Invertebrate Zoology
Invertebrate Zoology
Invertebrate Zoology
No picture of organisms which ignores their physical and organic
environment can be even approximately complete. Studies of dead animals
or their parts or even of living animals in the laboratory, valuable
and indispensable as they are, give but partial pictures. In the studies
here contemplated we seek a firsthand knowledge of living invertebrate
animals in their natural setting, their behavior and interrelations,
their distribution within the habitat, the influence of physical conditions on this distribution and the correlation between their structures
and their behavior patterns on the one hand and the places they occupy
in the environment on the other.
Field trips are naturally of prime importance in such studies. The
more time spent in actual study of animals in the field the better.
Under most circumstances these periods must each be confined to a part
of a day. Experience has amply proved, however, that continuous studies
over a period of days increases the values received out of all proportion to the time spent. Appendix A gives specific information with regard to field trips and the schedules of such trips during the spring
and summer courses at Berkeley.
Such a field study might be thought to require previous courses
designed to give the student a knowledge of the animals which make up
the faunas to be studied. Certainly the animals must be recognized and
known by name if their behavior and ecologic distribution is to be
studied. In practice it is usually necessary and perhaps more advantageous to combine this type of study with the field study.
This portion of the work involves the laboratory. It falls naturally into four phases (1) the study of those external characters of
the various animal types which are used for their classification and
identification, (2) preliminary practice in the use of keys for the
identification of some member of each group, (3) a study of demonstration sets previous to field trips to give a preliminary knowledge of
the important animals to be expected in the particular fauna, and (4)
the identification of animals collected on the field trips.
In this section materials are presented for the study, classification, and identification of the invertebrate animals generally encountered in the progress of the course. This material is arranged under
the headings of the various phyla of invertebrates considered. In general, the consideration of each group includes (1)a laboratory-exercise
acquainting the student with the general characters of the animals and
explaining terms used in the identification keys, (2) a key or keys for
the identification of specimens, and (3) a list of genera and species
which have been encountered in the localities visited in the course,
giving for each the full scientific name if it has been definitely de.termined
A careful study of the external anatomy of many types in each group
as well as of the internal anatomy would be an ideal preparation for the
use of keys in the identification of animals. Time does not permit such
an approach within the limits of this course. Some knowledge of those
characters, chiefly external, which are of taxonomic significance and
are commonly used in keys and descriptions is, however, an absolutely
necessary prerequisite to any successful attempt at identification such
as will be necessary in the faunal surveys and ecological studies to be
initiated later in the course.
The rapid studies of various groups outlined below are designed to
furnish this knowledge of characters of taxonomic importance in so far
as the very brief time available makes possible and must be entered upon
with this purpose in mind. They must by no means be considered as an attempt at any complete study of the external anatomy. A copy of some text
dealing with the group concerned will be a valuable adjunct to such
studies. Some such texts are (1) Invertebrata, by Borradaile and Potts;
(2) A Text Book of Zoolom, Parker and Haswell, Vol. 1; (3) Colle~e
Zooloas, by Hegner
Each such study should be followed by the use of keys and the consultation of specific descriptions in the-publications listed at the
ber only that it is a part of a certain superior group and can be divided into a number of subordinate groups. Thus it is not so important
that one decides whether the Crustaceae is a subphylum or a class as
it is that one knows that it is a major division of the Arthropoda and
that it includes the Malacostraca, Copepoda, etc. Appendix B gives a
synopsis of the classification used in this course. This agrees most
closely with that used by Borradaile and Potts, Invertebrata, and in
most features with that of Hyman, Invertebrates.
References: de Laubenfels, 1932; Hyman, 1940
Terminolo~sand Instructions for Studp.-The sponges are structurally primitive animals, very ancient as a group and only distantly
related to the animals of other groups. They
are multicellular but have attained relatively
little histological differentiation either as
regards cell types or their integration in
layer and organs. Organs cen hardly be said
to exist, and whole tissues characteristic of
higher animals are lacking, such as nervous
and muscular tissues. Specialized gland cells
also are few or lacking. Indeed the body consists (fig. 2 , ~ )of a rather loose mesenohyme,
which produces the skeletal elements, covered
by external and internal layers of cells so
loosely organized as to be called epithelium
only by courtesy.
The sponges are in contrast to all higher
animals also in that; they lack a true mouth,
the body being pierced by numerous minute incurrent pores connecting with canals and cavities through which water flows to reach the
outside by larger openings figs. 1, 2) known
as oscula (singular osculum These features,
Fig. 1.-Surface of poras
well as the characteristic digestive cells,
t i o n of encrusting sponge
showlug oscula
(afier Guber- the choanocytes, are well seen in a schematic
diagram of the simplest type of sponge (fig.
2,A) such as is exemplified by Leuoosolenia in
this region. In the complicated sponges which constitute the vast majority of those encountered at the seashore and all those of fresh water,
the choanocytes occur in small, scattered, spherical chambers (fig. 2,D).
Sponges are attached, non-locomotor, nearly always colonial, and
typically irregular in form, conforming to the surfaces on which they
grow (fig. 1). In all save the simplest sponges the colony is so closely
integrated that it is difficult or impossible to designate the individuals constituting it or at least to determine the limits of the individuals (fig. 1).
Except for a very few parasitic species all sponges are plankton
feeders, the minute organisms and organic particles in the water currents being seized and taken in by the individual choanocytes. The
skeletal system of calcareous or silicious spicules serves as a protection against predators and the unpleasant odor characteristic of a
Fig. 2.-Diagrams
of types of sponge structure (after Eiyman, 1940). A. Diagrammatic
vertical seotion of simplest type of sponge (ascanoid type seen in ~eucosoleniq), showing cellular elements. B-D, sections of one wall; B, ascanoid; C, primitive syoonoidj
D, developed syconoid such as is seen in Grantial E, leuconoid, that of all local encrusting sponges. Choanocyte layer shown in heavy black. Arrows indicate course of
Fig. 3.-Types
of sponge spicules (after de Laubenfels, 1932). A, C,
subtylostyles; B, spiny-headed tylote; D, chelas; E, triaene; F, toxa;
G, sigma; H, acanthostyle; I, spiny subtylostyle; J, oxea.
9. Usually with small c r a t e r s projecting above matrix
9. Vithout c r a t e r s
10. Lavender i n l i f e ; extensively encrusting surfaces a t low-tide
levels; height and s i z e of c r a t e r s variable: principal
spicules usually forming d e f i n i t e triangular pat terns; oxeas
only ( f i g 3, J )
Hal i clona perm01 1 is (p 120 )
10. Color i n l i f e not lavender
Haliclona spp.
11. Principal spicules tylotes and s t y l e s ( f i g . 4). (With a strong
sulphurous odor)
Lissodendoryx noxiosa (p. 76)
. . . . . .. .. .. .. .. . . . . . . .
Fig. 4.-The
spicules of
I J Y t o d w soxiosa. Frcn
r b m donnrrrdr tylotee ,
styles of three types (smooth,
apnnely spiny, and verg slender) , arouate chelae ( l e f t ) ,
and oontort sigma (after de
Laubenfels )
D *M
Leuconi a
Leuoosolenia eleanor Urban
Rhabdodemlla nutt ingi Urban
Esperi opsis original is de Laubenfels
Fi cul i na
Hal i ohondria panioea Pallas
Haliclona penoll is Bowerbank
Haliolona spp.
Isociona 1 i thophoenix de Iaubenfels
Li ssodendoryx noxi osa de Iaubenfels
Ophl i tasporrg i a pennata Lambe
P1 ooamia karyki na de Laubenfels
Prosubsrites sisyrnus de Iaubenfels
Stelletta clarella de Iaubenfels
Fig. 6.-Diagramtic
representation of part of colony of
Velellg, a purple siphonophore. ( ~ f t e rBuchsbaum, 1938.)
limits can be set to the individuals and much of the colony is made
up of connecting and rooting branches.
There is always a certain amount of polymorphism and the zooids
may be of several different types, named on the basis of the function
for which they are specialized, nutritive, generative, defensive, or
sensory zooids. The term hsdranth is used to designate the terminal
portion of a nutritive (vegetative) zooid but does not include any
associated perisarcal structures such as the hydrotheca. The hydranth
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Sertularia
Fig. 9.--filioul.
Ellie and Solander. &lrly;ed
(from ~uberlet)
(There are many other species which have been taken from shallow
water in this region, so that definite identification can be made only
by careful reference to Fraser, 1937. None of the species has been
marked abundant, because .of insufficient information. )
Athecates (Gymnoblastea or Anthomedusae )
B Bimeria franciscam Torrey
B Bougainvillia mertensi Agassiz
B Clava leptostyla Bgassiz
TB D B M adendrium californicum Torrey
D B M Garveia annulata Nutting
TB M Hydractinia milleri Torrey
B Perigonimus repens Wright
D B M Syncoryne mirabil is Agassiz
B M fibularia crocea Agassiz
M fibularia marina Torrey
B firritopsis nutricula McCrady
Thecates (Calyptoblastea or Leptomedusae)
D B M Abietinaria anguina Trask
D B M Abietinaria greenei lldurray
Order Siphonophora
Velella lata Chamisso and Eysenhardt (often washed on shore)
Column thickly covered with p a p i l l a e ( s t i c k y t u b e r c l e s ~ a ' ~ b l e
of holding b i t s of s h e l l s and o t h e r d e b r i s t o t h e column . . 4
Column smooth o r , i f with p a p i l l a e , these arranged i n a few
v e r t i c a l rows and very small . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
7. P a p i l l a e i r r e g u l a r , branching, not conspicuously i n longitud i n a l rows; t e n t a c l e s uniform i n color, not tipped with pink;
solitary; large
Anthopleura (= Cribrina o r Bunodactis) xanthogrammica 7. P a p i l l a e round, arranged i n l o n g i t u d i n a l rows; t e n t a c l e s
u s u a l l y tipped with pink; c o l o r of column very variable;
usually i n close -se t aggregations
Bunodact is
Cri brina) elegant issima
8. L a t e r a l buds o r young anemones attached i n a c i r c l e t around t h e
column near t h e base
Epiaotis prolifera
8. No l a t e r a l buds o r young anemones attached t o t h e column
A ctenophore
m TO m Mom
(For other species see plates of Coe: 1940, 1901, 1904, 1905.
Figure numbers refer to Coe, 1940. )
. .2
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .8
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .5
7. Very slender; uniform green above, w h i t i s h below
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . En lectonema g r a c i l e
7. Stouter; uniform brown, orange brown, o r purple grown on d o r s a l .
surface and s i d e s . . . . . . . . . . . . Paranenrertes peregrina
8. Very slender . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
8.Stouterandlarger . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 0
9. Egtremely slender, a s much as one hundred times a s long a s wide;
a s i n g l e row of 2-8 o c e l l i on each a n t e r o l a t e r a l margin of
head; u s u a l l y with f i n e c i r c u l a r and l o n g i t u d i n a l l i n e s ( s e e
Lineus vegetus (Coe, 1 3 )
elsewhere i n key f o r those without)
9. Slender but l e s s so than above; d o r s a l surface with two narrow
longitudinal dark l i n e s on l i g h t background; two l a r g e o c e l l i
10. General body c o l o r deep brown; f i v e o r s i x very slender, o f t e n
broken, l o n g i t u d i n a l white l i n e s ; numerous narrow white r i n g s
spaced a t f a i r l y r e g u l a r i n t e r v a l s
!lbbulanus sex1ineatus (= C a r i n e l l a sex1ineata )
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Micru:a verrilli
D B *M
D- *M
*B *I
By A. B. Burch
Megalotrocha alboflavicans
Lorica pronounced
Lorica poorly developed or absent
Lorica laterally compressed
Lorica dorsoventrally flattened
Lorica more or less radially symmetrical, toothed anteriorly
with or without one long spine posteriorly; no foot
.. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. . . . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Anuraea cochlearis
4. Lorica with three dorsal furrows, toothed before and behind;
foot with two toes . . . . . . . . . . . . . Salpina spinnigera
4. Lorica with hooked head-shield, not toothed . . . . . . . Colurus
5. Lorica with distinct longitudinal furrows . . . . . . . . . . . 6
......... 8
5. Lorica without distinct longitudinal furrows
6. Lorica with one median dorsal furrow, teeth absent, one eye
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Diplois
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Diplax
8. hrica toothed anteriorly and posteriorly . . . . . . . . . . . 9
8. Not so toothed . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
9. hrica very convex dorsally . . . . . . . . . . Brachi onus bakeri
9. Lorica very flat . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
10. With foot and two toes . . . . . . . . . . . Noteus quadricornus
6. Lorica with one median dorsal furrow, teeth absent, eye absent
. . . . . .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. . . . . . . . .
16. Body very flat, quite round with a projecting corona; with a
small cylindrical foot, no toes; vase-shaped. Pterodina patina
16. Body not flat, but slightly flattened dorsally when swimming;
somewhat elongate; divided into a head and body region; foot
short,with two toes
. Triphylus lacustris
...... ....
F i g . 12.-A
p e t r o t r i c h , Chaetonotue maximum Ehrenberg (fram Weasenberg-Lund a f t e r Zelinka).
D. A leech ( ~ i r u d i n e a )
A. Nereis
( Polyohaeta)
C. An earthworn
8. Sipunculoidea
F. Urechis (~ohiuroidea)
Fig. 13.-Typos of
(C, after Altuun; D , a f t e r Bwhsba~m;E, after
Fisher; F, a f t e r Bioketts and Calvin a f t e r k o O i n i t i e . )
recognized. Plate I (after Fauvel, 1922) gives some idea of the wide
variety of types. First we may distinguish simple setae (Plate'I, nos.
1-19) from composite or jointed setae (nos. 21-28). Long slender simple setae are spoken of as capillary setae (no. 6). The tips of setae
whether simple or composite may be entire or bifid (no. 8) or trifid.
If beni like a cycle they are termed falcate.
Some simple setae have bent, usually bifid ends. These are spoken
of as hooks or crotchets (Plate I, nos. 29-32). These are usually
relatively stout setae and graduate into broadened types known as
uncini (nos. 33-42), which are especially characteristic of the Sedentaria.
Fig. 15.-Head of Nereis with everted proboscis: A, dors a l view; B , ventral view. ( 1 ) prostomium~ ( 2 ) palpi; ( 3 )
prostornial tentacles; (4) eyes; ( 5 ) perietomiumr ( 6 ) peristomial or tentacular c i r r i ; ( 7 ) jaws. I-VIII, areas of proboscis; V-VIII, on oral ring; I-IV, on maxillary ring.
See and be able to recognize at this time the types given on the
list below.
Important Polychaete Tgpes (Families)
Nereid (figs. 13.8, 15)
Lumbrinerid (fig. 17,A and Plate V, no. 1)
(fig. 17,~)
Phyllodocid (fig. 17,E and Plate PII, no
Polynoid (fig. 17,B)
Syllid (17,D and Plate BII, nos. 2 b 3)
Sabellid (fig 17,C and Plate I. no. 3)
Serpulid (figs. 16, 17,I)
Spionid (fig. 17,J and Plate IX, no. 2 j
Cirratulid (fig. 17,H and Plate IV, no.
Terebellid (fig. 17,G and Plate 111, no.
Fig. 17.-Tries of polychaetesi A , Arabella, a lumbrinerid; 8 , 8 . l o s v d n . a ~ 0 1 ~ noid; C , M~%ioola,a sabellid; D , S y l l i s , a s y l l i d t E, Eulalia, a phyllodmid; F *
Glroem, a glyoerid; G , Terebella, a terebellid; H, C i m t u l u s , a o i m t u l i d t I,
Serpula, a serpulid; J , Bmoardia, a spionid.
a f e l t y layer t h a t
. . byby. Aphrodita
(Plate 11, no.
e l y t r a (fig. 17,B;
by paleae ( f i g . 18,B)
.. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. . . . . . . . . .
With 12 p a i r s of e l y t r a
Lepidonotus caelorus
With 15 pairs of e l y t r a
With 18 pairs of e l y t r a
Halosydna 6
I i t h more than 18 p a i r s of e l y t r a
Zlytra more o r l e s s firmly attached; neuropodial setae e n t i r e
a t end (fig. 18,E); common i n mussel beds, o r commensal with
Halosydna brevisetosa
6. Elytra e a s i l y shed; neuropodial setae b i f i d at end; free-living, under stones
Halosydna johnsoni
7. Elytra more o r l e s s completely covering the d o r m i n the anter i o r region; dorsal c i r r i and antennae club or pear-shaped;
neuropodial setae strongly f a l c a t e (sickle- shaped, f i g
Arctono8 8
18,D), the sides smooth
7. Elytni reduced i n s i z e throughout, those i n the posterior half
not noticeably smaller than those i n the a n t e r i o r half;
dorsal c i r r i and antennae cirriform; neuropodial setae s e r 9
r a t e d . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
8. Elytra strongly f r i l l e d at external 'margins (fig. 18,C); i n
Arctonolf f r a g i l i s
ambulacral grooves of Pisaster
8. Elytral margin smooth externally; a broad, transverse dark
band across anterior segments; i n branchial grooves of mollusks
A. v i t t a t a
8. Elytra s l i g h t l y undulate a t margins; commensal with holothurians
A. p l o h r a
9. Elytra i n pairs throughout length of body; notopodia without
setae; comme~maloften with tube-building worms
9. Some e l y t r a i n posterior region not paired; some a n t e r i o r notopodia have setae; commensal
Lepidamt r i a
10. Notopodial and neuropodial setae each of one kind
10. Notopodial and neuropodial setae each of two kinds, a stout
Hesperonob' l.l
and a slender form
11. Elytral surface smooth or with very few minute, low papillae; commensal with Urechis
11. Elytra with numerous scattered low papillae; commensal with
H. ooomplanata
12. Neuropodial setae e n t i r e a t d i s t a l end
12. Some neuropodial setae with t i p s b i f i d
Harmothod (Plate 11, no. 2 )
13. Neuropodial setae l o w , slender, the d i s t a l ends hairlike.
13. Neuropodial setae with d i s t a l ends thicker, not hairlike.
14. Bnterior end completely concealed by feathery tentacles.
SBBELLIDAE (fig. 17,C; P l a t e I1,no. 3), SERPULIDgE (fig. 16). 15
14. Anterior end completely concealed by chitinous spines forming
an operculwn. SBBELI$RIIDAE ( f i g . 19,A), PECTINARIIDAE
14. Anterior end with long, strong, spinous setae, not forming an
operculum, but projecting forward and concealing the prosto33
mium (fig. 18,B and Plate 111, no. 1). naaELLIGWIDBE
[See opposite page. ]
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..
. . . . . . . . . . .. ..
Fig. 19.-A,
. . . . . . . . . . .. .. .. .. .. .. .. . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . .. .. . . . . .
. . . . .. .. ..
Figures thue given refer t o the categories i n the key through which
the particular family ha8 been arrived a t and permit of a quick review
of the charaatere etreeeed.
. . . . . .. .. .. .. Schizobranchia
. . . . . . 24
24. Composite eyes a t d i s t a l end of some radioles . . . . . Megalomma
24. Without composite eyes i n such position . . . . . . . . . . . . 25
25. With tentacular eye-spots . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27
25. Vithout tentacular eye-spots . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26
23. Tentacular filaments divided several times
23. Tentacular filaments not divided
26. Tentacular filaments united f o r most of t h e i r length by a palmate membrane ( f i g . 17,C); thoracic c o l l a r conspicuous forming a smooth, e n t i r e membrane, open i n mid-line; thoracic
crotchets with a long stem ( f i g . 20,D)
26. Tentacular filaments not united by membrane o r a t most f o r a
r e l a t i v e l y small part of t h e i r length; thoracic c o l l a r not
strongly developed; thoracic uncini with short stem
. . . . ...
37. First few segments have broad, lateral flaps; branchiae elongate, dendritic, greenish; constructs tubes in rock crevices, the distal end of the tube with an open, reticulated,
sponge-like mass through which the tentacles are extended.
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Pista
Fig. 23.-Setae
Fig. 22.-Cirratulidae:
A , anterior end of
U r i f o I m i a ; B , anterior end of
of posterior seg-
branoha; B , C . luxuriosa.
Fig. 24.-A,
C , head expansion of
D , hooded crotchet
of Lumbrineris. E , mandible of Arobella. F, maxillary apparatus of brabella.
47. Proboscis without chitinous jaw pieces; form variable
47. Proboscis provided with dark chitinous jaw pieces (figs
24,E.F); smooth, elongate, cylindrical, resembling an earthworm; parapodia weakly developed or, at most, simple lobes;
dorsal and ventral oirri often tiny
LIJMBRINEFUDAE (Plate Y, no. 1)(see 14, 44, 45, and 46)
, I'
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. .. .. .. .. .. .. Lumbriwris
. . . . . . ereeta
49. Parapodial lobes short throughout
50. Anterior parapodia with some composite hooded crotchets in
addition to pointed setae; prostomial lobe sp~~tulate
L. japonica
50. bterior parapodia without composite setae; prostomial lobe
bluntly conical
L. a o m t a
51. Parapodia with a stout acicular seta projecting from the lobe.
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Drilonereis
51. Parapodia without stout projecting acicular setae
. . . . . . . . . . . . Arabella (fig. 17,A and Plate V, no. 1)
52. Body consisting of 3 regions, an anterior and a posterior without branohiae, and a median region with conspicuous branchiae; parapodia with uncini hooks) sometimes of great size
(up to 50 cm.). ARENICOLIDBE see 14, 44, 45, 47)
Arenicola (Plate IV, no. 4)
52. Body consisting of 2 regions which are not always easily
distinguishable from each other (Plate IX, no. 3)
52. Body uniform; d o r m sometimes more or less completely concealed by interlacing, cirriform branchiae (fig. 25). no
podia. ORBINII~(= ARICIIDAE) (see 14, 44,
V, no. 2)
Fig. 26.-Orbiniidae:
A , Winereis;
B, Sooloplos.
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Nuinereis
. . . . . . . . .. . . . . .
55. Iarger; with divided branchiae in posterior region
55. Smaller; without divided branchiae
56. Thorax consists of 9 setigerous segments, the first 7 with
capillary setae, the last two with uncini; constructs tubes
Capitella (Plate IX, no. 3)
in d flats
56. 'Phomx consists of 17 or 18 segments
. .. .. .. .. . . . . . . . . . . . .
Fig. 26.-Ophelia.
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Ammotrypane
62. Prostomium quadrate (fig. 27,A) or subcircular
62. Prostomium pointed (fig. 17,F), provided with four tiny tentacles in a cross at tip: proboscis large, stout, terminat66
ing distally in dark chitinous jaw pieces (fig. 17,F)
63. With branohia-like structures in the form of a recurved cirrus
between the two r a m i of the parapodium (fig. 27,B); prostomium trapezoidal (fig. 27,A), the anterior part with two pairs
of small antennae; proboscis eversible, large.
(Plate VI, no. 1)
63. With branchia-like structures in tufts above notopodia (Plate
VI, nos. 2 and 3); parapodial lobes not visible in dorsal
view, beoawe of thick, tufted, setal fascicles; a peculiar
dorsal appendage (caruncle) extending back from the prostom i u m . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
N. californiensis
Fig. 27.-A,
Nephtys with everted proboscis; B , l e f i parapodium of
Nephtys showing reourved cirrus; C , Nephtya caeooides; D , l e f t parapodium o f Hemipodus; E, right parapodium of Glyoem robusta.
2. T m o s v l l i s
Glycera amsricanu
68. Without retractile branchiae; parapodial lobes otherwise
69. Parapodia with two presetal and two postsetal lobes
69. Parapodia with two presetal and one postsetal lobe
G. capitata
70. Parapodial rami long, with a blister-like branohiae on the
dorsal surface (fig. 27,E)
G. robusta
70. Parapodia without such branchiae
71. The two pasterior lobes of parapodium unequal, the dorsal the
G. alba
71. The two posterior lobes of about the same length
G. tesselata
. . .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. . . . .
Goniadidae (see 14, 44, 62, 66)
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 92
. . . . . . . . . . 79
. . . . . . . . . . . . . 80
. . . 81
California Nereidae: 1 , Cheilonereis cyclurus; 2 , Platynereis agassizi; 3,Lunereis lonqipesy 4 , Eunereis longipesj 5 , Ceratonereis tunicataei 6 , Nereis v e x i l losar 7 , Nereis latesoens; 8 , Nereis prooera; 9 , Nereis zonata; 10, Nereis mediator; 11, Nereis pelagica; 12, Perineis monterea; 13.14, Neanthes l i g h t i .
. . . . .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. . . . . .
87. A l l paragnaths minute though dark . N. procera (Plate VIII, no. 8 )
87. Paragnaths not minute, some l a r g e r than others . . . . . . . . 88
88, Area V I of proboscis ( f i g . 15) with four o r f i v e large cones
disposed more o r l e s s i n a diamond
88. Area VI of proboscis with an oval mass of 6 o r 7 small cones
N. aonata (Plate VIII, no. 9 )
89. Cones more numerous and larger; posterior parapodia with dorsal and v e n t r a l s i d e s of d o r s a l lobes approximately parallel
N. mediator (Plate VIII, no. 1 0 )
89. Area V I I ( f i g . 1 5 ) without mass of smaller cones; p o s t e r i o r
d o r s a l lobe with dorsal edge s h o r t e r than v e n t r a l edge
N. pelagica (Plate VIII, no. 1 1 )
. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .Autolytus
. . . 93
93. Palpi fused throughout their entire length (fig. 30,C); minute,
Fig. SO.-Syllidaer
s y l l i s ; C , Exonone.
B, Pippp-
Antennae and dorsal cirri amooth (fig. 30,B) . . . . Pionosyll is
Antennae and dorsal cirri articulated . . . . . . . . . . . . . 98
Parapodia with only simple setae . . . . . . . . . . Haplosyll is
Parapodia in median region contain both simple and composite
setae . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Syllis (fig. 17,D)
Parapodia with only composite setae . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 99
Fig. 31.-!Two
types of o m p o a i t s s e t a e of ~ h l e r s i z .
. ..............
100. With one to five prostomial tentacles (fig, 32,A) which are
simple, cirriform or annulated, but without distinct basal
Fig. 32.-Eunicidae
( a f t e r artm man) : A , a n t e r i o r
end of m i c e ; B, r i g h t parapodium of m i o e l&c i r r a t a Webster; C , a n t e r i o r end of Maruhysa.
100. With one pair of long palpi and a pair of prostomial tentacles
that are simple cirriform or annulated (fig. 33,A). STAURONEREIDAE
100. With seven prostomial tentacles including 5 larger which
have distinctly annulated bases, and 2 small, simple, at
anterior margin of prostomium (fig. 28,A). ONUPHIDAE (see
14, 44, 73)
Fig. 33.-Stauronereidae:
A , a n t e r i o r end of 5 t a u r ~ n e r e i s g&pilocero~ Moore;
B , r i g h t median parapodium
of S t a u r o n e r e i s a r t i c u l a t u s
. . . . . . . 105
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Eunice 104
105. Branchial filaments not present before about the 100th segment
105. Branchial filaments present from about the 10th segment;
acicula black . Marphysa (fig. 32,C, and Plate IX, no. 1) 106
106. Branchiae simple, cirrifom throughout . Marphysa sty1obranchiata
106. Branchiae with four to seven filaments where best developed
. . . . . Stauronereidae
. , . . . . . .(see
. . .14,. 44,
. . 73,
. . .100)
? . M.californica
107. larger, brilliantly banded with cowl and cream; prostomial antennae thick, blunt (fig. 33,A)
Stauronereis moniloceras
107. Small (length 17 mm. or less), pale or colorless; prostomial
Stauronereis spp.
antennae long, slender, articulated
108. Body clearly divisible into two or more clearly defined regions (fig. 35,B)
108. Body not divisible into regions, although sometimes e single
anterior segment is specially modified. SPIONIDAE (see 14,
4 4 ) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 0 9
109. Sixth segment (fifth setigerous) modified (fig. 17,J) provided with special hooks
109. Sixth segment not modified
110. Branchiae present anterior to modified segment (fig. 17,J);
prostomium with sooty pigmentation; inhabiting narrow
Boccardia 111
crevices and soft shales
110. Branchia first present posterior to modified segment
Polydora (Plate IX, no. 2) 112
111. Branchiae on posterior fifth of body; 29-40 mm. long
Boccardia proboscidsa (= B. natrix)
111. No branchiae on posterior fifth of body; 8-20 mm. long
B. truncata
112. Posterior segments without large stout hooks; constructs soft
tubes; estuarine
Polydora ligni
112. Posterior segments with large stout hooks, burrowing in corralines, shells, etc.
P. a r m t a
113. Anterior end with two pairs of large tentacular structures
(fig 34,A) ; other branchial structures absent; estuarine
. . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Streblospio
Fig. 34.-A,
lutinoola Hartman;
- d B , ho
hook of Nerine.
. . . . . . . . . S io
. . . . . . . . . El5
. . . . . . . . . . . .. .. Laonice
Fig. 36.-A,
family Pectinariidae, excavating in sand (after Meo~ntosh)8
B, Chaetovterucl rariovedatus Rbnier et Claparbde in tube (af'ter &c~initie).
D M Schistocom~lshiltoni Chamberlin
Plabelligeridae (Continued)
D *M Stylarioides eruca (ClaparBde)
D Stylarioides plunosa (0. F. ~uller)
TI3 B *M Glycera americana (Leidy)
TB Glycera convoluta Keferstein
M Glycera nana Johnson
TB B *M Glycera robusta Ehlers
TB M Glycera tesselata Grube
TB D B M Henipodia boreal is Johnson
D M Goniada brunnea Treadwell
D M Glycinde armigera Moore
Hesi onidae
D I Podarke pugettensi s Johnson
TB B *M Arabella iricolor (~ontagu)
TB M Arabella semimuculata Moore
TB M Drilonereis falcata Moore
TB Drilonereis nuda bore
TB D M Lmbrineris sonata Johnson
M Lurnbrineris erecta Moore
TB D M Lurnbrineris japonica Marenzeller
TB M Hagelona longicornis Johnson
TB M Clymenella rubrocincta Johnson
TB *B M Nephtys caecoides Hartman
TB B M Nephtys californiensis Hartman
D M Ceratonereis paucidentata (Moore)
D Ceratonereis tunicatae Hartman
TB M Cheilonereis cyclurus (Harrington)
TB M anereis longi es Hartman
TB D M Meanthes bran ti BlIalmgren
D Neanthes 1ighti Hartman
TB B Neanthes succinea (Frey & Leuckart )
D *M Nereis callaona Grube
D B M Nereis latescens Chamberlin
D M Nereis mediator Chamberlin
TB D M Nereis pelagica Linnaeus
D M Nereis procera Ehlers
TB *B *M Nereis vexillosa Grube
D M Nereis aonata blmgren
D M Perinereis monterea (~hamberlin)
TB D B *M Platynereis agassiai (~hlers
Onuphidae (Continued)
TB Piopatra splendidissimu Kinberg
M Hyal inoecia (subintertidal; rarely washed in)
Nothria elegans (Johnson)
D M Nothria geophiliformis Moore
D I Onuphis eremita (Audouin and Wne-Edwards)
Opheli idae
D TB M Ammotrypane aulogaster Rathke
D Anandia bi oculata Hartman
M A m n d i a brevis Moore
D M Ophelia limucina jkthke)
D Pectinophelia dil onensis Hartman
D Pectinophelia williamsi Hartman
D M Polyophthalmus pictus (Du'ardin)
D !l'horacophelia mucronata (!$readwell)
D M Travisia pupa Moore
Orbiniidae (= ~rici
TB D B M Nainereis laevigata Grube
TB D M Scoloplos ameceps Chamberlin
Ckoeniidae (= ~mmocharidae)
D M Oloenia fisiformis della Chiaje
TB M Cistenides brevicomu Johnson
D M Anait ides mediapapillata Moore
D Anaitides mucosa (OErsted)
TB Anait ides williamsi Hartman
TB M Eteone dilatae Hartman
B TB Eteone lighti Hartman
B TB Eteone 1onga Fabricius
TB M Xteone pacifica Hartman
D &la1 ia aviqulisetp Hartman
D M Eulalia virzdis (Linnaeus
TB D M Eumida sanguinea (OErsted
D M Gsnetylli s castanea (Marenzeller)
D H poeulal ia bil ineata (Johnston)
D M dyllodoce ferruginea Moore
Polyno idae
D M Arctonob fragil is
Polyodont i due
D M Peisidf ce aspera Johnson
D M Phragmatopom californica (Fewkes)
D B M Sabellaria cemsntarium Moore
TB M Chone infundi bul ifonni
D *M lhdistyl ia polporpha
TB M &di sty1i a vancouveri
D M Fabricia sabella Ehrenber
D M Mega1onno roulei (~ravier?
TB M Mpicola infundibulum (~ontagu)
D M Pseudopotamilla intermedia Moore
D M Pseudopotanilla occelata Moore
D *M Sabella crassicorni Sars
Sabella media (~ush?
Schiaobranchia insignis Bush
Serpuli due
D M Wrpolnatus gracilis Bush
D M Hydroides uncinatus (Philippi )
*B Mercierella enignatica Fauvel
D M: S a l ~ o i mdysteri (Huxley)
D B M Serpula vermicularis Linn.
D,P Spirabranchus spinosug MooD B M S irorbis spirillun Llm., and other species.
M &niliopsis sp.
Sigali onidae
D M Sthenelais fusca Johnson
D B *M Boccardia proboscidea Hartman
TB M Laonice cirmta Sars
TB B Polydora ligni Vebster
D M Polydora armata Langerhans
M Pygospio californica Hartman
M Rwchospi o arenincola Hartman
M Spzo filicornis Muller
B Streblospio benedicti Webster
D M Stauronereis art iculatus Hartman
D M Stauronereis moniloceras Moore
D M Stauronereis minor Hartman
D M Sternaspis scutata (Ranzani) (subintertidal; rarely
washed in)
D B M Autolytus varius b a d w e l l
TB+M Ehlersia corputa Rathke
D B M &o one spp.
D TB M Hap osyllis spongicola (Grube)
Sy11idae (~ont
D M Hesperali a californi ensi s Chamberlin
D M Odontosylli s phosphorea Moore
D M Pionosyllis gigantea Moore
D B *M S llis alternata Moore
D M Zllis elongata (~ohnson)
TB B *M Trypanosyllis adamanteus Treadwell
TB Trypanosylli s gemipara Johnson
D M Typosyllis armillaris (~ller)
D Typosyllis hyali nu (Grube)
Terebelli dae
D .M
D TB ld
Class H I R U D D W
From Lone Tree Pond and other fresh water: Glossiphonia stagnalis
a predaceous leech. Blood-sucking leeches are less common.
See bibliographic list for references to Urechis caupo Fisher and
MacGinitie (fig. 17,F) found in tidal mud flats. This is the only
species of this group occurring in this region.
Study externally a sipunculid (fig. 13,E). Note the absence of
any segmentation or true setae. The anterior portion is called the
introvert, as it oan be retracted into the rest of the body. Preserved
specimens usually have the introvert retracted. At the anterior end
of a specimen with extended introvert note the mouth surrounded by
tentacles. The anus is not posterior, but is situated on the dorsal
side of the body near the base of the introvert. This is one of the
reasons for doubting the relationship of the sipunculids to the annelids.
Sipunculids are abundant'at Moss Beach and vicinity, mostly living in holes and crevices in the soft sandstone rock and occur in
great numbers in mussel beds on Tomales Point. One undetermined species is found at Point Richmond in San Francisco Bay. The following
identifications and distinguishing characters are due to Dr. H. E.
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Phascolosoma procerum
(? )
. . . . . . . . ... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Types of Crustacea. Cirripedia: 1, Acorn barnacle (half of s h e l l removed) ( a f t e r
Damin) j 2 , Saaoulina (Rhizooephalia) on a crab ( a f t e r Delage) j 3, Acorn barnacle
(half of s h e l l removed) ( a f t e r Claus); 4 , Artemia ( ~ n o s t r a c a )( a f t e r B ~ O M )Branchiopoda: 5 , Apus ( ~ o t o s t r a c a )(dorsal view; a f t e r B r o ~ 6,
) ~Apus (appendages f r a u t h e
s i d e ) ( a f t e r Lankester) j 7, Estheria ( ~ o n c h o s t r a c a )( a f t e r Lankester) 7a, Estheria
(one valve removed) ( a f t e r ~ a n k e s t e rj ) 8, &&&
la doc era) ( a f t e r Sara).
7. With a bivalve carapace enveloping body and head, externally resembling the Conchostraca, but differing in smaller size (not
more than 2 or 3 mm. in length) and in small number of appendClass OSTRACODA (Plate XI, nos. 1, la)
7. Carapace absent, or present but covering at most the thoracic
Of the four orders of the Branchiopoda listed above, only one, the
Cladocera, will be frequently encountered during the course. The others,
chiefly to be found in seasonal ponds, may be briefly discussed as follows. The Anostraca are represented by the brine shrimp, Arternia salina
(Plate XI, no. 4), found in this region in the highly concentrated sea
water of pools for the commercial production of salt by evaporation.
The brine shrimp is much used as food for small fish in aquaria. Other
genera, commonly known as fairy shrimps (fig. 36). occur in enormow
Fig. 36.-Male
of Branchinecta
s h e l l gland
tao. a*.
-- --- -....
terminal olaw
Fig. 37.-Simocephalue
Fig. 3 8 . - e
(after ~ a i r d )
4. Head greatly depressed; eye almost directly below bases of antennae; valves oval or round
A. Bosmina loneirostris
B. Pleuroxis dsnticulatus
D. Macrothrix
Fig. 39.-Types
Bosmi na
Daphn i a
Mo i na
Pl euroms
Estheri a
Examine whole mounts and living specimens. Note the truly bivalved
shell (Plate XI, no. l),which entirely encloses the head and body, and
the absence of segmentation or of leaf-like appendages (fig. 40 and
Plate XI, no. la), These characters differentiate the ostracods from
other entomostraca.
Remove one valve to identify such structures as time allows. Refer
to figure 40 of Asterope.
st t h o r , app.
Fig. 40.-An
ooetraood atero rope) with left
valve remwed (aPter Sara).
Be able to recognize ostracods when encountered. We shall not attempt to identify them to genus or species.
Laboratory Exercise.-Anaesthetize your specimen with a drop of
dilute nicotine solution. Note the enlarged anterior portion of the
metas ome
uros ome
male fifth leg (fig. 44,A). The position of the spine on the outer side
of the second segment of the right exopodite is important in classification as also the nature of the medial apical process of the terminal
segment of the left exopodite (fig. 44,A).
Figure 42 illustrates the functions in copulation of the peculiarly
modified right antennule of the male, the male fifth legs, and the
usually asymmetrical urosome of the male.
Fig. 42.-Copulation
i n Diaptomus (after
wesenberg-~und): A, function of clasping antennule of male) B, function of urosome and
fifth legs of male.
Fig. 43.-Types
of copepods (variously magnified) : A, C clo s strenuue Fischer
(after Wesenberg-lund)i B, DLa t o m s W e r z e skii Richard ~$d-Wesenberg-Lund)g
C, D i a ~ t a u sgncilis Sara
Atthyella illinoisensis Forba
(after ~oker)
Fig. 44.-Fifth
legs and r i g h t antennules of l o c a l species of
variously magnified: A, f i f t h legs of male of
oaduous Light; B, f i f t h legs of famale of same species$ C , r i g h t
f i f t h l e g of male of Diaptomus s i o i l o i d e a L i l l j e b o r g , much enlarged; D , antepenultimate segment of r i g h t antexmule of male of
Diaptomus novamexicanus Herriok; E , same of D. s i c i l o i d e s .
Fig. ----46.
Haddon: A , female
Fig. 45.-Clausidium vanoouverense Haddon, dorsal view of i n ventral v i m ; B , f i r s t thomoio l e g , magnified t o
olasping pair.
show modifioatiom; C , a portion of t h i s more highly
magnified t o show nature of suckers.
Order Haroacticoidg
F Atthyella
M Pigri opus cal ifornicus (Baker) (= T. triangulus Campbell)
Many other unidentified genera and species, freshwater
and marine. For marine species see Monk, Trans. American
1941, p.. 75.
Order Calanoida
M Calanus finmarchicus Gunner
M Calanus spp.
Other marine species
F Diapt omus caducus Light
F Diaptomus eiseni Lilljeborg
F Diaptomus franciscanus Lilljeborg
F Diapt o m s novamexicanus Herrick (= D. washingtonensis)
F Diaptoms siciloides Lilljeborg
Order C~clo~oida
M Clausidiunr vancouverense Haddon
F Cyclops spp.
b y other freshwater genera and species
- &.,
Fig. 47.-Ar
class s-ohi-er
Order Thoracica, Barnacles
(Refer to Jirriuedia .ofPwet Sound, by Dora Henry, 1940. )
On a goose barnacle (~e~as,
fig. 48,A) make out the five platea
making up the armor, a pair of large scuta (sing. scutm) at the stalk
end, a pair of smaller terara (sing. t e r m ) at the free end, and a
single narrow median carina at the hinge side. The homologues of these
five plates are present in the sessile barnacles arr well as several
other plates. In Yitella, the leaf barnacle, many accessory platelets
are found, some of which may be homologous with the extra plates in the
sessile barnacles.
On the sessile or acorn barnacle, Balanus glandula (figs. 48,%C,
a r t i c u l a r ridge
f o r depressor muscle
purple patch
a r t i o u l a r ridge
a r t i c u l a r furror
f o r depressor muscle
s o u t a l margin
Fig. 48.-Types
Henry) 1 A ,
C , Balanus 3same inner view.
a goose barnaole;
(sing. radius) if the lines of growth are different from the paries,
otherwise they receive no special designation. The edges of a compartThe rostrum
ment which are overlapped are known as aJgg (sing.
The lateral
and carina are symmetrical, typically each with two
compartments are symmetrical each with a radius on the posterior
(carinal) side and an ala on its anterior (rostral) side. In Chthamalus the rostrum is normal with two alae (fig. 49,~). In Balanus (fig.
49,B) and Tetraclita, however, it seemingly has two radii, but these are
really the radii of the rostro-laterals which are joined with it. The
carina has two alae in all cases since, while the carino-laterals are
lacking in some genera (Chthamalus and ~etraclita),they are never
fused with the carina as are the mstro-laterals with the rostrum
(Balanus and Tetraclita). The movable upper portion consists of two
pairs of plates, two longer anterior scuta (figs. 48,D and 49), and
two shorter posterior ter~a.Numerous characters important in the
classification are found on the inner bases of these plates (see fig.
Identify your specimen using the key below. At some future time
attempt to identify other species by means of Henry's key (1940) or
using Pilsbry, U.S. Nat. Mus. Bull. 93. Our local barnacles are not
well known and species may be found which are not in the key.
5. Wall grayish o r white, variously ridged, consisting of 6 compartments, the margins of which may not be discernible externally
66. Outside of wall with numerous f i n e ridges (see f i g u r e below);
.Balanus cariosus
suture between scuta strongly sinuate
6. Outside of wall without o r with few ridges, these r e l a t i v e l y
heavy; suture between scuta feebly o r minutely sinuate
7. Small t o medium s i z e , usually about 1/2 inch i n diameter o r
7. Usually much larger; a t low t i d e mark
Balanus nubilis (fig. 48,D.E)
8. Commonly with d i s t i n c t ridge$ on wall; common high intert:dal
&lanus glandula
8. Val1 smooth; r a r e lower i n t e r t i d a l species
Balanus crenatus
(See Henry, 1940, and the special report of C. D. Michener f o r
more technical differences between species of Balanus)
Three subclasses of the Malacostraca, the Isptostraca, the Hoplocarida, and the Spcarida, will not be encountered. The other two,
Peracarida and Eucarida, include many important elements of the fauruns
Subclass Peracarida
Two orders, Mysidacea (Plate XI, no. 3) and Cumacea (fig. 50),
include minute forms not important in such studies, although representatives of each may be encountered. A third order of m m y authors, the
Tanaioidea (fig. 51), is included in this syllabus with the Order
Isopoda as the Suborder Chelifera.
Fig. 50.-Diastylis
cumroean ( a f t e r Sara).
Order Iso~oda
You will be given specimens of the five free-living suborders,
Chelifera, Flabellifera, Valvifera, Onisooidea, and Asellota. Distinguish them by means of the key below adapted from M. A. Miller (1940)
and Richardson (1905)
Fig. 51,--,
Suborder Chelifera
~ p p
. . . . . . . . . .3
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .4
2. Uropods l a t e r a l ( f i g 58 ) o r v e n t r a l ( f i g 54 )
i s Say, Suborder
4. Aquatic f o m ; pleopods branchial ; abdo~ninalappendages usually
covered by l a r g e r opercular p l a t e s formed by an a n t e r i o r p a i r
of pleopods; abdominal segments fused
Asellota (~selloidea)( f i g . 52)
4. T e r r e s t r i a l forms; pleopods uncovered, adapted f o r a i r breathing;
sometimes provided with tracheal t r e e s ; abdomen with 6 welldefined segments (the last fused with t e l s o n )
Oniscoidea ( f i g . 5 3 ) ~
F i g . 54.-Idotea baltioa
Pallaa, Valvifera : ventral
view of abdomen with l i d l i k e uropod ranwed on one
side (af'ter ~ a l e s ) .
Suborder Chelifera
4. Uropods lateral (fig. 58) or ventral (fig. 54) . . . . . . . . . 5
4. Uropods terminal (figs. 52, 53, 61) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . -20
5. Uropods forming with terminal segment of abdomen a caudal fan
(fig. 58); most pleopods natatory (Cymothoidea or Flabellifem.... ..........................lo
5. Uropods valve-like, inflexed, arching over pleopods (fig 54)
which are largely branchial (Idotheoidea or Valvifera)
. . . . .6
Suborder Valvifera
Fig. 55.-A,
palp of Pentidotea woaneaenskii showing f i v e arfic l e e ; B, same of Idothea
r e c t i l i n i a showing four
Fig. 56.-Idoth
Suborder Flabellifera
10. First pair of legs subchelate, larger and stouter than the
others; mouth parts sucking; uropods lateral and superior
Anthuridae (fig. 57 )
10. First pair of legs resembling others; uropods not superior;
mouth parts n o d
11. Abdomen, including telson, of 6 short segments (often only 5
visible ) (figs. 58,C,D ) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
Fig. 67.-C
thura oarinsta xrdyer,
A n t h u r i w e r Iiiohardeon)
11. Abdominal segments reduced in number and imperfectly separated, ugually 2 visible segments (fig. 58,~);uropod
Sphaeromidae 14
with one immovable branch
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Limnoria
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Cirolana linguifrons
14. Posterior margin of telson entire (fig. 58,A) . . . . . . . . . 16
14. Telson with a median emargination (fig. 58,G) . . . . . . . . . 15
15. Surface of abdomen smooth; flagellum of second antenna with
10 articles . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Dynamenella
15. Surface of abdomen with tubercles; flagellum of second antenna
with less than 6 articles . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Dynamene
16. Second to fourth articles of palp of maxilliped not produced
into lobes; surface densely granular, dark brown; in mud
flats, and in colonies ofdlercierella at Lake Merritt
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Sphaeroma pentodon
. . . . . . . .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .EGcosphaeromaamplicauda
. . . . . . . . . . 18
19. Surface of abdomen with tuber ale^; all thoracic segmenta but
first marked with four conspicuous brown spots and with two
spots on first abdominal segment
kosphaeroma octoncum
19. Surfaoe of abdomen without tubercles; body ovate, twice as long
as wide: head three times as wide as long
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Exosphaerom
oregonensi s
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21
. . . . . . . . . . . 24
Suborder Asellota
21. Mite-like in appearance; last three thoracic segments short,
.Munna (fig. 59)
21. Not mite-like; last three thoracic segments not constricted
22. Second pair of antennae long, with dtiarticulate f
22. Second antennae short; flagellurn reduced (figs 60,B,lC
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . Jaeropsis
23. Uropods tiny; first pair of antennae very tiny (fig. 60,A);
second pair without a scale . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Jaera
23. Umpods and first antennae well developed (fig. 60,D,E); second
antennae with a scale . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Janiropsis
Suborder Oniscoidea
. . . . . 25
. . . . . . . . . . . . . 28
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27
Fig. 60.-Jaeridae
( a f t e r Riohardson) ; A ,
Fabrioiuei B , aerouais lobata Riohardson; C , antennule
(small) und anienna of eame~ D. 1, Janirnpttis oalifomioa
26. Iarger; found only just above high-tide line under debris;
with characteristic large white spots
Alloniscus perconvexus
26. Small; found in other mgist locations; with uniform color or
at least not conspicuously mottled
27. ksal segment of uropods at least twice as long as wide (fig.
L i g i a occidental i s
27. Basal segment of uropods about as wide as long (fig. 61,A)
Fig. 61.-&&
(= L i ~ i d a ) (after Richardson):
A , L i i a (Ligia)
iBrandtr B ,
29. Abdomen abruptly narrower than thorax; brown or reddish; surface slightly granulated; usually under decaying vegetation
Porcellionides pruinosus
29. Abdomen not abruptly narrower than tho30. Body very convex, capable of being rolled into a ball; uropods
not extending beyond tip of abdomen. "The Pill Bug"
Armad illidium vulgare
30. Body more or less depressed, not capable of rolling into a
ball; uropods extending beyond tip of abdomen. "The Sow N s "
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 1
31. Body roughly granulate or tuberculate Porcellio scaber (fig. 53)
31. Body smooth or minutely granulate . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32
32. Body very smooth and shiny; posterolateral margin of first
four thoracic somites straight; terminal process of abdomen
(telson) pointed at tip, with a deep longitudinal dorsal
32. Body smooth or slightly granular; posterolateral margins of
first four thoracic somites produced posteriorly; telson
rounded at tip and with but a faint dorsal groove
Suborder AseUota
M Jaera
Y Jaeropsis lobata Richardson
*M Jani ropsi s cal iforni ca Richardson
M hnna
Suborder gniscoidea
(NOTE:-Ligia and Alloniscus are almost as truly terrestrial as the others of this suborder, but live very near the
sea, just above the high tide marks, often descending into
the intertidal when the tide is out. )
TB M Alloniscus perconvexus Dana
*T Armdill idiunr vulgare Iatreille
*B D *M Ligia occidentalis Dana
*M Ligia pallasi i Brandt
T Ligidium gracile Dana
*T Porcellio fornosus Stuxberg
*T Porcellio laevis Iatreille
*T Porcellio scaber Iatreille
T Porcell i onides (~eto~onorthus)
prui nosus B d t
Order h ~ h i ~ o d a
The Amphipoda are divided into three suborders: Gammaridea (Plate
XI, no. 6), Hyperiidea (fig. 62), and Caprellidea (Plate XI, no. 5); the
first two with seven free thoracic segments, the third with six. The
Caprellidea are further distinguished by
a very narrow body and a rudimentary abdomen. The Hyperiidea which are commonly
parasitic and will not be seen by us are
further characterized by a very large head
(fig. 62) and large eyes. The Ganmaridea
are represented by the familiar "sand flean
of the seashore and a large number of species living on seaweed? under rocks, etc.
We shall confine our study to the GanrmaFig. BE. -Platyoelus, Suborder
ridea, but the student should be able to
Eyperiidoa, Order Amphipoda.
recognize caprellids
Using the dissecting microscope or low powers of the compound
microscope study fixed speoimens of Ganunarus and whole mounts of Gamnarus and Hyallela. Bdake out (fig. 63) antennules and antennae, known
also as first and second antennae. The elongate basal joints constitute
the peduncle, the small distal joints the fhellum. Note that there ie
a small secondary flagellum on the of some genera (fig. 71).
The mouth-parts will be studied later using mounts of the separated
appendages of Allorchestes. On the whole mounts m e the subchelate first
and second legs (2d and 3d thoracic appendages) known as first and w ond pmtho~ods,the five simple walking le known as perio~ods,the
three biramous pleopods with slender, mi?= tiarticulate rami and the
thee pairs of biramous leg-like ~ ~ O D O("springing
~ S
The first two legs, called the first and second pathopods (fig. 63),
commonly terminate in expandea hands, and in one or both or neither the terminal segment (seventh segment or dactylus) closes on
Using the key, identify the specimen given you and such others as
time allows. This will require a certain amount of dissection. Do this
with needles under the higher powers of the dissecting binocular. Mount
dissected parts under coverslips and study by means of the compound
! EE AMPHIPODS (Suborder Clammaridea)
. . . . . . . . . .. . . . .
1. Side plates 2-4 united, forming a large lateral shield Metopa sp.
1. Side plates 2-4 not united (fig. 63)
2. Uropod 3 (moqt posterior) vestigial, seemingly absent; species
Potiooerus spong i oolus (fig 65 )
living in aponge
2. Uropod 3 of at least moderate size, funational
3. Rostrum conspicuous, at least 1/3 ae long ae first joint of
3. Rostrum inconapiououa, lesa than 1/3 as long as first joint of
. . . . . . . ...
4. Antennule with long accessory flagellum (fig. 66,A); legs with many
bristles, adapted for burrowing
Pontharpinia obtusidens (fig. 66)
4. Antennule without accessory flagellum; legs not adapted for burrowing
Fig. 65.-Podooerus
s p o w i c o l u s Alderman
( a f t e r b l d e r n n f i r s t and aeoond
gnathopoda of male; C-D, same of female.
Fig. 69.-Pleuates d e ~ r e s s u a
Alderman ( a f t e r ~ l d e r m a n:
) A, s i d e
view; B , seoond gnathopod.
...... .....
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Corophiunr insidiosum
12. Uropod 3 uniramous . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13
12. Uropod 3 biramous, although one branch is sometimes very
small . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23
Corophium bonellii
11. Flagellum of antenna with 3 joints
11. Flagellum of antenna absent, last joint of peduncle claw-like
Fig. 71.-,Uaroprotovu,us.
. . . .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ..
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Orchestoidea cornioulata
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Hyalella kniokerboohri
17. Marine; size larger, antennule and antenna generally with more
18. Bntennule short, l i t t l e more than half the length of antenna
18. AntenniilS longer, generally much more than half length of
19. Color black and gray with sometimes transverse white stripes;
s i z e f a i r l y large; found i n San Trancisco Bay
19. Color pink o r pale; size small
20. Color pink; found with red algae on ocean coast
Hyale rubm
20. Color pale whitish; San Francisco Bag shore Allorchestes angusta
21. Antenna with dense t u f t s of b r i s t l e s , b r i s t l e s being a t l e a s t as
long as width of flagellum; bay shore
A11 orchestes plumulosus
21. Antenna1 b r i s t l e s much fewer and shorter
22. Joints 4 and 6 of male gnathopod 2 i n contact ( f i g . 72,B)
Hyole sp. (fig. 72,A,B)
22. Joints 5 of male gnathopod 2 produced between joints 4 and 6
All orchestes sp.
(fig. 64,B)
(Character 22 is decisive i n distinguishing between the
genera Hyale and Allorchestesbut it is often d i f f i c u l t t c j
observe and consequently has not been used above where other
d i s t i n c t ions a r e possible )
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. . . . . . . . .
Fig. 72.-A,B,
l a&
sp. ; C ,D, Aoroider californioa Alderman5 E, Orohertia tmskiana Stkpson, side plate 4.
Fig. 73.-Melita
o a l i f o r n i c a Alderman ( a f t e r Aldernun): A, s i d e view; B , f i r s t gnathopod; C , second
Fig. 74.-Elasmopus.
35. Legs 1-5 all with fingers pointing backward; abdominal segments 5 and 6 coalesced
Polycheria antarctica
35. Some of legs 1-5 with fingers not pointing backward; abdominal
segments 5 and 6 not coalesced
36. Side plate 4 concave posteriorly; gnathopods rather small
36. Side plate 4 convex or straight posteriorly; gnathopod 2
usually powerful, at least in male
37. Telson entire, pointed (fig. 75,A)
Kinonem sp. (fig. 75,A.B)
37. Telson cleft or emarginate
. . . . .. .. . . . . . . . . . . . .
Fig. 75.-A,
Fig. 77.-Photis
oonohfoola Alderman: A, s i d e p l a t e S and seoond segment
of f i r s t p e r i o p o d ~B , s i d e p l a t e 4; C , s i d e p l a t e 6 and thiTd periopod.
40. Male has side plates 1 and 2 much shallower than others; female
has s i d e plate 4 broader than front lobe of 5
40. Male has side plates 1 and 2 not m c h shallower than others;
female has side plate 4 narrower than front lobe of 5
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Photis
Suborder Gammaridea
M Acanthonot ozomat idae
Allorchestes angustus Ihna
*BB A1
1orchestes p l u m 1 osus S t impson
M All orchest es ap.
Bd Ampithod humeral is S t impson
M Ampithod rubricatahntagu
B *M
*B *M
Suborder Camellidea
. . . . . . . . . . .4
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .5
F i g . 78.-A
Fig. 80.-Ventral
Flg. 81.-Dorsal
- ---*
view of
np. a
r---*.""-h d n s
Mg. 82.-Typioal t h i r d
maxilliped of a braohyuran
(orablike) deoapod (from
Fig. 8 3 . - x o ;
Fig. 64.-Chela
F i g . 86.-Spirontooaris
........................ .
Fig. 86.-Spirontooaris
Spirontocaris taylori
Spirontocaris palpator
7. Rostrum reaching cornea or beyond
8. Rostrum reaching beyond middle of antenna1 scale but not into
d i s t a l quarter; greenish, semitransparent, with oblique reddish bands on carapace and crimson bars on legs; common i n
Spi rontooaris picta (fig. 87,C )
8. Rostrum longer, reaching t o or beyond end of antennal scale;
uniform green; c o w i n eelgrass and on mud f l a t s
Spirontocaris paludicola (figs. 85, 87,D)
Fig. 87.-Rostra
of ommum species of Svirontocaris ( a f t e r
Stimpaon; D,
Holmesl B, g. brevirostris Dana; C , g.
oh mitt): A, g. oarinata
g. paludioola Holmes.
Fig. 88.-Eead
oh mitt).
. . . . 11
Fig. 89.-Loxorhynahue
. . . . . . . . . . . . . .. .. .. .. .. .. . . . . . . . . . . . .
Fig. 90.-Mimulua
Ptrgettia (= ~ p i a l t u s )producta
. . . . . 14
Fig. 91.-Pu&tia
(after Sahniitt)~A,
gmaili13 Dhn8# B,
riohii Dana.
Plrgettia g r a o i l i s
14. Larger; carapace distinctly broader po~teriorly;anterolateral tooth narrow, laterally directed (fig. 91,B)
. . . . . . . . .. .. .. .. ..
. . .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. . . .
m e r u s . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 9
19. Carapace much broader than long, with front (between eyes)
narrow, cut into five teeth (fig. 81)
19. C~irapacenot much broader than long; front wide, without
b .
. . . . . . . . . . . . 20
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . -23
. . . . . . . . .. .. .. . . . . . . .
Fig. 92 .-Lophomnopeua
Fig. 94.-Petrolisthee
Abdomen symmetrical ( f i g . 95 ), extended; burrowing i n mud
f l a t s . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37
Abdomen asymmetrical, s o f t and twisted (fig. 98), protected by
a s n a i l s h e l l . The Hermit Crabs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38
Fig. 95.-Uporebia
37. F i r s t pair of
simple. The
37. F i r s t pair of
pair small,
(from ~ u b e r l e t )
Fig. 96.-Callianassa
(from ~ u b e r l e t )
& Dana
F i g . 97.-&
carapac:e obscur e i by
(Prom Gub e r l e t )
a n t e r i o r marain
heaw g
) s t r a l ) project ion short, blunt o r b:
rounded (fig.
rgums 5rranosimanus
40. u l s t a l t h i r d 01 aactyls whlte; a n t e r i o r margin of caral
icured k~y h a i r s, its r
.g. 98,E I )
-1-same c o
~ a n dalus
; danae Stimpson
Spi rontocaris brevirostri:r Dana
M.- Spirt
ontocaris palpator (bven )
ont ocar;is paludicola (Holmes(
ont ocariis picta (Stimpson)
ont ocariis taylori (stimpson)
D *M
*D *M
D *M
D *M
*B D M
*B M
B D *M
TB D *Id
Callianassa californiensis Dana
Crypt01ithodes sitchensis Brandt
Emerita analoga (Stimpson)
Hapalogaster cavicauda Stimpson
Oed ignathus inermis (stimpson)
Pachycheles pubescens Holmes
Pachycheles rud is Stimpson
Pagurvs hirsutiusculus (Dana)
Pagurus granosimanus (stimpson)
Pagurus hemphi 11i (Benedict)
Pagurus same1is (Stimpson)
Petrolisthes cinctipes (Randall)
Petrolisthes eriomeris Stimpson
Petroli sthes manimaculatus Glassell
Upogebia pugettensis (~ana)
Cancer antennarius Stimpson
Cancer jordani Rathbun
Cancer productus Randall
Cancer magister Dana
Fabia subquadrata Dana)
Xemigrapsus nudus [Dana)
Hemigrapsus oregonensis (Dana)
Lophopanopeus bellus (Stimpson)
Lophopnaopeus heathi i Rathbun
Loxorhynohus crispatus Stimpson
Yimulus fol iatus Stimpson
Pinnixa faba (Dana)and other spp.
Pinnotheres concharum (Rathbun)
agettia gracilis Dana
Pugettia richii Dana
Pugettia (Epialtus) producta (Randall)
Rhithropanopeus harrisi i (Gould)
Most of the arthropods except the Cmstacea are adapted to terrestrial life, although some of them have returned to aquatic habits.
It is customary to group these under three subphyla (or nlnsses)
the Myriapoda, the Insecta, and the Arachnida, although the first
group, ths Myriapoda, is almost certainly polyphyletic. In addition
the groups Pycnogonida and Tardigrada, while placed by some in the
Arachnida, are better considered as of doubtful taxonomic relationships.
This enormous assemblage of animals can have but brief and fragmentary consideration here since our emphasis in these studies is
largely on the aquatic habitats. Our excursions into the terrestrial
domain are usually confined to one field trip to a near-by canyon
Class SYWEYIA, The Garden Centipedes
See mounts of Scutigerella. These are progoneate as are the Diplopoda but differ from them in many important features. They possess many
structural indications of relationship to the primitive stock from which
the insects have arisen. Note that there are only 12 leg-bearing somites.
See the peculiar coxal sacs at the bases of the legs below. There is but
one pair of tracheae opening at the bases of the antennae.
These tiny white wormlike creatures will be found in loam and among
decaying leaves. They feed on vegetation and cause damage of considerable importance to some crops.
Class DIPMPODA, The Millipedes
Note the rounded body of many segments (except in Polydesmidae).
The first few segments bear a single pair of appendages each, others
bear two grid each is really two fused segments. The appendages of the
seventh free segment of the male are modified for copulation, the
reproductive ducts opening near the anterior end.
The types commonly encountered are the relatively large dark-brown
cylindrical millipedes of the genus Tylobolus and the flattened species
of the family Polydesmidae. See special paper by Ellsworth for more
definite identification.
Class CHILOPODA, The Centipedes
Note the depressed body of many segments, varying in size, each
bearing a pair of appendages. Appendages of first postcephalic segment
Time does not permit any adequate study of this enormoue group,
many of whose species are among the most important in terrestrial communities. An elementary knowledge is assumed. The student should know
at least the orders and where possible abundant species should be identified. For those who wish to attempt identification by means of keys,
Lutz's @adbook of American Insects is the most available, although its
examples are largelg Eastern species. For specific Western species,
Essig, Jnsects of Western North America, is recommended, although the
absence of keys, inevitable in such a work, makes identification more
For aquatic insects reference may be had to A Guide to the St*
of Fresh-Water Biolws, by Needham and Needham (Comstock Co., 1930)
and to various other works listed under that headin@; in the bibliographs*
See the segmented body made up of (1)the prosoma, covered by a
carapace and bearing the six pairs of appendages characteristic of
arachnids, the chelicerae, ~ e d i ~ a land
~ i four pairs of &; (2) the
mesosoma, consisting of seven broad somites, the first of which bears
the reproductive organs covered by the genital operculum (seen between
bases of last two pairs of legs), the second the pectines, and the
next four stimata opening into book-lungs; (3) the metasom, consisting of five segments, and the telson modified as a caudal sting. Mesosoma and metasoma together constitute the o~isthosoma
Mites are the only arachnids occurring also in marine and freshwater habitats.
Class P3AL$NGU]A, The Harvestmen or Daddy Longlegs
These are spider-like, but differ from the spiders in their segmented abdomen, chelate chelicerae, and number of eyes (2). One species
is frequently seen under pieces of wood or under leaves in the Berkeley
Hills. Because of lack of information concerning our local species, no
list ie given here.
The pycnogonids are a group of arthropods usually placed in the
1. Proboscis two jointed; minute species with angular first coxal
joints; cheliforea and palpi present, chelifores chelate;
3-6 mm. long. m
a Beach, Santa Cruz Island
lRLrydyce spinosa Hilton
Fig. 100.-Pycnogonum
stearnsi Ives.
2. Chelifores or palpi (fig. 99), or both, present
2. Chelifores and palpi lacking (fig. 100); stout-legged, knobby
form, oval in outline
a. Body granular; dorsal tubercles inconspicuous or absent.
Littoral species, often on Gribrina or Metridiunr, and
Abietinaria. Body of female 6 mm. long, male smaller.
P. stearnsi Ives (fig. 100)
Alaska to San Diego
b. Body reticulated; prominent dorsal trunk tubercles which
are higher than eye tubercle; male 6-7 mm. long,
female smaller. Subtidal, wharf pilings and anemones.
Monterey Bay, Tomales Point
P. rickettsi Schmitt
3. Chelifores or palpi present, the other lacking
3. Both ohelifores and palpi present
4. Chelifores rudimentary or achelate in adult
4. Chelifores chelate in adult
5. Scape of ohelifore shorCer than proboscis; small; body compact;
male 5 mm. long, female 11.8 am. long. Central California
Amothea ohelata Hilton
5. Soape longer than proboscis
a. Fingers of chelae short, thick; legs stout, with scattered
spines; neck short; 50 mm. long. m e t Sound-Bering Sea,
N. grassipes (0. Fabr)
b. Fingers of ohelae slender; legs slender; neck long; 80 mm.
long. Puget Sound, Departure Bay, B.C., offshore Southern
1. pixellae Scott
6. Body compact, discifom; segmentation indistinct (fig. 102);
legs short, stout
6. Body more or less elongate (fig. 101); lateral processes separated; legs long and slender
a. Proboscis oylindrical; ohelifores one-jointed stumps;
body 18-20 mm. long. On Abiet inaria, k i n County to
Lecythorhynohus marginatus Cole (fig. 101)
Laguna Beach
b. Proboscis elliptical; ohelifores three-jointed; legs without large tarsal claws; 8-9 mm. long. San Pedro Point,
Ammothella bi-unguiculata
(IDS Angeles) to Iaguna Beach
7. Proboscis broad, clavate or bulbous, long as body, sometimes
directed ventrally and apparently shorter from above
7. Proboscis tapered to a point or oonaiderably Bhorter than
body: mall compact circular forma
8. Proboscis tapered to a point
8. Proboscis rounded; body very compact; 7 mm. long. Pacifio
T. occidental is (cole)
9. Light-brown hobby form with white articulations; 4-6 nrm. long.
Usually on Abiet inaria, Marin Oounty to Southefn California
T. californicuni Hilton (fig. 102)
. . . . . . . .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ..
. . . . . . . . .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ..
. . . . . . . . . .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. . . . . . . . .
*!Phi8 i e the common central California coast epeciea which has been
confuaed with T. Sntemdium. I t i a a l i t t l e larger, with etouter
lega, than T . intermediq. See Hedgpeth (1940) for more detailed
distribution, under T. Intermedium.
Diego to Camel
Fig. 101.-Lecythorhynchue
marginatus Cole.
intermedium Cole
Fig. 102.-Tanvstvlum
c a l i f ornicum Hilton.
. . . . . . . . . . . 13
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
. . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
(fig 103)
Chelifores and abdomen hobby; legs spiny; body compact; chelifores two-jointed; 16.m. long. Bering Sea, Monterey Bay
Ammothea latifrons Cole
Chelifores and abdomen not knobby; lateral processes separated;
spines or slender tubercles on trunk; chelifores threejointed; 10 mm. long. San Diego to &rin County
Ammothella spinifera Cole
Chelifores less than half as long as the proboscis
Chelifores at least half as long as proboscis
Tubercles on dorsal posterior margins of first two or three
trunk sements; proboscis broad as body; chelifores threejointed; 6-9mm. long. In holdfasts and on sheltered rocks,
Bdarin County to Laguna Beach
Ammothella tuberculata Cole (fig. 104,A)
lithout such tubercles; proboscis narrower than body; chelifores two-jointed; 18-20 mm. long. Hydroids, Puget Sound
Ammothea disco idea Exline
Fig. 104.-A,
. . . . 16
Fig. 105.-Phoxicilidium
femoratum Rathke.
Fig. 106.-flnall
Dissect out the valves of your specimen. Place one of them under
the microscope to see the tiny pits which form patterns on the surface
of the tegmentum. In these pits lie characteristic sense organs known
as esthetes. Egamine the posterior margin of the last valve. The slit
or notch in it is known as a sinus.
Fig. 107.-Diagramnatio
Using the key below identify your specimen. When Pratt is available identify another species to the family. See the figures in Tryon
and Pillsbry, A k u a l of Concholo~.
1. Girdle completely covering valves, thick, red, gritty; large
(6-8 inches)
"The Giant Chiton," Cryptochiton stelleri
1. Girdle two to three times as wide as exposed portion of valves;
"The Black Chiton,l1 Katharina tunicata
girdle smooth and black
1. Exposed portion of valves at least as wide as girdle
2. Valves marked with conspicuoua zigzag lines of color
"The Lined Chiton," Lepidochitona (~onicella)1 ineata
2. No such lines
. 3
3. Girdle (Observe under the lens!) covered with hairs (figs.
3. Girdle covered with scales like a coat of mail (figs. 107, 109)
3. Girdle with minute granules (fig. 107), minute scales or minute
4. Hairs coarse and stiff
4. Hairs lighter, flexible
5. h l in shape; girdle coarsely mossy, narrowed at ends; valves
often corroded, with dorsal ridge, ornamented with nodules in
"The Mossy Chiton,'l Mopal i a muscosa
5. Nearly circular; girdle much elongated in front, with scattering
hairs; valves short and broad, without nodules
" m e Veiled Chiton," Plaoiphorella velata
.. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ..
Fig. 109.-Ischnoohiton:
Fig. 110.-Nuttallina
californica ( ~ e e v e )
Fig. Ill-Lepidochitona
mondi Pilabry. x 2.
11. Broad oval, low; d u l l o l i v e green; g i r d l e covered with closes e t granules; valves covered with f i n e granulations and
l a r g e r ( .04 mm. ) wart -like granules on l a t e r a l areas
Lepidochitona hartwegi i
11. Narrower; darker, some almost black; usually small i n s i z e
(1/4 t o 1/2 inch); g i r d l e leathery, minutely papillose;
valves covered with very f i n e granulations and s l i g h t l y
Lepidochi tona raymondi ( f i g 111)
C l a s s AlbmmmJRA
Order Polyplacophora
Cryptochiton stelleri (Middendorff )
Ischnochiton cooperi (Carpenter)
Ischnochi ton ncrgdal enens i s (Hinds )
Ischnochi ton mertensi i (Middendorff )
Ischnoohi ton regularis (Carpenter)
Katharina tunicata (food)
Lepidochitona hartwegi i (Carpenter )
Lepidochitona (l'onicell a) 1 ineata (Wood)
Fig. 112.-A
coast, and we shall have to depend for identification upon the key
given below. Identification may be checked with the excellent illusby Tryon and Pilsbry,
trations in (1) Oldroyd, (2) Iknual of Concholo~?;g:
and (3) 'Packard. When still in doubt as to the correctness of your
identifications, reference may be made to authentic named collections
in charge of the teaching assistant.
There are five main groups or types of gastropods which are given
various names and are variously grouped by different authors. They are
(1) the Aspidobranchia (often called Scuti branchia or Di otocardia)
including the limpets of various kinds, the abalones, and a number of
typical snail-like forms of which Calliostoma is our best example;
(2) the Pect ini branchia (often called Ctenobranchia and ~onotocardia)
including the vast majority of marine shelled gastropods; (3) the
Tect i branchia, including the sea hares (no common Moss Ebach examples);
(4) the Nudi branchia, the nudibranchs; and (5) the filmonata, including
most land and fresh-water snails, and slugs, but with only two local
marine representatives, Gadinia and Arctonchis.
On the basis of the twisted condition of the nervous system the
first two of the groups above are often placed together in an order
mantle c a v i t y ( opened)
espiratory aperture (cut)
Fig. 114.-Calliostoma,
a scutibranch
( a f t e r Eales).
pectinebranch ( a f t e r Eales)
mouth pull out the characteristic feeding organ of the Molluscs, the
radula. M n e it under the microscope. See demonstration mount of
radula of a limpet.
Fig. 116.-A
d e x t r a l l y c o i l e d gastropod s h e l l , Buccinum M m o r c h i a n u m F i s h e r
( a f t e r Oldroyd).
(See a l s o Vokes, 1934, f o r small species)
1. Aperture rounded, e n t i r e ; no indication of a canal (figs. 121,
122) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15
1. Aperture produced, forming a canal o r rudiment thereof ( f i g .
ll6) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
2. Canal rudimentary; s p i r e g r e a t l y elevated; 5-7 f l a t s p i r a l
threads on each whorl . . . . . . . . . . . Bittium ( f i g . 117,A)
2. Canal obvious . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
Fig. 117.-A,
......................... 4
............. 9
Notch conspicuous; a deep s p i r a l furrow i n body whorl t o l e f t
of canal ( f i g . 117,B) . . . . . . . . . Nassarius (= Alectrion)
Notch inconspicuous; without deep furrow . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
5. S h e l l with smooth, polished, evenly convex surface; body whorl
making up more than 3/4 of s h e l l ; aperture g r e a t l y elongated,
with a broad, conspicuous white c a l l u s on the columella and a
broad shallow notch a t base of aperture (canal)
6. Upper l i m i t of aperture a t o r above middle of s h e l l
6. Upper l i m i t of aperture well below middle of s h e l l
Shell with three heavy flanges extending e n t i r e length of
s h e l l ; canal usually closed . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Pllrpura
No such flanges; canal usually open . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
10. Edge of outer l i p bearing a prominent spine
. . . . . . Acanthina
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
Fig. 120.-A,
dira ( ~ e e v e ) )B ,
15. Spire g r e a t l y elevated; sculpture of 12-14 sharp-cut, radiating
ridges . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Epitonium ( f i g . 121)
15.Spire relativelylow . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 6
16. With pearly luster or white inside
16. lithout pearly luster inside; inner side of outer lip brown
or purplish.
17. Callus broad and flattened; umbilirms closed
17. Callus thin and thread-like; urnbilious open (fig. 122); shell
Fig. 123.-Tegula
ad am^.
. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .........
. . .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. . . . . . .
re or 1ess distinct;
i ostoma costatu;
Fig. 124.-
25. Shell nb c
25. 1Shell pt
)ex (keg
a( a fLet Oldrc
C. oanalicu:
S h e l l s of v a r i o u s species
b e t i c a l l y by species :
1, A . asmi
20,30, A. cona
23,32, A. d i g i t a l i s
13,15, A. f e n e s t r a t a c r l b r a r i a
2, A. i n e s s a
18, A . i n s t a b i l i s
a in
LL,LG ,25,28,31, A. l i m a t u l a
1 0 , A. m i t r a
1 9 , A . ochracea
6, A . paleacea
3,26, A. p e l t a
4,9,17. A . persona
5 , A. rosacea
8,16,24, A. scabra
21,22,29, A. scutum
1 6 , A. t r i a n g u l a r i s
39. Height a t apex l e s s than one-third of width (Plate XV, nos. 10,
39. Efeight a t apex at l e a s t one-third of width
Width d i s t i n c t l y more than three-fourths of the length of s h e l l
(Plate XII, nos. 29, 31); s h e l l very low . . . . . . . . . . 41
A. cons
3.10-14,16-19, A. d i g i t a l i s
7 , 8 , A.
28,29, A. ochracsa
9 . A. paleacea
23-27, A. Delta x A. d i p i t e l i s
2 , A. rosacea
15,20-22, A. scabra
4 , 11. triangularis
" ~ - 37
13, A. insessa
14-17, A. lirrmtula
18-19, A. persona
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Tritonalia circumtexta
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
............ 3
................ 8
. . . . . 45
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Diaulula sandiegensis
4. Color lemon-yellow, with patches of black tubercles
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Archidoris montereyensis
4. Color bright orange, with scattered dark spots and patches
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Anisodoris nobilis (fig. 126,B)
5. Small red or reddish brown species . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
5. Large yellow and white species . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
6. lho conspicuous black spots, one in front of branchia, and one
behind sense organs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A1 di sa sanguinea
6. No conspicuous black spots, but with minute red' or brown papillae; often found on red sponges
Rostanga pulchra
. . . . . . . . . . . . Polycera at
....................... Y
9. Body brown with many small bluish-white spots dorsally
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Triopha maculata
9. Body pink or white . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
. . . . . . . . . . Hopkinsia rosacea
10. Body e n t i r e l y pink .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..ll
10. Ground color white .
d . . . . . .Lailacockerelli
11. Papillae long, club-like, r e~ d -ippe
11. Papillae short, red . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Triopha carpenteri
12. Without cerata o r dorsal g i l ~ ---tie
~ ,
dark red with f i n e white
longitudinal l i n e s . . . . . . . . Pleurophyllidia californica
12. With g i l l s o r c e r a t a (fig. 126,D) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13
13. Without cerata; with ~ l u m e - l i k eg i l l s on ridges along e i t h e r
. . . . . . . . . . Tritonia festiva
side of back . . .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14
13. With c e r a t a ( f i g . 12E
8. Body s t r i p e d longitudinally
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Aeolidia papillosa
. .Alderia sp.
1. Shell dextral
2. Shell spired
2. Shell planispiral; very small; flat or slightly depressed above,
deeply umbilicate below; aperture somewhat expanded
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Planorbula (= planorbis)
3. Iarge; operculate . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Viviparus
3. Small; not operculate . . . . . . . . . . . . Fossaria (= ~ynuaaea)
4. Spired; spire acute or depressed; aperture contracted above,
rounded below . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Physella (= Physa)
4. Planispiral; base funicular; aperture suddenly expanded and
thickened; fewwhorls . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Helisoma
(For figures see paper by Nicholson)
A. Shell minute:
1. Elongate:
1'. Length 2$ mm.; dark brown to black; dull
1. Depressed:
1'. Widely umbilicated; 3 whorls; diameter 1.5 mm.; ash-gray
to white in color
Striatura milium
2'. Moderately umbilicated; 4 whorls; diameter 2 mm.; dark
brown (horn) in color
finctum conspectum
3 ' . Slightly umbilicated; 4i whorls; diameter 2 mm. ; light
horn to white in color
Pristiloma nicholsoni
B. Shell 6-8 mm. in diameter; depressed; moderately, but deeply,
umbilicated; 5 whorls; light to dark brown in color;
C. Shell 14-18 mm. in diameter; depressed; moderately umbilicated;
6 whorls; dark to yellowish-brown; hirsute; some with parietal
tooth . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Polygyracolumbiana
D. Shell 20-30 mm. in diameter; depressed; widely umbilicated; 5
whorls; greenish-yellow in color . . . Haplotrema vancouversnsis
2. Minutely umbilicated; 5 whorls; pale horn color to ash-yellow;
superior chestnut narrow band; diameter 25-40 mm.
Helminthoglypta nickliniana
3. Moderately umbilicated
1'.6$ whorls; brown on top, black beneath; body whorl
angulated; 35-38 mm.
Helminthoglypta infimata
2'. 7 whorls; light brown to yellowish in color with superior chestnut band; body whorl rounded; often dark
brown; 34-40 mm.
Helmi nthogl ypta arrosa
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Prophysaon andersoni
On a f r e s h o r preserved clam l o c a t e t h e hinge at t h e d o r s a l side,
t h e a e a t the v e n t r a l s i d e of t h e s h e l l , t h e s i ~ h o n s ,exhalent
( d o r 3 and inhalent, e i t h e r separate, a s i n M a c o w , o r u n i t e d t o
dorsal margin
posterior lateral
muscle scar
muscle scar
anterior margin
pallial sinus
ventral margin
Fig. 127. The pelecypod shell, terminology (after Keen and Frizzell): A, oroas
section; B, right valve.
form a
"neck," a s
The cardinal teeth are directly under the umbo and the lateral
teeth either in front of or behind the umbo, if in front they are
antero-laterals, if behind posterior-laterals
Understand the following commonly encountered terms which are
illustrated by demonstration specimens; inteari~alliate,lacking a
pallial sinus (Cli nocardium); sinurwlliate, with a pallial sinus
(Protothaoa); dimrian, with two acauctor muscles; iso arian, with
adductor muscles approximately equal in size (Protot-eromvarian, with adductor muscles strikingly unequal (Mytilus ); monowarian, with a single adductor muscle (~strea,Pecten); chondro~hore
(fig. 121), shelf-like process of-left valve to which is attached the
ligament (Hya ); myophore (fig. 128), a more or less extended, inwardly
directed, process to which muscles are attached in the boring clams.
Identify your specimen by means of the key which follows.
Read the introduction to Illustrated Key to West North American
Pelecmod Genera, by Keen and Frizzell, and identify several specimens
by it. This excellent publication should be owned if possible and consulted extensively.
Each student should sample also Veymouth, Oldroya, and Packard.
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32
......................... 9
9. With radiating r i b s . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
9. Without r i b s but often s t r i a t e d . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14
10. Each valve with f l a t expansions i n front of and behind umbo;
monomyarian . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Pecten
10. No such expansions; dimyarian . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
11. Ribs of approximately same type and s i z e throughout; s h e l l
suborbicular o r subquadrat e . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
11. Tmith a few l a r g e a n t e r i o r r i b s and numerous narrow r i b s on
Petricola pholadiformis
remainder of s h e l l ; s h e l l elongated
12. Very small, s h e l l subquadrate
Glans carpenteri
12. S h e l l l a r g e r , suborbicular
13. Ribs broad and prominent; growth l i n e s not marked; margin
scalloped; i n t e g r i p a l l i a t e
"The Basket Cockle," Clinocardium nuttallii (= ~ardium)
13. Ribs narrow; growth l i n e s prominent; margin not scalloped but
often distorted; s i n u p a l l i a t e
."The Rock Cockle," Protothaca (= Venerupis = ~ a ~ h i astaminea
14. Concentric growth l i n e s prominent, often protruding; shape
irregular, often d i s t o r t e d owing t o i t s being a n e s t l e r
14. Not so
15. Growth l i n e s i n form of t h i n prominently projecting flanges,
Irus (= Penempis) lamellifera
15. Not so
16, & d i m cardinal tooth ( f i g 127 ) prominent, plate-like; growth
l i n e s close s e t and r e l a t i v e l y regular; s h e l l without
periostracum; t i p s of siphons bright purple
."The Rock Dweller," Petricola carditoides
16. Without cardinal t e e t h ; growth l i n e s i r r e g u l a r i n shape and
distribution; s h e l l chalky, covered with a brown periostracum,
some remnants of which a r e present i n nearly a l l old s h e l l s ;
siphon t i p s red
Saxicava pholadis
17. I n colony of compound ascidians; higher than long
17. Not associated with ascidians
. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. .. ..
. . . .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . . .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ..
18. Small, less than an inch long
18. Not so
19.kine . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 0
19. In freshwater; teeth minute or obsolete; suborbicular
20. 5 mm. long or less
20. More than 5 mm. long when adult
21. Shell rosy; with transverse chondrophore in both valves;
nestling in barnacle beds
21. Shell white; without transverse chondrophore
22. Sinus deep, dorsally directed; latera1 teeth not conspicuous
22. Sinua not noticeable or anteriorly directed; lateral teeth
conspicuous, ridge-like
. . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
33. Dorsal margin doubled and reflected both anterior and posterior
to beaks; posterior half of shell divided approximately in
half by a conspicuous radiating angle which marks change in
direction of concentric lines; a conspicuous posterior extension of brown periostracum; siphon tips pale lavender
Paraphol as cal iforni ca (fig 128,A-C )
33. Dorsal margin doubled only anterior to beaks; without conspicuous radiating angle; no posterior extension of periostracum;
siphon tips white with faint brownish tinge
Pholadidea penita (figs. 128,E-F, 129,C)
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35
Order Filibranchiata
*I Botula californi ensis Philippi
*M Botula fa1 cata Gould
D *M Hinnites m l t irugosus (Gale) (= "if. giganteus Grayff)
M Lithophaga plumula Fianley
*B dlodiolus (= Volsella) demissus Dillwgn
*I Modiolus rectus Conrad
D *Id Myt ilus californianus Conrad
*B Mytilus edulis Linnaeus
D *M Pododesms macroschismus Deshayes
Septifer b ij'urcatus (Conrad)
Order EulamRllibranchiata
This group has usually been included with the Bryozoa, but differs
from it fundamentally in structure. !The term entoproct refers to the
inclusion of the anus within the circle of tentacles (the anus is outside in the true or ectoproct Bryozoa). Externally, the simplest way
to distinguish the two is to note whether the tentacles are folded into
the center when withdrawn (as in a hydroid), in which case it is an
entoproct, or whether the whole anterior end of the body is introverted
into the basal prt, with the tentacles still pointing forward, in
which case it is an ectoproct . The nodding movement of individual zooids
is also characteristic of the Entoprocta. The Entoprocta are much less
common than the Ectoprocta, but will probably be collected as they are
often found forming small, moss-like patches on coralline algae.
Under the low power of the microscope see that the colony or zoarium
is composed of numerous individuals. W e yourself familiar with the
terms defined below which commonly occur in keys and descriptions. Each
individual consists of a zooecium (pl. zooecia) and a polsnide. The
zooecium is a chamber or sack, the proximal portion of the individual,
and is covered externally by a secreted wall of calcareous, chitinous,
or rarely, gelqtinous, or membranous nature. The polypide is the distal
half of the individual, when extended, including the 1oDhoDhow (which
bears the 3entacle) and the alimentary tract. The polypide is retractile
within the zooecium. The opening at the end of the zooecium when the
polypide is withdrawn is the orifice (Plate XVI,B). The front wall of
the zooecium is often called the awrture. Do not confuse this with
the orifice.
Avicularia (sing. avicularium) are birdts-head-likeappendages of
the zooecia of certain species. Vibracularia (vibracula) are long setalike a pendages of the zooecia of certain species. !Pb ooecium (pl.
ooeciaj or ovicell is an expanded chamber, above a zooecium, in which
the embryos develop.
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Alcyonidium cervicornis
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Cauloramphus spinifer
9. Front wall calcareous, crosaed by somewhat irregular rows of
large pores . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Cri bril ina sp.
9. Front wall calcareous, not traversed by rows of pores, but
sometimes with scattered small ones . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
9. Front wall membranous, with small semicircular orifice; zooecium
oblong, margins slightly raised
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . Membranipora membranacea
(fig. 130,A)
"-r i n i d i n
Sohsmatio aooeoium
Microporella oiliata
- ...--
Muoronella sp.
10. Zooecium possesses a special semicircular pore, with a sieveplate i n it, below the o r i f i c e ; o r i f i c e semicircular, with
straight lower margin (Plate W I , E )
10. Zooecium without special pore
. . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
17. Branching regular; one or more main trunks, from which periodic
whorls of branches are given off ; colony has the appearance
Bugula californioa
of having been twisted into a spiral
17. Branching much less regular than above; branches do not come
off in whorls
l8. Zooecia have only lateral avicularia; joints occur usually beNenipea occidentali s
tween every three zooecia
18. Zooecia have frontal avicularia as well as lateral ones. bre
than three zooecia between each joint
Scrupocellaria californica
Barentsia (= Pedicel1ina) gracilis
Order Phslactolaemata
Plumatella (fresh water)
Order Gsmnolaemata
Suborder Ctenostomata
D *M Alcyonidium cervicornis Robertson
Alcyonidium mytili Dalyell
Suborder Cyclostomata
Crisia pacifica Robertson
Crisidia Qranciscam Robertson
Suborder Cheilostomata
D *M Bugula californica Robertson
Callopora horrida Hincks
Caulormphus spinifer Johnston
Costaaaia irrcrassata h r c k
Cribrilina sp.
%rystomella bilabiata Hincks
Hippothoa hyal ina Linn.
Menipea occidentalis k s k
B TB D Membranipora membranacea Linn.
Hicroporella californica Wlsk
Microporella ciliata
Mucronella sp.
Scrupocellaria californica Trask
Sinittina collifera Robertson
Sinittina ret iculata Macgillivray
This is a very small phylum with but two genera ( ~ h o r o n i sand
Phoronopsis ) and r e l a t i v e l y few species. Under favorable conditions
they occur i n great numbers as i n Elkhorn Slough, Bolinas Bay, and
Tomales Bay. In t h e upper end of Tomales Bay students have estimated
t h a t over a b i l l i o n individuals were living i n one acre. Six species
have been reported from the Pacific Coast, two from British Columbia,
one from Humboldt Bay and m e t Sound, and three from southern California. Just which species (one, two, o r more) occur i n central
California is not lmown. The special paper of T. H. Bullock represents the only attempt t o identify these animals i n t h i s vicinity.
Study preserved specimens. Keep i n mind t h a t while they a r e
elongated worm-like animals the mouth and anus open close together
and t h a t terms of orientation such as anterior and posterior must be
used with caution. Note the lophophore, the great double semicircular
whorl of tentacles with incoiled ventral edges, the c i l i a on which
serve t o s e t up currents which bring plankton t o the mouth.
I f time permits, study sections t o get some idea of the i n t e r e s t ing anatomy of t h i s type. Consult Borradaile and Potts o r Cambrike
Natural Historg f o r figures
A very few small individuals of t h i s small phylum a r e found a t
the lowest t i d e levels i n t h i s region. They belong t o a species, Terebratal i a transversa (Sowerby ), found i n large numbers i n deeper waters
or i n shallow waters f a r t h e r north.
The two-valved s h e l l suggests a pelecypod mollusk but they a r e
e n t i r e l y different s t r u c t u r a l types. Superficially they a r e e a s i l y
differentiated by the unequal valves of the s h e l l which a r e dorsal and
ventral instead of r i g h t and l e f t .
The present -day echinoderms f a l l into f i v e d i s t i n c t classes, the
Asteroidea or sea stars (starfishes), the Ophiuroidea or b r i t t l e s t a r s ,
the Echinoidea o r sea urchins, the Holothuroidea or sea cucumbers, and
the Crinoidea o r crinoids (sea l i l i e s ) . A l l save the last c l a s s have
representatives i n the l o c a l fauna. W e certain that you are able t o
recognize and distinguish the members of these classes. Since only the
c l a s s Asteroidea is represented by a number of species, we s h a l l conf i n e our laboratory study t o t h e sea stars.
o r arms. the o r a l surOn a sea star make out the radiating
face with the central m u t h , the ambulacral m o v e , i n the o r a l surface
of each arm containing the tube f e e t (podia o r -en&es).
On the aboral s f e locate the anus and the madre~oric late and note
the absence of t e feet. Note the
t h e i r -,
arrangement a r e of importance i n classification. Using a lens seek
buccal p l a t e
mouthmouth papillae
arm spines
..;. - -.. .-. .
.- ... :9
opening of g e n i t a l bursa
tentacle s c a l e
Scrape away the outer body l a y e r s and the spines t o expose the
p l a t e s of the skeleton of one e n t i r e arm and the area around mouth and
Using P r a t t when available, attempt t o determine t h e family of
one species. Meanwhile, i d e n t i f y your specimen, using the key below.
On a b r i t t l e s t a r locate mouth with " jawsw (fig. 131) and o r a l
papillae, buccal plates, g e n i t a l bursae, t e n t a c l e s (modified tube f e e t ) ,
disk scales, r a d i a l plates, dorsal arm plates.
Identify your specimen using the key below.
. . . . . . . . . . . . . .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. . . . . . . . . . .
Echinoidea (Sea Urchins)
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Strongylocentrotus franciscanus
( B r i t t l e Stars, w l
1. Diak with overlapping scales
1. Disk with granules o r granule-like spines; r a d i a l plates covered; lowermost spines claw-like near t i p of arm
Ophiophol is aculeata var. kennerlyi (Clark, p. 132)
2. A single dorsal arm plate t o each segment
2. litmy dorsal arm plates of varying size; four mouth papillae, f i r s t
twice a s long as each of the others
Ophioplocus esmarki
3. Smaller, disk usually l e s s than 5 mm. wide; r a d i a l plates i n
contact save a t proximal t i p , three pairs of o r a l papillae,
first a s long a s next two together; dorsal arm plates not i n
contact, l e s s than twice a s wide a s long
Amphipholis pugetana
3. Larger, disk usually about 10 mm. wide; r a d i a l plates separated
by smaller disk scales save a t bases; a single pair of o r a l
papillae; dorsal arm plates broadly i n contact, twice a s wide
Mteroidea (Sea S t a r s )
. . Patiria ( ~ s t e r i w )
. . . . . . . . . . . . .7
M Cucumria Spp
M Leptosynapta a1b icans (Selenha)
M Stichopus californicus (Stimpson)
M Thyonepsolus nut riens Clark
excentricus (Eschscholtz)
*MM Dendraster
Strongylocentrotus franci scanus (A@;assiz)
*M Strongylocentrotus purpuratus (Stimpson)
M Amphiodia occidentalis ( L m )
M Amphipholis pugetana (Lyman)
M Ophiopholis aculeata kennerlyi (-1
M Ophioplocus esnrarki Lyman
One species of this group (Mesoglossus intermedia) has been found
in small numbers at Moss Beach. The Fntsropneusta are worm-like animals
(our species small, generally not more than an inch long) which can be
distinguished from other worm-like creatures by the division of the
body into three parts; proboscis, collar, and trunk. The species which
has been found at Moss Ekach is small and is taken on the under sides
of rocks lying in coarse sand in protected tidal channels or lagoons.
There are three classes in this subphylum, the Larvacea, Thaliacea,
ia. The first consists of small pelagic forms which will not
red in this course. The Thaliacea are also pelagic, but are
common. Some may occasionally be seen floating in
Zooids with basal portions only embedded i n common t e s t ; connected by stolons. "Social Ascidians" . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
. . . . . . . .6
8. Common cloacal orifice in small heads; zooids with 16 seriee of
stigmata; atrial orifice with flat, truncate, languet; stomach
cylindrical with seam on left surface but free from foldings
(fig. 133,A)
Macrocl inum par-fust is
8. No common cloacal orifices; zooids characterized by 8 series of
stigmata; atrial and branchial siphons of about equal length;
wall of stomach with 6 or 7 longitudinal folds (fig. 133,B)
Amuroucium aequali-siphonis
9. Numerous calcareous spicules present in test
9. Spicules absent
10. Colony 1 t o 4 mm. thick; white or flesh-pink in color; zooids
with 4 series of stigmata; spicules with blunt rays (fig.
Di demnun c a r m l entum
Fig. 134.-A,
spicule of Didemuurn oarnulentturn (enlarged)$ B , spicule of Trididemuum
della v a l l e i (enlarged). (Both a f t e r Ritter and Forsyth.)
Fig. 135.-Amarouoium
c a l i f ornioum (from ~ u b e r l e t )
12. Atrial siphon as long as, or longer than the branchial siphon;
3 to 5 series of stigmata
12. Atrial siphon not well developed; four series of stigmata
13. Colony hard, much sand embedded in the test; brown to claret
in color; zooids in systems; atrial siphon longer than
branchial; three series of stigmata; abundant
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . fidistoma psamnion
Fig. 136.-A,
zooid of Amaroucium californicum (enlarged); B , zooid of D i s t a p l i a
occidentalis (enlarged). ( ~ f t e rR i t t e r and Forsyth.)
gives them again the normal conditions of submergence under which they
a r e equipped t o l i v e . During the f a l l i n g of the t i d e s , also, many of
the animals important i n the l i f e of the seashore swim out with the
t i d e s . The picture gained from low-tide studies is, therefore, very
p a r t i a l f o r both these reasons and every attempt should be made t o
visualize the t r u e conditions of l i f e during high t i d e .
As a i d s t o t h i s we have recourse t o the t i d e pools, o r under
fortunate conditions t o the glass-bottomed boat o r the diving b e l l .
The l a s t two give us, a s does the t i d e pool t o much l e s s e r extent,
some idea of the importance of the f i s h e s i n the i n t e r r e l a t e d commun i t i e s of the i n t e r t i d a l zone. They f i g u r e largely a s predators, putt i n g a premium on numbers, o r swiftness, o r defensive weapons, o r
protective devices and behaviors of many kinds.
We s h a l l not devote any time t o the study of the fishes. The ones
commonly encountered by us w i l l be the small spotted sculpins of the
t ide-pools (01 igocottus ma~u10sus) sometimes called rock-pool johnnies.
This and other common species may be i d e n t i f i e d by the key which f o l lows. For f u r t h e r d e t a i l s o r f o r other species see Keys t o the Fishes
of Washimton. Ore~on. and Closely Adjoinina Regions, by L. P. Schultz,
University of Washington Publications i n Biology, 2: 103-228.
(Figure references a r e t o Walford, Fish Bulletin 28, 1930)
1. Elongated, eel-like
.? . . . . . . . . . . . . .
7. Two dorsal f i n s
7. A single continuous dorsal f i n from head t o t a i l ; small spotted
tide-pool f i s h
. . .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ..
8. Without s c a l e s
9. Small rock-pool f i s h
9. Large, dark i n color with extreme v a r i a t i o n i n color and patt e r n "Cabezone," Scorpaenichthys marmoratus (Walford, f i g . 102)
10. With abundant c i r r i , giving woolly appearance
"Woolly Sculpin, l1 Cl i nocottus anal is
11. With ugly depressed head bearing a strong perpendicular spine
with two o r t h r e e hooks; greenish above, abruptly white below;
pectorals and caudal banded with black
"Smooth Sculpin," Leptocottus armatus
11. Commonest rock-pool f i s h ; head normal, spine very short; with
many color shades and patterns
"Rock-Pool Johnny," 01 igocottus maculosus (Jordan, fig. 566)
12. Three large projecting spines i n a n a l and 12 o r 13 i n a n t e r i o r
dorsal; a n a l with few rays; a single l a t e r a l l i n e
."Rock Cods," Sebastodes spp. (\Talford, f i g s . 90-101)
(Many species, usually separated with d i f f i c u l t y )
12. No projecting spines; a n a l with about 20 rays, dorsal with about
21; f i v e l a t e r a l l i n e s ; males and females d i f f e r e n t i n shape
and color (see Walford)
"California Sea Trout, l1 Hexagrammos decagranimus
I n contrast t o t h e f i s h e s , birds a r e most a c t i v e i n the i n t e r t i d a l zone during low t i d e s when they pick up great numbers of invertebrates. Most important, no doubt, a r e the g u l l s which i n addition t o
being scavengers e a t great numbers of small animals, notably sand crabs
( h e r i ta ) and the mud crab (Hemigrapsus oregonensis ) and a r e , therefore,
the terminal animals of a number of food chains. Several g u l l s occur
along our shores a s seen from the list below, but only one, the Western
Gull, is a summer resident.
Other birds feeding l a r g e l y on shore animals a r e the curlews, the
sandpipers, the oyster catchers, and some ducks such a s the scoters.
The curlews and sandpipers feed l a r g e l y upon dwellers i n the mud
and sand and the list of animals involved i s probably a large one, consisting chiefly of species of Crustacea and Polychaeta.
One animal which occurs i n enormous numbers at times and serves a s
a most important key industry animal, since i t is fed upon by most of
the birds ment 'oned, i s the sand crab (Emerita analoga). Only a l i t t l e
show t h e g u l l s t o be regular hunters f o r these crustaceans. Likewise even t h e curlews and smaller shore birds can be seen
joining the f e a s t , shearing off t h e l e g s and eating them when the animal i t s e l f is too l a r g e f o r them.
Terns :
Brant :
Important in the pelagic communities are the whales, which we may
see blowing offshore. They are feeders on invertebrates, consuming
vast quantities of them. The smaller porpoises are predators on fishes.
Other fish feeders commonly noted on our trips are the Steller Sea
Lion (Eunetopias jubata) and the Harbor Seal ( ~ h o c arichardii).
Finally and most important, so far as the intertidal fauna is concerned, is man. His activities as clam digger, abalone hunter, and
collector of mussels, marine snails, and sea urchins have sadly impoverished the faunas. One has only to visit a biological preserve such as
Afio Nuevo Island, south of Pescadero, to realize the effect of man's
activities on the large gastropods. There the red abalone (Haliotis
rufescens ) is abundant and the black abalone (Haliot is cracherodi i )
forms solid layers overlapping under especially favorable ledges, even
well above the low-tide level, while family groups of the giant limpet
(Lottia) are seen on every favorable rock surface.
These studies are designed to give the student a firsthand howledge of
living invertebrate animals in their natural habitats, of their behavior and
interrelations, their adaptations as correlated to the various factors of the
environment, and the influence of physical conditions upon their local distribution.
Naturally such ,studiesare largely in the nature of field trips with an
all-too-brief period in the field during which those animals needed for further
study are collected and as complete observations and records as possible are
made of the ecological settings characteristic of the different animals seen, of
their distribution within the ecologically varying environment, and of the major
differences in this environment which seem to be responsible for the different
The approach and spirit of these studies is, therefore, essentially ecological whereas the method can rarely, if ever, be the quantitative and experimental one characteristic of modern ecolo@;y. This is due in part to limitations
of training and equipment but essentially to lack of time.
It might be said that we make ecological surveys or reconnaisances and
seek to set up preliminary hypotheses as to the role of different factors in
determining the distribution of the animals, hypotheses based only on readily
observable and relatively obvious facts with regard to such features for example as degree of exposure as determined by vertical level of occurrence, by
the nature and arrangement of the substrate, by position with regard to wave
impact, wind, rain, sun, etc.
These field trips are interspersed with the laboratory studies according
to a logic of necessity. Groups are studied in the laboratory not according to
any taxonomic order but as best to prepare for the field trips as they occur.
The order of the field trips in turn is determined by various factors chiefly
those of season, weather and tide. Hence the schedule of events will differ
not only as between the spring semester and the intersession but also for each
from year to year. Examples of such schedules will be found in Appendix A.
The conditions of study vary greatly as between the spring semester when
the student is carrying other courses and the intersession when for six weeks
nothing else intervenes and only time and tides must be considered. These
courses (Zoology 112, and S112 and S119) will be considered separately therefore. First, however, come certain general instructions for field work.
Field Notes: If specimens are taken merely for immediate study or practice
in identification, field notes are perhaps not necessary. Any specimen to go
into a permanent collection, however, should be accompanied by certain information to make it of value to any future student. Experience has shown that most
collections ultimately come to be used for study whether that was the original
intention of the collector or not. Many troublesome errors and difficulties
have arisen because of the lack of information with regard to specimens in such
collections as well as from accidents and carelessnesses in making and preseming field records of collections designed for study.
collection should be
made, therefore, which lacks the essential information with regard to the specimens in it, least of all a collection made in connection with a study of
natural history.
It is an exceedingly difficult thing to insure the correlation of specimens
and notes in general collecting where time is greatly limited by the tides and
organisms occur in profusion. There are two common ways of keeping these notes.
One, perhaps the safest, but by no means the easiest, or the most commonly used,
is to write the information in pencil and drop it into the container with the
specimen, or wrap it with the specimen if several are in one container. When
the collection is put into permanent form later the information thus obtained
must be copied on the label in (or on) the bottle and on the museum or collection record, whether card or journal. The second method is to drop into the
container or wrap with or attach to the specimen a number written at the time
or, better yet, already prepared, and, after the same number to give the desired
information in a field notebook or on cards used for that purpose. The last
method, while easier, involves the danger of loss of the notes, in which case
the number means nothing, and also the danger of mixing numbers and notes due
to haste in the field must be guarded against. Experience will dictate your
choice of methods. Your problem is to obtain essential information at the time
of collection and keep it in such a way as to insure that it will be correlated
with the particular specimen concerned and ultimately preserved as a permanent
record and in part, at least, placed with the specimen itself as a museum label.
There is almost no limit to the amount of available information which might
prove valuable to the student of distribution variation, or ecology if connected
with a specimen. Points commonly noted are (1) exact locality, including county,
(2) date, including hour if of any significance, (3) exact location (as regards
tide level, or altitude for example), (4)environmental situation (underside
of rock), (5) any organisms or organic remnant apparently associated with it
("with polychaete worms,no. 63, in hole of boring clam," for example), (6) anything unusual in the behavior or stage of the animal, and (7) the collector's
name. The absolute minimum must include locality, date, location and environmental situation, and name of collector.
The difficulty of collecting and keeping proper notes under the conditions
of wet hands, lack of place to sit, presence of rain or spray, lack of time,
difficulty of keeping specimens separate, must again be emphasized to make clear
the necessity of careful planning and discipline of the will to accomplish the
required end. Such notes will be required with the collections which are to be
turned in as a part of the required work of the course and for the various
ecological and observational studies. They can only be obtained by limiting
the objective, making it sharply definite, and refusing to be deflected from
it. For that reason the earlier trips will usually have more general objectives
and records will be confined to those having to do with ecologic features
titularly i f the
(3) i n the crevices and cavities of rock and within rock,
rock be soft, porous, o r covered with corallj rs algae, (4 under rocks, and
(5) i n sand and mud i f they are not subject t o constant movement by the tides.
Small rocks, especially favorable pieces from larger rocks, and holdfasts
of kelp or Laminariahfrom the outer low-tide level m y be brought i n and the
animala removed and cared f o r at leisure. This requires but the one s e t of
notes i n the f i e l d f o r many specimens. Also numerous specimens from the same
exact environment (a low-level t i d e pool, f o r example) may be placed i n a single
container with the proper notes and be sorted l a t e r . Care must be taken, however, t o segregate certain types of organims. Most worms, for example, secrete
mucue and tend t o form a tangled, often inextricable, mass with other organisms. This is particularly true of nemertean worn, which should be kept separately. Certain other animals, particularly crabs, tend t o t e a r others. Voracioua animals, such as large isopods, often devour smaller forma and the
spines of echinoderms form a place of escape and entanglement f o r
mobile RnimAls. Intelligent care w i l l be necesaarg, therefore, i f satisfactory
collections are t o be obtained by putting numerous specimens i n the same container i n the field.
A. Point Richmond in San Francisco Bay. Tide flats and a rocky beach in an en-
closed bay.
B. Halosaccion Flats, Moss Beach, San kteo County. A flat rock surface on the
open sea, exposed at intewdiate tides.
C. Dillon Beach, W i n County. A three-day trip permitting comparison of the
faunas of (1)an exposed rocky shore (Tomales Point ), (2) partially proteoted rocky shores (Bodega &y near Dillon Beach) and (3) protected tide
flats in an enclosed bay (head of Tomales Bay).
ellrmnars Iaboratom Study.-This
(1) Name three major factors which probably account for the sparse nature
of the fauna. (2) Which large and important phylum of animals was not found
represented at all? (3) What conditions probably account for their absence?
(4)Where were the oysters largest and most abundant? (5) What differences in
physical conditions were correlated with this abundance? (6) PFhat predator was
confined to the area of the abundance of oysters? (7) What could be shown to
be the usual explanation of the occurrence of shells of gastropods at intertidal levels where the living species were not found? (8)What is the most
important predator (or scavenger of freshly killed animals) in each of the
following situations: (a) under stones fitting closely against the substrate?
(b) in the small, high, rock-bottomed tide pools during low tide? (c) over the
higher rock surfaces during high tide? (9)List the animals found in the zone of
pebbly beach. (10) Which if any of these occurred in the sandy beach-a few
inches away? (11)How do you explain this great difference? (12) Name a different amphipod characteristic of each of the following locations: (a) hightide pools in rock; (b) under surface of smooth stones resting on substrate,
low in tidal zone; (c) felted mass of algae over surface of rock outcrop in
mussel zone; (d) algal debris at or near high-tide line. (13) What biotic
reason might you give for the absence of relatively large predators such as
the larger sea anemones and starfishes both of which are present at the yacht
harbor? (14)What two physical conditions may also be concerned? (15) Which
two species are diagnostic of the higher splash zone? (16) Which two of the
lower splash zone or the highest tide line? (17) What three vicissitudes must
be met by animals living in small high-tide pools? (18)What is the present
status in the mussel-bed succession? (19)Judging from the situations in which
you found them name as many as you can of the more than a dozen species whose
numbers would probably be greatly increased if the mussel beds were fully
developed. (20) On a line, representing the beach line from the middle of the
pebbly beach (small stones between mud flats and sand beach above) to the fixed
boulders at the point, indicate by brackets where you would expect to find each
of the following: (a) Hemigrapsus oregonensis; (b) Hemigrapsus nudus; \C) Thais
lamellosa; (d) chitons. (21) Choose four species whose niches seem best defined
by our study and attempt to state the factors involved. (22) Which one species
had the widest intertidal range? What makes possible this wide range? (23) Which
species common here are absent at Halosaccion Flats? Attempt to explain the absence of each species.
Ligia occidentalis
1. Uropods l a t e r a l ( f i g . 58); or ventral ( f i g . 54); not above high t i d e
2. Uropods valve -like, inf lexed ( f i g 54); pleopods largely branchial;
.Pent idotea (fig. 56)
color green o r brown
2. Uropods forming with terminal segment of abdomen a caudal fan ( f i g . 58);
color gray o r white
3. Abdomen usually of 6 segments
3. Abdomen usually of 2 segments
4. Smaller; caudal fan spreading ( f i g . 58,A); surface not densely granular;
4. larger; caudal fan not noticeably spreading; surface densely granular
.Sphaeroma pentodon
P" . . . . . . . .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .
. .
. . . . . . . .. .. .. ............. .. .. .. .. .. . . . . . . .
7. Antennule longer than antenna . . . . . . . . . . Neopleustes pugettensis
7.Antennule shorterthanantenna . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
. . . .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. . .
. . . . . .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ..
3. Ribs close together, rough; margin semte; inner, central area por-
. . . . . . .. .. .. .. .. . . . . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . .. .. .. .. . . . . .
SPIONIDAE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Boccardia
. . . . . . . .8
10. Most of dorsum coversd by interlacing, cirriform branchiae; prostomium shovel-like. ORBINIIDAE
. Nainereis (fig. 25,A)
10. Without branchiae; prostomium pointed or rounded
. .
11. Parapodia reduced; bluish-red in life; in mud flats. CAPITELLIDAE
...... .. ...... .
... .
11, Parapodia more or less normal; orange to reddish-metallic in life; in
Lumbrinereids (fig. 17,A)
sands or sandy mud. LUbBRINEREIDAE
. .... .. .
... .. ....
. ....
.. ..
7 he ~ a t Tub
Pacific Ocean
Iididaea c h a n n e l
Sample questions:
1. What phylum well represented here was absent at Point Richmond?
2. Differences in what two important ecologic factors might be thought to explain this difference?
3. Which two phyla were represented most extensively in the fauna of the horizontal algae-covered flat?
4. Can you give any reason for the absence of large individuals and species
5 . Contrast the assemblages found in crevice pools and surface growth. What
explains the differences?
6. Compare the limpets (Acmuea) of the flat and of the inner shore rocks and
high shoulder. How would you explain this situation?
7. Attempt to explain the occurrence of the patches of Bunodnctis. Why not more
8. What seems to restrict the occurrence of Anthopleura in this area?
9. Describe the home habits of Lophopanopeus in the larger, more shoreward
crevice pools.
C. Com~arisonof Faunas of b o s e d Rocks Shore (Tomales Point 1,
Partially Protected Rocb Shore (Bode~aBay) and Protected
Tidal Mud and Sand Flats (Tomales'Bay
Location: The class will have its laboratories and living quarters at
Dillon Beach, &rin County, California (see Map IV) on the shores of Bodega
Bay near the mouth of Tomales Bay.
Pumoses: This will be by far the most important field trip of the course.
It will usually come relatively late in the semester and enable the student to
focus the knowledge gained from the preceding field trips and laboratory studies
in an intensive study of three faunal assemblages not far apart spatially but
ecologically distinct. The opportunity given by continuous study for the three
collected by all, thus giving
days makes it possible to identify the &owns
a relatively complete picture of these rich faunas, and to compare notes and
impressions as to ecological features and relationships.
Procedure: One morning the class will visit an area of tumbled rocks whose
bases are exposed at low tide at a point known as "The Second Sled Road" (see
Nap V) along the shore of Bodega Bag north of Dillon Beach. Here a relatively
rich and diversified fauna will be found in tide pools, on rock surfaces, among
algae, in gravel and sand about roots of eelgrass, etc. This will suggest in
some ways the fauna of Helosaccion Flats. Differences from it should be noted
and explanations for these differences sought. Again it should be compared with
that to be seen at Tomales Point a more exposed region where rocky formations
abound with deep tidal channels, tide pools, etc.
Another morning will be devoted to the fauna of the tidal channels, tide
pools, and rocks of Tomales Point. Among other things make certain that you
investigate fully the association of animals in a well-developed mussel bed
such as will be found here on the higher rocks. Be able to explain the role of
each type of animal in the association or what advantages it receives by the
Finally one morning will be given to the faunas of animals to be found at
various levels of the tidal flats of muddy sand just inside the mouth of Tomales
Bay (map V). Here the numbers of species are not so great as in the faunas so
far studied but there is a wealth of individuals. Particularly important here
are the giant clam, Schiaothaerus, the bent-nosed clam, Macoma nasuta, Phoronopsis sp., whose pale-green lophophores practically cover the ground for several acres, polychaete worms of several interesting types especially Clymenella,
and capitellids. At certain levels in a restricted area the mud shrimp, Upogebia, will be found, while Callianassa occurs in great numbers at somewhat
F R E N C H M A N ' S
Break apart one of the tube-worm masses and study the relations between
the different animals in this association.
Be responsible for a howledge of this fauna, the food habits of all its
elements, and the chief physical and biotic features responsible for the
abundance of each.
Keys for the identification of amphipods and polychaete~are given below.
Identifications of other groups must be made by the general keys.
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. .. .
1. Side plates typical (fig. 63), body compressed
1. Side plates 2-4 fused; a small, broad species common among hydroids in
Met opa
Oakland Estuary
1. Side plates reduced; dorsoventrally flattened; tube-builders
2. Outer branch of uropod 3 broadened and much longer than that of uropods
1 and 2 (Family Gammaridae)
2. Outer branch of uropod 3 not broadened and not longer than that of uropods 1 and 2; in moist but not in wet places (Family Talitridae)
3. Antenna 1 at least one-half as long as body; eyes not crescent-ahaped;
dorsal groups of spinules only on fifth pleon segment; Lake MemittMelita
3. Antenna 1 not one-half as long as body; eyes crescent-shaped; pleon
segments 4-6 with dorsal groups of spinules; Lake Merritt
G a m r u s con.fervicolus
. . . . . . . . . . . .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. . . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . . .. .. .. .. .. ..
% , B * C ) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Eteone lighti
E. Pile Communities and Zonation a8 Seen at Fruitvale &i&e
found. What factor usually determines vertical distribution? You will find
some types here at higher levels than would ordinarily be expected. k t are
these types? Do you find any difference in this regard between central and
marginal piles? W a t is the factor thus modifying the action of the factor
which usually determines vertical distribution?
Note especially the hydroids and the anemones. Attempt to distinguish the
different genera of hydroids and the different species of anemones in the field.
Collect specimens to enable you to check your field determinations. Be able to
place each in its characteristic zone. barn to see the highly modified amphipods (Caprellidea) which are abundant on the hydroids. Study these in the laboratory. Are the caprellids different on different genera of hydroids? Were do
you find nudibranchs and their coiled egg masses?
Some of the piles will be covered with muddy debris. This is made up of
tubes of great numbers of small amphipods. Idmy species of animals seek shelter
in and about the mud tubes. Collect some for later study. Does the location of
these piles give you any clue as to why they, and not others, bear this association?
Select a pile which shows zonation especially clearly. Working in teams of
three or four, study the zonation carefully, designating the various zones,
measuring their extent and relation to low tide level. Keep notes on the animals found to be characteristic of each zone. Seek to determine the factors, physical and biotic, influencing .the zonation.
As time allows, stop at other neighboring piles. Compare them with your
first pile. Study -the piles on the other side of the estuary. Account for differences in the fauna of the different piles.
Predators: Hydra, hrgesia (= planaria), leeches, water mites, spiders, dragonfly larvae, water bugs (back-swimmers, water boatmen, ~elostomatidae),
water-striders (Gerridae), beetles and their larvae (Dytiscidae, Hydrophilidae), ghost larvae (Corethra), fishes, Amphibia, reptiles, birds.
Plant Feeders: Isopoda, snails, aphids, amphibian larvae, some fishes.
Plant Scavewers (including detritus feeders): nematodes, oligochaetes, Ostracoda, Isopoda, Amphipoda, may-fly nymphs bloodwonna (larval Chironomidae),
aosquito larvae, gnat l a m e (~inruliidae).
Animal Scavewers: Ostracoda, Isopoda, Amphipoda, water-striders (Gerridae),
The laboratory preparation for this trip will consist of a study of invertebrate groups which are primarily terrestrial, chiefly arthropods: centipedes, millipedes, arachnids, etc. Many insects will be found. They should be
placed to the order and their ecologic position with respect to other invertebrates should be noted wherever possible.
In the field investigate all habitats, espeoiallg (1) under logs, (2)
under dead bark, (3) in decaying wood, (4) in damp surface debris, (5) under
stones, (6) in debris and under loose stones in th creek bed. The aquatic
habitats of the stream should be noted and compared with other freshwater
habitats studied.
Collect animals of whose systematic position you are uncertain. Keep records of others. Keep in mind the food relations of the various species seen.
Identify the slugs and isopods using the keys listed in the index.
No report will be called for but you will be held responsible for the
knowledge thus gained.
Each student will choose a special problem for careful study and report.
This problem will deal with the classification, the anatomy, the development,
the behavior, the distribution, or the ecology of some local animal or group of
animals, or with the fauna of a certain circumscribed area.
The problem should be chosen and work initiated early in the course. A
certain part of the laboratory time will be allotted to it. It is to be carried
out and reported on as a research problem. &erg. effort should be made to make
it as scientific as possible. All statements should be supported by the author's
accurately presented findings or by definite reference to authority. Reference
should be made to sources found to be useful such as previous reports on the
same subject, general treatises and especially articles in scientific journals.
Care should be taken to limit the scope of the problem so as to make this possible.
The following is suggested as a standard form for these reports:
Detailed presentation of results
Brief table of contents
Discussion of results (if needed)
Statement of problem
Brief surveyof literatureandprevious reports
Materials and methods
General findings, including lists of
species, keys, etc.
Illustrations ahould be placed in the body of the paper where they will
be of most value. Both Zoolo~icalRecord and J3iolonical Abstracts may be used
in making up the bibliography. The standard bibli~gra~hihal
forms should be
used, as in the example below, and references made by name and year, thus
Oldroyd (1924):
Oldroyd, I. S.
1924. The marine shells of the west coast of North America.
Stanford Univ. Publ. Geol. Sci., 1: 1-247, pls. 1-47.
A rough draft, or at least an outline, should be turned in for criticism
and suggestions as early as possible, not later than two weeks before the last
laboratory period during the regular session or one week during the summer session.
The finished reports will be held for use of future students in the
course. Duplicates should be made if the student desires to retain a copy.
Carefully labeled examples of the species dealt with are to be turned in with
each report.
Each location has its advantages. Facilities for board, room, and laboratory
usually decide which shall be chosen in any given year. Directions are given
for each, therefore.
Board and room for the six weeks usually ranges from a m i n i m of from
55.00 where a number of students share a room to a m a x i m of from
75.00 where a single room is desired. This includes the use of the
laboratory and at Dillon Beach transportation across the bay on two or three
trips and to the tide flats on two or three trips.
As noted above, undergraduates and those graduates not taking the course
to fulfil the marine zoology requirements for the doctorate yill take 5112.
This has a unit value of 3 but the amount and nature of the work done during
the six weeks is the equivalent of a five-unit course and students desiring the
additional two units may enroll for two units of 5119 (without additional laboratory fee).
Those desiring six units or those who have taken Zoology 112 may enroll
for problem work (S199 or S224), the number of units to be arranged with the
instructor, who is enabled to act for the registrar and the comptroller.
The course giyen at the beaches, has the same general aims as the regular
course. h c h of the general discussion in the early part of the syllabus, as
well as the laboratory directions, will be applicable to it. The program of the
summer course will naturally be very different because of the short period of
time involved.
The detailed program will vary from year to year with the incidence of the
tides, but the projects will remain much the same.
The first necessity is to learn the fauna, its distribution, in general,
and the major physical features which determine this distrivtion. Following
this, problems of a more definite nature will be attempted. Since advantage
mst be taken of all low tides and since the lowest tides usually occur during
the first or the second week of the courae, these will necessarily be especially strenuous, the very early morning being devoted to field study and collecting and the remainder of the day to the identification and study of the
animals collected on those field trips. Those exercises which are to be carried on independently should be undertaken early in the course and plans made
for 'their completion.
During the remainder of the course, in addition to continuing the study
of the fauna as a whole, more emphasis will be placed on problems of a general
or specific nature.
The gaining as rapidly as possible of the ability to identify from the specimen or the name the common invertebrates of the region, chiefly those of
the marine littoral. This is a necessary preliminary to other types of
study. To facilitate the gaining of this knowledge preliminary lists will
be posted and named collections put on demonstration. Relatively early in
the course an identification test will be given.
The study of those characters used in the identification of the various
groups of invertebrates.
Experience in the identification of animals by means of keys.
A knowledge of the ecologic niches (the characteristic environmental settings) of all the common animals seen.
A knowledge of the grouping of the different species in faunas of specific
areas and habitats.
A knowledge of the grouping of species in associations and their interrelationships in associations, most obviously their relations in food chains
and cycles.
A knowledge of the distribution and density of population of certain species
and of groups throughout the region as a whole with a view to understanding
some of the factors which limit their distribution.
A knowledge of the habits and behavior of certain species.
Read those portions of the introduction dealing with the use of scientific
names and systems of classification, and with field and laboratory methods.
Read Flattely and Walton, The Bioloas of the Seashore; and Ricketts and
Calvin, Between Pacific Tides; papers by MacGinitie on feeding habits and natural history of a number of m i n e animals; also kcGinitie on Littoral Marine
Animal Communities; Shelford et al., Some k i n e Biotic Communities of the
cific Coast of North America; Hewatt, Ecolo~icalStudies on Selected Marine
gtertidal Communities of Monterey
Newconibe, Certain Environmental Factors of a Sand Beach; and other articles listed in the bibliography as
dealing with ecology and natural history.
Collections should be made on all field trips of animals not already
Imown or not in the demonstration sets. Those belonging to the Mollusca and
decapod Crustacea should be identified at once and those at all common learned
in preparation for the identification tests. Others should be preserved for
future identification in connection with scheduled exercises. Polychaetes
should be killed by adding formalin, a few drops at a time, and preserved.
lkercises 1 to 16 deal with the marine littoral fauna of Moss Beach and
San hteo County. Exercises 13, 14, 15, and 16 should be begun at the earliest
possible oportunity. Read instructions under individual projects, p. 204,
study the exercises and organize your program accordingly.
The diversity of fauna of b s s Beach and vicinity is due to the wide
variety of physical conditions within a relatively narrow area, especially to
the diversity in nature and arrangement of the substrate. Maps I and I1 give
the local names which it will be necessary to learn in order to discuss the
different faunaa.
The following points should be identified at the outset in preparation
for work in the field: North Point, Sand Rocks, Sunshine Creek, the Reefs,
Kelp Cove, Moss Beach Flats, San Vicente Creek, Moss Beach Point, Nye's Channel, Nye's Rocks, Egregia Flats, Balosaccion Flats, Seal Cove, k i n e View
Point, b i n e View Rocks, Frenchman's Reef, the Lagoon.
Read the account by Charles Reed of the geology of the Moss Beach Region.
General Pur~osesof These Ezercises (1-161
1. Knowledge of all marine littoral invertebrate animals of the region.
2. Knowledge of the fauna of various specific habitats.
3. An appreciation of the factors responsible for major differences in faunas,
as between Moss Beach Flats and Frenchman's Reef for example.
4. A study of the distribution of certain species or groups with a view to
determining the limiting factors.
5. The behavior of certain groups or species.
These have been separated out into exercises in an effort to make them
specific. They actually overlap, forming part of a continuous program necessarily
altered by the nature of the tide and the weather and other considerations. These
exercises should be read over to gain a comprehensive picture and to allow for
greater efficiency in their prosecution.
Exercise 1. A Preliminam Survey of Moss Beach and
the Fauna of Moss Beach Flats
If the time before low tide permits there will be a brief survey of the important local landmarks.
After this follow up the receding tide across Moss Beach Flats to Nye's
Rocks and Channel and Egregia Flats, collecting any animals not known to you
and keeping notes on those destined for your collection, together with notes
on the faunas of the different habitats.
barn the names of as many animals in the field as possible.
%en the tide has driven you from profitable collecting grounds take your
collections to the laboratory for identification, preservation, or study under
the microscope.
Do not bring in specimens of species known to you and not needed for your
collection or sea urchina and sea stars (except the small individuals of
Leptasterias and Henricia.
Exercise 2. Halosaccion Flats
Ecological distribution of a meager fauna in an area of little diversification.
Exercise 1 should have given you some general idea of the animals to be
encountered, their range of size, and ordinary distribution in a region of
diversified environmental conditions.
In this exercise we shall confine our efforts to a circumscribed area of
the flat central portion of Halosaccion Flats (hps I and 11). Study the environmental conditions, both physical and biotic. Consider such factors as
intertidal range, nature of substrate, position and disposition of the substrate, degree of exposure to sun, wind, wave impact, predators, etc.
Distinguish all the different habitats represented, determine the specific
assemblages in each, seek to understand presences and absences in terms of
definite physical or biotic conditions.
Is the fauna as a whole characterized by any conspicuous absences? If so,
how is this explained in the light of the ecological features? Is it conspicuous as a whole for largeness or smallness of the species involved or the individuals of the species? If so, set up an hypothesis to explain this feature.
Exercise 3. Fauna of Sand Rocks and Vicinitv
Location: Sand Rocks just beyond the Reefs which form the northern boundary of Kelp Cove (see M p 11).
Physical Conditions: Au area of varied physical conditions involving several very distinct habitats (and their intergrades) such as (1) high tide 01s
(in top of Sand bcks); (2) sheer, soft rock surfaces (sides of Sand Rock$
exposed to tidal and wave action; (3) a rock surface sloping upward toward the
shore compased of granite interspersed with softer areas and ending in a sheer
or overhanging shoreward face; (4) tiny tide pools contained in the surface of
this rock layer; (5) a shaly low low-tide bottom exposure; (6) the inner ends
of nearly upright reefs of hard rock (The Reefs ) extending out some distance;
(7) a region of rocks and small boulders near low tide line; and (8)a sandy
inner beach of coarse sand.
Biotic Conditions: These are correspondingly varied, from areas practically demoid of life to those with heavy growths of large seaweeds.
Pur~ose:Experience in thinking in terms of ecologic factors as determining habitats and ecologic niches. We are using the term ecologic niche to
refer to the sum total of environmental conditions, physical and biotic, to
which a particular species is adapted and which are necessary to its continued
existence. A habitat on the other hand is a
of place, a place or region
characterized by certain major environmental features. A habitat will possess
a characteristic fauna, each species of which has its own niche. Thus, for
example, a tide pool will contain a number of different species each with its
own niche. Since the distribution of ecologic conditions within a habitat may
spatially limit an ecologic niche we may, for convenience, connect certain
niches with places within the habitat, but this is not true of many/ niches and
not really correct for any niche. To completely define a niche would involve
an immense amount of quantitative and experimental investigation of the physical and biotic ecological factors not yet begun for the species we study. However,' we are usually able to discern one or more obvious features of each
niche which give it objective reality and allow us to give it a preliminary
definition and to use it in discussion.
Jkcedure: Study each of these habitats and its characteristic fauna. Be
able to discuss the distribution of the different groups and species in this
area in tern of the ecologio factors involved. Be able to make a field key
to the species of Acmea, and to answer such questions as the following: Why
are the gastropods (aside from Acmaea) absent from the Sand Rocks? Which genus
is dominant on the sides of Sand Rocke? What is the dominant species in the tide
pools in the top of Sand Rocks? Where did you find zonation?
There will be no report but a written test will be given covering the information gained in Exercises 1-3.
You have now seen three different habitats or locales each with its own
characteristics and variations. You should begin to form a picture of the ecologic ranges of certain species, such as those of the genus Acmaea (see Exercise No. 12). the hemit crabs (see the key, p.113 and the special paper by
Harris), and the flat-topped crabs of the genus Petrolisthes(see special paper
by Fields and Benton).
Sam~leQuestions on Sand Rock and Vicinitg
What species not found or rare at Sand Rock and vicinity were found on
Halosaccion Flats proper?
Name species found abundantly in the vicinity of Sand Rock that were rare
or not found on Halosaccion Flats proper.
Suggest one general reason for the fact that the latter list is longer
than the former.
What were the most important plant f,eeders;scavengers; predators; plankton feeders, in the Sand Rock vicinity?
Name animals characteristic of Sand Rock proper that were not found among
smaller rocks around its base.
List differences in fauna between loose rocks on sandy substratum closer
in and farther out.
Which of the three major factors seems most important here? Illustrate.
On the basis of today's observations how could you distinguish
the niches
of the three shore-crabs?
Nhat evidences did you note of vertical zonation of the species of Acmaea?
Which was the most abundant polychaete?
What two features of the situation probably account for its abundance?
What are the advantages and disadvantages for A. scabra of sandrock as
against granite rock?
Why SO few barnacles and no mussels on sandrocks?
IA4y so few littorines?
What structural character of Cirriformia lmriosa not found in C. spirabrancha is correlated with its habit of life?
Name tL-ee genera of isopods encountered. Characterize the very distinct
ecologic niche of each. Which two may be found together? Where and why?
Vith what other animal did the presence of Acanthina seem to correlate?
Vhy were borers not abundant? Nestlers?
What terebellid worm was abundant? Give some features of its niche.
Exercise 4. Frenchman's Reef
Location: Between Marine View and Pillar Point (see k p s I and 11).
Physical Features: A rocky reef, with a relatively flat ,top, extending
into the open sea, exposed on its high side to direct wave action and cut by
numerous, deep, narrow, tidal channels (see Map 111) with steep, often overhanging walls; numerous high tide pools; ledges under exposed horizontal rock
strata; a protected, shallow lagoon between shoreward end and shore on north
Biotic Features: Very great abundance of algae except on high central
shoreward portion; beds of narrow eelgwss and Laminaria, etc., on protected
side; sea urchin beds and mussel bed near outer end.
Procedure: Study first the deep tidal channels and the fauna of the seaweeds and eelgrass of the protected sides. On the return study and attempt
to explain shoreward changes in fauna on the reef surface. On the way out or
back study the under-rock fauna of the lagoon, comparing it with that of Iridaea
Channel and &rine View Rocks. Bgdroids should be collected wherever found and
taken back to the laboratory for study and identification (at least ten species should be found).
A colony of the sea anemone, Corynactis, occurs under one of the high
ledges about halfway out. Be certain to see it.
Attention should be paid to three species of limpets each confined to P
single plant species: A. paleacea on the eelgrass (Phyllospadix), A. insessa
on Egregia,and A. instabilis on the stalks of Laminaria; all found on the north
side of the reef.
Some bestions on Frenchman's Reef
1. List nine or more habitats or subhabitats each with an essentially distinct
fauna. Give one to three characteristic species for each.
2. Name five extremely stenotopic species of sessile gastropods.
3. PVhat advantages probably explain the abundance of Plumularia on the bases
of the brown algae near the laminarian zone?
4. At rmty points a fauna characteristic of the lowest littoral or the sublittoral was encountered at relatively high levels. How could you explain this in terms of physical factors?
5. b t biotic factor (associated with a physical feature of the subhabitat)
operates with regard to the hydroids?
6. What factors do you conceive to operate to determine the distribution of
Strongylocentrotus purpuratus?
Exercise 12. The Distribution and Habits of the Limpets of the Genus Acmaea
Furuose: The gentm Acriiea offera an unusual opportunity for the study of
numerous species of the same genus living in the same general habitat. Fourteen species occur in this area, of which ten should have been encountered by
all. The purpose of this study is to consider the structural differences of
these species, their interrelationships within the genus, their habitats and
habits of life insofar as time allows with a view to discovering what correlation, if any, is to be found between these structural characters and the habitats and habits of life of the different species. The following ten species
will be used for the study, all of them common except Acmuea persona and
A. instabilis which will be pointed out to you:
1. Acmaea asmi
6 . Acmaea paleacea
2. Acmaea digitalis
7 . Aomasa persona
3. Acmaea insessa
4. Acmaea mitra
5. Acmaea pelta
8. Acmaea scabra
9. Acmaea scutum
doubt, a question mmk in parentheses should follow the author's nam, thus:
Tegula finebra1 is Adams (? ).
Procedure: Visit the pool at various times and under different conditions
as regards tides, etc. Do not disturb unnecessarily the inhabitants or remove
any of them at any time during the study. Station yourself so as not to cast
a shadow on the pool.
W e a careful survey and census of the population keeping a faunal list
with approximate numbers of individuals. W e a diagram to show distribution
of the inhabitants. Species not sufficiently deen to allow for diagnosis mag
be described and identifications will be supplied by the staff.
Note and record any activities observed during a period of 15-30 minutes
after'the original disturbance, if any, has quieted down. Attempt to explain
these movements.
Devise experiments to determine reactions of different animals to various
types of stimuli.
Introduce a small piece of mussel previously prepared so as to avoid disturbances. By this method seek (1) to determine the numbers and locations of
cahivorous animals, (2) to understand and record their feeding behavior, (3)
to determine whether sight, chemical sense or touch enables them to find their
By varying this devioe seek to determine which are facultative carnivores
and which obligatory. By using tiny fragments of dead seaweed detect plant scavengers if any. By using whole tiny organisms seek to determine which, if any, of
these carnivores are predators. By using different animal bodies seek to determine whether they have favorite foods. Interpret negative results with caution.
Consider also relations with other species present only during high tide.
Attempt thus to build the food chains involved. Do they form a cycle? Visit the
pool numerous times on different days, preferably on sunny days and after the
water has become warm. Before leaving the pool remove any debris or food particles which you might have added. Leave the pool as undisturbed as when you
found it.
W e an effort to determine (1) to what degree the fauna changes from day
to day, (2) to what extent the animals concerned have permanent locations.
Turn in a report covering all the points studied.
Please make this an entirely individual study and report avoiding discussion or conference.
W e the study and report an exercise in the scientific method.
Exercise 16. The Fauna of the Hi& !t!ideDools between Sand Rocks and
North Point and the Problem of the Distribution
of the Red Cope~ods(Tiqriopus californicus)
These tide pools vary in size from a few inches in depth and diameter to
deep pothole pools on the top of sand rocks and elsewhere. The substratum also
varies from soft shaley sandstone through conglomerate to granite. Other physical factors possibly concerned are elevation, exposure to sunlight, etc.
The dominant animals of these pools are three, Pachygrapsus crassipes,
Boccardia probiscidea, whose waving tentacles are readily seen on close observation, and the red _copepod, present in varying numbers or absent. Some of the
pools are inhabited by the cirratulid worm, Cirrij'ormia luxuriosa, whose dark
tentacles form conspicuous patches.
Study the distribution of the copepods with a view to determining why they
are absent or nearly so in some pools and present in others. Important among
the factors to be considered are predatory animals and food requirements.
Previous studies have shown the copepod adapted to withstand extreme ranges of
temperatures and salinity as would be expected of an animal living in small
high tide pools.
On the basis of early observations propose an hypothesis. Make observations
at later times, organize your evidence, and criticize your hypothesis in the
light of the evidence. Incorporate this in a report to be turned in not later
than the end of the fourth week.
Identify and label all the polychaete worms collected using the
key on page 34. Refer to Hartman (thesis and various papers), and Fauvel,
Errantia (1923) and Sedentaria (1927) in Fame de France.
Co-operate with the staff (1) in accumulating a correctly labelled series
of well-preserved reference specimens, and (2) in gathering all animals seemingly not in our lists or new to the region to be sent to Dr. Hartman for
Exercise 18. Fauna of Tidal Flats in an Enclosed Bay (Tomales
Bay near Dillon Beach. k ~ IV
s and V)
For directions see kercises 28, 30, 31, and 32.
Read: kcGinitie, "Ecological Aspects of a California Marine Estuary
(Elkhorn Slough)" and "Littoral hrine Communities"; Shelford and Towler,
"Animal Communities of San Juan Channel and Adjacent Waters1'; Shelford
et al. "Some Marine Biotic Communities of the Pacific Coast of North America";
Alice Mulford, report of special problem on "Distribution of Callianassa."
Individual Proiects
All members of the 8112 class will do the following as individual projects:
1. Either Exercise 13, 14, or 15, with collection (or report if 15).
2. An intensive study of the behavior of some one common species.
A special problem (see suggested subjects below) may be done either in
addition to the above or, with the instructorlspermission, in place of 1 or 2.
If additional credit is desired for special problem work the student should
enroll for extra units early in the course.
Each member of the S119 group will carry out at least one special problem. The number of possible problems is almost endless. A careful study of any
species from any one of several points of view would produce results of interest and value. In addition there are many problems of various types dealing
with groups and local faunal assemblages.
Swsestions for S~ecialProblem8
Distribution and behavior of the two littorines, especially factors differentially affecting the two species. A collection of nemerteana with notes
on their behavior and distribution for Dr. Coe. Further studies on Tegula
finebralis (see paper by Gorbman). The distribution of Tegula brunnea, limiting factors and an analysis of population. Behavior and habits of the large
sand flea, Orchestoidea corniculata. Orohestoidea cal ifornioa, its behavior
and distribution (Half b o n Bay) and limiting factors. Is it a separate species? Fauna of Montara tidal caves. Habits and behavior of Olivella biplioata;
food. Anatomy of Olivella with a view to its availability for use as type for
the study of streptoneury, asymmetrg. and extreme torsion. Claasification and
ecologic distribution of any common family of polychaete worms such as (1)
Lumbrineridae and Glyceridae, (2) Opheliidae and Orbiniidae, (3) Nereidae,
(4)Phyllodocidae and Nephthyidae, (5) Syllidae, (6)Terebellidae, (7) Polynoidae, (8)Sabellidae, etc. The anemones, with a key for their identification.
Structural and ecologic differences between the two large anemones, Anthopleum
xanthogramanica and Bunodactis. A key to the hydroids of Frenchman's Reef with
FIELD s m 1 m
notes on their distribution. !be fauna of the inner lagoon of Frenchman's Reef.
Taxonomy and biology of the common flatworm. Fauna of a sandy beach (bntara
Beach). A practical key to the common Bryozoa. The harpacticoids. Stages in the
development of the isopod, parasitic in barnacles at Marine View Rocks. AllonisCUS, the high beach isopod, its habits and ecology. Marine and beach dwelling
insects, their behavior and ecology. Authentically named demonstration collection of Polychaeta. Botula falcata and B. californica; distribution; borers or
nestlers? If borers, how accomplished? Anatomy of pholad compared with that of
typical clam and an attempt to determine adaptive features of anatomy. Acmaea
limatula; distribution; limiting factors. Same for A. fenestrata. Ehlosaccion
Flats: (1) Distribution of polychaetes; (2) distribution of decapods, especially
hermits. Feeding habits of Acanthina. Further studies on ecologic segregation
of the species of Pagurus (see paper by Morgan Harris). Further study on homing
of Acmea scabra (see papers by Hewatt, and by Villee and Groody).
Dillon Beach lies on the shore of Bodega Bay not far north of the mouth of
Tomales Bay (Maps IV and V) and within reach of numerous diverse faunas.
The bold rocky outer coast of Tomales Point affords excellent opportunities
for the study of animals of tide pools, tide channels, and exposed rocks rising
from the low tide line. Just off this shore lies Bird Island, which supports a
fauna less reduced by human collecting than that of the shore. Tomales Bay has
m y tidal mud- and sand flats supporting rich faunas. Within reach, also, are
numerous other interesting marine faunas. Such are those of Bodega Head to the
north ( k p IV), Duxbury Reef, Bolinas Bay and Bolinas Iagoon to the south
(&p IV), and Moss Beach south of San Francisco (hps I, 11).
Tomales Bay, as its long, narrow, straight shape would indicate, is a
fault bay. Bolinas Bay and the creek which runa into it from the north are continuations of the same fault line, the San Andreas Rift, which traverses San
The fault line marked by the bay separates the Point Reyes block from the
mainland. This block is supposed to have been an island during much of Tertiam
times, perhaps connected with the Farallons. Its mesozoic granites are exposed
along the western shore of the Point, where we shall collect.
The eastern shore of Tomales Bay is a part of the bed of the ancient Merced
Sea (Pleiocene). Along most of this shore the Merced deposits have been eroded,
exposing the older Franciscan deposits (Jurassic?) like those about Berkeley.
In the northeastern portion, however, and along the shores of Bodega Bay, the
Merced deposits remain. The conspicuous rocky outcrops east of Dillon Beach
formed part of the shores of the Lrced Sea, and the rocks which we studg at
Perch Rock Point and Second Sled Road must be from the Merced or from Franciscan deposits.
The sand dune area south of Dillon Beach partly closing up the mouth of
Tomales Bay consists of much younger (Pleistocene and Recent ) alluvial deposits.
Consult Dickerson (1922, Proc. Calif. Acad. Sciences) for a detailed account of the geology of the region.
Read the general statements with regard to thb summer course (p. 193) and
individual projects (p. 214). Begin as soon as possible the reading of appropriate chapters in Flattely and Walton and in Ricketts and Calvin, especially
those dealing with the tides. C o d t also the schedules given you and the list
of low tides and begin to plan your program. Study k p s IV and V and make yourself familiar with the local names in preparation for field trip.
A list follows of field studies which may be made with Dillon Beach as
headquarters. Not all these are possible in any one six-week period and during
the tidee available. A tentative schedule will be issued each year listing
those field trips to be attempted and the dates as well as the laboratorg exercises to be interspersed among them. Keep this schedule and amend it from time
to time on the basis of announcements to be made.
A large number of species of polychaetes belonging to many genera and families are to be found in this diversified area. See Dr. Bartman's thesis for
a list of species and something of the ecologic distribution of some of them.
Polychaetes should be collected whenever found and, after microscopic observation and identification, properly preserved and labelled. If it is not possible
to identify them at the time preserve them for future identification. About the
end of the second week a period will be devoted to the identification of polychaetes.
Please co-operate with the staff in its efforts to accumulate a wellpreserved, correctly-identified, study collection and also in the accumulation
of rare forms or those new to this locality. Since the summer course has been
given at Dillon Beach 0114once previous to 1941, much remaine to be known of
the polychaete fauna and its distribution.
There is a distinct value in identifying and becoming familiar with a wide
range of types in a group. It gives a picture of the range of structural diversity, the results of a long evolution. Here, in the realm of taxonomy, a
rare species is just arr important as a common one, or more so. To the student
of ecology, however, the species which occur in considerable numbers are the
important ones since they have a proportional effect upon the communities of
which they f o m parts.
M e certain, therefore, that you collect and identify all of the species
of polychaetes which occur in any oonsiderable numbers, keeping as complete a
mcord as possible of this occurrence and ecologic distribution. Be prepared to
report on the ecologic distribution of at leLt a dozen such common polychaetes.
kercise 20. The Ecoloaic Distribution of the Lim~etsof the Genus Acmaea
Read introductory portions of the thesis of Dr. Avery Grant and papers on
homing behavior by Hewatt, and by Villee and Groody. Identify in the field or on
return from it all species of the genus Acmea. Place them ecolo ically with
regard to (1)vertical location. (2) nature of substrate, and (37 food.
Keep this in d n d on all field trips and be able to combine your total
findings into a chart or diagram.
. Distribution
. .
oise 21. The Ecoloaic
of Ca
' a . and Bwritg
C o n a i w in the liaht of Their A d a p t a t ~ B e h a v i o r
Pumos~: (1) To understand the correlations between special structure, behavior, and environmental location, that is, the structural adaptations, of
these three a n o n decapods adapted to a life in the substrate, and (2) to
see how differently the fundamental decapod type of structure has been modified
in the thres species.
WcedurQ: Bemove and arrange in parallel series all the appendages of the
right side of the three species. Care n w t be taken in rearoving the peraeopods
to obtain the gills with them. Each peraeopod is provided with a gill attached
near its proxhl articulation.
W e a table for these appendages, with separate columns for the three
species in the order Calliaassa, Upogebia, mrita, to bring out all differences. Attempt to correlate differences of structure with differences in behavior and these with life-habit differences. Is Upogebia more like Callianassa?
If so why? Which of the two is most like Bhrerita? Do you think this is to be
explained in terms of relationship? If not, on what basis do you explain it?
B. Field Studies
The sandy beaches from Sand Point up to Second Sled Road Point and beyond
abound in sand crabs, the adults scattered but numerous, the young in countless thousands. These should be observed from the first field trip. Be able to
describe their method of swimming, walking and digging in, the type of trail
they make and the part played in these different activities by the different
thoracic appendages. M: kcGinitie, nMavements and kting Habits of the
sma clgb."
See if you can discern by your own observations an animal which preys on
them. This will best be made out when the tide is coming in. Be able to present
your evidenoe in convincing form.
W e yourself familiar with the holes and burrows of the ghost shrimp in
the upper end of Tomales Bay. See the various associated organisma especially
the gobies, the pinnotherid crabs and Crypto~ya.P r e l m reading: Mulford,
Distribution of Call ianassa californiensis Dana at Sand Paint; IkoGinitie, "The
Natural Hietory of Callianassa." Run a transeot from the inner eelgrass associes
to the sand dunes noting the change of fauna enroute. Be able to draw a diagrammatic section showing this change in fauna in relation to increasing height of
surface of subs'grate
In running the above transect individuals of Upogebia may have been encountered at the lower levels. If not, make a search at or very near the lowtide level along the inner channels to locate these mud-sbrimps. Attempt to
state how spatially and ecologically they are isolated from Callianassa.
In this connection read EkcGinitie, "Natural History of the kd-Shrimp."
Exercise 22. Fauna of a SandB Beach and Scattered Elevated Rocb in Sand
Location: Perch Rock Point just at northern edge of the Dillon Beach
Pbsical conditions: Facing the open sea to the west, hence subjected to
wave action, violent at times of storm. Rockt~relatively hard with few if any
crevices or crannies. Beach relatively long with gentle even slope from low
tide level to the rocb cliff. Rocb irregular in shape but generally sloping
to a narrow top, bottoms buried for unknown depth in sand. Sand washed out
about bases of most rocks, leaving temporary tide pools. Two major habitats,
rocks and sand.
Biotic conditions: Living seaweed small in quantity: very little on rocks,
a few scattered clumps of Xgregia in sand. A certain amount of dead seaweed is
present. That at upper level should be investigated for plant scavengers. Algal
film seemingly lacking on upper rocks. Two striking rock communities, one dominated by Mytilus californianus, the California Mussel, the other almost pure
sea anemones.
The following animals are among those present:
Rock Fauna
Anemones, large and small
B. oariosus, the thatched barnacle
Chthamlus, the tiny barnacle
Mitella, the leaf barnacle
In kssel Bed
17rais canuliculata Duclos
Petricola (rare)
Nerei s vexillosa Grube
Petrolisthes, the flat-topped crabs
Sand Fauna
Nephtys caeca Fabricius
Nere is vexillosa Grube
Pisaster ochraceus, the ochre seastar
Pachygrapsus, the lined shore crab
Hemigrapsus nudus, the purple shore crab
@r~ose:To gain familiarity with the members of the fauna, their names,
their ecological niches, their interrelationshipe.
Procedum: Identify as many of the animals as possible in the field, use
their names again and again until they become familiar. Bring those not identified to the laboratory for identification. Keep careful notes as to distribution and associations and of any biotic or physical factors which seem to explain them.
Be able to answer such questiona as the following:
b t is the dominant animal in the most oonapicuous animal association of
the area? R m t other animals are present in this association? What is their
relation to it? b t other sedentary animal is present in considerable concentration? Does it seem to compete with the other association? W e a field key
to the species of Acmaea. What evidence did you note of differences in niche of
these species? What is the most important sand dwelling organism? %at plant
scavengers were noted? %ere are the different polychaetes to be found?
Do you find any clams? Reasons?
How does the method of progression of Emerita differ from that of most
crabs? Can you differentiate their trails?
Exercise 23. Hard Rocks in Intertidal Zone (Second Sled Road Point 1
Recognize as mang animals as possible in the field. Collect and identify
those not thus recognized. Get as clear a picture as possible of the distribution of the animals of this locality in relation to the diversified physical
and biotic factors involved.
Attempt to classify the general area into more or less definite habitats
each marked by a characteristic faunal assemblage. Such, for example, would be
the beds of narrow-leaved eelgrass ( ~ h ~ l l o s ~ a d1i z
Find the outcrop of softer rock and collect the borers, nestlers, and
cranny dwellers in it for study in connection with Reroise 26.
Exercise 24. An Outer Emosed Rocks Shore (Towles Point 1
This area offers the richest fauna of any habitat to be studied in the
Dillon Beach locality and approaches that of Frenchman's Reef. Especially to
be studied are (1)the tide pools, (2) the tidal channels, (3) under rock assemblages, (4)the mussel beds, here at climax.
Exercise 25. The Fauna of a Rockv Island (Bird Island). with Tide
Pools. Tidal Caves and Tidal Channels
Get as complete a picture of the fauna, its distribution and the ecologic
features involved as is possible in the brief time available. Biotic features
require attention. Such are the luxuriant growth of seaweed and the negative
one of the relative absence of the disturbing presence of man. Be able to explain various features of the fauna in the light of these factors as well as
the physical conditions.
The tide pools are on the flat rock at the southwestern end of the islands,
the tidal cave at the northern end, the tidal channels along the western shore.
On top of the high flat-topped plateau which form the eastern half of
the island is a colony of nesting cormorants and the nests of gulls, etc. These
are interesting as forming end organisms of some of our food chains.
d i $m into
and Cut by Deen, Narrow Tidal Channels
(Frenchman's Reef, Sen Mateo County, &ps I and 111)
Attempt to segregate in your mind some eight or ten very different types
of habitats found here and their characteristic assemblqes. Were elsewhere
have you found the same or similar faunal assemblages? Have they been correlated with similar environmental conditions? If so, you can begin to fornorlate
general statements as to the animals to be found under given sets of environmental conditions.
W e a special effort to see and to collect for identification as w
hydroids as possible as well as certain species of A o m a not colamon elsewhere
(A. paleacea, A. instabilis, and A. insessa).
Just inside Tomales Bay on the northeastern shores are extensive areas of
sandy mud flats already sampled in Exercise 21. Here wave action is large4
eliminated and sedimentation active. Here tidal currents while not violent,
exaept in certain relatively limited channels, are prolonged bringing an immense amount of water over a given area of bottom.
This area supports a fauna whioh seem to belong to the Macona fomation
as defined by Shelford and Tower (1925) with general and special modifications
due to local conditions. We shall'sample this fauna in general on this trip,
compare it with another tidal flat (Rerciae 29 on Bolinae Lagoon) and study
more intensively two of its subdivisions (Exercises 29 and 30), and finally
consider it in terms of ecologic variation and succession in Exercise 31.
In preparation for these exercises and during their prosecution make yourself familiar with the ideas and terminology in the article by Shelford and
Towler and read MacGinitielstlLittoralkrine Communities" and his "Ecological Aspects of a California &trine Estuary (Elkhorn Slough)."
The three important associes, studied separately, are at different levels
as regards the tidee. The eelgrass associes or dlcrcome-Schizothaerus associes
(perhaps same as the Macoma-Synapta associes of Shelford) is lowest, being
mostly a few inches under water at low low tide due in part to the very slow
run-off in this area. The Phoronopsis or Macoma-Phoronopsis associes is just a
few inches above low low tide level, while the Call ianassa or Macoma-Call ianassa associes, already studied, is much higher. These should be studied with
the idea of an ecological succession in mind whose climiix may be the sand dune
In narrow zones are other associes. Among these should be studied the
Clymenella associes which form narrow zones between the others. More broadly
distributed than the limits of these associes but less widely than Macoma is
the abundant horse clam Schiaothaerus nuttallii and the much less common geoduck, Panope generosa.
Study the distribution of the three types of clams, and of Phoronopsis,
Clynenslla and other common polychaetes. Turn in a map showing their distribution.
Exercise 29. Bolinas h o o n
This may be combined with a study of the fauna of Duxbury Reef (Exercise
27) since the tides are much later in the lagoon. It should be sampled at
least at two points, one very near the mouth where a Phoronopsis-Urechis-Macoma
association should be studied, the other high up the lagoon where the mudcrab is the dominant animal as is the case at numerous points along the lower
reaches of Tomales Bay.
Get a clear picture of the other members of the associes there and seek
to place them in terms of food chains or a food cycle.
Exercise 30. The Eekrass Flats
These outer flats near the mouth of Tomales Bay, separated from the shore
flats by a tidal channel are subject to fluctuation in level and cohsequently
in fauna and flora. Whether this is a seasonal variation or associated with the
extensive shifts in location of sand deposits which are caused by differences
in wind and tide is not hown. In 1935 they supported a luxuriant growth of
eelgrass (Zostera) and various seaweeds and were never completely exposed
even at the lowest tides. In the spring of 1940 they were a few inches above
low-tide level and the eelgrass and large algae were largely lacking.
Whatever their condition they should be studied and their fauna vvell
known. If these outer flats are lacking in extensive plant growth this may be
found and should be studied in lower areas near the shore, bordering on the
Macoma-Phoronopsi s association.
Go prepared for wading in several inches of mud and water. ,
Collect and make notes on the ecologic distribution of the rich but
monotonous fauna of this habitat. There are really three important habitats or
zones here, (1) the mud below, (2) the water, and (3) the luxuriant growth of
eelgrass and large algae ( ~ l v a ,etc. ). Do not neglect the fauna of the mud.
hterial will be collected and brought to the laboratory to allow for the study
of the sub-macroscopic fauna of the water and the algae masses and the eelgrass.
Be on the lookout for holothurians and Edwardsiella (an 8-tentacled anemone). Note those species present here only because the large seaweeds give them
sites above the muddy bottom.
W e certain that you know all species involved and are able to discuss
their distribution in terms of ecological factors.
Fixercise 34. Commercial Oyster Beds at Bivalve on Tomales Biz
These beds will he visited to see the methods of commercial oyster culture, the ecological conditions favorable to it and the associated fauna.
Especially interesting are the introduced species.
Exercise 35. The Plankton
A anall segregated body of water lends itself to this purpose much better
than the marine littoral with its tidal changes. Even here, however, there are
interrelations with nonaquatic or amphibious organisms which should be brought
into the food cycle so far as ascertainable.
Begin this study early in the course and continue it from time to time.
Read Exercise P on page 191.
T m in your food cycle as finally conceived.
Exercise 39. The Fauna of a Coastal Stream
(Salmon Creek or Uouer Stemole Creek1
This is to be an entirely individual problem.
The individuals should scatter out along the creek, each working alow.
W e a collection of macroscopic and microscopic life in connection with
notes on ecological features.
In your report place each species found in its individual niche in a food
cycle and attempt to explain the special adaptations of each species to its
niche. In Salmon Creek note especially the peculiar shrimps, Sycnaris (see
special paper by Lee).
The pelecypods
The amphipods
The harpacticoid copepods
Other benthonic copepods
The isopods
The sponges
The tunicates
The Bryozoa
Phoronopsis: Are there two species?
Their distinguishing characters?
The terebellid polychaetes
The Nereidae
26. F.
27. S.
..... Amphipoda
..... Pelecypoda
Animals at Point Richmond
Field Trip to Point Richmond 2:00 p.m. at beach
..... Field
Trip to Point Richmond 2:00 p.m. at beach
F. ..... Free
S. ..... First Mid-Term including tests on identification and ecology
..... ~oeienterata
Field Trip to Fruitvale Bridge (be at bridge at 2:00 p.m. )
W. ..... Same as above at 2:30 p.m.
F. ..... Free
S. ..... Free
F. ..... Copepoda
S. ..... Entomostraca completed
F. ..... Rotifera
S. ..... Free
F. ..... Free
S. ..... Gastropoda
F. ..... Spring Recess
S. ..... Spring Recess
F. ..... Terrestrial Arthropoda
S. ..... Field Trip to Strawberry Canyon
F. ..... Second Mid-Term
S. ..... Field Trip to Lake bkrritt
F. ..... Free
S. ..... Field Trip to Freshwater Pond
F. ..... k i n e Gastro ods
S. ..... Continued: ~05chaeta
} . Field Trip to Dillon Beach for three tide8
S. ..... Free
F. ..... Free
S. ..... Property clearance
15. M.
Adjustment of room.,etc. 7:30 p.m. Preliminary meeting.
16. T. 8:30 a.m. S119 (alone) for orientation
9:00 a.m. S112 and S119. General introduction, Laboratory study
of Decapoda
2:00 p.m. Gastropoda
17. W. 8:30 a.m. Pelecypoda
2:00 p.m. Polychaeta
18. Th. (-0.5, 4:07 a.m. ) Trip on S.S. Scripps and study of plank-
(-0.7, 8:06 a.m.) Special problems
Lecture by Prof. E. T. Schenck, Palaeontol2:00 p.m.
ogist, Stanford University
24. W.
(-0.4, 9:00 a.m.) S ecial problems
2:00 p.m.
25. Th. (0.0, 9:40 a.m. ) Special problems
Lecture by Dr. Robert C. Miller, Director of
2:00 p.m.
the Museum and Aquarium of the California
Academy of Sciences on "The Pacific Ocean
a Balanced Aquarium"
26. F. 8:30 a.m.
Gestropoda completed
2:00 p.m.
Amphipoda, Isopoda
Nothifig scheduled
Nothing scheduled
29. M. 10:OO a.m.
2:30 p.m.
8:30 a.m.
Decapoda completed
30. T.
Lecture by Dr. Avery R. Grant on speciation
2:00 p.m.
in the genus Acmaea
31. W. (-0.6, 3:40 a.m. ) Special problems
23. T.
1. Th.
2. F.
Special problems
Marine Vier Rocks and Seal Core
........ Polychaeta
Polychaeta of Moss Beach Flats
11 Unscheduled
Special problem
Special problem
Freshwater Ecology, Entomostraca
........ AOstracoda,
Freshwater Pond
........ Rotifera
Special problems
.................... Free
Special problems
Terrestrial Arthropoda
........ Field
trip in Sunshine Creek Valley
........ Porifera
23. F.
2:00 p.m.
8:30 a.m.
checked in and packed
....... Property
Final Emmination
Housing arrangements
7:15 p.m. .......... F i r s t meeting f o r general discussion
8:30 a.m. .......... S119 alone f o r orientation
9:00 a.m. .......... S112. Introductory
9:30 a.m. .......... S112, S119. Decapoda
2:00 p.m. .......... Decapoda
8:30 a.m. .......... Isopoda; 2:00 .m. Amphipoda
Th. 8:30 a.m. .......... Polychaeta; 2:{0 p.m. Polychaeta
8:30 a.m. .......... Gastropods; 2: 00 p.m. Pelecypoda
8:30 a.m. .......... Chitons
Su. (-0.3, 5:10 a.m.)
a t 9:50 a.m. )
Mid-Term; 2:30 p.m. Bryozoa
Sponges; 2:00 p.m. Pelecypoda
Copepoda; 2:00 p.m. Cladocera and other
8:30 a.m.
Laboratory portion of Ex. 20 on Call ianassa, Upo ebia, and h s r i t a ; 2:00 p.m.
8:30 a.m.
Coelenterates; 2:00 p.m. Gastropoda
-0.7 a t 3:35 a.m. ) Individual projects
-1.2 a t 5:15 a.m.
Field t r i p t o t i d e f l a t s , Ex. 29
4:28 + 501)
F i e l d t r i p t o T o m a l e s P o i n t , E x . 23
Field t r i p t o Bird Island, Ex. 24
Second f i e l d t r i p t o Tomales Point
................ Field
tri t o Frenchman's Reef,
~ndividua! projects
t-0.7 a t 8:25 a.m.
of polychaetes
.......... Identification
Ostracoda and Rotifera; 2:00 p.m. Rolland
Pond Ex. 37
8:30 a.m. .......... completion of study of freshwater pond
Th. 8:30 a.m. .......... T e r r e s t r i a l arthropods; 2:00 p.m. Sand-dune
animals, Ex. 39
8:30 a.m. .......... Further on t e r r e s t r i a l arthropods
S. ...................... Individual projects
8:30 a.m.
8:30 a.m.
Individual projects
Optional f i e l d t r i p t o oyster bed, Ex. 33
Optional f i e l d tri t o Duxbury Reef and
Bolinas Lagoon,
26 and 28; 2:30 .m.
p r a c t i c a l -nation.
Property checE
Ek. 25
(Modified from Hgman, Borradaile and Potts, and others)
Order S i ~ h o n o ~ h o m
Three other orders (see &man)
ZOANTBARIB (Sea Anemones )
Phylum p
Phylum Acanthocephala
Class Archiannelida
given in keys and list)
Classes HImINEA
Phylum ONYCHOPHORA (or subphylum of Arthropods)
Subphylum CRUSUCEQ
Orders Anostraca
Orders Thoracica
Rhizoce hala
Subclasses Leptostraca
Subclass Pericarida
Suborders G m D U
Subclass Eucarida
Order Eu hausiacea
Order D E ~ O D A
Pratt; Schmitt
Subphylum MYRUPODA
terrestrial classes)
Subphyla (? ) Tardigrada
(Prosobranchiata. prosobranchs, or
strepotoneurous gastropods)
Suborder DIOTOCARDIA (A~~idobranchiata.
Tribe ~iaidoalossa
chiata (with paired gills;
S e ~ ~ ~ ~ r keyhole
a n limpets)
~ s ,
Section Azygobranchiata (with single gill;
azygobranchs; Ternla, Calliostoma)
Tribe Docoalassa (true limpets, Acmaea)
Suborder M0NOMGBRDI.A (Pectinibranchiata; pectinibranchs: all other snail-like forms)
Order OPISTBOHRBNCHIllTA (opisthobranchs)
Suborder TECTIBRANCHIAW (tectibmchs: sea hares )
Suborder NUDIBRANCHIATA (nudibranchs)
Order WLUANATA (pulmonates: land snails and slugs)
(Opisthobranchiata and Pulmonata are considered by some
to be suborders of the order Euthyneura)
Streptoneurnus vs Euthyneurous
Prosobranchs vs Opisthobranchs
Pectinibranchs vs Aspidobranche
Zygobrancha vs Azygobranchs
Tectibranchs vs Nudibrancha
Pulmonates vs Gill-breathing gastropods
Orders Profobranchiata
Phylum I(BMPTOZ0A (Endoprocta)
Orders P lacto emata
Phylum Chaeto natha
phylum PHORO~DU
Classes Larvacea
Subphylum CRANUTA
Class Amphibia
Class Re tilia
Class A&
Class M
(For further identification see mounted specimens and monographs by Setchell and Gardner)
A. Green Algae
B. Brown Algae
C. Red Algae (oftentimes blackish or brownish)
A. Green Akae
. . . . . . . . .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .Ulva
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Enteromorpha
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .? Cladophora
2. Small, but thick, felted masses; common on Moss Beach Flats, scattered
B. Brown Ahme
1. With naked,stout, cylindrical sti e or nstem," blades only at its apex;
found chiefly in outer zone of freakers
1. No conspicuous unbranched stipe
2. Stipe less than two feet long, erect, with a crown of many short blades.
Sea Palm
Postelsia palmaej'onis
2. Stipe averaging two feet or more, with a single long blade
2. Stipe very long, up to 60 feet, stipe hollow and ending in a swollen,
hollow bulb; many long blades
3. Unilateral branching along one side of long cylindrical stipe; blades
broad, with a bulb-like float at base; edges of blades with scattered
tag-like outgrowths
3. Bilateral branching along sides of flattened rachis; blades small;
Egregi a
interspersed with bladder-like floats
3. Dichotomously branohed fronds; branches less than a centimeter wide
. . . . . .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ..
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ficus fircatus
1. Fronds cylindrical . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
1. Fronds more or less flattened . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
2. Forming low, stiff reddish-brown masses, seldom more than an inch in
height; densely branched, covered with very tiny, spinose branches
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Gastroclonium
3. Fronds very broad, little-branched, iridescent in color
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Iridopsis (Iridaea)
3. Fronds narrower, much branched . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
2. Fronds blackish, elongated, hanging, several inches in length, ultimate
branches several millimeters long, all of about same length Microcladia
2. Fronds longer, more open, ultimate branches thicker, scattered
k r r a d a i l e and Potts. 1935. T
he(probably the best one-volume
text )
Bronn. Klassen und Ordnwen des Tierreichs (many volumes, a large part of
wh'lch remains t o be published
Cambritke Natural H
1895-1969 (several volumes)
throw& Cteno~hom.
Byman, L. H. 1904. Z E i e r t e b r a t e ! .
vol. 1.
(other volumes t o be published
K i i k e n t W. 1923 t o date. Handbuch der Zoo1 '
several volumes-many parts
yet t o be published: bibliographies v e r y E d
Lankester, E. Ray. 1900-09. A t r e a t i s e of zoolo
several volumes )
Parker and Haswell. 1940. Textbook of zooloa. g v i s e d by Lowenstein. Vol. 1.
Yierreich. Das. A series of'systematic monogra hs on various parts of the
animal king om, published during the past 0 years)
Allee, W. C. 1938. The social l i f e of animals
Chapman, R. N. 1931. Animal e c o l o ~
Crowder, W. 1928. A naturalist a t the seashore
Ekman, S. 1935. Tieri?eo~raphiedes k e r e s
Elton, C. 1927. Animal ec l o
Flattely and w
d biolow of the seashore
Hesse, Allee and Schmidt. 193
co o i c a l anima eo ra
r. Midland
MacGinit ie, 6. E. 1938.
l?tt ; ~ lcommunitte~,
ist (see bibliography)
Pearse, A. S. 1939. Anlmal ec o
Shelfod, V. E. 1 9 2 9 d a n d f i e l d ecologp
r. &I@
23 .,
Pierce, Dwlght, and Pool.
sand dunes. I-V,
Shelford and Tower. Animal communities of San Juan Channel and adjacent
waters. Publ. m e t Sound Biol. Sta., 5
de Laubenfels, M. W. 1932. "The marine and fresh water sponges of California,"
Pmc. U.S. Nat. ms., 81. 1936. "A discussion of the sponge fauna of the
Dry Tortugas, with material for a revision of the families and orders of
the Porifera Cam. Inst. Publ., No. 467.
Fisher, W. K. 1938. "Hydrocorals of the North Pacific Ocean," Proc. U.S. Nat.
A!&?*, 84
Fraser, C. McL. 1937. Hydroids of the Pacific Coast of Canada and the United
1910."Medusae of the world. I. The Hydromedusae." Cam. Inst. Bull.
No. 109, vols. 1, 2
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(For freshwater Entomostraca, see in addition to those iven below,
articles in lard and Whipple or other
Johnson,.D.,Zool. 112 Report. Freshwater Cladocera of the San Francisco Bap
re ion
~uda~;ih907. "Cladocera of the San Diego region (mrine)." Univ. California
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Juday, C. 1906-7. Ostracoda of the San Diego region (marine). Univ. Calif.
Publ. Zool., 3
Skogsberg, T. 1928: "Studies on marine ostracods," Occ. Papers. California
Acad. Sci., 15
Coae~oda(kine )
Esterly, C. 0. 1924. The free swimming Copepoda of San Francisco Bay. U a .
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Fraser, J. H. 1936. 'nhe occurrence, ecology, and life history of Tigriopus
,fulurs (Fisher)," Jour. W. Biol. Assoc., 20. 1936. "me distribution of
rock pool copepods according to tidal XeveT;" Jour. Animal Ecol., 5
Light and Hartman. 1937. A review of the genera Clausidiun and Hemicyclops.
Univ. Calif. Publ. Zool., 41
-Monk, C. R. 1941. "Marine harpacticoid copepods from California," Trans. Amer.
Micr. Soc., 60
~ i l s o m 1 9 0 "North
American parasitic Copepoda," Pmc. U.S. Nat W.,
35. 1932. The Copepoda of the Woods Hole region, Massachusetts.
Nat. Mus., 158 (both marine and freshwater). 1935. "Parasitic copepods from the P a z i c Coast," Amer. &&land Naturalist, &
Various special reports on the red tide pool copepod, T i g r i opus c a l i fornicus
(= T. &lous or T. t r i a n p l u s )
Coker, R. E. 1934. "Contribution to knowledge of North American harpacticoid
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Kiefer, F. 1929. "Cmstacea Copepoda. 2. Cyclopoida Gnathostoma," in Das Tier-
Holmes, S. J. 1909. "Four new species of isopods from California," Proc. U.S.
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~ o f o i m r3
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in Hill and Kofoid, Marine borers and their relation to marine construction on the Pacific coast
omparative ecological studies on the terrestrial isopod
San Francisco Bay Region. Calif. Fubl. Zool. 43
Richardson, H. 1905. Monograph on the isopods of North America. EhllXl.~.
Nat. ,.&I
Van &me, W. G. m36. The American land and freshwater isopod Crustacea. &
)her. h.Nat. Hist., 11
Alderman, A. L. 1936. Some new and little known amphipods of California.
Calif. Publ. Zool., 41
H O ~ B
phi@cis collected by the 'Albatross' off the west coast
ot :or&
E k a ? R c. U.S. Na
s. 35
Rodholm, A. K., M.A. thesis0 copy in Z~ll?coil~tion). Contributions to the
biolo~vof the tube-bulldm am~himd. Corophium bone11i i
Shoemaker, C. 1925. The Amphipoda collected by the "Albatross" in 1911. Bul
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Stebbing, T. 8. 1906. The Bmphipoda. 1. Gammarid%, 1n-s
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Tattersall, 1. 1832. Contributions to the Mysidacea of California. Univ. Calif.
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Bonnot., P. 1932. The California shrimo industrg. Fish. Bull. No. 38, Calif.
Div. of Fish and Game
Fields, R.and Benton, E., Zool. 112 Report. Ecologic distribution of the porcellaid crabs (petrolisthes, Pachycheles .
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Lun2.T R. jr. 1927. "Notes on Callianassa major Say," Charleston Musewn Leaflets, 10
Callianassidae, from the west coast of North America. Publ. M e t
Sound Biol. Sta., 5
Mulfor ,
2 Report. Distribution of Callianassa californi ensis at
L k d n t l g i n co.
Rathbun, M. J. 1917. The gmpsoid crabs of America. Bull. U.S. Nat. ks., 97.
1925. The spider crabs of America. Bull. U.S. Nat. Ws. 129 1930. The
cancroid crabs of America. L11. 0.9. k t .
132. 1930.'me oxystomtous and related crabs of America (
Schmitt, 1. 1. 1921. The m i n e decapod C r u s 3 a of California. Univ. Calif.
Publ. Zool., 2
Exline, Harriet I. 1936. "Pycnogonids from Fuget Sound," Proc. U S Nat Mus
Hall. H. V. Y. 1913. Pgcnogonida from the coast of California. u&.
ool., 11
H e d p e kJ. la: 1941. "A key to the pycnogonids of the Pacific Coast of North
America," Trans. San Dieno Society of Natural Histam
Terrestrial Arachnids
Comstock, J. H. 1940. The s ider book
Savory, T. B. 1935. T h h o d general survey, not for identification)
Lkehler, K. L., Zool. 112 Report. A taxonomic study of the spiders with especial
reference to those collected in Strawberry Canyon (Key to genera)
Gressitt, J. L. Zool. 112 Report. A key to the local centipedes
Ellsworth, J. d. Zool. 112 Report. A key to the local millipedes
Insecta (General)
Bmes and Melander. 1932. Classification of insects, a key to the known families of insects and other terrestrial arthropods. Bull. Mus. Com~.Zool.
Barvard, 131
E s s i g n 19Z6. Insects of western North America
Lutz, F. E. 1935. ~~eldbook
of insects
Insecta (Freshwater)
Needham, J. G., and P. R. Needham. 1930. A wide to the study of fresh-water
C l a a s d A. 1931. Plecoetera nvm~hsof America (north of L$X~CO
Hungerford, H. 8. 1919. The biology and ecology of aquatic and semiiquatic
Hemiptera. Kansas Univ. Bull.
puatic 6ip era. Parts I-V. Cornell Univ. hr. ExD.
Johannsen, 0. A.
sta. bmo1rs17E-3:i7A 205. 210
Lloyd, J. T. 1921. The biology of North American caddis fly larvae. kll. Llo~d
abrid~edcheck list of west North American Mollusca
Keen, A. M. 1937.
Kee and Bailey. 1 3
es oast s
~ackrd,I?. L. 191!bMo~lu~&
Francisco Bay. Univ. Calif. hbl.
Zool., 14
Schenrand Een. 1936. "hrine Molluscan provinces of west North America,"
Proc Amer. Phil. 2oc , 77
Tryon and Pilsbry. 1 8 m . G u a l of concholow. structural and ssstemtic
Hewatt, W. G. 1935. l'Ecologicalsuccession in the Myt ilus ?a1i f o r n i a w s habitat,'? fc9hB$, 16
Hill and KO 01 ed.7 1927. Marine borers and their relation to marine construction on the PacificTast ere o, etc.
aKeen an rizze - (39.
Oldm dd
S. $l~?~The marine shells gf the-westcoaspof North Amegca.
Alecypoda. bol. sol.,
Rankin, E. R. 191B. The mussels of the' Pacific Coast. Calif. Fish and Game, 4
Sommer and byer. "Mussel poisoning," Calif. and West. Med., 42
Weymouth F. W. 1920. The edible clams mussels and scallops of California.
Fish. Bull. No. 4. California Fish and Game Comm.
Berry, S. S. 1910. A review of the cephalopods of western North America.
Bur F'sh 30
of the recent Ceuhalomda. Part 1. Octopoda. British
Fisher, W. K. 1923. "Brooding habits of a cephalopod," Ann.
ser. 9, vol. 12. 1925. "On the habits of an octopus,11
Harmer, S. F. 1930. Polyzoa. Proc. Linn. Soc. London, 141; 1931. Recent work on
Polyzoa. Ibid.
1925. List of Bryozoa from the vicinity of Puget
OIDonoghue, ran
Sound. Publ. Puaet Sound Biol. Sta., 2
OIDonoghue,C. H. 1926. Second list of Bryozoa from the Vancouver Island region. Contr. Can. Biol. and Fish., new ser., 2
1910. Three papers on marine Bryozoa of the west
respectively, non-incrusting Cheilostomata, mcoast
crusting Cheilostomata, and Cyclostomata. Univ. Calif. Atbl. Zool., 2,
4% .
5 ::%
4, 6
Michael, L. L. 1911. Classification and vertical distribution of the Chaetopatha of the San Diego region. Univ. Calif. Publ. Z A . , 8
Bullock T. H., Zool. 112 Re ort. Phoronidea from Marin County
Cori. 1439. Phoronidea, in !ronnl s Klassen und 0rdnunp:en des Tierreichs, 4:4: 1:l
Fisher, 8. K. 1911-1930. Asteroidea of the North Pacific and adjacent waters.
Bull. U.S. Nat. hs. 76, pts. 1-3
Calyssozoa, 156
Echiuroidea, 65
Ecologic succession, 212
Ectoprocta, 156
Eelgrass, broad-leaved (Zostera), 211;
narrow-leaved (Phyllospadix), 197,
Emerita, 207
Enteropneusta, 165
Entoprocta, 156
Eucarida, 104
Field trips, Bird Island, 209; Bolinas
Lagoon, 210; Dillon Beach, 185;
Drake's Cave, 200; Duxbury Reef,
209; Frenchman's Reef, 197; freshwater pond, 191; Fruitvale Bridge,
190; Halosaccion Flats, 182, 196;
Iridaea Channel, 198; Inverness,
212; Lake Merritt, 188; list for
Dillon Beach, 206; Marine View
Rocks and Seal Cove, 199; Moss
Beach Flats, 195; Nye's Rock, 199;
of the spring semester, 177; oyster
beds 213; Perch Rock Point, 208;
point Richmond, 177; Sand Rocks,
196; Second Sled Road, 209; Strawberry Can on, 192; tide flats (Tomales ~ay? 210, 211, 212
Field work, directions for, 174; field
notes, 175; field trips, see above
Flatworms, 22
Frenchman1s Reef, 197, 210
Fruitvale Bridge, 190
Garden centipedes, see Symphyla, 117
Gastropods, 130
Gastropods, 130; key to freshwater
snails, 146; list of gastropods,
147; key to land slugs, 147; keg to
marine shelled, 123; key to nu&-
Schedules, 216
Schizothaerus, 210, 211