The Miracle of Q-RAK Cultivation
The Miracle of Q-RAK Cultivation
The Miracle of Q-RAK Cultivation
Chapter 1 The systems of energy
Natural Energy System
Cultivation energy system
The effects of spiritual energy on human life
Negative energy
Positive/pure energy
Chapter 7 Affirmation
Is affirmation the same as prayer?
The benefits of affirmation
The factors that make affirmation become tremendous and miraculous
Chapter 11 Chakra
The functions of the chakras are
Root Chakra
Sex Chakra
Solar Plexus Chakra
Heart Chakra
Throat Chakra
Ajna Chakra
Crown Chakra
Divine Chakra
Consciousness Chakra
Chapter 12 Kundalini
Parts of kundalini
The way to raise kundalini
The Initial Ressurection Stage of Kundalini
The stage of purification of kundalini from toe to heart chakra
The stage of purification the heart chakra
The stage of purification of heart chakra up to the core of chakra/crown chakra
The stage of purification of Core Chakra/ Crown Chakra
The Completeness Stage of Purification of Core Chakra/Crown Chakra
The stage purification of Divine Chakra
The stage purification of Higher Self
The Stage of Purification of Spirit Innermost Core
Obstacles of Kundalini's Development
Kundalini Leakage
Syndrome of Kundalini
How to improve the growth of kundalini
Kundalini Time
In tune with Master of Kundalini
Chapter 16 Meditation
What is meditation?
What is the purpose of meditation?
How is the intention during meditation?
What are the phases of meditation?
Appendix I-XV
Grand master of Q-RAK and masters of Q-RAK
The Inventor
Basically everything happened in this universe denote Gods will, the Creator. Humans as spiritual beings are
connected to all forms of consciousness in the universe of life. Each consciousness interacted each other and
bounded by natural characteristics. Whether it is the consciousness of inanimates or the consiousness of
human beings, they are influenced each other and form there own universe of life which become the main
point for enhancing their spiritual life. However, from all of the consiousness interaction of all elements in the
universe of life, whether inanimate object or human beings, it is God who controls everything. Human spirit as
the holy spirit becomes the place in which God resides on human. The holy human spirit being the true identity
of real human. The holy human spirit is essentially a source of miracle for human life on earth and also the life
of other creatures on earth. It happened because God the Creature who dwells in human holy spirit gives a lot
of miracle power for it and makes the holy spirit as Gods representative on earth to maintain and improve the
life and uphold the way of truth.
The holy human spirit becomes a reflection of the divine Omnipotence, the Greatness and the Glory of God,
the Creature.
This book of Q-RAK cultivation presents the main taught of Q-RAK cultivation science which has the aim to help
evoluting the human spirituality through self-purification, so that the holy human spirit will be able to released
from any shackles which restrict and bound them , then the tremendous capability of the holy human spirit
itself can be felt in their everyday life and in the end, the holy human spirit will be able to make miracles in
accordance with Gods will, the Creature in order to get better life of human beings for the future. Through the
miracles of the holy human spirit, the Omnipotence of God the Creature and His Greatness and His Glory can
be proclaimed to all mankind on earth.
This book presents the things about Energy System, Healing System, Chakra System, Kundalini System,
Cultivation System, Third Eye System, High Level Yoga Meditation System, Brain Intelligence System, Self
Defense System, and Abundace System.
Hopefully everyone who reads this book will be able to get benefits of the highest level of the spiritual
knowledge and be able to join together doing the self-purification in the scientific of Q-RAK cultivation.
Causing accidents
Causing disasters
Causing divorce
Causing crimes
Damaging agility and intelligence
Causing addiction to negative things
Causing laziness
Causing depression
Positive/pure energy
Humans who commit the purification and always surrounded by positive environment are filled with
positive aura. This will lead them to such positive effects:
- Curing illnesses and diseases
- Exterminating viruses, bacteria, germs, fungus that cause diseases
- Remedying and stabilizing body metabolism
- Remedying and stabilizing gland systems
- Remedying and stabilizing body organ systems
- Remedying and stabilizing nerve and brain systems
- Remedying and stabilizing the systems of chakra, kundalini, soul and spirit
- Increasing luck
- Increasing fortune
- Increasing protection
- Preventing accident
- Increasing intelligence
- Improving relationships
- Relieving stress
- Evoluting humans spiritual
effects at all. It is happened since the power of Q-RAK Cultivation is very smart and soft energy for vulnerable
and sensitive organs. If there is detox reaction when using the Q-RAK Cultivation energy, no need to be worry,
because it is a natural reaction and it is not harmful, it is a sign that the Q-RAK Cultivation power is on working
of healing.
Is there any prohibition in Q-RAK Cultivation?
In purifying cultivation system, wicked cultivation or commiting a crime or negative things will destroy the selfpurification. Therefore, try to keep doing good things and purify self in order to remain and keep pure, so the
ability of Q-RAK cultivation will also continue.
The History of Q-RAK and The Development
I created Q-RAK Cultivation through a very long spiritual journey. The mission of Q-RAK cultivation is to save the
earth from any destruction due to dirtiness caused by negative aura and viciousness on earth and mankind. As
a science that teaches spiritual evolution, Q-RAK cultivation having been evoluting an extraordinary cultivation
system, even it is regarded as a spiritual revolution since the evolution happened very fast.
The system of spiritual cultivation does not have limit to evolute as long as still at the fate outlined by God.
Therefore Q-RAK cultivation has been experiencing boundless energy evolution, the energy evolution occurs at
any time, become purer, higher, more powerful and more miraculous. That is the cause of Q-RAK cultivation
from era to era since it was firstly invented until now undergoes many changes in the system. Here are several
evolutions that occured in Q-RAK cultivation system based on the history and its development.
Evolutionary Stage 1 (reiki Q-RAK)
Q-RAK Cultivation was published for the first time in Indonesia on 27th of September 2007 as reiki Q-RAK
energy system. The energy system utilized ordinary cosmic energy or natural energy in the level of Quark
The benefit of Q-RAK Reiki is to heal any kinds of disease by utilizing the natural energy/cosmic energy in the
level of Quark energy.
For using the natural energy, the ability of Q-RAK Reiki is limited and it is hard to heal diseases because of
negative aura and viciousness within the self and the circumstances.
Evolutionary Stage 2 (Q-RAK Cultivation)
In the beginning of 2009, I evoluted the energy of Q-RAK reiki into Q-RAK Cultivation System.
The purpose of Q-RAK Cultivation is providing high level purification to practitioners of Q-RAK Cultivation.
If a practitioner is filled by filthy, negative aura, viciousness, negative karma, curse, and fettered by dark power
of devil, then it wont be easy for the practitioner to heal from illness, poverty, disharmony relationship, bad
luck, accident, disaster, bankruptcy, destruction, ignorance, and many more. Through self-purification, the
practitioner will be more positive. The positive aura and all the courtesy of God will attend, and he or she will
be easy to heal illnesses, get more overwhelming and success, have career improvement and harmonious
relationship, become more intelligent and creative, feel serenity, peacefulness, happiness and so forth.
Within Q-RAK Cultivation, several energy systems of Q-RAK Cultivation were created, those are:
- Q-RAK cultivation system of the 2nd generation is called Q-RAK Cultivation
- Q-RAK cultivation system of the 3rd generation is called Maha Q-RAK
- Q-RAK cultivation system of the 4th generation is called Maha Q-RAK Maha Ilahi
- Q-RAK cultivation system of the 5th generation is called Maha Q-RAK Maha Tunua Maha Ilahi
- Q-RAK cultivation system of the 5th generation Unlimited Super is called Maha Q-RAK Maha Tunua Maha
Ritea Maha Potala Maha Ilahi
- Q-RAK cultivation system of the 6th generation Unlimited Super is called Maha Q-RAK Maha Koloka Maha
Logola Maha Rotala Maha Ilahi
- Q-RAK cultivation system of the 7th generation Unlimited Super is called Maha Q-RAK Maha Hillin Maha
Logola Maha Rotala Maha Ilahi
- Q-RAK cultivation system of the 8th generation Unlimited Super is called Maha Q-RAK Maha Sellum Maha
Logola Maha Rotala Maha Ilahi
- Q-RAK cultivation system of the 9th generation Unlimited Super is called Maha Q-RAK Maha Loki Maha
Logola Maha Rotala Maha Ilahi
- Q-RAK cultivation system of 10th generation Unlimited Super is called Maha Q-RAK Maha Sellon Maha
Logola Maha Rotala Maha Ilahi
Q-RAK cultivation system of 11th generation Unlimited Super is called Maha Q-RAK Maha Kindi Maha
Logola Maha Rotala Maha Ilahi
Q-RAK cultivation system of 12th generation Unlimited Super is called Maha Q-RAK Maha Phillum Maha
Logola Maha Rotala Maha Ilahi
Level 3
Level 3 is also called high level. In this level,, the ability of practitioners develop up to
the highest level of Q-RAK cultivation system. The level 2 practitioners of Q-RAK
cultivation cannot increase the abilities of Q-RAK cultivation up to level 3 without
level 3 attunement, despite of how hard they practice and how long they spend time.
Level 3 of Q-RAK cultivation has a system of different dimension compared to level 2
of Q-RAK cultivation.
Level 3 practitioners are taught about:
The materials for level 3 practitioners
- The way of accessing and implementing KAPA BRAVANA power through True Spirit
- The way of making perfect affirmation
- How to practice therapy of level 3
- The Core of Sarira
- The Love Meditation of Q-RAK
- High level of defense system
- High level of abundance system
- Miraculous inanimate objects
Level 4
Level 4 is also called the ultimate caste level. In this level, the abilities of Q-RAK
practitioners have developed up to the ultimate caste level in Q-RAK cultivation
system. The practitioners of level 3 who are willing to upgrade to level 4 also have
to get level 4 attunement; due to the different dimension system compared to level
3. Level 3 practitioners who do the purification sincerely will reach the development
of level 3 abilities up to the unlimited dimension, however they will never be able to
reach the system of level 4.
The level 4 practitioners are taught about:
The materials for level 4 practitioners
- The way of accessing and implementing TRASTA BRAVANA power through True Spirit
- Complete kinds of Q-RAK cultivation
- The High Level of Love Meditation of Q-RAK
- The omnipotence of the high level intelligence of Divinity Vibration
- Karma
Level 5
Level 5 is the level of Q-RAK Cultivation Master. At this level, practitioners are given the right and authority to
provide the attunement of Q-RAK cultivation for others. Level 5 is only given to the practitioners of Q-RAK
cultivation who deserve and are able to become Masters of Q-RAK cultivation.
The attunement of Q-RAK Cultivation
Attunement is the process of opening chakra, opening the nadi of Q-RAK cultivation energy, opening the nadi
of kundalini, the evocation of kundalini and the evocation of various types of Q-RAK cultivation, including the
evocation of Q-RAK powers. When someone already received the attunement, he or she immediately has got
all of Q-RAK abilities that has been attuned.
Attunement also includes the process of synchronizing the awareness of the practitioners of Q-RAK cultivation,
so that they can be in tune with the vibrations of Q-RAK cultivation system based on the level given, in order to
be able to access the powers of Q-RAK cultivation system perfectly. The process of attunement usually runs for
20 minutes.
In the following, there are all attunements given to the practitioners of Q-RAK cultivation based on the level
they learn:
Level 1 attunement
- The opening of all main chakra of the body
- The opening of the nadi of Q-RAK energy as wide as the spiritual body
- The opening of the nadi of Kundalini as wide as the physical body
- The opening of the third eye up to the ultimate level
- The opening of conscience up to the ultimate level
- The activation of 12 DNA strands of Merkaba up to the ultimate level of Merkaba
- The evocation of Kundalini up to the ultimate level of kundalini
- The evocation of gTummo up to the ultimate level of gTummo become Vajra gTummo body
- The evocation of Avatar up to the ultimate level of avatar body
- The evocation of True Higher Self up to the ultimate level of the True Higher Self
- The evocation of True Spirit up to the ultimate level of the True Spirit
- The evocation of the body of good fortune, abundance, luck, prosperity and intelligence up to the ultimate
- The evocation of all kinds of cultivation in Q-RAK system up to the ultimate level
- The evocation of The omnipotence of the high level intelligence of Divinity Vibration
- The evocation of REVA BRAVANA as the power and ability symbol of the system and dimension at level 1
Level 2 attunement
- All openings of energy nadi and evocation of power similar to level 1, but based on the ability of system
and dimension at level 2.
- The evocation of TARA BRAVANA as the power and ability symbol of the system and dimension at level 2.
Level 3 attunement
- All openings of energy nadi and evocation of power similar to level 1 and level 2, based on the ability of
the system and dimension at level 3.
- The evocation of KAPA BRAVANA as the power and ability symbol of the system and dimension at level 3.
Level 4 attunement
- All openings of energy nadi and evocation of power similar to level 1, level 2 and level 3, but based on the
ability of the system and dimension at level 4.
- The evocation of TRASTA BRAVANA as the power and ability symbol of the system and dimension at level 4
Touch directly the object or target for several minutes without moving or shifting the palms, afterwards
the palms can be shifted to other target.
The channeling can also be done through distance. The method is by directing palms to the target while
visualizing the desired target, target may be in a different city from the practitioner. Just simply point your
palms to the target's place where he or she is, while saying an intention: I intent my palms to run by the
power of REVA BRAVANA to (mention the target's name) in city (where the target is)."
for therapy as well. The miraculous blue crystals are also able to eliminate the causal factor of illnesses and
diseases as well as the illnesses and diseases suffered by the patients.
Multigonal water
In Q-RAK Cultivation System, the practitioners are taught on how to make Multigonal Water of Q-RAK
Cultivation. The Multigonal Water is given to the patients to quickening their healing process. Q-RAK
Multigonal Water is water with stable molecules that forms multigonal molecular structures. With multigonal
molecular structures, the water is potential to be used to cure various kinds of diseases. By using the power of
Q-RAK Cultivation, the molecular structure of regular water can be turned into the molecular structure of
multigonal water of Q-RAK Cultivation.
The following are the benefits of multigonal water of Q-RAK cultivation:
- Detoxifying the body from chemical poisons and poisons from foods
- Cleaning the sediments of microscopic harmful materials within body organs
- Destroying kidney-stones and gallstones
- Melting fat of the body
- Destroying blood clots
- Purifying blood
- Increasing stamina
- Destroying cancer and abnormal cells
- Regenerating cells of body organs
- Destroying viciousness and negative aura
- Fertilizing plants
- So forth.
Stem cells
Stem cells are the stability of cells as the center and the axis of the stability of the existing cells.
Stem cells functioned in:
1. Rebuilding new body cells to replace the already damage cells.
2. Rebuilding new body histology to repair the damaged body tissues and organs.
3. Increasing immunity system and curence of illnesses and diseases
Stem cells can be multiplied by applying the REVA BRAVANA power on the desired body parts.
Pure oxygen
Pure oxygen is the fresh oxygen naturally produced by nature, which is able to help increasing health,
smoothing body circulation and curing illnesses and diseases for anyone who inhale it.
Pure oxygen is different from regular oxygen. In terms of the structure, the molecules of pure oxygen are more
complex compared to regular oxygen.
Pure oxygen can be considered as hyperbaric oxygen or even pure oxygen is equal with hyperbaric oxygen.
By using Q-RAK cultivation, pure oxygen can be produced in order to support tremendous result for healing
When a healing process conducted by several practitioners in group, each practitioner is not allowed to do
synchronization among others because it is very dangerous, it may infected the viciousness and negative aura
from others. The impacts of the negative infections are ruining self-purification and leaking of kundalini within
the self.
The code of ethics in conducting therapy has the aim of making the practitioners give the best to the patients
as well as preventing the occurrences of negative incidents during therapy session. The code of ethics should
be followed by all Q-RAK cultivation practitioners whenever they conduct therapy session.
Before conducting therapy session, the practitioners should first ask for the patients' approval. It is
important to maintain courtesy and respect the patients. However, in certain circumstances when the
practitioners somehow cannot ask for the patients' approval, Q-RAK cultivation therapy still can be done
and the result remains perfect. Thus, Q-RAK cultivation therapy is still effective to be conducted on anyone
covertly, if the situation does not allow the practitioners to ask for the patients' approval.
Before conducting therapy session, the practitioners pray first to God and ask for protection and healing
assistance in order to make the healing process undertakes safely and completely. When the practitioners
pray for God's assistance to help the process of healing patients, very often a connecting channel is formed
that connects the practitioners with the high spiritual level. When the practitioners channelize the energy
to the patients, God's power also flows to the patients, so it would be possible that spontaneous or faster
healing process occurs.
more detail the causes of sickness and diseases are mentioned, the quicker the healing process takes
place. Eliminate the causes of diseases, viruses, bacteria, germs, fungus, cancer cell, abnormal cells down
to all of their seeds and roots that attack and damage the body.
For example, do affirmation: "I intend that My True Spirit uses the Reva Bravana power to eliminate
permanently and completely all viruses, bacteria, germs, fungus, cancer cells, abnormal cells down to all of
their seeds and roots that attack and damage this patient's body, do it for 5 hours." Repeat the affirmation
three times.
Curing wounds and damages on the body
For example, do affirmation: "I intend that My True Spirit uses the Reva Bravana power to cure and repair
all damages on this patient's body organs and tissues because of the attacks of (mention the sickness
and diseases suffered) until they are healed completely, do it for 5 hours." Repeat the affirmation three
Increasing stamina
Increasing stamina further by doing affirmation to increase stamina and repeat it three times to hasten the
healing process.
gTummo, Merkaba, True Spirit, so forth. If we are just an ordinary human who does not have the Kundalini
development and self-purification, and only have limited power, then the affirmation conducted will also
have limit to bring any wishes into reality.
A great aim will need a big spiritual power to realize it. This is the importance of self-purification. Only with
self-purification, the subconscious awareness and super conscious awareness in ourselves will have unlimited
spiritual power and even will become miraculous power if the self-purification reaches the high level of
The greater the aims, the higher spiritual power are needed and it takes longer to be realized. By the
miraculous power, the aims will be reached by miraculous process.
How to make an effective and perfect affirmation?
The method is making a clear and detail affirmation. The clearer and more detail the affirmation is, the faster
and easier the wishes realization will be.
The clear and detail affirmations may consist of the following:
and others
Here are the following examples of making a clear and detail affirmation:
Making Self-Protection
I intend my True Spirit uses the REVA BRAVANA power to make a high level of protection system on myself
against the attacks of human race and earth's viciousness and negative aura, which harm myself until reaching
the ultimate of high level protection, do it for 5 hours.
In many cases, affirmations conducted are not working maximally and often powerless. Why is so?
There are things that constraint an affirmation:
1. The attacks of viciousness and negative aura
Viciousness and negative aura becomes the main obstacle of the spiritual power within ourselves. Oftenly,
the attacks of viciousness and negative aura damage and destroy the purification we conduct. Any
damages and leaks will happen on Kundalini and also on cultivation bodies. And in the end, all cultivation
powers that we have are destroyed. When this condition happens, all affirmations will not have sufficient
power to actualize all positive wishes.
2. Lack of Persistence
To realize all positive wishes need process to realize. The bigger the wishes intended, the higher power is
needed and the longer time is needed to realize, because the condition of the self also determine the
acceleration of the intended affirmations.
The power of affirmations have controlling influence in making changes of spiritual dimension and often
this changes remains in at most two days.
Meanwhile, achieving positive wishes takes more than 2 days and even months. Thus, do the affirmations
regularly and continously until the wishes intended bring into reality without any obstacles.
3. Negative wishes
Purifying cultivation basically is for purification so that it can evolve our spirituality until reaching the high
level of awareness. The pure high level of awareness will not make negative wishes come true. If negative
wishes are affirmed, this will cause the growth of negative auras and viciousness within ourselves. This
condition will destroy the purification within as well as destroy the purifying cultivation bodies that we
already have.
4. Exaggerated wishes
Someone often do affirmations to achieve exaggerated wishes that are beyond the abilities he or she has
currently, basically, all positive wishes will be realized by the high level of awareness owned.
However, realizing wishes takes time and process in accordance with the condition of ourselves. Often big
wishes take very long time to be come true, it takes from months and even years. Just imagine, won't it
needs a very high level of patience to wait for the wishes to be realized?
Won't the belief be destroyed by the long waiting? Won't perseverance will be dampened because of the
desperation starts to erode the spirit and self confidence? That is the reason why the affirmation should be
adjusted to the current condition and capabilities.
5. Depleted stamina
In doing affirmation to achieve wishes, it takes sufficient stamina so that the power of affirmation and selfprotection remain stable. Without sufficient stamina, the affirmations are like losing their powers and the
self-protection will be dwindling, which can put the self in danger as the self will be target of the
environment's viciousness and negative aura.
6. Leaking Kundalini
Kundalini is the foundation of purification. Leaking Kundalini will destroy the purification and automatically
destroy the cultivation powers owned. Without tremendous power, it will be difficult to actualize any
positive wishes.
Strong belief is needed to achieve positive wishes. When we have high level of belief, we will automatically
aligned with the highest awareness and capable of accessing the power of the highest awareness without
any resistance. High level of belief will strengthen the high level of protection against the attacks of
viciousness and negative aura. Meanwhile, hesitation will undermine the protection, opening slit for
viciousness and dirty auras to enter and frustrate the process of achieving the wishes and damaging the
spirit to be persistence in affirmation. This condition will also affect the self as we cannot align with the
highest awareness that is the carrier of own miracles to achieve all positive wishes that we intended
through conducted affirmation.
Epigastrium area
Left waist
Skin infection
- Epigastrium area
- Left abdomen
- Base brain
- Epigastrium area
- Upper spine
- coccyx
- the base of left arm
- fontanel
- left and right brows
- Fontanel
- Concave of back part of ears
10. Vertigo
- Fontanel
- forehead
- the neck behind
- coccyx
11. Sorethroat, goitre, tonsil inflammation, laryngitis
- Below the chin
- Front neck
- Lower part of the back head
12. Eczema/dermatitis
- Epigastrium area
- Central lower of stomach
- Coccyx
23. Tuberculosis
- Fontanel
- Left and right chests
- The central part of lower stomach
- Left and right backs
24. Vomiting and diarrhea
- Left and right chests
- Epigastrium area
- The central part of lower stomach
- Left and right parts of the back waist
25. Asthma
- Fontanel
- Base brain
- Central chest
- Epigastrium area
- The central part of lower stomach
- The central part of the back
- coccyx
26. Headache
- Fontanel
- Chest
27. Migraine
- Fontanel
- Forehead
- The back head
- The back waist
28. Insomnia
- fontanel
- left and right chests
- nape
- coccyx
29. Fracture
- Left and right upper arms
- All parts of spine
- Coccyx
30. Brain concussion
- Fontanel
- Base brain
- Left and right brows
- the back of upper neck
31. Stanching flow of blood
- the base of left and right arms
- epigastrium area
- left and right stomach
- coccyx
42. Gallstone
- The central part of lower stomach
- Epigastrium area
- The left and right parts of the back waist
43. Hepatitis
- Epigastrium area
- The central part of lower stomach
- lungs
- the central part of the back waist
44. Gastrointestinal Infections
- Epigastrium area
- Left and right stomach
- the left and right parts of the back waist
45. Acute appendicitis
- Left and righ stomach
- Navel
- the left and right parts of the back waist
46. Diabetes
- Epigastrium area
- Left and right stomach
- Nape
- Coccyx
47. Hypothyroid
- Forehead
- Left and right brows
- Left and right chests
- Epigastrium area
- Navel
48. Acute colds
- Fontanel
- Epigastrium area
- Navel
- Left and right backs
- The central part of the back waist
49. Infection and inflammation of the kidney
- Epigastrium area
- Left and righ stomach
- the central part of the back
- The central part of the back waist
50. Kidney stones
- Navel
- The central part of the lower stomach
- Left and right stomach
- The left and right parts of the back waist
51. Renal regeneration
- The central part of the lower stomach
- Left and right stomach
70. Anemia
- Base brain
- Back head
- Epigastrium area
- The central part of lower stomach
- Spine
71. Autoimmune disease
- forehead
- neck
- left and right chests
- left and right stomach
- upper spine (back)
- the left and right parts of the back waist
72. Leukemia
- Base brain
- Back head
- The central part of neck
- Left and right chests
- Epigastrium area
- navel
- spine
- coccyx
73. Partial paralyzed face
- base brain
- back head
- nape
- left and right chests
- coccyx
74. Numb body
- base brain
- back head
- nape
- Left and right shoulders
- The central part of lower stomach
- The left and right backs
- Spine
- Coccyx
75. Epilepsy
- base brain
- Epigastrium area
- Upper spine (the back)
76. Parkinson's disease
- base brain
- forehead
- left and right chests
- navel
- nape
- Upper spine (the back)
77. Meningitis
- Fontanel
- base brain
- forehead
- left and right brows
- back head
- nape
- spine
- the left and right parts of the back waist
78. Mental retardation
- Fontanel
- Base brain
- forehead
- left and right brows
79. Paranoid
- Fontanel
- forehead
- left and right shoulders
- left and right shoulders
- coccyx
80. Autism
- Base brain
- forehead
- back head
- nape
- left and right stomach
- lower stomach
- upper spine (the back)
- coccyx
81. Down Syndrome
- Base brain
- forehead
- back head
- epigastrium area
- lower stomach
- spine
82. Tumor
- Base brain
- Nape
- left and right chests
- left and right stomach
- spine
83. Cancer
- Base brain
- Back head
- Nape
- Forehead
- left and right chests
- navel
Melt the fat in desired body area and discharge it through excretory duct.
Excess cholesterol level
Normalize blood cholesterol levels and may also discharge excess of blood and body cholesterol and
discharge it through excretory duct.
Excess blood sugar
Normalize blood sugar level and discharge the excess blood sugar in blood and body and discharge it
through excretory duct.
Excess protein level
Normalize the protein level.
Excess purine level
Normalize the purine level
Excess iron level
Normalize the iron level
Excess uric acid level
Normalize the uric acid level
Fluid up of fluid in the body
Discharge build up of fluid in the desired body parts, and discharge through excretory duct.
Accumulation of carcinogenic substance in the body
Discharge the accumulation of carcinogenic substance in body through excretory duct.
Poisonous food or bacterial or fungus poison
Destroy in whole blood, whole body fluid, whole brain and discharge the rest which is hard to be destroyed
through excretory duct
Radioactive substance
Excreted from the affected body parts through excretory duct (difficult to be destroyed)
Ultraviolet radiation and ionic radiation
Only need to be excreted from body through excretory duct
Cells damage due to viruses attack
Especially for lymphocytes damage because of the attack of HIV virus, the damage must be repaired in
order not to be used by the virus to propagate themselves.
Low platelet level
Increase the development of platelets in whole blood to reach normal levels.
Low hemoglobin levels
Increase the development of hemoglobin in whole blood to reach normal levels.
Weak lymphocytes levels
Increase the development of lymphocytes in whole blood to reach normal levels.
Blood viscosity
Make each red blood cells that overlap each other breakaway and normalize the acidity of the blood.
Blood clotting/coagulation
Accelerate the blood flow/circulation, and destroy all obstruction in blood circulation, in order that all
obstruction can be destroyed.
Destroy the gallstone into fine pieces/particles and does not cause obstruction and injury, inflammation of
the gall bladder and discharge the particles from the gallbladder through the excretory duct.
Kidney stone
Destroy the kidney stone into fine pieces/particles and does not cause obstruction and injury,
inflammation of kidney and excrete the particles from kidney through the excretory duct.
Gangrene of organ
Neutralize gangrene of organ
Cirrhosis of liver
Heal all tissues and inflammation of liver
Scar tissue of nervous system
Normalize all tissue of the nervous system
The loss of Myelin due to antibody of myelin destroyer
Normalize the loss of myelin and normalize antibody which destroy myelin.
Neurotransmiter of drugs addict
Normalize neurotransmiter of drug addict
Neurotransmiter of cigarette addict
Destroy Human Papilloma Virus which multiply wart cells and destroy wart cells in the infected area to the
whole seeds and roots.
Repair all skin tissued damage, accelerate the removal of dead skin cells and accelerate the growth of new
skin cells, destroy viruses, bacteria, infected germs.
Increase bone mass, normalize bone density and bone structure
Repair damage of bone structure and reconnect bone fracture.
Bone calcification
Repair damage of bone tissue, Increase bone mass, and increase bone density.
Repair damage of bone tissue, Increase bone mass, and increase bone density.
Lack and excess certain hormone that trigger diseases
Normalize certain hormone level in body
Destroy bacteria
Destroy permanently and completely to whole seeds and roots all bacterias that attacked body.
Destroy viruses
Destroy permanently and completely to whole seeds and roots all viruses that attacked body.
Destroy germs
Destroy permanently and completely to whole seeds and roots all germs that attacked body.
Destroy fungy
Destroy permanently and completely to whole seeds and roots of all viruses that attacked body.
Multiply and develop telomere in whole body DNA to completely.
Telomerase Enzyme
Multiply and develop telomerase enzyme to whole body cells completely
When doing healing therapy, if the time for theraphy is very limited, thus specific points of energy chanelling
can be ignored. But if the time is sufficient to provide specific spots of energy chanelling on patients body, it
is advisable to do.
Number of diseases and treatment will be explained in this Chapter. But in practising it can be adapted to the
patients condition, since each patient has different condition, techniques to cure diseases given here the
outline only, and through a lot of practices, a healer will have broad knowledge of the diseases and how to cure
Here are several diseases and its treatment if the healing theraphy is given medically and the cause of
diseases has been known for certain or a conclusion based on checks using third eyes ability.
HIV Virus Infection (early stage of HIV infection, before AIDSs phase)
The cause of disease and the impacts:
1. All variants of HIV virus infection which cause immune destruction, the existence of virus HIV can be
found in blood, sperm cement, vascular smooth of blood vessels, blood vessels, hidden part of
vascular smooth of blood vessels, bone marrow, creased of the brain membrane, vaginal fluid, body
glands, and mothers milk.
2. Decrease in CD4 cells or white blood cells (lymphocytes).
3. CD4 cells damage
4. Other virus infection such as Flu virus, cough virus, fever virus
5. Infection of Mycobacterium Avium Complex bacteria (MAC) or bacteria infection causing recurrent
fever, indigestion, catch cold, over weight loss
6. The decreasing of body immune trigerred the explosive growth of negative aura and patients
1. Annihilate patients negative aura and viciousness breeder of all variants of HIV virus.
Increase the patients stamina from the attack of all variants of HIV virus, Flu virus, cough virus, fever
virus, and attack of Mycobacterium Avium Complex.
Increase the patients stamina from the attack of all variants of HIV virus, Flu virus, cough virus, fever
virus, and attack of Mycobacterium Avium Complex. Annihilate all variants of HIV virus to whole seeds
and roots in blood, the whole CD4 cells, whole blood vessel, up to whole vascular of blood vessel, to
hidden part of vascular smooth of blood vessels, entire bone marrow, to whole creased of brain
membrane, to whole vaginal fluids, to whole body glands, to whole fluid of mothers milk
Heal and repair CD4 cells damage due to the attack of all variants of HIV virus in order that it not to be
used for duplicate HIV virus.
Multiply and develop CD4 cells up to completely normal
Destroy Flu virus, cough Virus, fever Virus, Mycobacterium Avium Complex which attack body.
Do the therapy 3 times a day everyday for 3 weeks without interruption in order that the patient is
completely free from HIV virus. The therapy can be done remotely since it is nearly impossible to
provide direct therapy with a very high intensity of therapy.
10. Do the therapy 3 times a day everyday for 3 weeks without interruption in order that the patient is
completely free from HIV virus. The therapy can be done remotely since it is nearly impossible to
provide direct therapy with a very high intensity of therapy.
10. Do the therapy 3 times a day everyday for 6 months without interruption in order that the patient is
completely free from HIV virus. The therapy can be done remotely since it is nearly impossible to
provide direct therapy with a very high intensity of therapy.
Colon Cancer
The cause of disease and the impacts:
1. Obesity
2. Excess fat and protein/ high intake of red meat and processed meat
3. Lack of physical exercise
4. High intake of alcohol
5. Diabetes mellitus
6. Carcinogenic chemical substance/carcinogen
7. Genetics/DNA of cancer
8. Cancer cell
9. Attack colon and rectum
10. Rectal bleeding / bloody stools
11. Cramps and abdominal pain (stomach ache)
1. Annihilate the patients viciousness and negative auras the product of breeding of colon cancer and
rectum and whole patients body.
2. Increase the patients stamina against the attack of cancer cells in the whole patients body.
3. Destroy all cancer cell and DNA of cancer of the colon, rectum and whole patients body.
4. Melt the fat of the whole body and remove it through the excretory tract.
5. Remove all carcinogen and excess protein in the whole colon, rectum and whole patients body
through the excretory tract.
6. Cure wounds, inflammations, and damage to colon, rectum and whole patients body
7. Do the therapy minimum once a day for 1 month, or thrice a day for better result.
The Procedures of Healing Therapy:
1. Pray
2. Hold the patients fontanel for 30 minutes
Do affirmation: I intend my palms to channel the power of REVA BRAVANA to entire patients body to
destroy all causes of colon cancer and to cure all patients wounds and organ damage and body tissues
against attack of disease he / she suffered.
3. Make protection of the patient
Do affirmation: I intend my True Spirit to use the power of REVA BRAVANA to make high level
protection system of this patient against the attack of viciousness and environmental negative aura
that harm the patient and cause the patients disease, do it for 5 hours.
4. Increase the patients stamina
Do affirmation: I intend my True Spirit to use the power of REVA BRAVANA to increase patients
stamina against the depleting stamina due to the attacks of cancer cell in patients body, do it for 5
5. Annihilate the patients viciousness and negative auras
Do affirmation: I intend my True Spirit to use the power of REVA BRAVANA to annihilate viciousness
and negative aura that attack this patient and that multiply/breed cancer cell in colon and rectum and
whole patients body, do it for 5 hours Repeat the affirmation 3 times.
6. Destroy the cause of the disease
Do affirmation: I intend my True Spirit to use the power of REVA BRAVANA to destroy permanently
and completely to whole seeds and roots of whole cancer cell and whole DNA of cancer in colon and
rectum and whole patients body, do it for 5 hours Repeat the affirmation 3 times.
Do affirmation: I intend my True Spirit to use the power of REVA BRAVANA to melt fat in whole body
and remove it through the patients excretory tract, do it for 5 hours Repeat the affirmation 3 times.
Do affirmation: I intend my True Spirit to use the power of REVA BRAVANA to remove all carcinogen
and excess protein in whole colon, rectum and whole patients body through the excretory tract, do it
for 5 hours Repeat the affirmation 3 times.
7. Cure the bodys wounds and damages
Do affirmation: I intend my True Spirit to use the power of REVA BRAVANA to cure wounds and
inflammations, and damage to colons organ, rectum, and whole patients body until recover
completely, do it for 5 hours. Repeat the affirmation 3 times.
8. Increase the patients stamina
Increase the stamina once again by doing the affirmation of increasing stamina and repeat it up to 3
times in order to accelerate the patients recovery process.
9. The energy channeling into specific spots:
Touch/press the patients chest with one palm and another palms touch the stomach, intend to
channel to channel energy to the chest and stomach simultaneously for 15 minutes. We can continue
the procedures for other specific spots.
10. Do the therapy minimum once time a day during 1 month or thrice a day for the better result. The
therapy can be done remotely since it is nearly impossible to provide direct therapy with a very high
intensity of therapy.
Cervical Cancer
The cause of disease and the impacts:
1. Infection of human papilloma virus (HPV)
2. cancer cell in cervix/uteri and body
3. DNA of cancer in cervix and body
4. Effects of cigarette smoke
5. Effects of giving birth to many children
6. Effects of promiscuity
7. Low body immune
8. Possibility of kidney failure
9. Metastasis/spread of cancer cells to the bone, lungs, intestine, brain
1. Exterminate the patients viciousness and negative aura as the breeder of human papilloma virus
(HPV), and cancer cells in cervix/uteri, bone, lung, intestine, brain and the whole body of the patient.
2. Increase the patients stamina against the attack of human papilloma virus (HPV), and cancer cells in
the whole patients body.
3. Destroy all human papilloma virus (HPV), and cancer cells in cervix/uteri, bone, lung, intestine, brain
and whole patients body.
4. Remove all carcinogens in the whole body through the excretory tract.
5. Cure wounds, inflammations, and damage to cervix/uteri, bone, lung, intestine, brain and whole
patients body.
6. Do the therapy thrice a day during 1 month for infectious disease
The Procedures of Healing Therapy:
1. Pray
2. Hold the patients crown for 30 minutes
Do affirmation: I intend my palms to channel the power of REVA BRAVANA to entire patients body to
destroy all causes of cervical cancer and to cure all patients wounds and organ damage and body
tissues against attack of disease he / she suffered.
3. Make protection on the patient
Do affirmation: I intend my True Spirit to use the power of REVA BRAVANA to make a high level of
protection system on this patient against the attack of viciousness and negative aura from the
environments which harm the patient and cause the patients disease, do it for 5 hours.
The causes of the disease and the impacts:
1. The infections of Bacillus Anthracis on skin, lungs, lymph nodes, lymphocytes, alimentary canal, whole
blood, all body fluids, all parts of brain and all cerebrospinal fluids, mouth, throat, intestines, and the
whole body
2. Anthrax toxin in whole blood, all body fluids, all parts of brain and all cerebrospinal fluids and all body
3. Inflammation and damages of skin, lungs, alimentary canal, lymph nodes, mouth, throat, intestines,
brain and all body organs.
1. Destroy the patients negative auras and viciousness that breed the bacteria called Bacillus Anthracis
in the patients skin, lungs, lymph nodes, lymphocytes, alimentary canal, whole blood, all body fluids,
all parts of brain and all cerebrospinal fluids, mouth, throat, intestines, and whole body.
2. Increase the patients stamina against the attacks of the bacteria, Bacillus Anthracis directed at the
patients body.
3. Destroy the bacteria, Bacillus Anthracis in the patients skin, lungs, lymph nodes, lymphocytes,
alimentary canal, whole blood, all body fluids, all parts of brain and all cerebrospinal fluids, mouth,
throat, intestines, and whole body.
4. Destroy anthrax toxin in whole blood, all body fluids, all parts of brain and all cerebrospinal fluids and
all body tissues.
5. Cure the wounds, inflammation and damages in skins, lungs, alimentary canal, lymph nodes, mouth,
throat, intestines, brain and all body organs.
6. Do the therapy three times a day everyday for 3 weeks for infections.
Chakra is the spiritual system of humans, which can help improving the purification of consciousness and
adequate knowledge, so that it can lead ones life to a better direction. The development of chakra of the body
will make one absorbs and comprehends the knowledge of everything learned. Chakra are parts of the body of
energy, which has the form of transparent lotus, become the entrances and exits for energies of the body as
well as the control center of humans' energy and consciousness. If someone dies, his or her chakras will be
destroyed and no more energy left in his or her lifeless bodies. Chakra is formed from the joining of energy nadi
and they are the center of the meeting of energy nadi or the center of the meeting of the nerve of
Energy nadi are energy nerves in the energy body. Nadi connecting one chakra to other chakras. In our body,
there are two main arteries, namely ida pingala and shushumna band as the main of nerve line.
Can chakras be damaged?
Chakras can be damaged and it is caused by negative deeds conducted by humans, error consciousness or
crimes and due to an alliance with devils and also the negative aura itself. The sign of damaging chakras is the
petal of the lotus cracks even falls to pieces. We can say as a leak of chakra.
The impacts of damaged chakras are the decreasing level of self purification. If the chakras are always damaged
without any efforts to fix them, one will be harder in conducting self purification. Fixing the damaged chakras
can be done by purifying the chakras. The pure of oneself can also improve the stability and development of
chakras owned. Good development of kundalini automatically means good development of chakras. Thus,
kundalini is the basic foundation of everything. The development of chakras actually is one of the foundations
of self-control. However, human's consciousness absolutely determines self-control.
In human's body, there are 7 major chakras and hundreds of minor chakras.
The seven major chakras are:
1. Root chakra
2. Sex chakra
3. Solar plexus chakra
4. Heart chakra
5. Throat chakra
6. Ajna/ third eye chakra
7. Crown chakra
The functions of the chakras are:
1. As the center of energy's entrances and exits on the body
2. As the base or foundation of purification and ownership of spiritual power or spiritual energy itself
3. As the control center of consciousness
4. Affecting and controlling body metabolism
5. Controlling and affecting nerve system
6. Controlling and affecting gland system
7. Controlling and affecting the body's aura. Aura is energies on the body which are crystalized or solidified.
Besides 7 major chakras and hundreds of minor chakras in the body, humans also have devine chakra.
Root Chakra
Root chakra is located at the base of spine in tailbone or coccyx area, its form is like a
transparent lotus with red as the dominant color, the lotus has 4 petals that represent
the number of energy nadi that meet in the root chakra, in the number of 4 energy nadi.
Root chakra is included in the earth element.
The functions of root chakra:
- Providing energy to the entire body
- As the center of the body's vitality
- Affecting life and the self's survival
- The foundation of the development of the chakras in humans.
Sex Chakra
Sex Chakra is located at the genital area, its form is like a transparent lotus with orange
as the dominant color, the lotus has 6 petals that represent the number of energy nadi
that meet in the sex chakra, in the number of 6 energy nadi. Sex chakra is included in
the water element.
The functions of sex chakra:
- As the center of low level and physical creative energy.
- Affecting sex organs
- Correlating with desires or the control of desires
Solar Plexus Chakra
Solar Plexus Chakra is located at the navel, its form is like a transparent lotus with yellow
as the dominant color. The lotus has 10 petals that represent the number of energy nadi
that meet in solar plexus chakra, in the number of 10 energy nadi. Solar plexus chakra is
included in the fire element.
The functions of solar plexus chakra:
- Controlling food digestion
- As the center of emotions
Heart Chakra
Heart chakra is located in center of the chest, its form is like a transparent lotus with
green and pink as the dominant colors, the lotus has 12 petals that represent the
number of energy nadi that meet in the heart chakra, namely 12 energy nadi. Heart
chakra is included in the air element.
The functions of heart chakra:
- Controlling blood circulation system
- Affecting heart, lungs and thymus gland
Throat Chakra
Throat chakra is located in the base of the throat, its form is like a transparent lotus with
blue as the dominant color, the lotus has 16 petals that represent the number of energy
nadi that meet in the throat chakra, in the number of 16 energy nadi. Throat chakra is
included in the sky element.
The functions of throat chakra:
- Affecting throat and thyroid gland
- Affecting lymph nodes
- as the center of communication/ control over relationships with others
- correlating with anything cause or done by a man himself
Ajna Chakra
Ajna Chakra also called third eye chakra is located in the central point between two
eyebrows, its form is like a transparent lotus with purple as the dominant color, the lotus
has 2 petals that represent the number of energy nadi that meet in ajna chakra, in the
number of 2 energy nadi. Ajna chakra is included in the thought element.
The functions of ajna chakra:
- controlling endocrine system
- controlling all major chakras
- as the center of cosmic awareness
- helping the levels of sanctity and also helping the improvement of consciousness
Crown Chakra
Crown chakra also called core chakra is located at the crown or the top of the head, its
form is like a transparent lotus with white and gold as the dominant colors. Crown
chakra has 1,000 petals that represent the number of energy nadi that meet in the
crown chakra, in the number of 1,000 energy nadi. The crown chakra is included in the
divinity element.
The functions of crown chakra:
- Affecting the brain and pineal gland
- As the center of divine consciousness
- Directly connecting with all chakras
- The perfection of everything, that is helping oneself to be free from all attachments and shackles of
secularity and also helping of the purification itself. However, the chakras are merely tools because
humans have freewill. Thus, the chakras are not the absolute things in helping humans to achieve the
whole purification point. The best things to do are always develope chakras we have and always put the
the knowledge as the basic of all behaviour and always believes in the omnipotence of God to highest
level, that is the main core of purification itself.
Divine Chakra
Divine chakra is unlimited in terms of number. Divine Chakra is located above the crown chakra and its
existence symbolizes the existence of divine dimensions in the humans' spirits. The function of Divine Chakra is
as the center of consciousness and the center of divine dimensions in the humans' spirit. Divine Chakra will
open and develop simultaneously with the development of kundalini and spirit purification when the spirit has
achieved the perfection of the top of crown chakra purification and the spirit which has evolved to become
avatar. Developing Divine Chakra without undergoing the stage of developing perfect kundalini down to the
core of kundalini, which can go through the core chakra or crown chakra, will causing dangerous impacts like
consciousness imbalance which can trigger error within oneself. After the core chakra or the crown chakra can
be passed by the core of kundalini and one always practices developing kundalini, the energy from kundalini
will automatically be able to help releasing the shackles of negative energy in the body. If the stage takes place
maximally and continuously, automatically the highest consciousness within the humans will be getting more
sacred. In this condition, the vibration of every positive thing spiritually and even the vibration of divinity can
be sensed in equally perfect intensity. At the same time, Divine Chakra is opened, developed and purified
completely up to the final stage. And that is the final stage of self-purification. We can say that chakra and
kundalini as the basic of spiritual purification.
Consciousness Chakra
Consciousness chakra is located in the central point of the brain, it always opens and develops into the flower
of consciousness chakra. The flower of consciousness chakra is blue and its form is like a lotus. The best and
perfect flower of consciousness chakra is the one with diameter equal to the size of adult hand grip. Solar
plexus chakra becomes the foundation of the core of consciousness chakra. The strong and solid foundation
will make the core of consciousness chakra in the brain will always develop perfectly as well.
The flower of consciousness chakra has the function of helping someone to be aware. However, the chakra is
not absolute since ones consciousness to do self-control is a must.
The way of using the flower of consciousness chakra is when the flower of consciousness chakra has
developed, it functions automatically and no need to intend it in applying. The complete self-control is the key
in using the flower of consciousness chakra. This kind of chakra is needed to achieve the perfect meditation
because it helps oneself to achieve the super consciousness.
What is consciousness?
Consciousness is the condition of someone to sort which is good and which is bad by using the complete
knowledge, those are the earthly knowledge and spiritual knowledge. This is the perfect wisdom.
In the condition of super conscious, one can feel the existence of the dimensions desired, in example when
he/she wants to be in the etheric dimension, then he/she can feel the existence of such dimension. Thus, the
consciousness is called the etheric consciousness..
What is meant by the state of super conscious?
It is the condition of when for the first time we find about the truth and the counterparts, without any
disturbance of secularity bound.
Purification of cakra
Purification of body and consciousness layer
Purification of kundalini lane
Extermination of negative karma
Extermination of viciousness and negative aura
continously flowing out of the kundalini energy will cause the kundalini runs out of its energy, and the power of
kundalini will return to its original position when it is not active and the leak age of kundalini lane will keep on
such position until it can be repaired. The effect of the damaged kundalini is known as syndrome of kundalini.
The cause of kundalini leakage:
1. Negative aura
2. Viciousness
3. Negative Karma
4. Mistakes in Training Kundalini
Negative aura
Negative aura can cause a kundalini leakage. The attacks of negative aura occured as the consequence of
oneself being in negative environments, and has negative minds, say negative words, and do negative actions.
The viciousness
The viciousness also cause kundalini leakage. The attack of viciousness as the consequence of oneself being in
negative environments, dealing with negative people without conducting a strong protection, lack of selfcontrol for NOT doing negative deeds, having negative minds and saying negative words.
Negative Karma
A heavy negative karma trigger oneself to do mistake in training kundalini, trigger oneself to learn with
inappropriate guru of kundalini, and also trigger the attack of viciousness and negative aura which turn into the
kundalini leakage. Thus, pray oftenly and do a lot of good things to increase good karma to erase negative
karma of oneself.
Mistakes in Training Kundalini
People who practice kundalini often make mistake due to lack of understanding of the development stages of
kundalini. Those people usually try to train kundalini without guidance from the right master.
Since many master of kundalini who are not worthy, because his kundalini himself has not yet reached a perfect
development, which means reach the unity of kundalini core in the crown chakra.
Mistakes in training is occured when oneself wants to achieve the high level quickly without passing through
the stages of kundalini's growth. The result is the uncomplete purification of kundalini in each level, and the
kundalini leakage as the effect of the purification stage leapt. It seen as perforated kundalini lane in order to get
off the track and jump at the higher kundalini lane. For instance, if the purification stage of kundalini on heart
chakra forces to reach the crown chakra, then it will be a leakage of kundalini in the heart chakra. Furthermore,
the energy of kundalini will flow out of gap of the leakage and jump to the kundalini lane in the crown chakra.
Having a master of kundalini who has a very high kundalini level is the best wisdom, so that the master of
kundalini can give his shaktipat of kundalini in the high level instantly.
Master of kundalini who achieve the avatar level also raise the disciples kundalini up to the avatar level as
Syndrome of Kundalini
Syndrome of kundalini will occured when our body cannot adjust to the impact of the purification process
conducted by kundalini. The kundalini lane which felt hot can be harmful to one body if the body condition is
not ready, moreover if the risen kundalini is too active, but the body system does not have sufficient protection
to withstand the heat of kundalini. Syndrome of kundalini is appeared when people train kundalini by using the
normal energy of the universe. The energy of the universe is not sufficient to wrap the power of kundalini
when purifying the body, so that the power of kundalini will be extremely hot and cause such syndrome.
Training kundalini using the cultivation of purification will be safer because it wraps the power of kundalini
strongly and kundalini will felt cool and breeze for it won't cause any syndrome.
The cause of syndrome of kundalini:
1. Excessive of energy
2. Kundalini leakage
3. Attacks of viciousness and negative aura
At 22.00 to 22.25
From the whole time of kundalini, the best time including:
At 00.00 to 00.25
At 06.00 to 06.25
At 12.00 to 12.25
At 18.00 to 18.25
At the time of kundalini, the result of meditation is equal to million times of meditation's result at the outer
time of kundalini.
In tune with Master of Kundalini
The best way to train kundalini is to find the right master of kundalini. The right master of kundalini can
improve the growth of kundalini fastly and instantly through shaktipat given by master of Kundalini. When the
master of kundalini has given shaktipat, at that time the spiritual relationship between master and the disciple
is created. The master and the disciple is connected permanently by the line of spiritual unite them. If a disciple
is in align with master of kundalini, therefore at a time the master do a training of kundalini's growth,
automatically his energy also improve the disciple's growth of kundalini through the line of spritual that has
already created.
Therefore, it is significant to have a high faith to the master of kundalini, including loving the master sincerely in
order to unify the strong spiritual between master and the disciple, so that he or she will be able to experience
a rapid growth of kundalini.
multiple heads as well as all Avatars shakti magical objects held by all avatars hands. Thus, the spirit is said to
achieve the level of Ascended Master. Avatar is fused with the physical body.
Avatar Ilahi
When the divinity power or divinity vibration flowing into the spirit increases the development of kundalini
until the core of kundalini can achieve the phase of purification at the level of the divinity chakras where
Divinity Avatar exists, the spirit will evolve until the body of Avatar Ilahi grows. The Avatar Ilahi exists in the
dimension of Avatar Ilahi depending on the levels of purified Avatar Ilahi. The Avatar Ilahi has wings and looks
like Gods angels.
True Higher Self
When the divinity power or divinity vibration flowing into the spirit increases the development of kundalini
until the core of kundalini can achieve the phase of purification at the level of Higher Self, the spirit will evolve
so that in Higher Self, the body of True Higher Self grows.
Higher Self is located 1.8 meters above the head.
Higher Self is in the form of a ball of light, which is shine similar to the moon. Higher self is a part of super
consciousness. Higher Self has the function of achieving life success. Strong higher self tends to make someone
achieve a high position in the society. The spirit in the heart and Higher Self above the head is interconnected
in a bonding; it experiences a high level evolution and causes the formation of True Higher Self.
True Higher Self grows when the core of kundalini achieve Higher Self and conduct purification at the level of
Higher Self. True Higher Self has the function of expanding consciousness until achieving the essence of
consciousness and then forms a kind of channel that connects the self with the divinity vibration. Other equally
important functions of True Higher Self are controlling life paths and the lifes visions and missions, and even
changing destiny.
How True Higher Self works?
True Higher Self actually has the ability to realize wishes faster than Higher Self. The tremendous ability of True
Higher Self can be analogized as someone who makes a long jump in achieving success, while Higher Self is like
someone who moves slowly in achieving his or her objectives.
When True Higher Self intends to achieve certain targets manifested in the form of affirmation, True Higher Self
will first search methods and find ways at the cosmic level to achieve the realization of positive wishes.
True Higher Self then obtains various important informations existing in the Flowers of True Higher Selfs
When True Higher Self is activated and developed completely, the Flowers of True Higher Selfs Knowledge start
to grow and keep growing unlimitedly in accordance with the development of True Higher Self.
The Flowers of True Higher Selfs Knowledge will pile up and keep stacking steadily upward, which then connect
and are connected with divinity vibration. The Flowers of True Higher Selfs Knowledge have the forms like
colorful and glittering crystals.
The function of The Flowers of True Higher Selfs Knowledge is the source of sciences and knowledge that will
be accessed by True Higher Self. More buds of The Flowers of True Higher Selfs Knowledge mean that the
knowledge stored is increasing, widening and deepening.
Therefore, True Higher Self will be much easier and faster in realizing all positive wishes.
To realize all positive wishes, True Higher Self requires the power, which can be accessed by related cultivation
bodies. Numerous cultivation bodies owned can also give powers to True Higher Self to realize positive wishes.
True Spirit2
When divinity power or divinity vibration flowing into the spirit increases the development of kundalini so that
the core of kundalini can achieve the stage of purification at the deepest core of the spirit located above True
Higher Self, the spirit will evolved until the body of True Spirit grows above True Higher Self. True Spirit will also
True Spirit = The Highest consciousness of spirit = The core of Spirit cultivation
be created after the True Higher Self achieves its highest perfection. True Spirit is te core of the perfection of
sacredness and the highest consciousness of the spirit existing in each individual humans.
The location of True Spirit: above True Higher Self
The form of True Spirit: a ball of light with the small body of avatar in it, the ball of light filled with ever-moving
solid energy. If True Spirit spins, True Higher Self will be active and spin as well. The color of the shield is gold,
but the ever-moving energy has the color in accordance with the personalities of each individual. Blue is the
color of the perfection for the peak of the highest caste of all energies.
If the color of True Spirits energy is blue, the individual that owns it is said to have or enter the base of the
perfection of high level purification.
The ball of light = the body of True Spirit
Avatar in the ball of light = the core of True Spirit
In the following, there are several functions of True Spirit:
- The core of the control of all positive spiritual and physical things from the humans themselves or it can be
said as the highest consciousness.
- Guiding the self to have the highest consciousness
- Guiding the self to be avoided from the infections of visciousness and negative auras
- Guiding the self for not developing visciousness itself.
- Guding the self to more equitable life or the path of truth or the Godly path.
- Achieving all kinds of positive wishes and becoming the strongest and the highest cultivation body
compared to other cultivation bodies. Thus, in order to achieve any positive wishes, it is advisable to make
use of True Spirit
The Genetic of True Spirit
The Genetic of True Spirit is located above the head and it has the form like a bracelet or a ring. The ring spins
that represents the existences of life with the highest consciousness.
The color of the ring is Chrystal white with blue aura.
The form of the perfect Genetic of True Spirit is the ring fuse to make a pillar and inside the pillar, layered
strands of DNA grow in many dimensions, the strands are called the DNA core of True Spirit
The Basic Foundation of True Spirit
The basic foundation of True Spirit is located at the Perineum. The form is like a lotus that supports the
purification and also the buffer of kundalini. The function is as the instigator and stabilizator of kundalini.
The Universe of the Caste of the Sanctity of Life
If the Flowers of Knowledge grow in True Higher Self, The Universe of the Caste of the Sanctity of Life will grow
in True Spirit. The function of The Universe of the Caste of the Sanctity of Life is to channel abundance and all
positive things in life for real. If the process is not hampered by visciousness, the perfection of the process will
happen easily, namely the perfect happiness in life. By doing the affirmation of the abundance of fortune and
luckiness, automatically The Universe of the Caste of the Sanctity of Life will channel abundance into the self.
However, visciousness and negative auras will block the flowing energy from The Universe of the Caste of the
Sanctity of Life. That is the process. The Universe of the Caste of the Sanctity of Life will also channel the
sciences and knowledge needed.
If the self return to filthiness or evil ways, the spirit can fall into filthiness, True Spirit will leak and be damaged,
the ability of True Spirit will vanish and True Spirit become passive and cannot function as True Spirits size
shrinks to the size of a goll ball, the size of the spirit of ordinary people.
The Highest Caste of Purification is the achievement of True Spirit and the levels of True Spirit are unlimited.
The Levels of True Spirit
The Levels of True Spirit are as follows:
1. Ordinary level
2. Medium level
3. High level
bodys Budha, the bodys Tao the bodys Dewa Ilahi, the bodys Budha Ilahi, the bodys Tao Ilahi
purfication has reached the level of body quarks, every grain of energy flowing from them is the energies
of Deva, Budha and Tao. They have tremendous and miraculous powers to cure others and many more.
Symbol of Divinity Vibration
The Symbol of Divinity Vibration symbolizes the achievemnt of the level of perfect purification conducted.
When the soul has experienced the level of the perfect purification, the Symbol of Divinity Vibration grows in
the soul. This signifies that the soul has been perfect to become the holy body.
The spirits Symbol of Divinity Vibration will grow in the spirit and meaning the spirit has achieved the level of
perfect purification.
The souls Symbol of Divinity Vibration will grow in the soul, which consists of Devas Symbol of Divinity
Vibration, Budhas Symbol of Divinity Vibration and Taos Symbol of Divinity Vibration.
The higher of purification level are conducted, the number of the Symbol of Divinity Vibration increases. The
increase of the number of the Symbol of Divinity Vibration depends on the levels of the perfect purification
achieved. The Symbol of Divinity Vibration can grow unlimitedly in each cultivation body.
In the Sciences of Q-RAK cultivation, there are various kinds of the Symbol of Divinity Vibration that grow.
The Sciences of Q-RAK Cultivations Symbol of Divinity Vibration is in the form of blue heart. Meanwhile, the
Symbol of Divinity Vibration growing in other cultivation bodies in the Sciences of Q-RAK Cultivation have
various forms.
Avatars Symbol of Divinity Vibration is in the form of golden yellow Swastika
Devas Symbol of Divinity Vibration is in the form of golden yellow Swastika
Budhas Symbol of Divinity Vibration is in the form of golden yellow Swastika
Taos Symbol of Divinity Vibration is in the form of the symbols of red Yin and Yang
Higher Selfs Symbol of Divinity Vibration is in the form blue heart
True Spirits Symbol of Divinity Vibration is in the form of blue heart
Q-RAKs Symbol of Divinity Vibration in the form of blue heart
The Universe of Soul Cultivation
The Universe of Soul Cultivation is formed from the evolution of the life garden of soul, which happens while
conducting the cultivation of the purification of soul. Besides the soul, the life garden of soul also evolves.
Basically, every element of the soul owned will undergo evolution in terms of forms, dimensions and levels.
Every soul has its own garden of life. The garden of life is where the soul resides. When pure energy evolves
into pure auras, pure auras evolve to pure soul, the pure auras do not only evolve into pure soul but also all
elements needed by the existence of soul living in the life garden of pure soul.
Pure energy pure auras pure soul + the garden of life for pure soul
The garden of life
The garden of life is where the pure soul resides and it has all elements
needed by the pure soul. At first, the new garden of life is merely a onehectare area of life in spiritual dimensions. The garden will be look like
barren lands or fertile lands where the plants of life grow.
In the garden of life, there could be grass of life, flowers of life and trees of
life. The soul resides in the garden of life and guard, maintain and even
develop the elements within the garden of life further
When the cultivation of purification is conducted on the soul in the garden of
life, the soul grow bigger and stronger and the garden of life also grows at
the same time as it becomes wider and the elements in it become more
The higher the level of the cultivation of purification conducted on the soul, the wider the garden of life
becomes and the more diverse all elements within it.
The area of garden of life can be as wide as an island. In the island of the garden of life, the river of life, the
mountains of life, the animals of life will be created. In the next stages, the island of the garden of life expands
further and becomes the continent of the garden of life. Then, the continent of the garden of life expands even
further and forms the earth of the garden of life, then the solar system of the garden of life, the galaxy of the
garden of life, and finally the universe of the garden of life.
The garden of life the island of the garden of life the continent of the garden of life the earth of the
garden of life the solar system of the garden of life the galaxy of the garden of life the universe of
the garden of life
When the garden of life has evolved into the universe of the garden of life, at the same time the soul has
evolved into many souls and each of them evolves into Deva, Budha and Tao. Each soul formed has its own
garden of life and each garden of life along with its soul will evolve into individual universe of the garden of life.
The souls Deva will have Devss universe of the garden of life; the souls Budha will have Budhas universe of
the garden of life; and the souls Tao has Taos universe of the garden of life.
The auras of pure soul Deva + Devas universe of the garden of life
Pure soul Budha + Budhas universe of the garden of life
The core of pure soul Tao + Taos universe of the garden of life
Deva will evolve into many Deva with each own universe, and then individual Deva evolves into individual
Dewa ilahi with their own universe as well that evolves into Dewa Ilahis universe of the garden of life.
Similarly, Budha and Tao also evolve in the same as Deva do. Budha will becomes Budha Ilahi with Budha Ilahis
universe of the garden of life and Tao becomes Tao Ilahi with Tao Ilahis universe of the garden of life.
Thus, it can be imagined the complexity that happens in the spiritual dimension as one soul will form countless
souls and each of the soul will evolve into unlimited Deva, unlimited Budha and unlimited Tao. Each of them
will evolve further into Dewa Ilahi, Budha Ilahi and Tao Ilahi respectively with each own divine universe of the
garden of life. In the stage of high level purification, humans can have multiple divine universes of the garden
of life.
What are the benefits of the garden of life on the soul?
The garden of life has the function of supporting the life of the soul.
All elements in the form of the plants of life, the flowers of life, the trees of life, the water of life, the river of
life, the lake of life, the sea of life, the earth of life, etc. support the sustainability of the soul. The garden of life
with richer and more diverse elements in it will be making the life of the soul stronger and the soul will have
more abilities. All elements in the garden of life has the function of support the power and the source of life
for the soul.
When the garden of life evolves into the universe of the garden of life, the soul also evolves into Deva, Budha
and Tao. It would be illogical if the soul has evolved into Deva, Budha and Tao, but the garden of life has yet to
experience evolution. This will not happen as the soul needs the elements of life in the garden of life needed to
evolve into Deva, Budha and Tao.
The barren garden of life is the sign of weak and sick soul condition. In terms of spiritual dimension, this
condition signifies problems occurred in the soul in the form of the attacks of negative things on the soul.
Negative auras and visciousness can damage the soul. When the soul is purified, a barren garden of life will
change into a fertile garden of life and the grass of life, the flowers of life and the trees of life start to grow. The
fertility of the garden of life signifies the health of the soul. The more diverse the elements within the garden of
life, the soul will become healthier and stronger. The same things also apply in Deva, Budha, and Taos universe
of the garden of life. If Deva, Budha and Tao start to be infected or attacked by negative auras and visciousness,
Deva, Budha, Taos universes of the garden of life start to be destroyed. The destruction can be in the form of
barren univese, numerous black stones are found, black mists, poisonous black plants, and venomous animals.
The damages can make the powers of Deva, Budha and Tao shrink drastically and the level of purification falls.
Meanwhile, the kundalini is prone to leak. If this condition persists for a long time, it will destroy the cultivation
of purification conducted and finally the self becomes ordinary people, who are full of filthiness.
If the pure energy evolves into pure auras, pure auras evolve into pure soul, pure soul evolves into Deva, Budha
and Tao, and Deva, Budha and Tao evolves into Dewa Ilahi, Budha Ilahi and Tao Ilahi, it can be imagined how
many cultivations can be created and how many cultivations universes that can be formed. The things happen
in humans describe how almighty God is as the Ultimate Creator of the Universe.
Q-RAK Cultivations Universe
In Q-RAK Cultivation, the universe of the Sciences of Q-RAK Cultivation has been formed so huge and wide. The
universe of the Sciences of Q-RAK Cultivation includes all multiple universes of the cultivations of souls and
spirits that the Sciences of Q-RAK Cultivation has. It can be imagined how wide the universe of the Sciences of
Q-RAK Cultivation consisted of multiple unlimited universes of the cultivation of souls and spirits.
The universe of Q-RAK Cultivation becomes the source of power and abilities for the Sciences of Q-RAK
Cultivation. Every practitioner who accesses the energy of Q-RAK cultivation is actually accessing the universe
of Q-RAK Cultivation.
How can the practitioners of Q-RAK cultivation access the powers of Q-RAK cultivation from the universe of
Q-RAK Cultivation?
People who obtain the attunement of the Sciences of Q-RAK Cultivation will have the abilities of Q-RAK
cultivation. They are called the practitioners of Q-RAK cultivation. When receiving the attunement of Q-RAK
cultivation, the practitioners of Q-RAK Cultivation have undergone the process of perfect cultivation of
purification based on the levels of the sciences they take. During attunement, the spirit and the soul of the
practitioners of Q-RAK Cultivation are cultivated to the perfection and the spirit and the soul of the
practitioners of Q-RAK Cultivation evolve into Avatar, Deva Budha and Tao. Each cultivation body of the
practitioners of Q-RAK Cultivation, namely Avatar, Deva, Budha and Tao has their own universe of cultivation
from the result of attunement given, which is called the practitioners of Q-RAK Cultivations cultivation universe
of Avatar, Deva, Budha and Tao. The cultivation universes of the practitioners exist within the universe of Q-RAK
cultivation, outside of the universe of Q-RAK cultivation or even very far away from the universe of Q-RAK
Why this happens?
1. The cultivation universes of the practitioners exist within the universe of Q-RAK cultivation because the
practitioners of Q-RAK Cultivation have high level of belief and high level of alignment with the Sciences of
Q-RAK cultivation and Grand Master Rony Irianto as the creator of Q-RAK Cultivation. Due to the high level
of belief and high level of alignment between the practitioners of Q-RAK Cultivation and the Sciences of QRAK cultivation as well as Grand Master Rony Irianto, the process of perfect fusion happens between the
cultivation universes of the practitioners and the universe of Q-RAK cultivation. As the result, the process
of purification on the practitioners of Q-RAK cultivation takes place continuously for 24 hours. If Grand
Master Rony Irianto increases cultivation, automatically the practitioners increase their cultivation. The
practitioners of Q-RAK cultivation will obtain abundant energy of Q-RAK cultivation because they are right
at the center of the source, namely the universe of Q-RAK cultivation. Thus, the practitioners miracle and
immediate healing and the improvement of purification will happen faster.
2. The cultivation universes of practitioners are located outside the universe of Q-RAK cultivation because the
practitioners of Q-RAK cultivation have yet to believe fully in the Sciences of Q-RAK Cultivation and
automatically they have yet to be aligned wholly with the Sciences of Q-RAK Cultivation. Moreover, if the
practitioners of Q-RAK Cultivation also learn other techniques of energy that contain negative auras and
visciousness, the cultivation universe of the practitioners will become farther away from the location of
the universe of Q-RAK Cultivation. The impact is the power of Q-RAK cultivation cannot flow fully to the
practitioners of Q-RAK cultivation since the cultivation universe of practitioners are not located in the
universe of Q-RAK cultivation. Besides, the practitioners purification and healing process will be slowing
down as well as other consequences.
3. The cultivation universes of practitioners are located very far away from the universe of Q-RAK cultivation
because the practitioners do not believe and they are not aligned with the Sciences of Q-RAK Cultivation
and Grand Master Rony Irianto as the creator of Q-RAK cultivation. There is also a great chance that the
practitioners are badly infected with negative auras and visciousness, which make them reject and not
aligned with the Sciences of Q-RAK cultivation. The impacts are the cultivation universes of the
practitioners become increasingly farther away from the universe of Q-RAK cultivation, so that they are
difficult to access the powers of the universe of Q-RAK cultivation. The cultivation universes of the
practitioners usually have been in badly damaged conditions because they are destroyed by the infection
of negative auras and visciousness. This causes acute leak on kunalini and also the damage and destruction
on other cultivations. In long term, the powers of cultivation owned by the practitioners will vanish and
the cultivation universe owned will also be destroyed. There are no cultivation powers left. It only leaves a
regular garden of life where the ordinary soul resides, like those owned by ordinary people.
Various Cultivations in the Sciences of Q-RAK Cultivation
The Sciences of Q-RAK Cultivation develops kundalini to evolve the spirit into Avatar, True Higher Self and True
Spirit. Q-RAK cultivation also develops various cultivations of soul purification on humans.
All kinds of soul cultivations are given wholly in the level 1 of the Sciences of Q-RAK Cultivation.
Several Soul Cultivations in the System of the Sciences of Q-RAK Cultivation are as follow:
1. Fortune Cultivation
2. Luck Cultivation
3. The Cultivation of the destroyer of all obstacles
4. The Cultivation of Anti-disaster and Anti-bankruptcy
5. Gtummo Cultivation
6. Merkaba Cultivation
7. The Cultivation of the Light of Peace
8. The Cultivation of No Strings Attached Love and Affection
9. Healer Cultivation
10. Intelligence Cultivation
11. The Tongue Chakra Cultivation
12. The Third Eye Cultivation
13. The Conscience Cultivation
14. And so forth
Fortune Cultivation
All humans have fortune auras but with different levels of thickness. The thicker the fortune aura, the easier
the fortune enters life.
With fortune cultivation, the level of thickness of someones fortune auras will increase until crystallized and
even evolves to the highest level of fortune cultivation
Fortune cultivation is the cultivation conducted on the fortune energy so that it evolves into the Deva of
Fortune, the Budha of Fortune and the Tao of Fortune.
The sequences are as follow:
Fortune the pure energy of fortune the pure auras of fortune the pure soul of fortune the Deva of
Fortune, the Budha of Fortune, the Tao of Fortune the Dewa Ilahi of Fortune, the Budha Ilahi of Fortune,
the Tao Ilahi of Fortune.
The Deva of fortune rules the cultivation universe of the Deva of Fortune
The Budha of fortune rules the cultivation universe of the Budha of Fortune
The Tao of fortune rules the cultivation universe of the Tao of Fortune.
The Functions of the Deva of Fortune, the Budha of Fortune, the Tao of Fortune
1. Fusing the self with the Divinity Vibration
2. Giving abundant fortune in life
3. Accessing the power of fortune in the Divinity Vibration
4. Becoming the sources of the power of fortune within the self
5. Protection
6. Purification
7. Healing pains and diseases
8. Achieving all positive wishes
9. Eliminating visciousness and negative auras
10. And so forth
The power of luck is good to destroy viruses, bacteria, germs, fungi, cancer cells, the HIV virus is also very good
to destroy the viciousness and negative auras also to create a high level of protection that is difficult to be
penetrated by negativity.
Luck Cultivation
All people also have the auras of luckiness. The thicker the auras of luckiness, people will have larger chances
to get lucky in life. Thus, the auras of luckiness are also needed to achieve success in life.
The thickness of the auras of luckiness can be increased by cultivating the auras of luckiness and the auras can
even be cultivated to the highest level.
The luck cultivation is the cultivation conducted on the energy of luckiness so that it evolves into the Deva of
Luckiness, the Budha of Luckiness and the Tao of Luckiness.
The sequences are as follow:
Luck the pure energy of luckiness the pure auras of luckiness the pure soul of luckiness The Deva
of Luckiness, the Budha of Luckiness, the Tao of Luckiness The Dewa Ilahi of Luckiness, the Budha Ilahi of
Luckiness, the Tao Ilahi of Luckiness.
The Deva of Luckiness rules the cultivation universe of the Deva of Luckiness
The Budha of Luckiness rules the cultivation universe of the Budha of Luckiness
The Tao of Luckiness rules the cultivation universe of the Tao of Luckiness
The Functions of the Deva of Luckiness, the Budha of Luckiness, the Tao of Luckiness:
1. Fusing the self with the Divinity Vibration
2. Giving a lot of lucks in life
3. Accessing the power of luckiness in Divinity Vibration
4. Becoming the sources of the power of luck within the self
5. Protection
6. Purification
7. Healing pains and diseases
8. Achieving all positive wishes
9. Eliminating visciousness and negative auras
10. And so forth
There are a lot of smart and clever people with fine and perfect appearances and mastering many skills.
However, there are very few lucky people who got the chances of winning competitions in life.
The Cultivation of the Destroyer of All Obstacles
The auras of the destroyer of all obstacles have the functions to destroy all negative things and everything that
disturbs the life. The auras can also be found on everybody. When the auras are cultivated, they increase to
achieve the highest level in the cultivation of the destroyer of all obstacles.
The cultivation of the destroyer of all obstacles is the cultivation conducted on the energy of the destroyer of
all obstacles so that it evolves into the Deva of the destroyer of all obstacles, the Budha of the destroyer of all
obstacles and the Tao of the destroyer of all obstacles.
The sequences are as follow:
the destroyer of all obstacles the pure energy of the destroyer of all obstacles the pure auras of the
destroyer of all obstacles the pure soul of the destroyer of all obstacles the Deva of the destroyer of all
obstacles, the Budha of the Destroyer of All Obstacles, the Tao of the Destroyer of All Obstacles the Dewa
Ilahi of the Destroyer of All Obstacles, the Budha Ilahi of the Destroyer of all Obstacles, the Tao Ilahi of the
Destroyer of All Obstacles
The Deva of the Destroyer of All Obstacles rules the cultivation universe of The Deva of the Destroyer of All
The Budha of the Destroyer of All obstacles rules the cultivation universe of The Budha of the Destroyer of All
The Tao of the Destroyer of All Obstacles rules the cultivation universe of The Deva of the Destroyer of All
The functions of the Deva of the destroyer of all obstacles, the Budha of the Destroyer of All Obstacles, the
Tao of the Destroyer of All Obstacles:
1. Fusing the self with the Divinity Vibration
2. Giving a lot of lucks in life
3. Accesing the power of luck in Divinity Vibration
4. Becoming the sources of the power of luck within the self
5. Protection
6. Purification
7. Healing pains and diseases
8. Achieving all positive wishes
9. Eliminating visciousness and negative auras
10. And So forth
Other cultivations are also resulted in similar cultivations, namely the creation of Deva, Budha and Tao until the
creation of Dewa Ilahi, Budha Ilahi and Tao Ilahi. All cultivations have similar functions, namely:
Third eye
It is resided amid the forehead. In the closed condition, psychicly the third eye will not visible at all, when
it is opened, the third eye will look like inverted physical eyes that extends elongated vertically.
Core of Third eye
It is resided in the middle of the head, or to be exact in the pineal gland. The function is to strengthen the
ability of the third eye and the center of the focus and concentration of the third eye.
Chute of Third Eye
The chute of the third eye has a function to relate the third eye with the core of third eye and bottom of
the brain. The chute of third eye transverse from the middle of forehead (third eye) to the back part of
head (bottom of the brain) passes through the pineal gland (core of the third eye).
Cerebellum of the brain
The cerebellum of the brain is resided in the back part of the head and has function as center of
Nucleus of Energy of Third Eye
It is resided inside the chute of the third eye. It functions as energy to see, as like within the tube of
television or computer's monitor there is a collection of delicate powder that casting many colours of light,
therefore it can produce an image on the computer screen or television. If the third eye has only small
amounts of energy nucleus, it will be malfunction.
Screen of third eye
It is resided in the back part of the head, ouside the chute of the third eye. Its function is to project an
image of the third eye.
Nerves of third eye
It is resided in the midpoint of the head, its shape is similar as the nerve in the general. It is functioned and
effected on the activity of the third eye.
Node of third eye
Node of third eye is resided around the head. When the ability of third eye is opened then the node of
third eyes will also be opened. The opening of the third eye node is as seen like a small lotus flower grows
around the head.
Those lotus have various colours and the colours constantly change. The growth of lotus flowers as the
third eye node becomes a symbol that the ability of the third eye has opened.
The opening of the third eye node on its lowest dimension ability reaches 8 nodes. The development of
third eye capability due to self purification will open more third eye node.
The higher level of third eye's ability, the higher spiritual dimension that can be accessed and the more
nodes of the third eye will be opened.
The third eye's node of Q-rak's practitioner can reach million numbers. Whereas the number of the third
eye node itself is infinite. The number of third eye node will be difficult to count because at any time, it
can increase or decrease. The main cause of the declining number of the third eyenode is again, the
negative aura and viciousness of oneself. While the number of the third eye nodes will increase when the
self-purification improve as well.
Many people want their third eye to be opened. Numbers of training are conducted to make it opened. But in
reality, opening the third eye is extremely difficult. Even up till many years we practice to open the third eye's
ability, it is still difficult to be opened anyhow. Fortunately, for today the third eye becomes easily to be opened
by Q-RAK science. Even the ability of the third eye is able to be obtained as fast as getting the level 1
attunement of Q-RAK cultivation.
In the attnement of Q-RAK cultivation science at the first level, the third eye ability of practitioners have been
opened completely. It has the meaning that the third eye grows completely on the forehead. In addition to the
opening of third eye up to perfection, cultivation of third eye is also initiated up to a very high level, including
the cultivation system of third eye's soul. Therefore, the perfect shape of cultivation body of the third eye are
the Deva of Third Eye, the Budha of Third Eye, and the Tao of Third Eye. At this stage, the Symbol of Divinity
Vibration of third eye deva, third eye buddha, third eye tao developed.
Each of them has their own sacred articles or Shakti and all powers related to the third eye ability.
The ability of the Deva of Third Eye, the Budha of Third Eye, and the Tao of Third Eye can be used for the
1. Destroy viruses, germs, bacterias, fungus
2. Destroy cancer cells
3. Destroy the cause of illnesses
4. Heal wounds and body damage
5. Access high dimension power
6. Realize prosperity
7. Etc.
As a result of the high level attunement of third eye given in the first level, besides the growing of the Deva of
Third Eye, the Budha of Third Eye, and the Tao of Third Eye, also grows the eyes of skin pores and any spiritual
eyes in the numerous levels in the middle of the brain and the spiritual eyes in the various level of the
practitioners field of aura.
So, by the attunement of level 1 of Q-RAK cultivation, the practitioners can see the dimension of spiritual
through his third eye on the forehead, through the spiritual eye growing on each skin pores, through the
spiritual eyes of various levels growing in the middle of the brain, and the spiritual eyes of various levels
growing in their field of aura. Level 1 Q-RAK practitoiner will have all the abilities as swift as the attunement,
meaning, soon after the attunement, the practitioners of Q-RAK cultivation level 1 can get such abilities at
The high level attunement of the third eye which is given at the first level also make the practitioner can access
high level spiritual dimension which actually can only be accessed by the body of the Deva of Third Eye, the
Budha of Third Eye, and the Tao of Third Eye in which the practitioners have. For those people who has the
ability of third eye but do not have such respective cultivation bodies, will find a difficulty in accessing the high
level spiritual dimension because his third eye vibration power is not powerful enough to access the
How to use the ability of the Third Eye
As we learn how to drive a car for the first time, we must learn and master the way how to drive a car well.
The attunement which is given to oneself will give the super third eye's ability.
But we must also start to learn how to use the ability we just possessed well and properly.
Here the simple ways to use the ability of the third eye:
The aims to see the energy
1. Utilizing the third eye on the forehead:
Face both palms each other at distance of 20 cm, then intend the both palms flowing of healing energy
each other. And then intend to use the third eye on the forehead to see the healing energy flow in space
between the palms.
2. Utilizing the eye of spiritual of the skin pores of right hand to see the shape of
healing energy flow in space between the palms. And feel the difference between
vision using the third eye and vision using the spiritual eye of skin pores.
3. Utilizing the highest level of spiritual eye in the middle of brain to see the shape of
healing energy flowing in space between the palms. And feel the difference among
the vision using the third eye, the vision using the spiritual eye of skin pores and the
Less stamina
When one uses the ability of the third eye to see objects in spiritual dimension, he or she will expand
sufficient energy to access such dimension where the objects are located. The higher the spiritual
dimension of the objects, the greater the energy will be needed to access them. The weak condition or
poor stamina will make he or she find difficulty to access higher spiritual dimension.
Less relax/compulsive
When the ability of the third eye is just opened, usually we still keep a high enthusiasm to apply the ability
of the third eye. In the contrary, such enthusiasm will oftenly constraint the third eye ability because of the
high tention when using it. The situation will make oneself be in a beta brain waves condition, so making it
difficult for the self to access the spiritual dimension
Leak of Kundalini
Leak of kundalini impacts on a visible dimension. For someone who train kundalini, the power of it will be
needed to access the very high spiritual dimension. Leak of kundalini will bring to low stamina as well as
losing the energy needed to acces the higher spiritual dimensions
The great and tremendous power of kundalini will automatically purify the third eye's chakra and stimulate
the third eye's ability. (can be seen in the Chapter of Kundalini)
Conscience is a sacred consciousness and center of consciousness of the Spirit. When the conscience has not
opened yet, the Spirit is above the head. When the conscience start to open, the Spirit is in the core of
conscience and be the controller of the conscience.
Conscience has function to guide to direction of the truth. It can be used to scan the truth itself. The
conscience symbolize the high level purification, that is our own self-consciousness. Therefore through the
conscience, we can figure out the truth of God's guidance and finding the truth that materialism is not real and
only temporary, so that we can release those things.
People whose conscience has opened will be easily to listen what the conscience said. The words sounds very
soft, made peace, full of honesty and truth.
The opening of the conscience is similar to the opening of self-awareness. It will ease to find the way of the
truth. While the conscience which still closed is the condition in which the self-consciousness has not opened
yet. The self will be hard to find the way of the truth, and also hard to communicate with the own Spirit.
The conscience is reside in solar plexus, the pit of the stomach. When the conscience has opened, it has
numerous shapes and constantly changing. Through the the third eye, the conscience is seen like a light with
changing shape and size, sometimes getting bigger then getting smaller. That kind of process does not reflect
The conscience also has multi colours. Those colours also do not reflect anything.
Within the conscience, there is a bright point, it is called the core of conscience. While the emmission light of
the point is called the core substance of conscience.
For most people with closed conscience, it is hard for them to communicate in the form of heart's voice
(conscience) on the higher of the self-consciousness, such as communicate with their own soul and spirit. Such
ability of communication is indeed important because the soul and the spirit could guide us and giving solution
when we find difficulties and troubles in life.
When the ability of conscience has been opened, we can communicate verbally through the heart's voice that
flow into the conscience between ourselves and the soul and spirit, between the self and the consciousness of
mineral's kingdom, between the self and the consciousness of flora's kingdom, between the self and the
consciousness of fauna's kingdom. Have you ever imagine communicating as like doing telepathy with stones,
water, wind, cloud, trees and animals? How great it is when we can do such things.
All of the ability can be done as soon as the conscience is opened. To open the conscience is actually not easy.
The process is as difficult as open the third eye's ability. Anyway, there is an easiest way to open the
conscience's ability now, that is through receiving the attunement of purifying conscience cultivation. The
attunement is given at the first level of Q-RAK's cultivation. And how fast oneself receives the attunement of
the first level of Q-RAK's cultivation determine how fast he or she has a good ability of self-conscience.
Here are several things which can be obtained in the attunement of conscience cultivation:
1. The process of high level of purifying conscience
2. The opening of all nodes and parts of conscience completely
3. The raising of the conscience cultivation system up to the formed of the Deva of Conscience, the Budha of
Conscience, the Tao of Conscience, within the shape of complete Vajra body with a Shakti weapons owned
by Vajra body.
4. The growth of status symbol of the Deva of Conscience, the Budha of Conscience, the Tao of Conscience
The other benefits of conscience
By receiving the attunement of conscience cultivation, oneself will be able not only to do verbal
communication or telephaty with the world of spirit, the world of soul, the flora's kingdom awareness, the
fauna's kingdom awareness, but also he or she can use the power of awesome conscience cultivation for the
similar things as the third eye's cultivation, such as:
1. Destroy cancer cells, abnormal cells, tumor cells
2. Destroy virus, bacteria, germ, fungus
3. Destroy viciousness, bad and negative aura
4. Improve kundalini
5. Heal the damage of the conscience
How is the condition of the apple tree now? And wait the answer in a few minutes. The answer will be
appeared in the form of writings in mind or a soft voice and may also a feeling of that apple tree appears
as like a telephatic.
You can ask also a further question: when the tree will bear fruits?
Is there anything that make the apple tree uncomfort?
How is the feeling of the apple tree on you?
To communicate through the conscience, avoid communicating with anythings which contains viciousness and
negative aura, such as:
1. Banyan tree
2. Green bamboo tree
3. Big stone
4. Black crystal stone or stone which has negative aura
5. All objects, plants, animals that have negative aura
6. Highly negative people
As like the third eye's ability, the conscience's ability also has a depth of dimension which is different for each
person, that's why the result of communication with the conscience in each persons will be different. But the
main point of the communication's result is similar. The difference is due to the different dimension that one
can be accessed.
Things that enhance the development of conscience
Here are several things which can enhance the development of conscience and also conscience's ability to
access the higher dimension:
The power of kundalini will purify the conscience, so that the conscience's ability will be improved well and
able to access the higher dimension.
because of the progressive changing of Q-RAK's cultivation science anytime due to the energy evolution
carried out by Grand Master Rony Irianto as the founder and the source of Q-RAK's cultivation science.
Thus the energy quality and quantity of Q-RAK's cultivation science in each level at anytime undergo a
higher and higher evolution.
The Inhibitor of the Conscience
The viciousness and negative aura is being the main inhibitor of the conscience. The result of communication
with the conscience oftenly diverted into misleading results. That is why destroying the viciousness and
negative aura is important and advisable to do, in order to keep the self-conscience ability being realiable and
If we can control ourselves from lust, ego, anger, negative emotions, we will be able to feel the amazing
The Omnipotency of the Ultimate Level of Divinity Intelligence Vibration
The omnipotency of the ultimate level of Divinity Vibration is the ability of high-level spiritual eye which is
higher than the competency of the Third eye or Conscience. This kind of power can only grow when the True
Spirit has formed. Therefore, the attunement of the respective power can only be given after the True Spirit has
grown. The practitioner of the first level of Q-RAK's cultivation has been given such kind of attunement and will
have the ability of the ultimate level of Divinity Intelligence Vibration completely.
Location: in the middle of the brain (the midpoint of the brain)
Shape: lotus flower with 5 colors of the divine era and blue crystal core of aura.
Amounts: infinite and piling each other, soaring above the head
The flowers guide us to the right way.
Those become the Flowers of high level intelligence of consciousness.
The flowers are more complex and powerful than anything, compared to the Flowers of Knowledge of the True
Higher Self.
The Functions of the omnipotency flowery of the high level of Divinity intelligence vibration:
1. Increasing the faith to God
2. Increasing the highest consciousness
3. Figuring out what is the best to do about the truth itself, make it easier to lead to God's way.
4. Guiding to the inner peace and happiness on the belief of Gods power
5. Being able to acomplish more about the meaning of life
6. Guiding to be easier to figure out what to do and what shouldn't do
7. Getting easier to understand what we want to understand.
8. Facilitating oneself for not having negative thoughts which cause and destroy happiness of life
9. Helping the third eye's ability
10. Enhancing the ability of logical competency and imagination, including creative ideas, and looking at the
future (be a super intelligent man)
The omnipotency of the high level of Divinity Intelligence Vibration is not intended for healing, and is not used
for realizing a prosperity or positive wishes, but it only used for obtaining a guidance of high level of
Misana Cultivation System can become the miraculous system for the evolution of humans brain. Misana
Cultivation System purifies the brain up to the level of unlimited purification. The higher level of Misana
Cultivation Power, the faster and the more powerful of Misana Cultivation purifies the brain. Pure brain will
have a high vibration so that it will make the brain easier in achieving the brain waves of alpha, theta and delta.
Alpha, theta and delta brainwaves are the brainwaves used by humans to access the spiritual dimension. It can
be said that if someone achieves alpha, theta and delta brainwaves, thus he or she is in the state of meditative
condition. In this state, he or she will be able to access the forms of awareness in the spiritual dimension. The
forms of awareness in the spiritual dimension is the awareness of mineral world, the awareness of plant world,
the awareness of animal world, the awareness of humans sub-conscious, the awareness of humans super
conscious and the awareness of the universe. Pure brain will also make oneself think clearly and differentiate
between good and evil. He or she will not easy to be provoked by negative things. Pure brain can help oneself
to avoid depression and make him easier to be optimistic. Pure brain help increasing the selfs logic and
analytical abilities. It can be imagined if humans can master and control many things in the physical and
spiritual dimensions and have high faith in the almightiness of God, the person will become very smart, wise
and noble.
Misana Cultivation can be learned fast and easily by everyone. They only need to learn the sciences of Q-RAK
cultivation because in the attunement of level 1 sciences of Q-RAK cultivation, the high level Misana Cultivation
has been included.
Brains Creative Dimension
Brains creative dimension is similar to the spiritual dimension within the self and it lies in the right brain area.
If we are able to develop the right brain maximally, we will automatically develop the ability to access the
spiritual dimension as well. The spiritual dimension is the dimension of energies, which has unlimited
dimensions. The subconscious awareness and the super conscious awareness of ourselves exist in this spiritual
dimension. Meanwhile, the physical awareness is in the physical dimension. The physical awareness has the
functions of analyzing and finding the logics of whatever we see, feel, hear and think.
The sub-conscious awareness
The sub-conscious awareness has the functions of receiving all kinds of information whether we are in the
condition of conscious or unconscious. The informations are well-kept permanently in the storeroom of
subconscious memory. If we only rely on eyes to gather information, certainly the information obtained will be
very limited. Why is so? The reason is, how focus we are able to gather any information from whatever the
physical eyes see and how often we direct the physical eyes to gather the information.
In our subconscious awareness, information can be gathered automatically from all parts of subconscious
awareness which include each cell, each DNA, each atom and each Quark of our body. Even the aura of our
own is also included in the scope of subconscious system, which automatically will capture the information and
keep permanently in our subconscious. The capture and storing of information happen automatically without
any direction from us.
Even the subconscious awareness is typically an energy dimension which is unattached by time and space.
With this condition, the subconscious awareness is able to be anywhere and anytime in the universe.
The subconscious awareness can be in the past or in the future.
awareness and super conscious awareness to find investments that brings multiple profits with very small risks.
Many people can have the ability of healer by using their subconscious awareness and super conscious
awareness. Even today, many indigo children are born with remarkable abilities and intelligence beyond
ordinary children. The indigo children are able to access incredible spiritual dimensions.
In spiritual dimensions, we can discover incredible new things that we can use to multiply our success, for
Conscious mind can also be directed to make strong programming to re-program negative subconsciousness
into the positive one and also to program super conscious awareness to achieve our positive wishes.
How can we access the brains creative dimensions or humans spiritual dimensions?
The brains creative dimensions or humans spiritual dimensions can only be accessed if we are in a peace
condition. The calmer we are, the easier the dimensions can be accessed. When we are in calm condition
means we are in the meditative condition, or stargazing or dozing. In such condition, our brainwaves reach the
frequency level of alpha brainwaves. The calmer we are, the deeper the frequency of brainwaves we
experience, then we are getting to the frequency level of theta brainwaves. In this condition also, we only think
about one thing; we only focus on one thought. On the contrary, in normal conditions, we usually have a lot of
things in minds. Whenever we think a lot in mind simultaneously, it will lead us to a high level of deppression.
The more we think, the higher depressed we will have. When we think a lot, our brainwaves are in the
frequency level of beta brainwaves. In beta brainwaves, we are in the physical awareness or conscious mind.
Humans brainwaves are measured based on their frequencies by using a measuring instrument called EEG.
There are 4 kinds of brainwaves, namely:
Beta Brainwaves
Beta brainwaves are in the frequencies of 14 Hz and above. At this level of brainwaves, humans minds are
in the level of conscious mind or physical awareness or normal awareness. People who think more than
one thought simultaneously will be in the frequency of beta brainwaves. Beta brainwaves indicate the
brains stress level. The more things we think at the same time, the higher the brains stress level will
become. The condition of conscious mind is very needed whenever we drive cars, cross the street or other
occasions when we are demanded to think more than one simultaneously. If we find difficulties in thinking
more than one thought, we may find ourselves in situations that can endanger us.
Alpha Brainwaves
Alpha brainwaves are in the frequency of 13 Hz down to 7 Hz. At this level of brainwaves, humans minds
are in the subconscious awareness and super conscious awareness. When we experience high level of
calmness so that we can focus to think only one thing at the same time, we will have alpha brainwaves. At
the level of alpha brainwaves, often new ideas emerging in our mind, which will be able to help us finding
the solution to a problem. The ideas are coming from subconscious awareness and super conscious
awareness that we have.
In the condition of alpha brainwaves, we will be able to learn anything faster and easier. This is because in
the condition of alpha brainwaves, the brains abilities to store memories increase. Thats why small
children can learn something faster because they do something that they love. The feelings of fondness
and happiness will make the self easier to achieve high level of calmness and automatically reach the
brains creative dimensions. Alpha brainwaves can be achieved during a stargazing, dozing, having the
feeling of fondness to something as well as the feelings of calm and interest.
Theta Brainwaves
Theta brainwaves are in the frequency of 7 Hz down to 3.5 Hz. People who are in the frequencies of theta
brainwaves will experience a very deep calmness. Theta brainwaves can often be reached by those who
meditate deeply. The Holy Yogi find no difficulties to reach this state. Among ordinary people, theta
brainwaves often happen whenever they are dreaming and the dream seems true. They can remember
clearly what the dreams were about. The one who is able to do astral journey when he or she sleeps, are
in the level of theta brainwaves. At the level of theta brainwaves, humans can access subconscious
awareness and super conscious awareness in higher dimensions. So in that level, humans can access high
level powers in the dimensions. Thats why theta brainwaves help humans to do strong healings and also
to program positive wishes by using powerful forces.
Delta Brainwaves
Delta brainwaves are in the frequencies of 3.5 Hz down to 0.5 Hz. However, for some people, they can have
the lowest frequency of 0.000 Hz. Many Q-RAK cultivation practitioners can achieve 0.000.Hz when
they meditate. People who are in delta brainwaves will experience even deeper calmness from those who
achieved theta brainwaves. However, for normal people, when they are in delta brainwaves, they will slip
into a slumbering condition, so that they will not dreaming or remembering anything while they are
sleeping. For some others, they can achieve delta brainwaves, but they keep aware and even fully
conscious. And for a smaller number of people in scarcely, people can keep awake when being in very deep
delta brainwaves at the frequencies lower than 0.5 Hz or the frequency of 0.000. Hz. Whereas for normal
people, the frequencies of brainwaves lower than 0.5 hertz are detected on people who are in comma.
How it could be happen, when there is someone who keeps fully awake in a condition of being in delta
brainwaves and even for some others still keep awake in the condition under the frequency of 0,5 hertz of
delta brainwaves?
This is because the abilities of the third eyes or telepathy and the abilities of conscience at higher levels
have been opened, so that he or she can still control awareness during that state. Lower frequencies of
brainwaves will make oneself achieve the dimensions which have abundant energies, as if he or she is in
the middle of the ocean of energy. He or she will feel the pounding storm of energy waves, which make
them staggers and swayed by the power of energies in that frequency of brainwaves. If he or she is not
able to survive from the pounding storm of energy waves, they will slip into a sleep. However, if he or she
can hold on from such condition, he or she will keep awake. This condition is like when we are in a boat,
which is pounded by big waves from all directions. If we are able to keep aware or even getting more
aware in such condition, the big waves of energies will be sensed lower and getting calmer. The calmness
of the pounding waves of energy is directly proportional with the condition of oneself who is getting more
aware and having full control of the awareness.
The big pounding of energy waves are becoming the tremendous power that we can use to achieve our
positive wishes. The deeper the brainwaves that we can control, the more tremendous power that we can
access. Thus, in the frequency of brainwaves less than 0.5 Hz or even in an extreme condition reach until
0.00000000001 (1/10 to the power of unlimited) Hz, we can obtain miraculous powers that come from
very high and holy dimensions for our own soul and spirit.
How can we achieve alpha, theta and delta brainwaves in order to be able to enter the brains creative
There are many ways to achieve alpha, theta and delta brainwaves in order to get in the brains creative
dimensions. The main points is the efforts to make ourselves as quite as we can or make ourselves in the
meditative condition as deep as can be.
There are ways that I can recommend:
1. Be in a quietness place
2. Practice visualization
3. Create mental screen
4. Do meditation with the focus on the point between the 2 eyebrows
5. Open the abilities of the third eye or telepathy
6. Open the abilities of Conscience
7. Practice kundalini
Be in a tranquility place
What is meant by the tranquility place is a place in our imagination or mind, which can make ourselves calm
and peaceful. The quite places can be as follows:
1. Fun places during our childhood
2. Fun places that we have visited
3. Fun places that we plan to visit in the future
4. Fun places that we really hope which we create as our own imagination in mind
We can choose the quietness places and we can try to feel their vibration one by one to decide whether the
places are truly fun and they make ourselves being calm, full of spirit and creative. If we have chosen the right
place, then such place will serve as the place where we, in the imaginary world, will conduct everything later,
which is related to subconscious awareness and super conscious awareness. In this particular place of
quietness, we will later search for information needed to solve various problems. Also, we will later develop
and program ourselves at the levels of subconscious awareness and super conscious awareness. Avoid choosing
quietness places that contain negative aura just like beneath banyan tree, storehouse, toilets, caves and so
The practice of being in the tranquility place:
- Sit as relax as possible and release all tensions
- Gently close your eyes
- Inhale slowly and deeply then exhale equally slowly and intend ourselves to be relaxed and more relaxed.
Do it 6 times.
- Imagine yourself drawing a white spiral light in clockwise direction slowly to form a small spiral up to larger
one. Do it for 10 seconds.
- Imagine yourself in the quietness place we have chosen. Imagine the place in detail, what the environment
looks like? What kinds of trees in there? What are the objects in there? Feel the breeze. Listen to the birds
chirp if they exist, listen to the sounds of water if they exist. Smell the aroma of the air in that place. Is it
fresh? Or is there any pleasant smells of flowers? Feel the temperature of the air. Is it cool? It can be
Feel the quietness place as if it is right in front of you, as if you are actually there. If you can feel that place
as if it is real that you are there, and not only sensed in mind, it can be assured that you have achieved
alpha brainwaves. The more real you can feel the place, you will increase your calmness and will be able to
reach theta brainwaves. If you have not felt the quietness place yet as if it were real, you still think about
other things, which means that you are still in beta brainwaves. Thus, there are two things can be used as a
sign whether you are still in beta brainwaves or you have achieved alpha brainwaves:
1. If you still find difficulties to feel the imagination to be real sensed, and only still sensed as a thought,
then you are still in beta brainwaves.
2. If you can feel the imagination to be real sensed, the same feeling as you have a dream clearly, then
you have reached the condition of alpha brainwaves or even theta brainwaves. In this state, it is very
obvious that you involve feelings and emotions in the imagination that we try to create. Feelings and
emotions are the languages for awareness communication in spiritual dimensions.
Practise visualization
For those who have troubles doing imagination can do visualization in very calm and relaxed conditions.
Frequently practising visualization, train the brain to get used to the alpha and beta brainwaves and still be
aware. Therefore practising visualization will make oneself automatically get used in brains creative dimension
or spiritual dimension. Before doing visualization, prepare in advance the object which will be visualized. The
objects that can be visualized:
- 5 kinds of fruits
- 5 kinds of trees
- 5 kinds of animals
- 5 kinds of items
Avoid the objects contains of negative aura since it is very dangerous and can interfere the consciousness.
Therefore, also avoid visualizing a man, because it may sensitively get infected by his or her viciousness.
Take a breath slowly and deeply then exhale slowly and intend yourself to be more relax. Repeat this
inhalation six times.
Imagine yourself draw a white spiral halos in clockwise direction slowly from small shape up to larger one.
Do it for 10 seconds.
Imagine yourself are being in a quietness place. And feel the self more relax and peaceful in that place.
Imagine the mental screen you want in that place. And intend to yourself that the mental screen is your
own self-communication tool with subsconscious awareness or super conscious awareness in accordance
with your own wishes.
For example: Ask your own super-conscious awareness what kundalini is. Then ask the super conscious
awareness to write down the answer in mental screen with a clear writing form and readable for you.
Afterwards, wait for a couple minutes and keep calm and relax in order to keep you still in the brain creative
dimension. Later, the super-conscious awareness will give the answer in writing form on the mental screen as
you wished for.
Meditation in a point between two eyebrows.
What is meant by meditation in a point between two eyebrows is doing meditation with the focus on the point
until the meditation is complete. During meditation, keep your attention only on the point between two
eyebrows. Such meditation will stimulate the brain being in alpha or tetha brain waves. In addition, such
meditation also stimulates the third eyes ability to be opened or developed.
Here are the ways to meditate in a point between two eyebrows:
1. Sit as relax as possible and release all tension
2. Gently close your eyes
3. Take a breath slowly and deeply then exhale slowly and intend yourself to be more relax. Repeat this
inhalation 6 times.
4. Imagine yourself draw a white spiral halos in clockwise direction slowly from small shape to larger one. Do
it for 10 seconds.
5. Imagine yourself in a quietness place that has already chosen.
6. Direct the attention and view to the point between the two eyebrows. When you start to get quiet within
few minutes, a spinning light tunnel with a costantly changing color and shape will be seen. The light
tunnel is your third eye. When the tunnel has opened, you will see a lot of things, like scenery and it feels
like dreaming.
Do this kind of meditation twice in a day at the time when waking in the morning and at night before going to
bed. Do the practice for about 30 minutes each time.
Opening the third eyes ability.
The opening of the third eyes ability will make oneself has the ability of holy spiritual eyes which can be used
to see spiritual dimension. The opening of third eye will make the brainwave easily reach the alpha and theta
condition. With the development of high level of thirdeyes ability, you can even make yourself reach in a
seconds the delta brainwave condition with the frequency of less than 0,5 herts or 0,0000..Hz.
Opening the Consciences ability
The opening of consciences ability will also make oneself easily being in alpha theta and delta brainwaves.
The consciences ability is advisable to use for communication tool with consciousness even for communication
with the consciousness of mineral kingdom, consciousness of plants and animal kingdoms. This will be the
source of amazing experience for us.
All about third eye, telephaty, and conscience can be read in Chapter Spiritual Eye and Conscience.
Here are the examples of using third eye/telephaty and consciences ability for brain intellegence:
For instance, we want to know several things about kundalini.
1. Sit relax and close your eyes then intend to use the third eye to see what kundalini is.
Then you will see a picture about kundalini through the third eye.
2. And intend to see in which part of our body, the location of kundalini is currently.
Then you will be given a visible image of the current location of kundalini. .
If the self is negative and reluctantly in doing purification, often the self will be conquered by the selfviciousnes. The viciousnes is frequently disturb the communication of consciousness in spiritual dimension. The
viciousness and negative aura are often misleading and deflect the correct answer we need. Therefore, make
sure the self avoid disruption and deception committed by viciousness and negative aura which break our
communication. Normally, person who are easily to get lying, then he or she will often receive untrue/fake
Training Kundalini.
Kundalini is a holy fire of the spirit that serve a purification of human spirit, therefore the spirit will evolve to be
the holy spirit. When the spirit purification occured, it is automatically improve the third eyes ability and purify
the brain also impact on production of brainwaves in alpha, theta and delta. Therefore, training kundalini will
make oneself easier to reach alpha, theta and delta brainwaves and access the brains creative dimension.
Information about kundalini can be read in Chapter Kundalini.
Doing purification.
The impacts of doing self-purification is body cells, nerves, brain become pure as well, and the capability of
third eye and conscience will be activated. If the brain and its nerves are pure, it will enhance their ability
conducting its function, so that it will get the impacts on increasing the brain intellegence, either intelligence in
physical dimension and also intellegence in spiritual dimension.
There are several things which cause oneself hard to enter the brains creative dimension:
1. Nerve and brain damage
2. Stress
3. Low Stamina
4. Attack of viciousness and negative aura
5. Third eye has not opened yet
6. Conscience has not working yet
7. The self doesnt believe intuition
8. Unwilling to create imagination
Which one is the most important, intelligence in physical or intelligence in spiritual dimension? In my opinion,
both are very important if we want to be smart and wise person. Why is it so?
We can imagine, if someone is very proficient to access ability in spiritual dimension, but he himself does not
have good analytical and logical ability, it will endanger him. He is hard to be wise. A lot of carelesness are
going to happen. He is easily misleaded by gyps commited by the viciousness and negative aura. Except for he
does not want to apply the ability in spiritual dimension, his condition will be safe. But of course, he did not
gain any knowledge of the spiritual world and there will be no progress achieved. He will be difficult to be wise.
Many carelessness he may experienced.
It can imagined that if someone has high analytical and logical ability but hard to access the spiritual
dimension. Then he is going to find troubles in finding the solution of difficult problems and often frustating if
he has failed. Because he will be hard to entertain himself due to his failure. This kind of person is easily get
frustation and very selfish and worldly. He think that life is merely physical body and not soul. Soul is a fairy tale
in the middle of nowhere that he fails to understand and even denies it. There will be a lot of denial of divinity
value performed by such person.
Thus, the super and perfect brain intelligence is:
1. Have a high ability to analyze and to think logically on everything that oneself experienced and learned.
2. Have a high ability to access spiritual dimension and manage all information obtained in spiritual
Have a high faith in God Almightiness and think, say and act based on the values of divinity.
If we previously learn how to access the brains creative dimension therefore we also should develop the ability
of the brain in the physical dimension.
The brains ability in physical dimension including analytical and logical skill. Analytical skill and logic can be
enhanced through the followings:
- Read any kinds of information to step up your insights.
- Open-minded in order to absorb more information without bulkhead and barriers, so that the selfanalytical and self-logical will develop rapidly.
- Honesty, it will destroy the mental barriers that inhibit the pace of the brain performance or pace of
- Dare to learn new things in order to have wider knowledge and self-insight and to be more independent to
make decision, which will impact on the ability to analyze and think logically.
All those things mentioned above impact on the improvement of brain intelligence and impact on:
- Prevent brain damage, since by reading and learning new things will train the brains ability and improve
nerves growth and brain folds, it is like doing brain exercise so that the brain volume does not shrink.
- Strengthen the memory
- Prevent dementia and other brain damage.
Things which may cause the decreasing of the brain intelligence, whether the brain intelligence in physical
dimension or in spiritual dimension is brain damage. Brain damage can be triggered by several things:
1. Foods that cause brain damage
Consuming addictive drugs, any taste enhancer harmful to the brain, excessive sugar.
2. Unwilling to read and think will cause rapid process of brain damage, particularly brain volume will shrink.
3. Old age
4. Stress, depression, mental barriers and trauma will cause brain nerve tension and in exessive condition it
will disjoint the delicate nerves of the brain and even cause brain damage in other areas.
Conversely, the tranquility, peace and happiness will heal brain damage and develop it even better.
5. Negative life habits, negative attitude, viciousness and negative behaviour, addiction to negative things will
cause brain damage and conversely good habit, good attitude also heal the brain damage and develop the
brain even better. Do check the brain of gambler, drunk, cheater, psycho, paranoid, schizophrenia, etc.
How to overcome the cause of brain damage and even how to heal it?
Cultivation of Misana is safe and advisable. A lot of miracle that can be done by using Cultivation of Misana.
The Relationship between Science and Faith of Divinity
Science at first does not only come from the mind results conducted by physical consciousness. Idea or notion
is actually a piece of information that is conveyed by subsconscious awareness or super-conscious awareness in
physical consciousness through guidances such as idea and notion. Idea and notion flows when the self in a
day-dreaming or thinking about the problems at hand. Because of the highly focus on that problem, it moves
the subconsciousness and super-consciousness to deliver information which is needed to solve the problem.
Then idea and notion processes through logical and analytical intelligence so it makes sense to be realized in
physical dimension.
If the idea or notion doest make sense to be realized physical dimension, this means it contains two
possibilities as follows:
The impossible condition to realize it: expense, technology, time, science which is yet to find, etc.
Idea and notion which come from negative aura and viciousness which attempt to disturb the problem
solving, therefore the self lose control and focus.
By making a practice of thinking analytically and logically, the subsconscious awareness or super conscious
awareness will give information needed in accordance with science and technology that have been studied in
the world at that time. For scientist and great people, the guidance is not sufficient. They need more
information that pass through distant future and beyond logic and reason of the people of his era. Therefore
scientist and great people ussually have the ability to see the future or use their subsconscious awareness and
super conscious awareness deeply and dig higher information than just fantasy.
So, it can figure out here, that information such as idea or notion are coming from soul and spirit. Strong soul
and spirit will be able to access higher information from high dimension that could bring change to the world.
Discovery of high-level technology derived from high dimension. Strong soul and spirit are holy soul and spirit.
The great information is coming from holy soul and spirit. It ensures that a great invention comes from people
who have enormous spiritually power.
In the purification concept, the purer the soul and Spirit, the holier the soul and Spirit will be, the stronger the
soul and Spirit as well, the more high level information can have. The Spirit purity level will impact on the
information obtained. The holier the Spirit, the more vibration of divinity will flow to it, so that the vibration of
divinity will be the source of high level information for the Spirit. Then the Spirit will deliver it to physical
condition, the physical condition process it into sciences which are needed for the world.
We can say that the purer and the holier we are, the closer the vibration of divinity dimension will be and will
make the self being more intelligence, wiser, getting more and more knowledge.
It is important to have world knowledge and spiritual knowledge as many, and have a high faith in God and also
do self-control to improve the purification.
God as the almighty creator of the universe and its contents, therefore God as the source of any kinds of
knowledge and any law that binds the universe and its contents. Any technology and sciences comes from God,
any technology and science invented by humans because God allows and give it to humans since humans want
it and think about it. God gives information to the Spirit and soul then the Spirit and soul give the information
to physical consciousness through idea or notion. The physical consciousness process the idea and notion using
reason and logic owned by man to become sciences and new invention of technology.
So, it does not make sense, if human deny Gods existence, the Spirit and soul existence, on the technology and
sciences which have been invented, just because God, the Spirit and soul are invisible through physical eyes
and also invisible by electron microscope notwithstanding.
If during meditation, the self hear noise, the self must know what is meditation and its meaning, namely focus
everything on God, only on the self and God. That is nature of divinity. The heared noises are worldly
characteristic. Release the worldliness and guide mind only to divinity.
How to tackle the environmental distractions?
Always doing self-purification and always placing the self on Gods protection and making the environment
grown and filled with positive things will be able to help avoiding the negative environment.
What is meant by making the environment grown and filled with positive things , which are able to help
avoiding other environments filled with negative things ?
It means:
1. Avoid planting trees and plants that become the source of negative auras Only planting plants that
become the source of positive auras.
2. Avoid raising animals that become the source of negative auras. Only raising or maintaining animals that
become the source of positive auras.
3. Avoid keeping things that become the source of negative auras
And only keeping or storing things that become the source of positive auras. All things, plants, animals,
that become the source of negative and positive auras will be explained further in the Chapter System of
How to tackle the last distraction, KARMA?
Through repentence, renew or reform all deed with kindness as well. It can be done through affirmation to
destroy viciousness, negative aura, and negative karma, the more affirmation the better will be and the
negative karma can be eroded through affirmation.
Do the condition of brain waves strongly affect meditation?
The lower of brain waves, the easier for us to focus. The Third eye also become the main key for meditation,
since it facilitates a very low brain wave so the self is easy to achieve the high level of serenity, easy to reach
high focus, and easy to enter a very high level spiritual dimension.
The third eye, kundalini and the power of purification make the self easily achieve the highest level samadhi.
Meditation when reaching a high silence point will produce holy soul cultivation namely silence cultivation
body. It will form Silence Devas body, Silence Budha's body, and Silence Tao's body when the self achieve
high level meditation. Thats the characteristic of highest level of samadhi.
When is the best time of meditation ?
Meditating on the best of kundalini time, namely at 12 a.m. at 12 p.m. at 6 a.m. , at 6 p.m. Kundalini time only
last for 25 minutes, therefore use the time as good as possible at those kundalini time.
How about the best place in meditation?
Find a comfortable place, with comfy room temperature, pleasant aroma, minimum noise and a good
cleanliness. But if the self could handle the senses, so that meditation can be conducted anywhere except at a
place with negative auras.
What about the emergence of ethereal visions during meditation?
Keep focus on the self and God.
What about the advisable positions during meditation?
Meditating on comfortable seat position and do not make the self tenses and pins and neddles and also
provided that the position does not make the self fall asleep. It is not a matter if the spinal is not perpendicular.
And dont meditate in standing position.
What if we are shocked by any chance during meditation?
Repeat meditation from the beginning in order to get the better result.
What are the preparations before meditation?
- Stamina
Strong stamina will strengthen the self- protection and will make the self more focus, and it is easier to
tackle the distractions during meditation and easy to access high dimension.
Self protection is needed during meditation in order to hinder from distraction due to attacks of selfviciousness and negative auras or viciousness and negative aura from the environment.
Purity and glory here includes all things in all existing corners.
What should the self do when is in the divinity point?
Without any intention because all positive things will be given, even it can be said that meditating in the
divinity point impact on the fulfillment of our spiritual energy, improvement of purification and the whole
system of Q-rak cultivation will be improved within the self and experience a purification.
How can it happened?
Vibration of divinity in divinity point will provide all things we needed automatically. That the Almightiness of
When we can do the meditation of divinity point?
This meditation can be performed anytime. It can be done during daily activity while imagining the soul point.
The point is, the more focus the better. If it is performed in meditation situation, it will achieve the better
result. Especially if meditation of divinity point is carried out at kundalini time.
How long is the duration of meditation of divinity point?
Meditation of divinity point can be done for hours, the most important is we can focus and achieve serenity.
Technique of Meditation of divinity point will also help perfection of purification.
Here are the phases of Meditation of divinity point:
1. Sit relax
2. Raise stamina
3. Make self-protection from the attacks of viciousness and negative aura of environment.
4. Annihilation of self-viciousness and negative aura
5. Close the eyes
6. Focus on soul point between the two eyebrows and only direct the intention to soul point.
Do with sincerity, probity and the burst of high faith of Gods Almightiness.
7. Sincerity and probity will lead the self to a better place where the divinity point is located. Divinity point
will be felt as a very silent place and nothing other than the self and vibration of divinity. So there is only
the self and vibration of divinity over there. Thus, vibration of divinity will give a lot of guidances that the
self needed in the world, vibration of divinity will give a lot of positive vibrations which is needed in life on
earth, whether it is deletion of negative karma, improvement of abundance energy, prosperity, health, love
and affection, etc.
What is Perfect Enlightenment or True Enlightenment?
True enlightenment is where human able to underlie all his actions with complete knowledge, and still the
basic foundation is belief in God and able to release the worldliness.
Vibration of the soul perfection or soul serenity will generate positive thoughts, if the soul cannot be
functioned nor forgotten, so the negative mind will appear frequently. The main point is that all depend on
the soul vibration.
Have positive thinking in order not to arise the viciousness and negative aura of ourselves. Positive
thinking also prevent the entry of viciousness and the environmental negative aura in ourselves, including
the attack of viciousness and negative aura of the negative things when we think of. Thinking about
negative things will bring upon infections of viciousness and negative aura of such things on ourselves.
Self-protection from the attack of negative thoughts from the people surrounds us is very important,
because any kinds of negative thoughts attack may also cause infection.
Positive Energy, Positive Power, Positive Aura
Aura is the crystallized energy that has reached a certain power. Fill the life with positive energy, positive
aura, and positive power. Do love and positive things to help oneself lives the life properly.
Avoid to access the things which become the sources of dirty/negative energy, negative aura, and negative
power. Since all of these things can damage the self in all aspects of life including the cause of illnesses,
badluck, bankruptcy, dispute, negative emotion and all negative things. And the impact on purification is
the destruction of purification and the growth of viciousnes and negative aura in the self. Thing should be
done is do self-protection from the attack of negative aura and negative environments in order not to get
infected. Avoid keeping, having, maintaining items, plants, animals, and all things which may become the
sources of negative aura. Do things in order to have, to maintain and to collect items, plants, animals, and
all things which become the sources of positive aura.
Develop good deeds in order to erase all self-viciousness. The viciousness becomes the strongest thing to
destroy our own life, effecting illnesses, unlucky, accident, bancruptcy, conflict, and all negative things. It
also become the strongest factor which may destroy the self-purification.
It is good for us everyday to destroy the viciousness of the self and protects ourselves from any negativities
of the environments.
Words and Affirmation
Avoid words which contain badness and filthiness since the bad words can also trigger the growth of selfviciousness and negative aura. The bad words may also become an entry of the attack of the viciousness
and negative aura from the environments which may infect the self. The bad, dirty, and negative
affirmation may also become the source of such negativity.
The curse on the self as a result of either our own action or our parents action or our previous generation
might become a great barrier for the curent life or even for the future. The course contains very strong
negative aura and viciousness, therefore by doing the self-purification and keep the self-control, we can
erode or even destroy that curse as well.
The Devil Contract
When a person has allied with devil, he or she will establish a contract with the devil. The devil contract
has very strong and hellish negative bonding, which damage and destroy human life. Because of the
ignorance of human about spiritual dimensions, they oftenly bamboozled by interlacing a relationship with
dirty and illusory spiritual beings. However, such conditions happen because of the stiffness of negative
karma which the man has, so that the karma leads him into misleading. When the relationship between
the individual and devil, gin, khodam, supernatural beings has created, so that the contract with the devil
has taken place. Gin, khodam and the mystical beings are the master of negative aura and the master of
perverter aura, and there is no Gin or mystical beings which has positive aura. Those creatures will do
misleading through various intrigues and sophisticated disguise. A man who has a contract with the devil
will form a dirty colour field of aura with many shapes and dimensions. Master of negative aura are Gin,
khodam, mystical beings, and any negative element creatures. Such creatures capable of being changeable
embodiment, size and shape, can be smaller than atomic and can be bigger like a giant as well. These
things make human easily get swallowed.
Example of the Devil Contract:
- Learning the witchraft
- Using the devils fetish
- Using Gin, khodam and supernatural beings to realize all wishes
- Paganism
The devil contract may include:
- the individual
- family
- village
- city
- Country/kingdom.
Karma is the result of consciousness brought by the action on consciousness, then the impact of the
consciousness itself is within the karma. Positive karma will make individual could release suffer and
missery of life due to the negative karma of his own. The strong negative karma could bring oneself into a
suffering and missery and also lead to the way of misleading. Piling the positive karma, doing purification,
and having self-control to the divine way, therefore, will erode or even destroy the negative karma of his
This following things can trigger the attack of negative aura and self-viciousness:
1. Low protection
2. Low stamina
3. Thinking negatively
4. Acting negatively
5. Saying negative words
6. Living in negative environment
Here are sympthoms of negative aura or viciousness attack on the self and the environments:
1. Stimulated to think negatively
2. Increasing addiction on negative things
3. Doing negative things as a part of habits
4. Negative dreaming
5. Nausea
6. Headache
7. Exploding emotions
8. Hard to understand what have been learned, become foolish and decreasing intellegence
9. Easily losing memory
10. Doing careless action
11. Unfocused mind
12. Fire at home
13. Bad luck streaming
14. Divorce
15. Declining carier
Negative aura and viciousness are the fastest things which make human get addiction and difficult to release
the fond of negative things, and start to hesitate positive things, divine way, life mission, life goal, selfexistence, capability, future phobia, greed, and all negative things and other helplessness, and oftenly being
unfocused. Therefore the best things to do are:
Find life mission and life goal
1. Know well who you are
2. Read positive and inspirative articles
3. Arrange the future plans
4. Read the 4 points regularly when needed to have self-control in order to get free from the control of
negative aura and viciousness, which make ourselves losing memory and being unfocused on goal,
prefering the negative things and coming into hesitation of the 4 things should be done and ignore those
points, then getting into the increasing of addiction of negative things and finally destroying his own
intelligence as a result of being controlled by such addiction. Negative aura and viciousness have negative
conciousness which is able to intimidate the subconscious of the individual and leads the physical
awareness to the misleading. At last, the negative minds, acts, and words will generate a strong negative
aura and negative character.
The following things can be the sources of negative aura:
- Black or dark crystal stones, meteorit,
- kris and fetish.
- Banyan tree, green/common bamboo (Bambusa vulgaris Schrad. Ex J.C.)
- Snake, scorpion, centipede
- Blue love bird
- All blue-skinned animals
- All blue-furried animals
- All blue-eyed animals
- Dove
- Sparrow
- Parakeet with various color
- Arwana fish
- Koi fish
- Goldfish
- etc
be easier to get unsteady. That is why the self-defense system is needed to maintain and increase the
Preventing the kundalini leakage
The attack of negative aura and viciousness can also trigger leak of kundalini. When the attack occured
and the body condition is weak or lacking of self-control, then it will cause a serious kundalini leakage.
The self-defense system is needed then, to ward off the attack.
Increasing abundance
The attack of negative aura and viciousness may constraint work productivity, break the creativity,
hamper the fortune, and abort the bussiness projects. The self-defense system then, is needed to
avoid such attacks.
Facilitating meditation
Imagine how hard to do meditation and calm the self down if we always disturbed by problems, as if
we want to stop the meditation or even feel slack to do meditation.
The body will also feel uncomfortable due to the attacks during meditation. The excessive drowsy,
headache, queasy, itchy, and so fort are the consequencies of the attacks from viciousness and
negative aura during meditation. The hard-controlled mind also occurs because of the stimulation
from the attack of viciousness and negative aura. Therefore self defense system also able to address
the problem that hinder the meditation
Improving the development of third eye
Viciousness and negative aura often make blurred of the third eye vision, even block the vision at all.
In many cases, such attacks giving hallucinations and misleadings on the third eye.
Then the self-defense system is needed to protect the third eye from the attack of viciousness and
negative aura.
Destroying negative aura and viciousness
The self-defense system is good to destroy viciousness and negative aura of the self and others. The
extermination of negative aura and viciousness becomes the main goal of purification.
Preventing infection of negative aura and viciousness
The self-defense system automatically protects the self from the attack of viciousness and negative
aura from the environments, which can damage and destroy the own life.
Facilitate the self-control
If the self is protected from the attack of viciousness and negative aura from the environments and
also get free from such attacks from ourselves, then we will easier to control ourselves to keep always
in positive condition, positive thinking, positive actions, and positive words.
ability how the house which got fired obviously has an extremely strong negative aura.
Prevent the criminal acts
House with strong negative aura also stimulate the criminal acts like theft or robbery. Therefore purify
the house can prevent the criminal acts.
3. Avoid disaster
Disaster also triggered by strong and viscous negative aura. A house situated at area prone to disaster,
automatically has a very strong and thick negative aura. A house which is located at area with small
risk of disaster has more positive aura.
But, someone often does not have enough knowledge about the natural environment around his
house, therefore he has no idea that his house is located at disaster-prone area. By the third eyes
ability, the environmental condition can be detected, therefore the self can do a precautionary by
turning homes negative aura into positive. The action to do is by purifying the house and collecting
objects, plants, animals with positive aura and making high level protection system within the house.
4. Preventing negative aura and viciousness
Since negative aura and viciousness have negative impact on the house and ourselves, then making
house protection is indispensable.
5. Improving abundance
House with strong protection and fulfilled by positive aura can improve abundance.
6. Mantaining and improving health
House with strong protection is also able to protect the dwellers from illnesses attacks and in addition
the positive aura of the house is able to maintain and improve health.
7. Harmonious family relationship
House with positive aura will make anyone who lives in it feel serenity, peace, and have harmonious
relationship among the residents.
8. Improving creativity
House with positive aura will stimulate the creativity flowing so that it can increase the abundance.
9. Providing comfort and peace
House with positive aura will improve comfort and peace for its residents, the self will feel comfort
staying at home and do a lot of activities at home than eliminate boredom elsewhere which may
prone to have negative aura and viciousness.
10. Maintain the purification
House with positive aura and strong protected is able to maintain self-purification and make easier to
control ourselves and will not provoked by any negative things.
as needed.
Doing the Divinity Points Meditation of Q-RAK to burst all positive things
Building positive environments
- Having and preserving of items, plants and animals with positive aura.
- Having and preserving blue crystal, miraculous blue lamp, miraculous Blue Vanda pachara delight
orchid, miraculous bambusa vulgaris, miraculous oleina syzygium, miraculous blue love bird, because
all of those items emit aura of purification, protection and tremendous abundance aura.
- Avoid having and maintaining items, plants and animals with negative aura
- Cleaning and caring home and office to prevent the growth of negative aura.
Improving self-value:
- Having knowledge and insight
- Being creative
- Being innovative
- Having intellegence
- Having honesty
- Having courage
- Being open-minded
- Being discipline
- Hard working
- Building up relations
- Having good communication
- Dominating the market/marketing strategy
- Mastering the business system
- Being unique and attractive
- Having high competitiveness
Appendix I
Appendix 2
Figure of human who have reached the level of Avatar seen through the third eye
Appendix III
Figure of human who have reached the higher level of Avatar with wings
Appendix IV
Figure of human who have reached the True Higher Self seen through the third eye
Appendix V
Figure of man who have reached the True Spirit seen through the third eye
Appendix VI
Appendix VII
Appendix VIII
Appendix IX
Appendix X
Appendix XI
Figure of the Soul who has reached the level of Budha or Tao
Appendix XII
Appendix XIII
Appendix XIV
Appendix XV
Master Hasmiati
Domicile: Bandung, West Java
Master Siswanto
Domicile: Republic Of Czech
Contact Person:
[email protected]
The Inventor
Grand Master Rony Irianto was born in Malang, 1st July 1975. He invented techniques of
raising kundalini with the safest, simplest, and most effective way without any side effect
and does not cause any kundalini syndrome, even the kundalini that has problem because
of mis-training can be re-raised. He also has the capability in helping others' kundalini
cultivation completely.