M Ed 1st Year Question Papers Philosophy
M Ed 1st Year Question Papers Philosophy
M Ed 1st Year Question Papers Philosophy
Time: 3 Hours
Maximum Marks: 80
The candidate shall limit their answers precisely within the answer- book (40
Pages) issued to them and no supplementary / continuation sheet will be issued.
Note: Attempt five questions in all. Select one question from each and Question
No. 1 which is compulsory .All questions carry equal marks.
Que. 1 Answer the paragraph each of the following :a) What is the Normative Function of Philosophy of Education ?
b) What is the nature of Knowledge according to Existentialist thought ?
c) What is Dialectical Approach to the acquisition of knowledge ?
d) What are the similarities between methods of Teaching as advocated by
Dewey and Gandhi ?
e) What is the core theme or the core message of Bhagwadgita ?
Que. 2: What is Realism ? Explain the nature of knowledge , values, aims of
education , curricula and methods of Teaching according to Realism ?
Que. 3: What is Vedanta ? What is the difference between Advaita and
Vashishtadvaita ? Specify the goals of life, aims of education and methods of
imparting instruction according to Vedanta Philosophy ?
Que. 4 Discuss briefly the nature of values as conceived by Buddhism and Jainism
. How far this set of values conform to the values as advocated in Bhagwadgita ?
Que. 5 Discuss the contribution made by any one of the following Philosophers to
the field of Educational thought:1. Plato 2. Kant
Maximum Marks: 80
The candidate shall limit their answers precisely within the answer- book (40
Pages) issued to them and no supplementary / continuation sheet will be issued.
Note: Attempt five questions in all. Select one question from each and Question
No. 1 which is compulsory .All questions carry equal marks.
Que.1 Answer in a paragraph each of the following:a) Explain Vashishtadvaita.
b) Benefits of Yoga
c) Concept of man.
d) Need of International Understanding.
e) Social Startification.
Que. 2 Give the meaning of Philosophy and discuss the relationship between
Education and Philosophy.
Que. 3 Explain Sankhya School of thought in the light of present circumstances.
Que. 4 (a) Explain the contribution of Plato.
(b) Explain the Educational Philosophy of Swami Vivekananda.
Que.5 Enlist the national values as enshrined in Indian Constitution and explain
their educational implications.
Que. 6 What do you mean by Social Organisation ? Explain the factors affecting
social organization.
Que. 7 Give the meaning of Culture. Explain the preservative and transmitive role
of education in culture.
Que. 8 Explain the education as a socialization process and as a process of Social
progress and change.
Maximum Marks: 80
The candidate shall limit their answers precisely within the answer- book (40
Pages) issued to them and no supplementary / continuation sheet will be issued.
Note: Attempt five questions in all. Select one question from each and Question
No. 1 which is compulsory .All questions carry equal marks.
Que.1 Answer in a paragraph each of the following:a) Explain the Normative functions of Philosophy.
b) Benefits of Yoga
c) Social Stratification
d) Education as a process of change
e) National integration
Que. 2 Explain speculative and analytical foundations of Education.
Que. 3 Explain Sankhya school of Thought in the present day circumstances.
Que. 4(a) Discuss the contribution of Dewey in Education.
(b) Explain Philosophy of Sri Aurobindo.
Maximum Marks: 80
The candidate shall limit their answers precisely within the answer- book (40
Pages) issued to them and no supplementary / continuation sheet will be issued.
Note: Attempt five questions in all. Select one question from each and Question
No. 1 which is compulsory .All questions carry equal marks.
Que. 1 Answer the paragraph each of the following :A. What is epistemology ?
B. What is Positive Realism ?
C. What is the nature of reality according to Sankhya School of Indian
Philosophy ?
D. Whay do we have inequalities in Indian society ?
E. What is social stratification ?
Que. 2 Discuss the nature and functions of Philosophy of Education.
Que. 3 What is Pragmatism ? Trace the impact of this school of Philosophy on the
present day curricular content in schools and methods of imparting educational
instruction in schools.
Que.4 Critically discuss the four noble truths and eight-fold path as enunciated
by Buddhism school of Indian Philosophy. How does this school of thought lay the
foundations of secular and scientific system of value based Education ?
Que.5 Explain briefly the educational vision of Sri Aurobindo Ghosh with special
references to his contribution to the domain of cosmic evaluation of man and idea
of global village.
Que. 6 Critically examine the nature of Sociology of Education. How it is different
from Educational Sociology ? Explain briefly the nature of social organization.
Que. 7 What is the meaning of Culture ? Discuss the role of Education in the
preservation, transmission and enrichment of culture.
Que. 8 Is Education a social system ? Explain the role of Education in the process
of social change and social progress.
Que.9 Write an essay on any one of the following themes:(a)
Maximum Marks: 80
The candidate shall limit their answers precisely within the answer- book (40
Pages) issued to them and no supplementary / continuation sheet will be issued.
Note: Attempt five questions in all. Select one question from each and Question
No. 1 which is compulsory .All questions carry equal marks.
Que. 1 Answer the paragraph each of the following :a) What is the nature of Knowledge according to the Existentialist thought ?
b) What is the normative function of Philosophy of Education ?
c) What is the Dialectical Approach to the acquisition of knowledge ?
d) What are the similarities between methods of teaching as advocated by
Gandhi and Dewey ?
e) What is the core theme /message of Bhagawad Gita.
Que. 2 What is Realism ? Explain the nature of knowledge , values, aims of
education, curricula and methods of Teaching according to Realism .
Que. 3 What is Vedanta ? What is difference between Advaita and
Vishishtadvaita ? Specify the goals of life, aims of education and methods of
imparting instruction according to Vedanta Philosophy.
Que. 4 Briefly discuss the nature of values as conceived by Buddhism and Jainism.
How far this set of values conform to the values as advocated in Bhagwadgita
and Islam ?
Que.5 Discuss the contribution made by any one of the following Philosophers to
the field of Educational Thought:a) Kant
b) Plato
c) Sri Aurobindo
d) Vivekananda
Que. 6 Examine critically the nature and composition of Society and Social
Organization. Specify the salient characteristics of Social Organization.
Que.7 What is culture ? What is the difference between Material culture and
Ideational Culture ? How does Education facilitate salient cultural change ?
Que.8 What do you mean by Equality of Educational Opportunity ? What role
does education play in reducing the inequalities in Indian Social System ?
Que.9 Can Education for National integration and International understanding be
imparted simultaneously in a school ? Suggest ways and means of imparting
education for international understanding in our schools.
Maximum Marks: 80
The candidate shall limit their answers precisely within the answer- book (40
Pages) issued to them and no supplementary / continuation sheet will be issued.
Note: Attempt five questions in all. Select one question from each and Question
No. 1 which is compulsory .All questions carry equal marks.
Que. 1 Answer the paragraph each of the following :a) Explain Doctrine.
b) Explain Vashishtadvaita
c) Benefits of Yoga
d) A global Perspective
e) Explain Social Progress.
Que. 2 What is the relation of Education Philosophy ? Explain Educational
Philosophy with suitable examples.
Que. 3 Explain Sankhya school of Thought in the light of present circumstances.
Que. 4 What do you mean by Buddhism Education ? Write its relevance to the
modern world .
Que. 5 (a) Explain contribution of Pluto.
Time: 3 Hours
Maximum Marks: 80
The candidate shall limit their answers precisely within the answer- book (40
Pages) issued to them and no supplementary / continuation sheet will be issued.
Note: Attempt five questions in all. Select one question from each and Question
No. 1 which is compulsory .All questions carry equal marks.
Que. 1 Answer the paragraph each of the following :a) Explain Normative Functions of Philosophy.
b) Benefits of Yoga
c) Social Stratification
d) Education as a process of change
e) National Integration
Que. 2 Explain Speculative and Analytical foundations of Education.
Que. 3 Explain Sankhya school of Thought in the present day circumstances.
Que.4 (a) Discuss contributions of Dewey in Education.
(b) Explain Philosophy of Sri Aurobindo.
Que. 5 Discuss the educational implications of the National Values enshrined in
Indian Constitution.
Que. 6 Give the meaning of Sociology of Education and Educational Sociology.
Explain the difference between the two.
Que. 7 Explain the meaning of Culture . Discuss the role of education in cultural
Que. 8 Explain Socialisation as a process of Progress and Change.
Que.9 Discuss gender inequality in Indian social setup. How can education help
in overcoming this meance ?
Maximum Marks: 80
The candidate shall limit their answers precisely within the answer- book (40
Pages) issued to them and no supplementary / continuation sheet will be issued.
Note: Attempt five questions in all. Select one question from each and Question
No. 1 which is compulsory .All questions carry equal marks.
Que. 1 Answer the paragraph each of the following :I.
Que. 4 What are the Educational Implications of Yoga Philosophy in the present
scenario ? Explain the educational provision given by Indian Constitution.
Que. 5 (a) Contribution of M.K. Gandhi in the field of Education.
(b) What do you mean by concept of integrated education. Explain in detail.
Que. 6 What is the meaning of Social Organisation ? Explain its characteristics.
How Education can be more effective in the process of socialization ?
Que. 7 Explain the meaning and nature of culture. How can a teacher play
leading role in bringing a cultural change in the society ?
Que. 8 Explain Social Stratification. Discuss the factors responsible for bringing
social change . Is Democracy necessary for Education ?
Que.9 Explain the concept of Equality and Equity. Indicate the inequalities in
Indian Social System. Explain the role of Education in the process of international