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Shilpa Patra. M.Ed Trainee (Ganagadharpur Sikhshan Mandir) : Impact of Info-Savvy Skills On Education

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Impact of Info-Savvy Skills on Education

Shilpa Patra. M.Ed Trainee(Ganagadharpur Sikhshan Mandir)

Now a days, for information gathering internet is a very useful medium. In 21st century peoples are developing
their countries by many technological information's which they collect through internet. As a result day by day the level
of gathering information becoming high and strong. Of information are fulfilling. For this reason we need information
and technological advantages in our daily life. So it’s related with us very closely.

 In Present era, Social and educational process depends on many unique device which are-computer,
modem, telephone, mobile phone, camera, audio-visual aids, Satellite or micro-wave media etc. with
blessing of technologies we becoming a world citizen. In educational programmed the Knowledge based
information rich societies as well as pupils. It is necessary in the teaching learning process for learning be
well understood. In information and technology Computer is one part of it. The last decade it’s a helpful
and powerful medium for exchanging information. The number of computer users increasing rapidly. That is

Info-Savvy Skill :
For communication and information assembling internet is a common medium an individual can quire and provide
information through internet. The interact with other’s by use of Computers, mobile phones, Regularly use of the
internet promotes self –efficacy to the people and also Students.

 Internet requires various Skills for searching information. Which help them in pursuing suitable
information efficiency. For teaching students the use of information and Technology they can obtain
many information easily which related the field of education. By using ICT, Student’s Can Identify
the problems, information analysis and application to the problem in the proper way and naturally.
A person who know all these skills we can Called info-savvy skills And also our technological
knowledge in proving this info-savvy skills.

Objectives :-
There are many objectives of info savvy skills. These are given below-

1) To develop Student’s over all communication skills, The can clearly state question, discuss among various groups
of students, to develop their writing forms, empirical writing practice to achieve to specific purpose of the
2) To making the learning more meaningful. The lessons a teacher implement’s should have relevant to a student's
3) To develop their positive thinking for life time achievement. Create proper link between student understanding
and academic achievement.
4) To involve student’s in constructive lesson plan and develop their interests.
5) To make real-life connection through technology, media is the main tool used by teachers to bring the real
world into the classroom, with the help of you tube, many videos and news feeds. These are the gain of the
students interest.
6) To make the we feeling among all of the Students They could feel them as a global citizen by using face
book, twitter and blog etc (Social networks)
Stages of Info –savvy Skill:

According to Jean LUC Picard –way to solving problems, there are five stages of Info savvy skills, which are—
i) Skill of asking
ii) Skill of accessing
iii) Skill of analyzing
iv) Skill of applying
v) Skill of assessing

Assessing Skill
Asking Skill

Info –savvy
Applying Skill Skills
Accessing Skill

Analyzing Skill

Now we explain all these Skills Step by Step

1) Asking Skill :
To Engaging Student in the learning process by the Asking skill. When a teacher teaches a lesson in the classroom,
he helps the students to create the topic related question. By these question teachers and Students learn more about
the topic. It helps to improving the asking Skill of the Student’s This Skill has the following Components-

a) Identification of Problem :
Students should be the power of identify the accurate problem in their method subjects, general papers,
assignment and their education related practical work.

b) Indentifying key words and forming question around them :

Students should indentify the key words where the problem be Situated, after identifying the problem. Then
they choose the key words of question in the perspective around the problem

c) Brain Storming :
After identifying the problem Student should express their own thought through brainstorming. The can shape
their question absolutely.

d) Diver gently :
Students should thought creative ideas by exploring many possible. Solutions. They could not thought only for
the one problem but think for alternative also They should responsible for making such by thesis.
e) Under Stand ethical skills :
The ethical issues in the problem should be identified and they should be take care of ethical issues when they
are working. The ethical issues are like –respect, caring, citizen ship, responsibility, honesty, reliability.

f) Listening deeply, viewing wisely and speaking critically-

In the time of teaching student not only listing deeply they should receive the appropriate inner meaning of the
Subject and reflect upon that. When there are viewing , they should be view it properly and wisely and all the
time should speak in actual structure and socially bearable words, they should correctly reflect before

g) Sharing personal knowledge and experience

Student should sharing their personal knowledge and experiences among all the students for gathering
information or learning.

2) Accessing Skill :
In the educational programmed on the stage of accessing skill student should engage themselves in the
Collecting data of the Info-Savvy process. The teacher sometimes could helps the Students. In this stage students mainly
quest for possible data Sources and draw out the main relevant information. The Components of this Skill-

a) Determining where the information is located :

At first Student should determine the appropriate sources of data. Then They should Collect those information
from newspapers, bulletins, Library, internet etc

b) Determining what skills are needed to final information :

Whatever the source of information is positions students should have the Skill to find out the proper sources.
For example, if the information source from internet . so they need to have skills of Suffering the internet.

c) Using a variety of paper and electronic sources :

Which information is to needed, the student should be get it from various source of media such as – radio,
television, over head projector, internet etc.

d) Prioritizing searching strategies :

Showing the nature of information student should give priority upon it and they need to have skill of prioritize
the information and media.

e) Skimming and scanning resources for Pertinent data-

Skimming means growing attention to the headlines, Sometimes students needs to scamming go through each
ever bit of the topic.

f) Using filtering skill

Which information is true, what is fact, what is opinion and how to discriminate with other, student should
know about these things.
g) Taking smart notes-
A good and smart note taking capacity student must be needed.
3) Analyzing skill :
The Organization stage of Info-Savvy forces is analyzing . In this Stage the information is examined for related to the topic,
reliability and authenticity. Then student should transfer collected data into usable data or information.
Classification of information is a vital part of this stage. Here the components are given below
a) Differentiating the date in to different Categories :
In this stage out of the available information must be classified in some categories like very necessary’.
Necessary and merely necessary etc.
b) Identification of relevant data :
Identified the related data from all over raw data.
c) Establishing authenticity and credibility of the data
To cheek the authenticity and credibility of related data and establish it.
d) Differentiating the facts from the opinion
Student should differentiate the true facts from the many opinion.
c) Finding relation among different data
when student find out so many data, they have to discover the relationship among the data.
4) Applying Skill
After Organizing and analyzing the related data Student should be presented it in a completed product Applying
stage must be created by four integrated formats of information text, images, video and sound, As the presentation is
developed it is trans formatting the useable data to useable knowledge.

5) Assessing skill
The last stage of Info-save process is assessing skill Teacher should confirms learning by assessing the feedback. The
try to relate the present learning with previous experiences. In the future with is information student should be able to
solve many critical Problem which is related to their
Learning It quests the answers to the following question
i) Is relevant question asked?
ii) Are they data collected sufficient?
iii) Are they analyzed data to right way?
iv) Is data applied usefully?

 When, Student are giving those type of answer properly, then we can say the student is known as in
information getting fluent they should able to using in internet frequently spontaneously. Then they
can become Info Savvy.

Educational significance of the info-savvy skill

In this age of information explosion it has almost essential for one to now the uses of internet

 Student and teacher are also getting many information seeking internet. They can identify the problems
and find out the proper way to solution which is increasing their educational knowledge and experience

 With technological culture in educational institutions student learn through web portal, you tube
videos, sophisticated technology labs, by all this facilities they are gathering more usable knowledge for
their future, The learn how to identifying the problem, how to find out its Solution, how to analyzing the
problem and how to applying it in real life. By these stages of information gathering skills student should
be acquiring more appropriate knowledge and developing their programmed in the area of info savvy
 So, it is expected that all the student and teachers have ICT literacy in the modern age .Teaching learning
attitude, aptitude almost depend on technology now a days. So teacher students must be develop their
in. Savvy skill and integration of technology in the field of education.


Info-savvy skill is very helpful for those students who were from arts stream or from rural area, to know

about computer and increase their knowledge. As we call this period as technology period, so, it is essential for

every teacher to have some knowledge about computer. And now a days, computer education is compulsory

education at school level.


 Bharihok Deepak (2000). Fundamentals of Information technology. Pentagon press : New Delhi.
 National Mission in Education through ICT. www.iitg.ernet.in/cet/mission Document -20 Feb
2009. pdf.
 panda B.N (2013). Open Education Resources, RTE, NCERT, Bhubaneswar, Odisha, India.
 Rosenberg, M.J (2001) e-learning New York : Mc Graw Hill.

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