Hebet en Ba
Hebet en Ba
Hebet en Ba
I am no 'authority' on what is possible for other people. The Rites I have used
have helped me, and I am eternally grateful to them. They have also helped many
others who "borrowed" or discovered them through me. Perhaps they will also
help you, if you wish. The "scroll" of Rites which you will reach in a moment or
two is yours to grow by. I wish you joy of it.
new Rites of your own.. especially any including the names of other Egyptian
"deities;" for some of those Neteru are simply not "safe" or wise to invoke.
ready for it's power!.. for the Beloved is very mighty, and will never release you
from their embrace!
Rite Of Healing
This Rite may be performed for oneself or others, to help restore the natural
youthful health of the body, mind and soul after injury, illness or trauma.
Because this Rite implies that one is a "guardian of the Self-Cackling Egg" (or
Original Creator,) it will have little effect unless spoken by one who has
integrated the Invocation of Divine Identity listed above..
The Neteru or "gods" of Egypt were (and still are!,) composite creatures made
up of one specific Animal Totem merged with a human being.. implying not
only that our "gods" but we ourselves are "composite creatures" containing
living elements of Nature embedded within our Psyches or Souls. Modern
religions have tried very hard to deny or negate the value of this primal layer of
Animistic or Totemic Nature-Spirits within us.. though the basic facts of our
Natures ("Neteru" in Egyptian) has not changed one bit through all that religious
propaganda. We are and apparently will always remain LIVING TOTEMS as
seemingly 'grotesque' or, (if you share my appreciation for the beauty they really
have) at least as organic as the "gods" of the civilization of the Nile. It is the
Experience of the thousands of Egyptian Rite Mystics the world over that the
Neteru of Egypt ARE the actual "Archetypes" of which we are spiritually
Egyptian Rite Mysticism is the process of discovering one's own personal
Totems and invoking their assistance as well as the assistance of any of the other
Neteru whose good services you might need at any given moment. In the listing
that follows, look for yourself, symbolized as well as the many good friends you
may wish to call upon from time to time.
blessings that Mother Nature can give; Life, Health, Strength, Fertility, Wealth
and the Joy of Life. Adored at many Temples in Egypt including Medenet-Habu
in the Sinai (where Moses and the Israelites stopped on their journey briefly)
Hathor survives in Hebrew tradition as "the golden calf" of Exodus. Those born
of her Totemic Lineage are deeply devotion-oriented and prone to lives
of BLESSING OTHERS rather than self-service. From Education of the young
to Healing the body, mind and soul, Het-Heru can be found wherever JOY is
being celebrated as a Blessing.
writing with the tracks left on the beach sands by the Ibis.. a large and graceful
bird similar to a stork or crane. That Tehuti should become known as the patronTotem of Scribes, Teachers, Scientists and Messengers should be no surprise,
therefore.. though some moderns have mistakenly associated him also with an
"intellectualism" which he did not have anciently. Rather, Tehuti was simply the
ACCURATELY, AFTER. Those born of this Totem-lineage are thus notetakers, scribblers, archivists, librarians and "by-the-book" copyists. Those
who dream Thoth-dreams are nonetheless blessed with KNOWLEDGE to
caretake.. once they learn to simply WRITE IT ALL DOWN!
Motherhood itself; she represents loyalty, fidelity to those she loves, and the
good cultural example which a mother sets for her house.
Rite Of Totem-Integration
Once you have actually located your personal Totemic Nature from the list
above (or other researches into the "gods" of Egypt,) you may wish to
actually become that "full-time" rather than experiencing it only during short
moments such as during dreams and meditations. That Totem-Integration can
be stimulated by the Rite which follows, which is addressed to the goddess "Nut"
and her Four-Horned "spouse" the Bull Of Eternity (symbolic of the Four
"Worlds" in which we dwell.) Please note that this Rite requires you to insert
your own personal name at birth, in several places, plus the name of the Neter or
Archetypal Totem which you have found yourself to be.. for example, "Heru" or
"Het-Heru" or "Anpu."
Once actually affecting you, this Rite should help your Totemic Spirit Nature to
emerge quite fully into your daily life as well as your dreams and other inner
"hell-fire totems" are important teachings for us all to learn from.. but what we
should learn is to AVOID THEM ALL, AT ALL COSTS!
The "Paths Of the Dead"
Likewise to be avoided by most of the Living are those "Nether Regions" of
Limbo, Purgatory and worse yet, placed by the Egyptian Cosmology in a dark
region known as Tuat or "the Other Side." While all spirits living or dead can
climb "the Ladder Of Heaven" to reach Seket-Hetep which moderns call "the
Heavenly Abode," only the newly deceased Souls must pass through
orpreferably, BY!, the Tuat or Land Of Shadows. While certain specialized
humans (for instance, Shamans, Spiritualists and other "seance-workers" as well
as those Ministers who seek to help the "Houseless Souls" wandering the Nether
Regions) may wish to journey there at times, most people will wish to give a
wide berth to all those places that lies in-between this Sunlit World and that
Blessed Abode Seket-Hetep and the (Elysian) Fields Of Peace (Seket-Aaru)
which surround it and which are those same "Happy Hunting Grounds" beloved
by all other tribal peoples of the world.
With those few but significant exceptions, cautions and words of advice just
given, the spiritual realms found within the great Egyptian Mystical
Tradition are as safe, easy to traverse and as FRIENDLY AND FAMILIAR
to you as your own Inner Worlds.. which they in fact ARE. We salute you
and commend you to your Path and it's Journey!