Fire Escape, Ladder, and Slide Escape

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The document discusses requirements and specifications for different types of fire escapes including stairs, ladders, and slide escapes.

The two types of fire escape stairs mentioned are return platform types with superimposed runs and straight run type, with platforms continuing in the same direction.

Fire escape ladders must be permanently installed with supports no more than 3 meters apart, have rails extending at least 114 cm above any roof or platform, and meet other construction requirements outlined on pages 8-9.


Fire escape Stairs

1) General
Fire escape stairs (not those under Section 3.403 and 3.404) may be used in required means of egress only
in existing buildings, subject to the applicable provisions of Divisions 7 through 1 5. Fire escape stairs shall
not constitute more than fifty (50%) percent of the required exit capacity in any case. Fire escape stairs
shall not be accepted as constituting any part of the required means of egress for new buildings.

Fire Escape shall provide a continuous unobstructed safe path of travel to the ground or other
safe or refuge to which they lead. Where the fire escape is not continuous, as in cases where
stairs lead to an adjoining roof. Which must be crossed before continuing downward travel, the
direction of travel shall be clearly indicated, and suitable walkways with handrails shall be
provided where necessary. Where a comply with the applicable provisions of this Rule, and the
two shall be so arranged and connected as to provide a continuous safe path of travel

2) Types
The following types of fire escape stairs are recognized by this Rule: Return platform types with
superimposed runs .or straight run type, with platforms continuing in the same direction. Either or these
may be parallel to or at right angle to the building. They may be attached to buildings or erected
independently of them and connected bridges.



3) Stair Details:
Fire escape stairs depending upon the requirements of Division 7 through 1 5 of this Rule, shall be in
accordance with the following table and subsequent paragraphs





4 ) Arrangement and Protection of Openings:

a) Fire escape stairs shall be so arranged that they will be exposed by the smallest possible number of
window and door openings. There shall be no transom over doors. Every opening, any portion of which is
in the limit pacified below, shall be completely protected by approved fire doors or metal frame wired
glass windows in the same manner as provided for outside stairs and outside ramps.
5) Access:
a. Access to fire escape stairs shall be provided in accordance with the table in paragraph (3) (a) of
Section 3.409 and the general provisions of paragraph "G" Section 3.401.
b. Where access is by way of double windows, such windows shall be so counterbalanced and
maintained that they can be readily opened with a minimum of physical effort. Insert screens, if
any, on any type of opening giving access to fire a escape stair shall be of types that may be
readily opened or pushed out. No storm sash shall be used on .any window providing to fire
escape stairs.
c. Fire escape stairs shall extend to the roof in all cases where the roof is subject to occupancy or
is constructed and stranged to provide an area of refuge from fire. In all cases where stairs do
not extend to the roof, access thereto shall be provided by a ladder in accordance with
pertinent provision of Section 3 .409 on Fire Escape ladder, except that such ladders are not
quired in the case of roofs with pitch or slope steeper than sixteen and two thirds ( 1 6 . 6 7%)

b) Balconies, to which access is secured through windows with sills above the inside floor 1eve1, shall be
not more than forty six (46) centimeters below the sill. In no case shall be balcony level be above the
6) Materials and Strength:
a) Iron, steel or concrete or other approved non-combustible material shall be used for the construction
of fire escape, balconies, railings, and other features appurtenant thereto.
b) Balconies end stairs shall be designed to carry a load of four hundred thirty six (4361 kilos so located
as to produce maximum stress conditions.
c) Except where embedded in masonry or concrete or where a suitable fire resistive and waterproof
covering is provided no structural metal member shall be employed the entire surface of which is not
capable of being inspected and painted.
d) All supporting members for balconies and stairs, which are in tension and are fastened directly to the
building. Where metal members pass through walls, they shall be protected effectively fire stopped
to preserve the fire resistive quality of the wall.
e) Balcony and stair enclosure and railings shall be designed to withstand a horizontal force of seventy
five (7 5~ kilos per meter of railing or enclosure without. serious deflection, and support at walls for
such railings or enclosures shall be in the manner specified in (6) (b) for tension members, except as
provided In (61 (f).
7) Guards and Handrails:

a) All tire escapes shall have walls or guards on both sides, in accordance with "E" 11) and "F" (51 of
Section 3.403, except for height, which shall be one hundred seven (107) centimeters and ninety one
(91) centimeters for fire escape for every small buildings, the height being measured vertically from a
point on the stair tread twenty five (25} millimeters beck from the leading edge, or vertically above
any landings or balcony floor level.
b) All fire escape shall have handrails on both sides, not less than seventy six (76) centimeters not more
than one hundred seven (1 07) centimeters high, measured vertically from a point on the. stair tread
twenty five (25) millimeters back from the leading edge, aU in general conformity to the
requirements for stair handrails. "F" (1) through "F" (4) of Section 3.403.
c) Handrails and guards-shall be so constructed as to withstand a force of ninety one (91) kilos applied
downward or horizontally at any point.
8) Swinging Section of Fire Escape Stairs:
a) a} Swinging stair sections shall not be used for fire escape stairs except where termination over
sidewalks, alleys or driveways makes it impracticable to build stairs permanently to the ground.
Where used, swinging stairs shall comply with all provisions of this subsection.
b) Swinging section of stairs shall not be located over doors, over the path of travel from any other exit,
or in any location where there are or are likely to be obstructions.
c) Width of swinging section of stairs shall be at least equal to that of the stairs above,
d) Pitch/slope shall not be steeper than that of the stairs above.

e) e.) Railings shall be provided similar in height and construction to those required for the stairs above.
Railings shall be designed to prevent any possibility of injury to persons at head or stairs or on
balconies when stairs swing downward. Minimum clearance between moving section where hands
might be caught shall be ten ( 1 0) centimeters.
f) If distance from lowest platform to ground exceed three and two thirds (3.671 meters, an
intermediate balcony not more than three an two-thirds (3.67) meters from the ground or less than
two 12) meters in the clear underneath shall be provided with not less than that of the stairs and
length not less than one and two tenths (1.2) meters.
g) Counterweight shall be provided for swinging stairs and this shall be of type balancing about a pivot,
no cables being used. Counterweight shall be securely bolted in place, but sliding ball weight or their
equivalent may be used to hold stairs up and help lower them. Counterbalancing shall be such that a
person weighing sixty eight (68) kilos, who makes one step from the pivot, will not start swinging the
section downward, but when he is one quarter of the length of the swinging stairs from the pivot, the
section will swing down.
h) Pivot for swinging stairs shall have a bronze bushing or have sufficient clearance to prevent sticking
on account of corrosion.
i) No latch to lock swinging stair section in up positi~n shall be installed.
B. Fire Escape Ladders
1) USE - No form of ladder shall be used as a fire escape under the provisions of this Rule, except that
ladders conforming to the following specifications may be used to provide a means of escape from boiler

rooms, grain elevators and towers as permitted by Divisions 14 and 1 5, elevated platforms around
machinery or similar spaces subject to occupancy by not more than three able-bodied adults.
2) Installation
a) AU leaders shall be permanently installed in fixed position, supported by rigid connection to the
building or structure at intervals not exceeding three (3) meters.
b) Where ladders provide access to roofs or elevated platforms, rails shall extend not less than one
hundred fourteen (114) centimeters above roof line or platform floor or above coping or parapet.
Extension of side rails to roof shall be carried over coping or parapet to afford hand hold.
c) Ladders shall be arranged parallel to buildings or structures with travel either between ladder and
building, in which case minimum clearance center of rungs and building shall be sixty eight (68)
centimeters, or outside of ladder, in which case minimum clearance between center of rungs and
building shall be sixteen (16} centimeters.
d) ladders shall be vertical or positively inclined (i.e., ladder sloping out over the head of a person using
it) shall be permitted.
3. Construction:
a) ladders shall be constructed of iron, of steel or of other metal in design having equivalent strength
and resistance to corrosion.
b) Rails of iron or steel ladders shall be not less than one and one-fourth ( 1.25} centimeters by five (5)
centimeters in section, not less than forty (401 centimeters apart.

c) Rungs shall be not less than twenty two {22) centimeters nor more than thirty and one half (30. 5)
centimeters on center.
d) The lowest rung of any ladder shan be not more than thirty and one half (30. 5) centimeters above
the level of the ground or balcony floor beneath it.
C. Slide Escape:
1 ) Use and Capacity Rating
a) A slide escape may be used at component in means of egress where specifically authorized by
Divisions 7 through 15.
b) Slide escapes, where permitted as required exits, shall be rated at one unit per s\ide, with rated
trave1 capacity of 60 persons per minute.
c) Slide escapes, except as permitted for high hazard manufacturing buildings or structures, shall not
constitute more than twenty five (25%1 percent of the required number of units of exit width from
any building or structure or any individual story or floor thereof.
d) Slide escape, used as exits shall comply with the applicable requirements of this Division for other
types of exits subject to the discretion of the Director General of is authorized representative.
a) 2) Types - Each slide escape shall be of an approved type.





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