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Sr. No.

Name of the Experiments


Identifying the Requirements from Problem Statements

Introduction (MS Project)

Task Scheduling (MS Project)

Modeling Data Flow Diagrams

E-R Modeling from the Problem Statements.

General study of UML

UML Use Case Diagram

UML Class Diagram

Study of Object Diagram


UML component Diagram


UML Deployment diagram


UML Interaction Diagram


The Collaboration Diagram, UML State chart Diagram


UML Activity Diagram



Software engineering is the application of a systematic, disciplined, quantifiable approach

to the development, operation, and maintenance of software, and the study of these
approaches; that is, the application of engineering to software. The term software engineering
first appeared in the 1968 NATO Software Engineering Conference and was meant to
provoke thought regarding the current "software crisis" at the time. Since then, it has
continued as a profession and field of study dedicated to creating software that is of higher
quality, more affordable, maintainable, and quicker to build. Since the field is still relatively
young compared to its sister fields of engineering, there is still much debate around what
software engineering actually is, and if it conforms to the classical definition of engineering.
It has grown organically out of the limitations of viewing software as just computer
What is a software life cycle model?
A software life cycle model is either a descriptive or prescriptive
characterization of how software is or should be developed. A descriptive model
describes the history of how a particular software system was developed.
Descriptive models may be used as the basis for understanding and improving
software development processes, or for building empirically grounded prescriptive


Identifying the Requirements from Problem Statements

Learn how to prepare project plans
Requirements identification is the first step of any software development project. Until the
requirements of a client have been clearly identified, and verified, no other task (design,
coding, testing) could begin. Usually business analysts having domain knowledge on the
subject matter discuss with clients and decide what features are to be implemented.
In this experiment we will learn how to identify functional and non-functional requirements
from a given problem statement. Functional and non-functional requirements are the primary
components of a Software Requirements Specification.

After completing this experiment you will be able to:

Identify ambiguities, inconsistencies and incompleteness from a requirements specification
Identify and state functional requirements
Identify and state non-functional requirements


Sommerville defines "requirement" [1] as a specification of what should be implemented.

Requirements specify how the target system should behave. It specifies what to do, but not
how to do. Requirements engineering refers to the process of understanding what a customer
expects from the system to be developed, and to document them in a standard and easily
readable and understandable format. This documentation will serve as reference for the
subsequent design, implementation and verification of the system.
It is necessary and important that before we start planning, design and implementation of the
software system for our client, we are clear about it's requirements. If we don't have a clear
vision of what is to be developed and what all features are expected, there would be serious
problems, and customer dissatisfaction as well.
Characteristics of Requirements
Requirements gathered for any new system to be developed should exhibit the following
three properties:
Unambiguity: There should not be any ambiguity what a system to be developed should do.
For example, consider you are developing a web application for your client. The client
requires that enough number of people should be able to access the application
simultaneously. What's the "enough number of people"? That could mean 10 to you, but,
perhaps, 100 to the client. There's an ambiguity.
Consistency: To illustrate this, consider the automation of a nuclear plant. Suppose one of
the clients say that it the radiation level inside the plant exceeds R1, all reactors should be
shut down. However, another person from the client side suggests that the threshold radiation
level should be R2. Thus, there is an inconsistency between the two end users regarding what
they consider as threshold level of radiation.
Completeness: A particular requirement for a system should specify what the system should
do and also what it should not. For example, consider a software to be developed for ATM. If
a customer enters an amount greater than the maximum permissible withdrawal amount, the
ATM should display an error message, and it should not dispense any cash.

Categorization of Requirements

Based on the target audience or subject matter, requirements can be classified into different
types, as stated below:
User requirements: They are written in natural language so that both customers can verify
their requirements have been correctly identified
System requirements: They are written involving technical terms and/or specifications, and
are meant for the development or testing teams
Requirements can be classified into two groups based on what they describe:
Functional requirements (FRs): These describe the functionality of a system -- how a
system should react to a particular set of inputs and what should be the corresponding output.
Non-functional requirements (NFRs): They are not directly related what functionalities are
expected from the system. However, NFRs could typically define how the system should
behave under certain situations. For example, a NFR could say that the system should work
with 128MB RAM. Under such condition, a NFR could be more critical than a FR.
Non-functional requirements could be further classified into different types like:
Product requirements: For example, a specification that the web application should use
only plain HTML, and no frames
Performance requirements: For example, the system should remain available 24x7
Organizational requirements: The development process should comply to SEI CMM level

Functional Requirements

Identifying Functional Requirements

Given a problem statement, the functional requirements could be identified by focusing on
the following points:
Identify the high level functional requirements simply from the conceptual understanding of
the problem. For example, a Library Management System, apart from anything else, should
be able to issue and return books.
Identify the cases where an end user gets some meaningful work done by using the system.
For example, in a digital library a user might use the "Search Book" functionality to obtain
information about the books of his interest.
If we consider the system as a black box, there would be some inputs to it, and some output
in return. This black box defines the functionalities of the system. For example, to search for
a book, user gives title of the book as input and get the book details and location as the
Any high level requirement identified could have different sub-requirements. For example,
"Issue Book" module could behave differently for different class of users, or for a particular
user who has issued the book thrice consecutively.
Preparing Software Requirements Specifications
Once all possible FRs and non-FRs have been identified, which are complete, consistent, and
non-ambiguous, the Software Requirements Specification (SRS) is to be prepared. IEEE
provides a template [iv], also available here, which could be used for this purpose. The SRS
is prepared by the service provider, and verified by its client. This document serves as a legal
agreement between the client and the service provider. Once the concerned system has been
developed and deployed, and a proposed feature was not found to be present in the system,
the client can point this out from the SRS. Also, if after delivery, the client says a new feature
is required, which was not mentioned in the SRS, the service provider can again point to the
SRS. The scope of the current experiment, however, doesn't cover writing a SRS.

Experiment No 2

Task Scheduling (MS PROJECT )

Gain understanding of project management and planning.

Learn how to prepare project plans.
Getting familiar with MS Project.
Project management is the process of planning and controlling the development of a system
within a specified timeframe at a minimum cost with the right functionality. The four major
component of project planning is :
Tasks: They are a division of all the work that needs to be completed in order to
accomplish the project goals.
Scope: of any project is a combination of all individual tasks and their goals.
Resources: can be people, equipment, materials or services that are needed to
various tasks.
Tools Used in the Lab-Microsoft Project
Microsoft Project is the clear market leader among desktop project management

Project Work Plan

Prepare a list of all tasks in the work breakdown structure, plus:
Duration of task.
Current task status.
Task dependencies.
Key milestone dates.



Tracking Progress
Gantt Chart:
Bar chart format.
Useful to monitor project status at any point in time.
PERT Chart:
Flowchart format.
Illustrate task dependencies and critical path.
You can create a Project from a Template File by choosing File > New from the menu. In the
New File dialog box that opens, select the Project Templates tab and select the template that
suits your project best and click OK. (You may choose a Blank Project Template and
customize it)
Once a new Project page is opened, the Project Information dialog box opens.

Enter the start date or select an appropriate date by scrolling down the list. Click OK. Project
automatically enters a default start time and stores it as part of the dates entered and the
application window is displayed.
Views allow you to examine your project from different angles based on what information
you want displayed at any given time. You can use a combination of views in the same
window at the same time.
Project Views are categorized into two types:
Task Views (5 types)
Resource Views (3 types)

The Project worksheet is located in the main part of the application window and displays
different information depending on the view you choose. The default view is the Gantt Chart
Goals of any project need to be defined in terms of tasks. There are four major types of tasks:
1. Summary tasks - contain subtasks and their related properties
2. Subtasks - are smaller tasks that are a part of a summary task
3. Recurring tasks - are tasks that occur at regular intervals
4. Milestones - are tasks that are set to zero duration and are like interim goals in the project
Tasks are usually scheduled to start as soon as possible i.e. the first working day after the
project start date.

Dependencies specify the manner in which two tasks are linked. Because Microsoft Project
must maintain the manner in which tasks are linked, dependencies can affect the way a task
is scheduled. In a scenario where there are two tasks, the following dependencies exist:
Finish to Start Task 2 cannot start until task 1 finishes.
Start to Finish Task 2 cannot finish until task 1 starts.
Start to Start Task 2 cannot start until task 1 starts.
Finish to Finish Task 2 cannot finish until task 1 finishes.
Certain tasks need to be completed within a certain date. Intermediate deadlines may need to
be specified. By assigning constraints to a task you can account for scheduling problems.
To apply a constraint:
1. Open the Task Information dialog box.
2. Click the Advanced tab and open the Constraint type list by clicking on the drop-down
arrow and select it.
3. Select a date for the Constraint and click OK.
Once you determine that you need to include resources into your project you will need to
answer the following questions:
What kind of resources do you need?
How many of each resource do you need?
Where will you get these resources?
How do you determine what your project is going to cost?
Resources are of two types - work resources and material resources.
Work resources complete tasks by expending time on them. They are usually people and
equipment that have been assigned to work on the project.
Material resources are supplies and stocks that are needed to complete a project.
A new feature in Microsoft Project 2000 is that it allows you to track material resources and
assign them to tasks
To assign a resource to a task:
1. Open the Gantt Chart View and the Assign Resources Dialog box.
2. In the Entry Table select the tasks for which you want to assign resources.
3. In the Assign Resources Dialog box, select the resource (resources) you want to assign.
4. Click the Assign button.

Experiment No 3

Objectives: Modeling Data Flow Diagrams

Identify external entities and functionalities of any system
Identify the flow of data across the system

Represent the flow with Data Flow Diagrams

Data Flow Diagram
DFD provides the functional overview of a system. The graphical representation easily
overcomes any gap between user and system analyst and analyst and system designer in
understanding a system. Starting from an overview of the system it explores detailed design
of a system through a hierarchy. DFD shows the external entities from which data flows into
the process and also the other flows of data within a system. It also includes the
transformations of data flow by the process and the data stores to read or write a data.
Graphical notations for Data Flow Diagram




Name of the external entity is written inside

the rectangle


Name of the process is written inside the


Data store

A left-right open rectangle is denoted as

data store; name of the data store is written
inside the shape

Data flow

Data flow is represented by a directed arc

with its data name

Explanation of Symbols used in DFD

Process: Processes are represented by circle. The name of the process is written into the
circle. The name of the process is usually given in such a way that represents the
functionality of the process. More detailed functionalities can be shown in the next Level if it
is required. Usually it is better to keep the number of processes less than 7 [i]. If we see that
the number of processes becomes more than 7 then we should combine some the processes to
a single one to reduce the number of processes and further decompose it to the next level [2] .

External entity: External entities are only appearing in context diagram [2]. External entities
are represented by a rectangle and the name of the external entity is written into the shape.
These send data to be processed and again receive the processed data.
Data store: Data stares are represented by a left-right open rectangle. Name of the data store
is written in between two horizontal lines of the open rectangle. Data stores are used as
repositories from which data can be flown in or flown out to or from a process.
Data flow: Data flows are shown as a directed edge between two components of a Data Flow
Diagram. Data can flow from external entity to process, data store to process, in between two
processes and vice-versa.
Context diagram and leveling DFD
We start with a broad overview of a system represented in level 0 diagrams. It is known as
context diagram of the system. The entire system is shown as single process and also the
interactions of external entities with the system are represented in context diagram.
Further we split the process in next levels into several numbers of processes to represent the
detailed functionalities performed by the system. Data stores may appear in higher level
Numbering of processes : If process p in context diagram is split into 3 processes p1,
p2and p3 in next level then these are labeled as 0.1, 0.2 and 0.3 in level 1 respectively.
Let the process p3 is again split into three processes p31, p32 and p33 in level 2, so,
these are labeled as 0.3.1, 0.3.2 and 0.3.3 respectively and so on.
Balancing DFD: The data that flow into the process and the data that flow out to the process
need to be match when the process is split into in the next level[2]. This is known as

Note :
1. External entities only appear in context diagram[2] i.e, only at level 0.
2. Keep number of processes at each level less than 7[i].
3. Data flow is not possible in between two external entities and in between two data stores[i].

4. Data cannot flow from an External entity to a data store and vice-versa[i].
Case Study
1 : A Library Information System for Institute
The Institute has been recently setup to provide state-of-the-art research facilities in the field
of Software Engineering. Apart from research scholars (students) and professors, it also
includes quite a large number of employees who work on different projects undertaken by the
As the size and capacity of the institute is increasing with the time, it has been proposed to
develop a Library Information System (LIS) for the benefit of students and employees of the
institute. LIS will enable the members to borrow a book (or return it) with ease while sitting
at his desk/chamber. The system also enables a member to extend the date of his borrowing if
no other booking for that particular book has been made. For the library staff, this system
aids them to easily handle day-to-day book transactions. The librarian, who has
administrative privileges and complete control over the system, can enter a new record into
the system when a new book has been purchased, or remove a record in case any book is

taken off the shelf. Any non-member is free to use this system to browse/search books
online. However, issuing or returning books is restricted to valid users (members) of LIS
The final deliverable would a web application, which should run only within the institute
LAN. Although this reduces security risk of the software to a large extent, care should be
taken no confidential information (eg., passwords) is stored in plain text.
Figure 1 shows the context-level DFD for LIS. The entire system is represented with a single
circle (process). The external entities interacting with this system are members of LIS, library
staff, librarian, and non-members of LIS. Two database are used to keep track of member
information and details of books in the library.
Let us focus on the external entity, Member. In order to issue or return books a member has
to login to the system. The data flow labeled with "Login credentials" indicate the step when
a member authenticates himself by providing required information (user ID, password). The
system in turn verifies the user credentials using information stored in the members database.
If all information are not provided correctly, the user is shown a login failure message.
Otherwise, the user can continue with his operation. Note that a DFD does not show
conditional flows. It can only summarize the information flowing in and out of the system.
The data flow with the label "Requested book details" identify the information that the user

has to provide in order to issue a book. LIS checks with the books database whether the given
book is available. After a book has been issued, the transaction details is provided to the

Figure 1: Context-level DFD for Library Information System

The level-1 DFD is shown in figure 2. Here, we split the top-level view of the system into
multiple logical components. Each process has a name, and a dotted-decimal number in the
form 1.x. For example, the process "Issue book" has the number 1.2, which indicates that in
the level 1 DFD the concerned process is numbered 2. Other processes are numbered in a
similar way.

Figure 2: Level 1 DFD for Library Information System

Comparing figures 1 and 2 one might observe that the information flow in and out of LIS has
been preserved. We observe in figure 2 that the sub-processes themselves exchange
information among themselves. These information flows would be, in turn, preserved if we
decompose the system into a level 2 DFD.
Finally, in order to eliminate intersecting lines and make the DFD complex, the Member
external entity has been duplicated in figure 2. This is indicated by a * mark near the rightbottom corner of the entity box.

1. Design a DFD for AMT transaction.

2. DFD for a Social Networking site

The Absolute Beginners Inc. is planning to launch a revolutionary social networking site,
EyeCopy. You have been entrusted with designing a DFD for the proposed application. In
particular, you have been asked to show the following scenarios:

User registration
User login
Profile update
Draw a Level 1 DFD to depict the above data flow and the corresponding processes. Should
there be any data store in the DFD?

Experiment No 4

Objectives: E-R Modeling from the Problem Statements.

Identify entity sets, their attributes, and various relationships.
Represent the data model through ER diagram.

Entity Relationship Model

Entity-Relationship model is used to represent a logical design of a database to be created. In
ER model, real world objects (or concepts) are abstracted as entities, and different possible
associations among them are modeled as relationships.
For example, student and school -- they are two entities. Students study in school. So, these
two entities are associated with a relationship "Studies in".
As another example, consider a system where some job runs every night, which updates the
database. Here, job and database could be two entities. They are associated with the
relationship "Updates".

Entity Set and Relationship Set

An entity set is a collection of all similar entities. For example, "Student" is an entity set that
abstracts all students. Ram, John are specific entities belonging to this set. Similarly, a
"Relationship" set is a set of similar relationships.

Attributes of Entity
Attributes are the characteristics describing any entity belonging to an entity set. Any entity
in a set can be described by zero or more attributes.
For example, any student has got a name, age, an address. At any given time a student can
study only at one school. In the school he would have a roll number, and of course a grade in
which he studies. These data are the attributes of the entity set Student.

One or more attribute(s) of an entity set can be used to define the following keys:

Super key: One or more attributes, which when taken together, helps to uniquely identify an
entity in an entity set. For example, a school can have any number of students. However, if
we know grade and roll number, then we can uniquely identify a student in that school.
Candidate key: It is a minimal subset of a super key. In other words, a super key might
contain extraneous attributes, which do not help in identifying an object uniquely. When such
attributes are removed, the key formed so is called a candidate key.
Primary key: A database might have more than one candidate key. Any candidate key
chosen for a particular implementation of the database is called a primary key.

Prime attribute: Any attribute taking part in a super key

Weak Entity
An entity set is said to be weak if it is dependent upon another entity set. A weak entity can't
be uniquely identified only by it's attributes. In other words, it doesn't have a super key.

For example, consider a company that allows employees to have travel allowance for their
immediate family. So, here we have two entity sets: employee and family, related by "Can
claim for". However, family doesn't have a super key. Existence of a family is entirely
dependent on the concerned employee. So, it is meaningful only with reference to employee.

Entity Generalization and Specialization

Once we have identified the entity sets, we might find some similarities among them. For
example, multiple person interacts with a banking system. Most of them are customers, and
rest employees or other service providers. Here, customers, employees are persons, but with
certain specializations. Or in other way, person is the generalized form of customer and
employee entity sets.
ER model uses the "ISA" hierarchy to depict specialization (and thus, generalization).

Mapping Cardinalities
One of the main tasks of ER modeling is to associate different entity sets. Let's consider two
entity sets E1 and E2 associated by a relationship set R. Based on the number of entities in
E1 and E2 are associated with, we can have the following four type of mappings:

One to one: An entity in E1 is related to at most a single entity in E2, and vice versa
One to many: An entity in E1 could be related to zero or more entities in E2. Any entity in
E2 could be related to at most a single entity in E1.
Many to one: Zero or more number of entities in E1 could be associated to a single entity in
E2. However, an entity in E2 could be related to at most one entity in E1.
Many to many: Any number of entities could be related to any number of entities in E2,
including zero, and vice versa.

ER Diagram
From a given problem statement we identify the possible entity sets, their attributes, and
relationships among different entity sets. Once we have these information, we represent them
pictorially, called an entity-relationship (ER) diagram.

Graphical Notations for ER Diagram



Entity set




Name of the set is
written inside the
Name of the attribute
is written inside the
Roll is the primary
key; denoted with an

Weak entity set

Relationship set


relationship is written
inside the diamond



A person can own zero

or more cars but no
two persons can own
the same car

entity set

Importance of ER modeling
Figure - 01 shows the different steps involved in implementation of a (relational) database.

Figure - 01: Steps to implement a RDBMS

Given a problem statement, the first step is to identify the entities, attributes and
relationships. We represent them using an ER diagram. Using this ER diagram, table
structures are created, along with required constraints. Finally, these tables are normalized in
order to remove redundancy and maintain data integrity. Thus, to have data stored efficiently,
the ER diagram is to be drawn as much detailed and accurate as possible.

1. From the following problem statement identify the possible entity sets, their
attributes and relationships.
SE VLabs Inc. is a young company with a few departments spread across the country. As of
now, the company has a strength of 200+ employees.
Each employee works in a department. While joining, a person has to provide a lot of
personal and professional details including name, address, phone #, mail address, date of
birth, and so on. Once all these information are furnished, a unique ID is generated for each
employee. He is then assigned a department in which he will work.
There are around ten departments in the company. Unfortunately, two departments were
given same names. However, departments too have ID's, which are unique.

2. Draw an ER diagram for the following problem:

The latest cab services agency in the city has approached you to develop a Cab Management
System for them. They would be using this software to efficiently manage and track different
cabs that are operated by them.
Cabs are solely owned by the agency. They hire people in contracts to drive the cabs. A cab
can be uniquely identified by, like any other vehicle in the country, its license plate. A few
different categories of cars are available from different manufacturers. And a few of them are
AC cars.

Cab drivers are given a identification card while joining. The ID card contains his name,
permanent address, phone number, date of joining, duration of contract. Also, an unique
alphanumeric code is assigned to each number.
The agency provides service from 8 AM to 8 PM. Whenever any passenger books a cab, an
available cab is allocated for him. The booking receipt given to the passenger contains the car
#, source and destination places. Once he reaches the destination, he signs on a duplicate
copy of the receipt and gives back to the driver. Driver must submit this duplicate copy
signed by the passenger at the agency for confirmation.
To evaluate their quality of service, the agency also wants a (optional) customer satisfaction
survey, where passengers can provide feedback about their journey through the agency's


Experiment No 5
Objective: General study of UML

What is UML
Why the UML is necessary
How to represent UML components in diagrams


The heart of object-oriented problem solving is the construction of a model. The model
abstracts the essential details of the underlying problem from its usually complicated real world.
Several modeling tools are wrapped under the heading of the UML, which stands for Unified
Modeling Language. The purpose of this course is to present important highlights of the UML.
At the center of the UML are its nine kinds of modeling diagrams, which we describe here.

Use case diagrams

Class diagrams
Object diagrams
Sequence diagrams
Collaboration diagrams
Statechart diagrams
Activity diagrams
Component diagrams
Deployment diagrams
Some of the sections of this course contain links to pages with more detailed information. And every
section has short questions. Use them to test your understanding of the section topic.

Why is UML important?

Let's look at this question from the point of view of the construction trade. Architects design
buildings. Builders use the designs to create buildings. The more complicated the building,
the more critical the communication between architect and builder. Blueprints are the
standard graphical language that both architects and builders must learn as part of their trade.
Writing software is not unlike constructing a building. The more complicated the underlying
system, the more critical the communication among everyone involved in creating and
deploying the software. In the past decade, the UML has emerged as the software blueprint
language for analysts, designers, and programmers alike. It is now part of the software trade.
The UML gives everyone from business analyst to designer to programmer a common
vocabulary to talk about software design.

The UML is applicable to object-oriented problem solving. Anyone interested in learning

UML must be familiar with the underlying tenet of object-oriented problem solving -- it all
begins with the construction of a model. A model is an abstraction of the underlying
problem. The domain is the actual world from which the problem comes.Models consist of
objects that interact by sending each other messages. Think of an object as "alive." Objects
have things they know (attributes) and things they can do (behaviors or operations). The
values of an object's attributes determine its state.
Classes are the "blueprints" for objects. A class wraps attributes (data) and behaviors
(methods or functions) into a single distinct entity. Objects are instances of classes.
Use case diagrams
Use case diagrams describe what a system does from the standpoint of an external observer.
The emphasis is on what a system does rather than how.
Use case diagrams are closely connected to scenarios. A scenario is an example of what happens
when someone interacts with the system. Here is a scenario for a medical clinic.
"A patient calls the clinic to make an appointment for a yearly checkup. The receptionist finds the
nearest empty time slot in the appointment book and schedules the appointment for that time slot. "
A use case is a summary of scenarios for a single task or goal. An actor is who or what
initiates the events involved in that task. Actors are simply roles that people or objects play. The
picture below is a Make Appointment use case for the medical clinic. The actor is a Patient. The
connection between actor and use case is a communication association (or communication for

Actors are stick figures. Use cases are ovals. Communications are lines that link actors to use
A use case diagram is a collection of actors, use cases, and their communications. We've put
Make Appointment as part of a diagram with four actors and four use cases. Notice that a single use
case can have multiple actors.

Use case diagrams are helpful in three areas.

determining features (requirements). New use cases often generate new requirements as
the system is analyzed and the design takes shape.
communicating with clients. Their notational simplicity makes use case diagrams a good
way for developers to communicate with clients.

generating test cases. The collection of scenarios for a use case may suggest a suite of test
cases for those scenarios.

Class diagrams
A Class diagram gives an overview of a system by showing its classes and the relationships
among them. Class diagrams are static -- they display what interacts but not what happens when they
do interact.
The class diagram below models a customer order from a retail catalog. The central class is
the Order. Associated with it are the Customer making the purchase and the Payment. A Payment
is one of three kinds: Cash, Check, or Credit. The order contains OrderDetails (line items), each
with its associated Item.
UML class notation is a rectangle divided into three parts: class name, attributes, and operations.
Names of abstract classes, such as Payment, are in italics. Relationships between classes are the
connecting links.
Our class diagram has three kinds of relationships.

association -- a relationship between instances of the two classes. There is an association

between two classes if an instance of one class must know about the other in order to perform
its work. In a diagram, an association is a link connecting two classes.
aggregation -- an association in which one class belongs to a collection. An aggregation has
a diamond end pointing to the part containing the whole. In our diagram, Order has a
collection of OrderDetails.
generalization -- an inheritance link indicating one class is a superclass of the other. A generalization
has a triangle pointing to the superclass. Payment is a superclass of Cash, Check, and Credit.

An association has two ends. An end may have a role name to clarify the nature of the
association. For example, an OrderDetail is a line item of each Order.
A navigability arrow on an association shows which direction the association can be traversed or
queried. An OrderDetail can be queried about its Item, but not the other way around. The arrow also
lets you know who "owns" the association's implementation; in this case, OrderDetail has an Item.
Associations with no navigability arrows are bi-directional.
The multiplicity of an association end is the number of possible instances of the class associated
with a single instance of the other end. Multiplicities are single numbers or ranges of numbers. In our
example, there can be only one Customer for each Order, but a Customer can have any number of
This table gives the most common multiplicities.

0..* or *

zero or one instance. The notation n . . m indicates n to m instances.
no limit on the number of instances (including none).
exactly one instance
at least one instance

Every class diagram has classes, associations, and multiplicities. Navigability and roles are optional
items placed in a diagram to provide clarity.
Packages and object diagrams

To simplify complex class diagrams, you can group classes into packages. A package is a
collection of logically related UML elements. The diagram below is a business model in which the
classes are grouped into packages.

Packages appear as rectangles with small tabs at the top. The package name is on the tab or
inside the rectangle. The dotted arrows are dependencies. One package depends on another if
changes in the other could possibly force changes in the first.
Object diagrams show instances instead of classes. They are useful for explaining small
pieces with complicated relationships, especially recursive relationships.
This small class diagram shows that a university Department can contain lots of other Departments.

The object diagram below instantiates the class diagram, replacing it by a concrete example.

Each rectangle in the object diagram corresponds to a single instance. Instance names are
underlined in UML diagrams. Class or instance names may be omitted from object diagrams as long
as the diagram meaning is still clear.
Sequence diagrams
Class and object diagrams are static model views. Interaction diagrams are dynamic. They
describe how objects collaborate.
A sequence diagram is an interaction diagram that details how operations are carried out -what messages are sent and when. Sequence diagrams are organized according to time. The time
progresses as you go down the page. The objects involved in the operation are listed from left to right
according to when they take part in the message sequence.
Below is a sequence diagram for making a hotel reservation. The object initiating the
sequence of messages is a Reservation window.
The Reservation window sends a makeReservation() message to a HotelChain. The
HotelChain then sends a makeReservation() message to a Hotel. If the Hotel has available rooms,
then it makes a Reservation and a Confirmation.
Each vertical dotted line is a lifeline, representing the time that an object exists. Each arrow is
a message call. An arrow goes from the sender to the top of the activation bar of the message on the
receiver's lifeline. The activation bar represents the duration of execution of the message.
In our diagram, the Hotel issues a self call to determine if a room is available. If so, then the
Hotel creates a Reservation and a Confirmation. The asterisk on the self call means iteration (to
make sure there is available room for each day of the stay in the hotel). The expression in square
brackets, [ ], is a condition.

Collaboration diagrams
Collaboration diagrams are also interaction diagrams. They convey the same information as
sequence diagrams, but they focus on object roles instead of the times that messages are sent. In a
sequence diagram, object roles are the vertices and messages are the connecting links.

The object-role rectangles are labeled with either class or object names (or both). Class names
are preceded by colons ( : ).
Each message in a collaboration diagram has a sequence number. The top-level message is
numbered 1. Messages at the same level (sent during the same call) have the same decimal prefix but
suffixes of 1, 2, etc. according to when they occur.
State chart diagrams

Objects have behaviors and state. The state of an object depends on its current activity or
condition. A statechart diagram shows the possible states of the object and the transitions that cause
a change in state.
Our example diagram models the login part of an online banking system. Logging in consists
of entering a valid social security number and personal id number, then submitting the information for
Logging in can be factored into four non-overlapping states: Getting SSN, Getting PIN,
Validating, and Rejecting. From each state comes a complete set of transitions that determine the
subsequent state.

States are rounded rectangles. Transitions are arrows from one state to another. Events or
conditions that trigger transitions are written beside the arrows. Our diagram has two self-transition,
one on Getting SSN and another on Getting PIN.
The initial state (black circle) is a dummy to start the action. Final states are also dummy
states that terminate the action.
The action that occurs as a result of an event or condition is expressed in the form /action.
While in its Validating state, the object does not wait for an outside event to trigger a transition.
Instead, it performs an activity. The result of that activity determines its subsequent state.
Activity diagrams
An activity diagram is essentially a fancy flowchart. Activity diagrams and statechart
diagrams are related. While a statechart diagram focuses attention on an object undergoing a process
(or on a process as an object), an activity diagram focuses on the flow of activities involved in a
single process. The activity diagram shows the how those activities depend on one another.

For our example, we used the following process.

"Withdraw money from a bank account through an ATM."
The three involved classes (people, etc.) of the activity are Customer, ATM, and Bank. The
process begins at the black start circle at the top and ends at the concentric white/black stop circles at
the bottom. The activities are rounded rectangles.

Activity diagrams can be divided into object swimlanes that determine which object is
responsible for which activity. A single transition comes out of each activity, connecting it to the
next activity.
A transition may branch into two or more mutually exclusive transitions. Guard
expressions (inside [ ]) label the transitions coming out of a branch. A branch and its subsequent
merge marking the end of the branch appear in the diagram as hollow diamonds.
A transition may fork into two or more parallel activities. The fork and the subsequent join of the
threads coming out of the fork appear in the diagram as solid bars.
Component and deployment diagrams
A component is a code module. Component diagrams are physical analogs of class diagram.
Deployment diagrams show the physical configurations of software and hardware.

The following deployment diagram shows the relationships among software and hardware
components involved in real estate transactions.

The physical hardware is made up of nodes. Each component belongs on a node.

Components are shown as rectangles with two tabs at the upper left.

Experiment No 6
Objective: UML Use Case Diagram

Study about use case diagram

Deign use case diagram for given problem

Modeling steps for Use case Diagram


Draw the lines around the system and actors lie outside the system.


Identify the actors which are interacting with the system.


Separate the generalized and specialized actors.


Identify the functionality the way of interacting actors with system and specify the
behavior of actor.


Functionality or behavior of actors is considered as use cases.


Specify the generalized and specialized use cases.


Se the relationship among the use cases and in between actor and use cases.


Adorn with constraints and notes.


If necessary, use collaborations to realize use cases.

UML Use Case Diagram

To model a system the most important aspect is to capture the dynamic behavior. To clarify a bit in
details, dynamic behavior means the behavior of the system when it is running /operating.
So only static behavior is not sufficient to model a system rather dynamic behavior is more important
than static behavior. In UML there are five diagrams available to model dynamic nature and use case
diagram is one of them. Now as we have to discuss that the use case diagram is dynamic in nature
there should be some internal or external factors for making the interaction.
These internal and external agents are known as actors. So use case diagrams are consists of actors,
use cases and their relationships. The diagram is used to model the system/subsystem of an
application. A single use case diagram captures a particular functionality of a system. So to model

the entire system numbers of use case diagrams are used.

The purpose of use case diagram is to capture the dynamic aspect of a system. But this definition is
too generic to describe the purpose.
Because other four diagrams (activity, sequence, collaboration and Statechart) are also having the
same purpose. So we will look into some specific purpose which will distinguish it from other four
Use case diagrams are used to gather the requirements of a system including internal and external
influences. These requirements are mostly design requirements. So when a system is analyzed to
gather its functionalities use cases are prepared and actors are identified.
Now when the initial task is complete use case diagrams are modelled to present the outside view. So
in brief, the purposes of use case diagrams can be as follows:
Used to gather requirements of a system.
Used to get an outside view of a system.
Identify external and internal factors influencing the system.

Show the interacting among the requirements are actors.

How to draw Use Case Diagram?

Use case diagrams are considered for high level requirement analysis of a system. So when the
requirements of a system are analyzed the functionalities are captured in use cases.
So we can say that uses cases are nothing but the system functionalities written in an organized
manner. Now the second things which are relevant to the use cases are the actors. Actors can be
defined as something that interacts with the system.
The actors can be human user, some internal applications or may be some external applications. So in
a brief when we are planning to draw an use case diagram we should have the following items
Functionalities to be represented as an use case
Relationships among the use cases and actors.

Use case diagrams are drawn to capture the functional requirements of a system. So after
identifying the above items we have to follow the following guidelines to draw an efficient
use case diagram.
The name of a use case is very important. So the name should be chosen in such a way so that it can
identify the functionalities performed.
Give a suitable name for actors.
Show relationships and dependencies clearly in the diagram.
Do not try to include all types of relationships. Because the main purpose of the diagram is to identify
Use note when ever required to clarify some important points.

The following is a sample use case diagram representing the order management system. So if
we look into the diagram then we will find three use cases (Order, Special Order and Normal
Order) and one actor which is customer.
The Special Order and Normal Order use cases are extended from Order use case. So they
have extends relationship. Another important point is to identify the system boundary which
is shown in the picture. The actor Customer lies outside the system as it is an external user of
the system.

Experiment No 7
Objective: UML Class Diagram

Study about

Deign use case diagram for given problem

How to draw Class Diagram?

Class diagrams are the most popular UML diagrams used for construction of software
applications. So it is very important to learn the drawing procedure of class diagram.
Class diagrams have lot of properties to consider while drawing but here the diagram will be
considered from a top level view.
Class diagram is basically a graphical representation of the static view of the system and
represents different aspects of the application. So a collection of class diagrams represent the
whole system.
The following points should be remembered while drawing a class diagram:
The name of the class diagram should be meaningful to describe the aspect of the system.

Each element and their relationships should be identified in advance.

Responsibility (attributes and methods) of each class should be clearly identified.

For each class minimum number of properties should be specified. Because unnecessary properties
will make the diagram complicated.
Use notes whenever required to describe some aspect of the diagram. Because at the end of the
drawing it should be understandable to the developer/coder.
Finally, before making the final version, the diagram should be drawn on plain paper and rework as
many times as possible to make it correct.

Now the following diagram is an example of an Order System of an application. So it

describes a particular aspect of the entire application.
First of all Order and Customer are identified as the two elements of the system and they have a one
too many relationship because a customer can have multiple orders.
We would keep Order class is an abstract class and it has two concrete classes (inheritance
relationship) Special Order and Normal Order.
The two inherited classes have all the properties as the Order class. In addition they have additional
functions like dispatch () and receive ().

So the following class diagram has been drawn considering all the points mentioned above:

Objective : Study of Object Diagram
Object diagrams are derived from class diagrams so object diagrams are dependent upon
class diagrams.
Object diagrams represent an instance of a class diagram. The basic concepts are similar for
class diagrams and object diagrams. Object diagrams also represent the static view of a
system but this static view is a snapshot of the system at a particular moment.
Object diagrams are used to render a set of objects and their relationships as an

The purpose of a diagram should be understood clearly to implement it practically. The
purposes of object diagrams are similar to class diagrams.
The difference is that a class diagram represents an abstract model consists of classes and
their relationships. But an object diagram represents an instance at a particular moment
which is concrete in nature.
It means the object diagram is more close to the actual system behaviour. The purpose is to
capture the static view of a system at a particular moment. So the purpose of the object diagram
can be summarized as:

Forward and reverse engineering.





Static view of an interaction.

Understand object behaviour and their relationship from practical perspective.

How to draw Object Diagram?
We have already discussed that an object diagram is an instance of a class diagram. It implies
that an object diagram consists of instances of things used in a class diagram.
So both diagrams are made of same basic elements but in different form. In class diagram
elements are in abstract form to represent the blue print and in object diagram the elements are
in concrete form to represent the real world object.
To capture a particular system, numbers of class diagrams are limited. But if we consider
object diagrams then we can have unlimited number of instances which are unique in nature.
So only those instances are considered which are having impact on the system.
From the above discussion it is clear that a single object diagram cannot capture all the
necessary instances or rather cannot specify all objects of a system. So the solution is:
First, analyze the system and decide which instances are having
Second, consider only those instances which will cover the functionality.
Third, make some optimization as the numbers of instances are unlimited.
Before drawing an object diagrams the following things should be remembered and
understood clearly:

Object diagrams are consist of objects.

The link in object diagram is used to connect objects.

Objects and links are the two elements used to construct an object diagram.

Now after this the following things are to be decided before starting the construction of
the diagram:
The object diagram should have a meaningful name to indicate its purpose. The most important
elements are to be identified.

The association among objects should be clarified.

Values of different elements need to be captured to include in the object diagram.
Add proper notes at points where more clarity is required.

UML Component Diagram
Component diagrams are different in terms of nature and behaviour. Component
diagrams are used to model physical aspects of a system.
Now the question is what are these physical aspects? Physical aspects are the elements
like executables, libraries, files, documents etc which resides in a node.
So component diagrams are used to visualize the organization and relationships
among components in a system. These diagrams are also used to make executable systems.

Component diagram is a special kind of diagram in UML. The purpose is also different from
all other diagrams discussed so far. It does not describe the functionality of the system
but it describes the components used to make those functionalities.
So from that point component diagrams are used to visualize the physical components in a
system. These components are libraries, packages, files etc.
Component diagrams can also be described as a static implementation view of a system.
Static implementation represents the organization of the components at a particular moment. A
single component diagram cannot represent the entire system but a collection of diagrams are
used to represent the whole. So the purpose of the component diagram can be summarized as:
Visualize the components of a system.
Construct executables by using forward and reverse engineering.
Describe the organization and relationships of the components.

How to draw Component Diagram?

Component diagrams are used to describe the physical artifacts of a system. This artifact
includes files, executables, libraries etc.
So the purpose of this diagram is different, Component diagrams are used during the
implementation phase of an application. But it is prepared well in advance to visualize the
implementation details. Initially the system is designed using different UML diagrams and then
when the artifacts are ready component diagrams are used to get an idea of the implementation.

This diagram is very important because without it the application cannot be implemented efficiently. A
well prepared component diagram is also important for other aspects like application performance,
maintenance etc.
So before drawing a component diagram the following artifacts are to be identifiedclearly:
Files used in the system.
Libraries and other artifacts relevant to the application. Relationships among the artifacts.

Now after identifying the artifacts the following points needs to be followed:

Use a meaningful name to identify the component for which the diagram is to be drawn.
Prepare a mental layout before producing using tools.
Use notes for clarifying important points.

The following is a component diagram for order management system. Here the artifacts are
files. So the diagram shows the files in the application and their relationships. In actual
the component diagram also contains dlls, libraries, folders etc.
In the following diagram four files are identified and their relationships are produced.
Component diagram cannot be matched directly with other UML diagrams discussed so far.

Because it is drawn for completely different purpose.

So the following component diagram has been drawn considering all the points mentioned

Experiment No 10
UML Deployment Diagram
Deployment diagrams are used to visualize the topology of the physical components of a
system where the software components are deployed. So deployment diagrams are used to
describe the static deployment view of a system. Deployment diagrams consist of nodes
and their relationships.

The name Deployment itself describes the purpose of the diagram. Deployment diagrams
are used for describing the hardware components where software components are
deployed. Component diagrams and deployment diagrams are closely related. Component
diagrams are used to describe the components and deployment diagrams shows how they are
deployed in hardware.
UML is mainly designed to focus on software artifacts of a system. But these two diagrams
are special diagrams used to focus on software components and hardware components.
So most of the UML diagrams are used to handle logical components but deployment
diagrams are made to focus on hardware topology of a system. Deployment diagrams are
used by the system engineers.
The purpose of deployment diagrams

Visualize hardware topology of a system.

Describe the hardware components used to deploy software components.
Describe runtime processing nodes.

Modeling steps for Deployment Diagram


Identify the processors which represent client & server.


Provide the visual cue via stereotype classes.


Group all the similar clients into one package.


Provide the links among clients & servers.


Provide the attributes & operations.


Specify the components which are living on nodes.


Adorn with nodes & constraints & draw the deployment


How to draw Deployment Diagram? Deployment diagram represents the deployment view

of a system. It is related to the component diagram. Because the components are deployed using the
deployment diagrams. A deployment diagram consists of nodes. Nodes are nothing but physical
hardwares used to deploy the application.
Deployment diagrams are useful for system engineers. An efficient deployment diagram is very
important because it controls the following parameters


So before drawing a deployment diagram the following artifacts should be identified:

Relationships among nodes

The following deployment diagram is a sample to give an idea of the deployment view of order
management system. Here we have shown nodes as:
Caching server
The application is assumed to be a web based application which is deployed in a clustered
environment using server 1, server 2 and server 3. The user is connecting to the application using
internet. The control is flowing from the caching server to the clustered environment.
So the following deployment diagram has been drawn considering all the points mentioned above:

UML Interaction Diagram
From the name Interaction it is clear that the diagram is used to describe some type of
interactions among the different elements in the model. So this interaction is a part of
dynamic behaviour of the system.
This interactive behaviour is represented in UML by two diagrams known as Sequence
diagram and Collaboration diagram. The basic purposes of both the diagrams are similar.
Sequence diagram emphasizes on time sequence of messages and collaboration diagram
emphasizes on the structural organization of the objects that send and receive messages.
The purposes of interaction diagrams are to visualize the interactive behaviour of the system.
Now visualizing interaction is a difficult task. So the solution is to use different types of
models to capture the different aspects of the interaction.
That is why sequence and collaboration diagrams are used to capture dynamic nature but
from a different angle.
So the purposes of interaction diagram can be describes as:

To capture dynamic behavior of a system.

To describe the message flow in the system.
To describe structural organization of the objects.
To describe interaction among objects.

How to draw Interaction Diagram?

As we have already discussed that the purpose of interaction diagrams are to capture the
dynamic aspect of a system. So to capture the dynamic aspect we need to understand what a
dynamic aspect is and how it is visualized. Dynamic aspect can be defined as the snap shot of
the running system at a particular moment.
We have two types of interaction diagrams in UML. One is sequence diagram and the other
is a collaboration diagram. The sequence diagram captures the time sequence of message
flow from one object to another and the collaboration diagram describes the organization of
objects in a system taking part in the message flow.
So the following things are to identified clearly before drawing the interaction diagram:

Objects taking part in the interaction.

Message flows among the objects.
The sequence in which the messages are flowing.
Object organization.

Following are two interaction diagrams modelling order management system. The first
diagram is a sequence diagram and the second is a collaboration diagram.
The Sequence Diagram:
The sequence diagram is having four objects (Customer, Order, Special-order and Normal
The following diagram has shown the message sequence for Special-order object and the
same can be used in case of Normal Order object. Now it is important to understand the time
sequence of message flows. The message flow is nothing but a method call of an object.
The first call is sendOrder () which is a method of Order object. The next call is confirm ()
which is a method of SpecialOrder object and the last call is Dispatch () which is a method of
SpecialOrder object. So here the diagram is mainly describing the method calls from one
object to another and this is also the actual scenario when the system is running.

The Collaboration Diagram:
The second interaction diagram is collaboration diagram. It shows the object organization as
shown below. Here in collaboration diagram the method call sequence is indicated by some
numbering technique as shown below. The number indicates how the methods are called one
after another. We have taken the same order management system to describe the
collaboration diagram.
The method calls are similar to that of a sequence diagram. But the difference is that the
sequence diagram does not describe the object organization where as the collaboration
diagram shows the object organization.
Now to choose between these two diagrams the main emphasis is given on the type of
requirement. If the time sequence is important then sequence diagram is used and if
organization is required then collaboration diagram is used

UML State chart Diagram

The name of the diagram itself clarifies the purpose of the diagram and other details. It describes
different states of a component in a system. The states are specific to a component/object of a system.
A Statechart diagram describes a state machine. Now to clarify it state machine can be defined as a
machine which defines different states of an object and these states are controlled by external or
internal events.
Activity diagram explained in next chapter, is a special kind of a Statechart diagram. As Statechart
diagram defines states it is used to model lifetime of an object.

Statechart diagram is one of the five UML diagrams used to model dynamic nature of a system. They
define different states of an object during its lifetime. And these states are changed by events. So
Statechart diagrams are useful to model reactive systems. Reactive systems can be defined as a
system that responds to external or internal events.
Statechart diagram describes the flow of control from one state to another state. States are defined as
a condition in which an object exists and it changes when some event is triggered. So the most
important purpose of Statechart diagram is to model life time of an object from creation to
Statechart diagrams are also used for forward and reverse engineering of a system. But the main
purpose is to model reactive system.
Following are the main purposes of using Statechart diagrams:
To model dynamic aspect of a system.
To model life time of a reactive system.
To describe different states of an object during its life time.
Define a state machine to model states of an object.

How to draw Statechart Diagram?

Statechart diagram is used to describe the states of different objects in its life cycle. So the emphasis
is given on the state changes upon some internal or external events. These states of objects are
important to analyze and implement them accurately.
Statechart diagrams are very important for describing the states. States can be identified as the
condition of objects when a particular event occurs.
Before drawing a Statechart diagram we must have clarified the following points:
Identify important objects to be analyzed.
Identify the states.

UML Activity Diagram
Activity diagram is another important diagram in UML to describe dynamic aspects of the system.
Activity diagram is basically a flow chart to represent the flow form one activity to another activity.
The activity can be described as an operation of the system.
So the control flow is drawn from one operation to another. This flow can be sequential, branched or
concurrent. Activity diagrams deals with all type of flow control by using different elements like fork,
join etc.

The basic purposes of activity diagrams are similar to other four diagrams. It captures the dynamic
behavior of the system. Other four diagrams are used to show the message flow from one object to
another but activity diagram is used to show message flow from one activity to another.
Activity is a particular operation of the system. Activity diagrams are not only used for visualizing
dynamic nature of a system but they are also used to construct the executable system by using
forward and reverse engineering techniques. The only missing thing in activity diagram is the
message part. It does not show any message flow from one activity to another. Activity diagram is
some time considered as the flow chart. Although the diagrams looks like a flow chart but it is not. It
shows different flow like parallel, branched, concurrent and single.

So the purposes can be described as:

Draw the activity flow of a system.

Describe the sequence from one activity to another.
Describe the parallel, branched and concurrent low of the system.

How to draw Activity Diagram?

Activity diagrams are mainly used as a flow chart consists of activities performed by the
system. But activity diagram are not exactly a flow chart as they have some additional
capabilities. These additional capabilities include branching, parallel flow, swimlane etc.
Before drawing an activity diagram we must have a clear understanding about the elements
used in activity diagram. The main element of an activity diagram is the activity itself. An
activity is a function performed by the system. After identifying the activities we need to
understand how they are associated with constraints and conditions. So before drawing an

activity diagram we should identify the following elements:


Once the above mentioned parameters are identified we need to make a mental layout of the
entire flow. This mental layout is then transformed into an activity diagram.
The following is an example of an activity diagram for order management system. In the
diagram four activities are identified which are associated with conditions. One important
point should be clearly understood that an activity diagram cannot be exactly matched with
the code. The activity diagram is made to understand the flow of activities and mainly used
by the business users.
The following diagram is drawn with the four main activities:

Send order by the customer

Receipt of the order
Confirm order
Dispatch order

After receiving the order request condition checks are performed to check if it is normal or
special order. After the type of order is

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