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Monika Pathak et al, / (IJCSIT) International Journal of Computer Science and Information Technologies, Vol.

5 (2) , 2014, 2132-2135

Implications and Emerging Trends in Digital

Image Processing
Monika Pathak , Sukhdev Singh
Department of Computer Science
Multani Mal Modi College, Patiala
Patiala, Punjab, India
Abstract -The Digital Image processing is the name referred to the

the last decade, there are number of applications come into

techniques and methods applied on input image to transform into

existence such as face recognition, object recognition, text

output image or extract information from image. With due to rapid

extraction from image, hand written text recognition,

growth in the technology, huge data is available in the form of images

motion recognition, etc. The present study explores

which need to process for multiple reasons such as automatic text

commonly used digital image processing techniques along

extraction from images, traffic law enforcement using CCTV

with their implications. The current study is aimed to

cameras, processing of medical images for diagnose the diseases etc.

identify emerging trends in digital image processing;

The present paper is aimed to explore commonly used techniques in

particularly we have included future trends in the field of

fields of digital image processing. We have also explored different

OCR for Indian regional languages and Text extraction

challenges to be faced in different digital image processing

from images.

applications. The detailed literature review of OCR in Indian

The general procedure for Image processing techniques

languages is carried out and different features are analysed to

[1-2] can be defined as number of operations performed in

compare the efficiency of OCR. The current study is aimed to identify

a sequence to attain the desired output. There is no

emerging trends in digital image processing; particularly we have

standardized set of procedures which may be imposed on

included future trends in the field of OCR for Indian regional

every problem. The generalized procedure can be defined


which provides flexibility to cater solution for large number

Keywords: Morphological Operators, Sobel Operator, Homogeneity

of problems.

Operator, Canny Edge Detector, Text Extraction.

The generalized procedure is demonstrated in the figure 1



In general, digital image process is started with acquisition

With a rapid advancement in Digital camera technologies

of input image. It may be a colored, gray or black and white

and availability in portable form, that gain attention of large

image. The input image may acquire by Mobile Camera,

number of researchers in the field of digital image

Digital professional camera, CCTV or Scanned copy of an

processing. The digital image processing is name referred

image. After acquiring input image, image need to be

to the techniques and methods which applied on input

pre-processed by using pre-processing techniques.

image to extract meaningful information from it or

transformed input image into desired manipulated image. In




Post Processing


Figure1: Generalized Procedure of Image Processing



Monika Pathak et al, / (IJCSIT) International Journal of Computer Science and Information Technologies, Vol. 5 (2) , 2014, 2132-2135

The following is the list of pre-processing techniques:

pixel in the image, then change the 'black' pixel in the

Binarization: It is a procedure to convert colored or gray

image from black to a 'white'.

scale image into black and white image in such a way that

Opening: It consists of an erosion followed by a

one of the color represents background and other

dilation and can be used to eliminate all pixels in


regions that are too small to contain the structuring






Binarization, Niblack Binarization, Souvoal thresholding.

Denoising: It is carried out to remove unwanted signals


from the image so that smooth image can be reconstructed.

Closing: It consists of a dilation followed by erosion

and can be used to fill in holes and small gaps.

The well-known methods are Mean filter, Median filter,


Wavelet filter.

as discontinuities in image intensity from one pixel to

Deskewness: It is a procedure used to align the input image

another. Edges can be used to predict the shape and size of

into horizontal and vertical directions. It is in such a way

the objects. Edge detection helps detection of text. The

so that original content should be preserved. The vertical

following are few edge detection techniques [6-7]:

and horizontal projections are well-known methods to

de-skew an image.

Sobel operator: Sobel edge detection is used to detect

edges along the horizontal (180 degree) and vertical
axis (90 degree). The operator is based on convolving
the image using kernel.


Image processing techniques are task specific and vary

Homogeneity Operator: Homogeneity operator uses

according to the problem. In literature, there are n number

subtraction to find an edge in the image. The centrel

of techniques is available and we have categorized these

pixel is replaced by the maximum result of these

techniques according to the task. The following are the

subtractions. The operator subtracts each of the pixels

well-known techniques [3-4] used in different applications:

next to the center of a 3x3 area from the center pixel.


Subtraction in a homogeneous region produces zero




morphological operators are used to remove noise and find

out edges. The following morphological operators are used

and indicates an absence of edges.

Difference Operator: The difference operator for edge

to process natural scene images for detection of text.

detection is based on difference intensity values of

Dilation: It is a process performed by laying the

corners of 3 x 3 convocation mask. In this method, we

structuring element B on the image A and sliding it

compute difference of intensity of mask at Upper left -

across the image in a manner similar to convolution. If

Lower right

the origin of the structuring element coincides with a

Bottom, Left Right then we replace the center pixel

'white' pixel in the image, there is no change; move to

with the maximum of these four values in the mask.

the next pixel. If the origin of the structuring element

,Upper Right - Lower Left, Top

The Canny Edge Detector: The Canny operator works

coincides with a 'black' in the image, make black all

in a multi-stage process. The image is smoothed by

pixels from the image covered by the structuring

Gaussian convolution. After smoothing the image and


Sobel operator performs to find out spatial gradient

Erosion: Erosion is performed in similar manner ass in

measurement. The Sobel operator uses a pair of 3x3

the case of dilation i.e. it is performed by laying the

convolution masks, one estimating the gradient in the

structuring element B on the image A and sliding it

x-direction and the other estimating the gradient in the

across the image in a manner if the origin of the

y-direction. Once the edge direction is known, the next

structuring element coincides with a 'white' pixel in the

step is to relate the edge direction to a direction that

image, there is no change, move to the next pixel. If

can be traced in an image after the edge directions are

the origin of the structuring element coincides with a

known, non-maximum suppression now has to be

'black' pixel in the image, and at least one of the 'black'

applied. Finally, hysteresis is used as a means of

pixels in the structuring element falls over a white

eliminating streaking.



Monika Pathak et al, / (IJCSIT) International Journal of Computer Science and Information Technologies, Vol. 5 (2) , 2014, 2132-2135


Amritha Sampath et al.[12] have proposed Neural Network

OCR in Indian Regional Languages

based model for handwritten recognition. The direction

Optical character recognition [7] is the translator which

information of the written character is recorded based on

recognized the text and convert into machine-editable form

the 8 connected Freeman chain code. The back propagation

where text may be available in the form of handwritten or

Neural Network is used as a classifier for character

typed. OCR has number of applications like desktop


publication, library cataloguing, automatic reading for

Raju et al.[11] have proposed wavelet based system for

sorting of postal mail, bank cheques and other documents,

handwritten character recognition. The image is processed

Bill clearance in shopping malls, stock clearance, etc. In

to low pass and high pass filters in different directions to

literature, particularly in case of Indian Language OCR, a

extract the features. They have considered different

lot research is carried out on different Indian regional

characteristics for character recognition such as change in

languages. The generalized procedure [8-9] of OCR is

writing style, tilt sign etc.

given below in figure 2:

Veena Bansal et al.[3] have presented a complete OCR for

printed Hindi text written in Devnagri script. They have
considered several features for recognition such as vertical

Text Document

Feature Extraction

bar feature, horizontal zero crossings, positions of vertex

points, Moments, structural description etc. The different



features are classified and analyzed in tree classifiers. They

have claimed 93% accuracy for printed text.

Bitmap Image

Feature Database
& Training Database

Aditya Raj et al. [13] have conducted a survey on feature

extraction and classification techniques used in character
recognition for Indian scripts. The survey covered different

Noise Removal

approaches used in OCR for Indian scripts and the

literature is represented in a tabular form. The survey has

Skew Correction

Error Correction

Char Segmentation

Text in Editable Form

covered 17 different Indian languages along with their

features and OCR accuracy.

Figure 2: Procedure of General OCR

The present paper explores commonly used digital image

processing techniques along with their implications. We

The text document is scanned into an image which is

have also explored different challenges to be faced in

passed to an OCR. The noise detection and removal is

different digital image processing applications. The

performed to smooth the image. The skew correction is

detailed literature review of OCR in Indian languages is

carried out to align the image. Segmentation of characters

carried out and different features are analysed to compare

is performed to isolate the characters. Character recognition

the efficiency of OCR. It has been observed that text

is done through features of that specific language. The

extraction from image is an emerging area and has lot of

following are few studies which are currently carried out in

research potential. The text extractions from images, text

field of OCR.

detection from camera images, conversion of documents

K Jithesh et.[10] have developed an Malayalam OCR

into editable format, traffic law enforcement are the major

recognises 50 characters per second and gives an accuracy

research area. The field of OCR is an ever green research

of 97% for good quality printed documents. The results that

area, particularly in Indian language OCR, the research is

they have obtained from the analysis show 97% Accuracy

carried out in full swing. The regional language like

for computer printed text, 92% for Magazine, newspaper

Punjabi, Gujrati.

85% and for Books 95%.



Monika Pathak et al, / (IJCSIT) International Journal of Computer Science and Information Technologies, Vol. 5 (2) , 2014, 2132-2135



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11. Raju G., Wavelet Transform and Projection Profiles in Handwritten

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