Kemetic Magic

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Ancient Kemetic Magic

What is magic one might ask that or this question itself , but for the ancient kemetic
people of thepast what we call Magic today was not magic for them , they had an
Art call " HYKA " whichmeans " The art of changing consciousness at will " = the Will
power , we already know what the "KA " stands for , but most of us don't know what
the HY is , according to most ancient writings of ancient kemet HY stands for the "
will " were " Ka " stands for the " energy or the chi or sometimes is call the mental
Energy " so or the second body " if you add the two you get the fullmeaning of the
word which is " to change something at your own will " which is the consciousnessit
self , they also believed that they can attempt to produce a response in the god and
tomanipulate him or her for human purposes. Ancients believed that the gods could
bemanipulated." so in other words Magic was the Art of manipulating nature (NTR)
or the gods , sothe gods will do your work , this was a different kind of science , but
this ancient science was thescience of the mind over matter , were the science of
today is matter over matter which , which ismuch more harder to produce and
change in nature .for example let us see what most native Indians call the (the rain
dance ritual ) rain dance It is atechnique or ritual - There is an actual dance carried
out with specific movements, etc. It'spurpose is to" manipulate or control "l the
weather, i.e. cause it to rain. It is supposed to work bysupernatural means , but the
question is how can one " control or manipulate " any supernaturalforce in nature ?
the answer is so simple once you know how the mind works , the key of this artis to
know " thy self " that is why most ancient cultures such as the Kemets and the
AncientKhusites of the past had more knowledge when it comes to this art of nature
(NTR) control atwill . in this art members can create their own thoughtforms to
change things around , remember "thoughts " are things never underestimate the
power of the human " thought "

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