Bible and Human Body

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The Bible tells us that our body is a temple of God: "What?

ye not that your body is the temple of the Holy Ghost which
is in you, which ye have of God, and ye are not your own?" 1
Corinthians 5:19.
"Now ye are the body of Christ, and members in particular". 1
Corinthians 12:27.
Psalm 139:16 says: "Thine eyes did see my substance, yet being
unperfect; and in Thy book all my members were written, which
in continuance were fashioned, when as yet there was none of
them". The Bible is talking about DNA here.
God has created human beings in His Image. So as our
Creator He has left His Signature on us. There are
amazing correlations between the Holy Bible and DNA and
the human body, and the Gospel message is literally
encoded in our genetic structure. God's Signature is visible
throughout His entire creation, revealed in a numeric
sequence called Fibonacci Sequence. Truly, Scripture is
true, when the Apostle Paul exclaims, "For the invisible
things of Him from the creation of the world are clearly
seen, being understood by the things that are made, even
His eternal power and Godhead, so that they are without
excuse" (Romans 1:20). Just as the Bible is a closed and
complete Book, nothing to be added into it, DNA too is a
closed and complete book. But mankind is trying to add
into the DNA of man as well as the Bible. God tells us
in Revelation 22:18-19: "For I testify unto every man that
heareth the words of the prophecy of this book,If any man
shall add unto these things, God shall add unto him the
plagues that are written in this book: And if any man shall
take away from the words of the book of this prophecy, God
shall take away his part out of the book of life, and out of
the holy city, and from the things which are written in this
God gave us a perfect picture of a Double Helix within
Scripture. God created man with a Double Helix DNA strand. But

modern genetic scientists have created a Triple Helix DNA

strand, a change which transforms the man God created into a
Beast! Modern day scientists are trying to give the Global Elite
immortality so that they will have no need for the Saviors
Cross. This Triple Helix also symbolizes the mating of the Sons
of God (Fallen Angels/Beasts) with the Daughters of Men, which
produced hybrid Giants In The Earth Beasts. Scientists intend
to turn the Global Elite from humans created in Gods image to
Beasts through genetic engineering.
The Cell in a Human Being is made in the pattern of the
Tabernacle and the Tabernacle in turn is a picture of

Spine of the Bible:

Correlations between Human Body and the Bible:

Human Body
DNA is the Molecule of Life. DNA Bible is the Book of God where
is the book of God wherein He
He reveals Himself to mankind.
writes the characteristics of a
The Bible is the Book of
person. DNA is the book of
spiritual life. This Book
physical life. This book of
contains everything needed to
life contains everything needed to live life as Gods children on
know about building and
this earth. It tells us about the
maintaining a living organism and past, present and future of
it directs all the events performed Gods Plan for us.
by a cell.

DNA is written like a scroll.

In earlier times, the Word of
When the DNA has to replicate or God was written on a scroll
duplicate itself, it first unwinds
which had to be unwound when

itself and its sequence is read by a it had to be read. Gods Word

set of proteins. It is copied
has been copied virtually
without error.
without error down through
dozens of centuries until this
very day.

DNA has 2 strands. One strand

runs in the 3 5 direction and
the other strand runs in the 5 to
3 direction.

The Bible has two books Old

Testament and New Testament.
The Old Testament is the New
Testament concealed and the
New Testament is the Old
Testament revealed.

DNA has 4 bases: Adenine,

Thymine, Guanine and Cytosine.
These 4 bases bind the 2 strands

Similarly the 4 Gospels connect

the Old Testament to the New
Testament. The 4 bases
represent the 4 Gospels.
Adenine= Matthew, Guanine=
Mark, Cytosine= Luke,
Thymine= John.

The first 3 bases are common for both RNA and DNA. But
Thymine is different, it is present only in DNA and not in RNA.
RNA has Uracil. Similarly, Matthew, Mark and Luke are called
Synoptic Gospels. Only Johns Gospel is different. In Matthew
27:33, Mark 15:22, John 19:17 the place where Jesus was crucified
is called Golgotha. But in Luke 23:33 it is called Calvary.
The 4 bases also represent the 4 wives of Jacob: A= Leah,
G=Bilhah, C= Zillah, T= Rachel
Jacob didnt seek the first three wives. But Rachel was different
because he sought Rachel who was his only true love. Proverbs
The 4 bases also represent the four men in the furnace in the
Book of Daniel:
A= Shadrach, G= Meshach, C= Abednego, T= Son of God
The first there were human where as the fourth was the Son of
DNA backbone is made of Sugar + Jesus is the True Light of the
Phosphate. Phosphate means
world. John 9:5. And He is the
Light Bearer and Sugar is sweet backbone of our life. God's
to taste.
Word is a lamp unto our feet,
Psalm 119:105. The Bible tells
us that God's Word is sweeter
than honey in Psalm 119:103.

DNA looks like a ladder. DNA is

In Jacobs dream He sees a

like stairs.

ladder on which angels were

going up and down. Jesus is the
Ladder. John 1:51. Stairs
mentioned 10 times in the

DNA is 2 stranded and is a crystal, God wrote the 10

a stone on which God Himself has Commandments on 2 tablets of
written our blueprint. 2
Corinthians 3:3. DNA has 10
bases per helical turn.

DNA is stored on the

Chromosomes. There are 23 pairs
or 46 chromosomes in humans.
Chromosomes means: "Chrom" =
'color' and "soma" = 'body', so
they are called 'colored bodies'.
There are X and Y chromosomes
in humans.

Two brass pillars named Boaz

and Jachin stood in the porch of
the Temple. (1 Kings 7:15; 7:21;
2 Kings 11:14; 23:3). Boaz
stood on the left (the north)
and Jachin on the right (the
south). The pillars, were 18
cubits high with 5 cubit
capitals, 23 cubits total.
(IKings 7:15, Jeremiah 52:21).
Jachin (in the Hebrew

pronounced yaw-keen) means

'He will establish', and Boaz (in
the Hebrew pronounced boe-az)
means 'strength'. The 46th book
of the Bible- 1 Corinthians, tells
us we are the Temple of God. 1
Corinthians 6:19-20, 1
Corinthians 3:16-17. The
temple construction took 46
years. John 2:20{corresponding
to 46 chromosomes in the
human body}. Rainbow, the
colored bow in the sky
represents Jesus. In Revelation
10:1, the mighty angel has a
rainbow upon his head. This
mighty angel is
Jesus. The rainbow,
the symbol of the covenant
with Noah [Genesis 9:13,17]. is
typical of our Lord Jesus, Who
is the Lords witness to the
people. Jesus Christ is revealed
as the covenant rainbow.
When Christ was crucified on
the X shaped cross, His body
made the 'Y'. shape. This
represents the X and Y
Chromosomes in humans

Chromosomes look like a cross.

Jesus was crucified on the

Cross, and the Cross has
become the symbol of

A chromosome where the DNA is

stored has 8 Histone proteins.

Ark is the picture of

chromosomes where the DNA is
stored. 8 people were saved on
the Ark.

DNA is also written in a specific

language called the DNA Code.
DNA is written with a language
consisting of 4 alphabets. But
there are 22 amino acids which
make up a protein molecule and

Old Testament of the Bible was

originally written in the Hebrew
language. 22 alphabets of the
Hebrew language were used to
write the Bible.

these 22 amino acids are coded by

the 4 alphabets of the DNA.

This is very interesting because

DNA is a language consisting of
letters, sentences etc.

According to Jewish
tradition, Hebrewis the
original language of humanity
and the language spoken
DNA & Language
by God. The Jewish sages
Nucleotide = Character (Letter) contend that Hebrewwas
= Letter
the language of God and that
= Word
the Torah was handed over in
= Sentence
its entirety to Moses at Mt.
= Paragraph
Sinai in that language.
= Book
The Bible too is made up of
Simplified it could be said
letters, words, sentences,
Nucleotide bases = Letters
paragraphs and in
= Words
its entirety is a Book.
= Sentences
DNA functions in the same way as
a language
DNA is transcribed into RNA and The Bible too can be
translated into Proteins.
transcribed and
translated. The Torah is
Transcribed [to make a written
copy of] and Translated
[Express the sense of (words or
text) in another language].It is
transcribed into the same
languages in written form and
the Bible is translated into

different languages. The Bible

has been translated into many
languages from the Biblical
languages of Hebrew, Aramaic
and Greek. Indeed, the full
Bible has been translated into
over 450 languages, although
sections of the Bible have been
translated into over 2,000

Laminin - The Cell Adhesion

Molecule That Holds Us
Together:Laminin is a protein
found in the extracellular matrix,
the sheets of protein that form
the substrate of all internal
organs also called the basement

Colossians 1:15-17 says, He

[Jesus] is the image of the
invisible God, the firstborn over
all creation. For by Him all
things were created; things in
heaven and on earth , visible
and invisible, whether thrones
or powers or rulers or
authorities; all things were
created by Him and for Him. He
is before all things, and in Him
all things HOLD TOGETHER.

Heart has 4 chambers and there

are twelve pairs of ribs in human

Heart represents the Throne of

God. 4 chambers in the heart

bodythat is a total of 24 ribs with

12 on either side of the rib cage.

represent the four living

creatures around the Throne of
God [Revelation 4:8]. 24 ribs
represent the 24 elders at the
Throne of God. Revelation 19:4.
24 ribs also represent the 12
tribes of Israel + 12 disciples of
Notice the outline of the
Hebrew letter
[Shin] on
our own human heart!!!
In Judaism the meaning of the
Hebrew letter Shin is
Shaddai, one of the Names of
God. Shin is the 22nd letter of
the Hebrew Alphabet. God is
called 'El Shaddai' which means
'God Almighty'.

Lungs: Humans have 2 lungs, 2

arms and 2 legs.

Genesis 2:7 says, And the

LORD God formed man of the
dust of the ground, and
breathed into his nostrils the
breath of life; and man became
a living soul. The 2 lungs, 2
arms and 2 feet represent the

Old and New Testaments.

Deuteronomy 33:27.

Hand: The human hand has 27


Our bodies are a picture of His

Temple (Ephesians 2:21-22; 5:30; 1
Corinthians 6:19). His throne = the
human heart from whence flows
the river of life (blood)In the
book of Revelation (Chapter 4)
John is shown a vision of the
Throne of God. Around the throne
are the 4 living creatures and 24
elders (Revelation 4:4)
representing the 24 ribs
surrounding the human heart.
From the heart blood is pumped to
the Lungs. The etymology of the
English word Lung traces back to
the meaning of Light. In our bodies
our lungs have 7 vascular bundles
called nodes. These represent the
7 Spirits of God (Revelation 4:5;
Isaiah 11:1-3). These 7
Spirits/Ruach/Breathe are pictured
in the earthly Tabernacle/Temple
by the 7 branch Menorah or
There are 27 books in the New

Human Spine has 33 bones.

33 is the time when cleansing

or restoration occurs. Jesus was
33 when He was crucified.
When Moses asked God to see
His face, God showed Moses
His back [Exodus 33:17-23].
The back is where the 33
vertebra are located. So God
was in fact showing Moses the
sign of Jesus Who would be
crucified and resurrected at
the age of 33 years. A woman
was unclean for 33 days after
the birth of a son. Leah had 33
descendants of Israel.

Face: Has 22 bones in the skull.

We have 10 fingers and 10 toes.

22 is the number of Revelation

10 commandments, 10 plagues
of Egypt, 10 generations from
Adam to Noah, 10 kings of

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