Patton Report 25

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01112 Pon. J,. ProectionI l..1.0.111,

A Fire Protection Publication

Consulting Surveys Research

No. 25


AN AMERICAN PROBLEM lation of 500,000,000 people. Why?

Each year, in France, approximately 200 French-
men die in fires. In the United Kingdom, which is I have heard this question asked hundreds of times
noted for its antiquated heating systems, nearly a over the last 20 years. I have yet to hear anyone
thousand Englishmen are killed by fire each year. give a good answer to it. The National Fire Protec-
In New Zealand, a primitive country, 33 die. In tion Association has no answer. The National
Norway, a cold country where the heating systems Safety Council hasn't produced an answer. The
must perform much of the year, 85 die. We think Federal Government doesn't have the reasons. I
of Japan as a nation consisting of flimsy combusti- have yet to see any authority on fire protection
ble residences. In Japan 1300 people succumb to give any answer to the question why we kill so
fire in a year's time. In Belgium, 75 die. many in fires in the United States. Why is our fire
toll so horribly worse than any other nation on
Perhaps in these foreign countries, which are not earth. No one has given us the answer.
so advanced as ours, we should not be surprised
that people die from fire. But how about the United Today I will give the answer to that question.
States, with its 200 National Fire Codes, its
National Electrical Code, its Building Regulations, Man has lived with fire many centuries. Over the
with Underwriter's approvals on its furnaces, with years, by and large man has learned to live with
its modern buildings and its advanced technology? fire safely. He has learned to control fire in the
How many people die from fire in the United cave, and in the thatched hut. He has learned how
States? to build fires in northern igloos without killing
himself with the combustion gases. He has learned
The sad and staggering fact is that 12,000 people how to handle fires in medieval castles, English
die from fire in the United States each year. 12,000 manors, log cabins, teepees, and bamboo structures
lives in the United States versus 33 in New Zealand. with paper thin walls. He learned these things the
12,000 lives in the United States versus 200 in hard way, by experience.
France. 12,000 lives in the United States versus
1300 in Japan. However, more than a hundred years ago man took
a new course, a path leading to industrial develop-
Why do 10 Americans die for every Japanese fire ment. A technological society began to emerge,
death? first in England and Europe, then in the United
States. Soon the United States became the path-
Why is it that, on a per capita basis, there are finder in the technological wilderness.
1 3 Americans killed by fire for every Frenchman?
The new technology produced new fire hazards.
If we add up all of the annual fire deaths in all of And so, of course, one can readily jump to the
these countries: Australia, Austria, Belgium, Cana- conclusion that the problem with fire in the United
da, Denmark, Finland, Japan, France, the Nether- States is that we have introduced new fire hazards
lands, New Zealand, Norway, Sweden, the United to our environment faster than we have introduced
Kingdom, and the United States we will find that good fire solutions. Basically, this is correct. But
16,000 people will die from fire in a year. One this still leaves the key question, namely: why
country, the United States, will account for 75% haven't we produced the satisfactory technological
of these deaths. Think of that for a moment. The solutions to our technological fire problems as we
United States produces 75% of the fire deaths that have advanced? After all, we have had a hundred
occur in these 14 countries with a combined popu- years or more to produce the answers.
ENVIRONMENT AFFECTS DEVELOPMENT technical solution that was first applied. The new
By way of answering this question I want to digress fire problems were not met head on with new and
a moment, to give an analogy that will help to ex- improved levels of fire safety. No indeed. What
plain what happened. happened was that in place of finding answers to
the problems; a financial plan to create profits out
Not too many years ago we used to think of people of fire losses came into being. The first so called
in black and white terms, there were good guys and solution that evolved was not a plan to prevent a
bad guys. The criminal was considered incorrigible, a fire loss; rather it was a plan to distribute the loss
a person who had bad traits by birth, the product over many so that the hardships of the few who
of a "bad seed". suffer direct loss would be lessened.

We no longer take such a distorted view of people. The first solution applied to the new fire problems
Now we are more cognizant of the part environ- was insurance. Insurance is not a prevention of loss,
ment plays in the development of a man or woman. it is a spread of loss. Loss is spread over many to
We can examine a man's past life and we can see compensate the few. Note that a good fire insur-
events that brought about changes in his personality ance program acts to take some of hardship out
and his attitudes toward society. For example, if a of fire. In this sense insurance diminishes the need
boy loses his father at a young age, he may not for real fire solutions.
only lose a stabilizing influence, but in addition he
can be subjected to far more severe emotional Fire insurance makes true fire solutions unneces-
pressures brought about by the downgrading of sary, or at least less necessary. Fire insurance, fun-
his economic leitel and his loss of status among his damentally, is a plan whereby insuring companies
peers. We can look back and wonder what the man make profits from fire losses.
might have been if, in fact, the event that changed
his life had not occured. There are three conditions which are necessary for
fire insurance to be successful.
It is in this sense that we must examine our present
fire technology. It is not enough to simply say that First, there must be spread of risk. That is, no one
our fire technology, our fire solutions if you will, fire should destroy an excessive number of units
have gone wrong. We must ask ourselves, why has in one year.
this happened? What are the events that have shap- Secondly, the insured properties must be homoge-
ed our failures? Where did we make mistakes in neous. You must not put a General Motors plant
past years? We need answers to these questions so with a group of dwellings because the loss of the
that we may plan future corrections. In order to General Motors plant would unbalance the system.
find out why our fire technology has become a
failure we must examine its early development. In Third, there must be fires. Without fires, insurance
theory, our fire technology should have advanced cannot be marketed.
as our industrial technology advanced. For each
new hazard that was created, a satisfactory new When all things necessary are present insurance
fire solution should have evolved. Why didn't this produces guaranteed profits because a percentage
occur. At what point was the sapling bent in the of all monies passing through the system are retain-
wrong direction? This is the key to the problem. ed by the insurer.
We must find out where and why things first went
wrong. When we limit our considerations to small homoge-
neous, properties that fall completely within the
Now as we look back over the years at the evolu- insurance system, fire safety not only becomes non-
tion of our so-called modern fire technology, to essential, fire safety actually can represent a loss
its early formulative years during the height of the in profits. Here's why. A one dollar fire insurance
19th century industrial revolution: we discover a rate has more profits in it than a ten cent rate be-
startling fact. Back in the 1800's, as industrial cause it represents ten times the cash flow through
change created new fire hazards, and as the de- the insuring system. If profits are pegged to the
mand for technological solutions for the new fire cash flow, a high rate might produce ten times the
solutions intensified, the solutions that were ap- profits of a low fire insurance rate. Further, while
plied were not real fire solutions. The fire solutions the insurance premium is paid at the inception of
that evolved first were not fire solutions. Think the policy, the average loss occurs six months after
about that for a moment. When technology explod- the premiums are paid. Thus, theoretically 50% of
ed creating demands for new technical solutions to all unearned premiums are available at all times to
curb the new fire hazards, in truth, it was not a earn interest.
So, fundamentally, the insuring system and loss TWO FIRE PROTECTION INNOVATIONS OF
prevention are competitive systems. One tends to THE 19th CENTURY
reduce the need for the other. Under the control of the fire insurance two major
new concepts of fire protection evolved in the
I 800's.
There are certain kinds of fires that are destructive Both were related to the catastrophic fire loss
to the insuring system. They are the catastrophic problem.
fires that produce losses so great that the acturial
tables are upset. When losses exceed the premium The fireproof building became the required build-
income the insuring system fails and the insurance ing type in central cities. In less dense areas,
company is bankrupt. masonry fire walls separated essentially frame
buildings. The typical masonry walled, combustible
In the 1800's there were two types of losses that interior structure, termed the brick joist building
fell in the catastrophic range. evolved. These changes in building construction re-
quirements solved the urban conflegration problem.
One was the urban conflegration. When whole Note, however, that a building with brick party
cities, consisting mostly of wood frame buildings, walls and wood interior and/or combustible inter-
were destroyed in a single fire many insurance ior contents might solve the conflegration problem,
companies were put out of business. because fire would not spread beyond the one unit;
but the internal fire problem remained in existence,
The second type of catastrophic loss that was ab- thus insurance continued to be needed.
horrent to the insuring system was the industrial
loss. Large factories had so many fire hazards, and The other catastrophic fire problem was the fac-
produced such large losses, that insuring systems tory. Now note that changing the construction
frequently were overwhelmed. If one insuring com- shell did little to solve the factory fire problem
pany suffered two or three major fires in one year because a burn-out of the interior produced a
it might be out of business. Putting it in insurance catastrophic loss. The true value of the factory lay
terminology, factories and large commercial proper- in the machinery, the processes, and the finished
ties were not sufficiently homogeneous, and the products. The building itself represented but a
spread of risk was inadequate. small portion of the value. A fireproof building
that was still standing after the interior was gutted
Because of these catastrophic fire loss problems the was of little consequence. Thus, to solve the fac-
insurers banded together and created a fire tech- tory fire problem, it was necessary to develop a
nology aimed at preventing catastrophic losses. fire protection tool that solved the interior fire
problem, the content fire problem.
The insurers created a fire technology for large
properties. They founded the National Fire Protec- Thus, the sprinkler system was invented as a solu-
tion Association and the National Board of Fire tion to the interior fire problem.
Underwriters to write fire protection regulations.
They founded Underwriter's Laboratories and Fac- So, in summary during the 1800's, the two major
tory Mutual Laboratories to test, regulate, and innovations in fire safety were on the one hand, an
standardize fire protection equipment .They found- automatic fire suppression system that would auto-
ed the various State Fire Insurance and Rating matically detect and extinguish a fire; and, on the
Bureaus to inspect properties, establish rates, and other hand, a thereotically non-burnable or "Fire-
recommend the application of standardized solu- proof" building.
tions: They also, as fire experts, played a major
role in writing our building codes and zoning or- But now note that these two fire protection de-
dinances, and setting standards for fire department velopments, the fireproof building and the sprink-
operations. And in essence they took over virtually ler system were profoundly different in results,
the full control of our fire prevention technology. and in the way they affected the insuring system.
One represented a limitation on the size of the loss;
Fire technology fell under the control of a com- the other an elimination of loss. I'll repeat that!
petitive system. As a young lad is often turned in One represented a limitation on the size of the
wrong directions by a hostile environment, so our loss, the other an elimination of loss.
infant fire technology of the 19th century was
directed into wrong paths. The fireproof building represents a limitation on

the size of the fire. Combustible materials in any situation. Although the building itself can with-
one fire resistive compartment can burn without stand a fire, there is nothing to prevent the con-
hindrance, but theoretically, only one fireproof tents from burning. When the fireproof building is
compartment will burn at a time. compartmented so that only one compartment can
burn at a time, the catastrophic fire loss is prevent-
The automatic suppression system is, on the other ed, but the potential to have a fire within any
hand, a true solution to the fire problem. Before compartment is not reduced. Note that this is solv-
fire can achieve dangerous size it is automatically de- ing the catastrophic fire problem without neces-
tected and controlled. Fire loss is held to insignifi- sarily reducing the probability of the small fire
cant size. occurring. Full insurance coverage with relatively
high rates continues to be needed, but a loss that
would harm the insuring company is prevented.
SAFETY APPLICATION The compartmented fireproof building was advanta-
If the sprinkler system had been allowed to de- geous to the early fire insurance companies be-
velop to its ultimate capability it would have found cause it solved the catastrophic fire problem with-
application in all buildings, including dwellings, out reducing the need for insurance, but the sprink-
and fire as a serious threat to human life could all ler system had the potential to dramatically reduce
but have been eliminated. fire insurance premiums. And thus, during the
formulative years of fire technology, economic
But this tool also had the capability of very sig- pressures suppressed the fire sprinkler system con-
nificantly reducing fire insurance premiums be- cept and permitted it to exist only as a protection
cause fire insurance rates cannot be divorced from tool for large industrial properties. With barriers
the degree of the fire risk. established that prevented the sprinkler system
from growing into an economically practical and
Accordingly, in 1896 the sprinkler system was highly efficient method of protecting human life,
standardized by the National Fire Protection As- the sole remaining avenue for life safety was in the
sociation, which had been created by the insur- field of structural regulation. The theory that the
ance industry. The acknowledged intent of the construction shell was the key to fire safety
sprinkler system standard was to guarantee that blossomed.
the protection system had a known integrity and
therefore would be worthy of insurance rate
credits. However, this standard also locked the
sprinkler system concept into a large and ugly
piping system primarily intended to protect large
industrial plants. The very large piping require- For the past 70 years we have been trying to
ments, plus rigid requirements for huge water eliminate fire as a hazard to human life by defining
supplies made the infant fire suppression system the basic construction of the building.
an impractical tool for protecting ordinary proper-
ties. Gradually fire safety became what might be termed
as a race for life. Each major building contain-
Since that day in 1896 when the automatic fire ing many people was, by code requirement, com-
suppression concept was locked into a standard partmented into fire zones. Then, so called protect-
directed toward protecting large industrial plants, ed pathways to the exterior were installed. We call
the use of this tool to protect human life in a them exits. Then once fire occurred, the race be-
practical and reliable manner has been most drasti- gan. The humans must find their way to the pro-
cally curbed. It is interesting to note that while tected pathways and to the outside before fire
the sprinkler system standards permit the fire sup- breaks out of the compartment in which it origi-
pression concept to be applied to large industrial nates. Over the years there have been many who
plants, which represents an insurance industry prob- have lost the race.
lem, on the other hand these regulations are a
formidable barrier to the installation of a practical Unfortunately, there are many factors that give
fire suppression system in small properties. Small fire an edge in this life or death race. Just to name
properties, of course, can be fully covered by the a few of them, I'll give you the following:
insuring systems which are based on the law
of averages. 1. In many properties, such as hospitals and nurs-
ing homes, the occupants are nonmobile and
The fireproof building represented quite a different therefore cannot readily flee.

2. There is no real guarantee that fire will not fire experts still continue to sell the fireproof
spread so rapidly as to close off the exitways building.
before the occupants know there is a fire.
Let us look at this so-called fireproof building for
3. Fires often occur while occupants are asleep. just a moment. No matter how you build a build-
ing, the building is not of very much use until you
4. Children and babies are not capable of escape. fill it with furnishings and contents. But most of
the furnishings and contents that are brought into
5. In the building that represents the No. I fire buildings are combustible, and any fool should
problem from a human life standpoint, the realize that when you burn the furnishings you
single family dwelling, a fire solution which burn the people.
requires a compartmented fireproof structure
with protected exitways is not economically For 70 years we have pursued the fireproof build-
practical. ing. We have passed ten thousand regulations that
have increased the cost of new construction and
So, you see, the comparttnented fireproof build- the net result is that we have constructed high
ing which has been promoted as the number one priced furnaces. Just as fuel burns within the fur-
way to protect human life leaves much to be de- nace, combustible interior contents burn within
sired. However, with the fire suppression system the structure. The fire proof building is, in its
virtually destroyed as a weapon for protecting ultimate form, nothing more than an excellent
hutnan life, there is no alternative but to promote furnace. The fireproof building as a defender of
structural regulations - regulations that protected human lives is an absurdity because the humans
the structure - as being the answer to life safety. are inside of the building and are directly exposed
The "fireproof" building began to be considered a to the content fire. In essence, the people are in-
"fire safe" building. When people said "fireproof", side of the furnace.
they meant "fire safe". Our fire experts actually
began to believe that they could protect people by Now if we protect the steel so that the structure
protecting the building steel. The fire experts sold can withstand an internal two-hour fire - we must
the public into believing that they were safe from be expecting an internal two-hour fire - otherwise
fire when they were in a fireproof building. the cost of fireproofing the steel cannot be justi-
fied. But -the people who are inside of the building
So, throughout all of the 20th century, unti' even with the fire are more susceptible to the flames
today, our foremost fire experts have pu -suf d the and the toxic gases. We fireproof the steel - but
vision of the inherently safe structure — the struc- there's no way to fireproof the people - but our
ture in which fire will not occur. As Ponci de Leon experts are claiming that the people are safe when
pursued the fountain of youth, so our fire experts the structure is safe. The claim n that the fireproof
have pursued the inherently firesafe building. They building is a firesafe building is one terrible,
have pursued this dream for 72 years of this cen- gigantic, lie.
tury, and unless rational thinking can some how
prevail, our fire experts give every indication they
can pursue this vision for at least another hundred
years or so, adding new increments to the cost of
construction every step of the way. Now let's look once more at those fire deaths that
occur each year in the United States. Since the U.S.
Now what is the real truth about the fireproof is the wealthiest nation on earth it means that we
building, the inherently firesafe building. have the greatest capacity to load our building
with machinery, electrical equipment, combustible
The truth of the matter is that the fireproof materials, and fire hazards. While the fire regula-
building is, at face value, a patent absurdity. It is, tions are directed toward the structure, it is the
in fact, such a patent absurdity that it is very hard contents that cause most of the problems.
to believe that anyone can be so dense to really
believe that it is possible to build a building A fire control approach is needed, directed toward
in which fire cannot occur. the contents fire problems. But our fire technology
is oriented toward the structure.

If you can sell a man a fireproof building, you can I believe this is why so many people die from fire
sell him the Brooklyn Bridge. The Brooklyn Bridge in the U. S. Our industrial technology has moved
ha's been sold over and over again, and most of our forward creating new fire problems; and the fire

safety technology that should be following close organizations behind the Basic Building Code, the
behind has been directed up a blind canyon. Uniform Building Code, and the Southern Stand-
ard Building Code, and also the National Bureau of
Now note carefully that I do not condenm fire Standards, are now moving toward recognizing an
resistive construction in order that the building inexpensive and highly reliable fire suppression
may remain standing after the fire has burned system called the Life Safety System. This new
itself out, or been extinguished. Also, I do not system picks up where the industrial sprinkler
condemn the compartmentation of structures to system left off 70 years ago. This new system
limit the extent of any one fire loss. promises not only a new period of improved
human fire safety, but new ways to build buildings,
What I do condemn is our fire protection experts and new ways to make older buildings fire safe.The
who have sold the fire resistive building to the roadblock of the NITA sprinkler standard is being
public as a panacea for the human fire life safety bypassed and soon humans will be able to obtain
problem. I feel that the National Fire Protection fire safety even in their own homes.
Association, and its many committees, has failed
in its public commitment to human fire safety. This new concept of fire safety could be summariz-
ed by saying that we should protect the people in-
The NFPA has promoted its very narrowly orient- side the building by preventing an internal fire
ed sprinkler standard, NFPA-13 as the one and only from reaching a dangerous level. When we protect
way to install the sprinkler system, and this has the people by controlling the content fire, we also
prevented the normal evolution of the fire sup- protect the structure itself. This in turn will make
pression concept as a way to protect all building many of the very costly regulations applicable to
and life as well. The sprinkler standard has at all building construction unnecessary.
times been under the control of the insurance
The NFPA has also published its Life Safety Code, TECHNOLOGY
NFPA-101, which promotes the concept that con-
crete and steel construction, the fireproof building, This new era of fire safety promises much for our
is the primary way to save lives. By voiding the fire future cities. Here are some of the benefits that
suppression concept as a valid concept for human will result.
protection, and by promoting elaborate and costly
regulations applicable to the structure as the solu- 1. We will have an inexpensive method of making
tion to human life safety, NFPA has set the stage older buildings fire safe and therefore, it will
for high priced buildings that serve as fire traps. not be necessary to destroy many fine old
structures that have historic significance.
I firmly believe that the regulations that were ap-
plied to the sprinkler system in 1896, and which 2. It is not unrealistic to foresee at least a 20%
exist today, represent the number one barrier to reduction in building construction costs. Often,
improved human fire safety. I believe that these the savings will be greater. The net weight of
restrictions, are directly or indirectly responsible high rise building will be reduced because of
for more than 200,000 fire deaths in the U. S. over reduced fireproofing requirements.
the years, in billions of dollars in fire loss, and even
more billions in excessive building construction 3. Our homes and apartments will become fire
costs. safe.

4. Restrictions on materials that can be used in

building constructions will be reduced.
We now have began to correct the faults that have 5. A new architectural freedom will result be-
occurred so many years ago. We have started to cause the structure will no longer be the pri-
build a new fire technology with primary emphasis mary fire safety system. No matter what form
placed on the content fire and systems to control or shape the building takes it will be possible
it. When we accomplish this we will finally see the to protect it from fire through the systems
dramatic reduction in fire deaths that we have approach.
waited for so many years.
6. Open plan facilities with completely flexible
The Model Codes Group, and this includes those interior partitioning systems will become prac-

tical because fire safety will be achieved by When a major fire occurs where a great number of
independent systems. people are killed, the insurance company can end
up paying many millions of dollars for wrongful
7. When urban centers become predominently deaths under the liability portion of the cover.
sprinklered the costs of municipal fire protec- Insurers no longer pay only the property damage
tion will be reduced. Major fires will become a and walk away; they now become involved with
rarity. There will be a shift from heavy fire the multimillion dollar law suits under the lia-
apparatus using large hose to small mobile units bility covers.
using small hoses to back up sprinklers.
The net results is that any fire - even rather small
8. Reductions in the annual cost of fire protec- ones from the property loss viewpoint - can be-
tion for large corporations will be possible with- come a catastrophic loss from the human injury
out sacrifice in safety. viewpoint.

9. Insurance costs will be reduced. Multi-peril insurers now have an interest in elim-
inating all fires.
10.People will no longer have to flee the building
in event of fire, fire will be controlled auto- I am pleased to report that many insurers are now
matically, and the people will be safe where helping us to convert the old fire sprinkler system
they are. into a modern system for protecting human life.
The tragic distortions to our fire technology took
And now there's one final point I would like to place during a period 50 to 100 years ago, and to
make, and it is that the pattern that was set for blame the modern insurer for these events is like
fire technology was set many years ago. blaming modern medical practitioners for the
unsanitary medical practices of the past century.
Today there is a different philosophy among the
insurers. Insurers are no longer thinking in narrow It is also well to keep in mind that when today's
terms, such as fire insurance, casualty insurance, fire protection engineer continues to recommend
etc. It is now possible for a property owner to illogical fire solutions, quotes obsolete regulations,
place all his coverages with a single multi-peril or just plain sound confused - it is only because
insurer. he is a victim of his own background.
This fact changes the old conflicts betwee i fire But it is now high time that we all turn our backs
technology and fire insurance. to the ridiculous concept if the inherently safe
structure, and turn our attention to the internal
In a multi-peril package the fire insurance can be fire problem and to those who are on the inside
a very small portion of the total package. Fire of the furnace.
insurance premiums are not the most important
consideration of the multi-peril insurer. — Dated October 1972

Gordon C. Graham Memorial Lecture

Delivered to the National Safety Congress & Exposition
Chicago, Illinois — October 30, 1972
by Richard M. Patton

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