Import Functions For Pakistan - A Simultaneous Equation Approach Mohammad Afzal

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Mohammad Afzal

Import Functions for Pakistan A

Simultaneous Equation Approach
Mohammad Afzal*
It is highly desirable that the behaviour of imports is
studied in both demand and supply scenarios. Many studies
in international trade have estimated the price elasticities
of demand but very few studies have been used to study
supply behaviour in international trade. However, Khan
(1974), Haynes and Stone (1983 a) and Arize (1986), using
estimates of import supply in international trade. To study
the true behaviour of imports, the choice of the functional
form is important. Different researchers have used different
forms according to their objectives and inclinations. Leamer
and Stern [(1970), pp.8-19] have discussed at length the
functional form of the import demand but they have not
said anything about import supply. Leamer and Stern
(1970) noted that the linear and log-linear forms of the
import demand are:
M= a + b Y/Py + c Pm/Py +


Log M = logal + bl log(Y/Py) + cl log(Pm/Py) + log

a=constant term in the regression
b=Marginal propensity to import
c=import coefficient of relative prices
=Error term reflecting other minor influences

Department of Economics, Gomal University, D.I. Khan Pakistan.

This is part of the authors Ph.D. Thesis submitted to Bahauddin Zakariya University,
Multan (Pakistan).

The Lahore Journal of Economics, Vol.6, No.2

In the linear form, income and price elasticities of

the import demand will depend upon the level of these
variables, while in the log-linear form b 1 and c1 are income
and price elasticities. There are no clear-cut criteria for
choosing a functional form. The choice depends on the
preferences and objectives of the researcher. The
limitation of the linear-form is that price elasticity will
diminish as income grows. Under such circumstances, the
log-linear form might be preferred. Both forms assume
that the basic demand relationship is linear. The use of
linear or log-linear form may be looked at as testing the
significance of a particular functional form rather than the
significance of the particular explanatory variables.
Khan and Ross (1977) have demonstrated that loglinear specification was better than a linear one for import
demand for three major industrial countries [USA, Japan
and Canada]. Sarmad (1989) has reported that based on
the experience of a vast number of countries the log-linear
form is the preferred choice for the aggregate import
demand equation.
The PIDE Macro-econometric model of Pakistans
Economy [Naqvi et al (1983)] has specified 13 equations for
the foreign trade sector. There are three categories, each of
exports and imports. Import equations are demand oriented
while export equations are supply-oriented. Of the five
equations for imports, three equations are behavioural and
two are definitional identities. This model has studied the
demand for consumer, intermediate and capital goods
imports, while the demand for services has been treated as
exogenous. The model covers the period 1959-60 to 197889. This study needs to be updated. Moreover, it is
desirable to study both the demand and supply of imports.
Sarmad and Mahmood (1985) have estimated import
elasticities at a disaggregated level for the period 1969-80.
They also obtained price and income elasticities for
aggregate imports. They have reported mixed results for
price and income elasticities. It is difficult to draw valid
policy implications.
Though the assumption of infinite supply price
elasticity is acceptable for the supply of imports to a single
country [Goldstein and Khan (1978)]. It is, however,

Mohammad Afzal

desirable to use a simultaneous equations model of import

demand and supply, as it will help in policy formulation.
This study is different from the few studies [Khan
(1974), Naqvi et al (1983), and Sarmad and Mahmood
(1985)] on import behaviour of Pakistan in the following
aspects. (a) To the best of our knowledge no other study
except Khan (1974) has examined the demand and supply
of imports in a simultaneous equation framework. The
period of the Khan (1974) study was 1951-69. The Khan
(1974) study needs to be updated because much has
changed (geography as well as policies) after 1969 (b) This
study uses a dummy variable, not done by other studies on
the import behaviour of Pakistan, to see the impact of
liberalisation efforts on imports since the beginning of the
The purpose of the paper is to investigate the stated
aspects regarding the import behaviour of Pakistan for the
period 1960 1999. Section II gives the description of the
model and data sources. Results and discussion are given in
Section III and the conclusions are given in the final section.
Model and Data Sources
The imports are a function of the real domestic
income and the real price of imports. Similarly, supply of
imports depends on world income, price of imports and the
general price level. Therefore, in log-linear form, the
following equations for import demand and supply are
Import Demand Equations
LnMd = 0 + 1 LnPi + 2 LnYpak


LnMd = 0 + 1 LnPi + 2 LnYpak + 3 Do



The Lahore Journal of Economics, Vol.6, No.2

Ln = natural logarithm
Md = Real value of imports demand
Ypak = real GDP of Pakistan
PM = unit value of imports of Pakistan
Pd = Wholesale Price index (WPI) of Pakistan
Pi = (PM/Pd) = ratio of the unit value of imports (PM)
of Pakistan to WPI of Pakistan
Do = 0 for 1959-60 to 1988-89 (Pre-liberalisation)
= 1 for 1989-90 to 1999 (Post-liberalisation)
Do is the liberalisation dummy as Pakistan
embarked on its trade liberalisation programme in the early
1990s. During the 1950s and 1960s most developing
industrialisation through Import Substitution (IS). In the
following decades (1970s, 1980) a policy mix of exportpromotion and import-substitution was pursued in Pakistan.
During the 1990s import-liberalisation and exportpromotion policies have been followed in Pakistan [Pakistan
Economic Survey (1991-92), p.xxxii]. Therefore, a study of
the impact of liberalisation efforts on imports is desirable.
The expected signs of the coefficients in equations 1
and 2 are: 1 <o, 2 >o and the sign of 3 the coefficient of
Do is uncertain as it is difficult to say something with
certainty about the positive or negative effects of
Import Supply Equations
LnMs = 0 + 1 LnPM + 2 LNPW + 3 LnZW


LNMs = 0 + 1 LnPM + 2 LNPW + 3 LnZW + 4 Do (4)

Ms = Real value of imports supply
ZW = World real income

Mohammad Afzal

PW = Wholesale Price index of the world

Do = as explained above in the import demand
equation 2.
The signs of coefficients in equation 3 and 4 are
expected to be: 1 <o, 2 >o and 3 >o. The sign of 4 the
coefficient of Do is uncertain.
All the data on imports have been taken from the
Pakistan Economic Survey (various issues). Real World
Income data have been taken from World Tables. The data
regarding world wholesale price Index (WPI) and unit value
of imports in domestic currency have been taken from
International Financial Statistics (IFS) yearbooks (various
years). All the variables are in natural logarithm and are in
constant 1989-90 = 100 prices.
Results and discussions
Tables 1 and 2 give OLS and TSLS results about
import demand and supply. The instruments list is lagged
[GDP, imports, import prices, domestic prices, world
wholesale prices, and world income]. Consumer and
wholesale price indices of Pakistan, growth of world
income, dummy, and world wholesale prices.
Traditional as well as dummy included forms of the
import functions [Equations 1 and 2] show those variables
have expected signs. The price coefficient is negative but
not significant and the domestic income coefficient is
positive and is significant in both equations. The
liberalisation dummy coefficient is negative but not
significant implying that trade liberalisation does not have a
healthy impact on demand for imports, though it is not
Economic theory says that like consumption and
saving, imports are also an increasing function of domestic
income. Therefore, estimation results are in agreement
with economic theory and so is the relative price variable.
But the less significant nature of the price variable shows
that the demand for imports is inelastic because of the
immense need of the diverse imports. Khans (1974) study
covering 15 countries including Pakistan for the period

The Lahore Journal of Economics, Vol.6, No.2

1951-69 reported a significant price coefficient (-0.779).

Three factors are likely to have influenced Khans
estimate. First, his study covered a period when Pakistans
exchange rate was overvalued. Second, foreign aid
financed imports. Third, a low inflation rate may be a very
potential factor in making the price coefficient significant.
During the 1970s and 1990s Pakistan had a very high
inflation rate. Since in the import demand the import price
is deflated by the domestic price index, a high index can
make the ratio less significant thus domestic inflationary
pressure appears to be the most potential factor in turning
out a less significant price coefficient.
Sarmad and Mahmood [1985] got mixed results for
certain sub-groups of imports for the period 1960-80. For
many sub-groups, the price elasticities were significant,
while they also had insignificant as well as positive values
for some cases. The results of this study cannot be
compared with those of Sarmad and Mahmood [1985] as
their imports were disaggregated.
Table-1: Imports Demand































Note: The number in parentheses in Tables 1 and 2 are tstatistics where * stands for 5% and ** for 10% levels of
significance respectively in both Tables.


However, current domestic income is significant in

estimations. Equations 3 and 4 show inferior

Mohammad Afzal

estimates for import supply in both OLS and TSLS. This

finding indicates that the assumption of a very large or
infinite import supply to an individual country appears to
be acceptable. World income turns out to be the major
determinant of import supply implying that good economic
conditions in the world ensure greater supply of imports,
and prices are less important.
Table-2: Imports Supply







































Traditional as well as dummy included forms of the
import functions show that variables have expected signs.
The price coefficient is negative and not significant but the
domestic income coefficient is positive and significant in
both equations. Liberalisation does not have a positive
impact on demand for imports, though it is not significant.
Maintenance of real effective exchange rate under a liberal
trade regime has increased the value of imports but not
the volume of imports (Pakistan Economic Survey, 19992000).

The Lahore Journal of Economics, Vol.6, No.2

Estimation results are in agreement with economic

theory. But the nature of the price variable shows that the
demand for imports is inelastic because of the huge need
of diverse imports. The domestic inflationary pressure
appears to be the most potential factor in turning out a
less significant price coefficient.
On the basis of inferior estimates for import supply
in both estimations, this study concludes that the
assumption of a very large or infinite import supply to an
individual country appears to be acceptable or as
suggested by Haynes and Stone (1983 b) supply-price
instead of imports quantity or value may be used as the
dependent variable.

Arize, A. 1986, The Supply and Demand for Imports and
Export in a Simultaneous Model, Pakistan Economic
and Social Review, Vol.24, No.2, pp. 57-76.
Godstein, M. and Mohsen S. Khan 1978, The Supply and
Demand for Exports: A Simultaneous Approach,
Review of Economics and Statistics, Vol.60, No.2, pp.
Haynes, S. and J. Stone 1983a, Secular and Cyclical
Response of US Trade to Income: An Evaluation of
Traditional Models, Review of Economics and
Statistics, Vol.65, pp. 87-95.
Haynes, Sand and J. Stone, 1983b, Specification of Supply
Behaviour in International Trade, Review of
Economics and Statistics, Vol.65, pp. 626-631.
IMF, International Financial Statistics (Various issues).
Khan, Mohsin S. 1974, Import and Export Demand in
Developing Countries, IMF Staff Papers, Vol.21, pp.

Mohammad Afzal

Khan, M.S. and K.Z. Ross 1977, The Functional Form of

the Aggregate Import Demand Equation Journal of
International Economics, Vol.7, pp. 149-160.
Leamer, Edward and R.M. Stern 1970, Quantitative
International Economics, Boston, Allyn Bacon.
Murray, Tracy and P. Ginman 1976, An Empirical
Examination of the Traditional Aggregate Import
Demand Model, Review of Economics and Statistics,
Vol.58, pp. 75-80.
Naqvi et al 1983, The PIDE Macro-Econometric Model of
Pakistans Economy, Islamabad, Pakistan Institute of
Development Economics (PIDE).
Sarmad, K. 1989, The Determinants of Import Demand in
Pakistan, World Development, Vol.17, No.10, pp.
Sarmad, K. and Riaz Mahmood 1985, Price and Income
Elasticities of Consumer Goods Imports Pakistan
Development Review, Vol.24, No.3&4, pp. 453-461.
Pakistan, Government of Pakistan Economic Survey
[various issues], Islamabad, Ministry of Finance,
Economic Advisor Wing.
World Bank, World Tables (various issues).

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