Dec 2007 Doc Hawkins Seminar: Illumination - Level 600

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Dec 2007 Doc Hawkins Seminar

Illumination - level 600

No "you" or "I"
From viewpoint of witness
Pathway of no conceptual thinking
Self-Realization - 700-850
Truth = Love = Divinity
All that's left of the person is the witness
Full Enlightenment - 850-1000
Divinity as all-present Oneness
Consciousness as omniscience
Divinity innate to all existence
Consciousness as Source of Life
Life cannot be destroyed -- it can only change form
Consciousness is an aspect of Divinity
Like a light goes on that illuminates all of existence
The Mystic (1)
Stages (Classical)

purgation of bodily desires

purification of the will
illumination of the mind
unitive state - unification with the Divine
self dissolves in Self
final "state" or "condition"
the Sage

Devoid of "others"
"I" as personal pronoun stops interfering all the time
Letting go of attractions and aversions
Attractions are projections of the field of glamour
Stop being ruled by senses
There is no personal pronoun--almost have to imagine one to
become operationally functional.

The Mystic (2)

Inner Process
Ignition - Initiation - Attraction
Motivation - Curiosity - Inspiration
Contagion - Education - Discovery
Introspection - Awakening - Karma
Devotion - Prayer - Supplication - Dedication
Persistence - Pursuit - Desire - Goal
Meditation - Contemplation - Reflection
Holy Company - Teacher - Energy Field
Mudra - Life as Supplication - prayer
Aesthetic - Grace - Presence
Yin position of allowingness
I pray to Thee, Oh Lord, to allow me to understand this
All of nature knows what we are - Silent Awareness
That which is devoted to God and Life
Openness allows revelation to occur
Awareness of intrinsic beauty of All That Exists
We lighten up the world by what we have become
The Mystic (3)
1. seeking (yogas)
2. surrendering
3. Samadhi - Turiya - 4th State
Let go all conceptual thought
All spoken words are conceptualizations -- perceptions

The Mystic (4)

"I" as Content, Self as: have to transcend the personal "I"
Time tracks - past, present, future
There is no personal "you" making any decisions -- it all happens
autonomously (including the illusion that there is a personal "I"-therefore we don't need to feel guilty about any of it. Ego jumps
in and takes responsibility in 1/10000 of a second.
Ask God to remove attention to thinkingness to that which is
aware. What you look for without looking -- Field of Silence
Nothing denies us
Below the listening mind (imbeciles)
Appeal to Divinity is irresistible to Divinity
Perception is not capable of knowing Truth
Constantly keep surrendering and ask God for assistance
Two passes:
Pass 1 - Luciferic power over others for its own sake
Pass 2 - Attachment to Life
There is nothing to get
Once you give something a name you have introduced a
Only to own the fullness of your Being
After you let go of everything there is only an intuition of
You feel lost in time and space
The Mystic (5)
Experiencer - 1/10000 of a second delay
Nothing is happening in sequence
Be willing to relinguish the idea of a personal "I"
Be the witness: there seems to be this room full of people and
there seems to be this entity listening, talking, interacting

Response to question about how to surrender:

Would I be willing to turn over trying to control this to God?

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