ALS ENG 168x244 CoSy 2019-Paul-George-Oarga

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Personal copy of Paul-George Oarga (ID: 1150922)



Personal copy of Paul-George Oarga (ID: 1150922)


Ed i t i o n 7
Advanced Life Support
Course Manual

Lead Editor Editors

Carsten Lott Gamal Abbas Khalifa Joachim Schlieber
John Ballance Jasmeet Soar
Hans Domanovits Anatolij Truhlář
Andrew Lockey Theodoros Xanthos
Gavin Perkins

Personal copy of Paul-George Oarga (ID: 1150922)

Annette Alfonzo Joel Dunning Freddy Lippert David Pitcher
Alessandro Barelli James Fullerton David Lockey Rani Robson
Joost Bierens David Gabbott Oliver Meyer Helen Routledge
Leo Bossaert Marios Georgiou Sarah Mitchell Maureen Ryan
Hermann Brugger Carl Gwinnutt Koen Monsieurs Claudio Sandroni
Matthew Cordingly Anthony Handley Jerry Nolan Mike Scott
Robin Davies Bob Harris Elizabeth Norris Gary Smith
Charles Deakin Sara Harris Peter Paal Karl-Christian Thies
Sarah Dickie Jenny Lam John Pawlec David Zideman

Drawings by Jean-Marie Brisart, Het Geel Punt bvba, Melkouwen 42a, 2590 Berlaar, Belgium
([email protected]) and Mooshka&Kritis, Belgium ([email protected]).

Cover page and lay out by StudioGrid, Belgium ([email protected]).

We thank Oliver Meyer for the digital preparation of the ECG rhythm strips and Annelies Pické
(ERC) for the administrative co-ordination.

Thomas Dorscht for video shooting and picture distillation.

Published by European Resuscitation Council vzw, Emile Vanderveldelaan 35, 2845 Niel, Belgium.
ISBN 9789079157839
Depot nr D/2015/11.393/004

© European Resuscitation Council 2015. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system,
or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise, without the prior written
permission of the ERC. The content of this manual is based upon the ERC 2015 guidelines, the content of the previous manual, existing
evidence from literature, existing guidelines and expert consensus.

DISCLAIMER: The knowledge and practice in life support in general and in cardiopulmonary resuscitation in particular remains a constantly
developing domain of medicine and life science. The information provided in this course manual is for educational and informational
purposes only. In no way, can this course manual be considered as offering accurate up-to-date information, scientific, medical or any other
advice. The information contained in this course manual should not be used as a substitute for the advice of an appropriately qualified and
licensed health care provider. The authors, the editor and/or the publisher of this course manual urge users to consult a qualified health
care provider for diagnosis, treatment and answers to their personal medical questions. The authors, the editor and/or the publisher of this
course manual cannot guarantee the accuracy, suitability or effectiveness for the treatments, methods, products, instructions, ideas or any
other content contained herein. The authors, the editor and/or the publisher of this course manual cannot be liable in any way whatsoever
for any loss, injury and/or damage to any person or property directly or indirectly related in any way whatsoever to the use of this course
manual and/or the treatments, methods, products, instructions, ideas or any other content contained therein.


1. Advanced Life Support in perspective 7

2. Non-technical skills and quality in resuscitation 13
3. Recognition of the deteriorating patient and 25
prevention of cardiorespiratory arrest
Personal copy of Paul-George Oarga (ID: 1150922)

4. Acute coronary syndromes 43

5. In-hospital resuscitation 67
6. Advanced Life Support algorithm 81
7. Airway management and ventilation 103
8. Cardiac monitoring, electrocardiography,
and rhythm recognition 125
9. Defibrillation 151
10. Cardiac pacing 167
11. Peri-arrest arrhythmias 179
12. Cardiac arrest in special circumstances 191
13. Post-resuscitation care 245
14. Pre-hospital cardiac arrest 261
15. Blood gas analysis and pulse oximetry 267
16. Decisions relating to resuscitation 281
17. Supporting the relative in resuscitation practice 289

Appendix A Drugs used in the treatment of Cardiac Arrest 295
Appendix B Drugs used in the peri-arrest period 298
Appendix C Useful websites 302


ACEI Angiotensin Converting Enzyme CRT Capillary refill time

CV ratio Compression Ventilation Ratio
ACS Acute Coronary Syndrome
DNAR Do Not Attempt Resuscitation
AED Automated External Defibrillator
ECG Electrocardiogram
AF Atrial Fibrillation
ECLS Extracorporeal Life Support

Personal copy of Paul-George Oarga (ID: 1150922)

ALS Advanced Life Support
ED Emergency Department
AMI Acute Myocardial Infarction
EEG Electroencephalogram
A-P anterior-posterior
EMS Emergency Medical Services
ARB Angiotensin II Receptor Blockers
ETCO2 End-Tidal Carbon Dioxide
ARDS Acute Respiratory Distress
EWS Early warning score
FBAO Foreign Body Airway Obstruction
ASA Acetylsalicylic acid
FiO Inspired Oxygen Fraction
AV Atrioventricular 2

GCS Glasgow Coma Scale

AVNRT AV Nodal Re-entry Tachycardia
GRACE Global Registry of Acute
AVRT AV Re-entry Tachycardia
Coronary Events
BE Base Excess
HDU High Dependency Unit
BLS Basic Life Support
HR Heart Rate
BMV Bag-Mask Ventilation
IABP Intra Aortic Balloon Pump
BP Blood Pressure
ICD Implantable Cardioverter-
CA Cardiac Arrest defibrillator
CABG Coronary Artery Bypass Grafts ICP Intracranial Pressure
CAS Cardiac Arrest Simulation ICU Intensive Care Unit
CHB Complete Heart Block ID Internal Diameter
CK Creatin kinase IN intranasal
CO2 Carbon Dioxide IO intraosseous
COPD Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary IV intravenous
J Joule
CPP Cerebral Perfusion Pressure
J/Kg Joules Per Kilogram
CPR Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation

JVP Jugular Venous Pressure PEA Pulsless Electrical Activity
L/Min Liters Per Minute PEEP Positive End Exspiratory
LBBB Left Bundle Branch Block
PEF Peak Expiratory Flow
LT Laryngeal tube
PRC Packed Red Cells
LV Left Ventricle
Personal copy of Paul-George Oarga (ID: 1150922)

pVT Pulsless ventricular Tachycardia

MAP Mean Arterial Pressure
ROSC Return of Spontaneous
Mcg/Kg Microgram Per Kilogram
MET Medical Emergency Team
RR Respiratory Rate
MI Myocardial Infarction
RSI Rapid Sequence Intubation
Ml/H Milliliters Per Hour
RSVP Reason Story Vital Signs Plan
Ml/Kg Milliliters Per Kilogram
RV Right Ventricle
MRI Magnetic resonance imaging
SBAR Situation Background
NHS National Health Service Assessment Recomendation
NIRS Near infra-red spectroscopy SC subcutaneous
NPSA National Patient Safety Agency SCA Sudden Cardiac Arrest
NSAIDs Non-steroidal Anti-inflammatory SGA Supraglottic airway
SPECT Single photon emission
NSTEMI Non-ST-segment-elevation computed tomography
myocardial infarction
SpO2 Peripheral Oxygen Saturation
NTS Non Technical Skills
SVT Supraventricular Tachycardia
O2 Oxygen
TCA Traumatic Cardiac Arrest
OHCA Out-Of-Hospital Cardiac Arrest
TTM Targeted temperature
PaCO2 Partial Arterial Carbon Dioxide management
TXA Tranexamic Acid
PAD Public Access Defibrillation
VF Ventricular Fibrillation
PaO2 Partial Arterial Oxygen Pressure
PCI Percutaneous Coronary

Personal copy of Paul-George Oarga (ID: 1150922)

Chapter 1.
Advanced Life Support
in perspective
1. The problem
Personal copy of Paul-George Oarga (ID: 1150922)

Ischaemic heart disease is the leading cause of death in the world. In Europe sudden cardiac
arrest (SCA) is one of the leading causes of death. Depending how SCA is defined, about
55-113 per 100,000 inhabitants a year or 350,000-700,000 individuals a year are affected
in Europe. On initial heart-rhythm analysis, about 25-50 % of SCA victims have ventricular
fibrillation (VF), a percentage that has declined over the last 20 years. It is likely that many
more victims have VF or rapid ventricular tachycardia (VT) at the time of collapse, but by the
time the first electrocardiogram (ECG) is recorded by emergency medical service personnel
their rhythm has deteriorated to asystole. When the rhythm is recorded soon after collapse,
in particular by an on-site AED, the proportion of victims in VF can be as high as 76 %. More
victims of SCA survive if bystanders act immediately while VF is still present. Successful
resuscitation is less likely once the rhythm has deteriorated to asystole. The incidence of
treated OHCAs was higher in North America (54.6) than in Europe (35.0), Asia (28.3) and
Australia (44.0) (p< 0.001). In Asia, the percentage of VF and survival to discharge rates were
lower (11 % and 2 %, respectively) than those in Europe (35 % and 9 %, respectively), North
America (28 % and 6 %, respectively), or Australia (40 % and 11 %, respectively).

One third of all people developing a myocardial infarction die before reaching hospital;
most of them die within an hour of the onset of acute symptoms. In most of these deaths
the presenting rhythm is VF or pulseless ventricular tachycardia (VF/pVT). The only
effective treatment for these arrhythmias is attempted defibrillation and, in the absence
of bystander CPR, with each minute’s delay the chances of a successful outcome decrease
by about 10-12 %. Once the patient is admitted to hospital the incidence of VF after
myocardial infarction is approximately 5 %.

The incidence of in-hospital cardiac arrest is difficult to assess because it is influenced heavily
by factors such as the criteria for hospital admission and implementation of a do-not-
attempt-resuscitation (DNAR) policy. The reported incidence of in-hospital cardiac arrest
is in the range of 1-5 per 1000 admissions. Data from the UK National Cardiac Arrest Audit
(NCAA) indicate that survival to hospital discharge after in-hospital cardiac arrest is 13.5 % (all
rhythms). The initial rhythm is VF or pulseless VT in 18 % of cases and, of these, 44 % survive
to leave hospital; after PEA or asystole, 7 % survive to hospital discharge. These preliminary
NCAA data are based on 3,184 adults (aged ≥ 16 y) in 61 hospitals participating in NCAA
(increasing numbers of hospitals during Oct 2009 to Oct 2010) with known presenting/
first documented rhythm and complete data for return of spontaneous circulation (ROSC)

Chapter 1
Advanced Life Support in perspective

and survival to hospital discharge. All these individuals received chest compressions and/
or defibrillation from the resuscitation team in response to a 2222 call. Many in-hospital
cardiac arrests did not fulfil these criteria and were not included. Many patients sustaining
an in-hospital cardiac arrest have significant comorbidity, which influences the initial
rhythm and, in these cases, strategies to prevent cardiac arrest are particularly important.

1.2. The Chain of Survival

The interventions that contribute to a successful outcome after a cardiac arrest can be
conceptualised as a chain – the Chain of Survival (figure 1.1). The chain is only as strong as
its weakest link; all four links of the Chain of Survival must be strong. They are:
• early recognition and call for help

Personal copy of Paul-George Oarga (ID: 1150922)

• early cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR)
• early defibrillation
• post-resuscitation care

Figure 1.1
Chain of survival

1.2.1. Early recognition and call for help

Out of hospital, early recognition of the importance of chest pain will enable the victim or a
bystander to call the EMS so that the victim can receive treatment that may prevent cardiac
arrest. After out-of-hospital cardiac arrest, immediate access to the EMS is vital. In most
countries access to the EMS is achieved by means of a single telephone number (e.g. 112, 999).

In-hospital, early recognition of the critically ill patient who is at risk of cardiac arrest and a
call for the resuscitation team or medical emergency team (MET) will enable treatment to
prevent cardiac arrest (chapter 3). A universal number for calling the resuscitation team or
MET should be adopted in all hospitals. If cardiac arrest occurs, do not delay defibrillation
until arrival of the resuscitation team. The clinical staff should be trained to use a defibrillator.

1.2.2. Early CPR
Chest compressions and ventilation of the victim’s lungs will slow down the rate of
deterioration of the brain and heart. After out-of-hospital cardiac arrest, bystander
CPR extends the period for successful resuscitation and at least doubles the chance of
survival after VF cardiac arrest. Performing chest-compression-only CPR is better than
giving no CPR at all. Despite the well-accepted importance of CPR, in most European
countries bystander CPR is carried out in only a minority of cases (approximately 30 %).
After in-hospital cardiac arrest, chest compressions and ventilation must be undertaken
immediately, but should not delay attempts to defibrillate those patients in VF/pVT.
Interruptions to chest compressions must be minimised and should occur only very briefly
during defibrillation attempts and rhythm checks.
Personal copy of Paul-George Oarga (ID: 1150922)

1.2.3. Early defibrillation

After out-of-hospital cardiac arrest, the goal is to deliver a shock (if indicated) within
5 min of the EMS receiving the call. In many areas, achievement of this goal will require
the introduction of Public Access Defibrillation (PAD) programs using automated external
defibrillators (AEDs).
In hospitals, sufficient healthcare personnel should be trained and authorised to use a
defibrillator to enable the first responder to a cardiac arrest to attempt defibrillation when
indicated, without delay, in virtually every case.

1.2.4. Post-resuscitation care

Return of a spontaneous circulation (ROSC) is an important phase in the continuum of
resuscitation; however, the ultimate goal is to return the patient to a state of normal
cerebral function, a stable cardiac rhythm, and normal haemodynamic function, so that
they can leave hospital in reasonable health at minimum risk of a further cardiac arrest.
The quality of treatment in the post-resuscitation period influences the patient’s ultimate
outcome. The post-resuscitation phase starts at the location where ROSC is achieved. The
ALS provider must be capable of providing high-quality post-resuscitation care until the
patient is transferred to an appropriate high-care area.

1.3. Science and guidelines

The 2015 International Consensus on Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation and Emergency
Cardiovascular Care Science with Treatment Recommendations was the culmination
of a prolonged period of collaboration between resuscitation experts from around the
world. It followed a similar format to the 2010 International Consensus on CPR Science.
The European Resuscitation Council (ERC) Guidelines for Resuscitation 2015 are derived
from the 2015 consensus document and the contents of this ALS provider manual are
consistent with these guidelines. Most resuscitation organisations in Europe have ratified
and adopted the ERC guidelines.

Chapter 1
Advanced Life Support in perspective

1.4. ALS algorithm

The ALS algorithm (figure 1.2) is the centre point of the ALS course and is applicable to
most cardiopulmonary resuscitation situations. Some modifications may be required
when managing cardiac arrest in special circumstances (chapter 12).

1.5. The ALS course

The ALS course provides a standardised approach to cardiopulmonary resuscitation in
adults. The course is targeted at doctors, nurses, and other healthcare professionals who
are expected to provide ALS in and out of hospital. The multidisciplinary nature of the
encourages efficient teamwork. By training together, all ALS providers are given the

Personal copy of Paul-George Oarga (ID: 1150922)

opportunity to gain experience as both resuscitation team members and team leaders.

The course comprises workshops, skill stations, cardiac arrest simulation (CAS) training,
and lectures. Candidates’ knowledge is assessed by means of a multiple choice questions.
Practical skills in airway management and the initial approach to a collapsed patient
(including basic life support and defibrillation where appropriate) are assessed continuously.

There is also assessment of a simulated cardiac arrest (CASTest). Candidates reaching the
required standard receive an ALS provider certificate. Resuscitation knowledge and skills
deteriorate with time and therefore recertification is required. Recertification provides the
opportunity to refresh resuscitation skills and to be updated on resuscitation guidelines, and
can be undertaken by attending a provider course or an accredited recertification course.
All ALS providers have a responsibility to maintain their skills in resuscitation and to keep
up to date with changes in guidelines and practice, and the requirement for recertification
should be seen as an absolute minimum frequency of refreshing skills and knowledge.

Figure 1.2. 1
Adult Advanced Life Support

Unresponsive and
not breathing normally?

Call Resuscitation Team

CPR 30:2
Attach defibrillator/monitor
Minimise interruptions
Personal copy of Paul-George Oarga (ID: 1150922)

Assess rhythm

Shockable Non-shockable
(VF/Pulseless VT) (PEA/Asystole)

1 Shock Return of
Minimise spontaneous
interruptions circulation

Immediately resume IMMEDIATE POST Immediately resume

CPR for 2 min CARDIAC ARREST CPR for 2 min
Minimise interruptions TREATMENT Minimise interruptions
n Use ABCDE approach
n Aim for SpO2 of 94-98 %
n Aim for normal PaCO2
n 12 Lead ECG
n Treat precipitating cause
n  Targeted temperature


n E nsure high-quality chest compressions Hypoxia Thrombosis – coronary or
n  Minimise interruptions to compressions
Hypovolaemia Tension pneumothorax
n  Give oxygen
Hypo-/hyperkalaemia/metabolic Tamponade – cardiac
n  Use waveform capnography
Hypothermia/hyperthermia Toxins
n C  ontinuous compressions when advanced
airway in place CONSIDER
n V  ascular access n U ltrasound imaging
n Mechanical chest compressions to facilitate transfer/treatment
(intravenous or intraosseous)
n G  ive adrenaline every 3-5 min n C oronary angiography and percutaneous coronary intervention
n G  ive amiodarone after 3 shocks n E xtracorporeal CPR

Chapter 1
Advanced Life Support in perspective

• Perkins G et al. European Resuscitation Council Guidelines for Resuscitation 2015
• Section 2: Adult basic life support and automated external defibrillation 10.1016/j.resuscita-
tion.2015.07.015; p81 - p98
• Soar J et al. European Resuscitation Council Guidelines for Resuscitation 2015
• Section 3. Adult advanced life support 10.1016/j.resuscitation.2015.07.016; p99 - p146
• Atwood C, Eisenberg MS, Herlitz J, Rea TD. Incidence of EMS-treated out of hospital cardiac arrest
in Europe. Resuscitation 2005;67:75-80.
• Berdowski J, Berg RA, Tijssen JG, Koster RW. Global incidences of out of hospital cardiac arrest and
survival rates: systematic review of 67 prospective studies. Resuscitation 2010;81
• Hollenberg J, Herlitz J, Lindqvist J, et al. Improved survival after out of hospital cardiac arrest is
associated with an increase in proportion of emergency crew—witnessed cases and bystander

Personal copy of Paul-George Oarga (ID: 1150922)

cardiopulmonary resuscitation. Circulation 2008;118:389-96.
• Iwami T, Nichol G, Hiraide A, et al. Continuous improvements in “chain of survival” increased
survival after out of hospital cardiac arrests: a largescale population-based study. Circulation
• Meaney PA, Nadkarni VM, Kern KB, Indik JH, Halperin HR, Berg RA. Rhythms and outcomes of adult
in-hospital cardiac arrest. Crit Care Med 2010;38:101-8.
• Murray CJ, Lopez AD. Mortality by cause for eight regions of the world: Global Burden of Disease
Study. Lancet 1997;349:1269-76.
• Nichol G, Thomas E, Callaway CW, et al. Regional variation in out of hospital cardiac arrest
incidence and outcome. JAMA 2008;300:1423-31.
• Nolan J, Soar J, Eikeland H. The chain of survival. Resuscitation 2006;71:270-1.
• Sandroni C, Nolan J, Cavallaro F, Antonelli M. In-hospital cardiac arrest: incidence, prognosis and
possible measures to improve survival. Intensive Care Med 2007;33:237-45.
• Sans S, Kesteloot H, Kromhout D. The burden of cardiovascular diseases mortality in Europe. Task
Force of the European Society of Cardiology on Cardiovascular Mortality and Morbidity Statistics
in Europe. Eur Heart J 1997;18:1231-48.
• Weisfeldt ML, Sitlani CM, Ornato JP, et al. Survival after application of automatic external defibril-
lators before arrival of the emergency medical system: evaluation in the resuscitation outcomes
consortium population of 21 million. J Am Coll Cardiol 2010;55:1713-20.
• Zheng ZJ, Croft JB, Giles WH, Mensah GA. Sudden cardiac death in the United States, 1989 to 1998.
Circulation 2001;104:2158-63.

Chapter 2.
Non-technical skills and
quality in resuscitation
Personal copy of Paul-George Oarga (ID: 1150922)

To understand:
• the role of human factors in resuscitation
• how to use structured communication tools such as SBAR and RSVP
• the role of safety incident reporting and audit to improve patient care

1. Introduction
Skills such as defibrillation, effective chest compressions, ability to ventilate, recognition
of the underlying cardiac arrest rhythm, which are all important components of successful
resuscitation, are usually termed technical skills. These skills are acquired from many different
sources, including courses. Despite the fact that there is little disagreement that these skills are
necessary for human resuscitation, recently another category of skills and factors emerged.
The terms human factors and non-technical skills have been used interchangeably, yet each
has a specific definition. Non-technical skills are the cognitive and interpersonal skills that
underpin effective team work and it is estimated that between 70-80 % of healthcare error(s)
can be attributed to a breakdown in these skills. Non-technical skills include the interpersonal
skills of communication, leadership and followership (being a team member) and the
cognitive skills of decision making, situation awareness and task management. Non-technical
skills are part of the human factors agenda. Human factors is an umbrella term which analyses
how healthcare professionals interact with everything in their working environment, such
as clinical guidelines, policies and procedures, equipment and stress management. It also
encompasses the improvement of day-to-day clinical operations, through an appreciation
of the effects of teamwork on human behaviour and the application in a clinical setting.
Non-technical skills specifically examine the interaction of team members, leaving all other
elements of the human factors aside. Both non-technical skills and human factors are starting
to be recognized as equally important in resuscitation medicine, but are often poorly
articulated in formal courses, during hospital training and during any assessment.

Introduction and formal training in human factors and non-technical skills has led to
a significant reduction of accidents of aviation and it was only recently that medicine
acknowledged the importance of these skills. There is little doubt that the pioneers in this

Chapter 2
Non-technical skills and quality in resuscitation

were the anaesthesiologists with the development of formal courses but surgeons and
other specialties started to take interest in these skills. Historically, however, it was Leape
that pointed that errors in medicine do happen because of poor communication, and one
cross-sectional survey associated error, stress and teamwork in medicine and aviation. There
is little doubt that both aviation and resuscitation medicine are professions where errors
can have detrimental consequences. Despite the advances in aviation safety, a very modern
aircraft crashed in 2009, killing more than 200 passengers. The analysis of the errors during
this flight has revealed that the pilots in this flight operated under severe stress and it comes
as no surprise that all cardiac arrest teams often operate under a lot of stress. Interestingly,
the similarities and the lessons drawn from the fatal flight 447 for medicine were done by

Personal copy of Paul-George Oarga (ID: 1150922)

There are several systems that have been developed to ensure acceptable use of non-
technical skills, such as the team dimension rating form, the Oxford Non-Technical Skills
Measure, just to name a few. The principles used to promote good non-technical skills
in the ALS course are based on Team Emergency Assessment Measure. The proposed
Taxonomy in NTS, adopted by the ERC is illustrated in table 2.1.

2. Leadership
In reality leadership is an attribute that is extremely difficult to define. Various scholars
have defined leadership in various ways. The definitions agree that an effective leader
is the person with a global perspective of the situation s/he is facing and as a result s/he
allocates roles to various team members in order to accomplish the global perspective of
the leader. Medical literature agrees that leadership is not a trait, but it can be accomplished
with continuous training. In resuscitation teams, the team leader needs to:
1. Let the team know exactly what is expected from them. This entails a high level of
situational awareness, an ability to allocate tasks according to the team-members’
experience, establishes his/her decision making process using evidence based
medicine and clearly verbalising his/her decisions. A good team leader always knows
and addresses his/her team by name and can act as a role model for the team to evolve.
2. Maintain a high level of global perspective. In reality this means putting a plan
that the leader has into action. As team-members perform their tasks, the team
leader carefully monitors whether these are being performed. In the setting of
cardiopulmonary resuscitation, the team leader should always be able to hear what
information the team-members are relaying to him/her. Consecutively, the leader
should be able not just to monitor the clinical procedures as they are performed,
but also to be able to provide guidance as the procedures occur, remaining “hands
free”. Safe practice of all procedures is the responsibility of the leader, not just for
the patient, but for the team of healthcare professionals working together. The
team leader should also be empathic to other healthcare professionals and should
possess inter-professional communication skills.
3. Successful planning. During CPR, the team leader should be able to plan the next
actions either by filtering the available data or by anticipating the most possible
scenarios. Team readiness and rapid execution of actions ordained by the leader are
essential elements for ensuring high-quality CPR.
Table 2.1.
Taxonomy of Non-Technical Skills adapted and modified from Cooper et al (2010) to be used in ALS
training courses. See for full details

LEADERSHIP Not seen (√) Observed (√) 2

The team leader let the team know what was expected of
them through direction and command.
Examples: uses members names, allocates tasks, makes
clear decisions
The team leader maintained a global perspective.
Examples: monitors clinical procedures, checks safety,
plans ahead, remains ‘hands off’
Personal copy of Paul-George Oarga (ID: 1150922)

The team communicated effectively, using both verbal
and non-verbal communication.
Examples: relay findings, raise concerns, use names,
appropriate body language
The team worked together to complete tasks in a timely
Examples: coordination of defibrillation, maintain chest
compressions, assist each other
The team acted with composure and control.
Examples: performed allocated roles, accept criticism
The team adapted to changing situations.
Examples: adapt to rhythm changes, patient deterioration,
change of roles
The team monitored and reassessed the situation
Examples: rhythm changes, ROSC, when to terminate
The team anticipated potential actions.
Examples: defibrillation, airway management, drug
The team prioritised tasks.
Examples: continuous chest compressions, defibrillation,
airway management, drug delivery
The team followed approved standards/guidelines.
Examples: What area was good? What area needs

Chapter 2
Non-technical skills and quality in resuscitation

3. Teamwork
Teamwork is one of the most important NTS that can contribute to the management
of a cardiac arrest patient. Clinical competence and clinical experience are important
for the outcome of resuscitation, but not a guarantee of success. As with leadership,
teamwork has to be learnt and practiced in various settings to enhance resuscitation
team performance. A team is a group of healthcare professionals with different skills
and different backgrounds working together to achieve a common goal. The leader is
an integral part of the team, but each team member is equally important in the team
performance. The key elements for effective team performance are:
1. Effective verbal and non-verbal communication. The team needs to relay the
findings as they occur and they should be able to understand what the leader’s

Personal copy of Paul-George Oarga (ID: 1150922)

plan is, carrying out of the allocated tasks and always closing the communicational
loop. The team members should be able to raise concerns, but they should always
filter the information they provide. In cardiac arrest management, several things are
happening simultaneously and effective communication needs practice within this
setting. The ALS course is such a training opportunity for teams to practice effective
2. Working together to complete tasks in a timely manner. Time is important in
CPR and team co-ordination is extremely important for the safe delivery of
defibrillation, as well as maintaining high-quality chest compressions throughout
the resuscitation attempt. Cardiopulmonary resuscitation is a stressful situation
during which suboptimal individual performance may affect team’s performance,
especially when the leader fails to fulfil his/her role. Each team member should, in
a polite manner and in the context of a harmonious cooperation, draw attention
either directly to the failing team member or, better, to inform the leader avoiding
any potential infringement of other members.
3. Acting with composure and control. There are many internal and external factors
affecting the team structure. Each team member following the allocated roles
characterizes effective teamwork. Conflict management and an adequate criticism
culture are important instruments enabling good team performance.
4. Adaptation to changing situations. Cardiac arrest management is a dynamic
procedure. Cardiac arrest patients are by defiition extremly unstable even when
they achieve Return of Spontaneous Circulation (ROSC). During CPR the team
should be comfortable to changing roles (eg alternation of the airway person with
the compressor) and they should be able to adapt to rhythm changes, when these
occur. In addition, adaptation to scene is crucial for optimizing high-quality care.
Team members should be able to adapt to any cardiac arrest scene, including the
ICU, ER, or in a non-spacious ward room.
5. Reassessment of the situation. In CPR this means not only continuous reassessment
of the patient but also a consensus on when resuscitation attempts should be
terminated. The ERC guidelines provide clear guidance on when resuscitation
should be terminated.

6. Anticipation of potential actions. In CPR this entails preparation for airway
management, preparation and delivery of drugs, preparation and energy selection
for defibrillation.

4. Task management
During the resuscitation of any patient, either in the peri-arrest or full cardiac arrest
situation, there are numerous tasks that should be carried out by the team. These include:
1. Prioritization of the tasks that should be performed either simultaneously or
sequentially. This skill includes defining tasks and organizing them by priority and
sequence. Knowledge and effective use of the resources available are additional
important factors.
Personal copy of Paul-George Oarga (ID: 1150922)

2. Adhering to current and approved guidelines and practices. This includes deviations
where appropriate.
3. Ensuring high-quality post-resuscitation care and timely patient transport either to
the catheterization laboratory or the intensive care unit. The team members must
be skilled enough to continue post-resuscitation treatment in different settings,
including the ICU, until they deliver the patient to specialized personnel.

Figure 2.1
Task management

5. Audit and registry reporting

Regarding CPR, hospital-level infrastructure may comprise a coordinating resuscitation
committee and resuscitation teams. This enables periodic, multilevel, clinical cardiac
arrest audit aimed at continuous improvement of the resuscitation service. The audit
pertains to the availability and use of resuscitation/peri-arrest drugs and resuscitation
equipment, the always prompt activation in case of in-hospital cardiopulmonary arrest,
the documentation of management using the Utstein template and relevant audit forms,

Chapter 2
Non-technical skills and quality in resuscitation

do-not-attempt resuscitation decisions and policies, outcomes, critical incidents leading

to or occurring during CPR, and various safety/logistical issues (e.g. decontamination/
maintenance of training/resuscitation equipment).

Local CPR management can be improved through post-CPR debriefing aimed at

determining CPR quality errors and mitigating their repetition during subsequent CPR
attempts. Examples of such errors include low-rate and/or shallow chest compressions,
prolonged interruptions of chest compressions, and excessive ventilation. Institutions
should also be encouraged to submit CPR data in standardized format to national audits
and/or international registries aimed at continuous quality improvement. Such practices
have already led to the development of validated outcome-predictive models, which may
facilitate advanced care planning. In addition, a prior registry data analysis quantified the

Personal copy of Paul-George Oarga (ID: 1150922)

frequency of resuscitation system errors and their impact on in-hospital mortality after
shockable and non-shockable cardiac arrest. Registry results have shown significant
improvements in cardiac arrest outcomes within 2000-2010.

Published evidence suggests that resuscitation team-based infrastructure, multilevel

institutional audit, accurate reporting of resuscitation attempts at national audit level
and/or multinational registry level, and subsequent data analysis and feedback from
reported results may contribute to continuous improvement of in-hospital CPR quality
and cardiac arrest outcomes.

6. The importance of communication when managing

a sick patient
Communication includes seeking and reporting information. During CPR, communication
between team members can be verbal and non-verbal, as well as informal and structured.
Of note, cardiac arrest teams may face many kinds of communication challenges at the
professional, organizational, team, personal and/or patient, levels which may affect the
quality of CPR.

Effective teamwork and communication skills are critical success factors during CPR;
poor communication will decrease team’s effectiveness and survival rates. This usually
happens due to inconsistency of team members from day to day which seriously affects
communication skills. Consequently, optimization of team communication can be
optimized through high-quality training, during which concepts and applications for
effective team communication can be implemented, focusing on several approaches,
team interaction, and relationship management.

Individual team members, regardless of the member’s position, must learn to perceive
orders and accept their roles as non-intimidating. Team orientation should be built by
taking steps to increase trust and cohesion and increase satisfaction, commitment, and
collective efficacy. Although increasing awareness of different communication styles
and possibly incorporating these skills into medical training may help teams arrive more
efficiently at jointly managed efforts during CPR, precise and accurate communication
through a closed-loop communication protocol should be always encouraged. Use of

SBAR during written and verbal communication, active listening, body language, and tone
of voice may also help team members to recognize and understand individual personal
styles, preferences and temperament types. Appreciating others’ differences will enhance
the approach between team members and increase team efficiency.

Table 2.2.
SBAR and RSVP communication tools

SBAR RSVP Content Example

Situation Reason • Introduce yourself and • H ello, I am Dr Smith the
check you are speaking to junior medical doctor.
Personal copy of Paul-George Oarga (ID: 1150922)

the correct person. • I am calling about Mr

• Identify the patient you Brown on acute medical
are calling about (who admissions who I think has
and where). a severe pneumonia and
• Say what you think, the is septic.
current problem is, or • H e has an oxygen satura-
appears to be. tion of 90 % despite high-
• State what you need flow oxygen and I am very
advice about. worried about him
• Useful phrases:
- The problem appears
to be cardiac/respirato-
- I’m not sure what the
problem is but the pa-
tient is deteriorating.
- The patient is unstable,
getting worse and I
need help.
Background Story • Background information • H
 e is 55 and previously fit
about the patient and well.
• Reason for admission • H
 e has had fever and a
• Relevant past medical cough for 2 days.
history • H
 e arrived 15 minutes ago
by ambulance.

Chapter 2
Non-technical skills and quality in resuscitation

SBAR RSVP Content Example

Assessment Vital • Include specific • H e looks very unwell and
Signs observations and vital is becoming tired.
sign values based on • Airway - he can say a few
ABCDE approach: words.
• Airway • B reathing - his respiratory
• Breathing rate is 24, he has bronchial
• Circulation breathing on the left side.
His oxygen saturation is
• Disability
90 % on high-flow oxygen.
• Exposure I am getting a blood gas
• T he early warning and chest X-ray.

Personal copy of Paul-George Oarga (ID: 1150922)

score is… • C irculation - his pulse is
110, his blood pressure is
• D isability - he is drowsy
but can talk a few words.
• E xposure - he has no rashes.

Recommendation Plan • State explicitly what you • I am getting antibiotics

want the person you are ready and he is on IV
calling to do. fluids.
• What by when? • I need help - please can
• Useful phrases: you come and see him
straight away.
- I am going to start the
following treatment; is
there anything else you
can suggest?
- I am going to do the
following investiga-
tions; is there anything
else you can suggest?
- If they do not improve;
when would you like to
be called?
- I don’t think I can do
any more; I would like
you to see the patient

7. High-quality care
Quality care can be described as safe, effective, patient-centred, timely, efficient and
equitable. Hospitals, resuscitation teams and ALS providers should ensure they deliver
these aspects of quality to improve the care of the deteriorating patient and patients in 2
cardiac arrest. Two aspects of this are safety incident reporting (also called adverse or
critical incident reporting) and collecting good quality data.

7.1. Safety incident reporting

There are a number of critical incident reporting systems throughout Europe. For example,
in England and Wales hospitals can report patient safety incidents to the National Patient
Safety Agency (NPSA) National Reporting and Learning System (NRLS) (http://www.nrls.
Personal copy of Paul-George Oarga (ID: 1150922)

A patient safety incident is defined as “any unintended or unexpected incident that could
have harmed or did lead to harm for one or more patients being cared for by the National
Health Service (NHS)”. Previous reviews of this database have identified patient safety
incidents associated with airway devices in critical care units and led to recommendations
to improve safety. A review of NPSA safety incidents relating to cardiac arrest and patient
deterioration by the Resuscitation Council (UK) shows that the commonest reported
incidents are associated with equipment problems, communication, delays in the
resuscitation team attending, and failure to escalate treatment.

8. Audit and outcome after cardiac arrest

Measurement of processes and outcomes provides information about whether
interventions and changes made to resuscitation guidelines improve patient care.
Published survival rates from in-hospital cardiac arrest vary substantially and range from
13-59 % at 24 h and 3-27 % to discharge, with a median survival to discharge of about 15 %.
There are probably two main reasons for such variation: firstly, there are many confounders
that influence outcome following cardiac arrest. These include:
• differences in the type of EMS system (e.g. availability of defibrillators, differences
in response intervals)
• differences in the incidence of bystander CPR
• different patient populations (e.g. a study may be confined to in-hospital cardiac
arrests or may include pre-hospital arrests)
• the prevalence of co-morbid conditions
• the frequency of implementing do-not-attempt resuscitation (DNAR) policies
• the primary arrest rhythm
• the definition of cardiac arrest (e.g. inclusion of primary respiratory arrests)
• availability of cardiac arrest and medical emergency teams

Chapter 2
Non-technical skills and quality in resuscitation

Secondly, there is lack of uniformity in reporting both the process and results of
resuscitation attempts; for example, the definition of survival is reported variously as
return of spontaneous circulation, or survival at 5 min, 1 h, 24 h, or to discharge from
hospital. The lack of uniformity in cardiac arrest reporting makes it difficult to evaluate the
impact on survival of individual factors, such as new drugs or techniques.
New interventions that improve survival rate only slightly are important because of the
many victims of cardiac arrest each year. Local hospitals or healthcare systems are unlikely
to have sufficient patients to identify these effects or eliminate confounders. One way
around this dilemma is by adopting uniform definitions and collecting standardised data
on both the process and outcome of resuscitation on many patients in multiple centres.

Changes in the resuscitation process can then be introduced and evaluated using a

Personal copy of Paul-George Oarga (ID: 1150922)

reliable measure of outcome. This methodology enables drugs and techniques developed
in experimental studies to be evaluated reliably in the clinical setting.

Most European countries have a national audit for in- and out-of-hospital cardiac arrests.
These audits monitor and report on the incidence of, and outcome from, cardiac arrest in
order to inform practice and policy. They aim to identify and foster improvements in the
prevention, care delivery and outcomes from cardiac arrest.

Data are usually collected according to standardised definitions and entered onto secure
web-based systems.
Once data are validated, participants are provided with activity reports and comparative
reports, allowing a comparison to be made not only within, but also between, systems
locally, nationally and internationally.
Furthermore it also enables the effects of introducing changes to guidelines, new drugs,
new techniques etc to be monitored that would not be possible on a single participant


• Human factors are important during resuscitation.
• Use SBAR or RSVP for effective communication.
• R
 eport safety incidents and collect cardiac arrest data to help improve patient

• Youngson GG. Teaching and assessing non-technical skills. Surgeon, 2011;9: S35-37.
• Glavin RJ, Maran NJ. Integrating human factors into the medical curriculum. Medical Education.
2003; 37 (supp 1): 59-64.
• Dunn EJ, Mills PD, Neily J, Crittenden MD, Carmack AL, Bagian JP. Medical Training: Applying Crew
Resource Management in Veterans Health Administration. The Joint Commission Journal on Quali-
ty and Patient Safety 2007; 33, 6: 317-325.
• Flin R., O’Conner P, Crichton M. Safety at the Sharp End: A guide to non-technical skills. Aldershot:
Ashgate Publishing, 2008.
• Catchpole K. Towards a Working Definition of Human Factors in Healthcare.
blog/towards-a-working-definition-of-human-factors-in-healthcare (Last accessed: January 7
Personal copy of Paul-George Oarga (ID: 1150922)

• Leape LL. Error in medicine. JAMA 1994; 272:1851-1857.

• Sexton JB, Thomas EJ, Helmreich RL. Error, stress and teamwork in medicine and aviation: cross
sectional surveys. British Medical Journal 2000; 320: 745-749.
• Bhangu A, Bhangu S, Stevenson J. Lessons for Surgeons in the final moments of Air France Flight
447. World Journal of Surgery 2013;37:1185-1192.
• Cooper S, Cant R, Porter J, Sellick K, Somers G, Kinsman L, Nestel D. Rating medical emergency
teamwork performance: development of the Team Emergency Assessment Measure (TEAM).
Resuscitation. 2010;81:446-452.
• Wayne DB, Butter J, Siddall VJ, et al. Simulation-based training of internal medicine residents in
advanced cardiac life support protocols: a randomized trial. Teach Learn Med 2005;17:210-216.
• Perkins GD, Boyle W, Bridgestock H, et al. Quality of CPR during advanced resuscitation training.
Resuscitation 2008;77:69-74.
• Kim J, Neilipovitz D, Cardinal P, Chiu M, Clinch J. A pilot study using high-fidelity simulation to
formally evaluate performance in the resuscitation of critically ill patients: the University of Ottawa
critical care medicine, high-fidelity simulation, and crisis resource management I study. Crit Care
Med 2006;34:2167–74.
• Featherstone P, Chalmers T, Smith GB. RSVP: a system for communication of deterioration in hospi-
tal patients. Br J Nurs 2008;17:860-64.
• Flin R, O’Connor P, Crichton M. Safety at the Sharp End: a Guide to Non-Technical Skills. Aldershot:
Ashgate, 2008.
• Flin R, Patey R, Glavin R, Maran N. Anaesthetists’ non-technical skills.
Br J Anaesth 2010;105:38-44.

Chapter 2
Non-technical skills and quality in resuscitation

Personal copy of Paul-George Oarga (ID: 1150922)

Chapter 3.
Recognition of the deteriorating
patient and prevention of
cardiorespiratory arrest
Personal copy of Paul-George Oarga (ID: 1150922)

• the importance of early recognition of the deteriorating patient
• the causes of cardiorespiratory arrest in adults
• h
 ow to identify and treat patients at risk of cardiorespiratory arrest using
the Airway, Breathing, Circulation, Disability, Exposure (ABCDE) approach

1. Introduction
Early recognition of the deteriorating patient and prevention of cardiac arrest is the
first link in the chain of survival. Once cardiac arrest occurs, fewer than 20 % of patients
having an in-hospital cardiac arrest will survive to go home. Prevention of in-hospital
cardiac arrest requires staff education, monitoring of patients, recognition of patient
deterioration, a system to call for help, and an effective response.

Survivors from in-hospital cardiac arrest usually have a witnessed and monitored
ventricular fibrillation (VF) arrest, primary myocardial ischaemia as the cause, and receive
immediate and successful defibrillation.

Most cardiorespiratory arrests in hospital are not sudden or unpredictable events: in

approximately 80 % of cases there is deterioration in clinical signs during the few hours
before cardiac arrest. These patients often have slow and progressive physiological
deterioration, particularly hypoxia and hypotension (i.e. Airway-Breathing-Circulation
problems) that is unnoticed by staff, or is recognised but treated poorly. The cardiac arrest
rhythm in this group is usually non-shockable (PEA or asystole) and the survival rate to
hospital discharge is very low.

Early recognition and effective treatment of the deteriorating patient might prevent cardiac
arrest, death or an unanticipated intensive care unit (ICU) admission. Closer attention to
patients who have a ‘false’ cardiac arrest (i.e. a ‘cardiac arrest team’ call when the patient
has not had a cardiac arrest) may also improve outcome, because up to one third of

Chapter 3
Recognition of the deteriorating patient and prevention of cardiorespiratory arrest

these patients die during their in-hospital stay. Early recognition will also help to identify
individuals for whom cardiorespiratory resuscitation is not appropriate or who do not wish
to be resuscitated.

2. Prevention of in-hospital cardiac arrest:

the Chain of Prevention
The Chain of Prevention can assist hospitals in structuring care processes to prevent and
detect patient deterioration and cardiac arrest. The five rings of the chain represent: staff
education; the monitoring of patients; the recognition of patient deterioration; a system
to call for help; and an effective response (figure 3.1):

Personal copy of Paul-George Oarga (ID: 1150922)

• Education: how to observe patients; interpretation of observed signs; the
recognition of signs of deterioration; and the use of the ABCDE approach and
simple skills to stabilise the patient pending the arrival of more experienced help.
• Monitoring: patient assessment and the measurement and recording of vital
signs, which may include the use of electronic monitoring devices.
• Recognition: encompasses the tools available to identify patients in need of
additional monitoring or intervention, including suitably designed vital signs
charts and sets of predetermined ‘calling criteria’ to ‘flag’ the need to escalate
monitoring or to call for more expert help.
• Call for help: protocols for summoning a response to a deteriorating patient
should be universally known and understood, unambiguous and mandated.
Doctors and nurses often find it difficult to ask for help or escalate treatment as
they feel their clinical judgement may be criticised. Hospitals should ensure all staff
are empowered to call for help. A structured communication tool such as SBAR
(Situation, Background, Assessment, Recommendation) or RSVP (Reason, Story,
Vital Signs, Plan) should be used to call for help.
• Response: to a deteriorating patient must be assured, of specified speed and by
staff with appropriate acute or critical care skills, and experience.

Figure 3.1
Chain of Prevention

cation ognitio ponse

Ed u R ec n Res

nitoring ll for Help

Mo Ca

Table 3.1
Example of early warning scoring (EWS) system - these values serve as general guidance and may vary in
specific patient populations*

* From Prytherch et al. ViEWS - Towards a national early warning score for detecting adult in-patient
deterioration. Resuscitation. 2010;81(8):932-7

Score 3 2 1 0 1 2 3
91 - 111 -
Pulse (min ) -1
≤ 40 41-50 51-90 ≥ 131
110 130
Respiratory rate
≤8 9-11 12-20 21-24 ≥ 25
Personal copy of Paul-George Oarga (ID: 1150922)

Temperature 35.1 - 36.1 - 38.1 -

≤ 35.0 ≥ 39.1
(°C) 36.0 38.0 39.0
Systolic BP
≤ 90 91-100 101-110 111-249 ≥ 250
≤ 91 92-93 94-95 ≥ 96
saturation (%)
Inspired oxygen Air Any oxygen

AVPU Alert (A) Voice (V)

Pain (P)
Unresponsive (U)

3. Recognising the deteriorating patient

In general, the clinical signs of critical illness are similar whatever the underlying process
because they reflect failing respiratory, cardiovascular, and neurological systems i.e.
ABCDE problems (see below). Abnormal physiology is common on general wards, yet the
measurement and recording of important physiological observations of acutely ill patients
occurs less frequently than is desirable. The assessment of very simple vital signs, such
as respiratory rate, may help to predict cardiorespiratory arrest. To help early detection
of critical illness, many hospitals use early warning scores (EWS) or calling criteria. Early
warning scoring systems allocate points to measurements of routine vital signs on the
basis of their derangement from an arbitrarily agreed ‘normal’ range. The weighted score
of one or more vital sign observations, or the total EWS, indicates the level of intervention
required, e.g. increased frequency of vital signs monitoring, or calling ward doctors or
resuscitation teams to the patient. An example of an EWS system is shown in table 3.1.

Early warning scores are dynamic and change over time and the frequency of observations
should be increased to track improvement or deterioration in a patient’s condition. If it is
clear a patient is deteriorating help should be called for early rather than waiting for the
patient to reach a specific score.

The patient’s EWS is calculated based on table 3.1. An increased score indicates an
increased risk of deterioration and death. There should be a graded response to scores
according to local hospital protocols (table 3.2).
Chapter 3
Recognition of the deteriorating patient and prevention of cardiorespiratory arrest

Alternatively, systems incorporating calling criteria are based on routine observations,

which activate a response when one or more variables reach an extremely abnormal value.
It is not clear which of these two systems is better. Some hospitals combine elements of
both systems.

Even when doctors are alerted to a patient’s abnormal physiology, there is often delay in
attending to the patient or referring to higher levels of care.

4. Response to critical illness

The traditional response to cardiac arrest is reactive: the name ‘cardiac arrest team’ implies
that it will be called only after cardiac arrest has occurred. In some hospitals the cardiac

Personal copy of Paul-George Oarga (ID: 1150922)

arrest team has been replaced by other resuscitation teams (e.g. rapid response team,
critical care outreach team, medical emergency team). These teams can be activated
according to the patient’s EWS (see above) or according to specific calling criteria. For
example, the medical emergency team (MET) responds not only to patients in cardiac
arrest, but also to those with acute physiological deterioration. The MET usually comprises
medical and nursing staff from intensive care and general medicine and responds to
specific calling criteria (table 3.3).

Any member of the healthcare team can initiate a MET call. Early involvement of the MET
may reduce cardiac arrests, deaths and unanticipated ICU admissions, and may facilitate
decisions about limitation of treatment (e.g. do-not-attempt-resuscitation [DNAR]
decisions). Medical emergency team interventions often involve simple tasks such as
starting oxygen therapy and intravenous fluids. The benefits of the MET system remain to
be proved.

Table 3.2
Example escalation protocol based on early warning score (EWS)

EWS MINIMAL Escalation

frequency Recorder’s action Doctor’s action

3-5 4 hourly Inform nurse in charge

6 4 hourly Inform doctor Doctor to see within 1 hour

7-8 1 hourly Inform doctor Doctor to see within 30 minutes
Consider continuous and discuss with senior doctor
monitoring and/or outreach team
≥9 30 minutes Inform doctor Doctor to see within 15 minutes
Start continuous and discuss with senior doctor
monitoring and ICU team

Table 3.3
Medical emergency team (MET) calling criteria

MET calling criteria

Airway Threatened 3
Breathing All respiratory arrests
Respiratory rate < 5 min-1
Respiratory rate > 36 min-1
Personal copy of Paul-George Oarga (ID: 1150922)

Circulation All cardiac arrests

Pulse rate < 40 min-1
Pulse rate > 140 min-1
Systolic blood pressure
< 90 mmHg

Neurology Sudden decrease in level of

Decrease in GCS of > 2 points
Repeated or prolonged seizures

Other Any patient causing concern

who does not fit the above criteria

All critically ill patients should be admitted to an area that can provide the greatest
supervision and the highest level of organ support and nursing care. This is usually in
a critical care area, e.g. ICU, high dependency unit (HDU), or resuscitation room. These
areas should be staffed by doctors and nurses experienced in advanced resuscitation and
critical care skills.

Hospital staffing tends to be at its lowest during the night and at weekends. This influences
patient monitoring, treatment and outcomes. Admission to general wards in the evening,
or to hospital at weekends, is associated with increased mortality. Studies have shown
that in-hospital cardiac arrests occurring in the late afternoon, at night or at weekends
are more often non-witnessed and have a lower survival rate. Patients discharged at night
from ICUs to general wards have an increased risk of ICU readmission and in-hospital
death compared with those discharged during the day and those discharged to HDUs.

Chapter 3
Recognition of the deteriorating patient and prevention of cardiorespiratory arrest

5. Causes of deterioration and cardiorespiratory arrest

Deterioration and cardiorespiratory arrest can be caused by primary airway and/or
breathing and/or cardiovascular problems.

5.1. Airway obstruction

For a detailed review of airway management see chapter 7.

5.1.1. Causes
Airway obstruction can be complete or partial. Complete airway obstruction rapidly

Personal copy of Paul-George Oarga (ID: 1150922)

causes cardiac arrest. Partial obstruction often precedes complete obstruction. Partial
airway obstruction can cause cerebral or pulmonary oedema, exhaustion, secondary
apnoea, and hypoxic brain injury, and eventually cardiac arrest.

Causes of airway obstruction

• Central nervous system depression

• Blood
• Vomitus
• Foreign body (e.g. tooth, food)
• Direct trauma to face or throat
• Epiglottitis
• Pharyngeal swelling (e.g. infection, oedema)
• Laryngospasm
• Bronchospasm – causes narrowing of the small airways in the lung
• Bronchial secretions
• Blocked tracheostomy

Central nervous system depression may cause loss of airway patency and protective
reflexes. Causes include head injury and intracerebral disease, hypercarbia, the depressant
effect of metabolic disorders (e.g. diabetes mellitus), and drugs, including alcohol, opioids
and general anaesthetic agents. Laryngospasm can occur with upper airway stimulation
in a semi-conscious patient whose airway reflexes remain intact.

In some people, the upper airway can become obstructed when they sleep (obstructive
sleep apnoea). This is more common in obese patients and obstruction can be worsened
in the presence of other factors (e.g. sedative drugs).

5.1.2. Recognition
Assess the patency of the airway in anyone at risk of obstruction. A conscious patient will
complain of difficulty in breathing, may be choking, and will be distressed. With partial
airway obstruction, efforts at breathing will be noisy.

Complete airway obstruction is silent and there is no air movement at the patient’s mouth. 3
Any respiratory movements are usually strenuous. The accessory muscles of respiration
will be involved, causing a ‘see-saw’ or ‘rocking-horse’ pattern of chest and abdominal
movement: the chest is drawn in and the abdomen expands on inspiration, and the
opposite occurs on expiration.
Personal copy of Paul-George Oarga (ID: 1150922)

5.1.3. Treatment
The priority is to ensure that the airway remains patent.
Treat any problem that places the airway at risk; for example, suck blood and gastric
contents from the airway and, unless contraindicated, turn the patient on their side.

Give oxygen as soon as possible to achieve an arterial blood oxygen saturation by pulse
oximetry (SpO2) in the range of 94-98 %. Assume actual or impending airway obstruction
in anyone with a depressed level of consciousness, regardless of cause. Take steps to
safeguard the airway and prevent further complications such as aspiration of gastric
contents. This may involve nursing the patient on their side or with a head-up tilt.

Simple airway opening manoeuvres (head tilt-chin lift or jaw-thrust), insertion of an

oropharyngeal or nasal airway, elective tracheal intubation or tracheostomy may be
required. Consider insertion of a nasogastric tube to empty the stomach.

5.2. Breathing problems

5.2.1. Causes
Breathing inadequacy may be acute or chronic. It may be continuous or intermittent, and
severe enough to cause apnoea (respiratory arrest), which will rapidly cause cardiac arrest.
Respiratory arrest often occurs because of a combination of factors; for example, in a patient
with chronic respiratory inadequacy, a chest infection, muscle weakness, or fractured ribs
can lead to exhaustion, further depressing respiratory function. If breathing is insufficient to
oxygenate the blood adequately (hypoxaemia), a cardiac arrest will occur eventually.

• Respiratory drive
Central nervous system depression may decrease or abolish respiratory drive. The causes
are the same as those for airway obstruction from central nervous system depression.

• Respiratory effort
The main respiratory muscles are the diaphragm and intercostal muscles. The latter are
innervated at the level of their respective ribs and may be paralysed by a spinal cord lesion
above this level. The innervation of the diaphragm is at the level of the third, fourth and

Chapter 3
Recognition of the deteriorating patient and prevention of cardiorespiratory arrest

fifth segment of the spinal cord. Spontaneous breathing cannot occur with severe cervical
cord damage above this level.

Inadequate respiratory effort, caused by muscle weakness or nerve damage, occurs with
many diseases (e.g. myasthenia gravis, Guillain-Barré syndrome, and multiple sclerosis).
Chronic malnourishment and severe long-term illness may also contribute to generalised

Breathing can also be impaired with restrictive chest wall abnormalities such as
kyphoscoliosis. Pain from fractured ribs or sternum will prevent deep breaths and coughing.

• Lung disorders

Personal copy of Paul-George Oarga (ID: 1150922)

Lung function is impaired by a massive pleural effusion, a haemothorax, or pneumothorax.
A tension pneumothorax causes a rapid failure of gas exchange, a reduction of venous
return to the heart, and a fall in cardiac output. Severe lung disease will impair gas exchange.
Causes include infection, aspiration, exacerbation of chronic obstructive pulmonary
disease (COPD), asthma, pulmonary embolus, lung contusion, acute respiratory distress
syndrome (ARDS) and pulmonary oedema.

5.2.2. Recognition
A conscious patient will complain of shortness of breath and be distressed. The history
and examination will usually indicate the underlying cause. Hypoxaemia and hypercarbia
can cause irritability, confusion, lethargy and a decrease in the level of consciousness.
Cyanosis may be visible but is a late sign. A fast respiratory rate (> 25 min-1) is a useful,
simple indicator of breathing problems. Pulse oximetry is an easy, non-invasive measure
of the adequacy of oxygenation (see chapter 15).

However, it is not a reliable indicator of ventilation and an arterial blood gas sample is
necessary to obtain values for arterial carbon dioxide tension (PaCO2) and pH. A rising
PaCO2 and a decrease in pH are often late signs in a patient with severe respiratory

5.2.3. Treatment
Give oxygen to all acutely ill hypoxaemic patients and treat the underlying cause. Give
oxygen at 15 l min-1 using a high-concentration reservoir mask. Once the patient is
stable, change the oxygen mask and aim for a SpO2 in the range of 94-98 %. For example,
suspect a tension pneumothorax from a history of chest trauma and confirm by clinical
signs and symptoms. If diagnosed, decompress it immediately by inserting a large-
bore (14 G) cannula into the second intercostal space, in the midclavicular line (needle

Patients who are having difficulty breathing or are becoming tired will need respiratory
support. Non-invasive ventilation using a face mask or a helmet can be useful and
prevent the need for tracheal intubation and ventilation. For patients who cannot breathe
adequately, sedation, tracheal intubation and controlled ventilation are needed.

5.3. Circulation problems

5.3.1. Causes
Circulation problems may be caused by primary heart disease or by heart abnormalities
secondary to other problems. Most often, circulation problems in acutely ill patients
are due to hypovolaemia. The heart may stop suddenly or may produce an inadequate 3
cardiac output for a period of time before stopping.

• Primary heart problems

The commonest cause of sudden cardiac arrest is an arrhythmia caused by either ischaemia
or myocardial infarction. Cardiac arrest can also be caused by an arrhythmia due to other
Personal copy of Paul-George Oarga (ID: 1150922)

forms of heart disease, by heart block, electrocution and some drugs.

Sudden cardiac arrest may also occur with cardiac failure, cardiac tamponade, cardiac
rupture, myocarditis and hypertrophic cardiomyopathy.

Causes of ventricular fibrillation

• Acute coronary syndromes (chapter 4)
• Hypertensive heart disease
• Valve disease
• Drugs (e.g. antiarrhythmic drugs, tricyclic antidepressants, digoxin)
• Inherited cardiac diseases (e.g. long QT syndromes)
• Acidosis
• Abnormal electrolyte concentration (e.g. potassium, magnesium, calcium)
• Hypothermia
• Electrocution

• Secondary heart problems

The heart is affected by changes elsewhere in the body. For example, cardiac arrest will occur
rapidly following asphyxia from airway obstruction or apnoea, tension pneumothorax, or
acute severe blood loss. Severe hypoxia and anaemia, hypothermia, oligaemia and severe
septic shock will also impair cardiac function and this may lead to cardiac arrest.

5.3.2. Recognition
The signs and symptoms of cardiac disease include chest pain, shortness of breath,
syncope, tachycardia, bradycardia, tachypnoea, hypotension, poor peripheral perfusion
(prolonged capillary refill time), altered mental state, and oliguria.

Most sudden cardiac deaths (SCDs) occur in people with pre-existing cardiac disease,
which may have been unrecognised previously. Although the risk is greater for patients
with known severe cardiac disease, most SCDs occur in people with unrecognised disease.
Asymptomatic or silent cardiac disease may include hypertensive heart disease, aortic
valve disease, cardiomyopathy, myocarditis, and coronary disease.

Chapter 3
Recognition of the deteriorating patient and prevention of cardiorespiratory arrest

• Recognition of risk of sudden cardiac death out of hospital

Coronary artery disease is the commonest cause of SCD. Non-ischaemic cardiomyopathy
and valvular disease account for some other SCD events. A small percentage of SCDs are
caused by inherited abnormalities (e.g. long and short QT syndromes, Brugada syndrome,
hypertrophic cardiomyopathy, arrhythmogenic right ventricular cardiomyopathy), and by
congenital heart disease.

In patients with a known diagnosis of cardiac disease, syncope (with or without prodrome
- particularly recent or recurrent) is as an independent risk factor for increased risk of death.
Apparently healthy children and young adults who have SCD may also have symptoms
and signs (e.g. syncope/pre-syncope, chest pain, palpitation, heart murmur) that should
alert healthcare professionals to seek expert help to prevent cardiac arrest. Features that

Personal copy of Paul-George Oarga (ID: 1150922)

indicate a high probability of arrhythmic syncope include:
• syncope in the supine position
• syncope occurring during or after exercise (although syncope after exercise is
often vasovagal)
• syncope with no or only brief prodromal symptoms
• repeated episodes of unexplained syncope
• syncope in individuals with a family history of sudden death or inherited cardiac

Assessment in a clinic specialising in the care of those at risk for SCD is recommended in
family members of young victims of SCD or those with a known cardiac disorder resulting
in an increased risk of SCD.

5.3.3. Treatment
Treat the underlying cause of circulatory failure. In many sick patients, this means giving
intravenous fluids to treat hypovolaemia. Assess patients with chest pain for an acute
coronary syndrome (ACS). A comprehensive description of the management of ACS is given
in Chapter 4.

Most patients with cardiac ischaemic pain will be more comfortable sitting up. In some
instances lying flat may provoke or worsen the pain. Consider using an antiemetic,
especially if nausea is present.

Survivors of an episode of VF are likely to have a further episode unless preventative

treatment is given. These patients may need percutaneous coronary intervention,
coronary artery bypass grafting, or an implantable defibrillator.

Treating the underlying cause should prevent many secondary cardiac arrests; for
example, early goal directed therapy to optimise vital organ perfusion decreases the risk
of death in severe sepsis.

Cardiovascular support includes correction of underlying electrolyte or acid-base
disturbances, and treatment to achieve a desirable cardiac rate, rhythm and output.

Advanced cardiovascular monitoring and echocardiography may be indicated.

Appropriate manipulation of cardiac filling may require fluid therapy and vasoactive
drugs. Inotropic drugs and vasoconstrictors may be indicated to support cardiac output
and blood pressure. In some situations, mechanical circulatory support (e.g. intra-aortic 3
balloon pump) or consideration of heart transplantation will be necessary.

6. The ABCDE approach

Personal copy of Paul-George Oarga (ID: 1150922)

6.1. Underlying principles

The approach to all deteriorating or critically ill patients is the same. The underlying
principles are:
1. Use the Airway, Breathing, Circulation, Disability, Exposure approach to assess and
treat the patient.
2. Do a complete initial assessment and re-assess regularly.
3. Treat life-threatening problems before moving to the next part of assessment.
4. Assess the effects of treatment.
5. Recognise when you will need extra help. Call for appropriate help early.
6. Use all members of the team. This enables interventions, e.g. assessment, attaching
monitors, intravenous access, to be undertaken simultaneously.
7. Communicate effectively - use the SBAR or RSVP approach (see chapter 2).
8. The aim of the initial treatment is to keep the patient alive, and achieve some clinical
improvement. This will buy time for further treatment and making a diagnosis.
9. Remember - it can take a few minutes for treatments to work.

6.2. First steps

1. Ensure personal and patient safety. Organize a safe setting and secure environment.
Wear apron, gloves and glasses as appropriate.
2. First look at the patient in general to see if the patient appears unwell.
3. If the patient is awake, ask “How are you?”. If the patient appears unconscious or
has collapsed, shake him and ask “Are you alright?” If he responds normally he has
a patent airway, is breathing and has brain perfusion. If he speaks only in short
sentences, he may have breathing problems. Failure of the patient to respond is a
clear marker of critical illness.
4. This first rapid “Look, Listen and Feel” of the patient should take about 30 seconds
and will often indicate a patient is critically ill and there is a need for urgent help.
Ask a colleague to ensure appropriate help is coming.
Chapter 3
Recognition of the deteriorating patient and prevention of cardiorespiratory arrest

5. I f the patient is unconscious, unresponsive, and is not breathing normally (occasional

gasps are not normal) start CPR according to the guidance in chapter 5. If you are
confident and trained to do so, feel for a pulse to determine if the patient has a
respiratory arrest. If there are any doubts about the presence of a pulse start CPR.
6. Monitor the vital signs early. Attach a pulse oximeter, ECG monitor and a non-
invasive blood pressure monitor to all critically ill patients, as soon as possible.
7. Insert an intravenous cannula as soon as possible. Take bloods for investigation
when inserting the intravenous cannula.

6.3. Airway (A)

Personal copy of Paul-George Oarga (ID: 1150922)

Airway obstruction is an emergency. Get expert help immediately. Untreated, airway
obstruction causes hypoxia and risks damage to the brain, kidneys and heart, cardiac
arrest, and death.
1. Look for the signs of airway obstruction:
-- Airway obstruction causes paradoxical chest and abdominal movements
(‘see-saw’ respirations) and the use of the accessory muscles of respiration.
Central cyanosis is a late sign of airway obstruction. In complete airway
obstruction, there are no breath sounds at the mouth or nose. In partial
obstruction, air entry is diminished and often noisy.
-- In the critically ill patient, depressed consciousness often leads to airway
2. Treat airway obstruction as a medical emergency:
-- Obtain expert help immediately. Untreated, airway obstruction causes
hypoxaemia (low PaO2) with the risk of hypoxic injury to the brain, kidneys
and heart, cardiac arrest, and even death.
-- In most cases, only simple methods of airway clearance are required (e.g.
airway opening manoeuvres, airways suction, insertion of an oropharyngeal
or nasopharyngeal airway). Tracheal intubation may be required when these
3. Give oxygen at high concentration:
-- Provide high-concentration oxygen using a mask with an oxygen reservoir.
Ensure that the oxygen flow is sufficient (usually 15 l min-1) to prevent collapse
of the reservoir during inspiration. If the patient’s trachea is intubated, give
high concentration oxygen with a self inflating bag.
-- In acute respiratory failure, aim to maintain an oxygen saturation of 94-98 %.
In patients at risk of hypercapnic respiratory failure (see below) aim for an
oxygen saturation of 88-92 %.

6.4. Breathing (B)
During the immediate assessment of breathing, it is vital to diagnose and treat immediately
life-threatening conditions, e.g. acute severe asthma, pulmonary oedema, tension
pneumothorax, massive pleural effusion, rigidity of the thorax after severe burns to the
chest, and massive haemothorax.
1. Look, listen and feel for the general signs of respiratory distress: sweating, central 3
cyanosis, use of the accessory muscles of respiration, and abdominal breathing.
2. Count the respiratory rate. The normal rate is 12-20 breaths min-1. A high (> 25 min-1),
or increasing, respiratory rate is a marker of illness and a warning that the patient
may deteriorate suddenly.
Personal copy of Paul-George Oarga (ID: 1150922)

3. Assess the depth of each breath, the pattern (rhythm) of respiration and whether
chest expansion is equal on both sides.
4. Note any chest deformity (this may increase the risk of deterioration in the ability to
breathe normally); look for a raised jugular venous pulse (JVP) (e.g. in acute severe
asthma or a tension pneumothorax); note the presence and patency of any chest
drains; remember that abdominal distension may limit diaphragmatic movement,
thereby worsening respiratory distress.
5. Record the inspired oxygen concentration (%) and the SpO2 reading of the pulse
oximeter. The pulse oximeter does not detect hypercapnia. If the patient is receiving
supplemental oxygen, the SpO2 may be normal in the presence of a very high PaCO2 .
6. Listen to the patient’s breath sounds a short distance from his face: rattling airway
noises indicate the presence of airway secretions, usually caused by the inability
of the patient to cough sufficiently or to take a deep breath. Stridor or wheeze
suggests partial, but significant, airway obstruction.
7. Percuss the chest: hyper-resonance may suggest a pneumothorax; dullness usually
indicates consolidation or pleural fluid.
8. Auscultate the chest: bronchial breathing indicates lung consolidation with patent
airways; absent or reduced sounds suggest a pneumothorax or pleural fluid or lung
consolidation caused by complete bronchial obstruction.
9. Check the position of the trachea in the suprasternal notch: deviation to one side
indicates mediastinal shift (e.g. pneumothorax, lung fibrosis or pleural fluid).
10. Feel the chest wall to detect surgical emphysema or crepitus (suggesting a
pneumothorax until proven otherwise).
11. The specific treatment of respiratory disorders depends upon the cause.
Nevertheless, all critically ill patients should be given oxygen. In a subgroup of
patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), high concentrations
of oxygen may depress breathing (i.e. they are at risk of hypercapnic respiratory
failure - often referred to as type 2 respiratory failure). Nevertheless, these patients
will also sustain end-organ damage or cardiac arrest if their blood oxygen tensions
are allowed to decrease. In this group, aim for a lower than normal PaO2 and oxygen

Chapter 3
Recognition of the deteriorating patient and prevention of cardiorespiratory arrest

saturation. Give oxygen via a Venturi 28 % mask (4 l min-1) or a Venturi 24 % mask

(4 l min-1) initially and reassess. Aim for target SpO2 range of 88-92 % in most COPD
patients, but evaluate the target for each patient based on the patient’s arterial
blood gas measurements during previous exacerbations (if available). Some
patients with chronic lung disease carry an oxygen alert card (that documents their
target saturation) and their own appropriate Venturi mask.
12. If the patient’s depth or rate of breathing is judged to be inadequate, or absent,
use bag-mask or pocket mask ventilation to improve oxygenation and ventilation,
whilst calling immediately for expert help.
In cooperative patients who do not have airway obstruction consider the use of
non-invasive ventilation (NIV). In patients with an acute exacerbation of COPD,

Personal copy of Paul-George Oarga (ID: 1150922)

the use of NIV is often helpful and prevents the need for tracheal intubation and
invasive ventilation.

6.5. Circulation (C)

In almost all medical and surgical emergencies, consider hypovolaemia to be the primary
cause of shock, until proven otherwise. Unless there are obvious signs of a cardiac cause,
give intravenous fluid to any patient with cool peripheries and a fast heart rate. In surgical
patients, rapidly exclude haemorrhage (overt or hidden).

Remember that breathing problems, such as a tension pneumothorax, can also

compromise a patient’s circulatory state. This should have been treated earlier on in the
1. Look at the colour of the hands and digits: are they blue, pink, pale or mottled?
2. Assess the limb temperature by feeling the patient’s hands: are they cool or warm?
3. Measure the capillary refill time (CRT). Apply cutaneous pressure for 5 s on a fingertip
held at heart level (or just above) with enough pressure to cause blanching. Time
how long it takes for the skin to return to the colour of the surrounding skin after
releasing the pressure. The normal value for CRT is usually < 2 s. A prolonged CRT
suggests poor peripheral perfusion. Other factors (e.g. cold surroundings, poor
lighting, old age) can prolong CRT.
4. Assess the state of the veins: they may be under-filled or collapsed when
hypovolaemia is present.
5. Count the patient’s pulse rate (or preferably heart rate by listening to the heart with
a stethoscope).
6. Palpate peripheral and central pulses, assessing for presence, rate, quality, regularity
and equality. Barely palpable central pulses suggest a poor cardiac output, whilst a
bounding pulse may indicate sepsis.
7. Measure the patient’s blood pressure. Even in shock, the blood pressure may be
normal, because compensatory mechanisms increase peripheral resistance in
response to reduced cardiac output. A low diastolic blood pressure suggests arterial

vasodilation (as in anaphylaxis or sepsis). A narrowed pulse pressure (difference
between systolic and diastolic pressures; normally 35-45 mmHg) suggests arterial
vasoconstriction (cardiogenic shock or hypovolaemia) and may occur with rapid
8. Auscultate the heart. Is there a murmur or pericardial rub? Are the heart sounds
difficult to hear? Does the audible heart rate correspond to the pulse rate?
9. Look for other signs of a poor cardiac output, such as reduced conscious level and, if
the patient has a urinary catheter, oliguria (urine volume < 0.5 ml kg-1 h-1).
10. Look thoroughly for external haemorrhage from wounds or drains or evidence of
concealed haemorrhage (e.g. thoracic, intra-peritoneal, retroperitoneal or into gut).
Intra-thoracic, intraabdominal or pelvic blood loss may be significant, even if drains
Personal copy of Paul-George Oarga (ID: 1150922)

are empty.
11. The specific treatment of cardiovascular collapse depends on the cause, but should
be directed at fluid replacement, haemorrhage control and restoration of tissue
perfusion. Seek the signs of conditions that are immediately life threatening, e.g.
cardiac tamponade, massive or continuing haemorrhage, septicaemic shock, and
treat them urgently.
12. Insert one or more large (14 or 16 G) intravenous cannulae. Use short, wide-bore
cannulae, because they enable the highest flow.
13. Take blood from the cannula for blood gas analysis, routine haematological,
biochemical, coagulation and microbiological investigations, and cross-matching,
before infusing intravenous fluid.
14. If there is no suspected injury lift the legs of the patient or put the patient into the
Trendelenburg position. If the heart rate decreases and the blood pressure improves
give a rapid fluid challenge (over 5-10 min) of 500 ml of warmed crystalloid solution
(e.g. Ringers lactate or 0.9 % sodium chloride) if the patient is normotensive. Give
one litre, if the patient is hypotensive. Use smaller volumes (e.g. 250 ml) for patients
with known cardiac failure or trauma and use closer monitoring (listen to the chest
for crackles after each bolus).
15. Reassess the heart rate and BP regularly (every 5 min), aiming for the patient‘s
normal BP or, if this is unknown, a target > 100 mmHg systolic.
16. If the patient does not improve, repeat the fluid challenge.
17. If
 symptoms and signs of cardiac failure (dyspnoea, increased heart rate, raised JVP,
a third heart sound and pulmonary crackles on auscultation) occur, decrease the
fluid infusion rate or stop the fluids altogether. Seek alternative means of improving
tissue perfusion (e.g. inotropes or vasopressors).
18. If
 the patient has primary chest pain and a suspected ACS, record a 12-lead ECG
early, and treat initially with aspirin, nitroglycerine, oxygen, and morphine. Treat
ACS according to the guidance in chapter 4.

Chapter 3
Recognition of the deteriorating patient and prevention of cardiorespiratory arrest

6.6. Disability (D)

Common causes of unconsciousness include profound hypoxia, hypercapnia, cerebral
hypoperfusion, intoxication, or the recent administration of sedatives or analgesic drugs.
1. Review and treat the ABCs: exclude or treat hypoxia and hypotension.
2. Check the patient’s drug chart for reversible drug induced causes of depressed
consciousness. Give an antagonist where appropriate (e.g. naloxone for opioid
3. Examine the pupils (size, equality and reaction to light).
4. Make a rapid initial assessment of the patient’s conscious level using the AVPU

Personal copy of Paul-George Oarga (ID: 1150922)

method: Alert, responds to Vocal stimuli, responds to Painful stimuli or Unresponsive
to all stimuli. Alternatively, use the Glasgow Coma Scale score.
5. Measure the blood glucose to exclude hypoglycaemia using a rapid finger-prick
bedside testing method. If the blood sugar is below 4.0 mmol l-1, give an initial
dose of 50 ml of 10 % glucose solution intravenously. If necessary, give further
doses of intravenous 10 % glucose every minute until the patient has fully regained
consciousness, or a total of 250 ml of 10 % glucose has been given. Repeat
blood glucose measurements to monitor the effects of treatment. If there is no
improvement consider further doses of 10 % glucose.
6. Consider other causes of reduced levels consciousness like electrolyte disorders or
metabolic disorders (elevated plasma ammonia in patients with liver disease).
7. Nurse unconscious patients in the lateral position if their airway is not protected.
8. Recognise neurologic deficits e.g. aphasia and other signs of stroke.

6.7. Exposure (E)

To examine the patient properly full exposure of the body may be necessary. Respect the
patient’s dignity and minimise heat loss.

6.7.1. Additional information

1. Take a full clinical history from the patient, any relatives or friends, and other staff.
2. Review the patient’s notes and charts:
• Study both absolute and trended values of vital signs.
• Check that important routine medications are prescribed and being given.
3. Review the results of laboratory or radiological investigations.
4. Consider which level of care is required by the patient (e.g. ward, HDU, ICU).
5. Make complete entries in the patient’s notes of your findings, assessment and
treatment. Where necessary, hand over the patient to your colleagues.

6. Record the patient’s response to therapy.
7. Consider definitive treatment of the patient’s underlying condition.


• M
 ost patients who have an in-hospital cardiac arrest have warning signs and
symptoms before the arrest.

• E arly recognition and treatment of the deteriorating patient will prevent some
cardiorespiratory arrests.
Personal copy of Paul-George Oarga (ID: 1150922)

• U
 se strategies such as early warning scoring (EWS) systems to identify patients
at risk of cardiorespiratory arrest.

• Airway, breathing and circulation problems can cause cardiorespiratory arrest.

• Use the ABCDE approach to assess and treat critically ill patients.

• Armitage M, Eddleston J, Stokes T. Recognising and responding to acute illness in adults in hospi-
tal: summary of NICE guidance. BMJ 2007;335:258-9.
• Soar J, et al. European Resuscitation Council Guidelines for Resuscitation 2015. Section 3. Adult
Advanced Life Support. 10.1016/j.resuscitation.2015.07.016; p99 - p146
• Soar J, Callaway CW, Aibiki M, et al. Part 4: Advanced life support: 2015 International Consensus on
Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation and Emergency Cardiovascular Care Science With Treatment
Recommendations. 10.1016/j.resuscitation.2015.07.042; e71 - e122
• DeVita MA, Bellomo R, Hillman K, et al. Findings of the first consensus conference on medical
emergency teams. Crit Care Med. 2006;34:2463-2478.
• DeVita MA, Smith GB, Adam SK, et al. “Identifying the hospitalised patient in crisis”— a consensus
conference on the afferent limb of rapid response systems. Resuscitation 2010;81:375-82.
• Featherstone P, Chalmers T, Smith GB. RSVP: a system for communication of deterioration in hospi-
tal patients. Br J Nurs 2008;17:860-4.
• Luettel D, Beaumont K, Healey F. Recognising and responding appropriately to early signs of
deterioration in hospitalised patients. London: National Patient Safety Agency; 2007.
• Marshall S, Harrison J, Flanagan B. The teaching of a structured tool improves the clarity and con-
tent of interprofessional clinical communication. Qual Saf Health Care 2009;18:137-40.
• Meaney PA, Nadkarni VM, Kern KB, Indik JH, Halperin HR, Berg RA. Rhythms and outcomes of adult
in-hospital cardiac arrest. Crit Care Med 2010;38:101-8.
• National Confidential Enquiry into Patient Outcome and Death. An Acute Problem? London:
National Confidential Enquiry into Patient Outcome and Death; 2005.
• NICE clinical guideline 50 Acutely ill patients in hospital: recognition of and response to acute
illness in adults in hospital. London: National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence; 2007.

Chapter 3
Recognition of the deteriorating patient and prevention of cardiorespiratory arrest

• O’Driscoll BR, Howard LS, Davison AG. BTS guideline for emergency oxygen use in adult patients.
Thorax 2008;63 Suppl 6:vi1-68.
• Smith GB. In-hospital cardiac arrest: Is it time for an in-hospital ‘chain of prevention’? Resuscitation
• Butcher BW, Quist CE, Harrison JD, Ranji SR. The effect of a rapid response team on resident
perceptions of education and autonomy. J Hosp Med 2015;10:8-12.
• Sandroni C, D’Arrigo S, Antonelli M. Rapid response systems: are they really effective? Crit Care
• Bossaert L, Perkins GD, Askitopoulou H, et al. European Resuscitation Council Guidelines for
Resuscitation 2015 Section 11 The Ethics of Resuscitation and End-of-Life Decisions. 10.1016/j.
resuscitation.2015.07.033; p301 - p310
• Herod R, Frost SA, Parr M, Hillman K, Aneman A. Long term trends in medical emergency team

Personal copy of Paul-George Oarga (ID: 1150922)

activations and outcomes. Resuscitation 2014;85:1083-7
• Tan LH, Delaney A. Medical emergency teams and end-of-life care: a systematic review. Crit Care
Resusc 2014;16:62-8.

Chapter 4.
Acute coronary syndromes

Personal copy of Paul-George Oarga (ID: 1150922)

• the disease process which gives rise to acute coronary syndromes

• how to differentiate between the acute coronary syndromes
• the immediate treatment of acute coronary syndromes
• management of patients after recovery from an acute coronary syndrome

1. Introduction
The acute coronary syndromes (ACS) comprise:
• unstable angina
• non-ST-segment-elevation myocardial infarction
• ST-segment-elevation myocardial infarction.

These clinical syndromes form parts of a spectrum of the same disease process. In the vast
majority of cases this process is initiated by the fissuring of an atheromatous plaque in a
coronary artery causing:
• haemorrhage into the plaque causing it to swell and restrict the lumen of the artery
• contraction of smooth muscle within the artery wall, causing further constriction
of the lumen
• thrombus formation on the surface of the plaque, which may cause partial or
complete obstruction of the lumen of the artery, or distal embolism

The extent to which these events reduce the flow of blood to the myocardium largely
determines the nature of the clinical ACS that ensues.

1.1. Angina (stable and unstable)

Angina is pain or discomfort caused by myocardial ischaemia and is felt usually in or
across the centre of the chest as tightness or an indigestion-like ache. As with acute

Chapter 4
Acute coronary syndromes

myocardial infarction (AMI), the pain/discomfort often radiates into the throat, into one
or both arms, and into the back or into the epigastrium. Some patients experience angina
predominantly in one or more of these areas rather than in the chest. Many patients
perceive it as discomfort rather than pain. As with AMI, angina is sometimes accompanied
by belching and this may be misinterpreted as evidence of indigestion as the cause of
the discomfort. Pain of this nature, which is provoked only by exercise and which settles
promptly when exercise ceases, is referred to as stable angina and is not an ACS.

In contrast, unstable angina is defined by one or more of:

1. Angina on exertion, occurring over a few days with increasing frequency, provoked
by progressively less exertion. This is referred to as ‘crescendo angina’.

Personal copy of Paul-George Oarga (ID: 1150922)

2. Episodes of angina occurring recurrently and unpredictably, without specific
provocation by exercise. These episodes may be relatively short-lived (e.g. a few
minutes) and may settle spontaneously or be relieved temporarily by sublingual
glyceryl trinitrate, before recurring within a few hours.
3. An unprovoked and prolonged episode of chest pain, raising suspicion of AMI, but
without definite ECG or laboratory evidence of AMI (see below).
In unstable angina, the ECG may:
a) be normal
b) s how evidence of acute myocardial ischaemia (usually horizontal or descending
ST segment depression)
c) show non-specific abnormalities (e.g. T wave inversion)
In unstable angina, cardiac enzymes are usually normal (but remember that there are
causes other than myocardial infarction for elevated muscle enzymes such as creatin
kinase [CK]), and troponin release is absent. ECG abnormality, especially ST segment
depression, is a marker of increased risk of further coronary events in patients with
unstable angina. However, a normal ECG and absent troponin release does not necessarily
mean that a patient with unstable angina is not at high risk of early further life-threatening
coronary events. Only if the ECG and troponin concentration are normal, and further risk
assessment (e.g. by exercise testing or non-invasive imaging) does not indicate evidence
of reversible myocardial ischaemia, should other possible causes of acute chest pain be
considered if the initial history suggested unstable angina.

1.2. Non-ST-segment-elevation myocardial infarction (NSTEMI)

Acute myocardial infarction typically presents with chest pain that is felt as a heaviness
or tightness or indigestion-like discomfort in the chest or upper abdomen, usually
sustained for at least 20-30 min, often longer. The chest pain/discomfort often radiates
into the throat, into one or both arms, into the back or into the epigastrium. Some
patients experience the discomfort predominantly in one or more of these other areas
rather than in the chest. Sometimes it may be accompanied by belching and this may be
misinterpreted as evidence of indigestion as the cause of the discomfort.

When patients present with chest pain suggestive of AMI, non-specific ECG abnormalities
such as horizontal or descending ST segment depression or T wave inversion (figures 4.1
and 4.2) or occasionally a normal ECG, and laboratory tests showing release of troponin
(with or without elevated plasma concentrations of cardiac enzymes) this indicates that
myocardial damage has occurred. This is referred to as NSTEMI. In this situation it is less
likely that there has been abrupt complete occlusion of the culprit artery than in ST-
segment-elevation MI (STEMI).

The amount of troponin or cardiac enzyme released reflects the extent of myocardial
damage. Some of these patients will be at high risk of progression to coronary occlusion, 4
more extensive myocardial damage, and sudden arrhythmic death. The risk of this is
highest in the first few hours, days and months after the index event and diminishes
Personal copy of Paul-George Oarga (ID: 1150922)

progressively with time.

NSTEMI and unstable angina are classified together as ‘non-ST-segment-elevation ACS’

because the treatment of the two is essentially the same and differs in some respects from
the treatment of STEMI. Treatment is dictated largely by assessment of risk.

1.3. ST-segment-elevation myocardial infarction (STEMI)

A history of sustained acute chest pain typical of AMI, accompanied by acute ST segment
elevation or new left bundle branch block (LBBB) on a 12-lead ECG is the basis for diagnosis

These findings almost always indicate on-going myocardial damage caused by acute
complete occlusion of the ‘culprit’ coronary artery (after initial plaque fissuring). Left
untreated there is likely to be further myocardial damage in the territory of the occluded
artery, usually reflected in the development of Q waves and loss of R wave amplitude
on the ECG. During the acute phase of STEMI there is a substantial risk of ventricular
tachycardia (VT) and ventricular fibrillation (VF) and sudden death (figure 4.3).

2. Diagnosis of acute coronary syndromes

The patient’s history should be evaluated carefully during first contact with healthcare
providers. It may provide the first clues for the presence of an ACS, trigger subsequent
investigations and, in combination with information from other diagnostic tests, can help in
making triage and therapeutic decisions in the out-of hospital setting and the emergency
department (ED). Some patients (e.g. the elderly, diabetics, patients during the peri-operative
period) may develop an ACS with little or no chest discomfort. The pain of angina or myocardial
infarction is often mistaken for indigestion both by patients and healthcare professionals.
Symptoms such as belching, nausea or vomiting are not helpful in distinguishing cardiac pain
from indigestion; all may accompany angina and myocardial infarction.

2.1. Clinical examination

Clinical examination is of limited benefit in the diagnosis of ACS. Severe pain of any source
may provoke some of the clinical signs, such as sweating, pallor and tachycardia, which

Chapter 4
Acute coronary syndromes

commonly accompany ACS. History and examination are essential in order to recognise
alternative, obvious causes for chest pain (e.g. localised severe chest wall tenderness), or
to identify other life-threatening diagnoses (e.g. aortic dissection, pulmonary embolism).
In aortic dissection the symptoms usually begin suddenly, and include severe chest pain.
The pain may be described as sharp, stabbing, tearing, or ripping.

Examination may identify other important abnormalities (e.g. a cardiac murmur or signs
of heart failure) that will influence choices of investigation and treatment. In patients with
acute chest pain remember also to check for evidence of aortic dissection, especially if
fibrinolytic therapy is intended. The presence of aortic dissection may be suggested by
clinical signs such as loss of a pulse or asymmetry of the pulses in the upper limbs, acute
aortic regurgitation, or signs of stroke from carotid artery involvement. Suspect aortic

Personal copy of Paul-George Oarga (ID: 1150922)

dissection in any patient whose acute chest pain is accompanied by marked hypotension
but no obvious ECG evidence of AMI. However, in a patient with a good history and typical
ECG evidence of STEMI do not delay reperfusion therapy without strong clinical evidence
to justify prior investigation of possible aortic dissection.

Initial examination also serves as an important baseline so that changes, due either to
progression of the underlying condition or in response to treatment, may be detected.

Also suspect extensive right ventricular (RV) infarction in patients with inferior or posterior
STEMI who have elevated jugular venous pressure but no evidence of pulmonary oedema.
Kussmaul’s sign may be positive (JVP increases on inspiration). These patients are often

Figure 4.1
12-lead ECG showing acute ST-segment depression caused by myocardial ischaemia in a patient with a
non-ST-segment ACS

I aVR V1 V4

II aVL V2 V5


25 mm/sec: 1 cm / mV

Figure 4.2
12-lead ECG showing T wave inversion in a patient with NSTEMI

I aVR V1 V4

II aVL V2 V5 4
Personal copy of Paul-George Oarga (ID: 1150922)


25 mm/sec: 1 cm / mV

Figure 4.3
12-lead ECG showing onset of VF in a patient with an acute anteroseptal STEMI

I aVR V1 V4

II aVL V2 V5


25 mm/sec: 1 cm / mV

Chapter 4
Acute coronary syndromes

Figure 4.4
12-lead ECG showing an anterolateral STEMI

I aVR V1 V4

II aVL V2 V5

Personal copy of Paul-George Oarga (ID: 1150922)


25 mm/sec: 1 cm / mV

Figure 4.5
12-lead ECG showing an inferior STEMI

I aVR V1 V4

II aVL V2 V5


25 mm/sec: 1 cm / mV

Figure 4.6
12-lead ECG showing a posterior STEMI

I aVR V1 V4

II aVL V2 V5 4
Personal copy of Paul-George Oarga (ID: 1150922)


25 mm/sec: 1 cm / mV

2.2. Investigations

2.2.1. The 12-lead ECG

A 12-lead ECG is the key investigation for assessment of an ACS. In the case of STEMI, it
indicates the need for immediate reperfusion therapy (i.e. primary percutaneous coronary
intervention (PCI) or pre-hospital fibrinolysis). When an ACS is suspected, printout of a
12-lead-ECG should be acquired and interpreted as soon as possible after first patient
contact, to facilitate earlier diagnosis and triage. STEMI is typically diagnosed when, ST-
segment elevation, measured at the J point, fulfills specific voltage criteria in the absence
of left ventricular (LV) hypertrophy or left bundle branch block (LBBB). In patients with
clinical suspicion of ongoing myocardial ischaemia with new or presumed new LBBB,
consider prompt reperfusion therapy, preferably using primary PCI (PPCI). Ventricular
pacing may also mask the presence of an evolving MI and may require urgent angiography
to confirm diagnosis and initiate therapy.

Right precordial leads should be recorded in all patients with inferior STEMI in order
to detect right ventricular MI. Isolated ST-depression ≥ 0.05 mV in leads V1 through V3
represents STEMI in the inferobasal portion of the heart which may be confirmed by
ST segment elevation in posterior leads (V7-V9). Pre-hospital or ED ECG yields useful
diagnostic information when interpreted by trained health care providers.

Recording of a 12-lead ECG out-of-hospital enables advanced notification to the receiving

facility and expedites treatment decisions after hospital arrival. In many studies, using pre-
hospital 12-lead ECG, the time from hospital admission to initiating reperfusion therapy

Chapter 4
Acute coronary syndromes

is reduced by 10 to 60 minutes. This is associated with shorter times to reperfusion and

improved patient survival in both patients with PCI and those undergoing fibrinolysis.

Trained EMS personnel (emergency physicians, paramedics and nurses) can identify
STEMI, defined by ST elevation of ≥ 0.1mV elevation in at least two adjacent limb leads or >
0.2mV in two adjacent precordial leads, with a high specificity and sensitivity comparable
to diagnostic accuracy in the hospital. It is thus reasonable that paramedics and nurses be
trained to diagnose STEMI without direct medical consultation, as long as there is strict
concurrent provision of quality assurance.

If interpretation of the pre-hospital ECG is not available on-site, computer interpretation or field
transmission of the ECG is reasonable. Recording and transmission of diagnostic quality ECGs

Personal copy of Paul-George Oarga (ID: 1150922)

to the hospital usually takes less than 5 minutes. When used for the evaluation of patients with
suspected ACS, computer interpretation of the ECG may increase the specificity of diagnosis
of STEMI, especially for clinicians inexperienced in reading ECGs. The benefit of computer
interpretation; however, is dependent on the accuracy of the ECG report. Incorrect reports
may mislead inexperienced ECG readers. Thus computer-assisted ECG interpretation should
not replace, but may be used as an adjunct to, interpretation by an experienced clinician.

2.2.2. Biomarkers
In the absence of ST elevation on the ECG, the presence of a suggestive history and
elevated concentrations of biomarkers (troponins, CK and CKMB) characterise non-
STEMI and distinguish it from STEMI and unstable angina respectively. Measurement of a
cardiac-specific troponin is used routinely because of its higher sensitivity and specificity.
Elevated concentrations of troponin are particularly helpful in identifying patients at
increased risk of adverse outcome.

In order to use the measured biomarker optimally, clinicians should be familiar with the
sensitivity, precision and institutional norms of the assay, and also the release kinetics and
clearance. Highly sensitive (ultrasensitive) cardiac troponin assays have been developed.
They can increase sensitivity and accelerate diagnosis of MI in patients with symptoms
suspicious of cardiac ischaemia.

Cardiac biomarker testing should be part of the initial evaluation of all patients presenting
to the ED with symptoms suggestive of cardiac ischaemia. However, the delay in release
of biomarkers from damaged myocardium prevents their use in diagnosing myocardial
infarction in the first hours after the onset of symptoms. For patients who present within
6 hours of symptom onset, and have an initial negative cardiac troponin, biomarkers
should be measured again between 2-3 and up to 6 hours later for hs-cTn (12 hours with
regular troponin). The majority of patients with possible ACS do not have an ACS but the
identification of those with ACS is challenging. The recently reported rate of patients with
a ‘missed’ diagnosis of ACS in the ED is up to 3.5 % with significant morbidity and mortality.

• Cardiac troponins (troponin T and troponin I)

Cardiac-specific troponins are components of the contractile structure of myocardial cells.
Because concentrations of troponin in the blood of healthy individuals are undetectably

low, and cardiac-specific troponins measured by current assays do not arise from extra-
cardiac sources, the troponins are very sensitive and specific markers of cardiac injury. In
the context of a typical clinical presentation of ACS, troponin release provides evidence
of myocardial damage and therefore indicates myocardial infarction rather than unstable
angina. In addition troponin measurement provides useful assessment of risk. The greater
the troponin concentration, the greater is the risk of a further event. A combination of
ST segment depression on the ECG and raised troponin identifies a particularly high-risk
group for subsequent MI and sudden cardiac death.

It is not recommended to use high sensitivity cardiac troponins as a stand-alone measure 4

at 0 and 2 hours to exclude the diagnosis of ACS, defined as < 1 % 30-day major adverse
cardiovascular effects (MACE). Negative hs-cTnI measured at 0 and 2 hours may be used
Personal copy of Paul-George Oarga (ID: 1150922)

together with low risk stratification (TIMI score of 0 or 1) to exclude the diagnosis of
ACS. Also negative cTnI or cTnT measured at 0 and 3-6 hours together may be used in
conjunction with very low risk stratification (Vancouver score of 0 or North American CP
score of 0 and age < 50) to exclude the diagnosis of ACS.

There is no evidence to support the use of troponin point-of-care testing (POCT) in

isolation as a primary test in the pre-hospital setting to evaluate patients with symptoms
suspicious of cardiac ischaemia. In the ED, use of point-of-care troponin assays may help
to shorten time to treatment and length of ED stay.

2.2.3. Imaging techniques

Non invasive imaging techniques (CT angiography, cardiac magnetic resonance, myocardial
perfusion imaging, and echocardiography) have been evaluated as means of screening
these low-risk patients and identifying subgroups that can be discharged home safely.

Furthermore, differential diagnoses such as aortic dissection, pulmonary embolism,

aortic stenosis, hypertrophic cardiomyopathy, pericardial effusion, or pneumothorax
may be identified. Therefore, echocardiography should be routinely available in ED, and
used in all patients with suspected ACS. Studies are needed to evaluate the impact of
echocardiography in the pre-hospital setting.

Multi-detector computer tomography coronary angiography (MDCTCA). MDCTCA has been

recently proposed in the management acute chest pain in the ED. It is accurate compared
with invasive coronary angiography, enabling differential diagnosis, and it is feasible and
practical in the ED. MDCTCA has a high ability to rule out obstructive coronary artery disease.

3. Risk assessment
The choice of treatment is determined largely by the extent of myocardial damage and by
the risk of early further coronary events.
Risk assessment scores and clinical prediction algorithms using clinical history, physical
examination, ECG, and cardiac troponins have been developed to help identify patients
with ACS at increased risk of adverse outcome(s).

Chapter 4
Acute coronary syndromes

Global Registry of Acute Coronary Events (GRACE) and Thrombolysis In Myocardial

Infarction (TIMI) risk score are the most commonly used. In a recent meta-analysis, TIMI
and GRACE risk scores were the only ones validated in multiple clinical setting, with
GRACE showing a better performance.
In patients suspected of an ACS the combination of an unremarkable past history and
physical examination with negative initial ECG and biomarkers cannot be used to exclude
ACS reliably. Therefore a follow up period is mandatory in order to reach a diagnosis and
make therapeutic decisions

4. Immediate treatment

Personal copy of Paul-George Oarga (ID: 1150922)

4.1. General measures in all acute coronary syndromes
Start with a rapid clinical assessment and record at least one twelve lead ECG. Give
immediate treatment to relieve symptoms, limit myocardial damage and reduce the risk
of cardiac arrest. Immediate general treatment for ACS comprises:
• aspirin 300 mg, orally, crushed, chewed, or IV as soon as possible
• nitroglycerine, as sublingual glyceryl trinitrate (tablet or spray) unless patient is
hypotensive or extensive RV infarction is suspected
• relief of pain is of paramount importance and intravenous morphine (or
diamorphine) should be given, titrated to control symptoms but avoiding sedation
and respiratory depression
• consider antithrombotic treatment with unfractioned (UFH) or low molecular
weight heparin (LMWH) o
­ r fondaparinux

Most patients with cardiac ischaemic pain will be more comfortable sitting up. In some
instances lying flat may provoke or worsen the pain. Give an anti-emetic with opiate
analgesia or if the patient has nausea.

4.2. Treatment of STEMI (or AMI with new LBBB)

For patients presenting with STEMI within 12 h of symptom onset, mechanical or
pharmacological reperfusion must be achieved without delay. The aim is to restore the
blood supply to myocardium that has not yet been damaged irreversibly. Clinical trials have
confirmed the effectiveness of reperfusion therapy in reducing infarct size, complications,
and mortality from MI. Reperfusion therapy is most effective when undertaken early after
the onset of myocardial infarction and the benefit diminishes progressively with delay.

The risk/benefit ratio for reperfusion therapy favours reperfusion therapy for those
patients who are at highest risk of immediate major myocardial damage and death.

Beyond 12 h from the onset of chest pain, the risks of fibrinolytic therapy probably outweigh
any small residual benefit, but emergency percutaneous coronary intervention (PCI) should
be considered in this situation if there is ongoing clinical or ECG evidence of ischaemia.

4.3. Oxygen
Patients with acute chest pain with presumed ACS do not need supplemental oxygen unless
they present with signs of hypoxia, dyspnoea or heart failure. There is increasing evidence
suggesting that hyperoxia may be harmful in patients with uncomplicated myocardial
In ACS complicated with cardiac arrest, hypoxia develops rapidly. Ischaemic brain injury
is a major determinant for neurologically intact survival. Therefore during CPR adequate
oxygenation is essential. After ROSC, avoid both hypoxia and hyperoxia (see post
resuscitation care). Use 100 % inspired oxygen until the arterial oxygen saturation can 4
be measured reliably. As soon as the arterial blood oxygen saturation can be measured
reliably, titrate the inspired oxygen concentration to achieve arterial blood oxygen
Personal copy of Paul-George Oarga (ID: 1150922)

saturation in the range of 94-98 %.

4.4. Coronary reperfusion therapy

In STEMI, coronary reperfusion may be achieved in one of two ways:
• Percutaneous coronary intervention (PCI) may be used to re-open the occluded
artery. This is referred to as primary PCI.
• Fibrinolytic therapy may be given in an attempt to dissolve the occluding thrombus
that precipitated the MI.

Coronary angioplasty with or without stent placement has become the first-line treatment
for patients with STEMI. PPCI performed with a limited delay to first balloon inflation after
first medical contact, at a high-volume centre, by an experienced operator who maintains
an appropriate expert status, is the preferred treatment as it improves morbidity and
mortality as compared with immediate fibrinolysis. Coronary angiography is used to
identify the occluded coronary artery, following which a guidewire is passed through the
occluding thrombus, enabling a deflated balloon to be positioned at the site of occlusion
and inflated to re-open the artery. Aspiration devices may be used to remove thrombus
from the vessel and glycoprotein IIb/IIIa inhibitors may be injected intravenously or
directly into the coronary artery. It is usual practice to insert a stent into the segment of
previously occluded artery, to reduce the risk of re-occlusion at this point.

4.4.1. Primary PCI

Primary PCI is the most reliable method of re-opening of the culprit artery in the majority
of patients. Coronary artery patency can be confirmed, secured and maintained. There is
a lower risk of major, particularly intracranial, bleeding than with fibrinolytic therapy.

For PPCI, to provide reliable timely reperfusion, a fully-equipped catheter laboratory

staffed by an experienced team must be available 24 hours a day. A fail-safe pathway of
communication and care must be implemented in each region in order that patients in
whom STEMI is diagnosed can access the service, ideally by direct transfer to this facility.
Primary PCI can then be offered to patients for whom a ‘first medical contact-to-balloon’
time of 120 min can be achieved (ESC Guidelines 2010). In patients who present within

Chapter 4
Acute coronary syndromes

2 hours of onset of chest pain the time from first medical contact to reperfusion should be
less than 90 min. Longer delays are associated with higher mortality.

Where PPCI is not available immediately, the need to achieve reperfusion as early as
possible remains a high priority and for those patients initial treatment by fibrinolytic
therapy may offer the best chance of achieving early reperfusion.

Time delay to PPCI may be significantly shortened by improving the systems of care:
• A pre-hospital ECG should be acquired as soon as possible and interpreted for the
diagnosis of STEMI. This can reduce mortality in both patients planned for PPCI
and fibrinolytic therapy.

Personal copy of Paul-George Oarga (ID: 1150922)

• STEMI recognition may be accomplished by ECG transmission or onsite
interpretation by physicians, or highly trained nurses or paramedics, with or
without the aid of computer ECG interpretation.
• When PPCI is the planned strategy, pre-hospital activation of catheterisation
laboratory for PPCI will contribute to a mortality benefit.

Additional elements for an effective system of care include:

• Requiring the catheterisation laboratory to be ready within 20 minutes available
• Providing real-time data feedback on the real time course from symptom onset to

An injectable anticoagulant must be used in primary PCI for STEMI.

• unfractionated Heparin > 5000 IU
• Enoxaparin

4.4.2. Fibrinolytic therapy

Fibrinolytic therapy has been shown in large-scale clinical trials to provide substantial
reduction in mortality from AMI when given during the first few hours after the onset of
chest pain. One of the major advantages of fibrinolytic therapy is that it does not require
a cardiac catheter laboratory or an operator skilled in angioplasty. Early reperfusion may
be achieved by pre-hospital fibrinolytic therapy with resulting clinical benefit, particularly
when transport times to hospital are very long. Early treatment may also be achieved
by minimising door-to-needle time (time from arrival at hospital to administration of
fibrinolytic therapy).

Table 4.1
Typical indications for immediate reperfusion therapy for AMI

Typical indications for immediate reperfusion therapy for AMI

Presentation within 12 hours of onset of chest pain suggestive of AMI and:

ST segment elevation > 0,2 mV in 2 adjacent chest leads, or > 0,1 mV in 2 or more
‘adjacent’ limb leads; or
Dominant R waves and ST depression in V1-V3 (posterior infarction); or 4
New-onset (or presumed new-onset) LBBB.
Personal copy of Paul-George Oarga (ID: 1150922)

Table 4.2
Typical contraindications to fibrinolytic therapy

Typical contraindications to fibrinolytic therapy


• Previous haemorrhagic stroke

• Ischaemic stroke during the previous 6 months
• Central nervous system damage or neoplasm
• Recent (within 3 weeks) major surgery, head injury or other major trauma
• Active internal bleeding (menses excluded) or gastro-intestinal bleeding within
the past month
• Known or suspected aortic dissection
• Known bleeding disorder


• Refractory hypertension (systolic blood pressure > 180 mmHg)

• Transient ischaemic attack in preceding 6 months
• Oral anticoagulant treatment
• Pregnancy or less than 1 week post-partum
• Non-compressible vascular puncture
• Active peptic ulcer disease
• Advanced liver disease
• Infective endocarditis
• Previous allergic reaction to the fibrinolytic drug to be used

Chapter 4
Acute coronary syndromes

Fibrinolytic therapy carries a risk of bleeding, including cerebral haemorrhage, and not all
patients can be given this treatment safely. Table 4.1 lists typical indications for reperfusion
therapy and the typical contraindications to fibrinolytics are shown in table 4.2. Most of
these contra-indications are relative; the experienced clinician will decide whether the
benefit from fibrinolytic therapy outweighs the risk to the individual patient or whether
emergency angiography with a view to primary PCI would be more appropriate.

Figure 4.7 describes the options for reperfusion therapy for STEMI in the form of an

4.4.3. Platelet inhibition and anticoagulant therapy with fibrinolytic therapy

Personal copy of Paul-George Oarga (ID: 1150922)

Give all patients receiving a fibrinolytic agent for STEMI:
• aspirin 300 mg, and
• clopidogrel as a 600 mg loading dose, and
• antithrombin therapy: low molecular weight heparin (IV bolus then SC) or
unfractionated heparin (full dose) or fondaparinux.

4.5. Rescue angioplasty

In 20-30 % of patients receiving a fibrinolytic for STEMI, reperfusion is not achieved. Observe
patients closely with cardiac monitoring during and after administration of a fibrinolytic.
Record a 12-lead ECG at 60-90 min after giving fibrinolytic therapy. Failure of ST segment
elevation to resolve by more than 50 % compared with the pre-treatment ECG suggests
that fibrinolytic therapy has failed to re-open the culprit artery. Symptoms are a less
accurate guide to reperfusion because most patients will have received opiate analgesia.
Even after initially successful thrombolysis there is a significant risk of re-occlusion and
patients should be admitted to a coronary care unit with continuous ECG monitoring.

In cases of failed reperfusion or re-occlusion/re-infarction transfer the patient immediately

to a cardiac catheter laboratory for mechanical reperfusion (PCI). In failed thrombolysis this
is referred to as rescue PCI and has been shown to improve event-free survival and reduce
heart failure when compared to conservative therapy or repeat fibrinolytic therapy. Again
rescue PCI must be performed without any time-delay in order to be effective.

The role of ‘facilitated PCI’ in which initial fibrinolytic therapy is followed by immediate
coronary angiography and PCI remains a subject of ongoing debate. So far there is
insufficient evidence in support of this strategy but trials are ongoing.

4.6. Inhibitors of platelet aggregation

Platelet activation and aggregation following atherosclerotic plaque rupture are central
pathophysiologic mechanisms of acute coronary syndromes and antiplatelet therapy is a
pivotal treatment of ACS whether with or without ST segment elevation, with or without
reperfusion and with or without revascularisation.

• Acetylsalicylic acid (ASA)
Give an oral loading dose of ASA (150 to 300 mg of a non-enteric coated formulation) or
150 mg of an IV preparation as soon as possible to all patients with suspected ACS unless
the patient has a known true allergy to ASA or has active bleeding. ASA may be given
by the first healthcare provider, bystander or by dispatcher assistance according to local

• ADP Receptor inhibitors

The inhibition of the platelet ADP receptor by the thienopyridines clopidogrel and
prasugrel (irreversible inhibition) and the cyclo-pentyl-triazolo-pyrimidine ticagrelor 4
(reversible inhibition) leads to further platelet aggregation inhibition, in addition to that
produced by ASA. In contrast to clopidogrel, the effect of prasugrel and ticagrelor are
Personal copy of Paul-George Oarga (ID: 1150922)

largely independent of a genetically determined variability of drug metabolism and

activation. Therefore prasugrel and ticagrelor (reversible) lead to a more reliable, faster
and stronger inhibition of platelet aggregation.

4.6.1. ADP-receptor inhibitors in non-STEMI-ACS

• Clopidogrel
If given in addition to heparin and ASA in high-risk non-STEMI-ACS patients, clopidogrel
improves outcome.83 If a conservative approach is selected, give a loading dose of 300
mg; with a planned PCI strategy, an initial dose of 600 mg may be preferred. There is
no large-scale study investigating pre-treatment with clopidogrel, compared with peri-
interventional application – either with a 300 mg or 600 mg loading dose.

• Prasugrel
Prasugrel (60 mg loading dose) may be given to patients with high-risk non-STEMI-ACS
and planned PCI only after angiography, provided that coronary stenoses are suitable for
PCI. Contraindications (history of TIA/stroke) and the benefit - risk balance in patients with
high bleeding risk (weight < 60 kg, age > 75 years) should be considered.

• Ticagrelor
According to the latest ESC guidelines, ticagrelor (180 mg loading dose) should be given
in addition to ASA in all patients with moderate to high-risk non-STEMI-ACS whether
an invasive strategy is planned or not. In patients with non-STEMI-ACS planned for
a conservative approach, give ticagrelor or clopidogrel as soon as the diagnosis is
confirmed. There is insufficient evidence to recommend for or against pre-treatment with
these agents when PCI is the initial strategy.

4.7. Treatment of unstable angina and NSTEMI

Parenteral anticoagulation, in addition to anti-platelet drugs, is recommended at the time
of diagnosis because it effectively reduces the rate of major cardiovascular events (MACE)
in patients with non-STEMI-ACS.

Chapter 4
Acute coronary syndromes

Figure 4.7
Access to reperfusion therapy for STEMI


Ambulance service
or non-PCI hospital

Personal copy of Paul-George Oarga (ID: 1150922)

Hospital PCI possible* Pre- or in-hospital
providing in < 2 h of first fibrinolytic therapy
PCI 24/7 medical

Failed Successful

Primary PCI Rescue PCI Angiography

(Immediate) (Immediate – may ± PCI
need emergency (during same
transfer to 24/7 admission)
PCI hospital)

* In patients presenting < 2 h after onset of pain, time from

first medical contact to PCI should be less than 90 min. If not
achievable consider immediate fibrinolytic therapy.

5. Subsequent management of patients with acute
coronary syndromes

5.1. Suspected unstable angina – low risk patients

Patients with suspected unstable angina without a definite history of preceding angina
of effort or myocardial infarction and without high-risk features at presentation (ECG and
troponin levels normal after 6-8 h) should undergo early further risk assessment either by
exercise testing or non-invasive imaging. 4

5.2. Suspected angina – high risk unstable angina and NSTEMI

Personal copy of Paul-George Oarga (ID: 1150922)

Patients with unstable angina and high-risk features (e.g. resting ST segment depression,
high-risk features on exercise test or non-invasive imaging) should be considered for early
investigation by invasive coronary angiography.

Patients with NSTEMI should be regarded as a high-risk group, requiring early assessment
by coronary angiography during the same hospital admission in the majority of cases,
ideally within 72 h.

Many patients in both these groups will benefit from revascularisation by PCI. A few may
require coronary artery bypass grafts (CABG).

Formal risk-scoring systems such as GRACE (Global Registry of Acute Coronary Events)
should be used to guide clinical management. Those patients at the highest risk derive
the greatest benefit from early intervention in terms of reducing further major cardiac

5.3. STEMI
If fibrinolytic therapy has been used, many patients will be left with a severe stenosis or
unstable plaque in the culprit coronary artery. PCI can stabilise this situation and reduce
the risk of re-occlusion of the artery and resulting further myocardial infarction, cardiac
arrest or sudden death. Coronary angiography and, if indicated, PCI should be undertaken
early during the same hospital admission.

In patients with completed STEMI who have not been treated with reperfusion therapy
(e.g. because of late presentation) it is usually recommended that coronary angiography
is undertaken during the same hospital admission. Although the benefits of re-opening
an occluded culprit artery late after STEMI are uncertain, there is often disease in other
coronary vessels that can give rise to further major coronary events over subsequent
months. Defining the severity and anatomy of such disease can help to identify those at
highest risk, in whom early intervention may reduce that risk.

Chapter 4
Acute coronary syndromes

5.4. Ventricular arrhythmia complicating acute coronary syndromes

When ventricular arrhythmia complicates an acute coronary syndrome, interpret its
significance in the context of the precise clinical setting and the time of onset of the
arrhythmia. When VF/pVT cardiac arrest occurs within the first 24-48 h after STEMI, and
subsequent recovery is uncomplicated, the risk of another ventricular arrhythmia is
relatively low and is determined by other factors, especially the severity of left ventricular
If VF/pVT cardiac arrest occurs in the context of non-ST segment elevation ACS, there may
be a continuing risk of further ventricular arrhythmia. If the arrhythmia has been caused
by severe myocardial ischaemia, very urgent revascularisation is needed to prevent
recurrence of the ischaemia and reduce the risk of resulting arrhythmia. If this is not

Personal copy of Paul-George Oarga (ID: 1150922)

achievable or if the arrhythmia has occurred without evidence of severe ischaemia, the
patient will be at risk of recurrent ventricular arrhythmia and should be referred to a heart
rhythm specialist with a view to insertion of an implantable cardioverter-defibrillator (ICD)
before discharge from hospital.

Patients who have a VF/pVT cardiac arrest as a late complication after myocardial infarction,
or outside the context of an ACS, will be at risk of recurrent cardiac arrest and should
be seen urgently by a heart rhythm specialist with a view to ICD implantation before
discharge from hospital.

5.4.1. Reperfusion after successful CPR

As it is often accompanied by an acute coronary artery occlusion or by a high degree
stenosis, acute coronary syndrome (ACS) is a frequent cause of out-of-hospital cardiac
arrest (OHCA) The invasive management (i.e. early coronary angiography (CAG) followed
by immediate PCI if deemed necessary) of this patient group, particularly patients after
prolonged resuscitation and having nonspecific ECG changes, has been controversial
due to the lack of specific evidence and significant implications on resource utilization
(including transfer of patients to PCI centres).

• PCI Following ROSC with ST-Elevation

The highest prevalence of acute coronary lesion is observed in patients with ST segment
elevation (STE) or left bundle branch block (LBBB) on post-ROSC electrocardiogram
(ECG). It is highly probable that early invasive management is a strategy associated with a
clinically relevant benefit in these patients

Based on the available data, emergent cardiac catheterization lab evaluation (and
immediate PCI if required) should be performed in selected adult patients with ROSC after
OHCA of suspected cardiac origin with ST segment elevation on ECG.

Observational studies also indicate that optimal outcomes after OHCA are achieved with
a combination of targeted temperature management and PCI, which can be combined
in a standardized post–cardiac-arrest protocol as part of an overall strategy to improve
neurologically intact survival in this patient group.

• PCI Following ROSC Without ST-Elevation
In contrast to the usual presentation of ACS in non cardiac arrest patients, recommended
tools to assess coronary ischaemia are less accurate in this setting. It is reasonable to
discuss an emergent cardiac catheterization lab evaluation after ROSC in patients with
the highest risk of coronary cause of CA. A variety of factors such as patient age, duration
of CPR, haemodynamic instability, presenting cardiac rhythm, neurologic status upon
hospital arrival, and perceived likelihood of cardiac aetiology can influence the decision to
undertake the intervention. A recent consensus statement from the European Association
for Percutaneous Cardiovascular Interventions (EAPCI) has emphasised that in OHCA
patients, cardiac catheterisation should be performed immediately in the presence of ST- 4
elevation and considered as soon as possible (less than two hours) in other patients in
the absence of an obvious non-coronary cause, particularly if they are haemodynamically
Personal copy of Paul-George Oarga (ID: 1150922)

unstable. In patients who present in a non-PCI centre transfer for angiography and PPCI
if indicated should be considered on an individual basis, weighing the expected benefits
from early angiography against the risks from patient transport.

5.5. Other complications of ACS

5.5.1. Heart failure

Patients with heart failure complicating AMI or other ACS are at increased risk of
deterioration, cardiac arrest and death: prompt, effective treatment of the heart failure
is required to reduce risk. Give a loop diuretic (e.g. furosemide) and/or glyceryl trinitrate
(sublingual and/or intravenous) for immediate symptomatic treatment. Give regular loop
diuretic to maintain symptom control but review the need for this and the dose at least
daily for the first few days. Ensure that angiotensin converting enzyme inhibitor (ACEI)
treatment has been started and increase the dose as tolerated, until the target dose
is achieved. In patients intolerant of ACEI, consider an angiotensin receptor blocker.
Maintain beta blockade unless contraindicated or not tolerated. If more than mild LV
systolic impairment is confirmed (ejection fraction 40 % or less) consider addition of an
aldosterone antagonist (e.g. eplerenone or spironolactone).

5.5.2. Cardiogenic shock

This consists of severe hypotension with poor peripheral perfusion, often accompanied
by pulmonary oedema, drowsiness or mental confusion due to poor cerebral under-
perfusion and oliguria caused by poor renal perfusion. The mortality is very high, but can
be reduced by early revascularisation by PCI.

Acute coronary syndrome (ACS) is the most common cause of cardiogenic shock, mainly
through a large zone of myocardial ischaemia or a mechanical complication of myocardial
infarction. Although uncommon, the short-term mortality of cardiogenic shock is up to
40 % contrasting with a good quality of life in patients discharged alive. An early invasive
strategy (i.e. primary PCI, PCI early after fibrinolysis) is indicated for those patients who
are suitable for revascularisation. Even if commonly used in clinical practice, there is no
evidence supporting the use of IABP in cardiogenic shock.

Chapter 4
Acute coronary syndromes

Suspect right ventricular infarction in patients with inferior infarction, clinical shock and
clear lung fields. ST segment elevation ≥ 1 mm in lead V4R is a useful indicator of right
ventricular infarction. These patients have an in-hospital mortality of up to 30 % and many
benefit greatly from reperfusion therapy. Avoid nitrates and other vasodilators, and treat
hypotension with intravenous fluids.

5.6. Other cardiac arrhythmia

The treatment of other cardiac arrhythmia will be covered in more detail in chapter 11.

When atrial fibrillation occurs in the context of an ACS it usually indicates some degree
of left ventricular failure: treatment should address that as well as focusing on control of

Personal copy of Paul-George Oarga (ID: 1150922)

heart rate or rhythm.

When AV-block occurs in the context of acute inferior wall myocardial infarction there
is often excess vagal activity. QRS complexes are often narrow and heart rates may not
be excessively slow. Treat symptomatic bradycardia in this setting with atropine and if
necessary theophylline, and consider temporary cardiac pacing only if bradycardia and
hypotension persist after atropine therapy. Complete AV-block in this setting is usually
transient and permanent cardiac pacing is often not necessary.

When AV-block occurs in the context of acute anterior myocardial infarction this usually
implies extensive myocardial injury and a poor prognosis. The QRS complexes are usually
broad and the heart rate is usually slow and resistant to atropine. Temporary cardiac
pacing is usually needed and should not be delayed. Many of those who survive this
situation will require a permanent pacemaker.

5.7. Cardiac rehabilitation

In all patients after an ACS, an effective programme of cardiac rehabilitation can speed the
return to normal activity and encourage measures that will reduce future risk (see below).
There is evidence that effective cardiac rehabilitation reduces the need for readmission to
hospital. Cardiac rehabilitation is a continuous process, beginning in the cardiac care unit and
progressing through to a community-based approach to lifestyle modification and secondary

5.8. Preventive interventions

Preventive interventions in patients presenting with ACS should be initiated early after
hospital admission and should be continued if already in place. Preventive measures
improve prognosis by reducing the number of major adverse cardiac events. Prevention
with drugs encompasses beta-blockers, angiotensin converting enzyme (ACE) inhibitors/
angiotensin receptor blockers (ARB) and statins, as well as basic treatment with ASA and,
if indicated, thienopyridines.

5.8.1. Beta-blockers
There is no evidence to support routine intravenous beta-blockers in the pre-hospital or
initial ED settings. Early IV use of beta-blockers is contraindicated in patients with clinical
signs of hypotension or congestive heart failure. It may be indicated in special situations
such as severe hypertension or tachyarrhythmias in the absence of contraindications. It
is reasonable to start oral beta-blockers at low doses only after the patient is stabilised.

5.8.2. Other anti-arrhythmics

Apart from beta-blockers, there is no evidence to support the use of anti-arrhythmic 4
prophylaxis after ACS. Ventricular fibrillation (VF) accounts for most of the early deaths from
ACS; the incidence of VF is highest in the first hours after onset of symptoms. The effects of
Personal copy of Paul-George Oarga (ID: 1150922)

antiarrhythmic drugs (lidocaine, magnesium, disopyramide, mexiletine, verapamil, sotalol,

tocainamide) given prophylactically to patients with ACS have been studied. Prophylaxis
with lidocaine reduces the incidence of VF but may increase mortality. Routine treatment
with magnesium in patients with AMI does not reduce mortality. Arrhythmia prophylaxis
using disopyramide, mexiletine, verapamil, or other anti-arrhythmics given within the first
hours of an ACS does not improve mortality. Therefore prophylactic anti-arrhythmics are
not recommended.

5.8.3. Angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitors, angiotensin receptor blockers

Oral ACE inhibitors reduce mortality when given to patients with AMI with or without early
reperfusion therapy. The beneficial effects are most pronounced in patients presenting
with anterior infarction, pulmonary congestion or left ventricular ejection fraction
< 40 %. Do not give ACE inhibitors if the systolic blood pressure is less than 100 mmHg
on admission or if there is a known contraindication to these drugs. Therefore, give an
oral ACE inhibitor within 24 h after symptom onset in patients with AMI regardless of
whether early reperfusion therapy is planned, particularly in those patients with anterior
infarction, pulmonary congestion or a left ventricular ejection fraction below 40 %. Do
not give intravenous ACE inhibitors within 24 h of onset of symptoms. Give an angiotensin
receptor blocker (ARB) to patients intolerant of ACE inhibitors.

5.8.4. Lipid-lowering therapy

Statins reduce the incidence of major adverse cardiovascular events when given early
within the first days after onset an ACS. Consider starting statin therapy in all patients within
24 hours of onset of symptoms of ACS unless contraindicated. If patients are already
receiving statin therapy, do not stop it.

Recently published ESC Guidelines stress the importance of beta-blockers as first-line

therapy in the management of ventricular arrhythmias (VAs) and the prevention of sudden
cardiac death:
Electrical cardioversion or defibrillation is the intervention of choice to acutely
terminate VAs in acute coronary syndrome (ACS) patients. Early (possibly i.v.)
administration of beta-blockers can help prevent recurrent arrhythmias. Anti-
arrhythmic drug treatment with amiodarone should be considered only if
episodes of VT or VF are frequent and can no longer be controlled by successive
electrical cardioversion or defibrillation. Intravenous lidocaine may be considered

Chapter 4
Acute coronary syndromes

for recurrent sustained VT or VF not responding to beta-blockers or amiodarone

or in the case of contraindications to amiodarone. Recurrent polymorphic VT
degenerating into VF may respond to beta-blockers. In addition, deep sedation may
be helpful to reduce episodes of VT or VF. The use of other anti-arrhythmic drugs
in ACS (e.g. procainamide, propafenone, ajmaline, flecainide) is not recommended.
In patients with LV dysfunction with or without heart failure presenting with sustained
VT medical drug therapy for sustained VT should target maximal sympathetic blockade.


Personal copy of Paul-George Oarga (ID: 1150922)

• T he acute coronary syndromes comprise unstable angina, non-ST-segment-
elevation myocardial infarction, and ST-segment-elevation myocardial

• G
 ive aspirin, nitroglycerine and morphine to patients presenting with acute
coronary syndromes.

• R
 apid initial assessment using the history, examination and 12-lead ECG will
help to determine the diagnosis and immediate risk.

• C
 onsider immediate reperfusion therapy in those patients with acute
myocardial infarction accompanied by ST segment elevation or new LBBB.

• E ffective assessment and immediate treatment of patients with acute

coronary syndromes will reduce the risk of cardiac arrest and death.

• Nikolaou N. et al, European Resuscitation Council Guidelines for Resuscitation 2015 Section 8.
Initial management of acute coronary syndromes 10.1016/j.resuscitation.2015.07.030; p263 - p276
• Nikolaou N, Welsford M, Beygui F, et al. Part 5: Acute coronary syndromes: 2015 International
Consensus on Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation and Emergency Cardiovascular Care Science With
Treatment Recommendations. 10.1016/j.resuscitation.2015.07.043; e123 - e148
• Bassand JP, Hamm CW, Ardissino D, et al. Guidelines for the diagnosis and treatment of non-ST-
segment elevation acute coronary syndromes. Eur Heart J 2007;28:1598-660.
• Department of Health 2008. Treatment of Heart Attack National Guidance. Final Report of the
National Infarct Angioplasty Project (NIAP). 4
• Silber S, Albertsson P, Aviles FF, et al. The Task Force for Percutaneous Coronary Interventions of
the European Society of Cardiology. Guidelines for Percutaneous Coronary Interventions. Europe-
Personal copy of Paul-George Oarga (ID: 1150922)

an Heart Journal 2005;26:804-47.

• Thygesen K, Alpert JS, White HD. Universal definition of myocardial infarction. Eur Heart J
• Van de Werf F, Bax J, Betriu A, et al. Management of acute myocardial infarction in patients
presenting with persistent ST-segment elevation: the Task Force on the Management of ST-Seg-
ment Elevation Acute Myocardial Infarction of the European Society of Cardiology. Eur Heart J
• Stub D, Smith K, Bernard S, et al. Air Versus Oxygen in ST-Segment Elevation Myocardial Infarction.
Circulation 2015.
• Amsterdam EA, Wenger NK, Brindis RG, et al. 2014 AHA/ACC guideline for the management of
patients with non-ST-elevation acute coronary syndromes: executive summary: a report of the
American College of Cardiology/American Heart Association Task Force on Practice Guidelines.
Circulation 2014;130:2354-94.
• Noc M, Fajadet J, Lassen JF, et al. Invasive coronary treatment strategies for out-of-hospital cardiac
arrest: a consensus statement from the European association for percutaneous cardiovascular
interventions (EAPCI)/stent for life (SFL) groups. EuroIntervention 2014;10:31-7.
• American College of Emergency P, Society for Cardiovascular A, Interventions, et al. 2013 ACCF/
AHA guideline for the management of ST-elevation myocardial infarction: a report of the American
College of Cardiology Foundation/American Heart Association Task Force on Practice Guidelines.
J Am Coll Cardiol 2013;61:e78-140.
• Cabello JB, Burls A, Emparanza JI, Bayliss S, Quinn T. Oxygen therapy for acute myocardial infarc-
tion. The Cochrane database of systematic reviews 2013;8:CD007160
• Priori S et al. 2015 ESC Guidelines for the management of patients with ventricular arrhythmias and
the prevention of sudden cardiac death. European Heart Journal doi:10.1093

Personal copy of Paul-George Oarga (ID: 1150922)

Acute coronary syndromes
Chapter 4
Chapter 5.
In-hospital resuscitation
To understand:
Personal copy of Paul-George Oarga (ID: 1150922)

• how to start resuscitation in hospital

• how to continue resuscitation until more experienced help arrives
• the importance of high-quality CPR with minimal interruption

1. Introduction
After in-hospital cardiac arrest, the division between basic life support and advanced
life support is arbitrary; in practice, the resuscitation process is a continuum. The public
expect that clinical staff can undertake cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR). For all in-
hospital cardiac arrests, ensure that:
• cardiorespiratory arrest is recognised immediately
• help is summoned using a standard telephone number
• CPR is started immediately and, if indicated, defibrillation is attempted as soon as
possible (within 3 min at the most).

This chapter is primarily for healthcare professionals who are first to respond to an in-
hospital cardiac arrest, but may also be applicable to healthcare professionals working in
other clinical settings.

2. Why is in-hospital resuscitation different?

The exact sequence of actions after in-hospital cardiac arrest depends on several factors
• location (clinical/non-clinical area; monitored/unmonitored area)
• skills of the first responders
• number of responders
• equipment available
• hospital response system to cardiac arrest and medical emergencies, e.g. medical
emergency team (MET), resuscitation team

Chapter 5
In-hospital resuscitation

2.1. Location
In patients who are being monitored closely, cardiorespiratory arrest is usually identified
rapidly. Patients in many areas without facilities for close monitoring may have had a
period of deterioration and can have an unwitnessed arrest. All patients who are at high
risk of cardiac arrest should be cared for in a monitored area where facilities for immediate
resuscitation are available. Patients, visitors or staff may also have a cardiac arrest in non-
clinical areas (e.g. car parks, corridors). Victims of cardiac arrest may need to be moved to
enable effective resuscitation.

2.2. Training of first responders

Personal copy of Paul-George Oarga (ID: 1150922)

All healthcare professionals should be able to recognise cardiac arrest, call for help and
start resuscitation. Staff should do what they have been trained to do. For example, staff
in critical care and emergency medicine may have more advanced resuscitation skills
and greater experience in resuscitation than those who are not involved regularly in
resuscitation in their normal clinical role. Hospital staff who respond to a cardiac arrest
may have different levels of skill to manage the airway, breathing and circulation. Rescuers
must use the skills for which they are trained.

2.3. Number of responders

The single responder must always ensure that help is coming. Usually, other staff are
nearby and several actions can be undertaken simultaneously. Hospital staffing tends to
be at its lowest during the night and at weekends. This may influence patient monitoring,
treatment and outcomes. Studies show that survival rates from in-hospital cardiac arrest
are lower during nights and weekends.

2.4. Equipment available

Staff in all clinical areas should have immediate access to resuscitation equipment and
drugs to facilitate rapid resuscitation of the patient in cardiorespiratory arrest. Ideally,
the equipment used for cardiopulmonary resuscitation (including defibrillators) and the
layout of equipment and drugs should be standardised throughout the hospital. You
should be familiar with the resuscitation equipment used in your clinical area.

A review by the Resuscitation Council (UK) of serious patient safety incidents associated
with CPR and patient deterioration reported to the National Patient Safety Agency showed
that equipment problems during resuscitation (e.g. equipment missing or not working) is
common. All resuscitation equipment needs to be checked on a regular basis to ensure it
is ready for use. AEDs should be considered for clinical and non-clinical areas where staff
do not have rhythm recognition skills or rarely need to use a defibrillator.

After successful resuscitation, patients may need transferring to other clinical areas (e.g.
intensive care unit) or other hospitals. Transfer equipment and drugs should be available
to enable this. This should include waveform capnography for those patients have had
tracheal intubation and are ventilated (see chapter 7).

Figure 5.1
In-hospital resuscitation algorithm

Collapsed/sick patient

Shout for HELP & assess patient

Personal copy of Paul-George Oarga (ID: 1150922)

No Signs of life? Yes


Call resuscitation team Assess ABCDE

Recognise & treat
Oxygen, monitoring, 
IV access

CPR 30:2
with oxygen and
airway adjuncts

Call resuscitation team

if appropriate
Apply pads/monitor
Attempt defibrillation
if appropriate

Advanced Life Support

Handover to
when resuscitation
resuscitation team
team arrives

2.5. Resuscitation team

The resuscitation team may take the form of a traditional cardiac arrest team, which is
called only when cardiac arrest is recognised. Alternatively, hospitals may have strategies
to recognise patients at risk of cardiac arrest and summon a team (e.g. MET) before cardiac
arrest occurs. The term resuscitation team reflects the range of response teams. In-hospital
cardiac arrests are rarely sudden or unexpected. A strategy of recognising patients at
risk of cardiac arrest may enable some of these arrests to be prevented or prevent futile
resuscitation attempts in those who are unlikely to benefit from CPR (chapter 3).

Chapter 5
In-hospital resuscitation

Resuscitation teams rarely have formal pre- and post event briefings (briefings and
debriefings) to plan roles and actions during resuscitations. Resuscitation team members
should meet for introductions and plan before they attend actual events. Team members
should also debrief after each event based on what they actually did during the
resuscitation. This should ideally be based on data collected during the event.

3. Sequence for collapsed patient in a hospital

An algorithm for the initial management of in-hospital cardiac arrest is shown in figure 5.1.

3.1. Ensure personal safety

Personal copy of Paul-George Oarga (ID: 1150922)

There are very few reports of harm to rescuers during resuscitation.
• Your personal safety and that of resuscitation team members is the first priority
during any resuscitation attempt.
• Check that the patient’s surroundings are safe.
• Put on gloves as soon as possible. Other protective measures, such as eye
protection, aprons and face masks, may be necessary.
• The risk of infection is much lower than perceived. There are isolated reports of
infections such as tuberculosis (TB), and severe acute respiratory distress syndrome
(SARS). Transmission of HIV during CPR has never been reported.
• Wear full personal protective equipment (PPE) when the victim has a serious infection
such as TB or SARS. Follow local infection control measures to minimise risks.
• Be careful with sharps; a sharps box must be available. Use safe handling techniques
for moving victims during resuscitation.
• Take care with patients exposed to poisons. Avoid mouth-to-mouth ventilation
and exhaled air in hydrogen cyanide or hydrogen sulphide poisoning.
• Avoid contact with corrosive chemicals (e.g. strong acids, alkalis, paraquat) or
substances such as organophosphates that are easily absorbed through the skin
or respiratory tract.
• There are no reports of infection acquired during CPR training. Nevertheless, take
sensible precautions to minimise potential cross-infection from manikins. Clean
manikins regularly and disinfect thoroughly after each use. Some manikins have
disposable face pieces and airways to simplify cleaning.

3.2. Check the patient for a response

• If you see a patient collapse or find a patient apparently unconscious first shout for
help, then assess if he is responsive (shake and shout). Gently shake his shoulders
and ask loudly: “Are you all right?” (figure 5.2).
• If other members of staff are nearby it will be possible to undertake actions

Figure 5.2
Shake and shout
Personal copy of Paul-George Oarga (ID: 1150922)

3.3 A. If he responds
• Urgent medical assessment is required. Call for help according to local protocols.
This may be a resuscitation team (e.g. MET).
• While waiting for the team, assess the patient using the ABCDE (Airway, Breathing,
Circulation, Disability, Exposure) approach.
• Give the patient oxygen - use pulse oximetry to guide oxygen therapy.
• Attach monitoring (minimum pulse oximetry, ECG and blood pressure) and record
vital signs.
• Obtain venous access.
• Prepare for handover to team using SBAR (Situation, Background, Assessment,
Recommendation) or RSVP (Reason, Story, Vital signs, Plan).

Figure 5.3
Head tilt and chin lift

Chapter 5
In-hospital resuscitation

Figure 5.4
Looking for breathing and any other movement

Personal copy of Paul-George Oarga (ID: 1150922)

3.3 B. If he does not respond
• The exact sequence will depend on your training and experience in assessment
of breathing and circulation in sick patients. Agonal breathing (occasional gasps,
slow, laboured or noisy breathing) is common in the early stages of cardiac arrest
and is a sign of cardiac arrest and should not be confused as a sign of life.
• Shout for help (if not already).
• Turn the patient on to his back.
• Open the airway using head tilt and chin lift (figure 5.3).
• If there is a risk of cervical spine injury, establish a clear upper airway by using
jaw-thrust or chin lift in combination with manual in-line stabilisation (MILS) of the
head and neck by an assistant (if enough personnel are available). If life-threatening
airway obstruction persists despite effective application of jaw-thrust or chin lift,
add head tilt a small amount at a time until the airway is open; establishing a
patent airway, oxygenation and ventilation takes priority over concerns about a
potential cervical spine injury.

Keeping the airway open, look, listen, and feel (figure 5.4) to determine if the victim
is breathing normally. This is a rapid check and should take less than 10 seconds (an
occasional gasp, slow, laboured or noisy breathing is not normal):
-- Look for chest movement
-- Listen at the victim’s mouth for breath sounds
-- Feel for air on your cheek

• Check for signs of a circulation:
-- It may be difficult to be certain that there is no pulse. If the patient has no
signs of life (consciousness, purposeful movement, normal breathing, or
coughing), or if there is doubt, start CPR immediately until more experienced
help arrives or the patient shows signs of life.
-- Delivering chest compressions to a patient with a beating heart is unlikely to
cause harm. However, delays in diagnosing cardiac arrest and starting CPR
will adversely effect survival and must be avoided.
-- Only those experienced in ALS should try to assess the carotid pulse whilst
simultaneously looking for signs of life (figure 5.5). This rapid assessment
should take no more than 10 seconds. Start CPR if there is any doubt about
Personal copy of Paul-George Oarga (ID: 1150922)

the presence or absence of a pulse.

• If the patient has no signs of life, no pulse, or if there is any doubt, start CPR
• Assess the patient to confirm cardiac arrest even if the patient is monitored in a
critical care area.

Figure 5.5
Simultaneous check for breathing and carotid pulse

Chapter 5
In-hospital resuscitation

3.4 A. If the patient shows signs of life or a pulse is palpable

• Urgent medical assessment is required. Depending on the local protocols, this
may take the form of a resuscitation team. While awaiting this team, assess the
patient using the ABCDE approach, give oxygen, attach monitoring, and insert an
intravenous cannula.
• Follow the steps in 3A above whilst waiting for the team.
• The patient is at high risk of further deterioration and cardiac arrest and needs
continued observation until the team arrives.

3.4 B. If the patient doesn't show signs of life or and no pulse is palpable

Personal copy of Paul-George Oarga (ID: 1150922)

• One person starts CPR as others call the resuscitation team and collect the
resuscitation equipment and a defibrillator. If only one member of staff is present,
this will mean leaving the patient.
• Give 30 chest compressions followed by 2 ventilations.
• Compress to a depth of approximately 5 cm but not more than 6 cm.
• Chest compressions should be performed at a rate of 100–120 min-1.
• Allow the chest to recoil completely after each compression; do not lean on the chest.
• Minimise interruptions and ensure high-quality compressions.
• Undertaking high-quality chest compressions for a prolonged time is tiring; with
minimal interruption, try to change the person doing chest compressions every 2
• Maintain the airway and ventilate the lungs with the most appropriate equipment
immediately to hand. Pocket mask ventilation or two-rescuer bag-mask ventilation,
which can be supplemented with an oral airway, should be started. Alternatively, use
a supraglottic airway device (SGA) and self-inflating bag. Tracheal intubation should
be attempted only by those who are trained, competent and experienced in this skill.
• Waveform capnography must be used for confirming tracheal tube placement and
monitoring ventilation rate. Waveform capnography can also be used with a bag-
mask device and SGA. The further use of waveform capnography to monitor CPR
quality and potentially identify ROSC during CPR is discussed later.
• Use an inspiratory time of 1 second and give enough volume to produce a normal
chest rise. Add supplemental oxygen to give the highest feasible inspired oxygen
as soon as possible.4
• Once the patient’s trachea has been intubated or a SGA has been inserted, continue
uninterrupted chest compressions (except for defibrillation or pulse checks when
indicated) at a rate of 100 to 120 min-1 and ventilate the lungs at approximately
10 breaths min-1. Avoid hyperventilation (both excessive rate and tidal volume).
• If there is no airway and ventilation equipment available, consider giving mouth-to-
mouth ventilation. If there are clinical reasons to avoid mouth-to-mouth contact, or you

are unable to do this, do chest compressions until help or airway equipment arrives.
• When the defibrillator arrives, apply self-adhesive defibrillation pads to the
patient whilst chest compressions continue and then briefly analyse the rhythm.
If self-adhesive defibrillation pads are not available, use paddles. The use of self-
adhesive electrode pads or a ’quick-look‘ paddles technique will enable rapid
assessment of the heart rhythm compared with attaching ECG electrodes. Pause
briefly to assess the heart rhythm. With a manual defibrillator, if the rhythm is VF/
pVT charge the defibrillator while another rescuer continues chest compressions.
Once the defibrillator is charged, pause the chest compressions and then give one
shock, and immediately resume chest compressions. Ensure no one is touching
the patient during shock delivery. Plan and ensure safe defibrillation before the
planned pause in chest compressions.
Personal copy of Paul-George Oarga (ID: 1150922)

• If using an automated external defibrillator (AED) follow the AED’s audio-visual 5

prompts, and similarly aim to minimise pauses in chest compressions by rapidly
following prompts.
• In settings where self-adhesive defibrillation pads are not available, alternative
defibrillation strategies using paddles are used to minimise the preshock pause.
• Restart chest compressions immediately after the defibrillation attempt. Minimise
interruptions in chest compressions. When using a manual defibrillator it is possible
to reduce the pause between stopping and restarting of chest compressions to
less than five seconds.
• Continue resuscitation until the resuscitation team arrives or the patient shows
signs of life. Follow the voice prompts if using an AED.
• Once resuscitation is underway, and if there are sufficient staff present, prepare
intravenous cannulae and drugs likely to be used by the resuscitation team (e.g.
• Identify one person to be responsible for handover to the resuscitation team
leader. Use a structured communication tool for handover (e.g. SBAR, RSVP). Locate
the patient’s records.
• The quality of chest compressions during in-hospital CPR is frequently sub-optimal.
The importance of uninterrupted chest compressions cannot be overemphasised.
Even short interruptions in chest compressions are disastrous for outcome and
every effort must be made to ensure that continuous, effective chest compression
is maintained throughout the resuscitation attempt. Chest compressions should
commence at the beginning of a resuscitation attempt and continue uninterrupted
unless they are paused briefly for a specific intervention (e.g. rhythm check). Most
interventions can be performed without interruptions in chest compressions. The
team leader should monitor the quality of CPR and alternate CPR providers if the
quality of CPR is poor.
• Continuous ETCO2 monitoring during CPR can be used to indicate the quality of CPR,
and a significant rise in ETCO2 can be an indicator of ROSC during chest compressions.
• If possible, the person providing chest compressions should be changed every
2 minutes, but without pauses in chest compressions.
Chapter 5
In-hospital resuscitation

Figure 5.6
Call the resuscitation team

Personal copy of Paul-George Oarga (ID: 1150922)

Figure 5.7
Hand position for chest compressions

Figure 5.8
Hands placed in the middle of the lower half of the sternum
Personal copy of Paul-George Oarga (ID: 1150922)

Figure 5.9
Maintain chest compressions while self-adhesive pads are applied

Chapter 5
In-hospital resuscitation

3.4 C. If he is not breathing and has a pulse (respiratory arrest)

• Ventilate the patient’s lungs (as described above) and check for a pulse every
10 breaths (about every minute).
• This diagnosis can be made only if you are confident in assessing breathing and
pulse or the patient has other signs of life (e.g. warm and well perfused, normal
capillary refill).
• If there are any doubts about the presence of a pulse, start chest compressions
until more experienced help arrives.
• All patients in respiratory arrest will develop cardiac arrest if the respiratory arrest
is not treated rapidly and effectively.

Personal copy of Paul-George Oarga (ID: 1150922)

4. Audit of cardiac arrests
All in-hospital cardiac arrests should be reviewed and audited using a national data
collection system. These databases monitor and report on the incidence of and outcome
from, cardiac arrests in order to inform practice and policy. They aim to identify and
foster improvements in the prevention, care delivery and outcomes from cardiac arrest.
Participating in these audits means that your organisation is collecting and contributing
to national, standardised data on cardiac arrest, enabling improvements in patient care.


• T he exact sequence of actions after in-hospital cardiac arrest depends on

the location, skills of the first responders, number of responders, equipment
available, and the hospital response system to cardiac arrest and medical

• D
 eliver high-quality chest compressions. Compress to a depth of
approximately 5 cm but not more than 6 cm, rate of 100-120 min-1, and allow
complete recoil between compressions.

• M
 inimise interruptions in chest compressions for other interventions – this
means all interruptions must be planned before stopping compressions.

• Soar J, et al. European Resuscitation Council Guidelines for Resuscitation 2015. Section 3.
Adult Advanced Life Support. 10.1016/j.resuscitation.2015.07.016; p99 - p146
• Soar J, Callaway CW, Aibiki M, et al. Part 4: Advanced life support: 2015 International Consensus on
Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation and Emergency Cardiovascular Care Science With Treatment
Recommendations. 10.1016/j.resuscitation.2015.07.042; e71 - e122
• Sandroni C, D’Arrigo S, Antonelli M. Rapid response systems: are they really effective? Crit Care
• Nolan JP, Soar J, Smith GB, et al. Incidence and outcome of in-hospital cardiac arrest in the United
Kingdom National Cardiac Arrest Audit. Resuscitation 2014;85:987-92.
• Nolan JP, Soar J, Smith GB, et al. Incidence and outcome of in-hospital cardiac arrest in the United
Kingdom National Cardiac Arrest Audit. Resuscitation 2014;85:987-92.
Personal copy of Paul-George Oarga (ID: 1150922)

• Jones DA, DeVita MA, Bellomo R. Rapid-response teams. The New England journal of medicine
2011;365:139-46. 5
• Jones DA, DeVita MA, Bellomo R. Rapid-response teams. The New England journal of medicine
• Abella BS, Alvarado JP, Myklebust H, et al. Quality of cardiopulmonary resuscitation during
in-hospital cardiac arrest. JAMA 2005;293:305-10.
• Chan PS, Krumholz HM, Nichol G, Nallamothu BK. Delayed time to defibrillation after in-hospital
cardiac arrest. N Engl J Med 2008;358:9-17.
• Edelson DP, Abella BS, Kramer-Johansen J, et al. Effects of compression depth and pre-shock paus-
es predict defibrillation failure during cardiac arrest. Resuscitation 2006;71:137-45.
• Edelson DP, Litzinger B, Arora V, et al. Improving in-hospital cardiac arrest process and outcomes
with performance debriefing. Arch Intern Med 2008;168:1063-9.
• Gabbott D, Smith G, Mitchell S, et al. Cardiopulmonary resuscitation standards for clinical practice
and training in the UK. Resuscitation 2005;64:13-9.
• Koster RW, Baubin MA, Caballero A, et al. European Resuscitation Council Guidelines for
Resuscitation 2010. Section 2. Adult basic life support and use of automated external defibrillators.
Resuscitation 2010;81:1277-92.
• Marshall S, Harrison J, Flanagan B. The teaching of a structured tool improves the clarity and con-
tent of interprofessional clinical communication. Qual Saf Health Care 2009;18:137-40.
• Meaney PA, Nadkarni VM, Kern KB, Indik JH, Halperin HR, Berg RA. Rhythms and outcomes of adult
in-hospital cardiac arrest. Crit Care Med 2010;38:101-8.
• National Patient Safety Agency. Establishing a standard crash call telephone number in hospitals.
Patient Safety Alert 02. London: National Patient Safety Agency; 2004.
• O’Driscoll BR, Howard LS, Davison AG. BTS guideline for emergency oxygen use in adult patients.
Thorax 2008;63 Suppl 6:vi1-68.
• Peberdy MA, Ornato JP, Larkin GL, et al. Survival from in-hospital cardiac arrest during nights and
weekends. JAMA 2008;299:785-92.
• Resuscitation Council (UK). Guidance for safer handling during resuscitation in healthcare settings.
November 2009.

Personal copy of Paul-George Oarga (ID: 1150922)

In-hospital resuscitation
Chapter 5
Chapter 6.
Advanced Life Support algorithm
Personal copy of Paul-George Oarga (ID: 1150922)

To understand:
• the function of the advanced life support (ALS) algorithm
• the importance of minimally interrupted high-quality chest compressions
• the treatment of shockable and non-shockable rhythms
• when and how to give drugs during cardiac arrest
• the potentially reversible causes of cardiac arrest

1. Introduction
Heart rhythms associated with cardiac arrest are divided into two groups: shockable
rhythms (ventricular fibrillation/pulseless ventricular tachycardia (VF/pVT)) and non-
shockable rhythms (asystole and pulseless electrical activity (PEA)). The principle
difference in the management of these two groups of arrhythmias is the need for
attempted defibrillation in patients with VF/pVT. Subsequent actions, including chest
compressions, airway management and ventilation, venous access, injection of adrenaline
and the identification and correction of reversible factors, are common to both groups.

The ALS algorithm (figure 6.1) is a standardised approach to cardiac arrest management.
This has the advantage of enabling treatment to be delivered expediently, without
protracted discussion. It enables each member of the resuscitation team to predict and
prepare for the next stage in the patient’s treatment, further enhancing efficiency of
the team. Although the ALS algorithm is applicable to most cardiac arrests, additional
interventions may be indicated for cardiac arrest caused by special circumstances (see
chapter 12).

The interventions that unquestionably contribute to improved survival after cardiac arrest
are prompt and effective bystander cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR), uninterrupted,
high-quality chest compressions, and early defibrillation for VF/pVT. The use of adrenaline

Chapter 6
Advanced Life Support algorithm

has been shown to increase return of spontaneous circulation (ROSC), but no resuscitation
drugs or advanced airway interventions have been shown to increase survival to hospital
discharge after cardiac arrest. Thus, although drugs and advanced airways are still
included among ALS interventions, they are of secondary importance to high-quality,
uninterrupted chest compressions and early defibrillation.

2. Shockable rhythms (VF/pVT)

The first monitored rhythm is VF/pVT in approximately 20 % of cardiac arrests, both in-
and out-of-hospital. VF/pVT will also occur at some stage during resuscitation in about
25 % of cardiac arrests with an initial documented rhythm of asystole or PEA.

Personal copy of Paul-George Oarga (ID: 1150922)

2.1. Treatment of shockable rhythms (VF/pVT)
1. Confirm cardiac arrest - check for signs of life or if trained to do so, breathing and
pulse simultaneously.
2. Call resuscitation team.
3. Perform uninterrupted chest compressions while applying self-adhesive
defibrillation/monitoring pads - one below the right clavicle and the other in the V6
position in the midaxillary line.
4. Plan actions before pausing CPR for rhythm analysis and communicate these to the
5. Stop chest compressions not longer than 2 seconds to check rhythm, Resume chest
compressions immediately.
6. Confirm VF/pVT, if in doubt use a print out rhythm strip; the designated person
selects the appropriate energy on the defibrillator (150-200 J biphasic for the
first shock and 150-360 J biphasic for subsequent shocks) and presses the
charge button.
7. While the defibrillator is charging, warn all rescuers other than the individual
performing the chest compressions to “stand clear” and remove any oxygen
delivery device as appropriate. Ensure that the rescuer giving the compressions is
the only person touching the patient.
8. Once the defibrillator is charged, tell the rescuer doing the chest compressions to
”stand clear”; when clear, give the shock.
9. Without reassessing the rhythm or feeling for a pulse, restart CPR using a ratio of
30:2, starting with chest compressions.
10. Continue CPR for 2 min; the team leader prepares the team for the next pause in
11. Pause briefly to check the monitor.
12. If VF/pVT, repeat steps 6-11 above and deliver a second shock.

13. If VF/pVT persists repeat steps 6-8 above and deliver a third shock. Without
reassessing the rhythm or feeling for a pulse, resume CPR (30:2) immediately after
the shock, starting with chest compressions.
14. If IV/IO access has been obtained, during the next 2 minutes of CPR give adrenaline
1 mg and amiodarone 300 mg.
15. The use of waveform capnography may enable ROSC to be detected without
pausing chest compressions and may be used as a way of avoiding a bolus
injection of adrenaline after ROSC has been achieved. If ROSC is suspected during
CPR withhold adrenaline. Give adrenaline if cardiac arrest is confirmed at the next
rhythm check.
16. Give further adrenaline 1 mg IV after alternate shocks (i.e., in practice, this will be
Personal copy of Paul-George Oarga (ID: 1150922)

about once every two cycles of the algorithm).

Figure 6.1
Shock delivery

If signs of life return during CPR (purposeful movement, normal breathing or coughing),
or there is a significant increase in ETCO2, check the monitor.

If organised electrical activity compatible with a cardiac output is seen during a

rhythm check, seek evidence of ROSC:
• Check a central pulse and end-tidal (ETCO2) trace if available.
• If there is evidence of ROSC, start post-resuscitation care.
• If no signs of ROSC, continue CPR and switch to the non-shockable algorithm.

If asystole is confirmed during a rhythm check continue CPR and switch to the non-
shockable algorithm.

Chapter 6
Advanced Life Support algorithm

Figure 6.2
Adult advanced life support algorithm

Unresponsive and
not breathing normally?

Call Resuscitation Team

CPR 30:2
Attach defibrillator/monitor
Minimise interruptions

Personal copy of Paul-George Oarga (ID: 1150922)

Assess rhythm

Shockable Non-shockable
(VF/Pulseless VT) (PEA/Asystole)

1 Shock Return of
Minimise spontaneous
interruptions circulation

Immediately resume IMMEDIATE POST CARDIAC Immediately resume

CPR for 2 min ARREST TREATMENT CPR for 2 min
Minimise interruptions n Use ABCDE approach Minimise interruptions
n Aim for SaO of 94-98 %
n Aim for normal PaCO
n 12 Lead ECG

n Treat precipitating cause

n  Targeted temperature



Hypoxia Thrombosis – coronary or pulmonary
n E  nsure high-quality chest compressions
Hypovolaemia Tension pneumothorax
n  Minimise interruptions to compressions
Hypo-/hyperkalaemia/metabolic Tamponade – cardiac
n  Give oxygen
Hypothermia/hyperthermia Toxins
n  Use waveform capnography

n C  ontinuous compressions when advanced airway CONSIDER

in place  ltrasound imaging
n U
n V ascular access (intravenous or intraosseous) n 
Mechanical chest compressions to facilitate transfer/treatment
n G ive adrenaline every 3-5 min n Coronary angiography and percutaneous coronary intervention
n Give amiodarone after 3 shocks n E xtracorporeal CPR

The interval between stopping compressions and delivering a shock must be minimised
and, ideally, should not exceed 5 s. Longer interruptions in chest compressions reduce the
chance of a shock restoring spontaneous circulation.

Chest compressions are resumed immediately after a shock without checking the rhythm
or a pulse because even if the defibrillation attempt is successful in restoring a perfusing
rhythm. It is very rare for a pulse to be palpable immediately after defibrillation and the
delay in trying to palpate a pulse will further compromise the myocardium if a perfusing
rhythm has not been restored. If a perfusing rhythm has been restored, giving chest
compressions does not increase the chance of VF recurring. In the presence of post-shock
asystole chest compressions may usefully induce VF.
Personal copy of Paul-George Oarga (ID: 1150922)

If ROSC has not been achieved with this 3rd shock, the adrenaline may improve myocardial
blood flow and increase the chance of successful defibrillation with the next shock. Despite
the widespread use of adrenaline during resuscitation, there is no placebo-controlled 6
study that shows that the routine use of any vasopressor at any stage during human cardiac
arrest increases neurologically intact survival to hospital discharge. Current evidence is
insufficient to support or refute the routine use of any particular drug or sequence of
drugs. Despite the lack of human data, the use of adrenaline is still recommended, based
largely on animal data and increased short-term survival in humans.

Timing of adrenaline dosing can cause confusion amongst ALS providers and this aspect
needs to be emphasised during training. Training should emphasise that giving drugs
must not lead to interruptions in CPR and delay interventions such as defibrillation. The
first dose of adrenaline is given during the 2 minutes period following delivery of the third
shock; amiodarone 300 mg may also be given after the third shock. Do not stop CPR to
check the rhythm before giving drugs unless there are clear signs of ROSC.

Figure 6.3
Shock delivery

Chapter 6
Advanced Life Support algorithm

Subsequent doses of adrenaline are given after alternate 2-minute cycles of CPR (which
equates to every 3-5 min) for as long as cardiac arrest persists. If VF/pVT persists, or
recurs, give a further dose of 150 mg amiodarone. Lidocaine, 1 mg kg-1, may be used as an
alternative if amiodarone is not available, but do not give lidocaine if amiodarone has been
given already.

When the rhythm is checked 2 min after giving a shock, if a non-shockable rhythm is
present and the rhythm is organised (complexes appear regular or narrow), try to palpate
a central pulse and look for other evidence of ROSC (e.g. sudden increase in ETCO2 or
evidence of cardiac output on any invasive monitoring equipment). Rhythm checks
must be brief, and pulse checks undertaken only if an organised rhythm is observed.
If an organised rhythm is seen during a 2-minute period of CPR, do not interrupt chest

Personal copy of Paul-George Oarga (ID: 1150922)

compressions to palpate a pulse unless the patient shows signs of life suggesting ROSC. If
there is any doubt about the presence of a pulse in the presence of an organised rhythm,
resume CPR. If the patient has ROSC, begin post-resuscitation care. If the patient’s rhythm
changes to asystole or PEA, see non-shockable rhythms below.

It is important in shock-refractory VF/pVT to check the position and contact of the

defibrillation pads. The duration of any individual resuscitation attempt is a matter of
clinical judgement, and should take into account the perceived prospect of a successful
outcome. If it was considered appropriate to start resuscitation, it is usually considered
worthwhile continuing as long as the patient remains in identifiable VF/pVT.

If there is doubt about whether the rhythm is asystole or very fine VF, do not attempt
defibrillation; instead, continue chest compressions and ventilation. Very fine VF that is
difficult to distinguish from asystole is unlikely to be shocked successfully into a perfusing
rhythm. Continuing high-quality CPR may improve the amplitude and frequency of the
VF and improve the chance of subsequent successful defibrillation to a perfusing rhythm.
Delivering repeated shocks in an attempt to defibrillate what is thought to be very fine VF
will increase myocardial injury both directly from the electric current and indirectly from
the interruptions in coronary blood flow. If the rhythm is clearly VF, attempt defibrillation.

2.1.1. Precordial thump

A single precordial thump has a very low success rate for cardioversion of a shockable
rhythm. Its routine use is therefore not recommended. It may be appropriate therapy only
when used without delay whilst awaiting the arrival of a defibrillator in a monitored VF/
pVT arrest. Using the ulnar edge of a tightly clenched fist, deliver a sharp impact to the
lower half of the sternum from a height of about 20 cm, then retract the fist immediately
to create an impulse-like stimulus. There are rare reports of a precordial thump converting
a perfusing to a non-perfusing rhythm.

2.1.2. Witnessed, monitored VF/pVT in specific settings

If a patient has a monitored and witnessed cardiac arrest in the catheter laboratory,
coronary care unit, a critical care area or whilst monitored after cardiac surgery, and a
manual defibrillator is rapidly available:

• Confirm cardiac arrest and shout for help.
• If the initial rhythm is VF/pVT, give up to three quick successive (stacked) shocks.
• Rapidly check for a rhythm change and, if appropriate, ROSC after each defibrillation
• Start chest compressions and continue CPR for two minutes if the third shock is
unsuccessful. With respect to the ALS algorithm, these three quick, successive
shocks are regarded as the first shock. Only exception is that 300 mg Amiodarone
should be given before the next shock, if already available, and, if the next shock
remains unsuccessful, repeated once with a dose of 150 mg.
This three-shock strategy may also be considered for an initial, witnessed VF/pVT cardiac
Personal copy of Paul-George Oarga (ID: 1150922)

arrest if the patient is already connected to a manual defibrillator - these circumstances are
rare. There are no data supporting a three-shock strategy in any of these circumstances,
but it is unlikely that chest compressions will improve the already very high chance of ROSC 6
when defibrillation occurs early in the electrical phase, immediately after onset of VF.

2.2. Non-shockable rhythms (PEA and asystole)

Pulseless electrical activity (PEA) is defined as organised cardiac electrical activity in the
absence of any palpable pulses. These patients often have some mechanical myocardial
contractions but they are too weak to produce a detectable pulse or blood pressure. PEA
may be caused by reversible conditions that can be treated (see below). Survival following
cardiac arrest with asystole or PEA is unlikely unless a reversible cause can be found and
treated quickly and effectively.

Asystole is the absence of electrical activity on the ECG trace. During CPR, ensure the
ECG pads are attached to the chest and the correct monitoring mode is selected. Ensure
the gain setting is appropriate. Whenever a diagnosis of asystole is made, check the ECG
carefully for the presence of P waves because in this situation ventricular standstill may
be treated effectively by cardiac pacing. Attempts to pace true asystole are unlikely to be

Treatment for PEA and asystole

1. Start CPR 30:2.
2. If asystole is displayed, without stopping CPR, check that the leads are attached
3. Once an advanced airway has been sited, continue chest compressions without
pausing during ventilation.
4. Give adrenaline 1 mg as soon as venous or intraosseous access is achieved, and
repeat every alternate CPR cycle (i.e. about every 3-5 minutes).
5. After 2 minutes of CPR, recheck the rhythm. If asystole is present, resume CPR

Chapter 6
Advanced Life Support algorithm

6. If an organised rhythm is present, attempt to palpate a pulse.

7. If a pulse and/or signs of life are present, start post resuscitation care.
8. If no pulse and/or no signs of life are present (PEA):
-- Continue CPR.
-- Recheck the rhythm after 2 min and proceed accordingly.
-- Give further adrenaline 1 mg IV every 3-5 min (during alternate 2-min cycles
of CPR).
-- If VF/pVT at rhythm check, change to shockable side of algorithm.
9. If asystole or an agonal rhythm is seen at rhythm check:

Personal copy of Paul-George Oarga (ID: 1150922)

-- Continue CPR.
-- Recheck the rhythm after 2 min and proceed accordingly.
-- Give further adrenaline 1 mg IV every 3-5 min (during alternate 2-min cycles
of CPR).
Whenever a diagnosis of asystole is made, check the ECG carefully for the presence of P
waves, because this may respond to cardiac pacing. There is no benefit in attempting to
pace true asystole.

3. During CPR
During the treatment of persistent VF/pVT or PEA/asystole, emphasis is placed on high-
quality chest compressions between defibrillation attempts, recognising and treating
reversible causes (4 Hs and 4 Ts), obtaining a secure airway, and vascular access.

During CPR with a 30:2 ratio, the underlying rhythm may be seen clearly on the monitor
as compressions are paused to enable ventilation. If VF is seen during this brief pause
(whether on the shockable or non-shockable side of the algorithm), do not attempt
defibrillation at this stage; instead, continue with CPR until the 2-minute period is
completed. Knowing that the rhythm is VF, the team should be fully prepared to deliver
a shock with minimal delay at the end of the 2-minute period of CPR.

3.1. Maintain high-quality, uninterrupted chest compressions

The quality of chest compressions and ventilations are important determinants of
outcome, yet are frequently performed poorly by healthcare professionals. Avoid
interruptions in chest compressions because pauses cause coronary perfusion pressure
to decrease substantially. Ensure compressions are of adequate depth (approximately 5
cm but not more than 6 cm) and rate (100-120 min-1), and release pressure from the chest
completely between compressions.

As soon as the airway is secured, continue chest compressions without pausing during
ventilation. To reduce fatigue, change the individual undertaking compressions every

2 min or earlier if necessary. Use CPR feedback/prompt devices when available. Be aware
that some devices may fail to compensate for compression of the underlying mattress
during CPR on a bed when providing feedback.

3.2. Airway and ventilation

Tracheal intubation provides the most reliable airway, but should be attempted only if
the healthcare provider is properly trained and has regular, ongoing experience with the
technique. Tracheal intubation must not delay defibrillation attempts. Personnel skilled
in advanced airway management should attempt laryngoscopy and intubation without
stopping chest compressions; a brief pause in chest compressions may be required as
the tube is passed through the vocal cords, but this pause should be less than 5 seconds.
Personal copy of Paul-George Oarga (ID: 1150922)

Alternatively, to avoid any interruptions in chest compressions, the intubation attempt

may be deferred until ROSC.
No studies have shown that tracheal intubation increases survival after cardiac arrest. After
intubation, confirm correct tube position, ideally with waveform capnography and secure
it adequately. Ventilate the lungs at 10 breaths min-1; do not hyperventilate the patient.
Once the patient’s trachea has been intubated, continue chest compressions, at a rate
of 100-120 min-1 without pausing during ventilation. A pause in the chest compressions
causes the coronary perfusion pressure to fall substantially. On resuming compressions,
there is some delay before the original coronary perfusion pressure is restored, thus
chest compressions that are not interrupted for ventilation (or any reason) result in a
substantially higher mean coronary perfusion pressure.

In the absence of personnel skilled in tracheal intubation, a supraglottic airway (SGA) (e.g.
laryngeal mask airway, laryngeal tube or i-gel) is an acceptable alternative. Once a SGA
has been inserted, attempt to deliver continuous chest compressions, uninterrupted by
ventilation. If excessive gas leakage causes inadequate ventilation of the patient’s lungs,
chest compressions will have to be interrupted to enable ventilation (using a ratio of 30:2).

3.3. Vascular access

Obtain intravenous access if this has not been done already. Although peak drug
concentrations are higher and circulation times are shorter when drugs are injected into a
central venous catheter compared with a peripheral cannula, insertion of a central venous
catheter requires interruption of CPR and is associated with several potential complications.
Peripheral venous cannulation is quicker, easier, and safer. Drugs injected peripherally
must be followed by a flush of at least 20 ml of fluid and elevation of the extremity for
10-20 s to facilitate drug delivery to the central circulation. If intravenous access cannot
be established within the first 2 min of resuscitation, consider gaining intraosseous (IO)
access (figure 6.4). Tibial and humeral sites are readily accessible and provide equal flows
for fluids. Intraosseous delivery of resuscitation drugs will achieve adequate plasma
concentrations. Several studies indicate that IO access is safe and effective for fluid
resuscitation and drug delivery.

Chapter 6
Advanced Life Support algorithm

Use of Intraosseous (IO) access during cardiac arrest

4.1. Introduction
Intraosseous (IO) infusion as a means of vascular access has been recognised for close to
a century and has seen a resurgence in the last decade particularly for use in resuscitation
in adults (figure 1). This is due in part to the publication of a number of studies that
suggest it is a viable alternative to intravenous (IV) access but also the development of
powered devices for inserting the needle, a technique recently supported by the findings
of a systematic review. Intraosseous access is also quicker than central venous access
in patients in whom peripheral venous access is not possible. Furthermore, the use of
central venous catheters (CVC) during resuscitation requires considerable skill and can

Personal copy of Paul-George Oarga (ID: 1150922)

lead to prolonged interruptions to chest compressions. Current recommendations are
to establish IO access if IV access is not possible or associated with a delay in the first 2
minutes of resuscitation.

4.1.1. Practical considerations

There are 3 main insertion sites recommended for use in adults:
• proximal tibia
• distal tibia
• proximal humerus

The patient should be assessed for the presence of contraindications for the use of IO
access. These are:
• fracture or prosthesis in the targeted bone
• recent IO (past 24-48 hrs) in the same limb including previous failed attempt
• signs of infection at insertion site
• inability to locate landmarks

4.1.2. Insertion
Training in the specific device to be used in clinical practice is essential. Site of insertion,
identification of landmarks and technique for insertion will differ depending on the device
being used. Errors in identification of landmarks or in insertion technique increase the risk
of failure and complications.
1. Once inserted, correct placement must be confirmed before delivery of drugs or
infusion of fluids. The needle should be aspirated; presence of IO blood indicates
correct placement, absence of aspirate does not necessarily imply a failed attempt.
There are reports of IO blood being used for laboratory analysis including glucose,
haemogolobin and electrolytes. Samples must be labeled as bone marrow aspirate
before being sent to the laboratory.

2. The needle should be flushed to ensure patency and observed for leakage or
extravasation. This is best achieved using an extension set flushed with 0.9 % saline
attached to the hub of the needle before use.
3. Once IO access has been confirmed resuscitation drugs including adrenaline and
amiodarone can be infused. Fluids and blood products can also be delivered but
pressure will be needed to achieve reasonable flow rates using either a pressure
bag or a 50 ml syringe.
4. Manufacturer’s guidance should be followed both for securing the needle and the
maximum length of time it can be left in place.
Complications associated with IO access/use are:
Personal copy of Paul-George Oarga (ID: 1150922)

• extravasations into the soft tissues surrounding the insertion site

• dislodgement of the needle
• embolism
• compartment syndrome due to extravasation
• fracture or chipping of the bone during insertion
• pain related to the infusion of drugs/fluids
• infection/osteomyelitis

Figures 6.4
Examples of intraosseous devices

Chapter 6
Advanced Life Support algorithm

5. Reversible causes
Potential causes or aggravating factors for which specific treatment exists must be
considered during any cardiac arrest. For ease of memory, these are divided into two
groups of four based upon their initial letter - either H or T (figure 6.5). More details on
many of these conditions are covered in chapter 12.
• Hypoxia
• Hypovolaemia
• Hyperkalaemia, hypokalaemia, hypoglycaemia, hypocalcaemia, acidaemia and
other metabolic disorders

Personal copy of Paul-George Oarga (ID: 1150922)

• Hypothermia
• Tension pneumothorax
• Tamponade
• Toxins
• Thrombosis (pulmonary embolism or coronary thrombosis)

Figure 6.5
The four Hs and four Ts

Hypoxia Hypothermia

Hyperkalaemia Hypovolaemia


Tension Thrombosis


• The four Hs
Minimise the risk of hypoxia by ensuring that the patient’s lungs are ventilated adequately
with 100 % oxygen. Make sure there is adequate chest rise and bilateral breath sounds.
Using the techniques described in chapter 7, check carefully that the tracheal tube is not
misplaced in a bronchus or the oesophagus.

Pulseless electrical activity caused by hypovolaemia is due usually to severe haemorrhage.

Evidence of haemorrhage may be obvious, e.g. trauma (chapter 12), or occult e.g.
gastrointestinal bleeding, or rupture of an aortic aneurysm. Intravascular volume should be
restored rapidly with fluid and blood, coupled with urgent surgery to stop the haemorrhage.

Hyperkalaemia, hypokalaemia, hypoglycaemia, hypocalcaemia, acidaemia and other

Personal copy of Paul-George Oarga (ID: 1150922)

metabolic disorders are detected by biochemical tests or suggested by the patient’s

medical history e.g. renal failure (chapter 12).
A 12-lead ECG may show suggestive features. Intravenous calcium chloride is indicated in
the presence of hyperkalaemia, hypocalcaemia, and calcium channel-blocker overdose.

Suspect hypothermia in any drowning incident (chapter 12); use a low reading thermometer.

• The four Ts
A tension pneumothorax may be the primary cause of PEA and may follow attempts at
central venous catheter insertion. The diagnosis is made clinically. Decompress rapidly by
thoracostomy or needle thoracocentesis and then insert a chest drain.

Cardiac tamponade is difficult to diagnose because the typical signs of distended

neck veins and hypotension cannot be assessed during cardiac arrest. Cardiac arrest
after penetrating chest trauma or after cardiac surgery should raise strong suspicion of
tamponade - the need for needle pericardiocentesis or resuscitative thoracotomy should
be considered in this setting (chapter 12).

In the absence of a specific history of accidental or deliberate ingestion, poisoning by

therapeutic or toxic substances may be difficult to detect but in some cases may be
revealed later by laboratory investigations (chapter 12). Where available, the appropriate
antidotes should be used but most often the required treatment is supportive.

The commonest cause of thromboembolic or mechanical circulatory obstruction

is massive pulmonary embolism. If pulmonary embolism is thought to be the
cause cardiac arrest consider giving a thrombolytic drug immediately. Following
fibrinolysis during CPR for acute pulmonary embolism, survival and good neurological
outcome have been reported in cases requiring in excess of 60 min of CPR. If a
fibrinolytic drug is given in these circumstances, consider performing CPR for at least
60-90 min before termination of resuscitation attempts.

Chapter 6
Advanced Life Support algorithm

6. Use of ultrasound during advanced life support

Although no studies have shown that use of this imaging modality improves outcome,
there is no doubt that echocardiography has the potential to detect reversible causes
of cardiac arrest. Specific protocols for ultrasound evaluation during CPR may help to
identify potentially reversible causes (e.g. cardiac tamponade, pulmonary embolism,
hypovolaemia, pneumothorax) and identify pseudo-PEA (organised myocardial
contractions without palpable pulses). When available for use by trained clinicians,
ultrasound may be of use in assisting with diagnosis and treatment of potentially reversible
causes of cardiac arrest. The integration of ultrasound into advanced life support requires
considerable training if interruptions to chest compressions are to be minimised. A sub-
xiphoid probe position has been recommended. Placement of the probe just before

Personal copy of Paul-George Oarga (ID: 1150922)

chest compressions are paused for a planned rhythm assessment enables a well-trained
operator to obtain views within 5 seconds. Absence of cardiac motion on sonography
during resuscitation of patients in cardiac arrest is highly predictive of death although
sensitivity and specificity has not been reported.

7. Signs of life
If signs of life (such as regular respiratory effort, movement) or readings from patient
monitors compatible with ROSC (e.g. sudden increase in exhaled carbon dioxide or arterial
blood pressure waveform) appear during CPR, stop CPR briefly and check the monitor. If
an organised rhythm is present, check for a pulse. If a pulse is palpable, continue post-
resuscitation care and/or treatment of peri-arrest arrhythmias if appropriate. If no pulse is
present, continue CPR.

The use of waveform capnography may enable ROSC to be detected without pausing
chest compressions. A significant increase in ETCO2 during CPR may be seen when ROSC

Waveform Capnography during advanced life sup-

8.1. Introduction
Carbon dioxide (CO2) is a waste product of metabolism; approximately 400 L are produced
each day. It is carried in the blood to the lungs where it is exhaled. The concentration in the
blood is measured as the partial pressure of CO2 (PCO2) and in arterial blood (PaCO2) is normally
5.3 kPa (4.7-6.0 kPa) = 40 mmHg (35-45 mmHg). The concentration of CO2 can also be
measured in expired air and is expressed as either percentage by volume or as a partial
pressure, both of which are very similar numerically. The concentration varies throughout
Personal copy of Paul-George Oarga (ID: 1150922)

expiration, being maximal at the end and it is this value, the end-tidal CO2 (ETCO2) that is
most useful. Figure 6.6 shows CO2 curves during resuscitation starting with low quality chest
compression, increase in CO2 indicates good quality chest compressions with immediate 6
sustained increase at ROSC.

Figure 6.6
Waveform capnography

8.2. Nomenclature
The terms describing the measurement of carbon dioxide are derived from the Greek
‘capnos’, which means smoke. A capnometer is a device used to measure the concentration
of CO2 and gives a numerical value of the % or partial pressure (kPa) of the concentration
of CO2. A capnograph is a device that displays a waveform of the concentration of CO2 as
it varies during expiration and a numerical value. This is usually referred to as waveform
capnography and is the most useful display for clinical use.

Chapter 6
Advanced Life Support algorithm

Figure 6.7
Waveform Capnography
“A: Start Expiration; B: End Expiration = ETCO2 “


Personal copy of Paul-George Oarga (ID: 1150922)


Figure 6.8
Spontaneous breathing



Figure 6.9
Ventilated patient

8 etCO2 RR

5.3 11
7 30
4 3 8

Figure 6.10
High-quality CPR
8 etCO2 RR

2.3 11
7 30
4 3 8

Figure 6.11
Chest compression provider tiring

8 etCO2 RR

1.3 11
7 30
4 3 8

Figure 6.12
Personal copy of Paul-George Oarga (ID: 1150922)

8 etCO2 RR

5.6 11
7 30
4 3 8

Figure 6.13
Persistently low ETCO2 - associated with poor prognosis

8 etCO2 RR

1.3 11
7 30
4 3 8

Figure 6.14

8 etCO2 RR

5 11
7 30
4 3 8

Chapter 6
Advanced Life Support algorithm

8.3. Equipment
In order to analyse the concentration of CO2 in expired gas, most capnographs employ
side-stream sampling. A connector (T-piece) is placed in the breathing system, usually
on the end of the tracheal tube or supraglottic airway device (SAD). This has a small port
on the side to which is attached a fine bore sampling tube. A continuous sample of gas is
aspirated (about 50 ml min-1) and analysed by using the property of absorption of infra-
red light. The amount absorbed is proportional to the concentration of the absorbing
molecule (in this case CO2) and this is compared to a known standard, enabling the CO2
concentration to be determined. An alternative system is main-stream sampling in which
the infrared source and detector are contained within a cell or cuvette which is placed
directly in the breathing system, usually between the tracheal tube or SAD and circuit. Gas

Personal copy of Paul-George Oarga (ID: 1150922)

is analysed as it passes through the sensor and none is removed from the system. Both
systems are used in fixed or portable monitors.

• What factors affect the end-tidal CO2?

There are 3 determinants of the ETCO2:
• production by cellular metabolism
• transport to the lungs – the cardiac output
• elimination by ventilation

In health, the greatest variation is the result of changes in metabolism, usually increasing
CO2 production. This causes compensatory changes in transport, an increase in cardiac
output, and elimination, an increase in ventilation to prevent accumulation of carbon

In critically ill patients it is usually a failure in transportation (reduced cardiac output),

elimination (inadequate ventilation) or a combination of both that causes changes in the
arterial concentration of CO2 and hence changes in the end-tidal CO2. During a cardiac
arrest, blood flow to the lungs ceases and despite continued production, if ventilation
is maintained, ETCO2 falls to zero. Once chest compressions are started, blood flow to
the lungs will be partially restored and if the patient is ventilated, the end-tidal CO2 will
increase, proportionately to the cardiac output generated.

• W
 hat information can be gained from monitoring ETCO2 during
cardiopulmonary resuscitation?
1. Tube placement
Capnography has a high sensitivity and specificity for confirming placement of a
tracheal tube in the airway.

2. Quality of CPR
The more efficient the chest compression, the greater the cardiac output which
delivers more CO2 to the lungs from where it is exhaled thus generating a higher
end-tidal concentration. High-quality chest compressions will result in typical
ETCO2 values of 2.0-2.5 kPa.

3. Return of Spontaneous Circulation (ROSC)
With ROSC, there is an immediate, sustained increase in ETCO2. This is often the
first indicator of ROSC. This often precedes other indicators such as the presence of
a palpable pulse. It is a result of the circulation transporting accumulated carbon
dioxide from the tissues to the lungs and often results in an initial raised ETCO2.

4. Guide to rate of ventilation

Hyperventilation of the patient’s lungs by rescuers is common during cardiac
arrest, and usually the result of increased rate rather than tidal volume. Excessive
ventilation reduces coronary perfusion and survival. Waveform capnography
provides a measure of ventilation rate during CPR and may therefore reduce the
incidence of hyperventilation.
Personal copy of Paul-George Oarga (ID: 1150922)

5. Prognostication
A higher ETCO2 during resuscitation is associated with an increased likelihood 6
of ROSC and chance of survival to discharge. In one study, an ETCO2 of < 1.9 kPa
(14 mmHg) during resuscitation had a sensitivity and specificity of 100 % in
predicting non-survivors. After cardiac arrest and CPR for more than 30 minutes,
exhaled carbon dioxide values decrease and may become zero. The inter-individual
differences and influence of cause of cardiac arrest, the problem with self-fulfilling
prophecy in studies, our lack of confidence in the accuracy of measurement during
CPR, and the need for an advanced airway to measure end-tidal CO2 reliably limits
our confidence in its use for prognostication. Thus, we recommend that a specific
end-tidal CO2 value at any time during CPR should not be used alone to stop CPR
efforts. End-tidal CO2 values should be considered only as part of a multi-modal
approach to decision-making for prognostication during CPR.

Chapter 6
Advanced Life Support algorithm

9. Discontinuing resuscitation and diagnosing death

If attempts at obtaining ROSC are unsuccessful the cardiac arrest team leader should
discuss stopping CPR with the resuscitation team. The decision to stop CPR requires
clinical judgement and a careful assessment of the likelihood of achieving ROSC.

After stopping CPR, observe the patient for a minimum of 5 min before confirming death.
The absence of mechanical cardiac function is normally confirmed using a combination
of the following:
• absence of a central pulse on palpation
• absence of heart sounds on auscultation

Personal copy of Paul-George Oarga (ID: 1150922)

One or more of the following can supplement these criteria:
• asystole on a continuous ECG display
• absence of pulsatile flow using direct intra-arterial pressure monitoring
• absence of contractile activity using echocardiography

Any return of cardiac or respiratory activity during this period of observation should
prompt a further 5 min observation from the next point of cardiorespiratory arrest. After 5
min of continued cardiorespiratory arrest, the absence of the pupillary responses to light,
of the corneal reflexes, and of any motor response to supra-orbital pressure should be
confirmed. The time of death is recorded as the time at which these criteria are fulfilled.

• Soar J, et al. European Resuscitation Council Guidelines for Resuscitation 2015. Section 3. Adult
Advanced Life Support. 10.1016/j.resuscitation.2015.07.016; p99 - p146
• Soar J, Callaway CW, Aibiki M, et al. Part 4: Advanced life support: 2015 International Consensus
on Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation and Emergency Cardiovascular Care Science With Treatment
Recommendations. 10.1016/j.resuscitation.2015.07.042; e71 - e122
• Truhlar A, Deakin CD, Soar J, et al. European Resuscitation Council Guidelines for Resuscitation
2015 Section 4 Cardiac Arrest in Special Circumstances. 10.1016/j.resuscitation.2015.07.017; p147 -
• Weiser G, Hoffmann Y, Galbraith R, Shavit I 2012 Current advances in intraosseous infusion – A
systematic review. Resuscitation 83 (2012) 20– 26
• Reades R, Studnek JR, Vandeventer S, Garrett J. 2011 Intraosseous versus intravenous vascular access
Personal copy of Paul-George Oarga (ID: 1150922)

during out-of-hospital cardiac arrest: a randomized controlled trial. Ann Emerg Med. Dec;58(6):509-
• Kolar M, Krizmaric M, Klemen P, Grmec S. Partial pressure of end-tidal carbon dioxide successful 6
predicts cardiopulmonary resuscitation in the field: a prospective observational study. Crit Care.
2008;12(5):R115. doi:10.1186/cc7009
• Heradstveit BE, Sunde K, Sunde GA, Wentzel-Larsen T, Heltne JK. Factors complicating interpreta-
tion of capnography during advanced life support in cardiac arrest—a clinical retrospective study
in 575 patients. Resuscitation. 2012 Jul;83(7):813-8.
• Cook TM, Woodall N, Harper J, Benger J; Fourth National Audit Project. Major complications of
airway management in the UK: results of the Fourth National Audit Project of the Royal College of
Anaesthetists and the Difficult Airway Society. Part 2: intensive care and emergency departments.
Br J Anaesth. 2011 May;106(5):632-42.

Personal copy of Paul-George Oarga (ID: 1150922)

Advanced Life Support algorithm
Chapter 6
Chapter 7.
Airway management and
Section 1
Personal copy of Paul-George Oarga (ID: 1150922)

Basic airway management and ventilation

To understand:
• the causes and recognition of airway obstruction
• techniques for airway management when starting resuscitation
• the use of simple adjuncts to maintain airway patency
• the use of simple devices for ventilating the lungs

1. Introduction
Patients requiring resuscitation often have an obstructed airway, usually caused by loss
of consciousness, but occasionally it may be the primary cause of cardiorespiratory
arrest. Prompt assessment, with control of airway patency and provision of ventilation if
required are essential. This will help to prevent secondary hypoxic damage to the brain
and other vital organs. Without adequate oxygenation it may be impossible to restore an
organised, perfusing cardiac rhythm. These principles may not apply to the witnessed
primary cardiac arrest in the vicinity of a defibrillator; in this case, the priority is immediate
defibrillation followed by attention to the airway.

2. Causes of airway obstruction

Obstruction of the airway may be partial or complete. It may occur at any level, from
the nose and mouth down to the trachea. In the unconscious patient, the commonest
site of airway obstruction is at the soft palate and epiglottis. Obstruction may also be
caused by vomit or blood (regurgitation of gastric contents or trauma), or by foreign
bodies. Laryngeal obstruction may be caused by oedema from burns, inflammation or
anaphylaxis. Upper airway stimulation may cause laryngeal spasm. Obstruction of the

Chapter 7
Airway management and ventilation

airway below the larynx is less common, but may arise from excessive bronchial secretions,
mucosal oedema, bronchospasm, pulmonary oedema or aspiration of gastric contents.

3. Recognition of airway obstruction

Airway obstruction can be subtle and is often missed by healthcare professionals, let
alone by laypeople. The ’look, listen and feel’ approach is a simple, systematic method of
detecting airway obstruction.
• LOOK for chest and abdominal movements.
• LISTEN and FEEL for airflow at the mouth and nose.

Personal copy of Paul-George Oarga (ID: 1150922)

In partial airway obstruction, air entry is diminished and usually noisy:
• Inspiratory stridor - caused by obstruction at the laryngeal level or above.
• Expiratory wheeze - suggests obstruction of the lower airways, which tend to
collapse and obstruct during expiration.
• Gurgling - suggests the presence of liquid or semisolid foreign material in the
upper airways.
• Snoring - arises when the pharynx is partially occluded by the tongue or palate.
• Crowing or stridor - is the sound of laryngeal spasm or obstruction.

Complete airway obstruction in a patient who is making respiratory efforts causes

paradoxical chest and abdominal movement, described as ‘see-saw breathing’.

During airway obstruction, accessory muscles of respiration are used – the neck and the
shoulder muscles contract to assist movement of the thoracic cage. There may also be
intercostal and subcostal recession and a tracheal tug. Full examination of the neck, chest
and abdomen should enable differentiation of the movements associated with complete
airway obstruction from those of normal breathing. Listen for airflow: normal breathing
should be quiet, completely obstructed breathing will be silent, and noisy breathing
indicates partial airway obstruction. During apnoea, when spontaneous breathing
movements are absent, complete airway obstruction is recognised by failure to inflate the
lungs during attempted positive pressure ventilation.

3.1. Patients with tracheostomies or permanent tracheal stomas

A patient with a tracheostomy tube or a permanent tracheal stoma (usually following a
laryngectomy) may develop airway obstruction from blockage of the tracheostomy tube
or stoma - airway obstruction cannot occur at the level of the pharynx in these patients.
Remove any obvious foreign material from the stoma or tracheostomy tube. If necessary,
remove the tracheostomy tube or, if present, exchange the tracheostomy tube liner. If a
blocked tracheostomy tube is removed it should be possible to ventilate the patient’s
lungs by sealing the stoma and using a bag-mask applied to the face, or by intubating the
trachea orally with a standard tracheal tube. In a patient with a permanent tracheal stoma,
give oxygen and, if required, assist ventilation via the stoma, and not the mouth.
3.2. Choking
Foreign body airway obstruction (FBAO) is an uncommon but potentially treatable
cause of accidental death. As most choking events are associated with eating, they are
commonly witnessed. As victims initially are conscious and responsive, there are often
opportunities for early interventions which can be life saving.

3.2.1. Recognition
Foreign bodies may cause either mild or severe airway obstruction. The signs and
symptoms enabling differentiation between mild and severe airway obstruction are
summarised in table 7.1.
Personal copy of Paul-George Oarga (ID: 1150922)

3.2.2. Sequence for the treatment of adult choking

1. If the patient shows signs of mild airway obstruction (figure 7.1):
• Encourage him to continue coughing, but do nothing else. 7
2. If the patient shows signs of severe airway obstruction and is conscious:
• Give up to 5 back blows:
-- Stand to the side and slightly behind the patient.
-- Support the chest with one hand and lean the patient well forwards.
-- Give up to 5 sharp blows between the scapulae with the heel of the other
• Check to see if each back blow has relieved the airway obstruction.
• If 5 back blows fail to relieve the airway obstruction give up to 5 abdominal
-- Stand behind the patient and put both arms round the upper part of his
-- Place a clenched fist just under the xiphisternum; grasp this hand with your
other hand and pull sharply inwards and upwards.
-- Repeat up to 5 times.
• If the obstruction is still not relieved, continue alternating 5 back blows with
5 abdominal thrusts.
3. If the patient becomes unconscious, call the resuscitation team and start CPR.
4. As soon as an individual with appropriate skills is present, undertake laryngoscopy
and attempt to remove any foreign body with Magill’s forceps.

Chapter 7
Airway management and ventilation

Table 7.1
Signs of choking

General signs of choking:

• Attack occurs while eating.

• Patient may clutch his neck.

Signs of severe airway obstruction: Signs of mild airway obstruction:
Response to question ‘Are you choking?’ Response to question ‘Are you choking?’

• Patient is unable to speak. • Patient speaks and answers yes.

Personal copy of Paul-George Oarga (ID: 1150922)

• Patient may respond by nodding.

Other signs: Other signs:

• Patient is unable to breathe. • Patient is able to speak, cough, and

• Breathing sounds wheezy.

• Attempts at coughing are silent.

• Patient may be unconscious.

Figure 7.1
Adult choking algorithm

Assess severity

Severe airway obstruction Mild airway obstruction

(ineffective cough) (effective cough)

Unconscious Conscious Encourage cough

Start CPR 5 back blows Continue to check for

5 abdominal deterioration to ineffective
thrusts cough or until obstruction

4. Basic techniques for opening the airway
Once airway obstruction is recognised, take immediate action to relieve the obstruction
and maintain a clear airway. Three manoeuvres that can be used to relieve upper airway
obstruction are:
• head tilt
• chin lift
• jaw-thrust

4.1. Head tilt and chin lift

Personal copy of Paul-George Oarga (ID: 1150922)

Place one hand on the patient’s forehead and tilt the head back gently; place the
fingertips of the other hand under the point of the patient’s chin, and gently lift to stretch
the anterior neck structures (figure 7.2).

Figure 7.2
Head tilt and chin lift

4.2. Jaw-thrust
Jaw-thrust is an alternative manoeuvre for bringing the mandible forward and relieving
obstruction by the tongue, soft palate and epiglottis (figure 7.3). It is most successful when
applied with a head tilt.

4.2.1. Procedure for jaw-thrust

• Identify the angle of the mandible.
• With the index and other fingers placed behind the angle of the mandible, apply
steady upwards and forward pressure to lift the mandible.
• Using the thumbs, slightly open the mouth by downward displacement of the chin.

Chapter 7
Airway management and ventilation

These simple positional methods are successful in most cases where airway obstruction
is caused by loss of muscle tone in the pharynx. After each manoeuvre, check for success
using the look, listen and feel sequence. If a clear airway cannot be achieved, look for other
causes of airway obstruction. Use a finger sweep to remove any solid foreign material
visible in the mouth. Remove broken or displaced dentures but leave well-fitting dentures
in place as they help to maintain the contours of the mouth, facilitating a good seal for
ventilation by mouth-to-mask or bag-mask techniques.

Figure 7.3

Personal copy of Paul-George Oarga (ID: 1150922)

4.3. Airway manoeuvres in a patient with suspected
cervical spine injury
If spinal injury is suspected (e.g. if the victim has fallen, been struck on the head or neck,
or has been rescued after diving into shallow water) maintain the head, neck, chest,
and lumbar region in the neutral position during resuscitation. Excessive head tilt could
aggravate the injury and damage the cervical spinal cord; however, this complication
remains theoretical and the relative risk is unknown. When there is a risk of cervical spine
injury, establish a clear upper airway by using jaw-thrust or chin lift in combination with
manual in-line stabilisation (MILS) of the head and neck by an assistant. If life-threatening
airway obstruction persists despite effective application of jaw-thrust or chin lift, add
head tilt a small amount at a time until the airway is open; establishing a patent airway
takes priority over concerns about a potential cervical spine injury.

5. Adjuncts to basic airway techniques
Despite a total lack of published data on the use of nasopharyngeal and oropharyngeal
airways during CPR, they are often helpful, and sometimes essential, to maintain an open
airway, particularly when resuscitation is prolonged. The position of the head and neck
is maintained to keep the airway aligned. Oropharyngeal and nasopharyngeal airways
overcome backward displacement of the soft palate and tongue in an unconscious
patient, but head tilt and jaw-thrust may also be required.

5.1. Oropharyngeal airway

Oropharyngeal airways are available in sizes suitable for the newborn to large adults.
Personal copy of Paul-George Oarga (ID: 1150922)

An estimate of the size required is obtained by selecting an airway with a length

corresponding to the vertical distance between the patient’s incisors and the angle of the
jaw. The most common sizes are 2, 3 and 4 for small, medium and large adults, respectively.
During insertion of an oropharyngeal airway, the tongue can occasionally be pushed
backwards, exacerbating obstruction instead of relieving it. The oropharyngeal airway
may lodge in the vallecula, or the epiglottis may obstruct the lumen. Ensuring a correct
insertion technique should avoid this problem. Attempt insertion only in unconscious
patients: vomiting or laryngospasm may occur if glossopharyngeal or laryngeal reflexes
are present.

5.1.1. Technique for insertion of an oropharyngeal airway:

• Open the patient’s mouth and ensure that there is no foreign material that may be
pushed into the larynx (if there is any, then use suction to remove it).
• Insert the airway into the oral cavity in the ‘upside-down’ position as far as the
junction between the hard and soft palate and then rotate it through 180° (figure
7.5). Advance the airway until it lies within the pharynx. This rotation technique
minimises the chance of pushing the tongue backwards and downwards. Remove
the airway if the patient gags or strains. Correct placement is indicated by an
improvement in airway patency and by the seating of the flattened reinforced
section between the patient’s teeth or gums (if edentulous). A jaw-thrust may
further aid final placement of the airway as it is finally pushed into the correct
After insertion, maintain head-tilt/chin-lift or jaw-thrust, and check the patency of the
airway and ventilation using the look, listen and feel technique. Where there is suspicion
of an injury to the cervical spine, maintain alignment and immobilisation of the head
and neck. Suction is usually possible through an oropharyngeal airway using a fine bore
flexible suction catheter.

Chapter 7
Airway management and ventilation

Figure 7.4
Sizing an oropharyngeal airway

Personal copy of Paul-George Oarga (ID: 1150922)

Figure 7.5
Oropharyngeal airway insertion

5.2. Nasopharyngeal airway

In patients who are not deeply unconscious, a nasopharyngeal airway is tolerated better
than an oropharyngeal airway. The nasopharyngeal airway may be life saving in patients
with clenched jaws, trismus or maxillofacial injuries, when insertion of an oral airway is
Inadvertent insertion of a nasopharyngeal airway through a fracture of the skull base
and into the cranial vault is possible, but extremely rare. In the presence of a known or
suspected basal skull fracture an oral airway is preferred, but if this is not possible, and the

airway is obstructed, gentle insertion of a nasopharyngeal airway may be life-saving (i.e.
the benefits may far outweigh the risks).

The tubes are sized in millimetres according to their internal diameter, and the length
increases with diameter. The traditional methods of sizing a nasopharyngeal airway
(measurement against the patient’s little finger or anterior nares) do not correlate with
the airway anatomy and are unreliable. Sizes 6-7 mm are suitable for adults. Insertion can
cause damage to the mucosal lining of the nasal airway, resulting in bleeding in up to 30 %
of cases. If the tube is too long it may stimulate the laryngeal or glossopharyngeal reflexes
to produce laryngospasm or vomiting.

5.2.1. Technique for insertion of a nasopharyngeal airway

Personal copy of Paul-George Oarga (ID: 1150922)

• Check for patency of the right nostril.

• Some designs require a safety pin to be inserted through the flange to provide an
extra precaution against the airway disappearing beyond the nares. The safety pin
should be inserted BEFORE inserting the airway. 7
• Lubricate the airway thoroughly using water-soluble gel.
• Insert the airway bevel end first, vertically along the floor of the nose with a slight
twisting action (figure 7.6). The curve of the airway should direct it towards the
patient’s feet. If any obstruction is met, remove the tube and try the left nostril.
• Once in place, use the look, listen and feel technique to check the patency of the
airway and adequacy of ventilation. Chin lift or jaw-thrust may still be required to
maintain airway patency. Where there is suspicion of an injury to the cervical spine,
maintain correct alignment and immobilisation of the head and neck.

Figure 7.6
Nasopharyngeal airway insertion

Chapter 7
Airway management and ventilation

6. Oxygen
During CPR, give the maximal feasible inspired oxygen concentration. A self-inflating
bag can be connected to a facemask, tracheal tube or supraglottic airway (SGA). Without
supplementary oxygen, the self-inflating bag ventilates the patient’s lungs with ambient
air (21 % oxygen). The delivered oxygen concentration can be increased to about 85 % by
using a reservoir system and attaching oxygen at a flow 15 l min-1. After ROSC, as soon as
arterial blood oxygen saturation can be monitored reliably (by blood gas analysis and/or
pulse oximetry), titrate the inspired oxygen concentration to maintain the arterial blood
oxygen saturation in the range of 94-98 %. Avoid hypoxaemia, which is also harmful –
ensure reliable measurement of arterial oxygen saturation before reducing the inspired
oxygen concentration.

Personal copy of Paul-George Oarga (ID: 1150922)

7. Ventilation
Artificial ventilation is started as soon as possible in any patient in whom spontaneous
ventilation is inadequate or absent. Expired air ventilation (rescue breathing) is effective
but the rescuer’s expired oxygen concentration is only 16-17 %; so it must be replaced
as soon as possible by ventilation with oxygen-enriched air. Although mouth-to-mouth
ventilation has the benefit of not requiring any equipment, the technique is aesthetically
unpleasant, particularly when vomit or blood is present, and the rescuer may be reluctant
to place themselves in intimate contact with the victim who may be unknown to them.

There are only isolated reports of individuals acquiring infections after providing CPR, e.g.
tuberculosis and severe acute respiratory distress syndrome (SARS). Transmission of HIV
during provision of CPR has never been reported. Simple adjuncts are available to enable
direct person-to-person contact to be avoided; some of these devices may reduce the risk
of cross infection between patient and rescuer.

The pocket resuscitation mask is similar to an anaesthetic facemask, and enables mouth-
to-mask ventilation. It has a unidirectional valve, which directs the patient’s expired air
away from the rescuer. The mask is transparent so that vomit or blood from the patient
can be seen. Some masks have a connector for the addition of oxygen. When using masks
without a connector, supplemental oxygen can be given by placing the tubing underneath
one side and ensuring an adequate seal. Use a two-hand technique to maximise the seal
with the patient’s face.

High airway pressures can be generated if the tidal volume or inspiratory flow is excessive,
predisposing to gastric inflation and subsequent risk of regurgitation and pulmonary
aspiration. The risk of gastric inflation is increased by:
• malalignment of the head and neck, and an obstructed airway
• an incompetent oesophageal sphincter (present in all patients with cardiac arrest)
• a high airway inflation pressure

Conversely, if inspiratory flow is too low, inspiratory time will be prolonged and the time
available to give chest compressions is reduced. Deliver each breath over approximately
1 second, giving a volume that corresponds to normal chest movement; this represents a
compromise between giving an adequate volume, minimising the risk of gastric inflation,
and allowing adequate time for chest compressions. During CPR with an unprotected
airway, give two ventilations after each sequence of 30 chest compressions.
Inadvertent hyperventilation during CPR is common. While this increased intrathoracic
pressure and peak airway pressures in small case series in humans, a carefully controlled
animal experiment revealed no adverse effects. During continuous chest compressions a
ventilation rate of 10 min-1 with an advanced airway is recommended.

7.1. Technique for mouth-to-mask ventilation

Personal copy of Paul-George Oarga (ID: 1150922)

• Place the patient supine with the head in a ‘sniffing’ position i.e. neck slightly flexed
on a pillow with the head extended (tilted backwards) on the neck.
• Apply the mask to the patient’s face using the thumbs of both hands.
• Lift the jaw into the mask with the remaining fingers by exerting pressure behind
the angles of the jaw (jaw-thrust). At the same time, press the mask onto the face
with the thumbs to make a tight seal (figure 7.7).
• Blow gently through the inspiratory valve and watch the chest rise normally.
• Stop inflation and observe the chest falling.
• Any leaks between the face and mask can be reduced by adjusting the contact
pressure, altering the position of the fingers and thumbs, or increasing jaw-thrust.
• If oxygen is available, add it via the port at a flow 15 l min-1.

7.2. Self-inflating bag

The self-inflating bag can be connected to a face mask, tracheal tube, or supraglottic
airway device. As the bag is squeezed, the contents are delivered to the patient’s
lungs. On release, the expired gas is diverted to the atmosphere via a one-way valve;
the bag then refills automatically via an inlet at the opposite end. When used without
supplemental oxygen, the self-inflating bag ventilates the patient’s lungs with ambient
air (oxygen concentration 21 %). This is increased to around 45 % by attaching high-flow
oxygen directly to the bag adjacent to the air intake. An inspired oxygen concentration
of approximately 85 % is achieved if a reservoir system is attached and the oxygen flow
is maximally increased. As the bag re-expands it fills with oxygen from both the reservoir
and the continuous flow from the attached oxygen tubing. Using demand valves with a
bag enables oxygen concentrations close to 100 %.

Although the bag-mask apparatus enables ventilation with high concentrations of

oxygen, its use by a single person requires considerable skill. When used with a face mask,
it is often difficult to achieve a gas-tight seal between the mask and the patient’s face,
and maintain a patent airway with one hand whilst squeezing the bag with the other. Any
significant leak will cause hypoventilation and if the airway is not patent, gas may also be

Chapter 7
Airway management and ventilation

forced into the stomach. This will reduce ventilation further and greatly increase the risk
of regurgitation and aspiration. There is a natural tendency to try to compensate for a leak
by excessive compression of the bag, which causes high peak airway pressures and forces
more gas into the stomach. Some self-inflating bags have flow restrictors that limit peak
airway pressure with the aim of reducing gastric inflation.

The two-person technique for bag-mask ventilation is preferable (figure 7.7). One person
holds the face mask in place using a jaw-thrust with both hands and an assistant squeezes
the bag. In this way, a better seal can be achieved and the patient’s lungs can be ventilated
more effectively and safely.

Personal copy of Paul-George Oarga (ID: 1150922)

Figure 7.7
The two-person technique for bag-mask ventilation


• Airway patency and ventilating the lungs are important components of CPR.

• U
 se of simple airway manoeuvres, with or without basic adjuncts, will often
achieve a patent airway.

• G
 ive all patients high-concentration oxygen until the arterial oxygen
saturation is measurable.

Section 2
Alternative airway devices

To understand:
• the role of supraglottic airway devices during CPR
Personal copy of Paul-George Oarga (ID: 1150922)

1. Introduction
Effective bag-mask ventilation requires a reasonable level of skill and experience:
the inexperienced are likely to achieve ineffective tidal volumes and cause gastric
inflation with risk of regurgitation and pulmonary aspiration. The tracheal tube has 7
generally been considered the optimal method of managing the airway during cardiac
arrest. There is evidence that, without adequate training and experience, the incidence of
complications, such as unrecognised oesophageal intubation (2.4-17 % in several studies
involving paramedics) and dislodgement, is unacceptably high. Prolonged attempts at
tracheal intubation are harmful; the cessation of chest compressions during this time
will compromise coronary and cerebral perfusion. Several alternative airway devices
have been used for airway management during CPR. In comparison with bag-mask
ventilation, use of supraglottic airway devices (SGAs) may enable more effective
ventilation and reduce the risk of gastric inflation. Furthermore, SGAs are easier to
insert than a tracheal tube.

There are no data supporting the routine use of any specific approach to airway
management during cardiac arrest. The best technique is dependent on the precise
circumstances of the cardiac arrest and the competence of the rescuer.

2. Laryngeal mask airway

The laryngeal mask airway (LMA) consists of a wide-bore tube with an elliptical inflated
cuff designed to seal around the laryngeal opening. The original LMA (classic LMA
[cLMA]), which is reusable, has been studied during CPR, but none of these studies has
compared it directly with the tracheal tube. Although the cLMA remains in common use
in elective anaesthetic practice, it has been superseded by several 2nd generation SGAs
that have more favourable characteristics, particularly when used for emergency airway
management. Most of these SGAs are single use and achieve higher oropharyngeal seal
pressures than the cLMA, and some incorporate gastric drain tubes.

Chapter 7
Airway management and ventilation

2.1. Technique for insertion of a laryngeal mask airway

• Maintain chest compressions throughout the insertion attempt.
• Select a LMA of an appropriate size for the patient and deflate the cuff fully. A size
5 will be correct for most men and a size 4 for most women. Lubricate the outer
face of the cuff area (the part that will not be in contact with the larynx) with water-
soluble gel.
• Flex the patient’s neck slightly and extend the head (try to maintain neutral
alignment of the head and neck if there is suspicion of cervical spine injury).
• Holding the LMA like a pen, insert it into the mouth (figure 7.8). Advance the tip
behind the upper incisors with the upper surface applied to the palate until it

Personal copy of Paul-George Oarga (ID: 1150922)

reaches the posterior pharyngeal wall. Press the mask backwards and downwards
around the corner of the pharynx until a resistance is felt as it locates in the back
of the pharynx. If possible, get an assistant to apply a jaw-thrust after the LMA has
been inserted into the mouth - this increases the space in the posterior pharynx
and makes successful placement easier. A slight 45 degree twist will often aid
placement if initial attempts at insertion beyond the pharynx are proving difficult.
• Connect the inflating syringe and inflate the cuff with air (40 ml for a size 5 LMA
and 30 ml for a size 4 LMA); alternatively, inflate the cuff to a pressure of 60 cmH2O.
If insertion is satisfactory, the tube will lift 1-2 cm out of the mouth as the cuff finds
its correct position and the larynx is pushed forward.
• If the LMA has not been inserted successfully after 30 s, oxygenate the patient
using a pocket mask or bag-mask before reattempting LMA insertion.
• Confirm a clear airway by listening over the chest during inflation and observing
bilateral chest movement. A large, audible leak suggests malposition of the LMA,
but a small leak is acceptable provided chest rise is adequate.
• Insert a bite block alongside the tube if available and secure the LMA with a
bandage or tape.

Figure 7.8
Insertion of a laryngeal mask airway

3. i-gel airway
The i-gel is also a supraglottic airway. The cuff is made of thermoplastic elastomer gel and
does not require inflation; the stem of the i-gel incorporates a bite block and a narrow
oesophageal drain tube. It is easy to insert, requiring only minimal training and a laryngeal
seal pressure of 20-24 cmH2O can be achieved. In two manikin studies, insertion of the
i-gel was significantly faster than several other airway devices. The ease of insertion of the
i-gel and its favourable leak pressure make it theoretically very attractive as a resuscitation
airway device for those inexperienced in tracheal intubation. Use of the i-gel during
cardiac arrest has been reported but more data on its use in this setting are awaited.
Personal copy of Paul-George Oarga (ID: 1150922)

4. Laryngeal tube
The laryngeal tube (LT) is another supraglottic airway device commonly used in the
anaesthetic setting and out of hospital. It is a single-lumen tube with both an oesophageal
and pharyngeal cuff. A single pilot balloon inflates both cuffs simultaneously and it is
available in a variety of sizes. Successful insertion and airway pressures generated are 7
comparable to the LMA when performed by non-anaesthetists. A double lumen LT with
an oesophageal vent, an intubation LT and a disposable version (LT-D) are available.

4.1. Technique for insertion of a laryngeal tube airway

• Maintain chest compressions throughout the insertion attempt. Select a LT of an
appropriate size for the patient and deflate the cuff fully. A size 5 will be correct
when the patient’s height is > 180 cm; size 4 when 155-180 cm; and a size 3 when
< 155 cm. Lubricate the tip of the LT with water-soluble gel.
• Place the patient’s head and neck in the sniffing or neutral position (try to maintain
neutral alignment of the head and neck if there is suspicion of cervical spine injury).
• The tip of the LT should be placed against the hard palate below the incisors. Slide
the LT down the centre of the mouth until resistance is felt or the device is almost
fully inserted. When the LT is inserted properly, the second bold black line on the
tube should have just passed between upper and lower teeth.
• Inflate the cuff to a pressure of 60 cmH2O. This can be done either with a cuff inflator
or a 100 ml syringe with the marks for the recommended volumes for each size of
the LT.
• If the LT has not been inserted successfully after 30 sec, oxygenate the patient
using a pocket mask or bag-mask before reattempting LT insertion.
• Confirm a clear airway by listening over the chest during inflation and observing
bilateral chest movement. A large, audible leak suggests malposition of the LT, but
a small leak is acceptable provided chest rise is adequate.
• Insert a bite block alongside the tube if available and secure the LT with a bandage
or tape.

Chapter 7
Airway management and ventilation

5. Limitations of all SGAs

• In the presence of high airway resistance or poor lung compliance (pulmonary
oedema, bronchospasm, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease) there is a risk of
a significant leak around the cuff causing hypoventilation. Most of the gas leaking
around the cuff normally escapes through the patient’s mouth but some gastric
inflation may occur.
• There are no data demonstrating whether or not it is possible to provide adequate
ventilation via an SGA without interruption of chest compressions. Uninterrupted
chest compressions are likely to cause at least some gas leak around the SGA cuff
when ventilation is attempted. Attempt continuous compressions initially but
abandon this if persistent leaks and hypoventilation occur.

Personal copy of Paul-George Oarga (ID: 1150922)

• There is a theoretical risk of aspiration of stomach contents because the SGA does
not sit within the larynx like a tracheal tube; however, this complication has not
been documented widely in clinical practice.
• If the patient is not deeply unconscious, insertion of the SGA may cause coughing,
straining or laryngeal spasm. This will not occur in patients in cardiorespiratory
• If an adequate airway is not achieved withdraw the SGA and attempt reinsertion
ensuring a good alignment of the head and neck.
• Uncommonly, airway obstruction may be caused by pushing the tongue towards
the posterior pharynx. Withdraw the SGA and attempt reinsertion.

To become proficient in the insertion of any SGA requires practice on patients and this
should be achieved under the supervision of an appropriately experienced person (e.g.
anaesthetist) in a controlled environment.


• S upraglottic airway devices are good alternatives to bag-mask devices and

can be used instead of the bag-mask technique.

• S upraglottic airway devices should be used instead of tracheal intubation

unless individuals highly skilled in intubation are immediately available.
They should also be used if attempted intubation is unsuccessful.

Section 3
Tracheal intubation and cricothyroidotomy

To understand:
• t he advantages and disadvantages of tracheal intubation during
Personal copy of Paul-George Oarga (ID: 1150922)

cardiopulmonary resuscitation
• some methods for confirming correct placement of a tracheal tube
• the role of needle and surgical cricothyroidotomy

1. Tracheal intubation
There is insufficient evidence to support or refute the use of any specific technique to
maintain an airway and provide ventilation in adults with cardiorespiratory arrest. Despite
this, tracheal intubation is perceived as the optimal method of providing and maintaining
a clear and secure airway. It should be used only when trained personnel are available to
carry out the procedure with a high level of skill and competence.

The perceived advantages of tracheal intubation over bag-mask ventilation include:

• enabling ventilation without interrupting chest compressions
• enabling effective ventilation, particularly when lung and/or chest compliance is
• minimising gastric inflation and therefore the risk of regurgitation
• protection against pulmonary aspiration of gastric contents
• the potential to free the rescuer’s hands for other tasks

The perceived disadvantages of tracheal intubation over bag-valve-mask ventilation

• The risk of an unrecognised misplaced tracheal tube.
• A prolonged period without chest compressions while intubation is attempted -
Tracheal intubation attempts accounted for almost 25 % of all CPR interruptions.
• A comparatively high failure rate.
• Tracheal intubation is a difficult skill to acquire and maintain.

Chapter 7
Airway management and ventilation

Healthcare personnel who undertake prehospital intubation should do so only within a

structured, monitored programme, which should include comprehensive competency-
based training and regular opportunities to refresh skills. Rescuers must weigh the risks
and benefits of intubation against the need to provide effective chest compressions. The
intubation attempt may require some interruption of chest compressions but, once an
advanced airway is in place, ventilation will not require interruption of chest compressions.
Personnel skilled in advanced airway management should be able to undertake
laryngoscopy without stopping chest compressions; a brief pause in chest compressions
will be required only as the tube is passed through the vocal cords. Alternatively, to
avoid any interruptions in chest compressions, the intubation attempt may be deferred
until ROSC. The intubation attempt should interrupt chest compressions for less than 5
seconds; if intubation is not achievable within these constraints, recommence bag-mask

Personal copy of Paul-George Oarga (ID: 1150922)

ventilation. After intubation, tube placement must be confirmed and the tube secured

1.1. Confirmation of correct tracheal tube placement

Unrecognised oesophageal intubation is the most serious complication of attempted
tracheal intubation. Routine use of primary and secondary techniques to confirm correct
placement of the tracheal tube should reduce this risk.

1.1.1. Clinical assessment

Primary assessment includes observation of chest expansion bilaterally, auscultation over
the lung fields bilaterally in the axillae (breath sounds should be equal and adequate) and
over the epigastrium (breath sounds should not be heard). Clinical signs of correct tube
placement (condensation in the tube, chest rise, breath sounds on auscultation of lungs,
and inability to hear gas entering the stomach) are not reliable.

Confirmation of tracheal tube placement by an exhaled carbon dioxide or oesophageal

detection device should reduce the risk of unrecognised oesophageal intubation but the
performance of the available devices varies considerably. Furthermore, none of the these
techniques will differentiate between a tube placed in a main bronchus and one placed
correctly in the trachea.

1.1.2. Oesophageal detector device

The oesophageal detector device creates a suction force at the tracheal end of the tracheal
tube, either by pulling back the plunger on a large syringe or releasing a compressed
flexible bulb. Air is aspirated easily from the lower airways through a tracheal tube
placed in the cartilage-supported rigid trachea. When the tube is in the oesophagus, air
cannot be aspirated because the oesophagus collapses when aspiration is attempted.
The oesophageal detector device may be misleading in patients with morbid obesity,
late pregnancy or severe asthma or when there are copious tracheal secretions; in these
conditions the trachea may collapse when aspiration is attempted.

1.1.3. Carbon dioxide detectors
Carbon dioxide (CO2) detector devices measure the concentration of exhaled carbon
dioxide from the lungs. The persistence of exhaled CO2 after six ventilations indicates
placement of the tracheal tube in the trachea or a main bronchus.

Broadly, there are three types of carbon dioxide detector devices:

1. D
 isposable colorimetric end-tidal carbon dioxide (ETCO2) detectors use a litmus
paper to detect CO2, and these devices generally give readings of purple (ETCO2
< 0.5 %), tan (ETCO2 0.5-2 %) and yellow (ETCO2 > 2 %).
Tracheal placement of the tube is considered verified if the tan colour persists after
a few ventilations. Although colorimetric CO2 detectors identify placement quite
Personal copy of Paul-George Oarga (ID: 1150922)

well in patients with good perfusion, these devices are less accurate than clinical
assessment in cardiac arrest patients because pulmonary blood flow may be so
low that there is insufficient exhaled carbon dioxide. Furthermore, if the tracheal
tube is in the oesophagus, six ventilations may lead to gastric distension, vomiting
and aspiration. 7
2. N
 on-waveform electronic digital ETCO2 devices generally measure ETCO2 using an
infrared spectrometer and display the results with a number; they do not provide a
waveform graphical display of the respiratory cycle on a capnograph.
3. E nd-tidal CO2 detectors that include a waveform graphical display (capnograph)
are the most reliable for verification of tracheal tube position during cardiac arrest.
Studies of waveform capnography to verify tracheal tube position in victims of
cardiac arrest demonstrate 100 % sensitivity and 100 % specificity in identifying
correct tracheal tube placement.

Waveform capnography is the most sensitive and specific way to confirm and continuously
monitor the position of a tracheal tube in victims of cardiac arrest and should supplement
clinical assessment (auscultation and visualisation of tube through cords). Waveform
capnography will not discriminate between tracheal and bronchial placement of the tube
- careful auscultation is essential. Existing portable monitors make capnographic initial
confirmation and continuous monitoring of tracheal tube position feasible in almost all
settings, including out-of-hospital, emergency department, and in-hospital locations
where tracheal intubation is performed. Furthermore, waveform capnography may be
a sensitive indicator of ROSC. Such waveform analysis may prove useful in PEA cardiac

2. Cricothyroidotomy
Occasionally it will be impossible to ventilate an apnoeic patient with a bag-mask, or to
pass a tracheal tube or other airway device. This may occur in patients with extensive
facial trauma or laryngeal obstruction caused by oedema, e.g. anaphylaxis, or foreign
material. In these circumstances, it will be necessary to create a surgical airway below the
level of the obstruction.

Chapter 7
Airway management and ventilation

Surgical cricothyroidotomy provides a definitive airway that can be used to ventilate

the patient’s lungs until semi-elective intubation or tracheostomy is performed. Needle
cricothyroidotomy is a much more temporary procedure providing only short-term
oxygenation. It requires a wide-bore, non-kinking cannula, a high-pressure oxygen
source and may cause serious barotrauma. It is also prone to failure because of kinking of
the cannula, and is unsuitable for patient transfer.

2.1. Surgical cricothyroidotomy

Unlike needle cricothyroidotomy, the surgical technique will result in an airway that is
protected by a cuffed tube. Higher airway pressures can be generated and tracheal
suction is possible. Surgical cricothyroidotomy enables ventilation of the lungs despite

Personal copy of Paul-George Oarga (ID: 1150922)

complete airway obstruction at, or above, the glottis.

2.1.1. Procedure for surgical cricothyroidotomy

• Place the patient supine with the head extended if possible.
• Identify the cricothyroid membrane as the recess just above the cricoid cartilage
and below the thyroid cartilage.
• Incise the skin over the membrane and extend the incision through the cricothyroid
membrane. Make a vertical incision in the skin and a horizontal one into the
cricothyroid membrane; this avoids the superiorly positioned cricothyroid artery.
• Use the reversed handle of a scalpel or tissue expanding forceps to open up the
incision in the cricothyroid membrane.
• Insert a suitably sized tracheal tube into the trachea and inflate the cuff. Do not
insert the tube too far into the trachea: the carina is not far from here.
• Ventilate the lungs with a standard self-inflating bag attached to high-flow oxygen.
Exhalation occurs directly through the tracheal tube and tracheal suction is also
now possible.
• Confirm correct tube placement by auscultation and capnography.
• As there is a high risk of secondary damage this method should only be used in
patients deteriorating because of unmanageable airway problems.


 hen undertaken by someone with appropriate skills and experience,
tracheal intubation is an effective airway management technique during
cardiopulmonary resuscitation.

• I n unskilled hands, prolonged interruptions of chest compressions, and the

high risk of failure and other complications (e.g. unrecognised oesophageal
intubation) make tracheal intubation attempts potentially harmful.

Section 4.
Basic mechanical ventilation

To understand:
• the role of automatic ventilators in the peri-arrest period
Personal copy of Paul-George Oarga (ID: 1150922)

There are very few studies that address specific aspects of ventilation during advanced life
support. There are some data indicating that the ventilation rates delivered by healthcare
personnel during cardiac arrest are excessive. Various small portable automatic ventilators
may be used during resuscitation. They are usually gas powered. If an oxygen cylinder is 7
used, both to supply the patient with oxygen and to power the ventilator, the contents
may be used up rapidly. Most automatic resuscitators provide a constant flow of gas to
the patient during inspiration; the volume delivered is dependent on the inspiratory
time (a longer time provides a greater tidal volume). Because pressure in the airway rises
during inspiration, these devices are often pressure-limited to protect the lungs against
barotrauma. Expiration occurs passively into the atmosphere.

Set an automatic resuscitator initially to deliver a tidal volume of 6 ml kg-1 ideal body
weight at 10 breaths min-1. Some ventilators have co-ordinated markings on the controls
to facilitate easy and rapid adjustment for patients of different sizes, and others are
capable of sophisticated variation in respiratory pattern. In the presence of a spontaneous
circulation, the correct setting will be determined by checking the patient’s arterial blood
gas values. If a tracheal tube or supraglottic airway has not been inserted, do not attempt
chest compressions during the inspiratory phase. Once a tracheal tube has been inserted it
is unnecessary to interrupt chest compressions during inspiration. If a supraglottic airway
is inserted it may be necessary to synchronise chest compressions with the ventilator if an
excessive leak is occurring.


• A
 utomatic ventilators may be a useful adjunct during cardiopulmonary
resuscitation, although there are limited data on their use. Their safe use
requires appropriate training.

Chapter 7
Airway management and ventilation

• Soar J, et al. European Resuscitation Council Guidelines for Resuscitation 2015. Section 3.
Adult Advanced Life Support. 10.1016/j.resuscitation.2015.07.016; p99 - p146
• Soar J, Callaway CW, Aibiki M, et al. Part 4: Advanced life support: 2015 International Consensus on
Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation and Emergency Cardiovascular Care Science With Treatment
Recommendations. 10.1016/j.Resuscitation.2015.07.042; e71 - e122
• Nolan JP, Soar J. Airway techniques and ventilation strategies. Curr Opin Crit Care 2008;14:279-86.
• Wang HE, Simeone SJ, Weaver MD, Callaway CW. Interruptions in cardiopulmonary Resuscitation
from paramedic endotracheal intubation. Ann Emerg Med 2009;54:645-52.

Personal copy of Paul-George Oarga (ID: 1150922)

Chapter 8.
Cardiac monitoring,
and rhythm recognition
Personal copy of Paul-George Oarga (ID: 1150922)

To understand:
• the reasons for ECG monitoring
• how to monitor the ECG
• the origin of the ECG
• the importance of recording the ECG
• the cardiac rhythms associated with cardiac arrest
• how to identify other common arrhythmias

1. Introduction
During cardiac arrest, identification of the cardiac rhythm will help to determine the correct
treatment. Establish cardiac monitoring as soon as possible during cardiac arrest. In many
patients who have been resuscitated from cardiac arrest there is a substantial risk of further
arrhythmia and re-arrest. Maintain cardiac monitoring in people who have been resuscitated
from cardiac arrest until you are confident that the risk of recurrence is very low.

Some patients present with an arrhythmia that may lead to cardiac arrest or other serious
deterioration in their condition. Early detection and treatment of the arrhythmia may
prevent cardiac arrest in some patients and prevent life-threatening deterioration in
others. Patients at risk include those with persistent arrhythmia associated with structural
heart disease, chest pain, heart failure, reduced conscious level or shock. In all patients
with persistent cardiac arrhythmia at risk of deterioration, establish cardiac monitoring
and whenever possible record a good-quality 12-lead ECG. Monitoring alone will not
always allow accurate rhythm recognition and it is important to document the arrhythmia
for future reference if required.

Chapter 8
Cardiac monitoring, electrocardiography, and rhythm recognition

Some people experience symptoms (usually syncope) caused by an intermittent cardiac

arrhythmia that, if not documented and treated, could lead to cardiac arrest or sudden
death. However, the arrhythmia may not be present at the time of initial assessment. In
people who present with syncope undertake careful clinical assessment and record a
12-lead ECG. People who have experienced uncomplicated faints, situational syncope
(such as cough syncope or micturition syncope) or syncope due to orthostatic hypotension
do not require cardiac monitoring and do not usually require hospital admission. In those
who have had unexplained syncope, especially during exercise, those who have had
syncope and have evidence of structural heart disease, and those who have had syncope
and have an abnormal ECG (especially a prolonged QT interval or broad QRS ≥ 0.12 sec)
start cardiac monitoring and arrange further expert cardiovascular assessment.

Personal copy of Paul-George Oarga (ID: 1150922)

Single-lead ECG monitoring is not a reliable technique for detecting presence of myocardial
ischaemia (ST segment depression/elevation or T waves changes). Record serial 12-lead
ECGs in people experiencing chest pain suggestive of an acute coronary syndrome.

During cardiac arrest, recognition of ventricular fibrillation/pulseless ventricular

tachycardia (VF/pVT) as shockable rhythms is crucial to the delivery of effective treatment.
Automated external defibrillators (AEDs) and shock advisory defibrillators (SADs) can
recognise these rhythms reliably by electronic analysis. If a shockable rhythm is present,
the defibrillator will charge to the appropriate energy level and instruct the operator that
a shock is required. The introduction of AEDs has enabled resuscitation from VF/pVT to be
achieved by people who do not have skill in rhythm recognition, both in hospitals and in
the community.

The accurate analysis of some cardiac rhythm abnormalities requires experience and
expertise; however, the non-expert can interpret most rhythms sufficiently to select the
appropriate treatment. The main priority is to recognise that the rhythm is abnormal and
that the heart rate is inappropriately slow or fast. Use the structured approach to rhythm
interpretation, described in this chapter, to avoid errors. The need for immediate treatment
will be determined largely by the effect of the arrhythmia on the patient rather than by
the nature of the arrhythmia. When an arrhythmia is present, first assess the patient (use
the ABCDE approach), and then interpret the rhythm as accurately as possible. Treat the
patient, not the ECG!

2. Techniques for ECG monitoring

2.1. Cardiac monitors

Cardiac monitors display the ECG on a screen in real time. The signal is obtained from
adhesive electrodes on the patient’s skin and transmitted to the monitor either by wires
or by telemetry. Many monitor systems have other features, such as the ability to print
samples of the ECG rhythm display or to store samples of the ECG. Most monitors include
a display of heart rate, and some have alarms that can be programmed to provide an alert
when the heart rate goes below or exceeds preset limits.

Many systems enable monitoring of other values such as blood pressure and oxygen
saturation, which are important in the assessment of patients at risk. Digital processing
of the ECG offers the potential for electronic analysis of the cardiac rhythm. If a patient
requires monitoring, make sure that the monitor is being observed so that immediate
action can be taken if needed.

2.1.1. How to attach the monitor

Attach ECG electrodes to the patient using the positions shown in figure 8.1. These will
enable monitoring using ‘modified limb leads’ I, II and III. Make sure that the skin is dry, not
greasy (use an alcohol swab and/or abrasive pad to clean), and either place the electrodes
on relatively hair-free skin or shave off dense hair. Place electrodes over bone rather than
Personal copy of Paul-George Oarga (ID: 1150922)

muscle, to minimise interference from muscle artefact in the ECG signal. Different electrode
positions may be used when necessary (e.g. trauma, recent surgery, skin disease).

Figure 8.1
Position of electrodes for monitoring the ECG using modified limb leads

Most leads are colour-coded to help with correct connection. The usual scheme (except in
the United States) uses Red for the Right arm lead, yeLLow for the Left arm lead, Green for
the leG lead (usually placed on the abdomen or lower left chest wall) for modified limb leads.

Sometimes a fourth Black electrode is available (usually placed on the right side of the
abdomen or lower right chest wall).

Begin by monitoring in modified lead II as this usually displays good amplitude sinus P
waves and good amplitude QRS complexes, but switch to another lead if necessary to
obtain the best ECG signal. Try to minimise muscle and movement artefact by explaining
to patients what the monitoring is for and by keeping them warm and relaxed.

Chapter 8
Cardiac monitoring, electrocardiography, and rhythm recognition

2.1.2. Emergency monitoring

In an emergency, such as a collapsed patient, assess the cardiac rhythm as soon as possible
by applying adhesive defibrillator pads, which can be used for monitoring and hands-free
shock delivery (figure 8.2). Apply the pads in the conventional positions, below the right
clavicle and to the left axilla, in mid-axillary line. Use anterior and posterior positions as
an alternative if the conventional positions cannot be used (e.g. permanent pacemaker in
right pectoral position, chest wall trauma). The rapid application of manual defibrillator
paddles also enables the cardiac rhythm to be determined rapidly, but in most healthcare
environments these paddles have been replaced with hands-free adhesive defibrillator

Personal copy of Paul-George Oarga (ID: 1150922)

Figure 8.2
Defibrillator pads

3. Diagnosis from cardiac monitors

Use the displays and printouts from cardiac monitors only for rhythm recognition; do not
attempt to interpret ST segment abnormalities or other more sophisticated elements of
the ECG from monitors. When an arrhythmia is detected on a monitor, record a rhythm
strip whenever possible.

If the arrhythmia persists for long enough, record a 12-lead ECG. It is not always possible to
identify an arrhythmia from a single lead ECG recording. The heart is a three-dimensional
organ and the 12-lead ECG examines the electrical signals from the heart in three
dimensions. Sometimes, features that enable precise identification of cardiac rhythm are
visible in only one or two leads of the 12-lead ECG and would not be seen on a single-lead
recording of any other lead (figure 8.3).

These recordings may assist with rhythm interpretation at the time but are also useful
for later examination and planning of treatment in the longer term. Therefore effective
management of any arrhythmia, including a cardiac arrest arrhythmia, includes good
quality ECG recording, as well as interpretation and treatment at the time.

Valuable information about the nature and origin of a tachyarrhythmia can also be
obtained by recording the response to treatment (e.g. carotid sinus massage, adenosine).
Whenever possible, the effect of any such intervention should be recorded on a continuous
ECG recording, if possible using multiple leads (figure 8.4).

Figure 8.3
12-lead ECG showing atrial tachycardia, which may be recognised in leads V1,V2.

I aVR V1 V4
Personal copy of Paul-George Oarga (ID: 1150922)

II aVL V2 V5


25 mm/sec: 1 cm / mV

Figure 8.4
12-lead ECG showing the effect of adenosine in atrial flutter. Transient AV-block demonstrates clearly
that this regular narrow-complex tachycardia was atrial flutter with 2:1 AV conduction.

I 25 mm/sec: 1 cm / mV












Chapter 8
Cardiac monitoring, electrocardiography, and rhythm recognition

4. Basic electrocardiography
At rest, the cells of the cardiac conducting system and myocardium are polarised. A
potential difference of approximately 90 mV is present between the inside of the cell
(which is negatively charged) and the extracellular space. A sudden shift of ions across
the cell membrane triggers depolarisation, generating the electrical signal that travels
through the conducting system and triggers contraction of myocardial cells.

In normal sinus rhythm, depolarisation starts in a group of specialised ‘pacemaker’ cells,

called the sino-atrial (SA) node, located close to the entry of the superior vena cava into
the right atrium. A wave of depolarisation then spreads from the SA node through the
atrial myocardium.

Personal copy of Paul-George Oarga (ID: 1150922)

This is seen on the ECG as the P wave (figure 8.5). Atrial contraction is the mechanical
response to this electrical impulse.

The transmission of this electrical impulse to the ventricles occurs through specialised
conducting tissue (figure 8.6).

Figure 8.5 Figure 8.6

Components of the normal ECG signal Electrical conduction in the heart

Posterior division

Sinoatrial node
Bundle of His

Right bundle

Left bundle

Anterior division

Firstly, there is slow conduction through the atrioventricular (AV) node, followed by rapid
conduction to the ventricular myocardium by specialised conducting tissue (Purkinje
fibres). The bundle of His carries these fibres from the AV node and then divides into right
and left bundle branches, spreading out through the right and left ventricles respectively.
Rapid conduction down these fibres ensures that the ventricles contract in a coordinated

Depolarisation of the bundle of His, bundle branches and ventricular myocardium is seen
on the ECG as the QRS complex (figure 8.5). Ventricular contraction is the mechanical
response to this electrical impulse.

Between the P wave and QRS complex is a small isoelectric segment, which largely
represents the delay in transmission through the AV node. The normal sequence of atrial
depolarisation followed by ventricular depolarisation (P wave followed by QRS complex)
is sinus rhythm (rhythm strip 1).

The T wave, which follows the QRS complex, represents recovery of the resting potential in
the cells of the conducting system and ventricular myocardium (ventricular repolarisation).
Personal copy of Paul-George Oarga (ID: 1150922)

Because the normal conducting system transmits the depolarising impulse rapidly to
both ventricles, the normal QRS complex is of relatively short duration (normally < 0.12 s).

When one of the bundle branches is diseased or damaged, rapid conduction to the
corresponding ventricle is prevented. The depolarising impulse travels more rapidly
down the other bundle branch to its ventricle and then more slowly, through ordinary
ventricular myocardium to the other ventricle. This situation is called bundle branch
block. Because depolarisation of both ventricles takes longer than normal it is seen on the 8
ECG as a broad QRS complex (0.12 s or longer).

5. How to read a rhythm strip

Experience and expertise may be needed to identify some rhythm abnormalities with
complete precision. However, a simple, structured approach to interpreting the rhythm
on any ECG recording will define any rhythm in sufficient detail to enable the most
appropriate treatment to be chosen.

Apply the following 6-step approach to the analysis of any rhythm on an ECG:
1. Is there any electrical activity?
2. What is the ventricular (QRS) rate?
3. Is the QRS complex width normal or prolonged?
4. Is the QRS rhythm regular or irregular?
5. Is atrial activity present?
6. Is atrial activity related to ventricular activity and, if so, how?
Any cardiac rhythm can be described accurately (e.g. irregular narrow complex tachycardia,
regular broad-complex bradycardia, etc.) and managed safely and effectively using the
first four steps.

Chapter 8
Cardiac monitoring, electrocardiography, and rhythm recognition

5.1. Is there any electrical activity?

If you cannot see any electrical activity, check that the gain control is not too low and that
the electrodes and leads are connected to both the patient and the monitor.

Check the patient: is a pulse present? If the patient is pulseless and there is still no activity
on the ECG this is asystole (rhythm strip 2). Atrial and ventricular asystole are often both
present, resulting in a line with no deflections. A completely straight line indicates usually
that a monitoring lead has become disconnected. Disconnection may also be displayed by
a straight but discontinuous line. During asystole the ECG usually shows slight undulation
of the baseline, and may show electrical interference due to respiratory movement, or
chest compression.

Personal copy of Paul-George Oarga (ID: 1150922)

Atrial activity (usually P waves but occasionally atrial fibrillation (AF) or atrial flutter) may
continue for a short time after the onset of ventricular asystole. The ECG will show the
atrial activity but no QRS complexes - ventricular standstill (rhythm strip 3). Recognition of
this is important because pacing is more likely to achieve a cardiac output in this situation
than in most cases of complete asystole (chapter 10).

If the patient is pulseless and electrical activity is present, decide whether recognisable
QRS complexes are present. If not, and the ECG shows rapid, bizarre, irregular deflections
of random frequency and amplitude, this is VF (rhythm strip 4). In VF all coordination of
electrical activity is lost, and there is no effective ventricular contraction, and no detectable
cardiac output.

Ventricular fibrillation is sometimes classified as coarse (rhythm strip 4) or fine (rhythm

strip 5) depending on the amplitude of the complexes; If there is doubt about whether
the rhythm is asystole or fine VF, do not attempt defibrillation; instead, continue chest
compressions and ventilation. Fine VF that is difficult to distinguish from asystole is unlikely
to be shocked successfully into a rhythm that produces a cardiac output. Continuing
good-quality CPR may improve the amplitude and frequency of the VF and improve the
chance of subsequent successful defibrillation and return of spontaneous circulation.
Delivering repeated shocks in an attempt to defibrillate what is thought to be fine VF will
increase myocardial injury both directly from the electric current and indirectly from the
interruptions in coronary blood flow (chapter 6).

If electrical activity is present and contains recognisable QRS complexes, continue with
the following steps in rhythm analysis.

If the patient is pulseless and there are recognisable complexes on the ECG that would
be expected to produce a pulse, this is pulseless electrical activity (PEA) and requires
immediate CPR. Do not delay CPR whilst the cardiac rhythm is analysed further.

5.2. What is the ventricular (QRS) rate?
The normal heart rate (ventricular rate) at rest is 60-100 beats min-1. A bradycardia has a
heart rate slower than 60 min-1. A tachycardia has a rate faster than 100 min-1. ECG paper
is calibrated in mm, with bolder lines every 5 mm. Standard paper speed is 25 mm s-1.
One second is represented by 5 large squares (25 small squares). Be aware that in some
countries standard paper speed is 50 mm sec -1.

The best way of estimating the heart rate is to count the number of QRS complexes that
occur in 6 s (30 large squares) and multiply by 10. This provides an estimate of heart rate,
even when the rhythm is somewhat irregular. For example, if 20 QRS complexes occur
in 30 large squares the rate is 200 min-1 (figure 8.7). For shorter rhythm strips count the
Personal copy of Paul-George Oarga (ID: 1150922)

number of QRS complexes in 3 s (15 large squares) and multiply by 20.

Figure 8.7
Calculation of heart rate from a rhythm strip (20 cardiac cycles occur in 30 large squares = 200 min-1)

5.3. Is the QRS complex width normal or prolonged?

The upper limit of normal for the QRS interval is 0.12 s (3 small squares). If the QRS width is
less than this, the rhythm originates from above the bifurcation of the bundle of His and
may be from the SA node, atria or AV node, but not from the ventricular myocardium. If the
QRS duration is 0.12 s or more the rhythm may be coming from ventricular myocardium
or may be a supraventricular rhythm, transmitted with aberrant conduction (i.e. bundle
branch block).

5.4. Is the QRS rhythm regular or irregular?

This is not always as easy as it seems; at faster heart rates beat-to-beat variation during
some irregular rhythms appears less obvious. Some rhythms may be regular in places but
intermittent variation in R-R interval makes them irregular. Inspect an adequate length
of rhythm strip carefully, measuring out each R-R interval and comparing it to others
to detect any irregularity that is not obvious at first glance. Dividers are very useful for
comparing the R-R intervals. Alternatively, the position of two adjacent identical points
in the cardiac cycle (such as the tips of the R waves) can be marked on a strip of paper;
this can then be moved to another section of the rhythm strip. If the rhythm is regular the
marks will align precisely with each pair of R waves.

Chapter 8
Cardiac monitoring, electrocardiography, and rhythm recognition

If the QRS rhythm is irregular, decide:

• Is this totally irregular, with no recognisable pattern of R-R interval?
• Is the basic rhythm regular, with intermittent irregularity?
• Is there a recurring cyclical variation in the R-R intervals?

If there is a cyclical pattern, the relationship between the QRS waves and the P wave
requires careful analysis, as described below. If the R-R intervals are totally irregular
(irregularly irregular) and the QRS complex is of constant morphology, the rhythm is most
likely to be AF (rhythm strip 6).

A regular underlying rhythm may be made irregular by extrasystoles (ectopic beats).

Personal copy of Paul-George Oarga (ID: 1150922)

Extrasystoles can arise from the atria or the ventricles, and the position or focus from
which they arise will determine their morphology on an ECG.

If the QRS complex of ectopic beats is narrow (< 0.12 s), the beat is likely to have come from
above the ventricular myocardium (i.e. from atrial muscle or the AV node).

Broad-complex ectopic beats may be of ventricular origin or may be supraventricular

ectopic beats with bundle branch block.

Broad-complex atrial premature beats can sometimes be identified by a preceding ectopic

P wave. Ventricular ectopic beats can be accompanied by a P wave occurring shortly after
the QRS complex, caused by retrograde conduction from the ventricles to the atria.

Ectopic beats that occur early (that is before the next regular sinus beat was due to occur)
are referred to as premature beats (rhythm strip 7).

A beat that arises from the AV node or from ventricular myocardium after a long pause, for
example during sinus bradycardia or after sinus arrest, is referred to as an escape beat (rhythm
strip 8). This implies that the focus in the AV node or ventricle that generates this beat is acting
as a back-up pacemaker, because the normal pacemaker function of the sinus node is too
slow or absent. Ectopic beats may occur singly, in pairs (couplets) or in threes (triplets). If more
than three ectopic beats occur in rapid succession, this is regarded as a tachyarrhythmia.

An arrhythmia that occurs intermittently, interspersed with periods of normal sinus

rhythm, is described as paroxysmal.

When ectopic beats occur alternately with sinus beats for a sustained period this is called
bigeminy. It may be referred to as atrial bigeminy or ventricular bigeminy, depending on
whether the ectopic beats are atrial or ventricular in origin.

5.5. Is atrial activity present?

Having defined the rhythm in terms of rate, regularity and QRS width, examine the ECG
carefully for evidence of atrial activity. This may be difficult or impossible to identify, either
because it is not visible or because atrial activity is partly or completely obscured by QRS
complexes or T waves. Do not guess or try to convince yourself that you can identify atrial
activity unless you are completely sure.

Depending on the nature of the arrhythmia and the ECG lead being examined, P waves
may be present as positive deflections, negative deflections or biphasic deflections. When
present, U waves may be mistaken for P waves. P waves may coincide with and cause
distortion or variation of QRS complexes, ST segments, or T waves. Whenever possible,
recording of a 12-lead ECG may enable P waves to be identified in one or more leads, even
if they cannot be seen clearly in the initial monitoring lead. Lead V1 is often useful for
clear demonstration of some types of atrial activity including sinus P waves and AF. Sinus
P waves are usually seen clearly in lead II.

Other types of atrial activity may be present. During atrial flutter, atrial activity is seen as
Personal copy of Paul-George Oarga (ID: 1150922)

flutter waves - an absolutely regular repetitive deflection with a ‘saw-tooth’ appearance,

often at a rate of about 300 min-1. This is usually seen best in the inferior leads (II, III, aVF)
(figure 8.4).

During AF, circuits and waves of depolarisation travel randomly through both atria. There
are no P waves. Atrial fibrillation waves may be seen as rapid deviations from the baseline
of varying amplitude and duration, usually seen best in lead V1. In some patients this may
be of such low amplitude that no atrial activity can be seen. 8
During a sustained tachycardia atrial activity may not be visible between the QRS
complexes. If the rhythm is of atrial origin (e.g. atrial flutter or AF) it may be possible to
reveal atrial activity by slowing the ventricular rate whilst recording an ECG, preferably in
multiple leads. For example, if a regular tachycardia of 150 min-1 is due to atrial flutter with
2:1 conduction it may not be possible to identify flutter waves with confidence. A transient
increase in AV-block by vagal stimulation or by an intravenous bolus of adenosine will
demonstrate the flutter waves and identify the rhythm accurately (figure 8.4).

The shape and direction of P waves help to identify the atrial rhythm. For example, sinus
P waves are upright in leads II and aVF. If retrograde activation of the atria is taking place
from the region of the AV node (i.e. the rhythm is junctional or ventricular in origin), the
P waves will be inverted in leads II and aVF because atrial depolarisation travels in the
opposite direction to normal.

P wave rate and regularity (and flutter wave rate) are assessed in the same way as the rate
and regularity of QRS complexes.

5.6. Is atrial activity related to ventricular activity and, if so, how?

If there is a consistent interval between each P wave and the following QRS complex,
it is likely that conduction between atrium and ventricle is intact and that ventricular
depolarisation is triggered by atrial depolarisation. Examine a long rhythm strip to make
sure that subtle variation in the PR interval is not missed.

Please note that the term ‘PR interval’ is used throughout the text, however it is
recognised that some European countries use the PQ interval instead. In terms of
rhythm interpretation, the two terms are interchangeable.
Chapter 8
Cardiac monitoring, electrocardiography, and rhythm recognition

Occasionally conduction between atria and ventricles is reversed (i.e. ventricular

depolarisation is followed by retrograde conduction through the AV node and then by
atrial depolarisation); the P wave occurs soon after the QRS complex. It may sometimes
be difficult to distinguish between this situation and the presence of a very long PR or PQ

In other circumstances careful inspection will detect no relationship between the timing of
P waves and of QRS complexes. This will indicate that atrial and ventricular depolarisation
is arising independently, sometimes referred to as atrioventricular dissociation. Examples
of this include:
• Complete (third degree) AV-block, where a normal sinus rate in the atria is
accompanied by a regular bradycardia arising below the AV node.

Personal copy of Paul-George Oarga (ID: 1150922)

• Some examples of VT in which regular broad QRS complexes are present and
regular P waves can be seen at a different, slower rate, out of phase with the QRS

Difficulty may arise when the relationship between the P waves and the QRS complexes
varies in a recurring pattern. This may be misinterpreted as atrioventricular dissociation.
This is seen most commonly in one form of second degree AV-block (called Wenkebach or
Mobitz I AV-block). Examine a long rhythm strip carefully for recurring patterns and plot
and compare the timing of P waves and QRS complexes. In complete AV-block, the QRS
rhythm is usually completely regular.

In AF, the atrial activity is completely irregular, so there is no identifiable relationship

between this atrial activity and the irregular ventricular rhythm that results from it. If AF
is accompanied by a completely regular, slow ventricular rhythm this is likely to be due to
complete AV-block in the presence of AF in the atria.

In atrial flutter there may be a consistent relationship between the flutter waves and the
QRS complexes, giving rise to 1:1, 2:1, 3:1 conduction etc. In some instances, there is a
constantly varying relationship, producing an irregular QRS rhythm; this is atrial flutter
with variable AV-block.

6. Cardiac arrest rhythms

The rhythms present during cardiac arrest can be classified into 3 groups:
• ventricular fibrillation (VF) and some cases of ventricular tachycardia (VT)
• asystole
• pulseless electrical activity (PEA)

Extreme bradycardia and rarely very fast supraventricular tachyarrhythmia may also cause
such a severe fall in cardiac output to effectively cause cardiac arrest.

6.1. Ventricular fibrillation
The characteristic appearance of VF (rhythm strip 4) is usually easy to recognise, and this
is the only rhythm that does not need the systematic rhythm analysis described earlier
in this chapter. When a monitor appears to show VF check the patient immediately to
establish whether this is VF requiring immediate defibrillation, or whether the appearance
is due to artefact. If the patient has a pulse, the rhythm is not VF.

Two rhythm abnormalities may resemble VF in some circumstances, since both produce
an irregular, broad-complex, fast rhythm:
One is polymorphic VT (rhythm strip 12). This may cause cardiac arrest, and when
it does so the immediate treatment is the same as for VF, so failure to distinguish
Personal copy of Paul-George Oarga (ID: 1150922)

this immediately from VF would not lead to inappropriate treatment. However, it is

important to document polymorphic VT and to recognise it following immediate
resuscitation, so that the causes can be identified and corrected and appropriate
treatment given to prevent recurrence.
The second possible source of confusion is pre-excited AF. This occurs in the
presence of an accessory pathway connecting atrial and ventricular muscle in the
Wolff-Parkinson-White (WPW) syndrome. Some of these accessory pathways can 8
conduct very rapidly, transmitting atrial impulses to the ventricles, sometimes at
300 min-1 or faster. This produces an irregular broad complex tachycardia with some
variability in the width of QRS complexes (figure 8.8) that does not usually resemble
VF but might be mistaken for polymorphic VT. Left untreated, this rhythm may lead
to VT or VF causing cardiac arrest. If AF with WPW syndrome itself caused clinical
cardiac arrest, the correct treatment would be immediate defibrillation (as for
any broad-complex pulseless tachycardia) so misinterpretation as VT or VF would
not lead to inappropriate treatment. Again, the importance of documenting and
recognising the rhythm is to ensure that the patient receives immediate appropriate
specialist referral for treatment to protect them against the risk of recurrence of this
potentially dangerous arrhythmia.

6.2. Ventricular tachycardia

Ventricular tachycardia (VT) may cause loss of cardiac output resulting in cardiac arrest,
particularly at faster rates or in the presence of structural heart disease (e.g. impaired
left ventricular function, severe left ventricular hypertrophy, aortic stenosis). VT may
degenerate suddenly into VF. Pulseless VT is treated in the same way as VF by immediate

In the presence of a cardiac output (i.e. palpable pulse), treatment of VT should follow the
broad complex tachycardia algorithm described in chapter 11.

The QRS morphology may be monomorphic or polymorphic. In monomorphic VT (rhythm

strip 10), the rhythm is regular (or almost regular). The rate during VT may be anything from
100 to 300 min-1, rarely faster. It is unusual to see more than slight variation in heart rate
during any single episode of VT (other than in response to anti-arrhythmic drug therapy).

Chapter 8
Cardiac monitoring, electrocardiography, and rhythm recognition

Atrial activity may continue independently of ventricular activity; the identification of P

waves, dissociated from QRS complexes during broad complex tachycardia, identifies the
rhythm as VT. Occasionally these atrial beats may be conducted to the ventricles, causing
capture beats or fusion beats (rhythm strip 11). A capture beat produces a single normal-
looking QRS complex during monomorphic VT, without otherwise interrupting the
arrhythmia. In a fusion beat, a wave of depolarisation travelling down from the AV node
occurs simultaneously with a wave of depolarisation travelling up from the ventricular
focus producing the arrhythmia. This results in a hybrid QRS complex caused by fusion of
the normal QRS complex with the complex of the monomorphic VT.

Figure 8.8

Personal copy of Paul-George Oarga (ID: 1150922)

12-lead ECG showing pre-excited atrial fibrillation in a patient with Wolff-Parkinson-White syndrome

I aVR V1 V4

II aVL V2 V5


25 mm/sec: 1 cm / mV

In the presence of bundle branch block, a supraventricular tachycardia (SVT) will produce a
broad complex tachycardia. After myocardial infarction, most broad complex tachycardia
will be ventricular in origin. The safest approach is to regard all broad complex tachycardia
as VT until, or unless, proved otherwise.

One important type of polymorphic VT is torsade de pointes in which the axis of the
electrical activity changes in a rotational way so that the overall appearance of the ECG on
a rhythm strip produces a sinusoidal pattern (rhythm strip 12). This arrhythmia usually arises
in patients with a prolonged QT interval. This can occur as an inherited phenomenon in
some families (long QT syndromes). In some people it is caused by drugs, including some
anti-arrhythmic drugs, and it may occur less commonly as a manifestation of myocardial
ischaemia. Many patients with TDP VT are also hypokalaemic and/or hypomagnesaemic.
It is important to recognise TDP VT, because effective treatment (prevention of recurrent
episodes) will require removal of any predisposing causes (i.e. drugs), treatment with
intravenous magnesium and/or potassium, and may also require the use of overdrive

pacing. Drugs that prolong QT interval (including amiodarone) should be avoided in
patients with TDP VT. This arrhythmia can itself cause cardiac arrest (in which case it is
treated by defibrillation) and it can also degenerate into VF.

6.3. Asystole
The appearance of asystole has been described already (rhythm strip 2). Sometimes it is not
clear whether the observed rhythm is asystole or very fine VF. In this situation, immediate
treatment is to provide high-quality CPR. If fine VF was present, good CPR may increase
the amplitude and frequency of the VF, making that diagnosis clear and increasing the
probability of successful defibrillation.
Personal copy of Paul-George Oarga (ID: 1150922)

6.4. Pulseless electrical activity

The term pulseless electrical activity (PEA) does not refer to a specific cardiac rhythm.
It defines the clinical absence of cardiac output despite electrical activity that would
normally be expected to produce a cardiac output. It generally has a poor prognosis
especially when it is caused by a very large acute myocardial infarction. Potentially more
treatable causes include massive pulmonary embolism, tension pneumothorax, cardiac
tamponade and acute severe blood loss. 8

7. Peri-arrest arrhythmias
These are defined according to heart rate (bradyarrhythmia, tachyarrhythmia or
arrhythmia with a normal rate), as this will dictate initial treatment (chapter 11). In the
unstable patient, concentrate on early treatment to prevent deterioration, rather than on
prolonged attempts to identify the precise rhythm.

6.1. Bradyarrhythmia
A bradycardia is present when the ventricular (QRS) rate is < 60 min-1 (rhythm strip 13).
Bradycardia may be a physiological state in very fit people or during sleep, or may be an
expected result of treatment (e.g. with a beta-blocker). Pathological bradycardia may be
caused by malfunction of the SA node or from partial or complete failure of atrioventricular
conduction. Some patients with these rhythm abnormalities may need treatment with an
implanted pacemaker (rhythm strip 14).

The emergency treatment of most bradycardia is with atropine and/or cardiac pacing.
Occasionally it may be necessary to use sympathomimetic drugs such as isoprenaline
or adrenaline. The need for treatment depends on the haemodynamic effect of the
arrhythmia and the risk of developing asystole, rather than the precise ECG classification
of the bradycardia. Extreme bradycardia may sometimes precede cardiac arrest and
this may be prevented by prompt and appropriate treatment. In this context the most
important bradyarrhythmia is acquired complete heart block (see below).

Chapter 8
Cardiac monitoring, electrocardiography, and rhythm recognition

7.1.1. Heart block: first degree atrioventricular block

The PR interval is the time between the onset of the P wave and the start of the QRS
complex (whether this begins with a Q wave or R wave). The normal PR interval is between
0.12 and 0.20 s. First degree atrioventricular (AV) block is present when the PR interval is
> 0.20 s and is a common finding (rhythm strip 15). In some European countries, the PQ
interval is used and for the purpose of this manual the term can be used interchangeably
with ‘PR interval’. It represents a delay in conduction through the AV junction (the AV node
and bundle of His). In some instances this may be physiological (for example in trained
athletes). There are many other causes of first degree AV-block, including primary disease
(fibrosis) of the conducting system, various types of structural heart disease, ischaemic
heart disease and use of drugs that delay conduction through the AV node. First degree

Personal copy of Paul-George Oarga (ID: 1150922)

AV-block rarely causes any symptoms and as an isolated finding rarely requires treatment.

7.1.2. Heart block: second degree atrioventricular block

Second degree AV-block is present when some, but not all, P waves are conducted to the
ventricles, resulting in absence of a QRS complex after some P waves. There are two types:

• Mobitz Type I AV-block (also called Wenckebach AV-block)

The PR (or PQ) interval shows progressive prolongation after each successive P wave
until a P wave occurs without a resulting QRS complex. Usually the cycle is then repeated
(rhythm strip 16).

Any condition that delays AV conduction can produce Wenkebach AV-block. In some
situations this may be physiological, for example in highly trained athletes with high vagal
tone. Outside that setting Wenckebach AV-block is usually pathological. Its many causes
include acute myocardial infarction (especially inferior infarction). If asymptomatic, this
rhythm does not usually require immediate treatment. The need for treatment is dictated
by the effect of the bradyarrhythmia on the patient and the risk of developing more
severe AV-block or asystole.

• Mobitz Type II AV-block

There is a constant PR (or PQ) interval in the conducted beats but some of the P waves
are not followed by QRS complexes. This may occur randomly, without any consistent
pattern. People with Mobitz II AV-block have an increased risk of progression to complete
AV-block and asystole.

• 2:1 and 3:1 AV-block

The term 2:1 AV-block describes the situation in which alternate P waves are followed by
a QRS complex (rhythm strip 17). 2:1 AV-block may be due to Mobitz I or Mobitz II AV-block
and it may be difficult to distinguish which it is from the ECG appearance. If bundle branch
block is present as well as 2:1 block (broad QRS complexes) this is likely to be Mobitz II
block. 3:1 AV-block (rhythm strip 18) is less common and is a form of Mobitz II AV-block.
Immediate decisions about treatment of these rhythms (see algorithm for treatment of
bradycardia - chapter 11) will be determined by the effect of the resulting bradycardia on
the patient. After identifying and providing any necessary immediate treatment continue
cardiac monitoring and arrange expert cardiological assessment.
7.1.3. Heart block: third degree atrioventricular block
In third degree (complete) AV-block, there is no relationship between P waves and QRS
complexes; atrial and ventricular depolarisation arises independently from separate
‘pacemakers’ (rhythm strip 19). The site of the pacemaker stimulating the ventricles
will determine the ventricular rate and QRS width. A pacemaker site in the AV node or
proximal bundle of His may have an intrinsic rate of 40-50 min-1 or sometimes higher and
may produce a narrow QRS complex. A pacemaker site in the distal His-Purkinje fibres or
ventricular myocardium will produce broad QRS complexes, often have a rate of 30-40 min-
or less, and is more likely to stop abruptly, resulting in asystole.

7.1.4. Escape rhythms

Personal copy of Paul-George Oarga (ID: 1150922)

If the normal cardiac pacemaker (SA node) fails, or operates abnormally slowly, cardiac
depolarisation may be initiated from a ‘subsidiary’ pacemaker in atrial myocardium, AV
node, conducting fibres or ventricular myocardium. The resulting escape rhythm will be
slower than the normal sinus rate. As indicated above, subsidiary pacemakers situated
distally in the conducting system tend to produce slower heart rates than those situated
more proximally. Thus a ventricular escape rhythm will usually be slower than a ‘junctional’
rhythm arising from the AV node or bundle of His. 8
The term idioventricular rhythm is used to describe a rhythm arising from ventricular
myocardium. This includes ventricular escape rhythms seen in the presence of
complete AV-block. The term accelerated idioventricular rhythm is used to describe an
idioventricular rhythm with a normal heart rate (usually faster than the sinus rate but not
fast enough to be VT). This type of rhythm is observed quite frequently after successful
thrombolysis (or primary percutaneous coronary intervention) for acute myocardial
infarction (a ‘reperfusion arrhythmia’). Accelerated idioventricular rhythms do not
influence prognosis unless they cause haemodynamic compromise or develop into VT
or VF, which is uncommon. The QRS complex of an idioventricular rhythm will be broad
(i.e. 0.12 s or greater), whereas a junctional rhythm may be narrow or broad, depending
on whether conduction to the ventricles occurs normally, or with bundle branch block.

7.1.5. Agonal rhythm

Agonal rhythm occurs in dying patients. It is characterised by the presence of slow,
irregular, wide ventricular complexes, often of varying morphology (rhythm strip 20). This
rhythm is seen commonly during the later stages of unsuccessful resuscitation attempts.
The complexes slow inexorably and often become progressively broader before all
recognisable activity is lost.

7.2. Tachyarrhythmia
A pathological tachycardia may arise from atrial myocardium, the AV junction or ventricular
myocardium. Sinus tachycardia is not an arrhythmia and usually represents a response to
some other physiological or pathological state (e.g. exercise, anxiety, blood loss, fever etc).

Chapter 8
Cardiac monitoring, electrocardiography, and rhythm recognition

7.2.1. Narrow-complex tachycardia

When a tachycardia arises from tissue situated above the bifurcation of the bundle of His,
it is described as supraventricular (rhythm strip 21). The QRS complexes will be narrow if
ventricular depolarisation occurs normally, but will be broad if bundle branch block is
present. QRS complexes may be regular in many rhythms or may be irregular in the presence
of atrial fibrillation or variably conducted atrial flutter. Most tachycardia with narrow QRS
complexes has a favourable prognosis, but the outlook will vary with individual clinical
circumstances. These rhythms may be tolerated poorly by patients with structural heart
disease and may provoke angina, especially in patients with coronary artery disease.

• Atrial fibrillation

Personal copy of Paul-George Oarga (ID: 1150922)

Atrial fibrillation is the most common arrhythmia encountered in clinical practice. It is
characterised by disorganised electrical activity in the atria. No recognisable P waves
or co-ordinated atrial activity can be seen in any lead (rhythm strip 6). The baseline is
irregular and chaotic atrial activity is best seen in lead V1 where the atrial waveform is
irregular in both amplitude and frequency. The QRS rhythm is irregularly irregular (i.e.
there is no consistent R-R interval from beat to beat). The ventricular rate will depend on
the refractory period of the AV junction. In the absence of drug treatment or pre-existing
disease affecting the AV node, the resulting ventricular rate will be rapid, usually 120-180
min-1 or faster.

Common causes of AF include hypertension, obesity, alcohol excess and structural heart
disease. In coronary heart disease AF usually results from left ventricular impairment
(acute or chronic) and not as a direct result of ischaemia of the atrial myocardium.

• Atrial flutter
In atrial flutter, atrial activity is seen on the ECG as flutter or F waves at a rate of about 300
min-1 (rhythm strip 22). These are best seen in the inferior leads II, III and aVF where they
have a ‘saw-tooth’ appearance (figure 8.4). The ventricular rate depends on AV conduction
but there is often 2:1 (rhythm strip 9) or 3:1 conduction (often referred to as atrial flutter
with 2:1 or 3:1 block). If conduction is constant the ventricular rhythm will be regular, but
variable conduction causes an irregular ventricular rhythm. Like atrial fibrillation, atrial
flutter is often, but not always, associated with underlying disease. Atrial flutter usually
arises in the right atrium so is a recognised complication of diseases that affect the right
heart, including chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, major pulmonary embolism,
complex congenital heart disease and chronic congestive heart failure of any cause. It is
also seen in patients after cardiac surgery.

7.2.2. Broad-complex tachycardia

Broad-complex tachycardia may be:
• a tachycardia arising in the ventricle below the bifurcation of the bundle of His, i.e.
VT (rhythm strip 10); or
• a supraventricular tachycardia conducted aberrantly (right or left bundle branch
block) to the ventricles

The clinical consequences depend on:
• heart rate during the arrhythmia
• the presence or absence of structural heart disease or coronary disease
• duration of the arrhythmia

Ventricular tachycardia may degenerate into VF, especially if the VT is very fast (e.g. 200
min-1 or faster) or if the heart is unstable as a consequence of acute ischaemia or infarction,
or in the presence of electrolyte abnormality (hypokalaemia or hypomagnesaemia).

Treat all broad-complex tachycardia as ventricular tachycardia unless there is good

evidence that it is supraventricular in origin.
Personal copy of Paul-George Oarga (ID: 1150922)

Patients with WPW syndrome have accessory pathways connecting atrial and ventricular
myocardium. Some atrioventricular conduction occurs through these pathways as well
as through the AV node. This results in widening of the QRS complexes by so-called delta
waves. In the presence of such an accessory pathway that bypasses the AV node, AF may
result in a ventricular rate that is so fast that cardiac output decreases dramatically. The
ECG appearances are of a very rapid, irregular, broad complex tachycardia that usually
shows variability in the width of QRS complexes. This rhythm may be misdiagnosed 8
as irregular VT or possibly as VF. Overall the rhythm is more organised than ventricular
fibrillation and lacks the random chaotic activity of variable amplitude.

8. The QT interval
When identifying and treating rhythm abnormalities it is important to recognise likely
underlying causes that may influence choice of effective treatment. These may be
identified from clinical assessment (e.g. myocardial infarction), laboratory tests (e.g.
electrolyte abnormality) or from the ECG. Prolongation of the QT interval predisposes
people to ventricular arrhythmia, in particular VT and VF.

The QT interval is measured from the start of the QRS complex to the end of the T wave.
It can be difficult to measure accurately, mainly because it may be difficult to identify the
end of the T wave. This may be especially difficult when prominent U waves are present,
merging with the end of the T wave. U waves can be a feature of some abnormalities (e.g.
hypokalaemia) but may be present in some healthy people with normal hearts.

The length of the QT interval may also vary between different leads of the same ECG. This
may partly reflect variation in amplitude and direction of the T wave, making it more difficult
to measure in some leads than others. Variation in the QT interval (QT dispersion) has also
been shown to be associated with an increased risk of death in patients with ischaemic
heart disease, but this finding has not been developed into a useful measurement for use
in clinical practice.

The QT interval varies with age, with gender and in particular with heart rate. The QT
interval shortens as the heart rate increases. A correction can be made to allow for this,

Chapter 8
Cardiac monitoring, electrocardiography, and rhythm recognition

using the measured QT interval and heart rate to calculate the corrected QT interval (QTc).
The upper end of the normal range for QTc is 0.42 s. Many modern ECG machines measure
the QT and other intervals and calculate the QTc automatically. These measurements
are accurate only if the ECG recording is of good quality. Most ECG machines cannot
distinguish between T waves and U waves. Always look at the recording and make sure
that the quoted measurements are not obviously inaccurate. If in doubt seek expert help
with interpretation.

Abnormality of the QT interval can be seen in various situations. A shortened QT

interval may be seen with hypercalcaemia and digoxin treatment. Hypokalaemia,
hypomagnesaemia, hypocalcaemia, hypothermia, myocarditis and in some instances
myocardial ischaemia can all cause QT prolongation. There is also a long list of drugs that

Personal copy of Paul-George Oarga (ID: 1150922)

may prolong the QT interval, including class I and class III anti-arrhythmic drugs.

There are several genetic abnormalities in which the QT interval is abnormal or there
is abnormality of ventricular repolarisation (principally the long QT, short QT and
Brugada syndromes). The abnormality of repolarisation places them at risk of ventricular
arrhythmia and sudden death. These people require expert assessment to identify
whether treatment is needed to reduce this risk. For some the only effective treatment
is an implantable cardioverter-defibrillator to treat VF or VT immediately, if it occurs. It is
especially important that patients with long QT syndromes are not given any drug that
may cause further QT prolongation.


• A
 systematic approach to ECG rhythm analysis enables accurate recognition
of any rhythm abnormality, sufficient to enable safe, effective treatment.

• R
 ecordings of any rhythm abnormality and of the ECG in sinus rhythm provide
valuable diagnostic information and help the correct choice of longer-term

• A
 ccurate monitoring of the cardiac rhythm is essential for any patient at
high risk of developing life-threatening arrhythmia.

• A
 ccurate monitoring of the cardiac rhythm is essential in the management
of cardiac arrest.

• Blomstrom-Lundqvist C, Scheinmann M M (Co-Chairs). American College of Cardiology/American
Heart Association Task Force and the European Society of Cardiology Committee for Practice
Guidelines. ACC/AHA/ESC Guidelines for the Management of Patients With Supraventricular
Arrhythmias. European Heart Journal 2003;24:1857-1897.
• Fuster V, Ryden L E, Cannom DS, et al. ACC/AHA/ESC 2006 Guidelines for the Management of
Patients with Atrial Fibrillation: a report of the American College of Cardiology/American Heart
Association Task Force on Practice Guidelines and the European Society of Cardiology Committee
for Practice Guidelines (Writing Committee to Revise the 2001 Guidelines for the Management
of Patients With Atrial Fibrillation): developed in collaboration with the European Heart Rhythm
Association and the Heart Rhythm Society. Circulation 2006;114:e257-354.
• Zipes DP, Camm AJ, Borggrefe M, et al. ACC/AHA/ESC 2006 guidelines for management of patients
Personal copy of Paul-George Oarga (ID: 1150922)

with ventricular arrhythmias and the prevention of sudden cardiac death: a report of the American
College of Cardiology/American Heart Association Task Force and the European Society of Cardi-
ology Committee for Practice Guidelines (Writing Committee to Develop Guidelines for Manage-
ment of Patients With Ventricular Arrhythmias and the Prevention of Sudden Cardiac Death) J Am
Coll Cardiol 2006;48:e247-e346.

Chapter 8
Cardiac monitoring, electrocardiography, and rhythm recognition

Rhythm Strip 1
Normal sinus rhythm

Rhythm Strip 2

Personal copy of Paul-George Oarga (ID: 1150922)

Rhythm Strip 3
P-wave asystole

Rhythm Strip 4
Coarse ventricular fibrillation

Rhythm Strip 5
Fine ventricular fibrillation

Rhythm Strip 6
Atrial fibrillation

Rhythm Strip 7
Premature ventricular beat
Personal copy of Paul-George Oarga (ID: 1150922)

Rhythm Strip 8
Junctional escape beat 8

Rhythm Strip 9
Atrial flutter with 2:1 atrioventricular block

Rhythm Strip 10
Monomorphic ventricular tachycardia

Chapter 8
Cardiac monitoring, electrocardiography, and rhythm recognition

Rhythm Strip 11
Ventricular tachycardia with capture and fusion beats

Fusion beats Fusion beat Fusion beat

Capture beat Capture beat

Rhythm Strip 12
Polymorhpic ventricular tachycardia - Torsade de Pointes (TdP)

Personal copy of Paul-George Oarga (ID: 1150922)

Rhythm Strip 13
Sinus bradycardia

Rhythm Strip 14
Paced rhythm

Rhythm Strip 15
First degree atrioventricular block

Rhythm Strip 16
Mobitz type I or Wenckebach block

Rhythm Strip 17
Mobitz type II second degree atrioventricular block (2:1)
Personal copy of Paul-George Oarga (ID: 1150922)

Rhythm Strip 18
Mobitz type II second degree atrioventricular block (3:1)

Rhythm Strip 19
Third degree (complete) atrioventricular block

Rhythm Strip 20
Agonal rhythm

Chapter 8
Cardiac monitoring, electrocardiography, and rhythm recognition

Rhythm Strip 21
Supraventricular tachycardia

Rhythm Strip 22
Atrial flutter with a high degree of atrioventricular block

Personal copy of Paul-George Oarga (ID: 1150922)

Chapter 9.
Personal copy of Paul-George Oarga (ID: 1150922)

To understand:
• the mechanism of defibrillation
• the factors affecting defibrillation success
• t he importance of minimising interruptions in chest compressions during
• h
 ow to deliver a shock safely using either a manual or automated external
defibrillator (AED)

1. Introduction
Following the onset of ventricular fibrillation or pulseless ventricular tachycardia (VF/
pVT), cardiac output ceases and cerebral hypoxic injury starts within 3 min. If complete
neurological recovery is to be achieved, early successful defibrillation with a return of
spontaneous circulation (ROSC) is essential. Defibrillation is a key link in the chain of
survival and is one of the few interventions that has been shown to improve outcome
from VF/pVT cardiac arrest. The probability of successful defibrillation declines rapidly
with time; therefore early defibrillation is one of the most important factors in determining
survival from cardiac arrest. In the absence of bystander CPR, for every minute that passes
between collapse and attempted defibrillation, mortality increases 10-12 %. The shorter
the interval between the onset of VF/pVT and delivery of the shock, the greater the
chance of successful defibrillation and survival. Although defibrillation is key to the
management of patients in VF/pVT, continuous, uninterrupted chest compressions are also
required to optimise the chances of successful resuscitation. Analysis of CPR performance
during out-of-hospital and in-hospital cardiac arrest has shown that significant
interruptions are common and every effort should be made to minimise interruptions. The
aim should be to ensure that chest compressions are performed continuously throughout
the resuscitation attempt, pausing only to enable specific interventions.

Another factor that is critical in determining the success of defibrillation is the duration
of the interval between stopping chest compressions and delivering the shock: the pre-

Chapter 9

shock pause. The duration of the pre-shock pause is related inversely to the chance of
successful defibrillation; every 5-second increase in the pre-shock pause almost halves the
chance of successful defibrillation (defined by the absence of VF 5 s after shock delivery).
Consequently, defibrillation must always be performed quickly and efficiently in order to
maximise the chances of successful resuscitation.

If there is any delay in obtaining a defibrillator, and while the defibrillator is applied,
start chest compressions and ventilation immediately. When bystander CPR is given,
the decrease in survival is more gradual and averages 3-4 % per minute from collapse to
defibrillation. Bystander CPR can double survival from witnessed cardiac arrest.

Personal copy of Paul-George Oarga (ID: 1150922)

2. Mechanism of defibrillation
Defibrillation is the passage of an electrical current of sufficient magnitude across the
myocardium to depolarise a critical mass of cardiac muscle simultaneously, enabling the
natural pacemaker tissue to resume control. To achieve this, all defibrillators have three
features in common: a power source capable of providing direct current, a capacitor that
can be charged to a pre-determined energy level and two electrodes which are placed
on the patient’s chest, either side of the heart, across which the capacitor is discharged.
Successful defibrillation is defined scientifically as the absence of VF/pVT at 5 s after shock
delivery, although the ultimate goal is ROSC.

3. Factors affecting defibrillation success

Defibrillation success depends on sufficient current being delivered to the myocardium.
However, the delivered current is difficult to determine because it is influenced by
transthoracic impedance (electrical resistance) and electrode position. Furthermore,
much of the current is diverted along non-cardiac pathways in the thorax and, as a result,
as little as 4 % reaches the heart.

3.1. Transthoracic impedance

Current flow is inversely proportional to transthoracic impedance. Defibrillation technique
must be optimised to minimise the transthoracic impedance in order to maximise delivery
of current to the myocardium. In adults, impedance is normally in the range 70-80 ohm,
but in the presence of poor technique may rise to 150 ohm, reducing the current delivered
and thereby decreasing the chance of successful defibrillation. Transthoracic impedance
is influenced by: electrode-to-skin contact, electrode size and phase of ventilation.
Modern biphasic defibrillators can measure the transthoracic impedance and adjust the
energy delivered to compensate and are therefore less susceptible to higher transthoracic
impedance (impedance compensation).

The presence of a transdermal drug patch on the patient’s chest may prevent good
contact and may cause arcing and burns if self-adhesive pads are placed over them; if
removing them and wiping the area dry before applying the electrodes is likely to delay
defibrillation, place the pads in an alternative position that avoids the patch.

3.1.1. Shaving the chest
It may be difficult to obtain good electrode-to-skin contact in patients with very hairy
chests. This increases impedance, reduces defibrillation efficacy and may cause burns to
the patient’s chest. If a patient has a very hairy chest, and if a razor is available immediately,
use it to remove excessive hair from the area where the electrodes are placed. However,
defibrillation should not be delayed if a razor is not at hand immediately. In very hairy
patients, a bi-axillary electrode position may enable more rapid defibrillation.

3.1.2. Electrode size

The optimal electrode size is unknown. Current recommendations are that the sum of the
Personal copy of Paul-George Oarga (ID: 1150922)

electrode area should be a minimum of 150 cm2. Self-adhesive pads 8-12 cm in diameter
are widely used and function well. In practice the self-adhesive pads recommended by
the manufacturer for the specific defibrillator should be used.

3.1.3. Respiratory phase

Transthoracic impedance varies during ventilation being minimal at end expiration.
If possible, defibrillation should be attempted at this point. Positive end-expiratory
pressure (PEEP) increases impedance and where possible should be minimised during
defibrillation. Auto-PEEP (gas trapping) may be particularly high in asthmatics and may
necessitate higher than usual energy levels for defibrillation. 9

3.2. Electrode position

Transmyocardial current during defibrillation is likely to be maximal when the electrodes
are placed so that the area of the heart that is fibrillating lies directly between them
(i.e. ventricles in VF/pVT, atria in atrial fibrillation (AF)). Therefore, the optimal electrode
position may not be the same for ventricular and atrial arrhythmias.

When attempting to defibrillate a patient in VF/pVT, the standard procedure is to place

one electrode to the right of the upper sternum below the clavicle. The apical pad is
placed in the mid-axillary line, approximately level with the V6 ECG electrode or female
breast. This position should be clear of any breast tissue. It is important that this electrode
is placed sufficiently laterally (figure 9.1). Although the electrodes are marked positive and
negative, each can be placed in either position. Other acceptable pad positions include:
• each electrode on the lateral chest walls, one on the right and the other on the left
side (bi-axillary)
• one electrode in the standard apical position and the other on the right upper
• one electrode anteriorly, over the left precordium, and the other electrode on the
back behind the heart, just inferior to the left scapula (antero-posterior)

Chapter 9

3.3. CPR or defibrillation first?

In any unwitnessed cardiac arrest, those responding should provide high-quality,
uninterrupted CPR while a defibrillator is retrieved, applied and charged. Defibrillation
must be performed as soon as possible, and a specific period of CPR (e.g. 2-3 min) before
rhythm analysis and shock delivery is not recommended.

Figure 9.1
Standard electrode positions for defibrillation

Personal copy of Paul-George Oarga (ID: 1150922)

3.3.1. Strategies for minimising the pre-shock pause

The delay between stopping chest compressions and delivery of the shock (the pre-shock
pause) must be kept to an absolute minimum; even 5-10 seconds delay will reduce the
chances of the shock being successful. The pre-shock pause can be reduced to less than
5 seconds by continuing compressions during charging of the defibrillator and by having
an efficient team coordinated by a leader who communicates effectively. The safety
check to avoid rescuer contact with the patient at the moment of defibrillation should be
undertaken rapidly but efficiently. The post shock pause is minimised by resuming chest
compressions immediately after shock delivery. The entire process of manual defibrillation
should be achievable with less than a 5 second interruption to chest compressions.

3.4. Shock sequence

With first-shock efficacy of biphasic waveforms generally exceeding 90 %, failure
to cardiovert VF successfully suggests the need for a period of CPR to perfuse the
myocardium, rather than a further shock. Thus, immediately after giving a single shock,
and without reassessing the rhythm or feeling for a pulse, resume CPR (30 compressions
: 2 ventilations) for 2 min before delivering another shock (if indicated - see below). Even
if the defibrillation attempt is successful in restoring a perfusing rhythm, it is very rare
for a pulse to be palpable immediately after defibrillation and the delay in trying to
palpate a pulse will further compromise the myocardium if a perfusing rhythm has not
been restored. If a perfusing rhythm has been restored, giving chest compressions does
not increase the chance of VF recurrence. In the presence of post-shock asystole, chest
compressions may induce VF.

3.4.1. Witnessed, monitored VF/pVT in the cardiac catheter laboratory or
after cardiac surgery
If a patient has a monitored and witnessed cardiac arrest in the catheter laboratory,
coronary care unit, a critical care area or whilst monitored after cardiac surgery, and a
manual defibrillator is rapidly available:
• confirm cardiac arrest and shout for help
• if the initial rhythm is VF/pVT, give up to three quick successive (stacked) shocks
• rapidly check for a rhythm change and if appropriate ROSC after each defibrillation
Personal copy of Paul-George Oarga (ID: 1150922)

• start chest compressions and continue CPR for two minutes if the third shock is

This three-shock strategy may also be considered for an initial, witnessed VF/pVT cardiac
arrest if the patient is already connected to a manual defibrillator. Although there are no
data supporting a three-shock strategy in any of these circumstances, it is unlikely that
chest compressions will improve the already very high chance of ROSC when defibrillation
occurs early in the electrical phase, immediately after onset of VF.

3.5. Shock energy and waveforms 9

Defibrillation requires the delivery of sufficient electrical energy to defibrillate a critical
mass of myocardium, abolish the wavefronts of VF and enable restoration of spontaneous
synchronised electrical activity in the form of an organised rhythm. The optimal energy
for defibrillation is that which achieves defibrillation whilst causing the minimum of
myocardial damage. Selection of an appropriate energy level also reduces the number of
repetitive shocks, which in turn limits myocardial damage.

Optimal energy levels for defibrillation are unknown. The recommendations for energy
levels are based on a consensus following careful review of the current literature. Although
delivered energy levels are selected for defibrillation, it is the transmyocardial current
flow that achieves defibrillation. Current correlates well with successful defibrillation and

There remains no evidence to support either a fixed or escalating energy protocol,

although an escalating protocol may be associated with a lower incidence of refibrillation.
Both strategies are acceptable; however, if the first shock is not successful and the
defibrillator is capable of delivering shocks of higher energy it is reasonable to increase
the energy for subsequent shocks.

3.5.1. Biphasic defibrillators

Biphasic waveforms, are now well established as a safe and effective waveform for
defibrillation. Biphasic defibrillators compensate for the wide variations in transthoracic
impedance by electronically adjusting the waveform magnitude and duration to ensure

Chapter 9

optimal current delivery to the myocardium, irrespective of the patient’s size (impedance
compensation). There are two main types of biphasic waveform: the biphasic truncated
exponential (BTE) and rectilinear biphasic (RLB).

Due to the higher first shock success rate for termination of fibrillation with a biphasic
waveform and the potential for less post shock myocardial dysfunction biphasic
waveforms should be used for cardioversion of both atrial and ventricular arrhythmias in
preference to a monophasic waveform.

Figure 9.2
Biphasic truncated exponential waveform

Personal copy of Paul-George Oarga (ID: 1150922)

Figure 9.3
Rectilinear biphasic waveform

There is no evidence that either of the two most commonly used biphasic waveforms is
more effective. Although the initial biphasic shock energy should be no lower than 120 J
for a RLB waveform or 150 J for BTE waveforms, it is recommended that the initial biphasic
shock should be at least 150 J for simplicity, irrespective of the biphasic waveform.

If the provider is unaware of the type of defibrillator (monophasic or biphasic) or its

effective dose range, use the highest available energy for the first and subsequent shocks.
If the first shock is unsuccessful, second and subsequent shocks can be delivered using
either fixed or escalating energies of between 150-360 J, depending on the device in use.
If a shockable rhythm recurs after successful defibrillation (with or without ROSC), give the
next shock with the energy level that had previously been successful or higher.
Personal copy of Paul-George Oarga (ID: 1150922)

3.5.2. Monophasic defibrillators

The monophasic waveform does not defibrillate as effectively as the biphasic waveform.
Therefore, when using a monophasic defibrillator use 360 J for the first and all subsequent

3.6. Importance of uninterrupted chest compressions

The importance of early, uninterrupted chest compression is emphasised throughout
this manual; they should be interrupted only for rhythm checking and shock delivery,
and resumed as soon as a shock has been delivered. When two rescuers are present, the 9
rescuer operating the defibrillator applies the electrodes whilst CPR is in progress. With
manual defibrillation, it is possible to perform CPR during charging thereby reducing the
pre-shock pause (interval from stopping compressions to shock delivery) to < 5 s. When
using manual defibrillation, the entire process of pausing chest compressions, standing
clear, delivering the shock and immediately resuming chest compressions should be
achievable in < 5 s.

4. Safety
Attempted defibrillation should be undertaken without risk to members of the
resuscitation team. This is achieved best by using self-adhesive pad electrodes as this
eliminates the possibility of anyone touching any part of the electrode. Be wary of wet
surroundings or clothing - wipe any water from the patient’s chest before attempted
defibrillation. No part of any person should make direct or indirect contact with the
patient. Do not hold intravenous infusion equipment or the patient’s trolley during shock
delivery. The operator must ensure that everyone is clear of the patient before delivering
a shock.

Gloves may provide limited protection from the electric current; therefore it is strongly
recommended that all members of the resuscitation team wear gloves.

Chapter 9

4.1. Safe use of oxygen during defibrillation

In an oxygen-enriched atmosphere, sparking from poorly applied defibrillator paddles
can cause a fire and significant burns to a patient. The use of self-adhesive pads is far less
likely to cause sparks than manual paddles - no fires have been reported in association
with the use of self-adhesive pads. The following are recommended as good practice:
• Take off any oxygen mask or nasal cannulae and place them at least 1 m away from
the patient’s chest.
• Leave the ventilation bag connected to the tracheal tube or supraglottic airway,
ensuring that there is no residual PEEP remaining in the circuit.
• If the patient is connected to a ventilator leave the ventilator tubing (breathing circuit)

Personal copy of Paul-George Oarga (ID: 1150922)

connected to the tracheal tube unless chest compressions prevent the ventilator
from delivering adequate tidal volumes. During normal use, when connected to a
tracheal tube, oxygen from a ventilator in the critical care unit will be vented from the
main ventilator housing well away from the defibrillation zone. Patients in the critical
care unit may be dependent on positive end expiratory pressure (PEEP) to maintain
adequate oxygenation; during cardioversion, when the spontaneous circulation
potentially enables blood to remain well oxygenated, it is particularly appropriate to
leave the critically ill patient connected to the ventilator during shock delivery.

5. Automated external defibrillators

Automated external defibrillators are computerised devices that use voice and visual
prompts to guide lay rescuers and healthcare professionals to attempt defibrillation safely
in cardiac arrest victims. Advances in technology, particularly with respect to battery
capacity, and software arrhythmia analysis have enabled the mass production of relatively
cheap, reliable and easily operated portable defibrillators. Shock-advisory defibrillators
have ECG-analysis capability but can usually be manually over-ridden by healthcare
providers capable of rhythm recognition.

AEDs are safe and effective when used by laypeople with minimal or no training. AEDs
make it possible to defibrillate many minutes before professional help arrives. CPR
providers should continue CPR with minimal interruption of chest compressions while
attaching an AED and during its use. CPR providers should concentrate on following the
voice prompts immediately when they are spoken, in particular resuming CPR as soon
as instructed, and minimizing interruptions in chest compression. Standard AEDs are
suitable for use in children older than 8 years.

5.1. Automated rhythm analysis

Automated external defibrillators have microprocessors that analyse several features
of the ECG, including frequency and amplitude. Some AEDs are programmed to detect
spontaneous movement by the patient or others. Developing technology should soon
enable AEDs to provide information about frequency and depth of chest compressions
during CPR that may improve resuscitation performance by all rescuers.

Automated external defibrillators have been tested extensively against libraries of recorded
cardiac rhythms and in many trials in adults and children. They are extremely accurate in
rhythm analysis. Although AEDs are not designed to deliver synchronised shocks, all AEDs
will recommend shocks for VT if the rate and R-wave morphology exceed preset values.

5.2. In-hospital use of AEDs

Delayed defibrillation may occur when patients sustain cardiac arrest in unmonitored
hospital beds and in outpatient departments. In these areas several minutes may elapse
before resuscitation teams arrive with a defibrillator and deliver shocks.

Despite limited evidence, AEDs should be considered for the hospital setting as a way to
Personal copy of Paul-George Oarga (ID: 1150922)

facilitate defibrillation as soon as possible (within 3 min of collapse at the most) especially
in areas where staff have no rhythm recognition skills or where they use defibrillators
infrequently. An effective system for training and retraining should be in place. Adequate
numbers of staff should be trained to enable achievement of the goal of providing the
first shock within 3 min of collapse anywhere in the hospital.
Training in the use of AEDs can be achieved much more rapidly and easily than for manual
defibrillators. Automated equipment has made attempted defibrillation available to a
much wider range of medical, nursing, paramedical, and lay workers (e.g. police and first-
aiders - ‘first-responder defibrillation’). Healthcare providers with a duty to perform CPR
should be trained, equipped, and authorised to perform defibrillation. First-responder
attempted defibrillation is vital, as the delay to delivery of the first shock is the main 9
determinant of survival in cardiac arrest.

5.3. Public access defibrillation (PAD) programmes

Public access defibrillation (PAD) and first responder AED programmes may increase the
number of victims who receive bystander CPR and early defibrillation, thus improving
survival from out-of-hospital cardiac arrest. These programmes require an organised and
practised response with rescuers trained and equipped to recognise emergencies, activate
the EMS system, provide CPR, and use the AED. Lay rescuer AED programmes with very
rapid response times in airports, on aircraft, or in casinos, and uncontrolled studies using
police officers as first responders have achieved reported survival rates as high as 49-74 %.
Recommended elements for PAD programmes include:
• a planned and practised response
• training of anticipated rescuers in CPR and use of the AED
• link with the local EMS system
• programme of continuous audit (quality improvement)

Public access defibrillation programmes are most likely to improve survival from cardiac
arrest if they are established in locations where witnessed cardiac arrest is likely to occur.
Suitable sites might include airports, casinos and sports facilities. Approximately 80 % of
out-of-hospital cardiac arrests occur in private or residential settings; this fact inevitably
limits the overall impact that PAD programmes can have on survival rates.

Chapter 9

Figure 9.4
AED algorithm


Call for help

Open airway

Personal copy of Paul-George Oarga (ID: 1150922)

Not breathing normally

Send or go for AED

Call 112*

* or national emergency number

CPR 30:2
Until AED is attached


Shock No shock
advised advised

1 Shock

Immediately resume: Immediately resume:

CPR 30:2 CPR 30:2
for 2 min for 2 min

Continue until the victim starts

to wake up: to move, opens
eyes and to breathe normally

5.4. Sequence for use of an AED or shock-advisory defibrillator
1. Make sure the victim, any bystanders, and you are safe.
2. If the victim is unresponsive and not breathing normally:
-- Send someone for the AED and call for an ambulance or resuscitation team.
If you are on your own, do both things yourself.
3. Start CPR according to the guidelines (chapter 5).
4. As soon as the AED arrives:
-- Switch on the AED and attach the electrode pads. If more than one rescuer is
present, continue CPR while this is done.
Personal copy of Paul-George Oarga (ID: 1150922)

-- Follow the voice/visual directions.

-- Ensure that nobody touches the victim whilst the AED is analysing the
5A. If a shock IS indicated:
-- Ensure that nobody touches the victim (figure 9.6a).
-- Push the shock button (figure 9.6b) as directed.
-- Continue as directed by the voice/visual prompts.
5B. If NO shock is indicated:
-- Immediately resume CPR using a ratio of 30 compressions to 2 rescue breaths
(figure 9.6c).
-- Continue as directed by the voice/visual prompts.
6. Continue to follow the AED prompts until:
-- Qualified help (e.g. ambulance or resuscitation team) arrives and takes over.
-- The victim starts to breathe normally, or
-- You become exhausted.
• The carrying case with the AED must contain some strong scissors for cutting
through clothing and a disposable razor for shaving excessive chest hair in order
to obtain good electrode contact.
• If ALS providers are using the AED, they should implement other ALS interventions
(advanced airway, ventilation, IV access, drug delivery, etc.) according to local

Chapter 9

Figure 9.6
Operation of a shock-advisory defibrillator and efficient CPR

Personal copy of Paul-George Oarga (ID: 1150922)

6. Manual defibrillation
Manual defibrillators enable the operator to diagnose the rhythm and deliver a shock
rapidly without having to wait for rhythm analysis. This minimises the interruption in chest
compressions. Manual defibrillators often have additional functions, such as the ability
to deliver synchronised shocks, and external pacing facilities. The main disadvantage of
these devices is that the operator has to be skilled in ECG rhythm recognition; therefore,
in comparison with AEDs, extra training is required.

6.1. Sequence for use of a manual defibrillator

This sequence is an integral part of the advanced life support treatment algorithm in
chapter 6.
1. Confirm cardiac arrest-check for signs of life or if trained to do so, breathing and
pulse simultaneously.
2. Call resuscitation team.
3. Perform uninterrupted chest compressions while applying self-adhesive
defibrillation/monitoring pads (figure 9.7) - one below the right clavicle and the
other in the V6 position in the midaxillary line.
4. Plan actions before pausing CPR for rhythm analysis and communicate these to the
5. Stop chest compressions not longer than 2 seconds to check rhythm, resume chest
compressions immediately.

6. Confirm VF/pVT, if in doubt use a print out rhythm strip; the designated person selects
the appropriate energy on the defibrillator (150-200 J biphasic for the first shock and
150-360 J biphasic for subsequent shocks) and presses the charge button (figure 9.8).
7. While the defibrillator is charging, warn all rescuers other than the individual
performing the chest compressions to “stand clear” and remove any oxygen
delivery device as appropriate. Ensure that the rescuer giving the compressions is
the only person touching the patient.
8. Once the defibrillator is charged, tell the rescuer doing the chest compressions to
”stand clear”; when clear, give the shock.
Without reassessing the rhythm or feeling for a pulse, restart CPR using a ratio of
30:2, starting with chest compressions.
Personal copy of Paul-George Oarga (ID: 1150922)

10. Continue CPR for 2 min; the team leader prepares the team for the next pause in
11. Pause briefly to check the monitor.
12. If VF/pVT, repeat steps 6-11 above and deliver a second shock.
13. If VF/pVT persists repeat steps 6-8 above and deliver a third shock. Without
reassessing the rhythm or feeling for a pulse, resume CPR (CV ratio 30:2) immediately
after the shock, starting with chest compressions.
14. If IV/IO access has been obtained, during the next 2 minutes of CPR give adrenaline 9
1 mg and amiodarone 300 mg.
15. Repeat this 2 min CPR-rhythm/pulse check-defibrillation sequence if VF/pVT
16. Give further adrenaline 1 mg IV after alternate shocks (i.e., in practice, this will be
about once every two cycles of the algorithm).
17. If organised electrical activity is seen during the pause to check the monitor, feel
for a pulse:
a. I f a pulse is present, start post-resuscitation care.
b. If no pulse is present, continue CPR and switch to the non-shockable algorithm.
18. If asystole is seen, continue CPR and switch to the non-shockable algorithm.

Chapter 9

Figure 9.7
Applying defibrillator pads

Personal copy of Paul-George Oarga (ID: 1150922)

Figure 9.8
Charging during chest compressions

6.1.1. Using handheld defibrillator paddles

As handheld paddles are still in use in many countries the following recommendations
apply for their use:
6.a. Confirm VF, if in doubt use a print out rhythm strip; the designated person selects
the appropriate energy on the defibrillator (maximum energy for monophasic
devices), leave the paddles in the defibrillator and presses the charge button).
6.b. Apply conductive gel to the patients chest.

7. While the defibrillator is charging, warn all rescuers other than the individual
performing the chest compressions to “stand clear” and remove any oxygen
delivery device as appropriate. Ensure that the rescuer giving the compressions is
the only person touching the patient.
8.a. Once the defibrillator is charged, tell the rescuer doing the chest compressions to
”stand clear”.
8.b. Move one of the charged paddles to the patients chest
8.c. Once safely positioned and kept in place move the second paddle to the patients
8.d. Deliver shock and return both paddles to the defibrillator.
Personal copy of Paul-George Oarga (ID: 1150922)

9. Without reassessing the rhythm or feeling for a pulse, restart CPR using a ratio of
30:2, starting with chest compressions.

7. Pre-hospital defibrillation
There is evidence that performing chest compressions while retrieving and charging a
defibrillator improves the probability of survival. EMS personnel should provide high-
quality CPR while a defibrillator is retrieved, applied and charged. Defibrillation should
not be delayed longer than needed to establish the need for defibrillation and charging. 9
The routine delivery of a pre-specified period of CPR (e.g. two or three minutes) before
rhythm analysis and a shock is delivered is not recommended.

Laypeople and first responders using AEDs should attach the device as soon as possible
and follow the prompts.

8. Synchronised cardioversion
If electrical cardioversion is used to convert atrial or ventricular tachyarrhythmias, the shock
must be synchronised to occur with the R wave (not the T wave) of the electrocardiogram.
By avoiding the relative refractory period, the risk of inducing VF is minimised. Most manual
defibrillators incorporate a switch that enables the shock to be triggered by the R wave on
the electrocardiogram. Electrodes are applied to the chest wall and cardioversion is achieved
in the same way as attempted defibrillation but the operator must anticipate the slight delay
between pressing the buttons and the discharge of the shock when the next R wave occurs.
Do not move the defibrillator electrodes during this interval; otherwise the QRS complex will
not be detected. The same safety precautions must be met as for attempted defibrillation.

Synchronisation can be difficult in VT because of the wide-complex and variable forms

of ventricular arrhythmia. If synchronisation fails, give unsynchronised shocks to the
unstable patient in VT to avoid prolonged delay in restoring sinus rhythm. Ventricular
fibrillation or pulseless VT requires unsynchronised shocks. Conscious patients must be
anaesthetised or sedated before attempting synchronised cardioversion.

Energy doses for cardioversion are discussed in chapter 11.

Chapter 9

9. Cardiac pacemakers and implantable

cardioverter- defibrillators
If the patient has a cardiac pacemaker or implantable cardioverter-defibrillator (ICD),
be careful when placing the electrodes. Although modern pacemakers are fitted with
protection circuits, the current may travel along the pacemaker wire or ICD lead causing
burns where the electrode tip makes contact with the myocardium. This may increase
impedance at the contact point and gradually increase the threshold for pacing. Place
the defibrillator electrodes at least 8 cm from the pacemaker unit to minimise the risk.
Alternatively place the pads in the antero-posterior or postero-lateral position as
described above. If resuscitation is successful following defibrillation, check the pacemaker
threshold regularly over the next two months. Recent case reports have documented

Personal copy of Paul-George Oarga (ID: 1150922)

rescuers receiving shocks from ICDs when in contact with the patient during CPR. It is
particularly important to wear gloves and avoid skin-to-skin contact with the patient
while performing CPR as there is no warning before the ICD discharges.

10. Internal defibrillation

Internal defibrillation using paddles applied directly across the ventricles requires
considerably less energy than used for external defibrillation. Biphasic shocks are
substantially more effective than monophasic shocks for direct defibrillation. For biphasic
shocks, use 10-20 J, delivered directly to the myocardium through internal paddles.
Monophasic shocks require approximately double these energy levels. Do not exceed 50
J when using internal defibrillation-failure to defibrillate at these energy levels requires
myocardial optimisation before defibrillation is attempted again.


• F or the patient in VF/pVT, early defibrillation is the only effective means of

restoring a spontaneous circulation.

• When using a defibrillator, minimise interruptions in chest compressions

• Soar J, et al. European Resuscitation Council Guidelines for Resuscitation 2015. Section 3.
Adult Advanced Life Support. 10.1016/j.resuscitation.2015.07.016; p99 - p146
• Soar J, Callaway CW, Aibiki M, et al. Part 4: Advanced life support: 2015 International Consensus on
Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation and Emergency Cardiovascular Care Science With Treatment
Recommendations. 10.1016/j.resuscitation.2015.07.042; e71 - e122

Chapter 10.
Cardiac pacing
Personal copy of Paul-George Oarga (ID: 1150922)

To understand:
• the indications for cardiac pacing in the peri-arrest setting
• how to perform percussion pacing
• how to apply non-invasive, transcutaneous electrical pacing
• t he problems associated with temporary transvenous pacing and
how to correct them
• h
 ow to manage patients with implanted permanent pacemakers and
cardioverter defibrillators in the setting of cardiac arrest and in the peri-arrest

1. Introduction
In some cardiac arrest or peri-arrest settings, appropriate use of cardiac pacing can be life-
saving. Non-invasive pacing may be used to maintain cardiac output temporarily while
expert help to deliver longer-term treatment is obtained. Non-invasive pacing can be
established rapidly and is well within the capabilities of an ALS provider.

The ALS provider does not need to have a detailed technical knowledge of permanent
cardiac pacemakers and implanted cardioverter defibrillators (ICDs) but needs to be able
to recognise when one of these devices is present, when they are failing, and how the
presence of an implanted device may influence the management of a cardiac arrest.

2. The cardiac impulse - its formation and its failure

The electrical activity that stimulates each normal heartbeat arises in the sino-atrial (SA)
node. This depolarises spontaneously and regularly without any external stimulus. Such
behaviour is termed automaticity, and any cardiac tissue that possesses it is capable of
initiating a heartbeat and behaving as the heart’s natural pacemaker. Different parts of
the conducting system depolarise spontaneously at different rates (figure 10.1). The fastest

Chapter 10
Cardiac pacing

pacemaker will provide the cardiac rhythm and slower natural pacemakers will only
take over if the faster ones fail. Examples may be seen in sinus arrest or extreme sinus
bradycardia when the atrioventricular (AV) node may take over and provide a junctional
escape rhythm, and in complete atrioventricular block (complete heart block-CHB) when
the escape rhythm arises from the ventricular myocardium or from conducting tissue
below the atrioventricular node.

Figure 10.1
Cardiac conducting system

Posterior division

Personal copy of Paul-George Oarga (ID: 1150922)

Sinoatrial node

Atrioventicular node
Bundle of His

Right bundle

Left bundle

Anterior division

When CHB occurs at the level of the AV node, the most rapid automatic activity arises from
cells immediately below the block and these become the new pacemaker. The intrinsic
rate of these cells is relatively fast (often about 50 min–1). The resulting escape rhythm is
usually relatively stable and unlikely to fail and cause asystole.

The QRS complexes resulting from this type of block are narrow because the impulse is
transmitted to the ventricles rapidly through an intact His-Purkinje system. This situation
may be seen complicating acute inferior myocardial infarction. In this setting, narrow-
complex CHB may not require pacing because the heart rate is often not especially slow
and the risk of asystole is usually low.

Complete heart block can occur lower in the conducting system, for example, when
all the fibres of the bundle branches are involved following anteroseptal myocardial
infarction, or as a result of other disease including degenerative fibrosis and valve disease.
Any automatic activity arising below this block in the distal Purkinje fibres is likely to be
slow and unreliable. In this situation, the resulting QRS complexes will be broad, since
the impulse passes slowly through ventricular muscle rather then rapidly through the

His-Purkinje system. The unreliable escape rhythm may fail briefly, leading to syncope
(Stokes-Adams attack), or completely, causing ventricular standstill and cardiac arrest.
Broad-complex CHB requires cardiac pacing, and the occurrence of significant ventricular
pauses makes this urgent, as this implies a risk of asystole. The possible risk of more severe
AV-block and asystole should always be considered in a patient who has presented with
syncope and has any ECG evidence of conduction delay (e.g. long PR interval or bundle
branch block). Such patients require at least cardiac monitoring and expert assessment.

In the peri-arrest setting, artificial pacemakers are used when the cardiac rhythm is unduly
slow or unreliable and not responding to the treatment described in the peri-arrest
algorithm for bradycardia (chapter 11). However, pacing will be successful only if the heart
is able to respond to the pacing stimulus. In the setting of cardiac arrest the continued
Personal copy of Paul-George Oarga (ID: 1150922)

presence of P waves makes this more likely.

Pacing is very rarely successful in asystole in the absence of P waves and should not be
attempted routinely in this situation.

The stimulus to the myocardium may be either mechanical, as in percussion pacing, or

electrical as in transcutaneous and transvenous pacing.

If a pacing stimulus induces an immediate QRS complex this is referred to as ‘capture‘.

Always check that electrical activity seen on the ECG is accompanied by mechanical
activity producing a palpable pulse.

3. Methods of pacing
Methods of pacing are classified as:
• percussion pacing (‘fist pacing’)
• transcutaneous pacing
• temporary transvenous pacing
• permanent pacing with an implanted pacemaker
Implanted devices that deliver pacing include pacemakers implanted for the treatment
of bradycardia, biventricular pacemakers implanted for the treatment of heart failure
(cardiac resynchronisation therapy) and implanted cardioverter defibrillators (ICDs) that
also have a pacemaker function.

3.1. Non-invasive pacing

3.1.1. Percussion pacing

When bradycardia is so profound that it causes clinical cardiac arrest, percussion pacing
can be used in preference to CPR because it is capable of producing an adequate cardiac

Chapter 10
Cardiac pacing

output with minimal trauma to the patient. It is more likely to be successful when
ventricular standstill is accompanied by continuing P wave activity (chapter 8).

3.1.2. How to perform percussion pacing

• With the side of a closed fist deliver repeated firm blows to the precordium lateral
to the lower left sternal edge.
• Raise the hand about 10 cm above the chest for each blow.
• If initial blows do not produce a QRS complex try using slightly harder blows and
try moving the point of contact around the precordium until a site is found that
produces repeated ventricular stimulation.

Personal copy of Paul-George Oarga (ID: 1150922)

Percussion pacing is not as reliable as electrical pacing in stimulating QRS complexes. If
percussion does not produce a pulsed rhythm promptly, regardless of whether or not it
stimulates QRS complexes, start CPR immediately.

Like CPR, percussion pacing is an emergency measure that is used to try to maintain
circulation to vital organs and enable either recovery of a spontaneous cardiac rhythm or
transcutaneous or transvenous pacing. Expert help must be sought as this is not a long-
term solution.

3.2. Transcutaneous pacing

Compared with transvenous pacing, non-invasive transcutaneous pacing has the
following advantages:
• It can be established very quickly.
• It is easy to perform and requires a minimum of training.
• It can be initiated by nurses, paramedics and doctors, while waiting for expert help
to establish transvenous pacing.
The major disadvantage of transcutaneous pacing in the conscious patient is discomfort.
The pacing impulse stimulates painful contraction of chest wall muscles as well as causing
some direct discomfort. Treat conscious patients with iv analgesia and/or sedation. Many
defibrillators incorporate a facility for transcutaneous pacing and the availability of
multifunction, adhesive electrode pads capable of ECG monitoring, pacing, cardioversion,
and defibrillation have made these units particularly versatile. Stand-alone non-invasive
pacing devices may also be available in some hospital departments.

Most modern transcutaneous pacing systems are capable of demand pacing: intrinsic
QRS complexes are sensed and pacing stimuli delivered only when needed. Be aware
that additional simultaneous monitoring of the patient’s rhythm by usual (small) ECG
electrodes is necessary for most of the devices to function appropriately.

3.2.1. How to perform transcutaneous pacing
• Avoid any unnecessary delay in starting pacing, but pay careful attention to
technique to increase the chance of success.
• Using scissors or a razor, quickly remove excess chest hair from the skin where the
electrode pad is to be applied.
• Make sure that the skin is dry.
• Attach ECG monitoring electrodes and leads if necessary - these are needed with
some transcutaneous pacing devices.
• Position the electrode pads in the conventional right pectoral-apical positions if
Personal copy of Paul-George Oarga (ID: 1150922)

possible (figure 10.2a). If this is prevented (e.g. by chest trauma, pacemaker, or ICD
implant) anterior-posterior (A-P) positions can be used (figure 10.2b-d).
• If you are using a pacing device that is not capable of defibrillation, use A-P
positions for the pacing electrodes so that defibrillator pads can still be used in the
‘conventional’ right pectoral and apical positions if cardiac arrest occurs.
• For right pectoral-apical positions place one electrode over the right pectoral
muscle, just below the clavicle. Place the apical pad in the mid-axillary line,
overlying the V6 ECG electrode position. It is important that this electrode is placed
sufficiently laterally. Apply this pad to the chest wall, not over any breast tissue.

Figure 10.2a Figure 10.2b-d.
Pectoral-apical pad positions for external Anterior-posterior (AP) pad positions for external pacing.

For A-P positions place the anterior electrode on the left anterior chest wall, beside the
sternum, overlying the V2 and V3 ECG electrode positions. Place the posterior electrode
between the lower part of the left scapula and the spine, at the same horizontal level on
the trunk as the anterior electrode.

• Different transcutaneous pacing devices have different properties. For example

some require the operator to increase the current delivered with each pacing
stimulus until electrical capture is achieved, whilst others use a constant current
that cannot be adjusted and longer pulse duration (duration of the pacing

Chapter 10
Cardiac pacing

stimulus) than other devices. Make sure that you are familiar with the operation of
the device that you are using.
• Most transcutaneous pacing devices offer pacing in demand mode; the pacemaker
will be inhibited if it detects a spontaneous QRS complex. However, if there is a lot
of movement artefact on the ECG this may inhibit the pacemaker. Avoid movement
artefact as far as possible. If artefact still appears to be inhibiting the pacemaker,
switch to fixed-rate pacing mode.
• Select an appropriate pacing rate. This will usually be in the range of 60-90 min-1
for adults, but in some circumstances (for example complete AV-block with an
idioventricular rhythm at 50 min–1) a slower pacing rate of 40 or even 30 min–1 may
be appropriate to deliver pacing only during sudden ventricular standstill or more

Personal copy of Paul-George Oarga (ID: 1150922)

extreme bradycardia.
• If the pacing device has an adjustable energy output set this at its lowest value
and turn on the pacemaker. Gradually increase the output while observing the
patient and the ECG. As the current is increased the muscles of the chest wall will
contract with each impulse and a pacing spike will appear on the ECG (figure 10.3a).
Increase the current until each pacing spike is followed immediately by a QRS
complex, indicating electrical capture (typically with a current of 50-100 mA using
a device with adjustable output). This means that the pacing stimuli are causing
depolarisation of the ventricles (figure 10.3b).
• Check that the apparent QRS complex is followed by a T wave. Occasionally, artefact
generated by the pacing current travelling through the chest may be mistaken for
a QRS complex, but such artefact will not be followed by a T wave (figure 10.3a).
• If the highest current setting is reached and electrical capture has not occurred, try
changing the electrode positions. Continued failure to achieve electrical capture
may indicate non-viable myocardium, but other conditions (e.g. hyperkalaemia)
may prevent successful pacing.
Having achieved electrical capture with the pacemaker, check for a pulse. A palpable pulse
confirms the presence of a mechanical response of the heart to the paced QRS complex
(i.e. contraction of the myocardium). Absence of a pulse in the presence of good electrical
capture constitutes pulseless electrical activity (PEA). The most likely cause is severe
myocardial failure but consider other possible causes of PEA in these circumstances.

Conscious patients usually experience considerable discomfort during transcutaneous

pacing. Warn patients in advance that this may happen. They will often require intravenous
analgesia and/or sedation if prolonged transcutaneous pacing is necessary. Reassess the
patient frequently (ABCDE) because analgesics as well as sedative drugs may suppress the
patient’s respiratory effort.

When defibrillating a patient who has pacing-only electrode pads in place, apply the
defibrillator paddles at least 2-3 cm from the pacing electrodes to prevent arcing of the
defibrillation current.

Chest compressions can be given and other manual contact with the patient maintained
as necessary with transcutaneous electrodes in place. There is no hazard from
transcutaneous pacing to other people who are in contact with the patient. However,
there is no benefit in trying to deliver transcutaneous pacing during chest compressions,
so it is best to turn off the pacemaker whilst CPR is in progress.

When transcutaneous pacing produces an adequate cardiac output seek expert help
immediately to decide about a transvenous pacing system.

Figure 10.3a
Transcutaneous pacing. Appearance of pacing spikes on ECG
Personal copy of Paul-George Oarga (ID: 1150922)

Pacing Spike



3.4. Invasive pacing

3.4.1. Temporary transvenous pacing

It is rare to have to attempt to insert a transvenous pacing wire during a cardiac arrest. In
this setting, use non-invasive pacing to attempt to establish a cardiac output, and then
seek expert help to establish transvenous pacing.

Failure of an existing temporary transvenous pacing system may cause cardiac arrest,
particularly when the patient is pacing-dependent. Temporary transvenous pacing
systems can fail in three ways:

• High threshold
When a temporary pacing lead is inserted the usual aim is to position its tip in the apex
of the right ventricle, where it is least likely to be displaced. After positioning the lead, it
is used to pace the heart and the voltage delivered by the pacemaker is decreased and
increased to determine the minimum voltage needed to stimulate the ventricle. This
is termed the pacing threshold and the usual aim is to achieve a threshold of < 1 V at
the time of lead insertion. Higher thresholds suggest that the electrode is not making
satisfactory contact with the myocardium, and the lead may need to be repositioned.

Chapter 10
Cardiac pacing

It is usual to pace the heart with a 3-4 V stimulus, well above the initial pacing threshold.
Over the first days and weeks after insertion of a pacing lead (temporary or permanent) a
rise in the threshold can be expected.

Check the threshold on temporary pacing leads at least daily to make sure that the output
of the pacemaker is well above the threshold. If not, loss of capture may occur. This is seen
on the ECG as a pacing spike without a subsequent QRS complex. Loss of capture may be
intermittent, so any apparent ‘missed beat’ of this nature should prompt a repeat check
of the pacing threshold.

If loss of capture occurs because of a high threshold, increase the output of the pacemaker
immediately to well above the threshold. A sudden increase in pacing threshold may be

Personal copy of Paul-George Oarga (ID: 1150922)

caused by lead displacement, so obtain prompt expert help, as repositioning of the lead
may be required.

• Loss of electrical continuity

Modern temporary transvenous pacing leads are bipolar. One electrode is at the tip of
the lead and the second is about 1 cm proximal to the tip. Each electrode is connected by
the lead to separate connectors at the other end, outside the patient. These are usually
inserted into sockets at one end of a connecting cable that in turn is connected to the
terminals of the pacemaker.

Make sure that all connections between the lead and the pacemaker are making good
secure contact that is unlikely to be lost easily, for example by minor movement of the
lead or cable.

Loss of contact at any point will stop delivery of the pacing stimulus to the heart, seen on
the ECG as absence of a pacing spike. This may be intermittent and symptomless, or may
be sudden and total and may cause syncope or cardiac arrest in asystole. When pacing
failure is accompanied by loss of the pacing spike on the ECG, check all connections
immediately; check that the pacemaker has not been turned off inadvertently and check
that its batteries are not depleted. If no such cause is present another possible explanation
is a fracture of a wire within its insulation. This usually causes intermittent pacing failure
and the fracture is more likely to be in the connecting cable than in the pacing lead. If this
is suspected change the connecting cable immediately.

• Electrode displacement
The tip of an endocardial transvenous pacing lead is usually positioned in the apex of
the right ventricle. There should be enough slack in the lead as it passes through the
right atrium to allow for changes in posture and deep inspiration, but not so much as to
encourage displacement of the lead tip.

The tip of a pacing lead may also perforate the wall of the right ventricle and enter the
pericardium with little or no apparent change in position on chest X-ray. Very rarely, this
may cause pericardial tamponade, so consider this possibility if a patient with a recently
implanted pacing lead suffers cardiac arrest with pulseless electrical activity.

When displacement or perforation occurs, the ECG will still show a pacing spike, but
there is likely to be intermittent or complete loss of capture of the pacing stimulus, so
the pacing spikes are not followed consistently by QRS complexes. When a pacing lead
displaces but remains in the right ventricle it may trigger ventricular extrasystoles or more
serious ventricular arrhythmia, including VT and VF. When transvenous pacing fails, there
is a risk of ventricular standstill. This may be relatively short-lived and cause syncope, or
prolonged and cause cardiac arrest in asystole. In this situation use non-invasive pacing
until effective transvenous pacing has been re-established.

3.4.2. Implanted permanent pacing systems

Problems with permanent pacing systems are rare, because the connections between
Personal copy of Paul-George Oarga (ID: 1150922)

pacing electrodes and the pacemaker are much more secure. Occasional fracture of
a permanent pacing lead may occur, usually following trauma such as a fall on to an
outstretched arm on the side of the pacemaker. This may cause permanent or intermittent
loss of the pacing spike.

When assessing a patient using the ABCDE approach check (during ‘E’) for the presence
of an implanted device. These devices are usually implanted below the clavicle, often but
not always on the left side. If a device is identified consider whether it is a pacemaker or an
ICD and in the case of a pacemaker try to establish whether it was implanted as treatment
for bradyarrhythmia or as treatment for heart failure.

If a patient with an implanted pacemaker or ICD has a cardiac arrest or requires

cardioversion, place defibrillation pads at least 8 cm from the device. Devices that are 10
implanted below the left clavicle usually present no problem with the use of standard
defibrillator paddle positions. If a device has been implanted below the right clavicle, use
A-P positions for defibrillation or cardioversion if possible. This is most easily and safely
achieved using self-adhesive electrode pads rather than hand-held defibrillator paddles.

• Biventricular pacing systems

Until relatively recently, the usual reason for implantation of a permanent pacemaker
has been the treatment of bradycardia, caused mostly by malfunction of the sino-atrial
node or atrioventricular conduction. In recent years there has been increasing use of
biventricular pacemakers as ‘cardiac resynchronisation therapy’ in patients with heart
failure. Most of these patients do not require pacing for bradycardia. Pacing the apex of
the right ventricle and the lateral wall of the left ventricle simultaneously improves the co-
ordination of left ventricular contraction. These pacemakers require the same precautions
during defibrillation and cardioversion as any other pacemaker, but failure of a pacemaker
that has been inserted for this purpose will not usually cause any major change in heart
rate or any dangerous rhythm abnormality.

4. Implantable cardioverter-defibrillators
These devices resemble large implanted pacemakers. Many of them can function
as demand pacemakers in the event of bradycardia and some will also deliver

Chapter 10
Cardiac pacing

biventricular pacing for heart failure, as well as delivering defibrillation if required.

National and international guidelines define indications for the implantation of an ICD,
but accumulating evidence for improved survival after major myocardial infarction
and in patients with heart failure has increased the use of these devices. Unlike a
simple pacemaker, the primary function of an ICD is to terminate a life-threatening
tachyarrhythmia. A ‘simple’ ICD can deliver a defibrillatory shock when it detects VF or
very fast VT. More sophisticated devices can be programmed also to deliver critically
timed pacing stimuli to attempt to terminate VT that is not especially fast and is
unlikely to cause cardiac arrest, resorting to defibrillation only if the VT accelerates or
degenerates into VF.

ICDs are implanted usually in the pectoral region in a similar position to pacemakers.

Personal copy of Paul-George Oarga (ID: 1150922)

Though these devices may seem complex, the means by which they sense changes in
cardiac rhythm is relatively simple, depending mainly upon detection of rapid heart
rates. Consequently, ICDs will occasionally misdiagnose an arrhythmia, or misinterpret
other electrical signals, and deliver inappropriate shocks, which are very unpleasant for
a conscious patient. Implantable cardioverter defibrillators can be disabled temporarily
by holding or taping a magnet on the skin over the device. Seek expert help if ICD
malfunction is suspected, as it may require reprogramming.

If a patient with an ICD has a cardiac arrest that is not terminated by the ICD, deliver CPR in
the usual way. Until recently, it was thought that chest compressions could be undertaken
without risk to the rescuer, even if the ICD delivers an internal shock to the patient during
chest compression. However, there have been rare reports of rescuers receiving shocks
from an ICD. This risk is minimised by wearing gloves. If a shockable cardiac arrest rhythm
is present and is not terminated by the ICD, use external defibrillation in a standard fashion,
taking the same precautions with choice of defibrillator paddle positions as in a patient
with an implanted pacemaker. Assessment and checking of the device (ICD, pacemaker)
by an expert is mandatory after external defibrillation or resuscitation as soon as possible.

Consider the possible requirement for ICD implantation in any patient who has been
resuscitated from cardiac arrest in a shockable rhythm outside the context of proven
acute ST segment elevation myocardial infarction. All such patients should be referred
before discharge from hospital for assessment by a cardiologist with expertise in heart
rhythm disorders.


• N
 on-invasive pacing can be delivered by any ALS provider and is the
immediate treatment for bradyarrhythmia that is a potential risk to
the patient who does not respond to initial drug treatment.

• N
 on-invasive pacing is a temporary measure to be used until either a stable
and effective spontaneous rhythm returns, or a competent person establishes
transvenous pacing.

• S pecial precautions are necessary during resuscitation attempts in patients

with implanted pacemakers and ICDs.
Personal copy of Paul-George Oarga (ID: 1150922)

• T he possible need for an ICD should be considered in patients resuscitated

from cardiac arrest in VT or VF, in whom there is a risk of recurrence.

• National Institute for Clinical Health & Excellence 2006. Technology Appraisal 95. Implantable
cardioverter defibrillators for arrhythmias. Review of Technology Appraisal 11.
• Soar J, et al. European Resuscitation Council Guidelines for Resuscitation 2015. Section 3. Adult
Advanced Life Support. 10.1016/j.resuscitation.2015.07.016; p99 - p146
• Soar J, Callaway CW, Aibiki M, et al. Part 4: Advanced life support: 2015 International Consensus on
Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation and Emergency Cardiovascular Care Science With Treatment
Recommendations. 10.1016/j.resuscitation.2015.07.042; e71 - e122

Personal copy of Paul-George Oarga (ID: 1150922)

Cardiac pacing
Chapter 10
Chapter 11.
Peri-arrest arrhythmias
Personal copy of Paul-George Oarga (ID: 1150922)

To understand:
• the importance of arrhythmias that may precede or follow a cardiac arrest
• how to assess peri-arrest arrhythmias
• the principles of treatment of peri-arrest arrhythmias

1. Introduction
Rhythm abnormalities that occur in the peri-arrest period may be considered in two main
• Arrhythmias that may lead to cardiac arrest - many rhythm abnormalities occur
without causing cardiac arrest: they are a relatively common complication of acute
myocardial infarction (AMI) but are also common in patients with other cardiac
abnormalities and in people who do not have coronary disease or structural
heart disease. Untreated, some of these arrhythmias may lead to cardiac arrest
or to avoidable deterioration in the patient’s condition. Others may require no
immediate treatment.
• Arrhythmias that occur after initial resuscitation from cardiac arrest - these
often indicate that the patient’s condition is still unstable and that there is a risk of
deterioration or further cardiac arrest.

You should be able to recognise common arrhythmias and to know how to assess
whether or not they require immediate treatment. The treatment algorithms described in
this section have been designed to enable the non-specialist advanced life support (ALS)
provider to treat a patient effectively and safely in an emergency; for this reason they
have been kept as simple as possible. If patients are not acutely ill there may be treatment
options, including the use of drugs (oral or parenteral) that will be less familiar to the non-
expert. In this situation you should, whenever possible, seek advice from cardiologists or
other senior doctors with the appropriate expertise.

Chapter 11
Peri-arrest arrhythmias

2. Sequence of actions
When an arrhythmia is present or suspected, start by assessing the patient using the
ABCDE approach, including early establishment of cardiac monitoring (see chapter 8).
Assess the patient specifically for adverse features (see below). Insert an intravenous
cannula and, if appropriate, give oxygen. Whenever possible, record a 12-lead ECG at the
earliest opportunity. This will help to identify the precise rhythm, either before treatment
or retrospectively, if necessary with the help of an expert. Clinical assessment is of limited
value in identifying the precise rhythm abnormality.

When you assess any patient with an arrhythmia address two factors:
1. the condition of the patient (presence or absence of adverse features)

Personal copy of Paul-George Oarga (ID: 1150922)

2. the nature of the arrhythmia

3. Adverse features
The presence or absence of adverse signs or symptoms will dictate the urgency and
choice of treatment for most arrhythmias. The following adverse features indicate that a
patient is unstable and at risk of deterioration, wholly or partly because of the arrhythmia:
• Shock-hypotension (systolic blood pressure < 90 mmHg), pallor, sweating, cold
extremities, confusion or impaired consciousness.
• Syncope-transient loss of consciousness because of global reduction in blood flow
to the brain.
• Heart failure-pulmonary oedema and/or raised jugular venous pressure (with or
without peripheral oedema and liver enlargement).
• Myocardial ischaemia-typical ischaemic chest pain and/or evidence of myocardial
ischaemia on a 12-lead ECG.
• Extremes of heart rate - in addition to the above adverse features it may be
appropriate to consider extremes of heart rate as adverse signs in themselves,
requiring more urgent assessment and treatment than less extreme tachycardia or
bradycardia with no adverse signs.
1. E xtreme tachycardia: when heart rate increases diastole is shortened to a greater
degree than systole. Rhythm abnormalities that cause very fast heart rates
(e.g. > 150 min-1) reduce cardiac output dramatically (because diastole is very
short and the heart does not have time to fill properly) and reduce coronary
blood flow (because this mostly occurs during diastole), potentially causing
myocardial ischaemia. The faster the heart rate, the less well it will be tolerated.
2. E xtreme bradycardia: in general, the slower the bradycardia the less well it will
be tolerated and heart rates below 40 min-1 are often tolerated poorly. This is
especially so when people have severe heart disease and cannot compensate
for the bradycardia by increasing stroke volume. Some people with very severe
heart disease require faster than normal heart rates to maintain cardiac output,
and even a ‘normal’ heart rate may be inappropriately slow for them.

4. Treatment options
Depending on the clinical status of the patient (i.e. the presence or absence of adverse
features) and the nature of the arrhythmia, immediate treatments can be categorised
under five headings:
1. eliminate and/or correct relevant triggers like ischaemia, hypoxia, acidaemia, hypo-
, hyperkalaemia, drugs, stress and pain
2. electrical (cardioversion for tachyarrhythmia or pacing for bradyarrhythmia)
3. simple clinical intervention (e.g. vagal manoeuvres, percussion pacing)
4. pharmacological (drug treatment)
Personal copy of Paul-George Oarga (ID: 1150922)

5. no treatment needed
Most drugs act more slowly and less reliably than electrical treatments, so electrical
treatment is usually the preferred treatment for an unstable patient with adverse features.
When treating patients with absence of adverse features primarily with drugs be aware of
possible deterioration either due to the drugs or by natural course of the arrhythmia. Be
prepared for immediate electrical treatment (defibrillation, cardioversion or pacing).

If a patient develops an arrhythmia as a complication of some other condition (e.g.

infection, AMI, heart failure), make sure that the underlying condition is assessed and
treated appropriately, involving relevant experts if necessary.

5. Subsequent monitoring and treatment

After successful treatment of an arrhythmia continue to monitor the patient until you are
confident that the risk of further arrhythmia is low. Remember always to record a 12-lead
ECG after successful treatment of an arrhythmia because this may show abnormalities (or
absence of abnormalities) that will be important in planning future management. Correct
all reversible factors that may predispose to further arrhythmia. Ensure that appropriate
further expert help and advice is obtained at the most appropriate time for the patient.

6. Tachycardia

6.1. If the patient has adverse features

If the patient is unstable and deteriorating, with any of the adverse signs and symptoms
described above being caused by the tachycardia, attempt synchronised cardioversion
immediately (figure 11.1). In patients with otherwise normal hearts, serious signs and
symptoms are uncommon if the ventricular rate is < 150 beats min-1. Patients with
impaired cardiac function or significant comorbidity may be symptomatic and unstable
at lower heart rates. If cardioversion fails to restore sinus rhythm and the patient remains
unstable, give amiodarone 300 mg intravenously over 10-20 minutes and re-attempt
electrical cardioversion. The loading dose of amiodarone can be followed by an infusion
of 900 mg over 24 hours.

Chapter 11
Peri-arrest arrhythmias

Repeated attempts of electrical cardioversion are not appropriate for recurrent (within
hours or days) paroxysms (self-terminating episodes) of atrial fibrillation. This is relatively
common in critically ill patients who may have ongoing precipitating factors causing
the arrhythmia (e.g. metabolic disturbance, sepsis). Cardioversion does not prevent
subsequent arrhythmias. If there are recurrent episodes, treat them with drugs.

6.2. Synchronised electrical cardioversion

Carry out cardioversion under general anaesthesia or analgesia/conscious sedation,
administered by a healthcare professional competent in the technique being used.

Ensure that the defibrillator is set to deliver a synchronised shock. This delivers the shock

Personal copy of Paul-George Oarga (ID: 1150922)

to coincide with the R wave. An unsynchronised shock could coincide with a T wave and
cause ventricular fibrillation (VF).

For a broad-complex tachycardia or atrial fibrillation, start with 120-150 J biphasic shock
(200 J monophasic) and increase in increments if this fails. Atrial flutter and regular
narrow-complex tachycardia will often be terminated by lower-energy shocks: start with
70-120 J biphasic (100 J monophasic). For atrial fibrillation and flutter use anteroposterior
defibrillator pad positions when it is practicable to do so.

When delivering the shock, press the shock button and keep it pressed until after the
shock has occurred - there may be a slight delay before the shock is delivered.

If a second shock is needed, reactivate the synchronisation switch if necessary.

6.3. If the patient has no adverse features

If the patient with tachycardia is stable (no adverse signs or symptoms) and is not
deteriorating, pharmacological treatment may be possible. Evaluate the rhythm using
a 12-lead ECG and assess the QRS duration. If the QRS duration is equal or greater than
0.12 seconds (3 small squares on standard ECG paper) it is classified as a broad complex
tachycardia. If the QRS duration is less than 0.12 seconds it is a narrow complex tachycardia.

All anti-arrhythmic treatments-physical manoeuvres, drugs, or electrical treatment- can

also be pro-arrhythmic, so that clinical deterioration may be caused by the treatment
rather than lack of effect. The use of multiple anti-arrhythmic drugs or high doses of a single
drug can cause myocardial depression and hypotension. This may cause a deterioration
of the cardiac rhythm and patients condition. Expert help should be sought before using
repeated doses or combinations of anti-arrhythmic drugs.

Figure 11.1
Tachycardia algorithm

n Assess using the ABCDE approach

n  ive oxygen if appropriate and obtain IV access
n Monitor ECG, BP, SpO , record 12 lead ECG
n Identify and treat reversible causes (e.g. electrolyte abnormalities)

Synchronised DC Assess for evidence of adverse signs

Shock* Unstable 1. Shock 3. Myocardial ischaemia
Up to 3 attempts 2. Syncope 4. Heart failure

Personal copy of Paul-George Oarga (ID: 1150922)

n  miodarone 300 mg IV
over 10-20 min and repeat
shock; followed by: Is QRS narrow (< 0.12 sec)?
n Amiodarone 900 mg

over 24 h Broad Narrow

Broad QRS Narrow QRS

Is QRS regular? Is rhythm regular?

Irregular Regular Regular Irregular

Seek expert help n Use vagal manoeuvres Irregular Narrow Complex

n  denosine 6 mg rapid IV bolus;
A Tachycardia
if unsuccessful give 12 mg; Probable atrial fibrillation
if unsuccessful give further 12 mg. Control rate with:
n Monitor ECG continuously
n β-Blocker or diltiazem

n Consider digoxin or amiodarone

if evidence of heart failure

Anticoagulate if duration > 48h 11
Normal sinus rhythm restored? NO Seek expert help

If Ventricular Tachycardia
Possibilities include: (or uncertain rhythm):
n A
 F with bundle branch block n Amiodarone 300 mg IV over 

treat as for narrow complex 20-60 min; then 900 mg over Probable re-entry PSVT: Possible atrial flutter
n P
 olymorphic VT 24 h n Record 12-lead ECG in sinus n Control rate (e.g. ß-Blocker)
(e.g. torsades de pointes - give
n If previously confirmed rhythm
magnesium 2 g over 10 min) n If recurs, give adenosine
SVT with bundle branch block:
Give adenosine as for regular again & consider choice of
narrow complex tachycardia anti-arrhythmic prophylaxis

*Attempted electrical cardioversion on conscious patients is always undertaken under sedation or general anaesthesia

Chapter 11
Peri-arrest arrhythmias

6.4. Broad-complex tachycardia

Broad-complex tachycardias are usually ventricular in origin. Although broad-complex
tachycardias may be caused by supraventricular rhythms with aberrant conduction, in
the unstable patient in the peri-arrest context assume they are ventricular in origin. In
the stable patient with broad-complex tachycardia, the next step is to determine if the
rhythm is regular or irregular.

6.4.1. Regular broad-complex tachycardia

A regular broad-complex tachycardia is likely to be ventricular tachycardia or SVT with
bundle branch block. If there is uncertainty about the source of the arrhythmia, give

Personal copy of Paul-George Oarga (ID: 1150922)

intravenous adenosine as it may convert the rhythm to sinus and help diagnose the
underlying rhythm.

Stable ventricular tachycardia can be treated with amiodarone 300 mg intravenously over
20-60 minutes followed by an infusion of 900 mg over 24 hours. Specialist advice should be
sought before considering alternatives treatments such as procainamide or sotalol.

6.4.2. Irregular broad-complex tachycardia

Irregular broad complex tachycardia is most likely to be AF with bundle branch block.
Another possible cause is AF with ventricular pre-excitation (Wolff–Parkinson–White
(WPW) syndrome). In this case there is more variation in the appearance and width of
the QRS complexes than in AF with bundle branch block. A third possible cause is
polymorphic VT (e.g. torsades de pointes), although this rhythm is relatively unlikely to be
present without adverse features.

Seek expert help with the assessment and treatment of irregular broad-complex
tachyarrhythmia. If treating AF with bundle branch block, treat as for AF (see below). If
pre-excited AF (or atrial flutter) is suspected, avoid adenosine, digoxin, verapamil and
diltiazem. These drugs block the AV node and cause a relative increase in pre-excitation
– this can provoke more dangerous tachycardias. Electrical cardioversion is usually the
safest treatment option.

Treat torsades de pointes VT immediately by stopping all drugs known to prolong the
QT interval. Correct electrolyte abnormalities, especially hypokalaemia. Give magnesium
sulphate, 2 g, intravenously over 10 minutes. Obtain expert help, as other treatment (e.g.
overdrive pacing) may be indicated to prevent relapse once the arrhythmia has been
corrected. If adverse features develop (which is usual), arrange immediate synchronised
cardioversion. If the patient becomes pulseless, attempt defibrillation immediately
(cardiac arrest algorithm).

6.5. Narrow-complex tachycardia

The first step in the assessment of a narrow complex tachycardia is to determine if it is
regular or irregular.

The commonest regular narrow-complex tachycardias include:
• sinus tachycardia;
• AV nodal re-entry tachycardia (AVNRT, the commonest type of SVT);
• AV re-entry tachycardia (AVRT), which is associated with Wolff-Parkinson-White
(WPW) syndrome;
• atrial flutter with regular AV conduction (usually 2:1).
Irregular narrow-complex tachycardia is most commonly AF or sometimes atrial flutter
with variable AV conduction (‘variable block’).
Personal copy of Paul-George Oarga (ID: 1150922)

6.5.1. Regular narrow-complex tachycardia

• Sinus tachycardia
Sinus tachycardia is a common physiological response to a stimulus such as exercise
or anxiety. In a sick patient it may be seen in response to many stimuli, such as pain,
fever, anaemia, blood loss and heart failure. Treatment is almost always directed at the
underlying cause; trying to slow sinus tachycardia primarily using antiarrhythmic drugs
will make the situation worse.

• AVNRT and AVRT (paroxysmal supraventricular tachycardia)

AVNRT is the commonest type of paroxysmal SVT, often seen in people without any other
form of heart disease and is relatively uncommon in a peri-arrest setting. It causes a regular
narrow-complex tachycardia, often with no clearly visible atrial activity on the ECG. Heart rates
are usually well above the typical range of sinus rates at rest (60–120 beats min-1). It is usually
benign, unless there is additional co-incidental structural heart disease or coronary disease.
AV re-entry tachycardia (AVRT) is seen in patients with the WPW syndrome and is also
usually benign unless there happens to be additional structural heart disease. The
common type of AVRT is a regular narrow-complex tachycardia, also often having no
visible atrial activity on the ECG.

• Atrial flutter with regular AV conduction (often 2:1 block)

Atrial flutter with regular AV conduction (often 2:1 block) produces a regular narrow-
complex tachycardia in which it may be difficult to see atrial activity and identify flutter
waves with confidence, so it may be indistinguishable initially from AVNRT and AVRT.
When atrial flutter with 2:1 block or even 1:1 conduction is accompanied by bundle branch
block, it produces a regular broad-complex tachycardia that will usually be very difficult to
distinguish from VT. Treatment of this rhythm as if it is VT will usually be effective, or will
lead to slowing of the ventricular response and identification of the rhythm. Most typical
atrial flutter has an atrial rate of about 300 beats min-1, so atrial flutter with 2:1 block tends
to produce a tachycardia of about 150 beats min-1. Much faster rates are unlikely to be due
to atrial flutter with 2:1 block.

• Treatment of regular narrow-complex tachyarrhythmia

If the patient is unstable with adverse features caused by the arrhythmia, attempt

Chapter 11
Peri-arrest arrhythmias

synchronised electrical cardioversion. It is reasonable to give adenosine to an unstable

patient with a regular narrow-complex tachycardia while preparations are made for
synchronised cardioversion; however, do not delay electrical cardioversion if the adenosine
fails to restore sinus rhythm. In the absence of adverse features, proceed as follows.

• Start with vagal manoeuvres: carotid sinus massage or the Valsalva manoeuvre will
terminate up to a quarter of episodes of paroxysmal SVT. Carotid sinus massage
stimulates baroreceptors, which increase vagal tone and reduces sympathetic drive,
which slows conduction via the AV node. A Valsalva manoeuvre (forced expiration
against a closed glottis) in the supine position may be the most effective technique.
A practical way of achieving this without protracted explanation is to ask the patient
to blow into a 20 ml syringe with enough force to push back the plunger. Record

Personal copy of Paul-George Oarga (ID: 1150922)

an ECG (preferably multi-lead) during each manoeuvre. If the rhythm is atrial flutter,
slowing of the ventricular response will often occur and demonstrate flutter waves.
• If the arrhythmia persists and is not atrial flutter, use adenosine. Give 5-6 mg
(depending on the preparation available) as a rapid intravenous bolus. Record
an ECG (preferably multi-lead) during each injection. If the ventricular rate slows
transiently but the arrhythmia then persists, look for atrial activity such as atrial
flutter or other atrial tachycardia and treat accordingly. If there is no response to
adenosine 5-6 mg, give a 10-12 mg bolus; if there is no response, give one further
10 -12 mg-bolus. This strategy will terminate 90-95 % of supraventricular
• Successful termination of a tachyarrhythmia by vagal manoeuvres or adenosine
indicates that it was almost certainly AVNRT or AVRT. Monitor the patients for
further rhythm abnormalities. Treat recurrence either with further adenosine
or with a longer-acting drug with AV nodal-blocking action (e.g. diltiazem or
• If adenosine is contraindicated or fails to terminate a regular narrow-complex
tachycardia without demonstrating that it is atrial flutter, give a calcium channel
blocker (e.g. verapamil or diltiazem).

6.5.2. Rapid narrow-complex tachycardia with no pulse

Rarely, a very rapid (usually > 250 min-1) narrow-complex tachycardia can impair cardiac
output to such an extent that the pulse may be impalpable and consciousness impaired.
If the patient is pulseless and unconscious this situation is pulseless electrical activity
(PEA) and you should start CPR. As the arrhythmia is potentially treatable by DC shock the
most appropriate treatment then is immediate synchronised cardioversion, so this is an
exception to the non-shockable limb of the ALS algorithm (chapter 6).

6.5.3. Irregular narrow-complex tachycardia

An irregular narrow-complex tachycardia is most likely to be AF with an uncontrolled
ventricular response or, less commonly, atrial flutter with variable AV-block. Record a 12-
lead ECG to identify the rhythm. If the patient is unstable with adverse features caused by
the arrhythmia, attempt synchronised electrical cardioversion.

Do not use adenosine if the rhythm is obviously atrial fibrillation/flutter. If there are no
adverse features, treatment options include:
• rate control by drug therapy
• rhythm control using drugs to encourage pharmacological cardioversion
• rhythm control by electrical cardioversion
• prevention of complications (e.g. anticoagulation)
Obtain expert help to determine the most appropriate treatment for the individual
patient. The longer a patient remains in AF the greater is the likelihood of atrial thrombus
developing. In general, patients who have been in AF for > 48 h should not be treated by
cardioversion (electrical or chemical) until they have been fully anticoagulated for at least
Personal copy of Paul-George Oarga (ID: 1150922)

3 weeks, or unless trans-oesophageal echocardiography has excluded the presence of

atrial thrombi. If the clinical situation dictates that cardioversion is needed more urgently,
give either regular low-molecular-weight heparin in therapeutic dose or an intravenous
bolus injection of unfractionated heparin followed by a continuous infusion to maintain
the activated partial thromboplastin time (APTT) at 1.5-2 times the reference control
value. Continue heparin therapy and commence oral anticoagulation after successful
cardioversion. Seek expert advice on the duration of anticoagulation, which should be a
minimum of 4 weeks, often substantially longer.

7. Bradycardia
A bradycardia is defined as a heart rate of < 60 beats min-1. Common causes for Bradycardia are:
• physiological (e.g. in athletes)
• cardiac (e.g. myocardial infarction; myocardial ischaemia; sick sinus syndrome) 11
• non-cardiac (e.g. vasovagal response, hypothermia; hypoglycaemia;
hypothyroidism, raised intracranial pressure)
• drug toxicity (e.g. digoxin; beta blockers; calcium channel blockers).
Bradycardias are caused by reduced sinoatrial node firing or failure of the atrial-ventricular
conduction system. Reduced sinoatrial node firing is seen in sinus bradycardia (caused
by excess vagal tone), sinus arrest, and sick sinus syndrome. Atrioventricular (AV) blocks
are divided into first, second, and third degrees and may be associated with multiple
medications or electrolyte disturbances, as well as structural problems caused by acute
myocardial infarction and myocarditis. A first-degree AV-block is defined by a prolonged
P-R interval (> 0.20 s), and is usually benign. Second-degree AV-block is divided into
Mobitz types I and II. In Mobitz type I, the block is at the AV node, is often transient and
may be asymptomatic. In Mobitz type II, the block is most often below the AV node at the
bundle of His or at the bundle branches, and is often symptomatic, with the potential to
progress to complete AV-block. Third-degree heart block is defined by AV dissociation,
which may be permanent or transient, depending on the underlying cause.

• Initial assessment
Assess the patient with bradycardia using the ABCDE approach. Consider the potential

Chapter 11
Peri-arrest arrhythmias

cause of the bradycardia and look for the adverse signs. Treat any reversible causes of
bradycardia identified in the initial assessment. If adverse signs are present start to treat the
bradycardia. Initial treatment are pharmacological, with pacing being reserved for patients
unresponsive to pharmacological treatment or with risks factors for asystole (figure 11.2).

7.1. Pharmacological treatment for bradycardia

If adverse signs are present, give atropine, 500 micrograms, intravenously and, if necessary,
repeat every 3–5 minutes to a total of 3 mg. Doses of atropine of less than 500 micrograms,
paradoxically, may cause further slowing of the heart rate. In healthy volunteers a dose
of 3 mg produces the maximum achievable increase in resting heart rate. Use atropine
cautiously in the presence of acute coronary ischaemia or myocardial infarction; increased

Personal copy of Paul-George Oarga (ID: 1150922)

heart rate may worsen ischaemia or increase the zone of infarction.

If treatment with atropine is ineffective, consider second line drugs. These include
isoprenaline (5 micrograms min-1 starting dose), adrenaline (2-10 micrograms min-1) and
dopamine (2-10 micrograms kg-1 min-1). Theophylline (100-200 mg slow intravenous injection)
should be considered if the bradycardia is caused by inferior myocardial infarction, cardiac
transplant or spinal cord injury. Consider giving intravenous glucagon if beta-blockers or
calcium channel blockers are a potential cause of the bradycardia. Do not give atropine to
patients with cardiac transplants - it can cause a high-degree AV-block or even sinus arrest.

7.2. Cardiac pacing for bradycardia

Initiate transcutaneous pacing immediately if there is no response to atropine, or if
atropine is unlikely to be effective.

Transcutaneous pacing can be painful and may fail to produce effective mechanical
capture. Verify mechanical capture and reassess the patient’s condition. Use analgesia
and sedation to control pain, and attempt to identify the cause of the bradyarrhythmia.

If atropine is ineffective and transcutaneous pacing is not immediately available, fist

pacing can be attempted while waiting for pacing equipment. Give serial rhythmic
blows with the closed fist over the left lower edge of the sternum to pace the heart at a
physiological rate of 50-70 beats min-1.

Seek expert help to assess the need for temporary transvenous pacing. Temporary
transvenous pacing should be considered if there are is a history of recent asystole; Mobitz
type II AV-block; complete (third-degree) heart block (especially with broad QRS or initial
heart rate < 40 beats min-1) or evidence of ventricular standstill of more than 3 seconds.

7.3. If the patient has no adverse features

In a patient with bradycardia and no adverse features or high risk of progression to asystole,
do not initiate immediate treatment. Continue to monitor the patient. Assess the patient to
identify the cause of the bradycardia. If the cause is physiological or reversible (e.g. by stopping
suppressant drug therapy) no further treatment may be needed. Seek expert help to arrange
appropriate further assessment and treatment for those with other causes of bradycardia.
Figure 11.2.
Bradycardia algorythm

n Assess using the ABCDE approach

n Give oxygen if appropriate and obtain IV access
n Monitor ECG, BP, SpO2, record 12 lead ECG
n I dentify and treat reversible causes (e.g. electrolyte abnormalities)

Assess for evidence of adverse signs

1. Shock 3. Myocardial ischaemia
Personal copy of Paul-George Oarga (ID: 1150922)

2. Syncope 4. Heart failure


500 mcg IV

Satisfactory Risk of asystole?

n Recent asystole

NO n Mobitz II AV-block
n  omplete heart block with
broad QRS
Interim measures: YES n Ventricular pause > 3s
n Atropine 500 mcg IV repeat
to maximum of 3 mg
n Isoprenaline 5 mcg min-1 IV
n Adrenaline 2-10 mcg min-1 IV
n Alternative drugs*
n Transcutaneous pacing

Seek expert help

Arrange transvenous pacing

* Alternatives include:
n Aminophylline

n Dopamine
n Glucagon (if beta-blocker
or calcium channel blocker
n Glycopyrrolate can be used
instead of atropine

Chapter 11
Peri-arrest arrhythmias


• A
 rrhythmias occurring after resuscitation from cardiac arrest and ROSC may
need treatment to stabilise the patient and prevent recurrence of cardiac

• I n other settings some arrhythmias may require prompt treatment to prevent

deterioration, including progression to cardiac arrest, and others do not
require immediate treatment.

• T he urgency for treatment and the best choice of treatment is determined by

the condition of the patient (presence or absence of adverse features) and by

Personal copy of Paul-George Oarga (ID: 1150922)

the nature and cause of the arrhythmia.

• A
 ssessment of a patient with an arrhythmia should follow the ABCDE

• Whenever possible the arrhythmia should be documented on a 12-lead ECG.

• Soar J, et al. European Resuscitation Council Guidelines for Resuscitation 2015. Section 3. Adult
Advanced Life Support. 10.1016/j.resuscitation.2015.07.016; p99 - p146
• Soar J, Callaway CW, Aibiki M, et al. Part 4: Advanced life support: 2015 International Consensus
on Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation and Emergency Cardiovascular Care Science With Treatment
Recommendations. 10.1016/j.resuscitation.2015.07.042; e71 - e122
• Blomstrom-Lundqvist C, Scheinmann M M (Co-chairs). American College of Cardiology/American
Heart Association Task Force and the European Society of Cardiology Committee for Practice
Guidelines. ACC/AHA/ESC Guidelines for the Management of Patients With Supraventricular
• Moya A, Sutton R (Co-chairs). The Task Force for the Diagnosis and Management of Syncope of the
European Society of Cardiology (ESC). Guidelines for the diagnosis and management of syncope
(version 2009).
• Ryden L, Fuster F (Co-chairs). American College of Cardiology/American Heart Association Task
Force and the European Society of Cardiology Committee for Practice Guidelines and Policy Con-
ferences. ACC/AHA/ESC guidelines for the management of patients with atrial fibrillation. www.
• Vardas P E (Chairperson). The Task Force for Cardiac Pacing and Cardiac Resynchronization Therapy
of the European Society of Cardiology. Guidelines for cardiac pacing and cardiac resynchroniza-
tion therapy.
• Zipes D P, Camm J A (Co-chairs). A report of the American College of Cardiology/American Heart
Association Task Force and the European Society of Cardiology Committee for Practice Guidelines.
ACC/AHA/ESC 2006 guidelines for management of patients with ventricular arrhythmias and the
prevention of sudden death.

Chapter 12.
Cardiac arrest in
special circumstances
Personal copy of Paul-George Oarga (ID: 1150922)

To understand how resuscitation techniques are modified in the special
circumstances of:
• hypo-/hyperkalaemia and other electrolyte disorders
• poisoning
• accidental hypothermia
• hyperthermia
• drowning
• asthma
• anaphylaxis
• cardiac arrest following cardiac surgery
• trauma
• pregnancy
• obesity
• electrocution

1. Introduction
Resuscitation needs to be modified in specific circumstances. Early recognition of signs
and symptoms and effective treatment will often prevent cardiac arrest. These conditions
account for a large proportion of cardiac arrests in younger patients with no co-existing
disease. It is essential to ask for appropriate expert help early for most of these conditions
as they will require specialist interventions.

Survival in all these conditions still relies on using the ABCDE approach to help prevent
cardiac arrest. If cardiac arrest does occur, high-quality CPR with minimal interruption and
treatment of reversible causes are still the most important interventions.

Chapter 12
Cardiac arrest in special circumstances

2. Hypo-/hyperkalaemia and other electrolyte disorders

Electrolyte abnormalities can cause cardiac arrhythmias or cardiorespiratory arrest. Life-
threatening arrhythmias are associated most commonly with potassium disorders, particularly
hyperkalaemia, and less commonly with disorders of serum calcium and magnesium.

Consider life-threatening electrolyte disturbances in patient groups at risk (e.g. renal failure,
severe burns, heart failure and diabetes mellitus). Electrolyte values for definitions are quoted
as a guide to clinical decision-making. The precise values that trigger treatment decisions
will depend on the patient’s clinical condition and rate of change of electrolyte values.

2.1. Prevention of electrolyte disorders

Personal copy of Paul-George Oarga (ID: 1150922)

• Treat life-threatening electrolyte abnormalities before cardiac arrest occurs.
• Remove precipitating factors (e.g. drugs) and monitor electrolyte concentrations
to prevent recurrence of the abnormality.
• Monitor renal function in patients at risk of electrolyte disorders (e.g. patients with
chronic kidney disease, heart failure).
• Review renal replacement therapy (e.g. haemodialysis) regularly to avoid
inappropriate electrolyte shifts during treatment.

2.2. Potassium disorders

Potassium homeostasis
Extracellular potassium concentration is regulated tightly between 3.5-5.0 mmol l-1. A
large concentration gradient normally exists between intracellular and extracellular
fluid compartments. Evaluation of serum potassium must take into consideration the
effects of changes in serum pH. When serum pH decreases (acidaemia), serum potassium
concentration increases, because potassium shifts from the cellular to the vascular space.
When serum pH increases (alkalaemia), serum potassium concentration decreases because
potassium shifts into cells. Anticipate the effects of pH changes on serum potassium
during therapy for hyperkalaemia or hypokalaemia.

2.2.1. Hyperkalaemia
Hyperkalaemia is the most common electrolyte disorder associated with cardiac arrest
and usually caused by increased potassium release from cells or impaired excretion by the
kidneys, drugs and metabolic acidosis.

There is no universal definition. We have defined hyperkalaemia as a serum potassium
concentration > 5.5 mmol l-1; in practice, hyperkalaemia is a continuum. As the potassium
concentration increases, the risk of adverse events increases and the need for urgent
treatment increases. Severe hyperkalaemia has been defined as a serum potassium
concentration > 6.5 mmol l-1.

The causes of hyperkalaemia include:
• renal failure (i.e. acute kidney injury or chronic kidney disease)
• drugs, e.g. angiotensin converting enzyme inhibitors (ACEI), angiotensin II receptor
blockers (ARB), potassium sparing diuretics, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs
(NSAIDs), beta-blockers, trimethoprim
• tissue breakdown (rhabdomyolysis, tumour lysis, haemolysis)
• metabolic acidosis
• endocrine disorders (Addison’s disease)
Personal copy of Paul-George Oarga (ID: 1150922)

• diet (may be sole cause in patients with advanced chronic kidney disease)
• spurious - pseudo-hyperkalaemia (haematological disorders, prolonged transit
time to the laboratory, poor storage conditions)
The risk of hyperkalaemia increases when there is a combination of causative factors such
as the concomitant use of ACEI or ARB and potassium sparing diuretics.

Recognition of hyperkalaemia
Exclude hyperkalaemia in all patients with an arrhythmia or cardiac arrest. Patients can
present with weakness progressing to flaccid paralysis, paraesthesia, or depressed deep
tendon reflexes. The effect of hyperkalaemia on the ECG depends on the absolute serum
potassium concentration as well as the rate of increase (figure 12.1).

ECG changes with hyperkalaemia are usually progressive and include:

• first degree heart block (prolonged PQ or PR interval) (> 0.2 s)
• flattened or absent P waves
• tall, peaked (tented) T waves (T wave larger than R wave in more than one lead) 12
• ST-segment depression
• S and T wave merging (sine wave pattern)
• widened QRS (≥ 0.12 s)
• bradycardia (sinus bradycardia or AV-block)
• ventricular tachycardia
• cardiac arrest (VF/pVT, PEA, asystole)
Most patients will have ECG abnormalities at a serum potassium concentration
> 6.7 mmol l-1. The use of a blood gas analyser that measures potassium helps reduce
delays in recognition.

Chapter 12
Cardiac arrest in special circumstances

Figure 12.1
12-lead ECG showing features of hyperkalaemia

I aVR V1 V4

II aVL V2 V5

Personal copy of Paul-George Oarga (ID: 1150922)


25 mm/sec: 1 cm / mV

Treatment of hyperkalaemia
The five key treatment strategies for hyperkalaemia are:
1. cardiac protection
2. shifting potassium into cells
3. removing potassium from the body
4. monitoring serum potassium and blood glucose
5. prevention of recurrence of hyperkalaemia
When hyperkalaemia is strongly suspected, e.g. in the presence of ECG changes, start life-
saving treatment even before laboratory results are available. Involve expert help from
renal or intensive care teams at an early stage especially for those patients who might
require renal replacement therapies (e.g. dialysis). Continue to monitor serum potassium
for a minimum of 24 hours after an episode to avoid rebound hyperkalaemia.

Patient not in cardiac arrest

Assess ABCDE (Airway, Breathing, Circulation, Disability, Exposure) and correct any
abnormalities. If hypovolaemic, give fluids to enhance urinary potassium excretion.
Obtain intravenous access, check serum potassium and record an ECG. Treatment is
determined according to severity of hyperkalaemia. Approximate values are provided to
guide treatment. Follow the hyperkalaemia emergency treatment algorithm (figure 12.2).

Figure 12.2
Hyperkalaemia emergency treatment algorithm

n Assess using ABCDE approach

n 12-lead ECG and monitor cardiac rhythm if serum potassium (K+) ≥ 6.5 mmol L-1
n Exclude pseudohyperkalaemia
n Give empirical treatment for arrhythmia if hyperkalaemia suspected


K+ 5.5 - 5.9 mmol L-1 K+ 6.0 - 6.4 mmol L-1 K+ ≥ 6.5 mmol L-1
Consider cause and Treatment guided by clinical Emergency treatment
Personal copy of Paul-George Oarga (ID: 1150922)

need for treatment scenario, ECG and rate of rise indicated

Seek expert help

ECG changes?
n Peaked T waves n Broad QRS n Bradycardia
n Flat / absent P waves n Sine wave n VT


Protect IV calcium
the heart 10 mL 10 % calcium chloride IV
OR 30 mL 10 % calcium gluconate IV
n Use large IV access and give over 5-10 min
n Repeat ECG
n Consider further dose after 5 min if ECG changes persist

Insulin–glucose IV infusion
Glucose (25 g) with 10 units soluble insulin over 15 min IV
25 g glucose = 50 mL 50 % glucose OR 125 mL 20 % glucose
Shift K+ Risk of hypoglycaemia
Salbutamol 10-20 mg nebulised

Consider Consider dialysis

calcium resonium
Remove K +
15 g x 4/day oral or Seek expert help
from body 30 g x 2/day per rectum

Monitor K+ Monitor serum potassium and blood glucose

K+ ≥ 6.5 mmol L-1
and blood
despite medical therapy

Consider cause of hyperkalaemia

and prevent recurrence

Chapter 12
Cardiac arrest in special circumstances

Mild elevation (5.5-5.9 mmol l-1):

• Address cause of hyperkalaemia to correct and avoid further rise in serum
potassium (e.g. drugs, diet).
• If treatment is indicated, remove potassium from the body with potassium exchange
resins: calcium resonium 15 to 30 g or sodium polystyrene sulfonate (Kayexalate)
15 to 30 g, given either orally or by retention enema (onset in > 4 hours).

Moderate elevation (6-6.4 mmol l-1) without ECG changes:

• Shift potassium intracellularly with glucose/insulin: 10 units short-acting insulin
and 25 g glucose (50 ml 50 % glucose or 125 ml 20 % glucose) IV over 15-30 min
(onset in 15-30 min; maximal effect at 30-60 min; monitor blood glucose).

Personal copy of Paul-George Oarga (ID: 1150922)

• Consider dialysis guided by clinical setting (immediate onset). Seek expert help.

Severe elevation (≥ 6.5 mmol l-1) without ECG changes:

• Seek expert help.
• Glucose/insulin (see above)
• Salbutamol 10-20 mg nebulised (onset in 15-30 min; duration of action 4-6 h)
• Remove potassium from the body (consider dialysis)
There is insufficient evidence to support the use of sodium bicarbonate to decrease serum

Severe elevation (≥ 6.5 mmol l-1) WITH toxic ECG changes (figure 12.1):
• Seek expert help.
• Protect the heart with calcium chloride: 10 ml 10 % calcium chloride IV or 30 mL 10 %
calcium gluconate IV over 5-10 min to antagonise the toxic effects of hyperkalaemia
at the myocardial cell membrane. This protects the heart by reducing the risk of VF/
pVT, but does not lower serum potassium (onset in 1-3 min). Ensure secure vascular
access prior to administration (risk of tissue necrosis secondary to extravasation of
calcium salts).
• Use shifting strategies stated above (glucose/insulin and salbutamol).
• Remove potassium from the body (consider dialysis). Prompt specialist referral is
essential. In hospitals without a dedicated renal unit, intensive care units can often
provide emergency renal replacement therapies.

Patient in cardiac arrest

Modifications to BLS
There are no modifications to basic life support in the presence of electrolyte abnormalities.

Modifications to ALS
Follow the ALS algorithm. Confirm hyperkalaemia using a blood gas analyser if available.

Cardiac arrest: protect the heart first; then use shifting and removal strategies.

• Calcium chloride: 10 ml 10 % calcium chloride IV by rapid bolus injection to

antagonise the toxic effects of hyperkalaemia at the myocardial cell membrane.
• Glucose/insulin: 10 units short-acting insulin and 25 g glucose IV by rapid injection.
• Sodium bicarbonate: 50 mmol IV by rapid injection (if severe acidosis or renal failure).
• Consider dialysis for hyperkalaemic cardiac arrest resistant to medical treatment.
Several dialysis modalities have been used safely and effectively in cardiac arrest,
but this may only be available in specialist centres.

Indications for dialysis

Personal copy of Paul-George Oarga (ID: 1150922)

Dialysis is the most effective method for removal of potassium from the body. The principle
mechanism of action is the diffusion of potassium ions across the membrane down the
potassium ion gradient. The typical decline in serum potassium is 1 mmol l-1 in the first
60 min, followed by 1 mmol l-1 over the next 2 h.

The main indications for dialysis in patients with hyperkalaemia are:

• severe life-threatening hyperkalaemia with or without ECG changes or arrhythmia
• hyperkalaemia resistant to medical treatment
• end-stage renal disease
• oliguric acute kidney injury (< 400 ml day-1 urine output)
• marked tissue breakdown (e.g. rhabdomyolysis)
Serum potassium frequently rebounds after initial treatment. In unstable patients
continuous renal replacement therapy (e.g. continuous veno-veno haemodiafiltration)
is less likely to compromise cardiac output than intermittent haemodialysis. This is now
widely available in many intensive care units.
Cardiac arrest during haemodialysis
• Sudden cardiac death is the most common cause of death in haemodialysis patients
and is usually preceded by ventricular arrhythmias. The frequency of cardiac arrest
is highest on the first session of haemodialysis of the week (i.e. Monday or Tuesday)
as fluid and electrolyte disturbances peak after the weekend interval.
• Call the resuscitation team and seek expert help immediately.
• Follow the universal ALS algorithm.
• Assign a trained dialysis nurse to operate the dialysis machine. Stop ultrafiltration
(i.e. fluid removal) and give a fluid bolus. Return the patient’s blood volume and
disconnect from the dialysis machine.
• Leave dialysis access open and use for emergency drug administration in life-
threatening circumstances and cardiac arrest.
• Minimise delay in delivering defibrillation. VF/pVT is more common in patients
undergoing haemodialysis than in the general population. Most haemodialysis

Chapter 12
Cardiac arrest in special circumstances

machine manufacturers recommend disconnection from dialysis equipment for

defibrillation. Beware of wet surfaces (i.e dialysis machines may leak).
• Exclude all the reversible causes (4 Hs and 4 Ts). Electrolyte disorders, particularly
hyperkalaemia, and fluid overload (e.g. pulmonary oedema) are most common
causes of cardiac arrest.

2.2.2. Hypokalaemia
Hypokalaemia is the most common electrolyte disorder in clinical practice. It is seen in
up to 20 % of hospitalised patients. Hypokalaemia increases the incidence of arrhythmias,
particularly in patients with pre-existing heart disease and in those treated with digoxin.

Personal copy of Paul-George Oarga (ID: 1150922)

Hypokalaemia is defined as serum potassium < 3.5 mmol l-1. Severe hypokalaemia is
defined as potassium < 2.5 mmo L-1 and may be associated with symptoms.

Causes of hypokalaemia include:
• gastrointestinal losses (diarrhea)
• drugs (diuretics, laxatives, steroids)
• renal losses (renal tubular disorders, diabetes insipidus, dialysis)
• endocrine disorders (Cushing’s syndrome, hyperaldosteronism)
• metabolic alkalosis
• magnesium depletion
• poor dietary intake

Treatment for hyperkalaemia can also induce hypokalaemia.

Recognition of hypokalaemia
Exclude hypokalaemia in every patient with an arrhythmia or cardiac arrest. In dialysis
patients, hypokalaemia occurs commonly at the end of a haemodialysis session or during
treatment with continuous ambulatory peritoneal dialysis (CAPD).

As serum potassium concentration decreases, the nerves and muscles are predominantly
affected, causing fatigue, weakness, leg cramps or constipation. In severe cases
(K+< 2.5 mmol l-1), rhabdomyolysis, ascending paralysis and respiratory difficulties may occur.

ECG features of hypokalaemia are:

• U waves
• T wave flattening
• ST segment changes
• arrhythmias (especially if patient is taking digoxin)
• cardiorespiratory arrest (PEA, VF/pVT, asystole)
Treatment of hypokalaemia
This depends on the severity of hypokalaemia and the presence of symptoms and ECG
abnormalities. Gradual replacement of potassium is preferable, but in an emergency,
intravenous potassium is required. Seek expert help. The maximum recommended IV
infusion rate of potassium is 20 mmol h-1, but more rapid infusion (e.g. 2 mmol min-1 for
10 min, followed by 10 mmol over 5-10 min) is indicated for unstable arrhythmias when
cardiac arrest is imminent. Continuous ECG monitoring is essential during IV infusion.
Adjust the dose after repeated sampling of serum potassium levels.

Patients who are potassium deficient can also be deficient in magnesium. Repletion
of magnesium stores will facilitate more rapid correction of hypokalaemia and is
recommended in severe cases of hypokalaemia.
Personal copy of Paul-George Oarga (ID: 1150922)

2.2.3. Calcium and magnesium disorders

The recognition and management of calcium and magnesium disorders is summarised in
table 12.1.

Table 12.1
Calcium and magnesium disorders

Disorder Causes Presentation ECG Treatment

Hypercalcaemia Primary or tertiary Confusion Short QT Fluid

hyperparathyroidism interval replacement IV
Total Calcium* Weakness
> 2.6 mmol l-1 Malignancy Prolonged Furosemide
Abdominal QRS 1 mg kg-1 IV
Sarcoidosis pain Interval
Drugs Hypotension Flat T waves
200-300 mg IV 12
Arrhythmias AV-block 30-90 mg IV
Cardiac arrest Treat underlying

Hypocalcaemia Chronic renal failure Paraesthesia Prolonged QT Calcium chloride

interval 10 %
Total Calcium* Acute pancreatitis Tetany 10-40 ml IV
< 2.1 mmol l-1 T wave
Calcium channel Seizures inversion Magnesium
blocker overdose sulphate 50 %
AV-block Heart block 4-8 mmol (if
Toxic shock
syndrome necessary) IV
Cardiac arrest
Tumour lysis

Chapter 12
Cardiac arrest in special circumstances

Disorder Causes Presentation ECG Treatment

Hypermagnesaemia Renal failure Confusion Prolonged PR Consider
and treatment when
Magnesium latrogenic Weakness QT intervals magnesium >
> 1.1 mmol l-1 1.75 mmol l-1
Respiratory T wave
depression peaking Calcium chloride
10 % 5-10 ml
IV repeated if
AV-block AV-block necessary
Cardiac arrest Ventilatory
support if
Saline diuresis:

Personal copy of Paul-George Oarga (ID: 1150922)

0.9 % saline with
1 mg kg-1 IV

Hypomagnesaemia GI loss Tremor Prolonged Severe or

PR and QT symptomatic:
Magnesium Polyuria Ataxia Intervals
< 0.6 mmol l-1 2 g 50 %
Starvation Nystagmus ST-segment magnesium
depression sulphate (4 ml;
Alcoholism Seizures 8 mmol) IV over
15 min
Malabsorption Arrhythmias – inversion Torsade de
torsade de pointes:
pointes Flattened P
waves 2 g 50 %
Cardiac arrest magnesium
Increased QRS sulphate (4 ml;
duration 8 mmol) IV over
1-2 min
Torsade de
2 g 50 %
sulphate (4 ml;
8 mmol) IV over
10 min

* A normal total calcium is about 2.2 to 2.6 mmol l1. A normal ionized calcium is about 1.1 to 1.3 mmol l-1.
Calcium values need to be interpreted with caution. Seek expert help if not sure. Total calcium depends
on serum albumin values and will need to be corrected for low albumin values (corrected total calcium).
Ionized calcium values are often measured by blood gas machines. It is important not to confuse ionized
calcium, total calcium and corrected calcium values.

3. Poisoning
Poisoning rarely causes cardiac arrest or death, but hospital admissions due to non-
traumatic coma are common.

Poisoning by therapeutic or recreational drugs and by household products are the main
reasons for hospital admission and poison centre calls. Inappropriate dosing and drug
interactions can also cause drug toxicity. Accidental poisoning is commonest in children.
Homicidal poisoning is uncommon.

Industrial accidents, warfare or terrorism can also cause exposure to toxins.

Decontamination and safe management for individual or mass casualty incidents is not
Personal copy of Paul-George Oarga (ID: 1150922)

part of this manual.

3.1. Initial treatment

Supportive care based on the ABCDE (Airway, Breathing, Circulation, Disability, Exposure)
approach with correction of hypoxia, hypotension, acid/base, and electrolyte disorders to
prevent cardiorespiratory arrest whilst awaiting drug elimination is the mainstay of treatment.
• Airway obstruction and respiratory arrest secondary to a decreased conscious
level is a common cause of death after self-poisoning (benzodiazepines, alcohol,
opiates, tricyclics, barbiturates).
• Ensure your personal safety when there is a suspicious cause or unexpected
cardiac arrest.
• Avoid mouth-to-mouth ventilation in the presence of toxins such as cyanide,
hydrogen sulphide, corrosives and organophosphates. Ventilate the patient’s lungs
using a pocket mask or bag-mask and the highest possible concentration of oxygen.
• There is a high incidence of pulmonary aspiration of gastric contents after
poisoning. In unconscious patients who cannot protect their airway, use a rapid
sequence induction to intubate the trachea and decrease the risk of aspiration.
This must be undertaken by persons trained and competent in the technique.
• Cardioversion is indicated for life-threatening tachyarrhythmia. Use the guidelines
for peri-arrest arrhythmias (chapter 11). Correct electrolyte and acid-base
• Drug-induced hypotension is common after self-poisoning. This usually responds to
fluid therapy, but occasionally vasopressors (e.g. noradrenaline infusion) are required.
• Provide standard basic and advanced life support if cardiac arrest occurs.
• Once resuscitation is under way, try to identify the poison(s). Relatives, friends and
ambulance crews can usually provide useful information. Patient examination may
give diagnostic clues such as odours, needle puncture marks, pinpoint pupils, tablet
residues, signs of corrosion in the mouth, or blisters associated with prolonged coma.
• Measure the patient’s temperature - hypo- or hyperthermia may occur after drug

Chapter 12
Cardiac arrest in special circumstances

• Consider prolonged resuscitation measures, particularly in young patients, as the

poison may be metabolised or excreted.
• Consult a regional or national poisons centre for information on treatment of the
poisoned patient. Specialist advice about specific poisons can be obtained by
national databases. The World Health Organization lists poison centres at: http://

3.2. Specific treatments

There are few specific therapies for poisons that are useful immediately: decontamination,
enhancing elimination, and the use of specific antidotes. Seek advice from a poisons
centre for up-to-date guidance for severe or uncommon poisonings.

Personal copy of Paul-George Oarga (ID: 1150922)

• Activated charcoal adsorbs most drugs. It is most effective if given within 1 h of the
time of the ingestion. There is little evidence that treatment with activated charcoal
improves clinical outcome. Consider giving a single dose of activated charcoal to
patients who have ingested a potentially toxic amount of a poison. Give only to patients
with an intact or protected airway. Multiple doses may be beneficial in life-threatening
poisoning with carbemazepine, dapsone, phenobarbital, quinine and theophylline.
Activated charcoal does not bind lithium, heavy metals and toxic alcohols.
• Routine use of gastric lavage for gastrointestinal decontamination is not
recommended. In the rare instances (e.g. lethal ingestion with recent exposure),
it should only be performed by individuals with proper training and expertise. It
is contraindicated if the airway is not protected and if a hydrocarbon with high
aspiration potential or a corrosive substance has been ingested.
• Whole-bowel irrigation can reduce drug absorption by cleansing the gastro-
intestinal tract by enteral administration of a polyethylene glycol solution. Consider
in potentially toxic ingestion of sustained release or enteric-coated drugs, oral iron
or lithium poisoning, and the removal of ingested packets of illicit drugs.
• Avoid routine administration of laxatives (cathartics) and do not use emetics (e.g.
ipecac syrup).
• Urinary alkalinisation (urine pH ≥ 7.5) by giving IV sodium bicarbonate can be
useful in moderate to severe salicylate poisoning in patients who do not need
• Haemodialysis removes drugs or metabolites with low molecular weight, low
protein binding, small volumes of distribution and high water solubility. In case of
hypotension, use continuous veno-venous hemofiltration (CVVH) or continuous
veno-venous haemodialysis (CVVHD) alternatively. Seek expert help and/or
consult a poisons centre for information on treatment.
• Consider the use of lipid emulsion (Intralipid) for cardiac arrest caused by local
anaesthetic toxicity (see below).
• Specific antidotes include: acetylcysteine for paracetamol; atropine for
organophosphate insecticides; sodium nitrite, sodium thiosulfate, hydroxocobalamin,

and amyl nitrite for cyanides; digoxin-specific Fab antibodies for digoxin; flumazenil for
benzodiazepines; naloxone for opioids; calcium chloride for calcium channel blockers.

3.3. Specific poisonings

This section addresses only some causes of cardiac arrest from poisoning.

3.3.1. Opioid poisoning

Opioid poisoning causes respiratory depression, pinpoint pupils and coma followed by
respiratory arrest. The opioid antagonist naloxone rapidly reverses these effects. There
are fewer adverse events when the airway is opened and patients receive oxygen and
Personal copy of Paul-George Oarga (ID: 1150922)

ventilation (e.g. with pocket mask or bag-mask) before naloxone in opioid-induced

respiratory depression; however, the use of naloxone may prevent the need for intubation.

The route for giving naloxone depends on the skills of the rescuer: intravenous (IV),
intramuscular (IM), subcutaneous (SC), and intranasal (IN) routes can be used. Sometimes
combinations are helpful. The non-IV routes may be quicker because time is saved in
not having to establish IV access, which can be extremely difficult in an IV drug abuser.
Additionally naloxone is released slower using the non-IV routes thus increasing the duration
of action. The initial doses of naloxone are 0.4-2 mg IV, IO, IM or SC, and may be repeated
every 2-3 min. Additional doses may be needed every 20-60 min. Intranasal dosing is
2 mg IN (1 mg in each nostril) which may be repeated every 5 min. Titrate the dose until the
victim is breathing adequately and has protective airway reflexes. Large opioid overdoses
may require a total dose of up to 10 mg of naloxone. All patients treated with naloxone
must be monitored. The duration of action of naloxone is 45-70 min, but respiratory
depression may persist for 4-5 h after opioid overdose.

Acute withdrawal from opioids produces a state of sympathetic excess and can cause
complications such as pulmonary oedema, ventricular arrhythmia, and severe agitation.
Use naloxone reversal of opioid intoxication with caution in patients suspected of opioid

Cardiac arrest is usually secondary to a respiratory arrest and associated with severe
brain hypoxia. Prognosis is poor. There are no data on the use of any additional therapies
beyond standard ALS guidelines in opioid-induced cardiac arrest.

3.3.2. Benzodiazepines
Overdose of benzodiazepines can cause loss of consciousness, respiratory depression
and hypotension. Flumazenil, a competitive antagonist of benzodiazepines, should be
used for reversal of sedation caused by a single ingestion of any of the benzodiazepines
and when there is no history or risk of seizures. Reversal of benzodiazepine intoxication
with flumazenil can cause significant toxicity (seizure, arrhythmia, hypotension, and
withdrawal syndrome) in patients with benzodiazepine dependence or co-ingestion
of proconvulsant medications such as tricyclic antidepressants. Do not use flumazenil
routinely in the comatose overdose patient. There are no specific modifications required
for cardiac arrest caused by benzodiazepines.
Chapter 12
Cardiac arrest in special circumstances

3.3.3. Tricyclic antidepressants

This includes tricyclic and related cyclic drugs (e.g. amitriptyline, desipramine, imipramine,
nortriptyline, doxepin, and clomipramine). Self-poisoning with tricyclic antidepressants
is common and can cause hypotension, seizures, coma and life-threatening arrhythmias.
Cardiac toxicity mediated by anticholinergic and sodium channel-blocking effects can
produce a broad-complex tachycardia (VT). Hypotension is exacerbated by alpha-1 receptor
blockade. Anticholinergic effects include mydriasis, fever, dry skin, delirium, tachycardia,
ileus, and urinary retention. Most life-threatening problems occur within the first 6 h after

A widening QRS complex and right axis deviation indicates a greater risk of arrhythmias

Personal copy of Paul-George Oarga (ID: 1150922)

(figure 12.3). Give sodium bicarbonate (1-2 mmol kg-1) for the treatment of tricyclic-induced
ventricular arrhythmias. While no study has investigated the optimal target arterial pH
with bicarbonate therapy, a pH of 7.45-7.55 has been commonly accepted.

3.3.4. Local anaesthetic toxicity

Local anaesthetic toxicity occurs typically in the setting of regional anaesthesia, when
a bolus of local anaesthetic inadvertently enters an artery or vein. Systemic toxicity of
local anaesthetics involves the central nervous system, and the cardiovascular system.
Severe agitation, loss of consciousness, with or without tonic-clonic convulsions, sinus
bradycardia, conduction blocks, asystole and ventricular tachyarrhythmia can all occur.
Toxicity can be potentiated in pregnancy, extremes of age, or hypoxaemia. In cases of
cardiac arrest prolonged times of CPR may be necessary to achieve ROSC.

Patients with both cardiovascular collapse and cardiac arrest attributable to local
anaesthetic toxicity may benefit from treatment with intravenous 20 % lipid emulsion in
addition to standard advanced life support. Give an initial intravenous bolus injection of
20 % lipid emulsion 1.5 ml kg-1 over 1 min followed by an infusion at 15 ml kg-1 h-1. Give
up to a maximum of two repeat boluses at 5-min intervals and continue until the patient
is stable. The maximum cumulative dose within the first 30 minutes should not extend
12 ml kg-1 of lipid emulsion.

3.3.5. Calcium channel blockers

Calcium channel blocker overdose is emerging as a common cause of prescription drug
poisoning deaths. The treatment for calcium channel blocker poisoning is supported by
low-quality evidence.

Give calcium chloride 10 % in boluses of 20 ml (or equivalent dose of calcium gluconate)

every 2-5 min in severe bradycardia or hypotension followed by an infusion if needed.
While calcium in high doses can overcome some of the adverse effects, it rarely restores
normal cardiovascular status. Haemodynamic instability may respond to high doses of
insulin (1 unit kg-1 followed by an infusion of 0.5-2.0 units kg-1 h-1) given with glucose
supplementation and electrolyte monitoring in addition to standard treatments including
fluids and vasopressors.

3.3.6. Beta-blockers
Beta-blocker toxicity causes bradyarrhythmias and negative inotropic effects that are
difficult to treat, and can lead to cardiac arrest.

Evidence for treatment is based on case reports and animal studies. Improvement has
been reported with glucagon (50-150 mcg kg-1), high-dose insulin and glucose, lipid
emulsions, phosphodiesterase inhibitors, extracorporeal and intra-aortic balloon pump
support, and calcium salts.

3.3.7. Digoxin
Personal copy of Paul-George Oarga (ID: 1150922)

Although cases of digoxin poisoning are fewer than those involving calcium channel and
beta-blockers, the mortality rate from digoxin is far greater. Specific antidote therapy
with digoxin-specific antibody fragments (digoxin-Fab) should be used. Give 2-10 vials
digoxin-Fab (38 mg per vial) IV over 30 min.

Figure 12.3
12-lead ECG showing features of severe tricyclic antidepressant toxicity

I aVR V1 V4

II aVL V2 V5


25 mm/sec: 1 cm / mV

3.4. Further treatment and prognosis

A long period of coma in a single position can cause pressure sores and rhabdomyolysis.
Measure electrolytes (particularly potassium), blood glucose and arterial blood gas
values. Monitor temperature because thermoregulation is impaired. Both hypothermia
and hyperthermia (hyperpyrexia) can occur after overdose of some drugs. Retain samples
of blood and urine for analysis. Be prepared to continue resuscitation for a prolonged

Chapter 12
Cardiac arrest in special circumstances

period, particularly in young patients, as the poison may be metabolised or excreted

during extended life support measures.

4. Hypothermia

4.1. Definition
Hypothermia exists when the body core temperature is below 35˚ C and is classified
arbitrarily as mild (32-35˚ C), moderate (28-32˚ C), or severe (< 28˚ C). The Swiss staging
system based on clinical signs can be used by rescuers at the scene to describe victims:
stage I - conscious and shivering; stage II - impaired consciousness without shivering;

Personal copy of Paul-George Oarga (ID: 1150922)

stage III - unconscious; stage IV – cardiac arrest or low flow state and V - death due to
irreversible hypothermia.

4.2. Diagnosis
Accidental hypothermia may be under-diagnosed in countries with a temperate climate.
In people with normal thermoregulation, hypothermia can develop during exposure to
cold environments, particularly wet or windy conditions, and in people who have been
immobilised, or following immersion in cold water. When thermoregulation is impaired,
for example, in the elderly and very young, hypothermia can follow a mild insult. The risk
of hypothermia is also increased by drug or alcohol ingestion, exhaustion, illness, injury
or neglect especially when there is a decrease in the level of consciousness. Hypothermia
may be suspected from the clinical history or a brief external examination of a collapsed
patient. A low-reading thermometer is needed to measure the core temperature and
confirm the diagnosis. The core temperature measured in the lower third of the oesophagus
correlates well with the temperature of the heart. ‘Tympanic’ measurement - using a
thermistor technique - is a reliable alternative but may be lower than the oesophageal
temperature if the environmental temperature is very cold, the probe is not well insulated,
the external auditory canal is blocked or during cardiac arrest when there is no flow in the
carotid artery. Widely available ‘tympanic’ thermometers based on infrared technique do
not seal the ear canal and are often not suitable for low temperature readings.

4.3. Decision to resuscitate

Cooling of the human body decreases cellular oxygen consumption by about 6 % per 1°C
decrease in core temperature. In some cases, hypothermia can exert a protective effect
on the brain and vital organs and intact neurological recovery is possible even after
prolonged cardiac arrest if deep hypothermia develops before asphyxia.

Beware of diagnosing death in a hypothermic patient because cold alone may produce
a very slow, small-volume, irregular pulse and unrecordable blood pressure. In a
hypothermic patient, no signs of life (Swiss hypothermia stage IV) alone are unreliable for
declaring death. At 18˚ C the brain can tolerate periods of circulatory arrest for ten times
longer than at 37˚ C. Dilated pupils can be caused by a variety of insults and must not be
regarded as a sign of death. Good quality survival has been reported after cardiac arrest
and a core temperature of 13.7˚ C after immersion in cold water with prolonged CPR.
In the pre-hospital setting, resuscitation should be withheld only if the cause of a cardiac
arrest is clearly attributable to a lethal injury, fatal illness, prolonged asphyxia, or if the
chest is incompressible. In all other patients the traditional guiding principle that “no
one is dead until warm and dead” should be considered. In remote wilderness areas, the
impracticalities of achieving rewarming have to be considered. In the hospital setting
involve senior doctors and use clinical judgment to determine when to stop resuscitating
a hypothermic arrest victim.

4.4. Treatment of hypothermia

The standard principles of prevention and life support apply to the hypothermic patient.
Do not delay urgent procedures, such as tracheal intubation and insertion of vascular
Personal copy of Paul-George Oarga (ID: 1150922)


• Open the airway and, if there is no spontaneous respiratory effort, ventilate the
patient’s lungs with high concentrations of oxygen. If possible, use warmed
(40-46˚ C) and humidified oxygen. Consider careful tracheal intubation when
indicated according to the ALS algorithm. Procedures can precipitate VF. However,
the advantages of adequate oxygenation and protection from aspiration outweigh
the minimal risk of triggering VF by performing tracheal intubation.
• Palpate a major artery and, if available, look at the ECG for up to 1 min and look for
signs of life before concluding that there is no cardiac output. Both the respiratory
rate and pulse may be very slow in severe hypothermia so more assessment time
is necessary. Echocardiography or Doppler ultrasound can be used to establish if
there is a cardiac output or peripheral blood flow.
• If the victim is pulseless, start chest compressions immediately. Use the
same ventilation and chest compression rates as for a normothermic patient.
Hypothermia can cause stiffness of the chest wall, making ventilation and chest
compressions more difficult. If you are not experienced in patient assessment or if
there is any doubt about whether a pulse is present, start chest compressions until
more experienced help is available.
• Once resuscitation is under way, confirm hypothermia with a low reading thermometer.
Use oesophageal, bladder, rectal, or tympanic temperature measurements. Try to use
a consistent method to allow serial comparisons of temperature.
• The hypothermic heart may be unresponsive to cardio-active drugs, attempted
electrical pacing, and attempted defibrillation. Drug metabolism is slowed,
leading to potentially toxic plasma concentrations of any drugs given repeatedly.
Withhold adrenaline and other drugs until the patient has been warmed to a
temperature greater than about 30˚ C. Once 30˚ C has been reached, double the
intervals between doses (twice as long as normal). As the patient’s temperature
returns towards normal (above 35˚ C), use the standard drug protocols.
• Give drugs via a central or large proximal vein if possible.
• Remember to rule out other primary causes of cardiorespiratory arrest (e.g. drug
overdose, hypothyroidism or trauma) or reversible causes using the four Hs and
four Ts approach.
Chapter 12
Cardiac arrest in special circumstances

• Monitor electrolytes, glucose and blood gases regularly during resuscitation and
post-resuscitation care as rapid changes can occur.
• Blood gas analysers will give blood gas values for a temperature of 37˚ C unless
the patient’s temperature is entered in to the analyser. Oxygen and carbon dioxide
partial pressures are lower in hypothermia because gases become more soluble
as blood temperature decreases. In clinical practice it is much easier to make all
the measurements at 37˚ C i.e. temperature uncorrected values. It is then only
necessary to compare them with the well-known normal values for 37˚ C. This
also enables comparison of serial results from blood gas samples taken during

4.4.1. Arrhythmias

Personal copy of Paul-George Oarga (ID: 1150922)

As the body core temperature decreases, sinus bradycardia tends to give way to atrial
fibrillation (AF) followed by ventricular fibrillation (VF), and finally asystole.

• If VF/pVT is detected, give initial shocks according to standard ALS treatment

protocols; if VF/pVT persists after three shocks, delay further defibrillation attempts
until the core temperature is above 30˚ C. If an AED is used, follow the AED prompts
while rewarming the patient.
• Arrhythmias other than VF tend to revert spontaneously as the core temperature
increases and usually do not require immediate treatment.
• Bradycardia can be physiological in severe hypothermia. Cardiac pacing is not
indicated unless the bradycardia persists after rewarming.

4.4.2. Rewarming
General measures for all victims include removal from the cold environment, prevention
of further heat loss and rapid transfer to the most appropriate hospital. Rewarming may
be passive, active external, or active internal.

• In the field, a patient with moderate or severe hypothermia should be immobilised

and handled carefully, oxygenated adequately, monitored (including ECG and core
temperature), and the whole body dried and insulated. Wet clothes should be cut
off rather than stripped off; this will avoid excessive movement of the victim.
• Conscious victims can mobilise as exercise re-warms a person more rapidly than
shivering. Exercise can increase any after-drop, i.e. further cooling after removal
from a cold environment. Somnolent or comatose victims have a low threshold for
developing VF or pVT and should be immobilised and kept horizontal to avoid an
after-drop or cardiovascular collapse.
• Passive rewarming is appropriate in conscious victims with mild hypothermia
who are still able to shiver. This is best achieved by full body insulation with wool
blankets, aluminium foil, a hat and warm environment.
• The application of chemical heat packs to the trunk is particularly helpful in moderate
and severe hypothermia to prevent further heat loss in the pre-hospital setting.

• Rewarming in the field with heated intravenous fluids and warm humidified gases
is not efficient. Intensive active rewarming must not delay transport to a hospital
where advanced rewarming techniques, continuous monitoring and observation
are available.

In general, alert hypothermic and shivering victims without an arrhythmia can be

transported to the nearest hospital for passive rewarming and observation. Hypothermic
victims with an altered consciousness should be taken to a hospital capable of active
external and internal rewarming. If any signs of cardiac instability are present, transport
the patient to an extracorporeal life support (ECLS) centre, contacting them well in
advance to ensure that the hospital can accept the patient for extracorporeal rewarming.
Personal copy of Paul-George Oarga (ID: 1150922)

• Active external rewarming techniques include forced air rewarming and warmed
(up to 42°C) intravenous fluids. These techniques are effective (rewarming rate
1-1.5°C h-1) in patients with severe hypothermia and a perfusing rhythm.
• Active internal rewarming techniques include warm humidified gases;
gastric, peritoneal, pleural or bladder lavage with warmed fluids (at 40˚C), and
extracorporeal rewarming.
• In a hypothermic patient with apnoea and cardiac arrest, extracorporeal rewarming
is the preferred method of active internal rewarming because it provides sufficient
circulation and oxygenation while the core body temperature is increased by 8-12°C
h-1. Survivors in one case series had an average of 65 min of conventional CPR before
cardiopulmonary bypass. Unfortunately, facilities for extracorporeal rewarming are not
always available and a combination of rewarming techniques may have to be used.
• During rewarming, patients will require large volumes of fluids as vasodilation
causes expansion of the intravascular space. Continuous haemodynamic
monitoring and warm IV fluids are essential.
• Avoid hyperthermia during and after rewarming. Once ROSC has been achieved
use standard post-resuscitation care.

4.5. Avalanche burial

In Europe and North America, there are about 150 snow avalanche deaths each year. Most are
sports-related and involve skiers, snowboarders and snowmobilers. Death from avalanches
is due to asphyxia, trauma or hypothermia. Avalanches occur in areas that are difficult to
access by rescuers in a timely manner, and burials frequently involve multiple victims.

Avalanche victims are not likely to survive when they are:

• buried > 60 min (or if the initial core temperature is < 30°C) and in cardiac arrest
with an obstructed airway on extrication;
• buried and in cardiac arrest on extrication with an initial serum potassium > 8 mmol l-1.

The algorithm for the management of buried avalanche victims is shown in figure 12.4.

Chapter 12
Cardiac arrest in special circumstances

Figure 12.4
Avalanche accident algorithm for completely buried victims.

Assess patient at extrication

Lethal injuries or Do not
whole body frozen start CPR

NO ≤ 60 min
(≥ 30°C)

Personal copy of Paul-George Oarga (ID: 1150922)

Duration of burial Universal ALS
(core temperature)1 algorithm2

> 60 min (< 30°C)

Minimally invasive
Signs of life?3



Monitor ECG

Asystole or
Consider serum Hospital
Patent airway
potassium6 with ECLS

> 8 mmol l-1
Consider termination of CPR

Core temperature may substitute if duration of burial is unknown
Transport patients with injuries or potential complications (e.g. pulmonary oedema) to the most appropriate hospital
Check for spontaneous breathing and pulse for up to 1 min
Transport patients with cardiovascular instability or core temperature < 28°C to a hospital with ECLS (extracorporeal life support)
Withold CPR if risk to the rescue team is unacceptably high
Crush injuries and depolarising neuromuscular blocking drugs may elevate serum potassium

5. Hyperthermia

5.1. Definition
Hyperthermia occurs when the body’s ability to thermoregulate fails and core temperature
exceeds that normally maintained by homeostatic mechanisms. Hyperthermia may
be exogenous, caused by environmental conditions or secondary to endogenous heat

Environment-related hyperthermia occurs where heat, usually in the form of radiant

energy, is absorbed by the body at a rate faster than can be lost by thermoregulatory
mechanisms. Hyperthermia occurs along a continuum of heat-related conditions starting
Personal copy of Paul-George Oarga (ID: 1150922)

with heat stress, progressing to heat exhaustion, heat stroke and culminating in multi-
organ dysfunction and cardiac arrest in some instances.

Malignant hyperthermia (MH) is a rare disorder of skeletal muscle calcium homeostasis

characterised by muscle contracture and life-threatening hypermetabolic crisis following
exposure of genetically predisposed individuals to halogenated anaesthetics and
depolarising muscle relaxants.

5.2. Heat stroke

Heat stroke is a systemic inflammatory response with a core temperature above 40°C
(104°F) accompanied by mental state change and varying levels of organ dysfunction.
There are two forms of heat stroke: classic non-exertional heat stroke occurs during high
environmental temperatures and often affects the elderly during heat waves; exertional
heat stroke occurs during strenuous physical exercise in high environmental temperatures
and/or high humidity and usually effects healthy young adults. Mortality from heat stroke
ranges between 10-50 %.
5.2.1. Predisposing factors
The elderly are at increased risk for heat-related illness because of underlying illness,
medication use, declining thermoregulatory mechanisms, and limited social support.
There are several risk factors: lack of acclimatisation, dehydration, obesity, alcohol,
cardiovascular disease, skin conditions (psoriasis, eczema, scleroderma, burn, cystic fibrosis),
hyperthyroidism, phaeochromocytoma, and drugs (anticholinergics, diamorphine, cocaine,
amphetamine, phenothiazines, sympathomimetics, calcium channel blockers, beta blockers).

5.2.2. Clinical presentation

Heat stroke can resemble septic shock and may be caused by similar mechanisms.
Features include:
• core temperature 40°C or more
• hot, dry skin (sweating is present in half cases of exertional heat stroke)

Chapter 12
Cardiac arrest in special circumstances

• early signs and symptoms include: extreme fatigue, headache, fainting, facial
flushing, vomiting and diarrhoea
• cardiovascular dysfunction including arrhythmias and hypotension
• respiratory dysfunction including ARDS
• central nervous system dysfunction including seizures and coma
• liver and renal failure
• coagulopathy
• rhabdomyolysis

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Other clinical conditions need to be considered, including:
• drug toxicity
• drug withdrawal syndrome
• serotonin syndrome
• neuroleptic malignant syndrome
• sepsis
• central nervous system infection
• endocrine disorders (e.g. thyroid storm, phaeochromocytoma)

5.2.3. Treatment
The mainstay of treatment is supportive therapy based on optimising the ABCDEs and
rapidly cooling the patient.
• Start cooling before the patient reaches hospital. Aim to rapidly reduce the core
temperature to approximately 39°C. Patients with severe heat stroke need to be
managed in a critical care setting.
• Use haemodynamic monitoring to guide fluid therapy. Large volumes of fluid may
be required. Correct electrolyte abnormalities.
• If cardiac arrest occurs, follow standard procedures for basic and advanced
life support and cool the patient. Attempt defibrillation, if appropriate, while
continuing to cool the patient. Animal studies suggest the prognosis is poor
compared with normothermic cardiac arrest. The risk of unfavourable neurological
outcome increases for each degree of body temperature > 37°C.
• Provide standard post-resuscitation care (chapter 13).

5.2.4. Cooling techniques
Several cooling methods have been described but there are few formal trials on which
method is best.
• Simple techniques include drinking cold drinks, fanning the undressed patient
and spraying tepid water on the patient. Ice packs over areas where there are large
superficial blood vessels (axillae, groins, neck) are also useful. Surface cooling may
cause shivering.
• In cooperative stable patients immersion in cold water is effective; however, this
can cause peripheral vasoconstriction and reduce heat dissipation. Immersion is
not practical in the sickest patients.
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• Use the same advanced cooling techniques as used for targeted temperature
management after cardiac arrest (chapter 13). Consider the use of cold IV fluids,
intravascular cooling catheters, surface cooling devices and extra corporeal
circuits, e.g. continuous veno-veno haemofiltration or cardiopulmonary bypass.
• No specific drugs lower core temperature in heat stroke. There is no good evidence
that antipyretics (e.g. non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs or paracetamol) are
effective in heat stroke. Diazepam may be useful to treat seizures and facilitate
cooling. Dantrolene (see below) has not been shown to be benefical.

5.3. Malignant hyperthermia

Malignant hyperthermia is a life-threatening genetic sensitivity of skeletal muscles to
volatile anaesthetics and depolarising neuromuscular blocking drugs occurring during
or after anaesthesia. Stop triggering agents immediately; give oxygen, correct acidosis
and electrolyte abnormalities. Start active cooling and give dantrolene. Other drugs
such as 3,4-methylenedioxymethamphetamine (MDMA, ‘ecstasy’) and amphetamines
also cause a condition similar to malignant hyperthermia and the use of dantrolene may
be beneficial.

6. Drowning
Drowning is a common cause of accidental death. The most important detrimental
consequence of drowning is hypoxia. Cardiac arrest is usually a secondary event. The
duration of hypoxia is a critical factor in determining the victim’s outcome. Submersion
durations of less than ten minutes are associated with a very high chance of favourable
outcome, while submersion durations longer than 25 minutes are associated with a low
chance of survival. Age, emergency medical services (EMS) response time, fresh or salt
water, water temperature, and witness status are not useful predictors of survival.

Remember, some patients may have had a primary cardiac arrest (e.g. caused by
myocardial infarction whilst swimming). Death from drowning is more common in young
males, and is the leading cause of accidental death in Europe in this group.

Chapter 12
Cardiac arrest in special circumstances

6.1. Definition
Drowning is defined as a process resulting in primary respiratory impairment from
submersion/immersion in a liquid medium. Implicit in this definition is that a liquid/air
interface is present at the entrance of the victim’s airway, preventing the victim from
breathing air. The victim may live or die after this process, but whatever the outcome, he
or she has been involved in a drowning incident.

Submersion occurs when the face is underwater or covered in water. Asphyxia and cardiac
arrest occurs within a matter of minutes of submersion. Immersion, by contrast, is when
the head remains above water, in most cases by means of the support of a lifejacket. In
most situations of immersion, the victim remains immersed with an open airway and

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becomes hypothermic, although aspiration of water may occur if water splashes over the
face or if the victim becomes unconscious with their face in the water.

6.2. Decision to resuscitate

Deciding whether to start or stop resuscitation of a drowning victim is notoriously difficult.
No single factor predicts prognosis accurately.
• Start and continue resuscitation unless there is clear evidence that resuscitation
attempts are futile (e.g. massive traumatic injuries, rigor mortis, putrefaction etc.),
or timely evacuation to a medical facility is not possible.
Neurologically intact survival has been reported in several victims submerged for longer
than 25 minutes, however these rare case reports almost invariably occur in children
submerged in ice-cold water, when immersion hypothermia has preceeded hypoxia or in
submersion of car occupants.

6.3. Treatment
Treatment of a drowning victim involves four phases. These comprise:
1. water rescue
2. basic life support
3. advanced life support
4. post-resuscitation care.

6.3.1. Water rescue and basic life support

• Ensure personal safety and minimise the danger to yourself at all times. If possible,
attempt to save the drowning victim without entering the water. Talk to the victim,
use a rescue aid (e.g. stick or clothing), or throw a rope or buoyant rescue aid if the
victim is close to dry land. Alternatively, use a boat or other water vehicle to help
with the rescue. Avoid entry into the water whenever possible. If entry into the
water is essential, take a buoyant rescue aid or flotation device. It is safer to enter
the water with two rescuers than alone.

• Remove the victim from the water promptly. The chances of a drowning victim
sustaining a spinal injury are very low. Spinal precautions are unnecessary unless
there is a history of diving in shallow water, or signs of severe injury after water-
slide use, waterskiing, kite-surfing, or watercraft racing. If the victim is pulseless
and apnoeic, remove them from the water as quickly as possible while attempting
to limit neck flexion and extension.
• Hypovolaemia after prolonged immersion may cause a circum-rescue collapse/arrest.
Keep the victim in a horizontal position during and after retrieval from the water.

• The BLS sequence in drowning reflects the critical importance of rapid alleviation
of hypoxia. Prompt initiation of rescue breathing or positive pressure ventilation
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increases survival.
• Give five initial ventilations as soon as possible. Inflation should take about 1
second and be sufficient to see the chest rise. If possible supplement ventilation
with oxygen.
• Cricoid pressure applied by trained and skilled personel in casualties without a
secured airway may reduce gastric inflation and enhance ventilation in drowning.
• Trained individuals may undertake in water ventilation ideally with the support
of a buoyant rescue aid. If a rescuer, in general a surf-lifeguard, finds a non-
responding drowning victim in deep open water, the rescuer may start ventilation
when trained to do so before moving the victim to dry land or rescue craft.

Chest compression
• As soon as the victim is removed from the water, check for breathing. If the victim is
not breathing (or is making occasional gasps) after the initial ventilations, start chest
compressions immediately. Continue CPR in a ratio of 30 compressions to 2 ventilations.
Most drowning victims will have sustained cardiac arrest secondary to hypoxia. In
these patients, compression-only CPR is likely to be ineffective and should be avoided.

• Dry the victims chest before placing defibrillation electrodes. Standard procedures
for defibrillation using an AED or manual defibrillator should be followed.

Fluid in the airway

• In some situations, massive amounts of foam caused by admixing moving air with
water are seen coming out of the mouth of the victim. Do not try and attempt to
remove the foam as it will keep coming. Continue rescue breaths/ventilation until
an ALS provider arrives and is able to intubate the victim.
• Regurgitation of stomach contents and swallowed water is common during
resuscitation from drowning. There is no need to clear the airway of aspirated water,
which is absorbed rapidly into the central circulation. If this prevents ventilation
completely, turn the victim on their side and remove the regurgitated material using
directed suction if possible. If spinal cord injury is suspected, log-roll the victim,
keeping the head, neck, and torso aligned. Log rolling requires several rescuers.

Chapter 12
Cardiac arrest in special circumstances

6.3.2. Advanced life support

Airway and breathing
• During the initial assessment of the spontaneously breathing drowning victim, give
high-flow oxygen (10-15 l min-1), ideally through an oxygen mask with reservoir bag.
• Consider early tracheal intubation and controlled ventilation by skilled personnel
for victims who fail to respond to these initial measures, who have a reduced level
of consciousness or are in cardiac arrest. Reduced pulmonary compliance requiring
high inflation pressures may limit the use of a supraglottic airway device. Take
care to ensure optimal preoxygenation before attempting tracheal intubation.
Pulmonary oedema fluid may pour from the airway and may need continuous
suctioning to enable a view of the larynx. Confirm position of the tracheal tube.

Personal copy of Paul-George Oarga (ID: 1150922)

• Titrate the inspired oxygen concentration to achieve a SpO2 of 94-98 %. Pulse
oximetry can give spurious readings following rescue from drowning. Confirm
adequate oxygenation and ventilation with arterial blood gases once available.
• Set positive end expiratory pressure (PEEP) to at least 10 cmH2O. PEEP levels of
15-20 cmH2O may be required if the patient is severely hypoxaemic.
• Decompress the stomach with a gastric tube.

Circulation and defibrillation

• Differentiating respiratory from cardiac arrest is particularly important in the
drowning victim. Delaying the initiation of chest compressions if the victim is in
cardiac arrest will reduce survival.
• The typical post-arrest gasping is very difficult to distinguish from the initial
respiratory efforts of a spontaneous recovering drowning victim. Palpation of the
pulse as the sole indicator of the presence or absence of cardiac arrest is unreliable.
When available additional diagnostic information should be obtained from other
monitoring modalities such as ECG trace, ETCO2, echocardiography to confirm the
diagnosis of cardiac arrest.
• If the victim is in cardiac arrest, follow standard advanced life support protocols. If
the victims core body temperature is less than 30°C, limit defibrillation attempts to
three, and withhold IV drugs until the core body temperature increases above 30°C.
• After prolonged immersion, most victims will have become hypovolaemic due to
the cessation of the hydrostatic pressure of water on the body. Give rapid IV fluid
to correct hypovolaemia. This should commence out-of-hospital if transfer time is

6.3.3. Post-resuscitation care

• Victims of drowning are at risk of developing acute respiratory distress syndrome
(ARDS) after submersion and protective ventilation strategies should be used.
• Pneumonia is common after drowning. Prophylactic antibiotics have not been
shown to be of benefit, although they may be considered after submersion in

grossly contaminated water such as sewage. Give broad-spectrum antibiotics if
signs of infection develop subsequently.
• There are no differences in the treatment of victims of fresh or sea water drowning.
• Attempts have been made to improve neurological outcome following drowning
with the use of barbiturates, intracranial pressure (ICP) monitoring, and steroids.
None of these interventions has altered outcome.
• Cardiac arrhythmias may cause rapid loss of consciousness leading to drowning if
the victim is in water at the time. Take a careful history in survivors of a drowning
incident to identify features suggestive of arrhythmic syncope. Symptoms may
include syncope (whilst supine position, during exercise, with brief prodromal
symptoms, repetitive episodes or associated with palpitations), seizures or a family
Personal copy of Paul-George Oarga (ID: 1150922)

history of sudden death. The absence of structural heart disease at post mortem
does not rule the possibility of sudden cardiac death. Post mortem genetic
analysis has proved helpful in these situations and should be considered if there is
uncertainty over the cause of a drowning death.

7. Asthma
Worldwide, approximately 300 million people of all ages and ethnic backgrounds have
asthma with a high prevalence in some European countries (United Kingdom, Ireland and
Scandinavia). Annual worldwide deaths from asthma have been estimated at 250,000. The
death rate does not appear to be correlated with asthma prevalence. Most deaths occur
before hospital admission.

This guidance focuses on the treatment of patients with near-fatal asthma and cardiac

7.1. Patients at risk of asthma-related cardiac arrest

The risk of near-fatal asthma attacks is not necessarily related to asthma severity.

Patients most at risk include those with:

• a history of near-fatal asthma requiring intubation and mechanical ventilation
• a hospitalisation or emergency care for asthma in the past year
• low or no use of inhaled corticosteroids
• an increasing use and dependence of beta-2 agonists
• anxiety, depressive disorders and/or poor compliance with therapy
• food allergy in a patient with asthma

Chapter 12
Cardiac arrest in special circumstances

7.2. Causes of cardiac arrest

Cardiac arrest in the asthmatic is often a terminal event after a period of hypoxaemia;
occasionally, it may be sudden. Cardiac arrest in asthmatics has been linked to:
• Severe bronchospasm and mucous plugging leading to asphyxia (most frequent
cause of death).
• Cardiac arrhythmias due to hypoxia, stimulant drugs (e.g. ß-adrenergic agonists,
aminophylline) or electrolyte abnormalities.
• Dynamic hyperinflation, i.e. auto-positive end-expiratory pressure (auto-PEEP), can
occur in mechanically ventilated asthmatics. Auto-PEEP is caused by air trapping
and ‘breath stacking’ (air entering the lungs and being unable to escape). Gradual

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build-up of pressure occurs and reduces venous return and blood pressure.
• Tension pneumothorax (often bilateral).
The 4 Hs and 4 Ts approach to reversible causes will help identify these causes in cardiac

7.3. Assessment and treatment

Use the ABCDE approach to assess severity and guide treatment. The severity of acute
asthma is summarised in table 12.2.

Table 12.2
Severity of acute asthma exacerbations

Asthma severity
Near-fatal asthma Raised PaCO2 and/or requiring mechanical
ventilation with raised inflation pressures
Life-threatening asthma Any one of the following signs:
Clinical signs Measurements
Altered conscious level PEF < 33 % best or
Personal copy of Paul-George Oarga (ID: 1150922)

Exhaustion SpO2 < 92 %

Arrhythmia PaO2 < 8 kPa

Hypotension ‘normal’ PaCO2

(4.6-6.0 kPa)
Silent chest
Poor expiratory effort
Acute severe asthma Any one of:
- PEF 33-50 % best or predicted
- respiratory rate ≥ 25 min-1
- heart rate ≥ 110 min-1
- inability to complete sentences in one breath
PEF = peak expiratory flow

• Wheezing is a common physical finding, but severity does not correlate with
the degree of airway obstruction. Other causes of wheezing include: pulmonary
oedema, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), pneumonia, anaphylaxia,
foreign bodies, pulmonary embolism, subglottic mass.
• The patient with acute severe asthma requires aggressive medical management
to prevent deterioration. Experienced clinicians should treat these patients in a
critical care area. Patients with SpO2 < 92 % or with features of life-threatening
asthma are at risk of hypercapnia and require arterial blood gas measurement.
• Use a concentration of inspired oxygen that will achieve an SpO2 94-98 %. High-
flow oxygen by mask is sometimes necessary. Lack of pulse oximetry should not
prevent the use of oxygen.
• Salbutamol (5 mg nebulised) is the main therapy for acute asthma. Repeated doses
every 15-20 min, or continuous doses, may be needed. Nebuliser units that can

Chapter 12
Cardiac arrest in special circumstances

be driven by high-flow oxygen (at least 6 l min-1) should be used. Remember that
nebulised drugs will not be delivered to the lungs effectively if the patient is tired
and hypoventilating. If a nebuliser is not immediately available beta-2 agonists can
be temporarily administered by repeating activations of a metered dose inhaler
via a large volume spacer device.
• Nebulised anticholinergics (ipratropium 0.5 mg 4-6 hourly) may produce
additional bronchodilation in severe asthma and in those who do not respond to
• Inhaled magnesium sulphate is currently not recommended for the treatment of
acute asthma.
• Intravenous magnesium sulphate (2 g IV slowly = 8 mmol) may be useful in patients

Personal copy of Paul-George Oarga (ID: 1150922)

with acute severe asthma (PEF < 50 % best or predicted) who have not had a good
initial response to inhaled bronchodilator therapy. The most commonly reported
adverse effects are flushing, fatigue, nausea, headache and hypotension.
• Early use of systemic corticosteroids for acute asthma significantly reduces hospital
admission rates. Although there is no difference in clinical effects between oral
and IV formulations of corticosteroids, the IV route is preferable because patients
with near-fatal asthma may vomit or be unable to swallow.
• Consider intravenous salbutamol in patients unresponsive to nebulised therapy or
where nebulised/inhaled therapy is not possible (e.g. a patient receiving bag-mask
ventilation). Give as either a slow IV injection (250 mcg IV slowly) or continuous
infusion of 3-20 mcg min-1.
• There is no evidence of benefit and a higher incidence of adverse effects for
intravenous aminophylline compared with standard care alone. If after obtaining
senior advice the decision is taken to administer IV aminophylline a loading dose
of 5 mg kg-1 is given over 20-30 min (unless on maintenance therapy), followed by
an infusion of 500-700 mcg kg-1h-1. Serum theophylline concentrations should be
maintained below 20 mcg ml-1 to avoid toxicity.
• These patients are often dehydrated or hypovolemic and will benefit from fluid
replacement. Beta-2 agonists and steroids may induce hypokalaemia, which
should be corrected with electrolyte supplements.
• Patients that fail to respond to initial treatment, or develop signs of life-threatening
asthma, must be assessed by an intensive care specialist. These patients may
benefit from tracheal intubation and ventilatory support. Routine use of non-
invasive ventilation is not recommended.
• Sometimes it may be difficult to distinguish severe life-threatening asthma from
anaphylaxis. Treat patients presenting with severe ‘asthma-like’ symptoms, but
without pre-existing pulmonary disease (asthma, COPD), as if the cause was
anaphylaxis. In these circumstances, administration of adrenaline 0.5 mg IM
according to the anaphylaxis guidelines may be appropriate.

Cardiac arrest
• Follow standard BLS and ALS protocols. Ventilation will be difficult because of
increased airway resistance; try to avoid gastric inflation.
• Intubate the trachea early. There is a significant risk of gastric inflation and
hypoventilation of the lungs when attempting to ventilate a severe asthmatic without
a tracheal tube.
• Respiratory rates of 8-10 breaths per minute and a tidal volume required for a
normal chest rise during CPR should minimise dynamic hyperinflation of the lungs
(air trapping).
• If dynamic hyperinflation of the lungs is suspected during CPR, compression of
the chest wall and/or a period of apnoea (disconnection of tracheal tube) may
Personal copy of Paul-George Oarga (ID: 1150922)

relieve gas-trapping. Although this procedure is supported by limited evidence, it

is unlikely to be harmful in an otherwise desperate situation.
• Dynamic hyperinflation increases transthoracic impedance, but modern
impedance-compensated biphasic defibrillation waveforms are no less effective
in patients with a higher impedance. As with standard ALS defibrillation protocols,
consider increasing defibrillation energy if the first shock is unsuccessful.
• Look for reversible causes using the 4 Hs and 4 Ts approach.
• Tension pneumothorax can be difficult to diagnose in cardiac arrest; it may be
indicated by unilateral expansion of the chest wall, shifting of the trachea, and
subcutaneous emphysema. Pleural ultrasound in skilled hands is faster and
more sensitive than chest X-ray for the detection of pneumothorax. Early needle
decompression (thoracocentesis) followed by chest drain insertion is needed.
Needle decompression may fail due to inadequate needle length. In the ventilated
patient, thoracostomy (a surgical hole in the chest wall and pleura) may be quicker
to do and more effective for decompressing the pneumothorax (see trauma
• Always consider bilateral pneumothoraces in asthma-related cardiac arrest.
• Follow standard guidelines for post-resuscitation care.

8. Anaphylaxis

8.1. Definition
Anaphylaxis is a severe, life-threatening, generalised or systemic hypersensitivity

This is characterised by rapidly developing life-threatening airway and/or breathing and/

or circulation problems usually associated with skin and mucosal changes.

There are a number of national guidelines available all over Europe. The European
Academy of Allergy and Clinical Immunology’s (EAACI) Taskforce on Anaphylaxis defined

Chapter 12
Cardiac arrest in special circumstances

clinical criteria for diagnosing anaphylaxis in 2014 (For more details see http://www.eaaci.

8.2. Aetiology
Anaphylaxis usually involves the release of inflammatory mediators from mast cells or
basophils triggered by an allergen interacting with cell-bound immunoglobulin E (IgE).
Non-IgE-mediated or non-immune release of mediators can also occur. Histamine and
other inflammatory mediator release are responsible for the vasodilatation, oedema and
increased capillary permeability.

Anaphylaxis can be triggered by any of a very broad range of triggers with food, drugs,

Personal copy of Paul-George Oarga (ID: 1150922)

stinging insects, and latex the most commonly identified triggers. Food is the commonest
trigger in children and drugs the commonest in adults. Virtually any food or drug can be
implicated, but certain foods (nuts) and drugs (muscle relaxants, antibiotics, nonsteroidal
anti-inflammatory drugs and aspirin) cause most reactions. A significant number of cases
of anaphylaxis are idiopathic.

The risk of death is increased in those with pre-existing asthma, particularly if the asthma
is poorly controlled or in those asthmatics who fail to use, or delay treatment with,

When anaphylaxis is fatal, death usually occurs very soon after contact with the trigger.
Fatal food reactions cause respiratory arrest typically after 30-35 min; insect stings cause
collapse from shock after 10-15 min; and deaths caused by intravenous medication
occurred most commonly within 5 min. Death rarely occurred more than six hours after
contact with the trigger.

8.3. Recognition
• Anaphylaxis is likely if a patient who is exposed to a trigger (allergen) develops a
sudden illness (usually within minutes of exposure) with rapidly progressing skin
changes and life-threatening airway and/or breathing and/or circulation problems.
The reaction is usually unexpected.
• The lack of any consistent clinical manifestation and a range of possible
presentations cause diagnostic difficulty. Patients have been given injections
of adrenaline inappropriately for allergic reactions just involving the skin, or
for vasovagal reactions or panic attacks. Guidelines for the treatment of an
anaphylactic reaction must therefore take into account some inevitable diagnostic
errors, with an emphasis on the need for safety.

Anaphylaxis is likely when all of the following three criteria are met:
• sudden onset and rapid progression of symptoms
• life-threatening Airway and/or Breathing and/or Circulation problems
• skin and/or mucosal changes (flushing, urticaria, angioedema)

The following supports the diagnosis:
• exposure to a known allergen for the patient

• Skin or mucosal changes alone are not a sign of anaphylaxis.
• Skin and mucosal changes can be subtle or absent in up to 20 % of reactions (some
patients can have only a decrease in blood pressure, i.e. a Circulation problem).
• There can also be gastrointestinal symptoms (e.g. vomiting, abdominal pain,
Personal copy of Paul-George Oarga (ID: 1150922)

8.3.1. Sudden onset and rapid progression of symptoms:

• The patient will feel and look unwell.
• Most reactions occur over several minutes. Rarely, reactions may be slower in onset.
• An intravenous trigger will cause a more rapid onset of reaction than stings, which,
in turn, tend to cause a more rapid onset than orally ingested triggers.
• The patient is usually anxious and can experience a “sense of impending doom”.

8.3.2. Life-threatening Airway, Breathing and Circulation problems:

Use the ABCDE approach to recognise these.

Airway problems:
• Airway swelling, e.g. throat and tongue swelling (pharyngeal/laryngeal oedema).
The patient has difficulty in breathing and swallowing and feels that the throat is
closing up.
• Hoarse voice.
• Stridor - this is a high-pitched inspiratory noise caused by upper airway obstruction.

Breathing problems:
• shortness of breath - increased respiratory rate
• wheeze
• patient becoming tired
• confusion caused by hypoxia
• cyanosis - this is usually a late sign
• respiratory arrest.

Chapter 12
Cardiac arrest in special circumstances

Circulation problems:
• signs of shock - pale, clammy
• tachycardia
• hypotension - feeling faint, collapse
• decreased conscious level or loss of consciousness
• anaphylaxis can cause myocardial ischaemia and electrocardiograph (ECG)
changes even in individuals with normal coronary arteries
• cardiac arrest
Circulation problems (often referred to as anaphylactic shock) can be caused by direct

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myocardial depression, vasodilation and capillary leak, and loss of fluid from the circulation.

The above Airway, Breathing and Circulation problems can all alter the patient’s
neurological status (Disability problems) because of decreased brain perfusion. There
may be confusion, agitation and loss of consciousness.

8.3.3. Skin and, or mucosal changes:

These should be assessed as part of the Exposure when using the ABCDE approach.
• They are often the first feature and present in over 80 % of anaphylactic reactions.
• They can be subtle or dramatic.
• There may be just skin, just mucosal, or both skin and mucosal changes.
• There may be erythema - a patchy, or generalised, red rash.
• There may be urticaria (also called hives, nettle rash, weals or welts), which can
appear anywhere on the body. The weals may be pale, pink or red, and may look
like nettle stings. They can be different shapes and sizes, and are often surrounded
by a red flare. They are usually itchy.
• Angioedema is similar to urticaria but involves swelling of deeper tissues, most
commonly in the eyelids and lips, and sometimes in the mouth and throat.
Although skin changes can be worrying or distressing for patients and those treating
them, skin changes without life-threatening airway, breathing or circulation problems do
not signify anaphylaxis.

8.4. Differential diagnosis

8.4.1. Life-threatening conditions:

• Sometimes an anaphylactic reaction can present with symptoms and signs that
are very similar to life-threatening asthma.

• A low blood pressure (or normal in children) with a petechial or purpuric rash
can be a sign of septic shock. Seek help early if there are any doubts about the
diagnosis and treatment.
• Following the ABCDE approach will help with treating the differential diagnoses.

8.4.2. Non life-threatening conditions (these usually respond to simple

• faint (vasovagal episode)
• panic attack
• breath-holding episode in child
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• idiopathic (non-allergic) urticaria or angioedema

There can be confusion between an anaphylactic reaction and a panic attack. Victims of
previous anaphylaxis may be particularly prone to panic attacks if they think they have
been re-exposed to the allergen that caused a previous problem. The sense of impending
doom and breathlessness leading to hyperventilation are symptoms that resemble
anaphylaxis in some ways. While there is no hypotension, pallor, wheeze, or urticarial
rash or swelling, there may sometimes be flushing or blotchy skin associated with anxiety
adding to the diagnostic difficulty. Diagnostic difficulty may also occur with vasovagal
attacks after immunisation procedures, but the absence of rash, breathing difficulties,
and swelling are useful distinguishing features, as is the slow pulse of a vasovagal attack
compared with the rapid pulse of a severe anaphylactic episode. Fainting will usually
respond to lying the patient down and raising the legs.

8.5. Treatment
As the diagnosis of anaphylaxis is not always obvious, all those who treat anaphylaxis must
use the systematic ABCDE approach to the sick patient. Treat life-threatening problems as
you find them. The key steps are described in the anaphylaxis algorithm (figure 12.5).

• All patients should be placed in a comfortable position. Patients with airway and
breathing problems may prefer to sit up as this will make breathing easier. Lying
flat with or without leg elevation is helpful for patients with a low blood pressure
(Circulation problem). If the patient feels faint, do not sit or stand them up - this
can cause cardiac arrest. Patients who are breathing and unconscious should be
placed on their side (recovery position).
• Remove the trigger for an anaphylactic reaction if possible. Remove the stinger
after a bee/wasp sting. Stop any drug suspected of causing an anaphylactic
reaction (e.g. stop intravenous colloids or antibiotic). Do not delay definitive
treatment if removing the trigger is not feasible.
• Monitor all patients who have suspected anaphylaxis as soon as possible (e.g.
ambulance crew, emergency department). Minimum monitoring includes pulse
oximetry, non-invasive blood pressure and a 3-lead ECG.

Chapter 12
Cardiac arrest in special circumstances

• Give the highest concentration of oxygen possible during resuscitation (usually

greater than 10 l min-1).
• Adrenaline is the most important drug for the treatment of an anaphylactic
reaction. As an alpha-receptor agonist, it reverses peripheral vasodilation and
reduces oedema. Its beta-receptor activity dilates the bronchial airways, increases
the force of myocardial contraction, and suppresses histamine and leukotriene
release. Adrenaline works best when given early after the onset of the reaction
but it is not without risk, particularly when given intravenously. Adverse effects are
extremely rare with correct doses injected intramuscularly (IM). The subcutaneous
or inhaled routes for adrenaline are not recommended for the treatment of
anaphylaxis because they are less effective than the IM route.

Personal copy of Paul-George Oarga (ID: 1150922)

• The intramuscular (IM) route is the best for most individuals who have to give
adrenaline to treat an anaphylactic reaction. Monitor the patient as soon as
possible (pulse, blood pressure, ECG, pulse oximetry). This will help monitor the
response to adrenaline.
• For adults and children > 12 years give an initial IM adrenaline dose of 0.5 mg (0.5
ml of 1:1000 adrenaline = 0.5 mg = 500 mcg). Further doses can be given at about
5-min intervals according to the patient’s response.
• The best site for IM injection is the anterolateral aspect of the middle third of the
thigh. The needle used for injection needs to be sufficiently long to ensure that the
adrenaline is injected into muscle.
• The use of IV adrenaline applies only to specialists in the use and titration of
vasopressors in their normal clinical practice (e.g. anaesthetists, emergency
physicians, intensive care doctors). In patients with a spontaneous circulation,
intravenous adrenaline can cause life-threatening hypertension, tachycardia,
arrhythmias, and myocardial ischaemia. Patients who are given IV adrenaline must
be monitored - continuous ECG and pulse oximetry and frequent non-invasive
blood pressure measurements as a minimum.
• Titrate IV adrenaline using 50 mcg boluses according to response. If repeated
adrenaline doses are needed, start an IV adrenaline infusion. The pre-filled 10 ml
syringe of 1:10,000 adrenaline contains 100 mcg ml-1. A dose of 50 mcg is 0.5 ml,
which is the smallest dose that can be given accurately. Do not give the undiluted
1:1000 adrenaline concentration IV.
• Auto-injectors are often given to patients at risk of anaphylaxis for their own use.
Healthcare professionals should be familiar with the use of the most commonly
available auto-injector devices. If an adrenaline auto-injector is the only available
adrenaline preparation when treating anaphylaxis, healthcare providers should use it.
• Give a rapid IV fluid challenge (500-1000 ml in an adult) and monitor the response;
give further doses as necessary. There is no evidence to support the use of
colloids over crystalloids in this setting. Consider colloid infusion as a cause in a
patient receiving a colloid at the time of onset of an anaphylactic reaction and
stop the infusion. Hartmann’s solution or 0.9 % saline are suitable fluids for initial
resuscitation. A large volume of fluid may be needed.

• Antihistamines are a second line treatment for an anaphylactic reaction. Give
chlorphenamine 10 mg IM or IV slowly. Antihistamines (H1-antihistamine) may
help counter histamine-mediated vasodilation and bronchoconstriction. Used
alone, they are unlikely to be life-saving in a true anaphylactic reaction. There is
little evidence to support the routine use of an H2-antihistamine (e.g. ranitidine,
cimetidine) for the initial treatment of anaphylaxis.
• Corticosteroids may help prevent or shorten protracted reactions. There is little
evidence on which to base the optimum dose of hydrocortisone in anaphylaxis.
• The presenting symptoms and signs of severe anaphylaxis and life-threatening
asthma can be the same. Consider further bronchodilator therapy with salbutamol
(inhaled or IV), ipratropium (inhaled), aminophylline (IV) or magnesium (IV) (see
Personal copy of Paul-George Oarga (ID: 1150922)

asthma). IV magnesium is a vasodilator and can make hypotension worse.

• Adrenaline remains the first line vasopressor for the treatment of anaphylactic
reactions. Consider other vasopressors and inotropes (e.g. noradrenaline,
vasopressin, terlipressin) when initial resuscitation with adrenaline and fluids has
not been successful. Only use these drugs in specialist settings (e.g. intensive care
units) where there is experience in their use. Glucagon can be useful to treat an
anaphylactic reaction in a patient taking a beta-blocker.
• Cardiac arrest with suspected anaphylaxis should be treated with standard doses
of IV or intraosseous (IO) adrenaline for cardiac arrest. If this is not feasible, consider
IM adrenaline if cardiac arrest is imminent or has just occurred. Consider large
volumes of intravenous fluids.
• Airway obstruction may occur rapidly in severe anaphylaxis, particularly in patients
with angioedema. Warning signs are swelling of the tongue and lips, hoarseness
and oropharyngeal swelling.
• Consider early tracheal intubation; delay may make intubation extremely difficult.
As airway obstruction progresses, supraglottic airway devices (e.g. LMA ) are likely
to be difficult to insert. Attempts at tracheal intubation may exacerbate laryngeal
oedema. Early involvement of a senior anaesthetist is mandatory when managing
these patients. A surgical airway may be required if tracheal intubation is not

Chapter 12
Cardiac arrest in special circumstances

Figure 12.5
Anaphylaxis algorithm

Anaphylactic reaction?

Assess using ABCDE approach

Diagnosis - look for:

n Acute onset of illness

Personal copy of Paul-George Oarga (ID: 1150922)

n Life-threatening Airway and/or
Breathing and/or Circulation problems1
n And usually skin changes

n Call for help

n Lie patient flat with raised legs (if breathing allows)


When skills and equipment available:

n E stablish airway Monitor:
n High flow oxygen n P
 ulse oximetry
n I V fluid challenge3 n E
n C hlorphenamine4 n B
 lood pressure
n H ydrocortisone5

Life-threatening problems:

Airway: swelling, hoarseness, stridor

Breathing: r apid breathing, wheeze, fatigue, cyanosis, SpO2 < 92 %, confusion
Circulation: p ale, clammy, low blood pressure, faintness, drowsy/coma

Adrenaline (give IM unless experienced with IV adrenaline)

IV fluid challenge (crystalloid):

IM doses of 1:1000 adrenaline (repeat after 5 min if no better) Adult 500-1000 ml

n Adult 500 mcg IM (0.5 ml) Child 20 ml kg-1
n Child more than 12 years 500 mcg IM (0.5 ml)
n Child 6-12 years 300 mcg IM (0.3 ml) Stop IV colloid if this might be the cause
n Child less than 6 years 150 mcg IM (0.15 ml)
of anaphylaxis
Adrenaline IV to be given only by experienced specialists
Titrate: Adults 50 mcg; Children 1 mcg kg-1

Chlorphenamine 5.
(IM or slow IV) (IM or slow IV)
Adult or child more than 12 years 10 mg 200 mg
Child 6 - 12 years 5 mg 100 mg
Child 6 months to 6 years 2.5 mg 50 mg
Child less than 6 months 250 mcg kg-1 25 mg

8.6. Investigations
The specific test to help confirm a diagnosis of an anaphylactic reaction is measurement
of mast cell tryptase. In anaphylaxis, mast cell degranulation leads to markedly increased
blood tryptase concentrations.

8.6.1. Mast cell tryptase sample timing

The time of onset of the anaphylactic reaction is the time when symptoms were first noticed.

a) Minimum: one sample at 1-2 h after the start of symptoms.

b) Ideally: Three timed samples:
Personal copy of Paul-George Oarga (ID: 1150922)

1) Initial sample as soon as feasible after resuscitation has started - do not delay
resuscitation to take sample.
2) Second sample at 1-2 h after the start of symptoms.
3) Third sample either at 24 h or in convalescence. This provides baseline tryptase
levels - some individuals have an elevated baseline level.
c) Use a serum or clotted blood (‘liver function test’ bottle) sample.
d) Record the timing of each sample accurately on the sample bottle and request form.
e) Consult your local laboratory if you have any queries.

8.6.2. Discharge and follow-up

Patients who have had a suspected anaphylactic reaction should be treated and then
observed for at least 6 h in a clinical area with facilities for treating life-threatening ABC
problems. Patients with a good response to initial treatment should be warned of the
possibility of an early recurrence of symptoms and in some circumstances should be
kept under observation for up to 24 h (e.g. individuals with severe asthma or with a
severe asthmatic component, patients presenting in the evening or at night, patients in
areas where access to emergency care is difficult, previous history of biphasic reactions,
possibility of continuing absorption of allergen).

The exact incidence of biphasic reactions is unknown. There is no reliable way of predicting
who will have a biphasic reaction. It is therefore important that decisions about discharge
are made for each patient by an experienced clinician.

Before discharge from hospital all patients with anaphylaxia must be:
• Given clear instructions to return to hospital if symptoms return.
• Considered for an adrenaline auto-injector, or given a replacement and ensured
that appropriate training has been given.
• Have a plan for follow-up, including contact with the patient’s general practitioner.
• Referred to an allergy specialist to identify the cause, and thereby reduce the risk
of future reactions and prepare the patient to manage future episodes themselves.
Chapter 12
Cardiac arrest in special circumstances

9. Cardiac arrest following cardiac surgery

After major cardiac surgery, cardiac arrest is relatively common in the immediate post-
operative phase, with a reported incidence of 0.7 %-8 %. Cardiac arrest is usually preceded
by physiological deterioration, although it may occur suddenly in stable patients. Continuous
monitoring on the intensive care unit (ICU) enables immediate intervention at the time of

Key to the successful resuscitation of cardiac arrest in these patients is recognition of the
need to perform emergency resternotomy early, especially in the context of tamponade
or haemorrhage, where external chest compressions may be ineffective.

Personal copy of Paul-George Oarga (ID: 1150922)

9.1. Aetiology
There are usually specific causes of cardiac arrest that are all potentially reversible. The
main causes of cardiac arrest in the initial post-operative period include:
• cardiac tamponade
• myocardial ischaemia
• hypovolaemia
• pacing failure
• tension pneumothorax

9.2. Diagnosis
An immediate decision on the likely cause of cardiac arrest must be made to enable rapid
intervention and successful resuscitation. Patients in the ICU are highly monitored and
an arrest is most likely to be signalled by monitoring alarms where absence of pulsation
or perfusing pressure on the arterial line, loss of pulse oximeter trace, pulmonary artery
(PA) trace, or end-tidal CO2 trace and rapid assessment of the patient can be sufficient to
indicate cardiac arrest without the need to palpate a central pulse. Call for senior help
early including a cardiothoracic surgeon and cardiac anaesthetist.

9.3. Treatment
• Chest compressions can cause sternal disruption or cardiac damage in the post-
cardiac surgery setting. If VF is diagnosed, immediately administer external
defibrillation. A witnessed and monitored VF/pVT cardiac arrest should be treated
immediately with up to three quick successive (stacked) defibrillation attempts.
Three failed shocks should trigger the need for emergency resternotomy. Further
defibrillation is attempted as indicated in the universal algorithm and should be
performed with internal paddles at 20 J if resternotomy has been performed.
• In asystole immediately establish emergency temporary pacing at maximum amplitude.
• In PEA, turn the pacing off to verify there is no underlying VF, which must be
treated by defibrillation.

• Otherwise start external chest compressions immediately in patients who arrest with
monitoring indicating no output. Verify the effectiveness of compressions by looking
at the arterial trace, aiming to achieve a systolic blood pressure > 60 mmHg and a
diastolic blood pressure > 25 mmHg at a rate of 100-120 min−1. Inability to obtain this
goal with external chest compressions indicates that cardiac tamponade or extreme
hypovolaemia is likely and emergency resternotomy should be performed.
• Consider reversible causes:
-- Hypoxia – check tracheal tube position, ventilate with 100 % oxygen.
-- Tension pneumothorax – check tracheal position, listen for air entry.
-- Pacing failure – check pacing box output and pacing wire integrity. In
Personal copy of Paul-George Oarga (ID: 1150922)

asystole, secondary to a loss of cardiac pacing, chest compressions may be

delayed momentarily as long as the surgically inserted temporary pacing
wires can be connected rapidly and pacing re-established (DDD at 100 min−1
at maximum amplitude).

• Use adrenaline very cautiously and titrate to effect (IV doses of up to 100 mcg
in adults). Consider amiodarone 300 mg in patients with refractory shockable
rhythms (VF/pVT), but do not delay resternotomy.
• Emergency resternotomy is an integral part of resuscitation after cardiac surgery,
once all other reversible causes have been excluded. Once an adequate airway and
ventilation has been established, and if three attempts at defibrillation have failed
in VF/pVT, undertake resternotomy without delay. Emergency resternotomy is also
indicated in asystole or PEA, when other treatments have failed. Resuscitation
teams should be well rehearsed in this technique so that it can be performed safely
within 5 min of the onset of cardiac arrest by anyone with appropriate training.
• The same strategy is appropriate for patients following non-sternotomy cardiac
surgery, but surgeons performing these operations should have already made
clear their instructions for chest reopening in an arrest.

10. Traumatic cardiac arrest

Traumatic cardiac arrest (TCA) carries a very high mortality, but in those where ROSC can be
achieved, neurological outcome in survivors appears to be much better than in other causes
of cardiac arrest. A large systematic review reported an overall survival rate of 3.3 % in blunt
and 3.7 % in penetrating trauma, with good neurological outcome in 1.6 % of all cases.

It is vital that a medical cardiac arrest is not misdiagnosed as a TCA and must be treated
with the universal ALS algorithm. Cardiac arrest or other causes of sudden loss of
consciousness (e.g. hypoglycaemia, stroke, seizures) may cause a secondary traumatic
event. Some observational studies have reported that about 2.5 % of non-traumatic
OHCAs occur in cars. In these cases, shockable rhythms (VF/pVT) are more common.
The primary cause of the cardiac arrest can be elucidated from information about past
medical history, events preceding the accident (if possible), and a systematic post-ROSC
assessment, including a 12-lead ECG.

Chapter 12
Cardiac arrest in special circumstances

Commotio cordis is actual or near cardiac arrest caused by a blunt impact to the chest
wall over the heart. A blow to the chest can cause VF if the striking object strikes the chest
within a 20 ms window of the upstroke of the T-wave. Commotio cordis occurs mostly
during sports and recreational activities and victims are usually teenage males. Follow
standard CPR guidelines. Early defibrillation is important for survival.

10.1. Diagnosis
The diagnosis of traumatic cardiac arrest is made clinically. The patient presents with
agonal or absent spontaneous respiration and absence of a central pulse.

A peri-arrest state is characterised by cardiovascular instability, hypotension, loss of

Personal copy of Paul-George Oarga (ID: 1150922)

peripheral pulses in uninjured regions and a deteriorating conscious level without
obvious central nervous system (CNS) cause. If untreated, this state is likely to progress to
cardiac arrest.

• The response to TCA is time-critical and success depends on a well-established

chain of survival, including advanced prehospital and specialised trauma centre
care. Immediate resuscitative efforts in TCA focus on simultaneous treatment of
reversible causes, which takes priority over chest compressions. Figure 12.6 shows
a traumatic cardiac (peri-) arrest algorithm.
• Chest compressions are still the standard of care in patients with cardiac arrest,
irrespective of aetiology. In cardiac arrest caused by hypovolaemia, cardiac
tamponade or tension pneumothorax, chest compressions are unlikely to
be as effective as in normovolaemic cardiac arrest. Because of this fact, chest
compressions take a lower priority than the immediate treatment of reversible
causes, e.g. thoracotomy, controlling haemorrhage etc.
• In an out-of-hospital setting, only essential life-saving interventions should be
performed on scene followed by rapid transfer to the nearest appropriate hospital.
• If available, ultrasound will help diagnose rapidly haemoperitoneum,
haemopneumothorax, tension pneumothorax and cardiac tamponade. This
requires a trained operator and should not delay treatment.
• Treatment of reversible causes:
-- Hypoxaemia - Effective airway management and ventilation can reverse
hypoxic cardiac arrest and it is essential to establish and maintain oxygenation
of trauma patients with a severely compromised airway. Tracheal intubation
in trauma patients is a difficult procedure with a high failure rate if carried
out by less experienced care providers. Use basic airway manoeuvres and
second-generation supraglottic airways to maintain oxygenation if tracheal
intubation cannot be accomplished immediately.

10.2. Treatment

Figure 12.6
Traumatic cardiac (peri-) arrest algorithm

Trauma patient

Cardiac arrest / 
Periarrest situation?
Personal copy of Paul-George Oarga (ID: 1150922)

Consider Universal ALS

non-traumatic cause algorithm

Tension pneumothorax
Simultaneously address reversible causes

Continue ALS
Start /

1. Control catastrophic haemorrhage

2. Control airway and maximise oxygenation
Elapsed time
3. Bilateral chest decompression
< 10 min since
4. Relieve cardiac tamponade arrest?
5. Surgery for haemorrhage control
or proximal aortic compression?
6. Massive transfusion protocol and fluids

Consider immediate
Consider termination Return of spontaneous
NO resuscitative 
of CPR circulation?

n Perform only life-saving interventions

n Immediate transport to appropriate hospital

n Damage control resuscitation

n Definitive haemorrhage control

-- Hypovolaemia - Uncontrolled haemorrhage is the cause of traumatic cardiac

arrest in 48 % of all TCA. The treatment of severe hypovolaemic shock has
several elements. The main principle is to achieve ‘haemostasis without delay’,
usually with surgical or radiological intervention. Temporary haemorrhage
control can be lifesaving. Treat compressible external haemorrhage with
direct pressure (with or without a dressing), use tourniquets if needed and/or

Chapter 12
Cardiac arrest in special circumstances

apply topical haemostatic agents. Non-compressible haemorrhage is more

difficult. Use splints (pelvic splint), blood products, intravenous fluids and
tranexamic acid while moving the patient to surgical haemorrhage control.
-- Tension pneumothorax - Perform bilateral thoracostomies in the 4th
intercostal space to decompress the chest during TCA. In the presence of
positive pressure ventilation, thoracostomies are likely to be more effective than
needle thoracocentesis and quicker than inserting a chest tube.
-- Cardiac tamponade - Where there is TCA and penetrating trauma to the chest
or epigastrium, immediate resuscitative thoracotomy (RT) (via a clamshell incision
can be life saving. Needle aspiration of tamponade, with or without ultrasound
guidance, is unreliable because the pericardium is commonly full of clotted blood.

Personal copy of Paul-George Oarga (ID: 1150922)

If thoracotomy is not possible, consider ultrasound guided pericardiocentesis
to treat TCA associated with suspected cardiac tamponade. Non-image guided
pericardiocentesis is an alternative only if ultrasound is not available.
• Positive pressure ventilation worsens hypotension by impeding venous return
to the heart, particularly in hypovolaemic patients. Low tidal volumes and slow
respiratory rates may help optimise cardiac preload. Monitor ventilation with
continuous waveform capnography and adjust to achieve normocapnia.
• Over the past ten years the principle of ‘damage control resuscitation’ has been
adopted in trauma resuscitation for uncontrolled haemorrhage. Damage control
resuscitation combines permissive hypotension and haemostatic resuscitation with
damage control surgery. Limited evidence and general consensus have supported
a conservative approach to intravenous fluid infusion, with permissive hypotension
until surgical haemostasis is achieved. Permissive hypotension allows intravenous
fluid administration to a volume sufficient to maintain a radial pulse. Haemostatic
resuscitation is the very early use of blood products as primary resuscitation fluid
to prevent exsanguination by trauma-induced coagulopathy. The recommended
ratio of packed red cells, fresh frozen plasma and platelets is 1:1:1.

• Tranexamic acid (TXA) (loading dose 1 g over 10 min followed by infusion of 1 g

over 8 h) increases survival from traumatic haemorrhage. It is most effective when
administered within the first hour and certainly within the first three hours following

Resuscitative thoracotomy
• Succesful RT is time critical. One UK service recommends that if surgical
intervention cannot be accomplished within 10 min after loss of pulse in patients
with penetrating chest injury, on scene RT should be considered.

The prerequisites for a successful RT can be summarised as the ‘four Es rule’ (4E):
• Expertise: teams must be led by a highly trained and competent healthcare
• Equipment: adequate equipment to carry out RT and to deal with the intrathoracic
findings is mandatory.

• Environment: ideally RT should be carried out in an operating theatre. RT should
not be carried out if there is inadequate physical access to the patient, or if the
receiving hospital is not easy to reach.
• Elapsed time: the time from loss of vital signs to commencing a RT should not be
longer than 10 minutes.

If any of the four criteria is not met, RT is futile and exposes the team to unnecessary risks.

Consider emergency department thoracotomy in the following circumstances:

• blunt trauma patients with less than 10 min of prehospital CPR;
• penetrating torso trauma patients with less than 15 min of CPR.
Personal copy of Paul-George Oarga (ID: 1150922)

11. Pregnancy
Mortality related to pregnancy is relatively rare in Europe (estimate 16 per 100,000 live
births) although there is a large variation between countries. The fetus must always be
considered when an adverse cardiovascular event occurs in a pregnant woman. Fetal
survival usually depends on maternal survival and initial resuscitation efforts should focus
on the pregnant mother.

Significant physiological changes occur during pregnancy; for example, cardiac output,
circulatory volume, minute ventilation, and oxygen consumption all increase. The gravid
uterus can cause compression of iliac and abdominal vessels when the mother is in the
supine position, resulting in reduced cardiac output and hypotension.

11.1. Causes of cardiac arrest in pregnancy

Cardiac arrest in pregnancy is most commonly caused by:
• cardiac disease
• pulmonary embolism
• psychiatric disorders
• hypertensive disorders of pregnancy
• sepsis
• haemorrhage
• amniotic fluid embolism
• ectopic pregnancy.
Pregnant women can also have the same causes of cardiac arrest as females of the same
age group (e.g. anaphylaxis, drug overdose, trauma).

Chapter 12
Cardiac arrest in special circumstances

11.2. Treatment

11.2.1. Prevention of cardiac arrest in pregnancy

In an emergency, use the ABCDE approach. Many cardiovascular problems associated
with pregnancy are caused by compression of the inferior vena cava. Treat a distressed or
compromised pregnant patient as follows:
• Place the patient in the left lateral position or manually and gently displace the
uterus to the left.
• Give high-flow oxygen guided by pulse oximetry.
• Give a fluid bolus if there is hypotension or evidence of hypovolaemia.

Personal copy of Paul-George Oarga (ID: 1150922)

• Immediately re-evaluate the need for any drugs being given.
• Seek expert help early. Obstetric and neonatal specialists should be involved early
in the resuscitation.
• Identify and treat the underlying cause.

11.2.2. Modifications for cardiac arrest

• In cardiac arrest, all the principles of basic and advanced life support apply.
• Summon help immediately. For effective resuscitation of mother and fetus, expert
help must be obtained; this should include an obstetrician and neonatologist.
• Start CPR according to standard guidelines. Ensure good quality chest compressions
with minimal interruptions.
• After 20 weeks gestation the pregnant woman’s uterus can press down against
the inferior vena cava and the aorta, impeding venous return, cardiac output and
uterine perfusion. Caval compression limits the effectiveness of chest compressions.
• Manually displace the uterus to the left to remove caval compression. The hand
position for chest compressions may need to be slightly higher on the sternum for
patients with advanced pregnancy e.g. third trimester.
• Add left lateral tilt if this is feasible and ensure the chest remains supported on a
firm surface (e.g. in the operating room) – the optimal angle of tilt is unknown. Aim
for between 15 and 30 degrees. Even a small amount of tilt may be better than no
tilt. The angle of tilt used needs to enable high-quality chest compressions and if
needed, allow Caesarean delivery of the fetus (see below).

Methods for tilting include:

• if the patient is already on a spineboard or operating table the board or table can
be tilted to provide a left lateral tilt;
-- sand bags, firm pillows, or a purpose made wedge;
-- using the thighs of kneeling rescuers to tilt the torso.

• Start preparing for emergency Caesarean section (see below) - the fetus will need
to be delivered if initial resuscitation efforts fail.
• There is an increased risk of pulmonary aspiration of gastric contents in pregnancy.
Early tracheal intubation decreases this risk, but can be more difficult in the
pregnant patient. A tracheal tube 0.5-1 mm internal diameter (ID) smaller than
that used for a non-pregnant woman of similar size may be necessary because
of maternal airway narrowing from oedema and swelling. Expert help, a failed
intubation drill, and the use of alternative airway devices may be needed.
• Attempt defibrillation using standard energy doses.

11.2.3. Reversible causes

Personal copy of Paul-George Oarga (ID: 1150922)

Look for reversible causes using the 4 Hs and 4 Ts approach. Abdominal ultrasound by
a skilled operator to detect possible causes during cardiac arrest can be useful. It can
also permit an evaluation of fetal viability, multiple pregnancy and placental localisation.
It should not however delay treatments. Specific reversible causes of cardiac arrest in
pregnancy are:
• Haemorrhage: This can occur both antenatally and postnatally. Causes include
ectopic pregnancy, placental abruption, placenta praevia and uterine rupture.
Maternity units should have a massive haemorrhage protocol. Treatment is
based on the ABCDE approach. The key step is to stop the bleeding. Consider the
following: fluid resuscitation including use of a rapid transfusion system and cell
salvage, correction of coagulopathy, oxytocin, ergometrine and prostaglandins to
correct uterine atony, uterine compression sutures, intrauterine balloon devices,
radiological embolisation of a bleeding vessel, and surgical control including
aortic cross clamping/compression and hysterectomy. Placenta percreta may
require extensive intra-pelvic surgery.
• Drugs: Overdose can occur in women with eclampsia receiving magnesium
sulphate, particularly if the patient becomes oliguric. Give calcium to treat
magnesium toxicity (see life-threatening electrolyte abnormalities). Central neural
blockade for analgesia or anaesthesia can cause problems due to sympathetic
blockade (hypotension, bradycardia) or local anaesthetic toxicity (see poisoning
• Cardiovascular disease: Myocardial infarction and aneurysm or dissection of the
aorta or its branches, and peripartum cardiomyopathy cause most deaths from
acquired cardiac disease. Patients with known cardiac disease need to be managed
in a specialist unit. Pregnant women may develop an acute coronary syndrome,
typically in association with risk factors such as obesity, older age, higher parity,
smoking, diabetes, pre-existing hypertension and a family history of ischaemic
heart disease. Pregnant patients can have atypical features such as epigastric pain
and vomiting. Percutaneous coronary intervention (PCI) is the reperfusion strategy
of choice for ST- elevation myocardial infarction in pregnancy. Thrombolysis
should be considered if urgent PCI is unavailable. Increasing numbers of women
with congenital heart disease are becoming pregnant.

Chapter 12
Cardiac arrest in special circumstances

• Pre-eclampsia and eclampsia: Eclampsia is defined as the development of

convulsions and/or unexplained coma during pregnancy or postpartum in patients
with signs and symptoms of pre-eclampsia. Magnesium sulphate treatment may
prevent eclampsia developing in labour or immediately postpartum in women
with pre-eclampsia.
• Amniotic fluid embolism usually presents around the time of delivery often in the
labouring mother with sudden cardiovascular collapse, breathlessness, cyanosis,
arrhythmias, hypotension and haemorrhage associated with disseminated
intravascular coagulopathy. Treatment is supportive based on the ABCDE approach
and correction of coagulopathy. There is no specific therapy.
• Pulmonary embolus causing cardiopulmonary collapse can present throughout

Personal copy of Paul-George Oarga (ID: 1150922)

pregnancy. CPR should be started with modifications as necessary. The use of
fibrinolysis (thrombolysis) needs considerable thought, particularly if a peri-
mortem Caesarean section is being considered. If the diagnosis is suspected and
maternal cardiac output has not returned it should be given.

11.2.4. Peri-mortem Caesarean section

When initial resuscitation attempts fail, delivery of the fetus may improve the chances of
successful resuscitation of both the mother and fetus. The best survival rate for infants
over 24-25 weeks gestation occurs when delivery of the infant is achieved within 5 min
after the mother’s cardiac arrest. This requires that Caesarean section starts at about
4 min after cardiac arrest. At older gestational ages (30-38 weeks), infant survival is possible
even when delivery was after 5 minutes from the onset of maternal cardiac arrest. Delivery
relieves caval compression and may improve the likelihood of resuscitating the mother
by permitting an increase in venous return during the CPR attempt. Delivery also enables
access to the abdominal cavity so that aortic clamping or compression is possible. Once
the fetus has been delivered resuscitation of the newborn child can also begin.

In the supine position, the gravid uterus begins to compromise blood flow in the inferior
vena cava and abdominal aorta at approximately 20 weeks’ gestation; however, fetal
viability currently begins at approximately 24 weeks.

• Gestational age < 20 weeks. Urgent Caesarean delivery need not be considered,
because a gravid uterus of this size is unlikely to compromise maternal cardiac
output and fetal viability is not an issue.
• Gestational age approximately 20-23 weeks. Initiate emergency delivery of the
fetus to permit successful resuscitation of the mother, not survival of the delivered
infant, which is unlikely at this gestational age.
• Gestational age approximately > 24 weeks. Initiate emergency delivery to help
save the life of both the mother and the infant.

11.2.5. Planning for resuscitation in pregnancy

Advanced life support in pregnancy requires co-ordination of maternal resuscitation,

Caesarean delivery of the fetus, and newborn resuscitation within 5 min. To achieve this,
units likely to deal with cardiac arrest in pregnancy should:
• have in place plans and equipment for resuscitation of both the pregnant patient
and newborn
• ensure early involvement of obstetric, anaesthetic and neonatal teams
• ensure regular training in obstetric emergencies

12. Obesity
Worldwide obesity has more than doubled since 1980. Many clinical studies have
linked body mass index (BMI) to outcomes for a wide variety of cardiovascular and
Personal copy of Paul-George Oarga (ID: 1150922)

non-cardiovascular conditions. Traditional cardiovascular risk factors (hypertension,

diabetes, lipid profile, prevalent coronary heart disease, heart failure, and left ventricular
hypertrophy) are common in obese patient. Obesity is associated with increased risk of
sudden cardiac death. Leading causes of death are dilated cardiomyopathy and severe
coronary atherosclerosis.

12.1. Modifications to cardiopulmonary resuscitation

• Physical and physiological factors related to obesity may adversely affect the
delivery of CPR, including patient access and transportation, patient assessment,
difficult IV access, airway management, quality of chest compressions, the efficacy
of vasoactive drugs, and the efficacy of defibrillation because none of these
measures are standardized to a patient’s weight.
• A patient’s weight should be considered when organising prehospital resuscitation,
especially with regards to technical support and number of ambulance crew
members. More rescuers than usual may be required to assist in moving the patient
and rescuer fatigue, particularly in relation to the delivery of chest compressions.
• Chest compressions are most effective when performed with the patient lying on
a firm surface. It may be unsafe for the patient and rescuers to attempt to move
the obese patient down onto the floor, but it is not always necessary because
the heavier torso sinks into the mattress, leaving less potential for mattress
displacement during chest compression.
• Rescuer fatigue may necessitate the need to change rescuers more frequently than
the standard two minute interval. The slope of the anterior chest wall, thoracic
dimensions and patient weight limits use of mechanical resuscitation devices.
• Defibrillation protocols for obese patients should follow standard
recommendations. Consider higher shock energies for defibrillation if initial
defibrillation attempts fail.
• Early tracheal intubation by an experienced provider removes the need for
prolonged bag-mask ventilation, and may reduce any risk of aspiration. In all
patients with extreme obesity, difficult intubation must be anticipated, with a clear
failed intubation drill if necessary. If intubation fails, use of a supraglottic airway
device (SAD) with oesophaegeal drainage tube is a suitable option.
Chapter 12
Cardiac arrest in special circumstances

13. Electrocution
Electrical injury is a relatively infrequent but potentially devastating multi-system injury
with high morbidity and mortality. Most electrical injuries in adults occur in the workplace
and are associated generally with high voltage, whereas children are at risk primarily
at home, where the voltage is lower (220 V in Europe, Australia, Asia; 110 V in the USA
and Canada). Electrocution from lightning strikes is rare, but causes about 1000 deaths
worldwide each year.

Factors influencing the severity of electrical injury include whether the current is
alternating (AC) or direct (DC), voltage, magnitude of energy delivered, resistance
to current flow, pathway of current through the patient, and the area and duration of

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contact. Skin resistance is decreased by moisture, which increases the likelihood of injury.
Electric current follows the path of least resistance; conductive neurovascular bundles
within limbs are particularly prone to damage.

Contact with AC may cause tetanic contraction of skeletal muscle, which may prevent release
from the source of electricity. Myocardial or respiratory failure may cause immediate death:
• Respiratory arrest may be caused by central respiratory depression or paralysis of
the respiratory muscles.
• Current may precipitate VF if it traverses the myocardium during the vulnerable
period (analogous to an R-on-T phenomenon). Electrical current may also cause
myocardial ischaemia because of coronary artery spasm.
• Asystole may be primary, or secondary to asphyxia following respiratory arrest.

Current that traverses the myocardium is more likely to be fatal. A transthoracic (hand to
hand) pathway is more likely to be fatal than a vertical (hand to foot) or straddle (foot to
foot) pathway. There may be extensive tissue destruction along the current pathway.

Lightning strikes deliver as much as 300 kV over a few milliseconds. Most of the current from
a lightning strike passes over the surface of the body in a process called external flashover.
Both industrial shocks and lightning strikes cause deep burns at the point of contact - in
industry the points of contact are usually on the upper limbs, hands and wrists, whilst with
lightning they are mostly on the head, neck and shoulders. Injury may also occur indirectly
through ground current or current ‘splashing’ from a tree or other object that is hit by
lightning. Explosive force generated by a lightning strike may cause blunt trauma.

Unique pattern of skin lesions called feathering or Lichtenberg figure is a pathognomonic

symptom that is seen only in patients struck by lightning. Unconscious patients with linear
or punctuate burns (feathering) should be treated as victims of lightning strike.

The pattern and severity of injury from a lightning strike varies considerably. As with
industrial and domestic electric shock, death is caused by cardiac or respiratory arrest.
In those who survive the initial shock, extensive catecholamine release or autonomic
stimulation may occur, causing hypertension, tachycardia, nonspecific ECG changes

(including prolongation of the QT interval and transient T wave inversion), and myocardial
necrosis. Creatine kinase may be released from myocardial and skeletal muscle. Lightning
also causes various central and peripheral neurological problems.

13.1. Treatment
Ensure that any power source is switched off and do not approach the victim until it is safe.
High voltage (above domestic mains) electricity can arc and conduct through the ground
for up to a few metres around the victim. It is safe to approach and handle casualties
after lightning strike, although it would be wise to move to a safer environment. Follow
standard resuscitation guidelines.
Personal copy of Paul-George Oarga (ID: 1150922)

• Airway management can be difficult if there are electrical burns around the face
and neck. Intubate the trachea early in these cases as soft tissue oedema can cause
subsequent airway obstruction. Immobilize the spine until evaluation can be
• Muscular paralysis, especially after high voltage, may persist for several hours;
ventilatory support is required during this period.
• Ventricular fibrillation is the commonest initial arrhythmia after high voltage AC
shock; treat with prompt attempted defibrillation. Asystole is more common after
DC shock; use standard guidelines for treatment of this and of other arrhythmias.
• Remove smouldering clothing and shoes to prevent further thermal injury.
• Vigorous fluid therapy is required if there is significant tissue destruction. Maintain
a good urine output to increase excretion of myoglobin, potassium and other
products of tissue damage.
• Consider early surgical intervention in patients with severe thermal injuries.
• Conduct a thorough secondary survey to exclude injuries caused by tetanic
muscular contraction or from the person being thrown by the force of the shock.
• Electrocution can cause severe, deep soft tissue injury with relatively minor skin
wounds because current tends to follow neurovascular bundles; look carefully for
features of compartment syndrome, which will necessitate fasciotomy.

13.2. Further treatment and prognosis

Immediate resuscitation in young victims of cardiac arrest due to electrocution can result
in survival. Successful resuscitation has been reported after prolonged life support. All
those who survive electrical injury should be monitored in hospital if they have a history
of cardiorespiratory problems or have suffered:
• loss of consciousness
• cardiac arrest
• electrocardiographic abnormalities
• soft tissue damage and burns

Chapter 12
Cardiac arrest in special circumstances

Severe burns (thermal or electrical), myocardial necrosis, the extent of central nervous
system injury, and secondary multiple system organ failure, determine the morbidity and
long-term prognosis. Bone marrow embolism has also been reported in some cases. There
is no specific therapy for electrical injury, and the management is symptomatic. Prevention
remains the best way to minimise the prevalence and severity of electrical injury.


• T he conditions described in this chapter account for a large proportion of

Personal copy of Paul-George Oarga (ID: 1150922)

cardiac arrests in younger patients.

• U
 se the ABCDE approach for early recognition and treatment to prevent
cardiac arrest.

• H
 igh-quality CPR and treatment of reversible causes is the mainstay of
treatment of cardiac arrest from any cause.

• C
 all for expert help early when specialist procedures are needed
- e.g. delivery of fetus for cardiac arrest in pregnancy.

• Adabag S, Huxley RR, Lopez FL, et al. Obesity related risk of sudden cardiac death in the athero-
sclerosis risk in communities study. Heart 2015;101:215–21.
• Bouchama A, Knochel JP. Heat stroke. N Engl J Med 2002;346:1978-88.
• Brown DJ, Brugger H, Boyd J, Paal P. Accidental hypothermia. N Engl J Med2012;367:1930–8.
• El-Sherif N, Turitto G. Electrolyte disorders and arrhythmogenesis. Cardiol J2011;18:233–45.30.
• Brugger H, Durrer B, Elsensohn F, et al. Resuscitation of avalanche victims: evidence-based
guidelines of the international commission for mountain emergency medicine (ICAR MEDCOM):
intended for physicians and other advanced life support personnel. Resuscitation 2013;84:539–46.
• Dijkman A, Huisman CM, Smit M, et al. Cardiac arrest in pregnancy: increasing use of perimortem
caesarean section due to emergency skills
• Dunning J, Fabbri A, Kolh PH, et al. Guideline for resuscitation in cardiac arrest after cardiac sur-
gery. Eur J Cardiothorac Surg 2009;36:3-28.
• Flaris AN, Simms ER, Prat N, Reynard F, Caillot JL, Voiglio EJ. Clamshell incisionversus left anterolat-
eral thoracotomy. Which one is faster when performing a resuscitative thoracotomy? The tortoise
and the hare revisited. World J Surg2015;39:1306–11.
• Holcomb JB, Tilley BC, Baraniuk S, et al. Transfusion of plasma, platelets, andred blood cells in a
1:1:1 vs a 1:1:2 ratio and mortality in patients with severe rauma: the PROPPR randomized clinical
trial. JAMA 2015;313:471–82.

• Lipman S, Cohen S, Einav S, et al. The Society for Obstetric Anesthesia and Perinatology consensus
statement on the management of cardiac arrest in pregnancy. Anesth Analg 2014;118:1003–16.
• Lockey DJ, Lyon RM, Davies GE. Development of a simple algorithm to guide the effective manage-
ment of traumatic cardiac arrest. Resuscitation 2013;84:738–42.
• Muraro A, Roberts G, Worm M, et al. Anaphylaxis: guidelines from the EuropeanAcademy of Aller-
gy and Clinical Immunology. Allergy 2014;69:1026–45.
• Paal P, Strapazzon G, Braun P, et al. Factors affecting survival from avalanche burial – a randomised
prospective porcine pilot study. Resuscitation 2013;84:239–43.57.
• Park JH, Shin SD, Song KJ, Park CB, Ro YS, Kwak YH. Epidemiology and outcomes of poisoning-in-
duced out-of-hospital cardiac arrest. Resuscitation2012;83:51–7.
• Reminiac F, Jouan Y, Cazals X, Bodin JF, Dequin PF, Guillon A. Risks associated with obese patient
handling in emergency prehospital care. Prehosp Emerg Care 2014;18:555–7.
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• SIGN 141 British guideline on the management of asthma; 2014. Available from: http://www.sign.
• Soar J, Nolan JP, Bottiger BW, et al. European Resuscitation Council Guidelines for Resuscitation
2015 Section 3. Adult advanced life support. Resuscitation 2015,
• Soar J, Pumphrey R, Cant A, et al. Emergency treatment of anaphylactic reactions—guidelines for
healthcare providers. Resuscitation 2008;77:157-69.
• Szpilman D, Webber J, Quan L, et al. Creating a drowning chain of survival. Resuscitation
• Truhlar A, Deakin CD, Soar J, et al. European Resuscitation Council Guidelines for Resuscita-
tion 2015 Section 4. Cardiac arrest in special circumstances. Resuscitation 2015, http://dx.doi.
• UK Renal Association. Treatment of acute hyperkalaemia in adults. Clinicalpractice guidelines.
London: UK Renal Association; 2014.23.
• Zafren K, Durrer B, Herry JP, Brugger H. Lightning injuries: prevention and on-site treatment in
mountains and remote areas. Official guidelines of the International Commission for Mountain
Emergency Medicine and the Medical Commission of the International Mountaineering and
Climbing Federation (ICAR and UIAA MEDCOM). Resuscitation 2005;65:369-72.
• Zimmerman JL. Poisonings and overdoses in the intensive care unit: General and specific manage-
ment issues. Crit Care Med 2003;31:2794-801.
• Zwingmann J, Mehlhorn AT, Hammer T, Bayer J, Sudkamp NP, Strohm PC.Survival and neurologic
outcome after traumatic out-of-hospital cardiopulmonary arrest in a pediatric and adult popula-
tion: a systematic review. Crit Care 2012;16:R117.

Chapter 12
Cardiac arrest in special circumstances

Personal copy of Paul-George Oarga (ID: 1150922)

Chapter 13.
Post-resuscitation care
Personal copy of Paul-George Oarga (ID: 1150922)

To understand:
• the need for continued resuscitation after return of spontaneous circulation
• how to treat the post-cardiac arrest syndrome
• how to facilitate transfer of the patient safely
• the role and limitations of assessing prognosis after cardiac arrest

1. Introduction
Successful return of spontaneous circulation (ROSC) is the first step toward the goal
of complete recovery from cardiac arrest. The complex pathophysiological processes
that occur following whole body ischaemia during cardiac arrest and the subsequent
reperfusion response during CPR and following successful resuscitation have been
termed the post-cardiac arrest syndrome. Depending on the cause of the arrest, and the
severity of the post-cardiac arrest syndrome, many patients will require multiple organ
support and the treatment they receive during this post-resuscitation period influences
significantly the overall outcome and particularly the quality of neurological recovery.
The post-resuscitation phase starts at the location where ROSC is achieved but, once
stabilised, the patient is transferred to the most appropriatearea of high level care (e.g.,
emergency room, cardiac catheterisation laboratory or intensive care unit (ICU)) for
continued diagnosis, monitoring and treatment. The post-resuscitation care algorithm
(figure 13.1) outlines some of the key interventions required to optimise outcome for these
patients. If there is any doubt about the patient´s neurological function, the patient’s
trachea should be intubated and treatment to optimise haemodynamic, respiratory and
metabolic variables, together with targeted temperature management started, following
the local standardised treatment plan.

Chapter 13
Post-resuscitation care

Figure 13.1
Return of spontaneous circulation and comatose

Airway and breathing:

n M aintain Sp O 94 – 98%

n Insert advanced airway

n Waveform capnography
Immediate treatment

n Ventilate lungs to normocapnia

n 12-lead ECG

n O btain reliable intravenous access

n Aim for SBP > 100 mmHg

Personal copy of Paul-George Oarga (ID: 1150922)

n Fluid (crystalloid) – restore normovolaemia

n Intra-arterial blood pressure monitoring

n Consider vasopressor/inotrope to maintain SBP

Control temperature
n Constant temperature 32°C – 36°C

n Sedation; control shivering

NO Likely cardiac cause? YES

YES 12-lead ECG ST elevation?


Coronary angiography ± PCI
Coronary angiography ± PCI

Consider CT brain Cause for cardiac

and/or CTPA arrest identified?


Treat non-cardiac cause of Admit to Intensive

cardiac arrest Care Unit

ICU management
n Temperature control: constant temperature 32°C – 36 C for ≥ 24h;

prevent fever for at least 72 h

n Maintain normoxia and normocapnia; protective ventilation
n Optimise haemodynamics (MAP, lactate, ScvO2, CO/CI, urine output)
Optimising recovery

n Echocardiography
n Maintain normoglycaemia
n Diagnose/treat seizures (EEG, sedation, anticonvulsants)
n Delay prognostication for at least 72 h

Secondary prevention
Follow-up and
e.g. ICD, screen for inherited disorders,
risk factor management rehabilitation

1.1. The post-cardiac arrest syndrome
The post-cardiac arrest syndrome comprises post-cardiac arrest brain injury, post–
cardiac arrest myocardial dysfunction, the systemic ischaemia/reperfusion response, and
the persistent precipitating pathology. The severity of this syndrome will vary with the
duration and cause of cardiac arrest. It may not occur at all if the cardiac arrest is brief.
Post-cardiac arrest brain injury manifests as coma, seizures, myoclonus, varying degrees
of neurocognitive dysfunction and brain death. Post-cardiac arrest brain injury may be
exacerbated by microcirculatory failure, impaired autoregulation, hypercarbia, hypoxaemia
and hyperoxaemia, pyrexia, hyperglycaemia and seizures. Significant myocardial
dysfunction is common after cardiac arrest but typically recovers by 2-3 days. The whole
body ischaemia/reperfusion that occurs with resuscitation from cardiac arrest activates
Personal copy of Paul-George Oarga (ID: 1150922)

immunological and coagulation pathways contributing to multiple organ failure and

increasing the risk of infection. Thus, the post-cardiac arrest syndrome has many features
in common with sepsis, including intravascular volume depletion and vasodilation.

2. Continued resuscitation
In the immediate post-resuscitation phase, pending transfer to an appropriate area of
high level care, treat the patient by following the ABCDE approach.

2.1. Airway and breathing

2.1.1. Control of oxygenation

Patients who have had a brief period of cardiac arrest responding immediately to
appropriate treatment may achieve an immediate return of normal cerebral function. These
patients do not require tracheal intubation and ventilation but should be given oxygen via
a facemask if their arterial oxygen saturation is less than 94 %. Hypoxaemia and hypercarbia
both increase the likelihood of a further cardiac arrest and may contribute to secondary
brain injury. Given the evidence of harm after myocardial infarction and the possibility of
increased neurological injury after cardiac arrest, as soon as arterial blood oxygen saturation
can be monitored reliably (by blood gas analysis and/or pulse oximetry), titrate the inspired 13
oxygen concentration to maintain the arterial blood oxygen saturation in the range of 94-
98 %. Avoid hyperoxaemia, which is also harmful – ensure reliable measurement of arterial
oxygen saturation before reducing the inspired oxygen concentration.

2.1.2. Control of ventilation

Consider tracheal intubation, sedation and controlled ventilation in any patient with
obtunded cerebral function. Ensure the tracheal tube is positioned correctly, well above
the carina. Hypocarbia causes cerebral vasoconstriction and a decreased cerebral blood
flow. After cardiac arrest, hypocapnia induced by hyperventilation causes cerebral
ischaemia. Adjust ventilation to achieve normocapnia and monitor this using the end-
tidal CO2 and arterial blood gas values. Lowering the body temperature decreases the
metabolism and may increase the risk of hypocapnia during the temperature intervention.

Chapter 13
Post-resuscitation care

Although protective lung ventilation strategies have not been studied specifically in post-
cardiac arrest patients, given that these patients develop a marked inflammatory response,
it seems rational to apply protective lung ventilation: tidal volume 6-8 ml kg-1 ideal body
weight and positive end expiratory pressure 4-8 cmH2O. Insert a gastric tube to decompress
the stomach; gastric distension caused by mouth-to-mouth or bag-mask-valve ventilation
will splint the diaphragm and impair ventilation. Give adequate doses of sedative, which will
reduce oxygen consumption. A sedation protocol is highly recommended. Bolus doses of a
neuromuscular blocking drug may be required, particularly if using targeted temperature
management (TTM) (see below). Limited evidence shows that short-term infusion
(≤ 48h) of short-acting neuromuscular blocking drugs given to reduce patient-ventilator
dyssynchrony and risk of barotrauma in ARDS patients is not associated with an increased
risk of ICU-acquired weakness and may improve outcome in these patients. Continuous

Personal copy of Paul-George Oarga (ID: 1150922)

electroencephalography (EEG) is recommended to detect seizures in these patients,
especially when neuromuscular blockade is used. Obtain a chest radiograph to check the
position of the tracheal tube, gastric tube and central venous lines, assess for pulmonary
oedema, and detect complications from CPR such as a pneumothorax associated with rib

2.2. Circulation

2.2.1. Coronary reperfusion

Acute coronary syndrome (ACS) is a frequent cause of out-of-hospital cardiac arrest
(OHCA): in a recent meta-analysis, the prevalence of an acute coronary artery lesion ranged
from 59 % to 71 % in OHCA patients without an obvious non-cardiac aetiology. A recent
consensus statement from the European Association for Percutaneous Cardiovascular
Interventions (EAPCI) has emphasised that in OHCA patients, cardiac catheterisation should
be performed immediately in the presence of ST-elevation and considered as soon as
possible (less than two hours) in other patients in the absence of an obvious non-coronary
cause, particularly if they are haemodynamically unstable. Currently, this approach in
patients without STE remains controversial and is not accepted by all experts. However,
it is reasonable to discuss and consider emergent cardiac catheterisation laboratory
evaluation after ROSC in patients with the highest risk of a coronary cause for their cardiac
arrest. Factors such as patient age, duration of CPR, haemodynamic instability, presenting
cardiac rhythm, neurological status upon hospital arrival, and perceived likelihood of
cardiac aetiology can influence the decision to undertake the intervention in the acute
phase or to delay it until later on in the hospital stay.

2.2.2. Haemodynamic management

Post-resuscitation myocardial dysfunction causes haemodynamic instability,
which manifests as hypotension, low cardiac index and arrhythmias. Perform early
echocardiography in all patients in order to detect and quantify the degree of myocardial
dysfunction. Post-resuscitation myocardial dysfunction often requires inotropic
support, at least transiently. Based on experimental data, dobutamine is the most
established treatment in this setting, but the systematic inflammatory response that
occurs frequently in post-cardiac arrest patients may also cause vasoplegia and severe

vasodilation. Thus, noradrenaline, with or without dobutamine, and fluid is usually
the most effective treatment. Infusion of relatively large volumes of fluid is tolerated
remarkably well by patients with post-cardiac arrest syndrome. If treatment with fluid
resuscitation, inotropes and vasoactive drugs is insufficient to support the circulation,
consider insertion of a mechanical circulatory assistance device (e.g. IMPELLA, Abiomed,
USA). Treatment may be guided by blood pressure, heart rate, urine output, rate of plasma
lactate clearance, and central venous oxygen saturation. Serial echocardiography may
also be used, especially in haemodynamically unstable patients. In the ICU an arterial
line for continuous blood pressure monitoring is essential. Cardiac output monitoring
may help to guide treatment in haemodynamically unstable patients but there is no
evidence that its use affects outcome. Some centres still advocate use of an intra aortic
ballon pump (IABP) in patients with cardiogenic shock, although the IABP-SHOCK II Trial
Personal copy of Paul-George Oarga (ID: 1150922)

failed to show that use of the IABP improved 30-day mortality in patients with myocardial
infarction and cardiogenic shock. Immediately after a cardiac arrest there is typically a
period of hyperkalaemia. Subsequent endogenous catecholamine release and correction
of metabolic and respiratory acidosis promotes intracellular transportation of potassium,
causing hypokalaemia. Hypokalaemia may predispose to ventricular arrhythmias. Give
potassium to maintain the serum potassium concentration between 4.0 and 4.5 mmol l-1

2.2.3. Implantable cardioverter defibrillators

Insertion of an implantable cardioverter defibrillator (ICD) should be considered
in ischaemic patients with significant left ventricular dysfunction, who have been
resuscitated from a ventricular arrhythmia that occurred later than 24-48 hours after a
primary coronary event. ICDs may also reduce mortality in cardiac arrest survivors at risk
of sudden death from structural heart diseases or inherited cardiomyopathies. In all cases,
a specialised electrophysiological evaluation should be performed before discharge for
placement of an ICD for secondary prevention of sudden cardiac death.

2.3. Disability and exposure

Although cardiac arrest is frequently caused by primary cardiac disease, other precipitating
conditions must be excluded, particularly in hospital patients (e.g. massive blood loss, 13
respiratory failure, pulmonary embolism). Assess the other body systems rapidly so that
further resuscitation can be targeted at the patient’s needs. To examine the patient
properly full exposure of the body may be necessary.

Although it may not be of immediate significance to the patient’s management, assess

neurological function rapidly and record the Glasgow Coma Scale score (table 13.1). The
maximum score possible is 15; the minimum score possible is 3.

Chapter 13
Post-resuscitation care

Table 13.1
The Glasgow Coma Scale score

Glasgow Coma Scale score

Eye opening Spontaneously 4
To speech 3
To pain 2
Nil 1
Verbal Orientated 5
Confused 4

Personal copy of Paul-George Oarga (ID: 1150922)

Inappropriate words 3
Incomprehensible sounds 2
Nil 1

Best motor Obeys commands 6

response Localises 5
Normal flexion 4
Abnormal flexion 3
Extension 2
Nil 1

2.3. Cerebral perfusion

In many patients, autoregulation of cerebral blood flow is impaired (absent or right-
shifted) for some time after cardiac arrest, which means that cerebral perfusion varies
with cerebral perfusion pressure instead of being linked to neuronal activity - maintain
mean arterial pressure near the patient’s normal level.

2.5. Sedation
Although it has been common practice to sedate and ventilate patients for at least
24 hours after ROSC, there are no high-level data to support a defined period of ventilation,
sedation and neuromuscular blockade after cardiac arrest. Patients need to be sedated
adequately during treatment with TTM, and the duration of sedation and ventilation is
therefore influenced by this treatment. There are no data to indicate whether or not the
choice of sedation influences outcome, but a combination of opioids and hypnotics is
usually used. Short-acting drugs (e.g., propofol, alfentanil, remifentanil) will enable more
reliable and earlier neurological assessment and prognostication (see prognostication
below). Adequate sedation will reduce oxygen consumption. During hypothermia, optimal
sedation can reduce or prevent shivering, which enables the target temperature to be
achieved more rapidly. Use of published sedation scales for monitoring these patients
(e.g. the Richmond or Ramsay Scales) may be helpful.

2.6. Control of seizures
Seizures are common after cardiac arrest and occur in approximately one-third of patients
who remain comatose after ROSC. Myoclonus is most common and occurs in 18-25 %, the
remainder having focal or generalized tonic-clonic seizures or a combination of seizure types.
Clinical seizures, including myoclonus may or may not be of epileptic origin. Other motor
manifestations could be mistaken for seizures and there are several types of myoclonus
the majority being non-epileptic. Use intermittent electroencephalography (EEG) to detect
epileptic activity in patients with clinical seizure manifestations. Consider continuous EEG to
monitor patients with a diagnosed status epilepticus and effects of treatment. Seizures may
increase the cerebral metabolic rate and have the potential to exacerbate brain injury caused
by cardiac arrest: treat with sodium valproate, levetiracetam, phenytoin, benzodiazepines,
Personal copy of Paul-George Oarga (ID: 1150922)

propofol, or a barbiturate. Myoclonus can be particularly difficult to treat; phenytoin is often

ineffective. Propofol is effective to suppress post-anoxic myoclonus. Clonazepam, sodium
valproate and levetiracetam are antimyoclonic drugs that may be effective in post-anoxic
myoclonus. After the first event, start maintenance therapy once potential precipitating
causes (e.g. intracranial haemorrhage, electrolyte imbalance) are excluded.

Routine seizure prophylaxis in post-cardiac arrest patients is not recommended because

of the risk of adverse effects and the poor response to anti-epileptic agents among
patients with clinical and electrographic seizures.

2.7. Glucose control

Maintain the blood glucose at ≤ 10 mmol l-1 (180 mg dl-1) and avoid hypoglycaemia. Do not
implement strict glucose control in adult patients with ROSC after cardiac arrest because
it increases the risk of hypoglycaemia.

2.8. Temperature control

Treat hyperthermia occurring after cardiac arrest with antipyretics and consider active
cooling in unconscious patients.
Animal and human data indicate that mild induced hypothermia is neuroprotective
and improves outcome after a period of global cerebral hypoxia-ischaemia. Cooling
suppresses many of the pathways leading to delayed cell death, including apoptosis
(programmed cell death). Hypothermia decreases the cerebral metabolic rate for oxygen
(CMRO2) by about 6 % for each 1°C reduction in core temperature and this may reduce the
release of excitatory amino acids and free radicals. Hypothermia blocks the intracellular
consequences of excitotoxin exposure (high calcium and glutamate concentrations) and
reduces the inflammatory response associated with the post-cardiac arrest syndrome. The
term targeted temperature management (TTM) or temperature control is now preferred
over the previous term therapeutic hypothermia.

• Maintain a constant, target temperature between 32°C and 36°C for those patients
in whom temperature control is used (strong recommendation, moderate-quality

Chapter 13
Post-resuscitation care

• TTM is recommended for all adults after CA with any initial rhythm who remain
unresponsive after ROSC
• TTM is suggested for adults after OHCA with an initial nonshockable rhythm who
remain unresponsive after ROSC.
• TTM is suggested for adults after IHCA with any initial rhythm who remain
unresponsive after ROSC.
• If targeted temperature management is used, it is suggested that the duration is
at least 24 h.
Methods of inducing and/or maintaining TTM include:
• Simple ice packs and/or wet towels are inexpensive; however, these methods

Personal copy of Paul-George Oarga (ID: 1150922)

may be more time consuming for nursing staff, may result in greater temperature
fluctuations, and do not enable controlled rewarming. Ice cold fluids alone cannot
be used to maintain hypothermia, but even the addition of simple ice packs may
control the temperature adequately.
• cooling blankets or pads
• water or air circulating blankets
• water circulating gel-coated pads
• Transnasal evaporative cooling – this technique enables cooling before ROSC and
is undergoing further investigation in a large multicentre randomised controlled
• intravascular heat exchanger, placed usually in the femoral or subclavian veins
• Extracorporeal circulation (e.g. cardiopulmonary bypass, ECMO)
• Rebound hyperthermia is associated with worse neurological outcome. Thus,
rewarming should be achieved slowly: the optimal rate is not known, but the
consensus is currently about 0.25-0.5º C of rewarming per hour.
• Contraindications to targeted temperature management include: severe systemic
infection and pre-existing medical coagulopathy (fibrinolytic therapy is not a
contraindication to mild induced hypothermia).

2.9. Further Assessment

2.9.1. History
Obtain a comprehensive history as quickly as possible. Those involved in caring for
the patient immediately before the cardiac arrest may be able to help (e.g. emergency
medical personnel, general practitioner, and relatives). Specifically, symptoms of cardiac
disease should be sought. Consider other causes of cardiac arrest if there is little to
suggest primary cardiac disease (e.g. drug overdose, subarachnoid haemorrhage). Make
a note of any delay before the start of resuscitation, and the duration of the resuscitation;
this may have prognostic significance, although it is generally unreliable and certainly

should not be used alone to predict outcome. The patient’s baseline physiological
reserve (before the cardiac arrest) is one of the most important factors taken into
consideration by the ICU team when determining whether prolonged multiple organ
support is appropriate.

2.9.2. Monitoring
Continuous monitoring of ECG, arterial and possibly central venous blood pressures,
cardiac output, respiratory rate, pulse oximetry, capnography, core temperature and
urinary output is essential to detect changes during the period of instability that follows
resuscitation from cardiac arrest. Monitor continuously the effects of medical interventions
(e.g. assisted ventilation, diuretic therapy).
Personal copy of Paul-George Oarga (ID: 1150922)

2.9.3. Investigations
Several physiological variables may be abnormal immediately after a cardiac arrest and
urgent biochemical and cardiological investigations should be undertaken (table 13.2).

• Arterial blood gases

Guidance on the interpretation of arterial blood gas values is given in chapter 15.

Hypoperfusion during the period of cardiac arrest will usually cause a metabolic acidosis.
This will cause a low pH (acidaemia), low standard bicarbonate and a base deficit. The rate
at which the acidaemia resolves in the post-resuscitation period is an important guide to
the adequacy of tissue perfusion. The most effective way of correcting any acidaemia is by
addressing the underlying cause. For example, poor peripheral perfusion is treated best
by giving fluid and inotropic drugs and not by giving sodium bicarbonate.

The normal physiological response to a metabolic acidosis is to reduce the PaCO2 by

an increase in ventilation (respiratory compensation). The patient who is breathing
spontaneously may fail to achieve this if ventilation is depressed by sedatives, a reduced
conscious level, or significant pulmonary disease. In these cases, the PaCO2 may increase,
causing a combined respiratory and metabolic acidosis and profound acidaemia. 13
Giving bicarbonate may, paradoxically, increase intracellular acidosis, as it is converted
to CO2 with the release of hydrogen ions within the cell. Indications for bicarbonate
include cardiac arrest associated with hyperkalaemia or tricyclic overdose. Do not give
bicarbonate routinely to correct acidaemia after cardiac arrest.

Chapter 13
Post-resuscitation care

Table 13.2
Investigations after restoration of circulation

Full blood count

To exclude anaemia as contributor to myocardial ischaemia and provide baseline values


To assess renal function

To assess electrolyte concentrations (K+, Mg2+ and Ca2+)*
To ensure normoglycaemia

Personal copy of Paul-George Oarga (ID: 1150922)

To commence serial cardiac troponin measurements
To provide baseline values

12-lead ECG

To record cardiac rhythm**

To look for evidence of acute coronary syndrome
To look for evidence of old myocardial infarction
To detect and monitor abnormalities (e.g. QT prolongation)
To provide a baseline record

Chest radiograph

To establish the position of a tracheal tube, a gastric tube, and/or a central venous catheter
To check for evidence of pulmonary oedema
To check for evidence of pulmonary aspiration
To exclude pneumothorax
To detect unintended CPR sequelae (e.g. sternal, rib fracture)
To assess cardiac contour (accurate assessment of heart size requires standard PA erect
radiograph – not always practicable in the post-resuscitation situation)

Arterial blood gases

To ensure adequacy of ventilation and oxygenation

To ensure correction of acid/base imbalance


To identify contributing causes to cardiac arrest.

To assess size/function of cardiac structures (chambers, valves), presence of pericardial
effusion Cranial Computed tomography
If the immediate cause of cardiorespiratory arrest is not obvious
To identify causes to cardiac arrest (subarachnoid/subdural haemorrhage, intracerebral
bleeding, tumour)
To identify cardiac arrest associated changes (e.g. oedema)

* Immediately after a cardiac arrest there is typically a period of hyperkalaemia.
However endogenous catecholamine release promotes influx of potassium into cells
and may cause hypokalaemia. Hypokalaemia may cause ventricular arrhythmias.
Give potassium to maintain the serum potassium between 4.0-4.5 mmol l-1.

** Normal sinus rhythm is required for optimal cardiac function. Atrial contraction
contributes significantly to ventricular filling, especially in the presence of myocardial
disease and valve disease. Loss of the sequential atrial and ventricular contraction of
sinus rhythm may reduce cardiac output substantially in some patients.

2.10. Patient transfer

Personal copy of Paul-George Oarga (ID: 1150922)

Following the period of initial post-resuscitation care and stabilisation, the patient will
need to be transferred to an appropriate critical care environment (e.g. ICU or CCU). The
decision to transfer a patient from the place where stabilisation has been achieved should
be made only after discussion with senior members of the admitting team. Continue all
established monitoring during the transfer and secure all cannulae, catheters, tubes and
drains. Make a full re-assessment immediately before the patient is transferred using
the ABCDE approach. Ensure that portable suction apparatus, an oxygen supply and a
defibrillator/monitor accompany the patient and transfer team.

The transfer team should comprise individuals capable of monitoring the patient and
responding appropriately to any change in patient condition, including a further cardiac

3. Prognostication
Two thirds of those dying after admission to ICU following out-of-hospital cardiac arrest
die from neurological injury. A quarter of those dying after admission to ICU following in-
hospital cardiac arrest die from neurological injury. A means of predicting neurological
outcome that can be applied to individual patients immediately after ROSC is required. Many
studies have focused on prediction of poor long term outcome (severe cerebral disability
or death), based on clinical or test findings that indicate irreversible brain injury, to enable 13
clinicians to limit care or withdraw organ support. The implications of these prognostic tests
are such that they should have 100 % specificity or zero false positive rate, i.e. no individuals
should have a ‘good’ long-term outcome if predicted to have a poor outcome.

3.1. Clinical examination

There are no clinical neurological signs that predict reliably poor outcome (severe cerebral
disability or death) less than 24 h after cardiac arrest. Bilateral absence of pupillary light
reflex at 72 h from ROSC predicts poor outcome with close to 0 % False Positive Rate (FPR)
both in TTM-treated and in non-TTM-treated patients (FPR 1 [0-3] and 0 [0-8], respectively)
and a relatively low sensitivity (19 % and 18 % respectively). Similar performance has been
documented for bilaterally absent corneal reflex. Absence of vestibulo-ocular reflexes at ≥
24 h and a GCS motor score of 2 or less (extension or no response to pain) at ≥ 72 h are less

Chapter 13
Post-resuscitation care

reliable. Other clinical signs, including myoclonus, are not recommended for predicting
poor outcome. The presence of myoclonic status in adults is strongly associated with
poor outcome but rare cases of good neurological recovery from this situation have been
described and accurate diagnosis of myoclonic status is problematic.

3.2. Electrophysiology

3.2.1. Short-latency somatosensory evoked potentials (SSEPs)

In most prognostication studies bilateral absence of N20 SSEP has been used as a criterion
for deciding on withdrawal of life-sustaining treatment (WLST), with a consequent risk of
self-fulfilling prophecy. SSEP results are more likely to influence physicians’ and families’

Personal copy of Paul-George Oarga (ID: 1150922)

WLST decisions than those of clinical examination or EEG.

3.2.2. Electroencephalography
In TTM-treated patients, absence of EEG background reactivity predicts poor outcome
with at 48 h-72 h from ROSC. Most of the prognostication studies on absent EEG reactivity
after cardiac arrest are from the same group of investigators. Limitations of EEG reactivity
include lack of standardisation as concerns the stimulation modality and modest interrater
agreement. Apart from its prognostic significance, recording of EEG – either continuous or
intermittent – in comatose survivors of cardiac arrest both during TTM and after rewarming
is helpful to assess the level of consciousness – which may be masked by prolonged sedation,
neuromuscular dysfunction or myoclonus – and to detect and treat non-convulsive seizures
which may occur in about one quarter of comatose survivors of cardiac arrest.

3.3. Biomarkers
NSE and S-100B are protein biomarkers that are released following injury to neurons
and glial cells, respectively. Their blood values after cardiac arrest are likely to correlate
with the extent of anoxic-ischaemic neurological injury and, therefore, with the severity
of neurological outcome. S-100B is less well documented than is NSE. Advantages of
biomarkers over both EEG and clinical examination include quantitative results and likely
independence from the effects of sedatives. Their main limitation as prognosticators is
that it is difficult to find a consistent threshold for identifying patients destined to a poor
outcome with a high degree of certainty. In fact, serum concentrations of biomarkers are
per se continuous variables, which limits their applicability for predicting a dichotomous

3.4. Imaging
Many imaging modalities (magnetic resonance imaging [MRI], computed tomography
[CT], single photon emission computed tomography [SPECT], cerebral angiography,
transcranial Doppler, nuclear medicine, near infra-red spectroscopy [NIRS]) have been
studied to determine their utility for prediction of outcome in adult survivors of cardiac
arrest. Based on the available evidence, none of these imaging modalities will predict
reliably outcome of comatose cardiac arrest survivors.

3.5. Suggested prognostication strategy
A careful clinical neurological examination remains the foundation for prognostication of
the comatose patient after cardiac arrest. Perform a thorough clinical examination daily
to detect signs of neurological recovery such as purposeful movements or to identify a
clinical picture suggesting that brain death has occurred.

The process of brain recovery following global post-anoxic injury is completed within
72 h from arrest in most patients. However, in patients who have received sedatives ≤ 12 h
before the 72 h post ROSC neurological assessment, the reliability of clinical examination
may be reduced. Before decisive assessment is performed, major confounders must be
excluded; apart from sedation and neuromuscular blockade, these include hypothermia,
Personal copy of Paul-George Oarga (ID: 1150922)

severe hypotension, hypoglycaemia, and metabolic and respiratory derangements. Suspend

sedatives and neuromuscular blocking drugs for long enough to avoid interference with
clinical examination. Short-acting drugs are preferred whenever possible. When residual
sedation/paralysis is suspected, consider using antidotes to reverse the effects of these

The prognostication strategy algorithm (figure 13.2) is applicable to all patients who
remain comatose with an absent or extensor motor response to pain at ≥ 72 h from ROSC.
Results of earlier prognostic tests are also considered at this time point.

Evaluate the most robust predictors first. They include bilaterally absent pupillary reflexes
at ≥ 72 h from ROSC and bilaterally absent SSEP N20 wave after rewarming (this last
sign can be evaluated at ≥ 24 h from ROSC in patients who have not been treated with
controlled temperature). Based on expert opinion, we suggest combining the absence
of pupillary reflexes with those of corneal reflexes for predicting poor outcome at this
time point. Ocular reflexes and SSEPs maintain their predictive value irrespective of target
temperature. If none of the signs above is present to predict a poor outcome, a group of
less accurate predictors can be evaluated, but the degree of confidence in their prediction
will be lower. These predictors include the presence of early status myoclonus (within 48 h
from ROSC), high values of serum neuron specific enolase(NSE) at 48 h-72 h after ROSC, an
unreactive malignant EEG pattern (burst-suppression, status epilepticus) after rewarming, 13
the presence of a marked reduction of the grey/white matter (GM/WM) ratio or sulcal
effacement on brain CT within 24 h after ROSC or the presence of diffuse ischaemic
changes on brain MRI at 2-5 days after ROSC. Based on expert opinion, we suggest waiting
at least 24 h after the first prognostication assessment and confirming unconsciousness
with a Glasgow motor score of 1-2 before using this second set of predictors. We also
suggest combining at least two of these predictors for prognostication.

Chapter 13
Post-resuscitation care

Figure 13.2
Prognostication strategy

Cardiac arrest

Controlled temperature





Exclude confounders, particularly residual sedation

Personal copy of Paul-George Oarga (ID: 1150922)

Unconscious patient, M=1-2 at ≥ 72h after ROSC

Poor outcome
Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI)

One or both of the following:

No pupillary and corneal reflexes YES likely
Bilaterally absent N20 SSEP wave(1) (FPR <5 %, narrow
95 % CIs)
3-5 NO

Wait at least 24h

Two or more of the following:

n Status myoclonus ≤ 48h after ROSC
Poor outcome
n High NSE levels(2) YES
n U
 nreactive burst-suppression or status epilepticus on EEG
n D
 iffuse anoxic injury on brain CT/MRI(2)

At ≥ 24h after ROSC in patients not treated with
targeted temperature
Indeterminate outcome
See text for details.
Observe and re-evaluate

Use multimodal prognostication whenever possible

4. Organ donation
Organ donation should be considered in those who have achieved ROSC and who fulfil
criteria for death using neurological criteria. In those comatose patients in whom a decision
is made to withdraw life-sustaining therapy, organ donation should be considered after
circulatory death occurs. Organ donation can also be considered in individuals where CPR
is not successful in achieving ROSC. All decisions concerning organ donation must follow
local legal and ethical requirements, as these vary in different settings.

5. Care of the resuscitation team
Audit all resuscitation attempts and, ideally, send these data to a national cardiac arrest
audit (chapter 2).

Feedback for the resuscitation team should be constructive and not based on a fault/
blame culture. Whether the resuscitation attempt was successful or not, the patient’s
relatives will require considerable support. Consider the pastoral needs of all those
associated with the arrest.

6. Cardiac arrest centres

Personal copy of Paul-George Oarga (ID: 1150922)

Specialist cardiac arrest centres and systems of care may be effective. Despite the lack of
high-quality data to support implementation of cardiac arrest centres, it seems likely that
regionalisation of post-cardiac arrest care will be adopted in most countries.


• A
 fter cardiac arrest, return of spontaneous circulation is just the first stage in a
continuum of resuscitation.

• T he quality of post-resuscitation care will influence significantly the patient’s

final outcome.

• T hese patients require appropriate monitoring, safe transfer to a critical care

environment, and continued organ support.

• T he post-cardiac arrest syndrome comprises post-cardiac arrest brain injury,

post-cardiac arrest myocardial dysfunction, the systemic ischaemia/reperfusion
response, and persistence of precipitating pathology.

• O
 ur ability to predict the final neurological outcome for those patients 13
remaining comatose after cardiopulmonary resuscitation remains very poor.

Chapter 13
Post-resuscitation care

• Soar J, et al. European Resuscitation Council Guidelines for Resuscitation 2015. Section 3. Adult
Advanced Life Support. 10.1016/j.resuscitation.2015.07.016; p99 - p146
• Soar J, Callaway CW, Aibiki M, et al. Part 4: Advanced life support: 2015 International Consensus
on Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation and Emergency Cardiovascular Care Science With Treatment
Recommendations. 10.1016/j.resuscitation.2015.07.042; e71 - e122
• Nolan J et al. European Resuscitation Council Guidelines for Resuscitation 2015 Section 5. Post
resuscitation care 10.1016/j.resuscitation.2015.07.018; p201 - p221
• Laver S, Farrow C, Turner D, Nolan J. Mode of death after admission to an intensive care unit follow-
ing cardiac arrest. Intensive Care Med 2004;30: 2126-8.
• Nolan JP, Laver SR, Welch CA, Harrison DA, Gupta V, Rowan K. Outcome following admission to UK
intensive care units after cardiac arrest: a secondary analysis of the ICNARC Case Mix Programme

Personal copy of Paul-George Oarga (ID: 1150922)

Database. Anaesthesia 2007;62:1207-16.
• Nolan JP, Morley PT, Vanden Hoek TL, Hickey RW. Therapeutic hypothermia after cardiac arrest. An
advisory statement by the Advanced Life Support Task Force of the International Liaison Commit-
tee on Resuscitation. Resuscitation 2003;57:231-5.
• Nolan JP, Neumar RW, Adrie C, et al. Post-cardiac arrest syndrome: epidemiology, pathophysiology,
treatment, and prognostication. A Scientific Statement from the International Liaison Committee
on Resuscitation; the American Heart Association Emergency Cardiovascular Care Committee; the
Council on Cardiovascular Surgery and Anesthesia; the Council on Cardiopulmonary, Perioper-
ative, and Critical Care; the Council on Clinical Cardiology; the Council on Stroke. Resuscitation
• Polderman KH, Herold I. Therapeutic hypothermia and controlled normothermia in the intensive
care unit: practical considerations, side effects, and cooling methods. Crit Care Med 2009;37:1101-
• Sandroni C, Cariou A, Cavallaro F, et al. Prognostication in comatose survivors of cardiac arrest: an
advisory statement from the European Resuscitation Council and the European Society of Inten-
sive Care Medicine. Resuscitation 2014;85:1779-89.

Chapter 14.
Pre-hospital cardiac arrest
Personal copy of Paul-George Oarga (ID: 1150922)

To understand:
• t he role of telephone assisted/dispatcher assisted cardiopulmonary
resuscitation (CPR)
• the current position on CPR versus defibrillation first
• how to change over efficiently from an AED to a manual defibrillator
• the importance of effective handover to hospital staff
• rules for stopping resuscitation
• the potential role of cardiac arrest centres

1. Introduction
The aim of the pre-hospital section included in the European Resuscitation Council
Advanced Life Support (ALS) course manual is to bring together resuscitation topics of
specific relevance to the pre-hospital emergency medical services (EMS). The increased
emphasis on the importance of minimally interrupted high-quality chest compressions
and reducing the pre-shock pause by continuing chest compressions while the defibrillator
is charged demands a well structured, monitored training programme for pre-hospital
EMS practitioners. This should include comprehensive competency-based training and
regular opportunities to refresh skills. It is recognised that in most cases pre-hospital
resuscitation has to be managed by fewer practitioners than would normally be present
at an in-hospital arrest; also transportation to a receiving centre adds an extra dimension.
This emphasises the need for a structured and disciplined approach. The ERC ALS course
provides the ideal platform to develop and practise resuscitation skills and strengthen the
multidisciplinary team approach.

Chapter 14
Pre-hospital cardiac arrest

2. Personnel and Interventions

There is considerable variation across Europe in the structure and process of emergency
medical services (EMS) systems. Some countries have adopted almost exclusively paramedic/
emergency medical technician (EMT)-based systems while other incorporate prehospital
physicians to a greater or lesser extent. Although some studies have documented higher
survival rates after cardiac arrest in EMS systems that include experienced physicians,
compared with those that rely on non-physician providers, some other comparisons have
found no difference in survival between systems using paramedics or physicians as part
of the response. Well-organised non-physician systems with highly trained paramedics
have also reported high survival rates. Given the inconsistent evidence, the inclusion or
exclusion of physicians among prehospital personnel responding to cardiac arrests will

Personal copy of Paul-George Oarga (ID: 1150922)

depend largely on existing local policy.

3. Dispatcher assisted CPR

The emergency medical dispatcher plays a critical role in the diagnosis of cardiac arrest,
the provision of dispatcher assisted CPR (also known as telephone CPR), the location
and dispatch of an automated external defibrillator and dispatch of a high priority EMS
response. The sooner the emergency services are called, the earlier appropriate treatment
can be initiated and supported. Confirmation of cardiac arrest, at the earliest opportunity
is critical. If the dispatcher recognises cardiac arrest, survival is more likely because
appropriate measures can be taken. Enhancing dispatcher ability to identify cardiac arrest,
and optimising emergency medical dispatcher processes, may be cost-effective solutions
to improve outcomes from cardiac arrest.

Use of scripted dispatch protocols within emergency medical communication centres,

including specific questions to improve cardiac arrest recognition may be helpful. Patients
who are unresponsive and not breathing normally should be presumed to be in cardiac
arrest. Adherence to such protocols may help improve cardiac arrest recognition, whereas
failure to adhere to protocols reduces rates of cardiac arrest recognition by dispatchers as
well as the provision of telephone-CPR. Bystander CPR rates are low in many communities.
Dispatcher-assisted CPR (telephone-CPR) instructions have been demonstrated to
improve bystander CPR rates, reduce the time to first CPR, increase the number of chest
compressions delivered and improve patient outcomes following out-of-hospital cardiac
arrest (OHCA) in all patient groups.

Dispatchers should provide telephone-CPR instructions in all cases of suspected cardiac

arrest unless a trained provider is already delivering CPR. Where instructions are required
for an adult victim, dispatchers should provide chest-compression-only CPR instructions.

If the victim is a child, dispatchers should instruct callers to provide both ventilations and
chest compressions. Dispatchers should therefore be trained to provide instructions for
both techniques.

4. Pre-hospital airway management
There is insufficient evidence to support or refute the use of any specific technique to
maintain an airway and provide ventilation in adults with pre-hospital cardiac arrest.
Tracheal intubation has been perceived as the optimal method of providing and maintaining
a clear and secure airway during cardiac arrest but data are accumulating on the challenges
associated with pre-hospital intubation. It is now strongly recommended that tracheal
intubation should be used only when trained personnel are available to carry out the
procedure with a high level of skill and confidence. In the absence of experienced personnel
the use of supraglottic airway devices (SADs) during CPR is probably more rational.

However, there are only poor-quality data on the pre-hospital use of these devices during
Personal copy of Paul-George Oarga (ID: 1150922)

cardiac arrest as the teams working in the EMS are structured in different ways (physician
staffed, ALS units, BLS units, rendezvous systems).

Tracheal intubation and the use of SADs is discussed in more detail in chapter 7.

4.1. Ventilation
The majority of CPR patients in the pre-hospital setting will be ventilated following airway
management. Depending on the equipment available, bag-valve devices or simple
ventilators will be used. To avoid potential problems like displacement of the airway device
or secondary breathing problems, monitoring should include waveform capnography
where available and continuous saturation measurement. Tidal volumes of about 6-7 ml kg-1
ideal body weight at a rate of 10-12 min-1 will provide adequate oxygenation and ventilation.
Hypercapnia as well as hypocapnia should be avoided as these may worsen outcome.

5. Defibrillation

5.1. CPR versus defibrillation first

Defibrillation is a key link in the Chain of Survival and is one of the few interventions that has
been shown to improve outcome from ventricular fibrillation/pulseless ventricular tachycardia
(VF/pVT) cardiac arrest. The probability of successful defibrillation and subsequent survival
to hospital discharge declines rapidly with time and the ability to deliver early defibrillation 14
is one of the most important factors in determining survival from cardiac arrest.

EMS personnel should provide high-quality CPR while a defibrillator is retrieved, applied
and charged. Defibrillation should not be delayed longer than needed to establish the need
for defibrillation and charging. The routine delivery of a pre-specified period of CPR (e.g.
two or three minutes) before rhythm analysis and a shock is delivered is not recommended.

5.2. Transition from AED to manual defibrillator

In many situations, an automated external defibrillator (AED) is used to provide initial
defibrillation but is subsequently swapped for a manual defibrillator on arrival of EMS

Chapter 14
Pre-hospital cardiac arrest

personnel. If such a swap is done without considering the phase of the AED cycle, the next
shock may be delayed, which may compromise outcome. For this reason, EMS personnel
should leave the AED connected while securing the airway and IV access. The AED can be
left attached for the next rhythm analysis and, if indicated, shock delivery, before being
swapped for the manual defibrillator.

6. CPR during transportation to hospital

During transportation to hospital, manual CPR is often performed poorly; mechanical
CPR can maintain high-quality CPR during transfer by land ambulance or helicopter.
Automated mechanical chest compression devices may enable the delivery of high-
quality compressions in a moving ambulance. Data from the US American CARES (Cardiac

Personal copy of Paul-George Oarga (ID: 1150922)

Arrest Registry to Enhance Survival) registry shows that 45 % of participating EMS services
use mechanical devices. Since Guidelines 2010 there have been three large RCTs enrolling
7582 patients that have shown no clear advantage from the routine use of automated
mechanical chest compression devices for OHCA.

Automated mechanical chest compression devices should not be used routinely to

replace manual chest compressions. Automated mechanical chest compression devices
are a reasonable alternative to high-quality manual chest compressions in situations
where sustained high-quality manual chest compressions are impractical or compromise
provider safety. Interruptions to CPR during device deployment should be avoided.
Healthcare personnel who use mechanical CPR should do so only within a structured,
monitored programme, which should include comprehensive competency-based
training and regular opportunities to refresh skills.

7. Hospital handover
If a cardiac arrest victim is transported to hospital, clear and accurate communication and
documentation are essential elements of the handover to hospital staff. Vital information
may be lost or misinterpreted if communication between EMS practitioners and hospital
staff is not effective.

A pre-alert message should be routine and is essential in ongoing resuscitation on

transport to ensure that emergency department staff and/or the hospital resuscitation
team are ready to receive the patient. This gives time for the hospital resuscitation team
to elect a team leader and assign roles to team members. Specific interventions to treat
potentially reversible causes or specialist intervention can be arranged.

Emergency medical services personnel need to be completely focused on communicating

vital information about the patient, the circumstances surrounding the resuscitation and
actions taken. This has to be done against a background of considerable activity and with
the added pressure of time. Hospital staff need to be focused on beginning their own
assessment and treatment of the patient, but this must not prevent them from listening to
the vital information provided by the EMS personnel. A structured approach will enhance
the handover and make the transition as rapid and effective as possible. Communication
failure has been cited as a contributory factor in cases of error and harm to patients.
The ALS course enables pre-hospital and hospital staff to understand each other’s role
and develops the multidisciplinary team approach.

8. Termination of Resuscitation Rules

The ‘basic life support termination of resuscitation rule’ is predictive of death when applied
by defibrillation-only emergency medical technicians. The rule recommends termination
when there is no ROSC, no shocks are administered and EMS personnel do not witness
the arrest. Several studies have shown external generalisability of this rule. More recent
studies show that EMS systems providing ALS interventions can also use this BLS rule and
therefore termed it the ‘universal’ termination of resuscitation rule.
Personal copy of Paul-George Oarga (ID: 1150922)

Additional studies have shown associations with futility of certain variables such as
no ROSC at scene; non-shockable rhythm; unwitnessed arrest; no bystander CPR, call
response time and patient demographics.

Termination of resuscitation rules for in-hospital cardiac arrest are less reliable although
EMS rules may be useful for those with out-of-hospital cardiac arrest who have ongoing
resuscitation in the emergency department.

Prospectively validated termination of resuscitation rules can be used to guide termination

of prehospital CPR in adults; however, these must be validated in an EMS system similar
to the one in which implementation is proposed. Termination of resuscitation rules may
require integration with guidance on suitability for extracorporeal CPR (eCPR) or organ

9. Regionalisation of post resuscitation care

Several studies with historical control groups have shown improved survival after
implementation of a comprehensive package of post-resuscitation care that includes
therapeutic hypothermia and percutaneous coronary intervention. There is also evidence
of improved survival after out-of-hospital cardiac arrest in large hospitals with cardiac
catheter facilities compared with smaller hospitals with no cardiac catheter facilities.

Several studies of out-of-hospital adult cardiac arrest failed to demonstrate any effect of 14
transport interval from the scene to the receiving hospital on survival to hospital discharge
if ROSC was achieved at the scene and transport intervals were short (3-11 min). This
implies that it may be safe to bypass local hospitals and transport the post-cardiac arrest
patient to a regional cardiac arrest centre. There is indirect evidence that regional cardiac
resuscitation systems of care improve outcome after ST elevation myocardial infarction

The implication from all these data is that specialist cardiac arrest centres and systems of
care may be effective but, as yet, there is no direct evidence to support this hypothesis.

Chapter 14
Pre-hospital cardiac arrest


• I n adults, telephone assisted/dispatcher assisted compression-only CPR

produces better survival rates than telephone-advised conventional CPR.

• E MS personnel should provide high-quality CPR while preparing, applying

and charging a defibrillator, but a routine, specified period of CPR before
shock delivery is not recommended.

• T racheal intubation should be attempted only by those with a high level

of skill and experience with the technique.

Personal copy of Paul-George Oarga (ID: 1150922)

 aveform capnography is the most sensitive and specific method for
confirming the position of a tracheal tube in victims of cardiac arrest.

• Soar J, et al. European Resuscitation Council Guidelines for Resuscitation 2015. Section 3. Adult
Advanced Life Support. 10.1016/j.resuscitation.2015.07.016; p99 - p146
• Soar J, Callaway CW, Aibiki M, et al. Part 4: Advanced life support: 2015 International Consensus
on Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation and Emergency Cardiovascular Care Science With Treatment
Recommendations. 10.1016/j.resuscitation.2015.07.042; e71 - e122
• Hupfl M, Selig HF, Nagele P. Chest-compression-only versus standard cardiopulmonary resuscita-
tion: a meta-analysis. Lancet 2010;376:1552-57.
• Nichol G, Aufderheide TP, Eigel B, et al. Regional systems of care for out-of-hospital cardiac arrest:
A policy statement from the American Heart Association. Circulation 2010;121:709-29.
• Rea TD, Fahrenbruch C, Culley L, et al. CPR with chest compresssions alone or with rescue breath-
ing. New England Journal of Medicine 2010;363:423-33.
• Svensson L, Bohm K, Castren M, et al. Compression-only CPR or standard CPR in out-of-hospital
cardiac arrest. New England Journal of Medicine 2010;363:434-42.

Chapter 15.
Blood gas analysis and
pulse oximetry
Personal copy of Paul-George Oarga (ID: 1150922)

To understand:
• the terms used to describe the results of arterial blood gas analysis
• how respiration and metabolism are linked
• how to use the 5-step approach to analyse arterial blood gas results
• the principles of pulse oximetry
• the safe and effective use of oxygen

1. Introduction
Interpreting the analysis of an arterial blood sample to determine a patient’s acid-base
status and respiratory gas exchange is a key component in the management of any ill
patient and, particularly, in the peri-arrest situation. Although there is often a great
temptation to try and analyse the numerical data in isolation, it is essential to have a
system to ensure that nothing is overlooked or misinterpreted; as when reading an ECG,
this starts with asking “how is the patient?” This should include any known history along
with details of current oxygen therapy and medications.

There are usually four key pieces of information contained in the results of analysis of an
arterial blood sample:
• PaCO2 (partial pressure of oxygen in arterial blood)
• pH
• PaCO2 (partial pressure of carbon dioxide in arterial blood)
• Bicarbonate and base excess
In order to interpret these results, we first need to understand what each means. Normal
ranges are given in the text; however, these will vary slightly between institutions.

Chapter 15
Blood gas analysis and pulse oximetry

2. pH
The acidity or alkalinity of the blood (or any solution) is determined by the concentration of
hydrogen ions [H+]; the greater the concentration, the more acid the solution. In the body,
the concentration of hydrogen ions is extremely low, normally around 40 nanomoles per
litre (nmol l-1), where a nanomole is 1 billionth of a mole (a mole is the molecular weight
of a substance in grams, i.e. for hydrogen it would be 2 g). To put this into perspective,
sodium ions (Na+) are present in a concentration of 135 millimoles per litre (mmol l-1), i.e. 3
million times greater. In order to make dealing with such small numbers easier, we use the
pH scale; this is a logarithmic scale expressing the hydrogen ion concentration between 1
and 14. The pH of a normal arterial blood sample lies between 7.35 and 7.45, or [H+] 44 - 36
nmol l-1. There are two key points to remember about the pH scale:

Personal copy of Paul-George Oarga (ID: 1150922)

1. The numerical value of pH changes inversely with hydrogen ion concentration.
Consequently a decrease in blood pH below 7.35 indicates an increase in [H+]
above normal, a condition referred to as an acidaemia. Conversely, an increase
in blood pH above 7.45 indicates a reduction in [H+] below normal, a condition
referred to as an alkalaemia. Clinicians often use the terms acidosis and alkalosis
respectively to describe these situations. Strictly speaking, these terms refer to the
processes that lead to the changes in pH, and it is in this context that they will be
used in this manual.
2. Small changes in pH represent big changes in hydrogen ion [H+] concentration. For
example, a pH change from 7.4 to 7.1 means that the hydrogen ion concentration has
increased from 40 nmol l-1 to 80 nmol l-1, i.e. it has doubled for a pH change of 0.3.
Many of the complex reactions within cells are controlled by enzymes that function only
within a very narrow pH range; hence, normal pH is controlled tightly between 7.35 and
7.45. However, each day during normal activity we produce massive amounts of hydrogen
ions (approximately 14 500 000 000 nmol), which if unchecked would cause a substantial
decrease in pH (acidaemia) before they could be excreted. To prevent this happening the
body has a series of substances known as buffers that take up hydrogen ions and thereby
prevent the development of an acidaemia. The major intracellular buffers are proteins,
phosphate and haemoglobin (within red blood cells) and the extracellular buffers are
plasma proteins and bicarbonate (see below).

Clearly the buffering system is only a temporary solution to the production of acids;
ultimately they will all be consumed and acids will start to accumulate. A system is
therefore required to eliminate the acids and thereby regenerate the buffers. This is
achieved by the lungs and kidneys.

3. Partial pressure
We normally use percentages to describe the composition of a mixture of gases, a good
example being air: 21 % oxygen, 78 % nitrogen, 0.04 % carbon dioxide. However the
number of molecules of a gas in a mixture is better described by referring to its partial
pressure. The partial pressure is the contribution each gas in a mixture makes to the total

pressure. The importance of using this measure is best demonstrated by the fact that if
we double the total pressure of a mixture, the partial pressures of the constituents are
doubled, but the percentages remain the same. We breathe gases at atmospheric pressure
or 1 atmosphere, very close to a pressure of 100 kiloPascals (kPa) or 750 mmHg (1 kPa =
7.5 mmHg). As a result, when breathing air, the contribution (partial pressure) of nitrogen
is 78 % of 100 kPa or 78 kPa and oxygen 21 % of 100 kPa or 21 kPa. When breathing 40 %
oxygen, the partial pressure of the oxygen in the inspired gas is 40 kPa.

At atmospheric pressure, the partial pressure of a gas in a mixture (in kPa) is numerically
the same as the percentage (%) of the gas by volume.

When a gas is dissolved in a liquid (e.g. blood) the partial pressure within the liquid is
Personal copy of Paul-George Oarga (ID: 1150922)

the same as in the gas in contact with the liquid. This enables us to measure the partial
pressure of oxygen and carbon dioxide in blood.

In summary, the partial pressure of a gas is a measure of the concentration of the gas in
the medium it is in and is expressed as PmediumGas, e.g. PaCO2 is the partial pressure (P)
of carbon dioxide (CO2) in arterial blood (a).

4. PaCO2
Carbon dioxide (CO2) is an important waste product of metabolism. Under normal
circumstances, it is transported in the blood to the lungs where it is excreted during expiration.
For transport to the lungs, it is either combined with protein or haemoglobin, or is dissolved
in plasma where it reacts with water to form hydrogen ions and bicarbonate (HCO3-):

CO2 + H2O = H+ + HCO3-

The normal PaCO2 is 5.3 kPa with a range of 4.7-6.0 kPa.

In the lungs, the reaction proceeds in reverse: CO2 is generated and expired. From this
reaction, we can see that CO2 behaves as an acid: any increase in PaCO2 will cause the
reaction to move to the right and increase the hydrogen ion concentration with the
subsequent development of an acidaemia. There will, of course, be the same increase in
bicarbonate concentration but, as this is only nanomoles, it has little effect on the overall 15
total concentration of 22-26 mmol l-1. If the metabolic production of CO2 is constant, the
only factor that affects the amount in the blood is the rate at which it is removed by
alveolar ventilation. A decrease in alveolar ventilation will reduce excretion of CO2 causing
an increase in PaCO2 and the production of more hydrogen ions. If the pH decreases below
7.35 an acidaemia has been produced. As the primary cause of the acidaemia is a problem
with the respiratory system, we call this process a respiratory acidosis.

Conversely, an increase in alveolar ventilation that removes CO2 faster than it is generated
reduces PaCO2 and moves the reaction to the left, reducing the concentration of hydrogen ions.
As a result the pH will increase and if it exceeds 7.45 an alkalaemia has been produced. Again,
the primary cause is the respiratory system and we call this process a respiratory alkalosis.

Chapter 15
Blood gas analysis and pulse oximetry

It is easy to understand therefore how even brief periods of apnoea, as occurs during
cardiac arrest, result in a respiratory acidosis. However, under normal circumstances,
the respiratory centre in the brain stem is very sensitive to blood [H+] and within a few
minutes rapidly increases alveolar ventilation. This increases CO2 excretion, reduces PaCO2,
decreases [H+] and returns pH to normal.

The lungs are the primary mechanism by which [H+] is adjusted by regulating PaCO2.

5. Bicarbonate and base excess

5.1. Bicarbonate

Personal copy of Paul-George Oarga (ID: 1150922)

Bicarbonate (HCO3-) is the most important buffer. It is generated by the kidneys and is
measured easily in an arterial blood sample. It can be thought of as the opposite of an acid
and as such is also called a base. When bicarbonate buffers hydrogen ions, carbon dioxide
and water are produced, and it is via this route that the vast majority of acids (90 %) are
excreted each day. However, the acids not eliminated by the respiratory system can also
be buffered as shown below. The reaction below moves to the right and bicarbonate
neutralises the effect of the H+ and prevents a decrease in plasma pH. In the kidneys, the
reaction proceeds to the left, the H+ is excreted in the urine and bicarbonate filtered and
returned to the plasma. Depending on the acid load, the kidneys will excrete either acid
or alkaline urine.

H+ + HCO3- = H2CO3-

Under normal circumstances, the concentration of bicarbonate is 22-26 mmol l-1.

If there is an acute increase in the acid load, although the respiratory system will try and
increase excretion of carbon dioxide, bicarbonate will decrease as it buffers the extra H+.
Once the reserves of bicarbonate are used, H+ will accumulate decreasing the pH. Unlike
the respiratory system, the kidneys respond slowly and it takes several days for additional
bicarbonate to be produced to meet the demand to buffer the extra acid. If the kidneys fail
to produce sufficient bicarbonate the resultant metabolic acidosis will lead to a decrease
in pH below 7.35 (acidaemia).

Occasionally, there is an excess of bicarbonate. This will have the effect of excessive
buffering of hydrogen ions and will produce a metabolic alkalosis and increase the pH
above 7.45 (alkalaemia).

5.2. Base excess

This is a measure of the amount of excess acid or base in the blood as a result of a
metabolic derangement. It is calculated as the amount of strong acid or base that would
have to be added to a blood sample with an abnormal pH to restore it to normal (pH 7.4).
Consequently, a patient with a base excess of 8 mmol l-1 would require 8 mmol l-1 of strong
acid to return their pH to normal; that is they have a metabolic alkalosis (compare with

bicarbonate which would be raised, so both move in the same direction). Conversely, a
patient with a base deficit of 8 mmol l-1 will require the addition of 8 mmol l-1 of strong
base to normalise their pH (again, compare with bicarbonate which would be reduced).
Unfortunately, the term “negative base excess” is used instead of base deficit and in the
example above, the patient would have a negative base excess of - 8 mmol l-1.

As a result, the normal values of base excess are + 2 to - 2 mmol l-1.

A base excess more negative than - 2 mmol l-1 indicates a metabolic acidosis.

A base excess greater than + 2 mmol l-1 indicates a metabolic alkalosis.

Personal copy of Paul-George Oarga (ID: 1150922)

6. The respiratory - metabolic link

From the above we can see that the body has two systems for ensuring a stable internal
environment and preventing the development of an acidosis. Additional protection is
provided by the fact that the two systems are linked and can compensate for derangements
in each other. This link is provided by the presence of carbonic acid (H2CO3), which is
dependent on the presence of an enzyme called carbonic anhydrase, present in both red
blood cells and the kidneys, and ideally situated to facilitate the link between the two

CO2 + H2O ⇌ H2CO3 ⇌ H+ + HCO3-

Although this link exists, the ability of each system to compensate for the other is not
instantaneous, but becomes more marked when the initial disturbance in one system is
prolonged. A typical example demonstrating the link between the two systems is a patient
with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD). This condition results in diminished
capacity to excrete carbon dioxide and a respiratory acidosis. If left uncompensated,
this would result in a persistent acidaemia, but the increase in carbon dioxide drives the
reaction above to the right, with the production of carbonic acid (H2CO3). In the kidneys
this has the effect of increasing H+ ions which are excreted in the urine while at the same
time increasing bicarbonate production to buffer the H+ ions in the plasma. As a result
the patient has a respiratory acidosis (increased PaCO2) with a compensatory metabolic
alkalosis (increased bicarbonate) and the pH will return close to normal. 15
A different example is a diabetic in ketoacidosis (strictly speaking ketoacidaemia).
When the excess ketoacids exceed the kidney’s ability for excretion, they are buffered,
which consumes plasma bicarbonate. Increasing bicarbonate production takes several
days. However, the reaction above can also move to the left by increasing ventilation
and reducing PaCO2; in effect, converting the H+ to CO2. Consequently, the patient has
a metabolic acidosis (reduced bicarbonate) with a compensatory respiratory alkalosis
(reduced PaCO2).

Chapter 15
Blood gas analysis and pulse oximetry

7. PaO2
The concentration of oxygen in inspired air is 21 % - representing a partial pressure of 21
kPa. This is gradually reduced as the air passes down the respiratory tract, firstly because of
the addition of water vapour and, in the alveoli, by the addition of carbon dioxide so that
here it is normally around 13 kPa. However, the partial pressure of oxygen in arterial blood
(PaO2) is always lower than alveolar; the extent of this gradient is determined largely by
the presence of any lung disease. In a healthy individual breathing air, the PaO2 is normally
higher than 11 kPa i.e. about 10 kPa lower than the inspired partial pressure. This can be
used as a rule of thumb to estimate the PaO2 for any given inspired concentration, in that
it should be numerically about 10 less than the inspired concentration (%). For example,
40 % inspired oxygen should result in a PaO2 of approximately 30 kPa. With increasing

Personal copy of Paul-George Oarga (ID: 1150922)

lung injury, the gap between inspired concentration and PaO2 increases. This is important
to recognise because for someone breathing 50 % oxygen a PaO2 of 13 kPa is not ‘normal’.

Interestingly, PaO2 also decreases slightly with age, reaching 10 kPa at around 75 years, but
then climbs again and plateaus at around 11 kPa at 85 years.

8. Interpreting the results

Interpretation of the result of blood gas analysis is achieved best by following strictly five
steps. For clarity, only changes in base excess are discussed; however, bicarbonate will also
change numerically in the same direction.

8.1. Step 1
How is the patient?
This will often provide useful clues to help with interpretation of the results. For example,
one might reasonably predict that analysis of arterial blood shortly after successful
resuscitation would show signs of a respiratory acidosis caused by a period of inadequate
ventilation and a metabolic acidosis due to the period of anaerobic respiration during
the arrest producing lactic acid. Consequently, we would expect the patient to have
a very low pH with changes in both PaCO2 and base excess. A patient with a well-
compensated, chronic condition will usually display clues about the primary cause and
secondary compensation. Without the clinical history, the results of a blood gas analysis
from a patient with COPD could be misinterpreted as a primary metabolic alkalosis with a
compensatory respiratory acidosis.

8.2. Step 2
Is the patient hypoxaemic?
The PaO2 while breathing room air should be 10.0-13.0 kPa. However, if the patient is
receiving supplemental oxygen, the PaO2 must be interpreted in light of the inspired
oxygen concentration. As discussed above, the inspired partial pressure of oxygen can
be regarded as the numerical equivalent of the inspired concentration (%). If there is a
difference of greater than 10 between the two values, there is a defect in oxygenation,
proportional to the magnitude of the difference.

8.3. Step 3
Is the patient acidaemic (pH < 7.35) or alkalaemic (pH> 7.45)?
If the pH is within or very close to the normal range then this suggests normality or a
chronic condition with full compensation. In principle, the body never overcompensates
and this should enable the primary problem to be determined. If necessary, seek more
clinical information about the patient.

8.4. Step 4
What has happened to the PaCO2?
In other words, is the abnormality wholly or partially due to a defect in the respiratory
Personal copy of Paul-George Oarga (ID: 1150922)

If the pH is < 7.35 (acidaemia):

4a. Is the PaCO2 increased (> 6.0 kPa)?
If so, there is a respiratory acidosis that may be accounting for all or part of the
derangement. There could also be a metabolic component, see step 5a.

If the pH is > 7.45 (alkalaemia):

4b. Is the PaCO2 reduced (< 4.7 kPa)?
If so, there is a respiratory alkalosis, but this is an unusual isolated finding
in a patient breathing spontaneously, with a normal respiratory rate. It is
seen more often in patients who are being mechanically ventilated with
excessively high rates and/or tidal volumes. As a result, PaCO2 decreases, there
is a reduction in H+ and an alkalosis develops.

8.5. Step 5
What has happened to the base excess or bicarbonate?
In other words, is the abnormality wholly or partially due to a defect in the metabolic

If the pH is < 7.35 (acidaemia):

5a. Is the base excess reduced (more negative than minus 2 mmol l-1), and /or
the bicarbonate reduced (< 22 mmol l-1)? If so, there is a metabolic acidosis
accounting for all or part of the derangement. There could be a respiratory 15
component if the PaCO2 is also increased - see step 4a, a situation commonly
seen after a cardiac arrest.

If the pH is > 7.45 (alkalaemia):

5b. Is the base excess increased (> + 2 mmol l-1) and/or the bicarbonate increased
(> 26 mmol l-1)? If so, there is a metabolic alkalosis accounting for all or part of
the derangement. There could be a respiratory component if the PaCO2 is also
decreased - see step 4b, but this would be very unusual.

Chapter 15
Blood gas analysis and pulse oximetry

8.6. Derangements of both PaCO2 and base excess or bicarbonate -

The results of ABGs may show changes in both the respiratory and metabolic components,
but with minimal disturbance of the pH. This is the result of compensation; both the
respiratory and metabolic systems are capable of reacting to changes in the other, the
aim being to minimise long term changes in pH. Four examples follow:

8.6.1. Example 1
pH < 7.40, with a increased PaCO2 (> 6.0 kPa) and increased base excess (> + 2 mmol l-1) or
bicarbonate (> 26 mmol l-1).

Personal copy of Paul-George Oarga (ID: 1150922)

The tendency towards an acidaemia indicates that this is the primary problem and the
increased PaCO2 indicates that it is a respiratory acidosis. The increased base excess/
bicarbonate represents a compensatory metabolic alkalosis, bringing the pH back
towards normality.

8.6.2. Example 2
pH < 7.40, with a decreased base excess (< - 2 mmol l-1) or bicarbonate (< 22 mmol l-1) and
decreased PaCO2 (< 4.7 kPa).

The tendency towards an acidaemia indicates that this is the primary problem and the
decreased base excess/bicarbonate suggests that it is a metabolic acidosis. The decrease
in PaCO2 represents a compensatory respiratory alkalosis, bringing the pH back
towards normality.

8.6.3. Example 3
pH > 7.40, with increased base excess (> + 2 mmol l-1) or bicarbonate (> 26 mmol l-1) and
increased PaCO2 (> 6.0 kPa).

The tendency towards an alkalaemia indicates that this is the primary problem and the
increase in base excess/bicarbonate suggests that it is primarily a metabolic alkalosis. The
increased PaCO2 is respiratory compensation bringing the pH back towards normality.
This picture may be seen where there is loss of acid from the body e.g. prolonged vomiting
of gastric contents (hydrochloric acid) and also occurs in chronic hypokalaemia. In this
case, the body compensates by moving potassium from intracellular to extracellular in
exchange for hydrogen ions. The pH increases and CO2 is retained to try and compensate.

8.6.4. Example 4
pH > 7.40, with a decreased PaCO2 (< 4.7 kPa) and decreased base excess (< - 2 mmol l-1) or
bicarbonate (< 22 mmol l-1).

The tendency towards an alkalaemia indicates that this is the primary problem and the
decrease in PaCO2 suggests that this is primarily a respiratory alkalosis. The decrease
in base excess/bicarbonate is the metabolic compensation bringing the pH back
towards normality. This is not a common finding, but may be seen after a few days when
hyperventilation is used to help control intracranial pressure in patients with brain injury.

Using the above, work through cases 4 and 5 at the end of this chapter.

There is one final situation that deserves mention and is important to identify: an ill patient
with a pH < 7.4, a normal PaCO2 (4-6.0 kPa) and a decreased base excess (< - 2 mmol l-1) or
bicarbonate (< 22 mmol l-1).
Personal copy of Paul-George Oarga (ID: 1150922)

This is most likely to represent the situation of a metabolic acidosis in a patient with
chronic carbon dioxide retention. The patient is trying to compensate by lowering their
carbon dioxide (to cause a compensatory respiratory alkalosis), but they are starting from
a higher PaCO2. Their lung disease will limit the amount of CO2 they can excrete, thereby
preventing it decreasing any further. Once again it illustrates the importance of having
information about the patient as identified at the beginning.

9. Practical aspects of blood gas analysis during

During cardiac arrest, arterial blood gas values are of limited use because they correlate
poorly with the severity of hypoxaemia, hypercarbia and acidosis in the tissues. Indeed,
during cardiac arrest, venous blood gases may reflect more accurately the acid-base
state of the tissues. These are interpreted using the same 5-step approach, however, the
normal range of values will be different to arterial blood and they should be interpreted

Once return of spontaneous circulation (ROSC) is achieved, arterial blood gas analysis will
provide a useful guide to post cardiac arrest treatment, such as the optimal fractional
inspired oxygen (FiO2) and minute ventilation. Arterial lactate concentration can also
be used to indicate adequacy of tissue oxygenation, normal arterial blood lactate
concentration being 0.7-1.8 mmol l-1. Immediately after cardiac arrest, concentrations are
high, reflecting the lactic acidosis that has been caused by inadequate oxygenation of the 15
tissues during the period of cardiac arrest. After ROSC a progressively decreasing lactate
value is another indicator of adequate tissue oxygenation.

In the peri-arrest setting, it may be easiest to obtain a sample of arterial blood (into a
heparinised syringe) from the femoral artery. The radial artery may be preferable once the
patient has an adequate cardiac output and blood pressure. The radial artery is also the
best site for insertion of an arterial cannula; this enables continuous monitoring of blood
pressure and frequent blood sampling in the post cardiac arrest period.

Chapter 15
Blood gas analysis and pulse oximetry

10. Pulse oximetry

10.1. Role
Pulse oximetry is a vital adjunct to the assessment of hypoxaemia. Clinical recognition of
decreased arterial oxygen saturation of haemoglobin (SaO2) is subjective and unreliable,
with the classic sign of cyanosis appearing late when arterial oxygen saturation is between
80-85 %. Pulse oximetry is simple to use, relatively cheap, non-invasive and provides an
immediate, objective measure of arterial blood oxygen saturation. It is now used widely
in all in-hospital settings and increasingly in both primary care and the pre-hospital
environment. Oxygen saturation, ‘the fifth vital sign’, now also forms a component of
many early warning systems to identify the deteriorating patient.

Personal copy of Paul-George Oarga (ID: 1150922)

10.2. Principles
The pulse oximeter probe containing light-emitting diodes (LEDs) and a photoreceptor
situated opposite, is placed across tissue, usually a finger or earlobe. Some of the light
is transmitted through the tissues while some is absorbed. The ratio of transmitted to
absorbed light is used to generate the peripheral arterial oxygen saturation (SpO2)
displayed as a digital reading, waveform, or both. As a result of rapid sampling of the light
signal, the displayed reading will alter every 0.5-1 s, displaying the average SpO2 over the
preceding 5-10 s. Most pulse oximeters are accurate to within ± 2 % above an SaO2 of 90 %.

Tissue thickness should be optimally between 5-10 mm. Poor readings may be improved
by trying different sites, warming sites or applying local vasodilators.

Pulse oximeters often provide an audible tone related to the SpO2, with a decreasing tone
reflecting increasing degrees of hypoxaemia. Information about pulse rate and waveform
(plethysmographic waveform) may also be provided. A poor signal may indicate a low
blood pressure or poor tissue perfusion - reassess the patient.

Pulse oximetry provides only a measure of oxygen saturation, not content, and thus gives
no indication of actual tissue oxygenation. Furthermore, it provides no information on the
partial pressure of carbon dioxide in the body (PaCO2) and is not a measure of adequacy
of ventilation. In cases of critical illness, or when type II respiratory failure (see below) is
suspected (e.g. known COPD, congenital heart disease) arterial blood gas sampling must
be performed. Readings from a pulse oximeter must not be used in isolation: it is vital
to interpret them in light of the clinical picture and alongside other investigations, and
potential sources of error.

10.3. Limitations
The relationship between oxygen saturation and arterial oxygen partial pressure (PaO2) is
demonstrated by the oxyhaemoglobin dissociation curve (figure 15.1). The sinusoid shape
of the curve means that an initial decrease from a normal PaO2 is not accompanied by a
drop of similar magnitude in the oxygen saturation of the blood, and early hypoxaemia

may be masked. At the point where the SpO2 reaches 90-92 %, the PaO2 will have decreased
to around 8 kPa. In other words, the partial pressure of oxygen in the arterial blood will
have decreased by almost 50 % despite a reduction in oxygen saturation of only 6-8 %.

The output from a pulse oximeter relies on a comparison between current signal output
and standardised reference data derived from healthy volunteers. Readings provided
are thus limited by the scope of the population included in these studies, and become
increasingly unreliable with increasing hypoxaemia. Below 70 % the displayed values are
highly unreliable.

There are several acknowledged sources of error with pulse oximetry:

• presence of other haemoglobins: carboxyhaemoglobin (carbon monoxide
Personal copy of Paul-George Oarga (ID: 1150922)

poisoning), methaemoglobin (congenital or acquired), fetal haemoglobins and

sickling red cells (sickle cell disease)
• surgical and imaging dyes: methylene blue, indocyanine green and indigo carmine
cause falsely low saturation readings
• nail varnish (especially blue, black and green)
• high-ambient light levels (fluorescent and xenon lamps)
• motion artefact
• reduced pulse volume:
-- hypotension
-- low cardiac output
-- vasoconstriction
-- hypothermia

Pulse oximeters are not affected by:

• anaemia (reduced haemoglobin)
• jaundice (hyperbilirubinaemia)
• skin pigmentation 15
Pulse oximetry does not provide a reliable signal during CPR.

Chapter 15
Blood gas analysis and pulse oximetry

Figure 15.1
Oxyhaemoglobin dissociation curve

Personal copy of Paul-George Oarga (ID: 1150922)

Oxygen partial pressure (kPa)

10.4. Uses
Pulse oximetry has four main uses:
1. detection of/screening for hypoxaemia
2. targeting oxygen therapy
3. routine monitoring during anaesthesia
4. diagnostic (e.g. sleep apnoea)

11. Targeted oxygen therapy

In critically ill patients, those presenting with acute hypoxaemia (initial SpO2 < 85 %), or in
the peri-arrest situation, give high-concentration oxygen immediately. Give this initially
with an oxygen mask and reservoir (‘non-rebreathing’ mask) and an oxygen flow of 15 l
min-1. During cardiac arrest use 100 % inspired oxygen concentration to maximise arterial
oxygen content and delivery to the tissues.

Once ROSC has been achieved and the oxygen saturation of arterial blood can be monitored
reliably, adjust the inspired oxygen concentration to maintain a SpO2 of 94-98 %. If pulse

oximetry (with a reliable reading) is unavailable, continue oxygen via a reservoir mask until
definitive monitoring or assessment of oxygenation is available. All critically ill patients will
need arterial blood gas sampling and analysis as soon as possible. Evidence suggests both
hypoxaemia and hyperoxaemia (PaO2 > 20 kPa) in the post-resuscitation phase may lead to
worse outcomes than those in whom normoxaemia is maintained.

11.1. Special clinical situations

Patients with respiratory failure can be divided into two groups:
• Type I: low PaO2 (< 8 kPa), normal PaCO2 (< 6-7 kPa). In these patients it is safe
to give a high concentration of oxygen initially with the aim of returning their
PaO2 to normal and then once clinically stable, adjusting the inspired oxygen
Personal copy of Paul-George Oarga (ID: 1150922)

concentration to maintain an SpO2 of 94-98 %.

• Type II: low PaO2 (< 8 kPa), increased PaCO2 (> 6-7 kPa). This is often described as
hypercapnic respiratory failure and is usually caused by COPD. If given excessive
oxygen, these patients may develop worsening respiratory failure with further
increases in PaCO2 and the development of a respiratory acidosis. If unchecked,
this will eventually lead to unconsciousness, and respiratory and cardiac arrest. The
target oxygen saturation in this at risk population should be 88-92 %. However,
when critically ill, give these patients high-flow oxygen initially; then analyse the
arterial blood gases and use the results to adjust the inspired oxygen concentration.
When clinically stable and a reliable pulse oximetry reading is obtained, adjust the
inspired oxygen concentration to maintain an SpO2 of 88-92 %.

In patients with a myocardial infarction or an acute coronary syndrome, and who are not
critically or seriously ill, aim to maintain an SpO2 of 94-98 % (or 88-92 % if the patient is at
risk of hypercapnic respiratory failure). This may be achievable without supplementary
oxygen, and represents a change from previously accepted practice.


• T he results of arterial blood gas analysis should be interpreted systematically 15

using the 5-step approach.

• P
 ulse oximetry enables arterial blood oxygen saturation to be monitored

• D
 uring CPR use an inspired oxygen concentration of 100 % until return of
spontaneous circulation (ROSC) is achieved.

• A
 fter ROSC is achieved, and once the SpO2 can be monitored reliably, titrate
the inspired oxygen concentration to keep the SpO2 in the range 94-98 %
(or 88-92 % in patients at risk of hypercapnic respiratory failure).

Chapter 15
Blood gas analysis and pulse oximetry

• A Simple Guide to Blood Gas Analysis. Eds. Driscoll P, Brown T, Gwinnutt C, Wardle T. BMJ Publish-
ing Group. London 1997.
• O’Driscoll BR, Howard LS, Davison AG. BTS guideline for emergency oxygen use in adult patients.
Thorax 2008;63 Suppl 6:vi1-68.

Personal copy of Paul-George Oarga (ID: 1150922)

Chapter 16.
Decisions relating to resuscitation
Personal copy of Paul-George Oarga (ID: 1150922)

To understand:
• ethical principles
• advance decisions to refuse treatment
• when not to start cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR)
• discussing CPR decisions with patients and those close to them
• who should make decisions about CPR
• when to stop resuscitation attempts

1. Introduction
Successful resuscitation attempts have brought extended, useful and precious life to many
individuals. However, only a minority of people survive and make a complete recovery
after attempted resuscitation from cardiac arrest. Attempted resuscitation carries a risk
of causing suffering and prolonging the process of dying. It is not an appropriate goal of
medicine to prolong life at all costs. Ideally, decisions about whether or not it is appropriate
to start cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) should be made in advance, as part of the
overall concept of advance care planning. Detailed guidance has been published on a
national basis in most European countries. As an ALS provider, you should read and be
familiar with that guidance and follow the principles that it contains.

It is incumbent on all healthcare practitioners to practice within the law. The law as it relates
to CPR varies from country to country. Even within one nation there are some differences
between countries. As an ALS provider you should be familiar with the relevant aspects of
law in the country where you live and work.

Discussing decisions about CPR can be difficult and distressing for patients and relatives,
and for healthcare providers. These decisions may be influenced by various factors
including personal beliefs and opinions, cultural or religious influences, ethical and legal
considerations, and by social or economic circumstances. Some patients with capacity

Chapter 16
Decisions relating to resuscitation

decide that they do not want treatment and record their wishes in an advance decision
to refuse treatment (formerly known as ‘living wills’). As an ALS provider you should
understand the ethical and legal principles as well as the clinical aspects involved before
undertaking discussions or making a decision about CPR.

2. Principles
The four key principles of medical ethics are summarised in the box:
• Beneficence requires provision of benefit while balancing benefit and risks.
Commonly this will involve attempting CPR but if risks clearly outweigh any likely
benefit it will mean withholding CPR. Beneficence includes also responding to

Personal copy of Paul-George Oarga (ID: 1150922)

the overall needs of the community, such as establishing a programme of public
access defibrillation.
• Non-maleficence means doing no harm. CPR should not be attempted in people in
whom it will not succeed, where no benefit is likely but there is a clear risk of harm.
• Justice implies a duty to spread benefits and risks equally within a society. If CPR is
provided, it should be available to all who may benefit from it; there should be no
discrimination purely on the grounds of factors such as age or disability.
• Autonomy relates to people making their own informed decisions rather than
healthcare professionals making decisions for them. Autonomy requires that a
person with capacity is adequately informed, is free from undue pressure, and that
there is consistency in their preferences.

3. Advance decisions to refuse CPR

Advance decisions to refuse treatment have been introduced in many countries and
emphasise the importance of patient autonomy. Resuscitation must not be attempted if CPR
is contrary to the recorded, sustained wishes of an adult who had capacity and was aware
of the implications at the time of making that advance decision. However, it is important to
ensure that an advance decision is valid and that the circumstances in which the decision is
applied are those that were envisaged or defined at the time that it was made.

The term ‘advance decision’ may apply to any expression of patient preferences. Refusal
does not have to be in writing in order to be valid. If patients have expressed clear and
consistent refusal verbally, this is likely to have the same status as a written advance
decision. People should ensure that their healthcare team and those close to them are
aware of their wishes.

In sudden out-of-hospital cardiac arrest, those attending usually do not know the
patient’s situation and wishes and, even if an advance decision has been recorded, it
may not be available. In these circumstances CPR can be started immediately and any
further information obtained when possible. There is no ethical difficulty in stopping a
resuscitation attempt that has started if the healthcare professionals are presented later
with a valid advance decision refusing the treatment that has been started.

There is still considerable international variation in the medical attitude to written advance
decisions. In some countries, such as the UK, a written advance decision is legally binding.
Where no explicit advance decision has been made and the express wishes of the patient
are unknown there is a presumption that healthcare professionals will, if appropriate,
make all reasonable efforts to resuscitate the patient.

4. When to withhold CPR

While patients have a right to refuse treatment, they do not have an automatic right
to demand treatment; they cannot insist that resuscitation must be attempted in any
circumstance. Doctors cannot be required to give treatment that is contrary to their
clinical judgement. This type of decision is often complex and should be undertaken by
Personal copy of Paul-George Oarga (ID: 1150922)

senior, experienced members of the medical team.

The decision to make no resuscitation attempt raises several ethical and moral questions.
What constitutes futility? What exactly should be withheld? Who should decide and who
should be consulted? Who should be informed?

4.1. What constitutes futility?

Futility may be considered to exist if resuscitation will not prolong life of a quality that
would be acceptable to the patient. Although predictors of non-survival after attempted
resuscitation have been published, none has sufficient predictive value when applied to an
independent validation group. Furthermore, the outcome for a cohort undergoing attempted
resuscitation is dependent on system factors such as time to CPR and time to defibrillation. It
is difficult to predict how these factors will impact on the outcome of individuals.

Inevitably, judgements will have to be made, and there will be grey areas where subjective
opinions are required in patients with comorbidity such as heart failure, chronic respiratory
disease, asphyxia, major trauma, head injury and neurological disease. The age of the patient
may feature in the decision but is only a relatively weak independent predictor of outcome;
however, the elderly commonly have significant comorbidity, which influences outcome.

4.2. What exactly should be withheld?

Do not attempt resuscitation (DNAR) means that in the event of cardiac or respiratory
arrest, CPR should not be started - nothing more than that. Other treatment should be
continued, including pain relief and sedation, as required. Treatment such as ventilation
and oxygen therapy, nutrition, antibiotics, fluid and vasopressors, is also continued as
indicated. If not, orders not to continue or initiate any such treatments should be made
independently of DNAR orders.

In the past, in many countries, doctors would make a DNAR decision without consulting
with the patient, the relatives, or other members of the health care team. Many countries
have now published clear guidelines on how these decisions should be taken. In most
cases, this guidance emphasises involvement by the patient and/or relatives.

Chapter 16
Decisions relating to resuscitation

4.3. Who should decide not to attempt resuscitation

and who should be consulted?
The overall responsibility for this decision rests with the senior healthcare professional in
charge of the patient after appropriate consultation with other healthcare professionals
involved in the patient’s care.

People have ethical and legal rights to be involved in decisions that relate to them and if
the patient has capacity their views should be sought unless there is a clearly justifiable
reason to indicate otherwise. It is not necessary to initiate discussion about CPR with every
patient, for example if there is no reason to expect cardiac arrest to occur, or if the patient
is in the final stage of an irreversible illness in which CPR would be inappropriate as it

Personal copy of Paul-George Oarga (ID: 1150922)

would offer no benefit.

It is good practice to involve relatives in decisions although they have no legal status in
terms of actual decision-making. A patient with capacity should give their consent before
involving the family in a DNAR discussion. Refusal from a patient with capacity to allow
information to be disclosed to relatives must be respected.

If patients who lack capacity have previously appointed a welfare attorney with power to
make such decisions on their behalf, that person must be consulted when a decision has
to be made balancing the risks and burdens of CPR.

In some circumstances there are legal requirements to involve others in the decision-
making process when a patient lacks capacity. For example the Mental Capacity Act 2005,
which applies in England and Wales requires appointment of an Independent Mental
Capacity Advocate (IMCA) to act on behalf of the patient who lacks capacity. However,
when decisions have to be made in an emergency, there may not be time to appoint and
contact an IMCA and decisions must be made in the patient’s best interests, and the basis
for such decisions documented clearly and fully.

When differences of opinion occur between the healthcare team and the patient or their
representatives these can usually be resolved with careful discussion and explanation, or if
necessary by obtaining a second clinical opinion. In general, decisions by legal authorities
are often fraught with delays and uncertainties, especially if there is an adversarial legal
system, and formal legal judgement should be sought only if there are irreconcilable
differences between the parties involved. In particularly difficult cases, the senior doctor
may wish to consult his/her own medical defence society for a legal opinion.

3.4. Who should be informed?

Once the decision has been made it must be communicated clearly to all who may be
involved, including the patient. Unless the patient refuses, the decision should also be
communicated to the patient’s relatives. The decision, the reasons for it, and a record
of who has been involved in the discussions should be recorded in the medical notes -
ideally on a special DNAR form - and should clearly document the date the decision was
made. The decision should be recorded in the nursing records, if these are separate. The
decision must be communicated to all those involved in the patient’s care.
5. Communicating decisions about CPR to patients
and those close to them
Whilst it is generally advisable to explain to patients and those close to them any decisions
that have been taken about their treatment, and the reasons for those decisions, it is
important that this is not done without careful consideration. On the other hand, it may
sometimes not be necessary to inform every patient about a decision not to attempt
CPR because it would not be successful, discussing that decision would be unnecessarily
distressing and of little or no value to the patient. Any discussion with those close to
patients must respect the patient’s wishes in relation to confidentiality.
Personal copy of Paul-George Oarga (ID: 1150922)

6. Communicating decisions about CPR to

the healthcare team
Good communication within the team is an essential component of high-quality, safe
healthcare. When a decision is made not to attempt CPR, the basis for that decision,
details of those involved in making it, and details of discussions with patients and
those close to them should be recorded. The decision itself should be recorded in a
way that is immediately available and recognisable to those present, should the patient
suffer sudden cardiac arrest. Most European countries have defined standards for the
recording of decisions relating to CPR. Such decisions were referred to at one time
as ‘Do Not Resuscitate’ (DNR) decisions. DNR was replaced by DNAR (‘Do Not Attempt
Resuscitation’) to emphasise the reality that many resuscitation attempts will not be
successful. Unfortunately some healthcare providers have mistakenly and inappropriately
interpreted the recording of these decisions as indicating that other treatment can or
should be withheld. To discourage this it has been suggested that the term DNACPR ('Do
Not Attempt CPR') should be used, to try to emphasise that the recorded decision refers
only to the use of CPR and not to any other aspect of treatment that the patient may need.
As an ALS provider you should ensure that you record decisions about CPR fully, clearly
and accurately, and that these decisions do not (through your actions or those of others)
lead to withholding from patients other treatment that they may need. Whilst the term
‘DNAR’ is used throughout ERC material it is interchangeable and identical in definition
with the term ‘DNACPR’ which is also in common use.

7. When to stop CPR

Most of resuscitation attempts do not succeed and in those that are unsuccessful a decision
has to be made to stop CPR. This decision can be made when it is clear that continuing CPR
will not be successful. Factors influencing the decision will include the patient’s medical 16
history and prognosis, the cardiac arrest rhythm that is present, the response or lack of
response to initial resuscitation measures, and the duration of the resuscitation attempt
(particularly if the rhythm is asystole - see below). Sometimes, during a resuscitation
attempt, further information becomes available that was not known at the time CPR was
started, and that indicates that further CPR will not succeed. It is appropriate to stop CPR
in those circumstances.

Chapter 16
Decisions relating to resuscitation

In general, CPR should be continued as long as a shockable rhythm or other reversible

cause for cardiac arrest persists. It is generally accepted that asystole for more than 20
min in the absence of a reversible cause (see below), and with all advanced life support
measures in place, is unlikely to respond to further CPR and is a reasonable basis for
stopping CPR.

A decision to abandon CPR is made by the team leader, but this should be after consultation
with the other team members. Ultimately, the decision is based on a clinical judgement
that further advanced life support will not re-start the heart and breathing.

8. Decision making by non-doctors

Personal copy of Paul-George Oarga (ID: 1150922)

Many cases of out-of-hospital cardiac arrest are attended by emergency medical
technicians or paramedics, who face similar dilemmas about when CPR will not succeed
and when it should be stopped. In general CPR will be started in out-of-hospital cardiac
arrest unless there is a valid advance decision refusing it or a valid DNAR order or it is
clear that CPR would be futile, for example, in cases of mortal injuries such as decapitation
or hemicorporectomy, known prolonged submersion, incineration, rigor mortis, and
dependent lividity. In such cases, the non-doctor can identify that death has occurred
but does not certify the cause of death (which in most countries can be done only by a
physician or coroner).

But when should a decision be made to abandon a resuscitation attempt? For example,
should ALS trained paramedics be able to declare death when the patient remains in
asystole after 20 min despite ALS interventions? In some countries, including the UK,
paramedics may cease a resuscitation attempt in this situation. Their strict protocol
requires that certain conditions that might indicate a remote chance of survival (e.g.
hypothermia) are absent. The presence of asystole must also be established beyond
reasonable doubt and documented on ECG recordings (see chapter 14).

Similar decisions about initiating resuscitation or recognising that death has occurred
and is irreversible may be made by experienced nurses, working in the community or
in establishments that provide care for people who are terminally or chronically ill.
Whenever possible in such settings, decisions about CPR should be considered before
they are needed, as part of advance care planning. In some situations it will be appropriate
for experienced nurses to undertake any necessary discussions and to make and record a
DNAR order on behalf of the patient and their healthcare team.

9. Special circumstances
Certain circumstances, e.g. hypothermia at the time of cardiac arrest, will enhance the
chances of recovery without neurological damage. In such situations do not use the usual
prognostic criteria (such as asystole persisting for more than 20 min) and continue CPR
until the reversible problem has been corrected (e.g. re warming has been achieved).

10. Withdrawal of other treatment after a resuscitation
Prediction of the likely clinical and neurological outcome in people who remain
unconscious after regaining a spontaneous circulation is difficult during the first 3 days. In
general, other supportive treatment should be continued during this period, after which
the prognosis can be assessed with greater confidence. This topic is covered in more
detail in chapter 13.


Personal copy of Paul-George Oarga (ID: 1150922)

• In the event of cardiac arrest, CPR should be started promptly and effectively.

• If a valid advance decision refusing CPR has been made, do not attempt CPR.

• When CPR will not re-start the heart and breathing, CPR is not appropriate.

• If continuing CPR will not be successful, make the decision to stop.

• D
 ecisions relating to CPR should be made carefully, recorded fully, and
communicated effectively.

• D
 ecisions relating to CPR should not prevent patients from receiving any
other treatment needed.

• Bossaert L et al. European Resuscitation Council Guidelines for Resuscitation 2015
• Section 11. The ethics of resuscitation and end-of-life decisions. 10.1016/j.resuscitation.2015.07.033;
p301 - p310
• Baskett PJ, Lim A. The varying ethical attitudes towards resuscitation in Europe. Resuscitation
• British Medical Association, Resuscitation Council (UK) and Royal College of Nursing. Decisions
relating to cardiopulmonary resuscitation. 2007.
• General Medical Council. Treatment and care towards the end of life. 2010.
• Lippert FK, Raffay V, Georgiou M, Steen PA, Bossaert L. European Resuscitation Council Guidelines
for Resuscitation 2010. Section 10. The ethics of resuscitation and end-of-life decisions. Resuscita-
tion 2010;81: 1445-51.
• Resuscitation Council (UK). The legal status of those who attempt resuscitation. 2010. www.resus.

Chapter 16
Decisions relating to resuscitation

Personal copy of Paul-George Oarga (ID: 1150922)

Chapter 17.
Supporting the relative
in resuscitation practice
Personal copy of Paul-George Oarga (ID: 1150922)

To understand:
• how to support relatives witnessing attempted resuscitation
• how to care for the recently bereaved
• religious and cultural requirements when a patient has died
• the legal and practical arrangements following a recent death

Throughout this chapter, the term ‘relatives’ includes close friends/significant others.

1. Introduction
In many cases of out-of-hospital cardiac arrest, the person who performs CPR will be a
close friend or relative and they may wish to remain with the patient.

Many relatives find it more distressing to be separated from their family member during
these critical moments than to witness attempts at resuscitation. In keeping with the
move to more open clinical practice, healthcare professionals should take the preferences
of patients and relatives into account.

If the resuscitation attempt fails, relatives perceive a number of advantages of being

present during resuscitation:
• It helps them come to terms with the reality of death, avoiding prolonged denial
and contributing to a healthier bereavement.
• The relative can speak while there is still a chance that the dying person can hear.
• They are not distressed by being separated from a loved one at a time when they
feel the need to be present.
• They can see that everything possible was done for the dying person, which assists
with their understanding of the reality of the situation.
• They can touch and speak with the deceased whilst the body is warm.

Chapter 17
Supporting the relative in resuscitation practice

There are potential disadvantages of relatives being present:

• The resuscitation attempt may prove distressing, particularly if the relatives are not
kept informed.
• Relatives can physically, or emotionally, hinder the staff involved in the resuscitation
attempt. Observed actions or remarks by medical or nursing staff may offend
grieving family members.
• Relatives may be disturbed by the memory of events, although evidence indicates
that fantasy is worse than fact. The staff should take into account the expectations
of the bereaved and their cultural background during and following death.
• Relatives may demonstrate their emotions vocally or physically whilst others may

Personal copy of Paul-George Oarga (ID: 1150922)

wish to sit quietly or read religious text. The staff must have sufficient insight,
knowledge and skills to anticipate these needs and identify potential problems.

2. Caring for the recently bereaved

Care and consideration of the relative during resuscitation becomes increasingly
important as procedures become more invasive. Support should be provided by an
appropriately qualified healthcare professional whose responsibility is to care for family
members witnessing cardiopulmonary resuscitation. The following safeguards should be
• Acknowledge the difficulty of the situation. Ensure that they understand that
they have a choice of whether or not to be present during resuscitation. Avoid
provoking feelings of guilt whatever their decision.
• Explain that they will be looked after whether or not they decide to witness the
resuscitation attempt. Ensure that introductions are made and names are known.
• Give a clear explanation of what has happened in terms of the illness or injury and
what they can expect to see when they enter the resuscitation area.
• Ensure that the relatives understand that they will be able to leave and return at
any time, and will always be accompanied.
• Ask the relative not to interfere with the resuscitation process but offer them the
opportunity to touch the patient when they are told that it is safe to do so.
• Explain the nature of the procedures in simple terms. If resuscitation is unsuccessful,
explain why the attempt has been stopped.

If the patient dies, advise the relatives that there may be a brief interval while equipment is
removed, after which they can return to be together in private. Under some circumstances,
the coroner may require certain equipment to be left in place. Offer the relatives time to
think about what has happened and the opportunity for further questions.

Hospitals should develop policies to enable relatives to observe the attempted

resuscitation of their loved one.

3. Caring for the recently bereaved
Caring for the bereaved compassionately will ease the grieving process. Adapt the
following considerations to the individual family and their cultural needs:
• early contact with one person, usually a nurse
• provision of a suitable area for the relatives to wait, e.g. relatives’ room
• breaking bad news sympathetically and supporting the grief response
• arranging for relatives to view the body
• religious and pastoral care requirements
Personal copy of Paul-George Oarga (ID: 1150922)

• legal and practical arrangements

• follow up and team support

3.1. Early contact with one person

Ideally this should be the person who has supported the relatives during the resuscitation
attempt. If the resuscitation attempt was not observed allocate a member of the care
team specifically to support the relatives. Communication between the emergency
services and the receiving hospital should ensure that the arrival of relatives is anticipated
for an out-of-hospital arrest. A warm, friendly and confident greeting will help to establish
an open and honest relationship.

3.2. Provision of a suitable room

This should provide the appropriate ambience, space and privacy for relatives to ask
questions and to express their emotions freely.

3.3. Breaking bad news and supporting the grief response

An uncomplicated and honest approach will help avoid mixed messages. The most
appropriate person (not necessarily a doctor) should break the bad news to the relatives.
It may be more appropriate for the nurse who has been accompanying the relatives to
break the news, although relatives may take comfort from talking to a doctor as well
and this opportunity should always be offered. When preparing to talk to the relatives,
consider the following:
• Prepare yourself mentally and physically. Check your clothing for blood, wash your
hands and tidy your clothing.
• Confirm that you are talking with the correct relatives and establish their
relationship to the deceased. Briefly establish what they know and use this as the 17
basis for your communication with them.
• Use tone of voice and non-verbal behaviour to support what you are saying.
Smiles, nods, eye contact, the use of touch, facial expression and gestures can
help support verbal communication.
Chapter 17
Supporting the relative in resuscitation practice

• Use simple words and avoid medical jargon and platitudes that will be meaningless
to the relative.
• Sit or position yourself next to the relative so that you are on the same level.
• Do not enter into a long preamble or start to question the relative about issues
such as premorbid health. They want to know immediately whether their loved
one is alive or dead.
• Introduce the word “dead”, “died” or “death” at the earliest moment and reinforce
this on at least one further occasion, so that there is no ambiguity.
• After breaking the news, do not be afraid to allow a period of silence while the
facts are absorbed.

Personal copy of Paul-George Oarga (ID: 1150922)

• Anticipate the different types of reaction/emotional response you may experience
after breaking the bad news.

3.4. Possible responses to grief include:

• acute emotional distress/shock
• anger
• denial/disbelief
• guilt
• catatony
These stages are not linear and individuals may move from one to another, returning to
some repeatedly. An individual’s gender, age and cultural background will influence the
response to grief. Respect cultural requirements and, where possible, provide written
guidelines for individual ethnic groups.

3.5. Arranging viewing of the body

Many newly bereaved relatives value the opportunity to view their loved ones. Their
experience is likely to be affected by whether the deceased appears in a presentable
condition. Advise relatives what to expect before viewing the body. People are less
concerned about medical devices and equipment than is generally believed. If the
deceased has mutilating injuries, warn the relatives. Being in the physical presence of their
loved one will help them work through the grieving process. Ensure the opportunity to
touch/hold the deceased is given. Staff should accompany relatives during the viewing
process and they should remain near by to offer support or provide information as

3.6. Religious requirements, legal and practical arrangements

Variations in handling the body and expressions of grief are influenced by the patient’s
religious convictions. The resuscitation team should take into account the beliefs, values
and rituals of the patient and the family. There is an increasing emphasis on the need for

care practice to be culturally sensitive, as a way of valuing and respecting the cultural and
religious needs of patients. Religious representatives from the patient’s denomination
or faith are usually available to attend in hospital. Hospital chaplains are a great source
of strength and information to families and staff. Prayers, blessings, religious acts and
procedure are all important in ensuring that relatives are not distressed further.

Legal and practical arrangements are equally important. These include:

• notification of the coroner or other appropriate authority
• notification of the patient’s family doctor
• organ donation decisions
Personal copy of Paul-George Oarga (ID: 1150922)

• provision of information about what to do in the event of death

• involvement of religious ministers
• adhere to hospital procedure in the return of patients property and valuables
• information concerning the social services that are available
• information concerning post mortem examination where indicated
• follow-up arrangements, which may involve long-term counselling
• provision of a telephone contact number for relatives to use and a named staff
member who they can call should they have any further questions


• M
 any relatives want the opportunity to be present during the attempted
resuscitation of their loved one. This may help the grieving process.

• C
 ommunication with bereaved relatives should be honest, simple, and


Chapter 17
Supporting the relative in resuscitation practice

• Bossaert L, Perkins GD, Askitopoulou H, et al. European Resuscitation Council Guidelines for Resus-
citation 2015 Section 11 The Ethics of Resuscitation and End-of-Life Decisions. 10.1016/j.resuscita-
tion.2015.07.033; p301 - p310
• Axelsson A, Zettergren M, Axelsson C. Good and bad experiences of family presence during acute
care and resuscitation. What makes the difference? Eur J Cardiovasc Nurs 2005;4:161-9.
• Kent H, McDowell J. Sudden bereavement in acute care settings. Nursing Standard 2004;19:6.
• McMahon-Parkes, K: Moule, P; Benger, J The views and preferences of resuscitated and non resus-
citated patients towards family witnessed resuscitation : a qualitative study. International Journal
Nursing Studies. 2009; 46 (2): 220-229.
• Moons P European Nursing Organizations stand up for family presence during cardiopulmonary
resuscitation: A joint position statement. International perspectives on cardiovascular nursing

Personal copy of Paul-George Oarga (ID: 1150922)

2008:136 -139.
• Resuscitation Council (UK). Should relatives witness resuscitation? London, Resuscitation Council
(UK), 1996.
• Royal College of Nursing. Witnessing Resuscitation: Guidance for Nursing Staff. Royal College of
Nursing, London, April 2002.
• Watts, J Death, Dying and Bereavement: Issues for practice. Dunedin 2010.


Drugs used in the treatment

of Cardiac Arrest
Drug Shockable (VF/Pulseless VT) Non-Shockable (PEA/Asystole)
Adrenaline • Dose: 1 mg (10 ml 1:10,000 or • D
 ose: 1 mg (10 ml 1:10,000 or 1 ml
1 ml 1:1,000) IV 1:1,000) IV
Personal copy of Paul-George Oarga (ID: 1150922)

• Given after the 3rd shock if iv/io • G

 iven as soon as iv/io access is
access is obtained obtained
• Repeated every 3-5 min • R
 epeated every 3-5 min (alternate
(alternate loops) loops)
• Give without interrupting chest • G
 ive without interrupting chest
compressions compressions
Adrenaline has been the primary sympathomimetic drug for the
management of cardiac arrest for 45 years. Its alpha-adrenergic effects
cause systemic vasoconstriction, which increases macrovascular coronary
and cerebral perfusion pressures. The beta-adrenergic actions of adrenaline
(inotropic, chronotropic) may increase coronary and cerebral blood flow,
but concomitant increases in myocardial oxygen consumption and ectopic
ventricular arrhythmias (particularly in the presence of acidaemia), transient
hypoxaemia because of pulmonary arteriovenous shunting, impaired
microcirculation, and increased post cardiac arrest myocardial dysfunction
may offset these benefits. Adrenaline use is associated with more rhythm
transitions during ALS, both during VF and PEA. Although there is no
evidence of long-term benefit from the use of adrenaline, the improved
short-term survival documented in some studies warrants its continued use.
Amiodarone • D
 ose: 300 mg bolus IV • N
 ot indicated for PEA or asystole
• Given after the 3 shock if iv/io

access is obtained
• Further dose of 150 mg after the
5th shock if VF/pVT persists
Amiodarone is a membrane-stabilising anti-arrhythmic drug that increases
the duration of the action potential and refractory period in atrial and
ventricular myocardium. Atrioventricular conduction is slowed, and a
similar effect is seen with accessory pathways. Amiodarone has a mild
negative inotropic action and causes peripheral vasodilation through
non-competitive alpha-blocking effects. The hypotension that occurs with
intravenous amiodarone is related to the rate of delivery and is caused by
the solvent, rather than the drug itself.

When amiodarone is unavailable, consider an initial dose of 100 mg

(1-1.5 mg kg-1) of lidocaine for VF/pVT refractory to three shocks. Give an
additional bolus of 50 mg if necessary. The total dose should not exceed
3 mg kg-1 during the first hour.

Appendix A
Drugs used in the treatment of Cardiac Arrest

Drug Shockable (VF/Pulseless VT) Non-Shockable (PEA/Asystole)

Magnesium • D
 ose: 2 g given peripherally IV • D
 ose: 2 g given peripherally IV
• May be repeated after 10-15 min • M
 ay be repeated after 10-15 min
• Indicated for VT, torsade de • Indicated for supraventricular
pointes, or digoxin toxicity tachycardia or digoxin toxicity
associated with hypomagnesaemia associated with hypomagnesaemia
Magnesium facilitates neurochemical transmission: it decreases
acetylcholine release and reduces the sensitivity of the motor endplate.
Magnesium also improves the contractile response of the stunned
myocardium, and may limit infarct size.
Calcium • N
 ot indicated for shockable • D
 ose: 10 ml 10 % calcium chloride

Personal copy of Paul-George Oarga (ID: 1150922)

rhythms (6.8 mmol Ca2+) IV
• Indicated for PEA caused
specifically by hyperkalaemia,
hypocalcaemia or overdose of
calcium channel blocking drugs
Calcium plays a vital role in the cellular mechanisms underlying myocardial
contraction. High plasma concentrations achieved after injection may be harmful
to the ischaemic myocardium and may impair cerebral recovery. Do not give
calcium solutions and sodium bicarbonate simultaneously by the same route.
Sodium • Dose: 50 mmol (50 ml of an 8.4 % solution) IV
Bicarbonate • Routine use not recommended
• C
 onsider sodium bicarbonate in shockable and non-shockable rhythms for
- cardiac arrest associated with hyperkalaemia
- tricyclic overdose.
Repeat the dose as necessary, but use acid-base analysis to guide therapy.
Cardiac arrest results in combined respiratory and metabolic acidosis
because pulmonary gas exchange ceases and cellular metabolism becomes
anaerobic. The best treatment of acidaemia in cardiac arrest is chest
compression; some additional benefit is gained by ventilation. Bicarbonate
causes generation of carbon dioxide, which diffuses rapidly into cells. This
has the following effects:
• it exacerbates intracellular acidosis
• it produces a negative inotropic effect on ischaemic myocardium
• it presents a large, osmotically-active sodium load to an already
compromised circulation and brain
• it produces a shift to the left in the oxygen dissociation curve, further
inhibiting release of oxygen to the tissues
Do not give calcium solutions and sodium bicarbonate simultaneously by
the same route.
Fluids Infuse fluids rapidly if hypovolaemia is suspected. During resuscitation,
there are no clear advantages in using colloid, so use 0.9 % sodium chloride
or Hartmann’s solution. Avoid dextrose, which is redistributed away from
the intravascular space rapidly and causes hyperglycaemia, which may
worsen neurological outcome after cardiac arrest.

Drug Shockable (VF/Pulseless VT) Non-Shockable (PEA/Asystole)
Thrombolytics • Tenecteplase 500-600 mcg kg-1 IV bolus

• Alteplase (r-tPA) 0.6 mg kg-1 IV bolus

Fibrinolytic therapy should not be used routinely in cardiac arrest.

Consider fibrinolytic therapy when cardiac arrest is caused by proven
or suspected acute pulmonary embolus. If a fibrinolytic drug is given
in these circumstances, consider performing CPR for at least 60-90 min
before termination of resuscitation attempts. Ongoing CPR is not a
contraindication to fibrinolysis.
Personal copy of Paul-George Oarga (ID: 1150922)


Appendix B
Drugs used in the peri-arrest period


Drugs used in the peri-arrest period

Drug Indication Dose
Adenosine • P
 aroxysmal SVT with re- • 6
 mg IV bolus (in some countries
entrant circuits that include the only 5 mg preparations available)
atrioventricular (AV) node (AVNRT • I f unsuccessful, give up to two
and AVRT) doses of 12 (10) mg after 1-2 min
Adenosine is a naturally occurring purine nucleotide. It slows transmission

Personal copy of Paul-George Oarga (ID: 1150922)

through the AV node but has little effect on other myocardial cells or con-
duction pathways. It is highly effective for terminating paroxysmal SVT with
re-entrant circuits that include the AV node (AVNRT). In other narrow-com-
plex tachycardias, adenosine will reveal the underlying atrial rhythms by
slowing the ventricular response. It has an extremely short half-life of
10-15 s and, therefore, is given as a rapid bolus into a fast running intrave-
nous infusion or followed by a saline flush. Warn patients of transient un-
pleasant side effects; in particular, nausea, flushing, and chest discomfort. It
is contraindicated in patients with known or suspected bronchoconstrictive
or bronchospastic lung disease.
Adrenaline • S econd-line treatment for • 0.05-1 mcg kg-1 min-1
cardiogenic shock
• 2-10 mcg min-1
• B
 radycardia (alternative to
external pacing) • See chapter 12

• Anaphylaxis
An adrenaline infusion is indicated in the post-resuscitation period when
less potent inotropic drugs (e.g. dobutamine) have failed to increase cardiac
output adequately. It is indicated also for bradycardia associated with
adverse signs and/or risk of asystole, which has not responded to atropine, if
external pacing is unavailable or unsuccessful.
Amiodarone • C ontrol of haemodynamically sta- • 3  00 mg IV over 1-60 min (depend-
ble monomorphic VT, polymorphic ing on haemodynamic stability of
VT and wide-complex tachycardia patient)
of uncertain origin
• F ollowed by 900 mg over 24 h
• Paroxysmal SVT uncontrolled by
• A dditional infusions of 150 mg
adenosine, vagal manoeuvres or
can be repeated as necessary for
AV nodal blockade
recurrent or resistant arrhythmias
• To control a rapid ventricular rate to a maximum manufacturer-rec-
caused by accessory pathway conduc- ommended total daily dose of 2 g
tion in pre-excited atrial arrhythmias (this maximum licensed dose var-
In patients with pre-excitation and AF, ies between different countries)
digoxin, non-dihydropyridine calcium
channel antagonists, or intravenous
amiodarone should not be adminis-
tered as they may increase the ventric-
ular response and may result in VF

Drug Indication Dose
Amiodarone • A
 fter unsuccessful electrical
cardioversion, to achieve chemical
cardioversion or to increase the
likelihood of further electrical
cardioversion succeeding
Intravenous amiodarone has effects on sodium, potassium and calcium
channels as well as alpha- and beta-adrenergic blocking properties. In
patients with severely impaired heart function, intravenous amiodarone is
preferable to other anti-arrhythmic drugs for atrial and ventricular tach-
yarrhythmias. Major adverse effects (caused by the solvent, not the active
drug) are hypotension and bradycardia, which can be minimised by slowing
Personal copy of Paul-George Oarga (ID: 1150922)

the rate of drug infusion. Whenever possible, intravenous amiodarone

should be given via a central venous catheter; it causes thrombophlebitis
when infused into a peripheral vein, but in an emergency it can be injected
into a large peripheral vein.
Acetylsalicyl- • Acute coronary syndromes • 1
 50 to 300 mg of a non-enteric
ic acid (ASA) coated formulation or 150 mg
of an IV preparation as soon as
Aspirin improves the prognosis of patients with acute coronary syndromes,
significantly reducing cardiovascular death. The efficacy of aspirin is achieved
by anti-platelet activity and preventing early platelet thrombus formation.
Atropine • S inus, atrial, or nodal bradycardia or • 500 mcg IV
AV-block, when the haemodynamic
condition of the patient is unstable • R  epeated doses to maximum of
because of the bradycardia. 3 mg
Atropine antagonises the action of the parasympathetic neurotransmitter
acetylcholine at muscarinic receptors. Therefore, it blocks the effect of the
vagus nerve on both the sinoatrial (SA) node and the AV node, increasing
sinus automaticity and facilitating AV node conduction. Side effects of
atropine are dose-related (blurred vision, dry mouth and urinary retention).
It can cause acute confusion, particularly in elderly patients. Asystole during
cardiac arrest is usually caused by primary myocardial pathology rather than
excessive vagal tone and there is no evidence that routine use of atropine is
beneficial in the treatment of asystole or PEA.

Use atropine cautiously in the presence of acute coronary ischaemia or

myocardial infarction; increased heart rate may worsen ischaemia or in-
crease the zone of infarction.

Appendix B
Drugs used in the peri-arrest period

Drug Indication Dose

Beta- • Narrow-complex regular tachy- Atenolol (beta1)
adrenoceptor cardias uncontrolled by vagal • 5
 mg IV over 5 min, repeated if
blockers manoeuvres or adenosine in necessary after 10 min
patients with preserved ventricu-
lar function Metoprolol (beta1)
• T o control rate in atrial fibrillation • 2
 -5 mg IV at 5-min intervals to a
(AF) and atrial flutter when total of 15 mg
ventricular function is preserved.
Propranolol (beta1 and beta2 effects)
• 1
 00 mcg kg-1 IV slowly in three
equal doses at 2-3 min intervals


Personal copy of Paul-George Oarga (ID: 1150922)

• s hort-acting (half-life of 2-9 min)
beta1- selective beta-blocker
• I V loading dose of 500 mcg kg-1
over 1 min
• f ollowed by a titrated infusion of
50-200 mcg kg-1 min-1
Beta blocking drugs reduce the effects of circulating catecholamines and
decrease heart rate and blood pressure. There is no evidence to support
routine intravenous beta-blockers in the prehospital or initial ED settings.
Side effects of beta blockade include bradycardia, AV conduction delay,
hypotension and bronchospasm. Contraindications to the use of beta-ad-
renoceptor blocking drugs include second- or third-degree heart block,
hypotension, severe congestive heart failure and lung disease associated
with bronchospasm.
Verapamil • Stable regular narrow-complex • 2
 .5-5 mg intravenously given over
tachycardias uncontrolled or 2 min
unconverted by vagal manoeuvres • I n the absence of a therapeutic
or adenosine response or drug-induced adverse
• To control ventricular rate in pa- event, give repeated doses of
tients with AF or atrial flutter and 5-10 mg every 15-30 min to a
preserved ventricular function maximum of 20 mg.
Verapamil is a calcium channel blocking drug that slows conduction and
increases refractoriness in the AV node. These actions may terminate re-en-
trant arrhythmias and control the ventricular response rate in patients with
atrial tachycardias (including AF and atrial flutter). Intravenous verapamil
should be given only to patients with narrow-complex paroxysmal SVT or
arrhythmias known with certainty to be of supraventricular origin. Giving
calcium channel blockers to a patient with ventricular tachycardia may cause
cardiovascular collapse. Verapamil may decrease myocardial contractility
and critically reduce cardiac output in patients with severe LV dysfunction.

Drug Indication Dose
Positive • Hypotension in the absence of Dobutamine
inotropic hypovolaemia 5-20 mcg kg-1 min-1
drugs Dopamine
• Cardiogenic shock
1-10 mcg kg-1 min-1
0.05-1 mcg kg-1 min-1
Dobutamine is often the positive inotropic drug of choice in the post-re-
suscitation period. Its beta agonist activity also causes vasodilation and an
increase in heart rate. It is indicated when poor cardiac output and hypo-
tension cause significantly reduced tissue perfusion. It is useful particularly
when pulmonary oedema is present and hypotension prevents the use of
other vasodilators.
Dopamine is the precursor of the naturally occurring catecholamines adren-
aline and noradrenaline. It has a dose dependent positive inotropic effect.
Personal copy of Paul-George Oarga (ID: 1150922)

Noradrenaline is a potent vasoconstrictor but also has a positive inotropic

effect. It is indicated in the post resuscitation period when hypotension and
poor cardiac output cause reduced tissue perfusion.
Magnesium • Polymorphic ventricular tachycar- • D
 ose: 2 g given peripherally (IV)
dia (torsade de pointes) over 10 min
• Digoxin toxicity • M
 ay be repeated once if necessary
Magnesium facilitates neurochemical transmission: it decreases acetylcho-
line release and reduces the sensitivity of the motor endplate.
Nitrates • P
 rophylaxis or relief of angina • G
 TN: Sublingual 400 mcg (spray or
• Unstable angina pectoris tablet) every 5 min up to 3 doses;
isosorbide mononitrate or dinitrate
• Myocardial infarction 30-120 mg oral per day (various
• Acute and chronic left ventricular preparations and dosing frequen-
failure cies); transdermal 5-15 mg daily

• GTN: Sublingual 300-600 mcg (spray

or tablet); buccal tablets
2-5 mg; IV 10-200 mcg min-1; isosor-
bide mononitrate or dinitrate 30-120
mg oral per day (various prepara-
tions and dosing frequencies)
• G
 TN: Sublingual 300-600 mcg
(spray or tablet); buccal 2-5 mg; IV
10-200 mcg min-1
• G
 TN: iv begin at 10-200 mcg min-1
IV in persistent pain or pulmonary
edeme; titrate to desired BP effect
isosorbide mononitrate or dinitrate
30-120 mg oral per day (various
preparations and dosing frequen-
cies); transdermal 5-15 mg daily
After conversion to nitric oxide, nitrates cause vascular smooth muscle
relaxation. The resultant dilation is more marked on the venous than the
arterial side of the circulation, and it is this venodilatation, reducing left
ventricular diastolic pressure, that is mainly responsible for relieving angina.

Nitrates also dilate the coronary arteries and relieve spasm in coronary
smooth muscle. Nitrates are contraindicated in hypotensive patients (systol-
ic blood pressure < 90 mmHg).

Appendix C
Useful websites


Useful websites European Resuscitation Council Resuscitation Council UK International Liaison Committee on Resuscitation American Heart Association

Personal copy of Paul-George Oarga (ID: 1150922) Intensive Care Society Association of Anaesthetists of Great Britain and Ireland Best evidence topics in emergency medicine British Cardiac Society European Society of Cardiology Focused Echocardiography in Emergency Life Support

Personal copy of Paul-George Oarga (ID: 1150922)

Personal Notes
Personal copy of Paul-George Oarga (ID: 1150922)

Personal copy of Paul-George Oarga (ID: 1150922)

Personal copy of Paul-George Oarga (ID: 1150922)

Personal copy of Paul-George Oarga (ID: 1150922)

This ERC manual has been accomplished with the continuous support of the ERC Business Partners:

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European Resuscitation Council vzw
Emile Vanderveldelaan 35 - 2845 Niel - Belgium
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Personal copy of Paul-George Oarga (ID: 1150922)

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