Multi-Stage Real Time Health Monitoring Via Zigbee in Smart Homes

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Multi-stage Real Time Health Monitoring

via ZigBee in Smart Homes

S. Dagtas, G. Pekhteryev, Z. Sahinoglu


May 2007

We present a framework for a wireless health monitoring system within a smart home using
ZigBee technology. Vital signals are collected and processed using a 3-tiered architecture. The
first stage is the mobile device carried on the body that runs a number of wired and wireless
probes. This device is also designed to perform some basic processing such as the heart rate
and fatal failure detection. At the second stage, further processing is performed by a local server
using the raw data transmitted by the mobile device continuously. The raw data is also stored at
this server. The processed data as well as the outcomes of the analysis are then transmitted to the
service provider center for expertsreview for diagnosis as well as storage. The main advantages
of the proposed framework are (1) The ability to detect signals wirelessly within a Body Area
Network (BAN) (2)Low-power and reliable data sensing through ZigBee network nodes and
(3) Optimized analysis of data through an adaptive tiered architecture that maximizes the utility
of processing and computational capacity at each of three stages. We are currently building a
prototype of the proposed system using in-house ECG probes and ZigBee radio modules.
IEEE International Conference on Advanced Information Networking and Applications Workshops (AINAW)

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c Mitsubishi Electric Research Laboratories, Inc., 2007
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Multi-stage Real Time Health Monitoring via

ZigBee in Smart Homes
S. Dagtas1 , G. Pekhteryev2 , Z. Sahinoglu2 ,
of Information Science, University Arkansas, Little Rock, AR
2 Mitsubishi Electric Research Labs, 201 Broadway Ave., Cambridge, MA

1 Department

Abstract We present a framework for a wireless health monitoring system within a smort home using ZigBee technology. Vital
signals are collected and processed using a 3-tiered architecture.
The first stage is the mobile device carried on the body that
runs a number of wired and wireless probes. This device is also
designed to perform some basic processing such as the heart rate
and fatal failure detection. At the second stage, further processing
is performed by a local server using the raw data transmitted
by the mobile device continuously. The raw data is also stored
at this server. The processed data as well as the outcomes of
the analyses are then transmitted to the service provider center
for experts review for diagnosis as well as storage. The main
advantages of the proposed framework are (1) The ability to
detect signals wirelessly within a Body Area Network (BAN) (2)
Low-power and reliable data sensing through ZigBee network
nodes and (3) Optimized analysis of data through an adaptive
tiered architecture that maximizes the utility of processing and
computational capacity at each of three stages. We are currently
building a prototype of the proposed system using in-house ECG
probes and ZigBee radio modules.
Index Terms Zigbee, electrocardiogram, health monitoring,
smart homes.

As numerous wireless personal area networking (WPAN)
technologies emerge, the interest for applications such as
health care monitoring, smart homes and industrial control
has grown significantly. ZigBee is the first industrial standard
WPAN technology [2] that provides short range, low power
and low data rate communication, and supports mesh networking and multi-hopping. While many smart-home application
areas such as lighting, security and climate control have been
suggested using the ZigBee standard, health-care applications
have not received the attention they deserve despite their
importance and high value added. Here, we present a prototype
wireless system for realtime health monitoring in the smart
home arena.
A number of systems have been reported for real-time patient monitoring. The UbiMon (Ubiquitous Monitoring Environment for Wearable and Implantable Sensors) project, aims
to provide a continuous and unobtrusive monitoring system for
patients in order to capture transient but life threatening events
[5]. The CodeBlue project explores applications of wireless
sensor network technology to a range of medical applications,
including pre-hospital and in-hospital emergency care, disaster
response, and stroke patient rehabilitation [6]. Most of the
existing systems lack two key features: (1) Reliable wireless
operation that conforms to standards (2) Compatibility with
smart home systems.

Our ZigBee based architecture is based on the premise that

the wireless technology combined with the widespread infrastructure smart homes can provide will be key to the effective
use of medical monitoring systems. This is due to the fact
that practicality of the sensing, transmission and processing
steps is often the major obstacle against common use of such
devices. Therefore, we believe that medical monitoring based
on the emerging smart home wireless technology, ZigBee, has
a great potential.
In addition, optimized processing of the collected data plays
a key role. With optimization, we refer to the best use of computation and storage capacity at each of three different stages,
namely the mobile device, home server and the central server.
For example, the mobile device can play an important role in
alerting the user in case of emergencies and therefore should
be used for detecting the most urgent situations, especially
at the absence of the wireless link. The home server typically
has greater capacity and thus can perform much more complex
tasks. In this paper, we provide the basic architecture of the
system that we are currently developing and plan to implement
in a pilot market in the next two years. The details of the
algorithms as well as the results of the pilot project will be
published as more progress is made.
The next section provides a brief overview of the ZigBee
technology. Then, we present an introduction to ECG signals,
which is the primary data we collect and process at the first
stage of our development. The following section provides
soem specific aspects fo our approach followed by some
concluding remarks and discussion of the ongoing work.
Many medical applications would benefit from standardsbased wireless technology that is reliable, secure, and runs
on low power. Established standards for wireless applications,
such as Bluetooth and IEEE 802.11, allow high transmission
rates, but at the expense of high power consumption, application complexity, and cost. ZigBee networks on the other hand,
are primarily intended for low duty-cycle sensors, those active
for less than 1% of the time. For instance, an off-line node can
connect to a network in about 30 ms. Waking up a sleeping
node takes about 15 ms, as does accessing a channel and
transmitting data. Applications such as reading the pressure
in an oxygen tank can send the reading once per hour from
a sensor which would then return to sleep. The low-power

demand extends battery life in remote sensors. The network

name comes from the zigzagging path a bee (a data packet)
takes to get from flower to flower (or node to node)[3].
ZigBee is best described by referring to the 7-layer OSI
model for layered communication systems. The Alliance
specifies the bottom three layers (Physical, Data Link, and
Network), as well an Application Programming Interface
(API) that allows end-developers the ability to design custom
applications that use the services provided by the lower layers.
Figure-1 shows the layered protocol architecture adopted by
the alliance. It should be noted that the ZigBee Alliance
chose to use an already existing data link and physical layers
specification. These are the recently published IEEE 802.15.4
standards for low-rate personal area networks. We describe
the key features of each layer in the following. Complete
descriptions of the protocols used in ZigBee can be found
in [1],[2].

Fig. 1.

a network, and to route frames to their intended destinations.

The routing of course may involve using multiple intermediate
relay devices within the network. In addition, the discovery
and maintenance of routes between devices devolve to the
network layer. Also the discovery of one-hop neighbors and
the storing of pertinent neighbor information are done at the
network layer.
The electrocardiogram is primarily a tool for evaluating
the electrical events within the heart. The action potentials
of cardiac muscle cells can be viewed as batteries that cause
charge to move through the body fluids. These moving charges
can be detected by recording electrodes at the skin surface.
Figure 2 illustrates the typical lead II ECG where the active
electrodes are placed on the right arm and left leg.

Illustration of ZigBee stack

A. PHY Layer Features

The IEEE 802.15.4 standard [1]defines three frequency
bands of operation: 868MHz, 916MHz and the 2.4GHZ bands.
We will focus on the 2.4GHz bands as these are the most
commonly available products at the moment and in addition
this band offers the highest achievable data rate of 250Kbps
at the physical layer.
B. Data Link Layer Features
The IEEE 802.15.4 is a light-weight simple protocol that
is based on CSMA (Channel Sense Multiple Access). Its
responsibilities may also include transmitting beacon frames,
synchronization and providing a reliable transmission mechanism. A key aspect of the data link layer is that individual
packets are each acknowledged thus providing link level
delivery guarantees. However, there are no quality of service
guarantees or support for priority levels of network traffic.
Essentially, ZigBee offers only best effort end-to-end delivery
of individual packets.
C. Network Layer Features
The majority of the new technology development that has
occurred within the ZigBee Alliance has been in the creation
of the network layer. The responsibilities of the ZigBee
network layer includes mechanisms used to join and leave

Fig. 2.

Illustration of the key ECG features

The first deflection, the P wave, corresponds to a current

flow during atrial depolarization. Normal P waves have various
shapes, from flat to sharply-peaked with amplitudes ranging
from 0 to 0.3mv. The PQ interval, extending from the beginning of the P wave to the first component of the QRS
complex, corresponds to the depolarization of the atria, AV
node, AV bundle and its branches, and the Purkinje system.
The second deflection, the QRS complex, is due to ventricular
depolarization. The final deflection, the T wave, is the result of
ventricular repolarization. Atrial repolarization is usually not
evident on the ECG, because it occurs at the same time as the
QRS complex.
The proposed platform operates in two different modes. In
the first mode, it measures the raw ECG signal from up to
three electrodes, and locally analyzes heart rate variability. If
an arrhythmia risk is detected, an alert is transferred to the
home server over the ZigBee network controller. In the second
mode, the raw ECG is measured and transmitted continuously
to the home server, and then the home server analyzes the

We have built a hardware platform for sensing and processing ECG signals. Key steps consist of low noise amplification,
quantization, digital filters and feature detection algorithms.
The processed digital data is then sent to a local server over
the ZigBee network.
Typical ECG signal level on the human body surface is
around 2mV. The AD converter used in our setup accepts
voltages from 0 to 3V. Therefore, we first add 1.5V offset to
center the ECG waveform prior to amplification. The amplified
signal is then quantized to 8 bits by the ADC within the M16C
micro-controller. The discrete waveform is passed through a
differentiator and low-pass filter as shown in Fig4, where E(k)
represents the quantized ECG signal. The sampling rate in our
implementation is 320Hz. The filter transfer functions are as
G1 (z) = 1 z 1


G1 (z) is a differentiator filter; and it is used to obtain

slope of the QRS complex. G2 (z) is a low-pass filter to
avoid residual noise and intrinsic differentiation noise. Overall
filter response maximizes the energy of the QRS complex and
improves detection of R wave peaks.

If an R-to-R interval turns out to be times longer than the

previous interval, where > 1, only within that section of the
ECG a search is repeated with a lower threshold to detect a
possibly missed heart beat. We set to 1.5.
The inverse of the interval between two consecutive R wave
peaks gives the instantaneous heart rate. Their sequence shows
how heart rate varies.

raw ECG

A. Sensing and Transporting ECG Data

vary drastically from a heart beat to the next. With adaptive

threshold, probability of missing a QRS peak can be decreased.
In our platform, the first five seconds of the absolute value
of the low pass filtered digitized ECG data, f (n), is searched
for its highest peak. Let us denote the magnitude of this peak
as p[0]. Then, the threshold is initialized to [0] = p[0],
where < 1. In our implementation, we set = 0.65.
Let p[i] denote the first local peak of f (n) after a threshold
crossing. After determining the slopes on both sides of p[i], the
zero crossing between p[i] and the peak of the highest slope
is chosen as the ith R wave peak location. The next threshold
is set as
[i] = [i 1] + (1 )p[i 1]












low pass filter impulse response



differentiated ECG

ECG records. If any anomaly is detected, patients doctor is

contacted. The ZigBee protocol does not have any transport
layer functionality. Continuous transmission of the ECG data
requires support for segmentation and reassembly, which is
not offered by the current version of the ZigBee standard. We
have implemented these functionalities at the application layer.






low pass filtered ECG







Fig. 3.

Block diagram of the ECG measurement platform











Fig. 5.
a) raw measured ECG signal b) ECG signal d(n) after the
differentiator c) ECG signal f (n) after low pass filtering. The detected R
peaks are overlaid on the plot d) impulse response of the low pass filter,
g2 (n)
Fig. 4.

Filters for ECG signal conditioning

In Fig.5, a raw ECG trace and the output of the implemented

R peak detector is shown. It is robust against baseline drifting
caused by patient movements.

B. Detection of QRS Peaks

Adaptive threshold setting similar to that in [7] is used to
detect QRS peaks. Note that due to severe baseline drifting
and movement of patients, an ECG signal waveform may

C. ZigBee Network Configuration

In the current implementation ZigBee network is configured
in such a way that it uses one PAN per unit being monitored

i.e. apartment, hospital section. Every device is configured

as a ZigBee End-device. Several devices may coexist and
report data simultaneously. In order to completely cover the
monitored area, several additional ZigBee routers may be
required. Current version of the ZigBee standard does not
provide any solution for mobile nodes such as handover or
roaming. When ZigBee device moves between coverage areas
of different routers the transmission will be interrupted until
the node finds new route to the controller. At the initial
configuration every router device discovers the route to the
controller (PAN Coordinator in our case) than later it can
respond to the route discovery request from the ECG device
and does not need to rediscover the enire route.
The application software running on ZigBee devices is
responsible for the creation of proper payload that carries
corresponding commands, responses and data. Once the payload is created, it is passed to the ZigBee APS layer for the
transmission over the air using API provided by ZigBee stack
manufacturer. Application endpoint has one incoming cluster
and two outgoing. Incoming cluster is used for command
and control messages, one of the outgoing clusters is used
to send response to control messages and the other to send
raw ECG data. Node can receive command messages such
as start, stop to control transmission, setFQ to set
sample frequency and others may be defined in the future.
At 320 Hz sample rate device produces 4 data packet per
second. Depending on the hardware configuration ( RAM
available) some amount of data can be stored locally in case
of temporarily network failures.
ZigBee device endpoint consists of 2 incoming and 1
outgoing clusters. Outgoing cluster is for command and control
interface. Incoming clusters receive command responses and
ECG data. Upon receiving the data, ZigBee coordinator passes
it to the server for further processing and analysis.
D. Data Processing at the Home-Server
Digitized ECG data is continuously transmitted to the
Home-Server via the ZigBee network. Additionally, results
of the analyses at the mobile device are sent to the server
and stored here for future reference. The goal is to provide a
repository for more detailed analysis of the data by medical
professionals or detection algorithms. In addition, the stored
data is processed for more detailed and accurate analysis of
ECG signals for detections such as Q-T interval and T wave
The main responsibilities of the home server are: (1) Coordinate the ZigBee in-home wireless network (2) Store incoming
data (3) Conduct accurate and detailed anaylsis of the data and
(4) Communicate with the central service provider for transmission of the data and notifications for detected anomalies.
We are currently developing a Linux-based architecture housed
on a PC-platform that allows remote access through a webbased interface. The server also is connected to the ZigBee
network through a Coordinator module connected via USB
or serial port. Routers on the smart home network will be
continuously powered and distributed throughout the home,
possibly one for each room. An existing ZigBee network

normally used for lighting or security can be used for this

purpose as well. The data repository is made available for
future use by service provider as well as the user and is
backed-up against losses through a data warehousing service.
E. Data Processing at the Central Server
Continuous recording and analysis of ECG data provides an
excellent basis for automated detection as well as professional
diagnosis of many cardiological symptoms. According to our
model, the last and the third piece is the central data processing
center where servers as well as medical personnel can provide
a variety of services such as storage, early diagnosis and inhome care. The home server transmits periodic reports and
makes stored data available to the central server.
A key point for the central server processing is the optimization of the use of resources at the home server resources and
the central server. As the number of users increase, the central
server can allocate only a limited amount of computational
capacity to each user. Therefore, data analysis is performed at
the home server ass much as possible.
The central server also functions as an entry point for the
professional staff to monitor the data and reports generated by
the home server. In addition, the alerts initiated by the mobile
device are transmitted to the central server through the home
server. The central server also keeps records of all transactions
through an event management system.
The system briefly descried above is currently being developed at all three stages of (1) Mobile device, (2) Home
Server and (3) Central Server in our labs. We are implementing
relevant algorithms for detection of certain anomalies and
building the rest of the infrastructure at home and central
servers. There are several open questions that we currently
face. These are briefly discussed below:
A. Sensing: Wireless or wired?
A common need of medical monitoring systems is the
minimal interference with the daily life of the monitored
persons. The widespread use of such devices can only be
possible with non-invasive and comfortable sensors. The lowpower nature of ZigBee nodes can offer great potential in
creating a local wireless network within the proximity of
human body for data collection within the body area. On the
other hand, some wired solutions exist that can provide great
reliability and eliminate the need for even infrequent battery
replacement or recharge. This is one of the issues for further
research and trials.
B. ZigBee platforms: Power or power?
There is an inevitable compromise between computational
power and power consumption of several possible embedded
platforms available in the ZigBee market today. Our goal
is to use the best performing microcomputer device while
maintaining an acceptable power usage. This is directly related
to the choice and optimization of the algorithms used on
the mobile device, therefore leads to a complicated decision
making process.

C. Service Provider Models

There are several questions that must be made from a service
providers perspective for the system to function effectively.
The channels for alert notification system, access rights and
privacy concerns, scalability with respect to the number of
systems and users are among some important issues that face
the service provider models. Our approach aims to build a
flexible, extensible architecture at the central server in order
to answer as many of these questions as possible.
[1] IEEE Standard for Part 15.4: Wireless Medium Access Control (MAC)
and Physical Layer (PHY) specifications for Low Rate Wireless Personal
Area Networks (LR-WPANs), 2003.
[2] ZigBee Alliance Document 02130: Network Layer Specification, July
[3] ZigBee Networks Open the Door to More Wireless Medical Devices,
Medical Design, April 2005.
[4] J. Morganroth, F. V. Brozovich, J. Mc Donald, R. A. Jacobs, Variability
of the QT measurement in healthy men, with implications for selection of
an abnormal QT value to predict drug toxicity and proarrhythmia, The
American J. Cardiology, v.67, pp.774-776, 1991
[5] Benny P L Lo and Guang-Zhong Yang, Implementations of Body Sensor
Networks, Sensor Networks (BSN 2005), April 2005
[6] CodeBlue project, mdw/proj/codeblue/
[7] Z. Sahinoglu, Analysis of Multi-lead QT Dispersion by Means of an
Algorithm Implemented on LabView, MSc. Thesis, NJIT, January 1998

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