Desmodium Adalah: Genus Tanaman Berbunga Keluarga Fabaceae Species Jenis

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Desmodium Styracifolium atau Guang Jing adalah abadi tumbuh untuk 0.75m hardy ke zona 0.

Desmodium Styracifolium flowers are hermaphrodite (have both male and female organs) and are
pollinated by Insects. The Desmodium Styracifolium bunga hermafrodit (memiliki baik organ jantan
dan betina) dan diserbuki oleh Serangga. Desmodium Styracifolium can fix Nitrogen. Styracifolium
Desmodium dapat memperbaiki Nitrogen. The plant prefers light (sandy), medium (loamy) and
heavy (clay) soils and requires well-drained soil, acid, neutral and basic (alkaline) soils, cannot grow
in the shade and requires moist soil. Pabrik lebih suka ringan (berpasir), sedang (liat) dan berat
(tanah liat) tanah dan memerlukan tanah baik dikeringkan, asam, netral dan dasar (basa) tanah,
tidak bisa tumbuh di tempat teduh dan membutuhkan tanah yang lembab.

Desmodium Styracifolium or Guang Jing is a perennial growing to 0.75m hardy to zone 0.

The flowers are Desmodium Styracifolium hermaphrodite (have both male and female
organs) and are pollinated by Insects. The Desmodium Styracifolium flowers hermaphrodite
(have both male and female organs) and pollinated by insects. Desmodium Styracifolium
cans fix Nitrogen. Desmodium Styracifolium can fix Nitrogen. The plant prefers light
(sandy), medium (loamy) and heavy (clay) soils and requires well-drained soil, acid, neutral
and basic (alkaline) soils, can not grow in the shade and requires moist soil. The plant prefers
light (sandy), medium (clay) and heavy (clay) soil and require well drained soil, acid, neutral
and basic (alkaline) soil, can not grow in the shade and need moist soil.

Desmodium adalah genus dalam tanaman berbunga keluarga Fabaceae , kadang-kadang

disebut tik-trefoil, centang semanggi atau kutu pengemis. There are dozens of species and
the delimitation of the genus has shifted much over time. Ada puluhan jenis dan batas dari
genus telah bergeser jauh dari waktu ke waktu.
Beberapa spesies Desmodium ditunjukkan untuk mengandung jumlah peningkatan tryptamine
alkaloid .
Mereka memiliki berbagai kegunaan meskipun, yang tidak nampak dari penampilan mereka
yang sederhana.
Desmodium is a genus of flowering plant family Fabaceae, is sometimes called a ticktrefoil, tick clover or lice beggar. There are dozens of species and the delimitation of the
genus has shifted much over time. There are dozens of types and limits of the genus has
shifted away from time to time.
Several species of Desmodium was shown to contain the number increased tryptamine
They have a variety of usability though, which is not apparent from their simple appearance.

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