be more important than
winning the game.

This House would open its


This House should investigate

the investigators.

This House would walk the


This House should change its


When they say its not about

the money, its about the

This House would pull the


This House has got some


This House should check its


This House prefers second

place to first.

This House believes that the

Emperor is wearing no

The journey of a thousand

miles begins with one step.

This House should announce

that the King is naked.

This House should pull the

This House should teach an
old dog a new trick.
This House should consider
carefully that which seems
initially successful.

This House would reject

This House would rock the
This House would balance the
This House believes the customer is always right.
Dramatic failure is more useful
than mild success.
This House believes that
silence means consent.
This House believes that information wants to be free.
This House believes that the
local is preferable to the
This House should balance its
This House would lock its
If at first you dont succeed,
This House should embrace



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Adults must respect children.

have value in this world.

This House believes that its

time for a change.

The power of one is stronger

than the power of many.

This House believes that it is

better to be a middle of the

This House believes in the

devolution of power.

Obedience to authority is an
excuse for cowardice.

This House believes that the

people are wrong.

This House would remain


True courage is demonstrated

through passive resistance.

This House believes that we

have never had it so good.

This House would break the

law in the interests of justice.

The conflict that occurs within

is as complex painful as the
conflict that occurs without.

This House would let the

majority rule.

This House would break a bad


This House would throw caution to the wind.

This House would let them in.

This House would live outside

the law.

This House believes in freedom from fear.

This House prefers justice to

This House supports civil disobedience.

This House would privatize it.

This House expects the

Spanish Inquisition.

This House believes that the

end justifies the means.

This House would rather be

beautiful than clever.

This House should be a spiritual House.

Resolved: Actions speak louder than words.

This House rejects a cost-benefit analysis.

This House should be a virtual


This House believes in the

greatest good for the greatest number.

This House would not vouch

for vouchers.

This House would support


This House doesnt believe

these politicians.

This House is in contempt of

the court.

Ignoring the fringe is better

than engaging it.

This House would assist those

who wish to die.

This House believes that childhood is more important than


The grass grows greener on

the other side.

This House would stick to its

This House believes in Right
and Wrong.
This House needs a nanny
This House would legislate,
not liberate.
This House believes that divided we stand, united we fall.
The carrot is more effective
than the stick.
This House would put an X
in the center square.
This House would meet cruelty with kindness.
This House would reject big
This House would rather be
public than private.
We dont believe that imitation
is flattery.
Only the lives of the mighty

This House would remove

government from the lives
of the people.

This House believes in the survival of the fittest.

This House should save the
family farm.

This House believes apples

and oranges make strange

This House should resist the

tyranny of principle.

Be it resolved that needs of

the many outweigh the
needs of the few.

This House should break the


This House should grease the

wheels of justice.
This House believes that there
are necessary illusions.
This House would repeat the
mistakes of the past.
This House believes that fortune favors the foolish.

Regulate the regulators.

This House would encourage

saving our green.
This House believes it is better
to stand alone.
This House would test its
This House is sad, cold and
This House calls for grants,




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not loans.

its enemies.

This House would bring back

the rope.

This House would defend elitism.

This House will not survive.

This House believes in painting

the town red.

This House would thwart the

will of the majority.
This House should hide the
This House would rage against
the machine.

This House would cry over

spilt milk.
This House would return the

Social Security.
The government should be
financed exclusively by voluntary contributions.
Citizens should be taxed to
finance public education.
You can spend your own
money more wisely than the

This House would repair the


This House would give substantial tax relief to prevent

a recession.

This House would not stand

by her man.

This House supports a flat tax.

This House would centralize.

This House would cut taxes.

This House believes that there

ought to be a law.

This House would steal the

beggars tin cup.

In certain circumstances, a
conscientious objection to
paying taxes is justified.

Corporate power has gone

too far.

This House would check it out.

This House believes the pen in

mightier than the sword.
Be it resolved that might
makes right.

This House would burn the village to save it.

This House believes that
fanaticism works.
This House believes that the
truth is out there.
This House believes that old
enemies can become new

This House believes that

progress is a myth.
This House would blame society.
This House would do the
This House should be forced
to give up its vices.
This House would find the

Resolved: This House believes

there is no blank slate.

This House should forgive and


This House would boldly go

where no House has gone

This House would rather be

East than West.

This House would rather be a

tortoise than a hare.
This House would rather
explode than implode.


This House believes that what

costs little is of little worth.

Wealthy peoples taxes should

be raised and poor peoples
taxes should be lowered.

This House would root for the


This House would use taxation

to regulate behavior.

This House would watch the


This House should replace the

federal income tax with a
federal sales tax.

This House would watch the

This House would assassinate


Citizens should not be forced

to pay taxes to finance

This House would abolish

direct taxation.
This House believes that taxation is theft.
This House believes that a fairer society needs higher taxation.
This House believes that low
taxes are preferable to
extensive government service.


A victims deliberate use of
deadly force is justified as a
response to domestic
In the criminal justice system,
truth-seeking ought to take
precedence over the rights
of the accused.
This House believes in trial by
The rights of the victim ought
to take precedence over the
rights of the accused.
This House would legalize



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its feminine side.
This House believes that it is
more important to give than
it is to receive.
This House would give it up.
This House would eliminate
the subsidy.
Be it resolved that it is better
to lead than to follow.
The loophole should be
You dont need a weatherman
to know which way the wind

This House would repudiate


This House would come out of

the closet.

This House would repudiate


This House would add fuel to

the fire.

This House would free the


Embarrassment is the best


This House believes that

deception is necessary.

Freedom from is better than

freedom to.

This House would let the people decide.

There is no place for personal


This House would fail until it


Good riddance to the second


It is better to be safe than to

be sorry.

Railings only stop the foolish.

This House believes in competition.

This House believes there are

no boundaries but our own.

This House believes that the

whole is greater than the
sum of its parts.

This House would sell to the

highest bidder.

This House would make it up

as we go along.

This House would blow stuff

This House would spend it.

The ray of hope is a blinding


Bury it.

Just chill.

This house would raise the


It is time to fish, or cut bait.

This House would upset the

This House believes that

those who destroy should

This House would turn the


This House would trade

swords for plowshares.

This House would follow them

to the ends of the earth.

Resolved: that payments are

always unbalanced.

This House would unhitch the


You should build a fence

around your house.

This house would gamble on a

dark horse.
This House would blow it up.

This House believes that it is

best to stay parked than to
jump on the accelerator.

This House believes in the survival of the fittest.

This House would seek a simpler way.

People should be accountable

for their own rescues.

No justice, no peace

Apathy is more problematic

than obedience.
This House believes that we
should merge into one lane.

This House would seek a sinister way.

This House would hold its
This House would go to the
other extreme.

Resolved: You sell the sizzle

not the steak.
This House would be guided
by the youth.
This House prefers restraint to
Resolved: Love is over-rated.
This House would bring back
the boot camp.
Resolved: Silence is violence.
Resolved: that what goes up
must come down.
Resolved: that the secret of
success is that there is no
secret of success.
This House would break the
glass ceiling.
This house believes that 9 out
of 10 doctors are wrong.
High fences make good neighbors.
This House believes that the
ends do not justify the
This House believes that the
blind are leading the blind.
This House believes that the
end is near.
Justice delayed is justice
This House believes that gold




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is not cold.
This House believes in magic.
This House would comfort the
afflicted and afflict the comfortable.
This House believes that a
zebra doesnt change its
This House would rather be
poor than rich.

science fact.
This House would take a walk
on the wild side.
Resolved: If the thunder doesnt get you, the lightning will.
This House needs a miracle.
This House should break the

Sometimes it is morally correct to be dishonest.

This House would respond.

This House should spoil its


This House would get down

and dirty.
This House would embrace
the contradiction

This House would plan the

perfect wedding.

This House would put the fat

cats on a diet.

This House supports the culture of openness.

This House would have zero


This House would name them

but not shame them.

This House would rage against

the machine.

This House would walk in a

sacred manner.

This House would drop out.

This House should increase

access to information.
This House regrets devolution.
This House would uproot the
This House would rebalance
the powers.

This House believes that God

is a comedian.
This House would shred its

This House believes that

Shakespeare was right.

When in conflict, this house

would rather be cheap than

Resolved: Let it be.

This House believes in playing

This House would go home.

Our trust is misplaced.

Give legitimacy to the union.

Oops, this House did it again.

This House would sleep with
the enemy.
This House would revisit the

This House believes that well

done is better than well

This House would reach for

the stars.

This House would heed its


This House would remove

government from the lives
of the people.


This House would reveal its


This House says Anarchy


Liberty is more precious than


Science fiction will become

Resolved: The trend toward

centrist politics is desirable.

In this instance, family members should exercise tough


Finish the job.

This House believes you cant

handle the truth.

This House would smoke a


This House believes that charity begins at home.

Speed bumps are a failure of

road planning.

This House would put out the


The fact that most people

think something is true,
makes it true.
Something can be true in theory but not in practice

Cleanliness is not next to godliness

This House would become a

great mountain.


This House would repudiate

This House believes that

change is not progress.
This House will seek forgiveness later rather than permission now.
This House respects its elders.
This House believes in traditions.
This house prefers great taste
to less filling.
This house would push the
This house believes that greed
is good.
It is time to throw off the
shackles of tradition.
This House would look to the
past, not to the future.



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The system of justice, in this
House, should be retributive, not distributive.
This House would impose
mandatory sentences for
repeat offenders.
This House believes in Three
strikes and youre out
This House would lock em up
and throw away the key.
This House believes that the
Japanese government
should allow trials to be
broadcast on television.
This House opposes the death
A swifter and more probable
punishment of crime would
reduce crime rates.
Sodomy and prostitution
between consenting adults
should be legal.

This House believes that convicted rapists are as bad as
murderers and should be
sent to prison for life.
Illegally obtained evidence
should not be admissible in
a criminal trial.
This House favors retribution
over rehabilitation.
This House would limit the
option of litigation.
This House believes that
judges should be elected.
This House would chemically
castrate sex offenders.
This House would publicize the
whereabouts of sex offenders.
This House would put cameras in the courtroom.

It should be legal to require

criminal defendants to testify in their trials.

Resolved: That law enforcement agencies should be

given greater freedom in the
investigation and prosecution of crime.

This House believes that

crimes should have victims.

This House would televise

criminal trials.

This House would eliminate

due process of law.

Resolved: That the federal

government should substantially change rules and/or
statues governing criminal
procedure in

This House believes that civil

litigation should have the
same requirements as criminal litigation.
That the means of police interrogation are less important
that the ends.
This House should limit the
type of evidence admissible
in courts.
This House would discontinue
federal control of state prisons.
Resolved: This House believes
rewards work better than
Be it resolved: Due process is

federal courts in one or more

of the following areas: pretrial detention, sentencing.
This House believes that justice should be blind.
Resolved: Violent juvenile
offenders ought to be treated as adults in the criminal
justice system.
This House would crack down
on petty crimes.
This House would extradite
criminals to face the death

This House believes that rape

victims sexual history
should be admissible in
This House wouldnt trust a
This House should alter the
system of jury selection.
This House should take a
tougher stance toward criminals.

This House would legalize all
This House believes that the
drug war is a civil war.
This House believes that the
war on drugs is inadvisable
in a free society.
This House would legalize soft
This House would legalize hard
This House believes that the
war on drugs is misdirected.
This House would ban all alcoholic drinks.

This House believes in the
separation of church and
This House would ordain
This House would tax religious
This House believes that religion is, and should be, a
political force.
This House believes that religion and politics dont mix.
This House calls for a representative clergy.




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Resolved: that God isnt playing an important enough role
in modern life.
This House believes religion is
the opiate of the masses.
This House believes in the
existence of God.

cy to democracy.
Public campaign tactics should
be limited in one or more
This House believes that there
are better alternatives to
This House believes that politicians have come nowhere
since Machiavelli.


This House believes that only
the elite can truly successfully manage national affairs.
This House believes in pacifism.
This House would use proportional representation to
decide national elections.
This House would use force to
make peace.
This House believes that
democracy is a sham.
This House believes a businessman makes a good
Resident non-citizens should
be given the right to vote.
Special interest groups have
too much influence in elections.
The government should take
one or more actions to
make it easier for citizens to
The voting age should be set
at 16.
This House would require that
all candidates participate in
mandatory, nationally televised debates in presidential
This House would adopt s system of compulsory voting
for all citizens.
This House prefers meritocra-


This House believes that politics is inherently dishonorable.

This House believes state
power is more important
than federal power.
This House would prefer anarchy to oppression.
This House believes that the
state has a duty to protect
individuals from themselves.
This House would be communist.
This House would give
Marxism another try.
This House favors a parliamentary form of government.
This House believes that
strong dictatorship is better
than weak democracy.
This House would reform the
present system of checks
and balances.
This House believes that one
mans terrorist is another
mans freedom fighter.
This House believes that the
right wing is dead wrong.
This House would support a
six-year presidential term of
This House believes that the
President was a victim.
This House believes a constitution is only as good as
those who enforce it.

This House believes that there

can be no justice where
laws are absolute.
This House believes an unjust
government is better than
no government at all.
Resolved: That politicians
should be forgiven when
leaving office.
This House has high hopes for
third parties.
Be it resolved that the government that governs least
governs best.
This House would reform the
national campaign process.
This House believes the decisions of the court should
reflect the values of the
This House prefers honest
representation to pure
This House believes that the
judiciary should be popularly
Resolved: That the power of
the Presidency should be
significantly curtailed.
The only proper function of
government is to defend the
individual rights of its citizens.
Resolved: that politics should
be about the citizens and
not the parties.
This House regards royalty as
This House believes that the
government has forgotten
its role.
This House supports campaign finance reform.
This House demands fully representative government.
This House would rather have
a president than a monarch.



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This House believes that the
state should fund all political

cost of election campaigns.

This House believes in the
two-party system.

This House would ban all private donations to political

This House calls for more use
of the referendum.



This House believes that true

democracy is direct democracy.

This House believes danger is

the price of liberty.

This House believes that negative political advertising is

significantly detrimental to
the democratic process.
This House believes that the
public deserves the politicians it elects.
This House regrets the rise of
career politicians.
This House believes that voting should be compulsory.
This House believes that its a
crime not to vote.
This House believes in libertarian government.
This House believes that violence by the people is the
result of oppression by the
This House supports political
This House would reject the
professional politician.
This House believes that there
is a better way to elect the
This House opposes patriotism.
This House believes in term
limits for federal officials.

This House believes that the

right to die is the ultimate
personal freedom.
This House believes that the
right to privacy is more
important than the freedom
of the press.
This House demands a bill of
This House would codify its
This House believes in the
concept of intellectual property.
The publics right to know outweighs the individuals right
to privacy.
This House believes that freedom has been taken too far
in the western world.
Resolved: That greater controls should be imposed on
the gathering and utilization
of information about citizens
by government agencies.
This House believes in the
right to die.
This House would introduce a
National Identity Card.
This House believes the right
to privacy has gone too far.

This House should reform the

political process.

This House believes that the

rights of the oppressed
should be less important
than the rights of the

This House would limit the

This House believes that secu-

This House believes in direct


rity is more important than

This House believes that personal liberty must be
restricted to reduce the
threat of domestic terrorism.
The protection of public safety
justifies random drug testing.
The publics right to know is of
greater value than a candidates right of privacy.
Resolved: that drug testing in
the workplace should be
This House believes that press
freedom should be restricted to protect the privacy of
public figures.
This House would restrict the
liberty of people in order to
prevent harm to their health.

Freedom of the individual is a
Resolved: This House believes
dualism should be broken
It is possible to identify truths.
This House rejects all forms of
Human beings interests are
necessarily in conflict.
This House believes that it is
never right to take a life.
This House believes there is
no such thing as a winnable
This House believes in
absolute Truth.
This House deplores utilitarianism.
This House rejects a priori




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This House believes that conventionality is not morality.
This House values life over liberty.
When in conflict, individual
rights take precedence over
government rights.
Materialism will lead to the
downfall of humanity.
This House believes that the
ends do not justify the
Violence is an appropriate
expression for the silenced.
This House believes that substance is more important
than philosophy.
Human beings are fundamentally good.
Natural instincts prevail over
intellectual actions.
Humans have no free will.
This House believes that skepticism has replaced ideology.
This House believes that
humanity was born for cooperation, not competition.
This House believes that Plato
was right.
The fact that most people
believe something is good
makes it good.
Moral principles should be
based on the requirements
of human life, not commandments.
This House would re-think
This House believes that collectivism is better than individualism.
This House believes that there
is no justice without retribution.
When called upon by ones


government, individuals are

morally obligated to risk
their lives.
Community standards are of
greater value than individual

The state should make inroads

into parental rights.
This House would give money
to beggars.
This House believes that charity begins with the homeless.

Laws that protect individuals

from themselves are justified.

This House would help beggars become choosers.

Reality is a linguistic construction.

Be it resolved that welfare be

available only to persons
over the age of 21.

This House supports radical

This House believes that the
good life is best measured
by aesthetics.
This House regrets the decline
of conventional morality.

Be it resolved that community

service be a requirement of
welfare payment.
This House would support
positive discrimination.
Social responsibility should be
Housing should be a basic
human right.


This House would require
prospective human parents
to be licensed before having
This House would privatize the
pension problem.
This House would address the
concerns of an aging population.
The government should make
reparations to black people,
and other abused minorities.
This House believes that feminism has devalued parenthood.
This House believes that the
battle of the sexes is far
from over.
This House would allow homosexual couples to adopt children.
_________ is the best way to
protect rights of homosexuals.

That the courts and legislature

have overreacted to sexual
harassment in the workplace.
The government should more
actively protect the rights of
persons with disabilities.
This House would end the war
on poverty.
Be it resolved: The federal
government ought to enact
a policy to promote multiculturalism.
This House would reform the
welfare system.
This House would support radical redistribution.
This House would give the
young a voice.
This House believes that there
is no such thing as universal
human rights.
This House believes that
social injustice justifies political violence.
This House believes that a



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common culture is of
greater value than a pluralistic culture.
The Womens Movement has
done more harm than good.
This House supports samesex marriage.
This nation should pay reparations for violating the human
rights of its people.

sification by race.
This House would speak
This House would allow samesex couples to adopt children.
This House would advocate
color-blind justice.

This House would relax immigration laws.

The federal government

should enact a policy to
restrict entitlement programs.

This House would introduce

hiring quotas.

This House deplores class


This House believes that capitalism is detrimental to

social justice.

This House believes that the

community is more important than the individual.

This House believes that the

melting pot has failed.

This House would pay a parent for staying home.

This House would hold the military to a stricter standard

on sexual harassment.

This House would reframe the

urban future.

This House would put those

on welfare to work.
This House would ration the
old to nurture the young.
This House believes that
racists should be accountable for the consequences
of their doctrines.

This House would establish a

youth policy.
This House would place privilege before merit.
This House would restrict the
rights of immigrants.
Resolved: that peace and justice are two sides of the
same coin.

This House would spend less

on the police and more on
the people.

That violence and progressive

dissent ought to be mutually

The west should treat statesponsored sexism as


The safety net should be


This House believes that the

government must place the
human interest above the
national interest.
This House believes that special interests have ruined
This House believes that compassion should be bounded
by fiscal necessity.
This House would end all clas-

This House would support

expanded legal protections
for homosexuals.

social welfare is the responsibility of local governments.

That political and legal equivocation of Judeo Christian
marriage with civil marriage
is unjustified.
This House believes that
equality is the benchmark of
This House would politely say
No to reparations.
This House should close its
This House supports open
This House believes that good
health is a human right.
This House believes that the
best man for the job is a
All citizens should be treated
equally by the law regardless of race; affirmative
action is wrong.
The government should redistribute wealth by taxing
some citizens in order to
provide goods or services
to others.
The law discriminates against
women and treats them
worse than men.
This House believes that family values are over-rated.
Resolved: that affirmative
action should focus on
class, not race.
This House opposes affirmative action.

This House believes in social

unity over cultural diversity.

This House believes that the

scales of justice are tilted.

This House would adopt a

superior alternative to affirmative action.

This House would support

exceptions to gender equality in the workplace.

This House would adopt quotas.

This House supports discrimination.

This House believes that

Women have fewer legal and




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cultural advantages than
men in our society.
This House would soak the
This House would hold people
responsible for the actions
of their ancestors.
This House would open the
gates to immigrants.
This House believes that
humanity is created equal.
Peaceful and healthy immigrants should be allowed to
cross the border freely.
Toleration is a virtue.
This House believes that
racism can be controlled by
This House believes special
protection creates special
This House would means-test
state benefits.
This House would abolish the
welfare state.
This House believes the welfare state is a right, not a
safety net.
Affirmative action should be
used to even out differences between the sexes.

This House believes that the

government should regulate
the economy.
This House would increase
consumer protection.
This House believes that
accountants are to blame.
It is better to stimulate the
economy through tax cuts
than through increased
That House believes that we
should subsidize traditional
This House believes that multinationals are the new imperialists.

competition more than they

will hinder it.
This House would return to an
unregulated free market.
This House regrets globalization.
This House supports the right
to work.
Resolved: That the federal
government should significantly strengthen the guarantee of consumer product
safety required
of manufacturers.
This House believes that global capitalism degrades community.

Capitalism is an immoral economic system.

This House believes that the

right to strike should be
given to all employees.

Reducing federal spending relative to GDP would create

more prosperity.

Wages should be raised 15


This House would stabilize gas


Small organizations are able to

adapt to todays business
environment better than
large organizations.

The government should subsidize some businesses and

This House hates capitalism.

This House believes you

should invest in foreign markets.

This House would increase

partnerships between government and private enterprise.

That the work week should be

shortened to 30 hours.

This House would establish a

living wage.

This House believes in economic competition.

Capitalism is the only ethical

economic system.

This House would end corporate welfare.



This House would increase the

minimum wage.

This House would re-nationalize the public utilities.

This House believes that

renewed strength of labor
organizations is necessary
for a progressive economy.

This House would promote

infrastructure development.

This House would increase

taxes on the rich.

This House calls for a mandatory retirement age.

Resolved: That the government should nationalize the

basic nonagricultural industries.

This House believes in the

restraint of commerce.

The recent mega-mergers of

media companies will help

Resolved: That the federal

government should establish a national program of
public work for the unemployed.

This House believes that

minority privileges deny


Enron reveals capitalisms

moral bankruptcy.



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Resolved: That the federal
government should guarantee a minimum annual cash
income to all citizens.
Resolved: That the federal
government should adopt a
program of compulsory
wage and price controls.
This House would break up
economic power.
This House would resurrect
This House would increase
consumer protections.
The significance of consumer
confidence has been overrated.
This House would stop the
free exchange of currencies.

be illegal.
Resolved: That labor organizations should be under the
jurisdiction of anti-trust legislation.

This House would allow the

depiction of erect penises in
art and film.
This House would abolish
state funding of the arts.

This House would hold tobacco companies liable for the

consequences of their products.

Art is like a shark, it must

move forward or it will die.

This House would set a maximum limit on salaries.

Art is permitted, but nature is


This House would bail out failing industries.

This House would establish

English as the official language.

This House believes that trade

unions must modernize or
This House believes in supplyside economics.

This nation should have an official language.

Political correctness is the
new McCarthyism.

This House would get out of

the stock market.

Resolved: Labor should be

given a direct share in the
management of industry.

This House believes that

equality and capitalism are

This House believes that the

right to strike should be
given to all employees.

This House would save the


This House supports the

power of labor unions.

Communities ought to have

the right to suppress

Resolved: That the federal

government should adopt a
permanent program of wage
and price control.

This House believes that labor

unions have outlived their

This House believes that censorship can never be justified.

Resolved: That the federal

government should implement a program guaranteeing employment opportunities for all citizens in the
labor force.
Resolved: That the federal
government should significantly curtail the powers of
the labor unions.
Resolved: That the nonagricultural industries should guarantee their employees an
annual wage.
Resolved: That the requirement of membership in a
labor organization as a condition of employment should

This House believes any book

worth banning is a book
worth reading.

This House would ban prisoners publishing accounts of

their crimes.
This House believes that public monies should not
finance art.
This House believes art is the
essence of a nations character.
Art is unnecessary for human
This House believes in poetic
This House would let the language die.
This House would pay to go to
a museum.

This House supports Larry

Be it resolved: Hate speech
ought to be banned.
This House believes that
money is speech.
This House would give racists
a platform.
This House would support a
constitutional amendment to
protect the flag from desecration.
The protection of domestic
order justifies restrictions on
free speech.




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This House believes the press
is too free.
Be it resolved that censorship
of television, film and video
materials be increased.
This House believes that
obscenity is expression.
This House believes that political correctness has gone
too far.
This House believes that political correctness is necessary
to achieve social justice.
This House would be politically
This House would legalize all
adult pornography.
This House believes that a ban
on flag burning better
serves fascism than freedom.
Resolved: that the government should take a more
active stance protecting free
Resolved: When they conflict,
respect for cultural sensitivity ought to be valued above
commercial use of free
Resolved: A journalists right
to shield confidential
sources ought to be protected by the First
This House would restrict free

Be it resolved that the GATT
system of international governance should be significantly revised.
The West will regret free
This House will regret the
trade bloc.


This House believes the WTO

is a friend of the developing

following: Egypt, Israel,

Jordan, Palestinian National
Authority, Syria.

This House believes that trade

rights should be linked to
human rights.

Resolved: That this nations

foreign policy toward one or
more African nations should
be substantially changed.

This House would expand

This House believes that
NAFTA is a mistake.
That on balance, free trade
benefits more than it costs.
This House would restrict nontariff barriers.

This House should apologize

for its imperialistic past.
This House should end its foreign military operations.
This House believes that
developing nations need
strong dictatorship.

Resolved: Something needs

to be done about the WTO.

That supporting indigenous

efforts at independence is
more important than
respecting state sovereignty.

People are better off with tariffs than with complete freetrade today.

This House would expand

population control measures
in India

This House rejects the multilateral agreement on investment.

This House would be more

realistic about humanitarian
intervention by our military

This House would pass fasttrack authority.

Let the world police itself.

This House would test nuclear
This House believes that
industrialization assures
progress in the developing
In international relations, economic power is preferred to
military power.
This House would rebuild the
Berlin Wall.
This House should adopt a
more moderate stance
toward Iran.
Resolved: That the government should substantially
increase its security assistance to one or more of the

Test nuclear weapons.

This House would end the
embargo with Cuba.
This House supports a
Palestinian state.
This House would end unconditional aid to Israel.
This House would substantially
reduce IMF and World Bank
lending programs.
The debt of the third world
should be forgiven.
This House believes that the
poverty of the Third World is
the fault of the First World.
This House has no business in
This House believes that the
UN has failed.



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India should engage in political
discourse rather than
increasing their weaponry.
This House would eliminate
the veto power of the
United Nations Security
It is time to shun Arafat.Iran
should not be considered
part of the Axis of
Evil.Tony Blair should
receive the Nobel Peace
This House believes we dont
need Europe.
This House believes that the
UN is a toothless watchdog.
This House would give the UN
a standing army.
This House would reject a united Europe.
This House would give land for
This House believes that the
international community
should start a dialogue with
the Front for the Islamic
Salvation of
The Chemical Weapons
Convention should not be

This House believes that child

labor is justifiable in the
developing world.

What steps should the UN

take to stop civil unrest in

This House would invade in

the interests of democracy.

This House believes war to be

an unjustified response to

This House believes that the

assassination of dictators is
Resolved: The possession of
nuclear weapons is immoral.
Resolved: The intervention of
one nation in the domestic
affairs of another nation is
morally justified.
This House fears Islamic fundamentalism.
Romania should b admitted to
the European Union.
Romania should be admitted
to NATO.
Protection of human rights justifies the use of military
This House supports the
establishment of an international criminal court.

Yugoslavia is not dead.

This House condemns the UN
embargo of Iraq.
This House would make
amends for the legacy of
Sweden should abolish its
monarchy and become a
This House prefers isolationism to interventionism.
Resolved: That the further
development of nuclear
weapons should be prohibited by international agreement.
Resolved: That the non-communist nations of the world
should establish an economic community.

This House would ban all

nuclear weapons.

This House believes that making Arafat a partner in peace

was a mistake

This House believes in the

right of any country to
defend itself with nuclear

This House believes political

assassinations are a legitimate tool of foreign policy.
This house favors limiting our
support of Israel.

All foreign aid should be privately funded.

This House believes that economic sanctions do more

harm than good.

This House should enact a

more aggressive foreign policy.

This House would always prefer sanctions to war.

This house would shift its foreign policy focus to the

western hemisphere.

This House regrets humanitarian intervention.

This House believes that terrorism is sometimes justifiable.

This House would override

national sovereignty to protect human rights.

This House would take steps

to substantially reduce
nuclear proliferation.

This House should significantly

curtail military aid to Israel.

This House fears China.

This House would end the
arms trade.
This House believes that
democracy is so good,
everyone should be made
to have it.

Further debt relief for developing nations is needed

The United Nations Charter

should be substantially

This House would negotiate

with terrorists.

This House would expand





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Resolved: The federal government should substantially
increase its security assistance to one or more of the
following Southeast Asian
nations: Brunei,
Cambodia, Indonesia, Laos,
Malaysia, Philippines,
Singapore, Thailand,
Resolved: That the federal
government should substantially increase its development assistance, including
increasing government to
government assistance,
within the Greater Horn of

This House would support a

Pax Americana.

This House welcomes a borderless world.

Nationalism stands in the way

of peace.

This House calls for a New

World Order.

That carrots are better than

sticks in foreign policy.

This House believes in the

right of indigenous peoples
to self-determination.

Resolved: A federal world government should be established.

Resolved: That the non-communist nations should form
a new international organization.
Globalization is a masquerade
for cultural imperialism.
This House would support the
independence of Quebec.

Be it resolved that a permanent United Nations military

force be established.

This House should act against

political oppression in the
Peoples Republic of China.

Be it resolved that international sanctions against Serbia

be lifted.

Sanctions will help the peace.

Be it resolved that all east

European countries be
admitted into NATO.

This House believes that the

first world owes more to the
third world than the third
world owes to the first

Be it resolved that the

Organization of American
States should establish a
regional drug interdiction military force to halt

This House would eliminate

slavery in Africa.

This House would rather live

on a desert island than in
the global village.
This House believes that
human rights are a tool of
Western foreign policy.
This House believes that aid to
the Third World should be
tied to human rights.
This House would manage
ethnic conflict in Central
This House values human
rights over state sovereignty.
This House would take policy
action to support Kurdish
Interference in the internal
affairs of other countries is

This House believes that

increased relations with
China would be detrimental.

This House believes that

Okinawa should be independent.

the flow of drugs in the

Western Hemisphere.

This House would intervene in


On to Baghdad.

This House would increase

support for the developing

This House believes that international conflict is desirable.

Adios, Latin America.

The United Nations should
mandate and enforce an
Israeli-Palestinian settlement.
This House would substantially
increase population assistance in foreign aid programs.
This House would end financial
aid to foreign nations.


It is immoral to use economic

sanctions to achieve foreign
policy goals.
This House would use economic sanctions to enforce
a ban on nuclear weapons
This House believes that the
UN is dysfunctional.
The possession of nuclear
weapons is immoral.

This House would unite


This House would substantially
restrict visitors to the
National Parks.
This House believes that the
value of natural resources
can be found only in their
Be it resolved that the use of



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animals for public entertainment (zoos, circus acts,
etc.) be illegal.

found in their exploitation.

This House would restrict private car ownership.

When in conflict, This House

values environmental protection over economic

Old growth forests should be


High petrol prices are a good


This House believes that the

lives of animals should not
be subordinate to the rights
of humankind.

Sustainability is just a concept

that assuages our consciences while we continue
consuming at the same rate.

Be it resolved that all forest

land that currently exists as
natural habitat remain so.

Sustainability is not an achievable goal.

This House would ban all

experimentation on animals.
This House believes that meat
is murder.
Resolved: That the federal
government should adopt a
comprehensive program to
control land use.
Resolved: That the federal
government should control
the supply and utilization of
This House would free the animals.
This House believes that we
have no more right to risk
the health of animals than of
This House believes that animals have rights too.
This House would break the
law to protect the rights of
This House would ban hunting
with hounds.

Sustainable development
means a decrease in our
standard of living.
This House would act decisively to stop global warming.
This House believes that the
government should take
measures to substantially
improve natural disaster
This House believes that the
exploitation of animals is
Resolved: that vast areas of
western lands currently
under the jurisdiction of the
Bureau of Land
Management (and
administered as multiple use
areas) be reclassified as
wilderness areas in which
mining, grazing, etc. would
not be

Technology should be utilized

to solve ecological problems.

Resolved: that the federal government allocate public

monies to protect or purchase sufficient lands in the
midwestern region of the
U.S.A. to ensure the survival of all forest-nesting
songbird populations.

This House believes that the

value of natural resources is

Resolved: that genetic material

from other subspecies or

Privatizing all unused federal

public land is a good protection for the environment.

even other species should

be used to save endangered populations
like Red Wolves and Florida
Resolved: that the federal government should greatly
reduce the land area available for livestock grazing in
the western
states, and instead manage
such lands for native
Resolved: that the federal government should develop a
plan to restore patterns of
water flow in the Colorado
River to
more closely approximate
those that occurred before
construction of the Glen
Canyon, Hoover, Davis,
Parker, Imperial, and Laguna
Dams, and to implement
that plan by 2050.
Resolved: that the U.S. should
begin immediately to phasein measures to reduce the
rate of increase in atmospheric CO2 concentration.
Resolved: that populations of
Gray Wolves established by
recent introduction into
Yellowstone National Park
and central Idaho be
removed on the justification
that they are genetically distinct from populations natural there and therefore not
protected under the
Endangered Species Act.
Resolved: that the federal and
Florida state governments
should act to restore the
water flow pattern to the
everglades ecosystem that
was characteristic before
modern water diversion projects began.
Resolved: that the federal gov-




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ernment should develop and
implement a plan to reestablish the native fish fauna of
the Great Lakes, including
the removal of exotic
species (e.g., Zebra
Mussels, Sea Lampreys
and Round Gobies) currently established in the lakes.
The government should substantially reduce oil imports.
Resolved: that the importation,
breeding, cultivation, and
sale of all exotic organisms
be prohibited in the United
States of America, including
those not native to the
United States of America
overall as well as those not
native in a particular area of
the country. Exemptions
could be allowed for particular species necessary for
biological control of alreadyestablished exotics, or for
other human uses deemed
to be of critical importance.
Rolling blackouts are preferable to environmental degradation.
This House supports the international trading of pollution
Resolved: that the National
Park Service should develop
and implement a policy of
limiting visitors to National
Parks at a level consistent
with maintaining the integrity
of the parks natural communities and critical ecosystem functions.
Resolved: that the federal government take all necessary
steps to prevent the introduction of the brown tree
snake (Boiga ) to the
Hawaiian Islands, including
strict inspection of all ship-


ping, passenger luggage,

Non-human species deserve
greater protection.
This House would grant personhood rights to primates.
Resolved: that the development of all commercial products that make use of biological resources originating
on public lands will include
negotiations with the appropriate government agency
for payment of reasonable
royalties to the public.
Biological resources shall
include all organisms, parts
of organisms, and specific
products of those organisms, including enzymes,
hormones, etc.

government act to prohibit

the killing of bison that leave
Yellowstone National Park
and enter private lands.
Federal courts should grant
standing to animals to pursue their rights.
This House believes the environment can hold its own.
This House believes that
nature is more important
than unemployment.
This House would go forth and
stop multiplying.
This House calls for increased
population control.
Resolved: That the federal
government should increase
regulations requiring industries to substantially

Environmental pollution
demands a truly global

decrease the domestic emission and/or production of

environmental pollutants.

This house would save the

dams, not the salmon.

This House would subsidize


Resolved: that the federal government should redirect its

protection efforts to focus
on areas identified as unprotected biodiversity
hotspots by GAP analysis.
This House would save the
This House would substantially
reform farming.
This house believes anthropocentrism is necessary.
Resolved: that the federal government act immediately to
consolidate former
President Clintons designation of 58.5 million acres of
National Forest lands as
roadless areas off-limits to
logging and mining, and not
to reverse that designation.
Resolved: that the federal

Overpopulation is the worlds

greatest threat.
This House believes that the
Kyoto Summit didnt go far
This House believes that global warming is the biggest
international crisis.
This House would put the
environment before economics.
This House would recycle
This House would protect the
lesser species.
This House believes spaceship
earth is crashing.
Global warming will create catastrophic effects within 30
This House would privatize
national parks.



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This House supports a national lottery.

State-run lotteries are undesirable.


This House would ban boxing.

This House believes American

culture places too great an
emphasis on athletic success.

This House would ban all

blood sports.

This House believes that

motion pictures are a reflection of society norms.

This house believes the Super

Bowl aint that super.

This House prefers country

music to classical music.

This House has an unhealthy

obsession with sport.

This House condemns gambling of all forms.

This House believes that violence has no place in entertainment.

Baseball is better than soccer.

This House believes that beauty pageants for children

should be banned.

This nation has sacrificed aesthetics for convenience.

This House would end its participation in the Olympic


This House should oppose the


This House believes that fashion enslaves and oppresses


This House would shut down


This House is resolved that

there should be integration
of the sexes in professional

This House would restrict the

movement of professional
sports franchises.

This House believes that professional athletes are paid

too much.

This House laments the dedicated follower of fashion.

This House believes that it is

acceptable to out gay

This House believes that the

advertising industry causes
body fascism.

This House believes that commercialism has gone too far.

This House believes that

advertising is poison to society.

This House believes that the

continued production of
sport utility vehicles is undesirable.

This House believes that we

resemble the Simpsons
more then the Waltons.
This House believes that dogs
are better pets for
humankind than cats.
This House believes our
obsession with celebrities is
The piercing of body parts
(except earlobes) should be
prohibited for anyone under
This house would save the
This House believes that it is
better for athletes to retire
at the peak of their careers.
This House believes that there
is too much money in sport.
This House applauds the
Olympic ideal.
This House believes that international sport is warfare
without weapons.
This House would blame
Hollywood for the ills of

This House condemns the

Be it resolved that drug testing
be compulsory for all athletes involved in national and
international competition.
This House would ban all
tobacco advertising.
This House prefers Sega to
This House believes that public funding of sports facilities
is immoral.
Parents ought not purchase
war toys for their children.
This House believes that
music is more influential
than literature.
This House would pay its college athletes.

This House believes that

advertising degrades the
quality of life.


This House believes that television destroys lives.
This House believes that journalistic integrity is dead.
This House believes that television is more significant
than the computer.
This House believes that the
media has gone too far.
The media are corrupt.
This House believes that the
news should be interesting
rather than important.




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This House supports domestic
content quotas in broadcasting.

When in conflict, this House

values scientific discovery
over the welfare of animals.

This House believes that the

media has become too powerful.

Science is more dangerous

than religion.

Resolved: That the federal

government should significantly strengthen the regulation of mass media communication.
Be it resolved that television is
the major cause of
increased violence in our
This House believes reporters
should report not affect the
This House would hold the
media responsible.
It is proper for the government
to own the TV and radio airwaves.

This House would censor the

This House calls for further
use of nuclear power.
This House believes that science is a menace to civilization.
This House believes that the
march of science has gone
too far.
This House believes that science has nothing to regret,
not even the ruins of
This House fears the
Information Age.

should keep your genes to

This House should regulate
on-line gambling.
This House would fear technology.
Resolved: Technology dehumanizes.
This House would ban genetic
This House believes computers are the answer.
This House would go to
This House would delete
This House ought to put its
designer genes back in the

This House believes that medical technology has outstripped morality.

That on balance, resources

spent on space exploration
would be better used if
directed toward the exploration of earth.

Resolved that alternative energy sources replace nuclear


This House would let the information superhighway run


This House would turn off the


Resolved that the use of

antibiotics should be significantly limited.

This House calls for universal

genetic screening.

Resolved: that, on balance, television has done more harm

than good.

Resolved that genetic testing

on human fetuses should be

This House believes the media

should tone it down.

The federal government

should significantly restrict
research and development
of one or more technologies.

This House would televise

This House believes that the
state should have no role in

This House would leave the
This House thinks that Internet
junk mail should be illegal.
The ethical cost of selling
human eggs outweigh the
potential benefits.


This house would clone

This House believes that
research should be
restrained by morality.
This House believes that
space travel should be privatized.
This House believes that you

This House would expand

stem cell research.
This House would choose its
This House believes that the
benefits of genetic engineering outweighs its risks.
This House believes that the
internet is the new opiate of
the masses.
All software must be shipped
with the source code.
This House would reduce
applied research for basic
This House would ban genetic



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This House would test everyone for HIV.

Internet security is an oxymoron.

This House would patrol the

information superhighway.

Planned obsolescence is necessary for technological


Computers contribute to societys moral decline.

Internet e-commerce will ultimately fail.

Resolved: The Internet should

be funded by government
subsidies, as opposed to
private investment.

This House would judge

schools by their examination


This House would always educate boys and girls together.

This House believes that the

students should run the
This House believes that public schools should forego
freedom for safety.

Resolved: The growth of ebusiness is a benefit to the

average small company.

This House rejects distance

learning in higher education.

Resolved: The benefits of

telecommuting outweigh the

This House believes that physically challenged people

should not be separated in

Resolved: It is unethical for

companies to track individuals use of the Web without
their knowledge.
That schools should use filtering software to prevent children from viewing restricted
material on the Internet.
Genetically engineered food is
the answer to feeding the
Xenotransplantation is the
solution to the shortage of
organs for transplantation.
Opposition to human cloning
is based on ignorance rather
than insight.
This House would buy every
child a computer.
The Internet needs to be regulated.
Engineering is an art, not a science.

Resolved: that charter schools

erode public education.

This House believes that

space exploration and development should be an international priority.

Space research and development should be significantly

This House believes that technology is killing our work

in one or more of the following

areas: language arts, mathematics, natural sciences.

This House would eliminate

letter grades.
This House believes that
everyone should attend college.
Public education is necessary.
The government should institute mandatory arts education.
Resolved: Colleges and universities have a moral obligation to prohibit the public
expression of hate speech
on their campuses.
This House believes that vocational training is more important than liberal arts education.
Resolved: That more rigorous
academic standards should
be established for all public
elementary and/or secondary schools

This House would put Latin

and Greek on the national

Resolved: The use of grades

in schools should be abandoned
This House would make the
student pay back his debt to
This House believes that private schools are not in the
public interest.
This House believes that religion has no place in
This House would reform education.
This House would make
school sport voluntary.
Resolved: That the federal
government should guarantee an opportunity for higher
education to all qualified high
school graduates.
This House rejects military
recruiters at educational
Uniformity in education leads
to mediocrity.
This House would revolutionize the educational system.
This House believes that every
citizen has a right to a college education.
This House would keep the
bedroom out of the classroom.




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This House believes that
womens studies should not
include men.
This House would accept
advertising in public schools.
This House would change its
policy on funding education.
Resolved that Norplant be
available to all females students enrolled in public secondary schools.
This House supports prayer in
public schools.
Resolved that the federal government should deny public
education to illegal immigrants.
Teachers salaries should be
based on students academic performance.

to leave school at 14.

This House would charge
tuition fees for university

This House should honor its

treaties with one or more
Native American nations.

This House believes that a

degree is a privilege, not a

This House believes that

Homeland Security
should not be a cabinet level

This House would report violations by college students to

their parents.
Institutional censorship of academic material is harmful to
the educational process.
This House believes that universities should report all
assaults to the police, even
without the consent of the
Access to higher education
should be a right.

This House believes that its

better for the Japanese
people to learn world history
than Japanese history.

This House believes that to

improve education, it is
more important to raise
salaries than standards.

Tenure should be abolished in


Limitations on the content of

secondary school publications are unjustifiable.

Public education ought to be a

right, not a privilege.
This House believes that
schools should not prepare
students for work.
This House believes that computers are the demise of

substantive due process.

Resolved: The government

should adopt a policy of
equalizing educational
opportunity in tax-supported
schools by means of annual

This House rejects the

American way of life.
This House would have a new
song for America.
This House believes that the
USA should repay its debt
to the United Nations.
Resolved: That the USA
should reduce substantially
its military commitments to
NATO member states.
Be it resolved that the USA
should significantly increase
its role in Russias financial
Resolved: That the federal
government should adopt an
energy policy that substantially reduces nonmilitary
consumption of
fossil fuels in the United
States of America.
This House believes that justice in America can be

This House supports singlesex education.

This House believes that higher education was intended

for the intellectual elite.

This House believes that

Americas right is wrong.

This House would pass legislation to post the Ten

Commandments in public
school classrooms.



Bush and Cheney are an axis

of evil.

This House rejects the business model for institutions

of higher education.

This House believes that the

USA is more sinned against
than sinning.

Resolved: The USA should

move toward protectionism
in foreign trade.

This House believes that nursery education is a right, not

a privilege.

This House would denuclearize the USA.

The USA should not abandon

National Missile Defense.

This House would be allowed

Resolved: The Supreme Court

of the USA should uphold

A fully insured America is



This house regrets the

American response to
September 11.



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This House wishes Plymouth
Rock had landed on the pilgrims.
Resolved: that the Rehnquist
court made the wrong decision.
Resolved: that the Supreme
Court of the United States
erred in awarding Bush the
Racism contributes to United
States policy toward Africa.

Jesse Helms is right.

Americans have too many
rights and not enough
The USA ought to increase
access to the political system.
The federal government of the
United States has responded appropriately to the
attack on America.

The U.S.A. should change its

foreign policy.

The United States of America

has overemphasized individual rights.

The Democratic Party is moribund.

The USA should support bilingualism.

The U.S. electorate is jaded

by campaigning via television.

This House believes that the

USA is a racist society.

Dick Cheney should not have

to reveal confidential information relating to the Enron
The Federal Communications
Commission should restrict
the use of wireless communication in spectrum designated for digital television.
This House would maintain
United States military bases
in Asia.
This House would curtail corporate puppetry of U. S.
The United States has
responded inappropriately to
terrorist attacks.
The United States is a terrorist
This House believes that the
American dream has
become a nightmare.
This House believes that, if
America is the worlds
policeman, then the world is
Americas Rodney King.
This House regrets the influence of the USA.

Resolved: That all military

intervention by the United
States of America into the
internal affairs of any foreign
nation or nations in the
Western Hemisphere should
be prohibited.
Resolved: That any and all
injury resulting from the disposal of hazardous waste in
the United States of
America should be the legal
responsibility of the producer of that waste.
This House believes that
Americas constitutional
rights are being too harshly
This House believes Bushs
education plan is an
This House believes that the
US should take a tougher
stance toward Israel.
The USA should significantly
increase military spending.
Resolved: That the Congress
of the USA should enact a
compulsory fair employment
practices law.

Resolved: That the USA

should adopt a policy of free
Resolved: That the USA
should significantly increase
its foreign military commitments.
Resolved: That the USA
should discontinue direct
economic aid to foreign
Resolved: That the Congress
of the USA should be given
the power to reverse decisions of the Supreme
The USA should punish China
for its human rights abuses
This House believes the
Electoral College is still necessary.
Resolved: The United States
of America is a terrorist
Resolved that the U.S. has
overplayed the sanction
This House believes that
America is blinded by the
Resolved: That the United
States of America should
substantially change its
trade policy toward one or
more of the following:
China, Hong Kong, Japan,
South Korea, Taiwan.
Resolved: That one or more
U.S. Supreme Court decisions that recognize a federal Constitutional right to privacy should be overruled.
Resolved: That the United
States of America should
substantially change its
development and assistance
policies toward one or more
of the following nations:
Afghanistan, Bangladesh,




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Burma, Bhutan, India, Nepal,
Pakistan, Sri Lanka.
This House believes that the
foreign policy of the USA is
responsible for Sept. 11
Resolved: That the
Commander-in-Chief power
of the President of the USA
should be substantially curtailed.
Resolved: That the federal
government of the United
States of America should
amend Title VII of the Civil
Rights Act of 1964, through
legislation, to create additional protections against
racial and/or gender discrimination.
Resolved: That the federal
government of the United
States should adopt a policy
of constructive engagement,
including the immediate
removal of all or nearly all
economic sanctions, with
the government(s) of one or
more of the following nationstates: Cuba, Iran, Iraq,
Syria, North Korea.
Be it resolved that the U.S.A.
should significantly increase
its aid to Russia.
Be it resolved that the U.S.A.
should significantly reduce
its superpower role.
Be it resolved that the U.S.A.
should withdraw from
Be it resolved that the U.S.A.
should significantly revise its
trade status with Japan.
The government of the United
States of America should
reduce due process protections in one or more areas.
This house believes the
Supreme Court has gone
too far.

Be it resolved that the U.S.A.

should stop all aid to Islamic
Fundamentalist governments.
Be it resolved that the U.S.A.
should take a greater role in
the Israelis/Palestinian
peace process.
Be it resolved that the U.S.A.
should significantly increase
its ties to China.
Be it resolved that the U.S.A.
should lift the embargo
against Cuba.
Be it resolved that the federal
government of the USA
should expand its role in
educating Americas youth.
Be it Resolved that the federal
government of the United
States of America should
fund the relief efforts of
faith-based organizations.
This House believes that the
First Amendment applies to
the Internet.
Jesse Ventura is right.
Be it resolved that hegemony
by the USA is detrimental to
world stability.
American sexual mores are
This House believes you can
go to the mall and see
This House thinks the USA is
the Titanic.
This House believes that the
USA should be less
involved in world affairs.
The American media works
against the best interests of
the public.
The American criminal justice
system ought to place a
higher priority on retribution
than deterrence.
This House would dramatically


increase funding for the

National Endowment for the
This House is resolved that
President Bush should sign
the Ottawa Treaty to ban
the production and export of
land mines.
This House would treat
Americas youth like adults.
We believe that Americas
safety net catches more
than it misses.
Be it Resolved: That the federal government should substantially increase its support to the arts of America.
The USA should build a missile defense system.
This House would abolish
Dont ask, dont tell policies.
This House is resolved that a
global marketplace is good
for the USA.
Resolved: that President
Clinton did more harm than
This House would not have
named Washington National
Airport after Ronald Reagan.
The Supreme Court should
expand executive privilege.
This House would eliminate
the Department of
This House would induct the
51st state.
This House believes that
Miranda rights favor the
This House believes in the fall
of the American empire.
The Supreme Court ought to
interpret the Constitution
more strictly.
The United States of America



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should mind its own business.
This House believes that the
U.S. government should
stop subsidizing farmers.
Resolved: The presidential pardon procedure needs to be
The federal government of the
United States of America
should increase its military
aid to one or more East
Asian nations.
This House would grant political independence to
Washington, D. C.
This House would repeal Title
The federal government of the
United States of America
should substantially change
its nuclear waste policy.

public universities.
The government of the USA
should significantly curtail
access to public parks in
The USA should approve an
Equal Rights Amendment.
Litigation has replaced legislation in America.
This House believes that country music reflects a decline
in American culture.
Point Loma Nazarene
University should kill its
Crusader mascot.
Be it resolved that the United
States of America should
adopt the Nuclear Test-Ban
The United States of America
should reform Social

The USA should increase its

trade agreements with

The Congress of the USA

should enact reparations for
descendants of slaves.

The USA should surrender in

the war on drugs.

This House would eliminate

the CIA.

There should be additions to

Mount Rushmore.

The Helms-Burton Act should

be enforced.

Resolved that the juvenile

court system be abolished
in Illinois.

Resolved: that Medicare is

worse than no care at all.

Resolved that University

Laboratory High School
adopt block scheduling.
Resolved that parental notification of abortions by minors
be mandatory in the USA.
Resolved that testing for performance-enhancing drugs
be implemented in all NCAA
Division I sports.
Resolved that all cars produced in the USA after
January 1, 2008 be electric
or hybrid-electric.
Resolved that California reinstate affirmative action in all

This House believes that the

USA should apologize to
Latin America.
This House believes that the
IRS needs to be abolished.
This House believes that
American automobiles are a
better bargain than
European automobiles.

Europe should take deliberate

steps to stop Russias siege
of Chechnya.
This House believes that the
single European currency
will fail.
This House believes that
Europe should be the next
This House would join a
European defense alliance.
This House welcomes
European federalism.
This House believes that a
wider Europe is not in
Britains interest.
This House welcomes the
This House believes that
Eurovision song contest is
the role-model.

This House believes that basic
medical care is a privilege,
not a right.
Be it resolved that national
comprehensive health care
would fail.
The government should provide universal health care.
Capitalism impairs health delivery systems.
This House would significantly
reform the health care system.
This house would standardize
health care.
This House would protect the


This House would force feed


This House believes that the

European Community ought
to expand now.

This House believes that the

markets and health make
poor bedfellows.




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Resolved: That the nation
should significantly reform
its system of health care.
Modern medicine over-emphasizes prolonging life.
The rich will always be healthier than the poor.

Britains licensing laws are

outdated and draconian.

Military conscription is superior to a volunteer army.

This House believes that New

Labor is Old Tory.

The military limits freedom of

expression too much.

This House believes that the

first past the post system
is undemocratic.

This House believes that military justice is an oxymoron.

This House would privatize the

This House is resolved that
the British monarchy is the
best system of government
the world has ever known.
This House would tax the
This House says, God save
the Queen.
This House would give Britain
a written constitution.
This House would limit the
terms of MPs.
Resolved: That the government should adopt a program of compulsory health
insurance for all citizens.
This House would tear up the
Act of Union.
This House calls for the disestablishment of the Church of
This House would allow 18
year-olds to be MPs.

This House believes that

Britain has failed its responsibilities to refugees.

This House has no confidence

in Her Majestys

This House would buy British.

This House would abolish the
This House believes that the
Commonwealth has outlived
its usefulness.
This House believes that, if the
Commonwealth didnt exist,
no one would think of mentioning it.
This House would dissolve the
House of Lords.


Resolved: That the government should adopt a policy
of mandatory background
checks for the purchasers
of firearms.
That possession of handguns
should be made illegal.
This House should increase
regulation of firearms.
This House believes in the
right to bear arms.

This House would abolish the


Gun manufacturers should be

held liable for gun-related

This House would allow

queens to fight for Queen
and country.

This House would mandate

gun safety education in all

This House would remove the

privileges of Oxbridge students.

Resolved: The government

should substantially increase
restrictions on gun manufacturers.


This House is resolved that
communism was better than
capitalism for Russia.
This House mourns the
demise of the Soviet Union.

This House would provide

complementary medicine on
the NHS.
This House believes that

This House would lift the ban

on gays in the military.

This House would privatize the


This House believes that MPs

should represent their constituents, not lobby groups.
This House would introduce
proportional representation
in Britain.

This House believes that military spending is detrimental

to society.

Citizens should have the right

to carry concealed guns.
Be it resolved that an armed
society is a polite society.

This House believes that the
unborn child has no rights.


That public money should not



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be used to pay for abortions.
This House supports surrgacy
for profit
Women should have the right
to have an abortion if they
so choose.

license, and that these

restrictions will apply for one
This House would ban smoking.
This House would ban smoking in public places.

to self-government.
Be it resolved that it is essential for Canada to maintain
its military presence in

Public transport is more convenient than cars.

Be it resolved that spraying for

mosquitoes in Winnipeg is in
the best interest of the public.

This House believes that abortion is justifiable.

Emergency action for earthquakes and typhoons

should be improved.

Be it resolved that capital punishment be reinstated for

premeditated murder.

This House would allow surrogate motherhood.

The automobile is the ultimate

cause of urban decline.

Be it resolved that the burning

of stubble by Manitoba
farmers be restricted.

This House believes that a

womans body is her temple.

Abortion must be outlawed.

This House believes that contraception for teenagers
encourages promiscuity.


This House would re-introduce
National Service.
This House would continue to
prosecute World War II
This House would legalize voluntary euthanasia.


Be it resolved that the trial

period for Sunday shopping
be extended.

This House would make

divorce easier.

Be it resolved that gambling

be illegal in Manitoba.

This House demands new

family values.

Be it resolved that the City of

Winnipeg take the responsibility of financing a new
arena, to be located within
the city limits.

This House believes that marriage is an outdated institution.

Marriage and government
should be divorced.
This House would get married
for the sake of the children.

That the draft should be abolished and replaced by professional military forces.


This House would impose a

curfew on children under 10.

Australia is an old economy


This House will support students mobility

It is morally justifiable to bury

nuclear waste in Western

This House would make

tobacco companies pay
compensation to the individual.
This house would put limits on
the issuance of credit cards
to anyone less than 25
years old.
Be it resolved that new drivers
will be issued a restricted

Australian foreign policy has

contributed to Indonesias

Be it resolved that Quebec

should separate from
Be it resolved that Canadas
military role shall be only in
self -defense.
Be it resolved that Canada
shall privatize its medical
Be it resolved that taxpayer
money no longer be used
for the support of the
Winnipeg Jets.


This house would run a value

Be it resolved that native
Canadians be given the right

NPDA should embrace one or

more of the following format
changes: A.Include an additional rebuttal on each




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side;B. Add cross-examination time after each constructive speech; C. Adopt
the Worlds 4-team format
Parliamentary debate should
permit quoted evidence to
be used in debates
Debate, by its very nature,
teaches unethical practices.




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Sample American Parliamentary Debate Ballot

Name of Tournament


Team Name or Code ___________
Speaker 1__________________

Points _______ Rank ________

Speaker 2__________________

Points _______ Rank ________

Team Name or Code ___________
Speaker 1__________________

Points _______ Rank ________

Speaker 2__________________

Points _______ Rank ________

The decision
The Decision is awarded to the (prop/opp) _______________________.
Indicate low-point win ________.
Judges Name and Affiliation ___________________________________
Reason for Decision




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Sample British Parliamentary Debate Ballot

Name of Tournament
Rank: 1st
Speaker 1:
Speaker 2:


Rank: 1st
Speaker 1:
Speaker 2:


Rank: 1st
Speaker 1:
Speaker 2:


Rank: 1st
Speaker 1:
Speaker 2:

Judges Names ________________________________________________




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Tournament Directors Responsibilities

Before the tournament
Acquire contact information
Arrange for a date and site
Draft an invitation
Transportation information
Lodging information
Meal information
Tabulating Room Staff
Tabulating Hardware and Software
Tournament Office Supplies
Guest judging
Registration packet
Instructional Information
Topic Writing and Selection
Last Minute Travel Information
Harassment and Legal Information
Videotaping and Broadcast Preparation




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Tournament Directors Responsibilities

During the tournament
Instructional Sessions
Services: Meals, Lodging, Entertainment, Awards

After the tournament

Ballots and Tabulation Results
Tournament Information
Review and Evaluation




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Websites (Debate Sites)

American Parliamentary Debate Association

Associacion Nacional De Debate Politico (Spanish language,


Australasian Intervarsity Debating Association

British Debate (English Speaking Union)

Canadian University Society for Intercollegiate Debate

Debate Central

English-Speaking Union

Estonian Debate Society

European Debating Council

International Debate Education Association

Japan Parliamentary Debate Association

Latvian Universities Debating Center

National Parliamentary Debate Association

Slovakian Debate Association

South African National Debating Council




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Spanish Universities Debate League

World Debating Web page

Websites (Debate Support)

Understanding USA:

Encyclopedia of World Problems and Human Potential:

UN Human Rights Web site:

Human Rights Watch:

Lawyers Committee for Human Rights:

Amnesty International:

Belfer Center for Science and International Affairs

Institute for Policy Studies:

Peace and Conflict Resolution Gateway:


International Peace Research Institute, Oslo:

World Health Organization:

Medicins Sans Frontieres:

Physicians for Social Responsibility:




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American Public Health Association:

National Council on Science and the Environment:

Feminist Gateway:

Queer Resources Directory:

Planned Parenthood Federation of America:

US Federal Government Resources:

National Archives:

Legal Resources:

Legal Information Institute:

Justice Information Center:

National Bureau of Economic Research:

Education World:

Environmental Research Foundation:

US Institute for Peace:

Federation of American Scientists:

National Security Archive:




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act utilitarianism A theory of ethics that says our duty is to act in the way that produces actual overall consequences better than, or at least as good as, those that any
other act open to us would produce.
action theory A methodology for critical examination that dictates that the social
investigator should not be indifferent to the object of study. This theory argues that
because individuals are both the subjects and objects of study, any investigation should
involve principled stands on the problems studied and intentions of changing these circumstances.
actualization theory A theory of human behavior, based on the work of Abraham
Maslow, that claims that individuals will strive toward becoming everything they can
be, given the psychological need for self-fulfillment. Maslow proposed a hierarchy of
needs: physiological, safety, belongingness, esteem, and self-actualization, with final
achievement possible after lower-order needs are fulfilled.
ad hominem An attack on the advocate of an argument rather than on the content of
the argument itself.
Ad populum An appeal to the people or other majoritarian sentiment as the basis for
a claim.
add-on An advantage of the affirmative plan. Usually presented in the 2nd affirmative
constructive and independent of whatever advantages were presented in the 1st affirmative constructive.
advantage The claimed benefits of the affirmative plan.
affirmative The side in a debate that supports the resolution.
agent counterplan A counterplan that argues that the plan the affirmative implements




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through one agent of change should instead be implemented through another agent of
agent of action The persons or institutions responsible for implementation of policy
alternate causality A circumstance in which more than a single cause may result in a
particular effect.
analogy A similarity or likeness between things in some circumstances or effects, when
the things are otherwise entirely different.
anarchism A theory advocating social relations without coercive government that
holds that society should be held together and progress by the natural harmony of
decentralized voluntary associations.
appeal to tradition A fallacy of reasoning; an appeal to historical behavior as the basis
for continuing to act in a certain manner.
apriorism The claim of a presumptive truth or condition.
argument A reason or reasons offered for or against a proposition or measure.
as-if hypothesis A method of thinking in which one formulates a coherent conjecture
and proceeds to critically examine an issue on the basis that this conjecture is probably true.
assertion An unsupported statement; a conclusion that lacks evidence for support.
attitudinal inherency A type of inherency that identifies an unwillingness of those in
power in the present system to take corrective measures to solve the affirmatives harm.
audience The listening, reading, or viewing individual or group reached by a performative or communicative act.
authority A position of power, credibility, or special function, attained by qualities of
experience, insight, and skill.
backlash A response to progressive campaigns for marginalized or powerless social
groups, involving efforts to discredit and undermine social advances.
ballot: 1) Literally, the piece of paper filled out at the end of a debate by a judge that
says who won, who lost, and who got what speaker points. 2) Figuratively, what
debaters are trying to win in each debate, so that they can be said to "collect" ballots
through the course of a tournament, i.e., "We have three ballots, so I think were going
to clear."
begging the question An argumentative fallacy offering repetition of a claim as a proof
for a claim.
better definition standard Proofs used to establish a hierarchical ranking system for
the definitions of terms for a proposition.
bias A prejudiced attitude on the part of the source of evidence quoted in a debate. It
is often argued that when sources are biased, their testimony is questionable and sometimes unacceptable.
bibliographical criticism Criticism of texts that pays close attention to format and the
circumstances of publication as factors influencing meaning.
bracket The arrangement of teams in elimination rounds whereby teams debate each
other according to seeding.
break To advance to the elimination rounds of a tournament. (See also clear.)
break rounds Preliminary rounds in which a teams ability to clear and advance to
elimination rounds is at stake. At most tournaments, teams will need a certain record




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to advance to the elimination rounds, such as 3-2 or 5-3.
brief The outline of an argument, including claims, supportive reasoning, and evidence.
brink An element of a disadvantage which claims that the policy action of the affirmative plan is a sufficient condition to alter current institutions in a way to produce a dangerous or counterproductive consequence. A brink is the point at which a disadvantage begins to happen: It may be said that the plan would push us "over the brink" into
the abyss of the impact.
burden of proof The responsibility of the person, upon introducing an argument, to
provide sufficient reasoning and detail for the argument that the opponent is obliged
to take the issue into consideration.
canon A set of works described as essential for the national literary culture.
capital theory Differing economic analyses of the theories of production, growth,
value, and distribution.
cards Evidentiary quotations used to support arguments.
case The affirmative argument for the resolution; usually a reference to the arguments
presented in the opening constructive speech by the affirmative side.
case list A list kept by a squad and by individual teams that tracks what plans and
advantages are being run by other teams.
case-side Issues that relate to the stock or core issues of an affirmative case, including
the demonstration of the ongoing nature of a problem (inherency), the qualitative
and/or quantitative measure of a problem (significance), and the availability of a potential remedy for a problem (solvency). Also referred to as "on-case" arguments.
categorical imperative From the German philosopher Immanuel Kant, the general
claim that one should not act in ways that one cannot, without inconsistency, will that
everyone else should act as well.
causal principles An expression of multiple principles, such as that every event has a
cause, that the same cause must have the same effect, and that the cause must have at
least as much reality as the effect.
chaos theory The study of phenomena that appear to be random, but actually have an
element or regularity that can be described mathematically.
citation The identifying, bibliographical reference material for evidence used in a
speech. At a minimum, the citation for expert testimony must include the authors
name and qualifications, the publications title and date, and the page number for the
specified quotation. Also known as the "cite."
civil society The nongovernmental aspects of modern society, e.g., religious, economic, and voluntary associational relations.
clash The direct and indirect opposition of the arguments of another person or side in
a debate.
clear Slang. "to clear" To advance to the elimination rounds of a tournament. (See also
closure A sense of formal completeness or clear outcome.
collectivism A theory of social and political organization, based on common or collective action, rather than individual action. The most general form of collective action is
the state.
comparative advantage An argument, usually employed by the affirmative, that says
that even if the affirmative does not completely solve the harm, it is still advantageous




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compared to the status quo.
competitiveness An argument for evaluating the legitimacy of a counterplan in formal
debate. The presence of the counterplan should force a choice for the decision maker
between the policies advocated by the affirmative plan and the counterplan.
Competition is the quality of a policy that makes it a reason to reject another policy.
Classically, competition was measured solely by means of mutual exclusivity. Now,
however, competition is largely defined in terms of net benefits so that when we say a
counterplan is competitive or net beneficial, we mean that it is better alone than the
plan or any combination of the whole plan and all or part of the counterplan. (See also
permutations, net benefits, counterplan, mutual exclusivity.)
concede To admit that an opponent is right about a certain argument or set of arguments. (See also grant.)
conditional Arguments advanced in debates that may be dropped at any time without
repercussion to their advocates. Usually this phrase is used in the context of conditional counterplans, which can be dropped if undesirable without forfeiture of the
consequentialism A doctrine that the moral rightness of an act or policy depends
entirely on its outcome or consequences.
constructive speeches The foundational, opening speeches of a formal debate, in
which the participants establish the major arguments that will be subject to analysis,
refutation, and revision in the debates subsequent stages.
consultation counterplan A counterplan that argues that we should consult another
relevant actor as to whether or not the proposition teams plan should be implemented. That alternate actor is therefore given a kind of veto power over the adoption of
the proposition teams plan. If the alternate actor says yes, the plan is adopted. If, on
the other hand, the alternate actor says no, the plan is not adopted.
contentions The outlined arguments of the opening affirmative constructive speech.
contextual definitions A defining interpretation of the resolution that incorporates
many or all of the terms of the topic.
cooption The influence of outside parties hampering an agencys [[agents??]] efforts
to carry out his instructions.
counterplan: 1) Noun A policy proposed by the opposition. The policy must offer a
reason to reject the affirmative plan in the debate. Generally, the counterplan will
either try to solve the affirmatives harms in a more beneficial way, e.g., by "avoiding"
(not linking to) disadvantages accrued by the affirmative plan. Traditionally, it was
thought that counterplans had to be both non-topical and competitive. These days, topical counterplans are more accepted as the emphasis shifts to net benefits and policy
comparison and away from abstract theoretical concerns. Counterplans may also have
advantages, which are similar to affirmative advantages in that they are benefits
accrued by the counterplan. 2) Verb To run a counterplan.
counterposition See counterplan.
criteria Methods of decision making in a debate.
critical linguistics A method of analyzing the structure of language, presuming an
encoded system of beliefs and ideologies in the use of social and political language and
criticism Any or all of the activities of evaluation, description, classification, or interpretation of language and text.
cross-examination The question-and-answer period following constructive speeches




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in formal policy debates.
debatability A standard, usually found in topicality debates, that says that as long as
a definition provides fair grounds for debate, it should be accepted.
debate format The order of speeches and the speaking time limits for each speech.
decentering A tool of deconstruction involving the denial, dissemination, or deferral of
central meanings, particularly authoritarian Western concepts.
decision-making theory The investigation of the rational decision processes of persons
and institutions in government and politics.
deconstruction A strategic textual analysis demonstrating a profound skepticism concerning the stability of meaning in language, based on the questioning methods of
French philosopher Jacques Derrida.
deductive reasoning The act of reasoning from known principle to an unknown, from
the general to the specific.
delay counterplan A counterplan that suggests that the judge or audience withhold
implementation of the proposition teams plan until a specific time or condition named
by the opposition team.
deontology The view that duty is a primary moral notion and that at least some of our
duties do not depend on any value that may result in fulfilling them. In some circumstances, the justification of duties is an appeal to absolute rule, e.g., an opposition to
the taking of life.
dialectic theory The investigation of the complex and sophisticated approaches to
conflict or dialogue in which the generation, interpretation, and clash of opposing ideas
leads to a fuller mode of thought.
dialogism The underlying assumptions of the Russian philosopher Mikhail Bakhtin,
that argue that all utterances are dialogic in that they anticipate the response of the
audience. In speech, therefore, we "define ourselves" by our relationships to others.
difference principle A proposal by political philosopher John Rawls that argues that
unequal treatment is only justified if, by so doing, the least advantaged members of a
society are made better off.
disadvantage (also known as a "DA" or "dis-ad") The bad thing that will happen when
a plan goes into effect. In formal debates, opposition teams run disadvantages when
they want to show that adoption of the governments plan will lead to far greater undesirable than desirable consequences. To win a debate on a disadvantage, the opposition
team must generally prove at least three basic things: that the disadvantage links to the
affirmative plan; that it is unique to the affirmative plan; and that the impact of the disadvantage is sufficiently undesirable to outweigh the affirmative advantages.
disco A charming, somewhat old-fashioned term used to describe a debate strategy
where a team takes advantage of the interrelationship among arguments in the debate.
Usually, one team will strategically concede large portions of their opponents arguments, hoping that this tactic will allow the debate to re-focus favorably on their arguments. Often this strategy is used to capitalize on mistakes or contradictory arguments
made by the other team.
discourse analysis An approach to language analysis, emphasizing action and interaction in texts and speeches.
dispositional counterplan A counterplan which, if proven disadvantageous or noncompetitive, can be dismissed from consideration.
double turn In answering a disadvantage, a double turn takes place when a team
argues a link turn ("We solve that problem") AND an impact turn ("That problem is




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actually a benefit") on the same disadvantage. When this happens, the affirmative is
saying that they stop a good thing from happening; in essence, running a new disadvantage against themselves.
effects topicality A type of topicality standard that contends that the governments
case is only topical by effect rather than by mandate. In these debates, it is often said
that the government has failed to present a prima facie case or that they have mixed
burdens in this case, the burdens of solvency and topicality.
elimination rounds The single-elimination rounds that occur after the preliminary
rounds at most tournaments. These rounds are usually seeded, using a bracket whereby the top seed (the team with the highest preliminary record) debates the bottom
seed, etc.
empirical evidence Evidence or proof that is based on past examples or statistical studies.
empiricism Any theory emphasizing experience rather than reason as the basis for justifiable decision making.
essentialism The belief that there are essential features, or universal foundations, of
human nature.
ethnography The study of expression and speech from culture to culture.
evidence Expert testimony, in the form of quotations from literature, broadcasts, the
Internet, etc., used to support a debaters reasoning. Broadly, evidence is also reasoning used to prove a point.
example A sample that is selected to show the qualities or characteristics of a larger
existential inherency A kind of inherency that argues that if the affirmative can
demonstrate a massive problem exists, then they have met their burden of inherency
by showing that the present system is not solving it.
extensions Arguments that occur in response to opponents arguments that extend and
develop the original arguments.
externalities The costs and benefits of economic activity that are not incurred or
enjoyed by the person or group performing it.
extra-topicality Government plans that contain planks or actions not specifically
called for by the resolution.
fallacy A mistaken inference or an erroneous conclusion based on faulty reasoning.
false dichotomy Also known as a false dilemma, an argument fallacy that falsely analyzes a circumstance as a choice between only two possible alternatives.
federalism 1) A political concept, critical in the framing of the Constitution of the USA
and elsewhere, that divides labor between the states and the federal government. 2) A
disadvantage, sometimes run in conjunction with the states counterplan, which usually argues that the affirmative plan is an abuse of federal power, i.e., it violates the federalist doctrine, and that is bad.
feminism Any of the varieties of analysis of the exploitation and manipulation of
women; some of these analyses provide proposals for social reform and transformation.
fiat A term used to describe the process that allows debate of the affirmative plan as if
it were already adopted.
field definition An interpretation of individual terms or phrases of a debate proposition from an academic discipline or scholarly "field."
flow A system of note taking for debates that includes systematized guides for multiple speakers and tracking multiple issues.




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flow sheet Also known as flow, the transcription of a debate; the notes used by debate
participants to track arguments from speech to speech.
funding plank The part of the plan naming or listing those sources from which the
plan will receive its funding.
games theory In debate, a paradigm that holds that debate is a kind of academic game
and should thus be fair and competitive for its participants
generic arguments Arguments, usually used by the opposition, that are general and
can be made to apply to a wide range of affirmative cases or plans.
grant out of To concede some of the oppositions arguments in order to back off of a
position a debater had previously taken. For example, the speaker might concede the
affirmatives "no link" argument to render the opponents disadvantage irrelevant.
hasty generalization A claim that an example, or set of examples, is insufficient to
prove a more generalized proposition.
hermeneutics The study of interpretation.
hypothesis testing A paradigm whereby the resolution is considered to be like a scientific hypothesis. The debate is said to test the truth of the resolutional statement
("This House should"). Many people characterize this paradigm as implying that the
resolution should be the focus of the debate, as opposed to policy making, which
implies that the plan should be the focus of the debate.
ideology An investigation of the general science of ideas, knowledge, and values. The
historical development of ideology understands individual perception and value as
shaped by the social and economic situation of a person.
impact Most generally, the consequence of an idea that is presented in a debate. The
consequence may be expressed in terms of the qualitative or quantitative significance
of an issue or the role that an idea will play in the outcome of the debate. Typically,
impacts are the bad or good events that happen as a result of an affirmative case, counterplan, or disadvantages.
indeterminacy The assumption that texts have gaps and inconsistencies built into
them and that they are open to multiple possibilities for interpretation. The reader is
thus obliged to revise the text with her or his own knowledge, identity, and experience.
individualism An understanding of human social life through the behavior of individuals. As the basic unit of society, individuals (not groups or nations) have rights that
serve as the basis for moral reasoning.
inductive reasoning The act of reasoning from the specific to the general.
inherency 1) An explanation of the reason or reasons for the failure of current decision makers to make policy moves in the direction of implementation of the affirmative
plan. In formal debates, the issue of inherency functions to establish the probability of
unique advantages for the affirmative. 2) The thing or reason why someone is not
doing something about a plan right now; the cause of a problems existence.
intertextuality A concept that suggests that texts are not autonomous objects with
clearly defined boundaries but are involved in a web of references to other textual
material through allusion, quotation, style, assumption, etc.
intrinsic A description of a situation in which a disadvantage is a necessary result of
the affirmative plan and cannot be prevented in another way. Sometimes government
teams may argue that the oppositions disadvantages are "not intrinsic" to their plan,
i.e., they could be prevented by other means.
invisible hand An expression by Scot economist Adam Smith to describe his belief
that the actions of individuals in a free marketplace taken for their own economic ben-




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efit are guided in a manner to provide benefits for the society as a whole.
irony A mode of expression in which one thing is said and the opposite is meant.
jargon Specialized or technical language. In formal debate, jargon describes the use of
terms not readily discernible to a lay audience, e.g., "fiat," "competitiveness," "effects
topicality," "off-case," "permutation," etc.
judging philosophy A method or practice a judge uses to decide the outcome of a
round. Although few judges have explicit philosophies or ironclad paradigms anymore,
it is possible to guess their judging philosophy through careful observation and experience.
jurisdiction An argument often used in topicality debates that assumes the resolution
provides limits on the judges power. This argument states that if the plan is not topical, the judge has no power to fiat the plan and it is said to be outside her or his jurisdiction.
kritiking Otherwise known as "critiquing," this is a method of criticism in formal
debate that focuses on the language, reasoning, underlying assumptions, expert testimony, interpretations, and proofs of the opponent. The argument form is often referred
to as a "critique" or "kritik", meaning a type of argument that uncovers the fundamental assumptions of a team, case, word, or argument, and uses criticism of those fundamental assumptions to win the debate.
lay judge A term applied to persons who judge debates but who are not formally
trained in policy debate (i.e., are not coaches or debaters or former debaters). Treat
with respect.
legislative intent Part of a plan that provides that future judgments about the meaning of the plan will be based on its advocates speeches.
limiting standards Any of the evaluations of the definitions of the terms of a formal
debate proposition that establish a hierarchical system and demonstrate a preference
for precise, conservative, and "limited" interpretations of the terms.
Lincoln-Douglas debate A debate format in which two individuals debate each other,
using a time format of 6-3-7-3-4-6-3 (six minute opening affirmative constructive
speech, three minute cross-examination, seven minute negative constructive speech,
three minute cross-examination, four minute affirmative rebuttal, six minute negative
rebuttal, three minute closing affirmative rebuttal).
linearity A ratio of the degree of policy action to a degree of beneficial or undesirable
linguistic competence An idealization of the knowledge rather than the use of language.
linguistic criticism An investigation of a text that considers its cultural and historical
link A causal relationship. In formal debates, the relationship of ones argument to the
opponents position and the internal chain of reasoning in a complex argument. More
specifically, links are how disadvantages or advantages apply to an proposition teams
case. Note: Since disadvantages often employ chains of causal reasoning, we may
speak of different levels of link. An "initial link" is the one that applies directly to the
proposition teams plan or advantages, while the "internal links" are links in reasoning
or causality that bridge the gap between the initial link and the impact.
iterary theory The assumptions and methods of textual analysis, including the application of a text to external analysis (e.g., Marxism, feminism, anarchism, psychoanalysis, linguistics, sociology, etc.).




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Marxist criticism An approach to textual criticism that relates the literature to the
political, economic, and social circumstances of its production.
metaphor A reference to one object in terms of another, so that the features of the second are transferred to the first. Metaphor is claimed to be the central process by which
humans construct the world through language.
mixing burdens A term from the antiquated concept of stock issues, that describes
when a proposition team uses one stock issue to prove another. This tactic is said to be
unfair because the proposition team has to prove each issue independently. The only
way this term is currently used is in debates about effects topicality, where the opposition may argue that a government team is using their solvency to prove they are topical. This is said to be bad because the governments case should have to be a topical
example in order to allow the opposition a fair chance to clash with the affirmative.
multiple causations The claim that no one factor can account for the outcome of a particular event and that there are many factors that lead to its occurrence; these factors
interact and cannot be considered independently in assessing the outcome of a behavior.
mutual exclusivity A claim that it is impossible for the proposition teams plan and the
counterplan to coexist and an historical test for the competitiveness of a counterplan
in formal debates. For example, an affirmative plan that calls for the USA to increase
and modernize its NATO forces and a counterplan that calls for the USA to withdraw
from NATO are said to be "mutually exclusive."
narrative A presentation that has the qualities and form of a story.
narrative fidelity The plausibility or credibility of a story, how likely the elements of
a story are true.
Nash equilibrium Named after mathematician John Nash, the concept refers to a situation in which individuals participating in a game (a central concept of gaming theory and its application to debate as a "game") pursue the best possible strategy while
possessing knowledge of the other players strategies. The principle works on the
premise that any individual cannot improve her or his opportunities given the other
players strategies.
natural justice Generalist legal principles that are independent of the conventions or
formal practices of particular legal systems.
natural law A foundation for human law, natural law refers to embedded principles in
human society or the rules of conduct or innate moral sense inherent in the relations of
human beings and discoverable by reason or recognized by historical developments. It
is contrasted with statutory or common law.
natural rights A theory of human rights that argues that rights arise from the nature
of human and social existence.
negative The side of a formal debate that opposes the affirmatives proofs for the resolution.
negative utilitarianism A version of utilitarianism that substitutes the reduction of
harmful or undesirable consequences for the provision of goods or benefits. The purpose of the theory is to avoid the disadvantages of utopianist criticism, namely, that
there are dangers inherent in the design and implementation of a "perfect" world. The
principle of negative utilitarianism attempts to avoid those costs by re-framing the discussion to focus on the elimination of evil.
net benefits One standard of counterplan competition. A counterplan is said to be "net
beneficial" when it alone is a policy option superior to the whole plan and all or any
part of the counterplan; in other words, the counterplan forces a choice between the




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policies advanced by the affirmative and negative teams in the debate.
nihilism A theory that rejects traditional values, such as the belief in knowledge, metaphysical truth, and the foundation of ethical principles.
normal means A term usually applied to proposition team plans used to describe the
specifics of how the plan might be funded, implemented, or enforced. For example, a
teams plan might say at the end: "Funding and enforcement through normal means."
Often what is meant is: "However a plan like ours might normally be done, that is how
this plan will be done." Proposition teams usually say they employ this phrase to avoid
confusion; however, it serves a strategic purpose in plan design. Do not assume that
there is general agreement over what "normal means" means. In the case of funding,
for example, there are many ways that governments fund their programs (borrowing,
re-allocation, new spending, etc.).
objectivism One or more theories that claim that a given subject matter contains
objects existing independently of human beliefs and attitudes.
off-case In a formal debate, the opposition argumentation (in limited circumstances,
supplemental proposition team argumentation) that does not directly refute the foundational arguments of the case proper, i.e., the first affirmative constructive arguments.
"Off-case" generally refers to the forms of indirect refutation by the negative, e.g., topicality arguments, counterplans, disadvantages, and critiques. This term used to mean
the arguments made in a debate that linked to the plan, as opposed to those that linked
to the case. These days, it refers to arguments that are being debated on pieces of paper
other than those devoted to the affirmative case. These arguments should be labeled as
"off-case" arguments in the opposition speakers roadmap, where she or he will say
something like "Im going to present two off-case arguments, and then Ill be debating the proposition teams advantage and solvency."
off-case flow The notes transcribing the off-case arguments.
on-case In a formal debate, the argumentation by the affirmative and negative sides
that is directed to the foundational or stock issues of the affirmative case, i.e., the issues
of inherency, significance, and solvency. (See also case-side.)
opportunity cost The sacrifice made when selecting one policy over another.
paradigm A systematic and rational appraisal of debate that identifies the preferred
features of the event and suggests models of analysis and deliberation. In contemporary policy debate, the most common paradigmatic approaches have included policy
making, hypothesis testing, gaming, and performance. Although paradigms are usually conflated with judging philosophies, debaters can and often do have paradigms. (See
also judging philosophies.)
paradox A contradictory statement from which a valid inference may be drawn.
parliamentary debate A format for extemporaneous debate. Parliamentary debate
involves two-person or three-person teams. Formats include two or four competing
teams in a single debate. Debate is on a topic announced some 15 to 20 minutes before
each debate. Limited parliamentary procedures (points of information, points of personal privilege, points of order) are used in the contests, varying by tournament guideline.
parsimony principle A claim that one should pursue the simplest hypothesis; also
known as Ockhams Razor, the principle suggests that one should not make assumptions that are not essential to a proof and that one should not make extended, contrived, and artificial relations between concepts.
permutation A test of the competitiveness of a counterplan or counterposition, it is an
argument that explains how the functions of the plan and counterplan are comple-




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mentary and mutually supportive. More practically, a permutation is a type of argument used by affirmatives to illustrate the noncompetitiveness of counterplans.
Affirmatives argue that if it is possible to imagine the coexistence of the plan and the
counterplan, and if such an imagined example would be net beneficial, then the counterplan does not provide a reason to reject the affirmative. (See also net beneficial.)
philosophical competition A now-defunct standard of competition for counterplans
that argues that since the two plans are philosophically different, they are exclusive of
one another.
plan spike A part of the plan designed to improve its workability or diminish its disadvantages.
policy debate A format of formal debate that calls for implementation of a policy directive or course of action. The common format for policy debate involves team debate
with constructive speeches of eight or nine minutes and rebuttal speeches of five or six
minutes for each of the participants. There is usually a three-minute cross-examination
period following each of the constructive speeches.
policy making A paradigm that says debate rounds should be evaluated from the perspective of a pseudo-legislator weighing the advantages and disadvantages of two conflicting policy systems. (See also paradigm.)
post hoc ergo propter hoc: Literally, "after the fact, therefore because of the fact." A
fallacy of reasoning that presumes a specific causal relation for two or more conditions
because one of the events followed the other event.
post-modernism Theories of culture and politics that claim that the values and
assumptions of modernism no longer hold and a reassessment is in order, based on alterior perspectives of a number of individuals and groups.
pragmatism The claim that the meanings of propositions lay in their possible effects
on our experiences; a test of the validity of concepts by their practical effects.
preemption or preempt An argument designed to respond to another argument that
has not been made, but which is anticipated.
preparation time Also known as "prep time," a period of time given to individuals or
teams to prepare their speeches during a debate.
present system A description of current governmental, corporate, educational, and
cultural institutions or policies.
presumption A corollary of burden of proof, the argument that accords an advantage
to the attitudes, institutions, and practices that currently exist. In other words, "presumption" is the assumption that a system should be kept unless there is a clear reason
to change it. Although this term comes from law, in debate it is usually understood to
mean that the judge should presume for the status quo unless the affirmative or government team provides a clear and convincing reason to change. (See also burden of
proof, status quo.)
prima facie Literally, "on its face," the responsibility of the advocate of a debate resolution to offer a proof for the proposition in the opening presentation, such that an
opponent is obliged to answer the major elements of the case proper.
procedural arguments The arguments that establish the way the elements of a debate
will be conducted; determinative issues that are contested in a debate regarding debate
practice and the method of appropriate decision making and distinguished from the
substantive issues of the proposition.
proof That which reduces uncertainty and increases the probable truth of a claim.
Evidence is transformed into proof through the use of reasoning, which demonstrates




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how and to what extent the claim is believable. Proof is, of course, a relative concept,
ranging from probability to certainty.
proposition Also known as a "topic" or a "resolution," a subject to be discussed or a
statement to be upheld. Usually, a proposition is of fact, value, or policy that the affirmative is obligated to support. The resolution is generally understood to focus debate
by dividing argument ground on any given topic.
rationalism A theory advancing reasoning as the basis for making moral judgments
and acquiring knowledge.
reasonability A topicality standard that says the affirmative only need offer a definition that is not excessively broad and would appear legitimate at first glance.
rebuttal Refutation of an opponents argument; also, the summary speeches of a
reductio ad absurdum Literally, a "reduction to absurdity," a proof of a proposition by
showing that its opposite is absurd or a disproof of a proposition by showing that its
logical conclusion is impossible or absurd.
refutation The overthrowing of an argument, opinion, testimony, etc. Refutation is a
direct and specific response to an opponents argument.
resolution See proposition.
reverse voting issue An argument that suggests that the presentation of a frivolous or
unfair issue in a debate should subject the advocate of the argument to a loss.
rule utilitarianism A version of utilitarianism that suggests that one should not seek
the best possible outcome but one that is generally satisfactory.
sandbag To preserve important parts of an argument for use in a later speech.
Sapir-Whorf hypothesis The thesis that languages vary substantially and unpredictably and that these differences in languages construct different perspectives and
scarecrow Formerly known as a "straw man," this is a fallacious argument that identifies a weak argument of an opponent and falsely characterizes all of the opponents
arguments as equally deficient.
scenario An outline of a real or imagined case study of a proposed course of action.
Usually, a scenario is a picture, explained through specific examples, of what would
occur if an advantage or disadvantage were to happen. (See also story.)
scouting The practice of knowing what arguments are being made by other teams,
scouting is necessary for adequate preparation. Scouting includes, but is not limited to,
keeping a case list. (See also case list.)
second line Additional evidence for presentation in rebuttals or constructive extensions.
self-fulfilling prophecy The principle that events occur as anticipated, not because
one is able to predict a potential effect, but rather because one will behave in a manner that will inexorably produce the effect.
self-serving bias The claim that people will tend to deny responsibility for failure and
take credit for success.
semantics The scientific study of the nature, structure, and meanings of speech forms.
semiotics A study of the science of signs or codes (oral, textual, artistic, etc.) in society.
severance permutation A permutation that contains only part of (rather than all of)




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the proposition teams plan.
shift To abandon an original position and take up a different one.
shotgun A strategy of presenting a profusion of unrelated, scattered attacks against an
opponents case. Usually considered to be tacky.
significance An expression of qualitative or quantitative dimension of a problem or
condition; often listed as a "stock issue" in formal debate. Traditionally used as a measure of the need claimed by the affirmative or proposition team.
slippery slope Widely recognized as a logical fallacy, this type of argument says that a
particular course of action sets in motion an unstoppable chain of events whereby an
undesirable result becomes inevitable. One example of this argument is often made in
debates about assisted suicide "If we allow some so-called mercy killings, whats to
stop the state from calling other bigoted policies mercy killings as well?" (See also fallacy.)
snowball An argument very similar to the slippery slope, which states that a small
action can become much bigger through time: Imagine a snowball rolling downhill,
collecting more snow as it goes.
social contract The duty to obey the government and the law and the right of the government to make the law arises from the contractual relationship, explicit or implied,
of the government and the governed.
socialism A variety of theories emphasizing that the social or collective nature of economic production serves as the justification for public action regarding the distribution
of economic goods and services.
solipsism A claim that nothing exists beyond ones immediate experiences.
solvency A stock issue that expresses the ability to successfully implement a suggested policy directive. Solvency is the ability of the affirmative plan or negative counterplan to solve the problem.
speech act theory Developed by John Rogers Searle, the claim that when one is saying something, one is simultaneously doing something.
spread The rapid introduction of multiple arguments in a formal debate.
standards A hierarchy or ranking system to evaluate arguments presented in a debate,
usually an evaluation of the merit of definitions of key terms of the resolution in a topicality argument. A set of rules that allows the judge to decide which argument is better. Usually employed in topicality debates or counterplan competition discussions.
states counterplan A specific type of counterplan. Opposition teams often counterplan
with sub-federal action, saying the 50 states (in the USA) or other provincial, decentralized governments would be a superior policy option. This counterplan is often run
with net benefits such as the federalism disadvantage. These disadvantages, in order to
be considered net benefits, would have to argue that federal action in the area of the
plan was bad. Frequently, opposition teams running this counterplan will also claim
that their policy is better suited to solve the affirmative harm area because states are
better positioned (via efficiency, experimentation, enforcement, or whatever) than the
federal government. (See also counterplan, federalism, net benefits.)
status quo Literally, "the way things are." An understanding of current institutions and
policies; the current state of affairs. Usually, the proposition team tries to prove that a
world with their plan would be better than the status quo.
stock issues The core elements of a logical proof of an affirmative case, including the
key elements inherency, significance, and solvency.
story Debaters often use stories to prove their points. When a debater tells a link story,




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she or he is using narrative to explain how a link might play itself out in real life. In
debate, stories and scenarios are concrete examples of more abstract concepts and
arguments. Stories and scenarios make arguments specific and tangible. (See also scenario.)
study counterplan A variety of generic counterplan that says that instead of acting in
the specified area of the proposition or the proposition teams case, we should instead
study the problem to find the most desirable course of action.
subpoints Supporting points of arguments, often used to structure larger arguments.
subjectivism Any of a number of theories that identify material subjects as dependent
on human beliefs and attitudes.
sufficiency principle Also known as a "sufficient condition," a circumstance in which
a cause is sufficient, in and of itself, to produce a particular effect.
take out Any argument in refutation that undermines, or "takes out," an opponents
position; usually refers to an argument that eliminates the link or relevance of an opponents argument.
text Anything that signifies in any medium.
threshold The degree of change necessary to precipitate a particular outcome; usually, the degree of change of an affirmative plan from current policy that will trigger
undesirable consequences (disadvantages).
time frame The amount of time it takes for a particular condition, usually impacts, to
topicality The issue that establishes the relation of the affirmative plan to the language
of the topic; the proof that the affirmative argument is a representation of the resolution. Also known as "T."
turn An argument that reverses the position of an opponent. Turns usually come in two
kinds: link turns and impact turns. Link turns are arguments that attempt to reverse a
link established by the other team. For example, a negative team might run a disadvantage that said the plan hurt economic growth. The affirmative might argue a link
turn by saying that the affirmative actually helped economic growth. An impact turn
is an argument that tries to reverse an established impact. In this same example, the
affirmative might argue that economic growth is actually bad, thereby turning the
impact of the disadvantage. Also known as a "turnaround," or, historically, as "turning
the tables."
uniqueness The claim that any benefit or cost is relevant to the advocacy of one side of a
debate and can be used to decide favorably for that side or unfavorably against the other
side. Uniqueness is the part of a disadvantage that proves that your plan and only your plan
could trigger the impacts. Affirmative advantages can also have a burden of uniqueness: If
their harm is being solved now, then there is no unique need for the plan.
utilitarianism Any of a variety of consequentialist views that claim to maximize good
or minimize evil.
vacuum test A versatile, if often silly, argument employed in topicality and link debates
that asks the hypothetical question: "If we looked at the plan in a vacuum, would it fulfill _____ condition?" In effects topicality, a vacuum test is used to determine if the plan
is topical in itself.
values Principles, acts, customs, and qualities regarded as desirable by individuals or
voting issues The arguments in a formal debate that are used to decide the ultimate
outcome of the debate.




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weighing the issues A comparative analysis of all the issues in a debate; an evaluation
of their relative probability and impact conducted in order to determine which are
most important, and thus, who wins. Rebuttalists usually weigh the issues, saying
things like "Well, the plan may increase crime a little bit, but thats a small price to pay
to safeguard our constitutional rights," thereby comparing the impact of the negatives
crime disadvantage to the impact of their racial profiling advantage.
whole resolution An argument in formal debate suggesting that the proposition side
must responsibly maintain a proof for all the possible interpretations, not a single
instance or set of examples of the proposition.
workability A condition whereby a proposal could actually operate to solve a problem
if implemented as legislation.
zero-sum Circumstances in which the interests of one or more parties are advanced at
the direct and reciprocal expense of the interests of one or more other parties.




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The following is a sample of the opening speeches of the first proposition and first opposition speeches in a British format debate. The
speeches are annotated to identify successful strategies, reveal omissions and missed opportunities, find strategic agreement, and critically
investigate the debates substantive material, including argument
examples. The beginning of the second proposition teams case is also
included as a model of argument extension of the opening proposition
speech. Points of information are included and evaluated. The annotations are bulleted and italicized.
The motion for the debate is This House believes in affirmative
First Speaker, First Proposition: Mr. Chairman, adjudicators, ladies and gentlemen: hi. You may remember me better from such films as Surf Nazis Must Die and The Return of
the Italian Stallion, Part 2. Ladies and gentlemen, Ive been
called out of retirement to try and demonstrate to all of the
people at this table how to debate. If you listen carefully, the
motion for debate is quite simply that this House believes in
affirmative action.


A brief and entertaining introduction can be effective. This is brief.



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Myself and my disheveled-looking partner want to define

the motion in very clear terms. Ladies and gentlemen, we
want to see the introduction of affirmative action to eradicate the inequality between the sexes, and in particular we
want to see the introduction of legislation to permit government and public agencies to require the imposition and the
introduction of quotas in training and employment in the
private and the public sector only where there is clear,
recurring, and evident statistical evidence that great
inequality exists in the particular areas where quotas are
going to be introduced. And to further clarify, were not
necessarily and automatically talking about the introduction
of a 50 percent quota. The exact quota for each individual
sector, for each individual employment body, or each individual state body will be decided according to the circumstances. Quotas of 20 percent may be necessary; quotas of
50 percent may occasionally be necessary. In other words,
its an open-ended process.

This is a clear definition of the motion, with sufficient exposition

for the opposition teams, judges, and audience to understand both
the identified problem and its solution. The proposed plan of action
is a bit ambiguous, which almost always succeeds in assisting the
proposition debates. Opposition teams should take care to insist on
further clarification of open-ended processes, as they are likely to
change throughout a debate, typically at the expense of the opposition.

We believe that legislation has to be introduced to give the

state the power and the authority to introduce this quota
system. Norway, Sweden and the German Republic have
already done this. The UK refuses to do so. The European
Union refuses to do so. Many other countries such as the
USA operate half-hearted affirmative action policies. Were
going whole hog. We say: Give the government this power.
The reason why were doing this is quite simple: Equality
legislation, which has been in the Western world for 30
years, has simply failed to produce a satisfactory income
and a satisfactory level of success. We dont disagree that at




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low levels, there is generally a progressive movement

towards equality in the Western world. At high levels, there
are enormous, built-in levels of inequality. Equality legislation is not working.

This passage demonstrates that the problem is ongoing and significant. This portion of the opening speech offers numerous examples
of the need for policy reform. In addition, several examples of successful implementation of the suggested affirmative action policy
are included (Norway, Sweden, and the German Republic) as
expressions of solvency arguments.
The speakers rhetoric is quite strong, with effective summaries for
major points.

Opposition speaker [rising]: Point of information.

First Speaker, First Proposition: No thank you. Equality
legislation is not producing the results that we are looking
for. As a consequence,
Opposition speaker [rising]: Point of information.
First Speaker, First Proposition: In a moment. As a consequence, we think aggressive action needs to be taken. We
need to drive the process forward, and my partner and I are
arguing that we think quotas are the way to go.
Opposition speaker: Well, what happens if there arent that
many women applying for the certain jobs?
First Speaker, First Proposition: Exactly. Thank you.
Thats whats known in theatrical terms, being an actor,
ladies and gentlemen, as feeding a cue. You see, the entire
point is that there is deeply embedded cultural deterrence to
equality. People are being deterred for applying for certain
posts. People are being deterred from moving towards certain positions. We think the classic example, ladies and gentlemen


This is an outstanding reply to a well-articulated point. Not only



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does the speaker provide a reasonable answer to a question that is,

more likely than not, on the minds of the judges and audience, but
the first proposition speaker does so in a manner that makes the
opponents position seem trite and predictable (i.e., feeding a cue).
Opposition speaker [rises]: Point of information.
First Speaker, First Proposition: No, thank you, sir. The
classic example lies in the political process. We see a situation where, to a large extent, representation of women in
Western democracies is down to around a level of 20 percent. In France, 11 percent, in the UK, 22 percent.
Ridiculous, given the 50-50 split between men and women in
the population. Whats happening is that there is a glass ceiling, ladies and gentlemen a system of values that acts as a
deterrent. There is a culture in place that acts as a deterrent
towards people applying, to answer our opponents point. It
acts as a deterrent for people being promoted it creates
problems of perception. And this is our key first argument,
ladies and gentlemen. We are going to develop this further,
but what were arguing is that you have a problem with
value perception. The way to alter the value perception is to
put the people in place. If you put the people in place, ladies
and gentlemen, if you push women, if you require certain a
proportion of women running for political parties, a certain
proportion of women at a high level of judicial office, at
high level political offices, then change will follow.

The use of statistical information effectively provides evidence to

support a well-reasoned point.

Weve seen the classic case in the British Parliament, ladies

and gentlemen. For the first time in 150 years, theres been
an attempt to rein back the old-boy all-night work and drink
culture of the British Parliament. Only since, in the last two
years, have you had a high proportion of a female intake.
Quite simply: You change the values, you provide role models. In other words, ladies and gentlemen, [opposition
speaker rises] you start challenging the culture. You see the
people in place and change follows.




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This is a good example of the use of an analogy to prove that a plan

of action would work in a different public policy sphere.

Opposition speaker: But what you also see, for example, is

an example where in the Scottish Parliament, the Labor
Party adopted an affirmative action policy for their candidates. As you see people being able to put forward the backlash of Here are women who arent here because theyre
good enough.
First Speaker, First Proposition: Thank you. This is the
backlash argument. Whats fascinating about the backlash
argument is that in 1968, when the Equal Pay and Race
Relations legislation was introduced in Britain, the first
thing they said was: Oh no, if you legislate for equality, the
white males will be really annoyed. It happens every single
time. The backlash argument, ladies and gentlemen, is classic nonsense. Weve never seen a backlash in these circumstances, ladies and gentlemen. What were arguing is that
you need something to change perceptions and change values. People need to be shown that women can do politics.
Women can do politics equally well. Its very, very important to realize that weve seen the introduction over many
years of a gradualist approach, where itll be all right in the
end, and youll have a gradual moving up of women through
the process. Ladies and gentlemen, this is a key argument: I
do not see why this generation of female graduates or the
next three, four, or five generations of women need to labor
under a disadvantage caused by perception. I dont see why
our female opponent and other people like her have to suffer from perceptions and disadvantages that I dont have to
suffer. Thats the problem with the gradualist approach.
Theres a price to be paid. Ladies and gentlemen, Norway
and Sweden quit quota policies in the parliamentary
process. But quotas for selection have the highest proportion of women in Parliament over 50 percent in Norway.
They had the only female Prime Minister for a very, very
long time. The first three female leaders were from
Scandinavia. This is tangible evidence that these policies




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can work. And on those grounds, ladies and gentlemen, we

urge you to support the motion.

Here is more tangible evidence that the proposed plan would work.
At three distinct points in the opening address, the first speaker for
the proposition is able to provide examples or analogies to bolster
the claim that a workable solution to a serious social injustice is
readily available. This is a fine presentation, with considerable evidence to support artfully executed points.

First Speaker, First Opposition: Thank you very much,
ladies and gentlemen. Its a pleasure to be representing the
New World in this debate here today. Maybe Ill bring some
new ideas, some fresh ideas, to one that was very lacking on
the government side here today a case that was basically
substantiated with examples from Norway, and offered very
little about how changing numbers with their convoluted
scheme will actually change perceptions in British society.
That is what really has to be looked at today. I want to deal,
first of all, with this point he brought up about the failure of
British society to produce results.

It is important to establish your own claim in the debate before

reacting to the points of the opposing side. A brief introduction from
the first speaker for the opposition would make for considerably
stronger presence in the debate. The judges and audience have listened to the opening proposition speaker for seven minutes. That
person had an opportunity to develop a rapport with them. If you
attack before making your own connection with the judges and
audience, you are likely to subtly antagonize them. You are still an
unknown quantity and you will be assaulting a familiar.
Debaters need to accurately represent the positions of the other side
of the motion or risk losing their credibility. The opposition speaker is duly interested in undermining the claims of the opening proposition speaker. Unfortunately, his inaccurate characterization of
the first proposition speakers examples will hurt his own cause with
judges paying attention to the debate. The opening proposition




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speaker had considerably more to say than an argument basically

substantiated with examples from Norway.
He says that the system is not working. He comes before us
with a convoluted plan that says: Well, basically, um, 50
percent is good enough in some areas and not good in other
areas, and the question I have to ask is: Why is less parity
in some areas better than in other ones? He has given us
very little evidence on that point.

This is the beginning of an effective rejoinder but the speaker does

not commit a sufficient amount of time to fully analyze the proposition plan.

What we should ask this House is: Why, in fact, are women
being dissuaded from these jobs? What he is trying to have
us believe on the government side of this House is that this
is some sort of culture of misogyny, some sort of culture
where women are traditionally shuffled out of places of
prominent work within many industries. What were going
to decide upon, here on the opposition side, is that this is not
the deterrent for women going into these areas. In fact, a lot
of other areas have to be looked at, and the government
should have looked at. The first is the issue of child care,
and how in fact a lot of women

The speaker for the opposition argues an alternatecausality. It is

not discrimination in hiring and promotion but discrimination in
services that is the cause of the problem. Affirmative action programs, dedicated to employment hiring and promotion matters,
would be of little consequence if there are other significant barriers
to womens employment.

Three government speakers [rising, raising hands in various

manners]: Point of information.
First Speaker, First Opposition: Dont have it, while in
countries like Japan, women do have avenues to take proper child care, and when they can




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Fourth government speaker [rising to join the other three]:

Point of information.
First Speaker, First Opposition: Yes, one point.
Government speaker: You mentioned Japan, which of
course has the worst equality record of any industrialized
nation. The whole point is that things like child care will follow when the women are in place through quotas.
First Speaker, First Opposition: We found that in areas
like the metropolitan police in London, quota systems
reduce the quality and reduce the ability of people to do
their jobs properly.
Two government speakers [rising]: Point of information.
First Speaker, First Opposition: No, sit down. The second
point that was brought up was this idea of backlash. He says
theres no backlash. But there is a backlash, Im going to
argue, on the quality of services
Government speaker [rising]: Point of information.
First Speaker, First Opposition: which are provided to
people in areas. Im going to give you an example. He
brought up the example of Norway, with its 50 percent parity. Not at this time. In a little bit. Im going to give you the
example of the Indian Parliament another part of the
world where people are fighting for the better treatment of
women. There was a 50 percent gender parity proposal that
was put forth. And what happened? There were inferior
candidates put forth, there was

At this stage of the debate the first speaker for the opposition is barraged with points of information and, to a significant degree, the
speaker loses control of the floor. The fatal error? In replying to
points of information, the opposition speaker says, Not at this
time. In fact, the same line is delivered seven times. The speaker
less frequently says No, or No, thank you. The problem is that




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no one on the opposing side knows which later time is acceptable.

The opposing speakers continue to rise to a point of information,
only to be repeatedly told Not at this time. But every subsequent
moment of the speech is a different time.
If speakers want to control the floor, they must say No to points
of information and avoid saying Not at this time.
Government speaker [rising]: Point of information.
First Speaker, First Opposition: Not at this time. There
was voter backlash, voter apathy. There was a rolling back
of the gains
Government speaker [rising]: On this point, sir.
First Speaker, First Opposition: that women had gained
in India simply because these things
[A second government speaker rises, reaches out hand.]
First Speaker, First Opposition: werent allowed to be
done incrementally. No, not at this time. Legitimacy in liberal democracy is fundamental, and to assault that fundamental principle of legitimacy in liberal democracy by giving an uneven playing field
Two government speakers [rising, hands outstretched]:
First Speaker, First Opposition: to level the playing field
is fundamentally offensive.
[A third government speaker rises]
First Speaker, First Opposition: Ill take your point.
Government speaker: Do you accept, sir, that the very
backlash you talk about comes from the very people who try
to keep women out of the workplace to begin with? What




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were trying to do is challenge that.

First Speaker, First Opposition: What you can do is you
can challenge it, but you have to ask yourself what the best
way is to challenge it. By simply saying to a Parliament that
you cant have the best people doing their jobs, that you
cant have the best people changing values incrementally,
that is fundamentally wrong and that is what we stand
against. What I want to explore, and what my partner and I
are going to explore on the first opposition side here today,
is the fundamental offensiveness of fighting discrimination
with discrimination. Pardon the rather clichd example
here, but if Martin Luther King were here in this debate
today, hed be rolling in his grave while he was watching the
debate. [general laughter]
Government speaker [rising]: Point of information, sir.
First Speaker, First Opposition: No, no, no. What I want
to deal with here is the fact that many organizations, especially in North America, such as the American Civil
Liberties Union, and the Jesse Jackson-led Rainbow
Coalition, have in fact stood against the fundamentally
offensive principle that in a race case
Government speaker [rising]: Point of information, sir.
First Speaker, First Opposition: No, I know your case centers on gender, but. No, not at this time.
Government speaker [rising]: Point of
First Speaker, First Opposition: No, not at this time. What
they are saying is that it should be based not on the content
of ones character but instead on the content of ones
trousers, or
Government speaker [rising]: Sir?
First Speaker, First Opposition: the content of ones




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skin, and we fundamentally stand against this. Not at this

time. Because what it does, in sociological terms, is pigeonhole members of society.
Government speaker [rising]: Point of information, sir.
First Speaker, First Opposition: Not at this time. It defines
members of society by the color of their skin, by what sex
they are
Government speaker [rising]: Sir?
First Speaker, First Opposition: and not by their abilities to do their job.
Government speaker [rising]: Point of information, sir?
First Speaker, First Opposition: No. And if you want to
build a society in which women, or blacks, or any other
group is looked upon on even grounds, you have to do that
without putting them in a pigeonhole.
Government speaker [rising]: Point of information, sir.
First Speaker, First Opposition: Surely weve had enough
of that in society. What it does is impede integration and
proper community-building. On that point, madam?
Government speaker: Sir, are we not pigeonholing at present when we say that men can do certain jobs and women
can do certain other jobs, and were not going to do anything
about it?
First Speaker, First Opposition: Societys not saying that.
Its saying that women can do the jobs. Theyre invited to,
but society is not striving and should not be striving to have
the constructs in place to allow that to be attainable. You
cannot come up and tell me that people who seek office, who
are working these long hours, jogging between Westminster
and Edinburgh, have the proper kind of child care services




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to allow for that.

Government speaker: On that point.
First Speaker, First Opposition: You have to see that in
fact a community is built not by putting people into categories but is based upon leveling the playing field, incrementally offering the right kind of ways of getting people
involved in the public sector. On that point?

This is a potentially dangerous position for the opposition. The

speaker seems to support an incremental movement in the direction
of that which the proposition has advocated in the debate, in other
words, a slow-motion version of the case. This claim seems to accept
the underlying principles of the proposition case but, with incremental rather than systemic change, will take decades to achieve the
same goal.

Government speaker: What you seem to be saying, sir, is

that women cant go into work because there are inadequacies in things like child care. Whos pigeonholing now?
First Speaker, First Opposition: Im not pigeonholing anyone. Im just identifying one of the realities out there for
women. Its fundamentally different, I think, to offer
women child care than to say: You know what? Were going
to allow you a position in government because you happen
to fit one of our number categories. And were not so sure
what those number categories are
Government speaker [rising]: Sir?
First Speaker, First Opposition: on this government
side, because they say: You know what? For politics, 50 percent might be good enough in Norway, but for a police force
or for firefighters, they might not be able to make the physical requirements, so we might have to have a ten percent
quota there. What theyre doing is not only pigeonholing.
Theyre pigeonholing within different professions. Id ask
why it isnt 50 percent for everything. Can they answer




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Government speaker [rising]: Point of information.
First Speaker, First Opposition: Yes?
Government speaker: Sir, you talk about number categories. Is it just a coincidence that 78 percent of British MPs
at the moment are men? This is a de facto number category
working at the moment. Youve got to change the factual circumstances, sir.
First Speaker, First Opposition: Yes. But changing the factual circumstances while compromising the fundamental
principles of liberal democracy is not the right way to go
about it. Margaret Thatcher, believe it or not, for all of the
glory that she brought to Britain, showed that women can
assume positions of leadership, that women do not have to
fight a numbered quota system to get there, but can achieve
based on the fact of their leadership abilities. And thats
what we stand for on the opposition side here today. This
kind of wishy-washy, lets bend the numbers to suit our purposes, is fundamentally wrong. Fighting discrimination
through discrimination is not the way to solve our problems.
Society needs fewer categories, not more. We can achieve
progress by allowing people to work out things on their own
terms. Thus we fundamentally oppose this case. Thank you
very much.

The first speaker for the opposition ends the speech with a powerful
conclusion. This is quite necessary here, as too many of the good
opposition points were lost or made incoherent in a maelstrom of
points of information.

First Speaker, Second Proposition: I find it quite bizarre

that this sides case is accused of being simplistic when
lets face it, the only real explanation by the opposition of
why women are not favored in employment is that there
isnt adequate child care. Ive been writing down everything




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theyve said, Mr. Speaker, and thats about all theyve said in
terms of explaining the employment gap between male and
female. What weve identified is a realistic problem which
theyve then taken and said: Well, we have to oppose you
because were the opposition without actually giving us any
substantive arguments that show why our system doesnt
work. What Im going to try and do is this speech extending
the debate into the second half is, first of all, go back over
the whole idea of how you challenge the existing discrimination. Do you do it from the inside or from the outside? Ill
give you my perspective on that. Secondly, this whole backlash argument Im just going to clear that up. Then thirdly, Im going to move the debate on to look at the whole concept of the meritocracy, because we think thats what they
think it should be all about. What were going to show is
that the meritocracy doesnt exist. It doesnt evolve naturally. You have to put means in place to allow that meritocracy to flourish.

The first speaker for the second proposition establishes a clear

organizational structure for the speech, indicating that there will be
an extension of the opening proposition case (fulfilling one of this
speakers responsibilities in the debate) as well as seriously engaging the two main points of refutation from the first opposition
teams stand on the floor. This is an effective tactic, as it educates
judges about your role in the debate and frames the presentation (it
sets expectations for the performance that the speaker will undoubtedly meet).

Opposition speaker [rising]: Point of information.

First Speaker, Second Proposition: No, thank you. So, first
of all, the whole concept of pigeonholing, they are arguing
on this side of the House that the best way to change problems within an employment environment is from the outside. They specifically said that you dont get any benefits
from aggressively fighting for social change from within.
The point of information that I gave earlier was from last
week where a group of female speech therapists were given
2.5 billion pounds because they aggressively fought from the




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inside. Had they not been in the profession, there would

have been no challenge to the current system. Thats the
argument we use on this side of the House.
Opposition speaker [rising]: Point of information.
First Speaker, Second Proposition; Can I go for a bit
longer? Then Ill take your point. So what we say is that you
cant just say that ours is a bad system without telling us
why. The rebuttal of the Norwegian example was: Well,
who likes Norway? Theyve got a crap football team, and the
Eurovision song contest isnt going to go that well for them.
Well, ladies and gentlemen, its just not deep enough on this
side of the House. So we say challenging from within gets
results, and theyre not providing us with any results from
their approach. Ms. Roach?
Opposition speaker: Youre totally contradicting your own
policy here. What youre doing is not proposing to change a
profession from within, but to impose restrictions on it from
the outside. How is that change from within?
First Speaker, Second Proposition: Because it challenges
two levels. The first point is that people refuse to apply
because of the male yahoo atmosphere that they dont feel
comfortable with. You say that there is another issue of no
child-care availability. We say that you can do both with this
system because it gets women into the workplace who will
fight for the next round of changes that they acquire to then
allow further women to get into that same workplace. The
second point is their whole issue of the backlash. Who is the
backlash, ladies and gentlemen? These white, angry men?
Who are they? They are the very people who want women
kicked out of the workplace. They are the very people who
want blacks kicked out of the workplace.
Opposition speaker [rising]: Point.
First Speaker, Second Proposition: No, thank you.




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The opposition side may be correct here. The argument from the second proposition teams opening speaker seems to contradict some of
the basic principles of the opening proposition team and, paradoxically, support the claims of the opening opposition speaker. The
argument that inside movement of affirmative action may be
appropriate does not seem to extend the original proposition case.
An extension in the second proposition presentation should be consistent with the first proposition interpretation of the motion. And it
should not be conflated with either the rhetoric or substance of the
opening team for the opposition.

What follows are the first two speeches from an American parliamentary debate on the motion This House should return the goods.

Prime Minister Constructive: Thank you very much. I

believe that debate is a vigorous discourse in which we
should discuss important and controversial issues. Keeping
that in mind we turn to the topic: This House should return
the goods. Were talking about return of stolen cultural
artifacts art objects. We have a worldwide phenomenon of
systematic theft by imperialist nations of cultural artifacts,
and they are now being held with impunity. What we would
advocate, on the side of the government, is that these artifacts should be returned when we can identify the rightful
owners. And so, there are several reasons why we would
advocate this issue. The first one is that we need to move
beyond Western conceptions of law, because the current
way the legal system works is that we allow countries to act
tyrannically. We allow them to steal cultural artifacts, to use
their political or physical power to prevent their return, and
then, after a certain period of time, then they just say Well,
now the statute of limitations gives us immunity on this
issue, and were no longer liable, and you cant have them




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back now. So what we need to do is create a specific exemption to the statute of limitations that would allow for the
return of cultural artifacts. Weve had this tyrannical action
with the stealing of the Parthenon frieze, with Nazi art,
with Native American artifacts, and we would advocate the
return of these as well as other stolen cultural artifacts.
It goes beyond that. What we also need to do is establish an
appropriate relationship between states. The theft of cultural artifacts is a way to assert cultural dominance by one
country over another country. In fact, this is what the
British Museum is. The British Empire went out around the
world and collected well, collected is a nice way to say it.
One might aptly say that they stole cultural artifacts from
around the world and now their culture is able to subsume
all other cultures within their culture, they subsume all
other cultures and that makes them the superior culture.
And only with the return of these artifacts [Opposition
speaker rises]
Opposition speaker: Point of information.
Prime Minister: Hold on, Ill get to you in one second.
Only with the return of these artifacts can we start down
the path of an equitable relationship between states. Yes?
Opposition speaker: What about cases where the rightful
owner is unclear?
Prime Minister: Well, its unclear, Andrea. Its unclear. As
I said, we needed to return these when the rightful owner
could be determined. Now, if the rightful owner can be
determined, then it wouldnt be unclear. I think in the examples that Ive given, such as the case of the Parthenon frieze,
the ownership is very clear. There is historical record establishing what happened. In fact, Lord Elgin sold the
Parthenon frieze to the British Museum. In the case of Nazi
art, the Nazis were very organized. This caused many
deaths, but also resulted in specific records about who stole
what art. These records are just now becoming available.




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Thats why we need to provide for an exemption within the

statute of limitations to allow for the return of these artifacts. When we cannot establish a rightful owner we will, of
course, not return them. Thats an interesting point you
bring up.
Before I got off on that tangent of Andreas very pointed
question, I was talking about why we need to establish an
equitable relationship between states. The reason why is if
we can establish an equitable relationship between states,
we can increase peace, stability, and harmony between
nations. Just as if you can establish a more equitable relationship with your brother, you start fighting less if he gives
you back all of the toys he has stolen. Its the same sort of
idea on a larger and more important scale.
The last important reason for the return of cultural artifacts is that we need to move beyond our own ideas about
what the role of cultural artifacts actually is. What we need
to do is look at an example of one cultural artifact in the
USA, which would be the Declaration of Independence.
What do we do with the Declaration of Independence?
[Opposition speaker rises, crosses arms]
We stick it under a piece of plastic laminate, we enclose it
in gas, we put two armed guards beside it, and then we
install a three million dollar video camera created by
NASAs Jet Propulsion Laboratory to make sure that no one
steals it. It must, by the way, be one hell of a camera for that
price. In any case [gestures to standing opposition speaker],
and youre going to get called on any minute now, so you can
stop shifting around
[Standing opposition speaker appears to jog, almost imperceptibly, in place]
We come to believe that anyone who fails to take these
kinds of precautions is failing in their duty to respect cultural artifacts, just as [gestures to standing opposition




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speaker again] Nate is failing in his duty to respect me as a

speaker by doing this sort of little dance [turns to opposition speaker]. But Ill take your question anyway.
Opposition speaker: So what should we do with the
Declaration of Independence? Everyone should be able to
touch it and fold it and write on it? Tell me: What should we
Prime Minister: No, Im saying that what we do with the
Declaration of Independence is fine, but we should recognize, in fact, that this treatment frequently destroys the religious, cultural, or political significance that other, distinct
cultures place upon their cultural perspective. Look at the
Igbu tribe, who deliberately allow their objects to decay
because they need to preserve the desire to re-create. In
fact, they value deterioration as an aesthetic virtue. Theres
nothing wrong with our aesthetic perspective, that we want
to preserve this from decay, but we should also respect other
aesthetic perspectives because your aesthetic perspective
dictates how you view yourself and how you view others. It
goes down to the fundamental consideration of what you
view as beautiful. Once you allow people to co-opt the abilities of other people to make these critical determinations,
once you take an Igbu artifact and place it under a glass case
and destroy that distinct aesthetic perspective, you strike at
the very heart of what it means to be human. So to prevent
that and to correct for that, I would urge a proposition ballot. Thank you very much.

First Opposition Speaker: Id like to thank everyone for

coming. Lets talk about the ridiculous assumptions behind
this case. First of all, they say that were only interested in
returning these things, quote, when the rightful owner can
be determined. We ask them When can that happen? They
say: We provide very good examples of that. Weve provided the example of the Parthenon frieze and the example of




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Nazi art. Well, the Parthenon frieze was built using stolen
funds and marble that Athens actually appropriated from
other countries in the year circa 400 B.C. So who owns the
Parthenon frieze? Is it the people who actually owned the
objects that were amalgamated into the Parthenon? Or is it
the Greeks, who stole those things and used them to build
the Parthenon? Lets look at the example of Nazi art. Lets
say that the Nazis are stealing several things from the museums of the Vichy government in France. Which were, in
turn, stolen from the Germans during the wars over the
French Revolution. Who owns those pieces of art?
Government speaker, rising: Will you take a point?
Opposition speaker: The simple fact is that its not as simple as looking at the last time an artifact was stolen because
the history of cultural artifacts is one of theft, and you cant
avoid this. There is no clear-cut case, as Judd would have
you believe, in any situation where the rightful owner can be
determined. Its never like their example of some kid stealing another kids shoes. On that point?
Government speaker: So do you deny that there are explicit records of Nazi art that trace back the legitimate owners?
Opposition speaker: No, Im not denying that. Im saying
that there are legitimate records tracing back legitimate
ownership in the sense that that legitimate ownership was,
in fact, still a stolen cultural artifact. There is never any art
artifact that is produced without theft. If you think about
even the most basic art artifact, it is produced using the
labor of a lower class in order to sustain a class of elite intellectuals and artists who then use that elitism to create these
art objects. Art is a world of theft, and its implicated in
theft, and you cannot blindly assume, as the government
has, that this does not happen.
[Government speaker rises]




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Opposition speaker: Sit down, please. Now, then they say:

Well, were viewing art wrongly. We ask for an example of
this. They offer the example of the Declaration of
Independence. We say: What should we do with the
Declaration of Independence? They say: Well, actually,
thats fine, but the problem is the Igbu tribe. Lets look at
the Igbu tribe. Now, I dont know too much about them, but
just based on what the speaker said, if the Igbu tribe creates
things and they like those things to decay, then why are they
objecting to us taking those things and putting them into our
Government speaker, rising with hand outstretched: On
that point.
Opposition speaker: Clearly, they have no investment in
having these things for their own personal use because they
want them to decay. Please sit down. Now, here are two
questions. Number one: Are they talking about art? Are
they interested in the benefits of art? If they are, they need
to realize that theres no one context to art. Art can mean
many different things to many different people. Just
because you dont belong to the Igbu tribe doesnt mean that
you cant appreciate them from your own aesthetic perspective.
Government speaker: Point of information.
Opposition speaker: No, thank you. Sit down.
Government speaker, taking his seat: You dont have to get
so upset.
Opposition speaker: Okay, I know I dont have to get
upset, but how about you stay sitting for more than 30 seconds?
[Government speakers both stand up]
Opposition speaker: Thats great. Please, both of you, sit




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down. Secondly, they say: Well, we need to move beyond

Western conceptions of law. But where have they gotten
these very mystical and Eastern conceptions? From the
involvement with and investigation of these art artifacts.
Thats what gives them these other perspectives. Thats what
allows them to make these arguments. Additionally, you
need to consider the care of this art. Its a simple fact that
most of these societies do not have the ability to maintain
this art because they are developing societies and, quite
frankly, they have other priorities. Look at the Parthenon
frieze. The two marbles that have been left on the
Parthenon frieze are in a state of extreme decay, whereas
the Parthenon marbles that are in the British Museum are
in a state of remarkable artistic effectiveness. Or, they could
be talking about the people. They may not want to help the
art: They may instead want to help the people.
[Government speaker rises]
Opposition speaker: Please sit down. Lets talk about reparations in terms of war. They say that when theres a war
and people steal art, we have an obligation to return that
art. But theres a limited amount of political capital in terms
of reparations. Its not like everyone in Germany is running
around stumbling all over themselves to pay billions of dollars back to the French. Thats not a movement in Germany.
In fact, it happens only with great amounts of political capital and at a tremendous political expense. You need to ask
yourself: What is the most effective use of that political capital? Is it to restore art objects, something that the top one
percent of the top one percent of the people use, create, and
experience? Or is it in industrial, environmental, and medical reparations things that affect the lives of the vast
majority of these countries?
All that their proposal does is extinguish these symbols of
imperialism. They say, and this is a quote: We need to
establish an appropriate relationship between states. I
agree. But you dont simply do that by closing your eyes and
erasing all of the history of imperialism. There is a system




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that exists right now whereby certain countries, most

notably Western countries, are far more powerful than
countries around the world. One of the major signs of that
power disparity is the fact that these artifacts exist in locations other than where they were produced. When you move
those artifacts back, you dont change the situation. You
dont make those countries equal. Dont let them fool you
into believing that. What you do is just eliminate the sign of
that inequality. You eliminate the fact that all of us can, for
example, talk about this. Why is this a debatable issue?
Because we have been made aware that there is inequality in
international relations through the existence of these art
objects in disparate locations. When you move the art
objects back, you will deny the same lesson to other people.
After the objects are returned there will be no sign of
inequality, no sign for us to determine whether we should be
changing our policies as they relate to the rest of the world.
For all these reasons, we beg to oppose.




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Abbreviating notes, 261

Actors, alternate, 170174
Ad hominem, fallacy of, 65
Advancement, 7172
Advantages, counterplanning
out, 175177
Advantages, germane to
plan, 176
Advantages in case construction, 79
Adversarial actions, 244245
Advertising, argumentation
and, 6970
Affirmed motions, 29
Agendas, refutation, 92
Agent of action, attacking and
defending, 159160, 162
Agreeable points of information, 213215
Agreement, establishing,
Ahistorical critique arguments, 202
Alden, Raymond, 1819

Alliance credibility, 129130

Alternate actors, 170174
Alternate causality, 105
American parliamentary format, 7980
Analogies, 3637, 6162
Ancillary advantages, plan of
action, 9899
Anthropocentrism, 202203
Anti-intellectualism, 4547
Appeals, types of, 6465, 70
Argumentation, indirect, 20
Argumentative turn, 107
advancing through points of
information, 216220
from analogy, 6162
analyzing, 5964
anticipation of, 117, 217220
assumptions and, 184185
from authority, 63
better evidenced or reasoned, 75
breadth of, 116, 119120
claims and, 53
combining, 145

concession, 104105
consistent with experience,
disagreeing with, 7475
dropping and discontinuing,
181, 263
empirically proven, 75
from example, 6061
expressed significance, 76
grouping, 114116
history of, 5259
impact strategies, 116
instead arguments, 150
insulting remarks and, 238
minimizing, 106107
misstatements and, 239
naked, 19, 22
off-case, 104
permutations, 179182
points of order and, 236238
practical theory, 6976
reasoning by cause, 62




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Page 376

refuting, 185
rephrasing, 74
research, 117
restricting, 92
selection of, 274
separating, 145147
by sign, 6263
solvency (partial), 273
structuring opposition to the
case, 110116
tagging, 113114
theory of, 5152
Toulmin model, 5759
turning, 107
undermining legitimacy of,
uniqueness, 136137
Aristotle, persuasion and, 53
Aristotle, proofs and, 5559
Articulation, public speaking
and, 242
Artistic and non-artistic
proofs, 53
Attitude, points of information
and, 223225
Authority, appeals to and
arguments from, 63, 65
Awards, tournament preparation and, 288

Backing, 5759
Bait and switch, 168, 214
Ballots, writing and availability,
276, 299
Bankrupt interpretations, 42
Barracking, defined, 251
Begging the question, 65
Brainstorming, 143145
British format, 1316, 8081
Burden of proof, 41,


141142, 149
Burden sharing, 119120
130131, 137

Case arguments
case proper, construction of,
construction, 79102
design, critique arguments
and, 204
development, 121124
extension, 2526
position, challenging, 103
preparing, 121124
scenario, example, 3334
statements, 18
types of, 99101, 103
Case proper, constructing,
Case-specific counterplan,
Categories, motions and,
Causal arguments, 62, 105,
Causal relationships, 62
Chair, 11
Choice, forming, 151155
about, 5759
arguments and, 53
phrased and structure, 147
value, 118
Claims of significance, refuting, 106
Clash, 1921, 72, 146, 158,
Closed resolutions and
motions, 3233, 289
Color coding notes, 263264
Combining arguments, 145
Common cause fallacy, 62,

Comparatively advantageous
arguments, 273
Complex question, fallacy of,
Composition, fallacy of, 67
Comprehension, points of
Comprehensive preparation,
Concessions, strategic, 260,
Conclusion, drawing, 75
Condition implementation,
167168, 171
Conditional counterplans,
Consensus deliberation, 275
Consensus judging, 15
Consequences, evaluating,
Consideration, point of order
and, 236238
Consistency, topicality arguments and, 41
Conspiracy theories, 6465
Constructive speeches, 10
Consultation counterplans,
Conventions, informal, 9
Cooperative counterplans,
Cost-benefit calculation, 94,
Counterclaims, 72
Counterexamples, 108
case-specific, 174175
conditional, 181
consultation, 170174
delay, 166168
exclusionary, 172, 177178
multiple, 180



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Page 377

opposition strategy, 149182
plan-specific, 174175
purpose of, 181
states, 161162
sub-national, 161162
text, 1512
types of, 157178
Countrplanning out advantages, 175177
Court credibility, 132133
Credibility, 8689, 211,
Criteria, decision-making, 94
Critical listening, 260261
Critical mass, use of, 138
Critiquing opposition strategy,
Current events, 119

Data, 5759
Debate, framing, 9195
Debate motions, 288289
Debates, judging, 265278
Decision making, judges and,
9395, 267269
Deductive reasoning, 60
Defensive arguments, 70
Delay counterplans, 166168
Development, language of,
Dictionaries, 126
Direct refutation, 2021
analyzing, 140
answering, 140147
arguing, 152153
defined, 128
links, answering, 141
to the permutation, 161
structure of, 129139
Disclosure, judges post
debate, 277278

Division, fallacy of, 61, 67,

Double solvency, 162
Double turn, 143

Emotions, appeals to, 65

End game, anticipating, 93
Enthymeme proof, 5759,
Equivocation, fallacy of, 66
Ethics, 120121
Ethos, 54
Evaluations, tournaments
and, 300
Examples, nullifying, 108
Exclusionary counterplans,
172, 177178
Exclusive language, 247
Exclusivity, mutual, 153
Extended analogy, interpretation, 3638
Eye contact, public speaking
and, 243244

Fact case, 99
Facts, 52
Facts, evaluating with points
of information, 215216
Factual claims, 30
Fallacies, 6470, 204
False cause, fallacy of, 66
False dichotomy, fallacy of, 67
False evidence, 120121
Filler words, 245246
Financial shortages, 139
First opposition, 1316
First proposition, 1316

Opposition, 25
Proposition, 25
First Speaker, Opposition,
First Speaker, Proposition,
First Speaker, Second
Opposition, 26
First Speaker, Second
Proposition, 2526
Flowing, 7374, 113114,
261262, 264
Flowing, judges and, 271
Follow-on statements, 207
Force, appeals to, 64
Formats, American and
British, 10, 1316
Framing the debate, 9195
Fundamental assumptions:
criticizing, 191195

Gatekeeper argument, 91
Generalization, hasty, 66
Generic counterplans, 157
Genocidal interpretation of
motion, 90
Germane advantages, 176
Germane issues, directing,
Gesticulation, points of information and, 225226
Government team, 10, 21
Groupthink, 8283

Harassment policy, American,

Harm inflicted, 252




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Page 378

Harms, misidentification of,
Harms, weighing, 194
Hasty generalizations, 66
Heckling, 226230, 248251
Historical uniqueness, 142
Humor, 226230, 248250
Hyper-structure presentation
strategy, 111, 113115
Hypothetical future, 96

Ignorance, appeals to, 6465

Immediate possibility, 138
debating, 143
disadvantage argument, 135
evaluating, 162, 251257,
explaining, 257259
independent and dependent,
strategies, 116, 128, 140
Impact take-outs, 71
Impact turn, 107108, 143
Implementation, conditional,
167168, 171
Implementation, opposition
Inclusive language, 247
Incoherent interpretation of
motion, 90
Inconsistencies, values and,
Indirect argumentation, 20
Inductive reasoning, 60
Informal conventions, 9
Information, diversity of,
Inherency, 96
Inherency arguments, challenging, 105, 109110


Instructional seminars, 280

Insulting remarks, 238
Internal links, 135, 140
bankrupt, 42
disagreeing with, 39
Extended analogy, 3638
literal model of, 35, 38
metaphors and, 3738
opposition and, 40
parametric model of, 3536,
parliamentary points and,
reasonable, 89
Interpretations of the motion,
examples by type, 8990
Introduction speech, effectiveness and, 8689
Issues, weighing, 127128,

Judges, 11, 223, 266267

Judging, 15, 265266, 271,

Keyword identification, 124

Knifing, 26

Language of development,
Constructive (LOC), 11
Lead Opposition Rebuttal
(LOR), 11
Leader of the Opposition,
Leader of the Opposition
Rebuttal, 2324
Leading statements, 217
Legal issues, tournaments
and, 294295

Limited preparation motion,

analyzing, 140, 219220
defined, 135
internal, 135
resolutions or motions,
take-outs, 71
Listening skills, 260261
Literal model of interpretation,
35, 38
Logical construction, challenging, 220221
Logical fallacies, 61, 6469
Logos, 54
LOR (Lead Opposition
Rebuttal), 11

Maniacal interpretation of
motion, 90
Manner (style), judging and,
Mass, undifferentiated, 110
Matter (substance), judging
and, 274275
Matters of significance,
Member of Government
(MG), 11, 21
Member of Opposition,
Metaphors, interpretation
and, 3738
Government), 11
Microphones, public speaking and, 247
Misstatements, 239
Modality, 5759
case preparation, 121124



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Page 379

case scenario, 3334
counterclaims, 7276
critique of development,
extended analogy, 3637
fallacies, 6469
interpreting the motion, literal
model, 35
interpreting the motion, parametric model, 3536
main arguments, opening
speaker, 19, 84
metaphors, 37
prep time, 84
resolution of fact, 30
syllogism, 54
topicality arguments, proposition team, 4041
Toulmins model, 5960
value objection, 194195,
Most grievous error, 256
Motion, 10
about, 2930
affirmed, 29
analyzing, 3449
announcing, 1214
drafting, 291294
interpreting the motion,
see also Resolutions
Movement, transitions and,
Multiple counterplans, 180
Mutual exclusivity, 153

Off-case arguments, 104,

Offensive arguments, 41, 70,
On-case arguments, 103
Open invitational tournaments, 280
Open resolutions and
motions, 289
Opponents, eye contact and,
Opportunity cost, 153155
Opposition, 10
Opposition block, 80
about implementation,
Opposition interpretation, 40
Opposition, Second speaker,
Opposition strategy, counterplans, 149182
Opposition strategy, critiquing, 183204
Opposition strategy, disadvantages, 12748
Opposition teams, British format, 1316
Oppositional stance, 83
Optimizing a solution, 164

Naked arguments, 22
Net benefits, 123124,
151153, 159
No link arguments, 141142

Parallel debates, 14
Parametric model of interpretation, 3536
Parliamentary convocations,

Non sequiturs, fallacy of, 68

Nonverbal communication,
public speaking and, 242
Note taking skills, 260281
Numbers affected, 252

Partial solvency arguments,
mistakes judging, 273
Partner, relationship with,
Pathos, 54, 257
Performance, public speaking
and, 241247
agent counterplans, 162
arguing, 155156, 179182
severance, 179
Persuasion, 5355, , 6970
Plans, 9899
Plan-specific counterplan,
Constructive), 11
Rebuttal), 11
Podiums, public speaking
and, 247
POI. see Points of information
Point not well taken, 236
Point of order, 235236
Point well taken, 235236
Points of information
about, 1415, 206233
purposes of, 212221
refusing to take, 208209
responding to, 230232
rule of three, 221223
strategic uses of, 209212
Points of order, 233238
Points of personal privilege,
2334, 238240
Points, types of parliamentary, 205206
Points under consideration,
Policies, 52
Policy case, 95
Policy resolutions, 30




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Page 380

Post debate disclosure,
Post hoc ergo propter hoc,
fallacy of, 66
Post hoc fallacy, 62
Power wording, 246247
Predictive uniqueness, 142
Prejudiced bias, 247
Preparation time, 10, 8185,
Presumptions, 149
Prime Minister Constructive
(PMC), 11, 1819
Prime Minister Rebuttal
(PMR), 11, 2425
Probability and risk, evaluating, 252253
Problems, elements of, 96
Problem-solution models,
Proofs, 5559
affirmative or offensive arguments, 41
defined, 10
first speaker, 21
opposition to the case,
second speaker, 21
topicality arguments and,
Proposition claims, opposition and, 2021
Proposition clause, construction of, 86102
Proposition teams, British format, 1316
Propositions, about, 30
Protected time, 206


Protectionism, 131132
Public speaking, 241247

Qualitative significance of
arguments, 272
Quantitative significance,
Questions, points of information, 207
Quotes, 125126, 247

Ranking, 275
Reasoning methods
from analogy, 6162
by cause, 62
good and bad logic, 64
rhetorical methods, 5759
by sign, 6263
from testimony, 63
see also Arguments
Rebuttal, 5759
Rebuttal speeches, 10
Rebuttal speeches, points of
order and, 236
Rebuttals, new arguments in,
Red herrings, 6566
Reference texts, 126
Refutation, 22, 7172
direct, 2021, 103
techniques of, 113116
Refutation, fallacy of, 6768
Refutation model, 261
Refutation, note-taking and,
Registration packets, tournaments and, 288

Reinterpretation, thinking and,

Relatively open and closed
motions, 3233
Remaining time, 12
Repetition, 24
Research issues, 117121
about, 10, 30
creating, 291294
of fact, 30
guides for creating, 291294
linkable, 3233
open and closed, 3233
of policy, 3031
scenarios, 3233
of value, 30
see also Motions
Resources, newspapers,
Responsibilities, speaker
American format, 1625
British format, 2526
Restricting argumentation, 92
Results, tournaments and,
Risk and probability, evaluating, 272273
Rule of three, 221223
Rules, violation of, 234238

Scales, ranking, 275276

Scapegoating, fallacy of,
Scarecrow (straw man) fallacy of, 67
Scenario construction, 3334
Scheduling, tournaments
and, 283286
Scores. see Tabulations, tournaments
Scripting, 218
Second opposition, 1316
Second proposition, 1316



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Page 381

Second Speaker, First
Opposition, 25
Second Speaker, First
Proposition, 25
Second Speaker, Opposition,
Proposition, 21, 80
Second Speaker, Second
Opposition, 26
Second Speaker, Second
Proposition, 26
Severance permutations,
Sexual harassment, 2728
Shame, use of, 250
Shared knowledge base,
Shift, 214
Significance, issues of
degree, 9697
expressing, 108109
refuting claims of, 106107
Signposting arguments, 113
Slippery slope, fallacy of, 64,
Software, tournament tabulation and, 286
Solution, optimizing, 164
Solution, proposing, 97
Solvency, 97, 152
Solvency, double, 162
Solvency turn, 128
Speaker, credibility and,
Speaker of the House, 11,
16, 275
Speaker points, 16, 275
Speaker, position names for,
Speaking scores, rule viola-

tions and, 235236

Specific counterplans, 157
Specific knowledge, 4547
conclusion, 102
constructive, 10
interruptions of, 205
introduction to, proposition
case, 8689
maximizing your time, 74
as reactions, 8889
rebuttal, 10
summary, 2324
as texts, 186
titles, American format,
titles and abbreviations, 11
Staff, tournaments and,
Statements, 36, 207
Status quo, 96, 149
Straight resolutions or
motions, 3233
Strategic agreement, 104
Strategic concessions, 260
Strategic points of information, 209212
Strategy, optimal opposition,
Style (manner), judging and,
Sub-national government
counterplans, 161162
Substance (matter), judging
and, 274275
Summary speech, 2324
Summation, counter, 160
Switch-side debating, 268
Syllogisms, 5455
Symbolic action, 133134,

Systemic impacts, 253255

Tabulations, tournaments,
Tactics, refutation, 1921
Tag line, 147
Tagging arguments, 113114
Target statements, 36
Tautology, 49
Team collaboration, 8285
Teleology, 188193
Testimony, reasoning by, 63
Text, counterplans and,
Texts, critiquing, 186
Therefore component, 73
This house, 29, 101
Threshold, defined, 138
Time frame, impact and, 138
Time keeping, 1112
Time, protected, 206
Time, remaining, 12
Time, yielding, 207
Timekeeper, 1112
Time-space case, 100101
Timing, prep time, 84
Titles and abbreviations,
speeches, 11
Topicality arguments
about, 3940
burden of proof and, 41
counterplans, 156
wording and, 40
about, 10, 30
lists as resources, 300
procedures and, 1213
Toulmin model, 5759
Toulmin, Stephen, 5759




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Page 382

about, 279300
announcing, 282
debate divisions in, 280
forms of, 279280
opening sessions and, 296
operations and, 296300
preparations for hosting,
restrictions, types of, 280
round robin, 279
staffing, 286287
tabulation software, 286
Tradition, appeals to, 65
Truisms, 4749
Try or die, 256257
Tunnel vision, 8283
107108, 128

undifferentiated mass, 110
136137, 142, 145
Utilitarianism, 123124

Value case, 99100

Value claims, 118
Value objection, 195
Value, resolutions of, 30
Values, 52, 152
Values, criticizing, 193197
Values, incommensurable,
Variety, vocal, 242
Vested interests, 139
Vision, narrow, 8283
Vocal variety, 242
Volume, public speaking and,

Warrants, 5759, 75


Weak analogy, fallacy of,

Weighing impact, 251257
Weighing issues, 127128,
Word choice, 246247
Word economy, 245246

Zero-sum game, 15

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