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International Journal of Application or Innovation in Engineering & Management (IJAIEM)

Web Site: www.ijaiem.org Email: [email protected]

Volume 3, Issue 10, October 2014

ISSN 2319 - 4847

Substrate Temperature Effect on the Optical

and Structural Properties of ZnS Thin Films
Prepared by Nd:YAG Pulsed Laser Deposition
Asst. prof. MohammedA. Mahdi 1,Assist Lec.Esraak. Hamed2 andLec FarahA. Hattab3

Laser and Optoelectronic Engineering Department, University of Technology

Lasers and Optoelectronic Engineering Department, University of Technology

Lasers and Optoelectronic Engineering Department, University of Technology

Zinc sulfide (ZnS) thin films were deposited on glass substrates using pulsed laser deposition technique. The laser
used is the Q-switched Nd:YAG laser with 1064nm wavelength and 1Hz pulse repetition rate and a varying substrate
temperature (500C -2000C) . The laser energy was kept constant at 1000mJ with 21 pulses for each sample. The
structural, morphological and optical properties of ZnS thin films were characterized with X-ray diffraction (XRD),
scanning electron microscopy (SEM), atomic force microscope (AFM) and UV-VIS spectrophotometer.
Keywords:ZnS thin film, PLD, surface roughness.

Zinc sulphide belongs to II-VI group compound material with large direct band gap between (3.4-3.7)eV depending
upon composition. It is potentially important material to be used as an antireflection coating for heterojunction solar
cells [1], for light emitting diode [2, 3], and other optoelectronic devices such as blue light emitting diode [4], electro
luminescence devices and photovoltaic cells which enable wide application in the field of displays [5,6], sensor and
Laser [7,8]. In recent years ZnS attracted much attention because the properties in nano form differ significantly from
those of their bulk counter parts. Therefore much effort has been made to control the size, morphology and crystalline
of ZnS thin films. There has been growing interest in developing techniques for preparing semiconductor nano
particles and films.

ZnS thin films were deposited by using the pulsed laser deposition technique. The chamber was evacuated to a base
pressure of (103 mbar) at varying substrate temperature (50oC- 200oC). Q-switched Nd: YAG laser with a wavelength
of 1064 nm and laser energy of 1000mJ and fixed number of pulses (21 pulses) was used; the focal length for the lens
was about 13cm with a repetition rate of 1 Hz. The distance between the target and the substrate was kept at 2.5 cm.
Figure (1) shows the setup of PLD. After deposition, the structural, morphological and optical properties of ZnS thin
films were characterized with X-ray diffraction (XRD), atomic force microscope (AFM) and UV-VIS

Figure (1): Schematic diagram of PLD setup [13].

Volume 3, Issue 10, October 2014

Page 355

International Journal of Application or Innovation in Engineering & Management (IJAIEM)

Web Site: www.ijaiem.org Email: [email protected]
Volume 3, Issue 10, October 2014

ISSN 2319 - 4847


Optical properties of ZnS thin films were determined from the transmission and absorption measurements in the range
of 300-800 nm. Figures (2) and (3) show the variation of optical transmittance and absorbance as a function of
wavelength for the films prepared at different substrate temperatures (500C, 1000C, 1500C and 2000C). Figure (2)
shows the film formed at 200 0C was relatively higher than the spectral transmittance for the other films prepared at
other growth temperatures moreover the average transmission was reached in the near IR region approximately 98%.
Absorption coefficient () associated with the strong absorption region of the films was calculated from absorbance (A)
and the film thickness (t) using the relation [9, 10]:
= 2.3026 A / t
The absorption coefficient () was analyzed using the following expressionfor near-edge optical absorption of
( h ) = K (h - Eg )n/2 (2)
Where: K is constant, Eg is the separation between the valence and conduction bands and n is a constant that is equal
to 1 for direct band gap semiconductors. The band gap values were determined from the intercept of the straight-line
portion of the ( h )2 against the h axis figure (4). The linear part shows that the mode of transition in these films is
of direct nature. The calculated band-gap value of the films was between (3.7-3.95) eV. The band-gap values are higher
than bulk value of ZnS (3.68 eV) because of quantum confinement of ZnSnanocrystals.

Figure (2): Optical transmissions as a function of wavelength for ZnS/glass at different substrate temperatures.

Figure (3): Optical Absorption as a function of wavelength for ZnS/glass at different substrate temperatures.

Volume 3, Issue 10, October 2014

Page 356

International Journal of Application or Innovation in Engineering & Management (IJAIEM)

Web Site: www.ijaiem.org Email: [email protected]
Volume 3, Issue 10, October 2014

ISSN 2319 - 4847

Figure (4):Optical energy band gap for ZnS/glass at different substrate temperatures.


All the deposited ZnS films were white, homogeneous with a good adherence to the substrate. Generally ZnS material
has the hexagonal, wurtzite type structure or cubic, zinc blend-type structure. X-ray diffraction patterns of ZnS thin
films prepared at different substrate temperatures (1000C and 2000C) are shown in fig. (5(a & b)) respectively. Fig.
(5(a)) shows a crystalline phase with orientation at (008) plane exhibited a hexagonal wurtzite structure. As the
temperature increased to 200 0C (fig. 5(b)),the XRD pattern of ZnS thin films exhibit two distinguished peaks
corresponding to diffraction of (008) and ( 104) planes of hexagonal wurtzite It has been noticed that the diffraction
pattern sharpen with increase in substrate temperature and the growth rate was found to be depend on substrate
temperature [11, 12]. The highest peak value of the XRD measurement came from ZnS film grown at 200 0C,
indicating that the film had the best preferred orientation structures. . The grain size of the nanocrystalline films is
estimated using the Scherrer formula [9].
D = K / cos (3)
Where K is a constant taken to be 0.94, the wavelength of X-ray used ( = 1.54056 A) and the full width at ha lf
maximum. The peak broadening in the XRD patterns clearly indicates the formation of ZnSnanocrystals of very small
size. The grain sizes were found to be within the range of 33.8-71.7 nm.




Figure (5): XRD diffraction pattern of ZnS a) at substrate temperature 1000C and b) at substrate temperature 2000C

Volume 3, Issue 10, October 2014

Page 357

International Journal of Application or Innovation in Engineering & Management (IJAIEM)

Web Site: www.ijaiem.org Email: [email protected]
Volume 3, Issue 10, October 2014

ISSN 2319 - 4847


Scanning electron microscopy is a convenient technique to study the microstructure of thin films. Figure (6) shows a
picture of ZnS powder observed by SEM. The particle size from the SEM is found to be in the range of 210 nm.

Figure (6): SEM picture of ZnS powder.


AFM images which have been taken to the samples are shown in figure (7 (a & b)) which corresponding to the 1000C
and 500C samples respectively. The surface roughness and average diameter were tabulated in table 1.


Figure (7): AFM images at a) 1000C and b) 500C.

Table (1):The surface roughness and average diameter.

Thin films of ZnS prepared by PLD technique are found to be nanocrystalline. The crystallite sizes measured by XRD
studies are found to be within 33.8-71.7 nm. XRD shows that samples are of wurtzite hexagonal phase which is
important for device performance. Powder SEM studies showed irregular distributions of particles with particle size at

Volume 3, Issue 10, October 2014

Page 358

International Journal of Application or Innovation in Engineering & Management (IJAIEM)

Web Site: www.ijaiem.org Email: [email protected]
Volume 3, Issue 10, October 2014

ISSN 2319 - 4847

a range of 210nm. The films formed at 200 0C exhibited good optical properties with a relatively high transmittance
reach up to 98% in the UVVISNIR regions; hence,they could be effective as thermal control window coatings for cold
climates and antireflection coatings. The films clearly show an increase in band gap with reduction in particle size as
compared to bulk materials, and this fact supports the formation of nanocrystallites in these films.

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Page 359

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