Possible Developmental Early Effects of Endocrine Disrupters On Child Health
Possible Developmental Early Effects of Endocrine Disrupters On Child Health
Possible Developmental Early Effects of Endocrine Disrupters On Child Health
Possible developmental
early effects of endocrine
disrupters on child health
Possible developmental
early effects of endocrine
disrupters on child health
1. Introduction
a. Endocrine system
b. Endocrine regulation of development
i. gonadal hormones sex differentiation
ii. thyroid hormones significance in brain development
5. Summary
6. References
1. Introduction
In the 1960s, congenital malformations caused by drugs used during
pregnancy alerted the medical community to the fragility of the developing
fetus. The thalidomide tragedy changed the attitude to developmental
toxicology. Only a decade later, another sad story of pregnancy-related
medication started to unravel when an association between fetal exposure
to diethyl stilbestrol (DES) and vaginal clear cell adenocarcinoma in
teen-aged girls became evident. Later on, several other adverse effects
of DES were found both in boys and girls. These unfortunate human
experiments could have been avoided, if the drugs had been properly
tested and the results given proper attention. DES is a potent synthetic
estrogen that has been linked to cryptorchidism, hypospadias and reduced
sperm production after fetal and perinatal exposure in both the human
and the mouse. It may also increase the risk of testicular cancer. Data
from numerous reproductive and developmental toxicity tests that were
increasingly performed after the 1960s brought to light a large number of
chemicals that affected the endocrine system and showed adverse effects
in the reproductive organs. The rapid increase in the incidence of testicular
cancer and deteriorating semen quality plus the emerging problems in
reproduction of wild animals were linked to possible developmental
endocrine disruption, and the chemical compounds having this kind
of effects in experimental animals were called endocrine disrupters (or
disruptors). According to WHO, endocrine disrupting chemicals are
substances that alter one or more functions of the endocrine system
and consequently cause adverse health effects in an intact organism, or
its progeny, or (sub)populations (WHO, International Programme on
Chemical Safety). Estrogenic endocrine disrupters received much of the
early attention, but soon anti-androgenic and thyroid hormone disrupting
compounds came into the focus of endocrine research. Adverse effects
of endocrine disrupters on adipose tissue, the adrenal glands and the
endocrine pancreas have further widened this research area.
There is ample evidence of endocrine disruption in wildlife, and the
mechanisms of action of endocrine disrupters have been elucidated in
experimental animals, but there is limited knowledge of the association
of human disorders with exposure to endocrine disrupters. Accumulating
data suggest that many adult diseases have fetal origins, but the causes
have remained unexplained. Reproductive disorders, especially those
Leydig cell
Sertoli cell
Germ cell
Figure 1A. Schematic representation of the hypothalamopituitary-testis axis. GnRH, gonadotropin releasing hormone;
LH, luteinizing hormone; FSH, follicle stimulating hormone.
Figure 1B. Schematic representation of the hypothalamopituitary-ovary axis. GnRH, gonadotropin releasing hormone;
LH, luteinizing hormone; FSH, follicle stimulating hormone
In the early embryo the two sexes are indistinguishable before the gonadal
sex is determined by a genetic programme involving SRY gene in the Y
chromosome. In the presence of SRY and several down stream genes the
gonad is directed to become a testis, whereas in the absence of SRY other
genes guide the gonad towards ovarian development. The fetal ovary
stays hormonally inactive, whereas fetal testis is producing large amounts
of hormones soon after testicular differentiation in gestational weeks
8-16. Somatic Sertoli cells in the testis produce anti-Mllerian hormone
(AMH) that induces involution of the paramesonephric ducts (also called
Mllerian ducts) that in the absence of AMH develop into the oviducts, the
uterus and the upper part of the vagina. Therefore male newborns do not
have these structures, whereas females do. Testicular Leydig cells produce
testosterone that stimulates fetal mesonephric ducts (also called Wolffian
ducts) to develop to epididymides, ejaculatory ducts and seminal vesicles.
These structures disappear in female fetuses, because the ovaries do not
secrete testosterone. Testosterone is further metabolized by 5-alphareductase enzyme to dihydrotestosterone (DHT) in the genital area. DHT
is needed for the development of the prostate and masculinization of the
external genitalia, i.e. development of scrota and the penis. If the DHT
is missing, fusion of the urethral folds can be insufficient resulting in
hypospadias and the penis may remain very small. In worst cases scrotal
fusion may also be deficient with the result that the 46,XY newborn looks
like a female. Leydig cells secrete also insulin like peptide 3 (INSL3) that
together with testosterone regulates testicular descent from the abdomen
to the scrotum.
Increased prevalence of
Epididymal cysts
Infection/inflammation of testis
Vaginal adenosis
esters (DBP,
Flame retardants
diphenyl ethers)
biphenyls (PCBs)
Epididymal cysts
Reduction in testis weight
Testicular lesions
Inflammatory disease of the
accessory sex glands
Reduction in the number of
spermatogonia with multinucleate
cells in lumina of testis
Nodular enlargements of the
seminal vesicles and/or prostate
Distension and overgrowth of the
rete testis
Distension and reduction in
epithelial height of the efferent
Underdevelopment of the
epididymal duct epithelium
Reduction in epithelial height in the
vas deferens
Convolution of the extraepididymal vas
Decreased testosterone levels
McLachlan, 1977
McLachlan, 1977
McLachlan, 1977
Fisher et al., 1999; Lewis et al., 2003;
McKinnell et al., 2001
McLachlan, 1977
McLachlan, 1977
McLachlan, 1977
McLachlan, 1977
Fisher et al., 1999; McKinnell et al.,
2001; Rivas et al., 2002
Fisher et al., 1999; McKinnell et al.,
2001; Rivas et al., 2002
McKinnell et al., 2001
McKinnell et al., 2001; Rivas et al.,
McKinnell et al., 2001;
Rivas et al., 2002; Yamamoto et al.,
Yamamoto et al., 2003
McKinnell et al., 2001
McLachlan, 1977
McLachlan, 1977
Lewis et al., 2003
McLachlan, 1977
Faber and Hughes, 1991; Lewis et
al., 2003
McLachlan, 1977
McLachlan, 1977
McLachlan, 1977
(Genistein, Daidzein)
Alkyl phenol
ethoxylates (p-tertoctylphenol,
Alkyl phenol
ethoxylates (p-tertoctylphenol,
Phthalate esters
Phthalate esters
Reduced fertility
Reduced fecundity
Reduced cauda epididymal sperm
Reduced daily sperm production
Reduced plasma and/or testicular
testosterone levels
Chlorinated pesticides
Uterine abnormalities
Reduced fertility
Reduced accessory sex organ
Reduced anogenital distance
Delayed preputial separation
Abnormally small penis
Poorly organized testis
Decreased plasma testosterone
Increased plasma estradiol levels
Abnormal ovarian morphology with
large number of polyovular follicles
and polynuclear oocytes
Reduced accessory sex organ
Delayed testis descent
Epididymal malformations
Altered sex behavior
Decreased sperm numbers
Nipple retention
biphenyls (PCBs; PBC
77, 118, 126, 132,
Herbicides (Linuron)
Foote, 1999
Foote, 1999
Tam and Liu, 1985
Tam and Liu, 1985
Tam and Liu, 1985
Ishitobi and Watanabe, 2005
Tam and Liu, 1985
Ishitobi and Watanabe, 2005
Johnson et al., 2003
Johnson et al., 2003
Faust, 2010). Thus, when animals are exposed to the chemicals at levels
that never cause hypospadias, they can together elicit hypospadias in 100%
of offspring (Jacobsen et al., 2010; Rider et al., 2010).
b. Thyroid hormone disrupters
Numerous chemicals have been shown to interfere with thyroid function
in experimental studies. Several groups of chemicals, e.g. dioxin-like
compounds and certain flame retardants, have a high degree of structural
similarity with the thyroid hormones T3 and T4, thus competing with the
hormones for the TH-receptor and transport proteins.
PCBs and dioxins
Polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs), dioxins (PCDDs) and furans (PCDFs)
are widespread, persistent and toxic environmental pollutants from
industrial production or production of herbicides. They comprise a group
of highly persistent lipophilic chemicals that can be detected in samples
from human and wildlife populations, although banned for decades in
most countries. Many of these compounds, especially the hydroxylated
metabolites, which are also biologically active, have a high degree of
structural resemblance to thyroxine (T4).
The negative effect of PCB-exposure on peripheral thyroid hormone
levels is well documented by studies in laboratory animals. Thus, PCBs
and dioxins decrease the levels of circulating thyroid hormones in rats,
especially T4 (Gauger et al., 2004; van der Plas et al., 2001; Hallgren et al.,
2001; Hallgren and Darnerud, 2002; Martin and Klaassen, 2010; Viluksela
et al., 2004; Nishimura et al., 2002). Similarly, monkeys exposed to PCBs
showed dose-dependent reductions of thyroid hormone levels (van den
Berg, Zurcher and Brouwer., 1988). Mixtures of dioxin-like compound
also decrease levels of T4 in an additive manner (Crofton et al., 2005).
There is substantial evidence that perinatal exposure to PCBs and their
hydroxylated metabolites decreases thyroid hormones in the offspring.
This has been shown for exposure to PCBs in rats (Crofton et al., 2000;
Meerts et al., 2002; Donahue, Dougherty and Meserve, 2004; Meerts et
al., 2004; Zoeller et al., 2000), in sled dogs (Kirkegaard et al., 2010), and
exposure to dioxins in rats (Nishimura et al., 2003; Seo et al., 1995). Mouse
studies have demonstrated accumulation of hydroxylated metabolites in
the fetal compartment (Darnerud et al., 1996).
High scrotal
U.S., Rochester
Minnesota, St. Marys
U.K., West London,
Hillingdon Hospital
India, Kanpur, Dufferin
Hospital and U.I.S.E
Maternity Hospital
Taiwan, Provincial TaoYuan Hospital
(Harris and
Steinberg, 1954)
Korea, 38 hospitals
U.K., Oxford, John
Radcliffe Hospital
Number of
Diagnosis based on
(Buemann et al.,
(Scorer, 1964)
distance measurement
distance measurement
position (presence or
absence of testes in
the scrotum)*
Rate of cryptorchidism
at birth
1.3% (BW>2500g), 1.5%
of all boys
1.8% (BW>2500g), 4.1%
of all boys
2.7% (BW>2500g), 4.2%
of all boys
1.6% of full-term single
born boys
4.1% in preterm boys,
1.4% in mature boys
0.7% of all boys
3.8% (BW>2500g),
4.9% of all boys
(excluding boys with
severe congenital
4.1% (BW>2500g),
5.0% of all boys
(excluding boys with
severe congenital
2.2% (BW>2500g), 3.7%
of all boys
2.4% (BW>2500g), 4.8%
of all boys
(Berkowitz et al.,
(Thong et al., 1998)
(Preiksa et al.,
(Acerini et al., 2009)
There are several other genes that have been linked to cryptorchidism
in experimental animals with knock-out techniques e.g., Hoxa10, Hoxa11
(Hsieh-Li et al., 1995; Rijli et al., 1995; Satokata, Benson and Maas, 1995;
Overbeek et al., 2001; Daftary and Taylor, 2006), but there is little evidence
for their role in humans. Cryptorchidism can also be found as a part of
several syndromes, many of which have an identified genetic reason
(Virtanen et al., 2007). However, a great majority of cryptorchidism occurs
as a single disorder. Genome-wide association analyses and transcriptome
analyses may bring new candidate genes, such as FGFR1 and downstream
signaling molecules SOS1 and RAF1 (Hadziselimovic et al., 2010) that
need to be tested in larger populations. A recent study did not find any
mutations in FGFR1 and heterozygous GnRHR mutations were found
in similar frequency as in a group of controls (Laitinen et al., submitted).
The genes may also be the targets of adverse environmental effects as
exemplified by estrogen-INSL3 interaction.
iii. Endocrine disrupter association
Risk factors for cryptorchidism that have been reported in several studies
include low birth weight, being small for gestational age, prematurity and
having other genital malformations (Hjertkvist, Damber and Bergh, 1989;
Group 1992; Berkowitz et al., 1993; Berkowitz et al., 1995; Jones et al.,
1998; Thong, Lim and Fatimah, 1998; Akre et al., 1999; Weidner et al.,
1999; Ghirri et al., 2002; Boisen et al., 2004; Preiksa et al., 2005). The most
robust evidence of increased risk is associated with intrauterine growth
retardation and being small for gestational age. This was also evident in
Finnish newborns (Boisen et al., 2004). Prematurity is another risk factor,
but many of the premature newborns have a spontaneous descent of the
testes before the due date, reflecting normal physiology. Life style factors,
such as mothers smoking and alcohol consumption may also increase
the risk, although the evidence is less clear. In a prospective, clinical
cohort study, mothers alcohol consumption was associated with a dosedependent increase in the risk of cryptorchidism (Damgaard et al., 2007),
whereas in registry- and interview-based studies including persistent and
severe cases, i.e. those who usually needed treatment, only early gestation
binge drinking showed an association with a slightly increased risk (Jensen
et al., 2007; Mongraw-Chaffin et al., 2008; Strandberg-Larsen et al., 2009).
Most studies have not shown any effect of mothers smoking (MongrawChaffin et al., 2008; Damgaard et al., 2008), whereas the use of nicotine
patches was associated with an increased risk (Damgaard et al., 2008).
equipments. Humans are exposed mainly by food and drink, but also
through skin and indoor air. Diethyl hexyl phthalate and dibutyl phthalate
interfere with testosterone production and therefore have anti-androgenic
effects in developing rodents (Scott, Mason and Sharpe, 2009). In humans,
phthalate levels in mothers urine have been associated with the anogenital
index (defined as the anogenital distance (AGD) divided by the weight
of the boy at examination) of their sons, suggesting also anti-androgenic
effects (Swan et al., 2005). Phthalate levels in breast milk were positively
correlated with increased LH/testosterone ratios, compatible with an antiandrogenic effect forcing pituitary to exert a stronger stimulation to Leydig
cells to maintain normal androgen levels (Main et al., 2006a). Phthalate
levels in mothers breast milk were not directly associated with the risk
of cryptorchidism in the offspring (Main et al., 2006a). Different species
and strains show varying susceptibility to the testicular effects of in utero
phthalate exposure (Johnson et al., 2008; Scott, Mason and Sharpe, 2009).
b. Hypospadias
i. Epidemiology
In hypospadias the urethra has failed to fuse normally on the ventral side of
the penis and opens inappropiately to the end of the split (Figure 4). The
meatus can locate anywhere between the glans and perineum depending
on the severity of hypospadias (Kllen et al., 1986). If the urethra opens
to the glans or corona (sulcus), it is called distal, and this mild form of
hypospadias often does not necessitate any treatment. Therefore it is often
Hooded preputium
(Harris and Steinberg,
Study type
Prospective study (n=4474)
Rate of hypospadias
0.70% (BW>2500g), 0.76%
of all live-born boys
Korea, 38 hospitals
Southern Jordan
prospective study on
pregnant women and
(n=2793 live-born males)
prospective study (n=53394
consecutive single births
(boys and girls))
prospective study (n=7990)
Clinical study of 1748 boys
(aged 6 to 12 years)
Prospective cohort study
Total hospital cohort
Prospective study (n=7292)
Finland,Turku, Turku
University Hospital
(Myrianthopoulos and
Chung, 1974)
Bulgaria, 5 regions
Cross-sectional clinical
study (n=6200 boys aged 0
to 19 years)
registries (Lund et al., 2009), whereas the prospective cohort study showed
the rate of 1.03% (Boisen et al., 2005). Interestingly, in Finland the birth
rate of hypospadias was only 0.3% in a parallel study to that of Boisen et
al. (Virtanen et al., 2001). Incidence data of hypospadias are presented in
Table 4.
ii. Mechanisms
androgen production, because the gene affects hormone synthesis and has
the NR5/SF1 target sequence (Fukami et al., 2008). Mutation in NR5/SF1
cause testicular dysgenesis, too (Bashamboo et al., 2010) and this gene may
be an important target for endocrine disrupters (Suzawa and Ingraham,
2008). MAMLD1 mutations are rare in patients with hypospadias, but this
mutation can be a part of the cascade of events leading to this disorder
(Ogata, Wada and Fukami, 2008; Ogata, Laporte and Fukami, 2009).
Genetic polymorphisms in androgen and estrogen receptors have been
associated with the risk of TDS disorders including hypospadias (Aschim
et al., 2004b; Yoshida et al., 2005; Beleza-Meireles et al., 2006; Watanabe
et al., 2007). However, contradictory results have been published and the
associations with the single nucleotide polymorphisms will need to be
replicated in larger populations (van der Zanden et al., 2010b ; Wang et al.,
2008). A genome-wide association study revealed a common variant of
DGKK, encoding diacylglycerol kinase, to be linked to an increased risk of
hypsopadias (van der Zanden et al., 2011).
iii. Endocrine disrupter association
Cryptorchidism and hypospadias share risk factors, such as being smallfor-gestational age (Akre et al., 1999; Aschim et al., 2004a; Pierik et al.,
2004; Akre et al., 2008). Anti-androgens and estrogens can cause both
conditions, as demonstrated in epidemiological studies that followed the
children of women who used diethyl stilbestrol (DES) during pregnancy
(for review see (Toppari et al., 1996)). There is also evidence of secondgeneration effects of DES, because the sons of women exposed in utero
have a higher prevalence of hypospadias than other men (Klip et al.,
2002; Brouwers et al., 2006; Kalfa, Philibert and Sultan, 2008), suggesting
epigenetic effects by DES. The adverse developmental effects of DES in
humans are very similar to those described in animals (McLachlan et al.,
Epidemiological studies on hypospadias have used many different ways
to assess exposures, including direct measurements in biological samples
from mothers or children, environmental measurements, and job-exposure
matrices. Pesticides have been high on the list of suspected chemicals
because of their endocrine disrupting properties. A meta-analysis of 9
studies assessing the association of pesticide exposure with hypospadias
found elevated but marginally significant risks associated with maternal
occupational exposure [pooled risk ratio (PRR) of 1.36, CI = 1.04-1.77],
the previous studies. The girls were assessed only by visual inspection in
the NHANES III, which has been criticized because this may have caused
some misclassification of some girls as having breast development when
there was just fat around the mammary gland. In the PROS study, 39%
of the girls were also palpated in addition to visual inspection to detect
breast tissue (Kaplowitz and Oberfield 1999), which demonstrated only
limited bias compared to visual assessment alone. An international expert
panel concluded in 2003 that the available data for girls were sufficient to
suggest a secular trend toward earlier onset of breast development among
American girls (Euling et al., 2008). At that time there were not yet studies
supporting such a trend in age at breast development among European
girls (Mul et al, 2001; Juul et al, 2006). However, recent European data
support the US findings of a decline in age at pubertal onset. The age at B2
was 10.3 years in 1638 Italian girls (Castellino et al., 2005), and 10.2 years
in 1562 Turkish girls (Semiz et al., 2008). In Denmark, two similar cohort
studies in which breast development was judged by palpation of glandular
breast tissue showed 12 months earlier age at B2 in 2006-8 (mean age at
B2 was 9.9 years) than in 1991-93 (Aksglaede et al., 2009b; Juul et al., 2006).
As in the US studies, age at menarche advanced only slightly (Aksglaede
et al., 2009b).
Several outbreaks of precocious puberty have been reported, e.g., in
Puerto Rico and in Italy (Comas, 1982; Fara et al., 1979). These have
appeared to be peripheral, i.e. not central, precocious puberty, and the real
causes remained elusive despite many exposure measurements. There are
also some areas with a high incidence of central precocious puberty, e.g. in
Northwest Tuscany (Massart et al., 2005). Pollution from greenhouses and
several small navy yards in that area were suspected to contribute to the
problem, but no causal relationships have been demonstrated.
Adopted and immigrant children from developing countries have an
increased susceptibility to central precocious puberty, which has been
reported in several Western countries (for references see Parent et al.,
2003). The reason is not known, but endocrine disrupters may contribute
(Krstevska-Konstantinova et al., 2001). Relatively high levels of p,p-DDE
were found in 26 immigrant girls with precocious puberty in Belgium,
whereas only two of 15 native Belgian patients had detectable serum
DDE concentration (Krstevska-Konstantinova et al., 2001), which lead
to a hypothesis that early and temporary exposure to weakly estrogenic
dichlorodiphenyltrichloroethane (DDT, parent compound to DDE) in
Chlorinated pesticides
(DDT and DDE)
biphenyls (PCBs)
biphenyls (PBBs)
No association with pubertal
Gladen et al., 2000
Precocious puberty
Great Lakes area, Michigan in USA, or in 196 boys from the Faroe Islands
(Mol et al., 2002). High PCB levels in boys were correlated with late first
ejaculation among 14 Dutch boys in a longitudinal cohort study, but no
other pubertal sign was associated with PCB concentration (Leijs et al.,
2008). In the Yucheng accident, 55 boys were exposed to high levels of
PCB and polychlorinated dibenzofuran (PCDF) levels, and in the followup studies they had shorter penile length than the control boys at the same
age, suggesting pubertal delay (Guo et al., 2004). Among girls in the inner
city of New York, PCB levels were associated with a smaller likelihood
of having breast development among lean 9-year-old girls, whereas no
associations were found with DDE, lead and bisphenol A concentrations
(Wolff et al., 2008). The girls with breast development in that study had
lower levels of urinary biomarkers of phytoestrogens than control girls.
In a small longitudinal cohort study in the Netherlands, no association
was found between PCB and polybrominated diphenyl ether levels and
pubertal development either in boys or girls (Leijs et al., 2008). In summary,
there are two studies suggesting a correlation with delayed puberty and
two studies showing no effect of PCB exposure on the timing of puberty
among boys, whereas there are no consistent associations found among
Polybrominated biphenyls (PBBs)
An animal feeding accident in Michigan in the 1970s caused a secondary
exposure to polybrominated biphenyls (PBBs) in thousands of people
using the products from the farm. In the follow-up studies some years
later, PBBs were measured in the serum of mothers. These measurements
were then used to approximate perinatal exposure of their children. High
exposure through breast feeding was associated with earlier pubic hair
development and an earlier age at menarche among the girls, whereas
breast development was not associated with exposure levels. This study
was based on self-assessment of pubertal development, which might have
caused more inaccuracy in detection of breast development than that of
pubic hair appearance and age at menarche (Blanck et al., 2000).
Children are ubiquitously exposed to phthalate compounds. Animal studies
have shown clear endocrine disrupting properties of many phthtalates,
but there are not many human studies on their possible effects on pubertal
interacts with estrogen receptors (Ohtake et al., 2003). These effects could
have contributed to breast development in highly exposed girls.
Studies on the association of lead exposure with the timing of puberty
have given the most consistent results of the epidemiological puberty
studies. Lead exposure is associated with a delay in pubertal onset. High
lead levels in blood were associated with a delayed age at menarche and
delayed pubic hair development in two studies from the National Health
and Nutrition Examination Survey in U.S. (NHANES III) (Selevan et al.,
2003; Wu et al., 2003). In the study of 2186 girls, breast development was
also delayed (Selevan et al., 2003). Similar findings were reported from
South Africa (Naicker et al., 2010). In a cross-sectional study including
705 10-11 years old girls, blood lead levels were inversely correlated with
inhibin B levels, suggesting a delay of the onset of puberty that is marked
by increasing inhibin B levels (Gollenberg et al., 2010). The correlation
was even stronger when the urinary cadmium concentration was high
(Gollenberg et al., 2010). Lead exposure also is associated with delayed
puberty and growth in boys. Even rather low lead levels in blood were
associated with growth and pubertal development among boys in Central
Russia (Hauser et al., 2008).
d. Thyroid effects
i. Epidemiology
Boas M., Feldt-Rasmussen U, Skkakebaek N., Main K. Toppari J. European Journal of Endocrinology,
2006, 154:599-611. Society of the European Journal of Endocrinology (2006). Used with permission.
Figure 5. Possible mechanisms of action of environmental chemicals on the hypothalamic-pituitary-thyroid axis. (1) Synthesis of
thyroid hormones (TH): interference with NIS, TPO or TSH receptor. (2) Transport proteins. (3) Cellular uptake mechanisms. (4)
The TH receptor. (5) Iodothyronine deiodinases. (6) Metabolism of THs in the liver. TRH, thyrotropin-releasing hormone; TSH, thyroid stimulating hormone; NIS, sodium-iodide symporter; T4, thyroxine; T3, triiodothyronine; TPO, thyroid peroxidise. From: Boas
M., Feldt-Rasmussen U, Skkakebaek N., Main K. Toppari J. European Journal of Endocrinology, 2006, 154:599-611. Society of
the European Journal of Endocrinology (2006). Used with permission.
ii. Mechanisms
Multiple studies of PCB exposure and effects have been carried out in
human populations, several of which raise concern that environmental
levels of PCBs may reduce peripheral thyroid hormone levels (Hagmar et
al., 2001b; Persky et al., 2001; Abdelouahab et al., 2008; Turyk, Anderson
and Persky, 2007; Schell et al., 2008). A few studies also demonstrated a
positive correlation between PCB-exposure and TSH (Osius et al., 1999;
Schell et al., 2008).
Alterations in fetal and infant thyroid homeostasis due to environmental
exposures are of special concern, as it is well known that normal thyroid
function is crucial for neurological development. In recent years, several
studies have aimed at elucidating the potential toxic effects of environmental
levels of PCBs on human thyroid function in developmentally-important
age groups. Thus, environmental levels of PCBs are associated with
reduced thyroid hormone levels and/or positive associations with TSH
in pregnant women in several studies (Takser et al., 2005; Chevrier et al.,
2008), but not in all (Wilhelm et al., 2008). This indicates that maternal
thyroid function, which is important for the neurological development in
the fetus, may be altered by PCBs or other organochlorine compounds.
Studies of newborn babies and infants have been performed in different
settings, but the results are not consistent. This may be due to difficulties in
obtaining sufficiently large populations as well as obtaining blood samples
for evaluation of thyroid hormone levels. Serum levels of especially
thyroid-stimulating hormone, and to a lesser degree peripheral thyroid
hormones, change dramatically over the first few days of life, influenced
by various factors related to pregnancy, delivery and perinatal health
(Herbstman et al., 2008). An optimal evaluation of thyroid hormones in
Some human studies of HCB exposure have reported an inverse association
with thyroid hormone levels (Meeker, Calafat and Hauser, 2007a; Schell et
al., 2010).
BPA, UV-filters
No studies of effects of BPA and ultraviolet filters on thyroid function in
humans have been identified.
5. Summary
Several reproductive and other endocrine disorders have reached epidemic
frequencies and birth rates are extremely low in many countries. The
background for these trends is poorly understood. One of the main
reasons for low birth rates in the increased use of contraception, but
increased infertility might be partially attributed to environmental factors.
Some of the disorders such as undescended testis and hypospadias often
lead to early surgery of affected infants, who nevertheless have increased
risk of infertility and testis cancer later in life. Fetal development is a
critical period for all these disorders, also for testis cancer and some cases
of infertility and it is likely that the same factors can lead to all of them,
albeit not necessarily all at the same time. This quadrad (cryptorchidism,
hypospadias, testis cancer and failure of spermatogenesis) has been
called testicular dysgenesis syndrome (TDS). Exposure to antiandrogenic
compounds at a critical developmental window leads to a TDS-like
phenotype in the rat. These chemicals have additive effects, and adverse
effects in mixture studies appear at chemical doses that are below noadverse-effect levels for individual compounds. Therefore it is difficult
to estimate, whether current safety margins for allowed daily intakes
are adequate. In epidemiological studies, exposure to some endocrine
disrupter groups, such as polybrominated flame retardants and chlorinated
pesticides, has been associated with an increased risk of cryptorchidism.
However, much more work is needed to expand the information on
exposure-outcome relationships both for different chemicals and for
different outcomes. Normal thyroid function is crucial for development,
and any disruption of thyroid hormone action may have disastrous
consequences in childrens health. The first two years of life when the
central nervous system is rapidly developing are the most critical period.
It is therefore very important to recognize any endocrine disrupters that
can interfere with thyroid function or thyroid hormone action. The most
6. References
Abdelouahab N et al (2008). Gender differences in the effects of organochlorines,
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