0705 Max Communication

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COMPANY REPORT Satellite Wholesaler max communication

Entrance to max communication’s

new building. The offices are to the

left with the warehouse to the right.

in Hamburg
The people in Hamburg are well-known
for their levelheaded and conservative way
of thinking. This attitude could actually hide
their ambitious side from view. This can also
be easily seen in the company max commu-
nication. As a satellite wholesaler, they are
very well known but there is a lot more going
behind their front doors!

max communication was founded by Thomas

Guhlich in 1990. His brother had been operat-
ing a successful computer wholesaling busi-
ness and this gave Thomas the incentive to
start his own satellite wholesale business. He

Product Manager Frank Zimnik has reason to smile. He pro-

phesizes that “In 2008 HDTV will take off: the Olympics and
the European Football championships will take care of that.
Naturally, max communication’s Chess brand name will
also have an HDTV receiver, perhaps even by the fall of this
The two owners of max communication: Managing Director Dirk Wittenborg (left) and year.”
founder and Technical Director Thomas Guhlich (right).

Jens Kortekamp, Director Key Accounts (foreground) with Jörn Dreyer, Manager Key Callers to max communication will be greeted by the friendly
Account. voice of Sonja Scherdin.

TELE-satellite International — www.TELE-satellite.com

traveled with a small truck to Italy and pur- employees in sales, four in technical service
chased satellite antennas there. as well as the Product Manager and Director
Key Account.”
This small beginning with only a few employ-
ees has since grown at such a tempo that in Now the hidden ambitions will finally come to
2004 it was necessary to expand the control the surface. What exactly does a Director Key
of the company. Thomas Guhlich searched for Accounts do? Jens Kortekamp tells us more:
a strategic partner and found Dirk Wittenborg, “At the moment, 70% of max communication’s
formerly connected with banking and consult- sales are domestic while 30% are exported to
ing. In April 2006 he took over 50% of max Europe. But we want to change that.” His job
communication. Since then Thomas Guhlich is to build up relationships with wholesalers
has been handling all affairs related to pur- in European countries. “max communication
chasing, logistics and warehousing while Dirk has a unique way of working with other deal-
Wittenborg has been concerning himself with ers. Constant quality as well as responsive
the financial, sales and strategic side of the service and price guarantees are extremely
business. important.” max communication sees an
opportunity here to apply their experiences to
max communication serves satellite dealers. other countires and to export their promise of
Jens Kortekamp, Director Key Accounts, came quality. “There are no European-wide satel-
up with the slogan: “One face to the customer”. lite wholesalers, only those that are national”, A look at the warehouse: pallets of satellite pro-
This simply means that dealers really don’t explains Jens Kortekamp. Currently there is a ducts
need any other suppliers since max communi- gap in this marketplace that max communica-
cation would be able to deliver everything they tion wants to close. plish our expansion, we began to update our
need for their daily operation from standard entire IT infrastructure after our move last
products such as dishes, LNBs and receivers Are there any other gaps? We posed this November. Our plan is to launch our fully inte-
to smaller items such as antenna mast brack- question to Frank Zimnik, product manager grated business software project in March of
ets and coax cable. Jens Kortekamp explains: with many years of experience in the satel- this year. Our new shop system goes online
“Today many dealers tend not to build up their lite industry. “max communication has built in the third quarter of 2007: orders can be
own stock since this would require capital and up their own brand names: Chess as a dealer received and processed directly from the cus-
also because existing stock has the poten- brand name and Platinum as a budget and tomers and starting with the fourth quarter
tial to become outdated rather quickly.” The price-aggressive name”, comments Frank the language modules will become active, first
Just-in-Time principle has also found its way Zimnik, “but there’s more. We also offer high- for English and French with other languages to
to retail satellite dealers and this means that end names such as Topfield for PVR’s, plus follow.”
these dealers have to rely on immediate deliv- we are also an official partner with ALPS for
eries from wholesalers such as max communi- LNBs and Vantage for receivers.” Where will By the time you read this, max communication
cation without having to stock every product all of this go? “As a European-wide dealer we will already have another building block acti-
in large numbers themselves. would offer products based on region and/or vated to support European-wide distribution:
country, such as, a receiver with Conax for the the linking with Coface so that customers can
To help guarantee this, max communication Scandinavian market or a CI unit for the Greek be offered various purchase financing options.
moved to a new building in November 2006. market.” max communication has arranged This means that customers can be billed for
In addition to the 1000 square-meter office with the manufacturers, most of which from the products they order as long as they have a
space, plenty of room for even further expan- China, to handle the adaptation of the units positive credit history.
sion, the warehouse is 3000 square-meters to their destination countries enabling them to
large and is located in Rellingen’s industrial deliver region-specific products. These many different plans are surprisingly
park, northwest of Hamburg, next to the ambitious for a company that already sees itself
A23 autobahn. Marketing Manager Michael The ultimate goal to deliver to destinations as one of the three largest satellite wholesal-
Sierakowitz explains: “Today 36 employees throughout Europe was underscored by Dirk ers in Germany and may soon be the first true
work for max communication, this includes 10 Wittenborg, who told us, “In order to accom- European-wide wholesaler. Good luck!

The service technicians are always busy answering customer service questions by Mobile stock is automatically moved in order to make more room.
phone or repairing defective receivers or multiswitches. From the left: Saim Taski- Warehouse manager Hüseyin Kök with one of their satellite
ran, Rainer Flemming and Manfred Schmidt. dishes.

www.TELE-satellite.com — TELE-satellite International

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