Project of Working Woman
Project of Working Woman
Project of Working Woman
Bangladesh is a country with evenly distributed male and female population. From the
very beginning of its journey as an independent country it has been cherishing of
harmonized growth of both male and female population. But it is far behind in
materializing the envisaged goals for male population even, let alone for female
population although history provides that our women played no less a role than the males
in the junctures of the nation including achievement of independence. Till date their
immense and outstanding contributions in the areas of family care, birth control, infant
care and nutrition and even in generating income have been proved indispensable.
Female labor force participation is increasing dramatically in Bangladesh. It has good
impact on our society but women are facing lots of problems. The things we found in our
survey of all classes of working womens are facing lots of problem.
There is always at least an objective behind any word, which drives a person towards to
work. As per natural rule we also had some objectives for completing this report. Our
objective is:
To find out working women problems and symptoms associated with all financial
classes people.
Women have been active in a sporadic fashion in Bangladeshs history. They have acted
as enlightened individuals, speaking out against excess- vie aspects of womens
subordination. One example is Begum Rokeya Sakhawat Hussain whose essays and short
stories caricatured the practice of purdah in the early twentieth century. Women have
participated in different political struggles, although related issues were generally
subordinated or completely absent from the agenda. Women were prominent for instance
in the Tebagha Movement (1940s) in East Bengal which sought to retain a greater share
of the harvest for the tenant farmer and in guerilla action against the British colonial
administration. Women have also been involved in single-issue campaigns concerned.
With womens rights they fought the attempts by the provincial.
In the service industries, the use of computers has been generally women friendly, the
QWERTY of the computers allows women to use the typists skills in many jobs in the
services sector. In the banking, insurance, and telecommunications industries, the rate of
entry of women has been impressive in both the rich and poorer parts of the world,
despite the current quantitative gains; however, womens career progression in these new
fields has been less spectacular: their presence in managerial and technical posts has been
Womens numerical predominance is visible also in the Information Technology (IT)
industry. In certain occupations, such as in software, companies are keen to recruit highly
trained women at managerial level. In spite of the demand, women are less visible in
these jobs, as they find it difficult to combine the challenges of a demanding career with
domestic peace and social norms.
Problem from husbands: In lower class working women do hard work for
getting money but most of the time their husbands take money from them. When
they cannot give proper time in their family then husband angry on them. There
are lots of women who do good job in our society like doctor, teacher, private
employee, government employee. Most of the time they are treated from their
husband. They cannot spend their own money from their own choice. They are
like a servant who are working for their husband or house hold activities and also
paying for their work. In our survey we found one school teacher who told us that
whole night her husband torture with her after that in morning she has to go to
office. Another harassments for women that most of the time husband doubts his
wife because of their office colleague. Most of the husbands do not believe on
their wife. Some of the husbands are think that if their wife can earn money or if
they have more ability to earn money than them then their wife will be more
freedom and then start to dominate their husband which is very shameful for
them. Thats why also having the ability they cannot prove themselves. Now-adays it mainly happens in the higher class society. Because women are now
become strong like men in their career and when they are trying show themselves
then their husbands cannot tolerate their success. Actually all classes husbands
think that wife means his own asset.
Problem from Their Children: In all classes working women when they
join their office then they cannot take care properly or cannot give much time for
their children which they deserve. Children also cannot understand their mothers
problem. Because all children are more likely to stay with their mother and they
are more likely to share their feelings with their mother than her father. Thats
why they want more time from their mother. So it creates distance between
mother and children. It is still expected that women will stop working when they
have children and it is completely normal for a women to quit their job as soon as
she finds out that she is pregnant. The difference here is women wait until they
are 35 to have their kids and then claim it as their right to now stop working,
almost like an early retirement.
Facing problem from their boss: It is one of the most important problems
which they have to face. Most of the time bosses give lots of bad proposal to their
women employee. It happens mainly with lower class working women like
garments, labor. This type of problem not only happens in lower class but also in
middle class and also in upper class. Though the amount is low in upper class but
it happen. In the all sector of working women have to face this problem. In
nursing occupation nurse are facing this type of problem. When they do not listen
or accept their bad proposal then boss lay off the women employee from their job.
In office bosses try to influence on them by extra care. Bosses always create
pressure mentally or physically. In higher class working women it happens less
than the lower or middle class working women.
Family Problem: In our country there are so many families who dont want
that their daughter go outside to making a career by doing proper education and
jobs. Sometimes parents are giving permission to study but not to use this in
practical life. They think that if they go outside for job then she became bad girl
and no one want marry her. In rural area family dont allow girl to study so much.
They think that if their daughter can read then she can get a good husband. It
happens mainly in lower class and middle class family. In their opinion there is no
need to use of education for women. Thats why they can do this type of things.
But sometimes parents are giving permission for working but when they are
getting married then on that family she face some another problem. In traditional
Muslim families, a woman does not leave her home without the permission of her
husband or mother-in-law. Unless it's absolutely necessary for survival, she does
not work outside the home. She does not even go to the marketplace to shop. The
Problem of using technology: Our society thinks that women are less able
to using technology. Not only men but also women are thinking that they are less
able to using technology. In the section of technical side of working the
participation of women is less than the men. Fewer amounts of women are doing
technical studies and thats why in job section they are less. Not only that in any
office or any company when they need people for technical side then they avoid
the women and take men for the post. All this coming from the gender inequality.
Research Methodology:
We survey basically on working women problems. We took three lower level working
women where two is coming from garments and one is coming from home servant.
Then we took three middle class working women. One is coming from school teacher,
one is from an officer of Rupali Bank and another one is a lecturer of BCIC College.
After that we took three from upper middle class working women.
Primary Information:
The report is based on data acquired from the primary source and secondary source in
order to achieve the objectives of this study. Data have collected from nine working
women who are from different financial level.
Secondary Information:
After the collecting of the data by interview we read several supplementary Naree
Moncho from Prothom Alo and browsing in internet for preparing our report.
We are follow qualitative approach for data collection. We are interview based on our
Limitations that we face during preparing this report include:
All women are very busy and we took interview from their working place. Our
research has done during their working period. So they are not free to done an
interview. But we have to catch them for interview in their work place.
Some were not want to give the correct information about their working life and
personal life. On that situation we have to convince them. We have to make to
belief them the information which we get from them we make it confidential. It
mainly happened in lower class working women. They were worried about their
Many up-to date data and documents were not available, which could have the
study more informative. So a major constraint of the study was the insufficient
We had to complete this study within a short period of time which was not
sufficient through investigation.
10 Such a study was carried out by us. We are not experienced in this field. As we are
learners, so it may be possible something mistake that is one of the main factors
of the limitation of the study.
The option we gave to them is the way of thinking of men or families point of view or
Lower middle class Findings
Middle class Findings
It is only a day
remind you as a
By changing the mens point of view or making laws and strictly follow them or
giving the awareness among the people who are involved in violence.
Lower middle class Findings
Middle class Findings
Upper middle class Findings
changing the
mens point of
Night shift
Morning shift
on the job:
Lower middle class Findings
Middle class Findings
Upper middle class Findings
Figure 6: Data about women workers fear of reporting sexual harassment on the
In our society all financial classes working women face problems but in lower middle
class working women face tremendous problem than middle and upper middle class.
They work for survive whereas another two classes working women work to make their
position in the society. To maintain family and job they have to give hard work which
makes them mentally and physically sick. If we can help women properly then they will
From our findings and analysis we can see that working problem of women is a great
problem in our society. The good position of working is increasing for women very
rapidly. If we try we can remove working women problems by enforcing laws, refining
laws, improving union awareness and improving public policy environment. In family
they also face problems from their husband and children. If they understand their wives
and mother then all problems can handle very easily.
1. What is the biggest challenge is being a woman?
Always fighting (against men) Fighting for education
Fighting in the workplace
3. How can we end violence towards women?
changing the mens point of view
giving the awareness among the people who are involved in violence.
Night shift
Morning shift
7. Do you think women feel job insecurity?
8. Do you think women workers fear of reporting sexual harassment on the job?
11. Do you think women give hard work to maintain family and job?
Preface :
We tried to find out working womens opinion, perception and how they face
problems.We were talking to nice women who are doing job and they were coming
from different classes. Three were from higher middle class and their husbands were
really rich and another three were from middle class and then another from lower
middle class. Then we made our decision. The things we found from the survey that
all classes professional women were facing lots of problems they have to tolerate all
problem most of the time. Women work hard to maintain their family and job but they
do not get that much respect what they should given in all the sides from their boss
and husband. We think everybody should give proper respect to all professional
women. We can not find any proper satisfaction. In our project we tried to find out
what are the working problem of working women.
In Bangladesh working area is increasing very rapidly for that reason we can use our
resources properly. It has good impact on our society but women are facing lots of
problems.We tried to find out working womens opinion, perception and how they face
problems. We took appoinmentsof different professional women from different classes
and analyzed the findings. Then we made our decisions.The things we found from the
survey all classes of working womens are facing lots of problems.From the findings in
our society all lower middle class working women face tremendous problem then middle
and upper middle class. They work for survive whereas another two classes working
women work to make their position if we try can remove working women problems by
enforcing laws, refining laws, improving union awareness and improving public policy
environment. In family they also face problems from their husbandand children. If they
understand their wives and mother then all problems can handle veryeasily.