Rfs Concepts

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StorHouse/RFS Release 4.0

Publication Number
900159 Rev. G
May 23, 2006

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Copyright 2001-2006 FileTek, Inc. As an Unpublished Licensed Work.
Publication Number: 900159 Rev. G


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S t o r H o u s e / R F S

C o n c e p t s

What is StorHouse/RFS? ............................................................................1
Whats new in StorHouse/RFS release 4.0?.................................................2
Enhanced security model ....................................................................2
Simplified StorHouse table creation....................................................2
Enhanced collection process................................................................2
Data integrity checks...........................................................................2
User file information reporting ...........................................................3
Dynamic timeout support...................................................................3
Safety directory for user file changes....................................................3
StorHouse/RFS configuration file reorganization................................3
System file date support ......................................................................4
StorHouse/RFS utility changes ...........................................................4
What is StorHouse? ....................................................................................5
StorHouse/RM ...................................................................................6
StorHouse/Control Center .................................................................6
What hardware is used by StorHouse/RFS? ................................................8

FileTek Proprietary and Confidential



What are the StorHouse/RFS software components? ................................10

StorHouse/RFS file system driver......................................................10
StorHouse/RFS server.......................................................................10
StorHouse/RFS configuration file utility...........................................11
StorHouse/ODBC driver..................................................................11
Whats a virtual file system? ......................................................................11
How does StorHouse/RFS collect and store data? .....................................13
Staging the data ................................................................................14
Staging directories and user directories......................................14
Creating a file in a staging area..................................................16
Writing a file to a staging area...................................................17
Collecting the data............................................................................18
Renaming a file .........................................................................18
Collection sizing information....................................................19
Generating file locator data .......................................................20
Storing the data on StorHouse..........................................................21
Storing file data.........................................................................21
Storing file locator data .............................................................22
Storing file locator data in a StorHouse collection .............22
Storing file locator data in a StorHouse table array............22
Configuring intervals for collecting and storing data .........................24
Accumulating files to a local collection......................................24
Writing StorHouse collections ..................................................24
Collection interval example.......................................................25
How does StorHouse/RFS retrieve data?...................................................26
Searching for file versions..................................................................28
Browsing the virtual file system.........................................................29
How does StorHouse/RFS implement security?........................................31
File security.......................................................................................31
Securing files on the local system...............................................31
Securing files on StorHouse ......................................................32
Extended security for directory levels ................................................34
Specifying the number of directory levels ..................................34
Creating and using the security table.........................................34
User and group name management...................................................35


StorHouse/RFS Concepts

What is StorHouse/RFS duplexing?..........................................................35

Writing data to two StorHouse systems ............................................36
Retrieving data from the secondary StorHouse system ......................36
How can you monitor activity? .................................................................37
Generating statistics ..........................................................................37
Reporting information for a user file .................................................38
Auditing file activity .........................................................................40
What recovery facilities are available? ........................................................41
Recovering a StorHouse collection....................................................41
Recovering file locator data ...............................................................41
Recovering a corrupt load file ...........................................................42
Recovering after a StorHouse/RFS server failure ...............................43
How does StorHouse/RFS support compliant storage? .............................45
cache directory ..................................................................................46
checkfile utility .................................................................................46
collection ..........................................................................................46
collection definition ..........................................................................47
collection directory ...........................................................................47
collection set .....................................................................................47
collector ............................................................................................47
collector definition............................................................................47
.da1 file.............................................................................................47
.da2 file.............................................................................................48
.dad file.............................................................................................48
.dat file..............................................................................................48
file locator data .................................................................................48
file version ........................................................................................48
isolation directory .............................................................................48
.ld1 file .............................................................................................48
.ld2 file .............................................................................................49
.ldd file .............................................................................................49
.ldr file ..............................................................................................49
.lds file ..............................................................................................49
load file.............................................................................................49

FileTek Proprietary and Confidential


local collection ..................................................................................49

local search........................................................................................49
local table..........................................................................................49
mirror system....................................................................................50
rename directory. ..............................................................................50
retriever ............................................................................................50
rfsmaint utility ..................................................................................50
rfsrestore utility.................................................................................50
safety directory..................................................................................50
security table .....................................................................................51
staging area .......................................................................................51
staging directory................................................................................51
storage definition ..............................................................................51
StorHouse/Relational File System (RFS)...........................................51
StorHouse/RFS configuration file .....................................................51
StorHouse/RFS duplexing ................................................................52
StorHouse/RFS file system driver......................................................52
StorHouse/RFS server.......................................................................52
StorHouse collection.........................................................................52
StorHouse database...........................................................................52
StorHouse index ...............................................................................52
StorHouse search ..............................................................................52
StorHouse table ................................................................................52
system definition...............................................................................53
table array. ........................................................................................53
tblgen utility .....................................................................................53
user directory ....................................................................................53
virtual file system ..............................................................................53


StorHouse/RFS Concepts

S t o r H o u s e / R F S

C o n c e p t s

What is StorHouse/RFS?
StorHouse/Relational File System (RFS) is the FileTek file system interface
that enables organizations to store a virtually unlimited number of files
on a StorHouse system. With StorHouse/RFS, your enterprise can:

Store any type of user filedocument, spreadsheet, presentation,

e-mail, voice mail, video clip, photo, and so onon StorHouse

Retrieve a file and open it in native mode, for instance, open a

spreadsheet with Microsoft Excel or a presentation with

StorHouse/RFS presents itself to a host as a local or remote volume, or

drive. Applications use this virtual file system as the storage location for
archived items. Files are archived to a folder, or directory, on the virtual
file system. StorHouse/RFS collects the files and writes them to
StorHouse at user-defined intervals. When an application or user requests
an archived item, and that item is on the virtual file system,
StorHouse/RFS locates the file and returns it through the virtual file
system. The actual storage locationlocal, network, or StorHouseis
transparent to the user.

FileTek Proprietary and Confidential

Whats new in StorHouse/RFS release 4.0?

Whats new in StorHouse/RFS

release 4.0?
The following features are new in StorHouse/RFS release 4.0.
For Windows systems, StorHouse/RFS
now retains original file system security, including security descriptors,
for specified levels of subdirectories on the staging disk. As part of this
enhancement, the DDLGen utility has been renamed to tblgen and
modified to create a security table for storing security descriptors as well
as to set the number of subdirectory levels that must always exist. In this
case, the KeepSubdirectories value in the StorHouse/RFS configuration
file is ignored.
Enhanced security model.

Previously, creating database

tables for StorHouse/RFS involved running the DDLGen utility to create
an SQL script file and then using StorHouse/Admin to load the script
file. The DDLGen utility, renamed to tblgen utility, now connects to
StorHouse and creates the necessary tables. You no longer have to use
StorHouse/Admin to load a script file to create database tables for
Simplified StorHouse table creation.

To help minimize I/O, StorHouse/RFS

release 4.0 collects files by renaming them to their collection file names
instead of copying them to a collection directory. Renamed files reside in
a rename directory, which StorHouse/RFS creates automatically at the
same level as the staging directory. StorHouse/RFS continues to create file
locator data in the collection directory.
Enhanced collection process.

StorHouse/RFS now calculates a cyclic

redundancy check (CRC) for files in staging directories, collection
directories, and the cache directory. StorHouse/RFS renames any file that
failed a CRC check to an isolation directory. A new checkfile utility
enables you to locate errors and to request a copy of a file containing
Data integrity checks.

StorHouse/RFS Concepts

Whats new in StorHouse/RFS release 4.0?

errors. The CRC calculated when the file data is first written is retained
throughout the life of the data and rechecked when the archive data is
retrieved. No data is ever written to disk or retrieved from disk without
the computation and checking of a CRC.
User file information reporting. StorHouse/RFS provides a command
that reports metadata or metadata and media location for a user file. You
can submit the command interactively or programmatically. Metadata
includes staging and local collection information, primary and mirror
StorHouse system information, and the status of collections written to

Timeouts that occur on reads, writes,

opens, creates, and closes of StorHouse files are now based on media type.
For example, timeouts for disk-based VSETs are now several minutes
shorter than in StorHouse/RFS 3.0. Timeouts for tape-based VSETs are
now several minutes longer than in StorHouse/RFS 3.0. You can provide
a value for the new TimeoutOverride parameter in a system definition to
override the default StorHouse/RFS timeout.

Dynamic timeout support.

Safety directory for user file changes. StorHouse/RFS can store

duplicate entries of metadata for file changes (such as file deletes,
renames, and security updates) in a safety directory you specify in the
StorHouse/RFS configuration file. Should a load, or .ldr, file become
corrupt, StorHouse/RFS automatically initiates a recovery process to recreate the entries from the safety directory. StorHouse/RFS deletes the
data in the safety directory after successfully writing the collection to


COLLECTIONS sections were removed from the StorHouse/RFS
StorHouse/RFS configuration file reorganization.

configuration file. System definitions and collection definitions are still

used but no longer part of a section. A new storage definition contains
parameters for storing file locator data. Several parameters previously in a
collection definition are now in the new storage definition. A new

FileTek Proprietary and Confidential

Whats new in StorHouse/RFS release 4.0?

Storage parameter in a collection definition identifies the corresponding

storage definition. Multiple collection definitions can use the same
storage definition.
StorHouse/RFS now retains system file
dates, which may be changed using standard utilities such as utime and
System file date support.

StorHouse/RFS utility changes. In addition to the DDLGen/tblgen

changes and the new checkfile utility, the rfsmaint utility, used for
compacting and deleting StorHouse collections, was enhanced as follows:

You can run the rfsmaint utility from any system that can access the
StorHouse/RFS configuration file or a copy of it and that has ODBC
and TCP/IP connectivity to StorHouse.

New age criteria for selecting eligible collections for compaction or

deletion includes a since date or newer than days. When combined
with the existing -b parameter (before date or older than days), you
can specify both an upper and lower bound on the dates used to select
eligible collections.

In order to save processing time, you can bypass collections consisting

only of user file changes, that is, only of an .ldr file. This type of
maintenance may be performed less often than regular maintenance.

You can now process a specific StorHouse collection. This is useful

when a user file is inadvertently stored in a StorHouse collection and
must be removed for security reasons.

If your StorHouse/RFS configuration includes a mirror system, you

can request to perform the same maintenance on the secondary

StorHouse/RFS Concepts

What is StorHouse?

Instead of specifying -p 0 to perform an unconditional delete of all

eligible collections, you use a new -u option.

What is StorHouse?
StorHouse is FileTeks data storage and management system for capturing,
storing, moving, and accessing gigabytes (GB) to petabytes of relational
and non-relational enterprise data. StorHouse technology combines
industry-leading, scalable storage devices and Open System processors
with specialized storage management and relational database
management system (RDBMS) software components. StorHouse is a
comprehensive system that manages a complete storage hierarchy of the

Redundant array of independent disk (RAID)


Massive Arrays of Idle Disks (MAID)

Write-once-read-many (WORM) and erasable optical disk jukeboxes

High-performance and high-capacity (WORM and erasable) tape in

automated libraries

Shelf storage

This highly scalable storage architecture offers a virtually limitless

capacity to cost-effectively store data online on different media types,
depending on user-dictated access and performance requirements. For
example, you can store massive amounts of files that are infrequently
accessed on tape media and archive compliance-driven data on WORM

FileTek Proprietary and Confidential

What is StorHouse?

optical or tape to support your enterprises regulatory retention

The StorHouse software componentsStorHouse/SM, StorHouse/RM,
and StorHouse/Control Centerprovide features to manage and protect
your data.

StorHouse/SM, the StorHouse storage management software component,
controls the hierarchy of storage devices and provides system-managed
storage that optimizes media usage, response time, and storage costs for
each application. StorHouse/SM is also responsible for critical system
management tasks, such as data migration, backup, and recovery. All
storage management features and benefits apply to the user files you store
through StorHouse/RFS.

StorHouse/RM, the StorHouse RDBMS software component, works in
conjunction with StorHouse/SM to specifically administer the storage,
access, and movement of relational data. StorHouse/RM provides direct
row-level Structured Query Language (SQL) access to high volumes of
detail data on any storage layer, including tape, in the StorHouse storage
StorHouse/RFS uses StorHouse/RM to store file locator data and to
provide a relational search capability for archived files. StorHouse/RFS
also supports the use of ODBC-compliant databases to provide this
relational capability. StorHouse/RFS release 4.0 runs with StorHouse/RM
release 3.3, build 03 and higher.

StorHouse/RFS Concepts

What is StorHouse?

StorHouse/Control Center
StorHouse/Control Center, the StorHouse Windows-based application for
system and database administration, supports an easy-to-use graphical
user interface (GUI) that greatly simplifies StorHouse storage and
database management tasks. StorHouse/Control Center consists of one
or more StorHouse/Control Center servers communicating with
StorHouse/Control Center modules over a TCP/IP network. The three
modules are:

CCAdmin helps you monitor and manage your StorHouse/Control

Center server(s).

StorHouse/Admin helps you perform storage administration and

system operation tasks, such as setting up the storage resources for
your application data on StorHouse.

StorHouse/Performance Monitor helps you monitor and analyze the

performance and real-time system activity of StorHouse.

FileTek Proprietary and Confidential

What hardware is used by StorHouse/RFS?

What hardware is used by

StorHouse/RFS operates in Windows and UNIX environments. The
hardware components in a StorHouse/RFS configuration are:

Application hosts
Windows 2000, Solaris 2.6 or higher, HP-UX 11 or HP-UX 11i,
or IBM AIX platform(s) to run the StorHouse/RFS server software
StorHouse system(s)

In a StorHouse/RFS configuration, an application writes and reads user

files through the virtual file system using standard NTFS, NFS, or CIFS
protocol. Application hosts access the StorHouse/RFS server platform
through the established network protocol. An application host can also
run on the StorHouse/RFS server platform.
The StorHouse/RFS server software can run on a standalone server, an
application host, or on StorHouse. The StorHouse/RFS server platform
and StorHouse communicate through a TCP/IP network. Figure 1
illustrates a configuration with separate application hosts that access a
standalone StorHouse/RFS server.




Computer running the

StorHouse/RFS server


Figure 1: Standalone StorHouse/RFS server

StorHouse/RFS Concepts

What hardware is used by StorHouse/RFS?

Multiple computers running the StorHouse/RFS server in different

locations can communicate with the same StorHouse. Figure 2 shows a
configuration with multiple StorHouse/RFS servers running on the same
machine as the application.


Application hosts and

StorHouse/RFS servers


Figure 2: Application hosts on StorHouse/RFS servers

In UNIX environments, the StorHouse/RFS server can run on StorHouse.

User Networks


StorHouse and
StorHouse/RFS server

Figure 3: StorHouse/RFS server on StorHouse

For disaster protection, StorHouse/RFS can store and access the same data
on two StorHouse systems. This feature is called StorHouse/RFS
duplexing. See What is StorHouse/RFS duplexing? on page 35 for more

FileTek Proprietary and Confidential

What are the StorHouse/RFS software components?

What are the StorHouse/RFS

software components?
StorHouse/RFS consists of the following software components:

StorHouse/RFS file system driver

StorHouse/RFS server
StorHouse/RFS configuration file utility
StorHouse/ODBC driver

StorHouse/RFS file system driver

The StorHouse/RFS file system driver provides the virtual file system
interface between the StorHouse/RFS server and the user application or
operating system (OS). This driver enables applications to open files
retrieved from StorHouse using their native application, for instance,
Microsoft Outlook, Word, and so on.

StorHouse/RFS server
The StorHouse/RFS server consists of collector and retriever components.


A collector accesses files from the virtual file system and stores them on
StorHouse in a single file, or collection, in a modified CD format. You
can define multiple collectors for each StorHouse/RFS installation.
See page 13 for more information about the collection and storage

The retriever locates data on StorHouse or on network or local storage

accessible by StorHouse/RFS and returns data in the original file
format through the virtual file system. See page 26 for more
information about the retrieval process.

StorHouse/RFS Concepts

Whats a virtual file system?

StorHouse/RFS configuration file utility

StorHouse/RFS operating parameters are stored in the StorHouse/RFS
configuration file. Each StorHouse/RFS server has one StorHouse/RFS
configuration file.
For a Windows environment, the StorHouse/RFS configuration file utility
is an application you can use to maintain StorHouse/RFS operating
parameters. For a UNIX environment, you can edit the StorHouse/RFS
configuration file with any text editor, such as emacs or vi.
Refer to the StorHouse/RFS Administration Guide, publication number
900178, for descriptions of the parameters in the StorHouse/RFS
configuration file. The StorHouse/RFS Administration Guide also describes
how to use the configuration file utility.

StorHouse/ODBC driver
The StorHouse/ODBC driver is FileTeks ODBC-compliant interface that
StorHouse/RFS uses to communicate with StorHouse databases managed
by StorHouse/RM. For example, a StorHouse/RFS retriever accesses file
locator data through ODBC when searching for files on StorHouse.
FileTek provides an ODBC driver appropriate for the client operating

Whats a virtual file system?

The StorHouse/RFS virtual file system is an NFS, NTFS, or CIFS mount or
share point. Applications, including operating system utilities, request to
create, write, and read file data as well as rename and delete files through
the virtual file system just as they would with any mapped Windows
drive or NFS mount point. When you install StorHouse/RFS, you select
the drive letter or mount point to use as the virtual file system.

FileTek Proprietary and Confidential


Whats a virtual file system?

You can organize your files on the virtual file system in any way that best
satisfies your site requirements (by user departments, functional
requirements, criteria, and so on). For example, you can write all files to
one or more folders, or directories, for each user; or you can create
separate folders for different applications. Figure 4 shows a virtual file
system in a Windows environment. The drive letter is V, and the virtual
file system contains two folders for two e-mail archives.

Figure 4: Example of a virtual file system in Windows


StorHouse/RFS Concepts

How does StorHouse/RFS collect and store data?

Figure 5 shows an example of a virtual file system in a UNIX

# df -k /rfs






192185092 69894668 118446724

Mounted on



Figure 5: Example of a virtual file system in UNIX

How does StorHouse/RFS

collect and store data?
A StorHouse/RFS site can archive and access data for multiple collection
sets, or types of collections, on the virtual file system. The collection
process begins when a user or application requests to create a file on the
virtual file system. The data is then (1) staged; (2) collected, which
includes renaming the staged file and creating associated file locator data;
and (3) stored on StorHouse. Finally, (4) file locator data is written to
StorHouse tables.

FileTek Proprietary and Confidential


How does StorHouse/RFS collect and store data?

Figure 6 illustrates the StorHouse/RFS collection and storage process.

Data from an application
StorHouse/RFS server
Virtual file system

Staging area

Data file
Data file
Data file

Rename Collection
Directory Directory





Figure 6: Collecting and storing data

Staging the data

StorHouse/RFS first creates files and writes file data to a staging areaa
location that holds files before they are collected. You can define multiple
staging areas for your enterprise, and you can configure a size limit for
each staging area to manage space usage. For performance reasons, this
location is typically a local directory on the StorHouse/RFS server
platform; however, it can be a network location accessible to the
computer running the StorHouse/RFS server.
Staging directories and user directories

A staging area consists of a staging directory and a user directory. You assign
a collector to a staging directory and a user directory. Your enterprise can
have any number of staging directories and any number of user
directories in the same staging directory. Each staging directory must be


StorHouse/RFS Concepts

How does StorHouse/RFS collect and store data?

at least one level down from the root level of the virtual file system or
drive. Each user directory must be unique in a StorHouse/RFS
For example, assume you have defined staging areas in a Windows
environment for a mailbox e-mail archive and a journal e-mail archive.
The staging directory for both archives is called c:\mailarchive. The user
directory for the mailboxes archive is called \mailboxes and the user
directory for the journal archive is called \journal. Figure 7 illustrates these
multiple staging areas.
Mailbox staging area

Journal staging area

Staging directory: c:\mailarchive

Staging directory: c:\mailarchive

User directory: \mailboxes

User directory: \journal

Computer running the

StorHouse/RFS server

Figure 7: Example of staging areas in Windows

One staging area per StorHouse/RFS configuration may consist of a

staging directory only. For example, Figure 8 illustrates the directories,
including a staging directory called stage, on a UNIX-based
StorHouse/RFS server platform.
qa2.1> cd /rfs
qa2.2> ls





Figure 8: Example of a staging area in UNIX

StorHouse/RFS creates a folder in the virtual file system for each user
directory. Only the user directory appears in the virtual file system. The
staging directory is transparent. For example, if \mailarchive is the staging

FileTek Proprietary and Confidential


How does StorHouse/RFS collect and store data?

directory and \mailboxes and \journal are the user directories, then
StorHouse/RFS creates folders in the virtual file system for the \mailboxes
and \journal user directories. The \mailarchive staging directory does not
appear in the virtual file system. Figure 9 illustrates these user directories
in a virtual file system. An authorized user or application writes files to
these folders.

Figure 9: Example of user directories in a virtual file system

Creating a file in a staging area

When the StorHouse/RFS virtual file system receives a request to create a

file, it first determines which collector is responsible for the file by
comparing the files path to each collectors user directory. When a match
is found, StorHouse/RFS assigns that collector to the file and creates a
physical file in the collectors staging area using the complete path of the
file. At this point, the file is still empty because the request is only to
create a file. StorHouse/RFS returns the handle (name) of the file to the
operating system, and all subsequent I/O is done using that file handle.
For example, if a collector named CollectorA is assigned to staging
directory /RFS/Collectors and user directory /NewFiles, then when a request
is received to create a file called /NewFiles/MyFile.txt,
StorHouse/RFS would determine that CollectorA is the responsible
collector and create a file with the complete file path name of


StorHouse/RFS Concepts

How does StorHouse/RFS collect and store data?

Writing a file to a staging area

When StorHouse/RFS receives a request to write data to a file, it:

Creates a new buffer that will hold the data plus a 16-bit CRC for
each 2 KB of data

Transfers the data to the new buffer with the computed CRC for each
2 KB of data

Writes the new buffer to the file in the staging area

StorHouse/RFS computes or checks CRCs for all data written to or

retrieved from disk. If a write request terminates within a 2 KB segment
of the file, then StorHouse/RFS places a CRC at the end of the data even
though it does not occupy a full 2 KB on disk. For example, for a write
request of 5,000 bytes, one CRC covers bytes 1 to 2048 of user data,
another CRC covers bytes 2049 to 4096 of user data, and another CRC
covers bytes 4097 to 5000 of user data. If the next write request extends
the file, for instance bytes 5001 to 8192, then StorHouse/RFS:

Retrieves the data for bytes 4097 to 5000

Computes a CRC and compares it to the one saved with the data
Appends the additional data
Computes new CRCs as necessary
Writes the new data to disk

The file write process continues until the application has completed
writing the data.

FileTek Proprietary and Confidential


How does StorHouse/RFS collect and store data?

Collecting the data

Collectors check staging areas almost continuously for files to collect.
When a file has remained unmodified for a configured length of time
(collectors wait time), the collector:

Renames the file

Generates file locator data

Renaming a file

A collector moves a file by renaming it into a rename directory at the same

level and on the same disk as the collectors staging directory. This causes
no additional file I/O, only a directory change. This rename process
reduces the risk of errors due to reading and writing processes.
StorHouse/RFS adds the collection name to the renamed file. The format
of a collection name is:

is the name assigned to the collection in the
StorHouse/RFS configuration file





is a format identifier for a StorHouse/RFS release 4.0 collection

(while (A) is a format identifier for collections written before release
is the name of the system where the collection was



is the date and time the local collection was created

StorHouse/RFS Concepts

How does StorHouse/RFS collect and store data?

An example collection name is:


StorHouse/RFS places the collection name before the file path and
appends the starting logical block number (LBN) to the file name. The
LBN indicates the position of the data in the final StorHouse collection.
For example, if the file RFS/Collectors/NewFiles/MyFile.txt is ready to be
collected and the name of the collection is
CollectionA20051115083020(C).ELF.FILETEK.COM, then the renamed file is:

Collection sizing information

Limits for collecting data are as follows.

The maximum size of a collection is 2 GB; however, you can

designate a smaller size.

StorHouse/RFS can collect a single user file up to 10 terabytes (TB) in

size. StorHouse/RFS places any user file larger than the maximum
collection size in its own collection. Therefore, the maximum size of a
collection with multiple user files is 2 GB. The maximum size of a
collection with a single user file is 10 TB.

The maximum number of files in a collection is 200,000. When this

number is reached, StorHouse/RFS closes the current collection and
starts a new one.

You can specify the maximum amount of space a collector can use for
renamed files with the maximum collection space parameter in the
StorHouse/RFS configuration file.

FileTek Proprietary and Confidential


How does StorHouse/RFS collect and store data?

Generating file locator data

When StorHouse/RFS collects a file, it also:

Obtains standard file properties, such as file path, file name, and size
from the operating system

Generates StorHouse-related file locator data for each file in the


Stores the file locator data in a single load file, or .ldr file, in a
collection directory

StorHouse file locator data tells StorHouse/RFS where to locate files on

StorHouse. StorHouse/RFS appends a CRC to each entry in the .ldr file.
Each time StorHouse/RFS reads the file locator data, it recomputes the
CRC and compares it to the stored CRC to verify that the file locator data
is not corrupt or modified in any way.
Additionally, StorHouse/RFS creates an empty .dat file in the collection
directory after writing the first file locator data entry to the .ldr file. The
.dat file is renamed during various stages of the write process to indicate
which step(s) of the write process have been completed. See What
recovery facilities are available? on page 41 for more information about
the .dat file.
The combined data files in a rename directory and their associated file
locator data (.ldr file) and empty .dat file in a collection directory


StorHouse/RFS Concepts

How does StorHouse/RFS collect and store data?

comprise a local collection. Figure 10 depicts the directories and files that
make up a local collection.
Local Collection

Collection Directory

.ldr file

.dat file

Renamed File1

File Locator Data for File1/CRC

Renamed File2

File Locator Data for File2/CRC

Renamed File3

File Locator Data for File3/CRC

File Data

File Locator Data

Figure 10: Local collection directories and files

Storing the data on StorHouse

StorHouse/RFS first writes the file data to StorHouse, followed by the file
locator data.
Storing file data

At a user-configured interval (maximum write size for the local collection

or maximum load interval), StorHouse/RFS creates a StorHouse
collectionone StorHouse file composed of individual user filesand
begins reading the files from the rename directory. StorHouse/RFS reads
the files in LBN order, checks the CRCs and if correct, includes them in
the data written to StorHouse. Thus, the original CRC that was created
when the file system interface first provided the buffer of data to
StorHouse/RFS is also written to StorHouse and used in subsequent reads
of the archived data.

FileTek Proprietary and Confidential


How does StorHouse/RFS collect and store data?

Any file that is found to be corrupt (fails the CRC check) is flagged and
renamed to an isolation directory called RFS_ISOLATED. StorHouse/RFS
sends an e-mail notification when files have been isolated. You can then
run the StorHouse/RFS checkfile utility to locate errors and to request a
copy of a file containing errors.
If StorHouse/RFS encounters corrupt files during the writing of the
collection to StorHouse, it terminates the collection and the load process.
On the next write cycle, StorHouse/RFS writes the collection again, this
time skipping the corrupt files.
Storing file locator data

StorHouse/RFS stores file locator data in two places on StorHouse:

StorHouse collection
StorHouse table array

successfully writing the file data from the rename directory to the
StorHouse collection, StorHouse/RFS first writes the .ldr file containing
all of the file locator data to the StorHouse collection. StorHouse/RFS
reads the .ldr file a line at a time and compares the CRC with the
computed CRC. If an entry is correct, StorHouse/RFS writes it to the
StorHouse collection. When StorHouse/RFS finishes writing all entries in
the .ldr file, it closes the StorHouse collection.
Storing file locator data in a StorHouse collection.

StorHouse/RFS loads the file locator data into a StorHouse table in a
StorHouse database, again checking the CRC with each line read until the
load process for the collection is finally completed. StorHouse/RFS uses a
table array of up to 255 sets of 32 StorHouse tables to store file locator
data for one or more collections. StorHouse/RFS initially creates one set
of 32 tables that can contain information for approximately 1 billion
files. As required, the software can subsequently create up to a total of
Storing file locator data in a StorHouse table array.


StorHouse/RFS Concepts

How does StorHouse/RFS collect and store data?

255 sets of 32 tables to store file locator data for approximately 255
billion files.
Figure 11 illustrates the relationship between file locator tables and the
individual files in a collection. Each row in a file locator table corresponds
to a user file in a specific StorHouse collection.
Journal table in a
StorHouse database

Journal collections
on StorHouse

Row 1

File entry

File 1

Row 2

File entry

File 2

Row 3

File entry

File 3

Collection 1

File entry

Row i

File entry

File i

Row n

File entry

File n

Collection i

Collection n

Figure 11: Storing file locator data and StorHouse collections

After StorHouse/RFS writes collections to StorHouse and loads file

locator data, it retains local collections in rename and collection
directories to enhance search performance. When the maximum
collection space limit is exceeded, StorHouse/RFS purges the oldest
written collection from those directories but never before first writing the
data to StorHouse.

FileTek Proprietary and Confidential


How does StorHouse/RFS collect and store data?

Configuring intervals for collecting and

storing data
StorHouse/RFS moves data from a staging area to a rename directory to
StorHouse based on parameterswait time, maximum load interval, and
maximum write sizethat you define in the StorHouse/RFS
configuration file. The purpose of configuring intervals is to transfer data
from local storage to StorHouse in a timely manner. This ensures there is
always enough local disk space to continue collecting more user files.
Some factors to consider when setting these parameters are:

When should a file in a staging area become eligible for collection?

How often should StorHouse/RFS write a collection to StorHouse?
Whats the maximum size you want a collection to grow?

Accumulating files to a local collection

A collector renames a file after a specified wait time, or number of

minutes a file must be idle in a staging area before it is eligible for
collection. An idle file is one that has not been modified for the specified
number of minutes. This wait time prevents files that are in the process of
being written from being collected prematurely. A collector checks the
last modified time of each file in the staging area, and when the file has
aged, the collector renames the file in the rename directory. You define a
wait time for each collector.
Writing StorHouse collections

Every 60 seconds, StorHouse/RFS checks for local collections that are

ready to be written to StorHouse. StorHouse/RFS transfers a local
collection (data and file locator data) to StorHouse when a local


StorHouse/RFS Concepts

How does StorHouse/RFS collect and store data?

collection is available and one of the following occurs (whichever occurs


The configured time between loads has elapsed

The configured collection size (maximum 2 GB) has been exceeded
The maximum number of files (200,000) has been exceeded

The maximum load interval is the number of minutes between transfers

to StorHouse for each local collection. The interval starts when
StorHouse/RFS renames the first file in a local collection. Therefore, this
interval is the maximum amount of time the first file will be in a local
collection before StorHouse/RFS writes the collection to StorHouse. For
instance, if the maximum load interval is 60 minutes and
StorHouse/RFS collects the first file 20 minutes after the last collection
closed, then StorHouse/RFS closes the current collection and transfers
data from the rename and collection directories to StorHouse after 80
minutes. You define this interval for each type of collection, or collection
The maximum write size is the maximum number of MB a local
collection can contain before a collector closes it, that is, no longer
accumulates files to the local collection. You define this size for each
collection set.
Collection interval example

Assume the following settings:

The wait time is 1 minute

The maximum load interval is 720 minutes (twice a day)
The maximum write size is 1 GB

FileTek Proprietary and Confidential


How does StorHouse/RFS retrieve data?

While StorHouse/RFS checks for completed local collections every 60

seconds, the collector:

Checks the staging area almost continuously

Renames eligible files (those that have not been modified for 1
minute) to the local collection for 720 minutes or until the local
collection reaches 1 GB

If the collector collects 4 GB of data in a day, then StorHouse/RFS creates

4 collections that day (because the maximum write size is 1 GB). If the
collector collects less than 1 GB a day, then StorHouse/RFS may create 2
collections that day (because the maximum load interval is twice a day),
depending on when StorHouse/RFS renames the first file in a collection.

How does StorHouse/RFS

retrieve data?
You request files archived through StorHouse/RFS using any standard file
I/O methods supported by your computers operating system. Heres what
happens when the archived item you request resides on the virtual file
1. The application passes the file name to the virtual file system.
2. The StorHouse/RFS retriever conducts a local search and if necessary
a StorHouse search.


StorHouse/RFS Concepts

How does StorHouse/RFS retrieve data?

A local search is a search for a file in a staging directory (if

uncollected) or a rename directory (if collected but not yet
written to StorHouse).
If the collection has been written to StorHouse but the local files
have not yet been removed, StorHouse/RFS reads the data locally
rather than on StorHouse. However, if StorHouse/RFS
encounters an error during the read of the local data, it invalidates
all of the local files for that collection and reads the data from
A StorHouse search is a search that queries a StorHouse table to
locate data in a StorHouse collection.
3. When the retriever finds the file, the StorHouse/RFS file system driver
notifies the operating system that the file exists, and the operating
system tells the application that the file exists.
4. When a user or application requests to read the file, the
StorHouse/RFS file system driver retrieves and returns only the
requested data back to the application through the virtual file system.
When the file is read, the CRC is recomputed and compared to the
one stored on disk. If the CRC is correct, StorHouse/RFS removes it
from the data stream before returning the data to the requesting
When the file resides on StorHouse, StorHouse/RFS accesses the data
in StorHouse collections and caches the returned information in a
cache directory. Cached data remains in the cache directory for a userconfigured amount of space. As StorHouse/RFS reads the data from
cache, it recomputes the CRC, compares it to the CRC stored with the
data, and then removes the CRC before returning the data to the
requesting application. This verifies that the data given to
StorHouse/RFS is the same data returned when requested.

FileTek Proprietary and Confidential


How does StorHouse/RFS retrieve data?

Figure 12 illustrates the search process.

File in

Read from staging area



File in


Read from rename directory


File on


File in


Read from cache directory

File not found

Read data from the
StorHouse collection
into the cache directory

Figure 12: Searching for data

Searching for file versions

A user file archived with the same file name and file path as a previously
archived file becomes a new file version. Users and applications can search
for the current file version and for previous file versions. In the virtual file
system, previous file versions are read-only and cannot be overwritten.
Note: StorHouse/RFS creates file versions only for user files that do not

have a defined retention period. See How does StorHouse/RFS support


StorHouse/RFS Concepts

How does StorHouse/RFS retrieve data?

compliant storage? on page 45 for more information about setting file

A previous file version name has a suffix of (-n) where n is the version
number, for example, (-1), (-2), and so on. A file name without a suffix is
the current version, for example, status.txt. A file name with a (-1) suffix is
the previous file version, for example, status.txt(-1). A file name with a (-2)
suffix is the third version of a file.
A user or application can request a previous file version by appending the
suffix to the file name. For example, if a Windows user wanted to access
the third version of a file called status.txt in the general directory, he or she
could request it by selecting Run from the Start menu and entering the
following in the Run dialog box:
Notepad v:\general\status.txt(-2)

StorHouse/RFS searches for all non-deleted versions of the file (for

example, \general\status.txt) in the file locator tables and adds each version
found to the virtual directory. For instance, if StorHouse/RFS finds three
versions of status.txt, it lists the current version, version (-1), and version
(-2) in the virtual directory.

Browsing the virtual file system

StorHouse/RFS enables users to browse the virtual file system like their
native file system, for instance, with Windows Explorer or the ls
command in UNIX. You can enable or disable browsing for each
collection. For example, you can disable browsing for a journal collection

FileTek Proprietary and Confidential


How does StorHouse/RFS retrieve data?

and enable it for a mailbox collection. Figure 13 illustrates the contents of

an example user directory called accounting in a virtual file system.

Figure 13: Browsing the virtual file system

Although users may be able to browse the virtual file system, access to any
listed file is controlled through security measures. See How does
StorHouse/RFS implement security? on page 31 for more information.


StorHouse/RFS Concepts

How does StorHouse/RFS implement security?

How does StorHouse/RFS

implement security?
StorHouse/RFS supports operating system security for individual files as
well as for extended security for specified directory levels in the virtual file

File security
StorHouse/RFS supports the following levels of security for each user file,
or object:

File owner security only the user or application that wrote the data
can retrieve it

Group security users or applications in the same group as the file

owner can access the data

Cross-system, or other, security users or applications on other

StorHouse/RFS systems can or cannot access data

These security levels are enforced for files on the local system and on
StorHouse. In the following sections, the term user refers to a person or to
an application.
Securing files on the local system

Native operating system securityNTFS for Windows or NFS for

UNIXis applied to files that reside in staging areas. For instance:

If only a file owner has read, write, and execute permission for a file,
then only the file owner can archive a file to a staging area and read a
file located in a staging area.

FileTek Proprietary and Confidential


How does StorHouse/RFS implement security?

If all groups have write permission to all staging areas, then all groups
can write files to all staging areas.

If other permissions are set to enable users on other StorHouse/RFS

systems to read a file and list files in a directory, then other users can
read that file in that staging area. In a UNIX environment, other
permissions are set with UNIX commands. In a Windows
environment, other permissions are set with a parameter in the
StorHouse/RFS configuration file.

Securing files on StorHouse

Once files are collected, StorHouse/RFS ensures that only authorized

users can access files and perform other functions, such as changing or
deleting files. StorHouse/RFS obtains the following security information
and stores the information in the StorHouse database with the file locator


Permissions for file owners, groups, and other from the operating

For UNIX, user or group name from the operating system

For Windows, user name and domain name from the operating

For Windows, value of the Group parameter (defines a default group)

in the StorHouse/RFS configuration file

For Windows, value of the Permissions parameter (defines crosssystem, or other, permissions) in the StorHouse/RFS configuration

StorHouse/RFS Concepts

How does StorHouse/RFS implement security?

For instance, in a Windows environment:

If only the file owner is allowed to access a file, then StorHouse/RFS

assumes only the file owner, no group, has access to the file on

If any group is allowed to access a file or directory, StorHouse/RFS

assumes group access is allowed, enables the group permissions for the
file or directory, and stores the default group name in the file locator

If other permissions are set to enable cross-system security, then a

file on StorHouse can be shared across StorHouse/RFS systems that
have access to the same collection definition. If no other
permissions are set, then either the group name assigned to the
collector must match the group name stored with the file locator data
or the requestor must be the file owner.

In a UNIX environment, you do not have to configure any

StorHouse/RFS parameters that relate to security.

If a requestor is the file owner, the requestor has access to the file on

If a requestor is a member of the file owners group, the requestor has

access to the file on StorHouse. StorHouse/RFS obtains the primary
group name and permissions from the operating system and stores
them with the file locator data.

If a requestor is granted access through other permissions, the

requestor has access to the file on StorHouse. StorHouse/RFS obtains
other permissions (set with UNIX commands) from the operating
system. You can, however, override the other permissions by setting
the Permissions parameter in the StorHouse/RFS configuration file.

FileTek Proprietary and Confidential


How does StorHouse/RFS implement security?

Extended security for directory levels

For Windows environments, StorHouse/RFS can retain security
descriptors for specified levels of subdirectories on the staging disk. A user
who does not have permission to traverse a directory that is resident on
the staging disk will not be able to access files in or below that directory
regardless of the security on individual files. You implement extended
security in StorHouse/RFS by specifying the number of directory levels to
secure and by creating a security table in a StorHouse database.
Specifying the number of directory levels

You specify the number of directory levels by using the StorHouse/RFS

tblgen utility, which is documented in the StorHouse/RFS Utilities
Reference Manual, publication number 900181. For example, if you
designate five directory levels to secure, then the root and all
subdirectories up to five levels below the root would always need to be
present on the local staging disk. If directories are missing on the staging
disk, then StorHouse/RFS re-creates them and applies the security stored
in the security table.
Creating and using the security table

StorHouse/RFS stores the security information for the specified directory

levels in a security table on StorHouse. You use the tblgen utility to create
the security table. One security table is required for each table array.
When a collector collects directories, StorHouse/RFS writes an entry in
the associated security table to track the complete operating systemspecific security and the level of the collected directory relative to the
staging root (staging directory). The security table is always current and
accessible on the primary or mirror StorHouse/RFS system.
StorHouse/RFS updates the security table at collection time rather than
waiting until after the collection is written to StorHouse and the file
locator data is loaded.


StorHouse/RFS Concepts

What is StorHouse/RFS duplexing?

When a user accesses a directory in the virtual file system, StorHouse/RFS

reads the security information from the security table and returns it to the
operating system exactly as read. StorHouse/RFS does not interpret or
understand the security information. StorHouse/RFS then asks the
operating system if the user who is trying to access the directory is
authorized. The operating system makes all the decisions and returns a
yes or no based on this security information.

User and group name management

StorHouse/RFS permanently stores user and group names with the files
on StorHouse. If a user or group name changes or is dropped, you can
create an alias so that the new user or group can still access the files. For
example, if Marys login changes from mjones to msmith, in order to
make sure she can access all of her files with both names, you must
correlate the old and new name through alias checking. Refer to
Managing aliases for user and group names in the StorHouse/RFS
Administration Guide for more information about implementing the
aliases feature.

What is StorHouse/RFS
StorHouse/RFS can write the same user data and file locator data to
separate StorHouse systems that can be geographically dispersed.
StorHouse/RFS can also access data on the secondary, or mirror,
StorHouse system should the primary StorHouse system become
unavailable. This disaster protection and data availability feature is called
StorHouse/RFS duplexing.
Figure 14 illustrates a StorHouse/RFS configuration with a secondary
StorHouse system used for StorHouse/RFS duplexing. Any number of

FileTek Proprietary and Confidential


What is StorHouse/RFS duplexing?

StorHouse/RFS servers can communicate with the primary and secondary

StorHouse systems.
Computers running
the StorHouse/RFS

Primary StorHouse system



Secondary StorHouse system

Figure 14: Example of a configuration with duplexing

Writing data to two StorHouse systems

StorHouse/RFS first attempts to write a StorHouse collection and file
locator data to the primary StorHouse system. After the data is safely
stored, StorHouse/RFS writes the data to the secondary StorHouse
system. If the primary StorHouse system is unavailable, StorHouse/RFS
writes the data to the secondary StorHouse system and then to the
primary StorHouse system when available. StorHouse/RFS always retains
the data locally until safely written to both systems.

Retrieving data from the secondary

StorHouse system
If the data is not available locally (in a local collection or in a staging
area), StorHouse/RFS first attempts to retrieve the data from the primary


StorHouse/RFS Concepts

How can you monitor activity?

StorHouse system. If the primary StorHouse system is unavailable

because of connectivity issues (for instance, a network failure),
StorHouse/RFS automatically searches for files on the secondary
StorHouse system. If both systems remain down after five consecutive
search attempts, the request fails.

How can you monitor

You can monitor system-wide activity through statistics as well as obtain
information for specific user files through user file reporting and

Generating statistics
StorHouse/RFS generates statistics to help you monitor local space usage
and to assess collection, storage, and retrieval activity. In a duplexing
environment, you can store duplicate copies of statistics on the primary
and secondary StorHouse systems. At a configured interval,
StorHouse/RFS writes statistics to a local file (in HTML, XML, and/or
text formats) that you can check at any time. You can also store statistics
in a StorHouse database for historical analysis.
Just some of the statistics that StorHouse/RFS provides at each statistics
interval are as follows:

Number of collections written/not written to a collection directory

Number of files collected/not yet collected
Average time in seconds for a search to complete
Number of files returned during a search
Amount of data written to and read from StorHouse

FileTek Proprietary and Confidential


How can you monitor activity?

Number of loads completed

Number of StorHouse writes completed
Free space in the staging areas, cache directory, and rename directories

Reporting information for a user file

StorHouse/RFS provides a command to generate a report, in text or XML
format, identifying the metadata and/or the metadata and media location
for a user file in the virtual file system. You can issue the command as a
parameter to a utility such as Notepad on Windows or cat on UNIX. Or
you can run it programmatically by using the encoded file name with the
fopen ( ) and fread ( ) functions. The command syntax consists of the
virtual drive letter or mount point name, the SM_LOCAL required
keyword, a command verb, and the complete file path name.
The user file reporting command syntax for Windows is:

The user file reporting command syntax for UNIX is:


Note the following:


The ^ symbol is used to indicate all path delimiters positioned after

the command verb.

The virtual_drive_letter is typically V and the mount_point is

typically rfs.

The program name that will open and read the file (such as Notepad
or cat) must precede the command.

StorHouse/RFS Concepts

How can you monitor activity?

Figure 15 illustrates a sample metadata and media location report in XML

format for the file RSFILE_00000010.TXT. This report was generated by
the following command:

In Figure 15, each instance (information between the <INSTANCE> and

</INSTANCE> tags) represents one occurrence of a user file in the
StorHouse database.
<MODIFIED>2005-02-04 10:27:54</MODIFIED>
<MODIFIED>2005-02-04 11:29:13</MODIFIED>
<MODIFIED>2005-02-04 11:10:55</MODIFIED>

FileTek Proprietary and Confidential


How can you monitor activity?

<MODIFIED>2005-02-04 10:54:14</MODIFIED>

Figure 15: Sample metadata report in XML format

For more information about command syntax, execution instructions,

and report fields, refer to Chapter 7, Operations, in the StorHouse/RFS
Administration Guide.

Auditing file activity

When a user deletes or updates a file on the virtual file system,
StorHouse/RFS captures those file attributes and stores them along with
the date in the StorHouse database with the other file locator data. You
can query the StorHouse database with StorHouse/Admin should you
need to audit file activity.


StorHouse/RFS Concepts

What recovery facilities are available?

What recovery facilities are

StorHouse/RFS includes automatic recovery features as well as recovery
facilities for any problems that may occur outside of the StorHouse/RFS

Recovering a StorHouse collection

Should a StorHouse collection become unreadable or should the media
break or become misplaced, you can recover the data from a backup or
archive copy. You use standard StorHouse recovery procedures to recover
StorHouse collections. Refer to the following publications for more
information about recovering StorHouse data:

StorHouse System Administrators Guide, publication number 900007,

Chapter 10, Recovering User Files and System Files

StorHouse/RFS Administration Guide, Chapter 5, Storage


Recovering file locator data

Should the magnetic disks containing the file locator data on StorHouse
fail, you can restore the StorHouse tables and other system files in a
databases system tablespace. The following utilities recover file locator
data in StorHouse tables:

StorHouse/RM metadata restore utility

StorHouse/RM redo journaling utilities
StorHouse/RFS rfsrestore utility

FileTek Proprietary and Confidential


What recovery facilities are available?

The StorHouse/RM metadata restore utility restores the data from a

metadata backup file on StorHouse. Refer to Chapter 11, Metadata
restore, in the StorHouse Database Administration Guide, publication
number 900108, for more information about the metadata restore utility.
The StorHouse/RM redo utilities available with StorHouse/RM release 3.3
and later capture transactions (for instance, inserts and updates) since the
last metadata backup and apply, or replay, the transactions when needed.
With these utilities, you can recover to the last committed transaction.
Refer to Chapter 12, Redo journaling, in the StorHouse Database
Administration Guide for more information about redo journaling
The StorHouse/RFS rfsrestore utility recovers file locator data for
StorHouse collections created since the last metadata backup for an
unjournaled database or since the last journal archive or cycle for a
journaled database. A FileTek customer support representative runs this
utility. Refer to The rfsrestore utility, publication number 900182, for
more information about this FileTek-run utility.

Recovering a corrupt load file

A load, or .ldr, file contains two types of entries:

File locator data generated for renamed files in the current collection
Modifications, such as file deletes, renames, and security changes, to
files that belong to other collections

In the event that a .ldr file becomes corrupt, StorHouse/RFS

automatically initiates a rebuild process to re-create the file. In a safety
directory that you specify in the StorHouse/RFS configuration file,
StorHouse/RFS creates a .lds file containing the modifications. The
rebuild process recovers the modifications from the .lds file and the file
locator data from the renamed files. Any activity in StorHouse/RFS that
was waiting for the .ldr file is suspended during the rebuild process and


StorHouse/RFS Concepts

What recovery facilities are available?

continues after the rebuild is complete. Once the collection is safely

written to the primary and (if implemented) secondary StorHouse
systems, StorHouse/RFS deletes the .lds file in the safety directory.

Recovering after a StorHouse/RFS server

If StorHouse/RFS stops working for any reason during the collection or
write process, it can fully recover automatically to its previous state.
Heres how this recovery works.
As previously described, a local collection consists of data files in a
rename directory and two components in a collection directory:

Empty data file, or .dat file

Load file, or .ldr file

Once the collection is safely written to StorHouse, StorHouse/RFS

changes the .dat file extension to .dad. Once the file locator data is safely
inserted into the StorHouse table, StorHouse/RFS changes the .ldr file
extension to .ldd. StorHouse/RFS deletes these files plus all of the
renamed files for the collection (provided they have been successfully
written to StorHouse) from the local system whenever disk space is
The file extensions are significant because StorHouse/RFS uses them to
determine what part of the writing process has completed successfully. In
the event of a StorHouse/RFS server failure, StorHouse/RFS fully recovers
its previous state by reading all .ldr and .ldd files at startup. It then has a
complete replica of the in-memory tables at the time of failure and
proceeds normally from that point.
If your installation has two StorHouse systems and has implemented
StorHouse/RFS duplexing, additional file extensions are used for the

FileTek Proprietary and Confidential


What recovery facilities are available?

secondary StorHouse system. Heres how it works. Should one or both of

the systems be unavailable during the write process, StorHouse/RFS
retains the data locally and writes it at the first opportunity. When
StorHouse/RFS duplexing is enabled, this process is controlled by the use
of file extensions as follows.

After writing a collection to the primary StorHouse system,

StorHouse/RFS changes the .dat file extension to .da2.

If the primary StorHouse system is unavailable, StorHouse/RFS

writes the collection to the secondary StorHouse system and changes
the .dat file extension to .da1.

After successfully writing the collection to both StorHouse systems,

StorHouse/RFS changes the file extension to .dad.

The same method of writing files based on extensions applies to the load
file containing file locator data.

After writing the file locator data to the primary StorHouse system,
StorHouse/RFS changes the load file extension from .ldr to .ld2.

If the primary StorHouse system is unavailable, StorHouse/RFS

writes the file locator data to the secondary StorHouse system and
changes the load file extension to .ld1.

After successfully writing the file locator data to both StorHouse

systems, StorHouse/RFS changes the load file extension to .ldd.

Files continue to reside on the StorHouse/RFS server until they have been
successfully written to both StorHouse systems.


StorHouse/RFS Concepts

How does StorHouse/RFS support compliant storage?

How does StorHouse/RFS

support compliant storage?
StorHouse supports compliance-driven media, such as WORM tape.
StorHouse/RFS also provides a retention feature to help comply with
regulatory requirements. The retention feature works as follows.
You can define a file retention period to prohibit users from overwriting
or deleting a file for the specified number of days. Any attempt to delete,
modify attributes, or overwrite a file when the retention period has not
expired fails with access denied.
When a user or application requests to delete, modify attributes, or
overwrite a file, StorHouse/RFS determines the expiration date by adding
the number of days in the retention period to the files last modified time.
If the last modified time plus the retention period is less than the current
time, the retention has expired. For example, if a user archives a file with
a last modified time of noon on February 15 and the retention period is
10 days, then the retention expires at noon on February 25. A user may
delete, modify attributes, or overwrite a file only after the expiration.
Retention data is stored in StorHouse tables and written at the same time
the file locator data is written. If StorHouse/RM is down, any request to
delete or overwrite a file fails because StorHouse/RFS must check the
database to determine the retention period.
Note the following information about retention periods.

You set a retention period for a collection set. However, the retention
for each user file in a collection set may expire at different times based
on each files last modified time.

FileTek Proprietary and Confidential



A retention period may be minimum of 1 day and a maximum of

65,000 days. You can also set the retention period to forever, which
means a file may not be deleted or overwritten.

You can change the retention period at any time. The new value
applies only to uncollected files. In other words, any file collected
after the change has the new retention and any file collected before
the change has the old retention.

You can also remove the retention requirement later, that is, change a
retention period to 0 days. In this case, StorHouse/RFS may create file
versions and allow file versions to be deleted with the exception of the
original file version.

Files without retention requirements may be deleted immediately

after they are collected.

StorHouse/RFS creates file versions only for files without retention


The remainder of this document defines StorHouse/RFS terms.
The location where StorHouse/RFS places data that it
reads from StorHouse.

cache directory.

checkfile utility.

A StorHouse/RFS utility that determines the location

of a CRC error.
A group of user files stored in a single file. A collection
residing on local or network storage accessible to StorHouse/RFS is called
a local collection. A collection written to StorHouse is called a StorHouse


StorHouse/RFS Concepts


collection. A collection also consists of corresponding file locator data.

For a local collection, file locator data is stored in a separate file in a
collection directory. For a StorHouse collection, file locator data is stored
in a table array and within the StorHouse collection. See also local
collection and StorHouse collection.
A profile that defines collection options. Each
collection set has a collection definition. You create collection definitions
with the StorHouse/RFS configuration file utility (for Windows) or by
editing the StorHouse/RFS configuration file (for UNIX).

collection definition.

A location where StorHouse/RFS accumulates file

locator data for a local collection.
collection directory.

A group of StorHouse collections. For example, if an

e-mail collection is written to StorHouse once a day, then after a month,
the e-mail collection set would consist of 30 or 31 StorHouse collections,
each consisting of data and associated file locator data.

collection set.

The StorHouse/RFS server component that checks a staging

area for files to collect and accumulates those files into collections. You
define a collector by creating a collector definition. You can define
multiple collectors. See also collector definition.


collector definition. A profile that defines each collector, including

where a collector looks for files to collect. You create collector definitions
with the StorHouse/RFS configuration file utility (for Windows) or by
editing the StorHouse/RFS configuration file (for UNIX).

A renamed .dat file in a StorHouse/RFS duplexing

configuration. StorHouse/RFS changes the .dat file extension to .da1 after
first writing a collection to the secondary StorHouse system when the
primary StorHouse system is unavailable.
.da1 file.

FileTek Proprietary and Confidential



.da2 file. A renamed .dat file in a StorHouse/RFS duplexing

configuration. StorHouse/RFS changes the .dat file extension to .da2 after
writing the collection to the primary StorHouse system.
.dad file. A renamed .dat file. In a single StorHouse system
configuration, StorHouse/RFS changes the .dat file extension to .dad after
successfully writing the collection to StorHouse. In a StorHouse/RFS
duplexing configuration, StorHouse/RFS changes the .dat file extension
to .dad after successfully writing the collection to both StorHouse

A file, called .dat file, that StorHouse/RFS renames during

various stages of the write process to indicate which step(s) of the write
process have been completed. See also .dad file, .da1 file, and .da2 file.

.dat file.

file locator data. Information about each file in a collection.

StorHouse/RFS obtains file locator data for each file collected, stores the
data in the StorHouse collection and in a StorHouse table, and uses the
data to locate files.

A file that has been collected with the same file name and
path as a previously archived file. StorHouse/RFS creates file versions only
for files without retention requirements. StorHouse/RFS adds a negative
numeric suffix (-1, -2, and so on) to a file version name in the virtual
directory, for example, status.txt(-1).
file version.

A directory called RFS_ISOLATED containing user

files that fail a CRC check.

isolation directory.

A renamed .ldr file in a StorHouse/RFS duplexing

configuration. StorHouse/RFS changes the .ldr file extension to .ld1 after
first loading file locator data into the secondary StorHouse system when
the primary StorHouse system is unavailable.
.ld1 file.


StorHouse/RFS Concepts


A renamed .ldr file in a StorHouse/RFS duplexing

configuration. StorHouse/RFS changes the .ldr file extension to .ld2 after
loading file locator data into the primary StorHouse system.
.ld2 file.

.ldd file. A renamed .ldr file. In a single StorHouse configuration,

StorHouse/RFS changes the .ldr file extension to .ldd after loading the file
locator data into StorHouse. In a StorHouse/RFS duplexing
configuration, StorHouse/RFS changes the .ldr file extension to .ldd after
loading file locator data into both StorHouse systems.
.ldr file.

See load file.

.lds file. A secondary, or safety, copy of a load file in a safety directory.

The .lds file contains modifications such as file deletes, renames, and
security changes.

A file, also called .ldr file, containing file locator data for a local
collection. StorHouse/RFS renames the .ldr file during various stages of
the write process to indicate which step(s) of the write process have been
completed. See also .ldd file, .ld1 file, and .ld2 file.
load file.

local collection. A group of user files stored in one rename directory

and related file locator data stored in a collection directory.
StorHouse/RFS deletes a local collection when the user-defined
maximum collection space is exceeded, but never before successfully
writing the collection to StorHouse. See also collection. Contrast
StorHouse collection.

A search for a file in a staging area or a rename directory.

StorHouse/RFS starts a StorHouse search if it cannot locate the file
locally. Contrast StorHouse search.
local search.

An in-memory table containing the file locator data that

StorHouse/RFS checks during a local search. Contrast StorHouse table.
local table.

FileTek Proprietary and Confidential



A secondary StorHouse system with the same user data,

and file locator data as the primary StorHouse system. StorHouse/RFS
accesses data on the mirror StorHouse system should the primary system
become unavailable.

mirror system.

A directory that contains renamed user files as a local

collection. StorHouse/RFS creates rename directories automatically. The
files in one rename directory and their associated file locator data in a
collection directory compose a local collection. StorHouse/RFS removes
local collection data from a rename directory when the maximum
collection space value in the StorHouse/RFS configuration file is
exceeded, but never before successfully writing the collection to
rename directory.

The StorHouse/RFS server component that performs local

searches and StorHouse searches when a user or an application searches
for files or requests to open a file.


A StorHouse/RFS utility used for compacting and

deleting StorHouse collections.

rfsmaint utility.

A StorHouse/RFS utility used in conjunction with

other StorHouse/RM utilities for recovering file locator tables in a
StorHouse database.
rfsrestore utility.

safety directory. A directory that contains duplicate entries of user file

changes (such as file deletes, renames, and security changes). You specify
the directory path in the StorHouse/RFS configuration file. Should a .ldr
file become corrupt, StorHouse/RFS automatically initiates a recovery
process to re-create the entries from the .lds file in the safety directory.
StorHouse/RFS deletes the data in the safety directory after successfully
writing the collection to StorHouse.


StorHouse/RFS Concepts


A table in a StorHouse database that contains security

information for Windows systems that use extended security, such as
security descriptors.

security table.

The location where StorHouse/RFS writes physical files

for a user or application during the collection process. A staging area
consists of a staging directory and a user directory. You assign a collector
to a staging directory and user directory. A collector removes files from
the staging area and adds them to a local collection. See also user directory
and staging directory.

staging area.

The directory in a staging area where

StorHouse/RFS writes physical files during the collection process. The
staging directory must be at least one level below the root of the file
system or drive. A staging directory may have one or more user
directories. A user or application must have permission to access a staging
directory. See also user directory and staging area.
staging directory.

A profile that defines where file locator data is stored

on StorHouse. The StorHouse/RFS configuration file contains storage
storage definition.

StorHouse. The FileTek storage solution that consists of a server, a

hierarchy of storage devices, and storage software components
StorHouse/SM, StorHouse/RM, and StorHouse/Control Center.

The FileTek file system

interface to one or more StorHouse systems. StorHouse/RFS enables the
collection, storage, and retrieval of a virtually unlimited number of files.

StorHouse/Relational File System (RFS).

The file that contains the operating

parameters for a StorHouse/RFS server. You can maintain this file with
the StorHouse/RFS configuration file utility (Windows environment) or
a text editor (UNIX environment).
StorHouse/RFS configuration file.

FileTek Proprietary and Confidential



StorHouse/RFS duplexing. A feature where StorHouse/RFS writes the

same data to two StorHouse systems for disaster protection and data

The interface between the

StorHouse/RFS server and the user application or operating system. This
driver provides the virtual file system that enables users or applications to
read and write files through StorHouse/RFS.

StorHouse/RFS file system driver.

StorHouse/RFS server. The set of programsStorHouse/RFS file

system driver, StorHouse/RFS collectors, and StorHouse/RFS retriever
that make up StorHouse/RFS. The StorHouse/RFS server runs on
Windows 2000, Solaris 2.6 or higher, AIX, and HP-UX 11or HP-UX 11i
StorHouse collection. A group of user files stored as a single file on
StorHouse. Contrast local collection.

A relational database that contains StorHouse

tables used for storing file locator data, collection metadata, security
entries, aliases, and statistics for StorHouse/RFS.

StorHouse database.

A database component that contains indexing data

for a StorHouse table.

StorHouse index.

A search that queries a StorHouse table and accesses

data in StorHouse collections. Contrast local search.

StorHouse search.

StorHouse table. The StorHouse database component containing file

locator data and collection metadata for each collected file, as well as
statistics, aliases, and security entries. You create StorHouse tables with
the StorHouse/RFS utility called tblgen. (StorHouse/RFS automatically
creates file locator tables after you create a collections table with the
tblgen utility.) Contrast local table. See also table array.


StorHouse/RFS Concepts


A profile that defines where a StorHouse collection is

stored. A system definition contains the StorHouse server name, DNS
name, StorHouse file access group name, StorHouse storage resource
names, as well as the account and encrypted password used to log in to
StorHouse to write collections. You create system definitions with the
StorHouse/RFS configuration file utility (for Windows) or by editing the
StorHouse/RFS configuration file (for UNIX).
system definition.

A set of tables that StorHouse/RFS uses to store file locator

information for one or more collection sets. After you run the tblgen
utility to create a collections table, StorHouse/RFS creates an initial set of
32 tables for file locator data and expands the array as necessary up to 255
sets of 32 tables.
table array.

tblgen utility. A StorHouse/RFS utility that creates the following tables

in a StorHouse database: aliases, statistics, collections, and security. For
Windows installations, you also use this utility to set the number of
directory levels for extended security.

A directory in a staging area. You assign a collector to a

staging directory and to a specific user directory. StorHouse/RFS
automatically creates a folder or directory in the virtual file system for
each user directory. See also staging area and staging directory.
user directory.

The shared drive or mount point on the platform

running the StorHouse/RFS server. The virtual file system is the user or
application interface to StorHouse/RFS. To an application, the virtual file
system, which looks like any other available drive or disk on the network,
is where users or applications write and open files.
virtual file system.

FileTek Proprietary and Confidential




StorHouse/RFS Concepts

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