Alpha Master Module 1 Participant Notes
Alpha Master Module 1 Participant Notes
Alpha Master Module 1 Participant Notes
Ronna [email protected]
Tips to Get the Most Out of This Program
1. Print these notes or view them on your computer screen as you listen
2. Think of how to implement the techniques taught in this lesson
3. Make a commitment to practice at least one thing you learn the next day
4. Spend a minimum of 5 to 7 days on each module before moving on to the next
Meditations, exercises and information presented in this Becoming an Alpha Master program are
from Archangel Michael's Teachings in Scripting Your Destiny and other books by Ronna/ Sacred
© 2009-2015
All rights reserved. This content may not be reproduced, in whole or in part, in any form or by any
means electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording or by any information storage
and retrieval system now known or hereafter invented, without written permission from the author,
Randall T. Monk.
Any trademarks, service marks, product names or named features are assumed to be the property of
their respective owners, and are used for reference only.
We ask that you please respect our work by not giving away or reselling this program. Your
consideration is greatly appreciated.
Please Note: These exercises and meditations are not intended to be a substitute for medical
care. If you are dealing with any sort of mental or emotional disorder, are undergoing
psychotherapy, are experiencing seizures, or have another physical or neurological disease,
we suggest that you consult your physician or therapist.
Do lot listen to the meditations on this audio program while driving or engaged in activates
that require your attention. The author assumes no responsibility for your improper use of
this audio program
Ronna/Sacred Scribe
Ronna is internationally known as a messenger for Archangel Michael. His messages of hope
and inspiration through Ronna have been featured in hundreds of New Age and spiritual
publications around the world, and translated into most major languages.
Ronna has published eight books of inspirational messages from Archangel Michael which can
be purchased on her website at
Randall Monk
Randall Monk first saw Ronna deliver a message from Archangel Michael at the Wesak Celebration
held at Mt. Shasta, California in 1997. He works closely with Ronna enthusiastically sharing
Michael’s wisdom teachings. As a Memory Seed Crystal Activator, he also works closely with a
group of angels and special, encoded Seed Crystals.
As an Alpha Master you are able to move into and out of an alpha state at will, as a living meditation,
manifesting your desires, surrounded by a cocoon of light, which protects you from negative
influences of the lower dimensions and enables you to exist as an observer of the ongoing drama on
the third and fourth dimensions.
Enables you to move in and out of the alpha state at will or function at a light alpha level at will
Enables you to maintain a constant level of alpha brain waves tuned into a constant stream
of cosmic wisdom which is available to guide, inspire, protect you and help reach your full
Enables you to control your temper
Enables you to quickly move out of depression
Enables you to eliminate unwanted habits
Enables you to see your life’s challenges, tasks and opportunities in a different light
Enables you to find more enjoyment in life than you ever thought possible
Enables you to have a stronger immune system
Enables you to have enhanced ESP abilities and creativity
Enables you to have a life-changing connection to your Higher Self
Enables you to be more aware, more alert and more attuned to what is going on around you
Enables you to tap into a cosmic bank of knowledge and wisdom
Enables you to have confidence, a strong sense of self-esteem and know that you are
in control of your world and your future
Enables you to harmonize the right and left hemispheres of your brain
Enables you to transmute and change negative, limiting thought patterns
Enables you to inspire others
Brain Frequencies
Beta14 to 21cps________________________________________________________________
Practice the three-finger/deep breathing technique to attain an Alpha level several times during the
day, especially when you are stressed or tired. Remember, as you count slowly up to five to raise
your brain frequencies say, “I AM wide awake, alert and energized.” Or, “I AM energized and in the
flow of ease and grace.” After a while this won’t be necessary, you will become accustomed to
functioning at the appropriate Alpha level all the time.
• You must act as if you are entitled to all the beauty and abundance of the universe and that it
is pouring forth in unlimited measure until it begins to happen.
• Your thoughts are more powerful than you know. Don’t allow your mind to ramble and play
over and over thoughts of doubt, negativity, guilt, etc.
• You must tap into the primal life force substance that allows you to draw to you the energies of
• You must be very clear about what it is you want to manifest. Feel the intensity within your
soul-self, not your ego-self.
• You must be sure that your desires are in harmony with your Higher Self. Surrender to the
highest good for yourself and others ("For my highest good and the highest good of all”). You
cannot always see the larger picture, and also, you do not want to limit your Divine Presence
as to how your dreams will be manifested.
• Then you need to listen to that inner voice of intuition. Listen for guidance and expect
• You need to take action as the path is revealed to you.
• When doubt arises, or your ego begins to play the old feeling of unworthiness or guilt,
acknowledge and transmute the feelings and turn your thoughts toward your goal.
• Give thanks for the little miracles that take place, making way for greater and greater gifts to
come your way.
The Infinity Breath initiates the process of opening the higher dimensional levels of your brain, which
gives you access to the higher frequency levels of consciousness.
Practicing the Infinity Breath, you will be accessing higher dimensional thought forms of new Creation
and anchoring them in your physical reality and deep within the Earth, which greatly benefits Mother
Infinity Breath I
Take a few deep breaths as you center your consciousness in your Solar Power Center (Thymus,
Heart and Solar Plexus area). Envision, however you perceive, your Solar Power Center being filled
with the Divine Light Particles of Creation. As you breathe deeply, feel the energy begin to build. On
an in-breath it travels up along and in front of your spinal column. This energy permeates the medulla
oblongata (soft spot at the base of your skull) where the spinal column and the lowest part of your
brain are connected. This contains nerve centers that control breathing and circulation. It is also the
location of the ascension chakra. The energy of Light moves through the ascension chakra and out
the back of your head looping about six inches above the top of your head. Then it sweeps down
before your face and enters your Solar Power Center again. On an out-breath it continues its journey
down in front of your spinal column moving through the root chakra looping up in front of your body as
it returns once again to the Solar Power Center, gaining more energy, Light and power with each
Continue the process of deep rhythmical breathing as you visualize the INFINITY sign of Light/Power
arcing further and further above your head and deeper down into the Earth, returning to your Solar
Power Center with each rhythmic breath cycle. Continue the process as long as is comfortable. Know
that as you incorporate more of these precious Light Particles, it will magically accelerate the process
of cleansing and clearing your physical vessel of any discordant energies and filling the vacancies
with Creator Light Substance. You will also be accessing more and more of the higher dimensional
thought forms of new Creation, anchoring them in your physical reality and deep within the Earth as
well. Your beloved Earth will greatly benefit from the process as you share these wondrous gifts of
Creation with her. And in turn, she will strengthen and harmonize her connection with you, as
together, you go about your Father/Mother’s business of creating paradise on your home planet
• Enables you to cleanse and clear your body of discordant energies
• Enables you to initiate the process of opening the higher dimensional levels of your brain
• Enables you to access higher frequency levels of consciousness
• Enables you to access higher dimensional thought forms of new Creation and anchoring them
in your physical reality and deep within the Earth, which greatly benefits Mother Earth
The more we balance, harmonize and strengthen our chakra system, the
more Divine Light substance we can absorb.
• Helps you move through the transformation/transmutation process with ease and
• Helps Balances the chakra system
• Helps you to access the five higher galactic Rays of God-consciousness
• Helps you release impacted thought forms or negative energies
CHAKRA QUALTIES AND ATTRIBUTES (and higher dimensional colors we are now
© 2015 All Rights Reserved by Randall T. Monk. & Ronna Herman
For permission to reprint, contact us at [email protected] or [email protected]
© 2015 All Rights Reserved by Randall T. Monk. & Ronna Herman
For permission to reprint, contact us at [email protected] or [email protected]
Abdominal Breathing
Some authorities say that 75% of the toxins we take in each day are released through
the breath. As you practice deep, full breathing you massage and tone the internal
organs and abdominal muscles.
• Helps to Reduce stress
• Helps to detoxify inner organs
• Helps to increase blood flow
• Helps to increase immunity
• Helps to improve excretion of bodily toxins
• Helps to improve concentration
Many people, probably most people, have forgotten how to breathe properly. When we
were babies we all knew how to breathe properly. Watch a baby breathing and you’ll
know what I mean. Their abdominal area expands filling the lower part of their lungs
© 2015 All Rights Reserved by Randall T. Monk. & Ronna Herman
For permission to reprint, contact us at [email protected] or [email protected]