Team Members:: Division of Science & Technology, University of Education Township Campus Lahore

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Division of Science & Technology, University of Education

Township Campus Lahore

Project ID:

Team Members:

Division of Science & Technology, University of Education, Township Campus Lahore.

FINAL PROJECT PROPOSAL GUIDE...............................................................................................................3
1.1 PROJECT TITLE.......................................................................................................................................3
1.2 PROJECT OVERVIEW STATEMENT...........................................................................................................3
1.4 PROJECT GOALS & OBJECTIVES.............................................................................................................4
1.5 HARDWARE AND SOFTWARE SPECIFICATION..........................................................................................4
1.6 TOOLS AND TECHNOLOGIES USED WITH REASONING.............................................................................4
1.7 GANTT CHART........................................................................................................................................8
1.8 INTRODUCTION TO TEAM MEMBER AND THEIR SKILL SET...................................................................10

Division of Science & Technology, University of Education, Township Campus Lahore.

Final Project Proposal Guide

1. Introduction
This guide will tell you how to prepare and submit the final project proposal that is the
documented work for the Project. A good project proposal must define the functional and
non-functional requirements in unambiguous statements, Scope of the Project,
Development Schedule, Development Process, Techniques, Tools, Platform with
reasoning. However, a professional and well-defined proposal should be composed under
the following headings;

Project Title
Project Overview Statement
Project scope
Project Goals & Project Objectives
Hardware and Software Specification
Tools and technologies used with reasoning 4
Gantt chart
Introduction to Team member and their skill set

1.1 Project Title

The title should be clear and unambiguous (do not make it "cute"). Think of your title as
a mini-abstract. A good title should paint a quick picture for the reader of the key idea(s)
of your project. The words you use in your title should clearly reflect the focus of your
proposal. The most important words should come first, then the less important words. Try
to remove words from your title that really are not necessary for understanding. Try and
use only a single sentence for your title. If the sentence is getting too long try removing
some words. When all else fails try using a two-part title with the parts separated by a
colon (use only as a last resort!). Do not attempt to use the title as an abstract of your
entire proposal. If your proposal is built on collaborating with other groups/organizations
it is usually a good idea to include their names on the Title/Cover Page.

1.2 Project Overview Statement

Think of the Project Overview as an Executive Summary (the busy executive probably
only has enough time to read your Overview - not the entire proposal). Be specific and
concise. Do not go into detail on aspects of your proposal that are further clarified at a
later point in your proposal. The Project Overview should "paint a picture" of your
proposal in the mind of the reader. It should establish the framework so that the rest of the
proposal has a frame of reference. Use the Project Overview to begin to show your
knowledge of the organization from which you are requesting funds. Key concerns of the
funding organization can be briefly identified in relation to your proposed project. If you
will be collaborating with other organizations make sure some of their interests are also
highlighted in the Project Overview. This can assist in strengthening the collaboration by
recognizing them at the very beginning of your proposal. The best time to prepare the
Division of Science & Technology, University of Education, Township Campus Lahore.

Project Overview is after you have completed the entire proposal (and you understand all
aspects of your proposal very well). Let the Overview be your last piece of writing and
then insert it at the beginning of your proposal. Try to keep in mind that someone will be
reviewing your proposal and you would like to have this person be very positive about
what you have written. The Project Overview will probably form a strong impression in
the mind of the reviewer. Work on your Project Overview so that you can avoid giving
this person the opportunity to say things like:

Not an original idea

Rationale is weak
Writing is vague
Uncertain outcomes
Does not have relevant experience
Problem is not important
Proposal is unfocused
Project is too large.

1.3 Project Scope

1.4 Project Goals & Objectives
Try and differentiate between your goals and your objectives - and include both. Goals
are the large statements of what you hope to accomplish but usually aren't very
measurable. They create the setting for what you are proposing. Objectives are
operational, describe specific things you will be accomplishing in your project, and are
very measurable. Your objectives will form the basis for the activities of your project and
will also serve as the basis for the evaluation of your project. Try to insure that there is
considerable overlap between the goals and objectives for your proposal and the goals
and objectives of the funding organization. If there is not a strong overlap of goals and
objectives then it might be best to identify a different funding organization. Measurable
objectives for your project should be presented. If you are dealing with "things" it is
easier for them to be measured than if you are dealing with abstract ideas. Your proposal
is easier for a prospective funding organization to understand (and the outcomes are much
more clear) if you describe your objectives in measurable ways.

1.5 Hardware and Software Specification

Any hardware or software specifications e.g. machine type required, operating system
and other utilities should be clearly specified for the system to be developed.

1.6 Tools and technologies used with reasoning

The application tools, which are to be used on front and back end of the system to be
developed, should be listed. The reasons for these tools should also be enlisted.
Identify what the needs for tool support are, and what the constraints are, by looking at
the following:
Division of Science & Technology, University of Education, Township Campus Lahore.

The development process. What tool support is required to effectively work? For
example, if the organization decide to employ an iterative development process, it
is necessary to automate the tests, since you will be testing several times during
the project.
Host (or development) platform(s).
Target platform(s).
The programming language(s) to be used.
Existing tools. Evaluate any existing and proven tools and decide whether they
can continue to be used.
The distribution of the development organization. Is the organization physically
distributed? Development tools generally support a physically distributed
organization differently.
The size of the development effort. Tools support large organizations more or less
Budget and time constraints

1.7 Gantt chart

The Gantt chart enumerates the activities to be performed on the vertical axis and their
corresponding duration on the horizontal axis. It is possible to schedule activities by
either early start or late start logic. In the early start approach; each activity is initiated as
early as possible without violating the precedence relations. In the late start approach;
each activity is delayed as much as possible as long as the earliest finish time of the
project is not compromised.
Based on the Work Breakdown Structure (WBS), a timeline or Gantt chart showing the
allocation of time to the project phases or iterations should be developed. This Gantt chart
would identify major milestones with their achievement criteria. It must contain duration
estimation of all the necessary activities to be carried out during the project development
along with the human resources responsible for the respective tasks. Activity
dependencies are also required to be mentioned in it.

Sample Gantt chart


Task Name





7 days

Thu 7/10/03

Fri 7/18/03


8 days

Mon 7/14/03

Wed 7/23/03


3 days

Mon 7/14/03

Wed 7/16/03


10 days

Mon 7/21/03

Jul 6, '03
Predecessors W T

Jul 13, '03


Jul 20, '03


Fri 8/1/03 2

1.8 Introduction to Team member and their skill set

Division of Science & Technology, University of Education, Township Campus Lahore.

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