Lipase Enzyme. Donnan

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Lipase Enzyme & Lipolysis, Important To Breakdown Fats!

The lipase enzyme is a naturally occurring enzyme found in the stomach and
pancreatic juice, which is also found within fats in the foods that we eat.
Lipase enzyme digests fats and lipids, helping to maintain correct gall
bladder function. As such, these constitute any of the fat-splitting or lipolytic
enzymes, all of which cleave a fatty acid residue from the glycerol residue in
a neutral fat or a phospholipid. The lipase enzyme controls the amount of fat
being synthesized and that which is burned in the body, reducing adipose
tissue (fat stores).
The lipase enzyme belongs to the esterases family of proteins. The lipase
enzyme is found widely distributed in the plant world (beans and legumes),
as well as in molds, bacteria, milk and milk products, and in animal tissues,
especially in the pancreas. In sufficient quantities of lipase enzyme
production, lipase can help use fat-stores to be burned as fuel. Indeed,
lipase is a rate-determining enzyme, which not only activates the burning of
stored body fats but also effectively inhibits fatty acid synthesis, or fat
Hormone-Sensitive Triacyclglycerol Lipase, as it is also known, actually
stimulates lipolysis in fat tissues, safely raising blood fatty acid levels, which
ultimately activates the beta-oxidation pathway in other tissues, such as
liver and muscle. In the liver, lipolysis leads to the production of ketone
bodies that are secreted into the bloodstream for use as an alternative fuel
to glucose by peripheral tissues. Lipase enzymes contain sulfhydryl groups
(SH) and are activated by substances that keep SH groups in the reduced
state, such as, ascorbic acid or Vitamin C and L-Glutathione and L-Cysteine.
The lipase enzyme is rather unique in that it selectively helps in the
breakdown of fats but without damaging the fat-soluble vitamins or
unsaturated omega-3, 6 fatty acids like Gamma-Linolenic Acid (GLA),
Docosahexaenoic Acid (DHA), and Eicosapentaenoic Acid (EPA).
Try Vxa's homeopathic medicinal, Digestin, which contains the powerful
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Digestin is doctor-formulated, natural homeopathic medicinal with no side

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Keseimbangan Donnan

Dalam membrane terdapat sejumlah anion-. Diluar membrane

juga terdapat anion- dan kation+. Membran sel tidak permeable
terhadap anion- di dalam sel, namun permeable terhadap aniondan kation+ di luar sel.
Anion- dan kation+ dari luar sel akan berdifusi melalui membrane
dan masuk ke dalam sel. Difusi akan terus terjadi sampai
keadaan menjadi seimbang.
(a) (b)

A- A- A- A-

B- D+
Outside inside Outside inside
C+ C+ C+ C+

Konsentrasi kation+ yang masuk ke dalam sel lebih besar

daripada konsentrasi anion- .

Hal sebaliknya akan terjadi bila kation+ sudah ada di dalam

membrane dan membrane tidak permeable terhadap kation+.

Lipase is an enzyme necessary for the absorption and digestion of nutrients in the intestines. This
digestive enzyme is responsible for breaking down lipids (fats), in particular triglycerides, which
are fatty substances in the body that come from fat in the diet. Once broken down into smaller
components, triglycerides are more easily absorbed in the intestines. Lipase is primarily
produced in the pancreas but is also produced in the mouth and stomach. Most people produce
sufficient amounts of pancreatic lipase.
Along with lipase, the pancreas secretes insulin and glucagon, hormones that the body needs to
break down sugar in the bloodstream. Other pancreatic enzymes include amylase, which breaks
down amylose (a form of starch) into its sugar building blocks, and protease, which breaks down
protein into single amino acids.

In general, lipase supplements are thought to help the body absorb food more easily, keeping
nutrients at appropriate, healthy levels throughout the body. Studies suggest that they may also
be helpful for the following conditions:
Celiac Disease
Pancreatic enzymes have been most studied as part of the treatment for celiac disease. Celiac
disease is a condition in which dietary gluten causes damage to the intestinal tract. Symptoms
include abdominal pain, weight loss, and fatigue. People with celiac disease must consume a lifelong gluten-free diet. Lipase, along with other pancreatic enzymes, may help in the treatment of
this condition by enhancing the benefit of a gluten-free diet. In a study of 40 children with celiac
disease, for example, those who received pancreatic enzyme therapy (including lipase)
demonstrated a modest increase in weight compared to those who received placebo. The
improvement in weight occurred within the first month of use; taking the pancreatic enzyme
supplements for an additional month did not lead to more weight gain.
In a small study including 18 subjects, supplements containing lipase and other pancreatic
enzymes were found to reduce bloating, gas, and fullness following a high-fat meal. Given that
these symptoms are commonly associated with irritable bowel syndrome, some with this
condition may experience improvement with use of pancreatic enzymes.
Although scientific evidence is lacking, lipase has been used by trained clinicians to treat food
allergies, cystic fibroris, and autoimmune disorders, such as rheumatoid arthritis and lupus.

Dietary Sources
Lipase is produced primarily in the pancreas and is not found in food.

Available Forms
Lipase supplements are usually derived from animal enzymes, although plant sources of lipase
and other digestive enzymes have become increasingly popular. Lipase may be taken in
combination with protease and amylase enzymes. These pancreatic enzymes are available in
tablet and capsule form.

Gibbs-Donnan effect
The Gibbs-Donnan effect (also known as the Donnan effect, Donnan law, Donnan
equilibrium, or Gibbs-Donnan equilibrium) is a name for the behavior of charged particles
near a semi-permeable membrane to sometimes fail to distribute evenly across the two sides of
the membrane.[1] The usual cause is the presence of a different charged substance that is unable
to pass through the membrane and thus creates an uneven electrical charge.[2] For example, the
large anionic proteins in blood plasma are not permeable to capillary walls. Because small
cations are attracted, but are not bound, to the proteins, small anions will cross capillary walls
more readily than small cations.
The Gibbs-Donnan effect can prevent sick cells' sodium pumps from functioning properly.[3]
Some ionic species can pass through the barrier while others cannot. The solutions may be gels
or colloids as well as solutions of electrolytes, and as such the phase boundary between gels, or a
gel and a liquid, can also act as a selective barrier. The electric potential arising between two
such solutions is called the Donnan potential.
The effect is named after the physicist Josiah Willard Gibbs and the chemist Frederick G.
The Donnan equilibrium is prominent in the triphasic model for articular cartilage proposed by
Mow and Ratcliffe, as well as in electrochemical fuel cells and dialysis.
The Donnan effect is extra osmotic pressure attributable to cations (Na+ and K+) attached to
dissolved plasma proteins.

Donnan equilibrium across a cell membrane (schematic)

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