Of The Main Changes in The Resuscitation Guidelines

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of the main
changes in the
ERC Guidelines 2010


To p r e s e r v e h u m a n l i f e b y m a k i n g
high quality resuscitation available to all
The Network of National Resuscitation Councils

Published by:
European Resuscitation Council Secretariat vzw,
Drie Eikenstraat 661 - BE 2650 Edegem - Belgium
Website: www.erc.edu
Email: [email protected]
Tel: +32 3 826 93 21

European Resuscitation Council 2010.

All rights reserved. We encourage you to send this document to
other persons as a whole in order to disseminate the ERC Guidelines.
No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval
system, or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic,
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contained in the material herein.

Summary of main changes since 2005 Guidelines

Basic life support
Changes in basic life support (BLS) since
the 2005 guidelines include:

Dispatchers should be trained to

interrogate callers with strict protocols

to elicit information. This information
should focus on the recognition of
unresponsiveness and the quality of
breathing. In combination with unresponsiveness, absence of breathing or
any abnormality of breathing should
start a dispatch protocol for suspected cardiac arrest. The importance of
gasping as sign of cardiac arrest is

All rescuers, trained or not, should

provide chest compressions to victims

of cardiac arrest. A strong emphasis on delivering high quality chest
compressions remains essential. The
aim should be to push to a depth of
at least 5 cm at a rate of at least 100
compressions min-1, to allow full chest
recoil, and to minimise interruptions
in chest compressions. Trained rescuers should also provide ventilations
with a compressionventilation (CV)
ratio of 30:2. Telephone-guided chest
compression-only CPR is encouraged
for untrained rescuers.

The use of prompt/feedback devic-

es during CPR will enable immediate

feedback to rescuers and is encouraged. The data stored in rescue equipment can be used to monitor and

improve the quality of CPR performance and provide feedback to professional rescuers during debriefing

Electrical therapies:
automated external defibrillators, defibrillation,
cardioversion and pacing
The most important changes in the 2010
ERC Guidelines for electrical therapies

The importance of early, uninterrupted chest compressions is emphasised throughout these guidelines.

Much greater emphasis on minimising the duration of the pre-shock

and post-shock pauses; the continuation of compressions during charging
of the defibrillator is recommended.

Immediate resumption of chest

compressions following defibrillation

is also emphasised; in combination
with continuation of compressions
during defibrillator charging, the
delivery of defibrillation should be
achievable with an interruption in
chest compressions of no more than 5

Safety of the rescuer remains par-

amount, but there is recognition in

Adult Basic Life Support


Shout for help

Open airway


Call 112*

30 chest compressions

2 rescue breaths
30 compressions

*or national emergency number

Automated External Defibrillation


Call for help

Open airway
Not breathing normally
Send or go for AED
Call 112*

CPR 30:2

* or national emergency number

Until AED is attached


No shock

1 Shock
Immediately resume:
CPR 30:2
for 2 min

Immediately resume:
CPR 30:2
for 2 min
Continue untilthe victim starts
to wake up: to move, opens
eyes and to breathe normally


Call resuscitation team

CPR 30:2

with oxygen and airway adjuncts

Signs of life?

Shout for HELP & assess patient

Collapsed/sick patient

In Hospital Resuscitation

Apply pads/monitor
Attempt defibrillation if appropriate

Advanced Life Support

when resuscitation team arrives


Assess ABCDE
Recognise & treat
Oxygen, monitoring, iv access

Call resuscitation team

If appropriate

Handover to resuscitation team

these guidelines that the risk of harm

to a rescuer from a defibrillator is very
small, particularly if the rescuer is
wearing gloves. The focus is now on a
rapid safety check to minimise the preshock pause.

When treating out-of-hospital car-

diac arrest, emergency medical services (EMS) personnel should provide

good-quality CPR while a defibrillator
is retrieved, applied and charged, but
routine delivery of a pre-specified period of CPR (e.g., two or three minutes)
before rhythm analysis and a shock is
delivered is no longer recommended.
For some EMS that have already fully
implemented a pre-specified period of
chest compressions before defibrillation, given the lack of convincing data
either supporting or refuting this strategy, it is reasonable for them to continue this practice.

The use of up to three-stacked

shocks may be considered if VF/VT
occurs during cardiac catheterisation
or in the early post-operative period
following cardiac surgery. This threeshock strategy may also be considered
for an initial, witnessed VF/VT cardiac
arrest when the patient is already connected to a manual defibrillator.

Further development of AED pro-

grammes is encouraged there is a

need for further deployment of AEDs
in both public and residential areas.

Adult advanced life

The most important changes in the 2010
ERC Advanced Life Support (ALS) Guidelines include:


emphasis on the
importance of minimally interrupted high-quality chest compressions
throughout any ALS intervention:
chest compressions are paused briefly
only to enable specific interventions.

Increased emphasis on the use of

track and trigger systems to detect
the deteriorating patient and enable
treatment to prevent in-hospital cardiac arrest.

Increased awareness of the warn-

ing signs associated with the potential risk of sudden cardiac death out of

Removal of the recommendation

for a pre-specified period of cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) before

out-of-hospital defibrillation following
cardiac arrest unwitnessed by the EMS.

Continuation of chest compressions while a defibrillator is charged this will minimise the pre-shock pause.

The role of the precordial thump is


Advanced Life Support

Not breathing or only occasional
Resuscitation Team
CPR 30:2
Attach defibrillator/monitor
Minimise interruptions


(VF/Pulseless VT)

1 Shock

Immediately resume:
CPR for 2 min
Minimise interruptions


Return of

Immediate post cardiac

arrest treatment
Use ABCDE approach
Controlled oxygenation and
12-lead ECG
Treat precipitating cause
Temperature control / therapeutic hypothermia

Immediately resume:
CPR for 2 min
Minimise interruptions

During CPR

Reversible causes

Ensure high-quality CPR: rate, depth, recoil

Plan actions before interrupting CPR
Give oxygen
Consider advanced airway and capnography
Continuous chest compressions when advanced airway in place
Vascular access (intravenous, intraosseous)
Give adrenaline every 3-5 min
Correct reversible causes

Tamponade - cardiac
Tension pneumothorax

Seek expert help




*Attempted electrical cardioversion is always undertaken under sedation or general anaesthesia

If previously confirmed
SVT with bundle branch block:
Give adenosine as for regular
narrow complex tachycardia



Probable re-entry PSVT:

Record 12-lead ECG in sinus rhythm
If recurs, give adenosine again &
consider choice of anti-arrhythmic


Normal sinus rhythm restored?


Seek expert help

Possible atrial flutter

Control rate (e.g. -Blocker)


Irregular Narrow Complex

Probable atrial fibrillation
Control rate with:
-Blocker or diltiazem
Consider digoxin or amiodarone if
evidence of heart failure
Anticoagulate if duration > 48h


Is QRS narrow (< 0.12 sec)?

Narrow QRS
Is rhythm regular?

Use vagal manoeuvres

Adenosine 6 mg rapid IV bolus;
if unsuccessful give 12 mg;
if unsuccessful give further 12 mg.
Monitor ECG continuously

Assess for evidence of adverse signs

1. Shock
2. Syncope
3. Myocardial ischaemia
4. Heart failure

If Ventricular Tachycardia
(or uncertain rhythm):
Amiodarone 300 mg IV over 20-60
min; then 900 mg over 24 h

Broad QRS
Is QRS regular?


Possibilities include:
AF with bundle branch block
treat as for narrow complex
Pre-excited AF
consider amiodarone
Polymorphic VT
(e.g. torsades de pointes give magnesium 2 g over 10 min)

Amiodarone 300 mg IV over

10-20 min and repeat shock;
followed by:
Amiodarone 900 mg over 24 h

Up to 3 attempts

Synchronised DC Shock*

Assess using the ABCDE approach

Ensure oxygen given and obtain IV access
Monitor ECG, BP, SpO2 ,record 12 lead ECG
Identify and treat reversible causes (e.g. electrolyte abnormalities)

Tachycardia (with pulse)


Assess using the ABCDE approach
Ensure oxygen given and obtain IV access
Monitor ECG, BP, SpO2 ,record 12 lead ECG
Identify and treat reversible causes (e.g. electrolyte abnormalities)


Assess for evidence of adverse signs:

1 Shock
2 Syncope
3 Myocardial ischaemia
4 Heart failure


500 mcg IV




Risk of asystole?
Recent asystole
Mbitz II AV block
Complete heart block with broad QRS
Ventricular pause > 3s

Interim measures:
Atropine 500 mcg IV repeat
to maximum of 3 mg
Isoprenaline 5 mcg min-1
Adrenaline 2-10 mcg min-1
Alternative drugs*
Transcutaneous pacing

Seek expert help

Arrange transvenous pacing
* Alternatives include:
Glucagon (if beta-blocker or calcium channel
blocker overdose)
Glycopyrrolate can be used instead of atropine




The use of up to three quick suc-

cessive (stacked) shocks for ventricular

fibrillation/pulseless ventricular tachycardia (VF/VT) occurring in the cardiac
catheterisation laboratory or in the
immediate post-operative period following cardiac surgery.

The potential role of ultrasound

imaging during ALS is recognised.

Recognition of the potential harm

Delivery of drugs via a tracheal tube

is no longer recommended if intravenous access cannot be achieved, drugs

should be given by the intraosseous
(IO) route.

caused by hyperoxaemia after ROSC is

achieved: once ROSC has been established and the oxygen saturation of
arterial blood (SaO2) can be monitored reliably (by pulse oximetry and/
or arterial blood gas analysis), inspired
oxygen is titrated to achieve a SaO2 of
94 98%.

When treating VF/VT cardiac arrest,

Much greater detail and emphasis

adrenaline 1 mg is given after the third

shock once chest compressions have
restarted and then every 3-5 minutes (during alternate cycles of CPR).
Amiodarone 300 mg is also given after
the third shock.

Atropine is no longer recommend-

ed for routine use in asystole or pulseless electrical activity (PEA).

Reduced emphasis on early tra-

cheal intubation unless achieved by

highly skilled individuals with minimal
interruption to chest compressions.

Increased emphasis on the use of

capnography to confirm and continually monitor tracheal tube placement,

quality of CPR and to provide an early
indication of return of spontaneous
circulation (ROSC).

on the treatment of the post-cardiac

arrest syndrome.

Recognition that implementation

of a comprehensive, structured post

resuscitation treatment protocol may
improve survival in cardiac arrest victims after ROSC.

Increased emphasis on the use

of primary percutaneous coronary

intervention in appropriate (including comatose) patients with sustained
ROSC after cardiac arrest.

Revision of the recommendation

for glucose control: in adults with sustained ROSC after cardiac arrest, blood
glucose values >10 mmol l-1 (>180 mg
dl-1) should be treated but hypoglycaemia must be avoided.


Patient with clinical signs and symptoms of ACS

12 lead ECG
ST elevation

Other ECG alterations

0.1 mV in 2 adjacent limb leads and/

or 0.2 mV in adjacent chest leads
or (presumably) new LBBB

(or normal ECG)

= NSTEMI if troponins
(T or I) positive

= UAP if troponins
remain negative



High risk
dynamic ECG changes
ST depression
haemodynamic/rhythm instability
diabetes mellitus

Pain relief Nitroglycerin sl if systolic BP > 90 mmHg

Morphine (repeated doses) of 3-5 mg until pain free

Antiplatelet treatment 160-325mg Acetylsalicylic acid chewed tablet (or iv)

75 600 mg Clopidogrel according to strategy*


Thrombolysis preferred if
no contraindications and
inappropriate delay to PCI
Adjunctive therapy:
UFH, enoxaparin or fondaparinux

# According to risk stratification

PCI preferred if
timely and available in a high
volume center
contraindications for fibrinolysis
cardiogenic shock (or severe left
ventricular failure)
Adjunctive therapy:
UFH, enoxaparin or bivalirudin may
be considered


Early invasive strategy#

Enoxaparin or bivalirudin may be

or delayed invasive strategy#
UFH (fondaparinux or bivalirudin
may be considered in pts with high
bleeding risk)


Use of therapeutic hypothermia to

include comatose survivors of cardiac

arrest associated initially with nonshockable rhythms as well shockable
rhythms. The lower level of evidence
for use after cardiac arrest from nonshockable rhythms is acknowledged.

Recognition that many of the

accepted predictors of poor outcome

in comatose survivors of cardiac arrest
are unreliable, especially if the patient
has been treated with therapeutic

Initial management of
acute coronary syndromes
Changes in the management of acute
coronary syndrome since the 2005
guidelines include:

The term non-ST-elevation myo-

cardial infarction-acute coronary syndrome (non-STEMI-ACS) has been

introduced for both NSTEMI and
unstable angina pectoris because the
differential diagnosis is dependent on
biomarkers that may be detectable
only after several hours, whereas decisions on treatment are dependent on
the clinical signs at presentation.


clinical examinations,
biomarkers, ECG criteria and risk scores
are unreliable for the identification of
patients who may be safely discharged

The role of chest pain observation

units (CPUs) is to identify, by using

repeated clinical examinations, ECG
and biomarker testing, those patients
who require admission for invasive
procedures. This may include provocative testing and, in selected patients,
imaging procedures such as cardiac
computed tomography, magnetic resonance imaging etc.


drugs (NSAIDs) should be avoided.

Nitrates should not be used for

diagnostic purposes.

Supplementary oxygen is to be giv-

en only to those patients with hypoxaemia, breathlessness or pulmonary

congestion. Hyperoxaemia may be
harmful in uncomplicated infarction.

Guidelines for treatment with

acetyl salicylic acid (ASA) have been

made more liberal: ASA may now be
given by bystanders with or without
EMS dispatcher assistance.

Revised guidance for new anti-

platelet and anti-thrombin treatment

for patients with STEMI and non-STEMI-ACS based on therapeutic strategy.


Gp IIb/IIIa inhibitors before angiog-

raphy/percutaneous coronary intervention (PCI) are discouraged.


reperfusion strategy in
ST-elevation myocardial infarction has
been updated:
- Primary PCI (PPCI) is the preferred
reperfusion strategy provided it is
performed in a timely manner by an
experienced team.
- A nearby hospital may be bypassed
by emergency medical services
(EMS) provided PPCI can be achieved
without too much delay.
- The acceptable delay between start
of fibrinolysis and first balloon inflation varies widely between about 45
and 180 minutes depending on infarct localisation, age of the patient,
and duration of symptoms.
- Rescue PCI should be undertaken
if fibrinolysis fails.
- The strategy of routine PCI immediately after fibrinolysis (facilitated
PCI) is discouraged.
- Patients with successful fibrinolysis
but not in a PCI-capable hospital
should be transferred for angiography and eventual PCI, performed
optimally 6 24 hours after fibrinolysis (the pharmaco-invasive

- Angiography and, if necessary, PCI

may be reasonable in patients with
return of spontaneous circulation
(ROSC) after cardiac arrest and may
be part of a standardised post-cardiac arrest protocol.
- To achieve these goals, the creation
of networks including EMS, non PCI
capable hospitals and PCI hospitals
is useful.

Recommendations for the use

of beta-blockers are more restricted: there is no evidence for routine

intravenous beta-blockers except in
specific circumstances such as for
the treatment of tachyarrhythmias.
Otherwise, beta-blockers should be
started in low doses only after the
patient is stabilised.

Guidelines on the use of prophy-

lactic anti-arrhythmics angiotensin,

converting enzyme (ACE) inhibitors/
angiotensin receptor blockers (ARBs)
and statins are unchanged.

Paediatric life support

Major changes in these new guidelines
for paediatric life support include:

Recognition of cardiac arrest Healthcare providers cannot reliably

determine the presence or absence
of a pulse in less than 10 seconds in


infants or children. Healthcare providers should look for signs of life and if
they are confident in the technique,
they may add pulse palpation for
diagnosing cardiac arrest and decide
whether they should begin chest compressions or not. The decision to begin
CPR must be taken in less than 10
seconds. According to the childs age,
carotid (children), brachial (infants) or
femoral pulse (children and infants)
checks may be used.

The compression ventilation (CV)

ratio used for children should be based

on whether one, or more than one
rescuer is present. Lay rescuers, who
usually learn only single-rescuer techniques, should be taught to use a ratio
of 30 compressions to 2 ventilations,
which is the same as the adult guidelines and enables anyone trained in
BLS to resuscitate children with minimal additional information. Rescuers
with a duty to respond should learn
and use a 15:2 CV ratio; however, they
can use the 30:2 ratio if they are alone,
particularly if they are not achieving
an adequate number of compressions.
Ventilation remains a very important
component of CPR in asphyxial arrests.
Rescuers who are unable or unwilling
to provide mouth-to-mouth ventilation should be encouraged to perform
at least compression-only CPR.

The emphasis is on achieving

quality compressions of an adequate

depth with minimal interruptions to

minimise no-flow time. Compress

the chest to at least 1/3 of the anterior-posterior chest diameter in all
children (i.e., approximately 4 cm in
infants and approximately 5 cm in children). Subsequent complete release is
emphasised. For both infants and children, the compression rate should be
at least 100 but not greater than 120
min-1. The compression technique for
infants includes two-finger compression for single rescuers and the twothumb encircling technique for two
or more rescuers. For older children,
a one- or two-hand technique can be
used, according to rescuer preference.

Automated external defibrillators

(AEDs) are safe and successful when

used in children older than one year
of age. Purpose-made paediatric pads
or software attenuate the output of
the machine to 5075 J and these are
recommended for children aged 1-8
years. If an attenuated shock or a manually adjustable machine is not available, an unmodified adult AED may
be used in children older than 1 year.
There are case reports of successful
use of AEDs in children aged less than
1 year; in the rare case of a shockable
rhythm occurring in a child less than
1 year, it is reasonable to use an AED
(preferably with dose attenuator).

To reduce the no flow time, when

using a manual defibrillator, chest
compressions are continued while
applying and charging the paddles or


Paediatric Basic Life Support

Health professionals with a duty to respond


Shout for help

Open airway


5 rescue breaths


15 chest compressions

2 rescue breaths
15 compressions
Call cardiac arrest team or Paediatric ALS team


Paediatric Advanced Life Support

Not breathing or only occasional gasps

CPR (5 initial breaths then 15:2)

Attach defibrillator/monitor
Minimise interruptions

Call Resuscitation
(1 min CPR first, if alone)


(VF/Pulseless VT)


Return of

1 Shock 4 J/Kg

Immediately resume:
CPR for 2 min
Minimise interruptions

Immediate post cardiac

arrest treatment
Use ABCDE approach
Controlled oxygenation and
Treat precipitating cause
Temperature control
Therapeutic hypothermia?

During CPR
Ensure high-quality CPR: rate, depth, recoil
Plan actions before interrupting CPR
Give oxygen
Vascular access (intravenous, intraosseous)
Give adrenaline every 3-5 min
Consider advanced airway and capnography
Continuous chevvst compressions when advanced airway
in place
Correct reversible causes

Immediately resume:
CPR for 2 min
Minimise interruptions

Reversible causes
Tension pneumothorax
Tamponade - cardiac

At all stages ask: Do you need HELP?


Newborn Life Support

Dry the baby
Remove any wet towels and cover
Start the clock or note the time

Assess (tone),
breathing and heart rate


30 sec

If gasping or not breathing

Open the airway
Give 5 inflation breaths
Consider SpO2 monitoring

60 sec

If no increase in heart rate
Look for chest movement

If chest not moving

Recheck head position

Consider two-person airway control
or other airway manoeuvres
Repeat inflation breaths
Consider SpO2 monitoring
Look for a response

If no increase in heart rate

Look for chest movement

When the chest is moving

If the heart rate is not detectable or slow (< 60)
Start chest compressions
3 compressions to each breath

Reassess heart rate

every 30 seconds
If the heart rate is not detectable or slow (< 60)
Consider venous access and drugs

pre-ductal SpO2
2 min : 60%
3 min : 70%
4 min : 80%
5 min : 85%
10 min : 90%


self-adhesive pads (if the size of the

childs chest allows this). Chest compressions are paused briefly once the
defibrillator is charged to deliver the
shock. For simplicity and consistency
with adult BLS and ALS guidance, a
single-shock strategy using a nonescalating dose of 4 J kg-1 (preferably
biphasic, but monophasic is acceptable) is recommended for defibrillation
in children.

Cuffed tracheal tubes can be used

safely in infants and young children.

The size should be selected by applying a validated formula.

The safety and value of using cricoid

pressure during tracheal intubation is
not clear. Therefore, the application of
cricoid pressure should be modified or
discontinued if it impedes ventilation
or the speed or ease of intubation.

Monitoring exhaled carbon dioxide (CO2), ideally by capnography, is

helpful to confirm correct tracheal
tube position and recommended during CPR to help assess and optimise its

Once spontaneous circulation is

restored, inspired oxygen should be

titrated to limit the risk of hyperoxaemia.


of a rapid
response system in a paediatric inpatient setting may reduce rates of
cardiac and respiratory arrest and inhospital mortality.

New topics in the 2010 guidelines

include channelopathies and several

new special circumstances: trauma,
single ventricle pre and post 1st stage
repair, post Fontan circulation, and
pulmonary hypertension.

Resuscitation of babies at
The following are the main changes that
have been made to the guidelines for resuscitation at birth in 2010:

For uncompromised babies, a

delay in cord clamping of at least one

minute from the complete delivery of
the infant, is now recommended. As
yet there is insufficient evidence to
recommend an appropriate time for
clamping the cord in babies who are
severely compromised at birth.

For term infants, air should be used

for resuscitation at birth. If, despite

effective ventilation, oxygenation (ideally guided by oximetry) remains unacceptable, use of a higher concentration
of oxygen should be considered.


Preterm babies less than 32 weeks

gestation may not reach the same

transcutaneous oxygen saturations in
air as those achieved by term babies.
Therefore blended oxygen and air
should be given judiciously and its use
guided by pulse oximetry. If a blend
of oxygen and air is not available use
what is available.

Preterm babies of less than 28

weeks gestation should be completely

covered in a food-grade plastic wrap or
bag up to their necks, without drying,
immediately after birth. They should
then be nursed under a radiant heater
and stabilised. They should remain
wrapped until their temperature has
been checked after admission. For
these infants delivery room temperatures should be at least 26C.

The recommended compression:

ventilation ratio for CPR remains at 3:1

for newborn resuscitation.

Attempts to aspirate meconium

from the nose and mouth of the

unborn baby, while the head is still on
the perineum, are not recommended.
If presented with a floppy, apnoeic
baby born through meconium it is reasonable to rapidly inspect the oropharynx to remove potential obstructions.
If appropriate expertise is available,
tracheal intubation and suction may
be useful. However, if attempted intubation is prolonged or unsuccessful,

start mask ventilation, particularly if

there is persistent bradycardia.

If adrenaline is given then the

intravenous route is recommended

using a dose of 10-30 microgram kg-1.
If the tracheal route is used, it is likely
that a dose of at least 50-100 microgram kg-1 will be needed to achieve
a similar effect to 10 microgram kg-1

Detection of exhaled carbon diox-

ide in addition to clinical assessment

is recommended as the most reliable
method to confirm placement of a tracheal tube in neonates with spontaneous circulation.

Newly born infants born at term or

near-term with evolving moderate to

severe hypoxic ischaemic encephalopathy should, where possible, be
treated with therapeutic hypothermia. This does not affect immediate
resuscitation but is important for postresuscitation care.


Principles of education in
The key issues identified by the Education, Implementation and Teams (EIT)
task force of the International Liaison
Committee on Resuscitation (ILCOR)
during the Guidelines 2010 evidence
evaluation process are:

Educational interventions should

be evaluated to ensure that they

reliably achieve the learning objectives. The aim is to ensure that learners acquire and retain the skills and
knowledge that will enable them to
act correctly in actual cardiac arrests
and improve patient outcomes.

Short video/computer self-instruc-

tion courses, with minimal or no

instructor coaching, combined with
hands-on practice can be considered
as an effective alternative to instructor-led basic life support (CPR and
AED) courses.

Ideally all citizens should be trained

in standard CPR that includes compressions and ventilations. There are

circumstances however where training in compression-only CPR is appropriate (e.g., opportunistic training
with very limited time). Those trained
in compression-only CPR should be
encouraged to learn standard CPR.

Basic and advanced life support

knowledge and skills deteriorate in as

little as three to six months. The use
of frequent assessments will identify
those individuals who require refresher training to help maintain their
knowledge and skills.

CPR prompt or feedback devices

improve CPR skill acquisition and

retention and should be considered
during CPR training for laypeople and
healthcare professionals.

An increased emphasis on non-

technical skills (NTS) such as leadership, teamwork, task management

and structured communication will
help improve the performance of CPR
and patient care.

Team briefings to plan for resusci-

tation attempts, and debriefings based

on performance during simulated or
actual resuscitation attempts should
be used to help improve resuscitation
team and individual performance.

Research about the impact of

resuscitation training on actual patient

outcomes is limited. Although manikin
studies are useful, researchers should
be encouraged to study and report the
impact of educational interventions
on actual patient outcomes.


Edited by Jerry Nolan

Jerry P. Nolan

Charles Deakin

Jasmeet Soar

Rudolph W. Koster

David A. Zideman

Jonathan Wyllie

Dominique Biarent

Bernd Bttiger

Leo L. Bossaert

on behalf of the ERC Guidelines

Writing Group

Acknowledgements: The ERC staff members Annelies Pick, Christophe Bostyn,

Jeroen Janssens, Hilary Phelan and Bart Vissers for their administrative support. Het
Geel Punt bvba, Melkouwen 42a, 2590 Berlaar, Belgium ([email protected]) for
creating the algorithms and Griet Demesmaeker ([email protected])
for the cover design.


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