Mid 2011 Solutions

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Date: .FN / AN

Time: 2 hrs

Spring Mid Semester Exams, 2011


B.Tech 1 Year (Core)

Full marks: 60

No. of students: 643

Dept: Comp. Sc & Engg.

Sub No: CS11001

Sub Name: Programming and Data Structures

Write answers in the space provided in the question paper itself.
Do your rough work on the space provided at in the question paper.
Write your roll number at the space provided in every sheet of the question paper.

Roll No:

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Q1 (15)

Q2 (15)

Q3 (15)

Q4 (15)

Total (60)

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Roll No:______________________


Answer the following questions.


[5 3 = 15 marks]

What will be the contents of array x after the following code segment is
int x[]={1,2,3,4,5,6,7};
int i,j;
i=4; j=3;
x[i] = i++;
x[--j] = --i + 4;
ANS 1(a):

x[] = {1, 2, 8, 4, 4, 6, 7}

b) (i) Consider the following declaration:

int i=8, j=5, k=3;
Determine the value for the following expression.
++i + --j * k++
ANS 1b(i):


(ii) Consider the following if-else statement structure:

if e1 if e2 then s1 else s2 else if e3
then s3 else s4
where e1,e2,e3 are logical expressions, and s1,s2,s3,s4 are statement
blocks. Indicate which else statement corresponds to which logical
expression by rewriting the entire statement with appropriate curly braces.
ANS 1b(ii):

if e1 then { if e2
then s1
else s2
else { if e3
then s3
else s4
THERE WAS A TYPO; a then was missing

c) What is printed by the following program?

#include <stdio.h>
int x = 5;
void f(int b, int x)
static int a=0;
if (b == 0) {printf("\n"); return;}
a++; x+=5; printf("%d ", x);
f(b-1, x); printf("%d ", a);
int main( )
int a = 5;
f(a, x); printf("\na=%d, x=%d\n", a, x);
return 0;
ANS 1(c):

10 15 20 25 30
5 5 5 5 5
a=5, x=5

d) What is printed by the following code segment?

int i;
for (i=12; i; i-=2) putchar("IIT Kharagpur" [i]);
ANS 1(d):


Roll No:______________________

e) What is printed by the following code segment?

int a[]={1,2,3,4,5,6}, *iP=a+4;
printf("%d\n", iP[1]);
printf("%d\n", a[iP[-2]]);
ANS 1(e):

------------------------------------------------- END OF QUESTION 1 -----------------------------------------------REST OF THIS PAGE MAY BE USED FOR ROUGH WORK

2. This question has three parts.

[7 + 5 + 3 = 15 marks]
a) Write a C program to compute the following series summation correct up to
five decimal places.

where 0 < x < 1.

ANS 2(a):

#include <stdio.h>
float sum, term, x;
int n;
n = 1;
sum = 0.0;
term = x;
while (fabs(term) > 0.00001)
sum = sum + term;
term = -term * x / n;
printf (\nSum of series: %f, sum);

b) Write a C program to read an integer N, and generate the following pattern of

stars for N lines, using nested loops.

Roll No:______________________
ANS 2(b):

#include <stdio.h>
int N, i, j;
printf (\nEnter value of N: );
scanf (%d, &N);
for (i=0; i<N; i++)
printf (\n);
for (j=0; j<=i; j++)
printf (* );

c) What will be the output of the following program?

#include <stdio.h>
int main()
int i=0;
for ( ; i<20; i++) {
switch (i) {
case 0: i+=5;
case 1: i+=2;
case 5: i+=5;
default: i+=4;
printf ("%d ", i);
putchar(\n); return 0;
ANS 2(c):

16 21

3. Write a C program in the following way. The function int main() reads a
positive integer n, 1 n 1000, and then it reads n positive integers in a onedimensional array of type int. It also prints the input data. It calls the function:
void copf(int data[], int n, int cpf[])
where the input data is passed through the first parameter. The second parameter is
the number of data n.
Values in the array corresponding to the third parameter is computed by the function
copf( ). On execution of this function, cpf[i] will contain the number of
distinct prime factors of data[i], for all i, 0 i < n. As an example, if data[2]
is 140 = 22 5 7, then cpf[2] will contain 3.
Finally main()prints the content of the array which is passed as the third parameter
to the function copf().
The function int pc(int k) returns the count of distinct prime factors of its
argument k. For example, if k is 140, it returns 3. The function copf() calls the
function int pc(int k) with every element of data[i] to get the
corresponding count of distinct prime factors.
a) Write the function int main().
b) Write the function
void copf(int data[], int n, int cpf[]).
c) Write C expressions corresponding to 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 in the function pc()
int pc(int k){
int num, 1 ;
for(2; 3 ; ++num){
if (k%num == 0) {
++ count;
while (4) 5 ;
return count;
[3 5 = 15 marks]

Roll No:______________________
[3 5 = 15 marks]
ANS 3(a):

#include <stdio.h>
#define SIZE 1000
void copf(int [], int, int []);
int pc(int);
int main()
int n, data[SIZE], i, cpf[SIZE];
printf("Enter a +ve integer: "); scanf("%d", &n);
printf("Enter %d +ve integers:\n", n);
for(i=0; i<n; ++i) scanf("%d", &data[i]);
printf("Input data:\n");
for(i=0; i<n; ++i) printf("%d ", data[i]);
copf(data, n, cpf);
printf("Corresponding prime counts are:\n");
for(i=0; i<n; ++i) printf("%d ", cpf[i]);
return 0;
ANS 3(b):

void copf(int data[], int n, int cpf[])

int i;
for (i=0; i<n; ++i) cpf[i] = pc(data[i]);
return ;

ANS 3(c):

1:_____count = 0______________

2:_______ num = 2____________

3:_____k != 1 (or)__ num <= k__

4:_______ k%num == 0________

5:______k /= num_______________

a) A country has coins of denomination 3, 5 and 10 respectively. The following
function returns 1 if it is not possible to pay a value of k using these coins.
Otherwise it returns the minimum number of coins needed to make the
For example, canchange(7) will return -1. On the other hand,
canchange(14) will return 4 because 14 can be paid as 3+3+3+5 and there
is no other way to pay with fewer coins.
Write C expressions corresponding to 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 in the following
int canchange(int k)
int a= -1;
if (k==0) return 0;
if ( 1 ) return 1;
if (k < 3) 2 ;
a = canchange( 3 ); if (a > 0) return 4 ;
a = canchange(k 5); if (a > 0) return 5 ;
a = canchange( 6 ); if (a > 0) return 7 ;
return -1;
b) Modify the function of part (a) to write a function to print the change. For
example, if we call the function printchange(14) it should print
3+3+3+5. The function prototype is:
int printchange(int k)
[7 +8 = 15 marks]

Roll No:______________________
ANS 4(a):

1:___(k ==3) || (k == 5) || (k == 10)______________________________

2:___return -1 (or) return a___

3:___k 10 _________________



6:___ k 3___________________

7:___ a+1____________________

ANS 4(b):

int printchange(int k)
int a= -1;
if (k==0) return 0;
if ((k ==3)||(k == 5)||(k == 10))
{ printf("%d", k); return 1; }
if (k < 3) return -1;
a = printchange(k -10); if (a > 0)
{ printf("+10"); return a+1; }
a = printchange(k - 5); if (a > 0)
{ printf("+5"); return a+1; }
a = printchange(k-3); if (a > 0)
{ printf("+3"); return a+1; }
return -1;

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