NPM 039-2007
NPM 039-2007
NPM 039-2007
NPM 039-2007
Requesting Entity: House of Representatives
Issues Concern: Eligibility Requirements and Request for Contract Price Escalation
1. Whether the BAC may exercise discretion in the interpretation and determination of compliance of
an additional, as opposed to standard or prescribed, eligibility requirements under the GPRA?
Section 17.3 of the IRR-A of R.A. 9184 allows the procuring agency to require additional document
requirements or specifications such as summary of data, facilities and/or services where applicable and
necessary to complete the information required for the bidders to prepare and submit their bids. The
procuring entity may also require other appropriate licenses to be submitted as eligibility requirements
whenever necessary and applicable taking into account the size, cost and type of project being bidded
out (Sections 23.6.1 and 24.7.1, IRR-A).
The BAC shall determine if each prospective bidder is eligible to participate in the bidding by examining the
completeness of the bidder's eligibility requirements or statements against a checklist of requirements using
a non-discretionary "pass/fail" criteria, as stated in the IAEB, and shall be determined as either "eligible" or
"ineligible" (Section 23.2 of the IRR-A).
Thus, the BAC may require additional documents to be submitted. However, the BAC shall only use the nondiscretionary "pass/fail criteria" in determining the existence or non-existence of said additional document/s
required in the IAEB.
2. Whether an alternative eligibility statement or document submitted by a prospective bidder may
qualify as a legal and valid substitute in good faith and in substantial compliance of the particular
eligibility requirement (i. e. Official Receipt in lieu of current Mayor's Permit/Municipal Permit) in
case the BAC has objectively determined that the finding of fault in the non-submission of the
required eligibility document may be directly attributed to the failure, delay or inaction of the issuing
[A]cceptance of an alternative eligibility document or statement submitted by the bidder will lead to an
exercise of discretion among the BAC members - an action which R. A. 9184 and its IRR-A expressly
prohibit during the eligibility check and bid evaluation. In using the non-discretionary "pass/fail" criteria under
Section 23.2 of the IRR-A, the BAC merely checks for the presence or absence of the required document. A
bidder is declared to be eligible if such document is present, complete, and sufficient. Otherwise, the
absence, incompleteness, or insufficiency of a requirement will result to a bidder's ineligibility to bid. (NPM
007-2006 dated 06 April 2006)
Thus, the submission of an alternative document other than that required by the procuring entity as
contained in the bid documents cannot be considered as sufficient compliance, regardless of whether the