Ijaiem 2014 10 29 71
Ijaiem 2014 10 29 71
Ijaiem 2014 10 29 71
Zinc sulfide (ZnS) thin films were deposited on glass substrates using pulsed laser deposition technique. The laser
used is the Q-switched Nd:YAG laser with 1064nm wavelength and 1Hz pulse repetition rate and a varying substrate
temperature (500C -2000C) . The laser energy was kept constant at 1000mJ with 21 pulses for each sample. The
structural, morphological and optical properties of ZnS thin films were characterized with X-ray diffraction (XRD),
scanning electron microscopy (SEM), atomic force microscope (AFM) and UV-VIS spectrophotometer.
Keywords:ZnS thin film, PLD, surface roughness.
Zinc sulphide belongs to II-VI group compound material with large direct band gap between (3.4-3.7)eV depending
upon composition. It is potentially important material to be used as an antireflection coating for heterojunction solar
cells [1], for light emitting diode [2, 3], and other optoelectronic devices such as blue light emitting diode [4], electro
luminescence devices and photovoltaic cells which enable wide application in the field of displays [5,6], sensor and
Laser [7,8]. In recent years ZnS attracted much attention because the properties in nano form differ significantly from
those of their bulk counter parts. Therefore much effort has been made to control the size, morphology and crystalline
of ZnS thin films. There has been growing interest in developing techniques for preparing semiconductor nano
particles and films.
ZnS thin films were deposited by using the pulsed laser deposition technique. The chamber was evacuated to a base
pressure of (103 mbar) at varying substrate temperature (50oC- 200oC). Q-switched Nd: YAG laser with a wavelength
of 1064 nm and laser energy of 1000mJ and fixed number of pulses (21 pulses) was used; the focal length for the lens
was about 13cm with a repetition rate of 1 Hz. The distance between the target and the substrate was kept at 2.5 cm.
Figure (1) shows the setup of PLD. After deposition, the structural, morphological and optical properties of ZnS thin
films were characterized with X-ray diffraction (XRD), atomic force microscope (AFM) and UV-VIS
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Figure (2): Optical transmissions as a function of wavelength for ZnS/glass at different substrate temperatures.
Figure (3): Optical Absorption as a function of wavelength for ZnS/glass at different substrate temperatures.
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Figure (4):Optical energy band gap for ZnS/glass at different substrate temperatures.
Figure (5): XRD diffraction pattern of ZnS a) at substrate temperature 1000C and b) at substrate temperature 2000C
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Figure (7): AFM images at a) 1000C and b) 500C.
Thin films of ZnS prepared by PLD technique are found to be nanocrystalline. The crystallite sizes measured by XRD
studies are found to be within 33.8-71.7 nm. XRD shows that samples are of wurtzite hexagonal phase which is
important for device performance. Powder SEM studies showed irregular distributions of particles with particle size at
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a range of 210nm. The films formed at 200 0C exhibited good optical properties with a relatively high transmittance
reach up to 98% in the UVVISNIR regions; hence,they could be effective as thermal control window coatings for cold
climates and antireflection coatings. The films clearly show an increase in band gap with reduction in particle size as
compared to bulk materials, and this fact supports the formation of nanocrystallites in these films.
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