Lampiran A - Terms of Reference For RSA PDF

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Objectives of Road Safety Audit

The objective of Road Safety Auditing is to identify road safety deficiencies at

various stages in the development of road projects/network so that they can be
eliminated or mitigated at the most opportune time to reduce costs and minimize
disruption to planning, design, construction and operation, and ultimately to
enhance the safety of the road environment.


Scope of Work
Road Safety Audit shall be carried out in accordance with the Guideline For The
Safety Audit Or Roads And Road Projects In Malaysia prepared by JKR and shall
include audits at the following stages of the project:
Stage 1 Audit -

Planning and Feasibility Stage of the Project


The Stage 1 Audit will be carried out during the Planning phase, where a
number of alternative proposals are being considered for the project. Audit
is to be made of each alternative, the results of which (to the extent
relevant) should be included in the evaluation process.
Stage 2 Audit -

Preliminary Design Stage

The Stage 2 Audit will be carried out at the end of the preliminary design
phase where the Functional Layout has been prepared and land
acquisition requirements are being determined.
Stage 3 Audit -

Detailed Design Stage.

This audit must be done at an appropriate stage towards the end (but not
at the end) of the detailed design, or as soon as it is possible to determine
the safety implications of the design and when changes can be made at
the most opportune time to avoid costly redesign. This may necessitate
separate audit checks as various elements of the project reach the desired
stage of design.
The audit work at this stage includes auditing the suitability and workability
of the proposed traffic management that will be carried out during the
construction. The Guidelines on the Estimation Procedures for Traffic
Management prepared by JKR will be used as a basis for the traffic
management procedures.


Stage 4 Audit -

At the Construction/Pre-Opening Stage.

Road Safety Audit Stage 4 shall include two distinct aspects as follows:

Audit of the compliance of the works to the Stage 3 Audit (Detail

Design) to ensure that the decisions of Empowered Officer with
regards to the Stage 3 Audit are carried through in the
construction. In particular the audit shall include a final detailed
check of the project just prior to it being opened to traffic.

Audit of Traffic Management through and in the vicinity of the

project during the construction phase. This includes the observation
of the effectiveness of the Traffic Management Plans (TMPs)
prepared by the contractor/consultant and the devices employed
during the night. The scope of work shall include:

Auditing the TMPs during the Design Phase


Auditing the changes to the TMPs and Work Zones during

the Construction Phase. This is to be carried out at every
Stage 4 audit and additional if required by the Supervision
Officer. The audit shall be carried out based on the latest
Traffic Management Safety Reports prepared by the Traffic
Safety Officer from the contractors counterpart.

The audit at this stage will be carried out three (3) times during the
construction duration:

RSA Stage 4 (Part 1) or Verification Audit to be carried out after the

issuance of construction and traffic management drawings

RSA Stage 4 (Part 2) to be carried out when the construction

works progress is about 50%

RSA Stage 4 (Part 3) to be carried out during the pre-opening of

the project. Both day and night audit will be required.

Should the Supervision Officer requires additional audit, he shall ask the
Road Safety Auditor to carry out the additional audit and the additional
fees shall be agreed upon by the Supervision Officer and the Road Safety


Stage 5 Audit -

Operational stage

There are two types of stage 5 audit:

On new road projects
ii) On existing road
The audit at this stage is to ensure that the roads are safe for public use.
The Stage 5 audit for new projects shall be carried out within three (3) to
six(6) months after the opening of the project to the public.
The project development shall not proceed into the next stage of audit before
resolution of each of the road safety items identified from the previous audit.
Empowered Officer reserved the right to commence the audit at the appropriate
stages in the development of the projects.


Use of Road Safety Audit Check Lists.

It is the auditors responsibility to critically examine all aspects of the project which
may have adverse safety implications, considering carefully the need of all road
user groups.


Management of Road Safety Audit

The process flowchart in Appendix 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 and 7 shall be used as a guide
in the management of road safety audit.


Road Safety Auditors.


Roles of Auditor
deficiencies/problems/hazard are identified before they are locked into the design
and/or become a safety problem. The Auditor is expected to highlight all the safety
deficiencies in a design/existing road.
The Auditor will look into:
Adoption of appropriate standards
Compliance and non compliance of standards that will have road safety

The Auditors primary role is to look into the safety repercussion of compliance to
standard or otherwise and highlight the possible consequences wherever possible
of major road safety deficiencies. The Auditor is expected to use his/her
experience and wisdom in dealing with the design checkers in these overlapped

The following flowchart indicates the position of the Auditor in relationship with
other parties:



Design Checker

To redesign
if required

Submit Plan
Road Safety

Road Authority


Independence of Auditors
The auditors must be independent of project planners, designers and construction
companies involved in the project and have no business or other company
associations with them.


Qualification of Road Safety Auditor

A qualified Road Safety Auditor shall be an engineer that have a good
understanding of the Driver/Vehicle/Road Environment interaction and have
experience in accident investigation and countermeasures. The auditor shall also
fulfill the following requirements:

Minimum ten (10) years working experience as Civil Engineer or eight (8)
years working experience as Civil Engineer with Masters Degree
qualification in road engineering areas or six (6) years working experience
as Civil Engineer with Doctorate qualification in road engineering areas.


Minimum six (6) years experience in roads area that is minimum three (3)
years experience in road design and minimum three (3) years experience
in road safety.


Is a professional engineer registered with the Board of Engineers Malaysia

for a minimum of two (2) years.


Attended and obtained a certificate in Road Safety Audit course from

Stage 1 to Stage 5 that is recognized by JKR Malaysia.

Notwithstanding the above, the auditor needs to be accredited with JKR Malaysia.



Reporting of the Road Safety Audit.

Each stage of the Road Safety Audit shall be reported, in writing, generally as set
out in the JKR Guidelines and shall be submitted to the Client within 2 weeks of
the audit being done or otherwise as agreed in writing.
The report should specifically describe the safety deficiencies, potential or real,
which have been identified along with the relevant references to accepted
standards, practices and road safety principles. The points should be illustrated
wherever practicable by marking-up on the plans or other relevant drawings and /
or by colour photographs of the items concerned. The report may include the
auditors suggestions for eliminating or otherwise treating the safety problem
identified, but this is not an essential requirement.
The report should not be simply a copy of the Check List annotated with ticks or
crosses or yes / no answers, or in any other way submitted as the Safety Audit
An summary of audit of the audited items shall be prepared by the Auditor
together with the audit report.


Handling of Road Safety Audit Report


Response Report
A Response Report will be prepared by designer before any completion meeting
at any stage of audit. This report is based on the Summary of Audit by the Road
Safety Auditor. A Response Report is a document that allows the designer to
respond the Road Safety Auditors comments or recommendations.


Completion Meeting
Within 2 weeks of receipt of the Road Safety Audit Report in every stage,
Empowered Officer/ Client shall conduct a completion meeting. In this meeting,
the findings are discussed and actions are agreed upon and formally documented.


Compliance Report
A compliance report will then be prepared by the designer based on the Summary
of Audit from the Stage 3 Road Safety Audit Report. The Compliance Report is a
document indicating designers declaration that matters agreed upon in the Road
Safety Audit Stage 3 completion meeting has been incorporated in the revised
detailed design engineering drawings.


Compliance Audit
Compliance Audit needs to be carried out by the Road Safety Auditor after
receiving the Compliance Report from the designer. This audit produces the
Compliance Audit Report which confirms all matters agreed upon in the Road
Safety Audit Stage 3 completion meeting has been incorporated by the designer
in their detailed design engineering drawings.



Verification Audit
A Verification Audit (Road Safety Audit Stage 4 Part 1) is to be carried out by the
Road Safety Auditor to ensure that all decisions during design stage are
implemented in the construction drawings. This audit produces the Verification
Audit Report which verifies all matters agreed upon in the completion meeting of
the previous Audits have been incorporated in the construction drawings


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