Munera Sine Missione Chart
Munera Sine Missione Chart
Munera Sine Missione Chart
AP Action Costs
Move 1 hex directly forward
Move 1 hex in any other direction, without changing facing
Change facing by one hex side
Attack with weapon
Attack with net or lasso
Attack with shield
Attempt to cut free of net or lasso
Pick up weapon in same hex
Kick object from own hex to adjacent hex
Shoot bow
1 AP
2 AP
1 AP
1 AP
2 AP
2 AP
1 AP
1 AP
1 AP
2 AP
Attack Modifier
+1 per
Double 6
Double 5
Double 4
Double 3
Double 2
Double 1
Special Events
Defending gladiator takes 2D6 wounds, no armor save allowed.
Defender loses his shield, if applicable. It falls into a random adjacent hex.
Defender knocked off balance. -2 AP on his next turn.
Attacker knocked off balance. -2 AP on his next turn.
Defender is floored and must appeal to the crowd if Attacker ends is turn adjacent. Fight
ends. Otherwise, treat as "Defender knocked off balance".
A weapon breaks or is lost. Rold 1D6. 1-3, it's the Attacker's weapon. 4-6, the
Defender's. 1s or 6s, the weapon is lost forever. Otherwise, it falls into a random
adjacent hex. Defenders lose a random weapon (nets/lassos count, but not shields).
Attackers lose the weapon used to attack. Unarmed gladiators use the unarmed
Appeals to the Crowd
Gladiator is wounded.
Gladiator is seriously wounded.
Gladiator has not inflicted any wounds on his opponents.
For each opponent the gladiator has seriously wounded.
For each gladiator they have defeated today (killed or spared by the crowd)
Gladiator is popular (see 'Experience').
Crowd has already spared this gladiator today.
Per gladiator already spared by crowd today.
Note - A straight roll of '12' means the crowd automatically spares the gladiator. A straight roll of
'2' means the gladiator is autmatically kiled.
Experience Modifiers
+1 AP
+1 to Attack Die roll (does not apply to net/lasso attacks)
+1 to Defense Die roll.
Start with a base strength of 6, not 4.
+2 when appealing to crowd.
Note - XP is only gained when the gladiator defeats an opponent that is his
skill level or greater . Lesser skilled, defeated opponents don't count!