Corporate Finance MG TN DLM

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Government of Karnataka



[ 20 days Training Module in two phases of 10 days each Refined

after the validation proceedings]
With support from
Department of Personnel & Training, Government of India


Lalitha Mahal Road, Mysore 570 011



Training Module on Corporate Finance Management

[20 days Training Module with Schedule with two phases of
10days each]



Basics of Commercial Accounting and Balance Sheet


Discounted Cash Flow Technique and Internal Rate of Return


Budget: a) Performance budgeting

b) Zero Base Budgeting
c) Cost-Benefit Analysis


Capital Management : a)

Capital Structure
Capital budgeting decisions
Measurement of risk
Cost of Capital including CAP -M
Valuation of fixed Income Securities
Valuation of Bonds and Stocks




Portfolio Management




International Financial Management


Note: - Each learning unit contains three portions; (1) Group Activity (2) Reading
Material and (3) Instructions to Faculty

Value based investment or expenditure is the essence of the Financial Management.
Every suitable financial concept must be analyzed and applied from the viewpoint of
each stake holder before final decisions are taken. New financial concepts including
derivatives, portfolio management etc., are introduced in this training design in order to
enable Financial Managers and Senior Executives to arrive at better alternative
investment decisions. Analysis of financial portions of economics will also enable them
to draft legislation or improve existing legislation to protect the interest of stake holders
and to curb the speculations and malpractices.
Therefore, the aim of this training programme is to facilitate practicing Finance Managers
from the Finance Department of State Governments and Senior Executives from
Administrative Departments to understand and analyze financial statements with a view
to taking corporate finance decisions.

Training Need
There is an ever-increasing need to meet the changing scenario in the management of
government departments, local bodies, autonomous bodies and PSUs. The changes are
felt from the following angles:

Public interest
High quality and understandable documentation
Uniform internal and external accounting and financial documentation system
Uniforms internal and external financial rules and regulations
Enforceable global accounting standards.
Transparency in financial information and procedures.
Uniform financial statements from the point of view of effective comparison.
Uniformity in financial reporting system.
Introduction of enforceable penal provisions.
Consultation system to determine high quality solutions.
Quick availability of financial information, to all.

Implementation of some of the above ideas may take fairly a long time. But the felt need
is to prepare the present financial managers and the senior executives for changes in the
system with a view to orienting them to improved levels of efficiency and effectiveness.

Phases of Training
To achieve the above aims, training is designed in the following 7 Learning Units in two

1. Basics of Commercial Accounting System including Balance Sheets;
2. Discounted Cash Flow Technique and Internal Rate of returns.
3. Budget, cost and benefits
3.1 Performance budgeting
3.2 Zero Base Budgeting
3.3 Cost Benefit Analysis
4. Management of Capital
4.1 Capital Structure
4.2 Capital budgeting decisions
4.3 Measurement of risk
4.4 Cost of Capital, including CAP-M
4.5 Valuation of Fixed Income Securities
4.6 Valuation of Bonds and Stocks
5. Portfolio Management
6. Derivatives
7. International Financial Management
10 days each for each phase of training, totally 20 days.

Target Group
1. Officers from the rank of Deputy Controllers and above from the State
Accounts Department
2. Selection Scale KAS officers and IAS Officers having 6 to 9 years experience
3. Senior officers from PSUs and autonomous bodies

Reading and Activity Materials

Reading and group-activity materials on all 7 Learning Units will be supplied to the
Groups may concentrate on the meaning and practicality of the concepts, rather than on
difficult portions of mathematics and statistics.
In addition to the above the participants are expected to borrow books from the library on
the various aspects of financial management related to the learning units.

Guide to Facilitators/Faculty
The Facilitators/Faculty members may use the Instructions to Faculty exclusively
designed for this package.
The time for lecture is limited to the extent noted in the Instructions to Faculty. 80% of
time is meant for participants, who will learn on their own through group activities,
developed in the form questions and answers. Participants will seek solutions to
problems. There will be exercises using case studies. In addition there will be problem
solving activities. Participants will also be provided material for reading. They will be
exposed to techniques for preparing visual aids for more persuasive and effective
The role of the facilitators will be to guide the participants during group discussion and to
moderate the presentations made by each group.

Module for Phase-I

Introductory activities
Forenoon Session:
Time &


10.00- 10.30
10.30 to
11.30 a.m.

Registration at ATI Hostel.

Ice Breaking

Introductory activities.

11.30 - 11.45
11.45 am 12.45 pm

Tea/Coffee break


Faculty/Facilitator to explain the facilities

available in the Institute as well as the
brief background of the training course
and spell out the objectives.


Faculty may also explain some of the

participatory techniques and group
activities proposed to be used in the
training process.


Faculty to also divide participants into

four groups based on their experience and

12.45 - 1.30

Support and Role of

A variety of introductory
games are available,
including Merry-go-round,
Potato Partners, Tell a lie.
Facilitator may choose from
any of these games to
establish rapport with the

Participants to visit library to collect books

Faculty to explain the

Library, Sports and Club
facility available in the ATI
campus along with the
details of the background of
this course.
Faculty to explain the
participatory technique in
the form of the Group

Each group will comprise a

mix of executives and
finance people.
Faculty and the Chief

Visit to

1.30 - 2.30

on Financial Management related to

Corporate Finance.
Faculty will help participants identify
appropriate books and material.
Faculty to also familiarize participants
with the contents of the handouts provided
for the course.

Librarian will assist the

participants in the selection
of books.

Learning Unit - 1

Basics of Commercial Accounting System

Including Balance Sheet
At the end of this Learning Unit the participants will be able to:

Classify transactions on the debit side and on the credit side.

Understand important entries in the subsidiary registers.

Prepare Trial Balance

Prepare Trading Account

Prepare Profit and Loss Account

Prepare Balance Sheet

Read balance sheet with some crucial ratios

DAY 1 contd.
Learning Unit - 1
Afternoon Session:
Time &
2.30 p.m. to
5.30 p.m.
Learning unit
Basics of
and Balance


Support and Role of


'Instructions to Faculty' in
Brief presentation on the objectives of L.U -1 as guide for the
LU-1: Basics of Commercial Accounting initial presentation
and Balance Sheet.
Faculty should demonstrate
Story telling on starting of business transactions under each
with details of (i) own capital (ii) loan and sub-unit with examples.
accounts, asset accounts, Nominal
accounts, trading and profit and loss
account and balance sheet summing up
of the first day proceedings.
Commencement of LU-1

Learning Unit - 1
9.30 to 5.30
Basics of
and Balance
the contents of
Assignment of
frames to

Group Activities:
Recap on the first day proceedings.
Before commencement of group activities Faculty to clarify doubts, if
each participant will be provided time to any, with reference to
go through the reading material on LU-1
Group activities will be carried out as per
the instructions in the Handout on Group
Activity LU-1, which will be supplied to
each participant.

The tasks assigned to the 4 groups will be

as follows

Frame details

Group A will deal with frames 1, 2

and 3
Group B will deal with frames 4, 5
and 6
Group C to deal with frame 7
Group D to deal with frame 8

Frame 1: Questions on Accounts

Frame 2: Questions on Accounts records
Frame 3: Trial balance: Practicals
Frame 4: Trading Account: Practicals
Frame 5: Profit and loss account:
Frame 6: Preparation of Balance Sheet:
Frame 7: How to read Balance Sheet:
Frame 8: Practicals on using ratios and
Based on their discussions, groups will
prepare visual aids specific to the frame
allotted to them for presentation on the
following day.
Summing up of the proceedings of Day 2

Clarify the activities to be

undertaken with reference
to each frame

Explain the details in each


Option will be given to the

participants to use any
medium for presentation,
including LCD-Power point

Day 3
Learning Unit - 1
Forenoon and afternoon Sessions :
Time &


9.30 a.m. to
5.30 p.m.

Recap on the proceedings of the secondday.

Basics of
and Balance

Presentations by participants on LU-1

Basics of Commercial Accounting and
Balance Sheet

by groups

Listing Learning points on LU-1

Summing up of the proceedings of Day 3.


Support and Role of


Moderation by faculty

Learning Unit - 2

Discounted Cash Flow Technique and

Internal Rate of Return
At the end of this learning unit, the participants will be able to:

Calculate the present value of money receivable in future.

Use the SPPWF and USPWF tables to calculate the PV of cost and returns.

Find out the most economical decision

Calculate the net present value

Calculate the internal rate of returns


Day -4.
Learning Unit - 2
Forenoon and Afternoon Sessions:
Time &
9.30 p.m. to
5.30 p.m.

Recap on LU-1 with reference to 10 key
questions as listed in LU-2 (instructions to

Support and Role of

Help participants make a recap on LU- I

Commencement of LU-2
DCFT and

Discounted Cash Flow Technique and

Internal rate of return

Explanation on DCFT and


Faculty to make a brief explanation on:

Faculty may use the 6

visual aids and graph while
explaining DCFT and IRR.
(Refer to reading material in

Meaning and objective of DCFT

How to use the SPPWF and USPWF
Calculation of IRR with formulae
Group activity

of IRR

Group I and II should apply DCFT to

make purchase decisions
Group III and IV to calculate the IRR to
assess the viability of the given project
Faculty to explain on how
Groups to use the SPPWF and USPWF
to use the tables and reading
tables for application and calculation of
materials for calculation
and application purpose.
Groups to refer to the reading materials for
Based on their discussions, groups will
prepare visual aids specific to the frame
allotted to them for presentation on the
following day.
Summing up of the 4th day proceedings.


Option will be given to the

participants to use any
medium for presentation,
including LCD-Power point

Day 5
Learning Unit - 2
Forenoon and afternoon Sessions:
Time &


Support and Role of


9.30 a.m. to
11.30 a.m.

Recap on the proceedings of Day 4.

DCFT and
IRR contd.

Continuation of discussion and preparation Moderation by Faculty

of visual aids by the groups for the
presentation on exercises relating to DCFT
and IRR.

11.45 a.m. to
5.30 p.m.
DCFT and
IRR contd.

Presentation on DCFT and IRR by the Summing up of L.U.2

groups and moderation by Faculty
Listing of learning points on LU-2
Summing up of the 5th day proceedings.


Learning Unit - 3

A. Performance Budgeting
B. Zero Base Budgeting
C. Cost-benefit analysis

Sub Unit A
Performance Budgeting
Objectives :At the end of the learning unit, the participants will be able to:

Understand the meaning, concept and framework of Performance Budgeting

Design responsibility centers by linking financial inputs to outputs.

Sub Unit B
Zero Base Budgeting
Objectives:At the end of this learning Unit, the participants will be able to:
1. List the steps to be followed for the preparation of Zero Base Budgeting
2. Identify the decision units and the decision packages
3. Identify and rename the redundant expenditure
4. Rationalize expenditure by removing repetitive expenditure items
5. Design decision packages
6. Review the necessity of continuance of on-going expenditure
7. Determine the different levels of funding
8. Use ranking methods for prioritization of decision packages.


Sub Unit C
Cost Benefit Analysis
Objectives:At the end of this learning Unit, the participant will be able to:

List out and value utility costs and benefits

Undertake compensation analysis

Comprehensively use the Externalities Theory in respect of social goods

Identify and use social rate of discount for cost benefit analysis

Undertake risk and uncertainty analysis for decisions with reference to a social

Undertake cost benefit analysis with reference to given cases


Day 6
Learning Unit - 3
Forenoon and Afternoon Sessions
Time &


Support and Role of


9.30 a.m. to
5.30 p.m.
Zero Base
and Cost

Recap on day-5 proceedings

Commencement of LU-3
Faculty to make a brief presentation on the Brief explanation by faculty
conceptual frame work of Performance on PB, ZBB and CBA
Budgeting (PB), Zero Base Budgeting
(ZBB) and Cost Benefit Analysis (CBA).
Group Activity on LU-3 A

Designing a

The first group to select and design a

responsibility centre. They may use the
checklist given in the reading materials
Group Activity on LU-3 B

Designing a

The second group will select and design a

decision package under ZBB.

Faculty to guide the groups

responsibility centres and
decision packages

Group Activity on LU-3 C

Case study:

Case study:

The third group and the forth group will

do the CBA on the case study The Faculty
participants to ignore the
Damodar Valley Flood Control Scheme
The reading material will provide mathematics and only to
concentrate on internalities
sufficient information to the groups.
and externalities
Group work to continue in the afternoon.
Visual aids to be developed by the groups
for presentation.
Summing up of the 6th day proceedings


Day 7
Learning Unit - 3
Forenoon and afternoon Session
& Activities/Process
9.30 a.m. to
5.30 p.m.


Support and Role of


Recap on 6th day proceedings

Groups I & II to complete the
package before the end of the Day-6.
Moderation by faculty
Group III and IV to make presentations on
Summing up of LU-3


Listing of learning points by the groups

Each group will list out at least 5 learning
points on Performance Budgeting, Zero
Base Budgeting and Cost Benefit Analysis
Summing up of the 7th day proceedings


Learning Unit - 4
Capital Management
Objectives :At the end of this learning unit the participants will be able to:

Understand the nature of investment decision.


Value the estimated future benefits that will accrue to the firm over a series of
Understand the implications of long-term investments.


Apply the steps of investment evaluation criteria methodically.


Work out, to accept or reject a investment proposal.


Use pay back period as a method of evaluating investment proposal.


Evaluate both the lending and borrowing type projects.


Build the relationship between profitability and risk.


Describe basic risk concepts.


Incorporate risk analysis in the capital budgeting proposals.


Do the calculation of cost of equity capitals.


Adopt CAPM approach for computing the cost of equity.


List the merits and demerits of the CAPM approach.


Calculate weighted average cost of capital.


Determine the cost of equity capital of the company.


Establish relationship between leverage and in the cost of capital.


Critically appraise the traditional approach

approach to the problems of capital structure.


Establish relationship between capital structure and the value of firm.


Define capital structure, appropriate capital structure and flexible capital





Employ yield measures like current yield, yield to maturity, yield to call and
realized yield to maturity.


Stock valuation by using dividend discount model.


Understand the DEMAT systems and the working of depository system in



Day- 8.
Learning Unit - 4
Forenoon and Afternoon Session
Time & Subject
9.30 p.m. to 5.30 p.m.


Support and Role

of Facilitators

Recap on L.U.3
Commencement of LU-4

Faculty to preferably
use the 9 visual aids
provided in the reading
contents in the handout

Capital Management

Capital budgeting

presentation to explain concepts of
approach, MM approach, WACC,
DEMAT system and the working
of depository system in India; and
capital budgeting.
Group Activities
The existing four groups will be
converted into 3 groups

Assignment of tasks to

Each group will be assigned with

two sub-units
Group 1: (a) Capital structure
analysis, (b) Capital structure

Faculty to supply the

reading materials a day
in advance.

guide the groups on the
Group 2: (a) Measurement of risk reading
(b) Cost of capital, including
Focus to be on 24
Group 3: (a) Valuation of fixed
questions listed in the
income securities, (b) Valuation of
Handout on Capital
bonds and stocks
Based on the books borrowed from Management in LU-4.
the library and the reading
materials, the groups will have Faculty to give clues to
discussion with reference to: (a) the references for the 24
conceptual clarity, (b) meaning, (c) questions.
utility or scope for application, (d)
illustrations and examples.


Day- 9.
Learning Unit - 4
Forenoon and Afternoon Session
Time & Subject
9.30 p.m. to 5.30 p.m.

Recap on 8th day proceedings
Group activities to be continued on


Support and Role

of Facilitators

Day 10
Learning Unit - 4
Forenoon & Afternoon Session
Time & Subject


9.30 a.m. to 5.30 p.m.


Recap on the proceedings of the

Capital Structure presentation by
Group 1 on Capital Structure
Analysis and Capital Structure
Group 2 to make presentation on
Risk Measurement and Cost of
CAPM, Moderation of Group
followed by plenary discussion and Presentation by Faculty
moderation by the Faculty.
Group 3 to make presentation of
Securities and Valuation of Bonds
and Stocks followed by plenary
discussion and moderation by the
The 10 learning points on each Summing up on L.U.4
sub-unit, namely Capital Structure,
Capital Structure Decisions, Risk
Measurement, Cost of Capital,
including CAPM, Valuation of
Fixed Income Securities and
Valuation of Bonds and Stocks
will be listed by the participants at
the end of the 10th day for

Risk Measurement and

Cost of Capital,
including CAPM

Valuation of Fixed
Income Securities and
Bonds and Stocks

Learning points on
Capital management

Summing up by the Faculty

Internal evaluation
Briefing on Phase-II training
Certificate Distribution and


Support and Role

of Facilitators

Training Module on Corporate Finance


Phase 2

10 days
With support from
Department of Personnel & Training, Government of India

Administrative Training Institute

Lalithmahal Road, Mysore


1. Portfolio Management
2. Derivatives
3. International financial Management

{Note: The Second Phase Training is meant for the participants, who
have undergone training in the first phase}


Module for Phase 2

Introductory activities
Forenoon & Afternoon Sessions
Time &


9.30 to
10.30 a.m.
10.30 a.m.
1.45 p.m.

Registration for the participants of Phase-2

training at ATI Hostel.
Detailed re-cap on Phase-1 training.
Presentation by the four groups on each of
the following learning units of phase-1.

2.30 pm to
5.30 pm

Support and Role of


Basics of Commercial Accounting and

Balance Sheet
Discounted Cash Flow Technique and
Rate of Return
Capital Management
Expectations of the participants from
phase-2 training and its analysis
Briefing on the objectives and the
utility of phase 2 training

Distribution of reading materials and

group activities related to the Phase- 2

Learning Units
Visit to the Library to collect books
and journals on topics incorporated in
Phase-2 Learning Units.

Summing up of the proceedings of Day-1.


Facilitator to analyze
the expectations of the
Facilitators to explain
the salient features of
the phase-2 training.
Facilitator to explain
how to use the reading
materials and books to
carry out the group
activities effectively.
Facilitator to assist the
selection of books.

Learning Unit - 5

Portfolio Management
Objectives :
At the end of this learning unit, the participants will be able to;

Interpret the basic principles required for designing, analyzing and managing a

Forecast the future share price movements

Identify the factors that influence financial performance of companies.

Decide the proportions of the total funds that should be invested in each security.

Take decisions on asset allocation and on the choice of securities within each
broad category of asset.

Revise portfolios based on changes in the prices of securities.

Evaluate portfolio performance.


Day - 2
Learning Unit - 5
Forenoon & Afternoon Sessions
Time &


Support and Role of


9.30 a.m. to
5.30 p.m.

Recap on the proceedings of Day-1.

Commencement of LU-5


Faculty to initiate the session with a brief

presentation on stock exchange, technical
analysis and charting of stock prices;
modern portfolio theory; asset allocation
and portfolio design and evaluation of
portfolio performance.

Faculty/facilitator may use

the 10 visual aids specified
'Instructions to Faculty on
Portfolio Management' in

Group activities

The focus for discussion

should be on the points
specified in the handout for
Learning Unit-5.
Reading material on the
topics for group discussion
will be made available to
the participants in advance.
Each participant will be
required to study the
material for participation in
financial issues, detailed
and decisions.
participants to ignore the

Four groups will be formed. Groups will

be assigned the following topics:

of topics

Group 1: Firm specific analysis

Group 2: Modern Portfolio theory
Group 3: Asset allocation and portfolio
Group 4: Evaluation of portfolio
Participants to develop visual aids for the


Day - 3
Learning Unit - 5
Forenoon & Afternoon Sessions
Time &

Group Activities on
will continue for the
Summing up of the


Support and Role of


Learning Unit - 5
Forenoon and afternoon Sessions:
Time &


Support and Role of


9.30 a.m. to
5.30 p.m.

Recap on the proceedings of Day 2 and 3


Presentation by the group 1 on firm

specific analysis

and Portfolio

Plenary discussion by participants and

moderation by faculty.
Presentation by the Group 2 on Modern
portfolio theory;

Presentation by Group 3 on Asset

allocation and portfolio design
Presentation by Group 4 on Evaluation of,
portfolio performance.
Plenary discussion by participants and
moderation by faculty.
Listing of learning points arising from the
presentations and discussions.
Summing up by Faculty


Moderation by the Experts

based on the presentation by
the Participants.

Learning Unit - 6

At the end of this learning unit, the participants will be able to:

Understand the rationale of risk management.


Understand the background on derivatives.


Understand option theory.


Use complex option pricing model and the Black-Schales model.


Understand forward contracts, futures and swaps.


Use derivatives to reduce risks.


Day 5
Learning Unit - 6
Forenoon and Afternoon Sessions
Time &


9.30 p.m. to
5.30 p.m.

Recap on L.U.5
Commencement of LU-6

Group tasks

Support and Role of


Faculty to make a brief presentation on the

meaning and background of derivatives as
well as option pricing models including
the black schales option pricing model and
using derivatives to reduce risk.

As this is a new subject,

every care should be taken
to explain basic definitions
with simple examples.

All groups will be asked to read the key

concepts and case studies on derivatives
provided in the reading material in LU-6
and to respond to the questions following
the material.

Faculty may use the 7

visual aids indicated in the
handout Instructions to
Faculty in LU-6.

Summing up of the 5th day proceedings.


Day 6
Learning Unit - 6
Forenoon and afternoon Sessions
Time &


Support and Role of


9.30 a.m. to
5.30 p.m.

Recap of the proceedings of Day 5.

Group activities contd.

Focus on
questions and
mini cases

All groups will have to go through

available books related to this
Explain the importance of
Participants will be supplied with questions and mini cases
summary on derivatives.
provided, each group will be
expected to answer the questions
following the reading material and
the two mini cases (as per details in
the handout 'group activity on
derivatives' in LU-6).
Participants to develop visual aids
to do the presentation.

Summing up of the proceedings of Day 6.


Day 6
Learning Unit - 6
Forenoon and afternoon Sessions
Time &


Support and Role of


9.30 a.m. to
5.30 p.m.

Recap of the proceedings of Day 6.

Moderation and summing


Presentations, discussions, moderation and

listing of learning points.
Summing up of the proceedings of Day-6.


Learning Unit - 7

International Financial Management

Objectives:At the end of this learning unit, the participants will be able to:

Prepare statements of balance of payments.


Acquire the skills of conversion rates, by bid price, ask price and spread


Workout the arbitrage possibilities.


Calculate expected exchange rate.


Understand the various exchange rate theories.


Work on covering exchange rate risk with reference to appreciation,

depreciation, hedging and translation exposure.


Calculate the interest rate risk under different situations.


Recommend regarding procurements, manufacturing and viability based on

the case studies.
Understand the financial systems in the Euro currency market.



Day 8
Learning Unit - 7
Forenoon and afternoon Session
Time &


Support and Role of


9.30 a.m. to
5.30 p.m.

Recap on L.U.6.
Commencement of LU 7
International Financial Management.


Faculty to make a brief presentation on

BOP, exchange rate theories, hedging and
translation exposure, currency adjustment,
IMF and IBRD functions, EMS, Foreign
exchange market Euro currency market
and risks in international operations.
Group activity:

Focus on 15
problems and
two cases

Case on guns
Case on

Group work will be assigned to the

existing 4 groups.
Participants will be required to read/
study the reading materials in LU 7
and to use references to solve specific
15 problems and 2 case studies will be
supplied to the participants (the details
are available in the handout on group
activities in LU-7)

As far as the case studies are concerned,

recommendations about the manufacture
and purchase of guns, and hiring or
purchasing of helicopters along with
financial implications.
Groups will




Summing up of the 8th day proceedings.



Faculty to use the visual

handout Instructions to
Faculty in LU 7.

Day 9
Learning Unit - 7
Forenoon and afternoon Session
Time &

Recap on the proceedings of Day 8.
Group activities on L.U.7 will continue on
Day 9.
Summing up of the Day 9 proceedings.


Support and Role of


Day 10
Learning Unit - 7
Forenoon and afternoon Sessions:
Time &


Support and Role of


9.30 a.m. to
1.30 p.m.

Recap on the proceedings of Day 9.


Presentations, discussions, moderations

listing of learning points and summing up.


2.30 p.m. to
5.30 p.m.

Summing up of LU-7 by the participants.


Internal evaluation/good byes


Moderation and summing




Administrative Training Institute

Lalitha Mahal Road, Mysore - 570 011


Group Activities
Learning Unit 1

Basic Instructions to Participants


The objective of the group activities is to enable each participant to acquire

to skills specified in the objectives of Learning Unit 1.


It is necessary that participants acquire in-depth knowledge in each frame of

this Learning Unit. Faculty will attempt to ensure that this knowledge is
transformed into a skill during the group activity.


Participants may refer to the reading material provided and the books
borrowed from Library for the group activities.


Participants will be required to prepare visual aids on each frame on key

points listed. Representatives of the groups will make presentations.


Each group will be given 30 minutes for presentation. Faculty members will
moderate the presentation.



Group Tasks
Tasks will be assigned to all four groups in the form of Frames, which follow
this section. There are a total of eight frames, each dealing with the Basics of
Commercial Accounting and Balance Sheets. The frames are in the form of
simple questions; fill in the blanks, true/false. There are also questions which
require analysis and problem solving. Groups will be asked to discuss and
solve the issues/ questions given in the different frames:

Group A will deal with Frames 1,2 and 3.

Group B will deal with Frames 4, 5 and 6.

Group C will deal with Frame-7.

Group D will deal with Frame-8

Each group will be given sufficient time to discuss to find answers/solutions

for each frame and to prepare visual aids for presentation. Requisite
stationery required for making visual aids will be provided. Participants may
also opt for making Power Point presentations. This task will be completed
on the first day itself. If necessary, the participants may continue their
discussions and prepare visual aids for presentation by working in their


hostel rooms in the evening, if the class time is not sufficient. Groups which
complete their task early may assist the other groups.


Presentations will be made in the forenoon session on the next day. At the
end of the presentation each group will list important learning points for

The Frames

(Questions and Problems are taken out from the book ` Fundamentals of Double entry and Book Keeping
by Prof. J.R. Batliboi)

Answer the following and fill in the blanks:
(1) Accounts can be classified into three. They are:






(2) Ledger Account has two sides. The left hand side is called _________ side and
right hand side called as ________ side.
(3) The debiting and crediting procedure followed in personal accounts are
(a) ________ (b) _________
(4) The debiting and crediting procedure followed in Asset accounts are (a) _________
(b) _____________
(5) The debiting and crediting procedure followed in nominal accounts are




(6) If Mr. A sell goods worth Rs.500/- to Mr. B on credit basis, which accounts are
affected in the books of Mr. A? How is it affected, and why? Similarly how will the
accounts be treated in the books of Mr. B?
(7) If Mr. A sells the goods worth Rs.200/- on cash payment to Mr. B, how will you treat
the accounts in the books of Mr. A and in the books of Mr. B?


(8) On the deposits of Mr. X, the Bank paid an interest of Rs.250/-. How will you
account for the interest in the book of Mr. X ?

Frame - 2
Answer the following questions and fill in the blanks
1) Make a list of subsidiary records and indicate the purpose for which they are
maintained in an organisation.
2) Discount is an ____________ account. Therefore, when a discount is received it
shall be__________ and when discount is given to others it shall be _________
3) When a Self Cheque is drawn, the cash column in the Bank shall be _____ and
_____ column will be credited in the cash book
4) The excess of debit over credit is _______ balance.
5) The excess of credit over debit is_______ balance.
6) The debit balance should be posted on the ______ side of its account.
7) The credit balance should be posted on the ________ side of the account.
8) The LF stands for _____________
9) The letter C in cash book stands for ___________ meaning ____________
10) The Cash Account in cash book must always show _____ balance.
11) The credit balance of Bank Account in Cash Book means _____________
True or false/ Agree or Disagree:
12) When a cheque is issued to a party debit the bank column and credit the cash
column. (True or false) If incorrect, what are the correct entries and how should they
be recorded in the Cash Book.
13) One must always go for major cash transaction in the Office, instead of going for
transactions through Bank. (Agree or disagree) Give reasons for your answer.


Frame 3
Theoretically, you have understood how Trial Balance is prepared.
The Faculty has also explained to you with examples how Trial Balance is prepared by
taking into account all the Ledger Account Balances.
Now with reference to the following prepare a Trial Balance in your group

R. Rows Capital Account

Land and Buildings Account
Plant and Machinery account
Furniture and Fixture account
Motor Vans Account
Bills Receivable Account
Bills Payable Account
Factory Wages
Salaries to Staff
Rent and Taxes
Lighting and Power
Coal and Fuel
Trade Expenses
Duty and Clearing charges
Stock, on 1st April 1970
Returns Inwards
Bank Charges
Travelling Expenses
Repairs to Plant
Loan from Multi Bros.
Interest on Loan
Cash at Bank
Cash on Hand
Petty Cash Balance
R. Rows Drawings
Sundry Debtors
Sundry Creditors




Frame 4
Prepare a Trading Account, with the following details.

Returns inwards
Closing Stock
Stock at commencement
Return outwards
Carriage inwards
Duty and Clearing



Frame 5
Prepare a Profit and Loss Account with the following details. The Gross Profit is Rs.1,
General Expenses
Carriage outwards
Insurance and taxes
Stable expenses for distribution
Discount paid
Interest and Bank charges
Old Reserve
Reserved for bad and doubtful
Bad Debts
Plant and Machinery:
Fixtures and fittings :
Houses and carts







a) Works manager at 1% of Rs.1,88,906
b) General Manager at 5% of Rs.1,05,704



Frame : 6
Based on the Frame 5, i.e., after preparing Profit and Loss Account, prepare a Balance
Sheet with the following additional information.

Bank Loan
Creditors on open accounts
Outstanding Liabilities
Good will
Free hold works
Plant & Machinery
Fixtures and Fittings
Houses & Carts
Stock in Trade
Sundry Debtors
Reserve for doubtful debts
Expenses prepaid
Cash at Bank
Cash in hand



Frame 7

Skills to Read Balance Sheet

The balance sheet given below will be discussed in groups and presentation made on key
points with reasons.

Khadi Udyog Balance Sheet

(This portion taken from the book How to read Balance Sheet an ILO Programme Book)

Money Subscribed by
Long Term Loan owed
to financial institution
Bank over draft




Land, Buildings etc.,


Raw Materials etc.,



Focus will be on reading financial health of the organisation with reference to liquidity,
profitability, stability, credibility and activity ratios.


Fill in the blanks and answer the following questions:

Level One:

The balance sheet table relates to the assets and liabilities of _________.
Balance sheet must always _______.
________ show the source of money and ________ show how the money is used.
In this balance sheet _________ is missing.
Can the skills of highly trained technicians be expressed in monetary terms and
shown in a Balance Sheet?
(f) What are the supporting documents required to read a Balance Sheet ?
Level Two:
(a) Assets can be grouped into ______ and ______
(b) Current assets can be grouped into _______ and _______
(c) Give examples for fixed assets
(d) Cash in banks and in hand are called ____ assets
(e) Inventories are quick assets (correct/incorrect)
(f) Assets intended for long term use are _____ assets
(g) Fixed assets vary on day-to-day basis (correct/Incorrect)
(h) What is an operating Cycle ? The operating cycle will normally be less
than ____ year.
(i) Assets which can be converted into cash within the operating cycle is called as
________ assets.
(j) Finished product stocks are ___________ asset.
(k) Raw materials are _______ asset
(l) Work-in-progress are _______ asset
(m) Account receivable are ____________ asset
(n) Marketable securities are _______ asset.
Level Three:
(a) Current asset are more liquid than _______ assets
(b) Cash is a _________ asset
Level Four:
(a) How do you value inventories ?
(b) How do you value the fixed assets like :
(i) Buildings
(ii) Plant and machinery


(iii) Vehicles
(c) If assets are over valued what are the consequences ?
Level Five
(a) The depreciation and provision for doubtful items increase/reduce the value of the
(b) Marketable securities are shown on the _____. In balance sheets they should be
indicated as _________
Level Six:
(a) Fixed assets are valued at ______ less ______
(b) Goods will be a ____ asset arising from the ______
Level Seven:
(a) _____________ liabilities shall be met within one year.
(b) Long-term liabilities are knows as ________ liabilities
(c) Debenture is a ________ term loan
Level Eight:
(a) What is the difference between the Capital Authorised and the Capital Subscribed
(b) Who are the owners of the company ?
(c) Share holders will be paid interest (Correct/incorrect)
(d) What will be paid to the share holders ?
(e) Portion of the profit retained by the Company called as _________
(f) What is the difference between the revenue reserve and capital reserve
(g) For what purpose can a company retain a portion of profits in the form of revenue
reserve ?
(h) Why is dividend to share holders not be paid from Capital Reserve ?
(i) Does shareholders funds have to be returned ? If so, when ?
(j) Profit out of sale of fixed assets is _______ reserve.
(k) What is the difference between the ordinary shares and the preference shares ?
(l) What compensation will shareholders get at the time of winding up a company?
(m) Increased value from the revaluation of fixed assets is called ____ reserve.
Level Nine:
(a) What are outside and inside liabilities?
(b) When enterprise can be called as solvent ?
(c) If assets are greater than outside liabilities; what does it reflect?
(d) How do you measure liquidity ?


(f) If current liabilities are less than current assets; what does it reflect?
(g) What is net working capital
(h) What is gearing? If gearing is 4:1 what does it reflects? If gearing it 1:4, what does
it reflect ?
(i) Why should the balance sheet of the current year be compared with the balance sheet
of the previous year ? What statement can be prepared from the comparison ?
(j) How can sources and uses of funds be prepared ?
(k) What are the sources of new funds ? Give examples.
(l) For what purpose can new funds be used ? Give Examples.
(m) Can money actually leave the business on account of depreciation shown in Profit
and Loss Account? Yes or No. Give reasons
Level Ten:

What is solvency ratio What does it indicate?

What does high solvency ratio indicate? What does low solvency ratio indicate?
What is Current ratio ? What does it measure?
What is quick ratio ? What does it measure?
If current ratio is less than 1:1, what does it indicate? If the current ratio is greater
than 1:1. what does it indicate ?
(f) ________ is more important than profit
Level Eleven:
(a) Gross profit =
(b) Operating profit =
(c) Profit before tax =
(d) Net profit after tax =
(e) Return on capital employed can be calculated by using formula =
(f) Return on share holders funds will be measured by using formula =
(g) Total assets - Current liabilities = ___________
(h) Capital employed is equal to shareholders fund + _________________
Level Twelve:
(a) What are the limitations of Balance Sheet ?
(b) Whether balance sheet reveals the picture regarding stability ?

Frame. 8
Calculate the following for the years 1990 and 1991 using figures in the balance sheet
and Profit and Loss Account given below:
(a) Return on Capital employed
(b) Current Ratio;
(c) Debt/Equity Ratio;


(d) Fixed Assets Turnover Ratio;

(e) Inventory Turnover Ratio ;
(f) Earnings Per Share; and
(g) Dividend Cover.
Balance Sheet as at 31st December
(Rs. in lakhs)
Share Capital:
Shares of Rs. 10 each
Reserves and Surplus
Secured Term Loans
Cash credits from banks
Sundry Creditors







Assets :
Fixed Assets :
Less: Depreciation
Other Current Assets
Total Assets

Extracts from Profit and Loss Account as on 31st December

Profit before depreciation and interest
on term loans
Interest on term loans


(Rs in lakhs)


Solution to Frame 8:
Note: At the end of group discussion, this portion shall be supplied to enable the
participants to compare their answers.
Computation of Ratios:
(a) Return on Capital Employed:
Profit before interest, & Tax
------------------------------ X 100
Average Capital Employed

------ X 100 = ------- X 100



= -----2600


= 1.92


= -----2000
= 1.20

= 43.90 %

(b) Current Ratio:

Current Assets
---------------------Current Liabilities

(c) Debt Equity Ratio:



(d) Fixed Assets Turnover Ratio:

--------------------------------Average Fixed Assets (Net)


2.76 times

= ------1800
= 4.00 times

(e) Inventory Turnover Ratio:

Cost of Goods Sold
-----------------------Average Inventory



1.68 times

= -----2600
1.85 times

(f) Earnings per share:

Profits available for equity shareholders
Number of Equity Shares

------ = Rs.3 ------ = Rs.6


----- = Rs.3
100 times


(g) Dividend Cover:

Profits available for equity shareholders
----------------------------------------------- =
Dividend for Equity shareholders

= Rs.4

(Rs. in lakhs)






Working Notes:(1) Capital Employed:

Total Assets
Less: Current Liabilities:
Cash Credit from Banks
Sundry creditors
Average Capital employed

1,200 - 2000 900 -1900
2300 + 3800

1100 - 2600
3800 + 4400

(2) Debt:
Secured Term Loans:
(3) Equity:
Share Capital
Reserve & Surplus

(4) Current Assets:

Other Current Assets

(5) Current Liabilities:

(As per WN 1)









(6) Inventory (Stocks)

Average Inventory

1520 + 2400
2400 + 2800

(7) Profit before Interest and Tax:

Profit before Depreciation and
Interest on Term Loan
Less: Depreciation











(8) Profits available for Equity

Profit before Depreciation and
Interest on term loan
Less: Depreciation, Interest on Term
Loan and Tax



Cost of Goods Sold:

Sales: Profit before Depreciation and
Interest on Term Loan

Fixed Assets (Net)




Average Fixed Assets (Net)

1880 + 1600

1600 + 2000






Administrative Training Institute

Lalithamahal Road, Mysore - 570 011


Learning Unit - 1
Reading Material
Basics of Commercial Accounting and Balance Sheets


Accounting Policy
An organization must have a policy regarding accounting procedure,
valuation of assets and documentation for the purpose of consistency,
transparency, uniformity and accountability.

One of the basics of Commercial Accounts is the double-entry system. The
fundamentals of double entry will focus on :



Classification of Accounts and the meaning of debit and credit

Journal entries
Subsidiary Accounts
reconciliation of accounts with Bank
Trial balance.
Trading Account
Manufacturing Account
Adjusting entries and closing entries
Profit and loss account
Balance Sheet

The learner must understand the salient features of the sub-units listed above.
The objective is to enable the learner to acquire a proper foundation to skills
relating to the reading of balance sheets and thus enable the learner to take
appropriate financial decisions.

Basics of Double Entry System

Every transaction affects two accounts. One account will be debited and the
other account will be credited. The left hand side of the account is debit and
the right hand side of the account is credit.




There are 3 kinds of accounts: (i) Personal Account, (ii) Asset Account and
(iii) Nominal Account. A description is each of these is given below.

Personal Account: Personal Account concerns dealings with persons or firms.

Separate Accounts are maintained for each person/firm. The principles for
Debiting and crediting of personal accounts are:
? Debit when personal account receives the benefit
? Credit when personal account imparts benefit

Example 1:
Personal Account:
Mr. X sold goods worth Rs.600 to Mr. Y on credit basis.
This means that Mr. Y did not pay cash immediately. In other words, for the
moment i.e., on the same day, no cash transactions have taken place. It may therefore be
noted that in case of credit transactions, personal accounts are opened to indicate to be
paid or to be received.
In the books of Mr. X the personal account of Y has to be debited. Since Y
received the benefit, it must show that Y is yet to pay X.
In the books of Mr. Y, the personal account of Mr. X has to be credited. Since
X has imparted the benefit, it must show that Y is owes money to X.
2. Asset Account: Asset Account is an all encompassing account covering cash, goods,
cash at bank, furniture, machines, buildings, plants, lands, vehicles, semi- finished goods,
raw material, etc. The principles of asset account are:
? Debit what comes in
? Credit what goes out
In the example given in the box above, the goods account is also affected by the
transaction. The goods account is an asset account.
Now, keeping in view the principle of debit what comes in, the books of Mr. Y will
debit the goods account since goods have come into Mr. Y's possession.
Similarly, keeping in view the principle of credit what goes out, the books of Mr. X will
credit the goods account since goods have gone out from Mr. X's possession.


3 Nominal Account: The nominal account is based on the following principles, namely:
? Debit all expenses or losses
? Credit all gains or income
Rent, salaries, wages, Printing, Stationery, discount, coolie charges, discount, travelling
expenses, commission etc., are some of the nominal accounts.
Example 2:
Nominal Account
Mr. X paid rent of Rs.200 to Mr. Y in cash.
In the books of Mr. 'X debit the rent account and credit the cash account
In the books of Mr. Y debit the cash Account and credit the rent account
Note: - In case of fully paid cash transactions personal accounts will not be affected. If
cash is due and not paid, then personal accounts will be affected.
In this example, rent account is a nominal account and the cash account is an asset


Accounts Book


The following are the important accounts books that shall be maintained

Cash Book
Purchase Book
Purchase returns Book
Sales Book
Sales returns book
Bills Receivable Book
Bills Payable Book
Journal Proper


Cash Book: There are many types of cash books, but our focus will be
on cash book with Cash, Bank and discount columns on both sides.
Both sides mean one on debit side and the other on credit side.


It must be ensured that the postings in cash book are made correctly
before the cash book is signed daily. Following are the important
points to be seen.
? The receipts will be entered on the debit side

? The payments will be entered on the credit side

? The cash book will have discount column on both debit side as
well as on credit side.
o The discount is a nominal account. If discount
receiving cash payment, it will be indicated
Account is an asset account and will appear on
the cash book. The discount is a loss and
account it will be debited.

is allowed when
as a loss. Cash
the debit side of
being a nominal

o The opposite will be the transactions and postings if discount is

received at the time of making cash payment
Note: It is always better to avoid the cash transactions either in receipts or
payments. As far as possible all the transactions must undertaken through
banks to prevent fraud.
For small payments, it is advisable to maintain a Petty Cash Book instead of
burdening the main cash book.

Bank Column in Cash Book

? When payment is made by cheque, make entry on the credit side of the
bank column in the cash book.
? When cash paid to the Bank, cash Account shall be entered on credit side
and debited to the bank column.
? When cash is received, make entry only on the debit side of cash column.
? Each side of the cash book will have Ledger Folio Column Whenever, the
bank column and cash column are affected simultaneously, mark it as C
in L.F. Column. C means contra entry without necessitating further
ledger postings.

Points to note:
? When cash is drawn from Bank for office use, debit cash account and credit bank
account. Mark C on both sides of the L.F. Column.
? Strike balance with reference to cash columns. The cash column always shows
the debit balance.
? Debit balance means cash receipts are more than cash payments. Post the debit
balance of cash to the credit side of cash column and balance it. (Similarly do it
for Bank Column separately)



Purchases Book: The goods purchased on credit basis for resale will
be entered in the purchases book. Proper filing of invoices in
consecutive order is sufficient instead of maintaining purchases book.


Purchases returns book: Some times goods bought need to be

returned. A debit note will be issued while returning goods.
Simultaneously entries will be made in the purchases return book.


Sales Book: Credit sales are recorded in the Sales Book i.e., goods
sold on credit basis. For each credit sale outward, invoice shall be


Sales returns book: When goods sold are returned, entries will be
made in this book. Credit notes shall be issued on receipt of goods
(returned back)


Bills receivable book: A bill receivable means that a trader is entitled

to receive cash/cheque on a specific date. The final accepter of the
bill is liable to pay. In this book the details like, name of the drawer
and accepter, as well as the date of acceptance, the amount due and
the due date of payment will be recorded.


Bills payable book: The bill accepted by the trader shall be paid by
him on the due date. The details of bills payable will be recorded in
this book.
Journal proper: If any transaction does not find place in the above said
books i.e., from cash book to bills payable book, the journal proper
book will be used. This Journal Proper Book is used for the following
purposes :-



To pass opening entries

Transfer from one account to another account
To rectify errors.
To pass adjusting entries
To make closing entries
Postings with reference to dishonor of bills.





Till now, we have studied about all the Accounts Books to be maintained,
namely cash book, purchases book, purchases return book, sales book, sales
returns book, Bills receivable book, Bills payable book and journal proper.
All these books are called Books of Original Entry. From these books
Ledger Accounts will be opened. The Ledger Accounts will have two sides;
the debit side and the credit side. If the debit is more than the credit side, it
will be called as debit balance. If the credit side is more than the debit side,
it will be called as credit balances.


The debit balance will be posted on the credit side to balance the accounts
and the credit balance will be posted on the debit side to balance the
accounts. This balancing will normally be done at the month end and also at
the end of the Accounting Year.


The debit balance of Personal Account shows outstanding asset. The credit
balance of Personal Account, shows outstanding liability.


The credit balance of Nominal Accounts shows gain. The debit balance of
Nominal Account shows loss or expenses



Capital Account
The amount brought in to the business by a trader will be credited to Capital

Drawings Account


Amount drawn for personal use from business will be debited to drawings


At the time of balancing, the debit balance of drawings account will be

debited to the capital account to reduce the capital account to the extent of


Every trader must maintain separate accounts for each personal account i.e.,
for each persons, each organization i.e., name-wise etc.



Trial Balance (by debit and credit balances method)


For every debit entry there will be a corresponding credit entry. Taking all
the ledger accounts into consideration, the total of debit balances must be
equal to the total of credit balances. Only for clerical errors it may not tally.
Otherwise it must tally.


At the end of the accounting year all the ledger accounts will be balanced. If
it is a debit balance it will taken to debit column of trial balance. If it is a
credit balance, it will be taken to the credit column of trial balance.


Before preparing final accounts, preparation of trial balance statement is a



The columns of the Trial balance are :?


Ledger folio
Credit Column
Total of debit and credit columns

10. Trading Account:


The Trading Account shows the gross profit. Gross profit means :
[A] Proceeds of the sale of goods
[B] Cost of the goods


The cost of the goods does not include establishment expenses.


Here the cost of the goods means expenses directly related to cost of the
goods sold. This point must be made clear in the accounting policy of
Board/ organisation/ business firm. In other the organisation/board/ business
firm must clarify which items are to be included in the cost of the goods sold.
Similarly, items that are not being included in the cost of the goods sold
should also be indicated.


The following are to be considered on the debit side of the Trading Account:

Opening stock (at the beginning of the Accounting Year)

b) Purchase of goods i.e., goods purchase in a given Accounting year minus

goods returned (also known as Returns Outwards)




Charges directly related to the cost of the goods purchased. For

example: Freight, Duty, Clearing Charges, Dock Dues, and Carriage.
Inwards, Cartage etc.,

The following are to be considered on the credit side of the Trading Account:

Sale of goods minus goods returned.

b) Closing stock

The credit balance on the Trading Account i.e., excess of credit over debit
shows gross profit. This gross profit will be shown on the debit side of the
Trading Account to balance the account. The gross profit will be carried
forward to credit side of the Profit and Loss Account.

11. Activities to be carried out at the end of the Accounting Year

Valuation of Closing Stock
Valuation of work-in-progress
List of bad-debts for approval of the Board to write-off
If there is any indefiniteness regarding recovery of debts, give specific reasons
and classify it as doubtful debts and make provision for it
Write off the depreciation on various assets
Account of outstanding liabilities
Apportion payments made in advance
Account income accrued and not received
Adjustment or apportionment of income received in advance
Make provision for discounts to be allowed to debtors.
Make provision for discounts to be received from the creditors
Calculate interest and account for the same on capital and drawings.


12. Stock Valuations :


The unsold goods should be valued on the basis of cost price or market price
whichever is lower keeping the board policy in mind.

13. Accounting
Closing Stock
? Debit the stock account and credit the Trading Account
? Debit balance appear as asset in the Balance Sheet
Bad Debts

Debit bad debts Account and

Credit the accounts of Debtors
Bad debts Account will appear on the debit side of profit and loss

Doubtful Debts

Debit Profit and Loss Account and

Credit reserve for Doubtful debts Accounts
Deduct out of Sundry Debtors and show it in the Balance Sheet


Debit the depreciation account and

Credit the concerned Asset Account
debit Profit and Loss Account by depreciation Account
In balance sheet show it as asset minus depreciation

14. Profit and Loss Account


As already explained the gross profit shown in Trading Account should bring
on the credit side of Profit and Loss Account. All types of income received
will appear on credit side of Profit and Loss Account. All expenses to
carryout business like rent, salary, insurance, printing, advertisement etc.,
will appear on the debit side of the Profit and Loss Account. In other words,
on the debit side of the account, the items of expenses coming under the
following categories will be recorded.
? Selling and Distribution expenses
? Management Expenses

? Financial Expenses
? Maintenance and depreciation

The credit balance of Profit and Loss Account shows the net profit. The
debit balance on the Profit and Loss Account shows the net loss.

15. Balance Sheet


The Balance Sheet shows the following:

? How net profit influenced capital
? What is the capital made up of.


The Balance Sheet is a statement of financial position for the prescribed

accounting period in terms of Assets and Liabilities. The right hand side
shows the Asset side and left hand side shows the Liabilities side.


The assets and liabilities will be given value in terms of money.

The assets will show how money was used.

The liabilities will show where the money had come from.


Liabilities to creditors and



The Balance Sheet to be supported by Profit and Loss Account sources and
uses of funds statement, notes to the financial statements and the auditor


What the business owns are assets and what it owes are liabilities. The assets
are of two groups, namely:
Fixed Assets
Current Assets

Fixed Assets: - Are meant for long term use

Current Assets :- Are ready to be converted into cash during the operating cycle of the
business e.g., accounts receivable, inventories, marketable securities. Cash is a first
current asset. The period between buying the raw materials and selling the finished
products is the operating cycle, which will be less than one year.


16. Liquidity

Liquidity, measured in degree depends on how quickly an asset can be

converted into cash. Therefore current assets are more liquid than fixed

17. Quick Asset


Quick Assets are part of current assets. it can quickly be converted into cash.

18. Outstanding assets


This refers to amounts yet to be paid by the customers. These customers are
referred to as debtors or accounts receivable. This will appear on the asset
side of the balance sheet.


Long term assets like land, buildings, plant and machinery, motor vehicles,
fixtures and fittings are the fixed assets. There will not be much variation or
fluctuation in value as far as fixed assets are concerned.


On the other side current assets will vary much even on day-to-day basis.
All the inventories like stocks of finished products, raw materials and workin-progress are all current assets.


Normally fixed assets will not sell to raise cash, because they are meant for
long term use. The liquidity of the fixed assets is very low.

19. Valuation

The value of assets should be estimated before it is incorporated in the

balance sheet. This should be done within the framework of the Accounting
Policy of the Board/ Organisation/ Business firm. The normal rule is that
current assets are valued at cost price or market price, whichever is less.
Fixed assets are valued at cost price less depreciation and shown on the
Assets side of the Balance Sheet.


In the absence of a definite policy, some companies may overvalue their

assets to mislead the various stake holders, like share holders and debenture


The value of marketable securities is computed with reference to their market

value and indicated in the assets side of the Balance Sheet.


While making a valuation of inventories, spoiled stocks or obsolete stocks

should be deleted.



Valuation of goodwill is difficult. Goodwill will depend on reputation. It is

It will be incorporated in the Balance Sheet only when it is
raised in the books of accounts, for example, at the time of purchasing a
going concern.

20. Liabilities

The three main groups of liabilities are :

? Current liabilities
? Fixed liabilities
? Share holders funds

(Shareholders are different from person who has given loans to the company. People
who have given loans are not the owners of the company. Shareholders are the owners of
the company.)


Long term loans from financial institutions are an example of fixed liability.
Short term loans and overdraft accounts payable are examples of current
The cost of current liabilities will be low when compared to the cost of fixed
Current liabilities and fixed liabilities are called outside liabilities.
Normally, the current liabilities have to be met within one year.
Fixed liabilities represent the long-term finance and the current liabilities
represent short-term finance.
Usually, long term loans are obtained on the basis of property as security.
The property offered as security may be in the form of building, plant and
machinery etc.

21. Share holders Funds .


To a company the major portion of money comes from the shareholders.

This will be shown in the Balance Sheet as Capital issued and subscribed.
It must be within the limits of Capital Authorized by law.


The company will pay dividends to its share holders. The dividends will be
paid out of profits.
The portion of the profits retained in the business without payment to the
shareholders may form Capital reserve and revenue reserve.



Revenue Reserve emanates from profit from normal business operations.

Capital reserve comes from the amount realized from the sale of fixed assets.
The sale of fixed assets is not part of normal business operations.



Only profit in the form of dividend will be paid to share holders. The
original amount subscribed by the share holders will not be paid up until the
company is closes down. Therefore, the funds of the share holders are a
permanent finance of a company. This is shown as liability in the Balance
Sheet, as this amount is owed by the company to its shareholders. The
company will not pay interest on the funds of the share holders, but
compensates them in the form of dividends.


There may be different classes of shares. But we are concentrating on

ordinary shares and preference shares.


If the company is to wound up, the ordinary share holders will get their claim
settled only after all the creditors and other investors get their claims settled.
Preferential share holders will have priority over their ordinary shareholders.
This is because the ordinary share holders are the real owners of the

22. Capital Reserve


Sometimes the revaluation of fixed assets shows increased value. This is

called capital revenue.
They may be in form of cumulative totals
(accumulated from year to year) upto the end of the period in the balance


A company must obtain legal clearance to issue shares up to certain amount.

This is called capital authorized. A company can issue shares up to the
amount of capital authorized. Normally, a company floats shares much
below the amount of capital authorized. Out of shares floated by the
company, the amount actually contributed by the shareholders is called the
capital issued and subscribed.

Points to note:
Only in case a company is to be wound up, does the question of liability to return
shareholders funds arise. The dividends to share holders will not be paid from capital
reserve, but may be paid out from revenue reserve.
Apart form paying dividends to share holders, out of net profit, a company will try to
retain some portion of the profit arising from its normal operations. This is called
Revenue Reserve. This revenue reserve may be used for (a) future expansion plans or (b)
to pay dividend for those years, when there is less or no profit or to simply maintain
consistency in payment of dividends and thereby maintain credibility in the minds of the


23. Solvency

If assets are more than that of out side liabilities, a company is said to be

24. Liquidity

If a company can meet its current liabilities out of current assets, it is called
as liquid.

25. Working capital


Working Capital is calculated as:

CA - CL = W.C.
Where CA stands for current Assets, CL stands for current liabilities and WC
stands for Working Capital.

26. Gearing

Gearing refers to the SHF: BM (LC) where SHF refers to the shareholders
funds and BM refer to the borrowed money or loan capital.

Example 3
If gearing is 4:1 it means that proportionality is 4/5 and 1/5 i.e., 4/5 is SHF and 1/5 is
BM. Therefore SHF = 80% and BM = 20%. This is a situation of low gearing that is 4:1,
showing less loan capital and also indicating that there is scope to borrow more money.
The opposite 1:4 is a case of high gearing.

27. Comparison

The balance sheet gives two sets of figures, to compare the current balance
sheet with that of previous balance sheet.


Comparison will serve the purpose of ascertaining the cause for changes.
Such comparison will also help ascertain the sources and uses of funds.


The net working capital is nothing but excess of current assets over current
liabilities. In other words, the net working capital shows liquidity.


28. Sources and uses of funds


By comparing the current balance sheet with the previous balance sheet, the
statement of sources and uses of funds can be prepared.


Sources means, where does the money come from. Uses means, how such
new money has been used.


The new funds or money may be due to the

(i) Net profit i.e., after the depreciation
(ii) Depreciation; (Note: - because of depreciation money will not actually
Leave the business)
(iii) New shares subscribed
(iv) Fixed assets sold
(v) Fresh loans availed.


The funds might have been used :

(i) To pay dividends

(ii) Procurement of new fixed assets

(iii) Loan re-payment
(iv) To raise net working capital for more liquidity.

Sources of funds must always be equal to uses: to the extent that it is not
used, there will be an increase in the liquidity. There will be an increase in
the net working capital or increase in the gap between the current assets and
current liabilities.


The sources and uses of money statement should be attached to the balance
sheet. The mere rise in companys money may not be indicative of the
health status of the company. The health of the company depends on how
the money is used. If it is used for productive operations or for the
expansion of existing plants or for purchase of new machinery or for
modernization, future production may increase. If the new money is spent,
for example, for the construction or for the renovation of the houses of
directors, it may not improve production. Therefore, to read the financial
health of a company, one has to analyze how and for what purpose has the
money been spent.


29. Solvency ratio


The portion of the shareholder funds (SHF) out of the total liabilities
determines the solvency of a company. The higher the SHF when compared
to other liabilities in total, the greater the solvency and the vice-versa.


The share holders funds are also known as owners equity.


High solvency ratio means that the SHF portion in the total liabilities is high
representing capacity to borrow more money from outside. Low solvency
ratio means that SHF portion in the total liabilities is low and indicates that
there is less scope to borrow money from outside. The solvency ratio is
often expressed as a percentage.


The two measures of liquidity are (a)Current ratio and (b) Quick ratio


Current Ratio is measured by the following formula:

Where CR - Stands for current ratio
CA stands for current assets and
CL stands for current liabilities

Quick Ratio is measured by the following formula:

Where QR stands for quick ratio
QA stands for quick assets and
CL stands for current liabilities


To measure general liquidity, current ratio is required.

immediate liquidity, quick ratio is required.


In business, the harsh reality is that cash is more important than profit.
Therefore, there must be a situation of higher portion of current assets when
compared to current liability, so that the current ratio will always be positive
i.e., more than one. To calculate the current ratio, the marketable securities
should always be included.


To measure


Quick assets are cash and include other assets which can quickly be
converted into cash. Quick assets do not include stock or inventories.

How quickly can liabilities be met?

To obtain answers, we have to use current ratio and quick ratio.
It is always safer to have the current ratio on the positive side to maintain a higher degree
of liquidity. This has to be specifically stated in an accounting policy. Based on an
analysis using current and quick ratios, the management may think of financial replanning.

30. Profit and Loss Account (Income Statement)



The balance sheet must be supplemented by the Profit and Loss Account.
The Profit and Loss Account shows :
Gross Profit
Operating Profit
Profit before tax (PBT)
Net Profit after tax (NPAT)

Gross Profit (G.P.)

Cost of sales includes money spent on raw materials, wages and factory overhead costs.
Operating Profit (OP)
OP = GP - Selling administrative and general expenses
Selling administrative and general expenses includes office staff, stationery, telephone,
sales force etc.,
Profit Before Tax (PBT)
PBT = OP - Non-operating expenses.
Non-operating expenses include interest payment on loans, losses on the sale of
investments and fixed assets etc.
Net Profit after tax (NPAT)
NPAT = PBT - Income Tax


The Profitability is measured on (a) Return on capital employed, (b) Return on share
holders funds (SHF) as indicated in the formulae given below:
Return on Capital Employed
PBT + Interest on fixed liabilities
= --------------------------------------Capital employed

X 100

Return on SHF

---------------------- X 100

Capital employed
Capital employed means
Total Assets

Current Liabilities

Capital employed is nothing but SHF + long term liabilities.

To read the balance sheet it is necessary to utilise the auditors certificate and notes to the
financial statements.
The data available in a balance sheet will not be sufficient to value the company as a
going concern. Because it is concerned only with things that can be expressed in
monetary terms. The other limitation is that figures that appear in the balance sheet are
only estimates and not scientific facts. The technical competency of staff, technological
advancement, market conditions etc., will have its own effects on business environment.
These aspects are not revealed in the balance sheet.




Administrative Training Institute

Lalitha Mahal Road, Mysore - 570 011


Learning Unit 1
Instructions to Faculty

Basics of Commercial Accounting and Balance Sheet


Objectives :


At the end of this Learning Unit the participants will be able to:


classify transactions on the debit and credit side

understand important entries in the Subsidiary Registers
Prepare Trial Balance
Prepare Trading Account
Prepare Profit and Loss Account
Prepare Balance Sheet
Read Balance Sheet with some crucial ratios

Sub Units of Learning


Objectives and advantages of double entry

Specimen transactions indicating classification of debit or credit
Importance of Subsidiary Registers
Trial balance
Trading Account
Profit and Loss Account
Preparation of Balance Sheet and Skills to read a Balance Sheet

3. Methodology

Faculty shall start Presentation by Story telling with reference to a

businessmens financial transitions Vis--vis accounting procedures.
The methodology followed will provide for a mix of presentations by
faculty, which will raise issues and/ or provide specific exercises for
discussion among the participants in small groups. Group discussion will
be followed by plenary presentation by the participants. After the plenary
presentations, faculty will intervene for listing out the crucial learning
points from the session/ discussion, which will then be summed by the
faculty. On an average, the initial presentation cum discussion will take
approximately one hour. The group discussion/ activity/ exercise will take
approximately two hours, which will be followed by group presentations,
plenary discussions and summing up.



The details of group activity with detailed instructions are explained in

the handout on Group Activities for Learning Unit 1.


To ensure the transferability of learning the ratio between knowledge and

skill is determined at 1:3 and the participants will list important learning
points at the end of the presentation of group activity.

4. Reading Material:

Reading materials along with the tasks and exercises to be completed by

the participants will be supplied.


Participants may also use Library books and journals.


This design contains details regarding:

a) How faculty should conduct learning activities and
b) The details of group activities

5. Instructions to Faculty

The basic responsibility of the faculty is to create learning environment

which facilitate the learner to learn. Most participants are expected to be
Non-Commerce graduates, and hence it is crucial that an environment be
created to enable them to grasp the basics of Accounting and Balance Sheets.


It is neither intended nor possible from a course of this nature that the
participants are made experts in financial management. The objective of this
learning unit as well as the other learning units is to enable the participants to
acquire some minimum skills to read the financial pages and to enable them
to analyze the key issues recorded in the financial records, to take financial
decisions on their own.


Therefore in this learning unit the Faculty should start on an inspiring note
clearly explaining the objectives.


The estimated time for this learning unit is 6 hours.


The first two hours i.e., before the commencement of this learning unit the
faculty :
? Will introduce him/her.
? Initiate an icebreaking and introductory activities for all the participants to
get to know each, and create an environment that is cheerful, friendly,
non-formal and non-hierarchical.



? elicit expectations from the participants and make an analysis of the

expectations with reference to the course design.
? explain the objectives of the course, highlighting the methodology
proposed to be used.
The Faculty may use the following visual aid to explain the course contents:

Visual Aid -1: Course Contents - Phase 1 & 2

Course Contents - Phase 1 & 2


Accounting Policy
Basics of Commercial Accounting and reading of Balance
Discounted Cash Flow Technique and Internal Rate of Return
Management of Capital
Measurement of Risk
Capital Asset Pricing Model
Derivatives related to investments
Structure of Capital
Analysis of Financial Pages
Performance budgeting
Zero-base Budgeting
Cost-benefit analysis
Portfolio theory
International Finance


After giving a brief overview of the course contents, faculty may break
participants into four groups. It is necessary to ensure that every group
has members of equal potential and experience. Faculty may ensure that
participants with commerce backgrounds or experience in the corporate
management are equally distributed in all the groups, rather than being
clustered in one group only.


With this faculty may provide participants with any other details about the
training institution, available facilities, including library, computer centre,
recreation facilities etc.

Now Commence with the presentation on L.U-I


Make a presentation on the Basics of Commercial Accounting, ensuring

that all points listed in Visual Aid-2 are covered. It is necessary to obtain
immediate feedback on each point covered in the presentation, in order to
assess the participants level of understanding.


Visual Aid - 2: Basics of Commercial Accounting

Basics of Commercial Accounting

Subsidiary registers
Trial Balance
Trading Account
Profit and Loss Account
Balance Sheet

Visual Aid - 3: Classification



Personal Account
Asset Account
Nominal Account
While explaining classifications, faculty must ensure that they explain (a)
each account with at least two examples, (b) the meaning of debit and
credit, (c) ledger rulings.

Visual Aid 4: Subsidiary Records

Subsidiary Records


Cash Book
Purchases Book
Return outwards Book
Sales Book
Return inwards Book
Bills Receivable Book
Bills payable Book
Journal Proper
The overall objective of Subsidiary Records is to maintain accuracy in
accounts and prevent fraud. While handling the portion on Subsidiary
Records, Faculty should explain (a) the importance and objectives of each
record, (b) Ledger Postings, (c) how to identify key entries in these
registers and for what purpose.


Visual Aid -5: Trial Balance

Trial Balance


Balances method
Debit Balance
Credit Balance
Capital Account
While explaining Trial Balance, faculty should explain (a) the meaning of
balances on accounts, (b) why Trial Balances must be prepared, before
finalizing Accounts. This should preferably be shown with a concrete
example, which indicates why and how a Trial Balance always tallies. (c)
Why certain accounts always show debit balances and other accounts
always show credit balances.

Visual Aid 6 : Trading Account

Trading Account


Opening Stock

Less: returns

Less: returns

Closing Stock

Freight duty etc.

Carriage Inwards

Gross Profit Transferred

to P & L Account

Total Rs.

Total Rs.


Faculty to explain :

The meaning of trading expenses

Stock Accounts
Direct Charges


Results of Trading Account

Visual Aid - 7: Profit and Loss Account

Profit and Loss Account

Selling and Distribution


Management Expenses


Gross Profit

Earned Discount

Income From Investment

Interest on Deposits

Maintenance and

Interest on renewal of bills

Net Profit

Other income

Financial Expenses

Total Rs.

Total Rs.


Faculty should explain each item on the debit side of Profit and loss
Account with examples. Faculty may use the example given below:

Selling and Distribution expenses


Ware house and Store Rent

Packing charges
Export charges
Cost of samples
Cost of catalogues
Travelers Salaries expenses and commission
Bad debts
upkeep of motor Lorries or Van

Management expenses

Office salaries and wages

Office Rent and Taxes
Office Lighting and Insurance
Office Car up-keep
Printing and Stationery
Telephone charges
Postage, Telegram etc.,
Legal expenses
Directors fees and expenses


o Managing Agents Remuneration and Commission

o Audit Fees
o Office General exposes

Financial Expenses
o Cash discounts allowed
o Cost of discounting bills
o Interest on Capital
o Interest on borrowed Capital
o Loss in exchange
o Discount on Issue of Debentures
o Preliminary expenses written off.
Maintenance and Depreciation
o Repairs and renewals
o Depreciation of Assets

Faculty may also explain the balancing of Profit and Loss Account and its
effect on the Balance Sheet.

Visual Aid - 8 : Liabilities & Assets




Sundry Creditors

Cash in hand

Cash in Bank

Bills Payable
Open Accounts
Wages and Salaries

Bills Receivable

Capital Accounts

Opening Balance

Plus: Profit
Minus: drawings

Sundry Debtors
Less: Reserve for
Doubtful debts
Less: Reserve for
Fixed assets
Minus: depreciation
Land + extensions

Total Rs.

Total Rs.




While handling this subject, faculty may explain the :

Format of Balance Sheet

Why Balance Sheet must always tally
Estimations of Assets and Liabilities
Provisions for bad and doubtful debts
Depreciation of Capital Assets
Capital Account

Visual Aid - 9: Assets



Fixed Assets
Current Assets
Quick Assets
Operating Cycle
Good will

Faculty should explain the impact of variation of each item on other

items. Also, explain the effect of variation of proportion inter-se. What is
its impact or change? How is accounting policy important?

Visual Aid - 10: Liabilities


Capital authorized
Capital issued
Capital subscribed
Revenue Reserve
Capital Reserve
Outside liabilities
Inside liabilities



Faculty should explain the meaning of each item shown in this visual aid
with simple examples.

Visual Aid - 11: Ratios


Working capital
Sources and uses of funds
Current ratio
Quick ratio
Debt equity ratio


Faculty should explain how to use ratios with two or three examples for
each ratio. Ensure that the participants are understanding implications of
the outcome.


Also explain that there are different stake holders to Balance sheet,
and that ratios can be used and analysed from the viewpoints of different
stake holders. Highlight how the out come of the ratio analysis can be


Ask the participants to make their own ratio analysis during the group

Visual Aid - 12: Analysis of Profit

Analysis of Profit

Gross Profit
Operating Profit
Profit before Tax
Net Profit after Tax
Return on Capital employed
Return on SHF


Faculty should explain (a) the importance of profit analysis with
reference to return on capital employed and return on shareholders funds with
two or three examples, (b) highlight what a balance sheet does not reveal, (c)
importance of stability and how does the Balance Sheet reveal the stability of
a Company.



Group Work:

After the preliminary presentation on the Basics of Commercial

Accounting and Balance Sheets, distribute Reading Material and Work
Sheet for group activity. Ask participants to read the material circulated
and thereafter to discuss the questions/ issues in the Work Sheet for
possible answers/ solutions.


Faculty should act as facilitator for each group to enable the participants
to solve the problems in the group. The Faculty shall monitor the group
activities as shown in the Handout on Group Activities for Learning Unit


Finally, Faculty should respond to the presentations made by the each

group and facilitate the culling out of learning points by the participants.



Discounted Cash Flow Technique

and Internal Rate of Return
[ Group Activities ]

Administrative Training Institute

Lalithamahal Road, Mysore - 570 011


Learning Unit 2

Group Activity
Discounted cash flow Technique and
Internal Rate of Return

This exercise will also be conducted in 4 groups. The first two groups will be
entrusted with the task of applying Discounted Cash Flow Technique. The next two
groups will calculate the Internal Rate of Return.


Each group will be given sufficient time to discuss and to solve the problems
entrusted to them and to prepare visual aids.


Each group will make a presentation using visual aids. Each group may be
given approximately 25 minutes for the presentation and Faculty may require
5-10 minutes for moderation and summing up.


At the end of each presentation all groups will list out the key learning
points, which will be consolidated in the plenary.


The Tasks: DCFT

Groups I and II.

Application of DCFT for purchase decisions.

(The following problems taken from the book Expenditure Control and Zero base budgeting by Prof. K.L.

The purchase choice relates to two machines, i.e., Machine A and Machine B
The details of Machine A are as follows:
Initial cost of A
O & M expenses

Rs.3.5 Lakhs

First year
Second year
Third year
Fourth year
Fifth year

Rs.0.30 Lakhs
Rs.0.30 Lakhs
Rs.0.40 Lakhs
Rs.0.50 Lakhs
Rs.0.55 Lakhs

The life span of Machine A is 5 years. The salvage value of Machine A at the
end of the 5th year is Rs.50,000-00


The estimated returns Machine A are as follows.

First year
Second year
Third year
Forth year
Fifth year

Rs.0.50 Lakhs
Rs.0.50 Lakhs
Rs.0.60 Lakhs
Rs.0.60 Lakhs
Rs.0.50 Lakhs

The details of Machine B are as follows:

Initial cost of Machine B

O & M expenses
First year
Second year
Third year
Forth year
Fifth year
Sixth Year

Rs.5.00 Lakhs

Rs.0.20 Lakhs
Rs.0.20 Lakhs
Rs.0.30 Lakhs
Rs.0.35 Lakhs
Rs.0.40 Lakhs
Rs.0.45 Lakhs

The life span of Machine 'B' is 6 years. The salvage value at the end of the 6th
year is Rs.0.80 Lakhs.
The estimated returns on machine B are as follows.
I Year
II Year
III Year
IV Year
V Year
VI Year

0.70 Lakhs
0.70 Lakhs
0.65 Lakhs
0.60 Lakhs
0.55 Lakhs
0.50 Lakhs.

Apply DCFT for a purchase decision.


The Tasks: IRR

Groups III and IV

Calculation of IRR to assess the viability of the project.

A farmer intends to make investment of Rs.20, 000 in a project involving
Construction of a small shed, purchase of tools and equipments, and installation
of oil ghani (crushing machine) with 2 HP (4 bull expeller) motor, including
fitting charges. The oil ghani has a life of 10 years, at the end of which its salvage
value will be Rs.1,000. His opportunity cost is 18%. For each year, the farmers
estimated earnings and costs associated with the project will be as follows :





Net Cash Flow









































*includes Rs.1000 as salvage value of the project.

His earnings include income from grinding 15 to 20 quintals of oil seeds of
Sarson (mustard) by charging a specified rate, revenue from sale of oil, etc. His
costs in operating the oil ghani include expenditure on raw material, labour,
overheads etc. His earnings from the project are termed as cash in-flows, and his
costs are called cash out-flows. The difference between the cash in-flow and the
cash out-flow is termed Net Cash Flow. The net cash flow for the 10th year (last
year of the life of the project) has been calculated as Rs.5000 which includes
Rs.1000 as salvage value of the project left at the end of its life.
Now, calculate Internal Rate of Return to find out the viability of the project.



Discounted Cash Flow Technique

and Internal Rate of Return
[ Reading Material ]

Administrative Training Institute

Lalithamahal Road, Mysore - 570 011


Learning Unit 2
Reading Material
Discounted Cash Flow Technique

The objective of the application of DCFT is to enable the investor to take

economical decisions i.e., decision with the least investment for the highest returns.


DCFT is based upon the concept of time value of money. In other words,
money in hand today is more valuable than the same amount of money after
some time, because of the existence of cost of money in terms of interest.


DCFT technique is useful in the following areas of investment decisions.


Buying or hiring.
Expanding the existing plant/ business/ or to going in for a new plant/
Whether to make full cash down payment or to make payments in
Whether to opt for machinery operated work or labour oriented work
Determine lead time in inventory management.
Project investments and return on such investments.

To apply DCFT, a common point of time should be determined, especially in

project finance. For example, cash out flow estimation may be made on
different dates six times during a calendar year. Similarly returns may be
obtained on different dates in the same year. All such estimated cash out flows
and cash in flows at different points of time in the year, must be brought in line
with a common time unit for the application of DCFT. The common unit of time
say, one year or 6 months or 3 months must be determined by the Project Board
for uniformity and consistency in calculation. Application of DCFT can also help
in comparing one project estimation with other projects, in order to facilitate the
investor in the selection of a project for implementation. DCFT can be used to
select the most economical method for application.


In project finance, DCFT is the most scientific technique to measure benefits and
costs associated with project.


DCFT will help assess the present value of returns and cost. This is based on the
reverse of Compound Interest formula. The compound interest formula is FV =
PV X (l + r)n
Where FV stands for Future Value,
PV stands for Present Value,


r stands for interest rate,

n stands for number of years.
In other words, Compound Interest formula will help us to find Future Value of
For example:
At the rate of 10% PA, the Future Value of Rs.100 at the end of the
I Year
II Year
III Year
IV Year


Rs.146.40 and so on.

By reversing the compounding interest formula, we can find the present value of
money receivable in future i.e.
(l + r)n

For example, if 'X' invests Rs.100 on 01.01.2001 at rate of 10% P.A. and he
expects a return of Rs.146.40 at the end of the IV year. In terms of the cost of
the money i.e., interest rate of 10 % P.A., the present value of Rs.146.40
receivable at the end of the fourth year is Rs.100 only. [It may be less than
Rs.100, if the negative aspect of inflation effect is calculated. But we are not
focusing on inflation accounting]


Every investor will expect returns higher than the Investment + Cost of
Investment. The cost of investment is nothing but interest rate. Some
investors expect returns higher than the present returns, i.e. more than the
present opportunity. This is called opportunity cost based approach to
calculate net returns. Opportunity cost will be the cost of capital to measure
the cost of cash outflow and cash inflow. Therefore, the cost of capital to
calculate the net return varies from person to person, firm to firm and
industry to industry. The Planning Commission of Government of India
fixes the cost of capital at 12% to calculate the net returns for all government
projects, barring some Agro-based industries, like sugar Factories, where the
deficiency in returns is subsidized because of social weightages.


The cost of capital i.e., in the form of interest rate or in the form of
opportunity cost is taken as Discount Factor to calculate the present value of
costs and the present value of returns. The difference is the net present value:


To save time, there are ready made: SPPWF table and USPWF Table.



SPPWF stands for the Single Payment Present worth Factor and USPWF
stands for the Uniform Series of Present Worth Factors. The tables are
enclosed to these reading materials.


The SPPWF table is prepared on the present value of Re.1.


The first vertical column shows years up to 50 years.


The first horizontal column shows discount factors upto 50 %


Overall, the SPPWF table shows the returns on a single rupee receivable in
future at the end of different years (upto 50 Years) and at the different
discount factors. Therefore, there is no need to use the formula to find out
the present value of a single rupee for each year and for each discount factor.


For example, to calculate the present value of Rs.10, 000 at the end of the 9th
year at the discount factor of 15%, we can use the SPPWF table, without
having to use the formula.
Go to 9th year in the first vertical column, go to 15 % Discount Factor on
the first horizontal column. Both straight lines will meet at 0.2843. To get
the PV of Rs.10, 000,
= Rs.10,000 X 0.2843
= Rs.2,843.
This means, that the Present Value of Rs.10, 000 receivable in future i.e., at
the end of the 9th year is Rs.2, 843.


Where the investment amount or the return amount or both investment and
return amounts varies from time to time (i.e., not being constant from y ear to
year) the SPPWF table must be applied.

USPWF table

If the investment amount or return amount or both investment and return

amounts are constant from year to year or for a group of years, the USPWF
table must be used for speedy calculation.


For example, if the return of Rs.10,000 is constant per year, say for 10 years
at the discount factor of 15% P.A., the use of the SPPWF table to calculate
the PV will be a long and laborious process, as is obvious from the example



If we use SPPWF table from 1st to 10th year and 15 % Discount Factor, it
will appear as:
I Year


II Year


III Year


IV Year


V Year


VI Year


VII Year




IX Year


X Year



In this example the return is Rs.10, 000 for each year: i.e. the return is
constant for each year. By using SPPWF tables we undoubtedly arrived at
the figure of Rs 5.0188. But it is a time consuming process.


Instead if we refer to the USPWF table and look at the 10th year of 15 % D.F.
column, we will find the figure of Rs 5.0188. This is the same figure that we
got by adding the figures from 1st to 10th year in the 15% of column of
SPPWF table. But we saved considerable time required for calculation.


To calculate the PV of Rs.10, 000 at the end of each year over 10 years
Rs.10, 000 X 5.0188
= Rs.50, 188
In other words, the PV of Rs.1, 00,000 is Rs.50, 188.


Consider the following example, where the

Cost of equipment A is Rs.19,00,000


Cost of equipment B is Rs.18,00,000, and

Cost of equipment C is Rs.17,00,000


All the equipment will serve a common purpose i.e., utility. The life span of
each equipment is 5 years.


Based on initial costs only, the obvious decision would be in favour of

purchasing equipment C since it costs least. However, if we apply DCFT
and consider information under indicators like Returns, Operation &
Maintenance expenses and Salvage Value, the decision would clearly be
different. Let us see, how this technique can be applied. Following are the
technical estimations regarding Returns, Operation & Maintenance expenses
and Salvage Value.

Initial Cost
Year O&M
Salvage value at the
end of the 5th year

Rs 19,00,000

Rs 18,00,000



Rs 17,00,000

Now calculate the present value at the Discount Factor of 20 %

Equipment A :
Present Value of estimated cash outflow is:
19,00,000 + (10,000 X 0.8333) + (11,000 X 0.6944) + (12,000 X 0.5787) +
(12,500 X 0.4823) + (13,000 X 0.4019) = Rs.19,34,169.
Present value of estimated cash inflow is:
(800,000 X 0.8333) + (800,000 X 0.6944) + (700,000 X 0.5787) + (800,000 X
0.4823) + (500,000 X 0.4019) + (200,000 X 0.4019) = Rs.21, 97,960
Net present value is equal to benefits in terms of present value minus cost in terms
of present value. That means that in this case: NPV = 2, 63,791


Equipment B :
Present value of estimated cash outflow is:
18, 00,000 + (12,000 X 0.8333) + (13,000 X 0.6944) + (14,000 X 0.5787)
+ (14,500 X 0.4823) + (15,000 X 0.4019) = Rs.18, 40,150
The present value of estimated cash inflow is:
(8, 00,000 X 0.8333) + (7,00,000 X 0.6944) + (6,00,000 X 0.5787) + (5,00,000 X
0.4823) + (4,00,000 X 0.4019) + (1,00,000 X 0.4019) = Rs.19,42,040
The NPV in the present case is = 1, 01,890
Equipment C :
The PV of estimated cash outflow is:
17, 00,000 + (14,000 X 2.9906) = Rs.17, 41,868
The PV of cash inflow is:
(7, 00,000 X 0.8333) + (7,00,000 x 0.6944) + (6,00,000 X 0.5787) + (6,00,000 X
0.4823) + (3,00,000 X 0.4019) + (50,000 X 0.4019) = Rs.18,46,655
The NPV in the present case = 1, 04,787
Consider the NPV of 3 equipments together.
Equipment A :

Rs.2, 63,791

Equipment B

Rs.1, 01,890

Equipment C

Rs.1, 04,787

The decision to purchase should invariably be in favour of Equipment A, even

though its initial cost is higher than that of Equipment B and C.

Internal Rate of Return


IRR must be calculated in order to assess at what point of time in the project the
investor will fully recover his /her initial investment. This point is indicated by
percentage. If NPV = 0, the Present Value of benefits is equal to the Present Value
of costs. The time required to recover initial investment may vary from project to
project. An investor will clearly opt for a project where he/she can quickly recover
the initial investment, when compared to the other projects.



The point, at which the discount factor shows the NPV as zero, is nothing but
IRR. In other words IRR exists at the point where NPV = 0 or the PV of
benefits is equal to PV of costs.


If PV of benefits is more than the PV of cost, (NPV > 0) NPV is positive. If

PV of benefits is less than the PV of costs, (NPV < 0) NPV is negative. If
PV of benefits is equal to the PV of costs, (NPV = 0) NPV is neutral. IRR
exists at the discount factor at which NPV = 0.


How is IRR calculated? An Example:


A person wanted take up project X with an initial investment of Rs.10, 000.

This project involves purchasing of machinery etc., The project is estimated
to have life span of 5 years. The estimated Salvage Value of the left overs
at the end of the fifth year is Rs.500. The other relevant estimations
pertaining to the project are as follows :-

*includes Rs.500 as salvage value of the project.

Net Cash flow



Here, the earnings mean cash inflow in the form of returns. Cost means
Operation and Maintenance expenses. The objective of the IRR calculation
is to ascertain discount factor (cost of capital) at which the investor recovers
the initial investment of Rs.10, 000 in terms of present value.


Solution: The reader may note that IRR can be determined only by trial and
error. A discount factor where NPV = 0 cannot be determined all of a
sudden. Therefore two different factors must be arbitrarily selected: one
yielding positive figure (NPV > 0) and another yielding negative figure
(NPV < 0). Next by using the interpolation formula between these two, IRR
can be determined at which NPV = 0. In arriving at the following solution by
trial and error, one discount factor worked at 10% and the other discount
factor worked at 12%.



Initial Cost =



D. F at 10% NPV

at D.F. at 12% NPV



By using the Interpolation Formula :

IRR = 10 + [(12-10 X

59 (-471)

= 10 + (2 X 59 )
= 10 + 59
= 10 + 0.22
= 10.22
Therefore IRR = 10.22 %

Therefore, in this case, the investor recovers his/her initial investment at the
discount factor of 10.22%, where benefit is equal to costs.


However, if the cost of capital in the present case were to be less than
10.22%, the investor would gain and the project would be viable. For
example, if the cost of capital were 9 %, the investor would gain to the extent
of the difference between 9% and 10.22 %. The higher the difference
between cost of capital and IRR, the higher the return.


Conversely, if the cost of capital is more than 10.22 % (Cost > Benefits),
then the project is not viable for the investor.


There must invariably be sufficient difference between the cost of capital and
IRR. If the cost of capital is low and the IRR is high, there will obviously be
greater difference between costs and benefits, showing the positive effect of
NPV. The higher the difference the higher the net benefit. There must be
sufficient margin of safety before considering the project as worthy of



Graphic presentation.


Graphically, the situation can be represented as follows. In the graph given

below, the curve cuts the OX axis at 10.22 %, showing NPV = 0. If the cost
of capital were 9%, (NPV > 0), the benefits would exceed the cost. The gap
between the 9% and 10.22 % is the margin of safety. Conversely, if the cost
of capital were 11 % (NPV < 0), the costs would exceed the benefit.





Discounted Cash Flow Technique











r is the rate of discount and n is the number of time periods.



































0.9259 0.9174 0.9091
1.7833 1.7591 1.7355
2.5771 2.5313 2.4869
3.3121 3.2397 3.1699
3.9927 3.8897 3.7908
4.6229 4.4859 4.3553
5.2064 5.0330 4.8684
5.7466 5.5348 5.3349
6.2469 5.9952 5.7590
6.7101 6.4177 6.1446
7.1390 6.8051 6.4951
7.5361 7.1607 6.8137
7.9038 7.4869 7.1034
8.2442 7.7862 7.3667
8.5595 8.0607 7.6061
8.8514 8.3126 7.8237
9.1216 8.5436 8.0216
9.3719 8.7556 8.2014
9.6036 8.9501 8.3649
9.8181 9.1285 8.5136
10.0168 9.2922 8.6487
10.2007 9.4424 8.7715
10.3711 9.5802 8.8832
10.5288 9.7066 8.9847
10.6748 9.8226 9.0770
10.8100 9.9290 9.1609
10.9352 10.0266 9.2372
11.0511 10.1161 9.3066
11.1584 10.1983 9.3696



















































Discounted Cash Flow Technique

and Internal Rate of Return
[Instructions to Faculty ]

Administrative Training Institute

Lalithamahal Road, Mysore - 570 011


Learning Unit-2
Instructions to Faculty
Recap on Learning Unit-I

Before commencement of Learning Unit II, the Faculty may spend approximately
half an hour to make a recap of the Learning Unit-I with reference to the following
10 questions:
1. What is the objective of Trading Account ?
2. What is the Objective of Profit and Loss Account ?
3. What are the differences between the (i) Authorised Capital (ii) Issued
Capital and (iii) Subscribed Capital ?
4. Who are the real owners of a company ?
5. What is the difference between the inside liabilities and the outside liabilities ?
6. What are solvency ratios ?
7. What are liquidity ratios ?
8. What is gearing ? What is low gearing and what is high gearing ?
9. What is debt equity ratio ?
10. What is an operating cycle ?


Discounted Cash Flow technique and

Internal Rate of Return


Objectives :
At the end of this Learning Unit, the participants will be able to : Calculate the present value of money receivable in future
Use SPPWF and USPWF tables to calculate the PV of cost of returns
Calculate the most economical decision
Calculate the net present value (NPV)
Calculate the Internal rate of return (IRR)


Sub-Units of Learning Unit-2



Meaning and objective of DCFT

Present value of formulae with examples
Using of Discount factors with examples
Using of SPPWF table with examples
Using USPWF table with examples
Calculation of Internal rate of return

Instructions to Faculty :
Make a presentation in the sequence listed below, using visual aids Nos. 13 19:
Explain the time value of money and meaning of discount factor, the
advantages of using DCFT and to which situations DCFT can be
Give simple examples, for example returns accruing on National Savings
Certificates, Fixed Deposits etc.,
Explain with examples the method of calculating future value of money by
using Compound Interest
Explain how present value (PV) can be calculated by reversing the
Compound Interest Formulae
Explain how discount factor can be used.

Explain how SPPWF and USPWF have been constructed and how it can
be used with examples.
Explain the meaning and the purpose IRR
Explain how scientific it is to use IRR to take investment decisions with
calculations and graphs
Explain the meaning of Salvage Value.
Explain how interpolation formulae can be used to determine the IRR
Explain with examples how to calculate NPV

Visual Aid -13: Discounted Cash Flow Technique

Discounted Cash Flow Technique

Objective and Scope

Present Value of money
Common point of time

FV = PV x (1 + r )n
PV=FV x ----------(1 + r )n


Visual Aid - 14: SPPWF & USPWF


Use of SPPWF and USPWF tables

Discount Factors
Opportunity cost
Net present value

Note:- Faculty to explain the use of table with examples on the black board, instead of
using PV formula.

Visual Aid -15: Purchase Decisions

Purchase decision
Initial Cost



Note: Faculty to explain with reference to the reading materials for LU 2, why
equipment A should be purchased after calculation of NPV.

Visual Aid -16: Internal Rate of Return

Internal Rate of Return;
Example: Initial Cost: Rs.10,000
* Includes Rs.500 as Salvage Value


Net Cash Flow


Visual Aid -17: Internal Rate of Return

(Solution to problem posed in Visual Aid 16)


Net Cash Flow

D.F. at

NPV at

DF at 12% NPV at


Initial Cost


(-) 10,000
(+) 59


Visual Aid -18: Interpolation Formula

Interpolation formula to determine IRR

IRR 10 + (12-10) x
59 - (-471)

= 10 + 2 x


= 10 + 0.22
IRR = 10.22%


(-) 471

Visual Aid -19: Graphic Presentation





4.Group exercise:

After the faculty has made a presentation based on the above visual aids No
13 - 19, faculty may give exercise described in the Handout on Group
Activities to the participants for application of DCFT for purchase decisions
and calculation of IRR.


The task on DCFT will be given to two groups; each group will work
separately. One hour time limit is sufficient to discuss, to workout the
application, to take decisions, and to prepare visual aids. In addition, 30
minutes will be required for group presentations for moderation.


Similarly, the other 2 groups will be given the task of calculating the IRR to
assess the viability of the project. Each group will work separately.


After the groups have made their presentations, the faculty should document
the critical learning points



A. Performance Budgeting
B. Zero Base Budgeting
C. Cost - Benefit Analysis


Administrative Training Institute

Lalithamahal Road, Mysore - 570 011


Learning Unit-3
1. Group Activities

Each group will be given reading materials and details of group activities.
Each group should read the material supplied, discuss solutions to the
exercise given in the group activities and make presentations thereon.


Each group will be given sufficient time to discuss and to prepare visual
aids for presentation.

2. Group 1:

Group 1 will be assigned the task of designing a responsibility centre by

using the concept of performance budgeting.


The group will select a responsibility centre of their choice and design the
same as per check list given in the reading materials.


The time for presentation and moderation will be approximately 30-40



After the group presentation, the participants will list out the learning
points in the plenary.

3. Group 2:

Group 2 will work on an application of Zero Based Budgeting. Group 2

will select a decision unit, list out 5 to 10 decision packages under the
selected decision unit, and choose one specific decision package to design
with reference to the points in the Reading Material.


Approximately, two hours will be given for the group to discuss and to
prepare the visual aids for presentation. In addition, 30-40 minutes will be
available for presentation and moderation.


After the group presentation, the participants will list out the important
learning points in the plenary.

Note: Both the first group and second group may assume approximate financial figures
for the purpose of class-room exercise. Lack of exact financial figures cannot be assumed


as a major constraint. Approximate figures selected by the group for designing and
analyzing will serve the purpose.

4.Groups- 3 and 4

Group 3 will undertake a cost-benefit analysis on the case study, entitled

'The Demodas valley flood control scheme' by Ajit K. Dasgupta and D.W.


Group 4 will undertake a cost-benefit analysis on the case study, entitled

'The Damodar valley Flood control scheme' also by Ajit K. Dasgupta and
D.W. Pearce


In order to make an effective analysis the groups should refer to the

reading materials in Learning Unit-3.C.


There will be sufficient time for discussion and preparation of visual aids.
Approximately 30-40 minutes will be available for presentation and


All the groups will list out the learning points in the plenary.


The Damodar Valley Flood Control Scheme
(Ajit.K. Dasgupta and D.W. Pearce)
The last chapter studied the application of cost-benefit analysis to the choice of site for a
particular project. The present chapter is concerned with evaluating a project is already
in operation.
The Damodar river rises in the Palamau hills, Bihar (north-east India), at an elevation of
about 2000 feet. It flows eastwards for about 180 miles through Bihar and enters the
deltaic plains of West Bengal below the coal-mining centre of Raniganj (see Fig. 1). It
continues to flow east and as it reaches the boundary of Burdwan district it is joined by
the river Barakor. The enlarged river flows along the boundary of Bankura and Burdwan
districts and then into the Burdwan district, passing just south of Burdwan town. About
ten miles east of Burdwan town, the river abruptly changes its course and turns south. It
bifurcates into the rivers Mudeswari and Damodar about two miles before entering
Hooghly district. In the extreme southern part of Hooghly district, some thirty miles
below Calcutta, it joins the Hooghly river which reaches the sea shortly afterwards.
The catchments area of the river at its mouth is about 8500 square miles, of which nearly
7000 square miles is the catchments area of the upper Damodar. (The confluence with
Barakor River is regarded as separating the upper and the lower stretches of the
The topography of the Domodar valley changes from hilly and forest regions in the upper
portion of the drainage area to the flat deltaic plains of the lower region. This is reflected
also in the slope of the river, which is 10 feet per mile in the first 150 miles of its course,
3 feet per mile in the next 100 miles and less than 1 foot per mile in the last 90 miles.
The Damodar is a flood-prone rive. Since at least as far back as 1730, it has been known
to overflow its banks during the rainy season, leading to devastating floods in the lower
The occurrence of floods along the Damodar River is due in the first instance to heavy
storm-rainfalls during the monsoon period, and more generally to certain characteristics
of the river regime. Thus, in the earlier part of its course the river flows very rapidly,
eroding land and collecting silt, a tendency which has been accelerated by deforestation
in the upper reaches. J In its lower reaches, the flat deltaic plains of West Bengal, it
becomes a sluggish stream and discharges its flood waters and silt along its banks.


Table1. Allocation of storage Capacities in the D.V.C. Dams

n and
To top
of gate































*in thousand acre feet
Source DVC data Book (1966)

The system of dams and reservoirs designed to develop and control the waters of the
Damodar valley is administered by a public corporation- the Damodar Valley
Corporation (D.V.C.). The control system is generally referred to as the D.V.C. system.
It consists of four dams, Tilaiya and Maithon on the Barakor, and Konar and Panchet Hill
on the river Damodar (Fig. 1). Of these, Tilaiya is a concrete gravity dam while the
others are earth dams with a concrete spillway. The total storage capacity of the four
dams together amounts to 2.9 million acre-feet, which is allocated between the different
objectives as shown in Table 1.


In addition to the four dams, the system includes a hydro power station at each of the
dams except Konar; thermal power stations; the Durgapur barrage; and numerous
irrigation canals off the barrage. Some characteristics of the lower Damodar valley are
described in Table 2.
Table 2 Classification of Area of Some Districts in the Lower Damodar Valley
According to Some Characteristics, 1962-3 (in thousand hectares)
Burdwan Bankura
(a) Area irrigated by various
canals *
(b) Area available for cultivation
(c) Area sown more than once
(d) Net area sown
(e) Area not available for
(f) Current fallows
(g) Other uncultivated land,
excluding current fallows
(h) Total area of the district
* Relates to 1960-1.
Excluding forest area.
Source: Directorate of Agriculture, West Bengal.
The capacity costs of the project are shown in Table 3.













Table 3 Capacity Costs of D.V.C. Dams


Storage capacity to top of

gate (thousand acre-feet)
Total cost in million rupees
Cost per acre-foot in rupees
* Exclusive of the costs of the hydroelectric station.
Source: Data supplied by the D.V.C.




97.5 *



The estimated lifetimes of the component dams are as shown in Table 4.

Table 4: Estimated Lifetime of D.V.C. Dams

Estimated lifetime in years




The project studied in this chapter has considerable significance in terms of the problems
discussed in Chapters 1-8, especially in the following respects. Firstly, the benefits of a
flood-control project during a particular year depend on whether or not a flood occurs in
that year, and this cannot be known in advance. Hence, in evaluating such a project, the
problems of risk and uncertainty, considered in Chapter 8, are involved in an essential
way. Our discussion in chapter 8, are involved in an essential way. Our discussion in
Chapter 8 reached the conclusion that under conditions of risk and uncertainty the
expected utility criterion provides the most generally acceptable method of project
evaluation. We shall attempt to use this approach in the present case, subject to the usual
limitation that utility has to be measured in monetary units, appropriate price data being
used for this purpose. In a sense, the whole of the present chapter can thus be regarded as
an extended appendix to Chapter 8.
Secondly, our objective is to develop a method for evaluating the benefits not only of the
project as it now stands but also of possible variants of it. The question of the potential
benefits of complete protection against possible floods compared to the partial
protection that is currently provided by the D.V.C. project is relevant here. The D.V.C.
project as originally conceived was supposed to build at least six dams and provide
enough flood storage capacity to prevent any flood damage in the area. Subsequently it
was decided to provide only partial flood protection and the number of dams was reduced
to four. It has often been suggested that the storage capacity should actually be increased
so that the original purpose of the project may be fulfilled. An evaluation of the social
benefit of complete protection in the area is thus a matter of some practical importance
and relates clearly to the problem of evaluating given as opposed to variable scale
projects discussed in Chapter 5. We shall attempt to develop a conceptual framework
which enables us to make such an evaluation.
Thirdly, we shall confine ourselves to the evaluation of benefits only. We make no
attempt at a systematic analysis of costs. In particular, the existing allocation of storage
capacity costs as between different objectives of the system, e.g. irrigation, power, flood
control, etc., is taken as given. Since a multiple-purpose rive-valley scheme such as this
one can properly be regarded as an indivisible unit, such an allocation is necessarily
arbitrary in some degree.
Finally, our main concern throughout is to illustrate principles rather than to deal
exhaustively with all the problems that actually arise.
While there has been a great deal of study of flood-control problems in India from
the engineering and hydrological points of view, on the economic aspects of flood
control little systematic research appears to have been done.


The authors of the D.V.C. Data Book point out that curves establishing relations between
flood storage versus damage in the lower valley have not been worked out after a
carefully planned survey of the affected regions after the occurrence of floods, and that,
in consequence, the benefits of the moderation of floods achieved by the use of the
D.V.C. dams have not yet been assessed on a scientific basis. An approximate appraisal
of the flood-control benefits of D.V.C. is attempted in the Data Book as follows.
Firstly, the moderation of floods by the D.V.C. reservoir system since it started operating
in 1958 is described. This is shown here in Table 5
Table 5

Actual Moderation of Damodar Floods, 1958-63

Peak flow (without dams)
Moderate flow at dams in
In thousand cusecs*
thousand cusecs*
23-24 July 1958
12-13 Aug 1958
16-17 Sept 1958
11 July 1959
21-22 July 1959
10 Sept 1959
13 Sept 1959
1-2 Oct 1959
25-26 Aug 1960
30 Aug 1960
27-28 Sept 1960
22-23 Aug 1961
10-11 Sept 1961
2-3 Oct 1961
25-26 July 1962
22-23 Sept 1962
28-29 Sept 1963
2-3 Oct 1963
24-25 Oct 1963
* A cusec is one cubic foot per second.
Source: D.V.C. Data Book (1966).
Secondly, the relationship between the flood discharge and the area affected is stated to
be as in Table 6
Table 6: Relationship between Flood Discharge and Area Affected
Flood discharges
Less than 100,000 cusec
100,000 to 200,000 cusec
200,000 to 300,000 cusec
300,000 cusec and above

Region affected
Amta - Mudeswari
Amta - Mudeswari and Raina Area
Amta - Mudeswari, Raina and leftbank area


Area in square miles


Thirdly, the number of occasions when the different areas would have been affected
without dams and the number of occasions when they were actually affected with dams
are listed in Table 7.
Table 7

23-24 July 1958
12-13 Aug 1958
16-17 Sept 1958
11 July 1959
21-22 July 1959
10 Sept 1959
13 Sept 1959
1-2 Oct 1959
25-26 Aug 1960
30 Aug 1960
27-28 Sept 1960
22-23 Aug 1961
10-11 Sept 1961
2-3 Oct 1961
25-26 July 1962
22-23 Sept 1962
28-29 Sept 1963
2-3 Oct 1963
24-25 Oct 1963
Total of occasions 19
* Shows area was affected;
- shows area was not affected.

Area with Raina








The Benefits due to flood control are considered to be two fold: (i) the saving of
crops, and (ii) the protection of property. The probable damage due to flood inundation
is estimated from the previous data together with the further assumptions that (a) the
intensity of cultivation is 80 per cent, (b) the average yield of the crop (paddy) is 25
maunds per acre (=2056 lb per acre), (c) the price of paddy is Rs.15 per maund (i.e.
Rs.0.18 per lb) and (d) flooding of the left-bank area causes damage to property to the
extent of about Rs.200 million, in addition to the damage to agricultural production.
On these assumptions, the losses due to damage in the Amta-Mudeswari area are put at
Rs. (300 X 0.8 X 640 X 25 X 15)= Rs.60 million. Similarly, the damage due to flooding
in the Raina area is put at Rs.40 million and that due to flooding of the left bank at
Rs.400 million.


Hence the damage that would have occurred without dams is put at Rs.(19 X 60 + 8 X 40
+ 6 X 400) million =Rs.3860 million. The damage with the dams is estimated to be Rs.
(4 X 60 + 40) million =Rs.280 million. Hence the reduction is damage due to the dams is
estimated as Rs.3580 million.
Since this refers to the period 1958-64, the corresponding average flood benefit per year
becomes Rs. 3580 million = Rs.51 million approximately.
The method of evaluating flood-control benefits described above is based on the
correct idea that these benefits consist in the reduction of flood damage that the project
in question makes passive. However, the method suffers from a number of inadequacies.
Firstly, in using the sample observations during 1958-64 to derive the project benefits of
flood control, the method appeals implicitly to the theory of probability; but it fails to
specify a well-defined probabilistic model which can serve as a basis for prediction.
Secondly, the sample itself is too small.
Thirdly, the method does not lend itself conveniently to an analysis of the variations in
project benefit corresponding to variations in the reservoir operation policy.
Fourthly, the inclusion of all flood discharges above 100,000 cusecs in a given year leads
to double-counting of crop damage and hence to overestimation of flood-control benefit.
Because of these defects in the method used by the authorities of D.V.C. and as the more
conventional analysis based on the stage-damage curve (which relates various flood
stages to the associated levels of flood damage) is ruled out by the shortage of date, we
shall attempt to develop an alternative approach in terms of which the date that are a
available can best be utilized.
The basis assumption underlying our approach is that flood damage is a function of the
peak flow only (cf.Maass et al.[1] pp.287-8). In fact, the level of damage depends also
on such considerations as the time of year (which, for example, affects the maturity of
crops), the velocity of flow, the physical and chemical properties of flood waters and the
depth and duration of inundation. The use of peak flow as the determinant of flood
damage only provides a convenient first approximation (By defining peak flow as the
yearly maximum of average daily flows (rather than as momentary peaks), one can
also, to some extent, implicitly take duration into account).
If flood damage can be regarded as related predominantly to the level of flood discharge,
as is often the case, the benefits of flood control per period can be written as
B = x p (x){c(x)-c(x1 )]dx


Where p (x) denotes the probability density of peak flow x;

c (x) is the corresponding social cost (flood damage); and
x 1 denotes the moderated outflow corresponding to the flood discharge
level x.
In the case of a reservoir storage system of flood control, let x1 = ? (x) represent the
reservoir operation policy. Then, sub-stituting this equivalence into the first equation
B = x p (x){c(x)-c(? (x)1 )]}dx
Assuming a stationary probability distribution p (x) over the relevant period, the present
value of an annuity of B per period over the life of the project at the appropriate rate of
discount gives the gross benefit of the project. By subtracting from this figure the
relevant investment and operation costs similarly discounted to the base year; we can
get the appropriate measure of the net benefit of the project.
If c (x1 ) = 0, we have B= x p (x). c(x).c.dx which represents
Gross benefit of complete protection.
The corresponding present value gives the
expected present social value of complete protection. A comparison of this value with
the social cost involved can in principle determine whether complete protection is worth
It is likely that the reservoir operation policies as represented by x1 =? (x) will vary with
the peak flow, x. Suppose they vary as follows:
If x > x1, then x1 = ? 1 (x) ;
If x1 = x < x2, then x1 = ? 2 (x)
And so on.
The gross benefit of flood control becomes
B = x p (x){c(x)dx [8 x1 p(x)c{? 1 (x)}dx+ 1 x2 p(x)c{? 1 (x)}dx.]
Given the operating policy, the probability distribution p(x) and the flood damage
function c(x), B can be readily calculated.
In this section, the principles described in section 10.4 are applied in order to evaluate
flood-control policies in the Damodar Valley Project. There are two main problems; (a)
the estimation of the probability distribution of the peak flow; and (b) the estimation of
the peak flow/flood damage relationship. These problems are taken up in turn.


(a) Probability Distribution of Peak flow

The probability distribution of the peak flow was derived from the data on the yearly
maximum of average daily discharges in cusecs. These are given in Table 8 below. (The
reader who is not familiar with the mathematics used can safely skip the section which
derives the probability distribution.)
Table 8
Peak Flows at Rhondia, 1935-52
(thousand cusecs)

Maximum of average daily


The statistical theory of extreme values, as developed by Gumbel [2] and others, was
applied to derive the probability distribution of the peak flow. The logic of the theory
can be described briefly as follows. Consider a sample containing n independent
observations on a continuous variate x. We seek the probability distribution of the
maximum value of x in the sample. Clearly, the probability distribution of x and on the
sample size. Thus, let f(x) be the probability distribution of x and let
(x) be the
probability that the value x is the largest among n independent observations.

n(x) = {F(x)} n

Where F (x) = x -8 f(x) dx is the cumulative probability distribution of x


As is usual in the analysis of flood data, we assume that the initial distribution of x is the
exponential type:

F(x) = e -x
It can then be shown that
Lim n (x) = e -e -y
Where y is a transform of x such that
Y=a n (x-un),
With 1/ a n and un having the same dimension as x, so that y is a pure number.
Hence, the double exponential distribution e-e-y represents the cumulative probability
distribution of the reduced variety. The derivative of this gives the corresponding
probability distribution (probability density function) desired.
There are two possible approaches to the estimation of the theoretical distribution of the
largest value.
Firstly, if we know the functional form of the initial distribution and the values of its
parameters as well as the sample size n, then the parameters an and un , can be obtained
Secondly, if, as is more usual, the initial distribution is unknown, we can still estimate the
parameters an and un , provided we assume that the distribution is of the exponential
type. In this case, there are a number of alternative methods for estimating the
parameters an and un. We shall follow the large-sample modified least squares method
described by Gumbel ([2] pp. 35, 168-9).
As Gumbel shows, for large n, an and un can be estimated with a reasonable degree of
approximation independently of n. The estimates depend only on the sample distribution
of extreme values and are derived by the normal equations
---- = -----a
u = x - -----a
Sx, x denote respectively the standard deviation and mean of observations of the
extreme values and N, Yn are functions of the number N of extreme values observed. The
values of an and Yn as functions of N have been tabulated by Gumbel ([2] p.228).


The parameters of the theoretical distribution are now calculated for the date of Table 8.
They are shown in Table 9. below.
Table 9: Estimation of Parameters
Peak Flow:
Maximum of average
Daily discharges
N= Number of observations of largest value
x Sample mean (thousand cusecs)
Sx= Sample standard deviation (thousand cusecs)




1/a thousand cusecs)= Sx/



u (thousand cusecs)= x-Yn / a


Having calculated the constants, we can now proceed to derive the observed and
theoretical distributions of the largest value for each of the two types of peak-flow data
considered. These are shown in Table 11
Column 1 of Table 11 shows values of the reduced variety at intervals of 0.25, the length
of the class interval being necessarily arbitrary. Column 2 gives the corresponding values
of y as calculated from Beckers tables [3]; it gives the cumulative probability of y for
each value of y tabulated in column 1. Column 3 is derived by multiplying each item in
column 2 by the sample size; it gives the theoretical cumulative frequency. Column 4
gives the first differences of successive entries in column 3 and represents the theoretical
frequencies in each class interval.
The peak flows x, equal to the yearly maximum of average daily discharges obtained by
letting y take on the values shown in column 1, are given in column
5(x=Y/a+u;a, u being found from Table 9) The cumulative observed frequencies
corresponding to these values of x are derived from Table 10 which gives the peak- flow
data of Table 8 ranked in ascending order. K These are given in column 6. Column 7 is
obtained by taking first differences of the figures in cloumn6. These shown the observed
frequencies for the same class intervals for which the theoretical frequencies were


Table 10
Ranking of Peak Flows in Ascending Order
(Peak flow= yearly maximum of average daily discharges)

Peak flow
(thousand cusecs)

The cumulative frequency distributions for theoretical and observed peak flows as
calculated above are graphically represented in Fig. 8. (Peak flow= yearly maximum of
average daily discharges). The observed and theoretical cumulative distribution show
close agreement.
This provides some justification for the use of the estimated
distribution for the assessment of flood damage in this region.


Table 11: Theoretical and Observed Distribution of Peak Flow

(maximum of average daily discharges)
- 1.00
- 0.75
- 0.50
- 0.25




peak flow





(b) The Relationship between Peak flow and Flood Damage

The relationship between peak flow and flood damage was derived in two stages: (1) the
relationship between peak flow and area inundated, and (2) the calculation of the damage
per unit area inundated.
The choice of this method was dictated by the lack of data required for more
sophisticated methods of analysis. Since, in the area concerned, flood damage consists
predominantly of damage to agricultural output; it is believed that the method provides
reasonably satisfactory estimates of flood damage.
The relationship between the flood intensity and the are inundated was derived from the
observations listed in Table 12.


Discharge at Rhondia
(thousand cusecs)

Area inundated
(square miles)

Source: Report of the Committee for the Augmentation of Water Resources of Damodar
Valley Corporation (Calcutta, 1959) p.52.
A linear regression y = a + x was fitted to the data by the standard least-squares method
and gave the following results :
a = 324 930
= 0.305
r2 =0.944
t = ---------- = 9.215.
v 1- r2
The function

y = 324.93 + 0.305x

Was used for calculating the area inundated, y, for a given discharge, x. (See above for
the derivation of this equation. The relationship between the theoretical and observed
values suggested that a linear regression was justified.)
To calculate the damage per unit of is inundated, we made the same assumptions that
were used by the D.V.C. in computing their own estimates of flood damage, namely:

The intensity of cultivation is 80 per cent.

Paddy is the only crop grown
The average yield of paddy is 2056 Ib per acre
The average price of paddy is Rs.0.18 per Ib.

The probability distribution of the peak flow together with the discharge/flood-damage
relationship enable the gross benefit of flood-control policies as described to be
computed. For this purpose, the maximum of average daily discharges measure of the
peak flow was used, since this appeared to be the concept of most closely related to the
data of Table 12, from which the linear regression of the area inundated on flood
discharge was computed.


We then have the annual expected area inundated

= 324.93+ [0.305 X 257.03] = 403.38 square miles
(The sample mean x being used to estimate the population mean). On the assumptions
made about the damage per unit are in-undated, the value of crops lost per year is Rs.82
The life of the project was assumed to be one hundred years, which is generally used for
the evaluation of similar projects in India. The present value of an annuity of Rs.82
million per year for a hundred years at a 10 per cent rate of discount is Rs.820 million
approximately.1. This can be regarded as an estimate of the damage to agricultural
production due to floods in the Damodar Valley.
Apart from the damage to agricultural output, damage to property such as railway lines or
roads on the left bank of the Damodar River may also occur if the peak flow is
sufficiently high. The expected level of such damage can then be computed from our
estimated probability distribution together with the relevant damage function. Similar
considerations apply to the damage due to loss of life, although special difficulties are
involved in evaluating such damage.
The Damodar Valley Project cannot at present provide for complete flood protection.
Hence, to compute the benefits of the extent of flood protection achieved by the project,
one could follow the method indicated in section 10.4 by estimating the functions ? (x)
representing the reservoir operation policies in various ranges of values of x. The
benefits so computed could then be compared with the relevant costs.

A Summary
We shall conclude by pointing out some of the more important limitations of the method
of evaluating flood-control benefits described in this chapter.
Firstly, the estimation of the flood-damage function involves a number of serious
difficulties. Thus, the relationship between flood discharge and area inundated in this
region is likely to show an upward shift over time owing to the building of new structures
and the silting of the river bed in the lower valley. This has in fact been happening in the
deltaic regions of West Bengal, with the result that a peak flow of a given ni tensity now
tends to produce a greater extent of inundation than in the past.
Again, the damage per unit area inundated tends to increase over time because of
economic development. To the extent that such an increase in the damage factor is due to
autonomous economic development, the estimation procedure may be corrected by
appropriate statistical analysis (e.g. by taking trend factors into1 within the normal range
of rates of discount it actually makes very little difference whether the lifetime sued is
100 years or 150 years or infinity. 10 per cent has been widely sued as an accounting rate


of discount in public-sector projects in India. However, this rate is used here merely to
illustrate the method. The question of the appropriate social rate of discount has been
discussed in Chapter 6 above account). On the other hand, economic development may
result form the flood-control project itself. In this case, there are considerable conceptual
difficulties in evaluating project benefits. These are connected with the question: do
flood-control schemes lead to over-development in the flood basin? Such a question
cannot easily be answered within the framework of cost-benefit analysis itself (but see
Renshaw [4].
Secondly, this exercise has been confined to the flood-control component of the D.V.C
project; for this purpose, we took the allocation of storage capacity between different
objectives, e.g. flood control, irrigation and power, as given. This means in effect that we
accepted without question the constraints imposed on the system, viz., certain minimum
levels of power, flood-control storage and so on. On the other hand, one of the aims of
cost-benefit analysis of multi-purpose river-valley projects should be to examine the
opportunity costs of varying the levels of different constraints. This can provide means
of estimating the trade-offs between different objectives. However, the method described
for estimating the benefits of flood control may itself be regarded as a first step towards
making such comparisons possible. Thirdly, no attempt was made to estimate the
secondary benefits of flood control.
Finally, it must be stressed once more than the statistical calculations provided in this
chapter must be regarded as illustrative and preliminary rather than as providing a
blueprint for the project in question.



A. Performance Budgeting
B. Zero Base Budgeting
C. Cost - Benefit Analysis


Administrative Training Institute

Lalithamahal Road, Mysore - 570 011


Learning Unit - 3
Reading material

Performance Budgeting
1. Definitions:

It is an input-activity-output analysis.

2. Goal:

The goal of performance budgeting is to establish the relationship between

financial input and physical output, both tangible and intangible in
accountable terms with scope for proper performance measurement to
strengthen the accountability systems and to present the same to
representatives of people for discussion and voting during the budget session.

3. Objectives:
To adopt concepts of economy and efficiency
To plan and budget with the mission of customers satisfaction
To set targets under each variable by following the principles of operationality
and attainability.
To measure the performance, both tangible and intangible
To match responsibility, authority and accountability
To serve the purpose of systematic monitoring and evaluation
To enable internal customers and supervisory level staff to undertake performance
To enable external evaluating agencies to conduct performance audit.
To develop an activity oriented system to fill the gap between benchmark and
defined standards in terms of quantity, quality and time.
To present performance results to board level or to the representatives of the
people, as the case may be.


To enable the appropriate level of management to bring about corrections in the

system to consolidate the existing position and to think of further refinement.

At the macro level, the Head of the department must consolidate the
performance budget prepared for different responsibility centers. To begin
with, the mission of the organisation must be effectively marketed at all
internal managerial levels. A business survey should be conducted within
the policy frame of the government. If required, when conducting the
business survey, external customers may be involved along with other
departments and organisations to the extent that co-ordination is required
from them.


The task of business survey is both internal and external. The objective of
internal survey is to collect important data, followed with information.
For example, details regarding the budget for the ensuing year, current
year with revision, if any, and actuals of the previous three years. This
entails a study of the Annual administrative reports, Inspection Reports,
Audit Reports, Financial and appropriation accounts of previous three


In the external survey, the needs of the external customers must be

identified with proper methods and strategies, and if possible, with proper
evidence. This will enable the Head of Department and the managerial
level at different centres to match the response level of internal staff to the
needs of the different stake holders, including the final customers. This
will also enable the internal staff to identify benchmarks under different
variables and to enable them to redefine or to refix the standards in terms
quantity, quality and time. In other words the objective of business survey
is to ascertain the gap between, what it is and what ought to be. Once the
gap is identified the task of the internal staff is to identify what is possible
and what is not possible to fill the gap. It can also enable the internal staff
to draw out strategies and methods that need to be adopted in order to
fulfill the gaps in phased or consolidated manner. The pre-requisite for this
kind of an exercise is that the constraints must be identified, by doing the
SWOT analysis.


After the business survey is over, the next task is that the HOD lists out
the responsibility centers at macro level by involving the internal staff at
different managerial levels.
This must be done with precision and
accuracy for each responsibility center, area-wise. For example
Compulsory Primary Education is one of the responsibility centers in
the Education Department. Under this, there are a number of schools,
number of teachers, number of students in different districts, blocks,
villages through out the state. Therefore, listing out the name of each
school with address, names of teachers, numbers of students enrolled is
essential at the micro-level. Performance Budgeting must be prepared for


each primary school. A state wide consolidation of Performance

Budgeting must be undertaken for all the primary schools. Only then will
Performance Budgeting for Compulsory Primary Education be ready for
presentation at the macro level. Similar exercises must be undertaken for
all responsibility centers at the micro and macro level to make a
Performance Budget for the entire department. Such a document must be
placed before the Legislature for discussion and voting. Along with this
document, both internal and external evaluation reports for the previous
year should also be placed before the Legislature.


The concept of Performance Budgeting is based on the principles of

Investment Justification. Performance cannot merely be measured in
terms of money spent. In Performance Budgeting the financial input must
be related to the physical output, whether tangible or intangible. The
estimated relation between the input and the output should be scrupulously
monitored by the head of each responsibility center, during the
implementation process. The consolidated outcomes of the evaluation,
with reasons for short performance or non-performance or bad
performance, as the case may be, should be invariably placed before the
different stake holders, internal and external, to take further action,
including corrections, refinement, accountability etc.

Group Work:


Prepare the Performance Budget for a responsibility center using the check
list given below; presuming that, at this stage the task of business survey is
Check List to prepare PB for Responsibility Center

1. Title:
PB of the ------------------------------------------ (Project/Office/Scheme etc.) coming under
the ---------------------------- (Organization/Department) for the financial year ---------------

2. Aim
Write down the aims of the responsibility center within the policy frame of National or
State level.

3. Objectives
Write down the number of objectives on priority basis. Again under each objective list
the variables.


4. Targets
Under each variable spell out the targets.
If the targets are intangible (not measurable), mention the targets in terms of positive
statement. If possible, incorporate the figures for 3 years. That means, there must be 5
columns i.e., first three columns for the previous three years, the 4th column for the
current year with two sub columns covering both the original and revised targets, and the
5th column for the ensuing year.

5. Budget
List out budgetary details separately for manpower budget and the details of non-salary
budget, both under plan and non-plan. The details of capital outlays and loans, if any,
shall also be mentioned. It shall contain the column wise details for the previous three
years, current year budget with the sub columns for original and revised estimates and the
estimates for the next year. The detailed head wise, i.e., objective classification shall be

6. Organisation Chart
Mention the details of organization right from the Head of the responsibility Center with
cadre wise strength. Also, mention the job chart of the staff, with the details of authority
and responsibility. Under the job chart list out the events and list out the activities under
each event. For each activity, prepare a checklist.

7. Infrastructure Facility
The existing strength of the department in terms of buildings, machines, furniture and
other equipment etc., with the details of there condition shall be mentioned.

8. Constraints
The specific constraints experienced in the past three years and the anticipated constraints
and limitations shall be mentioned. For example, the work load, lack of equipment,
support, lack of training to operate new machinery, etc.

9. Co-Ordination
The expected level and areas of co-ordination with other organisations shall be
mentioned here.


10. Designing a Responsibility Center


For each responsibility center, determine the exact or appropriate funding

required achieving the objectives.


Under each objective determine the number of variables in order of

priority in terms of quantity and quality

10.3 Under each variable indicate the achievable targets in terms of quantity,
quality and time standards. . If necessary, indicate a phasing out of such
targets, if required on a monthly, quarterly, half yearly or an annual basis.
Where it is not possible to explain the targets in measurable terms, indicate
the same in the form of statements. Under each variable, ensure that you:

Briefly explain the variations under each variable between the

bench mark and the proposed standards

List out the activities to be undertaken to fill the gap between the
bench mark and proposed standards.

Mention implementation methods and strategies preferably in terms

of time standards with expenditure plan

Develop unit cost under each variable by following the techniques

of least cost methods.

In case of taking project as responsibility center adopt the network


Develop methods to measure the periodical performance under each

variable coming under each objective. For this purpose establish
an internal monitoring system, which clarifies:

who has to measure what

at what periodicity should it be measured
under which variable should it be measured
which yard stick should be chosen for measuring the
to whom should a report with periodical results be
what action should be taken by the person who receives the
periodical reports.

In other words MIS shall be adopted.


Consolidate the finance, activity and targets under each objective to

get the total figures.

Develop a system of documentation of performance

Develop a system







Note: The design in terms of format and columns may vary from responsibility
center to responsibility center. For this purpose HOD has to involve the Heads of
responsibility center in order to evolve a common format for responsibility center.

11. AT HoD Level

a. Performance Budgeting of each common responsibility center
consolidated at the HoD level. At this stage PB will be ready for
At HoD level the financial figures related
responsibility centers (Supervisory level) should be mentioned
and the same may be treated as overhead costs.

must be
the entire
to nonseparately

b. At this stage the Performance Budget document for the entire department
will be ready for presentation and discussion by different stakeholders.


Learning Unit - 3
Reading material


1. Meaning :
Zero base budgeting means starting from zero: it means viewing the funding/
budgeting required for an entire scheme or a programme or an item of a scheme
or programme afresh.

In the case of a proposal involving fresh expenditure, zero base budgeting

enables the planner to examine its necessity from various angles with a view to
taking a final decision for approving or rejecting the same.


In the case of on-going expenditure zero base budgeting helps examine the
necessity of continuance of that expenditure from various angles with a view to
enabling planners to take final decisions on whether to continue or stop that


In the case of recurring expenditure, zero base budgeting help view every item of
the recurring costs afresh in order to help planners decide as to whether to allow
the recurrence of the expenditure or to stop it.


If the initial examination indicates that the existing level of expenditure of any
item is inevitable, zero base budgeting will help question the incremental
expenditure of that item.

2. Methodology:
To prepare Zero Base Budgeting, it is necessary to follow the steps given below:

Identify and list the decision units

Breakdown the decision units into a number of specific decision packages

Design each decision package

Evaluate each decision package

Prioritise the decision package based on evaluation


Allocate funds to each decision package

3. Decision Units:

In every organization there are several decision taking levels. A decision

unit is the same as a decision level. It is necessary identify and list out the
Decision Levels/Units in every organization. Decision levels/ units may be
identified area-wise or subject-wise, or both area- and subject-wise.


A decision unit should not be too small or too big in size. It must be of a
meaningful size, so that cost performance ratio (financial input and output
ratio) is convincing. If the decision unit is too small, the overhead costs
may be highly disproportionate to the performance. If the decision unit is
too big, the quality of monitoring of performance may suffer. Therefore,
it may be necessary to bring about structural re-organization in a
department in order to provide for an optimum decision unit from the
point of view of economy and effective monitoring.


In a Department, a decision unit may be at various levels: at the level of

the Head of the Department itself, or at the division level, or at the
District or Taluk or Hobli or Panchayat or Municipal level. Sometimes,
there may be autonomous bodies under the control of a Department. Such
autonomous bodies may be taken as separate decision units.


The objective of proper classification and size of the decision units are to:
? Define or redefine authority and responsibility
? Provide effective internal co-ordination
? Carry out analytical studies, e.g. work load study; resource-performance
ratio study; machinery-performance ratio study, etc.
? Identify redundant expenditure
? Remove duplication of expenditure
? Re-deploy surplus resources
? Resize tasks with reference to local needs; etc.,

4. Listing Decision Packages Under Each Decision Unit


Under each decision unit, there may be a number of decision packages

either in the form of subjects or projects.


Each subject or project would have a unique title. For example, assume
that the Deputy Director of AH&VS of a District is a decision unit. Under
this decision unit there may be the following decision packages:

Sheep rearing


Poultry farming
Artificial insemination centre
F & M vaccine centre
Pets health care; etc.

5. Design of decision package

This is a very important part of ZBB. Each decision package must be designed
comprehensively to justify the quantum of financial investment. The format to design a
decision package is given below:

Name of decision package with details of its identification with location.

Major head of account
Duration of implementation of the package
List of functions
Specific objectives under each function
Targets or events to be achieved under each objective with deadlines
Activities to reach target or to accomplish each event.
List of direct and indirect benefits on reaching target or on accomplishing of
each event.
Relevance of each activity in the present context or with reference to the needs
of the people.
Explanation regarding consequence if event/target/activity is not funded
Indication of norms of performance or prescribing performance standards under
each indicator
Funding levels in decision package and how and to what extent each level
should be funded
Estimated cost under each detailed head of account or item-wise.
Phasing of proposed expenditure.
Listing alternative methods with cost to achieve prescribed targets or to
accomplish each event
Series of relevant questions with answers to justify every proposed item of
expenditure in the decision package. A suggestive list of relevant questions is
given in the box below:

What is the necessity of the decision package?
What will be the consequences if the decision package is not implemented?
What will be the tangible and intangible benefits if the decision package is
Make a social cost-benefit analysis of the decision package


Are there any other similar/ duplicate activities?

What co-ordination mechanisms have been proposed for cost reduction?
Why has the proposed implementation method been chosen?

6. Evaluating the Decision Package


Each item of expenditure has to examined rigorously in order to effect reduction

in the proposed cost and to increase the returns or benefits from the
implementation of the decision package. It is particularly crucial to identify and
eliminate the overhead costs and duplication of expenses.


Evaluation must take cognizance of the needs of the people - from the point of
view of prioritization of Decision Packages and from the point of view of
allocation of resources.

7. Ranking Of Decision Packages


The evaluated Decision Packages must to ranked based on the needs of the people
and on the Policy of the Government. Decision Packages with higher rankings
must be funded on a priority basis. Decision Packages which are lower in ranking
and cannot be funded on account of resource constraints have to be deferred.


Learning Unit - 3
Reading material
Cost-benefit analysis is based on welfare theories developed by various economists.
Here we will not be dwelling on the historical development of the welfare concept. Our
focus will be on undertaking Cost Benefit Analysis with reference to a given project.
A given project will have a definite area and definite customers.
launching a project the following points must be considered:-

In theory, before

The individual preference with reference to a need or quantum of need must be

identified and such individual needs converted into social preferences or social needs.
This will be the basis of identification of social weightages with reference to the
proposed projects.
A system must be developed to make out or to identify social preferences.
The likely direct and indirect benefits from a project must be estimated and the
beneficiaries identified. To what extent these beneficiaries utilise these direct/indirect
benefits and to what extent these beneficiaries will pay towards it must be ascertained.
The capacity and willingness to pay, and the quantum of payment must be estimated.
To analyze the willingness to pay, consumer surplus must be worked out, i.e., the
relationship between market prices and willingness to pay.
In case of some projects, a situation may arise that the people who are not likely to get
any benefits, may also have to share the expenses of social projects. If so, the extent of
their share must be estimated. In developing countries from the point of balanced
regional growth or from the angle of socio-economic justice, this kind of approach may
be inevitable.
Regarding the sharing of expenses, the other situation may also arise, where the present
generation may have to incur the burden of expenses on a project for the benefit of the
future generation. Conversely, the present generation may implement a project, get its
benefits, and pass on the liability to the next generation.
The direct loss and indirect loss to society must be analyzed
The direct cost and indirect cost of the proposed project must be analyzed.
Changes in distribution of benefits from a project should be measured.


Compensation policies.
Economic growth centers.
Prioritization of projects and prioritization of objectives in a given project must be
based on the principles of consumer sovereignty.

Shadow Price
(Also known as Accounting Price or Social Price)
(Definition from the Book Pocket Economist by Prof. Matthew Bishop)


Shadow price is the true economic price of an activity: the Opportunity

Cost. Shadow Price can be calculated for those goods and services that do
not have market price, perhaps because they are set by government.
Shadow pricing is often used in Cost Benefit Analysis, where the whole
purpose of the analysis is to capture all the variables involved in the
decision, not merely those for which market prices exist.


Speaking in simple terms, every input, activity and output is measured in

terms of price. In commercial projects market-price is used as the
yardstick to measure inputs and outputs. But in case of social projects this
is not possible. Opportunity cost may also be taken as shadow price. The
unit cost are determined on the basis of the inputs of a project. The
subsidies allowed, if any, are to be ignored, while calculating the unit cost.
The unit cost is also taken as base to measure the unit of goods or services
provided to a customer, again by ignoring the subsidies. This means that
subsidies, if any, at cost point or at providing point have to be eliminated
to calculate shadow price.

2. External Effects:2.1

The externality effect exists when a:


Production affects another production

Consumption affects another consumption
Production affects another consumption
Consumption affects another consumption

The effect of each of these may be either negative or positive. If the effect
is negative, the sufferer has to be compensated. If it is positive, the person
who has gained must pay for it. The effects are analyzed from the point of
view of (i) input-generated effects and (ii) output-generated effects.


Production also affects the consumer. Here too, the effect may be positive or negative.
If the effect is positive, the consumer must pay for it. If it is negative, the consumer has
to be compensated.
External effects are often attributed to technological advances. In addition, government
assistance, including subsidies also have an external impact.

3. Social Rate of Discount


Social time preference is based upon the assumption that (i) society
always prefers the present to the future, and (ii) the next generation will
have higher consumption levels
It is not possible to estimate the
preferences of the generation. However, the benefits to be derived by
future generations must be greater than the cost of sacrifice of the present
generation. The time gap between these is taken as base for discounting
procedure .


The unsubsidized interest rate as the cost of sacrifice by the present

generation may be taken as discount factor to calculate the present value
of the estimated returns to be received by the present generation and as
well as by future generation. Such discount factor will be the social rate
of discount.


To make a choice between alternate projects the necessary condition is

that discounted benefits should exceed discounted costs. In other words


The Social Rate of Discount is taken as base to calculate the present value
of benefits and costs. While selecting a project on the basis of NPV
indicator, risk and uncertainty analysis must be undertaken. The major
problem is non-availability of exact/reliable data. The expected utilities
and the probabilities are the major factors of uncertainty. The driving
forces, sustaining forces, restricting forces shall be measured especially
under the key indicators. Too much of pessimistic or too much optimistic
estimations not to be considered. The calculations based on weighted
average or standard deviations may be more appropriate. In reality, it is
always safer to prepare for the marginal variations i.e., regarding the
difference between the actuals and estimations.



A. Performance Budgeting
B. Zero Base Budgeting
C. Cost - Benefit Analysis

[ Instructions to Faculty ]

Administrative Training Institute

Lalithamahal Road, Mysore - 570 011


Learning Unit - 3
Instructions to Faculty
A. Performance Budgeting
1. Objectives:
At the end of this learning unit, the participants will be able to

Understand the meaning, concept and framework of performance budgeting.

Design responsibility centers by linking financial inputs to outputs.

To achieve the above objectives it is necessary to impart training in the conceptual

framework of performance budgeting and the methodology to design responsibility

2. Instructions to Faculty:

Make a presentation covering the following content areas:

v Explain and define Performance Budgeting
v Explain the following points
o Historical development of Performance Budgeting.
o Line item budget
o Definition and meaning of responsibility centers


Programme/Activity classifications
Norms, yardsticks and standards to measure performance
Accounting classification
Decentralized responsibility structure
Reporting and review of performance
Designing responsibility centers.
Faculty may use the material in visual aids Nos. 20 and 21 in order to
make the said presentation.


Visual Aid - 20: Performance Budgeting

Performance Budgeting


Input - Activity - Output

Responsibility centers

Faculty to explain:
Historical background of performance budgeting and its definition
Advantages of performance budgeting
Systems improvement that can be effected by adopting performance
Applications in practical situations
Concepts relating to measurement and accountability.

Visual Aid - 21: Responsibility Centers

Responsibility centers

Targets and Standards
Budget and output
Organisation Chart

Faculty should explain the theoretical framework of designing responsibility centers as

explained in reading material.

This will be followed by activity described for Group 1 in the section on Group
Activities for Learning Unit 3. Group activities should be carried out in
accordance with the given instructions.


B. Zero Bases Budgeting Methodology

1. Objectives:
At the end of this learning Unit the participants will be able to

List the steps to be followed to prepare Zero Base Budgeting.

Identify decision units and decision packages
Identify and remove redundant expenditure
Rationalize expenditure by removing duplicating expenditure
Design decision packages
Re-examine the necessity of continuance of on-going expenditure
Determine different levels of funding
Use ranking methods for prioritization of decision packages

Following are the sub units of the Learning Unit 5 to achieve the above objectives.

Sl.No. Name of the Sub Unit


Meaning and historical background of

Zero Base Budgeting
Zero Base Budgeting framework of
Determining of the Decision unit level
Designing of decision packages
Different levels of funding
Ranking of decision packages

2. Instructions to Faculty:

Make a brief presentation to explain the meaning of Zero base Budgeting

and its historical background. Give instances of successful applications, as
also failures in obtaining results in India and abroad.


Ask each participant to identify a decision unit and the hierarchy of

decision units in respect of their own organization. Participants could be
given five minutes time to jot down points in their own notebooks, which
could be consolidated in plenary. During consolidation explain the
importance of determining the right size of a decision unit.


Involve participants in the identification of the following with reference to

his/her own organization. The faculty may trigger off reflection and
analysis among the participants by giving an example, and then inviting
participants to give examples from their own experience.
v Redundant items of expenditure


v Duplication or multiplication of expenditure

v Alternative methods to achieve the same objective in the most economical
v How saved resources can be redeployed
v List of the powers, responsibilities, and tasks assigned to each decision
unit level in the organization.
v Examples of decision packages

Give each group of participants the following exercise, namely, design a

decision package by incorporating all the essential factors, including:

Description of the function or activity.

Goals and objectives under each function or activity.
Benefit, if the activity is financial.
Relevance of activity.
Consequences of not funding the activity
Estimated cost
Phasing of cost
Alternative ways to achieve the same objectives.


Faculty will act as facilitator to each group, to clarify doubts during group
discussion. Each group will design the decision package using visual aids.


Faculty will explain how relevant questions can be framed for expenditure
on on-going schemes or new items of expenditure.


Faculty should explain to the individual groups how to draft objectives for
decision packages, such that the objectives are sharp and specific.


All exercises should preferably be done in class or at an easily accessible

location so that the faculty can periodically and frequently interact with
the participants during their discussions.


Faculty may use the visual aids Nos. 22 and 23 for making the

Visual Aid - 22: Zero Base Budgeting

Zero Base Budgeting

Decision Units
Decision Packages
Designing of Decision Packages
Allocation of funds.



With reference to the visual aid faculty may explain the:

Meaning of Zero Base Budgeting and its historical background

Scope of application
Methodology for preparation of Zero Base Budgeting
Identification and elimination of duplicate/multiple items of expenditure
Alternative strategies for cost reduction.
Examples of successful applications, as well as failures.

Visual Aid - 23: Decision Package

Decision Package



Objectives and Targets
Events and activities.
Relevance and Questions
Funding level

Faculty to explain the designing of decision package with reference to the

reading materials.

This will be followed by activity described for Group 2 in the section of Group
Activities in Learning Unit 3.

3. Cost Benefit Analysis

3.1 At the end of this learning unit, the participants will be able to:

Identify and value the items of costs and benefits.

Undertake compensation analysis
Comprehensively use the Externalities Theory in respect of social goods.
Identify and use Social Rate of Discount for cost benefit analysis.
Undertake Risk and Uncertainty Analysis for decisions relating to social
Do cost-benefit analysis with reference to given cases.



In order to achieve the above objectives, it is necessary to impart training

on the following sub-units:

Sl. No.

Name of the Sub Unit


Utility cost and benefits.

Compensation theory
Social Rate of Discount

4. Instructions to faculty:
Make a presentation covering the following content areas:

Objective functions in cost benefit analysis.

Social preferences as objective functions.
Preference and utility.
Valuation of benefits.
Valuation of costs.
Compensation theory.
Distribution of Income and Equity.
Meaning and use of Social Rate of Discount.
Defining externalities.
Technological externalities.
Externalities and future generations.
Social time preference.
Faculty may use the points given in visual aid 24 in order to make their

Visual Aid - 24: Cost Benefit Analysis

Cost - benefit analysis

Why ?
Social preferences
Utility and welfare
Social rate of discount
Case Studies.



Faculty should explain individual points as per reading materials in

Learning Unit 3. In addition faculty may explain with calculations (i)
Weighted average, (ii) Standard deviation.

This will be followed by activities described for groups 3 and 4 analyzing case studies,
entitled and 'Damodar Valley Flood Control Scheme'. The case studies are drawn from
the book, entitled Cost Benefit analysis: theory and practice by Ajit K. Dasgupta and
D.W. Pearce. Faculty should explain how to analyze the negative and positive effects of
the case studies under the different indicators of social cost benefit analysis.



[ Group Activities ]

Administrative Training Institute

Lalithamahal Road, Mysore - 570 011


Learning Unit 4
Group Activities

Capital Management
1. Group Activities

Before the commencement of group activities, faculty will make a comprehensive

presentation on the various aspects of Capital Management and the topics
assigned for group activities.


Activities will be conducted in three groups. Each group will be assigned tasks in
two sub-units.


Group 1:

A. Capital structure.
B. Capital budgeting decisions.

Group 2:

C. Measurement of risk.
D. Cost of capital including CAP-M

Group 3:

E. Valuation of fixed income securities.

F. Valuation of bonds and stocks.

Based on books borrowed from the library and the reading materials circulated,
participants will be involved in group discussion for

Conceptual clarity on issues relating to capital management

Meaning of specific words relating to capital management
Utility or scope for applications.
Illustrations or examples of capital management.


During group discussion, group must be guided by the questions given in the box
below. The questions are framed with a view to facilitating conceptual clarity.
Information given in the reading material will provide sufficient clues to the


After group discussion, one or two persons from the group will make a
presentation using visual aids. Presentations will be further strengthened with
plenary discussions, moderation and listing of learning units.


Guiding Questions:
1. Generally individuals show a time preference for money? Give reasons.
2. Why is the consideration of time important in financial decision making ?
3. Explain the mechanics of calculating the present value of cash flows.
4. Explain the concept of valuation of securities.
5. What is the difference between the valuation of bond and of a preference
6. Why are dividends important in determining the present value of a share?
7. What is the difference between the expected and the required rates of return in
context of common share?
8. What is capital budgeting? Why is it significant for a firm?
9. What are the reasons for the popularity of the payback period method, despite
its weaknesses?
10. How do you calculate the ARR? What are its limitations?
11. What is meant by the term value of money? Which capital budgeting methods
takes into consideration about this concept? How is it possible for the capital
budgeting methods that do not consider the time value of money to lead to
wrong capital budgeting decisions?
12. Distinguish between profits and cash flows? Why are cash flows important in
investment decisions?
13. What are incremental cash flows? Briefly explain effects of the following on
the calculation of incremental cash flows.
(a) Sunk costs.
(b) Allocation overheads and
(c) Opportunity costs.
14. How should depreciation be treated in capital budgeting? Do the depreciation
methods affect cash flows differently? How?
15. Explain the significance of cost of capital in financial decision making
16. How is the cost of debt computed? How does it differ from the cost of
preference capital?
17. The equity capital is cost free. Do you agree? Give reasons
18. How is the weighted average cost of capital calculated? What weights should
be used in its calculation?
19. The chairman of a rubber company stated we dont adjust our capital
budgeting calculations for inflation because the price and costs of the product
increase by the same rate Comment
20. Explain the concept of risk? How can risk be measured?
21. What is sensitivity analysis? What are its advantages and limitations?
22. What is financial risk? How does it differ from business risk? How does the
use of financial leverage result in increased financial risk?
23. Explain the assumptions and implications of the net income approach and net
operating income approach.
24. Define capital structure. What do you mean by an appropriate capital
structure? What should generally be the features of an appropriate capital




Administrative Training Institute

Lalithamahal Road, Mysore - 570 011


Learning Unit 4
Reading material

Capital Management
Capital Structure
(Extract from the book Financial Management by Prof. I.M. Pandey)

1. Capital:

Capital is made up of debt and equity. Debt is borrowed money, for example
money borrowed from financial institutions, etc. Equity is shareholders' money
called equity capital. Capital is required either for new business or to expand the
existing business. Capital comes from different sources.


The debt holders do not have a share in the profit. They can only ask for return of
money borrowed with interest. Their claim is limited to fixed return.


As debt rises, capital rises; consequently interest rates rise and risks will also rise.


The capital must be a right mix of debt and equity. This is called capital structure.
The capital structure affects stock prices and the cost of capital.


The inherent risk associated with operation of an organization is called business

risk. A firm will normally project its future returns on invested capital.
Uncertainties on such projections are a business risk.


If a firms capital is only from the source of equity and not from the source of
debt, its interest payments will be zero. In such situations return on invested
capital will be equal to return on equity. RoE stands for Return on Equity.


The fluctuations in RoE may depend on factors like, booms, recessions, new
products, competitors strikes, fire etc. These factors may recur in future also.
These uncertainties are business risks. The stock holders have to bear the
business risks.


The other important factors on which the business risks depend are:

Elasticity of demand for a firms products. If the demand is stable,

the business risk will be lower.
The variations in sales price
Fluctuating input costs and skills to hold output prices successfully
in the market.


Capital to stand in the market in the long-run inspite of rising input

cost and lowering sales price.
Switching over to new products or old product with new design or
with new name or new packing etc. in a shorter span of time.
The new cost-effective production ideas.
In case of foreign trade activities the earnings may vary due to
fluctuations in exchange rates.
The effect of operating leverage, i.e. fall in demand for product
without fall in its high fixed cost.


The fixed costs normally do not fluctuate. Therefore a small fall in sales may lead
to a larger fall in RoE. In other words, business risk will be higher, if the fixed
costs are high. The higher the degree of operating leverages, the higher the
business risk.


Technological innovations are utilized to reduce larger investments in fixed

assets. Failure to make technological adaptations can result in collapse and
closure of the company, as in the case of Yezdi in Mysore.


Capital budgeting decision is based upon the initial investment and its operational
or utility cost, and not just on the initial investment alone. Therefore, some of the
higher fixed costs may lead to lower variable costs i.e. the lower operational or
utility costs.


Each project will have different degrees of operating leverage. Different

methodologies will have different degrees of operating leverage even for the same
result in a given project. Therefore, the concept of operating leverage is useful for
project choice or for selection of an appropriate method out of many alternative

2. Financial Leverage

A firm may finance a new plant or expand an existing plant through debt (also
called as financial leverage) or through equity.


If financed through debt, the business risk would concentrate on the existing
common stock holders because the debt holders would get fixed interest
payments; the debt holder therefore do not bear the business risk. In other words,
using financial leverage in the form of debt finance shall place the business risk
totally on the common stockholder.


In case of financing through both the sources, namely debt and equity, the capital
budgeting decision shall focus on Appropriate Ratio. The higher the debt
(financial leverage) and lower the equity, the higher the business risk on the old
stock investors plus on the new stock investors.



The lower the debt (financial leverage) and the higher the equity, the lower the
business risk on the part of stock investors (old + new), but the stock holder may
end up with lower percentage of dividend per share.


With a rise in debt capital and corresponding rise in returns, the earnings per share
will go up. But the question is whether in this situation, a firm will enhance debt
financing. Why not? The point is that the quantum of benefits arising out of debt
investment (financial leverage) must offset the business risk of equity investors.


To conclude, the management must plan to find out the lowest investment on
fixed assets with lowest operational or utility cost.


It the management aims at increasing debt finance, it must see that the business
risk on equity holders is offset by returns on debt.

3. Capital Structure Theory


The use of financial leverage increases the expectations of stockholders along

with the rise in the business risk. This means that the returns and the risk vary
directly. The stockholders sometimes expect more returns, when compared to the
unit of risk. They may not just accept corresponding compensation. The Capital
Structure Theory may help us with an analysis in this direction.


Prof. Franco Modigliani and Merton Miller developed modern capital structure
theory. They made the assumption that a firms value will not be affected by its
capital structure that is debt versus equity. In other words, they believed that
capital structure is irrelevant. The Modigliani- Miller (MM) theory was also
based on the assumption of Zero taxes. The Zero Taxes effect means that the
return derived out of use of financial leverage will exactly offset the increase in
risk. In other words, the MM theory believes in the proportionality of returns to
risk. That means net benefit is zero. But in reality such net benefit of using
financial leverage may be positive or negative.


The MM theory advanced further by removing the assumption of Zero corporate

taxes. While paying corporate taxes, the amount paid towards interest shall be
deducted. Dividends paid to stock holders are not deductable from the amount
payable as corporate tax. The benefit of deduction of interest on debt out of
corporate tax works out as positive point to use debt. Prof. Merton Miller made
further improvements to this theory, by incorporating personal taxes. Prof.
Merton Miller observed that interest will be in form of income on bond, and
dividend will not be in the form of income on shares. This income is liable for
personal tax. Capital gains will be realized only after the stock is sold. The rate
of personal tax on return on share will always be less than the return on bonds.
This is a favorable factor to use equity finance. It is clearly visible that MM
theory considered both corporate tax and personal tax to analyze the capital
structure, i.e., how deduction of interest from corporate tax encourages debt
financing and the situation of lesser tax on returns on shares when compared to

the tax on return on bonds encourages the finance through equity. Finally, the
relative effect of both may decide the portion of debt finance and equity finance in
the capital structure.

The shareholder may also get the return on Capital. Until the stock is sold, there
will be no capital gain and there will be no capital gains tax. The rate of capital
gains tax is always lower. This factor will have supportive effect to equity

4. Bankruptcy Costs:

The MM theory assumes the bankruptcy cost as Zero. A firm heading for
bankruptcy has to suffer from a chain of negative problems like, selling assets at
low price, difficulty in retaining customers, credit refusal, threat of move out by
key players etc. These problems may result in high legal and accounting
expenses. Mere foreseeing the threat of bankruptcy is sufficient for a firm to
avoid using financial leverage (debt finance) to excessive levels. When the return
to a firm is highly fluctuating, it always faces a threat of bankruptcy. Such firms
shall opt for lower debt finance (financial leverage).


When facing high costs or financial distress, firms must reduce the use of debt
finance (financial leverage)

5. Trade-Off

Selling in advance, the anticipated benefits of debt financing against the possible
threat of higher interest rate and bankruptcy costs is the trade-off theory. The
interest paid on debt finance is eligible for deduction benefit under corporate tax.
This benefit will raise the using of debt, which in turn, there will be rise in EBIT
and rise in the value of stock price [EBIT stands for earning before income tax or
operating income]. In MM theory this will be called as effects of corporation
taxation. Inspite of favorable situation for the use of debt finance, still a firm
may not opt to use 100% debt, because of lesser I.T. on income out of stock, threat
of financial distress and the situation of higher the interests for the higher debt.


The major problems a firm may face is that the tax benefits derived on debt
financing will be reduced or taken away by the bankruptcy related costs and rising
interest rate. Here the bankruptcy related costs means the cost entering into the
situation of probable bankruptcy in terms of prevention.


If a firm raises its use of debt, the weighted average cost of capital initially
decreases and then begins to rise after reaching the minimum.

6. Signaling Theory



The companys managers will have better information when compared to the
investors, regarding the prospectus of a given company. But the MM theory
assumes, both will have the same information.


In a situation where a company had invented a new variety of product, it is better

opt for debt finance rather than equity finance. This may be because, if funded
through equity, the new stock holders may get a higher share of new profit of new
product when compared to the old stockholders. If the new product is financed
through debt finance, then a portion of the new profit arising out of the new
product, will go to old stock holders. Therefore one can say, the firm with good
prospectus will prepare financing through debt.


If the future prospects are not good, the firm may invite new investors to purchase
stock and to share the new higher cost or losses. When new shares are issued,
normally, the share price will come down.


This signaling theory holds good for smaller firms but not for larger firms having
many financing options.


The surplus cash will normally be used for debt-servicing or to pay higher
dividends or it may be used for perquisites or it may be used for further debt
rising. Use of surplus cash for debt servicing is called bonding the free cash


The surplus cash may also be used to finance its own shares.


Higher the debt means, higher the problems for the managers in the form of risk
of bankruptcy.


Now, it is clear that, an optimal capital structure means, the level at which the
value of capital is maximized and the overall cost of capital is minimized.


In practical terms, it may be very difficult to determine precise optimal capital

structures. Therefore using of leverages is purely of judgment approach to
determine the composition of capital structures.


Outsiders, say, lenders, and analysis made by experts may influence the financial
structure of a firm. These outsiders pressurize a firm to keep their debt activities
below the existing industrial norms. A firm will have to pay heavy interest if it
takes its debt activities beyond the existing industrial debt norms. It may even
lead to a problem of encountering financial distress.


The fired financial charges may also lead to financial distress, if the sinking fund
payments are not grossed up from time to time.



A firm shall not use its full debt capacity. A gap should be maintained for scope
to borrow money at any time. This will help the firm to borrow on favorable
terms. When the borrowing rate is low and when borrowing is essential, it is
better to go for debt financing because, at low cost of capital long term bonds can
be obtained. This will be controlled by the EBIT divided by the total interest


Major stock holders often attempt to takeover management from the existing
management group by way of purchasing the minimum required number shares.
Therefore, the existing management group must be careful about using equity
leverage. On the other hand, creditors may assume control, in case of default as
per debt agreement. All these factors will fix the management between the
financial layers to use the leverages to determine the capital structure.


Change in capital structure will influence the future profitability and in turn it will
have effect on other variables.


In practice, finance managers focus on identifying a level of debt, where they can
be comfortable with getting all the benefits of debt and to keep the financial risk
within these operational limits.

7. The Modigliani-Miller Model


Initially MM model is based upon the assumption of zero corporate or personal

income taxes. In the absence of the taxes, the value of the firm is independent of
its leverage.


They argued that, it does not matter, whether the company finances its activities
by debt or by equity or with combination of both. The exemption of interest on
debt from corporate tax also does not matter. They stressed that companies
should finance their activities through debt or use their portion of profit to finance
their activities.


As the use of debt rises, correspondingly cost of equity also rises.


The capital structure has got no effect on the value of a firm and its weighted
average cost of capital (WACC)


With two companys modules, MM theory established that companies may differ
from the point of how they are financed and their respective total market values


The investors may sell the shares of the higher valued firm and may resort to
purchase shares of the lower-valued firm. This transaction will go up to a point
where both the firms will have same market value.
MM argues that
disequilibrium finally must end and cannot persist. All these arguments are based


upon further assumptions, that (i) EBIT is constant and (ii) earnings are paid out
of dividends

The profit motive would bring the equilibrium in the values of the two firms.
Therefore MM maintains that WACC and the firms value must be independent of
capital structure. In the cases where transactions costs are significant or in a
situation of non-identical risk, this arbitrage process of MM theory cannot be


In 1958 MM theory assumed Zero tax and subsequently in 1963, they modified
the theory by incorporating corporate taxes. Since the interest on debt finance is
exempted from corporate tax, the leverage may have positive effect to increase a
firms value. Therefore, the value of levered firm will increase because of
leverage when compared to the value of un-unlevered firm, because the unlevered
firm will not have benefit of the value of tax savings. As the debt rises, gain from
leverage raises.


The taxes reduce the effect of cost of debt equal to interest rate. Therefore the
firms value increases as it leverages increases.

8. The Hamada Model


The stand-alone risk is a measure of financial risk. The stand-alone risk can be
reduced, by diversification in individual portfolios.


Robert Hamada merged CAPM and MM after-tax model, to obtain the cost
equity to a leveraged firm.


The rate of return on a stock at a particular required level can be classified in to:

The risk free rate i.e., compensation to shareholders for the time value of
A premium for business risk
A premium for financial risk


The premium for financial risk would be zero in the absence of financial leverage.
In such situations the shareholders gets compensation only for business risk.


The addition of debt to the existing capital structure results in new value, resulting
in a financial risk premium on the Stock. This will also add to the business risk

9. Miller Model

Prof Merton Miller designed a new model incorporating both corporate tax and
personal tax to show how leverage affects firms values.



In other words the Miller model explains the possibility of estimating the value of
a levered firm with both corporate and personal taxes.


The limitations of the MM and Miller models are as follows:

Personal and corporate leverage cannot be treated as perfect substitutes.

When operating income declines a leveraged firm tries to avoid bankruptcy
by selling assets etc; In case of an unleveraged firm, by reducing dividends,
they try to avoid bankruptcy. The equity holder in turn suffers.
The brokerage and other transaction costs influence the arbitrage process.
One cannot assume such costs as Zero.
Borrowing rates varies from individual investors to large corporations. It
can be the same in both the cases.
Assumption of automatic equilibrium between the firms having different
values may not hold good.
The assumption of uniform corporation tax net is not realistic.
One cannot ignore the cost of financial distress or agency cost

10. Financial Distress


The threat of debt financing is the financial distress. Financial distress includes
bankruptcy. Bankruptcy itself costs too much.


In addition, delay in settlements, delays liquidation of assets.


Distress sale always fetches low price.


Legal and administrative expenses are very high.


Withdrawal cost in the form of indirect loss e.g., withdrawal by customers is high.


Therefore the use of debt finance must be matched by earnings in terms of present
value. Otherwise the firm will face the threat of distress finance.


It is also very difficult for a firm to raise capital either through debt or equity at
the time of facing financial distress. Once financial distress commences or is a
probability, the current value of a firm decreases.


The effect of distress may lead to default in debt payments. The victims are the
bond holders.

11. Agency Costs


A firm may try to benefit the stockholders at the cost of bond holders. Therefore
the bondholders prefer restrictive clauses in the covenants and they employ an
agency to monitor the obedience of the firm to the clauses in the covenants.


Therefore, the cost of monitoring will be passed on to the stockholders. This

agency cost may reduce the tax benefit arising out of interest amount. Some
times it wipes out the tax benefit. This will have a major influence on the capital

12. Signaling Model


Prof. Gordon Donaldson of Harvard made some findings saying that, (1) Firms try
to manage with internal earnings. (2) They set targets regarding dividend share
ratios based on the future investment opportunities and returns. (3) They are
reluctant to raise dividends, because of the threat of difficulty in maintaining the
raised dividends at all time (4) they use surplus cash for servicing of debt, to
maintain dividend level, repurchase of shares, invest in other securities etc.


Equity finance will be raised in the form of earnings and new stock. First
preference will be in favour of using retained earnings. If the retained earnings
are not sufficient, a firm may go far debt financing rather than going for issuing of
new stock. This will cause debt ratio to go up.

13. Conclusions
The analysis of capital structure must focus both on market values and the book values.
But a firm can stay on either of one. But the analysis is meant to find out the capital
structure which maximizes the firms market value. The credibility lies in the stock
price. Therefore capital structure can be determined by an analysis of market values.



(Source:- Book on Financial Management by Prof. I.M. Pandey)

Capital budgeting means investment decisions involving fixed assets i.e., the long term
assets used in production. The budget is a financial plan pertaining to inflows and
outflows for a prescribed period. In capital budget focus will be on what is to be
Investments in fixed assets are meant for long term use.
Therefore higher the
investments in fixed assts, the lower are the flexibility. The forecasting of returns must
correspond to the life of the fixed assets.
The threat of changing technology affecting the price and quality will heavily influence
the investment in long term fixed assets. Once invested in long term fixed assets, going
back may be impossible and such going back will be a costly affair.
Investment in Capital Assets (i.e., in large term assets) must be done in appropriate time.
There must be match between the demand and the marketing of the goods produced. If
these two are mismatched one cannot justify the investment in capital assets. Perhaps
even it may be disastrous.
The firm must anticipate in advance when it needs to go in for new machinery or to
change the existing one. Otherwise a firm may not be in a position to take advantage of
the demands prevalent in the market.
Because of the various complications involved in capital budgeting, a firm has to plan the
capital expenditure properly.
The proposal for capital budgeting may start from the demand for a particular new
product in the market. This will lead to obtaining customers' opinion, demand analysis,
limitations, capacity building, cost and price analysis and profit analysis, finally leading
capital budgeting project.
The changing needs of the customers in terms of change in the product in terms of
quality, quantity or for a new product or his opinion of uncomfortableness with the
existing product, his opinion on price etc., will always influence the growth or expansion
of a firm. A firm if it wants to survive must be able to be responsive to the changing
needs of the customers. This will form the base for capital budgeting proposals. A firm
must-have strategic business plan to be flexible enough to meet the changing marketing
challenges. The internal staff of a firm has to be encouraged to come up with the new
capital investment proposals. Every proposal has to be screened, before selecting or
rejecting. The analyzing of every such proposals itself, involves cost. The proposals
may be categorized as follows:
1. Replacement of worn-out or damaged equipment to maintain the existing level of


Replacement to reduce the cost

Expansion to raise the protection level.
New machinery installation for new product
To meet the changing legal requirement standards. For example, safety and
environment protection.
6. Expansion or re-organization of R & D wing etc,
For screening purpose or from the point of prioritization and selection, a series of
questions must be developed. More specific questions from the angle of marketing and
profit should be encouraged. The strengths and weaknesses must be listed along with the
driving forces and the restraining forces of a capital investment proposal.
The capital budgeting evaluation involves the following steps.

Determination of the cost of the project

Estimated cash flows
Salvage value of assets after its life span
Estimation of riskiness on cash flow (measurement of uncertainty)
Determination of discount factor to calculate the estimations in terms of present
6. Finding out PV of cost
7. Calculation of NPV
8. Calculation of IRR
Ranking will be done by using the following methods:1.

Pay back method

Discounted pay back

1. Payback Period

In how many years (period) can one recover the original investment? This
is the essence of payback period.
How quickly will the original
investment be recovered?


Calculate this for each capital project to rank it. The capital project with
shortest pay back period tops the list. To accept or reject proposed
projects must be mutually exclusive.

2. Discounted Pay back period


In L.U.2 the DCFT has been explained in detail. Use the DCFT technique
to convert the expected cash flows in terms of present value. The DCFT

will take in to account the capital cost. It may be defined as the number of
years required to recover the investment from discounted net cash flows.

The pay back and the discounted pay back methods do not consider the
returns after the payback period. Therefore ranking the projects by using
these techniques may likely to be defective.

3. Net Present Value


Here also the DCFT financial concept has to be used to convert the cash
inflows (including the salvage value) as well as cash outflows in terms of
the present value of money. The difference will be the NPV. The project
showing higher NPV will be ranked over the project showing lesser NPV.

4. Internal Rate of Return


In a project estimation, one has to find out a discount factor at which

NPV=O, where the PV of returns is equal to PV of costs. The discount
factor at which the NPV=O the IRR exists. More than this, NPV<O
(negation) where PV of cost exceeds the PV of returns and the project is
liable to the rejected. If the NPV is >O (positive) where the PV of returns
exceeds the PV of costs, the project will be selected. To rank the projects,
the firms present discount factor based on the opportunity cost will be
taken as base. The gap between this discount factor and the IRR (Where
NPV=O) of each project will be compared on the positive side. The
project with higher gap will be ranked.

5. Modified Internal rate of Return


In calculating IRR as shown on LU.2, the cash inflows will not used for
reinvestment. But in MIRR the cash inflows will be shown as reinvested.

6. Profitability index (PI)


This is based upon the benefit-cost ratio. The PV of benefit per P.V. of
rupee (cost) will be determined. The higher the P.I., the higher the project
ranking. After looking into the various methods of ranking one may
prefer the NPV and IRR method to rank the capital investment projects.
IRR is even more preferable because it clearly shows the safety margin in
the form of gap between opportunity cost of firm and a discount factor at
which NPV=O. The bigger organizations or when stakes are very high, a
decision maker may like to employ all methods to reach conclusions.



Mere using of these quantitative methods to take decision may be

misleading. The realities in the form of constraints, possible surfacing of
new problems and above all commonsense i.e., prudentness is required to
rank the projects.


The major problem is, in reality, the longer the duration of the project, the
higher the defectiveness of estimations. Because in the long run the
positive NPV may be erased out and market may become even more
imperfect. Above all estimations not based on inflation accounting even
more be unrealistic, because inflation rate will reduce the real value of
future returns.


Inspite of all such limitations, firms are using one or the other method/s to
take decisions.

7. Post-Audit

How far is the decision taken regarding the capital budget correct? This
requires audit i.e., by comparing the predictions with actual performance
and explaining the differences. The concurrent audit is even more
preferable, so that, the monthly reports of actual under different indicators
could be compared quickly with reference to estimations done. This will
enable the management to make corrections during the subsequent
operation process. This will improve the quality of subsequent estimates,
and improve the operations etc.

Measurement of Risk
(Source:- From the book of Financial Management by Prof. M.Y. Khan & P.K. Jain)

Investments are always exposed to different degrees of risk. Every uncertainty or the
degree of an uncertainty cannot be foreseen. Therefore a perfect prediction of cash flow
is not possible. That means risk is associated with the blind area of uncertainty.
The events that influence the forecasts may be grouped as:

Events that influence the level of business activity

Events that affect an entire industry
Event that may affect a company

Business activities will be influenced by monetary and fiscal policies, economic policies,
political situations, law and order, industrial relations, changing technologies, natural
problems, change in management, labor problems etc.,
Risk is available associated with future returns of an investment. The Government bonds
are said to be risk-free because of 100% faith in Government where the default=0. This
is not so in the case of investment in shares.


Risk and returns varies directly.

The concept of payback period is used to measure risk in capital budgeting decision.
The pay back period shows in what period, the investment can be recovered. This is the
simplicity of the pay back period. It explains the period of liquidity through recovery of
capital. An investor who prepares a short term project may prefer to use the payback
period. The risk is associated with the length of the period to recover the capital. That
means long-term projects are more risky than the short-term projects.
The payback period is suited to the assessment of risks of time nature. A person who
prefers shorter term risk is ready to counter the common business risks. The uncommon
risks, strike, war, natural disaster etc., may happen or may not happen. Only if the
normal business risks go out of control or exceed the expected limits, will the investor
suffer. The limitations of the pay back period is that it will not take into the account the
time value of cash flows, lack of time pattern and it will ignore the returns after the
recovery of capital required for decision making.

1. Risk-adjusted discount rate


Consider a situation where an investor invests Rs100 in Government bond

at interest rate of 6%. Now this Government bond is called risk-free bond.
If the same investor wants to invest the same Rs.100 in shares instead of in
bond, the risk factor comes into picture as far as the return on Rs.100 share
is concerned. In this situation, investor expects the returns i.e., more than
6% in the form of premium. Therefore the expected premium varies
directly with the risk. The higher the risk, the higher will be the expected


To apply the risk-adjusted discount rate, following steps must be


Firstly, identify the discount factor based on the risk-free rate.

This will take care of time preference.


Secondly, identify a risk-premium rate. This will take care of risk



Thirdly, calculate the PV of Cash Flows at the discount factor

equal to risk-free rate


Fourthly, calculate the PV of cash flows at the discount factor

equal to risk premium.



The variation in the discount factor reflects the investor attitude towards
risk. The higher the discount factor, the less attractive the project.
Therefore, higher rates will be used for riskier projects. The lower the
discount factor, the more attractive the project, but the returns will be
lower. Therefore lower rate will be used for less risky projects. An
investor becomes more and more negative with a project of higher
discount rate. This method shows only the degree of risk aversion.
Therefore, if IRR method is also used, an investor can clearly perceive the
risk of an investment project to accept or to reject.

2. Certainty Equivalent.

The estimates of cash flows should be reduced to some conservative level.

It is up to the investor to determine his best estimate of cash flow, with
Zero risk. Then the investor has to rise the estimate of returns and the
corresponding raise in the level of risk, will be called as certainty
equivalent coefficient. In other words, this co-efficient determines the
relationship between the certain cash flows and the risky cash flows. In
the certainty equivalent approach, the discount factor equal to risk-free
rate will be taken as base to adjust cash flow.


The major point of risk is that it is an increasing function of time and

decreasing function of return. This will be the simple reality in most of
the situations. Exceptions may be there, where risk may be high until an
investment reaches a gestation point and risk may come down
substantially after the gestation period. In such kind of situation, certainty
equivalent approach has got a better application when compared to the
risk-adjusted discount rate.

3. Sensitivity Analysis

Anticipated revenue is a function of sales volume multiplied by the unit

selling price. The estimated cash flows depend on the expected revenue
and costs. The size of the market and share of the firm in a market decides
the size of the sales. The changes in costs and the taxes will influence the
estimated cash flows.
It is very difficult to workout the correct
estimation under each variable influencing the cash flows.
When the
basic estimation goes wrong the NPV or IRR forecasted figures will also
goes wrong. To determine reliability we have, at least 3 values for each of
the forecast.


NPV or IRR is to be calculated for all these three assumptions.



A given change in one of the variables will cause change in the NPV or
IRR of a project. Analysis of change is called as sensitivity analysis.
Only thing is we have to choose such variables which can influence NPV
or IRR.


By causing change in one of the variables like volume, price, cost etc., the
NPV or IRR of the project must be recalculated and an appropriate
decision taken. The sales volume and the unit sale price is a most
sensitive variable, because even the slightest change in them, will result in
greater change in the NPV or IRR


The major advantage of sensitivity analysis is that it exposes inappropriate

forecasts. In other words, the decision maker will be able distinguish
between what is relevant and what is not relevant. He will clearer
regarding the impact of different variables on cash flows. It will also help
him tackle weak spots.


Sensitivity analysis is used to study the impact of combination of variables

in different proportions on NPV or IRR of the project. This is know as
Scenario Analysis.

4. Probability assignment

The trouble is always that of forecasting future cash flows. Even if cash
flow is forecast, the second problem is that of reliability. The phrase used
is always most likely rather than exactly.
The question is how to
arrive at the "most likely" figure? This depends on the probability.
Measuring an individual's opinion about the likelihood of an event
occurring, is known as probability. Estimates of cash flows are made
under "best guess", "high guess" and "low guess" with the percentage of
probability. This probability will help us measure risk. Instead of taking
probability as Best, High or Low Guess, it is safer to take it on a large
number of points under independent, identical situations. The probability
based on this is known as objective probability.


When cash flow is estimated, one may assign risk for each level of cash
flow. In case of non-repetitive projects, apart from risk, it is associated
with the problem of high degree of uncertainty.


After assigning probabilities to future events, the monetary values of the

possible events should be multiplied with the probabilities of expected
monetary value.


5. Standard Deviation as an absolute measure of risk


The dispersion of cash flows is the difference between the possible cash
flows that can occur and their expected value. Risk analysis can also be
made by finding out the dispersion of cash flows because such dispersion
indicates the degree of risk. Risk is measured through Standard Deviation
(SD). It measures the deviation about expected cash flow of each of the
possible cash flows. A project with higher SD is a riskier one. In case of
making a decision to choose a project by analyzing risk in absolute terms,
the risk may be measured in relative terms. Such relative measure of risk
is the coefficient of variation. Coefficient of variation is the standard
deviation of the probability distribution divided by its expected value.


Probability distribution may be of a different nature. For example, cash

flows may be independent over time i.e., the probability distributions for
future periods are not dependent on each other. The second possibility is
that the cash flow in one single time may influence the cash flow in
another time.


A group exercise will be given to the participants to understand the

intricacies of probability distribution under different situations, where the
decision-maker will have to accept or reject the investment based projects.

6. Decision Trees

One investment decision may influence a number of future investment

decisions. The present choices modify future alternatives. The activities
invariably lead to sequence of decisions from time to time. Therefore,
decisions links form a chain from present to future commitments. The
technique to analyze such sequential decisions is known as decision tree


One will take a decision based upon the future expectations, say
accomplishment of events/s. The decision that we make today may
influence the various alternative decisions in the future and thereby
accomplishment of future events will also get affected. The decisions may
also lead to chance event. Even though such chance event is not known
still a probability distribution may be assigned to it. The displaying of
relationship between a present decision and future events, relationship
between a same present decision and the future decisions and their
consequences. It will be mapped out like the branches of tree. Such
graphic display is known as a decision tree.



Following steps should be followed to construct a decision tree.



Define the investment proposed

List out the clearly identified alternative decisions
Indicate the decision points, chance events and other data
Locate on the tree branches, regarding projected cash flows,
probability distribution, expected PV etc.,
Analyze the results
Select the best alternative

The decision tree approach is specifically useful for handling sequential

investments. By looking into the tree we may think from the future to the
present to identify the unprofitable branches. The point is to eliminate
such unprofitable branches. This procedure will help us determine the
optimum decision at various decision points.

7. Utility theory

Perhaps the utility theory may indicate the level of risk preference by the
investors. Putting risk and return together in different combinations, the
focus will be more on risk. The risk aversion in the form of threat is more.
As risk points rise, the marginal utility for money decreases. A graph
must be prepared from the point of Zero risk and lowest return. This will
demonstrate the point at which a rational investor will try to maximize his
The risk preferences of the decision maker are directly
incorporated in the capital budgeting analysis.


Cost of Capital including CAP-M

(Source:- From the book on Financial Management by Prof. I.M. Pandey)

Cost of capital can be used to evaluate a capital expenditure decision. The cost of capital
will be used as discount factor to determine NPV or IRR of the capital invested projects.
The focus will be on the measurement techniques of cost of capital.
The cost of capital is related to the objective of wealth-maximization of an organization.
Decisions is meant to raise the wealth of the owners i.e., the share holders. For this
purpose returns must be higher than the cost of the capital. The cost of the capital serves
the purpose of acceptance or rejection of an investment proposal.
The cost of the capital has to be measured correctly. Otherwise, under-valuation of cost
of capital may result in wrong acceptance and expectations may receive a setback.
Similarly, overestimation of cost of capital may also result wrong decisions in the form of
rejection of investment proposal. The following will be taken as base for the cost of

The existing rate of interest will be used as discount factor for calculation of NPV
or IRR
Using an opportunity cost as cost of capital or the lending rate
Interest rate on borrowing

Among the above, the interest rate on borrowing is commonly used as cost of capital.
Capital Finance may be obtained from a number of sources. The cost of obtaining funds
from each source differs from each other. The total cost of these costs is called weighted
cost of capital. There are two categories of costs, viz. (i) Explicit cost, and (ii) Implicit
1. Explicit Cost

When a firm starts to raise funds for its capital requirement, a series of
cash inflow takes place. If we focus on a particular type of fund raising
and the consequent cash inflow arising from it, there will be consequent
cash out flow on account of repayment towards principal, payment of
interest, payment dividend etc. In this situation, the rate of return should
be identified at the point at which PV of cash inflow is equal to PV of cash
outflow. Such rate of return is the Explicit Cost. The company which
borrows funds has to pay IRR to the suppliers of the funds.


2. Implicit Cost

When retained earnings are used as source of funding, there will be no

explicit cost. The undistributed profits to share holders are the retained
earnings. What will be the return, if these retained earnings are invested
elsewhere? Such earnings will be taken as opportunity cost. This is
known as the Implicit Cost of capital. Opportunity cost is based on the
opportunity foregone by the firm in committing itself to a selected project,
and that is also a dividend foregone by the shareholders.


Explicit or implicit costs are used as discount factors to calculate the

present value of the cash flows to take investment decisions.

3. Capital will be financed from one or more of the following sources.

Debt financing
Preference share capital
Equity capital
Rights shares
Retained earnings
Convertible securities

In the following sections we will look at ways to measure the cost of the capital by taking
into account the cost of funding capital.

4. Debt Financing

In case of debt issued at par, the interest on debt i.e., before-tax shall be taken as
cost of debt. This will be taken as cost of capital. But the use of debt finance
shall not reduce the dividends to share holders. The operational efficiency must
go up along with the use of debt finance, so that the dividends to share holders
will go up. That means earnings must certainly exceed the interest. Therefore the
estimation of the project must be based upon the present values calculated on the
base interest on debt as cost of capital.


The other important point is while floating debt, a firm has to incur cost towards
floating charges. Therefore the cost of the capital is taken as interest on debt plus
floating charges.


Since interest on debt is deductible from payment of corporate tax, after-tax cost
of debt should be used.



In the case of debt issued at a premium, there will be a difference between the
face value and the book value of such securities. In such cases the cost of debt
will not be equal to the coupon rate of interest. If the premium is amortized for
tax, it should be considered for determining the cost.


In case of perpetual debt financing, old bonds due for payment will be replaced by
new bonds of the same value. In such a case the cost of capital will be determined
by dividing the price at which the bond is sold multiplied by the fixed interest
charges adjusted after tax-effect.


The current market yield of the debt will be used as cost of the capital, when debt
is not used.


Only in case of profits earned, can dividends be paid to the shareholders. If the
dividends are not paid up to the reasonable expectation level of the shareholders,
the credibility of a firm may come down and shareholders may exercise their
voting rights to change the management.


The dividends are payable in priority to preference shareholders and only the left
out dividends are payable to ordinary share holders.


If the dividends are not paid, the market price of the shares will come down.
Therefore, the firms always try to maintain the minimum credibility level of
dividend payment.


The preference share is of two types:



The first one is treated as perpetual securities.


The amount payable on maturity date, in case of redeemable preference shares

may be considered to determine the cost of capital. Dividends cannot be deducted
to compute Tax. Therefore the cost of preference shares will be more than the
cost of debt capital.


The equity holders invest with an expectation of returns in the form of dividends.
The market value of shares of a company depends on the expectations of the
dividends by equity holders.


The rate of return that equates the PV of the expected dividends with the market
value of shares can be taken as cost of equity capital.



The EPS (Earning per Share) and the MVS (Market value of Shares) shall
not be affected because of new issue of shares. The interests of the
existing share holders shall be protected and the assets or liabilities are to
be shared on pro-rata basis by the existing and the new share holders in
case of winding up. Therefore the new shares shall not result in earning
the EPS and the MVS. In such cases, the return on new investment shall
be taken as cost of new shares, so that, the EPS or MVS will not be below
the return on new investment. The new issue of shares will often called as
external equity. The cost of this external equity can be calculated on the
basis of dividend. In such cases, the cost of equity is the dividend yield
plus the growth rate of shares. Such cost of equity must also be included
with the floatation expenses incurred towards new shares.


The earnings method will also be used to measure the cost of external equity. In
this method, the cost of equity will be computer on EPR (Earning Price Ratio)


A company may allow the existing share holders to purchase new shares at a
given price. This is known as Rights issues of shares. It will be in the same
ratio as determined in the board policy of a company. It will not be compulsory
on the part of the existing shareholders to purchase the Right Shares. The existing
shareholder will have option of selling his right share also. In case of rights
shares, the cost of capital would be equal to cost of a direct issue of shares to the
public at large.


A company may have the system of converting bonds or debentures or preference

shares, after a prescribed period. The conversion may be at a specified price or at
the prevailing market price. Such securities are called as convertible securities.
In case of these convertible securities, the cost of capital shall be taken at that
discount rate which equates the after-tax interest plus the expected conversion

5. Weighted Average cost of Capital


Financial decision must result in either accepting or rejecting a capital

expenditure proposal. For this purpose an analysis of the specific cost of capital
is required.


The use of debt finance may increase risk on the part of the shareholders and in
turn this may be increase the cost of equity. On the other hand, higher the use of
equity, may lead to increasing the debt borrowing capacity. Because of this effect
of one on the other, we have to use the cost of the capital in a composite sense.
This composite mix of capital is also known as WACC. We know that capital is
raised from different sources. The cost of each source varies from each other.
Therefore, weights are attached to each source depending on its cost. Putting all


this together amounts to composite cost. Again the source of funds may not be
used in equal proportions to form capital structure. In such a situation application
of WACC, rather than computing simple average cost, will be more reliable.


To calculate WACC the cost of each source of funds must, firstly, be identified.
Secondly, the proportion of each source in the capital structure must be worked
out with the cost of each source. Thirdly, the weighted costs of all sources of
funds must be added. This sum is the weighted cost of capital. This shall be
obtained on the after-tax basis. While calculating WACC book-value weights or
market value weights, whichever is higher may be used.


In case of using new source of funds in a concern for the selection of a new
project, the cost of raising new funds has to be taken as the basis of calculation.
This is also known as the MCC (Marginal Cost of capital). The MCC is the cost
of raising an additional rupee of capital. The proportion of funds in capital
structure represents the marginal weights.


The proportion of funds from different sources in the capital structure is taken as
base to calculate the MCC.


The cost may increase as the level of borrowed funds increases. Up to a certain
level the cost on various sources of funds may remain constant and it may
increase after the particular level. This will give rise to average cost of capital
and the MCC will also rise.


Separate assignments will be given to participants to work out WACC in groups.

6. CAP-M (Capital Asset Pricing - Model)


CAPM is a method of valuing assets to calculate the cost of capital. It explains

the movement of security prices. The CAPM approach helps investors assess the
impact of an investment on a proposed security within the entire portfolio with
reference to risk and return.


The CAPM approach is based on the assumption of efficient security markets and
investor preferences.
Efficiency market means that the investors will have
common information about securities, including, Zero Taxes, Zero Restrictions on
Investments or No Transaction Costs. No single person can influence the market
price and all the investors will have common expectations. Preference will always
be in favour of a security that gives highest return, if risk levels are equal among
the given securities. If returns are equal, the investors will choose a low risk
security. The main assumption of CAPM is that investors are risk averse. Based
on this assumption, CAPM describes the risk required return as a trade off for



Risks are of two types, viz., (i) Diversifiable, and (ii) Non-diversifiable.


Diversifiable Risk is also known as Unsystematic Risk. This represents the

elimination or minimization of risk through diversification.
It is called
unsystematic because risk factors are treated as individual to each firm, and
therefore factors which cause risk vary from firm to firm. Factors that influence
risks are quality of management decisions, competitions in the market, using of
leverages, rules and regulations, strikes, transport, location etc.


Factors that commonly influence risk of all firms are known as non-diversifiable
risks or systematic risks. For example, inflation, economic policy, change in
Government, changes in law, interest rate etc.


An investor can adopt the strategy of diversification to eliminate or reduce the

unsystematic risk. Therefore, the focus of the following sections is on nondiversifiable risk.


According to CAPM approach, non-diversifiable risk can be measured in relation

to the market portfolio. Non-diversifiable risk will be assessed in terms of the beta
co-efficient. The movements of return in respect of a particular security related to
returns of market portfolio are a measure of beta. In other words, beta measures
the movement or change in return on a security in response to changes in market
return. Therefore beta is an index of the degree of responsiveness of return on an
investment with the market return. The market index shows the beta for the
market portfolio. It will be measured by the broad-based market index.


A zero co-efficient indicate zero market related risk for the investment. A beta
co-efficient equal to one indicates that the risk of a security is equal to the market
risk. If the beta co-efficient is less than one, risk of a security and a market risk
varies inversely. The required rate of market return for a given amount of
systematic risk is known as the SML (security market line).


The CAPM explains the relationship between the cost of equity and the relevant
risk of the firm as reflected in its index of non-diversifiable risk. The risk as
shown in beta to determine the cost of equity will be considered by the CAPM.

7. Rational of the CAPM


Investors are always risk averse and try to eliminate risk. The risk is known as
residual risk or alpha. This, they will do by holding a diversified portfolio of
assets. Alpha risks are specifically associated with individual assets. The
diversification of assets will reduce the risk. Certain risks like, say, recession is a
non-diversifiable risk and it is not possible to eliminate it. The investor's
expectation of returns will also be above the average of return on safer
investments. The valuation of any particular asset depends on the effect of the


market risk on a asset price. Beta is the change of an asset price to change in
overall market price, and a measure of relative volatility of the market risk

Risk free assets have beta close to Zero. The investors' normal expectancy will be
over and above the return on risk free securities, in case they invest in shares,
which are risky. This is known as premium over the risk-free rate. Such expected
premium on all the assets shall be added to determine the average premium and
this is to be multiplied by the particular assets beta.

Income Valuation of Fixed Securities

(Source:- Financial Management and Policy by Prof. James.c.Vain Horne)

The following are the important fixed income securities:

Preference Shares
Convertible Debentures
Non-convertible debentures
Indira Vikas Patras
Government Securities
Money market instruments

1. Preference Shares

Preference shares reflect a combination of some of the characteristics of equity

shares and debentures. The features of preference shares are as follows :
1. Preference Shares carry fixed rate of dividend per annum.
2. Dividend on Preference Share is payable out of distributable profits. In case
of inadequacy of distributable profits, the preference dividend is not payable.
3. Dividend on Preference Shares is generally cumulative. Dividend not paid in
one year must be made up subsequently, and it has priority over equity.
4. Preference Shares are redeemable

2. Convertible Debentures

A convertible bond is converted into equity shares in future. It may be

compulsory or optional. The features of this bond include conversion ratio,
conversion price, conversion timing and conversion of the stock value.


Conversion Ratio




Conversion Price :


Conversion Price is the per share price paid for equity shares, that
is by dividing the par value bond with the conversion ratio.

Conversion Timing


Conversion ratio is the ratio in which a bond can be exchanged for

equity shares.

Bonds convertible in a specified period are referred to as

conversion timing.

Conversion Value :

Conversion Value is the value of a bond equal to the market value

of the equity shares in to which it can be converted. Conversion
value can be obtained by multiplying the conversion ratio by the
existing price of the firms equity.

3. SEBI guidelines on conversions are as follows :

The conversion premium and conversion timing shall be mentioned in the prospectus.
Conversion will be optional, if it takes place between 18 to 36 months.
There must be compulsory credit rating, if the conversion period exceeds 18 months.

4. Non-Convertible Debentures:

Non convertible debentures are an instrument for raising long-term debt capital.
It is like a promissory note. The features are as follows:

A debenture issue is sold to the public through a trustee, usually a bank, to

protect the interest of debenture holders.
Debentures are secured by a charge on the immovable properties.
For such debenture issues with maturity period of 18 months a Debenture
Redemption Reserve (DRR) has to be created equivalent to at least 50
A Company is free to choose the coupon rate, which may be fixed or floating
in relation to a benchmark rate.
A company may choose its own maturity period.
Debentures with a call feature may be redeemed by the company before the
maturity date. The debentures with a put feature may be redeemed by the
holder before the maturity date.

5. Public Sector Undertaking (PSU) Bonds:



There are two varieties of public sector undertaking (PSU) bonds, namely taxable
bonds and tax free bonds. A PSU may issue tax-free bonds with the prior
approval of the Ministry of Finance.


The features of PSU bonds are (a) no deduction of tax at source on the interest (b)
easily transferable by endorsement (c) no stamp duty on transfer (d) tradable on
stock exchanges.

6. Indira Vikas Patras (IVP):


The features of IVP are that:

It doubles in five and half years. Therefore an IVP is one-half of its face
value. That means the compound interest on an IVP is 13.43 percent per
annum. There is however, no income tax benefit for tax purposes. VIPs
are bearer bonds. They are transferable by mere delivery.

7. Kisan Vikas Patras :


The features of KVPS are as follows:The maturity period is of five and a half years. Twice the amount is paid
on maturity. Premature encashment facility is available after two and a
half years.

8. Government Securities

Debt securities issued by the Government are referred to as gilt-edged securities.

Three types of instruments are issued:


An investment that resembles a company debenture.

A promissory note
A bearer security

The maturity period ranges from 3-20 years and interest rates vary from each

9. Money Market Instruments:


Money market instrument is a debt instrument with a short maturity period. For
example, treasury bills, commercial paper, and certificates of deposit:
Treasury Bills: A Treasury bill issued by the Government has a maturity period
of six months or one year issued at a discount and is repayable at par.


Commercial Paper: It is a short term unsecured promissory note issued by a

firm. The features are as follows.

The maturity period is about 180 days.

It will be sold at a discount from its face value and redeemed at its face value.

Certificate of Deposit: It is a title to a negotiable time deposit with a commercial

bank with a interest rate.

10.Mutual Fund Scheme: A mutual fund is a collective investment. Investor is a

Part- owner.
11. Time Value of Money

The value of money changes with time. A

rupee at the end of the year, because (i)
future consumption. (ii) Future value of
returns on investment (iii) the purchasing
because of inflation.

Rupee today is more valuable than a

current consumption is preferable to
the rupee depends on the expected
power of the rupee may go down


Evaluation of cash flows at different points of time through the time value of
money is, therefore, required. The details of calculating the present value of
money has been dealt with in detail in Learning Unit 2.

12 Annuity: represents a stream of constant periodic payments or receipts.

13. Perpetuity: Perpetuity is an annuity of infinite duration.
14.Bond : A bond is an instrument of debt issued by an organization. The
features of bonds are as follows :Par Value is the value stated on the face of the bond.

It carries a specific interest rate, which is also called coupon rate. It will have a
specific maturity period. The total return on bond will be calculated by using
following formula:

Total Return =


Current income + Price Change

-------------------------------------Initial Investment

Bonds are often risk free. Bond prices vary with interest rate. Bonds may be
subjected to default risk and inflation risk. Reinvestment rate may be lower than
expected. A bond with a call feature entitles the issuer to prematurely redeem a


bond. This exposes the bond investor to call risk. Liquidity may be low.

The value of a bond will be expressed as,

Value of =
A bond



+ value


15. Yield to maturity


The rate of return that an investor receives is called yield to maturity. The rate of
return depends on the risk associated with it.
The ratings provided by
independent credit rating agencies are useful to assess the risk.


A debt rating shows the probability of timely payment of interest and principal by
a borrower. The higher the debt rating, the greater the credibility of the borrower.
It does not recommend any transactions. Its focus will be on credit risk of the
security. A debt rating has nothing to do with the performance of a firm. There
is no legal relationship between debt rating agency and an investor. A debt rating
is not an audit function. It is not enough to make a one time evaluation of risk to
take one time decision; credit rating must be undertaken periodically.

16. Analysis of Fixed Income Instruments


A professional rating firm is likely to provide an unbiased opinion on the credit

rating of a company. The methodology employed by different rating agencies
varies from each other. Following are the common factors, however, that will be
considered by all credit rating agencies.

Growth rate
Industry risk characteristics
Structure of industry
Nature of competition
Management quality
Earning strength
Business risks
Financial risks
Asset protection
Cash flow
Financial flexibility and



Accounting information

CRISIL (Credit Rating and Information Services of India Limited) Rating

Symbols are as follows:

Debenture Rating Symbols

Highest Safety
High Safety
Adequate Safety
Moderate Safety
Inadequate Safety
High Risk
Substantial Risk
In Default

Highest Investment

Note: CRSIL may apply + (Plus) or - (minus) signs for rating from AA to D to reflect
comparative standing within the category
Fixed Deposit Rating Symbols

Highest Safety
High Safety
Adequate Safety
Inadequate Safety
High Risk

Note: CRSIL may apply + (Plus) or - (minus) signs for rating from FAA to FC to
indicate the relative position within the rating category of the company raising fixed
Short Term Instruments Rating Symbols
Very strong Degree of safety
Strong Degree of Safety
Adequate Degree of Safety
Minimal Degree of Safety
Default Expected (or Actual)
Note: CRSIL may apply + (Plus) or - (minus) signs for rating from P-1 to P-3 to
reflect comparatively higher standing within the category.


Fully convertible bonds and partially convertible bonds are subjected to the following
SEBI guidelines.
The price with time shall be stated in the prospectus itself. Conversion will be optional at
the hands of the bond holder, if it takes place between 18 to 36 months. Conversion is
must with put and call options, if the conversion period is more than 36 months. If the
conversion period exceeds 18 months credit rating is compulsory.

The convertible bonds are of three types;


Compulsory convertible bonds with conversion option within 18 months.

Optionally convertible bonds with conversion option within 36 months.
Bonds carrying call and put features for conversion after 36 months.


On a compulsorily convertible (partly or fully) bond, an investor will receive a

certain number of equity shares on part/full conversion and certain stream of
interest and principal repayments. Therefore the value of such a bond is equal to
the present value of equity shares receivable on conversion plus the present value
of interest and principal payments receivable on the bond.


An optionally convertible bond may be viewed as a bond-warrant package. The

value of optionally convertible bonds is a function of the following factors.

Straight bond value

Conversion value
Option value


In case of Straight Bond value the value is that of discounted value of the interest
and principal repayments receivable on it. The value of a straight bond varies
directly with the value of the firm. The maximum value of a straight bond would
be limited to the value of an equivalent risk-free bond.


The conversion value is equal to the stock price multiplied by the conversion rate.


In the case of Option value, the holder of a convertible bond cannot be compelled
to sell. He can wait and choose the most profitable alternative.

17. Public Provident Fund:


The features of Public Provident Fund (PPF) scheme from the taxation point of
view are as follows:


Benefits under sections of the Income Tax Act is limited to Rs.60, 000 i.e., a tax
rebate of 15 percent of the annual subscription. The interest on PPF is exempted
from taxes. Withdrawals are not subject to I.T.


18. Deep Discount Bonds.


Deep discount bonds having a face value will be issued at a deep discounted price
with a longer maturity period from the date of allotment. The investor as well as
the bond floating authority has the option to withdraw or redeem the bond
respectively at the end of the prescribed period.


The two important features of a Deep Discount Bond are that (i) there is no
reinvestment risk and (ii) the notional intermediate returns are not taxed.

19. Determinants for interest Rates


The price of a bond and the required rate of return vary inversely.


Short-term risk free interest rate


Short term risk free interest rate is the yield on a one-year Government security.


The expected real rate of return is the rate at which society is willing to trade
current consumption for future consumption.


Expected Rate of Inflation is the.-

Price level

Money supply in
Velocity of money
The economy
in circulation
---------------------------------------------------Real out put in the economy

Hence, the expected rate of inflation is nothing but the expected change in price
level that is :

Change in the Money

Supply in the economy

Change in the
Velocity of money in

Expected rate of inflation = --------------------------------------------------------------Change in the real out put of the economy

20. Maturity Premium


Maturity premium represents the difference between the yield to maturity on a

short-term (one year) risk free security and the yield to maturity on a risk free
security of a longer maturity.


21. Liquidity preference Theory


Investors have a preference for liquidity. So they ask for a higher yield as an
inducement to hold bonds of longer maturity.

22. Default Premium


Because of the possibility that corporate bonds may default on interest and/or
principal payment, investors will ask for a default premium, in addition, of course,
to the maturity premium. The default premium is a direct function of default risk.
The credit rating agencies considers:

Volatility of its operating income.

Ratio of outside liabilities to shareholders funds
Assets offered as security


Default premium tend to increase during economic recession and decrease during
economic expansion.


The effect of special features on interest rates is expected to be as follows:

A 'call' feature raises the interest rate because the investors are exposed to
call risk.
A 'put' feature lowers the interest rate because the investors enjoy the put
A 'conversion' feature lowers the interest rate because the investors enjoy
the option to convert.
A 'floating interest rate' feature may lower the interest rate as investors are
protected against inflation risk.
A 'zero coupons' feature may lower the interest rate as investors are
protected against reinvestment risk.

24. Determinants of interest Rate

Inflation rate
Real growth rate
Time preference
Short term risk free rate
Maturity Premium
Preferred habitat

Default Premium

Interest rate

Special Features
Call/put feature
Conversion feature
Other features

Business Risk
Financial Risk

Valuation of bonds and Stocks

(Source:- From the book on Financial Management and Policy by Prof. James.C.Vain Horne)


Investors have many choices when investing in bonds, but bonds are classified in
to four main types, each of which differs with respect to the expected return and
degree of risk:



Treasury bonds are sometimes referred to as Government bonds. It is reasonable

to assume that the Government will make good on its promised payments, so
these bonds have no default risk. However, Treasury bond prices decline when
interest rates rise, so they are not free of all risks.


Corporate bonds are issued by Corporations. Corporate bonds are exposed to

default risk if the issuing company gets into trouble, it may be unable to make
good the promised interest and principal payments. Different corporate bonds
have different levels of default risk, depending on the issuing companys
characteristics and on the terms of the specific bond. Default risk often is referred
to as Credit risk. The larger the default or credit risk, the higher the interest rate
the issuer must pay.


Municipal Bonds.- are issued by state and local Governments.


Foreign bonds.- are issued by foreign governments or foreign corporations.

Foreign corporate bonds are, of course, exposed to default risk, and so are some
foreign government bonds. An additional risk exists if the bonds are denominated
in a currency other than that of the investors home currency.

2. Par Value

The par value is the stated face value of the bond. The par value generally
represents the amount of money the firm borrows and promises to repay on the
maturity date.

3. Coupon Interest Rate


The coupon payment if divided by the par value, results in the coupon interest


4. Provisions to call (or Redeem) Bonds)


Most corporate bonds contain a call provision, which gives the issuing
corporation the right to call the bonds for redemption. The call provision
generally states that the company must pay the bondholders an amount greater
than the par value if they are called. The additional sum, which is termed a call
premium, is typically set equal to one years interest if the bonds are called during
the first year.


However, bonds are often not callable until several years (generally five to ten)
after they are issued. This is known as deferred call, and the bonds are said to
have call protection.


Suppose a Company sold bonds when interest rates were relatively high.
Provided the issue is callable, the company could sell a new issue of low-yielding
securities if and when interest rates drop. It could then use the proceeds of the
new issue to retire the high-rate issue and thus reduce its interest expense. This
process is called a refunding operation.


A call provision is valuable to the firm but potentially detrimental to investors. If

interest rates go up the company will not call the bond, and the investor will be
stuck with the original coupon rate on the bond even though interest rates in the
economy have risen sharply. However, if interest rates fall, the company will call
the bond and pay off investors, who will then have to reinvest the proceeds at the
current market interest rate, which is lower than the rate investors were getting on
the original bond. In other words, the investor loses when interest rates go up, but
doesnt reap the gains when rates fall. To induce an investor to take this type of
risk, a new issue of callable bonds must provide a higher interest rate than an
otherwise similar issue of non-callable bonds.


Bonds that are redeemable at par at the holders option protect the holder against
a rise in interest rates. If rates rise, the price of fixed-rate bonds declines.
However, if holders have the option of turning their bonds in and having them
redeemed at par, they are protected against rising rates.

5. Sinking Funds

Some bonds include a sinking fund provision designed to facilitate the orderly
retirement of the issue. Typically, the sinking fund requires the firm to retire a
portion of the bonds each year. On rare occasions the firm may be required to
deposit money with a trustee, who invests the funds and then uses the
accumulated sum to retire the bonds when they mature. Usually, though, the
sinking fund is used to buy back a certain percentage of the issue each year. A
failure to meet the sinking fund requirement causes the bond issue to be thrown in
to default, which may force the company into bankruptcy; obviously, a sinking
fund can constitute a significant cash drain on the firm.

6. Other types of bonds


First Convertible bonds are bonds that are convertible into shares of common
stock, at a fixed price, at the option of the bondholder, Convertibles have a lower
coupon rate than non-convertible debt, but they offer investors a chance for
capital gains in exchange for the lower coupon rate. Bonds issued with warrants
are similar to convertibles. Warrants are options which permit the holder to buy
stock for a stated price, thereby providing a capital gains if the price of the stock
rises. Bonds that are issued with warrants, like convertibles, carry lower coupon
rates than straight bonds.


Another type of bond is an income bond, which pays interest only if the interest
is earned. These securities cannot bankrupt a company, but from an investors
standpoint they are riskier than regular bonds. Yet another bond is the indexed,
or purchasing power, bond. The interest rate paid on these bonds is based on
the consumer price index, so the interest paid rises automatically when the
inflation rate rises, thus protecting the bondholders against inflation.

7. Bond Valuation

The value of any financial asset is simply the present value of the cash flows the
asset is expected to produce.


The cash flows from a specific bond depend on its contractual features.


The bonds riskiness, liquidity and years to maturity, as well as supply and
demand conditions in the capital markets - all influence the interest rate on bonds.


At the time a coupon bond is issued, the coupon is generally set at a level that will
cause the market price of the bond to equal its par value.


A bond that has just been issued is known as a new issue. Once the bond has been
on the market for a while, it is classified as an outstanding bond, also called a
seasoned issue. Newly issued bonds generally sell very close to par, but the
prices of seasoned bonds often vary widely from par.

8. Key Points
Whenever the going rate of interest, is equal to the coupon rate, a fixed-rate bond will sell
at its par value. Normally, the coupon rate is set equal to the going rate when a bond is
issued, causing it to sell at par initially.
1. Interest rates do change over time, but the coupon rate remains fixed after the
bond has been issued.
Whenever the going rate of interest rises above the
coupon rate, a fixed-rate bonds price will fall below its par value. Such a bond is
called a discount bond

2. Whenever the going rate of interest falls below the coupon rate, a fixed-rate
bonds price will rise above its par value. Such a bond is called a premium
3. Thus, an increase in interest rates will cause the prices of outstanding bond to fall
whereas a decrease in rates will cause bond prices to rise.
4. The market value of a bond will always approach its par value as its maturity date
approaches, provided the firm does not go bankrupt.
These points are very important, for they show that bondholders may suffer capital losses
or make capital gains, depending on whether interest rates rise or fall after the bond was

9. Bond Yields

If you examine a price sheet put out by a bond dealer, you will typically see
information regarding each bonds maturity date, price, and coupon interest rate.
You will also see the bonds reported yield. Unlike the coupon interest rate,
which is fixed, the bonds yield varies form day to day depending on current
market conditions. Moreover, the yield can be calculated in three different ways,
and three answers can be obtained. These different yields are described in the
following sections.

10. Yield to Maturity


The interest rate generally discussed by investors when they talk about rates of
return. The yield to maturity is generally the same as the market rate of interest.


The yield to maturity can also be viewed as the bonds promised rate of return,
which is the return that investors will receive if all the promised payments are
made. However, the yield to maturity equals the expected rate of return only if
(1) the probability or default is zero and (2) the bond cannot be called. If there is
some default risk, or if the bond may be called, then the4re is some probability
that the promised payments to maturity will be called, then there is some
probability that the promised payments to maturity will not be received in which
case the calculated yield to maturity will differ from the expected return.


The YTM for a bond that sells at par consists entirely of an interest yield, but if
the bond sells at a price other than its par value, the YTM will consist of the
interest yield plus a positive or negative capital gains yield. Note also that a
bonds yield to maturity changes whenever interest rates in the economy change,
and this is almost daily. One who purchases a bond and holds it until it matures
will receive the YTM that existed on the purchase date, but the bonds calculated
YTM will change frequently between the purchase date and the maturity date.


11. Yield to Call


If you purchased a bond that was callable and the company called it, you would
not have the option of holding it until it matured. Therefore, the yield to maturity
would not be earned.


If current interest rates are well below an outstanding bonds coupon rate, then a
callable bond is likely to be called, and investors will estimate its most likely rate
of return as the yield to call (YTC) rather than as the yield to maturity.

12. Current Yield


If you examine brokerage house reports on bonds, you will often see reference to
a bonds current yield,. The current yield is the annual interest payment divided
by the bonds current price.


Unlike the yield to maturity, the current yield does not generally repr4esent the
return that investors should expect form holding the bond. The current yield
provides information about the cash income a bond will generate in a given year,
but since it does not take account of capital gains or losses that will be realized if
the bond is held until maturity (or call), it does not provide an accurate measure of
the total expected return.


The fact that the current yield does not provide an accurate measure of the total
return can be illustrated with a zero coupon bond. Since zeros pay no annual
income, they always have a current yield of zero. This indicates that the bond
will not provide any cash interest income, but since it will appreciate in value over
time, its total return clearly exceeds zero.


Although some bonds pay interest annually, the vast majority actually pay interest

13. Interest rate risk


Interest rates go up and down over time, and an increase in interest rates leads to a
decline in the value of an outstanding bond. This risk of a decline in bond values
due to rising interest rates is called interest rate risk. Interest rates can and do
rise, and rising rates cause a loss of value for bound holders. Thus, people or
firms who invest in bonds are exposed to risk from changing interest rates.


Ones exposure to interest rate risk is higher on bonds with long maturities than
on those maturing in the near future.


The longer the maturity of the bond, the more its price changes in response to a
given change in interest rates. Even if the risk of default on two bonds is exactly


the same, the one with the longer maturity is typically exposed to more risk from
a rise in interest rates.

The prices of long-term bonds are more sensitive to changes in interest rates than
are short-term bonds. To induce an investor to take this extra risk, long term
bonds must have a higher expected rate of return than short-term bonds. This
additional return is the maturity risk premium (MRP).
Therefore, one might
expect to see higher yields on long-term than on short-term bonds.


The longer maturity bonds must have a higher expected rate of return to
compensate for their higher risk.

14. Reinvestment Rate Risk


As we saw in the preceding section, an increase in interest rates will hurt bond
holders because it will lead to a decline in the value of a bond portfolio. But can a
decrease in interest rates also hurt bondholders? The answer is yes, because if
interest rates fall, a bondholder will probably suffer a reduction in his or her
income. For example, consider a retiree who has a portfolio of bonds and lives
off the income they produce. He has to replace with lower-yielding bonds and
suffer reduction in income.


The risk of an income decline due to a drop in interest rates is called

reinvestment rate risk, and its importance has been demonstrated to all
bondholders in recent years as a result of the sharp drop in rates since the mid
1980s. Reinvestment rate risk is obviously high on callable bonds. It is also high
on short maturity bonds, because the shorter the maturity of a bond, the fewer the
years when the relatively high old interest rate will be earned, and the sooner the
funds will have to be reinvested at the new low rate. Thus, retirees whose
primary holdings were short-term bonds were hurt badly by the recent decline in
rates, but holders of long term bonds are still enjoying their old high rates.
Another important risk associated with bonds is default risk. If the issuer
defaults, investors receive less than the promised return on the bond. Therefore,
investors need to assess a bonds default risk before making a purchase. The
greater the default risk, the higher the bonds Yield to maturity. The default risk
on Treasury securities is Zero, but default risk can be substantial for corporate and
municipal bonds.


Suppose two bonds have the same promised stream of cash flows, coupon rate,
maturity, liquidity, and inflation exposure, but different levels of default risk.
Investors will naturally pay less for the bond with the grater chance of default. As
a result, bond with higher default risk will have higher interest rates. If its default
risks changes, this will affect the price of a bond.



Default risk affected by both the financial strength of the issuer and the terms of
the bond contract, especially whether collateral has been pledged to secure the


An indenture is a legal document that spells out the rights of both bondholders
and the issuing corporation, and a trustee is an official (usually a bank) who
represents the bondholders and makes sure the terms of the indenture are carried
out. The indenture may be several hundred pages in length, and it will include
restrictive covenants that cover such points as the conditions under which the
issuer can pay off the bonds prior to maturity, the level at which the issuers
times-interest-earned ratio must be maintained if the company is to issue
additional debt, and restrictions against the payment of dividends unless earnings
meet certain specifications.


The trustee is responsible for monitoring the covenants and for taking appropriate
action if a violation does occur. What constitutes appropriate action varies with
the circumstances. It might be that to insist on immediate compliance would
result in bankruptcy and possibly large losses on the bonds. In such a case, the
trustee might decide that the bondholders would be better served by giving the
company a chance to work out its problems and thus avoid forcing it into


Under a mortgage bond, the corporation pledges certain assets as security for the


The second mortgage bonds can also be secured. In the event of liquidation, the
holders of these second mortgage bonds would have a claim against the property,
but only after the first mortgage bondholders had been paid off in full. Thus,
second mortgages are sometimes called junior mortgages, because they are junior
in priority to the claims of senior mortgages or first mortgage bonds.


These indentures are generally open ended meaning that new bonds can be issued
from time to time under the existing indenture. However, the amount of new
bonds that can be issued is virtually always limited to a specified percentage of
the firms total bondable property, which generally includes all land, plan, and

14.10 A debenture is an unsecured bond, and as such it provides no lien against

specific property as security for the obligation. Debenture holders are, therefore,
general creditors whose claims are protected by property not otherwise pledged.
In practice the value of debentures depends both on the nature of the firms assets
and on its general credit strength.
14.11 Subordinated Debentures: The term subordinate means below, or inferior
to, and, in the event of bankruptcy, subordinated debt has claims on assets only
after senior debt has been paid off.
Subordinated debentures may be


subordinated either to designated notes payable (usually bank loans) or to all other
debt. In the event of liquidation or reorganization, holders of subordinated
debentures cannot be paid until all senior debt, as named in the debentures
indenture, has been paid.
14.12 Some companies may be in a position to benefit from the sale of either
development bonds or pollution control bonds. State and local governments
may se t up both industrial development agencies and pollution control agencies.
These agencies are allowed, under certain circumstances, to sell tax-exempt
bonds, then to make the proceeds available to corporations for specific uses
deemed to be in the public interest.
14.13 Municipal Bond Insurance, Municipalities can have their bonds insured, in
which an insurance company guarantees to pay the coupon and principal
payments should the issuer default. This reduces risk to investors, who will thus
accept a lower coupon rate for an insured bond vis--vis an uninsured one. Even
though the municipality must pay a fee to get its bonds insured, its savings due to
the lower coupon rate often makes insurance cost-effective.

15. Basis for bond ratings:

Bond ratings are based on both qualitative and quantitative factors, some of which are
listed below:
1. Ratios: How strong are the debt ratio, the times-interest-earned ratio, the fixed
charge coverage ratio, the current ratio, and other ratios? The better the ratios, the
higher the bonds rating.
2. Mortgage provisions: Is the bond secured by a mortgage? If it is, and if the
property has a high value in relation to the amount of bonded debt, the bonds rating
is enhanced.
3. Subordination provisions: Is the bond subordinated to other debt? If so, it will be
rated at least one notch below the rating to the amount of bonded debt, the bonds
rating is enhanced.
4. Guarantee provisions : Some bonds are guaranteed by other firms. If a week
companys debt is guaranteed by a strong company (usually the weak companys
parent), the bond will be given the strong companys rating.
5. Sinking fund: Does the bond have a sinking fund to ensure systematic repayment?
This feature is a plus factor to the rating agencies.
6. Maturity: Other things the same, a bond with a shorter maturity will be judged less
risky than a longer-term bond, and this will be reflected in the ratings.
7. Stability: Are the issuers sales and earnings stable?
8. Regulation: Is the issuer regulated, and could an adverse regulatory climate cause
the companys economic position to decline? Regulation is especially important for
utilities, railroads, and telephone companies.
9. Antitrust: Are any antitrust actions pending against the firm that could erode its


10. Overseas operations: What percentage of the firms sales, assets, and profits are
from overseas operations, and what is the political climate in the host countries?
11. Environmental factors: Is the firm likely to face heavy expenditures for pollution
control equipment?
12. Product liability: Are the firms products safe? The tobacco companies today are
under pressure, and so are their bond ratings.
13. Pension liabilities: Does the firm have unfunded pension liabilities that could pose a
future problem?
14. Labor unrest: Are there potential labor problems on the horizon that could weaken
the firms position? As this is written, a number of airlines face this problem, and it
has caused their ratings to be lowered.
15. Accounting policies: If a firm uses relatively conservative accounting policies, its
reported earnings will be of higher quality than if it uses less conservative
procedures. Thus, conservative accounting policies are plus factors in bond ratings.
Importance of Bond Ratings: Bond ratings are important both to firms and to investors.
First, because a bonds rating is an indicator of its default risk, the rating has a direct,
measurable influence on the bonds interest rate and the firms cost of debt. Second,
most bonds are purchased by institutional investors rather than individuals, and many
institutions are restricted to investment-grade securities.

16. Bond markets


Corporate bonds are traded primarily in the over- the-counter market. Most bonds
are owned by and traded among the large financial institutions (for example, life
insurance companies, mutual funds, and pension funds, all of which deal in very
large blocks of securities), and it is relatively easy for the over-the-counter bond
dealers to arrange the transfer of large blocks of bonds among the relatively few
holders to arrange the transfer of large blocks of bonds among the relatively few
holders of the bonds. It would be much more difficult to conduct similar
operations in the stock market among the literally millions of large and small
stockholders, so a higher percentage of stocks trade on the exchanges.

17. Stocks and their valuation


The common stockholders are owners of a corporation, and as such they have
certain rights and privileges.


It is common that stockholders have the right to elect a firms directors, who, in
turn, elect the officers who manage the business. In a small firm, the major
stockholder typically assumes the positions of president and chairperson of the
board of directors. In a large publicly owned firm, the managers typically have
some stock, but their personal holdings are generally insufficient to give them
voting control. Thus, the management of most publicly owned firms can be
removed by the stockholders if they decide the management team is not effective.



State and federal laws stipulate how stockholder control is to be exercised. First
corporations must hold an election of directors periodically.


Stockholders can appear at the annual meeting and vote in person, but typically
they transfer their right to vote to a second party by means of a proxy.
Management always solicits stockholders proxies and usually gets them.
However, if earnings are poor and stockholders are dissatisfied, an outside group
may solicit the proxies in an effort to overthrow management and take control of
the business. This is known as a proxy fight.


The question of control has become a central issue in recent years. The frequency
of proxy fights has increased, as have attempts by one corporation to take over
another by purchasing a majority of the outstanding stock. This latter action is
called a takeover


Managers who do not have majority control (more than 50 percent of their firms
stock) are very much concerned about proxy fights and takeovers, and many of
tem attempt to get stockholder approval for changes in their corporate charters
that would make takeovers more difficult.


Common stockholders often have the right, called the preemptive right, to
purchase any new shares sold by the firm. In some states, the preemptive right is
automatically included in every corporate charter.


The purpose of the preemptive right is twofold.

First, it enables current
stockholders to maintain control.
If it were not for this safeguard, the
management of a corporation could issue a large number of additional shares and
purchase these shares itself. Management could thereby seize control of the
corporation and frustrate the will of the current stockholders.

18. Types Of Common Stock


Although most firms have only one type of common stock, in some instances
classified stock is used to meet the special needs of the company, Generally,
when special classifications of stock are used, one type is designated Class A,
another Class B, and so on. Small, new companies seeking funds from outside
sources frequently use different types of common stock. For example, when
Genetic Concepts went public recently, its Class A stock was sold to the public,
and it received a dividend, but this stock had no voting rights for five years. Its
Class B stock, which was retained by the organizers of the company, had full
voting rights for five years, but the legal terms stated that dividends could not be
paid on the Class B stock until the company had established its earning power by
building up retained earnings to a designated level. The use of classified stock
thus enabled the public to take a position in a conservatively financed growth
company without sacrificing income, while the founders retained absolute control
during the crucial early stages of the firms development. At the same time,


outside investors were protected against excessive withdrawals of funds by the

original owners. As is often the case in such situations, the Class B stock was
called founders shares.

The right to vote is often a distinguishing characteristic between different classes

of stock. Suppose two classes of stock differ in but one respect; one class has
voting rights but the other does not.

19. The Market for Common Stock


Some companies are so small that their common stocks are not activity traded;
they are owned by only a few people, usually the companies managers. Such
firms are said to be privately owned, or closely held, corporations, and their
stock is called closely held stock. In contrast, the stocks of most larger
companies are owned by a large number of investors, most of whom are not
active in management. Such companies are called publicly owned corporations,
and their stock is called publicly held stock.


As we saw in Chapter 4, the stocks of smaller publicly owned firms are not listed
on an exchange; they trade in the over-the-counter (OTC) market, and the
companies and their stocks are said to be unlisted. However, larger publicly
owned companies generally apply for listing on an organized security exchange,
and they and their stocks are said to be listed.


The institutional investors have a heavy influence on the prices of individual


20. Types of Stock Market Transactions


Trading in the outstanding shares of established, publicly owned companies:

the secondary market.
Additional shares sold by established, publicly owned companies: the primary
Initial public offerings by privately held firms: the IPO (Initial Public

21. Common Stock Valuation


Common stock represents an ownership interest in a corporation, but to the

typical investor, a share of common stock is simply a piece of paper characterized
by two features:


It entitles its owner to dividends, but only if the company has earnings out of
which dividends can be paid, and only if management chooses to pay dividends
rather than retaining and reinvesting all the earnings. Whereas a bond contains a
promise to pay interest, common stock provides no such promise if you own a
stock, you may expect a dividend, but your expectations may not in fact be met.



Stock can be sold at some future date, hopefully at a price greater than the
purchase price. If the stock is actually sold at a price above it s purchase price,
the investor will receive a capital gain. Generally, at the time people buy
common stocks, they do expect to receive capital gains; otherwise, they would not
buy the stocks. However, after the fact, one can end up with capital losses rather
than capital gains.


Common stocks provide an expected future cash flow stream, and a stocks value
is found in the same manner as the values of other financial assets namely, as
the present value of the expected future cash flow stream. The expected cash
flows consist of two elements: (1) the dividends expected in each year and (2) the
price investors expect to receive when they sell the stock. The expected final
stock price includes the return of the original investment plus an expected capital


The managers seek to maximize the values of their firms stocks. A mangers
actins affect a both the stream of income to investors and the riskiness of that


The value of a bond is the present value of interest payments over the life of the
bond plus the present value of the bonds maturity (or par) value;


For any individual investor, the expected cash flows consist of expected dividends
plus the expected sale price of the stock. However, the sale price the current
investor receives will depend on the dividends some future investor expects.
Therefore, for all present and future investors in total, expected cash flows must
be based on expected future dividends. Put another way, unless a firm is
liquidated or sold to another concern, the cash flows it provides to its stockholders
will consist only of a stream of dividends. Therefore, the value of a share of its
stock must be established as the present value of that expected dividend stream.


A security that is expected to pay a constant amount each year forever is called
perpetuity. Therefore, a zero growth stock is perpetuity.


Although a zero growth stock is expected to provide a constant stream of

dividends in to the indefinite future, each dividend has a smaller present value
than the preceding one, and as the eyras get very large, the represent value of the
future dividends approaches zero.

21.10 The earnings and dividends of most companies are expected to increase over time.
Expected growth rates vary from company to company, but dividend growth on
average is expected to continue in the foreseeable future at about the same rate as
that of the nominal gross domestic product (real GDP plus inflation). On this
basis, one might expect the dividend of an average, or normal, company to
grow at a rate of 6 to 8 percent a year.


21.11 Growth in dividends occurs primarily as a result of growth in earnings per share
(EPS). Earnings growth, in turn, results from a number of factors, including (1)
inflation, (2) the amount of earnings the company retains and reinvests, and (3)
the rate of return the coming years on its equity (ROE). Regarding inflation, if
output (in units) is stable, but both sales prices and input costs rise at the inflation
rate, then EPS will also grow at the inflation rate. Even without inflation, EPS
will also grow as a result of the reinvestment, or plowback, of earnings. If the
firms earnings are not all paid as dividends (that is, if some fraction of earnings
is retained), the dollars of investment behind each share will rise over time, ad
that should lead to growth in earnings and dividends.
21.12 Even though a stocks value is derived from expected dividends, this does not
necessarily mean that corporations can increase their stock prices by simply
raising the current dividend. Share holders care about all dividends, both current
and those expected in the future. Moreover, there is a trade-off between current
dividends and future dividends. Companies that pay high current dividends have
less money to retain and reinvest in the business, and that lowers the rate of
growth in earnings and dividends. So, the issue is this: Shareholders prefer to
have the company retain earnings, hence pay less current dividends, if it has
highly profitable investment opportunities, but they want the company to pay
earnings out if its investment opportunities are poor. Taxes also play a role, as
dividends and capital gains are taxed differently, so dividend policy affects
investors taxes.
21.13 Thus, we would expect to make a capital gain of $24.84 -$23.00 = $1.84 during
1999, which would provide a capital gains yield of 8 percent:

Capital gains yield1999 =

Capital gain
----------------- = ---------- = 0.08 = 8%
Beginning price

21.14 We could extend the analysis on out, and in each future year the expected capital
gains yield would always equal g, the expected dividend growth rate.
Continuing, the dividend yield in 2000 could be estimated as follows:

Dividend yield2000


= ----------$24.84

For a constant growth stock, the following conditions must hold:

1. The dividend expected to grow forever at a constant rate,
2. The stock price is expected tog row at that same rate
3. The expected dividend yield is a constant


0.054 = 5.4%

4. The expected capital gains yield is also a constant, and it is equal to

5. The expected total return, is equal to the expected dividend yield plus the
expected growth rate :
21.15 Consider the situation of a startup company formed to develop and market a new
product. Such a company generally expe3cts to have low sales during its first few
years as it develops and begins to market its product. Then, if the product catches
on, sales will grow rapidly for several years.
21.16 Asset growth must be financed by increasing some liability and/or equity account.
Small firms can often obtain some bank credit, but they must maintain a
reasonable balance between debt and equity. Thus, additional bank borrowings
require increases in equity, but small firms have limited access to the stock
market. Moreover, even if they can sell stock, their owners are often reluctant to
do so for fear of losing voting control. Therefore, the best source of equity for
most small businesses is from retaining earnings, so most small firms pay no
dividends during their rapid growth years. Eventually, most successful firms do
pay dividends, with dividends growing rapidly at first but then slowing down as
the firm approaches maturity.

22. Comparing the Total Company and Dividend Growth Models.


Since the total company and dividend growth models give the same answer, does
it matter which model you choose? In general, it does. For example, if you were
a financial analyst estimating the values of mature companies whose dividends
are expected to grow steadily in the future, it would probably be more efficient to
use the dividend to grow steadily in the future, it would probably be more
efficient to use the dividend growth model. Here you would only need to estimate
the growth rate in dividends, not the entire set of pro forma financial statements.
Chapter 10 explains some techniques for estimating growth rates.


However, if a company is paying a dividend but is still in the high-growth stage of

its life cycle, you would need to project the future financial statements before you
could make a reasonable estimate of future dividends. Then, since you would
have already estimated future financial statements, it would be a toss-up as to
whether the total company model or the dividend growth model would be easier
to apply.


Even if a company is paying steady dividends, much can be learned from the
corporate value model, so many analysts today use it for all types of valuations.
The process of projecting the future financial statements can reveal quite a bit
about the companys operations and financing needs. Also, such an analysis can
provide insights in to actions that might be taken to increase the companys value.
This is called value-based management.



Even small changes in the size or riskiness of expected future dividends can cause
large changes in stock prices. What might cause investors to change their
expectations about future dividends? It could be new information about the
specific company, such as preliminary results for an R&D programme, initial
sales of a new product, or the discovery of harmful side effects from the use of an
existing product, or, new information that will affect many companies could
arrive. Given the existence of computers and telecommunications networks, new
information hits the market on an almost continuous basis, and it causes frequent
and sometimes large changes in stock prices. In other words, ready availability of
information causes stock prices to be volatile!


If a stocks price is stable, that probably means that little new information is
arriving. But if you think its risky to invest in a volatile stock, imagine how risky
it would be to invest in a stock which rarely released new information about its
sales or operations. It may be bad to see your stocks price jump around, but it
would be a lot worse to see a stable quoted price most of the time but then to see
huge moves on the rare days when new information was released. Fortunately, in
our economy timely information is readily available. Evidence suggests that
stocks, especially those of large companies, adjust rapidly to new information.
Consequently, equilibrium ordinarily exists for any given stock, and required and
expected returns are generally equal. Stock prices certainly change, sometimes
violently and rapidly, but this simply reflects changing conditions and
expectations. There are, of course, times when a stock appears to react for several
months to favorable or unfavorable developments, but this does not signify a long
adjustment period; rather, it simply indicates that as more new pieces of
information about the situation become available, the market adjusts to them. The
ability of the market to adjust to new information is discussed in the next section.

23. The Efficient Markets Hypothesis


A body of theory called the Efficient Markets Hypothesis (EMH holds (1) that
stocks are always in equilibrium and (2) that it is impossible for an investor to
consistently eat the market.


The price of a stock will adjust almost immediately to any new development.


If markets are efficient, stock prices will rapidly reflect all available information.
This raises an important question: What types of information are available and,
therefore, incorporated into stock prices? Financial theorists have discussed three
forms, or levels, of market efficiency.


Weak-Form Efficiency. The weak form of the EMH states that al information
contained in past price movements is fully reflected in current market prices. If
this were true, then information about recent trends in stock prices would be of no
use in selecting stocks-the fact that a stock has risen for the past three days, for
example, would given us no useful clues as to what it will do today or tomorrow.


People who believe that weak-form efficiency exists also believe that ape
watchers ad chartists are wasting their time.
For example, after studying the past history of the stock market, a chartist might
discover the following pattern: If a stock falls three consecutive days, its price
typically rise 10 percent the following day. The technician would then conclude
that investors could make money by purchasing a stock whose price has fallen
three consecutive days.

Semistrong-From Efficiency: The semistrong form of the EMH states that

current market prices reflect all publicly available information. Therefore, if
semistrong-form efficiency exists, it would do no good to pore over annual
reports or other published data, because market prices would have adjusted to any
good or bad news contained in such reports back when the news came out. With
semistrong-form efficiency, investors should expect to earn the returns predicted
by the SML, but they should not expect to do any better unless they have good
lunch or information that is not publicly available.
However, insiders (for
example, the presidents of companies) who have information which is not
publicly available can earn abnormal returns (returns higher than those predicted
by the SML) even under semistrong-form efficiency.


Another implication of semistrong-form efficiency is that whenever information

is released to the public, stock prices will respond only if the information is
different from what had been expected.


Strong-From Efficiency: The strong form of the EMH states that current
market prices reflect all pertinent information, whether publicly available or
privately held. If this form holds, even insiders would find ti impossible to earn
abnormal returns in the stock market.

25. Implications of Market Efficiency


What bearing does the EMH have no financial decisions? Since stock prices do
seem to reflect public information, most stocks appear to be fairly valued. This
does not mean that new developments could not cause a stocks price to soar or to
plummet, but it does mean that stocks in general are neither overvalued nor
undervalued-they are fairly priced and in equilibrium.
However, there are
certainly cases in which corporate insiders have information not known to


If the EMH is correct, it is a waste of time for most of us to analyze stocks by

looking for those that are undervalued. If stock prices already reflect all publicly
available information, and hence are fairly priced, one can beat the market only
by luck, and it is difficult, if not impossible, for anyone to consistently outperform
the market averages. Empirical tests have shown that the EMH is, in its weak and
semistrong forms, valid. However, people such as corporate officers who have


inside information can do better than the averages and individuals and
organizations that are especially good at digging out information on small, new
companies also seem to do consistently well. Also, some investors may be able to
analyze and react more quickly than others to releases of new information, and
these investors may have an advantage over others. However, the buy-sell actions
of those investors quickly bring market prices in to equilibrium.

26. Preferred Stock


Preferred stock is hybrid it is similar to bonds in some respects and to common

stock in others. The hybrid nature of preferred stock becomes apparent when we
try to classify it in relation to bonds and common stock. Like bonds, preferred
stock has a par value and a fixed amount of dividends which must be paid before
dividends can be paid on the common stock. However, if the preferred dividend
is not earned, the directors can omit (or pass) it without throwing the company
in to bankruptcy. So, although preferred stock has a fixed payment like bonds, a
failure to make this payment will not lead to bankruptcy.
As noted above, preferred stocks entitle their owners to regular, fixed dividend



-- D.OBUL REDDY * and Shilpa Baid **
Setting up of depository has been a milestone in the history of Indian Capital
Market. Till just about a few years ago the suggestion of a trading and settlement system
without the bane of bad deliveries was met with a cynical shrug, but not any longer. The
introduction of Depository System would eliminate all the problems of bad deliveries,
fake/forged and duplicate shares and delays in transfers which have hounded the Indian
Capital market for years. This paper attempts to identify and analyze the role of
depository system is Indian Capital Market. This paper covers the following aspects of
the subject.
1. The need for Depository System in India.
2. Working of Depository System.
3. Benefits of Depository System.
4. Problems of Depository System.
5. Measures taken by the regulatory authorities to boost
dematerialized trading.
In the last 2 decades, the pace of growth in the Indian Capital Market has been
almost unparalleled in the history of any nation. The extent of growth can be gauged
from the fact that as against an annual average amount of just Rs.90 crores raised from
the primary Market in 1970s Rs.27,000 crores were raised in mid 90s a spectacular rise
of 300 times. In terms of market capitalization and turnover, India ranks among the top
15 Countries. It occupies second place in the world in terms of number of listed
Companies next only to U.S. It has the largest number of Share-holders in the World.
Paradoxically, with the increasing volumes the problems associated with trading and
settlement system have also increased. Investors have been haggling with delays
associated with clearance and settlement, fraudulent, misappropriation, long drawn
transfer procedure, enormous paper work, bad and improper delivery of stock, fear of
wrong signature, stolen shares, forged shares, etc. Investors in India experienced
unpleasantness to virtual cheating by company management in matters relating to listing
of Securities, dispatch of allotment letters/ refund ordered, dispatch of securities, physical
transfer of securities, transfer of odd lots, payment of dividends, payment of Interest on
debentures, Rights to be withheld pending registration. With the passing of depository
bill in July 1996 and formation of National Securities Depository Limited (NSDL), the
Capital Market is all set to change its complexion.
In India, Depository Ordinance paving way for the creation of depositories was
promulgated by the Government in 1995, thereby facilitating scripless trading in capital
market through dematerialization of securities. As per the regulations, equity shares,


debentures, warrants, bonds, units of mutual funds, rights under collective investment
schemes and venture capital funds, Commercial paper Certificate of deposit, securised
debt, Money Market instruments and unlisted securities are eligible to be admitted to the
depository for dematerialization. A depository holds the Securities in electronic form. It
can be called a Bank for Securities. It dematerializes the Securities, i.e., it converts the
physical securities into book entry securities. In the process, physical Certificates are
eliminated altogether.
When an Investor deposits his physical securities with a
depository, his account with the depository is credited for the deposit. The transfer is
affected electronically whenever he buys and sells his shares and his account will be
credited or debited accordingly. Shares in depository mode will be fungible; it means
shares will have no distinctive number in case of shares physically held. The Institution
which acts as a depository becomes the registered owner of the shares and the member
owning the shares in a Company will be treated as beneficial owner. The beneficial
owner continues to enjoy all the benefits like dividend, right shares, bonus shares, as well
as voting rights. A depository interfaces with the investors with the help of a Depository
Participant. A Depository Participant could be a public Financial Institution a defined in
Section 4 A of Cos Act, 1956, Scheduled Banks, RBI approved foreign banks operating
in India, State Financial Corporation established under Section 3 of State Financial
Corporation Act, Institutions engaged in providing financial services, promoted by any of
the institutions mentioned above, either jointly or severally, custodians of securities who
are registered with SEBI, Clearing Corporation or clearing houses of Stock Exchanges,
Stock brokers registered with SEBI, NBFCs having a net worth 50 lakhs or more,
provided they fulfill the admission criteria laid down by SEBI. A Depository Participant
is the representative of an Investor in the Depository System. He acts as an intermediary
between an Investor and the Depository.
As per the provisions of the ordinance, the holder of securities shall have an
option whether to remain in non-depository mode or shift to depository mode. Those
who would like to remain in non-depository mode shall hold the physical possession of
Certificates of Securities and the Investors who opt to hold securities under depository
mode shall open an Account with a Depository Participant. He gets an identification
number which serves as a reference point for all his transactions with that Depository
Participant. The process of dematerialization involves the following steps:

1. The Investor has to fill up Demat Request Form provided by

the Depository Participant and surrender his share Certificate
duly cancelled by endorsing surrendered for Demat.


2. The Depository Participant sends an Electronic request to the

Depository for dematerialization of Securities.
3. The Depository Participant forwards the Demat Request Form
and the Certificates to the Registrar.
4. The Registrar confirms the request from the Depository and on
certification of details will proceed to destroy the Certificates
in the specified time frame.
5. The Registrar credits the depository account as registered
owner in Company Books.
6. The Depository updates its accounts and confirms the
dematerialization to Depository Participant.
7. The Depository Participant then credits the Investors account
with the number of shares so dematerialized and thereafter the
Investor holds the securities in Electronic Form.
The Investor will be given a Pass book or Statement of holding which will be
Dispatched to him periodically giving him his latest status. The Depository Participant
will charge an Investor for the services offered. There are various types of fees: Account
opening Fee, Custody Fee, Dematerialization Charges, Rematerialisation Charges, etc.
These charges differ considerably from one Depository Participant to another.
An Investor can also exercise his option of holding shares in Electronic Form at
the time of initial public offer. In that case, the Issuer shall inform the concerned
Depository about the allotment of the securities and record the Depository as the
registered holder of Securities. Having received such intimation, the Depository shall
record the name of the allottee as the beneficial owner in its books.
To settle account transfer with depository for trades, carried out on the exchange,
the depository will interface with the clearing houses for delivery and receipt of
obligations. Under the depository framework of settlement, depository will not transfer
securities from delivering member to receiving member until the clearing house confirms
that all funds have been received. The Settlement of funds will be outside the depository.
The following process flow outlines this clearing and settlement procedure:


Depository ordinance also provides to the beneficial owner the facility of

electronic holding into share certificates. For rematerialisation the beneficial
to request his Depository Participant for rematerialisation of shares. The
Company will issue new Share Certificates to the Investor for the

owner has
shares so

Rematerialisation takes place through the following steps:

1.Beneficial owner requests for dematerialization.

2.Depository participant intimates NSDL of the request through the system.
3. NSDL confirms dematerialization request to the registrar.
4. Registrar updates accounts and prints certificates.
5. NSDL updates accounts and download, details to depository participant.
6. Registrar dispatches certificates to investor.
Multiple Depository Concepts
In India the concept of multiple depositories has been adopted. Given the fact
that India has the largest number of shareholders in the World it is reasonable to assume
that dematerialization can take place at a faster pace if there are multiple depositories. It
also creates a competitive environment which will be responsive to the users interest and
National Securities Depository Limited (NSDL), the first depository and the only
player in the market so fare was registered with SEBI on 7th June, 1996. It started its
operations on 8th November, 1996. Since then it has been growing at a faster pace. It is a
public limited company incorporated under the Companys Act. It is promoted by UTI,
The Bombay Stock Exchange and Bank of India have jointly promoted the second
depository in the country, Central Depository Services (India) Limited (CDSL), for
dealing in securities in the electronic form. SEBI granted the certificate of registration to
CDS on 19th August, 1998. Very soon it will become operational.



Though the Depository System is optional and it is left to the Investor to decide
whether he wants the Securities to be dematerialized or not, the number of Accounts with
NSDL is increasing day by day. Large quantity of securities is being dematerialized by
mutual fund, foreign investors and domestic investors because of the advantages of
holding Shares in electronic Form.
1. A Depository first and foremost ensures that only preverified assets with
title are exchanged in the process of trading. So and investor is
assured of good
quality of assets. Besides this, the problems of bad
deliveries and all risks
associated with physical certificates, such as
loss, theft, mutilation, etc., would be eliminated.

Electronic transaction of securities eliminates the time consuming paper

work involving Certificates and Transfer Deed.
Instant transfer of securities due to quick processing enables one to get
dividend, right and bonus without delay.
The transaction costs are drastically reduced because of no stamp duty on
No problem of odd lots hereafter the marketable lot in depository is fixed
as 1 share.
All non-cash corporate benefits, i.e. rights and bonuses can also be
obtained in electronic form automatically.
As a Security measure, the Account Holder can totally freeze his Account
for any desired time duration.
Loans against pledge or hypothecation of dematerialized share can be
borrowed at a lower interest rate.
Depository makes it possible for Investors to be able to deliver shares in
any part of the Country without exposing themselves to the risk and cost
of transportation. Intermediaries will be benefited from enhanced liquidity,
safety and turnover on stock market, improved cash flows from not having
funds tied up for long periods, elimination of forgery and counterfeit with
attendant reduction in settlement risk from bad deliveries.

This system will also help Company Management to maintain and update
information about shareholding pattern of Company. The issue cost will also be
drastically reduced because of dematerialization of shares. It can be inferred that
paperless trading is a boon not only for investors and brokers, but other
intermediaries and Company Management will also be benefited.
Despite the various benefits the Depository System offers, Investor especially the
retail investor is shy of Demat trading. In order to provide an investor friendly


market-oriented system of paperless settlement of securities transactions various

issues needs to be addressed:
(1) The issue which is keeping the Retail Investors away form the depository
system is the agency risk. As far as the retail investor is concerned, the
risk perception in the new system is no less (if not more) then what it is in
the present system of trading and settlement. Infact in the present system
his risk is diversified among various player (Brokers, Registrar, Postal
System etc.) and limited in scope while in the proposed system all eggs
would be in 1 basket, i.e., the Depository Participant. Even if the
Depository Participant is a reputed Bank, the retail Investor does not feel
confident until adequate and effective insurance coverage is provided.
(2) Cash benefits cannot be disbursed electronically. They will be sent by
Post, so the risk of loss in transit still has to be borne by the Investor.
(3) There
rematerialisation, etc., Besides this, Investors who intends to hold their
investment in dematerialization form have to pay custody charges to the
Depository Participant. All this may deter retail investors from taking
advantage of the System.
(4) The option to the existing shareholders not to opt for depository system
may keep many securities in Physical Form. Statistics show that in India
almost 40% of the shares are not sold. Indian shareholders may not like to
part with their shares for a mere Computer entry purely out of sentimental
(5) A large number of transactions are not accounted for and both the buyers
and sellers may not be comfortable with their names appearing in
Computer Printouts. The fear of Tax Authorities may outweigh the
disadvantages of the time consuming transfer facilities.
(6) The Infrastructure available for trading in Demat shares is thoroughly
inadequate. Even in some of the major towns it is difficult to open a
Demat account, it is practically impossible for those living in smaller
towns. All these Investors along with their funds will be driven out of the
market if trading in Demat shares is made compulsory.
In order to attract more and more Investors towards Depository System, the
Government, Reserve Bank of India, SEBI, and NSDL have taken several
1. Public awareness programmes have been launched to enhance awareness
among market participants especially Investors and Traders, about the benefits
Of holding and trading shares in Demat form.
To encourage retail Investors to invest in Demat equity/debt, R.B.I has decided
to increase the ceiling to Rs.20 lakhs if the advances are secured by Demat shares.
The minimum margin required against such shares has been reduced to 25%.


Demat equities are allowed as good delivery in the physical trading from
April 6. An Investor purchasing shares in the physical segment may get delivery
In Demat shares and such shares will be good delivery.
In order to boost trading volume in the Demat segment, SEBI has made it
compulsory for Institutional Investors to trade in Demat form in respect of 110
scrips from October 15, 1998. Starting December 15, 1998 trades by Institutional
Investors in 235 scrips have to be settled compulsorily in Demat form.
To rope in small Investors SEBI has come up with a list of 12 companies in which
retail Investors have to compulsorily settle trades in Shares in Demat form from
January 4, 1999. With effect from February 15, 1999 nineteen Companies have
been added to the list of securities in which trading in Demat form is compulsory
for all Investors. From April 5, 1999 another 29 companies have to be traded in
Demat form compulsorily by all investors. So from April 5, 1999 investors would
have to deal in Demat form in 60 scrips compulsorily. This will cover all scrips
of BSE Sensex and CNX Nifty indices.
Depository participants are offering a number of special incentives like Waiver of
Account Opening Charges, Security Deposit, Maintenance charges and reduction
in transaction cost, etc., to woo the prospective clients.
NSDL intends to facilitate in the near future stock lending and borrowing of
Securities held in Demat form, stock lending and borrowing schemes would give
a major fillip to trading volumes in the Demat shares.
The measures taken so far indicate the eagerness of the regulatory authorities to
promote Demat trading. Since retail Investors have the key to lucidity, there is a
concerted move to reach out to small Investors by offering them various sops.
Setting up o depository is a bold step and a beginning is made towards
integrating Indian capital market with the rest of the International Markets. While
depository system by itself may not be a panacea for the antiquated forms of
trading and methods of record keeping which are manual, cumbersome and time
consuming it may definitely improve the capital market operations.
Sanjiv Agarwal and Pawan Kumar Vijay, Depositories: Law Practice and
Procedure, Mashbra Industries (P) Ltd.,
Depository Act, 1996.
SEBI Guidelines.
Rajendra Kumar Garg, Depository Services for Growth of Capital Markets in
India, Journal of Accounting and Finance, August 1996.
Chartered Secretary, August 1998.
Charted Financial Analyst,, September 1998.
Management Accountant, May 1996.
Economic Times.



[ Instructions to Faculty ]

Administrative Training Institute

Lalithamahal Road, Mysore - 570 011


Learning Unit-4
Instructions to Faculty

Capital Management
First, explain the objectives of this Learning Unit.

At the end of this Learning Unit the participants will be able to:
1. Understand the nature of investment decisions.
2. Value the estimated future benefits that will occur to the firm over a series of years.
3. Understand the implications of long-term investments.
4. Apply the steps of investment evaluation criteria methodically.
5. Work out to accept or reject an investment proposal.
6. Use pay back period as a method of evaluating investment proposal.
7. Evaluate both the lending and borrowing type projects.
8. Build the relationship between profitability and risk.
9. Describe basic risk concepts.
10. Incorporate risk analysis in the capital budgeting proposals.
11. Apply different approaches to the calculation of cost of equity capital.
12. Adopt CAPM approach for computing the cost of equity.
13. List merits and demerits of the CAPM approach.
14. Calculate weighted average cost of capital.
15. Determine the cost of equity capital of the company.
16. Establish the relationship between leverage and the cost of capital.
17. Critically appraise the traditional approach and the Modigliani- Miller approach to the
problems of capital structure.
18. Establish the relationship between capital structure and the value of firm.
19. Define capital structure, appropriate capital structure and flexible capital structure.
20. Employ yield measures like, current yield, yield to maturity, yield to call and realized
yield to maturity.
21. Undertake s tock valuation by using dividend discount model.
22. Understand the DEMAT systems and the working of depositary system in India.


ty should use the visual aids given below to explain the objectives.

Visual Aid - 25: Capital Management

Capital Management

Capital Structure
Capital Budgeting Decisions
Measurement of Risk
Cost of Capital including CAP-M
Valuation of Fixed Income Securities
Valuation of Bonds and Stocks

Explanation: Faculty to give the salient features of each of the above units while
making the presentation. Faculty may refer to the information in the Reading Material
for Learning Unit 4.

Visual Aid 26: Capital Structure

Capital Structure

Debt and Equity

Financial Leverage
Modigliani-Miller Theory
Trade Off Analysis
Signaling Theory
Hamada Model

Faculty may refer to the Reading Material in Learning Unit 4 for information on
the above topics for presentation/

Visual Aid - 27: Capital Budgeting Decisions


Capital Budgeting Decisions

Investment in long term assets.

Capital budgeting evaluation
Pay back period
NPV and IRR.
Profitability Index
Post audit
Faculty may refer to the Reading Material in Learning Unit 4 for information on
the above topics for presentation/

Visual - Aid 28: Measurement of Risk

Measurement of Risk

Forecasting risk
Risk and returns
Risk adjusted discount rate
Sensitivity analysis
Standard deviation to measure risk
Decision Tree approach
Utility Theory
Faculty may refer to the Reading Material in Learning Unit 4 for information on the
above topics for presentation

Visual Aid 29: Cost of Capital, including CAP-M

Cost of Capital, including CAP-M

Measurement techniques of cost of capital

Wealth maximization approach
Explicit and Implicit costs
Debt financing
Weighted average cost of capital
Capital Asset Pricing Model
Rationale of CAP-M
Faculty may refer to the Reading Material in Learning Unit 4 for information on the
above topics for presentation


Visual Aid - 30: Valuation of Fixed Income Securities

Valuation of Fixed Income Securities

Preference shares
Convertible debentures
Non-convertible debentures
SEBI guidelines
Government securities
Yield to maturity
Credit Ratings
Liquidity Preference Theory
Determinants of Interest Rate

Faculty may refer to the Reading Material in Learning Unit 4 for information on the
above topics for presentation

Visual Aid - 31 -Valuation of bonds and stocks

Valuation of bonds & stocks

Classification of bonds: based on return and risk

Sinking funds
Bond yields:
o yield to maturity
o yield to call
o current yield
Interest rate risk
Reinvestment Rate risk
Basis for bond ratings
Stocks and their valuation
Common stock market and valuation
Dividend growth models
Efficient markets hypothesis

Faculty may refer to the Reading Material in Learning Unit 4 for information on the
above topics for presentation


Group Activities
After making a presentation based on the above visual aids Nos. 25 -31,
faculty should facilitate group activities as detailed in the handout on
Group Activity for Learning Unit 4. Briefly, there will be three groups;
each group will be assigned work as follows:

Group 1:

A. Capital Structure
B. Capital Budgeting decision

Group 2:

C. Measurement of Risk
D. Cost of Capital, including CAP-M

Group 3:

E. Valuation of Fixed Income Securities

F. Valuation of Bonds & Stocks

Also detailed in the handout on Group Activities for Learning Unit -4 is a list of 24
questions. Faculty should facilitate participants to seek solutions to the 24 questions, in
addition to the group task assigned as above.


Government of Karnataka



[20 days Training Module in two phases of 10 days each:

Refined after the validation proceedings]

With support from
Department of Personnel & Training
Government of India

Administrative Training Institute

Lalithmahal Road, Mysore 570 011
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4. Portfolio Management
5. Derivatives
6. International financial Management

{Note: The Second Phase Training is meant for the participants, who
have undergone training in the first phase}


Module for Phase 2

Introductory activities
Forenoon & Afternoon Sessions
Time &


9.30 to
10.30 a.m.
10.30 a.m.
1.45 p.m.

Registration for the participants of Phase-2

training at ATI Hostel.
Detailed re-cap on Phase-1 training.
Presentation by the four groups on each of
the following learning units of phase-1.

2.30 pm to
5.30 pm

Support and Role of


Basics of Commercial Accounting and

Balance Sheet
Discounted Cash Flow Technique and
Internal Rate of Return
Capital Management
Expectations of the participants from
phase-2 training and its analysis
Briefing on the objectives and the
utility of phase 2 training

Distribution of reading materials and

group activities related to the Phase- 2
Learning Units

Visit to the Library to collect books

and journals on topics incorporated in
Phase-2 Learning Units.

Summing up of the proceedings of Day-1.


Facilitator to analyze
the expectations of the
Facilitators to explain
the salient features of
the phase-2 training.
Facilitator to explain
how to use the reading
materials and books to
carry out the group
activities effectively.
Facilitator to assist the
selection of books.

Learning Unit - 5

Portfolio Management
Objectives :
At the end of this learning unit, the participants will be able to;

Interpret the basic principles required for designing, analyzing and managing a

Forecast the future share price movements

Identify the factors that influence financial performance of companies.

Decide the proportions of the total funds that should be invested in each security.

Take decisions on asset allocation and on the choice of securities within each
broad category of asset.

Revise portfolios based on changes in the prices of securities.

Evaluate portfolio performance.


Day - 2
Learning Unit - 5
Forenoon & Afternoon Sessions
Time &


Support and Role of


9.30 a.m. to
5.30 p.m.

Recap on the proceedings of Day-1.

Commencement of LU-5


Faculty to initiate the session with a brief

presentation on stock exchange, technical
analysis and charting of stock prices;
modern portfolio theory; asset allocation
and portfolio design and evaluation of
portfolio performance.

Faculty/facilitator may use

the 10 visual aids specified
in the handout on
'Instructions to Faculty on
Portfolio Management' in

Group activities

The focus for discussion

should be on the points
specified in the handout for
Group Activities in
Learning Unit-5.

Four groups will be formed. Groups will

be assigned the following topics:

of topics

Group 1: Firm specific analysis

Group 2: Modern Portfolio theory
Group 3: Asset allocation and portfolio
Group 4: Evaluation of portfolio
Participants to develop visual aids for the

Reading material on the

topics for group discussion
will be made available to
the participants in advance.
Each participant will be
required to study the
material for participation in
financial issues, detailed
and decisions.
participants to ignore the


Learning Unit-5
Forenoon and Afternoon Session

Re-cap on the day-2 proceedings

Group Activities on Learning Unit-5

will continue for the entire day

Summing up of the day-3 proceedings.

Learning Unit - 5
Forenoon and Afternoon Session:
Time &


9.30 a.m. to
5.30 p.m.

Recap on the proceedings of Day 2 and 3

Firm specific

Presentation by the group 1 on Firm

specific analysis plenary discussion by
participants and moderation by Faculty.

and Portfolio

Presentation by the Group 2 on Modern

portfolio theory;

Presentation by Group 3 on Asset

allocation and portfolio design
Presentation by Group 4 on Evaluation of,
portfolio performance.
Plenary discussion by participants and
moderation by faculty.
Listing of learning points arising from the
presentations and discussions.
Summing up by Faculty


Support and Role of


Learning Unit - 6

At the end of this learning unit, the participants will be able to:

Understand the rationale of risk management.


Understand the background on derivatives.


Understand option theory.


Use complex option pricing model and the Black-Schales model.


Understand forward contracts, futures and swaps.


Use derivatives to reduce risks.


Day 5
Learning Unit - 6
Forenoon and Afternoon Sessions
Time &


Support and Role of


9.30 a.m. to
5.30 p.m.

Commencement of LU-6

As this is a new subject,

every care should be taken
to explain basic definitions
with simple examples.

Recap on L.U.5.
Faculty to make a brief presentation on the
meaning and background of derivatives as
well as option pricing models including
the black schales option pricing model and
using derivatives to reduce risk.
Group tasks

All groups will be asked to read the key

concepts and case studies on derivatives
provided in the reading material in LU-6
and to respond to the questions following
the material.
Summing up of the 5th day proceedings.


Faculty may use the 7

visual aids indicated in the
handout Instructions to
Faculty in LU-6.

Day 6
Learning Unit - 6
Forenoon and Afternoon Session
Time &


Support and Role of


9.30 a.m. to
5.30 p.m.

Recap of the proceedings of Day 5.

Group activities contd.

Focus on
questions and
mini cases

All groups will have to go through

available books related to this
Explain the importance of
Participants will be supplied with questions and mini cases
summary on derivatives.
provided, each group will be
expected to answer the questions
following the reading material and
the two mini cases (as per details in
the handout 'group activity on
derivatives' in LU-6).
Participants to develop visual aids
to do the presentation.

Summing up of the proceedings of Day 6.


Day 7
Learning Unit - 6
Forenoon and Afternoon Session
9.30 a.m. to
5.30 p.m.

Recap on the 6th day proceedings.

Presentations, discussions,
moderation and listing of learning
Summing up of the proceedings of
Day 7.


Moderation and summing


Learning Unit - 7

International Financial Management

Objectives: At the end of this learning unit, the participants will be able to:

Prepare statements of balance of payments.


Acquire the skills of conversion rates, by bid price, ask price and spread


Workout the arbitrage possibilities.


Calculate expected exchange rate.


Understand the various exchange rate theories.


Work on covering exchange rate risk with reference to appreciation,

depreciation, hedging and translation exposure.


Calculate the interest rate risk under different situations.


Recommend regarding procurements, manufacturing and viability based on

the case studies.


Understand the financial systems in the Euro currency market.


Day 8
Learning Unit - 7
Forenoon and Afternoon Sessions
Time &


Support and Role of


9.30 a.m. to
5.30 p.m.


Recap on L.U. 6.
Commencement of LU 7
International Financial Management.
Faculty to make a brief presentation on
BOP, exchange rate theories, hedging and
translation exposure, currency adjustment,
IMF and IBRD functions, EMS, Foreign
exchange market, Euro currency market
and risks in international operations.

Focus on 15
problems and
two cases

Case on guns
Case on

Group activity:
Group work will be assigned to the
existing 4 groups.
Participants will be required to read/
study the reading materials in LU 7
and to use references to solve specific
15 problems and 2 case studies will be
supplied to the participants (the details
are available in the handout on group
activities in LU-7)

As far as the case studies are concerned,

recommendations about the manufacture
and purchase of guns, and hiring or
purchasing of helicopters along with
financial implications.
Groups will develop visual aids for
Summing up of the 8th day proceedings.


Faculty to use the visual

handout Instructions to
Faculty in LU 7.

Day 9
Learning Unit - 7

Recap on the 7th day proceedings

Group activities on L.U. 7 will
continue on day 9.
Summing up of the Day 9


Day 10
Learning Unit - 7
Forenoon and Afternoon Sessions :
Time &


Support and Role of


9.30 a.m. to
1.30 p.m.


Recap on the proceedings of Day 9.

Moderation and summing
Presentations, discussions, moderations
listing of learning points and summing up.


2.30 p.m. to
5.30 p.m.

Summing up of LU-7 by the participants.


Internal evaluation/good byes




[Group Activity]

Administrative Training Institute

Lalithamahal Road, Mysore 570 011.


Group Activity
Learning Unit 5

Portfolio Management

General Instructions:


Portfolio management is one of the new techniques to reduce risk in security



At the beginning of this learning unit, the faculty will make an explanation
on Portfolio Management with examples. This explanation/presentation will
take approximately two hours.


After the explanation/presentation, participants may raise questions for

further clarifications or issues for discussion on the subject of Portfolio
Management. Approximately 45 minutes time has been earmarked for this


This will be followed by another detailed explanation by the faculty on group

activities to be carried out by participants.



Group Work
Four groups will be formed. Each group will consist of 5-6 members. Each
group will be assigned a separate topic as shown below :Group A : Firm specific analysis.
Group B : Modern Portfolio theory
Group C : Asset Allocation and portfolio design.
Group D : Evaluation of portfolio performance.


Each participant is expected to go through the reading material on the above

topics to discuss financial issues, meanings and definitions, calculations,
implications, decisions etc., Further they will also be expected to list out the
important points on flip charts/ Power point/OHP for presentation.


One or two members from the group may make the presentation. Each group
will be given sufficient time followed by 15 minutes discussion in the
classroom with other group members.


The presentations and the discussion will be moderated by the faculty




Material for presentation by Group A:

Firm Specific Analysis
(source : Book on PortFolio Management by Professors. S.K.Barua, and V.Raghunathan
and J.R.Verma)


If we want to know how prosperous a person is, we generally look at his

income and wealth. A person who is very wealthy can live off his capital for
several years even if his current income is low. So also a person who has a
high level of income may be able to live well even if he has little wealth or is
encumbered with substantial liabilities. Similarly, when we look at the
financial health of a company, we must look at its assets and at its income.


The financial statements published by a company periodically (typically once

a year) allow us to do precisely that. The two basic financial statements
provided by a company are the Balance Sheet and the Profit and Loss
Account (P & L Account for short). The first gives us a picture of the assets
and liabilities of the company while the second gives us the details of its
earnings. We shall now look at each of these statements in greater detail.


The Balance Sheet is a snapshot of what the company owns, the assets, and
what the company owes, the liabilities, on a specific date. We have below
the condensed Balance Sheets as on 31.03.1990 and 31.03.1991 of Shatabdi
Industries, in the format used by the Bombay Stock Exchange (BSE)
Directory. (The published Balance Sheet, from which these condensed
statements have been prepared, contains hundreds of items.)


TABLE 1: Balance Sheet of Shatabdi Industries Ltd.


Current Assets
1. Cash and Bank Balance
2. Sundry Debtors
3. Inventory
4. Misc. Current Assets
Fixed Assets (Net)
5. Gross Block
i) Plant & Machinery
ii) Others
6. Less: Depreciation
7. Investment in
8. Miscellaneous Assets
9. Intangible Assets
Total Assets
Current Liabilities
10. Loans and Advances
11. Sundry Creditors
12.Provision for Tax
13. Miscellaneous Current
Deferred Liabilities
14. Debentures
15. Long-term Loans
Total Outside Liabilities
Share capital
16. Preference Capital
17. Equity Capital
(Rs.10 paid up)
Shareholders Reserves
18. Share Premium
19. Other Capital Reserve
20. Sinking Fund and
Redemption Reserve
21. Investment Allowance
22. Free Reserves/Surplus
Net Worth

Rs. In Lakhs


Common size































The major categories of assets are current assets and fixed assets. Current
assets are those assets which the company intends to convert into cash in the
near future (within say less than one year). Fixed assets are those assets
which the company intends to use up over several years. The major
categories of liabilities are outside liabilities and liability towards
shareholders, know as net worth. Accountants treat a company as an entity
distinct from its shareholders whose stake in the firm is therefore treated as a
liability of the company towards its shareholders. The outside liabilities are
usually categorized into those which have to be met in the near future (say
within the next one year), which are known as current liabilities and those
liabilities which have to be met later, known as the long term liabilities.

Net Worth and Book Value


A shareholders stake in the firm is divided into shareholders capital and

reserves. It can be observed from Table 5.1 that there are several kinds of
reserves. The share premium reserve is the amount paid by the shareholders
in excess of the par value of the shares. The shareholders capital and the
share premium reserve together represent the total amount of money
provided by the shareholders to the firm. The free reserves are the past
profits retained by the firm; these are available for distribution as dividends.
Both the share premium and the free reserves can be used by the company
for issuing bonus shares. The other kinds of reserves, created for specific
purposes, are not available for paying dividends and issuing bonus shares.
However, these reserves when no longer needed can be transferred to free


The total net worth divided by the number of shares is the much talked about
book value of a share. For Shatabdi Industries, the book value turns out to be
Rs.127.70 on 31.03.1991 as against Rs.103.50 on 31.03.90. Though the
book value is often seen as an indication of the intrinsic worth of the share,
this may not be so for two major reasons. First, the market price of the share
reflects the future earnings potential of the firm which may have no
relationship with the value of its assets. Second, the book value is based
upon the historical costs of the assets of the firm and these may be gross
underestimates of the cost of the replacement or resale values of these assets.
It is not uncommon to find shares of good companies quoting five to ten
times their book value.


We now turn to the Profit and Loss Account of Shatabdi Industries given in
Table 2.


TABLE 2: Profi t and Loss Account of Shatabdi Industries Ltd.,




1. Net Sales
Cost of Goods Sold
2. Stocks Consumed
3. Wages and Salaries
4. Direct Manufacturing
5. General Expenses
6. Gross Profit
7. Interest
8. Pre-Depreciation
Operating Profit
9. Depreciation
10. Operating Profit
11.Non-Operating Surplus/
12. Pre-tax Profit
13. Provision for Taxes
14. Net Profit
Profit Distributed
15. Dividend on Preferred
16. Dividend on equity
17. Profit Retained

Rs. In Lakhs
Year ending


Common size
Year ending





















The Profit and Loss Account shows the revenues earned and the costs
incurred by the company during the years ending 31.03.1990 and
31.03.1991. The costs are classified into major heads. The Gross Profit as
defined by BSE, commonly known as Earnings Before Interest, Depreciation
and Taxes (EBIDT), is arrived at by subtracting the Cost of Goods Sold and
the General Expenses from Sales Revenues. The Operating Profit as defined
by BSE more commonly known as Profit Before Tax (PBT) is arrived at by
subtracting Interest and Depreciation Expenses from the Gross Profit. The
Net Profit or Profit After Tax (PAT) is arrived at by subtracting the Taxes
Paid from the total of Operating and Non-operating Profits. The P&L
Statement also shows the details of distribution of net profits between
dividends and retention.



There are some other measures of earnings which are frequently used for
various kinds of analyses. Earnings Before Interest and Taxes (EBIT) is
obtained by subtracting depreciation from EBIDT. Cash Profits are defined
as PAT plus all non-cash expenses, primarily depreciation.


Most investors are interested in the Earnings Per Share (EPS) which is
obtained by dividing PAT by the number of shares. In case of Shatabdi
Industries, EPS for 1991 is Rs.29.22 as compared toRs.18.73 in the previous

5. Sources and Uses of Funds


The identification of sources and uses of funds is known as Funds Flow

Analysis. We shall regard funds and cash as synonymous for our discussion.
Cash can be generated by retaining profits rather than paying them out as
dividends, selling existing assets, borrowing money or raising money from
shareholders by issuing new securities. Cash is used to purchase assets or
pay off debt. The starting point for drawing up a funds flow statement is to
compute the changes in each Balance Sheet item from one statement date to
the next, and classify them using the following scheme.









While doing this we must look at the changes in the Gross Block rather than
the Net Block because this correctly captures the additions to and sale of
fixed assets.


Once this has been done, there is only one important source of funds left.
This is the Cash Profits generated by the firm which as stated earlier is PAT
plus all non cash expenses. The Statement of Sources and Uses of Funds for
Shatabdi Industries for the year ended 31.03.1991 is contained in Table 3.


TABLE 3: Sources and Uses of Funds for Shatabdi Industries Ltd.

Sources of Funds
Deferred Liabilities
Long Term Loans
Internal Generation
Profit after Tax


Uses of Funds
Increase in Current Assets
Decrease in Current Liabilities
Increase in Gross Block



One of the major uses of Funds flow Analysis is to find out whether the firm
has used short term sources of funds to finance long-term investments. Such
method of financing increases the risk of liquidity crunch for the firm, as
long-term investments, because of the gestation period involved may not
generate enough surpluses in time to meet the short-term liabilities incurred
by the firm. Many a firm has come to grief because of this mismatch
between the maturity periods of sources and uses of funds.


It is clear from Table 3 that Shatabdi Industries has been quite prudent in its
choice of source mix. A large proportion of total funds have come from
long-term sources, which has not only been used to finance the long-term
uses but also to finance current assets and reduce current liabilities.


The Funds Flow Analysis also reveals the extent to which a company is able
to finance its growth from Internal Generation of funds. In Table 3, we see
that in the case of Shatabdi Industries, internal generation accounts for about
two-thirds of the total requirements of funds.


Cross-sectional and Time Series Analysis

One of the main purposes of examining financial statements is to compare
two firms, compare a firm against some benchmark figures for its industry
and to analyses the performance of a firm over time. This kind of
comparison becomes difficult if it is done on the basis of the figures reported
in the annual statements. For example, can we say that a firm with long-term
loans of Rs.50 crores is more risky (because of higher leverage) as compared
to a firm with long-term loan of just Rs.4 crores? A correct assessment
would require that we reflect the relative size of the firms in our comparison.


The techniques that are used to do such proper comparative analysis are: (i)
common-sized statement, and (ii) financial ratio analysis.

The common-size statement is prepared by expressing the items in the

Balance Sheet as percentages of total assets and the items in the P & L
Account as percentages of sales. The last two columns of Table 1 show
common size statement for Shatabdi Industries.
Once common-size
statements are prepared, straight comparison between two firms or between a
firm and industry averages is possible.


Financial ratio analysis is perhaps the most extensively used tool for
comparative analysis. The ratios which are useful for carrying out such
comparison depend upon the purpose of the analysis. For example, shortterm creditors would be interested in monitoring ratios that reflect the ability
of the firm to meet its short-term liabilities, while long-term creditors and
share-holders would in addition be interested in ratios that measure the longterm performance of the firm. There are broadly four types of ratios that are
used for analyzing the performance of a firm :
1. Liquidity ratios measure the firms ability to fulfill its short-term
2. Leverage/Capital structure ratios measure the firms ability to meet its
short-term as well as long-term debt obligations.
3. Turnover/Activity ratios measure how effectively the firm is using its
4. Profitability ratio measure the return on sales and assets of the firm.
5. Common stock ratios measure dividends, earnings and net worth on a per
share basis.


The reader is encouraged to evaluate Shatabdi Industries by computing and

interpreting the ratios defined in the Appendix. The authors summary
evaluation of the company is as follows :
Despite a substantial improvement in the performance of Shatabdi
Industries in 1991, the profitability ratios continue to be mediocre.
Though the profit margin on sales is good, low asset turnover
ratios have led to a low return on capital employed. Closer
analysis reveals that the turnover of current assets is reasonably
good and the low asset turnover ratio is due to fixed assets being
large in relation to sales. Shatabdi Industries has followed very
conservative financial policies as reflected in the high current ratio
of over 2, a relatively low long-term debt to equity ratio of 0.84
and a good interest coverage ratio of over 4. The company has
also been conservative in rewarding the shareholders. The payout
ratio is less than 20%. The large free reserves in relation to paidup capital indicate that the company is ripe for a bonus issue. In


sum, Shatabdi creditors should love the company, but its

shareholders would prefer a far more aggressive financial policy.
It is quite likely that all our readers may not fully agree with our evaluation of Shatabdi
The interpretation of ratios involves a fair amount of judgment and
subjectivity. A ratio can rarely be interpreted in isolation, as its significance has to be
judged in relation to the other ratios for the firm. The impacts of accounting policies of
the firm must also be taken into consider action as explained later in this chapter.

Break-even and Contribution Analysis.

Break-even analysis deals with the relationship of profits with costs, price and the level
of output. As the name indicates, it is centered on the concept of that level of output at
which the firm makes no profit or loss, that is, it just breaks even. The analysis requires
identification of Fixed and Variable costs of production; the Fixed Costs being those
costs that do not vary with the volume of output, while the Variable Costs are those costs
that vary linearly with the volume of output. The typical examples of variable costs are
raw material cost, sales commissions, etc. A moments reflection makes it clear that
many costs cannot be fitted into just these two categories, as they are semi-variable in
nature. The costs of maintenance, the costs of stores and spares, the cost power, etc. fall
in this category. For such costs, judgment based on the process of production may have
to be used to decide what proportion of the cost may be regarded as fixed (the balance
being variable).
Since the annual financial statements do not present costs classified into fixed and
variable, we have to examine the details given in the schedules contained in the annual
report to arrive at the proportion of fixed and variable costs. It is obvious that condensed
statements of the kind published in the BSE Directory will be absolutely inadequate for
such an analysis.
In the case of Shatabdi Industries, we looked at the detailed annual report and identified
the variable and fixed expenses. In terms of Table 2, Stock Consumed is fully variable.
After examining the items of cost that comprise Direct Manufacturing Expenses we
concluded that 60 % of this expense can be regarded as variable. All other expenses are
fixed in nature.
Using this information, we can recast the P&L Account of Shatabdi Industries as follows:
Less: Variable expenses
Less Fixed costs
Add Non-operating surplus
Profit before tax



In break-even analysis, we are interested in determining the level of sales at which the
Profit before Tax (PBT) is zero. We will do this by working our way backwards in the
above table setting the last row (PBT) equal to zero.

We begin with the relationship

PBT = Contribution Fixed Costs + Non Operating Surplus
When PBT is zero, we get
Contribution Fixed Costs + Non Operating Surplus = 0
Contribution = Fixed Costs Non Operating Surplus
In case of Shatabdi Industries, this means that in the break-even situation, the
contribution must be 30184 277 = 29907.
The question now is at what level of sales, will Shatabdi contribution be equal to 29907.
From the above table, we see that the variable costs are 39% of sales and that the
contribution is 61 % of sales. If 61% of sales is 29907, the sales must be 29907 X 100/61
= 49028. This is the break-even level of sales.
At break-even, the operations of Shatabdi will look as follows:
Break-even sales
Less Variable expenses
Break-even contribution
Less Fixed costs
Add Non Operating surplus
Profit before tax


We can also state the break-even computation using a simple formula:

Break-even sales = (Fixed Costs Non Operating Surplus)

Contribution Margin Percentage

X 100

What does all this break-even analysis mean to the investor?

We found that Shatabdi break-even sales are 49028, which is about 80% of the current
sales. This is a measure of the margin of safety for the company; its sales can drop by
20% before it shows a loss.


The contribution margin is perhaps the more important parameter as it measures the
impact on profits of any change in sales. Shatabdi contribution margin of 61% means
that every rupee of additional sales will increase the pretax profits by 61 paisa. Equally
every rupee decline in sales will reduce pretax profits by 61 paisa. The traditional
financial ratio analysis does not provide this information at all. For example, if we were
to compute the ratio of PBT to Sales for Shatabdi, we would get 7612/61527 = 12%. An
investor will be grossly mistaken if he were to conclude from this ratio that profits will
rise only by 12 paisa for every rupee increase in sales.
The previous sections focused on the growth in demand for the industry and the firm.
Since an investor is ultimately interested only in the profits of the firm, the forecasted
demand growth has to be translated into earnings growth. The contribution analysis is
the most important tool available to the investor for this purpose. Two notes of caution
are, however, in order. First, this analysis is valid only as long as the existing capacity is
adequate to meet the forecasted demand growth. This is because if new capacity has to
be created, the cost structure (particularly the fixed costs) would change. Second, the
traditional accounting statements do not provide adequate information about variable and
fixed costs. The contribution margin, therefore, has to be assessed using the analysts
judgment about the cost structure.
Financial Analysis and Measures of Risk
Contribution analysis also leads to a measure of risk. Since an investor is ultimately
concerned with the profit, his perception of risk would be determined by the possible
variability in the profit. The variability in profits arises primarily because of variability
in sales. We then ask what will be the percentage change in profits if sales changes by
Let us see what happens to the PBT of Shatabdi Industries if its sales drop by 1% from its
current level:

Less Variable expenses
Less Operating fixed costs
Less Interest
Add Non operating surplus
Profit before tax

Current sales

(1% drop)

The decrease in PBT from 7612 to 7237 represents a drop for 4.93% though the drop in
sales was only 1%. This amplification factor of 4.93 is known as the Degree of Total
Leverage (DTL) and measures the risk arising out of the sensitivity of profits to compute


the value of DTL. It is simply the ratio between the Contribution and the PBT as shown

DOL = Contribution


= 4.93

It is customary to break up this risk into two components: (i) the Degree of Operating
Leverage (DOL) arising from the structure of operating costs of the firm,
(ii) the
Degree of Financial Leverage (DFL) arising from the capital structure of the firm.
The degree of operating leverage (DOL) measure the percentage change in EBIT for a
1% change in sales and is computed as follows:

DOL = Contribution

7612 + 2428

= 3.74

The degree of financial leverage (DFL) on the other hand measures the percentage
change in PBT for a 1% change in EBIT and is computed as follows:


7612 + 2428

= 1.32

The degree of total leverage (DTL) is nothing but the product of DOL and DFL.
DTL = DOL X DFL = 3.74 X 1.32 = 4.93
Let us try to understand as to why changes in sales have an amplified impact on the
profits. It is the presence of fixed costs of operations that cause a 1% change in sales to
result in more than 1% change in EBIT. Similarly, since interest is also a fixed cost a 1%
change in EBIT causes profits to change by more than 1%. The net effect is that the
fixed costs acting as levers magnify the impact of changes in sales on profits.

Accounting Policies and Notes.

All accounting statements are prepared using a set of accounting policies regarding
depreciation of fixed assets, valuation of inventory, recognition of income and other
similar matters. On many of these matters, companies do have the freedom to choose
between alternative accounting policies. For an investor, therefore, it is important to
understand these policies to interpret the accounting statements correctly. Companies in
India do not always disclose the complete details of all relevant accounting policies, but
the more important of these can be gleaned from the section entitled Notes Forming Part
of the Accounts in the published annual report. These notes are often written in a style
which makes it difficult even for accountants to understand their true import, but any


investor who takes fundamental analysis seriously will find that the time that he spends
with these notes is amply rewarded.
We will illustrate the impact of accounting policies with two examples drawn from the
published annual reports of Shatabdi Industries.

On reading these annual reports, we found that the Capital Reserves of

Rs.4248 lakhs in Table 1 includes a revaluation reserve of Rs.4221 lakhs.
Shatabdi had like many other companies revalued its fixed assets to bring
them into closer correspondence with market values. An amount equal to
the resulting increase in the value of the fixed assets was credited to a
capital reserve as this notional gain belongs to the shareholders but is not
available for declaration of dividends.


A perusal of the notes revealed that the company had been consistently
charging depreciation on the Straight Line Method (SLM). In this
method, the cost of any asset is charged off as depreciation in equal
annual installments over the life of the asset. The alternative Written
Down Value (WDV) method charges off higher amounts in earlier years
and lower amounts in later years: the depreciation in each year is
proportional to the depreciated value of the asset. For companies which
are growing rapidly, the SLM depreciation can be below the WDV
depreciation year after year. Since, the WDV basis is followed for
Income Tax purposes; it is clear that the reported profits would then be
higher than the taxable profits. Income tax as a percentage of reported
profits would, therefore, be quite low. It will be seen from Table 2 that
the provision for tax is less than 30% of reported PBT.
In order to see the impact of these two policies, we have eliminated the
impact of revaluation and reworked the depreciation on WDV method.
The recast summarized Balance Sheet of Shatabdi Industries as on
31.03.1991 is shown in Table 4.

TABLE 4 Summarized Balance Sheet of Shatabdi Industries Ltd.,

Impact of Accounting Policy Changes.
As on 31.03.1991
Rs. in lakhs

Current Assets
Fixed Assets (Net)
Other Assets
Total Assets
Current Liabilities


As Reported

As Recast



Deferred Liabilities
Net Worth
Total Liabilities



The impact of both of the changes is to reduce the fixed assets and to
reduce the net worth and the combined effect is indeed stunning. The net
worth falls steeply to two thirds of the reported value. The book value per
share drops from Rs.127.70 as per reported figures to Rs.85.00. Similarly,
the Profit and Loss Account also undergoes a change: the increased
depreciation charge for the year reduces the profit before tax by nearly 25%
from the reported figure of 7612 to 5773.
We should not get bogged down with the question as to which method
SLM or WDV is the correct one. The important point is that before
comparing two companies, we must recast their accounts on the basis of
uniform accounting policies: either both on SLM or both on WDV.
Otherwise, the comparison is meaningless. This point applies with equal
force to ratio analysis where we are comparing the ratios with some
industry norms. The reader would do well to recompute the ratios of
Shatabdi Industries using the recast figures and see whether it changes his
earlier assessment of the company.
Contingent liabilities disclosed in the notes is the another important thing
that we should look out for. Amounts which are in dispute, which are
indeterminate or which for other reasons the company believes it will not be
required to pay are often shown as contingent liabilities in the notes instead
of being provided for in the Balance Sheet as a liability or a provision. If
the amount is large, the investor must be careful; if for some reason, the
liability does materialize, it would erode the net worth of the company.

Business Analysis
The annual reports also contain a good deal of other information about the
lines of business of the company, the capacity utilization, trends in volume
and value of business, and some assessments about the future.
In case of Shatabdi Industries, we find that there are three major lines of
business. The percentage of sales contributed by these three lines is as
Export Business
Industrial Synthetics


While we know the sales revenues for each business separately, we are
unable to extract from the annual report the costs and profits of each of them.


Some costs are of course really joint costs and not attributable to any
division, but even the costs that are relatable to each line like material costs
are not separately disclosed in the annual report. In some cases, we can, of
course, make informed guesses; for example, limestone and pozzalana could
have been used only for the cement business.
There is some information about unit volumes and capacity utilization that
we can extract from the report. Comparing 1991 and 1990 kin terms of
volume and value of sales, we found the following for the three lines of

Line of Business


Export Business
Industrial Synthetics


in Sales Value


Change in
Unit Price.

We can see that:


The export business shows a good rise both in unit volume and in value. The
rise in unit prices is well in excess of the rate of depreciation in the value of
the rupee, so that higher prices have been realized even in dollar terms.


Cement output has risen only marginally, and the growth in value is almost
entirely accounted for by price increases. The price increase is clearly much
above the general rate of inflation during the period.


Industrial synthetic output has declined marginally, and price has risen
slightly to produce a marginal rise in sale value. The unit price has failed to
keep pace with the general rate of inflation and it is very likely that the
margins in this business are under pressure.
Further details on some of these can be found from the Directors report and
the Chairmans speech at the Annual General Meeting of the company.
These statements contain the managements evaluation of the past years
results and its assessment of the prospects for the next year. Since these
statements are the only place where the companys future is discussed, they
are of great value to the investor. However, in deciding what reliance to
place on these statements and how to interpret them, we must have regard for
the past track record of the management. Some Chairmen tend to be unduly


optimistic about the future so that their statement about excellent prospects
for the next year must be taken with more than a pinch of salt.

Half Yearly Results

All companies listed on the stock exchange are required to publish
unaudited half yearly reports within two months of the end of the half year
(for companies closing the accounts in March, this means that the halfyearly results up to September must be published in October or November).
These reports contain only a summarized P & L Account providing
information on sales, other income, raw material costs, wages, interest,
depreciation, provision for taxation and profits.
Since the results are
unaudited estimates, the investors cannot place much reliance upon them.


Material for presentation by Group B:

Modern Portfolio Theory
(Source: Book on Portfolio Management by professors S.K.Barua, V.Raghunathan and

Modern Portfolio Theory (MPT) is based on a few simple but fundamental insights into
investor behavior. The contribution of the theory has been to put these insights into a
coherent framework for analysis and decision making. Though the theory itself may at
first sight seem complex, the insights on which it is based are quite easy to understand.
Let us, therefore, begin by discussing these fundamental notions:
1. The Notion of Risk Suppose we evaluate two shares M and N for investment. We
have collected data on the returns earned by investors on these shares in the last five
years which are as follows:
Share M : 30%, 28%, 34%, 32% and 31%
Share N : 26%, 13%, 48%, 11% and 57%
If we have to choose only one of the two share3s for investment, which share shall we
choose? One approach would be to compute the average return for each share and choose
the one which has higher average return. If we do that, we find that both the shares have
an average return of 31%. Can there be any other criterion for choice? Most investors
would regard share N to be riskier as its return fluctuates substantially from year to year.
They would, therefore, prefer share M to N. Thus, investors appear to make their choices
based on two considerations: expected returns. Riskiness is measured by the variability
in returns.
2. The Notion of Diversification Investors seem to follow the well-known adage, Do
not keep all your eggs in one basket. They invariably invest in more than one security
so that losses in one may be offset by gains in another. In this manner, investors are able
to reduce the variability of returns.
3. The Notion of a Portfolio The set of all securities held by an investor is called his
portfolio. The portfolio may contain just one security, but we have already seen that, in
general, it will contain several securities. One of the important contributions of MPT has
been to show that we should analyze the portfolio in its entirety and not merely a security
in isolation.
4. The Notion of dominance The MPT is based on two very basic and intuitively
acceptable statements about risk and return:
a. If two portfolios have identical expected returns, then investors would choose that
portfolio which has a lower risk.
b. If two portfolios have identical risks, then investors would choose that portfolio
which has a higher expected return.


5. The Notion of Non-diversifiable or Market Risk while diversification does

reduce risk, even a very highly diversified portfolio does not become risk free.
The well-diversified portfolio that we can think of is the one which contains all the
securities in the stock market (technically known as the market portfolio). Even
this portfolio reveals substantial variability as is evident from the fluctuations in
the market index. This risk is clearly undiversifiable and is known as market risk.
6. The Notion of Beta The above discussion indicates that the most important
source of risk is the market risk because it cannot be eliminated through
diversification. The modern Portfolio Theory, therefore, argues that the riskiness
of a security should be measured by its vulnerability to market risk. If the market
were to go down by 1%, would the security go down by 0.5%, by 1% or by 2%?
This sensitivity of the security to the movements of the market is known as the
beta coefficient of the security.
7. The Notion of Trade off between Risk and Return The modern portfolio
theory also demonstrates that if the securities are correctly priced, the return on
each security would be commensurate with its risk as measured by its beta. The
graphical depiction of the resulting straight line relationship between return and
beta is known as the security market line. A similar straight line relationship,
called the capital market line, exists between return and risk (as measured by
variability) of well-diversified portfolio.
The rest of this chapter is devoted to an exposition of MPT.
process make the above notions more precise and rigorous.

We shall in the

What is Risk?
Let us go back to the example at the beginning of this chapter where we looked at
the returns over the last five years on shares M and N:
Share M: 30%, 28%, 34%, 32% and 31%
Share N: 26%, 13%, 48%, 11% and 57%
We concluded intuitively that share N was riskier because its return fluctuated
much more. While both had an average return of 31%, Ns returns deviated to a
greater extent from this average than Ms did. Statisticians measure this kind of
deviation or fluctuation by either the standard deviation or the variance. In MPT,
the variability or riskiness of securities is measured by the standard deviation of
the security returns. Standard deviation is usually denoted by the Greek letter s
(pronounced sigma). The variance is nothing but the square of the standard
deviation and hence denoted by s 2 (pronounced sigma square). The mathematical
definitions of standard deviation and variance have been explained in Appendix 5,
but the average reader need not know these definitions at all. All that is important


is to know that s is a measure of risk which captures the intuitive notion of

The riskiness of share M as measured by s is 2% while that of N is 18.5%. This
confirms our intuitive notion that N is riskier, but now we have a more precise
expression of how much riskier N really is. It is about nine times riskier than M.

Gains from Diversification

We have already seen that the principle of diversification requires us to invest in
more than one security so that losses in one may be offset by gains in another. In
this manner, we hope to reduce the variability of returns.
Does diversification really reduce risk? If so, by how much? Can risk be
completely eliminated? In order to answer these questions, let us first consider a
simple though somewhat exotic example.
Example 1.
Consider an alien planet Delta, which in a given year is either under a spell of hot
wave, or a cold wave, either of which is equally likely to prevail. Let us assume
that the only two companies constituting the entire market in the planet are an icecream firm and a hot coffee firm. Assume further that if hot wave dominates the
planet in a given year, the ice-cream company would register a high return of 30%,
while the coffee company would suffer, earning only 10%. If, on the other hand,
the cold wave dominates the planet in a given year, the coffee company would
register a return of 30%, while the ice-cream company would earn only 10%.
Thus, on an average both companies are expected to produce a yield of 20%, and
they would have the same variance (s 2 )
What should be the best investment strategy for an investor in the above planet?

In this example, if we invested in only one of the two companies, our expected
return will be 20%, with a possible deviation (risk) of 10% either way. If,
however, we split our investment between the two companies equally, so that our
investment replicates the total market in miniature, half of our investment would
certainly earn 30%, while the other half would earn 10%, so that our average
return would always be 20%, no matter what the vagaries of weather during the
year. Clearly, the diversification results in 20% return without risk, whereas
holding individual securities was yielding an expected return of 20% with risk.
In the above example, diversification eliminated all risk because the returns of the
two companies moved diametrically opposite to each other: when one return was
30%, the other was 10% and vice versa. This was because there was only one


source of risk in planet Delta the weather and it affected the two securities in
exactly opposite directions. Such a situation seldom occurs in real life. More
often than not, in practice, there are several sources of risk some of which affect
only one of the securities, some affect both in opposite directions and some others
affect them in the same direction. Clearly it is important to know what is the net
effect of all these multiple causes which affect the security returns. Do the
securities move in the same direction or in opposite directions? In either case, what
is the strength of the coefficient (denoted by the symbol ?) to answer these
questions? The correlation coefficient ranges from -1 to +1. If the two returns
move exactly opposite to each other, the correlation coefficient is -1, if they move
exactly in step with each other, then it is +1; if the two returns are entirely
unrelated to each other, it is zero. A positive correlation coefficient which is less
than +1 indicates that the two returns have a tendency to move in the same
direction, but are not always inexact step with each other. This kind of imperfect
correlation is most commonly observed, since two different securities belonging to
two different firms can hardly b expected to move in perfect harmony with each
other. Positive correlation between two securities implies, for example, that when
the market as a whole booms, both the securities would register a rise in prices, or
when the market crashes, both the securities would show a decline in prices.
Let us, next, move from Planet Delta to Planet Earth and consider a more realistic
Consider two securities X and Y with the following attributes:
Expected return on Security X
Expected return on Security Y
s of Security X
s of Security Y



Coefficient of Correlation
Between the Returns of X and Y = -1, 0.5, +1 (three scenarios).
We shall evaluate the impact on the gains from diversification, for the three
different values of the correlation coefficients.
Let us first analyze the case where we hold a portfolio with 40% invested in X and
60% invested in Y. The expected portfolio return is nothing but the weighted
average of the expected returns from each security in the portfolio, the weights
being the proportion of investment in each security. Therefore, the expected
portfolio return will be 26% (being 20 X 0.4 + 30 X 0.6).
Is the s of portfolio return the same as the weighted average of the s s of the
security returns? That is, would the s of portfolio return be 13.6% (being 10 X 0.4
+ 16 X 0.6)? These questions cannot be answered because the variability of


portfolio return not only depends on the variability of the security returns, but also
on the correlation coefficient.
The s of portfolio return will be 13.6% only when the two securities X and Y
move in perfect tandem with each other, that is, when the correlation coefficient
between returns on X and returns on Y is +1. So long as X and Y have a
correlation coefficient of less than +1, the s the portfolio return will be less than
13.6%. For example, if the correlation coefficient is only 0.5, then the s of the
portfolio will be only 12.1%.
The fact that the portfolio s is only 12.1% as against the weighted average s of
13.6% implies there has been some gain from diversification. Let us see why this
is so. If we invest all our money in Y, the expected return is 30% and the risk is
16%; while if we invest all our money in X, the expected return is 20% and risk is
10%. We have assumed 6% additional risk for 10% additional return. This
implies that if there were no gains from diversification, as we move our money
from X to Y, on an average, for every 1% additional returns, we have to take 0.6%
additional risk. For example, if the correlation coefficient is +1, since the s of
portfolio return is nothing but the weighted average of the ss of security returns,
there is no gain from diversification, because every 1% increase in return is
accompanied with the average 0.6% increase in risk. It can be shown that except
in this extreme case of a correlation coefficient of +1, investing in two securities
does result in gains because the increase in risk for every 1% increase in return is
below the average increase in risk. In our illustration above, the return rose from
20% to 26% and the risk from 10% to 12.1% implying that there was only a 0.35%
increase in risk for every 1% increase in return. Gains from diversification allow
us to get additional return with less than commensurate increase in the risk level.
Let us extend our understanding of how an investor stands to gain through
diversification by investing in securities with imperfectly correlated returns, by
examining Table 1, which contains the expected return and risk for varying
composition of portfolio. The portfolios are also graphically displayed Fig 1, in
which the risk (s) is on the horizontal axis and the expected return is on the
vertical axis. The three curves in the figure are for three different degrees of
correlation between the securities.


Fig. 1 Gains from Diversification.

TABLE 1 Portfolio Returns
Proportion Invested
In X

In Y


Volatility (s) when

Correlation Coefficient (?)









The tabulated values and the graphs demonstrate the impact of correlation in returns on
the variability of portfolio return.
If the return on the two securities are perfectly correlated (that is, correlation coefficient =
1.0), the portfolio return moves along the straight line joining points X and Y. as we
move from X to Y, for every 1% increase in the expected return, the risk of the portfolio
goes up by 0.6%. In effect, there is no reduction in risk on account of diversification,
when the returns across the securities are perfectly correlated, since the volatility (as
measured by s) of the portfolio return is the weighted average of the volatility of the
individual securities.
If the returns are imperfectly correlated (say, correlation coefficient = 0.5), the portfolio
return moves along a curve, reaching level of risk (s) which is below the weighted
average risk. For a given value of expected portfolio return, the risk with imperfect
correlation is always below the risk when there is perfect correlation.
If the returns are perfectly negatively correlated (that is, correlation coefficient = -1.0),
the risk can be reduced to zero. By investing about 61.5% of money in X and the rest in
security Y, an investor can derive risk-free return (s = 0.0) of 23.85%. For most other
portfolios, for a specified value of expected return, the risk in this case would be much
lower than the risk when there is perfect correlation in returns.
It is clear from the above, that whenever the two security returns are less than perfectly
correlated, an investor gains through diversification, the gains can often reduce the risk of
the portfolio below the risk of securities comprising the portfolio.
In general, an investor is likely to have many securities in his portfolio. The computation
of the expected return of the portfolio as usual is merely the weighted average of the


expected returns of the individual securities comprising the portfolio, the weights being
the respective proportion of each security in the portfolio.
The variance (s 2 ) of the portfolio return can be computed by repeated application of the
procedure used in the two security situation above. The portfolio of two securities can be
regarded as a single new security and combined with the third security, and the process
repeated till all n securities have been included in the portfolio.
At this stage we may ask whether the gains from diversification will continue to be
realized, till the portfolio return variance (s 2 ) reduces to zero. A little reflection will show
that this is not so. For if it was so, and then the portfolio consisting of all securities in the
market (technically called the market portfolio) which is the most diversified portfolio
imaginable would not have any risk. Yet we know that the market index does fluctuate
quite substantially though less than an individual security does. This suggests that there
is a minimum level of risk below which we cannot get by merely diversifying our
In general, as the number of securities in a portfolio increases, say up to 20 or 25, the
diversification reduces the portfolio risk (s 2 ) rapidly. However, soon thereafter, the
marginal reduction to portfolio risk of any further diversification becomes very small (Fig
2). Thus, a diversified portfolio of about 25 securities

Fig 2 Reduction of Risk through Diversification.

Selected from different industries more or less represents a market portfolio. Consider
for example, the BSE Sensex index which comprises a mere 30 securities, but is deemed
to represent the entire market. Again, it is for the reason that both the Sensex Index with
its 30 securities and the BSE National Index comprising 100 securities are actually very


highly correlated. Clearly, increasing the number of securities from 30 to 100 does not
necessarily improve the diversification substantially.

Diversifiable and Non-Diversifiable Risk

We saw earlier that diversification reduces risk but does not eliminate it. We saw that
even the most well diversified portfolio that we can think of is subject to the risk arising
from fluctuations in the market index itself. This risk is known as market risk. Since all
securities move with the market to some extent, this is a risk which no amount of
diversification can eliminate. We now turn to a more detailed analysis of market risk and
its implications for portfolio theory.
The riskiness of each security can now be divided into two components: the market
related risk which cannot be diversified away at all, which is called non-diversifiable or
systematic risk and another component which can be eliminated through diversification,
called diversifiable or unsystematic risk. Let us see how these two components of risk
Unsystematic risk may be regarded as the extent of variability in the securitys return on
account of firm specific risk factors. This is also called avoidable risk because it is
possible to eliminate or diversify away this component of risk to a considerable extent by
investing in a portfolio of large number of securities, say 15 or more. This because, the
firm specific risk factors are mostly random. For example, if the management of one
company in the portfolio is poor, the management of another company in the portfolio
may be very good; at a given point of time if the productivity in one company is low, that
of another may be high and so on, so that by including sufficient number of securities in a
portfolio, such factors tend to cancel out the effect of each other. Similarly, the risk
arising out of industry specific factors can be eliminated by diversifying across several
However, the systematic factors cannot be diversified away completely. This is because
these factors affect the entire market in a certain direction. For example, a steep increase
in the international crude oil prices is almost certain to affect the entire market adversely.
Hence no amount of diversification can make a portfolio totally free from such risk, even
though diversification may reduce this risk up to a point. Therefore, this level of
systematic risk below which the riskiness of a portfolio cannot be reduced is also called
unavoidable risk.

Capital Asset Pricing Model.

We have described how investors trade off risk for reward. What is the exact nature of
this trade off? How much reward is sought by the investors for a unit of risk? Which
risk is relevant in the context of this trade off? The entire risk? The non-diversifiable
risk? Diversifiable risk? How does one measure non-diversifiable and diversifiable risk?
What is the role of diversification in the context of portfolio selection? These and other


related questions need to be answered by a good portfolio manager. In this section we

proceed to provide answers to such questions.

Dominant Portfolios
The notion of dominance is based on two very easily understood statements: (i) if two
portfolios have identical expected return, then investors would choose the one with lower
volatility of return (measured through s), (ii) if two portfolios have identical volatility of
return, then investors would choose the one with higher expected return. Let us once
again consider our earlier illustration of securities X and Y on planet Earth, in which the
expected returns on securities X and Y are 20% and 30% respectively and their ss are,
10% and 16% respectively, with the coefficient of correlation between the returns of X
and Y being 0.5.
Neither share dominates the other since X has lower return and Y has lower risk. If
forced to choose between X an Y, some investors may choose X and some Y, depending
on the extent of risk they are willing to assume. But the situation changes when we look
at the portfolio combining X and Y in a ratio of 9:1. In Table 7.1, we see that when we
invest 90% in share X and 10% in Share Y, the expected return is 21% and the s is
9.90%. This portfolio dominates share X which has a lower return of 20% and portfolio
dominates share X which has a lower return of 20% and a higher risk of 10%. The
dominance principle allows us to say that no investor would invest 100% in share X.
This example involved only two securities. Conceptually, the notion of dominance can
be extended to all portfolios that are possible, by combining all the risky securities
available in the market, in various proportions. The result can be shown graphically as in
Fig 3, where return is on the vertical axis and risk on the horizontal axis. The enclosed
area in the figure is the opportunity set, i.e., the set of all possible portfolios. The upper
(concave) part of the boundary of the opportunity set of portfolios is known as the
efficient set or efficient frontier. It is visually clear


Fig 3 the Efficient Frontier

That any portfolio below the efficient frontier has a lower return than the portfolio on the
efficient frontier vertically above it. The efficient frontier thus dominates all other
portfolios. Applying the dominance rules, only the portfolios on this frontier would be
chosen by investors, as for a given level of expected return or volatility, they represent
the best choice an investor can make. For example, no investor will invest in portfolio Q,
given that for the same level of risk he can obtain a higher return if he invests in portfolio
P (Fig.3).
If we consider the portfolios on the efficient frontier itself, no portfolio is dominated by
any other. How would an investor choose between them? The answer is that the choice
must be based on the investors willingness to assume risk. In Fig. 3, we have shown the
portfolio choices of three investors A, B and C. A is a very conservative investor who
wishes to keep his risk low; he chooses a point close to the left end of the efficient
frontier. Investor C is more interested in increasing his return than in containing his risk.
His choice is close to the right end of the efficient frontier. B is not given to such
extremes as A and C; he is a believer in the golden mean, and chooses a point close to
the middle of the efficient frontier.
It can be shown that the opportunity set must always assume the shape of a broken egg
placed smooth side towards the north-west, as in Fig 3. For example, if the graph were
to plot with the smooth side pointing towards north-east, as shown in Fig 4, then portfolio
P will completely dominate portfolio Q, since the former has a lower risk and a higher
expected return, so that nobody will ever want to invest in Q, driving this security out of
the market. Therefore, such a shape of efficient frontier is not possible.


Fig. 4 The efficient Frontier

Portfolio Choice with a Risk-free Security.

In the above discussion of the efficient frontier, we assumed that the opportunity set
comprised only risky securities, so that all portfolios had some risk as measured by nonzero volatility. Let us examine how the portfolio choice would be altered when we
introduce a security with zero volatility. In other words, we bring in a more realistic
scenario, wherein investors have opportunities to invest or borrow at risk-free rate of
return. This security being risk-free, yields a fixed return, and hence has a correlation
coefficient of zero with all other securities available for investment. The government
bonds may be regarded as one such security, the expected return on which is the yield
available on the bonds. Let us examine the impact of introducing this security on the
nature of the efficient set.
The risk-free security F which yields a return of rf has been depicted in Fig. 5. The return
on a portfolio with part investment in the risk-free security and the balance in a set of
risky securities represented by point V would be the weighted average of the two returns,
depicted by point P on the line joining F and V. The s represented by point P will merely
be the proportion of investment in V times the s of V.
For example, if the risk-free rate of return rf is assumed to be 12% (with a s of zero, since
the return on a risk-free security has no volatility by definition) and portfolio V denotes
an expected return and s pf 30% and 20% respectively, and an investor has 40% of his
investment in F and 60% in V, then the combined


Fig 5 Portfolio Choice with a Risk Free Security

Portfolio of the risk-free and the risky investments, represented by point P, will yield an
expected return of 22.8% (being 0.4 X 12 + 0.6 X 30) and have a s of 12% (being 0.6 X
The portfolios representing all possible combinations of F and V would lie on the straight
line joining F and V (Fig 5). What is the impact of introducing the risk-free security on
the efficient set? Which risky portfolio from the efficient set of risky portfolios would
investors choose to combine with the risk-free security? The line representing a portfolio
of F and a risky security from the efficient set of risky portfolio would be pushed as far
up as possible. Till it is tangential to the erstwhile efficient set at point M. In their
attempt to maximize the expected return for a given level of risk, all investors would
choose a portfolio lying on this line. Therefore this would become the new efficient set.


Fig. 6 Capital Market Line.

Let us now examine the impact of introducing the risk-free security on the choice of
portfolio by our friends A, B and C. As can be seen from Fig. 6, both A and C have been
able to increase the expected return on their portfolio, by moving to A and C without
adding to the risk they had assumed earlier. There is no change in the portfolio of B as he
had inadvertently chosen the point of tangency, M as his portfolio even earlier.
Let us now understand the changes that these individuals have made in their portfolios.
To begin with, all of them had invested in a portfolio on the efficient set of risky
portfolio. When risk-free security became available for investment, it was profitable for
A to have a part of his investment in risk-free security and the balance in risky portfolio
M, while it is profitable for C to borrow at the risk-free rate and invest his own capital
plus the borrowed amount in M. as a result of this, A would have what is called a lending
portfolio and C would have a borrowing portfolio. Since individual B had invested in
portfolio M from the beginning, the change in the efficient frontier does not change his

Market Portfolio
Let us now examine the nature of portfolio M in reality. We may argue that if there is a
portfolio represented by point M, it can be identified by many financial analysts in the
This is because the exercise thus far was quite straightforward, namely
constructing an efficient set of securities by identifying a large number of risky securities
in the market and by composing several portfolios by mixing them in various proportions,
and so on; altogether an exercise not really beyond the scope of a large computer. If
under such a scenario, the analysts recommended that a particular security, I, be left out
of the portfolio M, everybody who held security I would want to sell it off, so that the
ensuing selling pressure would bring down the price of I so that the return from it would


become attractive once again and the analysts would have to recommend its inclusion in
the portfolio M. hence we may say that portfolio M will be a portfolio from which none
of the risky securities from the market may be left out.
Again, if a particular security J were considered particularly attractive so that the analysts
recommended a large proportion of investors capital to be invested in J, everybody who
does not already have that proportion of J in his portfolio would rush to buy more of J till
the price of J rose to a level where its return would no longer appear attractive and one
would be forced to reduce the proportion of holding in J. Hence we may say that in
equilibrium, portfolio M would not only comprise every risky security in the market, but
the proportion of investment in each security will be proportional to the market
capitalization of that security no more, no less (market capitalization of a security is its
market price multiplied by the number of that security outstanding in the market). It can
be readily seen that the entire market taken as a whole is indeed one such portfolio!

Capital Market Line

Thus the portfolio M is nothing but the market portfolio that is a portfolio comprising all
the risky securities that are traded in the market. As we have already seen, since the
efficient frontier is a straight line passing through F and M, all investors would have their
portfolios on this line. This line is called the capital market line (CML) (Fig. 5). The
relationship between the return and risk of any portfolio, P, on this line is given by the
following equation:
Risk premium of a portfolio =
Fisk premium of market X Risk of Portfolio
Risk of Market
Risk premium of a portfolio is the excess of the expected portfolio return (Ep )
over the risk-free rate of return,
Risk premium of market is the excess of the expected market return (Em) over the
risk-free rate of return, and
Risk of portfolio and market refer respectively to the ss of the portfolio and
market returns.
The above equation implies that CML passes through the risk-free rate, rf, which
represents the pure time value of money, or, the reward for waiting.

Security Market Line

The Modern Portfolio Theory (MPT), as we have seen, argues that investors dislike risk,
and, therefore, will buy a riskier security only if they are suitably rewarded in the form of
higher expected return.
This suggests that in a well-functioning market in which
securities are correctly priced there should be a relationship between return and risk of


individual securities. The theory asserts not only that such a relationship exists, but also
that it has a very simple form which we shall now state.
According to MPT, a part of the return on any security or portfolio is a reward for risk
and the rest is the reward for waiting, representing the time value of money. Specifically,
the risk-free return (which is earned by a security which has no risk) is the reward for
waiting and the excess of the return over the risk-free return is the risk premium or the
reward for risk. The Modern Portfolio Theory asserts that the risk premium of any
security is directly proportionate to the risk as measured by the Beta:
Risk Premium of a Security = Beta X Risk premium of market
Risk premium of a security is the excess of the expected security return over the
risk-free rate of return, and
Risk premium of market is the excess of the expected market return over the riskfree rate of return.
The above relationship can also be expressed as:
Expected return on security = Risk-free return + Beta X Risk
Premium of market.
The above relationship, which is basically a simple linear relationship between risk and
return, is known as the Capital Asset Pricing Model (CAPM). The credit for developing
the arguments leading to the model goes to Sharpe, Linter and Mossin. The first author
of the model was also one of the three who shared the Nobel Prize for Economics in 1990
for the work. While CAPM is valid for all capital assets, in this chapter we have mostly
used the term securities since in this book securities are what we are primarily
concerned with.


Fig 7 The Security Market Line.

It is obvious that higher the value of beta, higher would be the risk of the security and
therefore larger would be the return expected by the investors. The beta coefficient of the
market portfolio by definition is 1. The line joining points (rf 0) and Rm 1) in Fig 7 is the
security market line (SML).
A major implication of CAPM is that not only every security but all portfolios too must
plot on SML. This implies that in an efficient market, all securities are expected to yield
returns commensurate with their riskiness, measured by .


It is interesting to contrast CML with SML. Both postulate a linear (straight line)
relationship between risk and return. In CML, the risk is defined by the total risk (s),
while, in SML, the risk is defined by the undiversifiable market related risk (). Capital
Market Line is valid only for fully diversified (efficient) portfolios while SML was valid
for all portfolios and for individual securities as well.

We have discussed the distinction between diversifiable risk and non-diversifiable risk at
such length because from the point of view of an investor whose portfolio is well
diversified, the diversifiable risk is of no importance as it has been eliminated. What is
important to such an investor is the non-diversifiable risk arising from market wide
movements of security prices. This is one of the most important conclusions of the MPT:
the real riskiness of a security is its non-diversifiable risk.


The Modern Portfolio Theory, therefore, defines the riskiness of a security as its
vulnerability to market risk. This vulnerability is measured by the sensitivity of the
return of the security vis--vis the market return and is denoted by the Greek letter beta
(). A beta of 2 implies that if the market returns increases of decreases by 10% over a
period, the security return increases or decreases respectively by 20%. Thus in this case
the security return moves twice as much as the market return. A beta of 0.5 on the other
hand implies that the security return moves only half as much as the market does. Market
portfolio which refers to the portfolio consisting of all securities in the stock exchange
has a beta of 1, since such a portfolio behaves like the market index and moves in ilne
with it. A beta of zero characterizes a risk-free security like a government bond whose
return is almost insensitive to the market return.
Thus beta measures the only kind of risk (the non-diversifiable risk) which matters; the
higher the riskiness of a security, the higher the value of its beta. A security with a beta
value greater than 1 is referred to as an aggressive security and one with a beta value less
than 1 is referred to as a defensive security.
The beta of a portfolio is nothing but the weighted average of the betas of the securities
that constitute the portfolio, the weights being the proportions of investments in the
respective securities. For example, if the beta of security X is 1.5 and that of security Y
is 0.9 and 70% and 30% of our portfolio is invested in the two securities respectively, the
beta of the portfolio will be 1.32 (1.5 X 0.7 + 0.9 X 0.3).

Estimating Beta Values

We have already seen that beta is the sensitivity of the security returns to changes in the
market returns. The statistical method of estimating this kind of dependence of one
variable on another is known as simple linear regression. If we have access to a
computer or to a good statistical calculator, we do not need to known the details of this
statistical technique at all. The machine does the hard work and gives us the results. In
the case of personal computers, the method of linear regression is available in standard
spreadsheet and other software packages.
Simple linear regression, measures the dependence of one variable known as the
dependent or Y variable on another variable known as the independent or X variable. In
our case, the Y variable is the security return and the X variable is the market return.
The security return on any day is defined as:
Todays return = Todays price Yesterdays price
Yesterdays price
If the market was closed yesterday, we must use the price of the previous trading day
instead of yesterdays price. Instead of the daily returns defined above, we can compute
weekly returns using this weeks and last weeks price instead of todays and yesterdays
price in the above formula. Similarly, we can compute monthly returns also.

The market return on any day is similarly defined as:

Todays index Yesterdays index

Todays market return = -----------------------------------------Yesterdays index
Again, weekly and monthly index returns, etc. can be consistently defined.
Once we have computed the security and market returns for a sufficiently long period to
get a large number (50 or more) of pairs of returns, we can use the linear regression
technique to estimate the beta.
As investors we need not worry too much about the details of the linear regression
technique by which the beta is estimated. But there are a few things about Beta
estimation that we must be careful about:

Daily, weekly or monthly returns We (the authors) prefer daily returns

because it gives us more number of returns and therefore improves the
accuracy of the beta estimate. In some cases, however, we may use
weekly or monthly returns because these may be easier to collect.


Period of analysis In general, using a longer period gives us more date to

estimate the beta correctly. But if we believe that beta has changed in the
recent past because of any changes in the riskiness of the company, we
may wish to use a shorter period. We, the authors, have found that using
daily returns for 18-24 months is usually a good compromise between
these conflicting requirements.


Exceptional price movements Occasionally, we find that on some specific

days, the share price has recorded an exceptional rise or fall of a kind
which we do not expect to recur in future. We may sometimes find it
advantageous to eliminate the returns of these days before estimating the

Some of the factors discussed above do, at times, require some degree of judgment and
statistical analysis. For this reason, in many developed countries, there are specialized
agencies which perform all this analysis and publish their beta estimates for various
stocks at regular intervals. In India, we do not yet have these agencies. In the meantime,
we will have to do this analysis ourselves to estimate the betas that we need.
Let us consider the daily prices of the ITC share and the daily Bombay National Index for
the period January 1989 October 1990 (BSE data), based on the trading days. Columns


2 and 3 of Table 2 give the share price and the index respectively, for the period. The
intermediate values have been omitted, since objective of this example is only to illustrate
the computation of beta and the use of CAPM. We want to compute the beta () of ITC
using this data.


TABLE 2: ITC Price & BSE Index Data

1989 Jan 2
1989 Jan 4
1989 Jan 5
1989 Jan 6
1989 Jan 9
1989 Jan 10
1989 Jan 11
1989 Jan 12
1989 Jan 13
1989 Jan 16
1989 Jan 17
1989 Jan 18
1989 Jan 19
1989 Jan 20
1989 Jan 23
1989 Jan 25
1989 Jan 27
1989 Jan 30
1989 Jan 31


BSE National

1990 Sept. 3
1990 Sept. 4
1990 Sept. 5
1990 Sept. 6
1990 Sept. 7
1990 Sept. 10
1990 Sept. 11
1990 Sept. 12
1990 Sept. 14
1990 Sept. 18
1990 Sept. 19
1990 Sept. 20
1990 Sept. 21
1990 Sept. 25
1990 Sept. 26
1990 Sept. 27
1990 Oct. 4
1990 Oct. 9
1990 Oct. 11
1990 Oct. 12










1990 Oct. 15
1990 Oct. 18
1990 Oct. 22
1990 Oct. 25
1990 Oct. 26
1990 Oct. 31





The first step is to compute the security and market returns. This is done in columns 4
and 5 of Table 7.2. We then used a spreadsheet programme on a PC to calculate the beta.
The output from the computer was as follows:
Regression Output:


Std Err of Y Est

R Squared
No. of Observations
Degrees of Freedom
X Coefficient(s)
Std Err of Coef.


The beta is nothing but the X Coefficient in the above output. The beta of ITC for the
period is therefore 1.25.

We may also compute the expected return from the ITC share based on the above
example. During the period January 1989 October 1990, the market return was about
45% per annum, and the value of was 1.25. Assuming that the risk-free rate of return is
about 12%, we can use the CAPM equation to estimate the expected rate of return from
the ITC share. This works out to about 53% per annum. Where such a high return may
appear somewhat surprising at first glance, the fact remains that the period considered in
estimating the return includes one of the more bullish phases in the Indian capital market
history. Taking a much longer time period, say, five years or more, might have yielded a
more realistic estimate.

Assumptions underlying CAPM

The Capital Asset Pricing Model (CAPM) is an equilibrium model. The derivation of the
model is based on several assumptions about investors and the market, which we present
below for completeness.
Investors are assumed to take into account only two parameters of return distribution,
namely the mean and the variance, in making a choice of portfolio. In other words, it is


assumed that a security can be completely represented in terms of its expected return and
variance and that investors behave as if a security were a commodity with two attributes,
namely, expected return which is a desirable attribute and variance which is an
undesirable attribute. Investors are supposed to be risk averse and for every additional
unit of risk they take, they demand compensation in terms of expected return.
Again, the capital market is assumed to be efficient. An efficient market implies that all
new information which could possibly affect the share prices becomes available to all the
investors quickly and more or less simultaneously. Thus in an efficient market no single
investor has an edge over another in terms of the information possessed by him since all
investors are supposedly well informed and rational, meaning that all of them process the
available information more or less alike. And finally, in an efficient market, all investors
are price takers, i.e., no investor is so big as to affect the price of a security significantly
by virtue of his trading in that security.
The Capital Asset Pricing Model also assumes that the difference between lending and
borrowing rates are negligibly small for investors. Also, the investors are assumed to
make a single period investment decisions. The cost of transactions and information are
assumed to be negligibly small. The model also ignores the existence of taxes which may
influence the investors behavior.
The fact that some of the above assumptions are somewhat restrictive has attracted
considerable criticism of the model. This, however, need not distract us from the main
thrust of the model. The Capital Asset Pricing Model merely implies that in a reasonably
well-functioning market where a large number of knowledgeable financial analysts
operate, all securities will yield returns consistent with their risk, since if this were not so,
the knowledgeable analysts will be able to take advantage of the opportunities for
disproportionate returns and thereby reduce such opportunities. Hence, according to
CAPM, in an efficient market, returns disproportionate to risk are difficult to come by.
Assumptions concerning the investor behavior, market efficiency, lending and borrowing
rates, etc. are to be taken not in such as taxes, transaction costs, etc. can be easily
incorporated into the model for greater rigor.


Material for Group C

Asset Allocation and Portfolio Design
(Source: Book on Portfolio Management by Professors. S.K.Barua, V.Raghunathan and J.R.Varma)

When we talk of portfolio management, all of us think of equities. In this book too, we
have tended to focus on equities except in the last chapter.
In reality, however, with the possible exception of the growth oriented mutual funds, it is
rare to find a portfolio consisting entirely of equities. In many cases, equity is not even
the largest component of the portfolio. For example, the countrys largest and oldest
mutual fund UTIs Unit 64 has, in recent years, kept a larger fraction of its portfolio
in bonds than in shares. A substantial investment in bonds provides a stable source of
income to balance the unpredictable fortunes of the equity portfolio.
While equities and bonds constitute the bulk of most investment portfolios, it would be a
mistake to ignore the other components which though usually smaller are of vital
importance. Usually, a small percentage (5% - 10%) of the funds is kept in cash or in
highly liquid securities in the money market. The main purpose of these assets is to
provide transaction flexibility to a portfolio manager. They allow him to buy some
securities without having to sell some other scrip beforehand. Similarly, he may sell
some scrips, and keep the proceeds in money market instruments while he identifies the
scrips to buy. The investor who tries to eliminate money market instruments from his
portfolio would have to balance his purchase and sale of securities on a day-to-day basis;
this is usually utterly impractical. This transaction flexibility is not, however, the only
role of money market instruments in the overall portfolio. We shall see later that there
may be situations where an investor may keep an unusually large fraction of his funds in
the money market.

Asset Classes
The typical investment portfolio then has three distinct components which we shall call
asset classes:

Cash and money market instruments.

We are free to add more asset classes to this list. For some investors, bullion may be an
important asset class. In some cases, it may be useful to further divide the above asset
classes into subclasses. Individuals in high tax brackets may regard tax free PSU bonds
as a separate asset class distinct from corporate bonds. We can even think of subdividing
the equity asset class into the forward and cash list because of their different liquidity
In this chapter, however, we shall confine ourselves to the three asset classes listed


Strategic Asset Allocation

Asset allocation is the process of distributing the total portfolio over the asset classes. At
the stage of asset allocation, we may, for example, decide to invest 60% of our funds in
equities, 30% in bonds and 10% in money market instruments. Asset allocation does not,
however, bother about what specific shares or which specific bonds should be bought
with that 60% or 30%. That decision is left to be made in the second stage of portfolio
In some ways, this is just a change of the level of analysis. While, so far, we have talked
of the risk and return of individual securities, in asset allocation, we are talking of risk
and return for an entire asset class. Some of the techniques that we have already
discussed for individual securities can be applied directly to the asset allocation problem.
For example, the Markowitz approach to portfolio selection can be applied at the level of
asset classes by examining the historical data about the variances and covariances of the
returns of each asset class (Because of the smaller number of asset classes, the Markowitz
approach is, in fact, easier to apply to asset classes than to individual securities!)

Overall Portfolio Beta and Duration

However, using the insights of portfolio theory, we can simplify the asset allocation
problem even further. As far as equities are concerned, we know that:

The most important dimension of risk is the vulnerability of the scrip to

the market factor. This risk is measured by the beta which represents the
percentage change that can be expected in the scrip price when the market
index changes by one percent.


All other sources of risk can be eliminated by holding a diversified

portfolio of scrips so that losses in some scrip will usually be balanced by
gains from other scrips. For this reason, investors should always seek well
diversified portfolios.

As regards bonds we know that:


The most important source of risk is the changes in the interest rate. This
risk is measured by the duration.


Individual bonds are also subject to default risk, but this risk is relatively
less serious at the portfolio level.

This suggests that we can define the riskiness of the overall portfolio consisting of all
asset classes by just two measures beta and duration. Asset allocation can therefore be
carried out by deciding on the target beta and target duration and then maximizing the
expected return subject to these constraints. Before we proceed to the problem of


deciding on the target beta and duration, let us first show how the overall portfolio beta
and duration can be computed.
The beta of bonds and of money market instruments is negligible. Thus this risk affects
only the equity portfolio. The beta of the total portfolio equals the beta of the equity
portfolio multiplied by the proportion of the portfolio which is invested in stocks. For
example, if 70% of the total portfolio is invested in an equity portfolio which has a beta
of 1.2, the beta of the total portfolio is 0.70 X 0.12 = 0.84.
Interest rate risk on the other hand, affects not only bonds but also stocks. Changes in the
interest rate do affect stock prices principally through a change in the Price/Earnings
Ratio. It can be shown that for stocks
Market Price (MP)
Duration = -----------------------------------------Dividend per share (DPS)

= Dividend yield

Where dividend yield equals DPS/MP. Since typically dividend yields are in the range of
3-4%, the typical duration of stocks is 25-30 years. Equity turns out to be the longest
duration asset available in the capital market with a duration exceeding that of the longterm bonds.
Money market instruments are at the other end of the spectrum their duration is
virtually zero. Some of these instruments may have a duration of 6 months or so (for
example, 182 day T-bills), but for all practical purposes, the average duration of the
money market portfolio as a whole can be taken as nearly zero.
Once again, we can compute the duration of the total portfolio as the weighted average of
the duration of its components. For example, if a portfolio is 30% equity, 5% in money
market and 65% in bonds with average durations of 25 years, 0 years and 4 years
respectively, the duration of the overall portfolio is 0.30 X 25 + 0.05 X 0 + 0.65 X 4 =
10.10 years.

Deciding the Target Beta

The most important consideration in deciding on the portfolio beta is the investors
attitude towards risk. The cautious investor who desires a stable source of income would
usually choose a beta below one. One the other hand, the aggressive investor would want
to seek out higher returns (at the cost of higher risk!), and would choose a beta above
one. The most practical methods of making such an assessment is to examine the
behaviour of the stock market index for the last 10 years or so. The fluctuations in the
market index shows how the value of our portfolio would have behaved if our portfolio
had a beta of one. If we find that this degree of fluctuation suits us fine, we would
normally choose a beta close to one. If, however, we feel that this degree of ups and
downs in the portfolio value is unacceptably high, we should consider choosing a beta
below one. On the contrary, we might find that this level of risk is not at all serious, and


might feel inclined to seek even higher returns by taking higher risk. In that case, we
should choose a beta well above one.
Needless to say, in making this assessment about risk, we would have to consider the
expected returns. We know that higher returns are associated with higher risk. During
the last ten years, the average return in the market has been about 10% higher than the
return on risk free securities. This means that the risk premium for a beta of one is about
10%. If our portfolio has a beta of 1.5, we can expect to earn a risk premium of 1.5 times
the market premium, i.e., 15% over and above the risk-free rate of return. If our beta is
only 0.8, the risk premium will be only 0.8 times 10%, i.e. 8%. Considering this risk
return relationship in the light of our attitude towards risk, we can decide on the desired
level of beta. This becomes the target beta as far as we are concerned.

Deciding the Target Duration

We have seen in Chapter 8 that if our holding period matches the duration of a bond, then
the bond is not subject to interest rate risk. Clearly, therefore, the duration of the overall
portfolio must equal our desired holding period.
But we must define the holding period more carefully than we have done so far. In our
numerical examples in Chapter 8, we have assumed that the investor has cash need at
only one point of time which also defines his holding period. In general, however, an
investor or portfolio manager will have cash needs spread over a long period of time. For
example, an investor may say that he has a horizon of 5 years, but he may want to use a
large part of his interest income every year for his regular expenses. Similarly, a mutual
fund may say that the scheme has a life of 5 years, but it too will have to distribute some
dividends every y ear after defraying the management expenses. In both of these cases,
there is a cash need every year in addition to the major cash need at the end of 5 years.
How does duration matching apply to such investors? How do we define their holding
period? The answer is to work out an average holding period taking into account the
timing of all cash needs. It turns out that this average should also be a weighted average
identical to the average which we used in the formula for computing duration. In other
words, the investor must list out all his cash needs at various points of time, and compute
the duration of this stream of cash flows in exactly the same manner as he computes the
duration of a bond. This is his average holding period, and he must design a bond
portfolio which has duration equal to this average holding period. For example, a mutual
fund would have to estimate the annual operating expenses and income as well as the
capital distribution at the end of the life of the scheme, compute the duration of this
stream of cash flows and construct ka portfolio with this duration. The general principle
of duration matching can now be stated as follows: duration of assets must equal
duration of liabilities, or duration of inflows must equal duration of outflows.
Example 1
Consider a Rs.100 Crores mutual fund floated on 01.01.1992 with a life of 7 years. The
fund estimates that its annual outflow on account of dividends, operating and

management costs would amount to Rs.17.5 crores. Suppose that the rate of interest is
18%. What is the target duration for this mutual fund?

The target duration is the duration of the outflows calculated as follows:

(Rs. Crores)

PV of Outflow
at 18%


PV X Year



Target Duration = 443.37/98.09 = 4.52

We would like to add, however, that duration matching is not an end in itself. It is a
powerful tool for protecting the bond portfolio from interest rate fluctuations, but some of
us will want to assume part of the interest rate risk in the hope of getting higher returns.
It is often true that assets with longer duration than our desired holding period offer
higher returns. We will then have to decide whether this additional return is worth the
extra risk that we assume. The extent of duration mismatch then becomes a measure of
risk that we are taking. The investors attitude towards risk thus plays an important role
in deciding on the extent of duration mismatch and therefore the target duration of the
overall portfolio.

Portfolio Design: Achieving Target Beta and Duration

We have already pointed out that the three main asset classes differ widely in terms of
their duration and beta. Equities have high beta and long duration, bonds have negligible
beta and moderate duration, and money markets have negligible beta and near zero
duration. It is clear that by adjusting the proportion of these three asset classes in our
portfolio, we can achieve a very wide range of values for the overall beta and duration.
This range is even further enhanced if the investor can borrow and invest the borrowed
funds in addition to his own funds. For example, if the investor borrows Rs.100 and adds
that to his own funds of Rs.100 and invests Rs.200 in an equity portfolio with a beta of
1.00, his overall portfolio beta is actually 2.00. This is because his total portfolio is
Rs.100 (Rs.200 of equities less Rs.100 of beta), and his equity portfolio is 200% of his
total portfolio.


The other way to achieve the target beta and duration is to adjust the composition of the
portfolios within each asset class. For example, we can say that while investing 90% of
our portfolio in equities, we will choose our equity portfolio in such a way as to ensure an
average beta of 1.25. This will give an overall beta of 0.9 X 1.25 = 1.125. Similarly
while saying that we will invest a certain percentage of our portfolio in bonds, we can
also say that we will choose long maturity bonds so as to obtain a duration of 5 years for
the bond portfolio.
In case of institutional investors, it is not uncommon for each of the three asset classes to
be managed by different individuals almost independently. In such cases, the asset
allocation process is the crucial stage at which their actions are coordinated by taking an
integrated view of the total portfolio. The person in charge of each asset class will be
told not only what quantum of the total funds are being allocated to him, but also what is
the average duration and beta expected from him. For example, the fact that a fraction of
the total portfolio is invested in stocks increases the average duration of the total portfolio
and allows the investor to have a lower duration for the bonds portfolio than if the entire
portfolio were invested in bonds. To control the risk better, the bond portfolio manager
needs to know the duration of the stock portfolio, and the equity portfolio manager needs
to know that his actions may be changing the duration of the total portfolio. For some
investors like pension funds and life insurance companies (which are, in India, in the
public sector), the desired duration is far longer than what is available in bond markets.
For them, the equity portfolio is the principal route to achieving high duration. We
normally think of equities as being risky, here, however, equities become an instrument
of risk reduction!

Example 2
How can an investor achieve target duration of 10 years if most corporate bonds have
duration of only 5 years?
The investor will not want to invest in government bonds and other low-yielding
securities even if they have a long duration. But he can use equities (which would have
an average duration of about 30 years) to achieve his target duration as shown in the
following asset allocation:
Asset Class


Corporate Bonds





In those cases where all three asset classes are being managed by the same individual, the
process of asset allocation is not always as clearly differentiated from the second stage of


portfolio selection. Even here separating the process of strategic asset allocation helps in
providing a long-term perspective and an integrated view of the total portfolio.

Portfolio Design: Target Return Approach

In portfolio design, we are essentially concerned with the tradeoff between risk and
return. There are several ways of handling this tradeoff which though apparently
different are ultimately equivalent. We can, as suggested in the previous paragraphs,
decide on the target level of risk that we are willing to take and then try to achieve the
highest level of return that is possible without exceeding this risk level. Alternatively, we
can reverse the logic completely: we can start with a target rate of return and try to keep
the risk as low as possible while still attaining the chosen return objective. A moments
reflection will show that these two approaches are only different sides of the same coin.
But there are several situations where an investor may find it easier to specify a target
rate of return than a target risk level. An obvious example is that of a mutual fund which
has promised a certain rate of return to the unit holders. This return plus the management
and operating costs becomes the target rate of return for the fund managers who will then
try to seek the lowest risk route to achieving this target return. Similarly an investor who
is saving for a specific purpose will often have a target amount that he wishes to have at
the end of his holding period. He may, for example, want to have Rs.25 lakhs on his
retirement. From this, he can work out what target return he must achieve to reach this
wealth level given his estimated savings potential.
Asset allocation determines the expected rate of return on the total portfolio to a great
extent because the three asset classes have very different levels of expected return.
Equities are expected to earn more than bonds which in turn probably earn more than
money market instruments. (Of course, the three asset classes rank the same way in terms
of risk also). To achieve a target rate of return, therefore, we have to weight our asset
allocation in favor of higher yielding asset classes (for example, more equities and less
Another way to achieve a higher target return is to skew the portfolio within an asset
class in favor of higher return assets. An equity portfolio with a beta of 1.2 would earn
approximately 2% more than the average equity portfolio with a beta of 1.0 (of course at
the cost of higher risk). Similarly, in case of bonds, bonds of long maturity often have
higher yields than short-terms bonds. We may decide to choose these bonds even if it
implies a duration mismatch and higher interest rate risk.
Yet another possibility of earning higher returns arises from superior portfolio selection.
We shall be discussing tactical asset allocation and portfolio selection later in this
chapter. We shall see that investors who have special skills can enhance their return by
performing these tasks better. For instance, investors who are very good at identifying
good scrips which are temporarily undervalued can include such scrips in their equity
portfolio and hope to get returns higher than the average returns of equities as a whole.


This ability may allow them to invest a smaller percentage of their total portfolio in
equities and still earn their target rate of return.

Tactical Asset Allocation

Portfolio Revision
At the stage of strategic asset allocation, we determine a target beta and duration for the
total portfolio and decide how the portfolio is allocated among asset classes to achieve
this objective. That is not, however, the end of the matter.
The first complication that arises in managing the risk of the total portfolio is that the
relative weights of the equity and bond portfolio in the total portfolio can change because
of a change in market values. For example, if there is a boom in share prices, the equity
portfolio rises sharply in value, and its weight in the total portfolio also increases. This
immediately changes the average beta of the total portfolio though the investor has not
altered the composition of the portfolio. Similarly, the average duration is also affected.
If he wants to maintain the old beta and duration, he will have to rebalance his portfolio.
Similar problems can arise if interest rates rise causing a sharp drop in the value of the
bond portfolio changing its weight in the total portfolio.
Example 3
Consider the asset allocation of Example 9.2. What happens to the overall beta and
duration if there is a boom in the stock market and equity prices rise by 50%?
Asset Class



Current value


The average duration of bonds was 5 years and of equities 30 years. We shall assume
that the average beta of the equities was 1.0. We assume for simplicity that the boom in
share prices has not changed the duration or betas of our equity portfolio.
Original duration = 5 x 80/100 + 30 x 20/100 = 10 Years
Original beta
= 0 x 80/100 + 1 x 20/100 = 0.20
Current duration = 5 x 73/100 + 30 x 27/100 = 11.75 years
Current beta
= 0 x 73/100 + 1 x 27/100 = 0.27


Example 4
Consider the asset allocation of Example 2. What happens to the overall beta and
duration if there is a sharp rise in interest rates and bond prices drop by 20%?
Asset class


Original Value

Current value




The average duration of bonds was 5 years and of equities 30 years. We shall assume
that the average beta of the equities was 1.0. We assume for simplicity that the rise in
interest rates has not significantly changed the average duration of the bond portfolio.
Original duration = 5 x 80/100 + 30 x 20/100 = 10 Years
Original beta
= 0 x 80/100 + 1 x 20/100 = 0.20
Current duration = 5 x 68/100 + 30 x 32/100 = 13 years
Current beta
= 0 x 68/100 + 1 x 32/100 = 0.32

The second question is more fundamental. Does the choice of a target beta mean that we
should always maintain our portfolio beta at this target value? Not necessarily. Our
portfolio beta should hover around this target value, but, in the short run, it may deviate
quite substantially from this target value. If, for example, we feel that a slump in the
market is around the corner, we might want to temporarily switch over to a defensive
portfolio which provides us some protection in case of such a slump. A defensive
portfolio is a portfolio whose beta is low (less than one); since beta measures the
vulnerability to market risk, such a portfolio suffers less loss when the market slumps.
Obviously, when we switch over to such a defensive portfolio, our beta will be below our
target value. But this position is temporary; at the earliest opportunity, we would try to
restore it to our target value. Correspondingly, if we accept a boom in share prices, we
might temporarily switch over to an offensive portfolio. An offensive portfolio is a high
beta portfolio(beta above one) which is very sensitive to the market index and, therefore,
appreciates greatly when the market booms.
To summarize, therefore, our attitude towards risk determines our target beta, i.e. the long
run value of beta around which our portfolio beta would tend to fluctuate. Our view of
the market would determine the short run fluctuations in the portfolio betas as we switch
to offensive or defensive portfolios to exploit anticipated market movements in the short
run. In exactly the same way, our view about the likely changes in interest rates can
cause us to temporarily change the overall duration beta and duration of our total


This temporary realignment of portfolio beta and duration in response to changing market
values or to our view of the market is the province of tactical asset allocation. Since
shifts of portfolio betas are much more common than shifts of portfolio duration, we
shall, in this chapter, focus on beta shifts. But many of the same principles apply to shifts
of duration also.

Market Timing
It is obvious that switching to offensive and defensive portfolio according to our view of
the market trends is subject to a great deal of risk. If the market moves down when we
are holding an offensive portfolio because we expected the market to rise, we stand to
lose heavily. This is because an offensive portfolio drops even more rapidly than the
market. Similarly, if the market rises while we are holding a defensive portfolio in the
expectation of a slump in prices, we suffer an opportunity loss. A defensive portfolio
does not rise as fast as the market does and we lose out on the gains that we could have
made. This means that the switching of portfolio beta must be done with great care.
How far we are willing to go in moving away from our target beta depends on the degree
of confidence that we have in our forecast of market trends. Unless we are very
confident about our forecasts, we would be well advised to stick to our target beta.
From a practical point of view, the important question is how we implement the
temporary shifts in the portfolio betas. For example, suppose we want to temporarily
adopt a defensive portfolio (with say a beta of 0.6) with the intension of reverting to our
target beta (of say 1.1) in the near future. What options do we have? We could consider
the following possibilities:

Switch a part of the portfolio to bonds (debentures), i.e. sell a part of our
equity portfolio and invest the proceeds in debentures.


Switch a part of the portfolio to money market instruments. This could

include the unorganized money market; for many brokers, it is more
convenient to invest excess funds in the badla finance market. Of course,
the risks involved in operating in the unorganized market are quite
different from that involved in the organized markets.


Reduce the average beta of the equity portfolio by selling high beta stocks
and buying low beta stocks.


Short sell high beta stocks.

All the above do succeed in creating a defensive portfolio and can be regarded as
equivalent in this sense. But in practice, there are important differences in these options:

Transaction costs (brokerage, etc.) are different in these alternative routes:

these costs are typically lower in the forward market.


Change over to bonds or to money market instruments can change the

duration of the portfolio and change our exposure to interest rate risk.


Short selling may be prohibited for some investors (e.g. mutual funds).
Even otherwise, it is subject to other risks (backwardation charges).


Rebalancing the portfolio to reduce its beta must be done with some care;
if the portfolio becomes concentrated in a few low beta stocks it becomes
less diversified. This means that rebalancing will have to be done by
selling a broad range of high beta stocks and buying a broad range of low
beta stocks involving higher transaction costs.

For these reasons, the switch to a defensive portfolio would typically involve
simultaneous recourse to several, may be all, the above techniques of beta reduction.
Similarly, a switch to a high beta portfolio may require simultaneous recourse to several
options: switch away from bonds and money market instruments to stocks, borrow and
invest in stocks, rebalance the portfolio in favor of high beta stocks, maintain an
overbought position in the forward market.
This analysis places the money market asset class also in a new light. Since it has very
low beta and duration, this asset class can be used very effectively as an instrument for
changing the duration and beta of the total portfolio in response to changing needs. The
money market portfolio is one of the instruments for shifting temporarily to a defensive
portfolio. It can also play an important role in rebalancing the beta and duration of the
portfolio quickly in response to the change in market values discussed earlier in this
section. Here too the money market portfolio is used temporarily in a balancing role
while a more permanent rebalancing is worked out. The important point, however, is that
the money market portfolios is not seen as just as a repository of idle cash; it is market
portfolio is not seen as just as a repository of idle cash; it is an active element in the
management of the risk of the total portfolio.

Formula Plans
The management of the temporary changes in portfolio beta and duration by adjusting its
composition is known as tactical asset allocation. A number of mechanical rules have
been evolved to simplify this process. These rules seek to replace the subjective
judgment of the investor by formulas. Their principal advantage is that they are
completely unemotional; they prevent the investor from being swayed by sentiment and
thereby getting into a very risky position.
The two most popular formula plans are the Constant Ratio Plan and the Constant
Value Plan. As the name suggests, the constant ratio plan tries to keep a certain constant
percentage of the portfolio in equities. For example, the plan may specify that 60% must
be in equities and allow a 5% band for fluctuations. This means that if equity prices rise
and the equity portfolio rises to 65% of the total, then we must sell equities to bring the
ratio down to 60%. Similarly, if equity prices fall and the ratio drops to 55%, then we

must buy equities to bring the ratio up to 60%. The width of the band clearly determines
the extent of trading that takes place. If we set too narrow a band, we will be buying and
selling at almost every fall or rise in the market index and we will make money only for
our broker. If we set too large a band, we can stray too far away from the desired ratio.
The constant value plan on the other hand demands that a constant value be invested in
equities. We might start with a portfolio of Rs.100 with Rs.60 in equities and Rs.40 in
bonds. The constant value may say that we must have rs.60 in equities with a band of
Rs.5 to bring it up to Rs.60. this is more stringent than the earlier example of the
constant ratio plan; if equities have dropped to Rs.55 and bonds are unchanged at Rs.40,
then the total portfolio is only Rs.95 and the ratio is 55/95 = 58%. This is higher than
55% and the constant ratio plan will not be triggered.
Several modifications and combinations of these two plans are also available for those
who seek to make tactical asset allocation almost automatic. The better way of looking at
these plans is as aids to our judgment. Rather than blindly follow these plans, we should
treat the recommendation of these plans as buy and sell signals which we evaluate using
our judgment and view of the market.

Portfolio Insurance
In western capital markets, there is an alternative to defensive portfolios if one wants
protection against market slumps. Known as portfolio insurance, this technique lets the
investor protect himself against downward movements in prices while continuing to
benefit from upward movements. There are two routes to portfolio insurance:
In developed economies, there are options markets where the investor can
buy put options. The put option allows the investor the right but not the
obligation to sell a security at a prespecified price at a prespecified date. If the
market goes down, the investor exercises the put option to get out of the scrip
without much loss. If the price goes up, the option is not exercised, and the
investor can obtain the benefit of the higher price. In India, organized options
markets do not exist as of now, but there is a distinct possibility of their being
permitted in the next few years. What is available in India is an informal tejimandi market in which a narrow range of very short term options are traded. This
market is unlikely to be of much use for portfolio insurance purposes.

The second route to portfolio insurance does not use options markets, but
relies on a dynamic hedging strategy implemented using program trading.
This method typically involves using a computer program to generate
trades designed to artificially replicate the effect of a put option. Program
trading has come under a cloud in the United States after the crash of
October 1987. In any case, its practicability and efficacy in Indian
conditions has never been demonstrated.


At present, the technique of portfolio insurance is not, therefore, available to Indian

investors who will, for some time to come, have content themselves with the simpler
method of defensive portfolios.

Scrip Selection
Having determined the desired beta of our equity portfolio, the next task is that of
constructing a well-diversified portfolio with that level of beta. In theory, the most
perfectly diversified portfolio is the one which contains every security traded in the stock
market. Such perfection, however, is only an ideal, not to be achieved in real life1 . In
practice, one needs a much smaller number of securities to achieve a very high degree of
diversification: 15-20 securities may often be adequate, though large institutional
investors may use 40-100 securities. But care must be taken to ensure that the securities
one chooses are spread over several industries. Excessive dependence on any one
business group or geographic region must also be avoided. Within these limits, the
investor has considerable leeway in choosing a diversified portfolio.
In addition to diversification, there are two other factors to be considered in designing a
portfolio. First is the issue of market timing to which we have devoted a section earlier.
Market timing requires us to temporarily shift to offensive or defensive portfolios
depending on our view of the market. Second, in the chapters on fundamental and
technical analysis, we have discussed the various methods that analysts use to determine
whether a stock is under or overvalued. One expects undervalued stocks to rise and
overvalued. One expects undervalued stocks to rise and overvalued stocks to fall as the
market corrects itself. Obviously, scrip selection must use this information. The
undervalued stocks are to be sought and the overvalued one is to be shunned. But again
there is a danger: the analyst may identify two or three stocks that are very good buy and
may invest heavily in them. The resulting portfolio may be very poorly diversified. This
is a danger that portfolio theory teaches us to avoid.
To see how these two factors influence the scrip selection problem, we now look at four
types of investors and examine the portfolio design approaches suitable for each of them.

In many foreign capital markets, it is possible to buy index contracts which give
the investor the same return as what he would have got by investing in the entire market
portfolio. Index contracts are not available in India, but some investors use UTI
Mastershares and similar instruments as surrogates for an index contract.


Type A Investor: No Market Timing and No Stock-picking Skills

If the investor does not believe that he has any special skills in picking undervalued
stocks or in predicting the movement of the market, then the portfolio design problem
becomes relatively simple. The investor simply chooses a diversified portfolio (in the
manner described above) and then adjusts its beta to the desired level. If he weights the
chooses securities in proportion to market capitalization, he can expect to get a portfolio
beta close to one. To achieve a higher or lower beta, he can shift the weights towards
high or low beta stocks. He can achieve the same effect by increasing or decreasing the
allocation to the equity portfolio in the overall portfolio.
The type A investor would hold a passive, diversified portfolio with a constant beta equal
to the target beta. He may also prefer to invest his money in a mutual fund and let it do
the portfolio management for him.

Type B Investor: Only Stock-picking Skills

An investor who has and wishes to exploit his stock picking skills should start with a base
portfolio similar to that of the type A investor. He should then adjust the weights of the
stocks which are in his opinion mispriced. Specifically, he should overweight the stocks
which are overvalued and underweight those which are under valued. For example, the
base portfolio may have 2% in Stock X and 1.5% in Stock Y. The investor who finds-X
undervalued and Y overvalued may change the weights to 3% to X, he may have a
problem as he would then have to shortsell Y to the extent of 0.5% of the portfolio. This
may not be legally or practically possible. The investor then has to raise the weight of X
to 4%, eliminate Y from the portfolio and reduce the weight of some other stocks by
The investor can deal with this problem in a slightly different manner. He can put, say
90%, of his equity investment in the diversified portfolio and reserve the remaining 10%
for the mispriced stocks. How large a fraction he should devote to mispriced scrips
depends on how good analyst may choose a larger fraction? What we are doing in this
decision is to balance the profit potential of investing in undervalued stocks against the
benefit of diversification. Unless we are confident about our analysis, we should give
primacy to the need for diversification.
Since the average beta of the undervalued and overvalued stocks is likely to be close to
one, the overall beta is likely to remain close to the target value, unless the target beta is
substantially different from one and the percentage of the portfolio devoted to mispriced
stocks is large. If, for some reason, this is not so, the investor would have to take further
action to maintain the beta at the target value. The portfolio of the type B investor is
concentrated but has a constant beta.


Type C Investor: Only Market-timing Skills

The type C investor holds a well-diversified portfolio but switches actively between
defensive and offensive portfolios to take advantage of the market timing. If he expects
the market to rise, he should push his portfolio beta above his target level by any of the
techniques described in the section on market timing. The converse should be done if the
investor is bearish about the market. In either case, the portfolio would remain
diversified all through. The portfolio of this investor is diversified, but its beta is
managed and not constant.

Type D Investor: Both Stock-picking and Market-timing Skills

This type of investor would use the techniques used by both the type B and Type C
These investors would have the most active and aggressive portfolio
management strategies. Using their superior ability to predict booms and busts in the
market as a whole and their skills in identifying undervalued scrips, they should hold
highly concentrated portfolios and let the beta fluctuate quite sharply around the long run
target value.
A pitfall to be very strenuously avoided is that of assuming that one has a skill which one
is reality does not have. For example, an investor who does not have very good abilities
in scrip selection may still think that he does have such skills. He would then end up
with an ill-diversified portfolio which earns mediocre returns; he would have been better
off with a passive portfolio.

Bond Portfolio Selection

The bond portfolio design problem consists of choosing a mix of bonds which has the
desired duration and provides the highest YTM. Of course, this must be done keeping in
mind the default risk of the bonds also.
There are two distinct ways in which default risk can be taken into account in designing
the bond portfolio:

The legalistic approach establishes a minimum rating which a bond must

have to be included in the portfolio. Many bond portfolio managers
throughout the world operate under such explicit or implicit restrictions
which prohibit them from investing in low grade bonds.


The more sophisticated approach looks at the average quality of the bond
portfolio. The overall risk aversion of the investor determines the desired
average quality of the total portfolio. But it is not necessary that all bonds
be of this quality. Some lower grade bonds may be bought if the rest of
the portfolio is of sufficiently higher grade to maintain the average quality.


The second approach requires greater skill and effort, but it provides the route to higher
returns. It allows the investor to choose the mix of bonds which provides the highest
YTM while still achieving the target quality level.
Thus the bond portfolio selection problem has three aspects:
1. The portfolio duration must equal the duration of the outflows.
2. The average quality of the portfolio (in terms of the credit rating) must not fall
below the acceptable level.
3. Within these two constraints, the high yielding bonds must be chosen to
maximize the YTM of the portfolio
All this does not eliminate the need for active management of the bond portfolio.
Duration matching eliminates the interest rate risk, but it is a continuous process rather
than a one shot activity. There are several reasons why the duration of a portfolio may
1. Duration wandering is a phenomenon in which as time passes, the duration of
a portfolio changes slowly.
2. Large changes in interest rates can change the duration.
3. Normal trading activity in the portfolio may change its duration.
To take care of all these factors, it is necessary to recompute the portfolio duration at
frequent intervals. Whenever a substantial discrepancy is found, steps must be taken to
rebalance the portfolio to achieve the desired duration.
Finally, Just as in the case of equity portfolios we can shift the beta temporarily to exploit
our forecast of market trends, we can temporarily change the duration of our bond
portfolio to take advantage of our forecasts of interest rate trends. If we expect interest
rates to rise, we must switch towards low duration assets. Conversely, a switch to high
duration assets is mandated if we expect interest rates to fall.


Material for Group D

Evaluation of Portfolio Performance

(Source: Book on Port Folio Management by Professors. S.K.Barua, V.Raghunathan and J.R.Varma)

In this book, we have, so far, discussed how to design and revise our portfolios. What
remains now is the bottom line how well has the portfolio done? This chapter deals
with the evaluation of portfolio performance.
There are a number of situations in which such an evaluation becomes necessary and




Self Evaluation As individuals, we might want to evaluate how well we

have done. This is a part of the process of refining our skills and
improving our performance over a period of time.
Evaluation of Managers A mutual fund or similar organization might
want to evaluate its managers. A mutual fund may have several
managers each running a separate fund or sub-fund. It is often
necessary to compare the performance of these managers.
Evaluation of Mutual Funds As investors, we may want to evaluate the
various mutual funds operating in the country to decide which, if any,
of these should be chosen for investment. Similar need arises for
individuals or organizations who engage external agencies for portfolio
advisory services.
Evaluation of Groups As academics or researchers, we may want to
evaluate the performance of a whole group of investors and compare it
with another group of investors who use different techniques or who
have different skills or access to different information.

While these situations differ in the objective of evaluation and in the extent of
information available, the general method of evaluation is the same for all of them. The
discussion in this chapter would be of use in all these situations. We shall use the term
portfolio manager to refer to the person responsible for taking decisions regarding the
portfolio. In the case of self evaluation discussed above, the investor should for the
purpose of this chapter be regarded as his own portfolio manager.

Need for the Portfolio View

One can think of evaluating performance at three different levels of aggregation:

We can try to evaluate every transaction. Whenever a security is bought or

sold, we can attempt to assess whether the decision was correct and profitable.
We can try to evaluate the performance of a specific security in the portfolio
to determine whether it has been worthwhile to include it in our portfolio.



We can try to evaluate the performance of the portfolio as a whole during the
period without examining the performance of individual securities within the

In practice, it is quite common to find people use the transaction view or the security
view while evaluating themselves or their subordinates. However, these methods though
intuitively appealing are inadequate and often misleading. Consider, for example, a
hypothetical situation where we are sitting in the training room watching two portfolio
managers place sell orders. A is selling stock X for Rs.80; he tells us that he bought the
stock a month ago at Rs.64. Mentally, we make a quick calculation: A has made a return
of 25%. Meanwhile, B is selling stock Y for Rs.72; this stock had cost him Rs.60 a
month ago. We calculate that the return is only 20%. We decide that A has done better
than B but keep our thoughts to ourselves. We come back to the trading room a month
later to find on PTI-SCAN that stock X is now selling at Rs.90 and stock Y at Rs.55. B
walks up to us and tells us how right he was to sell the stock before it started falling. We
then turn to A to remind him that stock X has risen 12.5% since he sold it. He
nonchalantly tells us that he has not been keeping his money idle and that his recent
acquisitions have appreciated even more steeply. We are left wondering whether this is
just a case of sour grapes or whether A has really been doing well.
If we think through this example carefully, we will realize that the important notion is
that of opportunity costs. The book profits that A and B made when they sold their
respective stocks is easy to calculate. The difficulty arises with opportunity costs. By
selling stock X when it was still rising, A has missed the opportunity to earn an even
higher return than he did. B, on the other hand, has avoided a large opportunity loss by
selling just before the stock fell. The opportunity cost becomes tricky when A tries to
argue that he has not suffered an opportunity loss at all because the stocks that he bought
after selling X have done equally well if not better. As argument, in fact, strikes at the
very root of the transaction view. He is telling us not to look at the transaction in
isolation, but to look at his portfolio in its entirety.
We shall shortly turn to the portfolio view, but the notion of opportunity costs is an
important one for all portfolio managers. There is a deep-rooted tendency among most
investors to ride their losses and book their profits. They feel comfortable selling a stock
on which they are making a book profit. They feel uneasy selling a stock if it means
incurring a book loss, and, therefore, tend to carry the stock in their portfolio in the hope
that it will some day appreciate in value. This argument is totally fallacious. In the
process of avoiding a book loss now, they may incur a large opportunity loss; in other
words, the stock may decline further causing an even greater loss in future.
The notion of opportunity loss has helped us realize the advantage of the portfolio view.
There is a second major reason for taking the portfolio view, and that is the issue of risk.
We know very well that higher return can be has if we are willing to accept higher risk.
When we say that A earned a return of 25% on stock X while B earned 20% on stock Y,
we need to look at the riskiness of these securities to evaluate these returns. The


difficulty is that risk is best defined at the portfolio level not at the security level. We
know that a large part of the riskiness of a security can be diversified away by holding it
in a well-designed portfolio. As we saw in the previous chapter on portfolio design,
however, investors who seek out underprices stocks may end up with poorly diversified
portfolios. To evaluate the return that they make, we must examine the riskiness of the
total portfolio.

Time Horizon for Portfolio Evaluation

Having decided to evaluate performance at the portfolio level rather than at the security
or transaction level, it remains to decide the time interval over which the evaluation is to
be done. We are often tempted to evaluate at very frequent intervals in the belief that this
will help in taking prompt remedial action. If we evaluate only once in five years, it may
be too late to do anything with the evaluation. Nevertheless, there may be strong reasons
for not evaluating a portfolio at too short an interval. Firstly, all portfolio managers have
an investment horizon. Those who have a long horizon may buy a stock on its long-term
fundamentals even if its short-term outlook is bleak. To evaluate these managers on a
short horizon is, therefore, unfair and misleading. Secondly, no portfolio manager
expects to be right all the time. He expects to make errors, but expects to be right often
enough to achieve a good return overall. Over a reasonably long horizon, his windfall
gains and losses cancel each other out and the actual return can be regarded as a
reasonable measure of his performance. But, in the short run, this is not necessarily true,
and the actual return may not be really representative. For these reasons, the time
horizon for performance evaluation should be at least two years; ideally, it should be a
little longer to include one cycle of boom and bust in the stock market.

Risk and Return

Measuring the actual return on a portfolio during a short period, say one year, is quite
straight forward. The total return equals the capital appreciation of the total portfolio
(including cash and money market instruments) plus the income and capital distributions
out of the portfolio during the period less the capital infusions into the portfolio. The
capital appreciation of the portfolio is computed by valuing the portfolio at market prices
at the beginning and end of the period and calculating the growth in value. Over a long
period of time, the return has to be computed with greater care as the timing of cash flows
cannot be ignored.
Example 1
Mr. A began investing in securities on 01.01.1991 with an initial investment of Rs.25
lakhs. During the course of the year he received interest and dividends of Rs.1.5 lakhs
which he utilized for his personal expenses. In the latter part of the year, he also sold
shares worth Rs.5.0 lakhs to finance part of the cost of a house that he was building. On
31.12.1991, Mr. A finds that his shares are worth Rs.23 lakhs and that he also holds
debentures worth Rs.5.5 lakhs. What is the return earned by him during the year?


Rs. lakhs
Portfolio Value as on 31.12.1991
Portfolio value as on 01.01.1991


Appreciation in value
Add interest and dividends withdrawn for
Personal use
Capital withdrawn for house construction


Total Return Earned

Percentage Return = 10.00/25.00 = 40%

The actual return has to be evaluated by comparison to a benchmark taking risk into
account. The benchmark rate of return is that of the market as a whole which represents
the average performance of all investors taken together. Superior performance then
means performing better than the market index after adjusting for risk. The different
methods of evaluating portfolio performance that we shall discuss below differ mainly in
the method used for adjusting for risk.
The total risk of a portfolio is measured by the variance or the standard deviation. We
have seen earlier in this book that this total risk can be broken up into systematic risk and
unsystematic risk. The unsystematic risk can be eliminated by holding a diversified
portfolio. On the other hand, the systematic risk measured by the beta cannot be
diversified away because it represents the vulnerability to market fluctuations.

Reward per Unit of Risk

One natural way of adjusting for risk is to look at the reward per unit of risk. This was
exactly what Sharpe and Treynor proposed in their pioneering work on evaluation of
portfolio performance. But, while Sharp chose the standard deviation (total risk) as the
measure of risk, Treynor used the beta (systematic risk) as his measure of risk.
We know that the risk-free rate of interest is the return that we can earn without bearing
any risk. The risk premium is the return earned over and above the risk-free rate and is
the reward earned for bearing risk. We can, therefore, divide the risk premium by a
measure of risk to get the risk premium per unit of risk. The higher this ratio, the better
the portfolio has done; if we compute the performance measure for a number of
portfolios, we can rank these portfolios according to their performance. The Sharpe and


Treynor measures are quite similar in these respects; they, however, differ in their
definition of risk.
Treynor defines risk as being the unsystematic risk or beta. His measure of performance
is the risk premium per unit of systematic risk (beta). To compute this measure, we must
first estimate the beta of the portfolio. This is done in exactly the same way as for
individual securities as described earlier in this book. Then we divide the risk premium
by the beta to get the Treynor measure.

Example .2
Mr. P has been managing the portfolio of a large mutual fund for the last two years. He
found that his portfolio had earned a return of 70.60% and had a beta of 1.121. During
the same period, the return on the market as a whole was 41.40%. Assuming that the
risk-free rate was 12%, compute the Treynor measure for the portfolio and comment on
Ps performance according to this measure. Show the result graphically.
The risk premium for Ps portfolio is 70.60 12.00 = 58.60. The Treynor measure is
therefore 58.60/1.121 = 52.3%.
To comment on how well P has done, we compare this value of 52.3% with the Treynor
measure for the market. Since the market, by definition, has a beta of 1.0, its Treynor
measure is (41.40 12.00)/1.0 = 29.4%. This means that P has earned 52.3% per unit of
risk borne while the market as a whole earned only 29.4% per unit of risk borne. This
makes it clear that P has significantly outperformed the market.


As stated earlier, Sharpe argued that the appropriate measure of risk is not the systematic
risk (beta) but the total risk (standard deviation). The Sharpe measure of performance is,
therefore, the risk premium earned per unit of total risk. The compute this measure, we
must first compute the standard deviation of the returns and divide the risk premium of
the portfolio by its standard deviation.


Example 3
Mr. P of Example 2 finds that the standard deviation of returns on his portfolio is 41.3%
while that of the market as a whole is 19.44%. Compute the Sharpe measure for Ps
portfolio and comment on his performance according to this measure. Portray the result
As in example 2, the risk premium earned by Mr. P is 58.60%. The Sharpe measure of
his portfolio is 58.60/41.31 = 1.418.
For the market, the Sharpe measure is 41.40 12.00)/19.44 = 1.512. The Sharpe measure
thus indicates that P has not done as well as the market.
We portray the situation graphically, plotting return on the vertical axis and total risk on
the horizontal axis. The line joining the risk-free rate to the market (M) is the Capital
Market Line discussed earlier in the book. It indicates the relationship between return
and total risk for all well-diversified portfolios. It can be seen that Ps portfolio lies
below the CML indicating that it has earned less than what is required for its level of total

Fig. 2 Capital Market Line.


Why do the Sharpe and Treynor measure give opposite results in the case of Mr. P? The
reason is that Ps portfolio has a disproportionate amount of unsystematic risk; it looks
like a poorly diversified portfolio. Hence a measure which uses total risk gives a result
very different from one which uses only systematic risk. What do we do in a situation
like this? Does it mean that one of the measures is wrong? The answer is that both
measures are right, but they are relevant in different contexts. In our situation where the
portfolio is a mutual fund, the appropriate measure to use depends on the type of investor.
For those investors who use Ps mutual fund as the principal vehicle for investment in
equity, there is no scope for diversifying away the large unsystematic risk. The relevant
measure is the Sharpe measure which indicates that P has not done as well a s the market.
On the other hand, consider an investor who holds a large portfolio of shares and is
considering adding some units of Ps fund to it just as if it were another security. For this
investor, the large unsystematic risk of the fund does not matter. It will be diversified
away when it is included in the investors total portfolio. For such an investor, what is
relevant is the systematic risk which cannot be diversified. The Treynor measure is
appropriate for this investor and this measure indicate that the mutual fund is very
attractive having significantly outperformed the market.
In general, we can say that to measure the performance of the total portfolio of an
investor, the Sharpe measure is always the right one. To measure the performance of a
sub-portfolio, the Treynor measure is correct provide the investor has taken reasonable
care to ensure that his total portfolio is well diversified.
In practice, however, in a large number of cases, the Sharpe and Treynor measure of
performance produce very similar rankings of portfolios; typically, therefore, they agree
on whether a particular portfolio has done better than the market or not. The situation of
disagreement which we found for Ps portfolio is the exception rather than the rule.

Excess Returns
The Sharpe and Treynor measures of performance are both ratios. This means that
though they can be used to rank portfolios, they are not readily interpretable in monetary
terms or in terms of percentage returns. Often, we would like to measure a portfolios
superior performance in terms of the extra return that it has earned beyond what was
mandated by its level of risk. If we know the size of the portfolio, we can then convert
this into a rupee amount as saying that the portfolio managers efforts were worth so
much of money in extra return earned.
This kind of performance measurement is also possible using the SML and CML
diagrams that we have shown in Examples 2 and 3 what we are now looking at is the
vertical distance of the portfolio from the SML and from the CML.
If we take beta or systematic risk as the appropriate measure of risk, then the SML
indicates the return that a portfolio should earn for any given level of risk. The difference
between that and the actual return is a measure of the excess return that has been earned
over and above what is mandated for its level of systematic risk. This performance
measure is known as Jensens measure after its originator.

Example 4
From fig 1 and the data in Example 2 compute the Jensen measure of Ps performance.
In Fig. 1 we see that portfolio Ps beta of 1.121 mandated a return of only 44.95% while
it actual return was 70.60%. P, therefore, lies above the SML, and the vertical distance
from the SML to P is 25.65% (i.e. 70.60 44.95). This is the excess return (Jensen
measure) that P has earned after adjusting for systematic risk.
We can compute the Jensen measure numerically without drawing a graph, as follows.
We multiply the beta of the portfolio by the risk premium of the market and add the result
to the risk-free rate to get the return mandated by the SML. For portfolio P this gives
12.00 +1.121 (41.40 12.00) = 44.95%. The Jensen measure is then found by
subtracting this return from the actual return on the portfolio: 70.60 44.95 = 25.65%.
The Jensen measure was based on systematic risk and therefore looked at the SML. If we
are interested in total risk we can look at the distance from the CML instead of from the
SML. The vertical distance from the portfolio to the CML is Famas measure of net
selectivity. It represents the excess return earned over and above the return required for
its level of total risk.
Example 5
From Fig 2 and the data in Example 3 compute the Fama measure of net selectivity for
Ps performance.
In Fig 2, we see that portfolio Ps total risk of 41.31% mandated a return of 74.47% while
its actual return was 70.60%. P, therefore, lies below the SML, and the vertical distance
from the SML to P is -3.87% (i.e. 70.60 74.47). This is the Fame measure of net
selectivity for P. Since it is negative, P has underperformed the market by 3.87%.
We can compute the Fama measure of net selectivity numerically without drawing a
graph as follows. We first compute the ratio of the standard deviation of the portfolio to
that of the market. For Ps portfolio this ratio is 41.31/19.44 = 2.125. We then multiply
this ratio by the risk premium of the market and add the result to the risk-free rate to get
the return mandated by the CML. This gives 12.00 + 2.125(41.40 12.00) = 74.47%.


The Fama measure of net selectivity is then found by subtracting this return from the
actual return on the portfolio:
70.60 74.47 = - 3.87%.
Again the two measures (Jensen and Famas net selectivity) give opposite results. The
reason for and the interpretation of this divergence is exactly the same as that for the
divergence between the Sharpe and Treynor measures. In other words, Famas net
selectivity measure is appropriate in cases where the portfolio under question is the total
portfolio of the investor. Jensens measure is appropriate when we are looking at subportfolios of a larger (well-diversified) portfolio.
The Fama approach can be used to give a complete break-up of the observed return in
terms of its various components. For Ps portfolio, this break-up will be as follows:
1. Risk-free return
2. Compensation for systematic risk(beta)
1.121 (41.40 12.00)
3. Compensation for inadequate diversification
Return mandated by CML
Less return mandated by SML 44.95%
4. Net selectivity


- 3,87%
---------Total Actual Return
The Jensen measure can be recovered from this break-up by adding together the last two
elements (viz., the net selectivity and the compensation for inadequate diversification) to
give 29.52 3.87 = 25.65%.
From evaluation to Correction.
As we noted in the very beginning of this chapter, one important reason for doing
performance evaluation is to help us in correcting our errors and improving our
performance over a period of time. (If we are evaluating somebody else and not
ourselves, this is not relevant; the corrective action may simply consist of replacing the
portfolio manager). How do the performance evaluation measures discussed so far
provide us with a basis for such an exercise of self improvement?
The Fama framework provides a very convenient tool for this purpose. A simple
comparison of the return on Ps portfolio (70.60%) with that of the market (41.40%)
would indicate that P has significantly outperformed the market. Famas measure of net
selectivity indicates that, on the contrary, the return was 3.87% less than what it should
have been. The Fama analysis indicates what has gone wrong. The first two components
of the Fama decomposition specified above tell us what the position was in terms of
systematic risk. The beta of P (1.121) was a little higher than that of the market (1.00)


warranting a return of 12.00 + 32.95 = 44.95% marginally higher than the markets
41.40. but the actual return earned by P of 70.60 is far higher than this. The real problem
is in the third component the compensation required for Ps poor diversification is a
whopping 29.52%; this is what turns the tables on P making his performance somewhat
mediocre. The portfolio manager should now know what to do with such a portfolio: the
unsystematic risk of the portfolio needs to be brought down. Throughout this book,
particularly in the chapter on portfolio design, we have talked of the dangers of seeking
excess returns at the cost of diversification and the steps required to avoid it. The Fama
decomposition pinpoints the source of the problem and now it is up to Mr. P to correct it.
In other cases, the Fama decomposition may indicate that the problem is one of excessive
beta. The portfolio manager would then have to examine whether he has been allowing
his beta to exceed the target value decided by him on the basis of his attitude towards
In yet other cases, the analysis may show that the problem is not due to risk but to the
return itself being inadequate. Further investigation may reveal that the poor return may
have been caused by high operating costs. For example, the portfolio may have been
turned around too often leading to very high brokerage and other transaction costs. This
may indicate the need for a less active portfolio management strategy. Alternatively, the
return may have been low because of poor stock selection. This may mean that the
portfolio manager needs to revise his knowledge of fundamental and technical analysis,
firm and industry analysis, etc.
In short, with performance evaluation, the wheel has turned a full circle and we are back
to the essentials of portfolio management with which we started this book. As we
approach the end of this book at this point, we would like to remind our readers that the
wheel never stops. The path to superior performance lies in a continual refinement of
skills with regular evaluation of performance to tell us how far we have come and how
far we need to go.




[Reading Material]

Administrative Training Institute

Lalithamahal Road, Mysore - 570 011


Learning Unit - 5
Reading Material
Introduction :
To a common man, there is little difference between investing in shares and gambling.
This is true to some extent, because of the difficulties in predicting future trends in the
stock market. Many take risk by investing in shares based on analysis and reasoning.
The present situation in India is that individual investors have to compete with
professional and organized investors like bank sponsored mutual funds. In order to enable
them to take rational decisions, it is absolutely necessary for them to understand Portfolio
The main focus of analysis of Portfolio Management will be on forecasting security
prices. For this purpose it is necessary to understand the functioning of stock exchanges
in India.
In Learning Unit 2 we have discussed the use of Discounted Cash Flow Technique
(DCFT). DCFT is used to calculate the present value of future returns on share.
A technical analyst or a chartist may analyze stock prices based on the psychological
factors i.e., on mood of the crowd rather than on the reputation, earnings per share ratio,
dividends etc., this method often called as technical analysis
Most investors invest in several securities rather than on a single security. This kind of
diversification of investments reduces the variability of returns. This is the basis of
Modern Portfolio Theory.
Bonds or debentures have a definite income when compared to shares. The only threat
for this definite income is change in the interest rate or default in payment of principal or
interest or both.
The income return will be calculated in terms of present value.
Convertible debentures are a mix of the characteristics of a share and a debenture. In
India, this is more popular as a financial resource.
For any given single security, one should estimate the return as well as the risk. But in
portfolio management the situation are as follows:

One must have sufficient funds

Estimate, out of the available funds, how much the investor should invest in each
category of assets, such as equity, bonds and money market instruments. This is
nothing but asset allocation.


Select securities under each category of asset.

Estimate risk that the investor is willing to take under each category of asset.
Specify the time period to be considered to evaluate the performance of the portfolio.
Design the portfolio.
Make revision based on the changes in the prices of securities.
Make revision based on interest and other such parameters.
Consider the influence of changes in industry and in the economy as a whole.

When profits are received on securities taxes have to be paid as per the existing laws.
After designing a portfolio, the market movements must be analyzed. The risk estimated,
must be commensurate with the movement of the market.

Time Value of Money

In Learning Unit 2 we have learnt the calculation of time value of money i.e., to calculate
the present value of returns receivable in future. Normally time value of money is
measured on the basis of interest.
As discussed in Learning Unit 2 the future value of money invested will be calculated by
using compound interest formula.
FV = PV x (1+r)n
Where FV stands for future value and PV stands for present value and r stands
for interest rate and n stands for number of years.
For example, the FV of Rs.100 at the interest rate of 10% at the end of the first year is
equal to Rs.110 and at the end of second year the FV is 121 and so on.
In Learning Unit 2 we have also learnt the use of SPPWF and USPWF tables, where the
calculations were made for Rs.1 for different years and at different interest rate to find
out the present value.
Now reverse the question i.e., how much should we invest now to get Rs.121 at 10% at
the end of the second year. The answer is that we have to invest Rs.100 now. That means
the PV of Rs.121 receivable in future is Rs.100. This is called the process of discounting.
Here the interest rate used is called discounting factor.
To get the present value, we have to reverse the compound interest formula, which is as
PV = FV x -----(1+r) n
In Learning Unit 2 we have also learnt the calculation of internal rate of returns.


In this learning unit, group activities will be given for participants to acquire further skills
in calculating PV of returns.

The cash flow at constant level at fixed periodic intervals without a time limit is called
perpetuity. For example, to get constant returns of Rs.1000 per year at interest rate of
10% one has to make one time deposit of Rs.10, 000.

Annuity is a series of constant cash flows for a fixed time span. For example, constant
repayment in case of housing loan.

Stock Exchange
Stock Exchange is a place where securities are bought and sold. Therefore, it is also
called capital market. To raise money in the market the entrepreneurs may float the
shares, debentures or bonds in large number of small units. Any person may buy or sell
such securities in the stock exchange.
Earlier, brokers formed associations to facilitate the buying and selling of securities.
Through these associations they are undertaking their own activities, or on behalf of
others on a commission basis.
Gradually, these associations grew into corporate
In India, we have 19 stock exchanges out of which the Bombay Stock Exchange is the
largest accounting unit for 80% of transactions in India.
The stock exchange consists of nominated members by Government of India and the
elected members among the member brokers. The President and the Executive Director
are responsible to see that the activities at stock exchange are carried out in accordance
with the rules and regulations issued by Government.
SEBI has been formed to ensure that stock exchanges function in an orderly manner.
Every company wishing to raise capital shall list their securities on at least one of the
stock exchanges in the country.
The primary market deals with the issue of new securities. The secondary market deals
with old/existing securities. On maturity, bonds or debentures can be redeemed in the
primary market. Or, before maturity bonds or debentures can be sold in the secondary
market. But the shares can be sold only in the secondary market.
New securities can only be purchased in the primary market, by using application form
with application money. In case of over subscription of shares, allotment will be made
on seniority or by lottery.


Market Order
An investor may place his transactions with a broker without specifying the price. Such
order of placing transaction without specifying the price is called market order. It is the
responsibility of the broker to protect the interest of the investor.
An investor may specify the minimum price level in case of selling or specify the
maximum price in case of purchasing securities. This is called limit order. If the investor
specifies that the broker must make the transaction at the days opening price, it is called
open order.
After the transaction is over, the broker will intimate the details to his client.

In Stock Exchanges the trading of securities must take place in a smooth manner.
Therefore, each company must prescribe limits in terms of the number and variety of
securities, amount and duration. Often this is called market lot. Other than market lot,
sessions will be held for trading securities, known as odd lot. Normally, it is more
beneficial for an investor to participate in a 'market lot' session, rather than in an odd lot'

Collective Assessments are made in Stock Exchanges at fixed hours. Brokers make
investments on behalf of the investors or the investors themselves make the investments.
If there is healthy competition, there will be a perfect market to determine the price level
of different shares.

Trading in shares
Shares are of two categories

Specified and

The shares which are activity traded will be listed under the specified list.
like, preference shares, debentures and convertible debentures are listed under the cash

The dates for settlement of shares will be fixed by the Stock Exchange. On the first date,
all the outstanding transactions will be settled. Thereafter, securities will be traded for
cash. Alternatively, both the seller and the buyer may agree to defer the settlement of
transactions to the next settlement date. Normally this is known as settlement trading.


The other kind of settlement, also prevailing in our system, is called short-time
settlement, where transactions have to be settled within 48 hours.

Buying a Share
One will purchase a share at the existing market price, expecting that its price will rise in
the future. If however, one does not have enough cash to purchase these shares, one may
purchase the shares under the settlement system, described below.

What is a settlement System?

The price of a share has two levels.

The price as it exists on the settlement date, also known as settlement price. (the
price at the last hour to be considered)

Purchase price

There may be two possibilities on the settlement day, namely, (i) the settlement price is
higher than the purchase price, (ii) the settlement price is lower than the purchase price.
In the first case both the buyer and the seller may forward the transactions. The seller
accommodates the buyer to the extent of the difference between the settlement price and
the purchase price, and also provides time to make cash payment. The buyer must
compensate the seller in terms of interest. This is known as Contango or Forwardation
In the second situation, the purchase price is higher than the settlement price. In this
case, the buyer will pay the difference. The transactions price will be based on the
settlement price. The buyer shall pay the Forwardation charges.

Bulls & Bears

An investor who expects the price of a particular security to rise, and purchases a large
amount of shares on that expectation, is called a Bull. The opposite is Bear.

If a share holder anticipates a fall in the price of a share, he would like to sell before the
price drops. He may even sell a share which he does not have. This may be done under
the Settlement System. When the settlement price is lower than the selling price, the
buyer has to pay the difference and the Forwardation charges. If the settlement price is
more than selling price, the difference will be paid by the seller and the seller receives the
Forwardation charges.


Backwardation Charge
So far we have noticed that, the Forwardation charge shall be paid by the buyer to the
seller. The other kind of situation may be possible, where the seller has to pay to the
buyer. This is called backwardation charge. When the buyer has got sufficient cash to
purchase shares, but the seller not in a position to deliver the Share Certificate, then the
seller has to pay backwardation charge on the settlement date, towards postponing the
delivery of Share Certificates.

If shares sales and purchases are done through brokers, the sellers and purchasers may
not come into contact with each other on the settlement date, and the transaction is stated
to be 'faceless'.

Book Closure date

While purchasing securities in the secondary market, one must also get a transfer deed
duly signed by the seller. The details of transfer of share must be sent to the company,
before it closes the records on the book closure date. Then only, the holder of securities
becomes eligible for the benefits announced by the company. To prevent possible
problems, a company will announce the closure date, well in advance.

Good deliveries
To consider a security as good delivery, it must have the following details:

It must be accompanied by a transfer deed

Certified by the company or by the stock exchange

Full name and address of the transferee

Distinctive printed number

Date of certification

Payment of stamp duty

Payment of transfer fees

Legible and not spoiled

In the absence of the above details it is considered a bad delivery.


When prospective investor applies for shares a company may ask the investor to pay
some part, say 50%, upfront, and the remaining in suitable installments. When the
company calls for payment within the stipulated date, it must be complied with
immediately. Otherwise it will amount to a bad delivery.

Unofficial transactions that take place outside or inside the stock exchange, and are not
reported to stock exchange are called Kerb Trading. The prices quoted in such Kerb
trading are called Kerb price.

Activisation through settlement trading.

In 'settlement trading
one has to pay only towards Forwardation or backwardation
charges. Therefore credit transactions in securities can be increased in settlement
trading by removing the problems of cash constraint. This means Settlement Trading
increases transactions in securities, which will lead to healthy competition and better
price. This will activise the Secondary Capital Market, which in turn will facilitate better
transactions in Primary Capital Market.

The demand and supply theory of economics will work on the movement of the price of
the security in the market. The problem of speculation sets in where there are large scale
transactions or volatile fluctuations in purchases and sales with reference to a particular
security. Especially, take over bid i.e., one who wants to purchase large quantities of a
particular share, will cause a steep rise in share price, because the increase in the value of
the share will cause others to enter the fray and purchase the same share. Sometimes the
staff of a company, based on some inside information may resort to heavy buying of
shares with a view to manipulating the stock market.
The major stock portion of shares is generally in the hands of financial institutions and
the other controlling groups. In some cases this may as high as 80%. The remaining
portion of shares may be in the hands of the public. If such financial institutions
purchase or sell the shares in large quantities, it will add to fluctuations in the share price
and the general public will have no control over it.
Other factors, including the legal compulsion of multiple listing i.e., listing of shares in
more than one Stock Exchange, and the sudden flow of excessive money in the share
market like mutual funds, NRI funds etc., will also cause a steep rise in share prices.

Curbing of speculation
Default risk is a factor associated with excessive speculation. Stock Exchange authorities
may adopt the following measures to reduce the default risk.


1. The stock exchange may impose a daily margin at a prescribed percentage

on a particular security. The daily margin amount may vary directly with the
speculation. This margin money stands as insurance against default risk. The
daily margin may be imposed on a bull or a bear.
2. To reduce the indiscriminate carrying forward of transactions, the stock
exchange may impose carry-over margin.
3. The stock exchange may directly control the settlement price, so that there
will be reduction in default risk.
4. The carry-forward transactions take place with reference to the shares in the
specified list. The stock-exchange may shift a share from specified list to
cash list to eliminate carry-forward transactions in that particular share.
Since the cash transactions to be taken place within 48 hours, the risk of
default will come down
5. The Stock exchange may fix outer limits of price for a share
6. It may levy a ceiling limit on the volume of transactions
7. It may raise the Forwardation and backwardation charges
8. It may impose a time limit to carry forward the transactions
9. The very trading in a security may also be suspended, either on a temporary or
permanent basis.

Value Based Investing

The Shareholder expects benefits in the form of dividends. The quantum of dividend
depends on the performance of a firm. The performance of a firm will be influenced by
various economic factors. Therefore to take a decision to invest in shares, one has to
evaluate the performance of a firm with reference to various economic factors.
If we use the concept of Time Value of Money by applying the Discounted Cash Flow
Technique, the Present Value of the expected returns must be more than Present Value of
the investment.
The problem is that dividends do not remain constant from period to period.
dividend per share (DPS) varies directly with the income of the firm.


A relative analysis has to be made between the earnings per share (P/E) and the market
price of share. The earnings per share to be taken into account is based on average
payment of dividend for the past fixed period. It should be compared with the current
growth rate in dividend per share. This should also be compared with the existing market


price of the share. The average of the past fixed period of earning per share shall not be
below the current earnings dividend per share. Again, there must be a higher gap
between the market price of a share and the current earnings of dividend per share. Any
analysis based on perfect stock exchange market may not be realistic. This is because
perfect stock exchange is based on the assumptions that information is perfect and timely,
that customers are rational, and that there are no manipulations, etc.
Assessing the future profitability of a firm is one of key factors to estimate the expected
return to shareholder.
The investor is advised to always look into the historical data of the company under
selected indicators. He should collect and analyze the market trends of shares, and list out
the strengths and weakness of the company. He should concentrate on and analyze the
circumstances under which movement of price have taken place. He should try to
anticipate situations that may repeat in the future. He should identify the impact of
changed policies at different levels, as well as the realities of competition and the effect
of changing technologies on the company's performance. In short the investor must
examine the company's activities from all sides by considering all factors.

Bonus Issue
A firm may provide a bonus issue by transferring surplus reserves (retained profits) to
share capital by book adjustment. Such a bonus issue will cause a rise in the number of
shares and reduction in Dividend Per Share.
One of the major reasons for issuing bonus issue is to reduce the extremely hiked
market price of a Share and to enable the people to purchase shares and thereby enlarge
the share capital base.

Rights Issues
Whenever fresh shares are issued, the existing shareholders have a right to subscribe to
new shares in proportion to their existing share holdings. Convertible debenture holders
also have a similar right. Such rights of existing holders are known as rights issue.

Cum-Rights Price
The cum-rights price means the price of the security before the right-issue is known.

Ex-rights price:
The ex-rights price means the price after the rights issue.


Market Value of a right

The market value' of a right is the difference between the cum rights price and the exrights price.

Capital Appreciation
The contribution made by capital appreciation to a share, sometimes, may be more than
the contribution of dividends to share.

The profitability of a firm will be influenced by the following factors.

Growth rate of the economy

Rate of inflation
Foreign exchange rates
Variations in demand and supply
Substitution effect
Changes in industrial policy by the Government
Labor relations
Creditability of brand
Quality of management etc.

All these factors, apart from influencing the profitability, also influence a firms shares.
Most of these factors will have uncertainties both in the long-run and as well as in the
short run. The investors normally focus on the uncertainties of the factors in the shortrun. Therefore technical analysts argue that the movement in share prices will be
influenced by the psychological factors rather than the economic factors. The technical
analyst use a line chart, described below.

Line Chart
A Line Chart is prepared on the following points:

Identify the closing price for each period

Mark this as points on chart

Join this points by a line

The Dow Theory developed by Prof. Charles Dow depends on averages, which will
reflect the following three kinds of trends:

The primary trend


The secondary reactions

The minor trends

Analysis is limited to the primary trend and the secondary reactions.

Following are the 3 moves of the primary trend.

The trend caused by accumulation of shares by the knowledgeable


Second trend caused by the reports of good earnings by corporations.

Third trend caused by the reports of financial well-being of corporations

How speculation works?

If there is a lack of sustainability of the earnings level, one may sell shares. Once this
starts, the confirmation of unsustainability will be stronger, and other will join the stream
of selling.
Finally there may be a situation of distress selling. For all this movement, either upward
or downward, the average will be the base. If the averages on the bullish trend are
stronger, there may be a up-trend. If on the other hand, the averages on the bearish side
are stronger, there may be a down-trend. The beginning signal followed by confirmation
will decide the direction of trend.

Indicators :
It is very difficult to guess the behavior of the market in the long run. To some extent
one can expect what may happen in the short-run or in the near future based on the
volume of transactions read with the price.
A. The first possibility is rising price with rising transactions
B. Falling prices with rising transactions.
C. Rising price with falling transactions.
D. Falling prices and entry of new securities
The price of the securities may always move between the support level and the
resistance level. The highest value and the lowest value will be resistance and
support level.


Buying may increase when price moves towards the support level and selling may
increase when the price move towards the resistance level. Sometimes over a period
newer levels may also possible.
The difference between the closing price of a share of a previous day and the opening
price of a share of a current day is called gap. The greater the gap with higher
opening price, the higher the willingness to pay. A lower opening price or a minus
opening price shows higher willingness to sell.
Whatever may be outcomes of the theoretical calculations the fate of a share
depends on the responsiveness as a unique indicator. This is because most
of the theoretical calculations have their own limitations. The major
limitation is that outcomes of the theoretical calculations may be true in
short run but not in the long run. Even in the short run, actual may vary
from the expectations at higher proportions. The assumption of market
efficiency based on perfectness by the Technical Analysis is highly

Modern Portfolio Theory (MPT)

MPT is based on the behavior of the investor. The investor may make decision based
on the expected return and the riskiness of returns. The higher the level of
fluctuations, the higher is the risk.
Therefore an investor may not prefer a share having higher level of fluctuations price.
He may prefer a share even with a lower return, if the risk is low.
To reduce the risk, an investor may invest in different securities. Loss, if any, in one
security will be offset by gain in another.
Portfolio means holding number of securities at a time by an investor. MPT is based
upon its analysis on risk and return.
When two varieties of securities have got equal
risk, an investor may decide in favor of a security which is expected to yield higher
return. If such two varieties of securities are expected to yield equal return, an
investor may prefer a security having lesser risk.
Now, to reduce risk, one may invest in more than one security, but one must also
limit the diversification. This is because; again risk may be higher when the
diversification is very high.
One may also think of holding all variety of securities. Such holdings will be called
as market portfolio. The market portfolio is associated with the market risk. This
market risk cannot be eliminated through diversification. Overall changes in the
market price will have its own effect on a given security. The effect may change the
degree of riskiness of a security. This is nothing but sensitivity of one security with
reference to the changes in riskiness of other securities in the market.


This is know as the beta co-efficient of the security. That means, the return on a
security depends on the risk measured by this beta.
The risk of investment in each security in terms of variations may be calculated in
terms of percentage and then one security may be compared with the other. Such
comparison may help the investor to decide how much he has to invest and in which
The expected return on each security may be arrived by means of weighted average.
The comparison of estimation of risk and return of each security will place an
investor in a better position to decide the purchase of each quantum of
security, or not to make a purchase etc. The important point is that inspite
of all such efforts regarding diversified investment one cannot reduce the
risk to zero. The reality is that one has to accept the margin of market risk
or non-diversifiable risk. The selected number of securities from the
different industries is sufficient to analyze a market portfolio.
The non-diversifiable risk or market risk may involve with risk associated with the
fluctuations in the market index itself. The diversification will not eliminate the
market risk.
We know that risks are of two types, (i) Diversifiable risk, and (ii) Non-diversifiable
Diversification of investments within an industry and diversification across several
industries are of two different types. But the focus will on the same .ie., reduction of
The non-diversifiable risk is also called as unavoidable risk and such risks cannot be
diversified, because the entire market will be affected by one factor for e.g., common
fiscal policy.

CAP-M (Capital Asset Pricing Model)

We know that an investor always tries to choose a security with low risk and high
Before investment, the decision to invest is based only on
estimations. To reduce risks, one will invest in securities of different
firms in a industry or industries. The combination of securities that one
would like to purchase will be influenced by the dominance principle.
This has to be worked in various proportions of risk and returns on
securities. Based on this, an opportunity site has to be formed by
incorporating all the select securities in a portfolio. The Opportunity site
has two layers, upper layer and a lower layer. The securities showing the
combination return and risk below a lower layer of opportunity site will
not be considered by an investor. The best choice to invest in securities
depending on the combination of risk and returns lies between the upper

layer and the lower layer which may be called as an opportunity zone of
The Zero risk securities, like gilt edged securities, will have fixed income and this
will alter the opportunity zone of a portfolio, if combined with the other risk
associated securities.

Capital Market Line

The CML exists between the return and risk of diversified portfolios.
The Market portfolio will take into account all the risky securities. The CML is a
straight line (linear), showing the direct relationship between the risk and the
expected returns. The investors would have their portfolios on the CML, but within
the opportunity zone i.e. up to upper layer.
One expects reward for risk and compensation for the waiting period. The MPT is
based on the assumption that once the securities are correctly priced, the relationship
between the return and the risk of individual securities are clearer.
The reward for the risk is the risk premium. The return is directly proportionate to
the risk. This is a linear assumption in MPT. This simple relationship between risk
and return in linear form is known as the Capital Asset Pricing Model.
The Security Market Line (SML) clearly indicates that, an investor expects higher
returns for higher risk. The SML risk factor is of undiversifiable market related risk.
It is valid for all portfolios and for individuals securities.
One can plan to eliminate risk or reduce risk by diversifying the investments in
securities by a lot of calculations. But a real risk may arise, because of market wide
movements of security prices. The MPT is based upon an important assumption that
riskiness of a security is vulnerable to market risk. Therefore, a sensitivity analysis
must be done i.e., return of the security with reference to the market return. The
sensitivity measurement is denoted by the Greek letter beta (). The increase or
decrease in the market returns will be calculated in terms of percentage and its effect
on security return will be multiplied by beta with reference to the percentage change
in the market return. A zero beta indicates risk-free securities. The riskiness of a
security and the value of beta vary directly. The beta measures the non-diversifiable
risk. A security will be called as an aggressive security if its beta value is > 1 and it
will be called as defensive security, if its beta value is <1.
To determine the beta of a portfolio, go through the following steps
1) Get the beta of each security
2) Workout the investment on each security in terms of percentage


3) Multiply the beta of each security with the decimals (of percentage of
investment of a security)
4) Add the result on each security as obtained in step-3. the total will be the beta
of the portfolio.
The financial experts will do the beta analysis. As individuals we may find it difficult to
do the beta analysis i.e., the effect on one variable (return on a security) because change
in other variable (market return).
The financial experts, depending on the price
situations, calculate the beta estimation on daily, weekly or monthly returns. They may
use shorter periods or longer periods to estimate the beta. They will give the reason for
using the specific length of period. While doing beta estimations, the exceptional price
movements need to be ignored.

The investment portion may contain many asset classes, such as, equities, bonds, bullion.
PSU bonds, cash and money market instruments. Portfolio may contain cash also and
sometimes they may contain high liquid securities to enable the portfolio manager to
have flexibility in the transactions regarding buying and selling of scrips. This will
enable him get over the problem of balancing sales to purchases on day-to-day basis.
Some of the portfolio holders may hold a higher portion of bonds when compared to
shares from the point of view of stable source of income and when compared to
variations in the fortunes on shares.
The analysis which has been dealt so far will help us decide the allocation of funds to
invest in equities, bonds and money market instruments. The investment in equities will
depend on risk and return and on the beta factor. The risk on bond depends on changes in
interest rate. Such risk will be measured by duration. The default risk is also associated
with in case of individual bonds. However, since the beta sensitivity of bonds and money
market securities is extremely less, its risk factor in portfolio may ignore. Now the focus
in portfolio will only be on the equity. Therefore, the beta of every share, if added, will
be equal to the beta of total portfolio.
The shareholders are the real owners of the company. In case the company is to be
wound up, the share holders will be the last persons to get the money, if any. Therefore,
share equity is longest source and duration asset in the capital market. The change in the
interest rate may also affect the share price through PE ratio. It may alter the portfolio
structure more in favor of bonds when compared to the equity scrips.
Fluctuations in the stock market index show how the value of each portfolio will behave,
if such portfolio had a beta of one. Based on this an investor may choose a beta below
one or very near to one, but below one or equal to one or to be aggressive investor i.e., by
taking more risk, beta more than one. The stock market index will normally be, for 10
years. The return and risk varies directly. The baseline of zero risk security will be taken

as base and return above such zero risk security will be taken as base to expect returns on
the risk oriented securities. This will decide the desired level of beta.
The risk in bond is that of change in interest. If one holds bond upto its duration, the
interest rate risk will be equal to zero. The investor needs cash at different points of time.
This will influence duration of the holding period. Therefore in portfolio management an
investor needs to list out the cash needs at various points of time. This will have effect
on the cash inflows and cash outflows, sales and purchases of securities in a port folio.
An investor expects higher returns for larger duration.
Now we know that the duration and beta has got its effect on holding of different kinds of
assets and with what duration in a portfolio. It must also be noted that not only the
proportion of each class of assets will be get affected, but also composition of the
portfolios within each asset class will also be get affected.
The expected rate of return on the total portfolio will be influenced by the asset allocation
i.e., bonds, equity and money market instruments. Once we decide to take the risk, the
level of risk in the form of beta is the target beta. Beta is a vulnerability of return on
security with reference to changes in market returns.
Even after the determination of a target beta with duration, changes in market values with
higher velocity may alter the weights and averages of a security/s which may necessities
a rebalancing of portfolio.
An investor must necessarily be ready against the slump or boom in the market values.
Anticipating in advance, that is the market movements and exploiting it in the short run,
is a skill rather than luck.
To make quick realignments in beta and duration,
diversification shall be made to such an extent in a portfolio, preferably with adjustable
liquidity. We must keep out portfolio beta in and around the target value to make quick
adjustments, so that we can adopt defensive or an offensive portfolio. Defensive implies
protection against slump. Offensive implies taking advantage of a rising market. To
switch over this way or that way, an investor must have a clear plan - whether to sell or
purchase, how much, in what duration, in which class etc. A pre-determined plan with
lot of options will enable an investor to run an investment in proper gear. This is often
called as tactical asset allocation.
Portfolio design depends upon the following points:

Selection of industries

Selection of firms in an industry

Selection of Assets Class

Selection of security under each of Asset Class

Estimation of return and risk on each security


Calculation of vulnerability of return on a security to changes in market

returns i.e., calculation of beta.

Determination of target beta

Determination of duration of each kind of security

Realignment based on the strategy of offensive or defensive portfolios.

Mutual funds is the other source for an investor i.e., investing in mutual funds
and allow the mutual fund operator to do the portfolio management for him.
In portfolio design each asset component, has to be designed properly. In each asset
component, the level of each specific security has to be determined with reference to
market risk and interest rate risk. Once the level has been determined with duration
continuous rebalancing is required in response to forecasted market trends.
This is all about designing and revision of portfolios

Constant ratio plan

Constant ratio plan means maintenance of the ratio on common percentages with
reference to asset allocation in a portfolio with some percentage of a band for
fluctuations. The extent of the trading depends on the width of a bond.

Constant Value Plan

It means constant value be invested with a prescribed bond.

An investor may opt for portfolio insurance as protection against downward movement in
prices. Just as an investor can buy put options, the investor can sell a security at a prespecified price with pre-specified date. In case of downward trend, an investor may sell
accordingly with no or little loss. By this option, one cannot compel an investor to sell
when the prices are up. That means when prices are going up an investor may make
profit without any obligation.
One cannot have all the kinds of securities in a single portfolio. An investor may select
only a few securities for diversification in a portfolio. Only a regular financial institution
may choose large number securities for portfolio design.

Did everything happen according to our expectations? If not, what were reasons for the
differences between the actual and the estimations. Why did our estimation go wrong?


Why could we have not foreseen the changes?


What analysis was made by us and

Answers have to be searched for above key questions in the process of evaluation of
portfolio performance. For this purpose every transaction has to be evaluated to ascertain
whether the decision regarding the purchase, sale, timing, duration, amount and return,
was profitable or not. To assess the necessity to continue a security in a portfolio,
evaluation is required. Finally portfolio as a whole has to be evaluated. The most
important point is that the evaluation must be timely. An appropriate period for the
portfolio evaluation must be determined. Otherwise the evaluation report is likely to be
The evaluation report shall be used for corrections and refinement of portfolio structure.
(Acknowledgements to Professors S.K.Barua, V.Raghunathan and J.R.Varma for their
Book on Portfolio Management)



[Instructions to Faculty]

Administrative Training Institute

Lalithamahal Road, Mysore - 570 011


Learning Unit 5
Instructions to faculty

Portfolio Management
General Instructions:
The faculty must give a detailed presentation on the topic for conceptual clarity. Faculty
may use visual aids Nos. 32-40 as given in this handout.

Presentation on Portfolio Management:

Make an initial presentation with focus on the following objectives: namely that the
module will enable the participants to:
1. Discuss, understand and interpret basic principles required for designing,
analyzing and managing a portfolio.
2. Forecast future share price movements.
3. Identify factors that influence financial performance of companies.
4. Discuss the proportion of total funds that should be invested in each
5. Discuss the design of a portfolio for decisions on asset allocation and
choice of securities within each broad category of assets.
6. Understand the need for revision of portfolio based on the changes in the
prices of securities.
7. Evaluate performance of a portfolio.
The opening presentation, outlining the objectives of the module will be followed by a
more detailed presentation covering the following points.

Types of stock market orders: market lots and odd lots, and the trade ring
Trading in the stock exchanges; settlement trading in specified shares
Share purchase on settlement basis or taking a long position
Backwardation/ Forwardation charge
Faceless transactions
Book closure and record dates
Good and bad deliveries
Kerb trading
Settlement trading
Speculation detection in the market and curbing of speculation.
Ratio analysis of balance sheets
Financial analysis and measures of risk with examples.
Technical Analysis and Charting.
Asset class: (i) Equities, (ii) Bonds, (iii) Cash and money market instruments


Strategic and tactical asset allocation

Overall portfolio beta and duration
Portfolio design, achieving target beta and duration with problems and solutions.
Portfolio design target return approach.
Portfolio revision, problem and solution.
Portfolio insurance.
Evaluation of Portfolio performance.

Visual aids
The visual aids Nos. 32 - 40 given below will help the faculty make a presentation on
portfolio management.

Visual aid 32 - Portfolio Management

Portfolio Management
The basics

Basic principles
Price movements
Financial performance
Decision on investment quantum
Asset allocation
Evaluation of portfolio performance

This visual aid will enable the faculty to introduce the subject of Portfolio management.
Faculty may refer to the information given in the Reading Material for Learning Unit 5.

Visual aid 33 - Coverage


Stock exchange
Value based investing
Economy, Industry and Firm
Technical Analysis and Charting
Capital Asset Pricing
Portfolio Design

Faculty may refer to the information given in the Reading Material for Learning Unit 5.

Visual aid 34 - Stock Exchange


Stock Exchanges

Characteristics of Stock Exchanges in India

Primary and Secondary Capital Markets
Trading Ring
Settlement Trading
Backwardation and forwardation charges
Faceless transactions
Book closure and Record dates
Good and Bad Deliveries
Kerb trading
Detecting speculation
Large price fluctuations
Curbing of Speculating

Faculty may refer to the information given in the Reading Material for Learning Unit 5.

Visual aid 35 - Value based investing

Value based investing

Dividend Model
Trading positions and market efficiency
Estimates of return
PE computation
Sensitivity analysis

Faculty may refer to the information given in the Reading Material for Learning Unit 5.

Visual aid 36 - Economics

Economic analysis
Industry analysis
Firm specific analysis
Interest rate.

Faculty may refer to the information given in the Reading Material for Learning Unit 5.


Visual aid 37 - Charting and Technical Analysis

Charting and Technical analysis

Types of charts:
Dow Theory
Interpreting price patterns
Decisions using data analysis
Pitfalls in the interpretation of charts.

Faculty may refer to the information given in the Reading Material for Learning Unit 5.

Visual aid 38 - Risks & Returns

Risks and Returns

Diversifiable and non-diversifiable risks

Gains from diversification
Trade off between Risk and Return

Faculty may refer to the information given in the Reading Material for Learning Unit 5.

Visual aid 39 - Asset Allocation

Asset Allocation
Asset Classes
Beta and Duration
Target Return Approach
Tactical and Strategic Asset Allocation
Market Timing
Portfolio Selection.

Faculty may refer to the information given in the Reading Material for Learning Unit 5.

Visual aid 40 - Portfolio Evaluation

Portfolio Evaluation
Time Horizon
Risk and Return
Reward per unit of Risk
Excess Returns


A comprehensive presentation on Portfolio Management, followed by discussion,

covering the above points will take approximately two hours.
After this presentation faculty may break participants into four groups.
Participants will be involved in group activities outlined in the handout entitled Group
activity for Learning Unit - 5.
The four groups will conduct the following:
Group A:
Group B:
Group C:
Group D:

Firm Specific Analysis as per the case relating to Shatabdi

Modern Portfolio Theory as per article entitled 'Modern Portfolio
Asset Allocation & Portfolio Design as per article entitled 'Asset
allocation and Portfolio Design'
Evaluation of Portfolio Performance as per article entitled
'Evaluation of Portfolio Performance'

Group presentations must focus on the examples and solutions given in the articles
referred to.
While the group presentations are in progress faculty should encourage participants to
note down learning points, which should be consolidated/ summed up in the plenary.



[ Group Activities ]

Administrative Training Institute

Lalithamahal Road, Mysore - 570 011


Learning Unit - 6
Group Activities

General Instructions:
Participants will work in four groups.
Each group will be required to read the material circulated as well as refer to relevant
material obtained library.
At the outset Faculty will make a presentation on this subject; the presentation followed
by discussion is likely to take 30 - 45 minutes.
In the section that follows, there is a brief note on the key concepts relating to
Derivatives. The note is followed by 10 questions, which participants should attempt to
answer after they have been discussed ni the groups. The objective of this exercise is to
enable the participants to gain a basic understanding of the concept of Derivatives.
The material circulated also includes two short case studies. Each group will be required
to study and discuss the cases, and seek solutions to the issues/questions listed thereunder.
Sufficient time will be made available for the group activities. At the end of the
discussion, participants will prepare visual aids on the key points. Group representatives
will make the presentation.
Each presentation will be followed by plenary discussion, which will be moderated by the
faculty. The presentations will be followed by consolidation of learning points.
Faculty will be available to assist participants during their group discussion, in case of
any doubts or problems.

Derivatives: Key concepts

(Source : Principles of Corporate finance by Professor Brealey.I.Myrer)

The key concepts relating to derivative securities and corporate risk management are
listed below:

There are six reasons risk management might increase the value of a firm.
Risk management allows corporations (i) to increase their use of debt, (ii)
to maintain their capital budget over time, (iii) to avoid costs associated
with financial distress, (iv) to utilize their comparative advantages in
relative to the hedging ability of individual investors, (v) to


reduce both the risks and costs of borrowing by using swaps, and (vi) to
reduce the higher taxes that result from fluctuating earnings.

Derivatives are securities whose values are determined by the market price
or interest rate of some other security.
A hedge is a transaction which lowers risk. A natural hedge is a
transaction between two counterparties where both parties risks are

Options are financial instruments that (i) are created by exchanges rather
than firms, (ii) are bought and sold primarily by investors, and (iii) are of
importance to both investors and financial managers.

The two primary types of options are (i) call options, which give the
holder the right to purchase a specified asset at a given price (the exercise,
or strike, price) for a given period of time, and (ii) put options, which give
the holder the right to sell an asset at given price for a given period of

A call options exercise value is defined as the current price of the stock
less the strike price.

The Black-Scholes option Pricing Model (OPM) can be used to estimate

the value of a call option.

A futures contract is a standardized contract that is traded on an exchange

and is marked to market daily, but where physical delivery of the
underlying asset usually does not occur

Under a forward contract, one party agrees to buy a commodity at a

specific price and a specific future date and the other party agrees to make
the sale. Delivery does occur.

A structured note is a debt obligation derived from another debt


A swap is an exchange of cash payment obligations. Swaps occur because

the parties involved prefer someone elses payment stream.

In general, risk management involves the management of unpredictable

events that have adverse consequences for the firm.

The three steps in risk management are as follows: (i) identify the risks
faced by the company, (ii) measure the potential impacts of these risks,
and (iii) decide how each relevant risk should be dealt with.


In most situations, risk exposure can be dealt with by one or more of the
following techniques: (i) transfer the risk to an insurance company, (ii)
transfer the function that produces the risk to a third party, (iii) purchase
derivative contracts, (iv) reduce the probability of occurrence of an
adverse event, (v) reduce the magnitude of the loss associated with an
adverse event, and (vi) totally avoid the activity that gives rise to the risk.

Financial futures markets permit firms to create hedge positions to protect

themselves against fluctuating interest rates, stock prices, and exchange

Commodity futures can be used to hedge against input price increases.

Long hedges involve buying futures contracts to guard against price


Short hedges involve selling futures contracts to guard against price


A perfect hedge occurs when the gain or loss on the hedged transaction
exactly off-sets the loss or gain on the unhedged position.

1. Explain why finance theory, combined with well-diversified investors and homemade hedging might suggest that risk management should not add much value to
a company.
2. What is a natural hedge? Give some examples of natural hedges.
3. What is an option? A call option? A put option?
4. What are some factors which affect a call options value?
5. Describe how a risk-free portfolio can be created using stocks and options. How
can such a portfolio be used to help estimate a call options value?
6. What is the purpose of the Black-Scholes option Pricing Model? Explain what a
riskless hedge is and how the riskless hedge concept is used in the BlackScholes OPM.
7. Describe the effect of a change in each of the following factors on the value of a
call option:
(i) Stock price.


(ii) Exercise Price.

(iii) Option life.
(iv) Risk free rate.
(v) Stock price variance, that is, riskiness of stock.
8. Briefly describe the following types of derivative securities:
(i) Futures and forward contracts.
(ii) Swaps.
(iii) Structured notes.
(iv) Inverse floaters.
9. Define the following terms:

Pure risks.
Speculative risks.
Demand risks.
Input risks.
Financial risks.
Properly risks
Personnel risks
Environmental risks.
Liability risks.
Insurable risks.

Should a firm insure itself against all of the insurable risks it faces? Explain.
10. What is a futures contract?
v Explain how a company can use the futures market to hedge against rising
interest rates.
v What is a swap? Describe the mechanics of a fixed rate to floating rate
v Explain how a company can use the futures market to hedge against rising
raw materials prices.
v How should derivatives be used in risk management? What problems can

Read, discuss and answer the questions that follow:

Case Study 1: Tropical Sweets Inc.
Assume that you have just been hired as a financial analyst by Tropical Sweets Inc., a
mid-sized California company that specializes in crating exotic candies from tropical
fruits such a mangoes, papayas, and dates. The firms CEO, George Yamaguchi, recently


returned from an Industry Corporate Executive Conference in San Francisco, and one of
the sessions he attended was on the pressing need for smaller companies to institute
corporate risk management programs. Since at one of Tropical Sweets is familiar with
the basics of derivatives and corporate risk management, Yamaguchi has asked you to
prepare a brief report that the firms executives could use to gain at least a cursory
understanding of the topics.
To begin, you gathered some outside materials on derivatives and corporate risk
management and used these materials to draft a list of pertinent questions that need to be
answered. In fact, one possible approach to the paper is to use a question and answer
format. Now that the questions have been drafted, you have to develop the answers.
a. Why might stockholders be indifferent whether or not a firm reduces the volatility
of its cash flows?
b. What are six reasons risk management might increase the value of a corporation?
c. What is an option? What is the single most important characteristic of an option ?
d. Options have a unique set of terminology. Define the following terms: (1) Call
option (2) Put option (3) Exercise price (4) Striking, or strike, price (5) Option
price (6) Expiration date (7) Exercise value (8) Covered option (9) Naked option
(10) In-the- money call (11) Out of the money call (12) LEAP
e. Consider Tropical Sweets call option with a $ 25 strike price. The following table
contains historical values for this option at different stock prices:
Stock price
$ 25

Call Option Price

$ 3.00

(1) Create a table which shows (a) stock price, (b) strike price, (c) exercise value,
(d) option price, and (e) the premium of option price over exercise value.
(2) What happens to the premium of option price over exercise value as the stock
price rises? Why?
f. In 1973, Fischer Black and Myron Scholes developed the Black-Scholes Option
Pricing Model (OPM).
(1) What assumptions underlie the OPM?
(2) Write out the three equations that constitute the model.


(3) What is the value of the following call option according to the OPM?
Stock Price = $ 27.00
Exercise Price = 25.00
Time to expiration = 6 months
Risk-free rate= 6.0%
Stock return variance= 0.11
g. What impact does each of the following call option parameters have on the value
of a call option?
(1) Current stock price
(2) Exercise price
(3) Options term to maturity
(4) Risk-free rate
(5) Variability of the stock price.
h. What is corporate risk management? Why is it important to all firms?

Risks that firms face can be categorized in many ways.

types of risk:
(1) Speculative risks
(2) Pure risks
(3) Demand risks
(4) Input risks
(5) Financial risks
(6) Property risks
(7) Personnel risks
(8) Environmental risks
(9) Liability risks
(10) Insurable risks

Define the following

j. What are the three steps of corporate risk management?

k. What are some actions that companies can take to minimize or reduce risk

What is financial risk exposure? Describe the following concepts and techniques
that can be used to reduce financial risks:
(1) Derivatives
(2) Futures markets
(3) Hedging
(4) Swaps

m. Describe how commodity futures markets can be used to reduce input price risk.


Read, discuss and answer the questions that follow:

Case Study 2: Procter & Gamble & others
Corporate financial managers are generally thought of as models of caution, paid to
manage a companys finances prudently and conservatively,. But recent events at Procter
& Gamble, Gibson Greetings, and Metallgesellschaft, a major German company, have
shaken that image. Each of these companies incurred huge losses on derivatives
transactions which were supposedly undertaken to reduce risk.
A look at how P&G got into trouble with risky derivatives shows how tempting it can be
for a company to try to magnify its returns, but how difficult it is to predict the risks
involved. P&G profited handsomely with derivatives in the early 1990s. Sensing more
opportunity for gain, the P&G treasury staff asked Bankers Trust to create a derivative
whose returns would depend on both U.S. and German interest rates. Bankers Trust,
perhaps the most aggressive, dealer in exotic securities gave P & G three choices. P & G
choose the most aggressive gave the derivative that promised the greatest reward but
entailed the greatest risk.
The transaction involved two complex swaps. P&G was allowed to issue floating rate
debt at a below- market rates, but, in return, the company had to give Bankers Trust a
series of put option that gave the bank the right to sell to P&G U.S. Treasury bonds and
German government bonds at a fixed price. If interest rates in both countries were
constant or fell, there would be no problem for P&G the bonds would be worth more,
on the open market that the fixed price, so Bankers Trust would not require P&G to buy
them. But if rates rose, P&G would have to buy bonds at above- market prices.
Rates climbed rapidly after the deal was struck, causing bond prices to plunge, so P&G
was saddled with a rising liability to buy bonds at above market prices. Bankers Trust
said that it advised P&G to cut its losses by closing out the transactions, but P&G
wouldnt budge. When the first losses hit, the P&G folks who se the transaction up
probably said, Oh-oh, we have a problem. But lets wait and see what interest rates do
before we tell the boss. By the time P&G bit the bullet and closed out the position, it
had a pre-tax loss of $ 157 million.
P&G contended that it was victimized by Bankers Trust, and it sued, contending that the
bank did not disclose all the risks involved in the transactions.
Said a P&G
spokesperson, These transactions were intended to be hedges. We use swaps to manage
and reduce our borrowing costs, not to make money. The swaps turned out to be
speculative transactions that were highly leveraged and clearly did not fit our policy.
On the other hand, Bankers Trust claimed that P&G is a sophisticated company and that
it knew the rules of the game. The lawsuit was finally settled after more than two years
of haggling, with Bankers Trust agreeing to cover about 80 percent of P&Gs losses.
However, derivatives use and abuse has continued to be one of the hottest topics in the
financial press.


Discuss and answer

v Why should companies try to manage risk?
v What financial techniques can be used to manage risk?
v What safeguards should companies put in place to prevent programs designed
to limit risks from actually increasing them?



[ Reading Materials ]

Administrative Training Institute

Lalithamahal Road, Mysore - 570 011


Learning Unit - 5
Reading Material

Asset/s that derives its/their value from other assets is known as derivatives. For
example, an option to buy a share is derived from the share. Derivatives allow more
precise pricing of financial risk and aim towards better risk management. It suffers from
the threat of misusing to cause, increasing volatility in asset prices. Derivatives will
focus on the following:

Forward contract
Plain vanilla.

Each of these is described below.

Forward Contract
A forward contract commits the user to buying or selling an asset at a specified price
and on a specific date in the future
A Future is a forward contract that is traded on an exchange.
A swap is a contract by which two parties exchange the cash flow linked to a liability
or an asset. For example, two companies, one with a loan on fixed interest rate over
ten years and the other with a similar loan on a floating interest rate over the same
period may agree to take over each other's obligations, so that the first pays the floating
rate and the second the fixed rate.
An option is a contract that gives the buyer the right, but not the obligation, to sell or
buy a particular asset at a particular price on or before a specified date.


Over- the Counter

An over-the-counter is a derivative that is not traded on an exchange, but is
purchased from, say, an investment bank.
Exotics are derivatives that are complex or are available in emerging economics
Plain- Vanilla derivatives
Plain vanilla derivatives, in contrast to exotics, are typically exchange-traded, relate to
developed economies and are comparatively uncomplicated.

Hedging with futures

Taking on one risk to off set another is hedging. The some of the tools required for
hedging are futures, forwards, and swaps. With options, they are known as derivative
instruments because one value of asset depends on the value of another asset.
Futures contracts
Futures were originally developed for agricultural commodities. For example, a
farmer expects to have 100 tons of wheat to sell next September. If he is worried that
the price may decline, he can hedge by selling 100 tons of September wheat futures at
a price that is set today. Farmer has to make delivery.
On the opposite a miller will buy wheat after the harvest. The miller agrees to take
delivery of wheat in the future at a price that is fixed today without option. The farmer
has hedged risk by selling wheat futures; this is termed a short hedge. The miller has
hedged risk by buying wheat futures; this is known as a long hedge.
The price of wheat for immediate delivery is known as the spot price. When the
farmer sells wheat futures, the price that he agrees to take for his wheat may be very
different from the spot price. But as the date for delivery approaches, a future contract
becomes more and more like a spot contract and the price of the future snuggles up to
the spot price.
The farmer may decide to wait until his futures contract matures and then deliver
wheat to the buyer. In practice such delivery is very rare, for it is more convenient for
the farmer to buy back the wheat futures just before maturity. If he is properly hedged,
any loss on his wheat crop will be exactly offset by the profit on his sale and
subsequent repurchase of wheat futures.


Commodity and financial futures

Futures contracts are bought and sold on organized futures exchanges. Note that our
farmer and miller are not the only business that can hedge risk with commodity
futures. The lumber company and the builder can hedge risk with commodity futures.
The lumber company and the builder can hedge against changes in lumber prices, the
copper producer and the cable manufacturer can hedge against changes in copper
prices; the oil producer and the trucker can hedge against changes in gasoline prices,
and soon.
For many firms the wide fluctuations in interest rates and exchange rates have become
at least as important a source of risk as changes in commodity prices. Financial futures
are similar to commodity futures, but instead of placing an order to buy or sell a
commodity at a future date, one can place an order to buy or sell a financial asset at a
future date. Financial futures have been a remarkably successful innovation. They
were invented in 1972; within a few years, trading in financial futures significantly
exceeded trading in commodity futures.

The Mechanics of future trading

When you buy or sell a futures contract, the price is fixed today but payment is not
made until later. You will, however, be asked to put up margin in the form of either
cast or treasury bills to demonstrate that you have the money to honor your side of the
bargain. As long as you earn interest on the margined securities, there is no cost to
In addition, futures contracts are marked to market. This means that each day any
profits or losses on the contract are calculated; you pay the exchange any losses and
receive any profits. For example, suppose that our farmer agreed to deliver 100 tons
of wheat at Rs.2080 per ton. The next day the price of wheat futures declines to
Rs.2075 per ton. The farmer now has a profit on his sale of 100 X Rs.500. The
exchanges clearing house, therefore pays this Rs.500 to the farmer. You can think of
the farmer as closing out his position every day then opening up a new position. Thus
after the first day the farmer has realized a profit of Rs.500 on his trade and now has
an obligation to deliver wheat for Rs.2075 a ton. The Rs.5 that the farmer has already
been paid plus the Rs.2075 that remains to be paid equals the Rs.2080 selling price at
which the farmer originally agreed to deliver wheat.
Of course, our miller is in the opposite position. The fall in the futures price leaves
her with a loss of Rs.6 for ton. She must, therefore, pay over this loss to the exchanges
clearing house. In effect the miller closes out her initial purchase at an Rs.6 loss and
opens a new contract to take delivery at Rs.2075 for ton.
Notice that neither the farmer nor the miller need be concerned about. Whether the
other party will honor his or her side of the bargain. The futures exchange guarantees
the contract and protects itself by setting up profits and losses each day.


Spot and Futures prices - Financial futures

If you want to buy a security, you have a choice. You can buy it for immediate delivery
at the spot price. Alternatively, you can place an order for later delivery; in this case you
buy at the futures price. When you buy a financial future, you end up with exactly the
same security that you would have if you bought in the spot market. However, there are
two differences. First, you dont pay for the security up front, and so you can earn
interest on its purchase price. Second, you missout on any dividend or interest that is
paid in the interim.

Spot and futures prices- commodities

The difference between buying commodities today and buying commodity futures is
more complicated. First, because payment is again delayed, the buyer of the future earns
interest on her money. Second, she does not need to store the commodities and,
therefore, saves warehouse costs, wastage, and so on. On the other hand, the futures
contract gives no convenience yield, which is the value of being able to get your hands on
the real things. The manager of a supermarket cant burn heating oil futures if theres a
sudden cold snap, and he cant stock the shelves with orange juice futures if he runs out
of inventory at 1 P.M. on a Saturday.

Forward contracts
Each day lot of futures contracts are bought and sold. This liquidity is possible only
because futures contracts are standardized and mature on a limited number of dates each
Fortunately there is usually more than one way to skin a financial cat. If the terms of
futures contracts do not suit your particular needs, you may be able to buy or sell a
forward contract. Forward contracts are simply tailor-made futures contracts. The main
forward market is in foreign currency.
It is also possible to enter into a forward interest rate contract. For example, suppose that
you know that at the end of six months you are going to need a three-month loan. You
worry that interest rates will rise over the six-month period. You can lock in the interest
rate on that loan by buying a forward rate agreement (FRA) from a bank. For example,
the bank might offer to sell you a six-month forward rate agreement on three-month
LIBOR (London Inter Bank offered Rate) at 7 percent. if at the end of six months the
three month LIBOR rate is greater than 7 percent, the bank will pay you the difference; if
three-month LIBOR is less than 7 percent, you pay the bank the difference. The total
principal amount of FRAS outstanding is several trillion times.


Homemade forward contracts

Suppose that you borrow
90.91 for one year at 10 percent and lend 90.91 for two
years at 12 percent. These interest rates are for loans made today; therefore, they are spot
interest rates.
The cash flows on your transactions are as follows:
Year 0
Borrow for 1 year at 10%
+ 90.91

Lend for 2 years at 12 %

Net cash flow

year 1

year 2

- 90.91


-------+ 114.04

Notice that you do not have any net cash out flow today but you have contracted to pay
out money in year 1. The interest rate on this forward commitment is 14.04 percent. To
calculate this forward interest rate, we simply worked out the extra return for lending for
two years rather than one:
Forward interest rate: (1+2- year spot rate)2 -1
(1+1- year spot rate
= (1.12) 2 1 = 1404, or 14.04 %
In our example you manufactured a forward loan by borrowing short term and lending
long. But you can also run the process in reverse. If you wish to fix today the rate at
which you borrow next year; you borrow long and lend the money until you need it next

Swaps:Suppose that the possum company wishes to borrow Euro to help finance its European
operations. Since possum is better known in the United States, the financial manager
believes that the company can obtain more attractive terms on a dollar loan than on a euro
loan. Therefore, the company issues
10 million of five year 8 percent notes in the
United States. At the same time possum arranges with a bank to swap its future dollar
liability for euros.
Under this arrangement the bank agrees to pay possum sufficient
dollars to service its dollar loan; in exchange possum agrees to make a series of annual
payments in euros to the bank. Possum and the bank are referred to as counterparties.
Swaps are not limited to future exchange of currency. The most common form of swap is
actually an interest rate swap, in which counterparties swap fixed interest rate loans for
floating rate loans. In this case one party promises to make a series of fixed annual
payments in return for receiving a series of payments that are linked to the level of short
term interest rates. Sometimes swaps are used to convert between floating rate loans that


are tied to different base rates. For example, a firm might wish to swap a series of
payments that are linked to the prime rate for a series of payments that are linked to the
Treasury bill rate.

Credit Derivatives
In recent years there has been considerable growth in the use of credit derivatives, which
protect lenders against the risk that a borrower will default. For example, bank A may be
reluctant to refuse a loan to a major customer (customer X) but may be concerned about
the total size of its exposure to that customer. Bank A can go ahead with the loan, but
use credit derivatives to shuffle off the risk to bank B.
The most common credit derivative is known as a default swap. It works as follows.
Bank A promise to pay a fixed sum each year to B as long as company X has not
defaulted on its debts. k If X defaults, B makes a large payment to A, but other wise pays
nothing. Thus you can think of B as providing A with long term insurance against
default in return for an annual insurance premium.
Earlier example of the farmer and miller showed how futures may be used to reduce
business risk. However, if you were to copy the farmer and sell wheat futures without an
offsetting holding of wheat, you would not be reducing risk; you would be speculating.
Speculators in search of large profits (and prepared to tolerate large losses) are attracted
by the leverage that derivatives provide. By this we mean that it is not necessary to lay
out much money up front and the profits or losses may be many times the initial outlay.
Speculation has an ugly ring, but a successful derivatives market needs speculators
who are prepared to take on risk and provide more cautions people like our farmer and
miller with the protection they need. For example, if an excess of farmers wish to sell
wheat futures, the price of futures will be forced down until enough speculators are
tempted to buy in the hope of a profit. If there is a surplus of millers wishing to buy
wheat futures, the reverse will happen. The price of wheat futures will be forced up until
speculators are drawn in to sell. Speculation may be necessary to a thriving derivatives
market, but it can get companies into serious trouble.
Most businesses take out insurance against a variety of risks. Insurance companies have
considerable expertise in assessing risk and may be able to pool risks by holding a
diversified portfolio. Insurance works less well when the insurance policy attracts only
the worst risks (adverse selection) or when the insured firm is tempted to skip on
maintenance and safety procedures (moral hazard).
Insurance is generally purchased from specialist insurance companies, but sometimes
firms issue specialized securities instead.
The idea behind hedging is straightforward. You find two closely related assets. You
then buy one and sell the other in proportions that minimize the risk of your net position.
If the assets are perfectly correlated, you can make the net position risk free.


The trick is to find the hedge ratio or delta that is the number of units of one asset that is
needed to offset changes in the value of the other asset. Sometimes the best solution is to
look at how the prices of the two assets have moved together in the past. On other
occasions a little theory can help to set up the hedge. For example, the effect of a change
in interest rates on an assets value depends on the assets durations. If two assets have the
same duration, they will be equally affected by fluctuations in interest rates. Once you
have set up the hedge, you can take a long vacation, confident that the firm is well
protected. However, some hedges, such as those that match durations, are dynamic. As
time passes and prices change, you need to rebalance your position to maintain the hedge.

Firms use a number of tools to hedge:


Futures contracts are advance orders to buy or sell an asset. The price is fixed
today, but the final payment does not occur until the delivery date. The futures
markets allow firms to place advance orders for dozens of different commodities,
securities and currencies.


Futures contracts are highly standardized and are traded in huge volumes on the
futures exchanges. Instead of buying or selling a standardized futures contract,
you may be able to arrange a tailor- made contract with a bank. These tailor made
futures contracts are called forward contracts. Firms regularly protect themselves
against exchange rate changes by buying or selling forward currency contracts.
Forward rate agreements (FRAs) provide protection against interest rate changes.


It is also possible to construct homemade forward contracts. For example, if you

borrow for two years and at the same time lend for one year, you have effectively
taken out a forward loan.


In recent years firms have entered into a variety of swap arrangements. For
examples a firm may arrange for the bank to make all the future payments on its
dollar debt in exchange for paying the bank the cost of servicing a euro loan.

Instead of using derivatives for hedging some companies have decided that speculation is
more fun, and this has sometimes got then into serious trouble.
(Source: Book on Corporate Finance Professor Brealey.I.Myrer)



[ Instructions to Faculty ]

Administrative Training Institute

Lalithamahal Road, Mysore - 570 011


Learning Unit - 6
Instructions to Faculty

General Instructions:
Derivatives are a relatively new subject. Faculty should take care to ensure that basic
concepts are explained with simple examples.
Faculty may introduce the topic with a presentation on the overall objectives of the
module. This presentation may take approximately 45 minutes and may include the
objectives given below.

At the end of this learning unit, the participants will be able to:

Understand reasons for risk management

Understand the background of derivatives.
Understand option theory.
Use complex option pricing model and the Black-Scholes Model.
Understand forward contracts, futures and swaps under Hedging.
Use derivatives to reduce risks.

The introductory presentation outlining the objectives of the module may be followed
with a more detailed presentation focusing on the following points:

Meaning and background of derivatives

Time between derivatives and risk management.
Reasons to manage risk.
Using derivatives to reduce risks
Option and Introduction to option pricing models: call option, covered options,
naked options, put option
The Black-Scholes option pricing model.
A risky derivative swaps.
Natural hedges
Comparative advantages in hedging; long hedges; short hedges; perfect
Future market, hedging with futures.
Non-symmetric hedge.
Forward contracts.


Currency swaps.
Commodity futures and financial futures.

Faculty may use visual aids Nos. 41 - 46 to explain the objective and the points related to

Visual aid 41 - Derivatives


Reasons for risk management

Background of derivatives
Option theory
Black-Scholes model
Forward contracts
Hedging and future contracts
Uses of Derivatives
Faculty may use the information provided in the reading material for Learning
Unit 6 in order to introduce the overall objectives of the module.

Visual aid 42 - Risk Management

Risk Management

Debt capacity
Maintaining the optional Capital budget over time.
Financial distress
Comparative advantage in hedging.
Borrowing costs
Tax effects.
Compensation systems.
Faculty may use the information provided in the reading material for Learning
Unit 6 in order to develop the presentation


Visual aid 43 - Options


Options types and Markets

Call option
Covered options
Naked options
Put option
Long-term equity anticipation security (LEAPS)
Faculty may use the information provided in the reading material for Learning
Unit 6 in order to develop the presentation

Visual aid 44 - Option Pricing models

Option pricing models

Range of values
Range of pay offs
Risk less hedged investment.
Pricing the call option.
Faculty may use the information provided in the reading material for Learning
Unit 6 in order to develop the presentation

Visual aid 45 - Black-Scholes OPM

Black-Scholes option pricing model (OPM)

Stock price
Exercise price
Option life
Risk-free rate
Stock price variance
Faculty may use the information provided in the reading material for Learning
Unit 6 in order to develop the presentation


Visual aid 46 - Other Derivatives

Other types of Derivatives

Forward contracts
Futures contracts
Structured notes
Inverse floater
Faculty may use the information provided in the reading material for Learning
Unit 6 in order to develop the presentation

Group activities
After the faculty has made the presentation described above and the participants are
reasonably clear about the basics concepts, participants may be given the group exercises
described in the handout on Group Activities for Learning Unit 6.
Faculty may explain how group activities should be conducted
There is a brief note entitled 'Derivatives - Key Concepts' in the handout on Group
Activities. The participants may be asked to read the note and answer the 10 questions
that follow the note.
Following this exercise, participants may be asked to read the two case studies given in
the Handout on Group Activities. The case studies relate to (i) Tropical Sweets Inc., and
(ii) Proter & Gamble & others. After reading the case studies ask participants to reflect on
and discuss the issues/ questions following the case studies.
The reading and discussion exercise will be followed by presentations. Each group will
identify a representative to make the presentation on behalf of the group.
Faculty should be available for clarifying doubts that may arise during group discussion,
moderate the group presentations and encourage participants to note down the key
learning points from the presentations, which should be consolidated in the plenary.
(Source: Principles of Corporate Finance by Professor Brealey.I.Myrer)



Financial Management


Administrative Training Institute

Lalithamahal Road, Mysore - 570 011


Learning Unit - 7
Group Activities

International Financial Management

General Introduction:
International Financial Management is a new subject for many. It is therefore critical that
participants are clear about certain fundamental concepts.
The faculty associated with the training programme will make a comprehensive
presentation on the key concepts. The presentation and discussion is likely to take
approximately two hours.
Participants will also be required to read the reading materials circulated on the subject.
The module on 'International Financial Management' includes 15 problems which are
described in the following section. Participants will be divided into four groups in order
to address these problems and make presentations thereon. Groups will work on the
following problems:
Group A:

Problems Nos. 1-4

Group B:

Problems Nos. 5-8

Group C:
Group D:

Problems Nos. 9-12

Problems Nos. 13-15

This module also draws on two interesting case studies, entitled 'Guns' and 'Helicopters'.
All participants will be required to read the case studies in their respective groups and
make specific recommendations on the issues that the case studies raise.
As in the case of previous modules, faculty will be available for clarification of doubts
while the group discussion is in progress.
During group presentations, faculty will be available for moderation and summing up.

Activity for Group A

Problem 1:
You are required to find the overall balance, showing clearly all the sub-balances
from the following data:





UC Corporation of the USA invests in India Rs.3, 60,000 to modernize its

Indian subsidiary.
A tourist from Egypt buys souvenirs worth Rs.3, 600 to carry with him. He
also pays hotel and travel bills of Rs.6, 000 to Delhi Tourist Agency.
The Indian subsidiary of UC Corporation remits, as usual, Rs.6, 000 as
dividends to its parent company in the USA.
This Indian subsidiary of UC Corporation sells a part of its production in other
Asian countries for Rs.1, 20,000.
The Indian subsidiary borrows a sum of Rs.3, 20,000 (to be paid back in a
years time) from the German money market to resolve its urgent liquidity
An Indian company buys a machine for Rs.1, 30,000 from Japan and 50
percent payment is made immediately; the remaining amount is to be paid
after 2 years.
An Indian subsidiary of French Company borrows Rs.60, 000 from the Indian
public to invest in its modernization programme.

Problem 2:
Convert the following rates into outright rates and indicate their spreads:





38, 6800/15





53, 2400/20





22, 8000/25




Work out the Bid Price, Ask Price and Spread Price in Indian rupees with reference to a)
Rupee rate of Dollar b) Rupee rate of Pound sterling, c) Rupee rate of Deutschmark..
Problem 3:
Given the following data:
Spot rate: Rs.45.0640 = $ 1
6-months forward rate: Rs.45.8490 = $ 1
Annualized interest rate on 6-months rupee: 10%
Annualized interest rate on 6-months dollar: 5%
Work out the arbitrage possibilities.


Problem 4:
If the $: Yen spot rate is $ 1 = Yen 130 and interest rates in Tokyo and New York
are 4 and 5 percent respectively, what is the expected dollar yen exchange rate
one year hence?

Activity for Group B

Problem 5
The US inflation rate is expected to average about 3 percent annually, while the
Indian rate of inflation is expected to average about 8 percent annually. If the
current spot rate for the rupee is $0.0312, what is the expected spot rate in two
Problem 6

What types of exchange exposures is a multinational enterprise subjected to?

What is transaction exposure? How is it calculated?
What different methods are used to calculate transaction exposure?
An enterprise buys and sells only in the local market. Can it remain
indifferent to exchange rate variations of local currency?
Explain with suitable examples the technique of bilateral and multilateral
What do you know about the technique of Leads and Lags?
How can indexation clauses in contracts be used to reduce the exchange risk?
What are the advantages of a reinvoicing centre?
Write a note on the use of swaps in exchange risk hedging?
Discuss what strategy can be used to reduce transaction exposure?

Problem 7

An Indian exporting firm, Nadakari and Bros, would like to cover itself against a
likely depreciation of pound sterling. The following data is given:

Receivables of Nadakari and Bros: $ 400,000

Spot rate: Rs.61.00/-Payment date: 4 months
4 months interest rate: India: 11 percent per annum
UK: 4 percent per annum
What should the exporter do?


Problem 8
A UK importer has to pay $ 200,000 in 2 months time. He fears an appreciation
of the dollar. What can he do with the knowledge of the following data?
2-m interest rate: US$: 3 percent
UK $: 4 percent
Spot rate: $ 1.8414/---

Activity for Group C

Problem 9
An Indian subsidiary of a UK multinational has a translation exposure of Rs.20
million. The rates are as follows;
Spot: Rs.52, 000/--One-year forward: Rs.55, 1100/- $
A 5 percent depreciation of the rupee is expected. How can the exchange risk be
Problem 10
Total translation exposure of a company is million. This exposure is in
French francs. Interest rates are 5 and 8 percent for the franc and the rupee
respectively. How is hedging to be done? Spot rate is Rs.4 per FFr. The rupee is
likely to depreciate by 3 percent.
Problem 11
A company will receive $ 2 million in 2 months (June) from now. It will like to
place this sum of for 3 months in Euro-dollar market. The rates are likely to go
down. The current rate is 1 percent over and above that of LIBOR, which is 8
percent. Euro-dollar 3 months interest future is quoted at 50. What can the
company do?
Problem 12
A company is to borrow DM one million in December for 3 months. At the
moment (September), the December DM future is being quoted at 90. The market
rate of Euro-DM is 7 percent, which is likely to go up in months to come.


What should the company do? Assume that on 15 December, the DM future has
fallen to 89 and the Euro-DM rates are 8.1 percent.

Activity for Group D

Problem 13
A company plans to borrow $ 10 million by issuing a 90 days commercial paper
in August. The yield rate of the CP is 10 percent at the moment, i.e., the month of
March. Interest rates are anticipated to rise. Since no future contracts are
available in CP, the company can resort to T-bill futures. September T-bill
futures are being quoted at 90.
Assume that on August 15, the CP yield has risen to 11 percent and T-bill future
contract is quoting at 88. What is the company expected to do?
Problem 14
A treasury manager after five months will need to borrow Rs.1, 00,000 for 3
months. The current rates are as follows:
Borrowing rates
Lending rates





-------------------------------------------------------------------Problem 15
A company will need to buy after 4 months a forward rate agreement (FRA) from
a ban to borrow for 3 months. The 4/7 FRA is quoted at 6.5. What will the
company do if after 4 months, the rate?
(a) rises to 8 percent
(b) falls to 5 percent
(c) remains at 6.5 percent


Activity for all groups

Case Study No.1 - Guns:
General Braveheart sat pensively at his desk. His subordinate staff at the Directorate of
Production and Procurement had noticed that the General had been in this mood ever
since the new requirement for purchase of 200 self-propelled light guns was projected to
him last week. He had been unable to make up his mind whether to order our own
ordinance factories to manufacture this gun or to purchase it from Mitra Desh, a long
time arms supplier to India.
Suddenly the Generals face lit up, and he said Hasnt Colonel Brightspark recently
joined our Directorate after finishing his M.Tech (Management) from IIT, Delhi? Please
send for him.
As soon as Colonel Brightspark was seated, the General opened the topic You know
about the requirement of new guns for the Army. I have had some data collected on the
costs involved in various options (See Case Study), but I still cannot make up by mind
which option to choose. Study the data carefully and come back to me with your
recommendations by the end of this week.
The Proposal Regarding Acquisition of
Self-propelled Guns for the Indian Army


Total quantity required

Delivery time

200 guns
4 years

Proposal Number 1
1. Mitra desh had proposed sale of guns of India. The details are as under:
(a) Costs
(i) Cost per gun at factory premises
(ii) Freight and insurance charges
(iii) Training of users

$ 0.6 million
5 percent of cost
Rs.50 million

(b) Mode of Payment

Cost of gun, freight and insurance: to be paid in three equal
installments in dollars. The first installment to be paid immediately
and thereafter every one year.
Cost of training: to be paid in rupees after two years.
Additional Information


Cost of dollar:
D. Present rate:



After one year:

After two years


Cost of capital:

14 percent

Proposal Number 2
1. The gun can be manufactured in India. The production will be spread over tow
different plants, one for the barrels and the other for the gun carriage. Presently,
there are no facilities for manufacture of barrels, and thus a new plant will have to
be installed. For the gun carriage an existing plant can be used. However, this
plant is already working at full capacity and is engaged in manufacture of chassis
for commercial vehicles for Malaysia. If the proposal production of gun carriages
is to take place in the plant, the production of chassis will have to be stopped.
2. Some additional information is as given blow:
(a) For Barrel Factory
(i) Cost of new machinery
(Machine will have a life of 7 years and a
capacity to produce 50 barrels per year.
The machine will have an insignificant resale
Value after seven years of operation)
(ii) Production set-up costs
(iii) Working capital requirement to manufacture
(iv) Fixed overheads per year
(v) Variable costs per gun
(vi) Cost of project survey already incurred

Rs.300 million

Rs.50 million
Rs.100 million
Rs.200 million
Rs.10 million
Rs.30 million

(b) For Gun Carriage Factory

(i) Cost of retooling
(ii) Capacity
(iii) Number of chassis currently produced
(iv) Contribution margin
(v) Existing fixed costs
(vi) Variable costs
(vii) Additional fixed costs per year
(viii) Assembling costs
(ix) Testing and proofing costs


Rs.50 million
50 carriages per year
Rs. 20,000 per chassis
Rs. 50 million
Rs. 5 million per gun carriage
Rs.150 million
Rs.20 million per gun
Rs.1 million per gun

Analysis of Proposal Number 1 (Imports)
Total cost of guns: 0.6 X 200
Freight and insurance charges (5 percent)
Cash outflow
(a) Immediate payment
(First installment)
(b) After one year
(Second installment)
( c) After two years
(Third installment)
(d) Cost of training



$ 120 million
$ 6 million
$ 42 million
$ 42 million
$ 42 million
Rs.50 million

4. Calculation of present value of cash outflows:


Outflow in $

1 year
2 years


factor of $
(in Rs.)




factor at
14 percent

(million Rs)



* Includes training costs of Rs.50 million.

Analysis of Proposal Number 2 (Manufacture)

1. Barrel Factory:
Cash Outflows
(a) Immediate
i. Cost of new machinery
ii. Production set-up costs
iii. Additional working capital

Rs.300 million
Rs. 50 million
Rs.100 million
------------------Rs.450 million

(b) Years (t = 1-3)
Fixed cost
Variable cost (50 X 10) million

50 barrels per year

Rs.200 million
Rs.500 million
-------------------Rs.700 million



--------------------(c ) Fourth year

Fixed cost
Variable cost (50 X 10 million)
Less: Release of working capital

50 barrels per year

Rs.200 million
Rs.500 million
Rs. 100 million
-------------------Rs.600 million


Calculation of present value of cash outflows:

Payment time
Cash flow
(Million Rs)

PV factor at
14 percent

Present value
(million Rs)

1-3 year
4th year
2.Gun Carriage Factory
(a) Potential loss due to loss to existing production
(i) Number of chassis
(ii) Contribution margin per chassis
Rs.20, 000
(iii) Existing contribution (7,000 X 20,000)
Rs.140 million
(b) Cost of Gun Carriage
(i) Variable cost (50 X 5 million)
(ii) Additional fixed cost
Assembling cost (50 X 2 million)
(d) Testing/Proofing costs (50 X 1 million)
Total recurring cost (a+b+c+d)

Rs.250 million
Rs.150 million
Rs.100 million
Rs. 50 million
-----------------Rs. 690 million

Calculation of Present Value

Immediate expenditure (cost of retooling): rs.50 million
Expenditure for years (1-4): Rs.690 million


Cash flow
(Million Rs)

PV factor at
14 percent

Total PV
(million Rs)





Total Present Value

Million Rs.

Barrel factory
Gun carriage


1. Proposal 1 related to import of guns is cheaper.
2. The following additional points may, however, be considered before taking a final
decision on the subject.
(a) There is an element of uncertainty associated with import of weapons from Mitra
Desh. The geopolitical environment expected in the next three to four years and its
likely effect on the sale of guns needs to be evaluated.
(b)Proposal 2 involves closing down an existing production of chassis for Malaysia.
Though the financial effects of this action have been evaluated, the overall effect that it
may have on further trade relations with Malaysia needs to be evaluated.
( c) There will still be a residual life of the machines set up for the barrel factory after
completion of production of 200 guns barrels. Additional orders for guns by the Indian
Army for exports may make this proposal attractive.

Case Study No.2 - Helicopters

Pharmax has long been regarded as a well managed company with a turnover of Rs.380
It engages mainly in production of bulk drugs, pharmaceuticals, vitamins,
hormones and few others very high value products. The company is located in a remote
hilly area because of availability of raw materials in abundance from a nearby region.

Statement of the Problem

The company has been hiring helicopters (as it is not possible to use trucks or railway
wagons because of hilly terrain from Pawan Hans) for transportation of raw materials,
finished products as well as for some other purposes. Two years ago they had their own
helipad which then cost them Rs.1 million. The total hiring charges are Rs.60, 000 per
hour, which included running and maintenance. Records of past two years show that on
an overage, helicopters had been hired for 20 hours a month. However, as per contract
with Pawan Hans, the company had to pay for a minimum of 30 hours a month.
Now there is an offer from Paris Aircraft Company (a French company) of a new
helicopter for FFr 12 million with a useful life of 8 years. The French company has
assured Pharmax that the salvage value of the helicopter will easily be FFr 1.2 million (10


percent of the initial cost) at the end of eight years. The company tried to convince
Pharmax about profitability of the proposal and is ready to buy back the helicopter after 8
years for FFr 1.2 million.
Pharmax has some retained earnings and can also obtain adequate funds from outside
investors, if necessary, but before that it wants to be sure that the investment is
financially viable.
Current exchange rate
Projected exchange rate after 8 years :

Rs.6.65 = FFr 1.00

Rs.7.50 FFr 1.00

Operating Parameters
Essential parameters used in the financial analysis are as follows:
(a) Existing Scenario

Rs.60,000 per hour

20 hours per month

Hiring charges
Number of hours a month for which
Helicopter is hired

Payment is done for a minimum

30 hours a month
Total hiring charges
(60,000 X 30 X 12)

Rs. 21.6 million

(b) Proposed Scenario

In case a new helicopter is bought, management can also hire it out during off hours,
hiring out charges would be Rs.75, 000 per hour. However, a maximum of only 5 hours
a month (or 60 hours per annum) would be available for hiring out.

When a New Helicopter is bought

Cost of the helicopter (12 million X 6.65)

Rs.79.8 million

Life of the helicopter

8 years

Salvage value (1.2 million X 7.50)

(After 8 years)

Rs.9 million

Annual depreciation

(Rs.79.8 Rs.9)/8

(Assuming straight line method of depreciation)


Rs.8.85 million

Insurance cost (1 percent of cost)

Rs. 0.798 million per annum

1-4 years

Rs.2.5 million

5-8 years

Rs.5.0 million

Rs.0.96 million per annum

Rs.1.056 million per annum

Running and Maintenance costs

Manpower Costs
Pilots (each year for 1-4 years)
Rs.40, 000 per month (2 X 40,000 X 12)
5-8 years (Rs.44, 000 per month)
(2 X 44,000 X 12)

Assumptions: Salary is expected to increase by 10 percent after 4 years both for pilots and
ground staff.
Ground staff
1-4 years (Rs.15, 000 per months each)
(2 X 15,000 X 12
5-8 years (Rs.16, 500 per month each)
(2 X 16,500 X 12)

Rs.0.36 million per annum

Rs.0.396 million per annum


Rs.1.32 million per annum

Rs.1.452 million per annum

15 percent

Total Manpower Costs

1-4 years: (0.96 + 0.36)
5-8 years: (1.056 + 0.396)
Minimum Required Rate of Return:

Financial Analysis of Decision of Buying New Helicopter
(A) Total incremental cash outflows:
Cost of helicopter: Rs.79.8 million
(B) Total incremental cash inflows after taxes:
Cash inflow

Period 1-4 years

(Rs. million)

Savings in hiring helicopter



Period 5-8 years

(Rs. million)

Hiring out income

-----------Gross income
Less running and maintenance costs
Insurance costs
Manpower costs
----------Earnings before tax
Less: Taxes (50 percent
----------Earnings after tax
Add: Depreciation
--------Incremental cash flow after tax (CFAT) 15.166


Determination of NPV (Discount rate 15 percent per annum)


(Rs. million)


PV Factor

Total PV
(Rs. million)










(Salvage value)
Total PV
Less cash outflows
Net present value


* (4.487 2.855)

Since the NPV for the proposal of buying a new helicopter is negative, it is financially
not viable.
However, there are some qualitative aspects which merit consideration in final decision
making. There are as follows:

For the past two years, the company had been facing problems in getting a
helicopter booked for its use on appropriate days. This had been due to a
large demand for the helicopter service in the market.




High value products manufactured by the firm as well as raw materials

utilized get degraded if kept in open atmosphere for a long time. The
hired helicopter usually arrived late and the pilot often showed
indifference to the gravity of problem which the company could ill afford.
With its own helicopter, the company can transport materials freely as and
when required, with greater speed and higher efficiency.
Pawan Hans may refuse the use of its helicopter in some perceived
dangerous areas on the hills (in spite of all assurance from Ranmax). This
may lead to non-availability of raw material and hence adversely affect the
business of the firm. With its own helicopter, the company can carefully
plan to carry out such operations too.
(Source: International Financial Management by Professors P.K.Jain, Josette Peyrard and



Financial Management

[Guide for Group Activities ]

Administrative Training Institute

Lalithmahal Road, Mysore - 570 011


Learning Unit 7
Guide for Group Activities
E. International Financial Management
This guide has been designed to enable participants to solve problems 1-15 given in the
handout on Group Activities in Learning Unit 7. The problems and solutions given in this
guide are illustrative and will enable the participant to solve the problems given in Group

Problem 1
You are required to find out the overall balance, showing clearly all the sub-balances
from the following data:



UC Corporation of the USA invests in India Rs.3, 00,000 to modernize its

Indian Subsidiary.
A tourist from Egypt buys souvenirs worth Rs.3000 to carry with him. He
also pays hotel and travel bills of Rs.5, 000 to Delhi Tourist Agency.
The Indian subsidiary of UC Corporation remits, as usual, Rs.5, 000 as
dividends to its parent company in the USA.
This Indian subsidiary of UC Corporation sells a part of its production in other
Asian countries for Rs.1, 00,000.
The Indian subsidiary borrows a sum of Rs.2, 00,000 (to be paid back in a
years time) from the German money market to resolve its urgent liquidity
An Indian company buys a machine for Rs.1, 00,000 from Japan and 60
percent payment is made immediately; the remaining amount is to be paid
after 3 years.
An Indian subsidiary of French Company borrows Rs.50, 000 from the Indian
public to invest in its modernization programme.

Solution 1
Sources and Uses of Funds
2. (a)
6. (a)



Direct Foreign Investment
Goods exported
Services (invisible) rendered
Dividends paid
Goods exported
Short-term borrowing
Equipment imported





Increase in claim on India (Portfolio)



BOP Statement
A. Current Account

Goods Account
Rs.1, 03,000 (+)
Rs.1, 00,000 (-)
Rs. 3,000 (+)
Invisible Account
Payment Received
Rs. 5,000 (+)
Payment Made
Rs. 5,000 (-)
Current Account Balance:

Rs.3, 000(+)

B. Capital Account
Foreign Direct Investment
Rs. 3, 00,000 (+)
Rs. 3, 00,000 (+)
Portfolio Investment
Rs. 40,000 (+)
40,000 (+)
Long-term Capital Balance: Rs.3, 40,000 (+)
(FDI + Portfolio)
Short-term Capital Account

Rs.2, 00,000 (+)


Rs.2, 00,000 (+)
Capital Accounts Balance: Rs.5, 40,000 (+)
Overall Balance

Rs. 5, 43,000 (+)

There is a net surplus of Rs.5, 43,000 in the balance of payments. This means, there will
be an increase of reserves by this amount.
Note: The transaction No.7 did not enter into the BOP Statement since this transaction
does not involve any foreign country. The entire transaction has taken place in Indian
rupees within India.

Problem 2
Convert the following rates into outright rates and indicate their spreads:


3-months 6-months







55, 2200/35





23, 9000/30




Solution 2
(a) Rupee Rate of Dollar
An observation of the figures indicates that the first figure is lower than the second in all
3 forward quotes, implying dollar is being quoted at premium in the forward market.
Thus, the points will be added to the corresponding spot rates. Accordingly, the rates are:




Bid price (Rs) 35, 6300

35, 6320

35, 6325

35, 6330

Ask Price (Rs) 35, 6325

35, 6350

35, 6360

35, 6365




Spread (Rs)


(b) Rupee Rate of Pound Sterling


While observing figures of forward quotation, it is clear that pound sterling is at discount
in the forward market since points corresponding to the bid price are higher than those
corresponding to the ask price. Therefore, the forward points will be subtracted from the
spot rate figures. Thus, outright rates are:


3-months 6-months

Bid price (Rs) 55, 2200

55, 2160

55, 2150

55, 2145

Ask Price (Rs) 55, 2235

55, 2205

55, 2200

55, 2193




Spread (Rs)


Rupee Rate of Deutschmark

Figures as given indicate that 1-month forward DM is at discount whereas 3-months and
6-months forward rates are at premium. So, for 1-month forward corresponding points
will be subtracted from outright spot rates while points corresponding to 3-months and 6months forward will be added. Thus, outright rates are:





Bid price (Rs) 23, 9000

23, 8970

23, 9040

23, 9045

Ask Price (Rs) 23, 9030

23, 9005

23, 9090

23, 9095




Spread (Rs)


Problem 3
Given the following data:
Spot rate: Rs.350020 = $ 1
6-months forward rate: Rs.35, 9010 = $.1
Annualized interest rate on 6-months rupee: 12 percent
Annualized interest rate on 6-months dollar: 7 percent
Work out the arbitrage possibilities.


Solution 3:
It is clear from the data that 6-months forward US$ is quoting at premium, which is
calculated as below:
35.9010 35.0020
Premium = -------------------------- X 12 X 100 = 5.136 percent

Interest rate differential = 12 7 = 5 percent

Since the interest rate differential is smaller than the premium, it would be advantageous
to place money in US dollars, the currency whose 6-months interest rate is lower.
An operator would take the following steps:

Borrow Rs.1000 at 12 percent for 6 months.

Convert this sum at the spot rate to obtain US$ 28.5697 (=1000/35.0020).
Place the dollars at 7 percent in the money market for 6 months to receive $
28.5697 X (7 X 6/12 X 1/100 + 1) = $ 29.5696.
Sell US$ at 6-months forward that gives:
Rs.29.5696 X 35.9010 = Rs.1061.5782


Refund the rupee debt taken at 12 percent; the amount to be refunded is: Rs
1000 (1 + 12 X 6/12 X 1/100) = Rs.1060
Net gain = Rs.1061.5782 Rs.1060 = Rs.1.5782

Gain on transaction turns out to be small/negligible; it will emerge to be significant if the

sum involved is substantial (say Rs.1 million). Accordingly, the gain would be Rs.1,
57,820, i.e.
Rs. 15782
------------ X Rs.10, 00,000
Rs. 1000


Problem 4
If the $: Yen spot rate is $ 1 = Yen 110 and interest rates in Tokyo and New York are 3
and 4.5 percent respectively, what is the expected dollar yen exchange rate one year

Solution 4:
According to interest rate parity, the future exchange rate is expressed by
1 + tD
CT = CO ----------1 + tE
1 + 0.03
= 110 X ------------1 + 0.045
= 108.42 or $ 1 = Yen 108.42
As US interest rates are relatively higher, dollar has undergone depreciation with respect
to yen.

Problem 5
The US inflation rate is expected to average about 4 percent annually, while the Indian
rate of inflation is expected to average about 12 percent annually. If the current spot rate
for the rupee is $ 0.0285, what is the expected spot rate in two years?

Solution 5
According to purchasing power parity theory, the expected spot rate for the rupee in one
year would be
$ 0.0285 X (1.04/1.12)
Similarly, the spot rate for the rupee in two years is going to be
$ 0.0285 X (1.04/1.12) X 1.04/1.12)
= $ 0.0285 X (1.04/1.12)2 = $ 0.0245



Problem 6
An Indian exporting firm, Rohit and Bros, would like to cover itself against a likely
depreciation of pound sterling. The following data is given:
Receivables of Rohit and Bros: ---- 500,000

Spot rate: Rs.56.00/-$

Payment date: 3-months
3-months interest rate: India: 12 percent per annum
UK: 5 percent per annum
What should the exporter do?

Solution 6
Since no other data is available, the only thing that Rohit and Bros can do is to cover
itself in the money market. The following steps are required to be taken:

Borrow pound sterling for 3-months. The borrowing has to be such that at
the end of three months, the amount becomes $ 500,000. Say, the amount
borrowed is $D. Therefore,
D 1 + 0.05 X ---- = 500,000 or D = $ 493,827



Convert the borrowed sum into rupees at the spot rate. This gives:
Rs.493,827 X 56 = Rs.27,654,312
The sum thus obtained is placed in the money market at 12 percent to
obtain at the end of 3-months:
S = 27,654,312 X [1 + 0.12 X ---- ] Rs.28, 483,941
The sum of $500,000 received from the client at the end of 3-months is
used to refund the loan taken earlier.
From the calculations, it is clear that the money market operation has
resulted into a net gain of Rs.483941 (=28,483,941 500,000 X 56).
If pound sterling has depreciated in the meantime, the gain would be even


Problem 7
A UK importer has to pay $ 100,000 in a months time. He fears an appreciation of the
dollar. What can he do with the knowledge of the following data?
1-m interest rate: US$: 4 percent
UK $: 5 percent
Spot rate: $ 1.5537/-$

Solution 7
Since only the money market data are available, the UK importer has to work out
possibilities that exist for him to cover himself in the money market. He can take the
following steps:

Buy S dollars at the spot rate and place them in the money market so as to
obtain $ 100,000 in a months time. That is,
S [1 + 0.04 X --- ]= 100,000

S = $ 99,668.

In order to buy S dollars, the equivalent amount of pound sterling is

required to be borrowed. The borrowing B is,
B = --------------- = $64,149


Refund the sterling loan after one month. The refunded amount would be:
R = 64149 [1+ 0.05 X ---]
= $64,416.3


In the meantime the sum of S dollars placed in the money market would
mature to $ 100,000. Use this sum to pay the payable due.

The cost of covering in the money market works out to $ 53.81

[= 64,416.3 _-----------]


In case, the dollar had appreciated and the payable was not hedged, the loss would
have been greater. Even 1 percent depreciation of pound sterling ($ 1.5382/-$)
would require a payment of $ 65,013, which means a loss of about $ 650.


Problem 8
An Indian subsidiary of a UK multinational has a translation exposure of Rs.10 million.
The rates are as follows:
Spot: Rs.55, 0000/-$
One-year forward: Rs.56, 3200/-$
A 4 percent depreciation of the rupee is expected. How can the exchange risk be hedged?

Solution 8
The anticipated rate after expected depreciation would be: Rs.57.2000/-$
Suppose, no action is taken to hedge the risk. In that case, the company will suffer a
translation loss equal to:

10 million
$ [ -------------55
$ 6993

10 million

To avoid this loss, the company will do well to buy pound sterling forward (or sell rupee
forward) such that the difference is equal to the anticipated loss. Say, it sells Rs.X.

X (Forward rate

X [ ----------56.3200

Anticipated rate)

--------------- ]


(0.017755680 -

Rs.25, 599,974



This amount of rupees will give the following amount of pound sterling in the forward
-------------- = $ 454,545.45
56, 3200


However, if the anticipated depreciation of the rupee (or appreciation of pound sterling)
does takes place, the company will buy the Rs.X back, with less amount of pounds
sterling. That is, for
-------------- =

$ 447,555.99

The difference between the two ($ 454,545.50 - $ 447,555.99) is equal to the loss ($
6989.51) that would have accrued without hedging.

Problem 9
Total translation exposure of a company is Rs.1.5 million. This exposure is in French
francs. Interest rates are 8 and 11 percent for the franc and the rupee respectively. How
is hedging to be done? Spot rate is Rs.6 per FFr. The rupee is likely to depreciate by 6

Solution 9
Since only the interest rate data is available, the hedging operation is to be done in the
money market. The following steps are involved:
(1) Borrow Rs.1.5 million at 11 percent and convert them into French
Francs at spot rate to obtain:
Rs.1.5 million
0.25 million FFr
(2) Place FFr 0.25 million in the money market for a year at 8 percent.
This would give FFr 0.27 million after a year.

The sum thus obtained is converted into rupees. If the

anticipated depreciation of 6 percent does take place, the rate
would settle at Rs.6.36/FFr. So, the amount in rupees at the end
of the year would be Rs.(0.27 million X 6.36) = Rs.1.7172


Refund the rupee loan with interest. The refund amount works
out to Rs. (1.5 million X 1.11) = Rs.1.665 million.

Thus, the hedging operation would result into a net gain of Rs.52, 200 (=Rs.1.7172)
million Rs.1.665 million). The gain in French franc would be FFr 8,208.


Problem 10
A French company imports in January equipment from the USA for $ 6 million. The
payment in US dollars is due in June. The importer fears an appreciation of US dollars.
The spot rate is $ 0.2/FFr. The FFr future contract for June is quoted at $ 0.19/FFr. What
should the French importer do? Assume further spot rate on settlement date is $
0.185/FFr and the future contract is likely to be quoted at $ 0.178/FFr. What is the
hedging efficiency?

Solution 9
The US dollar is likely to appreciate against the French francs. This also means that the
French franc would depreciate.
To guard against the depreciation of the French franc, the importer can sell French franc
future contracts. The amount involved is $ 6 million or FFr 30 million (=6 million/0.2).
Thus, the total number of future contracts to be sold is 60 (=30 million/0.5 million), since
the value of one future contract is FFr 500,000.
The French importer deposits the security amount with the Clearing House.
period January-June, the importer will pay margins if the FFr rises and have
credited if the FFr slips. On the due date in June the contract is
repurchased).Say, the spot rate on the due date is $ 0.18/FFr and the future
being quoted at $ 0.178/FFr.

During the
its account
closed (or
contract is

The importer makes a loss: FFr (6/0.2 6/0.185) million = FFr 2.432432 million.
However, on the future market, it makes a gain equal to $ (0.19 0.178) X 60 X 500,000
= $ 360,000 = FFr 360,000/0.185 = FFr 1,945,946.
Net loss = FFr 2,432,432 1,945,945 = FFr 486,486.
Note: The loss is not fully covered as spot rate deteriorated more than the future rate.
Hedge efficiency can be defined as the ratio between the gains made on the future market
and the loss payable due to the rate movement on spot market. It is equal to
1,945,946/2,432,432 X 100 = 80 percent.

Problem 11
A company will receive $ 5.5 million in three months (March) from now. It will like to
place this sum for six months in Euro-dollar market. The rates are likely to go down.
The current rate is 1 percent over and above that of LIBOR, which is 9 percent. Eurodollar 3 months interest future is quoted at 90. What can the company do?


Solution 11
Since the company is likely to suffer the loss of opportunity if the rates go down, it buys
the interest future contract. The number of contracts to be bought should be either 5 or 6
since the value of one contract is $ 1 million.
Suppose the company buys 6 contracts, and the rates after 3 months are as follows:
LIBOR: 8.3 percent
Interest rate future: 90.5
Thus, the loss of opportunity for the company due to fall in the rates is:
9 8.3
5.5 X -------- X 106 X ---- =

$ 19,250

On the other hand, the gain on the future contracts is 6 X (90.5 90) X 100 X 25 = $
The net loss is $ (19,250 7,500) or $ 11,750
The loss is not covered fully because of the difference in basis as the fall in interest rate is
not totally reflected into the contract quotes, as also the amount to be covered is not in
exact multiples of the contract value of Euro-dollar rate future.

Problem 12
A company is to borrow DM 2.5 million DM 2.5 million in December for 3 months. At
the moment (September), the December DM future is being quoted at 92.5. The market
rate of Euro-DM is 7.5 percent, which is likely to go up in months to come.
What should the company do? Assume that on 15 December, the DM future has fallen to
91.5 and the Euro-DM rates are 8.6 percent.

Solution 12
Since the DM borrowing rate is likely to go up between September and December, the
company will do well to sell DM future contracts to cover against interest rate risk.
The value of one Euro-DM future contract is DM 1 million while the sum to be hedged is
DM 2.5 million. So the company has to sell either 2 contracts or 3 contracts. Let us say,
it sells 3 of them.


On December 15, the company borrows at 8.6 percent. The sum that it would receive for
the face value of DM 2.5 million is found by the price yield formula:
Yield X N
Bond price
Face value
[1 - --------- ]
where N is the borrowing period in days.
0.086 X 90
So the sum realized is 2.5 [1 - ------------360

] = DM 2.44625 million.

But the sum that would have been realized at the yield rate of 7.5 percent is
0.075 X 90
2.5 [ 1 - -------------- ]
= DM 2.453125 million
So shortfall

DM 2.453125 - DM 2.44625 = DM 6,875

Now the company buys back the future contracts. The gain is equal to 100 ticks (=
92.5 - 91.5). So the gain is
3 X 100 X 25 = DM 7,500
Thus, shortfall is more than made up through the hedging operation.

Problem 13
A company plans to borrow $ 20 million by issuing a 90 days commercial paper in
August. The yield rate of the CP is 10.5 percent at the moment, i.e. the month of March.
Interest rates are anticipated to rise. Since no future contracts are available in CP, the
company can resort to T-bill futures. September T-bill futures are being quoted at 90.20.
Assume that on August 15, the CP yield has risen to 11 percent and T-bill future contract
is quoting at 89.60. What is the company expected to do?

Solution 13
In March, at the yield rate of 10.5 percent, the CP issue will result into a realization of
0.105 X 90
20 [ 1 - -------------] = $ 19.475 million


But in August, the sum realized is going to be:

0.11 X 90
20 [1 - ----------- ] = $ 19.45 million
The shortfall = $ 0.025 million

= $ 25,000

To hedge against the interest rate rise, the company sells 20 T-bill September future
contracts and repurchases them on August 15.
The gain on the future contract is 90.2 89.6 or 60 ticks. This is equal to 20 X 60 X 25 =
$ 30,000
Thus, the shortfall is more than compensated by hedging.

Problem 14
A treasury manager after five months will need to borrow Rs.300,000 months.
current rates are as follows:
Borrowing rates
Lending rates








The manager wants to ensure the rate that he would have to pay on his borrowings. What
should he do and what is the rate he can lock in?

Solution 14
Since he has to borrow after 5 months for a period of 3 months, the rates that concern him
are those corresponding to 5 months and 8 months.
He should borrow for 8 months at 10.5 percent and lend this sum immediately for 5
months at 9.8 percent. Let us say his effective rate is I.


[1+0.098 X --- ] [1 + ---- X --------] = [1 + 0.105 X --- ]
I = 11.2 percent
Thus, the treasury manager has been able to lock in an effective rate of 11.2 percent. The
interest on his borrowings would amount to:

Problem 15
A company will need to buy after 4 months a forward rate agreement (FRA) from a bank
to borrow for 3 months. The 4/7 FRA is quoted at 6.5. What will the company do if after
4 months, the rate?

rises to 7 percent
falls to 6 percent
remains at 6.5 percent

Solution 15

Since the rate has risen, the counter-party (the bank in this case) will pay the
difference to the company. Say, the borrowings are planned for $ 1 million.
Then the counter-party is to pay to the company:
(0.07 0.06) X 1,000,000 X --12
= $ 2500


Since the rate has fallen to 6 percent, the company will pay to the bank, an
(0.065 0.06) X 1,000,000 X --12
$ 1250.

Since there has been no change in the rate, neither the bank nor the
Company pays or receives.
(Source: Book on International Financial Management by professors P.K.Jain, Josette
Peyrard and Surendra S Yadav)



Financial Management


Administrative Training Institute

Lalithmahal Road, Mysore - 570 011


Learning Unit 7
Reading Material
International Financial Management
(Selected extracts from the Book on International Finance Management by Professors
P.K.Jain, Josette Peyrard and Surendra S Yadav)
1. General Introduction

International Financial Management is the management of the financial operations

relating to international activities of business organizations, in the form of expansion of
existing business in foreign countries, decision of setting up a plant abroad or
participating in the investment in another country. Setting up of joint ventures, exporting
and importing of goods and services, financing of subsidiaries abroad and distribution of
dividends on the profits earned by a multinationals etc.,
The process of economic reforms and globalization and the emphasis on privatization by
the World Bank and IMF, increased international economic activity.
The following are the important stake holders for international Financial Management

Multinational corporations having subsidiaries in several countries.

Public sector companies dealing with foreign companies;
Small enterprises that may have to deal with foreign companies once in a while ;
Banks and financial establishments.

Balance Of Payments

Balance of Payments (BOP) records commercial, financial and economic flows between
the residents of a given country and those of the rest of the world during a certain period
of time, generally a year. It measures flows rather than stock.
The resident of a country means any individual, business organization, government
agency or any other institution.
A BOP statement is kept in the form of sources (credits) and uses (debits) of funds. This
record enables us to know whether the country has/had a net surplus or deficit during the
referred period. If a country receives more funds from abroad than it spends, it has a
surplus of BOP. If expenditures abroad by residents exceed what the residents earn or
receive from abroad, the country has a deficit of BOP.
The major sources of funds for a country accrue from:

Exports of goods and services;

Sale of existing foreign financial assets ;


Foreign loans/borrowings, etc.

Likewise, the major uses are:

Imports of goods and services ;

Purchase of foreign financial assets ;
Foreign lendings and so on.

Obviously, sources increase the external purchasing power of a country; conversely uses
decrease its purchasing power.

3. Presentation Of Balance Of Payments

A BOP statement is divided into (i) Current account, (ii) Capital account and (iii) Official
reserves account.
The data needed to prepare different accounts are collected from various sources. The
data on imports and exports are gathered from customs authorities.
The Current Account is a record of the trade in goods and services among countries. The
trade in goods is composed of exports and imports.
The trade in services (also called invisibles) includes interest, dividends, tourism/ travel
expenses and financial charges, etc.
Unilateral transfers consist of remittances by migrants to their kith and kin, and gifts,
donations and subsidies received from abroad.
The Capital Account is divided into foreign direct investment (FDI), portfolio investment
and private short-term capital flows. FDIs are for relatively longer period of time and
portfolio investments have a maturity of more than one year when they are made. The
short-term capital flows mature in a period of less than one year.
Table 1 Typical BOP Statement
A. Current Accounts
Goods Account
Exports (+)
Imports (-)
Balance on Goods Account = A(I)
Services Account
Receipts as interest and dividends, tourism receipts for travel and financial changes (+)


Payments as interest and dividends, tourism payments for travel and financial charges (-)
Balance on Services Account = A(II)
Unilateral Transfers
Gifts, donations, subsidies received from foreigners (+)
Gifts, donations, subsidies made to foreigners (-)
Balance on Unilateral Transfers Account = A(III)
Current Account Balance: A(I) + A(II) + A(III)
B. Long-term Capital Account
Foreign Direct Investment (FDI)
Direct investment by foreigners (+)
Direct investment abroad (-)
Balance on Direct Foreign Investment = B(I)
Portfolio Investment
Foreigners investment in the securities of the country (+)
Investment in securities abroad (-)
Balance on Portfolio Investment = B(II)
Balance on Long-term Capital Account = B(I) + B(II)
Private Short-term Capital Flows
Foreigners claim on the country (+)
Short-term claim on foreigners (-)
Balance on Short-term Private Capital Account = B(III)
Overall Balance : [A(I) + A(II) + A(III) + [B(I) + B(II) + B(III)]
C. Official Reserves Account

a. Decrease or increase in foreign exchange reserves.

As regards official reserves accounts, the monetary authority of a country, usually the
central bank, owns international reserves. These reserves are composed of gold,
convertible currencies like US Dollar, Deutschmark, Japanese, Yen, SDR (Special
Drawing Rights), etc. Since BOP is expressed in national currency, an increase in any of
these assets means a use of funds while their decrease implies a source of funds.


If overall balance (current plus capital) is in deficit, this implies either a reduction in
reserves or an increase in foreign debt or reduction of credits. It is important to note that,
by convention, a deficit is shown by + sign. In other words, it appears on the sources
side. As a result, sum of all sources and uses becomes equal. The reverse is true when
the overall balance (i.e., the sum of current and capital account) is in surplus.
If a country has significant deficit, it will have a tendency to take stiff measures for
diminishing is imports, exchange control.
BOP provides foresight regarding the type of exchange rates (increase/decrease) to
prevail; consistent deficit of BOP has an unfavorable effect on exchange rate/
Devaluation etc., BOP statements may be prepared in two currencies.
Adjustments between demand for and supply of foreign currency take place through the
intervention of central bank, or market, or by administrative measures.
Central bank intervenes through its regulatory stocks. This exercise is necessitated to
control the volatility of exchange rate as and when it anticipates a surplus over demand
(surplus of the BOP) or vice versa.
The national income (or product) is the sum of consumption and savings, that is;
National Income = Consumption + Savings


Similarly, national spending consists of consumption and investment;

National Spending = Consumption + Investment


From Eqs (2.1) and (2.2). We obtain:

National Income National Spending = Savings Investment


This identity says if a nations income exceeds its spending, then, savings will exceed
domestic investment, yielding surplus capital. This surplus capital must be invested
overseas. In other words, a nation that produces more than it spends, will save more than
it invests domestically and will have a net capital outflow. This capital outflow will
appear as a combination of capital account deficit and an increase in official reserves.
Conversely, a nation that spends more than it produces will invest domestically more than
it saves and have net capital inflow. This capital inflow will appear as a combination of
capital account surplus and a reduction of official reserves.


4. International Monetary System

In the context of international trade, the problems that crop up relate to : (i) liquidity, (ii)
adjustment, and (iii) stability.
Liquidity is necessary to finance the transactions that are done on cash basis. Adjustment
is needed to bridge the gap that emanates because of imbalance between demand and
supply at existing exchange rates. Similarly, stability is necessary with intent to limit the
degree of uncertainty in international business decisions.

5. Evolution Of International Monetary System

The international monetary system, passed through a period of transition from the system
of fixed exchange rates to the system of floating rates.
Gold Exchange Standard system. Put into effect in 1850. In this system, each currency
was linked to a weight of gold. Since gold was convertible into currencies of the major
developed countries, central banks of different countries either held gold or the currency
of these developed countries.
On the Bretton Woods conference held, following decisions had been taken:

Fixed rates in terms of gold, but only the US dollar was convertible into gold.
A procedure for mutual international credits.
Creation of International Monetary Fund (IMF) to supervise and ensure
smooth functioning of the system. Countries were expected to pursue the
economic and monetary policies in a manner so that fluctuations of currency
remained within a permitted margin of + 1 per cent. That is, the central bank
of every country had to intervene to buy or sell foreign exchange, depending
on the need.
Devaluations or reevaluations of more than 5 per cent had to be done with the
permission of the IMF, to avoid chain devaluations.

The main functions of the IMF are:

o to help member countries in stabilizing their currency ;
o to supervise the evolution of exchange rates and provide guidance to
countries on their exchange rate policies;
o to accord temporary financing to tide over balance of payments
The capital of the IMF is constituted by the totality of the subscriptions of member states,
known as quotas. These quotas are determined as per the economic importance of each
country reflected/measured in terms of national income, exports, etc. In 1994, the capital
of the IMF was SDR 144.6 billion.


Since 1970, a new instrument of reserve has been created, namely SDR (Special Drawing
Right). The value of SDR represents a weighted average of 5 currencies, that is, the US
dollar (40 per cent), German Deutschmark (21 per cent), the UK pound sterling (11 per
cent), the French franc (11 per cent), and the Japanese yen (17 per cent). These weights
reflect the relative strength of economies of these countries.
The quotas of different countries are paid to the IMF in the ratio of 25 per cent as SDRs
and 75 per cent in national currency.
Besides the quotas of member countries as explained above, the IMF can also have
recourse to loans from member states to augment its resources. These loans are drawn in
Also, under the General Agreement to Borrow (GAB) signed by the Group of Ten, (Paris
club) the IMF can borrow in order to have supplementary resources in convertible
currencies. This agreement allows the IMF to finance from this borrowing even those
countries which are not members of the Group of Ten. The agreement is renewed every
5 years; the last one was in 1993.
Good functioning of the international monetary system requires:

appropriate adjustment mechanisms ;

an attentive surveillance of the policies adopted by the member states
relating to the exchange rate.

Member countries have an absolute claim on the IMF up to the amount of gold
subscriptions they have made. In operational terms, they can draw this amount (equal to
25 per cent of their quota) from the IMF any time. This is called reserve tranche (or gold
tranche) and is treated as the reserve of the country concerned. However, this sum is to
be reimbursed to the IMF within a specified period varying between 3 months to 5 years.
Beyond 25 per cent, a country can draw upon its credit tranche: the additional credit the
IMF can grant. The credit tranche consist of the amount of drawings beyond the reserve
or gold tranche that would raise the Funds total holdings of that country to 200 per cent
of the quota. Temporary increases of the credit tranche to 400 per cent of the quota have
been allowed in the past. Approval from the IMF is necessary for a country to draw on
its credit tranche. This approval usually comes with restrictions that become increasingly
tight as the drawings on this credit rise. Thus, this additional credit is used more often to
finance temporary disequilibrium in balance of payments than to provide temporary
Besides the reserve (or gold) and credit tranches, the IMF has three permanent credit
facilities : (i) the compensatory financing facility (established in 1963 and liberalized in
1975); (ii) the buffer stock financing facility (established in 1969); and (iii) the extended
facility (established in 1974 and expanded in 1983). There are other temporary facilities


created in response to specific needs such as oil price increases, and the Special
Emergency Fund created by the General Agreement to Borrow (GAB).
The IMF exercises a firm surveillance on the exchange rate policy of the member states
and adopts specific principles to guide them. In order that the system of exchange rate be
effective, the Fund recommends adoption of an anti-inflationary policy.

6. European Monetary System

The European Economic Community (EEC) established in 1957 with objectives of (i) a
Customs Union, and (ii) free movement of goods, manpower and capital.
In 1978, European Monetary System (EMS) was established.
1) To promote and enhance monetary stability in the European Community.
2) Working towards the improvement of the general and economic situation
of the countries of the European Union in terms of growth, full
employment, standard of living, reduction of regional disparities, etc.
The following are the characteristics of EMS :

There is a single uniform monetary unit of the European Union.

A stable but adjustable exchange rate has emerged.

7. European Currency Unit (ECU)

The ECU is the central element of the EMS. It is a basket composed of different
currencies of the European Union, weighted according to the economic strengths of each
one of them. Another important premise is that central banks of parties to the EMS are
required to defend the fluctuations in the exchange rates of their currencies.
The ECU is a unit of payment among central banks of the European Union. It is also
used for according financial assistance to member states which face economic difficulties
due to BOP. Private ECU has also found a greater reckoning in the market. It is treated
by banks as a currency and all monetary instruments (such as, long-term borrowings and
inter-bank credits, short-term commercial paper, Euro-bonds, Euro-credits, etc.,) can be
documented in ECU. There exist future contracts in ECUs too.
In the international capital markets, the ECU occupies an important place. On the
commercial plane, some enterprises have adopted it as the currency of billing; the
accounts of some multinationals are made in ECUs.
The exchange mechanism is founded in maintaining, through repeated and compulsory
interventions on the exchange market, the bilateral fluctuation limits of the participating
currencies. Each currency has a pivot rate fixed in ECUs.


French franc
Dutch guilder
Belgian franc
Irish pound
Spanish peseta
Portuguese escudo
Danish kroner
Austrian schilling
British pound
Greek drachma
Italian lira


This pivot rate (reference rate) represents the unit of base from which the bilateral rates
are derived. For example, we have the following two rates.

8. Maximum Divergence (MD)

In the beginning the currencies could only vary within the narrow limit of + 2.25 per cent
around the pivot rate. On 2nd August 1993, it was decided that the rates could vary within
+ 15 per cent of the pivot rate.
European Fund for Monetary Cooperation (EFMC) has been set up to ensure smooth
functioning of the EMS. The Fund receives 20 per cent of reserves of each country
(Central Bank Reserves); in exchange, it provides ECU reserves in the form of bonds or
coupons. These securities of E
FMC are used to serve as instruments of settlement among central banks. For instance, if
a central bank needs more ECUs, it can borrow from either EFMC or from another
central bank.
The system has created several credit mechanisms; the three major ones being:
a) Very short-term credit used to be for a maximum period of three months.
No limit has been specified for the magnitude of funds involved in a
b) Short-term credits. The duration of this credit is three months; it can be
renewed twice more. In operational terms, therefore, the credit can be for
a maximum period of nine months. It is accorded to the member states to
tide over temporary difficulties of BOP.
c) Medium-term credit. These credits are for a period of two to five years
and meant for remedying serious difficulties relating to BOP. They should
be accompanied by other economic and monetary measures to effectively
deal with BOP crises.


9. European Bank Of Investment (EBI)

The European Bank of Investment was created in 1958 with the major objective of
balanced development of different regions of the European Union.
This is the European banking institution to provide long-term financing.
The member states have jointly subscribed to the capital of the EBI. The EBI is very
active in the capital markets. It also borrows/operates in the major international markets
as well as markets of third countries.
EBI lends for following domains.
Regional development, Trans-European
Modernization of industry.





Loans are accorded by the EBI either directly or through another financial institution.
These can be given in several currencies or in a single currency like dollar, yen, Swiss
franc, ECU, etc.
The EBI is a financial intermediary without the goal of profit making. Its resources
essentially consist of borrowing on capital markets. It is backed up by governments of
the European Union. Therefore, it enjoys a higher credit-rating on the market (AAA).
In view of its financial standing and sound credit rating, the EBI obtains marginally
higher rates on its lendings. The EBI does not accord soft rates (subsidized rates).
The EBI finances big projects through individual loans and those of moderate size
through global loans. It also refinances banks and financial institutions, granting loans
for such projects.
It limits its financing to 50 per cent of the project cost. Co financing of projects with
other lenders is the general rule.
The duration is generally between 7 and 12 years but it may go up to 20 years or more for
the infrastructure projects. The duration as well as delay of repayments is adapted to
specific characteristics of the investments.
The setting up of EMU in 1991 has been a step towards the introduction of a common
currency in the member states of EU.
The Objectives of EMU are:
a) Adoption of an economic policy, based on a close coordination between
economic policies of the member states.
b) Fixing of irrevocable exchange rates leading to a single currency.


c) Development of a single monetary policy having an objective of price

stability and the support to the economic policies of the Member States in

10. European Central Bank :

The responsibilities between the European Central Bank and national Central Banks are
to be shared on the following principles:
1. Principle of non-divisibility of decisions relating to monetary policy.
The responsibility of defining the monetary policy is to be centralized at
the level of the governing council and the top management of the
European Central Bank.
2. Principles of subsidiary : In the areas which do not exclusively fall
within the competence of the European Central Bank, it is expected to
intervene only as a last resort, i.e., if it is considered that certain objectives
cannot be realized by the national banks, left to themselves.
The European Monetary Institute has been established at Frankfort. The objective of the
Institute is to reinforce the coordination among the Member States and work towards the
creation of the European Central Bank. It is required to promote and supervise the
economic convergence of different countries as also promote and facilitate the use of
The Member Countries have to respect 5 criteria in order to have common currency:
a) Rate of inflation should not be more than 1.5 per cent higher than the
mean of three best Member States;
b) Budgetary deficit should not be more than 3 per cent of GDP, except in
the exceptional circumstance;
c) Public debt should not be higher than 60 per cent of GDP except if it is
reducing regularly towards this threshold;
d) Interest rate should not be more than 2 per cent higher than that of three
best States (in matter of inflation);
e) Country should have been a member of EMS at least for two years, while
respecting narrowest fluctuation margins.
On setting up of EMU the entire European Union will have a single currency.


The Maastricht Treaty institutes an European System of Central Bank (ESCB) with
supra-national institution, called European Central Bank (ECB). It is the only ECB,
which will be authorized to issue bank notes in the European Union; it will exercise full
control on the circulation of currencies, participating in ECU and progressively replace
ancient currencies of the EU, ECU will then, become a veritable currency, i.e., a real
operational currency.

11. Foreign Exchange Market

The foreign exchange market is the market where the currency of one country is
exchanged for that of another country and where the rate of exchange is determined. The
genesis of Foreign Exchange (FE) market can be traced to the need for foreign currencies
arising from:

International trade;
Foreign investment; and
Lending to and borrowing from foreigners.

In order to maintain an equilibrium in the FE market, demand for foreign currency (or the
supply of home currency) should equal supply of foreign currency (or the demand for
home currency). In operational terms, the demand for all supply of home currency
should be equal. In the event of a disequilibrium situation, the monetary authority of the
concerned country normally intervenes/steps in to bring out the desired balance by:

Variation in the exchange rate ; or

Changes in official reserves; or

Foreign exchange rates are quoted either for immediate delivery (spot rate) or for
delivery on a future date (forward rate). In practice, delivery in spot market is made two
days later.
A FE quotation is the price of a currency expressed in the units of another currency. The
quotation can be either direct or indirect. It is direct when quoted as so many units of
local currency per unit of foreign currency. For example, Rs.35 = US $ 1, is a direct
quotation for US dollars in India.
On the other hand, an indirect quotation is the one where exchange rate is given in terms
of variable units of foreign currency as equivalent to a fixed number of units of home
currency. For example, in India, US $ 2.857 = Rs.100 is an indirect quotation.
All quotations in India use the direct method of quotation.
A dealer usually quotes a two-way price for a given currency the price at which he is
buying (bid price) and the price at which he is selling (offer or ask price) the currency. In
either case, the currency for which the bid or ask price is given is the unit of the item


Spread means the difference between bankss buying (bid) and selling (offer or ask) rates
in an exchange rate quotation or an interest quotation. It fluctuates according to the level
of stability in the market, the currency in question, and the volume of the business. Thus,
if there is a degree of volatility in an exchange rate, and if business is thin and if (rumors
persist about the currency that) the current rate is rumored to be unsustainable, the dealer
will protect himself by widening the quote. That is, he will offer less currency while
selling but demand more when buying. The spread represents the gross return to the
dealer for the risks inherent in making a market.
Cash rate is the price of any currency other than home currency. In other words, it is the
direct relationship between two non-home currencies in a foreign exchange market
concerned with or used in transactions in a country to which none of the currencies
Cash rate or Ready rate is the rate when the exchange3 of currencies takes places on the
date of the deal. If delivery is made on the day the contract is booked, it is called a
Telegraphic Transfer (TT) or cash or value-day deal.
When the exchange of currencies takes place on the next working day after the date of
deal, it is called the TQM (tomorrow) rate.
When the exchange of currencies takes place on the second working day after the date of
the deal, it is called the spot rate. This time is allowed to banks to process the necessary
paperwork and transfer the funds. Such transfers to and from banks will be effected
when their overseas currency accounts are either credited or debited, depending on
whether the bank is buying or selling. The rate of the agreed deal on telephone is called
the contract date; the value date is the one when the deposit is credited or debited.
Normally, a deal done on Tuesday will settled on Thursday and a deal done on Friday
will be settled on the following Tuesday. A business day is defined as one in which both
banks are open for business in both settlement countries. Most dealings now-a-days are
done spot.
The major currencies quoted on the forward market are given below. They are generally
in terms of the US dollar.
Swiss franc
Pound sterling
Belgian franc
Dutch guilder
Japanese yen
Canadian dollar
Australian dollar


12. Theory Of Purchasing Power Parity (Ppp)

This theory was enunciated by Gustav Cassel. Purchasing power of a currency is
determined by the amount of goods and services that can be purchased with one unit of
that currency. If there is more than one currency, it is fair and equitable that the
exchange rate between these currencies provides the same purchasing power for each
currency. This referred to as purchasing power parity.
It is ideal if the existing exchange rate is in tune with this cardinal principle of purchasing
power parity. On the contrary, if the existing exchange rate is such that purchasing
power parity does not exist in economic terms, it is a situation of disequilibrium. It is
expected that the exchange rate between the two currencies conforms eventually to
purchasing power parity.
An index of exchange rate provides/indicates the mean rate of the countrys currency
with respect to the currencies of trade partners, weighted in terms of trade flows. The
index for a country is obtained by fi8nding the weighted average of bilateral exchange
rates of the country under study and its major trade partners. It indicates the extent by
which purchasing power of a currency has changed over the period/in the current year,
with respect to that of the base year. If exchange rate variations compensated exactly the
differential of inflation rates, the index would remain unchanged at 100. If an exchange
rate becomes stronger than what is justified by the rate of inflation (i.e., the index
becomes higher than 100), the exchange rate is considered as overvalued from the point
of view of competitively.
Conversely, if the index is less than 100, it is regarded undervalued from the point of
view of competitively.
The THEORY OF INTEREST RATE PARITY, states that premium or discount of
one currency against another should reflect the interest differential between the two
currencies. In a perfect market situation and where there is no restriction on the flow of
money, one should be able to gain the same real value on ones monetary assets
irrespective of the country where they are held.
The theory of interest rate parity is a very useful reference for explaining the differential
between the spot and future exchange rate, and international movement of capital.
Deficit, in BOP increases the demand of foreign exchange. Surplus increases the value of
national currency on the exchange market.
The following methods are employed for the forecasting exchange rates.
1) Method of advanced indicators
2) Use of forward rate as a predictor of the future spot rate.


13. Method of Advanced Indicators

Several indicators are used for prediction of exchange rates. One important indicator
widely used is to determine the ratio of countrys reserves to its imports. The reserves
consist of gold, foreign currencies and SDRs.

14. User of Forward Rate as Predictor of Future Spot Rate

Some authors believe in the efficiency of markets and consider that forward rates are
likely to be an unbiased predictor of the future spot rate. In other words, the rate of
premium or discount should be an unbiased predictor of the rate of appreciation or
depreciation of a currency.
Economic approach takes into consideration, Structure of the balance of payments,
Examination of reserves in gold or in foreign exchange, Comparative study of inflation
rates, and Study of activity and employment level, to forecast the exchange rate in the
long run.

15. Risks in International Operations

Exchange Rate Risk Assessment And

Internal Techniques of Hedging

Exchange rate risk (ERR) is inherent in the businesses of all multinational enterprises as
they are to make or receive payments in foreign currencies. This risk means eventual
losses incurred by these enterprises due to adverse movements of exchange rates between
the dates of contract and payment. However, ERR does not imply that it will result into
losses only. Gains may also accrue if the movement of rates is favorable.
In view of the substantial and significant stake in foreign countries, foreign exchange risk
has become an integral part of the management activities of any multinational enterprise.
Therefore, the management must be aware of the various techniques of dealing with
ERR. Covering the foreign exchange risk is also known as hedging the risk. If a
company in its wisdom does not want to hedge, it tantamount to have the view that the
future movements of exchange rates will be in its favor.
On the contrary, the
conservative enterprises may adopt the policy of hedging everything.
Hedging obviously means a certain cost to an enterprise. Suppose the company hedges
the exposure and the forward rates move in favor of the company due to a shift in
economic factors between the dates of invoice and conversion of currency, the company
would suffer or lose on this account.
Covering of exchange rate risk consists in modifying the companys exchange position in
the exposed currency (ies). Recourse to covering or hedging techniques means a certain
cost to the enterprise, which should define its strategy in this domain and try to foresee
exchange rate fluctuations.


There are two types of techniques to cover exchange rate risk: internal techniques,
adopted by the enterprise to limit the exchange risk, and external techniques that require a
recourse to forward market, money market and external organizations. While this chapter
discusses the internal techniques, the next one deals with the external techniques.
Multinational enterprises are subject to the following three types of risks/exposures:

Transaction Exposure
Consolidation Exposure.

16. Transaction Exposure

Whenever there is a commitment to pay foreign currency or possibility to receive foreign
currency at a future date, any movement in the exchange rate will affect the domestic
value of the transaction.

17. Consolidation (or translation) Exposure

This results from direct (joint ventures) or indirect investments (portfolio participation) in
foreign countries. When balance sheets are consolidated, the value of assets expressed in
the national currency varies as a function of the variation of the currency of the country
where investment was made. If, at the time of consolidation, the exchange rate is
different from what it was at the time of investment, there would be a difference of
consolidation. The accounting practices in this regard vary from country to country and
even within a country from company to company.

18. Internal Techniques Of Hedging

There are several techniques which can be used in this category to reduce the exchange
rate risk:

Choosing a particular currency for invoice

Leads and lags
Indexation clauses in contracts
Shifting the manufacturing base
Centre of reinvoicing

19. Choice of the Currency of Invoicing

In order to avoid the exchange rate risk, many companies try to invoice their exports in
the national currency and try to pay their suppliers in the national currency as well. This
way an exporter knows exactly how much he is going to receive and how much he is to
pay, as an importer.


This method is a noble one. However, an enterprise suffers under this method if the
national currency appreciates; this is likely to result into a loss of market for the products
of the company if there are other competitors.
Companies may also have recourse to invoicing in a currency whose fluctuations are less
erratic than those of the national currency. For example, in the countries of the European
Union, the use of European Currency Unit (ECU) is gaining popularity.

20. Leads and Lags

This technique consists of accelerating or delaying receipt or payment in foreign
exchange as warranted by the position/expected position of the exchange rate. The
principle involved is rather simple:
If depreciation of national currency is apprehended, importing enterprises like to clear
their dues expeditiously in foreign currencies; exporting enterprises prefer to delay the
receipt from their debtors abroad. These actions, however, if generalized all over the
country, may weaken the national currency. Therefore, certain countries like France
regulate the credits accorded to foreign buyers to avoid market disequilibrium.
The converse will hold true if an appreciation of national currency is anticipated;
importing enterprises delay their payments to foreigners while the exporting ones will
attempt to get paid at the earliest. These actions may have a snowballing effect on
national currency appreciating further.

21. Indexation Clauses in Contracts

For protecting against the exchange rate risk, sometimes, several clauses of indexation
are included by exporters or importers.
A contract may contain a clause whereby prices are adjusted in such a manner that
fluctuations of exchange rate are absorbed without any visible impact. If the currency of
the exporting country appreciates, the price of exports is increased to the same extent or
vice-versa. Therefore, the exporter receives almost the same amount in local currency.
Thus, exchange rate risk is borne by the foreign buyer.
A variant of the above is the indexation of price to a third currency or to a basket of
currencies like ECU or SDR. This clause has repercussion for both the parties to the
Another variant of indexation may be that the contract incorporates a clause stipulating
that an appreciation or depreciation would be taken into account only beyond a certain
level, say higher than 4 or 5 per cent.
There is another possibility where the contracting parties may decide to share the risk.
They may stipulate that part of exchange rate variation, intervening between the date of


contract and payment, will be shared by the two in accordance with a certain formula, for
example, half-half or one-third, two-third, etc.

22. Netting (Internal Compensation)

An enterprise may reduce its exchange risk by making and receiving payments in the
same currency. Exposure position in that case is simply on the net balance. Hence an
enterprise should try to limit the number of invoicing currencies. The choice of currency
alone is not sufficient. Equally important is that the dates of settlement should match.

23. Bilateral
Netting may be bilateral or multilateral. It is bilateral when two companies have trade
relations and do buying and selling reciprocally. For example, a parent company sells
semi-finished products to its foreign subsidiary and then repurchases the finished product
from the latter.

24. Multilateral
Netting can equally be multilateral. This is taken recourse to when internal transactions
are numerous. Volume of transactions will be reduced because each company of the
group will pay or be paid only net amount of its debit or credit.
In the case of manufacturing companies, switching the base of manufacture may be
useful so that costs and revenues are in the same currency.
A reinvoicing centre of a multinational group does billing in respective national
currencies of subsidiary companies and receives the invoices made in foreign currency
from each one of them. It would be preferable, if possible, to locate the reinvoicing
centre in a country where exchange regulations are least constraining.
The centre itself is a subsidiary of the parent company. The principle is simple: the
invoices in foreign currencies are made in the name of the reinvoicing centre by the
subsidiaries. And, the centre, in turn, will send out equivalent sums in national currency.
Likewise, payments in foreign currencies to suppliers are made by the centre and it
receives equivalent sums in the national currencies from the subsidiaries concerned.

25. Swaps in Foreign Currencies

Swap is an agreement reached between two parties which exchange a predetermined sum
of foreign currencies with a condition to surrender that sum on a predecided date. It
always involves two simultaneous operations: one spot and the other on a future date.
There are various types of swaps such as cross-credit swaps, back-to-back credit swaps,
and export swaps, etc.


26. Cross-Credit Swaps

In this kind of swap, there is an exchange of foreign currencies between a parent
company and, say, a bank in a foreign country. Let us say an American parent company
wishing to finance its subsidiary in India may enter into an agreement with an Indian
bank. The American parent company w ill deposit a sum in US dollars with the Indian
bank, equivalent to the sum that it wants to lend in Indian rupees to the subsidiary, for a
fixed period. Suppose this sum is US $ 1 million at a 10 per cent rate of interest. The
Indian bank will lend to the subsidiary a sum of Indian Rs.32 million (assuming the
exchange rate is Indian Rs.32 = US $ 1), say, at 12 per cent p.a. rate of interest. If the
period of the swap is one year, then at the end of the swap period, the American parent
company will receive from the Indian bank a sum of US $1.1 million (= 1 + 1 X 0.1)
while the bank will receive from the subsidiary a sum of Indian Rs.35.84 million [= 32 X
(1 + 0.12)]. This swap operation is shown as
American Parent

US dollar


In US dollars

rupee loan


in Indian rupees

Suppose, in the meantime, the exchange rate has evolved to Indian Rs 35/ US$ 1, then the
loss to the bank would be $ 0.076 million (= 35.84/35 1.1). Thus, the exchange
management risk got shifted to the Indian bank while both the American parent company
and the Indian subsidiary were dealing in their respective currencies, without any
uncertainty about the sums to be received or paid. The bank would have made a gain in
case the exchange rate had evolved in the opposite direction.

27. Back-to-Back Credit Swaps

In a back-to-back credit swap, two companies located in two different countries may
agree to exchange loans in their respective currencies for a fixed period. For example,
KODAK (An American multinational) may lend in US dollars to the USA based
subsidiary of FUJI while the latter (a Japanese multinational) may lend in Japanese yen to
the Japan-based subsidiary of KODAK. Figure of swap operation.
Kodak USA

Fuji Japan

Lends in US$ to

Lends in Japan Yen to

Fuji USA

Kodak Japan

The cost of swaps will depend on the rate of interest and the exchange rate chosen by the
two parties.


An exporter may, agree to give discount for early payment. This discount represents a
cost for the exporter. But by doing so, he avoids the exchange rate risk, diminishes credit
risk and receives immediate cash.


Hedging Transactions Exposure

Basically, the strategy involves increasing hard currency (likely to appreciate) assets and
decreasing soft currency (likely to depreciate) assets, while simultaneously decreasing
hard currency liabilities and increasing soft currency liabilities.
For example, if
depreciation is likely to take place, the basic hedging strategy would be as follows:
reduce the level of cash, decrease accounts receivable by tightening credit terms, increase
local currency borrowing, delay accounts payable, and sell the weak currency forward.
If depreciation is anticipated

If appreciation is anticipated

Sell local currency (LC) forward

Reduce levels of local currency
cash and marketable securities
Reduce local currency receivables
Delay collection of hard currency
Accelerate imports of hard currency
goods before depreciation of local
Borrow locally
Delay payments of local accounts
Speed up remittance of dividend to
the parent company
Speed up payments of
intersubsidiary accounts payable
Delay collection of intersubsidiary
accounts receivable

Buy local currency forward

Increase levels of local currency
cash and marketable securities
Relax local currency credit terms
Speed up collection of soft currency
Reduce imports of soft currency
Reduce local borrowing
Speed up payment of account
Delay remittance of dividend to the
parent company
Delay payments of intersubsidiary
accounts payable
Speed up collection of
intersubsidiary accounts receivable

The major techniques External techniques for covering exchange rate risk

Covering risk in the forward market;

Covering in the money market;
Advances in foreign currency;
Covering in financial futures market;
Covering in the options market;
Covering through currency swaps;
Recourse to specialized organizations.


Separate group exercises will be given regarding using of some of these techniques.

29. Covering a Consolidation Exposure

The magnitude of exposure depends on the method of translation used by the parent
Suppose an American company wants to borrow Deutschmarks at a variable rate. The
company is well placed on the American market. It borrows US$ 1 million on the
American market at a fixed rate and enters into a swap deal with its bank. On the date of
the contract, there is an exchange of the principal: the American company pays to its
bank 1 million dollars and receives 1.4 million Deutschmarks, the spot rate being DM
1.4/US$, during the contract period, the company will pay a variable rate on the
Deutschmarks while the bank will pay it a fixed rate on dollars. There will also be a reexchange of the principal on the maturity date.
American Company

$ 1m


DM 1.4 m
American Company

Variable rate


Fixed rate
American Company

DM 1.4 m


$ 1m
Currency swaps are comparable to a forward exchange transaction with a difference that
the differential of rates is calculated periodically instead of being settled just once at the
end of the contract; this feature renders the swaps more efficient and more flexible than
covering in the forward market for long periods.

30. Interest Rate Risk

All banks and firms, domestic or multinational are sensitive to interest rate movements.
The interest rate risk results from a mismatch of maturity of assets and liabilities
Financial markets have developed instruments, options and futures, on interest to cover
these risks. Likewise, banks have also evolved/devised certain mechanisms in this
Interest rate risk concerns the following:


Present credits and debts;

Future credits and debts; and
Conditional credits and debts.

An interest rate position either on the asset side or on the liability side is subjected to
fluctuations of rates. An enterprise, a bank or an investor is said to have a long
position in the case of increase in the rate of interest. Conversely, these operators are
said to have a short position in the event of decrease in the interest rate.
When an enterprise is faced with a situation of interest rate risk, it can:

Either decide to do nothing and keep its position uncovered;

Or cover itself by taking recourse to organized markets of interest rate options and
Or cover itself on over-the-counter (OTC) markets, future rate agreements,
forward-forward agreements interest rate options, caps, floors, swaps, etc.

There is a close nexus between IRR and prices of financial securities. Therefore it would
be useful to know, how the prices of financial securities vary. The price of a financial
security is equal to the present value of cash inflows that it generates during its life. In
general, the price of a fixed rate financial security refundable at the end of the borrowing
period depends upon:

The coupon amount. Coupon is equal to the product of nominal value of a bond
and interest rate;
The mode of capital refund. Normally, refund is done in one lot at the end of the
life of a bond, but it can be done in installments over a period of a number of
Market interest rate;
Maturity period of the borrowing.

When market interest rate increases, the price of the fixed-income security decreases and
conversely when market interest rate decreases, the price of the fixed-income security

31. Balance Sheet Risk (or Capital Risk)

Balance sheet risk is the consequence of an interest variation, which diminishes the value
of certain assets or increases the value of debts. For example, if an Indian company has
brought American fixed-rate treasury bonds and if the bond coupon rate in America
increases, in that case the value of American bonds in the balance sheet will decrease.
When market interest rate (or yield) increases, there is an arbitrage operation which
lowers the prices of bonds until their yield becomes equal to the prevailing rate in the
market. If the investor is then constrained to liquidate his bonds, he suffers a capital loss.


On the other hand, a decrease in market yield induces a price increase that results into
capital gain if the investor liquidates his bonds. However, if the bond is held till its
maturity, there is no risk resulting from market variations.

32. Income Statement Risk (or Revenue Risk)

This risk is observed when interest rate fluctuation decreases profits either by increasing
financial charges or by reducing financial income. For example, if an Indian company
has borrowed US dollars at the floating rate of interest and wants to renew the debt, the
interest charge will increase since the new rate would normally be higher. Financial
charges appearing in the income statement would increase. Similarly, another company
that wants to borrow French francs after six months fears an increase in French rates; it
would suffer a loss of opportunity by not borrowing now.
The enterprise that issues fixed-income bonds pays interest which is not affected by
changes in market conditions. If interest rates decrease subsequent to the bond issue, the
issuer suffers a loss vis--vis its competitors.
The situation is identical for an investor who has bought fixed income bonds. If the rate
goes up, once the purchase has been done, the investor suffers a loss in comparison to
those investors who had waited for rate increase. On the other hand, if the rates decrease,
subsequent to the purchase, the investor makes a gain in his income vis--vis other
operators who did not buy the security at the opportune moment.
Interest rate risk is measured by sensitivity and duration.
The value of sensitivity depends upon several factors:

Life of the security;

Interest rate on the security;
Market interest rate.

Bond prices vary in opposite direction to that of interest rate variation. When two bonds
differ only in terms of their interest rates, the one having the lower coupon will vary more
for the same variation of market interest rate.
When two bonds differ only in terms of their maturity, the one having the longer maturity
will vary more for the same variation of the market interest rate.
For every bond, a given increase in the interest rate results into a smaller variation of
price than an identical decrease in the interest rate.
For a given percentage increase or decrease of interest rate, and everything else being the
same, price variation is higher for the security with the lower coupon.


In general, the sensitivity of a fixed-income bond is greater if coupon rate is smaller and
its residual period is longer.
Duration is an index of time during which an investor recovers his funds initially
invested. Duration is calculated by finding the ratio of (i) sum of the product of period
and the corresponding present value of cash flows generated by the security, and (ii)
present value of the security. It is expressed in terms of years. It enables to compare
bonds issued with different conditions.
The securities with longer duration have greater volatility than those of shorter duration.
Thus, the higher duration implies greater risk.
If the duration of the asset is higher than that of liability, the financial firm is holding a
long position and then the risk comes from the increase in rates, as decrease in the value
of assets held will be higher than the advantage accruing from a decrease in sum payable.
On the other hand, if the establishment holds a short position, i.e., the duration of the
asset is smaller than that of liability, the risk emanates from a decrease in rates.

The traditional instrument used on financial market is fixed-coupon bond. This

instrument has undergone several modifications to make it adaptable to the environment
characterized by interest rate volatility. The first modification was to reduce maturity
periods of bonds in order to diminish the degree of uncertainty for investors and
borrowers in respect of the stability of interest rates.
The second modification was to issue bonds whose maturity could be prolonged or
shortened so as to reduce the impact of interest rate variations. When the life of bonds is
extended (coupon rate remaining the same) the investor does not suffer the loss of
revenue in the event of general decrease in market rates of interest. Conversely, a
borrower may re-schedule his debt without suffering from an increase of interest rates.
Similarly, maturity may be shortened to avoid any loss from future fluctuations.
The third modification that appeared on the scene in 1970s, relates to bonds with variable
rates. These bonds have their coupon indexed to a rate of reference. This rate is
normally a variable rate plus a spread varying between 1/8 and 2 per cent. The bonds
with variable rates have constituted an adequate response to variations in interest rates of
large amplitude.
Still another modification aimed at changing rate and maturity simultaneously. This
modality may permit constant revenue for a longer period in case of an anticipated
decrease in rates.
An interest rate futures contract is a commitment to deliver (for the buyer of the contract)
financial securities for a specific amount, on a predetermined future date.


There exist two types of future contracts:

Short-term contracts which permit the enterprises to cover themselves against

short-term interest rate risks;
Long-term contracts permitting the enterprises to cover themselves against longterm risks.

Contract price reflects the anticipation of buyer and sellers regarding the interest rates. In
order to properly understand the functioning of forward operations, it is desirable to look
at the inverse relation between the prices of fixed-rate securities and the rates of interest.
The terms used in published information on futures contracts are: opening price of a
session, settlement price or closing rate, change, highest rate, lowest rate, volume traded.

33. Basic Characteristics of Rate Futures.

Basis. The basis, in the context of the futures market, represents the difference between
the forward rate and spot rate (i.e., spot rate on settlement date). The basis may be
positive or negative during the contract period. However, on the maturity date, there is a
convergence of the basis because forward rate on that date becomes same as the spot rate.
If the duration of a deposit or a loan is not equal to the duration of the futures contract,
the enterprise or the bank exposes itself to a basis risk.

Maturity date. These are four in number: March, June, September and December.
Guarantee deposits. Guarantee deposits are made with the clearing house of the
exchange. The role of the clearing house is to ensure the solvability of operators. The
guarantees are of the order of 2 to 4 per cent of the contract amount.
Everyday, during the life of the contract, gains or losses are calculated according to the
rate movements. If the rate moves unfavorable for the operator, he is called upon to
make supplementary payments (called margins). Conversely, he receives payment if the
rates have moved in his favor. This process continues up to the date of the delivery,
provided the contract is not already liquidated before that date.

34. Direct Costs of Operations.

The direct costs of these operations are represented by the commissions paid to brokers
and are normally paid when positions are closed or delivery is made.

35. Covering risk in the market of interest rate futures

When a futures contract is brought or sold, the price is fixed but payment is made at a
future date. The margin is paid either in cash or in the form of treasury bills to


demonstrate that the operator has money to honor his side of the bargain. As long as
interest is earned on margined securities, there is no cost of margin deposits. The
enterprises which are to take loans or place their cash on some future date may prefer to
lock in the interest rate today itself to guard against unfavorable rate movements in the
interim period.
When interest rates rise, the price of an interest rate future comes down. The risk of rise
in interest rates is covered by selling futures contracts. The enterprise that wants to cover
itself against rise of interest rates sells contracts for an amount and a duration equivalent
to the position that it wants to cover. If a rise does take place, the gain that the enterprise
would have by repurchasing at a lower price the contracts that it had sold compensates
the loss resulting from the rise in the rate.
When interest rates fall, the price of an interest rate future increases. The risk of fall in
interest rates is covered by buying futures contracts. The enterprise that wants to cover
itself against fall of interest rates buys contracts for an amount and a duration equivalent
to the position that it wants to cover. If a fall does take place, the gain that the enterprise
would have by reselling at a higher price the contracts that it had bought earlier
compensates the loss resulting from the fall of the rate.

36. Risk from Rise in Interest Rates.

This is the risk to which one exposed:
1) The enterprises which have taken a loan on a renewable rate or on a roll over
2) The enterprises that have to borrow in future.

37. Advantages of Interest Rate Futures

Interest rate futures are an efficient means of reducing the risks of rates and also for
obtaining better results. Interest rate futures are used to:

Reduce the effect of rate variations on balance sheet items, for example, an
enterprise that has borrowed at a fixed rate and wants to benefit from a fall in
Reduce the impact of rate fluctuations on anticipated positions; this, in turn
ensures the business unit a more certain borrowing rate or a rate of return on its
fixed income securities.
Arbitrage between the future market and spot market.

In brief, future market provides a great deal of latitude and security to operators an
important feature of this market.


Limitations of Interest Rate Futures

Basis risk is incurred when the maturity date of borrowing or lending does not
coincide with maturity date of a futures contract,
Risk of correlation is incurred when the rate covered is not perfectly correlated
with the rate of a futures contract;
Risk of indivisibility is incurred when the number of contracts bought or sold
does not perfectly correspond to the amount to be covered.

38. Covering interest rate risk in options market

Options on interest rate may be used:

For covering against interest rate variations; in effect, purchase of a option

enables the buyer to ensure that he would not have to pay more than a certain rate
of interest on his borrowing, or would not receive less than a certain minimum
rate on his lending;
For speculations;
For arbitrage operations.

39. Mechanism of Interest Rate Options

Purchase of a call option gives a right to the holder to buy a financial asset at a fixed
price and purchase of a put option gives him a right to sell a financial asset at a fixed
price, called exercise price, on payment of a premium to the seller of the option. Interest
rate options have certain characteristics:

Contracts are standardized from the viewpoints of amounts, maturity, and period
(March, June, September, December) :
Exercise prices are given at intervals of 0.25 dollar for Euro-dollar contracts, for
example, 92.25,92.50, 92.75 etc;
Contracts are easily negotiable;
The clearing house ensures the regularity of operations.

40. Purchase of a Put Option

A put option is also called a borrowing option. In order to cover against a rise in the
interest rate, an operator (for example, an enterprise that has to borrow shortly by issuing
bonds or a portfolio manager who has to shortly liquidate his bonds) purchases put

41. Purchase of a Call Option

A call option is used when one fears a fall in interest rates.


42. Instruments on over-the-counter (OTC) market

Several new instruments for covering interest rate risk have developed over the years on
OTC market. These instruments enable the operators to cover fixed as well as variable

43. Fixed-Rate Instruments on OTC

Forward-Forward Operation

This is an operation that enables an operator to fix immediately interest rates of a debt or
a loan which will be contracted at a later date. For example, an enterprise wants to
ascertain today the interest rate on debt which it will borrow after 3 months for 6 months.
This can be done by:

Borrowing for 9-months today;

Lending for 3-months today.

These two sets of transactions will enable the operator to know in advance the effective
rate of interest on 6-months borrowing, 3-months hence from today, as desired.

44. Forward Rate Agreement (FRA)

It is a kind of tailor-made futures contract. Unlike normal futures contracts which are
standardized, a forward rate agreement is for a predecided maturity date, for a predecided
amount, and at a predecided rate, as may be agreed between the borrower and lender.
The FRA may, prima facie, sound more attractive than futures. However, banks usually
charge a higher rate if an enterprise wants to borrow odd amounts for odd periods. And,
if the manager of the enterprise changes his mind and wants to sell his forward contract,
he must negotiate afresh with the bank.

45. Interest Rate Options on the OTC Market

Options traded on the OTC market are generally similar to those traded on the organized
market. However, there are certain redeeming features of the OTC market vis-avis the
organized market.
There is no financial asset in the case of an OTC option contract;
there is only an interest rate.

They are not standardized: the amount and maturity are negotiated;
Exercise price is the one defined in the contract;
Premium is expressed in terms of percentage of the amount under option.


Borrowing rate options. These options enable an enterprise to ensure a borrowing rate,
while letting it have all the freedom to benefit from a favorable evolution of rates.
Lending rate options. A lending rate options enables an enterprise to place its cash at a
certain minimum rate, while leaving it all freedom to benefit from a favorable movement
of rates.

46. Variable Rate Instruments on OTC

Since interest rates fluctuate very widely and are thus very volatile, enterprises very often
borrow or place money at variable rates. Therefore, banks also have put in place the
instruments to cover variable rates.

47. Caps and Floors

These instruments are like interest rate options whose exercise takes place several times
during the contract if the buyer of the instruments finds doing so to his advantage.
Cap. Purchase of a cap enables a borrower to fix in advance a maximal borrowing rate
for a specified amount and for a specified duration, while allowing him to avail benefit of
a fall in rates. Naturally, the buyer of a cap pays a premium to the seller.
The enterprise and the bank decide on a reference rate, a cap, a notional amount of
operation, premium to be (expressed in terms of percentage) paid in advance, and the
periodicity of eventual payments.
At every renewal, a comparison is made between the reference rate and the cap. If the
reference rate is higher than the cap, the bank pays to the enterprise the difference of
interest calculated on the notional amount. If the reference rate is lower than the cap, no
payment is made.
Floor. Purchase of a floor enables a lender to fix in advance a minimal rate for placing a
specified amount for a specified duration, while allowing him to avail benefit of a rise in
rates. The buyer of the floor pays a premium to its seller.
A floor is some sort of a series of lending options, having the same characteristics.
Importance of caps and floors. They offer a guarantee of a maximal rate (for caps) and
a minimal rate (for floors), while permitting to benefit from favorable rate movements.
The market of caps and floors is liquid for durations as long as 10 years fro convertible
currencies. A more frequent period is 5 years.


48. Collars.
Collars are a combination of caps and floors. The purchase of a collar enables its buyer
to ensure a maximal borrowing rate (cap), while permitting him to benefit from any fall
in rates up to the floor.
Since purchase of a cap and a sale of a floor occur simultaneously, the amount of
premium to be paid is reduced. The rate guaranteed is within a certain range.

49. Swaps
An interest rate swap is a contract for exchange of rates between two companies on a
notional capital. These can be affected either directly between two organizations or
through a bank.
Swap through a bank. A bank comes between the two companies as a mediator since it
may not be easy for the companies to find counter-party. This role is played by the bank
which, of course, makes a gain in the bargain for the services rendered.

50. Political risk

Political risk can be broadly classified into the following three categories:

Country risk;
Sector risk;
Project risk.

51. Country Risk

This risk emanates from political, social and economic instability of a country and
manifests in the form of more or less strong hostility towards foreign investments. For
example nationalization multinational enterprises. Control in certain sectors etc.

52. Sector Risk.

Certain sectors are prone to greater political risk than others in some countries, through
general climate to foreign investment is not unfavorable. Included in this category is
petroleum, mining, banking and so on.

53. Project Risk

Sometimes, only a project is subject to risk


Measures Taken for Salvaging Adverse BOP in the form of Restrictions on outgoing
capital, Restrictions on imports and Measures Aiming at a Certain Degree of Control on
Foreign Investments will act as constrains on international business.

54. Political Risk Management

Risk management by a multinational enterprise is required at three stages:

Before an investment is made in a foreign country;

During the life of the investment, once made;
While negotiating for indemnity (compensation) in case there has been an attack
on the investment through nationalization, etc.,

55. Management of Political Risk before the Investment

In view of significant bearing of political risk on the success of international project(s), it
is imperative that the investor assesses the nature and extent of political risk.
While studying investment risk in foreign countries, it has been observed that the
following approaches are adopted:
Dichotomy decisions. To invest or not to invest aboard (go-no-go approach). Some
countries are considered rightly or wrongly to be risky a priori, and a firm would not
invest there.
Assigning a risk premium. Since risk is difficult to quantify, it is necessary to be taken
into account.
Therefore, there is a practice relatively widespread in multinational
enterprises to assign risk premium to foreign investments.
Sensitivity analysis. This analysis brings to fore the major factors influencing cash
flows (inflows as well as outflows) of the project.
In order to avoid litigation, to the maximum extent possible, as well as to safeguard their
interest, investing companies try to incorporate a number of points in contracts (as far as
possible favourable to them) regarding conditions concerning access to local capital
market, taxation applicable to the company, right to import raw material and semifinished products, and right to export to other foreign countries, right of capital transfer,
interest, dividends, rents, conditions of local participation, insurance and guarantees.
Besides, multinational enterprise should try to ascertain if there are any bilateral
agreements or conventions for protecting investments between the country of the parent
company and the host country. These conventions carry very useful clauses for the
investor, for instance, commitment of the state to pay compensation in the case of
nationalization, guarantee of transfer, recourse to an impartial arbitrator in the case of


dispute. However, it may be noted that these bilateral conventions only diminish political
risk but do not eliminate it completely.

56. Management of Political Risk during Life of the Investment

If the enterprise anticipates an aggravation of the risk, it should try to adapt to this risk
and integrate it into its decision process. It may adopt the following approaches for the

Not to localize the whole of production process in the same country;

To integrate local products;
To have recourse to debt;
Plough back the funds generated by the subsidiary rather than bringing new
capital from the parent company;
To increase the number of local employees;
To have other local alternative sources of supplies;
To establish a joint venture with a local enterprise.

These measures may reduce the flexibility of the company; this may be considered, in a
way, the cost to be paid to meet political risk.
Alternatively, a company may have recourse to external guarantees to protect itself.
There exist in many countries public and private insurances to cover these risks.

57. Management of Political Risk after Nationalization

Nationalization of a foreign subsidiary causes the following problems:

Determination of the amount of compensation;

Modalities of payment of indemnities;
Proceedings before courts or International Centre for Settlement of Investment
Disputes (ICID), the institution created in 1966, which is a part of the World

58. Foreign investment: theories

Investments in a foreign country are motivated by a number of considerations
economic, financial, behavioral, strategic, and so on.
The process of foreign investment is slower, more costly and more complicated than that
of domestic investment as it entails additional risks in terms of political risk and
exchange risk.
The theory of Comparative Advantages theory provides raison detre better in respect of
international trade than foreign direct investments. The theory stipulates that each


exporting country should specialize in the production of only those products in which it has a
comparative cost advantage. This theory was based on the hypothesis of immobility of
factors of production as opposed to the mobility of products.
According to the theories based on market structure, firms which invest abroad must have
a comparative advantage in terms of one or more of the following factors:

Cost of capital
Economics of scale
Infrastructure for research and development
Funds for advertisement, etc.

These advantages should be sufficiently significant to offset the costs of setting up a

company in a foreign country.
The Theory of Product Cycle shows that the choosing by the firm between exporting,
producing abroad and license agreement depends on the stage of the product cycle. The
product cycle has three phases:
1) The product develops in the country of origin where the firm has a comparative
technological advantage. The firm may have a complete monopoly in its exports
without facing any competition from others.
The product is not yet
technologically standardized.
2) The technology of production settles down and the product attains maturity. At
this point, foreign competitors may appear on the scene. In order to maintain its
advantage, the firm may shift its location of production to countries where it can
obtain lower costs of production.

3) The firm may start producing either in the country where it was previously
exporting or in a less developed country to take advantage of lower labor costs
with a view to exporting from there to the rest of the world.

59. Hymers Theory of Imperfect Markets.

S.Hymer, a Canadian economist developed this theory in 1960. First, he presented a
critique of neo-classical theory; according to the theory capital moves from countries
where it is abundant or where interest rates are low to countries where it is scarce or
where interest rates are high. In fact, the neo-classical theory could, to a great extent,
explain the American foreign investments in postwar years. However, it fails to explain
crossed investments in continents/countries like USA-Europe, Europe-Japan, Japan-USA.
Besides, multinational companies often borrow in financial markets of host countries to
finance their investment in that country and sometimes even to finance a part of their


domestic operations. The fund raising activities on the part of multinational enterprises
just go contrary to the basic philosophy of neo-classical theory.
Hymer bases his theory on the structure of oligopolies in that oligopolistic enterprises are
in a position to fix a high price as they deal with a large mass of unorganized buyers.
In order to set up its operations abroad, a multinational should have a comparative
technological or organizational advantage over its competitors in the host country. These
advantages will translate in terms of lower costs and more efficient use of its resources.
Hymer distinguishes between the economies of scale obtained at the level of the firm and
the economies of scale obtained at the level of the sector. The first are a result of the
organization of the firm while the latter result from the division of labor.
The economies of scale at the level of a firm can be seen in production, marketing,
finance, research and development, human resources, etc.

60. Managerial Approach

Several authors place a special emphasis on the role played by managers of big groups.
They think that the growth of the firm emanates from exploitation of new products to
winning new external markets.
The decision to invest abroad is a response to an opportunity that comes either from an
internal stimulus or from an external stimulus. The internal stimulus is the decision of
the management to set up a subsidiary abroad. The external stimulus may be the fear of
losing a market on account of foreign competition.
Regarding direct foreign investments Prof. J.Dunning listed these factors in three major
categories known as: OLI paradigm (Ownership, Location and Internal advantage
paradigm) more popularly referred to as eclectic theory. According to him, direct
investment is chosen when an enterprise has three kinds of advantages, i.e., Ownership
advantage, Locational advantage, and Internalization advantage.
In order that a company is a potential exporter, following conditions are to be fulfilled.

The price of the product should be lower than that of other foreign competitors;
The quality of the product should be better and adapted to the needs of foreign
An export service should be organized.

After an analysis and selection of markets, the enterprise determines its export policy and
arranges necessary means for putting that policy in application. There are several options
available for exporters in this regard.

Direct sales to industrial buyers, to distributing agents, or to wholesalers;


Sales through legal agents on payment of commission;

Recourse to international trading companies. These are very well developed in
some countries.
Multinational firms may also consider exploring the possibility of seeking
assistance of well established companies on foreign markets for sales network.

Through a license agreement, a firm confers right to a foreign company to manufacture

its products. This right may be exclusive or non-exclusive. It may relate to patents,
brands or models, a technological process, copyrights, etc. In exchange for this right, the
firm receives a financial compensation.
A license agreement provides to a firm the possibility of obtaining incremental revenue
by allowing its products to be manufactured abroad. This is particularly true when the
firm on its own cannot produce abroad due to lack of necessary capital.
A License agreement is particularly very useful in a case where a firm is not in a position
to invest directly in a country in view of trade or other restrictions.

61. Franchise agreements

A franchise contract means that a company owning rights on brands, etc. places at the
disposal of another company:

Technical or commercial know-how;

A line of products or services to be sold according to the same marketing
techniques, as already experimented by the franchisor.

The franchise agreements, first developed on national levels, have subsequently

developed beyond the national frontiers.
A franchise agreement requires contribution on the part of two contracting parties, the
franchisor and franchisee. The franchisee brings in his means, namely capital, sale
points, etc. He ensures the management. He commits himself to respect the marketing
norms and management norms of the franchisor. He pays an entry fee and a periodic
rent, calculated on the basis of turnover.

62. International management contracts

By a management contract, a firm helps another firm to accomplish general or specialized
management tasks during a certain period in consideration of payment. These contracts
are often demanded by the government of a country that has expropriated an enterprise
but wants to maintain technical service.
Such contracts may facilitate the company furnishing technical assistance an access to
some raw materials.


63. Turnkey projects

A turnkey project contract stipulates setting up or construction of a factory which will be
transferred to its owner as soon as it starts functioning effectively.
Payment for these operations is spread over a period of time, and is linked to the progress
of the work.

64. Specific contracts

Some companies, in view of their technical competence, are invited to operate in foreign
countries. The domains can be as varied as hydrocarbon exploration, public works,
construction of roads etc.,
Contracts for technological cooperation and mutual benefit may be signed for a specified
period between two or several companies for exchange of information on their respective
research activities.

65. Joint Ventures

A joint venture is a collaboration of two or more enterprises (legal or physical entitles) to
achieve a common goal (say profit sharing in business or services). In international
context, one of the parties is generally from the host country. The parties agree to
contribute to the capital and share profits as per pre-decided ratios.

66. Mergers and Acquisitions

The growth process in international business can be facilitated by acquisitions of existing
businesses and/or merging with them.
Mergers and acquisitions are often carried through a public tender for purchase or for
exchange. This is a financial technique that allows restructuring of enterprises either in a
friendly manner or in a hostile manner. The price is settled either in cash (purchase) or in
form of shares (exchange). When a public tender for purchase or exchange is offered
without the accord of the company management, it is called a hostile offer.
Strategies of Defense against Takeover Bids are
Regulatory, financial and legal.


67. Activities of venture capital

Venture capital represents a mode of financing, particularly adapted to development of
enterprises in sectors of high technology. Venture capital is a particular form of
financing that combines:

Making available necessary equity capital; and

Assisting in management.

Equity capital may be brought in the form of participation in the capital or subscription to
convertible bonds. The funds may equally be brought in as loans, bonds or bonds-withwarrants.
Creation of a company with venture capital may constitute, for big groups, a means of
access to advanced technologies. Normally, participation in venture capital is not meant
to last long. As soon as the enterprise is able to develop using its own means, it is resold.
As the growth of the enterprise so financed blocks all disposable funds for the period of
participation, the investors receive neither interest nor dividend. Returns on placement
depend on the capital gain at the time of the sale.

68. Foreign capital budgeting decisions

Capital budgeting decisions relating to project investment abroad require data pertaining
to their incremental investment outlays, operating costs and benefits which can be
conveniently, wholly and exclusively identified with proposed investment. It is very
significant to draw a distinction between total and incremental cash flows. In other
words, the data which do not affect the present decision either in terms of investment
outlays, revenue costs or benefits are irrelevant. For instance, the cost of land which is
lying vacant in factory premises of a subsidiary and is not being let out as a policy
decision, would not constitute a relevant capital/investment cost for setting up a new
plant to produce a new product. Likewise, the existing overheads (either of parent or of
subsidiary multinational corporation, MNC), if allocated, are to be excluded.
In effect, the cost to be relevant must be incremental in nature and so must be the benefits
and revenues accruing from the proposed decision. If the new product, in some way,
adversely affects the existing levels of sales of other product(s) of the firm, the profit
contribution foregone from such lost sales also constitutes relevant data. For instance, if
a MNC builds up a new plant overseas in a country, to which it was hitherto exporting,
total sales/income of the subsidiary are not relevant; only incremental sales/income are
relevant as there is substitution of foreign production for parent company exports.
Therefore, budgeted profits from the new project must be scaled down by the earnings on
the lost sales.
In the event of increase in sales of other products of the parent company as a result of
setting up a new plant abroad (acquired strong local market position in several product
lines), profit earned on increased sales should be taken into account in estimating


projects profitability. The reason is obvious but for the investment abroad, additional
sales would not have been possible. Synergy effect accordingly, should be reckoned.
Besides, care should be taken to include the true economic cost (i.e. opportunity cost) of
any resource required for the project, irrespective of the fact whether the firm owns the
resource or is to buy it from outside. For instance, rent foregone due to the use of
factory/office space (now to be used in the proposed investment project) is the relevant
It is often customary to charge investment projects with various items such as legal
counsel, technical know-how, management costs, research and development, training of
personnel, and so on. While these are costs from the point of view of project, they are
benefits (received in the form of fees and royalties) to the parent. Prima facie, they net
out each other and therefore, warrant exclusion. However, if such costs/overheads (or
some of them) are additional on account of the project, they form part of relevant cost
data. Clearly, the list of costs and benefits which should be and which should not be
taken into account cannot be exhaustive; it may vary from one MNC to another in the
industry and may vary within the same MNC over a period of time. In carrying out an
incremental analysis exercise, the guideline is: but for the investment proposal under
consideration, these costs and benefits would not have taken place.
Both costs and benefits should be measured on a cash flow basis and not on the basis of
accounting profits. That cash flow approach is more useful and scientific as a decision
criterion than accounting profit approach, is well recognized in the literature of financial
management. The other reason under-lying superiority of cash flow approach are: (i) it
avoids the ambiguities of the accounting profit concept, (ii) it takes cognizance of the
time value of money. Above all, since investment analysis is concerned with finding out
whether future economic inflows are sufficiently large to warrant the initial investment,
only the cash flow method is appropriate for investment decision analysis.
In sum, it can be said that expected/projected incremental cash flows after taxes arising
out of the investment decision (of setting up a subsidiary abroad,
expansion/diversification of existing subsidiary) constitute the relevant data for its
While it is true that the principle of incremental analysis is very simple in terms of
conceptual framework, its practical appreciation is not without problems. For instance, it
is very difficult to estimate the magnitude of lost sales/accretion of sales on account of
the proposed project. However, it does not undermine the utility of incremental
exercise; it only cautions the executives responsible for such decisions.

69. Evaluation of a project

Like domestic capital budgeting decisions, the objective of foreign capital budgeting
decisions by MNCs is maximization of the wealth of its shareholders. The technique of
net present value (NPV) is considered most appropriate in this regard as it is consistent
with the objective of financial decision to maximize the shareholders wealth.


Like domestic capital budgeting decisions, foreign investment decisions require to be

evaluated on the basis of their cash flow requirements (in order to carry out them) and
their cash flow (CFAT) generating capacity in the future years.
Assuming that the subsidiary is an independent company and calculations are to be
performed in the local currency where the subsidiary is located, determination of cash
outflows as well as cash inflows related to the project is a simple exercise. In fact, it is
similar to domestic investment decisions.
When foreign investment decisions are to be evaluated from the perspective of parent (in
the currency of parent MNC), the analysis should be based on the cash flows expected to
be remitted to the parent and not on the basis of CFAT generated by the project. In
practice, more often than not, there exists a difference between the two sets of cash flows.
This difference arises primarily due to tax regulations, exchange controls, inflation and
currency fluctuations. Besides, it is often customary to charge fees for technology
transfer, management/supervisory fees and royalties from the subsidiary unit. Though
they are treated as project expenses by the subsidiary, they in fact constitute returns (cash
inflows) to the parent MNC.

70. Effect of Taxes

First, the local government of the country (where a subsidiary is located) taxes profits. In
most of the countries, there are specific provisions for taxing the profits earned by
subsidiaries of foreign companies. As per the tax laws of the country, a subsidiary pays
corporate taxes. If tax concessions are granted to encourage foreign investments, foreign
subsidiaries in such situations, may be subject to lower tax rates.
Second, apart from corporate taxes, it is not uncommon for local governments to impose
withholding taxes on that part of profits which is remitted in the form of dividends to the
parent. These withholding taxes can sometimes be avoided if the company repatriates
profits in the form of loan repayment and not in the form of dividend payments.
Third, some governments (to avoid double taxation) allow tax credits (partial or total) for
foreign income taxes and for withholding taxes paid. Again, in this respect, tax laws vary
from country to country. It is useful to note in this regard that many nations also operate
on the basis of special tax treaties which further adjust the amounts that may be paid or
withheld in those countries.
Finally, legislation (particularly in developing countries) often requires that a part of the
profits be retained (as a matter of policy to achieve certain goals, say, to help in making
more funds available for development).
When there are restrictions (not uncommon in developing countries) on the repatriation
of income, only remittable cash flows are relevant from the parents perspective.
Thus, restriction on the movement of funds of the subsidiarys profits may entail severe
adverse impact on the profitability/acceptability of foreign direct investment.


Exchange rate risk is yet another significant variable to be considered in assessing foreign
direct investment.
This risk is very much there while undertaking investments in
underdeveloped countries. As a result, repatriable cash flows (converted into the
currency of the parent) diminish on account of periodic devaluation of local currency.
Exchange rate changes are normally preceded by relatively higher or lower local rates of
inflation than in the home country.

71. Effects of inflation may vary from firm to firm.

Besides operating profits and cash flows, inflation is also likely to have an impact on
working capital requirements of corporate firms; these are likely to go up in view of
increased input costs (say material, labor, power and so on) on the one hand and increase
in required cash balances, and investments in debtors on the other.
Multinational firms will like to invest in countries with stable currencies, stable
governments, sound economic health, stable economic policies and the least political
risks (in terms of expropriation).

72. Cost of capital and financial structure

The unifying theme guiding management in financial decisions is maximization of
shareholders wealth in the long run.
The cost of capital has been used as the discount rate/minimum required rate of return to
determine the net present value of the proposed international investment.
Sound capital structure apart, the determination of correct weighted average cost of
capital is also important to evaluate capital budgeting decisions. In fact, it constitutes an
integral part of investment decisions. In operational terms, it is the minimum required
rate of return expected to be earned by the proposed investment.
Therefore, the correct determination/estimation of the cost of capital is of vital
significance to a corporate firm and so of optimal capital/financial structure (as it yields
the lowest cost of capital).

73. General principles

First, it is assumed that it is possible to forecast cash flows (associated with financing
decisions) with a sufficient degree of precision and accuracy in order to be useful in
Second, apart from forecasting the likely exchange rate (spot as well as future), a time
interval for forecasting cash flows needs to be chosen.


Third, a convenient unit of account should be chosen. This may be the unit of currency
in which returns from the project are measured. Both the returns and cost of funds should
be expressed in the same currency.
Fourth, the MNC should take into account the likelihood of changes in constraints, such
as borrowing restrictions, tariff and exchange controls, limitations on cash transfers and
other remittances, taxes and so on. Given the objective of the management to borrow at
the lowest possible effective rate, the finance managers of international firms should
explore the possibilities of raising funds in various financial markets/currencies.
Fifth, in the event of the firm needing more funds than available through retained
earnings, it is to raise funds from external sources (say, debt, preference shares and
equity). The cost of each of these three sources varies. In general, debt is regarded the
cheapest source of finance as interest on debt is tax deductible.
As the debt ratio rises, debt holders rightly perceive higher debt/equity (D/E) ratio as
more risky for their lendings.
For the same reason the credit rating firms may reduce its credit rating. From the equity
shareholders perspective as well, financial risk will also increase their required rate of
return. Therefore, it is apparent that debt should be used only within safe limits.
Sixth, the entire advantage of a cheap source of finance, say debt (assuming to have been
used within safe limits), should not go to one project only which happens to be financed
from that source. Likewise, one single project only which not be burdened with the
costly source of finance, say equity. Issuing equity now implies potential of raising
debt in future years; issue of debt today implies the virtual necessity to go for equity in
future years. Therefore, it is only appropriate and logical, that the firm should use
weighted average cost of these sources as a discount rate for investment decisions.
The cost of capital of multinational enterprises (like domestic corporate firms) is ideally
based on weighted average cost of long-term sources of finance.
Its overall
determination, therefore, requires separate computations of each major long-term source
of finance, namely, long-term debt, preference shares, equity and retained earnings.
Determination of cost of various sources of finance is simplified, to a marked extent, by
adopting the Porterfield approach of explicit and implicit costs. According to Porterfield,
The explicit cost of any source of capital is the discount rate that equates the present
value of the cash inflows that are incremental to the taking of the financing opportunity
with the present value of its incremental cash outflows.
In the context of international finance, cash flows should be duly adjusted for taxes,
foreign exchange risk, timing of repatriation and so on.


74. Local Debt

The computation of cost of debt is relatively easy particularly when borrowings by
subsidiaries are from local banks, local financial institutions or from financial markets in
the host country. Both the types of cash inflows and of outflows are amenable to
accurate forecast and, therefore, the cost of local debt can be determined with a fair
degree of precision.

75. Foreign Debt

More often than not, subsidiaries borrow from banks, financial institutions or financial
markets in the country of the parent company or tap international financial markets. For
the purpose of determining the effective cost of foreign debt in such a situation, the
expected rate of variation in the value of foreign currency (in which borrowings are
made) with reference to the currency of reference (known as base currency) should be
taken into account.

76. Cost of preference shares

Computation of the cost of preference shares is similar to that of debt. Like debt holders
who are entitled to a fixed rate of interest, preference shareholders are also paid a prespecified rate of dividend (unless preference shares are participating; in general, most of
these shares are non-participating). However, unlike interest payments on borrowings,
dividends paid on preference shares are not tax-deductible. The reason is that dividend
payment is appropriation out of earnings. In contrast, interest payment is a charge against
profit. Since dividends are paid out of earnings (which obviously are after taxes), no
adjustment is required for taxes while computing the cost of preference shares.
The cost of preference shares is based on the ratio of preferred dividend and the net
proceeds received from the issue of preference shares.

77. Cost of equity capital

At the outset, it may be mentioned that the cost of equity capital is the most difficult cost
to be computed. It is so because unlike debt and preference shares, equity shares do not
have contractual obligations to be paid at pre-determined rate of interest/dividend.
Besides, even if there are sufficient earnings warranting the payment of dividends, its
payment is at the discretion of the management (rendering forecast of future dividends
difficult). Above all, equity holders are residual claimants (after payment of debt and
preference) in the assets of the firm in the event of its liquidation (again the likely amount
to be received is more difficult to be forecast). Clearly, equity capital from the
perspective of investors is the most risky. In financial terms, the equity holders have a
higher degree of financial risk than debt holders and preference shareholders. For these
reasons, the required rate of return of equity-holders is higher than that of debt holders
and preference shareholders. Therefore, higher costs are associated with equity funds.


Conceptually, the cost of equity capital for a firm is the minimum rate of return necessary
to induce investors to buy or hold the firms stock. This required return is sum of the
basic yield covering the time value of money plus a premium for risk. In the operational
terms, it is the required rate of return of equity investors. There are two models,
commonly employed to measure the cost of equity investors. There are two models,
commonly employed to measure the cost of equity capital: (i) Model of Gordon-Shapiro
(more popularly known as dividend valuation model), and (ii) Capital asset pricing model

78. Dividend Valuation Model

This model is similar to Porterfields approach. It is based on a hypothesis that the
market price of a share at any point of time is the sum of the present values of future
If it is expected that past growth of dividend is likely to continue in future years as well.
The rate of dividend can be determined on the basis of dividends paid in preceding years.
However, if the expected rate of growth is likely to be different, the expected future rate
of growth of dividends needs to be estimates.

79. Capital Asset Pricing Model (CAPM) Approach

This model emphasizes the aspect of systematic (non-diversifiable) risk. According to
CAPM approach, the cost of equity capital is a function of riskless rate of return
(generally rate of return on treasury bonds), market rate of return consisting of expected
return on the market portfolio comprising all risky assets) and the beta () parameter i.e.,
measure of non-diversifiable risk.
The CAPM approach clearly brings to the fore that cost of equity share capital is a
function of (i) risk free rate of return, (ii) market risk premium expected rate of return on
the market portfolio consisting of the risky assets minus Rate of return on risk free asset
and (iii) the systematic risk of the particular security. The principle underlying the
CAPM approach is in conformity with the basic finance theory related to risk and return,
i.e. the higher is the risk, the higher is the required rate of return of vice-versa.

80. Access to foreign financial markets

It is not uncommon for many multinational corporate enterprises to have their securities
quoted on several stock exchanges in foreign countries. The quoting on several markets
permits multinational groups to attract a larger number of investors and this in turn results
into a greater demand for their shares, leading to the lower cost of equity capital.


81. Investment in foreign securities

Shareholders may be attracted to invest in foreign securities especially in shares of
multinational companies and may be ready to pay a higher price for the same expected
inflow of dividends, for various reasons.

82. Market Segmentation

A capital market is segmented if the required rate of return on the securities of that
market is different from the required rate of return on the securities having comparable
risk and return characteristics, being negotiated on other markets, account being taken of
political and exchange risks.
In operational terms, market segmentation is some kind of a market imperfection.
In a segmented market, the price of securities is quoted as a function of domestic criteria
rather than international criteria. An enterprise that has access only to a segmented
capital market is likely to have a higher cost of capital than the one having an access to
several markets. On the contrary, a multinational group may raise funds in different
markets and especially on international capital market or on foreign markets.

83. Marginal Cost and Return vs. Investment Budget.

It is apparent that access to international capital market permits to obtain a lower cost of
capital and corresponds to a higher investment budget. Given these facts, the growth of
the multinational group is likely to be stronger than that of domestic enterprise,
everything else being the same.


84. Cost of retained earnings

Retained earnings have implicit costs. In operational terms, there is an opportunity cost
of retentions. This in turn, is equivalent to the plausible income which could have been
earned by equity shareholders themselves, if profits had been distributed among them
instead of being retained by corporate firms.
Viewed from another perspective (strictly speaking) these are the funds belonging to the
equity holders; they in a way, represent unissued equity on share capital. Therefore, their
costs can be regarded as equivalent to the cost of existing equity capital. However, in
effect, the cost of retained earnings taxes (say withholding taxes) and involves transfer

85. Weighted average cost of capital

Computation of weighted average cost of capital/overall cost of capital (k0 ) is now an
easy exercise. It is the weighted arithmetic mean of the costs of individual long-term
sources of finance. Its computation is
K0 = k e+ We + k p+ Wp + k d + Wd + k r+ Wr
Where We = weight of equity (i.e. the relative share of equity share capital to the total
Long-term funds of the corporate enterprise)
Likewise, Wp refers to the weight of preference share capital, Wd represents weight of
debt and Wr indicates weight of retained earnings.
These weights may be based on book value or market value. Theoretically, market value
weights are considered superior as the costs of specific sources of finance are computed
using the prevailing market price. However, in practice, there are practical difficulties in
computing market value (say of retained earnings). Besides, market values are likely to
fluctuate widely. No such problem is faced with book value weights.
The basic principle of finance theory to determine the cost of capital of investment
projects undertaken at the level of foreign subsidiaries is to be applied, i.e., to take into
account the origin of the funds that finance the subsidiary and the risk involved in the
investment project.
If the investment in the subsidiary has the same level of risk as that of the group as a
whole and the total finances are provided by the parent company, the cost of capital to be
applied by subsidiaries is the same as that of the parent.
If the investment is partly financed by the parent company and partly by local
borrowings, the weighted average cost of funds of each of the two sources would
constitute the appropriate cost of capital. It may be worth mentioning capital and


accordingly the appropriate cost of equity should betake into account. If the subsidiary is
held 100 per cent by the group, the cost of equity capital of the subsidiary is equal to that
of the parent group.
Alternatively, the cost of the capital of the parent group may be adapted, commensurate
with the level of risk incurred by the subsidiary. The cost increases with increase in the
risk level and decreases with decrease in the risk level. Likewise, if the subsidiary is
located in a risky country, a higher WACC can be applies.
K0 = 129.6 million 100 = 0.12.96 per cent
1000 million
mode of financing the assets of the parent group, worldwide. The group will like to attain
optimal capital structure at which the overall cost of capital is minimum or value of the
firm is maximum.
This nature of WACC enables the multinational groups to have a certain margin of
maneuverability to attain the optimal/sound financial structure. For the purpose, they
may follow either of the two approaches: (i) adapt the financial structure of foreign
subsidiaries to the financial, economic and monetary environment of the country in which
they are located, or (ii) attempt to modify capital structures of its various subsidiaries in a
manner so that at the level of the consolidated balance sheet of the group, it tends towards
the desired structure.

86. Different ways of settling foreign operations

Foreign operations entail the adoption of a currency of invoicing, require specific
methods of settlement and benefit from certain specific types of financing.

87. Currency of invoicing

The choice may be between:

National currency of the exporter;

National currency of the importer;
A third currency.

In several countries, exporters have a preference for their national currency as the
currency of invoicing as it avoids the exchange rate risk.
Since exporters often have greater power than importers as far as the choice of currency
is concerned, it is the importing firms that suffer more from exchange rate risk.


Whenever a third currency is chosen, it is generally the American dollar (for example for
petroleum imports) that is preferred.
The mode of settlement is often chosen by the exporter. In international trade, bank
transfer as well as credit instruments serve as means of settlement. Included in this
category are drafts, letter of credit. Cheques, International bank transfer, etc. The choice
amongst these different means depends on their rapidity of conversion, cost and exchange
regulations of a given country.

88. Documentary Credit (Letter of Credit)

Documentary credits perform a vital role in international trade. This represents a written
guarantee by a bank on behalf of an importer to pay a certain sum to the bank of the
exporter against certain document(s) (bill of lading, insurance, etc.) stipulated at the time
of opening of the credit and a proof that the goods have been dispatched.
The advantage of documentary credit to an exporter is that a trade credit is substituted by
a bank credit and payment is thus secured.
The advantage to an importer is that he may derive benefit accruing from favorable
conditions of payment since the documentary credit confirms solvability. He is to pay
only when documents correspond exactly to the conditions of documentary credit.

89. Different Types of Documentary Credit

a) Documentary credits may be revocable or irrevocable. In practice, documentary
credits used are irrevocable, because they correspond to a guarantee that can not
be annulled or modified without the consent of all parties concerned. On the
contrary, revocable credits may be modified or annulled at any moment without
accord of the beneficiary (or the exporter). It is for this reason that they are used
less often.
b) Documentary credits may either be confirmed or non-confirmed. A confirmed
documentary credit constitutes an additional guarantee for the exporter. The
exporter asks another bank to confirm the credit. The confirming bank, then takes
over all the engagements of the initiating bank. A non-confirmed documentary
credit is the obligation only of the issuing bank. Generally, an exporter would
desire a foreign banks documentary credit confirmed by a domestic bank when
the exporter has doubt about the foreign banks ability to pay.
That confirmed irrevocable documentary credit eliminates trade risk (relating to the
importer) and the risk of non-transferability (relating to the foreign bank).
There exist other types of documentary credits as well:


Revolving and non-revolving types of documentary credit. Most of the documentary

credits are non-revolving, meaning thereby that they are valid for one transaction only. A
revolving documentary credit is rarely issued.
Transferable credit. This type of credit permits the exporter to transfer a part or all of
the credit to a third-party.
Stand-by credit. It can be issued in favor of the importer in which case it constitutes a
deposit. If it is issued in favor of the exporter, it constitutes a guarantee of payment.

90. Advantages and Disadvantages of Documentary Credit

The Letter of Credit represents a guarantee for future payment. The exporter knows
exactly as to when he would be recovering the amount due from the importer. The
security is quasi-total and there is no need for any extra credit insurance when an
irrevocable and confirmed Letter of Credit is used. However, the disadvantage is that the
procedure involves numerous administrative obligations and costs are high for small
transactions. At times, it is difficult to find a bank which will confirm a Letter of Credit.

91. Required Documents

These documents are usual ones that are required in international trade. The documents
prove that the goods have been dispatched and are in conformity with the order.
Documents concerning goods. The bill made by the seller should contain a precise
description of goods as well as an indication of unit price, quantity, total price and
financial conditions of sale. Other documents are notes of weight, list of parcels (details
of goods per parcel) and the marks indicated on each parcel.
Documents concerning insurance. The insurance, whether F.O.B. (free on board) or
C.I.F. (cost, insurance and freight), should be specified in a manner so as to clarify if the
exporter has insured the goods during their transport. The insurance policy should
contain all the terms of the contract, such as:

Names of the insurers;

Nature of goods;
The risks covered (all risks, fire, wreckage );
Sum insured;
Period of insurance.

Documents concerning the transport. They are generally bill of lading for sea
transport, a letter of transport if it is train or air or road transport.
Other documents. Other documents may be:


A certificate of origin, certifying that goods have been produced in a specific

A certificate of quality, indicating that the goods are in conformity with
specifications, etc.,

92. Different Steps of a Confirmed Documentary Credit

The different steps involved in opening a documentary credit can be enumerated as
First step. The importer of the country (I) orders goods from an exporter of the country
Second Step. The exporter accepts the order but wants a documentary credit. That is,
he wants to obtain a bank guarantee for dispatching the goods. The exporter gives all the
appropriate indications.
Third step. The importer then asks his bank I (called initiating or issuing bank) to open
a credit to the benefit of the exporter in a bank of the country E. The bank of country E
will receive an advice from the bank of country I towards this effect. The bank of the
exporter in country E notifies the exporter about the arrival of the letter of credit.
Fourth step. The exporter dispatches goods with a bill of lading if the mode of transport
is sea or a transport letter if the mode of transport is by other means. The bill of lading or
transport letter is made in the name of the exporter who remains the owner of goods until
Fifth step. If the documentary credit is for immediate payment, the beneficiary will
receive the amount on presentation of documents. The notifying bank examines the
documents to verify their conformity with the terms of the opening of the credit. If the
documents are regular, the bank of the exporter pays the amount mentioned in the
documentary credit. If the documentary credit is a credit by acceptance, the exporter will
present the drafts at 30, 60 or 90 days, according to the credit terms, to his bank which
will accept them.
In practice, documentary credit constitutes a flexible mode of financing of imports, which
can be adapted to different conditions of sales. But it remains to be a relatively costly
means of settlement because of the engagement of banks and their relative complexity.

93. Draft or Letter of Exchange or bill of exchange

A draft is a note issued by an exporter (drawer) who orders an importer (drawee) or his
representative (bank) to pay a specified sum on a precise date. If the drawee is the buyer
(importer), the draft is called trade draft; if the drawee is the buyers bank, then the draft
is called bank draft.


The letter of exchange must contain the following indications in order to be negotiable:

It is written and signed by the drawer;

It carries an order to pay a certain sum;
It is payable immediately or on a definitive maturity date;
It is payable on order or to the bearer.

Different types of classifications of drafts are as follows:

Sight draft or term draft. A sight d raft is payable on presentation. A term draft is
payable at the end of a defined period, say, 30, 60 or 90 days. It is presented to the
drawee who should accept it. If it is the importer who accepts it, it means a trade
acceptance. If it is accepted by a bank, it is bank acceptance. In a term draft, a credit is
accorded by an exporter to the importer.
Simple draft or documentary draft. If it is a simple draft, no document is enclosed
with it. Simple drafts are rarely used in international trade; documentary drafts are
preferred instead. The use of a documentary draft assures the exporters that the importer
cannot take possession of goods without paying (documentary demand draft) or without
recognition of debt (documentary term draft).
Draft issued in national currency or in foreign currency. This classification is based
on the currency in which the draft is drawn. If drafts are drawn in foreign currency, they
will have to be brought on spot or at term.
Other Techniques of Settlement
At the outset, it may be noted that the techniques of payment vary from country to
country. The major techniques followed in this regard are enumerated below:

94. International Bank Transfer

This is an order given by a debtor (importer) to a bank to pay to creditor (exporter). The
sum payable may be in the national currency or in a foreign currency. This mode of
settlement is very much used in France.

In international trade, there exist two types of cheques:

The cheques of a company which is drawn on a bank account. It should be

certified by a bank so that the exporter can have the guarantee of being paid.
The cheques of a bank are the cheques drawn by a bank on another bank. It can
be made in the national currency or a foreign currency. The beneficiary of the
cheques of bank is assured of payment.


However, the use of cheques in international commerce is quite limited.

95. Telegraphic Transfers

This is a form of fast payment. The importer should pay to his bank a sum in the local
currency, equivalent to the amount in the foreign currency due to the exporter.

96. Postal Transfer

The corresponding banks receive the advice by post instead of receiving it by telegram.

97. Swift Network

Transfers can also be made through SWIFT (Society for Worldwide Interbank Financial
Telecommunication). The remittances are fast.

98. Compensation or Counter-Trade

Counter-trade is a way to manage foreign exchange risk by ensuring that imports
matched exports. It is a trade agreement, in which the sale of goods and services by a
producer is linked to an import purchase of other goods and services.

99. Different Types of Counter-Trades

There are three principal forms of counter operations, namely in commerce, in industry
and in finance.
Commercial counter-trade. Relevant to this category of counter-trade in goods are the
systems of barter and counter purchase. Barter is one of the basic types of counter trade
and it consists of a direct exchange of goods between two parties. Barter involves no
currency and is included without the help of intermediaries.
Industrial counter trading. It involves repurchase of production. Such counter-trade
agreements are normally of long duration. Two commonly known forms of industrial
counter-trade are Offset and Buyback.
The offset is a kind of industrial counter-trade in which the importer participates in the
production of goods that he will acquire later on. Offset involves co-production, transfer
of technology, etc. Between the exporter and importer.
On the other hand, a buyback transaction is an agreement in which an exporter of plants
and machinery accepts to take compensation in the form of future output from those
plants and machinery. A buyback contract essentially comprises two parallel money
transactions, and the seller is fully compensated by receipts of output from the plant and


machinery. Such an arrangement has attributes that make it, in effect, an alternative form
of direct investment.
Financial counter-operations can be of different types. One commonly known is
Switch-trading, also called triangular compensation, involves three
countries. For example, a Western exporter delivers merchandise to an importing
country. As payment, the importing country may transfer other goods to a third country,
which then reimburses the Western exporter for the goods received. To take a concrete
case, German exports destined for Poland may be financed by the sale of Polish products
to France.

Project Financing
1. Characteristics of Projects
Project financing may be defined as financing of an economic unit, legally independent,
created with a view to setting up a big project which is commercially profitable and
financially viable. Future cash flows should be sufficient to ensure, with an adequate
margin of security, coverage of operational costs and servicing of debt as well as owners
The promoter of a project may set it up all alone or in association with other partners.
The project company is responsible for debt-servicing and should use, on priority basis,
the cash flow for repaying the debt.
Big international projects are of varied types and cut across all sectors of activity, say
construction of dams, nuclear energy plants, railway network, water treatment plants or
leisure parks. They present, however, certain common characteristics:

Project is considered as a distinct legal entity and is financed, to a marked extent,

by debt. Therefore, the risk to be borne by lenders is substantial.
Several companies participate in development of the project.

2. Project Financing.
There are two major methods of financing international projects.

Financing with total risk borne by lenders where only the future cash flows ensure
the reimbursement of the loan. This method of financing was used in petroleum
and gas industry in the USA and Canada. Due to increased level of risks, this
method of project financing is generally not preferred.


In another type of financing, the risk is shared both by the lender and promoter.
The problem sometimes encountered in this method is to decide the proportion in
which risk will be shared between the two parties.

Apart from the above major types of financing, of late, a new mode of financing has
emerged, namely, Build-Operate-Transfer (BOT). As per this method, the investor
establishes the project on behalf of the promoter; on successful commissioning he also
operates it; it eventually gets transferred to the owner after a certain number of years.
This type of financing is becoming popular particularly in developing countries for
infrastructure projects.
Sponsors are the partners in the project who bring in equity capital or risk capital. Being
so, they are keenly interested in the successful completion of the project and shoulder
major responsibilities as regards its execution. The fact that they bring in equity capital is
an indication of their interest. Further, the amount of equity they contribute has a marked
bearing on the extent of debt that can be raised for the project.
Others who bring in equity capital are the initiators of the project. Included in this
category are multinational firms, future buyers of products or services of the project, the
erectors of the project, the public or private investors, international organizations,
development banks, etc.

3. Lenders
Financing of a big project necessitates intervention of a banking pool consortium
composed of banks, national or international financial institutions, export financing
institutions, etc.

4. Guarantors
Guarantees may be provided by banks, public financing organizations, international
financial institutions, private insurance companies, etc.

5. Builders
Generally, there may be several builders who may group themselves as a consortium.
Sometimes, there may be a single project managing agency that coordinates different
tasks and directs the completion of the project.

6. Project Operators
An operating company intervenes in the correction of the project.
organizational know-how to manage the project.


It brings its

7. Importance of international project financial

The advantage of these projects to industries lies essentially in limiting the risks incurred.
In effect, bankers are in a better position to bear such risks in view of diversification of
their lendings internationally.
Finally, project financing may be rearranged in such a manner that the company may
avail maximum plausible advantage related to depreciation, tax credits/facilities,
deduction of financial charges, etc.
Lenders tend to receive higher compensation, commensurate with higher risks. Their
participation in international financing has potentials to augment their income. Further,
they can supervise the project as its development progresses and may orient it in such a
way so that their interests are better looked after. By participating in these projects, the
bankers acquire expertise in dealing with certain types of projects. This, in turn, help in
promoting their business.

8. Financial Risk
In general, international projects are prone to greater financial risk as bulk of finance is in
the form of debt. The major factors affecting financial risk are degree of indebtedness,
the terms and conditions of repayment of debt, and currency used.

9. Political Risk
Political risk is another major consideration in international projects. It may emanate
from increase in the rents, increase of customs duty on the imports necessary to complete
the project, exchange control and non-convertibility of currency, limits on transfers, nonpayment of debts committed by a previous government, war, etc.

Financing resources of subsidiaries of multinationals

The major financing sources available to subsidiaries are as follows:
a) Internal resources of the subsidiary;
b) External local resources;
c) Internal resources of the group;
d) International resources.
Internal resources of a subsidiary consist of non-distributed profits and accumulated
depreciation. The quantum of internal financing depends on:
a) The rate of growth of the subsidiary;
b) The profitability of the subsidiary;


c) The taxation of the host country;

d) The dividend policy.
Local financing is generally meant to meet short-term liabilities of foreign subsidiaries.
The bank credit is obtained from the local banks of the country or from branch units of
the banks of the country of the parent company. The latter may accord loan more easily
if they have dealings with the parent company.
Foreign subsidiaries, if quoted on the local exchange market, may tap local financial
The parent group, normally, meets a lion share of the financial needs of the subsidiary at
the time of its creation. This is irrespective of the fact whether the parent group acquires
an existing company or creates a subsidiary ex-nihilo (from the scratch) by bringing
capital and equipment, patents, brands or licenses.
Instead of lending on its own, the parent company may guarantee a loan taken by the
foreign subsidiary. These guarantees facilitate financing of the subsidiary. They can
equally be furnished by other sister companies. These guarantees have a character of
direct investment.

International capital markets

1. Introduction
That international financing in the form of short, medium or long-term securities or
credits has become necessary for the international economy.
International Capital
Markets have come into existence to cater to these needs.
A distinctive feature of the financial strategy of multinational companies is the wide
range of external services of funds that they use on an ongoing basis.
Firms have three general sources of funds available: (i) internally generated cash, (ii)
short-term external funds, and (iii) long-term external funds. External investment comes
in the form of debt or equity which is generally negotiable (tradable) instruments.

2. Development of international capital markets

The main function of financial markets is to transfer current purchasing power (in the
form of money) from savers to borrowers in exchange for a promise of greater future
purchasing power and to allocate those funds among the potential users on the basis of
returns. The consequence of well functioning financial markets is that more and better
projects get financed. Now most of the major financial markets attract both investors and
fund raisers from abroad. Thus, these markets are also international financial markets
where foreigners can both borrow and lend money.


International financial markets can develop anywhere, provided that local regulations
permit the market and potential users are attracted to it.
International Capital Markets, also called Euro-markets, are the markets on which Eurocurrencies, Euro-bonds, Euro-equity and Euro-bills are exchanged.
financing in the form of short-, medium- or long-term securities or credits has become
necessary for the international economy. Financing techniques have diversifies, volumes
dealt have increased and the process is continuing to grow.
Euro-debt or Euro-credit is medium-term loans (with variable rate linked to Eurocurrency deposits and accorded by an international bank syndicate). The following
paragraphs give a brief description of different aspects of Euro-credit markets.
The major lending banks in Euro-credit market are Euro-banks, American, Japanese,
British, Swiss, French, German and Asian (specially that of Singapore) banks, Chemical
Bank, JP Morgan, Citicorp, Bankers Trust, Chase Manhattan Bank, First National Bank
of Chicago, Barclays Bank, National Westminster, Credit Lynonnais, BNP, etc. Among
the borrowers, there are banks, multinational groups, public utilities, government
agencies, local authorities, etc.
When a borrower approaches a bank for Euro-credit, a formal document is prepared on
behalf of potential borrowers. This document, inter-alia, contains the principal terms and
conditions of loan, objectives of loan and details about the borrower.
Before launching a syndication, the approached bank decides primarily, in consultation
with the borrower, on a strategy to be adopted, i.e., whether to approach a large market or
a restricted number of banks to form the syndicate.
Each of the banks in syndicate lends a part of the loan. The duration of this operation is
normally about 6 to 8 weeks. Several clauses as below may be introduced in the contract
of Euro-debt:

Pari-passu clause that prevents the borrower from contracting new debts that
subordinate the interest of lenders;
Exchange option clause that allows the withdrawal of a part or totality of loan in
another currency;
Negative guarantee clause that commits the borrower not to contract other debts
that subordinate the interest of lenders.

3. Characteristics of Euro-credits
A major part (more than 80 per cent) of the Euro-debts is made in US dollars. The
second (but far behind) is pound sterling followed by ECU, Deutschmark, Japanese yen,
Swiss franc and others.


Most of the syndicated debts are of the order of $ 50 million. As far as the upper limits
are concerned, amounts involved are of as high magnitude as $ 5 billion and more. For
instance, in 1990, Euro-tunnel borrowed $ 6.8 billion.
On an average, maturity periods are of about five years (in some cases it is about 20
years). The reimbursement of the loan may take place in one go (bullet) or in several
The interest rate on Euro-debt is calculated with respect to a rate of reference, increased
by a margin (or spread). The rates are variable and generally renewable (roll over credit)
every six months, fixed with reference to LIBOR (London Interbank Offered Rate). The
LIBOR is the rate of money market applicable to short-term credits among the banks of
London. The reference rate can equally be PIBOR at Paris and FIBOR at Frankfurt, etc.
it is revised regularly.
The margin depends on the supply and demand of the capital as also on the degree of the
risk of these credits and the rating of borrowers. Financial institutions are in vigorous
There are two types of commissions:

Front-end commission such as commissions of arrangement, subscription and

Annual commission for commitment, facility and agency.

There exists an active secondary market of Euro-debts.

banks to sell their titles in this market.

Numerous techniques allow

4. External bond market

Euro-bonds are similar in many respects to the public debt sold in domestic capital
markets. Unlike domestic bond markets, however, the Euro-bond market is almost
entirely free of official regulation; instead it is self-regulated by the Association of
International Bond Dealers. The prefix Euro indicates that the bonds are sold outside the
countries in whose currencies they are denominated. Until recently, the Euro-bond
market has been substantially smaller than the Euro-credit market. Borrowers in the
Euro-bond market must be well known and must have impeccable credit rating (for
example, developed countries, international institutions and multinational corporations).
Two kinds of bonds are treated in external bond market.

Euro-bonds (or international bonds), underwritten by an international syndicate

and placed on the markets of countries other than that of the currency in which the
issue is made.
Foreign bonds issued on the market of a country and bought by non-residents, in
the currency of that country.


An example of foreign bonds is when a British Company in Switzerland issues bonds in

Swiss francs on the Swiss market. Bonds will be quoted and sold on the Swiss market.
Foreign bond markets developed first in the USA, followed by Switzerland, Japan and
other countries.
Foreign bonds issued on American markets are called Yankee bond, while those
issued on Japanese markets are called Samurai bonds.
The situation of external bond markets reflects the trend pertaining to the supply of
resources and the demand for credits in the market. Besides, it is indicative of
international economic and financial factors; it also reflects the condition of national
markets as well as of interest rates.
There has been a steady increase in the business of external bond market. For instance,
Euro-bonds issues were worth $ 258 billion in 1991, this rose to $ 368 billion by 1994.
Similarly, the respective figures for foreign bonds were $ 50.6 billion in 1991 and $ 60
billion in 1994.
The US dollar remains by far the most used currency for Euro-bond or foreign bond

5. Euro-bond Market
As already indicated, Euro-bonds are the bonds issued in Euro-currencies and placed
simultaneously and in similar conditions in several countries through an international
bank syndicate or consortium.
These bonds represent a loan of medium- or long-term, from 5 to 15 years, and generally
carry an interest. The lender is non-resident.

6. Participants in Euro-bond Market

The major participants are enterprises and financial institutions as well as investing
Principal borrowers. In the order of importance, they are as follows:

Private enterprisers, for example, in France, some of them are Pechiney, Renault,
Rhone Poulenc, etc.
Public enterprises;
Financial institutions;
Governments and Central Banks;


International organizations, such as World Bank, European Bank of Investment,


As far as the geographic origin of borrowers is concerned, the industrialized countries

seem to have greater recourse to these markets; Western Europe is on the top, followed
by Japan and USA.
Investors in Euro-bonds. These are special institutional investors, such as insurance
companies, mutual funds, pension funds, etc.
Financial institutions. The principal financial institutions and banks that participate in
these issues are of international reputation, namely Deutsche Bank, Paribas, Daiwa,
Merril Lynch, Goldman Sachs, BNP, Credit Lynonnais, etc.

7. Characteristics of Euro-bonds:
There are different types of Euro-bonds:
Straight bonds. These are most current and represent about three-fourth of the total
volume. Nominal value of bonds is minimum $ 5,000, DM 10,000, FFr 10,000, JPY
1,000,000 etc.
Floating rate bonds. The interest rate of these bonds is revised every six months. It is
based on LIBOR to which a margin is added; the margin varies and it is a function of the
risk of the borrower.
Convertible bonds. These bonds may be converted into shares of the issuing company.
The advantage of this formula for the issuer is a lower interest rate than that on straight
bonds. For the buyers of this bond the advantage is the possibility of a gain in case of
significant increases in share prices.
Floating rate bonds with collar. The rates of these bonds can fluctuate between a
certain minimum and a fixed maximum. The buyer of this type of bonds receives a yield
rate higher than the market rate but does not benefit from the increase if the market rate
exceeds the maximum fixed by the issuer.
Reverse floating rate bonds. These bonds pay a higher interest rate when the rate of
reference decreases. The coupon is fixed at a rate minus-LIBOR. So, when LIBOR
decreases, the interest rate increases. For clarity, suppose a Euro-bank offers a rate of 16
- LIBOR per cent; therefore, at LIBOR increases to 8.2 per cent, the effective rate will be
16 8.2 per cent, i.e. 7.8 per cent. It may be noted that increase in LIBOR rate has, in
effect, decreased the effective rate for the borrowers.
Bonds with warrant. These bonds resemble convertible bonds with the difference that
warrants are detached from bonds and negotiated separately. They allow their holders to
buy shares or other securities at a later date on advantageous terms.


Zero coupon bonds. These bonds do not pay interest. They are issued at a price lower
than their reimbursement value to take care of yield for investors. Purchasers of these
bonds pay no income tax as they do not receive interest payments. They pay taxes at a
lower rate on long-term capital gain when the bonds are refunded at face value. They are
more often issued by blue chip companies as the default risk is concentrated on the
reimbursement on maturity.

8. Importance of Euro-shares
Euro-shares present several advantages for companies taking recourse to them:

They improve the prestige of the company in the eyes of international financial
community. Such prestige is important for the groups that have a good part of
their turnover generated in foreign countries.
They facilitate the operations of external growth. A company quoted on a foreign
market may proceed to make public offers of exchange when it wants to have a
control on some enterprises quoted on the market.
They reinforce internationalization of capital. This internationalization ensures a
greater stability of capital since it allows an international diversification. Besides,
pension funds may invest in long-term international shares.
However, the fact that international investors become important participants in
this market poses numerous problems as regards control and management of the

The World Bank Group

The World Bank Group is a multinational financial institution established at the end of
World War II to help provide long-term capital for reconstruction and development of
member countries. The Group comprises three bodies: the International Bank for
Reconstruction and Development (IBRD), the International Development Association
(IDA) and the International Financial Corporation (IFC).
The IBRD, also known as the World Bank, makes loans at nearly conventional terms for
projects of high economic priority. A government guarantee is a necessity for World
Bank funding. The banks main emphasis has been on large infrastructure projects such
as roads, dams, power plants, education and agriculture. Of late, the bank has been
emphasizing over quick loans to help borrowing countries alleviate their balance-ofpayment problems. These loans are tied to the willingness of the debtor nations to adopt
economic policies that will spin growth: free trade, more open economy and more
vigorous private sector.
The IDB, unlike the IBRD, is authorized to make soft (highly concessionary) loans (for
example, 50 year maturity loans with no interest).
It does, however, require a
government guarantee.


The IFC finances various projects in the private sector through loan and equity
participation. In contrast to IBRD or IDA, the IFC does not require government
guarantees; it emphasizes providing risk capital for manufacturing firms that have a
reasonable chance of earning adequate returns and providing economic benefits to the

1. Regional Development Banks

Regional development banks provide funds for financing of manufacturing, mining,
agricultural and infrastructure projects considered important to development. Repayment
terms for loans, in most cases, are over a 5 to 15 year period at favourable interest rates.
Some of the regional development banks are as follows:
European Investment Bank (EIB). It gives loan to lesser-developed regions in Europe
and to associated members in Africa.
Asian Development Bank (ADB). The ADB guarantees or makes direct loans to private
ventures in Asian/Pacific countries and helps to develop local capital markets by
underwriting securities issued by private enterprises.
African Development Bank (ADB). The bank guarantees or makes loans and provides
technical assistance to member states for various development projects.
European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD). This bank has been
established to finance the privatization of Eastern Europe.



1. What do you understand by globalization of financial markets? What factors have
facilitated the process of globalization?
2. What are the different international financial markets?
3. Are there any differences between financing patterns of US and Japanese firms?
4. What is securitization? How does it affect financing of multinationals?
5. Explain the functions and growth of Euro-currency markets?
6. Indicate the reasons for development of Euro-bond markets?
7. What is the difference between a Euro-currency loan and a Euro-bond?
8. What is the difference between a Euro-bond and a foreign bond?
9. Write short note on:

Primary markets
Secondary markets

10. What role do development banks play in economic growth? Enumerate some of
the development banks and their functions.


International cash management in a multinational group

International cash management of multinational firms is distinct from national firms in
respect of the following:

Billing in foreign currencies gives rise to exchange risk;

Techniques of transfer of international funds are different;
Exchange regulations put several constraints on foreign exchange flows.

In view of the above distinct characteristics, the finance manager engaged in international
business aims at reducing the exchange risk on the one hand and minimizing the float by
speedy transfer on the other.
Exchange rate risk may be covered or even avoided if billing is done in the national
currency. For the purpose, the finance manager may:

Take recourse to advances in foreign currencies;

Cover on the forward market by buying or selling;
Cover on the futures market by buying or selling futures contracts;
Cover on options market by selling and buying call or put options in foreign
Cover through currency swaps.

Similarly, interest rate risk may also be minimized.

Cash management costs may be reduced by adopting various measures such as reduction
of float. The term float represents the time period during which the funds are not
available to the enterprise since they are in the process of being transferred. In
international trade, the time taken in transfers is often long (may be several weeks) and
floats may be very significant.
Let us take an example. An Indian importer has bought some product from a German
company. The payment can be made either in Deutschmarks or in Indian rupees.
Settlement in foreign currency (DM). The importing Indian company gives an order to
its bank to make a payment in DM to the bank of the exporter. The bank of the importer
buys DM on the exchange market. It notifies to its German correspondent to make the
payment. The correspondent bank will debit the account of the Indian bank and credit the
account of the exporter.
Settlement in national currency (rupees). In this case, exchange operations are done in
the country of the exporter. The float is not uniform for all countries; it varies
considerably among countries. The cost of float is obviously higher when the time
taken in recovery is longer, when interest rates are higher and the amount in question is


In order to reduce the float several techniques are used, for instance, telex, Swift
network, or lock-box. In the lock-box system, payments are directly addressed to a postal
box and collected each day by the bank, thus eliminating the postal as well as processing
time periods required before depositing the cheques in the bank. Lastly, the treasurer
limits the number of banks intervening in the banking circuit and addresses himself to
banks, having an international network and likely to make the transfer at the earliest.
Centralization of treasury generally permits to improve the management of foreign
currency flows. In selecting a technique, the finance manager should be guided by the
cost involved and benefits it has in terms of simplicity and speed of recovery.

1. Different Flows of Treasury

Given below are principal flows of cash between the group and foreign subsidiary. These
flows can be expressed in the national currency or in foreign currencies.
(a) Flow of funds of the Group towards the foreign subsidiary is:
Participation in the capital of the subsidiary;
Medium and long-term lendings;
Cash advances;
Payment for goods when the parent company buys the products of the subsidiary.
(b) Flows of funds of the subsidiary towards the Group are:
Rents on patents, licenses, brands (royalties). The royalties may either be
calculated as a percentage of net sales or represent a fixed amount per unit sold.
In certain countries, the royalties are limited to a certain percentage of sales;
Payments of honorarium for services and technical assistance; they are considered
as a fixed charge for specific services rendered during a determined period;
Payment for goods and services: these payments for goods and services between
the foreign subsidiary and the parent company pose the problem of transfer prices,
In multinational groups, it is the dividends that represent the most significant flows.
On an average, foreign subsidiaries of multinationals pay to the parent company 40 to 50
per cent of their profits and reinvest the remaining 50 to 60 per cent in the host country.

2. Optimization of Cash Flows

Complexity of the flows of treasury often necessitates centralization of cash management

Either at the group level;

Or at the level of holding;
Or at the level of the regional centre.

The regional centre will be located preferably in a country of lower tax rates and without
exchange regulations such as Luxembourg, Bahamas, Switzerland and West Indies, etc.


Organization of a centralized system of cash management requires.

An information system;
Planning of inflows and outflows;
A centre of decision which balances the flows and takes decisions relating to

3. Information System
The treasurer of the regional centre or of the group should know the position of the cash
of subsidiaries on a day-to-day basis in a manner so as to be able to take appropriate
financial decisions (placement, use of short-term credit, compensation, etc.).
Centralization of the cash management at the regional level does not dispense a unit of
production or marketing from having its own treasury. The group or regional treasury
ensures coordination. It collects information based on which it could do cash planning.
Table 17.1(c) Company AM Netherlands
Forecast ($000)
January current year
Previous Balance: - 75




These forecasts related to cash position of each subsidiary enable the regional centre to
effectively assess/manage the cash position.

4. Forecasting of Cash Position.

The centre should coordinate the fund movements in a manner so as to minimize (and if
possible to avoid) unnecessary costs. To achieve this, it will be useful for the treasury
manager to know each day.

Minimum cash required for each company;

Net cash balance.

The minimum cash required for each company may be estimated from the average cash
needed over the period. Once these needs are estimated, the regional centre should
ensure that needs are met and excess cash if any, is appropriately dealt with (i.e.


transferred or invested). In the event of deficiency, borrowings should be resorted to or

transfer from surplus subsidiaries arranged.

5. Decisions of Cash Management

The Group Cash centre should take decisions regarding the transfer of funds either from a
country towards the centre or from country to country to effect balancing. Several
solutions are possible. For example, the centre may give orders of transfer to the
company having excess funds towards the company with a deficit.
In order to obtain the desired amount of cash, resort to Interbank transfers or credits may
also be made.
The choice between these different sources depends upon the rate of interest in each
country, cost of exchange operations, possibilities of credits from local banks, etc.
Very often, transfers take place from or towards the central pool which becomes a sort of
compulsory point of passage for transfer of funds. This is logistically convenient too as
transfers take place in different currencies and the centre should take the responsibility of
covering of the exchange risk.

6. Management of receivables
The management of receivables in a multinational group should take into account several
factors, such as :

Costs of creation, retention and recovery of receivables;

Degree of liquidity of receivables.

The management of intra-group receivables is different from that of external clients.

7. Intra-group Receivables
When a parent company has receivables of a subsidiary, it can use the technique of leads
and lags for advancing or delaying settlements as per its needs. For instance, in order to
finance an investment abroad it may decide to accord or make a subsidiary accord delays
longer than those accorded normally for the sale of capital equipment.

8. Receivables from External Clients

If a parent company is in receipt of receivables (as payments of its exports) issued
in strong currencies and if national currency depreciates, the company may wait till the
last limit to encash the receivables. On the other hand, if the receivables are issued in a
weak currency, it will be in the interest of the company to expedite recovery of the


By V.K.Bhalla
The Eurocurrency markets constitute the short-to-medium term debt part of the
international capital flow structure. The market is made by banks and other financial
institutions that accept time deposits and make loans in a currency or currencies other
than that of the country in which they are located. The latter characteristic defines the
Eurocurrency market it is a non-domestic financial intermediary. In the light of the
rapid growth of similar institutions in Hong Kong and Singapore (and to a lesser extent in
the Middle East) the market is new worldwide and is more appropriately called the
offshore or external money market. Growth of this new work of intermediaries has
been spectacular. The Eurocurrency market is extremely large and has grown rapidly in a
short interval. It has received a bad press from central banks, which continue to call it a
major cause of inflation and an obstacle to their control of domestic monetary systems. A
number of basic questions and issues crop up soon as one looks at the offshore capital
markets. First, what separates them from domestic markets? Second, why were they
needed and how could they grow so fast when sophisticated domestic capital markets
already existed? Third, is there a process of offshore money creation analogous to money
creation in a domestic banking system and what effect does this have on world inflation?


There are no offshore currencies, only national currencies of different countries.
A national currency deposit becomes part of the offshore currency market when it is
transferred to a bank outside the controlled national monetary system. This usually
means transferred to a bank outside the nation in question. Offshore deposits can be
created in two ways:
1) One can take the physical currency of a country and deposit it in a bank in another
Banks do hold currency of other countries but mainly for the
convenience of travelers. And large quantities of currency have been smuggled
out from time to time in recent years. However this is usually done with the
expectations of a depreciation of the currency being smuggled, and the receiving
banks quickly convert these balances into some hard currency. So this method is
in general of trivial importance as a creator of deposits.
2) One can transfer deposits from within the country whose currency is in question
to an offshore bank. This may well be an overseas subsidiary of the very same
bank with which the original deposit was held.


If we confine our attention to domestic money supplies, the offshore currency

markets could only cause inflationary pressure if they could lower statutory reserves
against deposits by allowing transformation of deposits from one category to another (and
if there were different reserve requirements against the different categories of deposits).
This actually happened briefly in the United States in the late 1960s. While there were
reserve requirements against
banks borrowings from foreign branches. When
domestic rates came to exceed the Certificate of Deposits (CD) ceilings, then in effect,
funds from domestic U.S. CDs were transferred to London branches of American banks
(which faced no interest rate ceilings) and were then loaned to the parent banks. Since
there were no reserve requirements, the same volume of CDs supported more loans than
Of course, once offshore banking systems exist in tandem with domestic banking
systems it is no longer particularly meaningful to measure money supplies according to
the domestic banking system exclusively. What are you interested in when you measure
the money supply? What purpose do these measurements serve? If our interest is
inflation, we are concerned with the demand for and the supply of money balances for
transactions purposes. To the extent that they are negotiable, Euromarkets CDs are
probably used as transactions balances. Analysis of problems involving the3 money
supply should, therefore, embrace a money supply consisting of the domestic monetary
aggregates plus the negotiable part of offshore deposits in the currency concerned. If the
relevant domestic monetary aggregate includes time deposits, then one should include
also Eurotime deposits of the same maturity.
The offshore banking system is outside the control of the central banks whose
currencies it uses. We should consider briefly whether this is good or bad, or even, for
some purposes, true. Let us consider first the question of whether the central banks have
now lost control of the money supply and therefore of inflation.
Since every
Eurocurrency unit has its origin in a domestic currency deposit or cash unit, this cannot
be true. Just as in a system of purely domestic banking, the central bank controls the
monetary does not affect the monetary control of the central bank. The latter body must
simply know that it is working with a multiplier of size x rather than size y. Hence
problems in monetary control arise from variability of the size of the multiplier.
For practical purposes we have one short-term CD cum time deposit market, and
whatever practical problems there are in the conception and implementation of monetary
policy cannot be sensibly described as more severe in one part of this whole than in
another part.
If this is so, we must explain the hostility central bankers often voice towards the
offshore markets. A number of factors are important here. First, while the central banks
have as much control as they ever had on creation of money, they have no control over
allocation of credit in the offshore capital market. Second, as the Euromarkets are still
viewed by the press and the public as mysterious and omnipotent, they make convenient
scapegoats for failures of nerves in the handling of domestic monetary policy. Finally,
the European central banks made fools of themselves in the 1960s in their Euromarkets


dealings in a way which they would rather forget, but which is instructive for us to
In the 1960s the European central banks were pegging exchange rates, and
absorbing growing dollar deficits. In the early 1960s these dollar deficits, which became
dollar reserves of the absorbing central banks, were matched by growth of U.S. official
obligations to foreign central banks in the U.S. balance of payments accounts. However,
in the late 1960s the European central banks were surprised to observe a growing
discrepancy between the change in U.S. official obligations to foreign central banks and
their own record of dollar reserves held. The central bankers kept getting more and more
dollars than the United States seemed to be losing on the official settlements definition of
the balance of payments. The well-known economist Fritz Machulp said of them, Most
magicians who pull rabbits out of their hats know full well that they put them there before
the beginning of the show. The magicians in . (this) story, however, are more naive,
they are just as surprised as the audience by the emergence of the rabbits from their hats.
What happened? Commonly when central banks undervalued their countries
currencies against the dollar they would take the dollars they received in pegging the
price and buy U.S. Treasury Bills with them. From an accounting viewpoint, the U.S.
deficit with Germany, say, equaled in dollar value the German surplus with the United
States. A U.S. deficit with Germany meant that more dollar cheques were written to
purchase DM and DM cheques were written to purchase dollars. The Bundesbank
became the owner of the excess U.S. demand deposits, which it used to purchase
Treasury bills. Thus the U.S. deficit was represented by these excess demand deposits
but entered the official settlements balance only when the demand deposits were
converted to bills.
Now suppose a foreign central bank decided to earn higher interest on its reserves
by converting its acquired U.S. demand deposits to Eurodollar CDs rather than Treasury
bills. As we have seen, such an action transfers the ownership of the U.S. demand
deposits representing the new foreign reserves to some private, offshore bank.
Originally, these U.S. deposits were turned into foreign exchange to create the capital
outflow that the European central bank absorbed. Subsequently they became the property
of the private foreign bank. This was not recorded on the official settlements part of the
balance of payments accounts though it certainly constituted foreign reserves created by
the deficit, just as before. This explains part of the mystery, but the best part is yet to
Consider what might have happened to the Eurodollar deposits owned by the
foreign central banks. Under the fixed exchange rate system there were periodic
exchange crises, during which people would try to switch other currencies into DM or
Swiss francs in anticipation of appreciation. Frequently the offshore banks would lend
the dollar deposits of the Swiss and German central banks to speculators who convened
them into DM or Swiss francs. Under their exchange pegging policies, these tendered
dollars had to be absorbed by the central banks, who re-deposited in the offshore markets,
so that they could be lent again! This is the rabbit in the hat trick of which Machulp was


speaking. The central banks came to own very large Eurodollar claims by this circular
process, but these large claims were not on the United States but rather (indirectly) on the


The Euromarkets are not a bogeyman but an unregulated financial intermediary.
They bring together borrowers and lenders, frequently from the same country. They deal
only in the currencies of individual countries and are thus a substitute for the domestic
banking system. The incredibly rapid growth of the Euromarkets shows that they were a
strongly preferred substitute. But why? The question has an obvious answer.
offshore credit market will not exist unless.

depositors receive better terms than they can receive onshore, and
borrowers can borrow more, possibly at lower rates, than they can

The rapid emergence in the 1960s of a world-wide Eurocurrency market that coexists and competes with traditional foreign exchange banking resulted from the
peculiarly stringent and detailed official regulations governing residents operating with
their own national currencies. These regulations contrast sharply with the relatively great
freedom of non-residents to make deposits or borrow foreign currencies from these same
constrained national banking systems. On an international scale, offshore unregulated
financial markets compete with onshore regulated ones. The differences in national
regulatory regimes and the internationsation of finance brought the birth of the Eurodollar

Eurodollars are bank deposit liabilities denominated in U.S.dollars but not subject
to U.s. banking regulations. For the most part, banks offering Eurodollar deposits are
located outside the United States. However since late 1981 non-U.S. residents have been
able to conduct business free of U.S. banking regulations at International Banking
Facilities (IBFs) in the United States. Eurodollar deposits may owned by individuals,
corporations, or governments from anywhere in the world, with the exception that only
non-U.S. residents can hold deposits at IBFs.
Originally, dollar-denominated deposits not subject to U.S. banking regulations
were held almost exclusively in Europe; hence, the name Eurodollars. Most such
deposits are still held in Europe, but they also are held at U.S. IBFs and in such places as
the Bahamas, Bahrain, Canada, and Cayman Islands, Hong Kong, Japan the Netherlands
Antilles, Panama, and Singapore. Regardless of where they are held, such deposits are
referred to as Eurodollars.


Bank in the Eurodollar market, including U.S. IBFs, compete with banks in the
United States to attract dollar-denominated funds. Since the Eurodollar market is
relatively free of regulation, banks in the Eurodollar market can operate on narrower
margins or spreads between dollar borrowing and lending rates than can banks in the
United States. This gives Eurodollar deposits an advantage relative to deposits issued by
banks operating under U.S. regulations. In short, the Eurodollar market has grown up
largely as a means of avoiding the regulatory costs involved in dollar-denominated
financial intermediation that contributed to the rise of the Eurodollar markets. Some of
the basic factors are: (i) U.S. financial regulation played a very large role in the creation
of the Eurodollar markets, especially Regulation Q.
(Restriction on currency
convertibility prevented the commercial exploitation of U.S. dollar held in Europe, while
low interest rates in the U.S. enforced by Regulation Q depressed the returns. This was
reinforced by Interest Equalization Tax in 1963.
These conditions were in part
responsible for the Eurodollar market centered in London). (ii) The U.S. balance of
payments deficits and to the accumulation of dollars stride the U.S. (iii) The U.S. dollar
was the key international currency for trading and for reserve purposes, (IV) No reserve
ratios were required in many of the countries, therefore, off-balance sheet funding outside
the regulatory controls was possible enabling the establishment of Eurodollar markets.
Within the turbulent environment the inter-bank (Eurodollar) market soon became
the central mechanism to channel international flows of funds amongst banks. This truly
international market linked the various components of the international financial system
to the corresponding domestic market.
The internationalization of finance placed international and national regulatory
systems era under further stress to liberalize financial markets and remove the long
standing barriers to trade in financial services. This trend enveloped several related
developments, most notably: some countries allowed foreign institutions a larger role in
domestic financial markets; the erosion of domestic restrictions on capital markets; and
the increasing integration of domestic and international markets.
These changes initiated national policies of liberalization and deregulation which
were designed to attract capital to these financial markets. Furthermore, they have been
characterized by a trend toward a breakdown in the segmentation of financial markets.
Distinctions among services offered by different financial institutions are blurring in
many countries, and national markets are becoming increasingly integrated
internationally. The nature and extent of these changes differ across countries, but almost
everywhere competition in financial markets has intensified.

The Size of the Eurodollar Market:

Eurodollar volume is measured as the dollar-denominated deposit liabilities of
banks located outside the United States. For example, the Bank for International
Settlements (BIS) defines and measures Eurodollars as dollars that have been acquired
by a bank outside the United States and used directly or after conversion into another


currency for lending to a nonblank customer, perhaps after one or more redeposit from
one bank to another
The sum of all dollar-denominated liabilities of banks outside the United States
measures the gross size of the Eurodollar market. For some purposes, it is useful to net
some Interbank deposits out of the gross to arrive at an
Eurodollar market. For sum other purposes, such as comparing
of deposits created in the Eurodollar market with the U.S. monetary aggregates, it is
useful to further net out all banks owned Eurodollar deposits. Doing so leaves only the
nonblank portion of the net size measure, or what might be called the net-net size of the
Eurodollar market.
The most readily accessible estimates of the size of the Eurodollar market were
compiled by Morgan Guaranty Trust Company of New York and reported in the monthly
bank letter, World Financial Markets. Morgans estimates included data compiled by the
BIS. However, Morgans estimates were somewhat more comprehensive. Morgan
reported estimates of the size of the entire Eurocurrency market based roughly on all
foreign-currency liabilities of banks in major European countries, nine other market
areas, and U.S. IBFs. Morgan stopped publishing its Euromarkets data in 1988.
As of March 1988 Morgan estimated the gross size of the Eurocurrency market at
$4,561 billion; the net size was put at $2,587 billion. Morgan also reported that
Eurodollars made up 67 percent of gross Eurocurrency liabilities, putting the gross size of
the Eurodollar market at $3,056 billion. No net size for the Eurodollar market was given.
However, 67 percent of the net size of the Eurocurrency market yields $1,733 billion as
an approximate measure of the net size of the Eurodollar market.
M2 is the narrowest U.S. monetary aggregate that includes some Eurodollar
deposits. M2 includes overnight Eurodollar deposits held by U.S. residents other than
depository institutions and money market funds at branches of U.S. banks worldwide. As
of May 1991, M2 measures $3,396 billion; its Eurodollar component was $ 17.8 billion.
This comparison shows clearly that Eurodollar deposits account for a relatively small
portion of monetary assets held by U.S. residents.

Instruments of the Eurodollar Market

The overwhelming majority of money in the Eurodollar market is held in fixedrate time deposits (TDs). The maturities range from overnight to several years, although
most are from one week to six months. Eurodollar time deposits are intrinsically
different from dollar deposits held at banks in the United States only in that the former
are liabilities of IBFs or of banks located outside the United States. The bulk of
Eurodollar TDs are Interbank liabilities. They pay a fixed, competitively determined rate
of return.
Another important Eurodollar instrument is the Eurodollar certificate of deposit
(CD). Essentially, a Eurodollar CD is a negotiable receipt for a dollar deposit at a bank


located outside the United States or in a U.S. IBF. From their introduction in 1966, the
volume of Eurodollar CDs outstanding reached roughly $ 50 billion at the beginning of
1980. By late 1990, Eurodollar CD volume was around $ 130 billion. The 1990
elimination of the 3 percent reserve requirement on nonpersonal time deposits and CDs in
the United States has made the Eurodollar CDE market a bit less active. In 1992, volume
had fallen to around $ 116 billion.
Recently, fixed-rate, three-month Eurodollar CDs have yielded approximately 10
basis points below the three-month London Interbank Offered Rate (LIBOR). LIBOR is
the rate at which major international banks are willing to offer term Eurodollar deposits
to each other. An active secondary market allows investors to sell Eurodollar CDs before
the deposits mature. Secondary market makers spreads for short-term fixed-rate CDs
have been 1 to 3 basis points for European bank dollar CDs and around 5 basis points for
Japanese bank dollar CDs.
Eurodollar CDs are issued by banks to tap the market for funds and are commonly
issued in denominations of from $250,000 to $5 million. Some Eurodollar CDs, called
Tranche CDs, are issued in very large denominations but marketed in several portions in
order to satisfy investors with preferences for smaller instruments. The latter are issued
in aggregate amounts of $10 million to $30 million and are offered by banks to individual
investors in $10,000 certificates, with each certificate having the same interest rate, issue
date, interest payment dates, and maturity.
In the late 1970s Eurodollar floating-rate CDs (FRCDs) and Eurodollar floatingrate notes (FRNs) came into use as means of protecting both borrower and lender against
interest rate risk. By making their coupon payments float with market interest rates, these
floaters stabilize the principal value of the paper. The market for FRCDs is no longer
active. The volume of FRNs outstanding fell from $125 in 1986 to $ 116 in 1990.
Eurodollar FRNs have been issued in maturities from 4 to 20 years, with the
majority of issues concentrated in the five-to seven- year range. Eurodollar FRNs tend to
be seen as an alternative to straight fixed-interest bonds, but they can in principle be used
like FRCDs. Eurodollar FRNs have bee3n issued primarily by banks and sovereign
governments. FRNs issued by governments are not Eurodollars proper since they are not
bank liabilities. Strictly speaking, they should be referred to as Eurodollar instruments
together with the NIFs and Euro commercial paper discussed below.
Eurodollar FRCDs and FRN are both negotiable bearer paper. The coupon or
interest rate on these instruments is reset relative to the corresponding LIBOR every three
or six months. The rate is set below LIBOR for sovereign borrowers and above for U.S.
banks. Yields on Eurodollar FRNs range from 1/8 percent under the London Interbank
Bid Rate (LIBID) up to LIBOR. To determine LIBOR for Eurodollar FRNs, the issuer
chooses an agent bank offices of major international banks. Rates are those prevailing at
11.00 a.m. London time two business days prior to the commencement of the next
coupon period.


A secondary market exists in FRNs. The spread quoted on FRNs in the secondary
market is generally 10 cents per $100 face value for the liquid sovereign issues. Other
spreads are quoted on an indicative basis and are somewhat higher.
Note issuance Facilities (NIFs) became a significant Eurodollar instrument in the mid1980s. A NIF is a medium-term, usually five to seven-year arrangement between a
borrower and an underwriting bank under which the borrower can issue short-term,
usually three- to six month, paper known as Euro-notes in its own name. Under such
an arrangement, the underwriting bank is committed either to purchase any notes the
borrower cannot sell or to provide standby credit at a predetermined spread relative to
some reference rate such as LIBOR. Underwriting fees are paid on the full amount of the
line of credit, regardless of the amount currently drawn. The fees are 5 basis points for
top borrowers and ranges up to 15 basis points for worse credit risks. The notes are
issued with face amounts of $100,000, $500,000, or more.
Well-regarded borrowers can issue Euro-notes at around LIBID. Top borrowers
can issue at yields 1 / 16 or 1/8 percentage point below LIBID. Euro-notes are
comparable investments to Eurodollar CDs.
When the market initially matured around 1985, nonblank corporate borrowers
accounted for roughly 60 percent of NIFs arranged. Most borrowers were from countries
in the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development. As of April 1986,
about $75 billion of NIFs has been arranged, with only an estimated $10 to $ 15 billion
having been drawn. Most paper was placed with smaller, non-underwriter banks. In
1985, about one-third or more of placements may have been with nonblank investors,
including money market funds, corporations, insurance companies, wealthy individuals,
and central banks.
Since mid-1984, facilities similar to NIFs have been arranged without
underwriting commitments.
In the second half of 1985, new non-underwritten
agreements equaled new NIFs arranged. Non-underwritten become much like U.S.
commercial paper programmes: note issuance has been separated from the standby a
arrangement, notes are issued in shorter odd maturities, and notes can be marketed
quickly Under such an arrangement, a bank is simply a marketing agent. Euro-notes
issued under such conditions are known as Euro commercial paper. The volume of
newly arranged NIFs declined from $40 billion in 1985 to $4 billion in 1990, while Euro
commercial paper outstanding rose from $ 17 billion in 1986 to $ 70 billion in 1990.
Recently strengthened risk-based capital requirements have, in part, induced the shift to
Euro commercial paper because they have raised the regulatory cost associated with
NIFs. Euro commercial paper yields range from LIBID minus 25 basis points for toprated sovereigns to LIBOR plus 30 for low-rated corporations.
For most U.S. corporations, the U.S. commercial paper market probably remains a
cheaper source of funds than Euro commercial paper. For some non-U.S. corporations,
however, Euro commercial paper may be as cheap as U.S. commercial paper because of
the premium that foreign issuers pay in the U.S. commercial paper market. Like the U.S.


commercial paper market, the secondary market for Euro commercial paper is relatively
underdeveloped. If a client needs to sell paper before maturity he will almost always sell
it to the dealer who sold him the paper initially. Any trading usually occurs in the first
few days after the paper is issued. Trading is most frequent in the sovereign sector,
which accounts for about 20 percent of Euro commercial paper outstanding.

Eurodollar markets are well organized, very efficient, and very large. They serve
a number of valuable purposes for multinational business operations. Eurodollars are a
convenient money market device for multinational firms to hold their excess liquidity.
Eurodollars are a major source of short-term loans to finance corporate working capital
needs and foreign trade. Many multinational companies and governments have learned
to employ the Eurodollar market as readily as they do the domestic or banking system.
The major sources of Eurodollars are (1) the growing dollar reserves of oil-exporting
countries, (2) foreign governments or businessmen who prefer to hold dollars outside the
United States, (3) foreign banks with dollars in excess of current needs, and (4)
multinational companies with excess cash balances. Since the 1974 oil crisis, oilexporting countries have had enough leverage on the worldwide oil supply to impose a
major price escalation. As a result, the Middle East, where more than half of the worlds
known oil reserves are located, has acquired enormous economic wealth and has become
the important source of Eurodollars. Once Eurodollars come into existence, they can
create themselves through the lending and investing activities of commercial banks. Taccounts may be used to illustrate such Eurodollar creation.

Example 1
Assume that the International Trading Company holds $1,000 on deposit in a
New York bank. If the reserve requirement is 20 percent, the $1,000 deposit will be
reflected in the books of the New York bank, the International Trading Company, and the
Federal Reserve Bank of New York as follows:
Cash flows in a commercial bank involve four major elements of information: (1)
currency, (2) institution and location, (3) maturity date, and (4) interest rate. To better
understand how bank transfers take place and how Eurodollars come into existence, let us
examine a few transactions.
Step 1. Assume that the International Trading Company decides to transfer its
$1,000 deposit from the New York bank to a London bank. Let us further assume that
the International Trading Company decides to maintain its dollars in a dollardenominated 90-day deposit account at the going rate with the London bank. This
situation will be reflected in the books of the New York bank, the London bank, the
London bank, and the International Trading Company as follows:


By this step, a Eurodollar deposit has been created. The London bank has now
obtained the power to deal in dollars outside the United however, that total deposit levels
in the United States have not changed; the $1,000 liability of the London bank is matched
deposit in the New York bank. The only change at the New York bank was in the name
of the depositor from the International Trading Company to the London bank.
Step 2. Because the London bank has to pay interest on its 90-day deposit
liability to the International Trading Company, it decides to extend a Eurodollar loan of
$1,000 to a Paris firm. This loan transaction will be reflected in the books of the London
bank and the Paris firm as follows:

Because the New York bank still has $1,000 deposit liability to the London bank,
its balance sheet has not changed. But the London bank has increased its deposits and
loans by $1,000. This expands the total Eurodollar deposit liabilities of non-U.S. banks
to $2,000. The International Trading Company now holds $1,000 of Eurodollars with the
London bank and the Paris firm has an additional $1,000 of Eurodollars in the London
The London bank exhausted its dollar lending capacity. Thus, if the Paris firm
had held its dollar deposit with the London bank, the multiple creations of Eurodollars
would have stopped. However, if the Paris firm withdraws its dollar deposits from the
London bank and deposits it with a Paris bank, the Eurodollar creation process could
Step 3: Assume that the Paris firm withdraws its deposit from the London bank
and deposits it in a Paris bank. The following set of T-accounts record the event.
After Step 3 the amount of Eurodollars is still $2,000, but the Paris bank has
obtained Eurodollar deposits that it can lend out. The potential expansion of Eurodollars
is infinite in the case where banks do not maintain any reserves a against their Eurodollar


The offshore monetary system is an unregulated banking system with no lender of
last resort. Except in a very informal way there are no bank inspections by any central
bank to evaluate the soundness of the loan portfolio. Parent banks obviously have a very
large stake in the credit-worth mesa of their subsidiaries but ultimately do not give
unconditional guarantees. This contrasts sharply with domestic banking systems, whose
very comprehensive regulation has been in large part justified by the need to protect
depositors. Yet there have been very few defaults of unregulated offshore banks, despite


the immense pressures they have experienced in the 1970s, starting with the oil embargo
and the recycling of the petro-dollars. We must explain this remarkable record of
solvency. The key to any such explanation is the principle that in an unregulated banking
system the riskiness of a banks loan portfolio will be policed by depositors. They have
no choice. In a regulated system, depositors have little or no incentive to care how or to
whom their bank lends. The bank inspectors are a necessary corollary of regulation and
deposit insurance.
The two principle sources of risk for banks are:
1) bad loans, and
2) Default due to dependence on maturity transformation and the occurrence of an
unfavorable term structure.
The bad loan problem is the same for domestic as for foreign banks for the most
part. The striking thing about the Euro banking system is its restraint in the matter of
maturity transformation. Perhaps 90% or more of Euro credit its are on a floating rate
basis. Regardless of maturity, the usual adjustment being at six-month intervals. Thus
the borrower is obliged to compensate the lender for the cost of six-month money and the
only effective maturity transformation is from liabilities of less than six months maturity
to these six-month assets.
There are a number of differences between dealing in Euromarkets and dealing in
domestic money markets. Two important features characterize the Eurocurrency market:
the absence of reserve requirement and the international character of the competitive
advantage in dealing with reservable transactions that is, those involving lending to
corporations or other non-banks in comparison to its domestic counterparts. It was, of
course, from this competitive advantage that the rapid growth of the Euromarkets
originally sprang. A corollary of the absence of reserve requirements is the absence of
direct control by central banks. This means that there is at least in theory no direct
lender of last resort for the Euromarkets. Central bankers are gradually feeling their way
toward some partial solutions of this problem, but the situation is certainly not as clearcut as in each countrys domestic markets.
The international character of the Eurocurrency market means that, like the
foreign exchange market, the Euromarkets does not exist in any particular location. It
consists of participants all around the world linked together by telephones, telexes, and
increasingly by computerized information systems, such as those provided by Reuters
and Telerate. It is therefore a continuous market, starting in the Far East and running
throughout the Middle East and Europe until it comes around to San Francisco, which
over laps again with the Far East. The international nature of the market raises a number
of problems, not the least of which is language and telecommunications problems. More
important, though, there are a number of gray legal areas, such as jurisdiction, the
acceptability of a freeze on deposits in one country by another country whose currency is
being traded in the first country, the question of whether booking a loan in one centre
rather than another is merely legitimate tax planning, or tax evasion, and many other


questions that have not been fully resolved. Because the Euromarkets is a fluid and
evolving market, certainly the most dynamic deposit dealing market in the world, many
of these questions probably will never be finally settled; in some respects this is probably
for the best since the innovative capacity of the market has depended greatly on its
relative freedom from bureaucratic regulations.
Another important feature of the market in which it differs from domestic markets
is that it is a purely wholesale market. Although some banks in the United States allow
some individual customers to place funds through them into the Euromarkets with a view
to obtaining a better return, trading in the Euromarkets proper is typically done in blocks
of $1 million and upward. The major advantage, again, is the relative freedom from
regulation in a wholesale market compared with the retain banking market, which is
typically heavily regulated in many countries.
Finally, another significant difference between the Euromarkets and many
domestic deposit markets is that the Euromarkets is almost exclusively concerned with
matched deposit dealing. That is, each deposit (liability) of an international bank will
tend to be matched by an asset (usually a deposit in another bank) of the same currency
and of similar maturity. Deliberate mismatches might be incurred with a view to making
a profit, but the book of each bank as a whole will be matched within certain periods.
Hence loans are typically made for a specified period and funded by a deposit of a similar
period. This is very different from a domestic market where typically large amounts of
lending are done on the basis of a prime (or base) rate, with these loans being funded day
to day in the domestic overnight or short-date money market, or from normal customer



There are two levels of offshore currency transactions.
1. A highly competitive wholesale market centered in London which determines the
basic deposit rates on placements by large non-bank firms and by commercial banks.
These banks sell their funds to each other as need arises, at a basic interest rate called
LIBOR (London Interbank Offered Rate). All transactions are undertaken by telephone
or telegraph, telex, dealing screen via brokers, so the bank cannot be sure which other
banks they are negotiating with until after a deal is consummated. The use of such quick
means of communications means that a persons word must validate transactions in huge
sums of money. Thus only the best name banks can transact on this wholesale market.
Certain very large and well known nonblank borrowers have access to the wholesale
market, but most do not.
2. A retail business on loans: Smaller banks, nonblank borrowers, governments of
developing countries can acquire loans only after credit investigation. The first to borrow
Eurodollars were corporations whose name, size and good standing enabled banks to
make loans to them with a little more than a cursory analysis of credit standing. In recent
years, the range of corporate and governmental borrowers has spread considerable. Even
domestic firms with no international activities are relying on Euro loans when local credit
conditions become tight.
In order to explore the lending practices of the Eurocurrency system, it is useful to
refer to the hypothetical balance sheet of a Euro bank, presented in Table -1.

Typical Eurobank Balance Sheet Components.

Interbank deposits
Nonbank time deposits
London dollar and other currencies CDs
Notes and bonds
Loans from other branches
Loans from parent bank
Equity capital held by parent bank.


Reserve balances
Liquid assets
Interbank loans
Other loans

An important financial obligation now shown on financial statements of a

Eurobond is the loan commitments held with the bank by other financial or nonblank
institutions. These involve a commitment by the bank to lend funds at some future date,
and therefore can involve a substantial financial liability at a time of tight credit.
Conversely, the asset side of the balance sheet does not show the lines of credit that the
Eurobank might have contracted for some future date with other Eurobank and domestic

banks. Interbank deposits, non bank time deposits, and London dollar CDs represent the
bulk of the liabilities of a Eurobank. Interbank transactions bulk particularly large and
we will shortly see why. The final depositor in the Eurocurrency market can choose
among two major financial instruments. Most funds are raised by fixed time deposits
(TDs), the other source being certificates of deposit (CDs). The maturities of time
deposits range from one day to several years but most of them are in the one week to six
months range. Negotiable certificates of two different forms: the top CDs issued in
single amounts by certificates of two different forms: the top CDs issued in single
amounts by a bank, which remain an Interbank financial instrument; and the Tranche
CDs, which are managed issues by several banks and denominated in smaller amounts, so
that they can be attractive to corporations and individual investors.
While borrowers often want to borrow for longer than five years, CDs are not
currently issued for any longer maturities. Thus there have developed forward CDs,
whereby a bank will issue and other banks will agree to contract CDs at a fixed or
floating interest rate at some given future date. This device allows banks to make
medium term loans to corporations or governments which extend beyond five years and
be certain of available resources.
Loans in a specific currency are priced according to a LIBOR plus principle.
Three parameters usually determine the cost: a commitment fee, which is per annum fee
expressed as a per cent on the undrawn, uncancelled portion of the loan; a front end fee
which is a one-time payment, expressed as a percentage of the amount of the loan,
usually paid shortly after the signing of the loan; and a spread which is the percent per
annum margin added to the banks cost of funds, which is LIBOR. The sum of these
pricing elements allows us to determine a total spread, which is annualized and represents
the total margin of the loan expressed as an annualized percentage over LIBOR. Under
this pricing procedure, the most common in the Eurocurrency market, Euro loans are
floating rate loans which depend on the value of LIBOR. The total spread over LIBOR
varies with market conditions. Historically it has varied between % to 3%. If one
compares the pricing of Euro loans with domestic loans, the principle difference are as
Euroloans do not involve compensating balances but rather involve
commitment fees on the unused part of credit lines, and the front-end fee has become of
substantial importance in the Euromarkets. Since credit standing is measured by markup
over LIBOR, there has arisen a willingness of weaker borrowers to trade larger front-end
fees for lower markups. On a present-value basis the outcome is equivalent, but a lower
markup is supposed to have cosmetic advantages.



We can distinguish three distinct functions served by the offshore financial
1. Foreign exchange hedging
In the Eurocurrency markets, commercial banks can take positions that cover the
forward commitments they have made vis-a-vis their customers. Let us suppose, for
example, that the London branch of Citibank has agreed to loan French francs to a French
corporation. It has then acquired a foreign currency asset which it can turn immediately
to a dollar asset by engaging in the forward sale of French francs with the BNP in
London, with the maturity of the forward sale corresponding to the maturity of the loan.
Conversely, a dollar loan can be converted immediately into any foreign currency asset
by a forward purchase of the foreign currency in which the bank wants to have the asset.
Also, forward currency commitments can be hedged by offsetting depositing or
borrowing transactions. It is only a short step from such activities to covered interest
arbitrage, which is an important Interbank activity.
2. Domestic intermediation
The offshore markets can at times partially supplant normal channels of domestic
financial intermediation when the government imposed a serve credit policy on the
banking system and at the same time encouraged corporations to seek the necessary
financing they needed in the Eurocurrency system.
3. International intermediation
The offshore market channel liquid resources from countries with a loanable
surplus to those with a desire to borrow. The most striking example of this is the socalled recycling of petrodollars. When OPEC countries started rolling in cash in 1973,
almost everyone predicted a collapse of the world financial system because all those
dollars were going to the Arab countries, and everybody wondered how all the importing
countries would pay their bills. The dollars were in fact deposited by the OPEC countries
in the Eurocurrency system and relent to the importing countries as one might have
expected. The real impact of OPEC oil price rise has been a transfer of income it has
brought about, not the financial flows that have resulted.


As was mentioned earlier when we presented the theoretical balance sheet of a
Eurobank, Interbank transactions represent a large part of the activity of a Eurobank. The
actual figure for the size of the Eurocurrency markets vary depending on the source and
method of calculation. The most agreed-upon figures are those given by the Bank for
International Settlements (BIS) annual reports. Other sources include Morgan Guaranty
Trust and Bankers Trust. More than a third of the volume of transactions is Interbank


trade rather than transactions with non-bank depositors or non-bank borrowers. The BIS
figures for the size of the Eurocurrency system net out all the Interbank transactions. The
BIS figures, which are the most commonly reported ones, treat the system only as a
financial intermediary. If the covered interest arbitrage and foreign exchange hedging
aspects of the market are considered, a good part of the inter-bank transactions represent
legitimate economic transactions and not just reshuffling of funds within the network of

1. XYZ Trading Co. of the United Kingdom receives $1,000,000 in payment for exports
to ABC Electronics Philadelphia, Pa. (XYZ Co., banks with Barclays- London, and ABC
banks with Philadelphia Security Bank. S0 $/ = 1.35.)
a) XYZ Trading Co. keeps amount in deposit in Philadelphia Security Bank.
b) XYZ Trading Co. asks its bank to transfer export proceeds to its account in
pounds sterling.
c) Instead of (b), XYZ Trading Co. transfers dollar proceeds from Philadelphia
Security Bank, and places it with its own bank as a time deposit denominated in
Show the above transactions in T-accounts of Barclays and Philadelphia Security Bank.

Hence, a Eurodollar deposit of $1,000,000 was created in (c).

2. a) Show the following transactions in T-accounts of the banks involved in the
b) Indicate the total amount of Eurodollar deposits created by these transactions.
c) What is the value of the Eurodollar deposit multiplier? Identify the factors that
determine the value of the multiplier.
Transaction (1)
XYZ Co. (Netherlands) exported to ABC, Inc. (U.S.) goods valued at $1,000,000.
The importer paid by cheques drawn on Citibank (N.Y.). XYZ Co. asked its bank
(Algemene Bank of the Netherlands) to credit its account in Dutch guiders with the
proceeds of the transaction. (The exchange rate on the value date of the transaction S0
F1/$ is 2.7715.)
Transaction (2)
Algemene Bank places the $1,000,000 it has in Citibank (N.Y.) as a time deposit
in Shanghai Hong Kong Bank (Hong Kong).


Transaction (3)
Shanghai-Hong Kong Bank makes a loan of $900,000 to Nestle Co.,
(Netherlands). Nestle Co. deposits the cheques in its account with the National Bank of
the Netherlands and asks its bank to credit its account with the equivalent in Dutch
guilders. (The exchange rate on the value date of the transaction is S0 F1/$ is 2.7750.)
Transaction (4)
The National Bank of the Netherlands makes a loan of $ 750,000 to Nova
Industries (Denmark). Nova Industries uses the loan to settle an import transaction from
Bristol Myers (N.Y.). Bristol Myers maintains its accounts with Chase Manhattan Bank
(b) Total amount of Eurodollar deposits created is $1,000,000 (time deposit of Algemene
Bank with Shanghai-Hong Kong Bank denominated in U.S. dollars).
(c) The value of the Eurodollar deposit multiplier here is unity.
multiplier depends on:

The value of the

(1) successive stages of time deposits denominated in U.S.dollars placed at financial

institutions outside the continental United States, prior to leakages in the form of
deposits in local currency or payment to U.S. residents, and
(2) The ratio of reserves observed on a voluntary basis by lending institutions outside
the United States.
2. The following transactions are designed to follow the path of some of the flows that
take place in the Euro-dollar market.
1. All foreigners keep their balances in the United States with the Chase
Manhattan Bank.
2. All banks keep 10% of their deposits in reserves.
At the end of each transaction determine what the impact is on:
1. Each of the parties involved.
2. The U.S. money supply.
3. The U.S. balance of payments on the liquidity basis and on the official transaction
4. The money supply of each foreign country involved.
5. The balance of payments of each foreign country involved.
Transaction No. 1. The German Central Bank, which maintains part of its foreign
exchange reserve in the form of treasury bills, decides to sell $100 worth of treasury bills
to Mr. Smith, an American resident. Mr. Smith pays with a check drawn on his account
with Chase Manhattan.


Transaction No. 2. The German Central Bank transfers its deposits to a German
commercial bank. (Sometimes this is done as part of domestic monetary policy in which
case the Central Bank exchanges dollar deposits for deutsche marks with the commercial
banks. The objective is to reduce credit in the domestic market and give incentives for
capital outflows.)
Transaction No. 3. A French importer asks for a Euro-loan from the German
Commercial bank. Assuming that the commercial bank keeps a precautionary reserve of
10%, it can make a loan in the amount of $90.
Transaction No. 4. The French importer uses the Euro-loan to pay a debt owned to a
German exporter.
Transaction No. 5. The German Exporter deposits its dollar balances with the German
commercial bank.
Transaction No. 6. Citibank wishes to borrow Euro-dollars from the German commercial
bank to take care of anticipated loan demand.
Transaction No. 7. Citibank wishes to make a loan. In order to convert the deposit at
Chase into lendable funds it asks Chase to provide cash or deposits with the Federal
Reserve Bank. Since Chase was fully loaned-up, it has to sell some loans in order to
collect the required amount of cash.
Show these transactions in T-accounts of the banks involved in the transactions.
The transactions described below are represented by T accounts at end.
Transaction No. 1.
Chase: There is only a change in deposit ownership from Mr. Smith to the German
central bank.
German Central Bank: There is an exchange of assets from securities to deposits.
Money supply in U.S. and Germany remains constant.
Balance of payments of each country has offsetting entries.
Transaction No. 2.
Chase: There is only a change in deposit ownership from German central bank to the
German commercial bank.
German Central Bank: An exchange of assets from claims on Chase to claims on the
German commercial banks.


German Commercial Banks: Euro-dollar deposits have been created.

associated with these deposits can now be used to make loans.

The assets

Money supply in U.S. remains constant.

Money supply in Germany has increased by the size of the Euro-dollar deposit except if it
was in exchange for DMs in which case the money supply remains constant.
Balance of payments of the U.S. on the liability basis has canceling entries. On the
official basis there is an improvement as claims of official institutions on the U.S. are
Balance of payments of Germany deteriorates on an official transaction basis as official
institutions claims on foreigners decrease.
Transaction No. 3.
Chase: There is only a transfer of deposit ownership from the German Commercial bank
to the French importer.
German Commercial Banks: Claims on Chase decrease by $ 90 while Euro-dollars.

Money supply in the U.S. remains constant.

Money supply in Germany remains constant.
Balance of payments of the U.S. is unaffected.
Balance of payments of Germany has a capital outflow in the form of loans to foreigners
(French) and an inflow as deposits at Chase decrease-no net effect.
The French balance of payments has a capital inflow as resident has increased its debts
and an outflow as the foreign assets have increased no net effect.
Transaction No. 4.
Chase: There is only a transfer in ownership of deposits from the French importer to the
German exporter.
Importer and Exporter: Have their debt cancelled by the acquisition of the German
exporter of dollar balances.
Money supply in U.S. and Germany remain constant.
Balance of payments of U.S. is unaffected.


Balance of payments of France and Germany has similar effects to the ones described in
Transaction 3.
Transaction No. 5.
Chase: There is only a transfer in ownership of deposits.
German Exporter: A change in type of assets.
German Commercial Banks: Another Euro-dollar deposit has been created.
Money supply in U.S. remains unaffected.
Money supply in Germany has increased by the size of the new Euro-dollar deposit.
Balance of payments of U.S. is unaffected.
Balance of payments of Germany is unaffected.


Transaction No. 6.
Chase: There is only a transfer of ownership in the deposits.
German Commercial Banks: Decreases its claims on Chase, but increases its claims on
Citibank by a fraction of their Euro-dollar balances.
Citibank: It has acquired a claim on chase, and a Euro-dollar debt.
Money supply of U.S. and Germany remain constant.
Balance of payments of both countries which can now be lent.
Transaction No. 7.
Chase: It has $81 of excess reserves which can now be lent.
Money supply in U.S. remains constant as the deposits created by Citibank are really at
the expense of the deposits and loans that Chase gave up.
Balance of payments remains unaffected.
3. XYZ Trading Co., of the United Kingdom receives $1,000,000 in payment for exports
to ABC Electronic of Philadelphia, Pa. (XYZ Co. banks with Barclays-London, and ABC
banks with Philadelphis Security Bank S0 $/ = 1.25.)
a) XYZ Trading Co. keeps amount in deposit in Philadelphia Security Bank.
b) XYZ Trading Co. asks its bank to transfer export proceeds to its account in
pounds sterling.
c) Instead of (b), XYZ Trading Co. transfers dollar proceeds from Philadelphia
Security Bank, and places it with its own bank as a time deposit denominated in
Show the above transactions in T accounts of Barclays and Philadelphia Security Bank.



Outline the major factors that have been responsible for the growth in the
Eurocurrency markets, particularly the Eurodollar component of these markets.
Which of these factors are still significant in fostering the use of these markets
by investors and borrowers?
2. Under what circumstances would a financial manager of an MNC consider using
Eurocurrency markets? What advantages or special features can these markets
offer compared to borrowing from domestic markets? Are there drawbacks?
3. Is there a multiplier process in the placement of Eurocurrency deposits and
subsequent Eurocurrency loans granted by financial institutions which receive
these deposits? What are the major factors determining the size of the multiplier
4. There are several methods of measuring the size of the Eurocurrency market.
Comment on this statement and list the reasons for these different measurements.
5. Why are Eurocurrency deposit rates closely related to rates obtainable on
instruments of corresponding maturity in home money markets? For example,
why is the overnight Eurodollar rate closely aligned to the federal funds rate in
the U.S. money market? Why is the former deposit rate usually (but not always)
higher by some 25 to 50 basis points than the latter?
6. What is LIBOR? What determines the spread over LIBOR charged borrowers
for Eurocurrency credits and loans?
7. Discuss the major advantages which the syndicated Eurocurrency loan market
offers to lenders and borrowers, compared to domestic lending operations. Why
is the quoted rate (spread over LIBOR) not an accurate indicator of the cost of a
typical syndicated Eurocurrency loan?
8. List the major factors that are responsible for the growth of the international
bond market. Indicate which of these factors (or other considerations) explain
the large number of innovations in this market.
9. Distinguish between a Eurobond and a foreign bond. List the major participants
in this market. Why does the share of developing countries in this market
remain fairly modest?
10. Define (a) a multiple-currency Eurobond, (b) a dual currency convertible bond,
and (c) a floating-rate Eurocurrency note. Explain in each case the distribution
of risk (the exchange rate risk or the interest rate risk) between the lender
(investor) and the borrower (issuer).
11. How do you explain the yield differentials among Eurobonds dominated in
different currencies? Does interest parity operate in the capital market (as it does
in the international money market) to eliminate these differentials on a covered
basis? Do you except an alignment between the yield on a Eurodollar bond and a
dollar bond of the same risk grade and maturity?



Financial Management

[ Instructions to Faculty]

Administrative Training Institute

Lalithamahal Road, Mysore - 570 011


Learning Unit 7
Instructions to faculty
F. International Financial Management

1. This subject may be totally new to most participants. Even persons with economics
background may feel uncomfortable. Therefore, while administering this learning
unit, faculty may ensure that they are:
a. Explicit about the objectives of the learning unit
b. Make a comprehensive presentation on the fundamental principles relating
to International Financial Management using the material provided in
visual aids Nos. 47-52 given below.
c. Ensure that they explain the concepts with simple examples; faculty may
avoid the difficult mathematical concepts while transacting the unit.
d. Make reference to the Guide to Learning Activity provided for this unit.

Presentation on objectives of the unit:

2. Faculty may begin with a brief presentation on the objectives of the learning unit,
which may include, inter alia, the following points:
o Enable participants to acquire the ability to read and understand statements of
balance of payments
o Acquire skills of conversion rates, by bid price, ask price and spread price.
o Work out arbitrage possibilities.
o Calculate expected exchange rate.
o Understand various exchange rate theories.
o Work on covering exchange rate risk with reference to appreciation,
depreciation, hedging and translation exposure.
o Calculate the interest rate risk under different situations
o Make recommendations on procurements, manufacturing and viability based on
the case studies.
3. After the initial presentation on the objectives, faculty may make a more detailed
presentation on the fundamentals of International Financial Management as per the
visual aids Nos. 47-52. Faculty will also need to refer extensively to the reading
material provided for this learning unit.


Visual aid 47 Balance of Payments

Balance of Payments

Exports of Goods and services

Sale of existing foreign financial assets
Foreign loans and borrowings
Imports of goods and services
Purchase of foreign financial assets
Foreign lendings
Foreign direct investment
Private short term capital flows
Official reserves account
Impact of domestic savings, consumption

Faculty will need to refer extensively to the reading material provided for this learning

Visual aid 48 Monetary system

Monetary system

IMF: Capital resources, activities, financing facilities

System of Bretton woods
Exchange rate system
Fixed exchange rate; floating exchange
Context of international trade with reference to liquidity, adjustment and stability
Evaluation of international market system.

Faculty will need to refer extensively to the reading material provided for this learning

Visual aid 49 Foreign exchange market

Foreign exchange market

Genesis of foreign exchange market

Stakeholders in foreign exchange markets
Quotings in foreign currencies
Two-way quote: spread and cross rates
Settlements: cash, spot, premium, discount


Faculty will need to refer extensively to the reading material provided for this learning

Visual aid 50 Exchange rate theories

Exchange rate theories

Factors affecting exchange rate

PPP theory, fluctuations in exchange rate: ER index
IRP: relation between nominal interest rate, rates of inflation, and future spot ER
Link between BoP and ER
Forecasting ER in short, medium and long term

Faculty will need to refer extensively to the reading material provided for this learning

Visual aid 51 Risks in international operations

Risks in international operations

Risks as an inherent factor in the businesses of MNCs

Transaction exposure: consolidation exposure; economic exposure
Hedging; choice of currency of invoicing, leads and lags, indexation clauses in
contracts; netting
Covering risk in the forward market
Advances in foreign currency
Covering in financial futures market
Covering in the options market
Covering in the currency swaps
Interest rate risk; its measurement, futures, protection, options market, OTC
Political risk and its evaluation.

Faculty will need to refer extensively to the reading material provided for this learning


Visual aid 52 Investments and market structures

Investments and market structures

Theories based on market structures: theory of product cycle, Hymers theory of

imperfect markets, eclectic theory
Advantages and disadvantages of international license agreements
Technical and commercial side of international franchise agreements
Turnkey projects; specific contracts, direct investments
Evaluation of cash flows
Access to foreign financial markets

Faculty will need to refer extensively to the reading material provided for this learning

Group Activities
After making a comprehensive presentation based on the above points, faculty should
divide participants into four groups for group activities described in the handout on
Group Activities for Learning Unit 7.
The Group Activities include discussion and solutions to 15 specific problems, which the
groups are required to address in the following groups:
Group A:
Group B:
Group C:
Group D:

Problems 1-4
Problems 5-8
Problems 9-12
Problems 13-15

After the presentations on the problems mentioned above, all participants will be required
to study the issues raised in two case studies on Guns and Helicopters, which are also
given in the handout on Group Activities for Learning Unit 7.


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