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CuPAUAM.20, 1993, pp.



Museo de Arte Oriental. Mosc
NOTA: Los nombres y tirulos rusos, que aparecen en el texto y en la Bibliografa, se dan en trasniiteracin espaola (v^asc
Calonge, 1969). El texto inglis se ha mantenido tal y como Fue entregado ptir el autor.

The author distinguishes the archaeological evidenccs of the early military contact of The Black Sea North
Lnoral with the Ancient Near East, belonged to the groiip of the Novoclierkassk-hoard type. He proposes what such
evidences preseiits the most adequate archaeological coiiformity to the Assirian written evidences about the Cimmerians of the Sargon II era.
Key words. Cimmerians. Skythlaiis. Chariots.
El autor de.staca los testimonios arqueolgicos de los contactos militares mas antiguos en el litoral Norte del
Mar Negro y en el Prximo Oriente de la poc preescita.
Supone, que estos testimonios, pertenecientes al grupo del tipo del tesoro de Novocherkassk, son los que
corresponden ms adecuadamente desde el punto de vista arqueolgico, a los testimonios escritos ms antiguos de
ios asirios de poca de Sargon II sobre los cimerio.s.
Palabras clave. Cimerios. Escitas. Carros de combate.

Since the last century there have been two tradicin on the origin of the Cimmerians shown in the
historical literatura. T h e first tradition, which follows the information provided by Herodotus and other


Greek authors, proposed that the Cimmerians inhabited Black Sea North littoral beforc the invasin of
the Skythian. In addition co the legend of the Cimmerians, Herodotus pointed out existence of contemporary "Cimmerian" toponyms in this regin: "The Cimmerian Bosphorus", "Cimmerian banks",
regin of "Cimmeria" (Her.IV. 12.).
Among the archaeological literature the conception of the North Pontic origin of the Cimmerians
was most consistent in a monograph of Alexey Terenozhkin "The Cimmerians" (Terenozhkin, 1976).
He referred all pre-Scythian complexes 8ht - 7th cent. B.C. of The Steppe and The Forest-Steppe of
Ukraine to the Cimmerian culture. Terenozhkin also inciuded in this culture two groups of nomadic
population remains: the Chernogorovka and the Novocherkask ones. Complexes of Novocherkask
hoard's rype group presented in The South-East of Europe were picked out earlier by Aleksandr lessen
(Icsscn, 1954). Now the idea of existence of the Cimmerian archaeological culture issupported by majority of Russian and Ukrainian archaeologists.
On the other hand, in the last 20 years a series of issues revising many aspects of the Cimmerian
problem and reviving the tradition that had rejected the Pontic origin of Cimmerians were
published.The Italian scholar Umberto Cozzoli proposed that tradition told by Herodotus and the
"Cimmerians" toponyms were brought by the Greeks from Asia Minor, and they were used because
North Pontic barbarians were similar to the real Cimmerians of Asia Minor (Cozzoli, 1968).
These ideas were developed in M.Salvini and A.Kristensen's works, published in 80s. The main
argument of these authors was the absence in Assyrian inscriptions of direct mentions of the coming of
the North the Cimmerians from The Caucasus.
Later information from the Assaraddon time placed The Cimmerians in The Country of Manna.
That's why, Salvini andKristenscn suggesred thesearch of the fatherlandof the Cimmerians, firstlymcntioned in sources of Sargon time, in The East and South-East of Urartu (Salvini, 1984; Kristensen,
1988). Anna Kristensen believed that the Cimmerian tradition and the toponyms were brought in Black
Sea North Littoral by the Scythians who acted jointly with Cimmerians in the 7th cent. B.C. in Asia
Minor. This point of view is cise to the propositions of some Russian scholars such as Irina Kuklina
(Kuklina, 1984, 56), Andrei Alekseev and Nataliia Kachalova (Alekseev, Kachalova, 1989), Sergei Tojtas'ev (Tohtas'ev, 1992). They refuted the existence of the Cimmerian culture in the North Pontic regin.
Igor' D'iakonov supposed that "The Cimmerians" were not ethnic group. He translated "Gammiri" the
Iranian languages into Assyrian texts as any "mobile detachment of horsemen" (D'iakonov, 1981).
In our arricie we'll try to examine one problem, closely connected with Cimmerians: the problem
of the archaeological evidences of early military contacts of the Novochercask group with countries of
the Ancient East.
Considerable findings made in the 70s in The Northern Caucasus permitted to review until a high
degree the Early Scythian chronology by comparing with the Neo-Assyrian one (Petrenko, 1980, 1983).
In contemporary time the new early date 650-625 B.C. for the most important Scythian monuments
the Kelermesskaia and Krasnoe Znamia barrow cemeteries, is supported by most scholars.
The following investigarion leads to the accumulation of archaeological evidences from the contacts of Northern Caucasus and North Pontic regin with Middle East and Trans-Caucasian rea In the
pre-Scythian times. Generally speaking, these evidences were not new. In 50-60s findings of horse-bits
of Middle East form were published together with details of harness similar to the ones on Assyrian
reliefs. All of them were found in The Forest-Steppe regin of Ukraine (Titenko,1954, 78, fig.1-3;


Kovpanenko, 1956, 174-179). Even earlier some findings of fragmentary helmets of Assyrian-Urartian
fornu wcre known in the cemcteries of Faskau and Verhnia Rutha (in The Norther - Caucasus) (Uvarova, 1909, 227; Kozcnkova, 1990, 79 - fig. 8, 20).
The increase of such material created the necessity of recording, dating and going into a deejjer
study of these findings. it; more correctly explain it.
Almost all the artefacts are writing about belong to the armament and harness ields. They can be
dcvided into two groups.
Within the first group we distinguished objects, which were directly adopted from Assyria and
Urartu and which haddetails of armourand helmets. Now wecan't say exactly whether these objects were
brought from The Middie East or Urartu or made in The Caucasus from importad original. In the local
culture these artefects had not any prototypes, howcver they had been known to The South of The Caucasus a long time before. Some Bronze pieces of scaly armour were found in several graves of the pre-Scythian
(Novocherkassk) time in The Northern Caucasus: the cemetery "Industriya-1", grave 4; the grave near
Kaban-gora; the cemetery Klin-Iar, grave 16 (all from the regin of Kislovodsk); Zaiukovskiy and Psedah
Cemeteries (Checheno-Ingushetija); the Uashijitu barrow (Adygeia) (Vinogradov, Runich, Mihallov, 1976,
fig. 5,21; Afanasjev, Kozenkova, 1981, 152-153; Dudarev, 1991, 50). Besides that, in the cemetery "Industria" together with the armour they were also discovered long and narrow bronze "scales", which could be
considered as the details of an armour beit (Vinogradov, Runich, Mijailov, 1976, fig. 5, 22).
All of these finds permitted to revise the date of appearance of scale armour in The South-Eastern
Europe, which was suggested by Evgeni Chernenko (6th cent. B.C.) (Chernenko, 1968), and to support
the opinin of Valentina Kozenkova of belonging this data to The End of 8th cent. B.C.(Kozenkova,
1982). But the supposition of Chernenko about Assyrian origin of the scale armour of the Scythians
could now be confirmad by new evidences.
Apart from the above mentioned bronze helmet from Fakau and Verhnia Rutha, now we know othcr
two ones in the cemetery Klin-Iar (Kielovodek city) Both helmets belong to the type of conichelmets with ear
pate represented in the Assyrian reliefs (Fig.1,3 ) (Belisnkiy, 1990, 193,fie3,1; Dudarev , 1992, pate 17).
Groups of objects created in the local culture, without any doubt, under the Middie Eastem and the
Transcaucas ian influence, are distinguished in the second group of evidences. It meant "the imf)ort of ideas".
The type of horse bits with fasred cheek-pieces "Endzhe-Konstsntinovka" is included into these
nnovations (type IVofourclassification) (Erlij, 1991). It was presented not only in The Northern Caucasus, but in The Forest-Steppe regin ot Ukraine. The Northern Caucasus (Novocherkassk) basis for
this type is obvious. The shape of these horse-bits, character of their ornaments, blades and "hats" of
cheek-pieces are the confirmation of this idea.
On the other hand, Middie Asian manner of fasted cheeck-pieces were uscd in this bridles. In the
contemporary time the series of finds of horse-bits of this type consist of 8 objects. Two bits from Chishjo
(Adygeja) (Tov, 1990, 40, fig 1; 41, fig.2) (Fig. 1,1 ) are known to have been found in the Northern Caucau territory ; one finding from the city Maikop rea was mentioned by Alexander lessen (lessen, 1953,
92), one specimen was found near Krasnodar ( reported by Dmitriy Vasilinenko). There are 3 speciment
of this type of bits from the Ukrainian Forest-Steppe regin: The Teremtci, The Konstsntinovka, barrow
mound N 375 and from The Museum of Kiorvograd (Gorishni, 1978, 56, fig.l ; Titenko, 1954, 79,
fig.5). One objectof this type was found in Endzhe (Bulgaria) (Popov, 1932,101, fig. 88). Itseems, what
the ccnterf production of this type of bits was The Trans-Kuban regin of The Northern Caucasus.



~ 4


f^wrf y. The early horizon of complexes: 1. Cnishjo ; 2. Kaban-Gora; 3. Klin-Uiar, grave 186; 4. KlinUiar (surface find); 5. Kladi, barrow 46; 6. Pshish hoard; 7. Nosachovo

Ocher finding of horse-bits with fasred cheek-pieces are known from the Trans-Kuban regin to
theEast: comingfrom Koban and Tereze cemeteries (lessen, 1953, 70, fig. 1 -, 1; Kozcncova, 1989,186,
pate XXXIX). But these shapes of artefaccs were not developed in a seprate type.
The same kind of innovation was produced by the appearance of chariots and chariot's harness
among the group of "Novocherkask- hoard type".
They could be distinguishable after the research in 1988 of the barrow Uash'kitu near Kabekhabl
Adygeia, Trans-Kuban regin) .
Under the mound of rhis barrow was discovered the 13 meter iong and 7 meter wide pit-grave
(Fig.3). Although the funeral place in the grave was plundered in ancient times, remains of chariots were
preserved in situ. A reconscruction of them showed that the arrangement of the team was similar to Assyrian
one, which is well-known by reliefs. There was a rwo-wheeled chariot with one draught-poie linked to a
four-horsed team under one yoke. The bronze equipment of team consisted of a pair of rings with pendants,
a pair "bracelet-shaped rings", same plates of horse-traces etc. (Fig.4 ). These objects could have been created on the local basis after the acquaintanceship of the Assyrian and the Urartian army, headed by charioteers. Now we know more than 20 complexes with details of chariots in The Northern Caucasus and The
Ukranian Forest-Steppe regin. Two complete of such chariots harness were found in Central Europe in
Komliod and Priud hoards (Hallus, Horvath, 1939, pate XX; Kemenczei,] 981,31, fig.5,3); one object was
found in the horse grave Norshun-Tepe (Anatoiia) (Hauptman, 19$3, fig. 4,9) (Fig.5,10 ).
The appearance of North Caucasian "pectorais', apparently used as a poitrel belongs to such
group of innovations. Maria Pogrebova underlined the local features of these series of artefacts and their
differences from the Urartian poitrel (Pogrebova, 1984, 20-23). Most probable center of production of
these objects, which appeared as the result of adopting this idea, was the regin of city Kislovodsk. They
were introduced in the hoard from Beshtau-mount, in Sultan-gora and Klln-Yiar cemeteries (all 5 specimens) (lessen, 1954, fig. 13; Vinogradov,1972,fig. 9,2; Dudarev, 1991, plates 15; 16,4) (Fig. 1,4) Furthanmore, such "pectorais" were found in Transcaucasian, in the rea of the Kolhida culture (rwo objects
from Esheri and Anuhva) (Kuftin, 1949, fig. 31; Domanskiy, 1979, fig. 137). Most probably, they were
imported from Northern Caucasus.
As for the characteristic of the contacts with The Middie East and Transcaucasian it's necessary to
point out the following. f evidences of contacts among the first group (helmets and armour) could have
appeared as a result of import, the innovations of the second group clearly demonstrated the acquaintance of the local popularion with che army of Assyria and Urartu. Both groups of evidences could be
created as a result of a military campaign from the North Caucasian territory.
All the complexes with the evidences of contacts can be chronologically divided into on upper and
early horizons. The upper horizon belongs to the so-called "pre-Kelermesskaiya (by lessen, 1954) or
"transmission" (by lllinskaiya and Terenozhkin, 1983) group. It was distinguished by the presence of the
Scythian arrowheadsof a rhombicoutline "Endze-Gabotin" type (by Polin, 1987) and cheek-pieces with
three boles "Sialk B" (by Eriij, 1992). These types had a Central Asiatic(Siberian) origin and were connected with the first wave ofScythians. The upper date of this horizon is limited by the beginningof the
Kelermesskaya period. Now it's dared to 650-625 B.C. by the time of I Krasnoznamenskiy barrows
where a pate of a chariot's pole with image ol goodness Ishtar was found, such images were presented
on Assyrian reliis of Assyrbanipal's time (Petrenko, 1980). In the upper chronological horizon we included, Ush'kitu, Kvitki, hutor Alekseevskly and other complexes (Fig.2).




i^ 1

Figure 2. The upper horizon of complexes. 1: Lermontovskii raz'ezd; 2: Alekseevskii; 3: Uashkjitu; 4.

Kvitlci; 5. Kubanski cemetery, grave 35; Psish cemetery (surface find); Dukmasov (Surface find)


Figure 3. Uashjitu barrovv. Plan of grave


Figure 4. Uashjiu barrow. Contents of the grave

In the early horizon the Scyhtian types of artefacts are absent (Fig.l). This horizon can be dated
bytheAssyrianhelmetfrom the grave 186 in Klin-Uiarcemetery (Belinski, 1990) (Fig.l,3)andthehorse


fastening from Nosachevo (Kovpanenko, 1966). The helmet from Klin-Ular belongs to type A-2 (by
Tarik Madhloom) of Assyrian helmers, hammered from one piece of bronze, they existed during the time
of Tyglatpalasar III (744-725 B.C.) and Sargon II (722-21 - 705 B.C). The same helmet as from KlinUiar we can be seen on the reliefs of Palace of Tiglatpalasar III (Barnett, Falkner, 1962, pate LIV).
The horse fastenings from Nosachevo were widely dated to the time of Sargon II to Assurbanipal by
Calina Kovpanenko (Kovpanenko, 1966, 177-178). But Georg Kossak in rwo of his issues pwinted out, that
suchfesteningwere presenten reliefs ofTiglalpalasar 111 (744-727 B.C) (Kossack, 1987,116; dem., 1987a).
In grave 186 of Klin-Uiar cemetery some cheek-pieces of a not yet classic "Novocherkask" form
were found with helmet. These belonged to pre-Novocherkask "transmission" type I-g (Eriijh, 1992);
and the contents ofthis grave, most probably, marks the beginningof campaign, which wc dated to The
lastquarteroftheSthcent. B.C. This date can be compared with the first Information about the Cimmerians found in Assyrian narrative sources. This can be connected with unsuccessful campaign of Urartian
king Rusa I into the country of Camir. The time of this campaign has now been successfuliy dated by
thescholars Anna Kristensen and Askold Ivanchik toyear the714year B.C. (Kristensen, 1988, 42; Ivanchik, 1989, 6 ; dem., 1990, 6-8). According to the the source shows the military contacts with The
Cimmerian in that period were limited to the territory of Urartu and Western Assyria. It can be supported by some findings of the Novochercask period in The South of The Caucasus.
The upper horizon of complexes with evidences of contacts corresponds chronologicaliy to the
Assyrian sources of The first haif of 7th cent. B.C. In Assarhaddon's appeals to the oracle of Shamash
(680-670 B.C) it was mentioned that alternately Cimmerians and Scyrhians, were acting in The East of
Assyria together with the Mannaens and the Medes. As Igor' Diakonov and Askold Ivanchik supposed
in this situation the ame "Cimmerians" were used in inscriptions fot Scythians or Sake (Diakonov,
1981, 93; Ivanchik, 1989, 7). The Cimmerians were properly located by diTerent sources at that time
in regin of Kilikia and Kapoddokia.
It was published not iong ago Anatoan complexes Imirler (near Amasia) and Norshun-Tepe,
dated to the first half of the 7th cent, there in this time were Cimmerians) with had a mixed character.
There were the elements of "Scyrhian triad", connected by origin with The East of Eurasia, horse bits
with stirup-shaped terminations, rhomb-shaped arrowhead and beakedaxe. The word "akinake" and the
ring of the chariot's harness were connected with the North Caucaus; and with Transcaucasian the bits
madeof twisted bronze bars (Unal, 1982,65-81; Hauptmann, 1985, fig 4; 10).
It is very probable that these complexes display a mixture of the two nomad's waves: are coming
from the Asiatic Part of the Steppe and the other from The Northern Caucasus. It may also be an Asiatic
wave called "Scythians" ("Shkuza" and "Shkuda" of Assyrian sources).
The main argument of the archaeologists against the Black Sea North Littoral origin of The
Cimmerians is the absence in The South of The Caucasus of artefacts of the Novocherkassk period. Such
finds, in fact, were not numerous. Alexander lessen mentioned the bits with double-ring endings from
Surmushi and fragments of Novocherkask's type cheek-piece from Canyon of Ksan (Georgia) (lessen,
1953, 64). Above, we have referred to the chariot's harness derails from Norshun-Tepe. Besides that
horse bits are known from grave 47 in rhe cemetery of Kalakent (Azerbaijan). They have been created
under obvious influence of the Novocherkask-type bits. They have hended blades like the Novocherkask
ones (Nagel y Strommenger, 19-35,fig.19) (Fig.5,13).



1-11. Norsnun-teoe (Anatolia), horsegrave b y Haupimann (1985); 12-14. Kaiakent,grave

47 by Nagel and Strommenger ( 1985)

Therefore we can'r speak about a full absence of the Novocherkask impace in The Near East.
Obviously, since the military campaign of cribes from The Northern Caucasus territory were sporadically
and of short duration, they couldn't leave significant remains. On the other hand, it is necessary to carry
out a special investigation for the findings of objects of the pre-Scytian time as it was with the Scytian
Apparently, the Novochercask hoard's type group on contemporary level of our knowledge preents the most adequate archaeological conformity to the Assyrian written evidences about Cimmerians
on the Sargon time. Early military contacts with Middle East make us treat more attentively the North
Pontic tradition defending the Cimmerians origin, and not reject it at ail. It is necessary to look for some
real basis in the Herodotus legend about the Cimmerians.

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