Multipulse Converters and Controls For HVDC and FACTS Systems
Multipulse Converters and Controls For HVDC and FACTS Systems
Multipulse Converters and Controls For HVDC and FACTS Systems
Contents For very high power applications, it is imperative to limit switching losses in the power converter.
Multipulse converters are made up from several converter
modules, switching at the fundamental frequency, but
properly phase shifted to produce a nearly sinusoidal
output voltage. Robust controls for HVDC and FACTS
systems based on multipulse converters were developed.
The developed HVDC system makes the rectier station to
control the instantaneous active (real) power through the
HVDC voltage link, whereas the inverter station controls
the instantaneous reactive (imaginary) power generation.
The control of real and imaginary powers is independent
one from the other and there is no control signal that is
shared by both converter stations. A complete model of a
100 MW, 33 kVac, 50/60 Hz, 24-pulse HVDC system was
implemented in the electromagnetic transient program
(EMTP/ATP). The static synchronous compensator
(STATCOM) is a shunt type of FACTS controller. It
regulates the voltage magnitude of a controlled ac bus by
drawing variable reactive current from the power system.
The fast dynamic of the STATCOM controller avoids high
uctuations of the dc voltage caused by transients. A
complete model of a 100 MW, 33 kV, 60 Hz, 24-pulse
STATCOM was implemented and the results have conrmed the robustness of the proposed voltage control.
HVDC systems are very useful for transmitting energy
between two asynchronous ac power systems with high
controllability. Conventional HVDC transmission systems
based on thyristor converters have been widely applied
where exibility and stability improvements are required.
However, thyristor based HVDC systems need high support of local reactive power generation. Moreover, the
active and reactive power cannot be controlled independently from each other. New HVDC systems based on dc
voltage links have been considered feasible [1]. Since they
are based on forced-commutated converters (also known
as voltage source converters (VSC)), they can provide in-
The 24-pulse converter
The coupling transformer is an important component for
composing the output voltage waveform of a multipulse
converter. Four 6-pulse converters connected in series at
the primary side form an equivalent 24-pulse voltage, as
shown in Fig. 1. Two ordinary three-phase transformers
Vab Vao
Vbc Vbo
Vca Vco
Vco :
Vca =3
Vab =3 :
Vbc =3
Active and reactive power generation
Six-pulse voltage source converters do not need capacitor
or reactor banks to produce reactive power. Actually, the
converter dc capacitors in Fig. 2 act as dc voltage source
and are not related with the generated reactive power.
Figure 3 represents a multipulse converter connected to
an ac bus. If the output voltage (V24P) is in phase with the
ac bus voltage (VM), no active power ows through the
converter transformer. When the fundamental component
of the 24-pulse voltage is greater than the ac bus voltage,
leading reactive current is drawn from the ac bus and the
equipment behaves as a capacitor. When the 24-pulse
voltage is smaller than the ac bus voltage, lagging
reactive current is drawn (inductive current), as shown in
Fig. 3.
By switching at the fundamental frequency, the amplitude of the generated multipulse voltage is directly
M. Aredes et al.: Multipulse converters and controls for HVDC and FACTS systems
The multipulse STATCOM
Figure 4 shows the basic conguration of the proposed 24pulse STATCOM for voltage regulation. The controller of
the STATCOM is quite simple. For control purposes, only
the primary voltage of the converter transformer must be
measured. As explained before, the principle of voltage
regulation consists of drawing capacitive currents to raise,
or inductive currents to lower, the controlled ac bus voltage (v), respectively. The control scheme for the proposed
multipulse STATCOM is composed by a synchronizing
circuit (PLL circuit), a power angle control circuit and a
ring control. These control circuits were rst proposed in
[7]. Further, more simulations were carried out, and the
control gains were optimized, focusing on minimization
of overvoltages and overcurrents. The operation under
unbalanced system voltage was also investigated and the
new results are shown in the following sections.
Synchronizing circuit (PLL circuit)
The synchronizing circuit (PLL circuit) is responsible for
determining the power system frequency and the phase
angle of the fundamental positive-sequence voltage of the
controlled ac bus. Figure 6 shows the scheme of the used
PLL circuit. The inputs are the per unit (pu) values of the
line voltages vab va vb and vcb vc vb . This circuit
has proved to be very effective, even under high-distorted
system voltages.
The algorithm is based in the instantaneous active
power expression:
Firing control circuit
Figure 7 shows the ring control circuit for a 6-pulse
converter. Thus, the 24-pulse converter has four of such
circuits. The angular frequency x, given by the PLL circuit
(Fig. 6), and the power angle d, given by the power angle
control (Fig. 5), are unique for all four 6-pulse converters.
Only /conv differs from each other, that is, converter #1:
)7.5; converter #2: )37.5; converter #3: +7.5; and
converter #4: )22.5. As explained before, the function
sinxt leads 90 the phase voltage va of the ac bus. Thus,
sinxt p=2 lays in phase with va. Three logic functions
[sign(x)] generates the ring pulse for the upper GTOs #1,
#3 and #5 (see Fig. 2); their complements correspond to the
ring pulse of the lower GTOs #4, #6 and #2, respectively.
The multipulse HVDC system
An advantage of using self-commutated converters (multipulse converters), instead of thyristor-based converters,
in HVDC systems is the possibility of generating controlled
p3/ va ia vb ib vc ic vab ia vcb ic :
3 inductive or capacitive reactive power independently from
the transmitted active power. The proposed multipulse
Note that ia ib ic 0 is considered in (3). As no
current is measured from the power circuit, one may nd HVDC system is composed by two converter stations using
the 24-pulse converter as explained in Fig 1. Figure 8 shows
difcult to understand how the circuit works. Current
the basic conguration of the proposed 24-pulse HVDC
feedback signals of Fig. 6 ia xt sinxt and
system. The dc capacitor gives a voltage source characteric xt sinxt 2p=3 are built up by the PLL circuit,
just using the output x of the PI-controller kP 50,
kI 3000). The PLL reaches a stable operation point only
if the input p3/ of the PI-controller has a zero average
value. This is found if x equals the system frequency and
the current ia xt becomes orthogonal to the phase voltage
va of the power system. However, if the point where ia xt
lags va by 90 is reached, this is still an unstable point of
operation. At this point, an eventual disturbance that
slightly increases the system frequency (given by the line
voltages vab and vcb in Fig. 6) will make the phase angle
between va and ia xt become greater than 90. This leads
to a negative input p3/ and consequently to a decrease in
the output x, making the phase angle between va and
ia xt even greater. This positive feedback characterizes
an unstable point. Thus, the PLL has only one stable point
Fig. 6. Block diagram of the PLL circuit
of operation: ia xt leading 90 the phase voltage va.
This fundamental characteristic of the PLL circuit can be
exploited to compose the needed sinusoidal functions,
properly phase-shifted, to achieve ring pulse logic for the
GTO valves.
M. Aredes et al.: Multipulse converters and controls for HVDC and FACTS systems
Fig. 8. The 24-pulse HVDC system
Inverter power angle control circuit
The inverter station controls the instantaneous reactive
(imaginary) power at the inverter ac bus. Hence, the inverter station acts like a STATCOM. In fact, it can behave
as a STATCOM even if the rectier station is out of operation, since it does not need any information from the
rectier control system. On the other hand, the rectier
cannot continue to operate if the inverter shuts down,
because the active power ow imposed by the rectier
control would cause overvoltages in the dc capacitor.
Figure 10 shows the control block diagram of the
inverter power angle control. If no real power is owing
through the dc link (Porder 0), the generated 24-pulse
voltage of the inverter is in phase with the inverter ac bus
voltage VI (Fig. 8). Like in the STATCOM application, the
amplitude of the 24-pulse voltage must be greater or
smaller than the ac bus voltage to generate capacitive or
inductive reactive (imaginary) power, respectively. Thus,
the inverter power angle control must cause temporary
active power ow from (to) the dc link dI 0, to properly
charge or discharge the dc capacitor, in order to achieve
the required imaginary power order (Qorder). Unfortunately, changes in dc voltage also affect the amplitude of
the rectier ac output voltage. Hence, the reactive (imaginary) power of the rectier and inverter cannot be con-
Rectifier power angle control circuit
The rectier station dictates the instantaneous active (real)
power ow through the dc link. The instantaneous active
and reactive power calculation in the HVDC control
system is based on the p-q theory [8]. The rectier power
angle control provides fast and bi-directional power ow
controllability. Figure 9 shows the control block diagram
of the rectier power angle, dR . The signal dR corresponds
to the displacement angle of the generated 24-pulse voltage
with respect to the rectier ac bus voltage VR (Fig. 8). If
dR < 0, the 24-pulse voltage lags VR, which forces real
power to ow from the rectier to the inverter. The inverse
occurs if dR > 0. Positive real power order (Porder) means
power owing from the rectier to the inverter station.
In order to avoid high overvoltages and overcurrents
during faults, an auxiliary control circuit was added, but
still using the same reduced number of measurements like
in the previous version of this control system [6]. During
faults, high dp/dt occurs, which is sensed by the difference
e between the input and the output of the low-pass lter.
When this difference becomes greater than 0.25 pu, a
counter in this auxiliary control circuit freezes instantaneously dR 0, for 20 ms, in order to drop to zero the
average real power into the dc link. However, if during this
period e becomes lower than 0.25 pu and greater again, the
counter is reset and begins to count for more 20 ms. Only
if e goes down and remains lower than 0.25 pu, after
20 ms, dR is released slowly. The limit value of 0.25 pu and
the frozen time 20 ms were chosen after several simulation
test cases involving faults, step changes in the active and Fig. 9. Block diagram of the rectier power angle control
Multipulse STATCOM simulation results
A complete model of the 24-pulse STATCOM (Fig. 4) for
dynamic analysis was implemented in the ATP/EMTP
simulator. The STATCOM is connected to a very weak ac
system. The short circuit power at the controlled ac bus is
300 MVA. The power rating of the STATCOM is 100 MVA,
33 kV (60 Hz). The YY transformers are dimensioned as
8.25/8.25 kV, 25 MVA,pXT 15%, whereas the YD
transformers are 8:25= 3 8:25 kV, 25 MVA, XT 15%.
With these transformer voltage ratios, the controller of the
24-pulse STATCOM adjust the dc voltage at 10.6 kV, if the
controlled ac bus voltage is 33 kV (1 pu) and no compensating current is drawn from the network. The dc link
capacitance is set equal to 3 mF. To given an idea how low
is this dc capacitance, the ``unit capacitance constant''
(UCC), calculated as
gives only 1685 ls, if P 100 MW and the dc voltage is
10.6 kVdc. Some authors consider UCC < 5000 ls as low
values [1, 5].
Several simulation cases were carried out. Some of them
were presented in [7]. The control gains and the dc capacitance were modied to optimize compensation under
unbalanced system voltages. Here, two simulation cases,
with balanced system voltages and with unbalanced system
voltage (5% of fundamental negative sequence voltage),
M. Aredes et al.: Multipulse converters and controls for HVDC and FACTS systems
Multipulse HVDC system simulation results
Two simulation cases are shown below. The rst shows
several step changes in the real and imaginary power orders and the other shows the recovery of the HVDC system
after a phase-to-ground fault at the inverter ac bus.
The power rating of the 24-pulse HVDC model is
100 MW. The GTO valves were modeled using ideal
switches. The HVDC system interconnects two weak
asynchronous (50 and 60 Hz) ac systems, as suggested
in Fig. 8. The short circuit power at the inverter and at
the rectier ac buses are made as low as 300 MVA, and
the rated ac voltage is 33 kV (50 and 60 Hz). The YY
transformers are dimensioned as 8.25/8.25 kV, 25 MVA,
XT p
(50 or 60 Hz), and the YD transformers are
8:25= 3 8:25 kV, 25 MVA, XT 15%. The dc link
capacitance is set equal to 500 lF. Note that this dc
capacitance corresponds to 1/6 of that used in the
STATCOM model. Thus, ``unit capacitance constant''
(UCC), gives only 270 ls, if P 100 MW and the dc
voltage is around 10.4 kVdc to produce unit power
factor (Qorder equal to zero).
The total harmonic distortion (THD) of the resultant
24-pulse voltage shown in Fig. 1 is less than 7%. Although
relatively high THD, no ac or dc lter was implemented,
because the high leakage inductance of the transformers
behaves as low-pass lters.
Full power reversion
This simulation case involves several events:
start of the HVDC link at 200 ms with Porder 0 and;
Qorder 0 pu;
step change in Porder from 0 to +1.0 pu, at 300 ms;
step change in Porder from +1.0 to )1.0 pu, at 550 ms;
step change in Qorder from 0 to +0.3 pu, at 850 ms;
step change in Qorder from +0.3 to )0.3 pu, at 1000 ms;
Fig. 16a, b. Active power reversion: (a) rectier and (b) inverter
ac voltages and currents
Fig. 14a, b. (a) Instantaneous real power and (b) instantaneous
imaginary power of the converter stations
Phase-to-ground fault at the inverter ac bus
In order to show the robustness of the control and the high
performance of the proposed multipulse HVDC system,
asymmetric faults were applied to the system. Here, a
phase-to-ground fault at the ac bus of the inverter station
is shown. Before the fault is applied, the rectier is
supplying full power (100 MW, Porder 1.0 pu) to the
inverter, and the inverter is operating at unity power
factor (Qorder 0 pu). Then, the fault is applied at
t 600 ms and cleaned at t 700 ms.
Figures 18 and 19 show the very fast recovery of the
system, after fault cleaning. Moreover, no severe overvoltage or overcurrent is veried at the primary side of the
converter transformer of the inverter station, where the
Fig. 17a, b. Step change in imaginary power: (a) rectier and (b)
inverter ac voltages and currents
A relatively simple and robust control strategy for multipulse converters is proposed. This control strategy is
suitable for both HVDC and FACTS applications. The
proposed controllers for the multipulse STATCOM and the
multipulse HVDC are very similar.
It has been shown that conventional three-phase
transformers, instead of using special interphase magnetics, are viable to compose multipulse converters, which
can bring reduction in cost. From the proposed approach,
a 48-pulse converter for very high power applications
could be easily derived.
M. Aredes et al.: Multipulse converters and controls for HVDC and FACTS systems